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Discusses 960723-24 Evaluation of Physical Protection Program.Mods to Protection Program Resulting from 1992 Operational Safeguards Response Evaluation Were Evaluated
Person / Time
Site: Palisades Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 11/27/1996
From: Liza Cunningham
NRC (Affiliation Not Assigned)
To: Thomas J. Palmisano
TAC-M95877, NUDOCS 9612040243
Download: ML20135B266 (3)


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November 27, 1996 i

i Mr. T. Palmisano General Manager Palisades Nuclear Generating Plant 27780 Blue Star Memorial Highway Covert, MI 49043-9530



Dear Mr. Palmisano:

On July 23-24,1996, NRC personnel evaluated Palisades' physical protection program. In particular, modifications to the protection program resulting from the 1992 Operational Safeguards Response Evaluation (OSRE) were evaluated.

The NRC personnel were briefed on Palisades' modified protective strategy, toured the plant to observe paths to the key equipment and responder deployment positions, conducted table-top armed response contingency drills, observed some actual armed response contingency drills and a weapons firing demonstration. The briefings, observations, and drills indicated that the planning and execution of the protective strategy was generally effective. The modifications and enhancements to the protection program since the 1992 OSRE were significant and effective, and indicative of diligent and intelligent effort by Palisades personnel.

Four specific areas were evaluated.

1. Response planning: it was clear that operations personnel had provided an excellent foundation for security's protective strategy. Further, their participation in this evaluation was excellent, and demonstrated a coordinated plant strategy and team to meet security contingencies. The drills demonstrated that security's preparations and strategy was capable of bringing significant response assets to bear in a timely fashion and appropriately armed against armed intruders attacking the critical equipment in the plant.
2. Response equipment: The drills indicated that the positioning and deployment of the response equipment was appropriate.
3. Contingency response training: As evidenced by the drills, training of the contingency response force has been effective. The response officers participating in the drills demonstrated an understanding of and the ability to execute the protective strategy effectively. The drills were realistic, and their planning, control, and execution were excellent and professional.
4. Deadly force: In the drills, the participating officers demonstrated a good understanding of the proper use of deadly force.

NRC HLE CMTSCOM 040055 (fot o 9612040243 961127 PDR ADOCK 05000255 F


Mr. T. Palmisano In conclusion, the four concerns identified in the 1992 OSRE report are closed.

Additionally, the live-fire weapons demonstration provided evidence of; an excellent and cost-effective weapons training facility, an excellent start at providing a realistic and appropriate training course of fire, officers familiar with and able to safely manipulate the various weapons, and safe and professional control of the range.

This letter does not convey any new regulatory requirement. Its findings have been considered with respect to your ability to meet the general performance objective and requirements of 10 CFR 73.55(a).

This letter affects one respondent and, therefore, is not subject to the Office of Management and Budget review under Public Law 96-511.

J No response to this letter is required. If you have questions concerning this evaluation, we will be pleased to discuss them with you.

1 Sincerely, Original signed by LeMoine J. Cunningham, Chief Safeguards Branch Division of Reactor Program Management Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Docket No. 50-255 cc: Michael Parker, SRI USNRC 27782 Blue Star Memorial Highway Covert, MI 49043 i


Docket File 50 255 R. Keimig, R-l P. Fredrickson, R-il PSGB OSRE Palisades File J. Creed, R-ill B. Murray, R-IV PSGB R/F NRC PDR DRPM/F Local PDR TMartin RSchaaf DOCUMENT NAME:

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Mr. Thomas C. Bordine Palisades Plant i

Consumers Power Company CC:

Mr. Thomas J. Palmisano Drinking Water and Radiological Plant General Manager Protection Division Palisades Plant Michigan Department of 27780 Blue Star Memorial Highway Environmental Quality Covert, Michigan 49043 3423 N. Martin Luther King Jr Blvd i

P. O. Box 30630 CPH Mailroom Mr. Robert A. Fenech Lansing, Michigan 48909-8130 Vice President, Nuclear Operations Palisades Plant Gerald Charnoff, Esquire 27780 Blue Star Memorial Highway Shaw, Pittman, Potts and Trowbridge Covert, Michigan 49043 2300 N Street, N. W.

Washington DC 20037 M. I. Miller, Esquire Sidley & Austin Michigan Department of Attorney 54th Floor General One First National Plaza Special Litigation Division Chicago, Illinois 60603 630 Law Building P.O. Box 30212 Mr. Thomas A. McNish Lansing, Michigan 48909 Vice President & Secretary Consumers Power Company 212 West Michigan Avenue Jackson, Michigan 49201 Judd L. Bacon, Esquire Consumers Power Company 212 West Michigan Avenue Jackson, Michigan 49201 Regional Administrator, Region III U.S. Nuclear F.egulatory Commission l

801 Warrenville Road Lisle, Illinois 60532-4351 Jerry Sarno Township Supervisor Covert Township 36197 M-140 Highway Covert, Michigan 49043 Office of the Governor Room 1 - Capitol Building Lansing, Michigan 48913 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Resident Inspector's Office i

Palisades Plant 27782 Blue Star Memorial Highway Covert, Michigan 49043 An-o m l
