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Forwards Draft SE Re Proposed Conversion to Its.Se Based on Review of Consumers Energy Co 980126 Application & as Supplemented by 980430,0914,1012,1109,990301,22,30,0407, 0503,0604,11 & 17 Ltrs
Person / Time
Site: Palisades Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 07/13/1999
From: Robert Schaaf
NRC (Affiliation Not Assigned)
To: Haskell N
Shared Package
ML18066A550 List:
TAC-MA0805, TAC-MA805, NUDOCS 9907190187
Download: ML18066A548 (5)


't' UNITED STATES NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION WASHINGTON, D.C. 20555--0001 Mr. Nathan L. Haskell Director, Licensing Palisades Plant 27780 Blue Star Memorial Highway Covert, Michigan 49403.

July 13, 1999



Dear Mr. Haskell:

provides the draft Safety Evaluation (SE) on your proposed conversion of the current Technical SpeCifications (CTS) for the Palisades Plant to the Improved Technical Specifications (ITS). The ITS are based.on the CTS, NUREG-1432, "Standard Technical Specifications, Combustion Engineering Plants," (STS) Revision 1, dated April 1995, and on guidance provided in the Commission's "Final Policy Statement on Technical Specifications Improvements for Nuclear Power Reactors," published on July 22, 1993 (58 FR 39132).

The enclosed draft SE, including tables attached to the $E that list the changes to the CTS, is based on the staff's revi,ew of Consumers Energy Company's application dated January 26, 1998, as supplemente9 by letters dated April 30, September 14, October 1. 2, and* November 9, 1998, and March 1, March 22, March 30, April 7, May 3, June 4, June 11, and June 17, 1999.

These letters provided supplemental inforrnation and responses to the staff's requests for additional information (RAls) dated July 27, August 21, August 24, and December 4, 1998, and January 29, and March 17; 1999. Staff questions were also provided in a meeting summary

  • dated January 26, 1999.

The enclo~ed draft SE is being provided for your verify its accura9y and to prepare certified ITS for Palisades to be submitted to the NRC for issuance in the conversion amendment. Beyond-scope issues (BYS) are addressed in Section ill.G of the draft SE.

Several issues remain under review by the staff and are identified in the draft SE.

In order to facilitate issuance of the conversion amendment in accordance witti the schedule

. documented in our letter dated April 7, 1999, you are provide your comments on the draft SE by July 30, 1999, and certified ITS and associated Bases by August 6, 1999. We

'recognize that the time provided for your review is less than indicated in the agreed upon schedule and appreciat~ your efforts in meeting this milestone. We note, however, that you have indicated in telephone communications with the staff that you intend to submit a change to

. your proposed ITS specifications for the service water and component cooling.water systems.

The proposed changes are intended to accommodate differences in the Palisades design as compared to the standard plant on which the STS are based. This will represent a unique difference from the STS that will require detailed staff review. As such, the staff considers the schedule for issuance of the ITS to be* indeterminate pending receipt of your proposed changes to these specifications..

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N. After the staff has reviewed your comments on the draft, changes will be incorporat~d as appropriate in the SE prior to issuing the certified ITS and the final SE in the conversion amendment. The conclusions of the NRC staff in the enclosed draft SE are not valid until the final SE is issued.

You indicated in your letter dated April 30, 1998, that you intend to implement the ITS in the second quarter of 2000. You are requested to specify in your response to this letter a fixed date by which you will implement the ITS. You are also requested to submit a license condition for the first performance of new and revised surveillance requirements for the ITS to be related to the implementation of the ITS. An example license condition for th.e new and revised surveillance requirements is provided in Enclosure 2.

Please feel free to contact me at (301) 415-1312 *or Mary Lynn Reardon of the Technical*

Specifications Branch at_ (301) 415-1177 if you have any questions.

Docket No. 5.0-255 Sincerely, wJ~.

Robert G. Schaaf, Proj~ct Manag r, Section 1 Project Directorate Ill Division of Licensing Project Management Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation I

. En~losures: *1.. Draft Safety Evaluation

2. Example Licehse Condition
  • cc w/encl: $ee next page


Mr. Nathan L. Haskell Consumers Energy Company cc:

Mr. Thomas J. Palmisano Site Vice President

  • Palisades Plant 27780 Blue Star Memorial Highway Covert, Michigan 49043 Mr. Robert A. Fenech, Sr Vice Pres Nuclear, Fossil, and Hydro Operations Consumers Energy Company 212 West Michigan Avenue Jackson, Michigan 49201.

