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Forwards R Krimm 850906 & 16 Ltrs Updating Status of Offsite Emergency Preparedness at Facility,For Transmittal to Licensee.Fema 850225 Status Rept Re Two Deficiencies Concerning Habitability Problems Discussed
Person / Time
Site: Salem  PSEG icon.png
Issue date: 10/23/1985
From: Matthews D
To: Martin T
Shared Package
ML20137N151 List:
NUDOCS 8510300175
Download: ML20138K391 (2)





[2 * ]'


. r. E- WASMNGTON, D. C. 20555

%N****} C' October 23, 1985 1 3 MEMORANDUM FOR: Tlissai[ 1 M t E D Crestse'T

  • 4 Division of Radiation Saf6fy and Safeguards Region I a


David B. Matthews, Chief Emergency Preparedness Branch Division of Emergency Preparedness and Engineering Response Office of Inspection and Enforcement s




The enclosed memoranda from Richard Krimm, Assistant Associate Director, Office WH of Natural and Technological Hazards Programs, FEMA forward updates on the status A' of offsite emergency preparedness at the Salem Nuclear Generating Station.

  • Advance copies of these memoranda have been provided to members of your staff.

A prior FEMA status report of February 25, 1985 was forwarded to you by memorandum dated March 21. 1985.

The FEMA status report of February 25, 1985 discussed the two deficiencies which were related to habitability problems at the Delaware State Emergency Operation Centar (EOC); i.e., air filtering and pressurization of the State E0C, and decontamination showers-and sleeping quarters at the State EOC. Public Service Gas & Electric (PSE&G),inaletterofJuly 18, 1985, proposed the installation. -

of an air filtering and pressurization system for the State E0C,~ comparable to the system installed in the Salem E0F. The Delaware Division of Emergency Plan-Aning and Operations, and the Accident Assessment and Advisory Group have accepted

/the proposed corrective actions. The projected date for completion of the system installatinn is October 29, 1985,'the date of the next Salem / Hope Creek emergency exercise. FEMA Region III believes that the schedule of corrective actions is adequatetocorfecttheproblem,andthattheexercisewillprovidetheopportunity to confirm that the installation is complete, the system is operable and, pre-sumably, resolve the deficiency.


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ontact: Gerald E.'Simonds, IE \1C 492-4870 v

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October 23, 1985 Thomas T. Martin - ?,-

Concerning the second deficiency, PSE&G has agreed to underwrite the cost of installing decontamination showers and sleeping quarters at the State E0C. Con-struction siiould be underway by the October 29, 1985, Salem / Hope Creek exercise.

. The FEMA Region III office has determined that this modification provides the State E0C with the capability for continuous operations over a prolonged period; thus correcting this deficiency.

We recomend that you transmit the enclosed FEMA memoranda to the licensee.


./ k./h David B. Matthews, Chief Emergency Preparedness Branch DWision of Emergency Preparedness and Engineering Response Office of Inspection and Enforcement


1. FEMA memo dtd. 9/6/85
2. FEMA memo dtd. 9/16/85 ji Y e, .-

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-n:pdik ws a 4 Federal Emergency Management Agency Washington, D.C. 20472 SEP I 6 .==

ME2ORANDlN EUR Edward L. Jordan -

Director, Division of Emergency Preparedness and Engineering Division .

Office of Inspection and Enforcenent U. S. Nuclea latory Cm mission FICM: a . Kr' Assistant Associate Director Office of Natural and Technological Hazards Programs


Status Regarding Delaware's Outstanding Exercise Deficiencies for Salen/11cpe Creek

'Ihe remaining outstanding Category B deficiency identified during the .

Sal ~en Nuclear Generating Station Exercise on October 26, 1983, has been corrected.

The Public Service Electric and Gas Cmpany has agreed to underwrite the cost of installing decontamination showers and sleeping quarters at the State Emergency Operations Center (EOC). Informatica provided to the Federal Emergency Management Agency's Region III Office by the State of Delaware includes a schenatic plan for these accommodations. The Region III Office has determined that this nodification provides the State EOC with'the capability for continuous operations ever a prolonged l

period; thus correcting this deficiency. Construction should be underway by the October 29, 1985, Salem / Hope Creek exercise.

If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Robert S. Wilkerson, Chief, Technological Hazards Division, at 646-2861.

I e



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. } Federal Emergency Management Agency .

3 $ Washington, D.C. 20472 SEP 6 1985 MEMORANDlN FOR: Edwa rd L. Jordan Di rector, Division of Emergency Preparedness and Engineering Response

  • Office of Inspection and Enforcenent U.S. Nu lea ulatory Canmission .

