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Advises That WCAP-14761, AP600 Reactor Internals Flow-Induced Vibration Assessment Program, Marked as Proprietary,Will Be Withheld Ref 10CFR2.790
Person / Time
Site: 05200003
Issue date: 11/19/1996
From: Diane Jackson
NRC (Affiliation Not Assigned)
To: Mcintyre B
NUDOCS 9611200285
Download: ML20134L348 (3)


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  • 62-00h 8 \ UNITED STATES E "


\*****[f November 19, 1996 Mr. Brian A. McIntyre, Manager Advanced Plant Safety and Licensing Westinghouse Electric Corporation Energy Systems Business Unit P.O. Box 355

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15230-0355 1


Dear Mr. McIntyre:

By Westinghouse letter NSD-NRC-96-4855, dated October 21, 1996, you sut,mitted WCAP-14761, "AP600 Reactor Internals Flow-Induced Vibration Assessment Program." A non-proprietary version was also submitted.

In your letter, you identified the information which you consider proprietary information and requested that it be withheld from public disclosure in accordance with 10 CFR 2.790. The attached affidavit (AW-96-1025), executed by you on Octcber 23, 1996, states that the designated information, owned and held in confidence by Westinghouse, should be considered exempt from mandatory public disclosure for the following reasons:

(b) It consists of supporting data, including test data, relative to a

. process (or component, structure, tool, method, etc.), the application of which data secures a competitive economic advantage, e.g., by optimization or improved marketability.

(c) Its use by a competitor would reduce his expenditure of resources or improve his competitive position in the design, manufacture, shipment, installation, assurance of quality, of licensing a similar product.

We have reviewed your submittal and the material in accordance with 10 CFR 2.790 and, on the basis of Wastinghouse's statements, have determined that the submitted information sought to be withheld contains trade secrets or proprietary information. The staff noted that for the figure on page 58 the reasons given for exemption were b, c, and g. However, an explanation of reason "g" was not provided in the affidavit. After review, the staff concluded that reasons b and c were adequate justification for exemption.

Therefore, we have determined that the proprietary material enclosed in NSD-NRC-96-4855, which is marked as proprietary, will be withheld from public disclosure pursuant to 10 CFR 2.790(b)(5) and Section 103(b) of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended.



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Mr. Brian A. McIntyre November 19, 1996 Withholding from public inspection shall not affect the right, if any, of persons properly and directly concerned to inspect the documents. If the need arises, we may send copies of this information to our consultants working in this area. We will, of course, ensure that the consultants have signed the appropriate agreements for handling proprietary information.

If the basis for withholding this information from public disclosure should change in the future such that the information could then be made available for public inspection, you should promptly notify the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC). You should understand that the NRC may have cause to review this determination in the future, for example, if the scope of a Freedom of Information Act request includes your withheld information. In all review situations, if the NRC makes a determination adverse to the above, you will be j notified in advance of any public disclosure.

Sincerely, ,

I original signed by:

Diane T. Jackson, Project Manager Standardization Project Directorate Division of Reactor Program Management Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation 1

Docket No.52-003 '

cc: See next page


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Mr. Brian A. McIntyre Docket No.52-003 Westinghouse Electric Corporation AP600 I

cc: Mr. Nicholas J. Liparulo Mr. Ronald Simard, Director

-Nuclear Safety and Regulatory Analysis Advanced Reactor Programs Nulcear and Advanced Technology Division Nuclear Energy Institute ,

Westinghouse Electric Corporation 1776 Eye Street, N.W.  !

P.O. Box 355 Suite 300 Pittsburgh, PA 15230 Washington, DC 20006-3706 Mr. John C. Butler Ms. Lynn Connor Advanced Plant Safety & Licensing Doc-Search Associates Westinghouse Electric Corporation Post Office Box 34 l Energy Systems Business Unit Cabin John, MD 20818 l Box 355 Pittsburgh, PA 15230 Mr. James E. Quinn, Projects Manager j LMR and SBWR Programs Mr. M. D. Beaumont GE Nuclear Energy Nuclear and Advanced Technology Division 175 Curtner Avenue, M/C 165 Westinghouse Electric Corporation San Jose, CA 95125 One Montrose Metro 11921 Rockville Pike Mr. John E. Leatherman, Manager Suite 350 SBWR Design Certification l Rockville, MD .20852 GE Nuclear Energy, M/C 781 San Jose, CA 95125 Mr. Sterling Franks U.S. Department of Energy Barton Z. Cowan, Esq.

NE-42 Eckert Seamans Cherin & Mellott Washington, DC 20585 600 Grant Street 42nd Floor Pittsburgh, PA 15219 Mr. S. M. Modro Nuclear Systems Analysis Technologies Mr. Ed Rodwell, Manager Lockheed Idaho Technologies Company PWR Design Certification Post Office Box 1625 Electric Power Research Institute Idaho Falls, ID 83415 3412 Hillview Avenue Palo Alto, CA 94303 Mr. Frank A. Ross U.S. Department of Energy, NE #.2 Mr. Charles lhompson, Nuclear Engineer Office of LWR Safety and Technology AP600 Certification 19901 Germantown Road U.S. Department of Energy Germantown, MD 20874 NE-451 Washington, DC 20585