Arunas T. Udrys, Esquire Consumers Energy Company 212 West Michigan Avenue Jackson, Michigan 49201 Regional Administrator, Region Ill U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 801 Warrenville Road

  • Lisle, Illinois 60532~4351 Jerry Sarno, Supervisor Covert.Township..

P. 0; Box 35

. Covert, Michigan

  • 4_9043 Office of the Governor..

P. o:*sox 30013 Lansing, Michigan 48909 *.

U.S. Nuclear R'egulatory Comr:nission Resident Inspector's Office

  • Pali.sades Plant.

27782 Blue Star Memorial Highway Covert, Michigan 49043 Palisades Plant Drinking Water and Radiological Protection Division Michigan Department of.

Environmental Quality 3423 N. Martin Luther King Jr Blvd P. 0. Box 30630 CPH Mailroom Lansing, Michigan 48909-8130 Michigan Department of Attorney.


Special Litigation Division

.. 630 Law Building P.O. Box 30212

,. Lansing, Michigan 48909 August 1998

N. L. Haskell

- July 13, 199 After the staff has reviewed your comments on the draft, changes will be incorporated as appropriate in the SE prior to issuing the certified ITS and the final SE in the conversion amendment. The conclusions of the NRC staff in the enclosed draft SE are not valid until the final SE is issued.

You indicated in your letter dated April 30, 1998, that-you intend to implement the ITS in the second quarter of 2000. You are requested to specify in your response to this letter a fixed date by which you will implement the ITS. You are also requested to submit a license condition for the first performance of new and revised surveillance requirements for the ITS to be related to the implementation of the ITS. An example license condition for the new and revised surveillance requirements is provided in Enclosure 2.

Please feel free to contact me at (301) 415-1312 or Mary Lynn Reardon of the Technical Specifications Branch at (301) 415-1177 if you have any questions.

Docket No. 50-255.

Sincerely, Original signed by:

Robert G. Sc:haaf, Project Manager, Section 1 Project *Directorate Ill Division of Licensing Project Management Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation

,;J Enciosures: 1. Draft Safety, Evaluation_... '.

2. Example Licen_se C9riditio*n *. L "

cc w/encl: See next page,1


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w/o Enclosure f:

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PDlll-1 r/f


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C. Thomas/C. Craig. * *,


~- !

  • L. Berry OGC W. Beckner ACRS A. Vegel, Riii

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DOCUMENT NAME: G:\\PDlll-1\\PALISADE\\Ltra0805draft.wpd



  • -)

To receive a co of this document, Indicate In the box: *c* =Co without attachmenVenclosure 'E' =Co with attachmenVenclosure 'N' = No co OFFICE PM:PD3-1 E BC:TSB SC:PD3-1 NAME RGSchaaf:

  • WBeckner DATE I

I 3 /99



N. L. Haskell

  • July 13, 199
  • After the staff has reviewed your comments on the draft; changes will be incorporated as appropriate in the SE prior to issuing the certified ITS and the final SE in the conversion
  • amendment. The conclusions of the NRC staff in the enclosed draft SE are not valid until the final SE is issued.

You indicated in your letter dated April 30, 1998, that you intend to implement the ITS in the second quarter of 2000. You are requested to specify in your response to this letter a fixed date by which you will implement the ITS. You are also requested to submit a license condition tor the first performance of new and revised surveillance requirements for the ITS to be related to the implementation of the ITS. An example license condition for the new and revised surveillance requirements is provided in Enclosure 2.

Please feel free to contact me at (301).415-1312 or Mary Lynn Reardon of the Technical Specifications Branch at (301) 415-1177 if you have any questions.

Docket No. 50-255 Sincerely,

  • Original signed by:

Robert G. Schaaf, Project Manager, Section 1 Project Directorate 111 Division of licensing Project Management Office. of Nuclear Reactor Regulation


1. Draft Safety Evaluation 2: Example License Condition.

cc w/encl: See next page DISTRIBUTION:

Docket File (50-255).

  • PUBLIC w/o Enclosure 1 :

PDlll-1 r/f

  • C. Thomas/C. Craig R. Schaaf L. Berry OGC W. Beckner ACAS A. Vegel, Riii DOCUMENT NAME: G :\\PDI 11-1 \\PALISADE\\Ltra0805draft. wpd To receive a co of this document, Indicate In the box: *c* =Co without attachmenVenclosure "E" =Co with attachmenVenclosure "N" = No co OFFICE PM:PD3-1 BC:TSB SC:PD3-1 NAME RGSchaaf:
  • DATE I

I 3