' ab ic ard '

  • F ROM: rimm Assistant Associate Director Office of Natural and Technological /

Hazards Programs ,


Update on Delaware's Outstanding Ca.tegory B Deficiencies Resulting From the Salen Nuclear Generating Station Exercise on October 26, 1983 This is an update to my memorandum to you of February 25, 1985, which discussed the Category B deficiencies identified during the Salen Nuclear Generating Station Exercise on October 26, 1983 The two deficiencies which renain uncorrected at this time relate to habit-ability problems at the Delaware State Emergency Operations Center (E0C) and are listed in the November 25,1983- Exercise Evaluation Report as Deficiencies Nos. S and 6. Attached is a copy of a memorandum from the State of Delaware and a letter fran Public Service Electric and Gas Company (PSE & G) which propose correction of the deficiency concerning the air filtering systen in the State E0C. PSE & G has agreed to install an air filtering and pressurizing systen in the State E0C comparable to the air filtering and pressurizing systen installed in the Salen Emergency Operations Fecility which has been approved by the NRC. Please note that the Delaware Division of Emergency Planning and Operations and the Accident Assessment and Advisory Group have accepted the proposed corrective actions. The Accident Assessment and Advisory Group had previously expressed reservations about renaining within the State E0C in the event of a plume exposure without a suitable air filtering systen.

The attached information has been forwarded to the Department of Energy, the Environmental Protection Agency, and Nuclear Regulatory Conmission Regional Assistance Committee (RAC) members for review and conment. The projected date for conpl etion of installation of the systen is the date of the upcoming Salen/

Hope Creek radiological emergency preparedness exercise on October 29, 1985, which will provide an opportunity for etaluation of the operation of the systen.

The FEMA Region III staff has requested additional infonnation on Deficiency No. 6 regarding showering and decontamination facilities. You will be advised as additional infonnation is developed.

If you have any taestions, p1 ease contact Mr. Robert S. Wilkerson, Chief,


Technological Hazards Division, at 646-2861.

Attachment As Stated >


/' .

Federal Emergency Management Agency

[ Region III 105 South 7th Street Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19106 August 7, 1985 ,

MEMORANDUM FOR: Robert S. Wilkerson, Chief .

Technological Hazards Division j ATTENTION: Gloria Joyner FROM: James Asher, Region III f RAC Chairman -


Status update regarding Delaware's outstanding deficiencies from the October 26; 1983 Salem REP .

exercise As reported in our last memorandum concerning this subject (dated August 24, 1984), Lelaware. has two unresolved deficiencies which were identified during the last Salem REP exercise, conducted October 26, 1983. Both of these relate to habitability problems at the State E00, and are listed as Deficienceis 5. and 6. in our November 25, 1983 Exercise Evaluation Report.

Attached is a copy of a memorandum and related materials received recently from Delaware which address Deficiency 5. The utility has agreed to install a filtering and pressurizing system at the State E0C. The proposed system is alleged to be comparable to the system at the utility's EOF, which has NRC approval . Based on this, we believe that the system will be adequate to correct the problem. To be sure, however, we have requested an evaluation of the proposal from our DOE, EPA, and NRC RAC members, and have advised the State accordingly. It should be noted that this system is acceptable to both the Division of Emergency Planning and Operations, which has overall responsibility for managing the State's response, and to the members of the l Accident Assessment and Advisory Group (composed of members of other State agencies), who had previously expressed reservation.about remaining within the state E0C in the event of plume exposure without a suitable filtering l


The projected date for the completion of this system is the date of the l upcoming Salem / Hope Creek REP exercise, October 29, 1985. This will provide -

us with the opportunity to confirm that the installation is complete and the


system is operable, and, presumably, resolve the deficiency.

l As for Deficiency 6., the State has provided no new information, so we have requested a status update. We will keep you advised of future developments concerning these two outstanding deficiencies.

j Attachment .

l i




i DELAWARE CITY, DELAWARE 19'706 (302) 834-4531





  • DATE: JULY 31,1985 f.W. l. .


D.::leware' Ev0 Inhabitability / Air Filtration


Delaware is vary pleased "to announce ' the Division of Emargency Plannino and Operations (DEN ) in concert wi th De laware's Act:3 @n t Acrecnraen t and Advisory.Grduo (AAAG) has r A-s.,hed on agreement with Public Sarvice Gas and Electric's (FOC&G) Artititde.t Island Emergency Preparedness Group which will definitely solve deficiencies cited in p revi ou:.:.

e urcises. PSEtG has of fered to provide Delaware with HIGH EFFICIENCY AIR (HEPA) FILTRATION for the State EOC.

To::st.her wi t h pinvisions for positivs> preccuriration of air within tha Ei C ( pt ev.: n t ing infiltration of cuta.ide ait) tha HEFA tilter will provjde. e,:potut + protecticn t ot emercency workers within the EAC allaying FEMA exercise

. c riticisms founded in 24 Hour EOC Inhabitability deficieneies a.; per NUREG 06.~ 4 Part II Sw r. ion H. A.4 p. t'.E Nsqot :s tion: wi th PSE&G and Dir '.wnra's AAAG resultc-d in a more than satisfactory sulution whic h will assurediy please RAC Committee Chairman, Jim Asher of your REP stoff.

Work to finali:e these improvements will begin i m:nediat ely and hopefully see completian t.etore DEE0's *G6 F.E F , FEMA gra@d exercise. Please contact Jan Z. sri.+bichi of m'/ staft' with any questions, attachments cc: James. As.her , RAC Chairman -

Dennis McGiuskey, PSEOG Emergency Preparedness Mana er /

Dr. L'/ man O l:7n. Delaware AAAG Chairman

T1. ; ; / . .m


gg m _



  • Jcast S CooMa Mce=omeAL spa.omo FCDC A AL a840 Watcm STagETS Doven. DcLawant 19901 July 29, 1985 Clarke V. Jester, Director Division of Etnergency Planning and Operations P.O. Box C ,

Delaware City, DE 19706


Dear Mr. Jester:

The AAAG met in Dover on July 26, 1985 to consider the latest proposal from PSE&G regarding the installation of the air filtration system as requested by your letter dated July 22, 1985. Those in attendance were:

Dr. H. Otto, DNREC; M. McGrath, D.A.; A. Tapert, DPH; Dr. L. Krone, DPH; and J. Zarebricki, DEPO, plus myself as Chairman.

Based on the very informative presentation and supporting materials by Mr. Jan Zarebicki, it is evident that:

1. official government requirements for air filtration systems in a State Emergency Operations Center (EOC), several miles from a nuclear plant, do not exist at present;
2. as determined by the American Physical Society, the significance of the release of radiciodines from a light water comercial power reactor is probably much less than previously perceived; and
3. the filtration system of the Emergency Operations Facility (EOF) in. Salem, New Jersey meets with the approval of FEMA.

Therefore, the AAAG finds the PSE&C proposal to upgrade the Delaware City EOC air filtration system to parity with the Salem EOF is an acceptable means to improve the habitability of its occupants during a radiological emergency.

Sincerely, w i fi /).

L yan J. O en,.....

D17ector Division of Public Health LJO/lb.

cc: H. Otto, Ph.D. I D. Hill l A. Tapert l

l l

-,..U T5EG Pueric S:rvice Ei:etne and Gas Company .

P.O. Boa 230 Nut; lear Department Haucucw Snege NewJorsey 0803PJ July 18, 1985 EP-85-537 Mr.

State of DelawareClarke V. Jester, Director Department of Public Safety Delaware City, DE 19706 Division ofonsEmergency Planning & Opera


Dear Mr. Jester .

EMERGENCY OPERATIONS CENTERHABITABII.I visit to your facility.Thank you againngfor ouryour hospitality duri July 17th In conversation we discussed the two poi ontering your f acility. respect to preventingr airborne a s from radioactive mate air the that is introduced maintenance through of a positive pressure the air in thconditioningPrimarily, syste= and the prevent infiltration of outside air. e building to l

As you.are aware, to residents of the EOC utilizing the Delawdose assessment studies not indicate the need for protectiv but rather only for iodine exposure.e actionsare ferState wholemedelbody,do Therefore there are two workers (KI) to radioactive iodine,cetions available to block or limit facility protectionas a prophylaxis for personnel and of in the caseThe use of P positive pressure pr,otected envelope.the provision of HEPA filtration and a It i.s our position that the addition of FEPA fil more thyroidthan sufficientWorkers.

for Emergency to allay concerns about exposu ters w'ill be

  • re to the l


. The Energy People 954ttf=4(t0044,3 h

. e, s.t,.. 7:sr p. 9 Mr. Clarke V. Jester 2 ,

7/18/85 The recommended filtering system for outside air will consist of a throw-away roughing filter, a 904 ef ficient prefilter, a 99.974 ef ficient HEPA filter and a second HEPA filter. An

  • outside air fai: will be utilized to overcome the air friction of the filters and to pressurize the Ventilating :quipment Building. The filters will be meunted in casings, supplied by the filter manufacturer.

A f an will be installed to maintain a positive pressure in the '


return air duct, a portion of which is located outside of the building, and to maintain the flow of return air into the pressurized Ventilating Equipment Building.

1 ordar to keep the building under a siight posttive pressure with the existing air conditioning system, all entrance / exit doors will be tightly fitted. If requireC, two sets of doors will be used providing a vestibule at each entrance / exit.

The physical dimensions.of the filter bank and air handling unit are such that an addition must be made to the existing Ventilation Equipment Building. Two louvers in the existing building must be removed and the openings closed.

The outside. air filtering system will handle ventilation air for the air conditioning system and air for pressurization of the ventilating Equipment Building. The present quantity of outside air being processed is not known. If the cooling,

.dohumidifying and heating of the newly requ i red air quantity taxes the existing air conditioning system, a supplementary air cooled air conditioning unit with electric heating coil

! will be added.

1 l

This cc= plex air handling system is si=ilar in design to the one that protects Public Service Electric & Gas e=ployees, l

located at our EOF, which is approximately the same distance i from the reaeters as the Delaware 500. Inci de.n: 1y, the ventilation avstem of our EOF has been thoroughly scrutinized l

by the NRC and fcund to meet federal guidelines esthblished l

f or f acilities designed to be used as a center for accident mitigation activities.

( .

i L -



.r Clarko V. Joctor 3


  • *, e ,

- - - , e I trust this proposed protective syste= will meet with the opproval of the AAAO members. I look forward to receiving your ce=.itment letter accepting the PSEEG Co. proposed course of action.

Sincerely, 1

M Dennis P. McCloskey

'46 Nuclear Emergoney Prepan denss ,

1 Manager


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