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Insp Rept 70-1113/81-14 on 811012-16.Noncompliance Noted: Failure to Evaluate Measurement Control Data W/Appropriate Statistical Methods & Establish Written Procedures for Recording,Analyzing & Reporting Measurement Data
Person / Time
Site: 07001113
Issue date: 11/02/1981
From: David Jones, Mcalpine E, Richards B
Shared Package
ML20133H069 List:
FOIA-85-158 70-1113-81-14, NUDOCS 8508090283
Download: ML20133H304 (4)



  • 101 MARIETTA ST N.W., SUITE 3100 o ATLANTA, GEORGIA 303o3 Report No. 81-Docket No. 70-1113 License No. SNM-1097 Safeguards Group No. III

Licensee: General Electric Company )


Wilmington, NC 28401 Date of Inspection: October 12-15, 1981 Type of Inspection: Unannounced Material Control and Accountability Inspectors: b'M Nk J:u.b D. W. Jores, StatTstidian 11[3 /fI Date Signed FLwo6


ri/s/n B. L. Ricthrds, Statistician Date Signed Approved by: NITO

  • Q k cu m #f /3 /FI E. J. McA$fne, Chief,\ Material Control and Date Signed Accountability Section Technical Inspection Branch Engineering and Technical Inspection Division Inspection Summary Area Inspected: Statistical con.rols associated with nuclear material accounta-bility measurements.

The inspection involved 56 insp. ctor hours by two NRC inspectors and was begun d,uring regular hours. , Results: The license? was found to be in compliance with NRC requirements in the area examined durinc the inspection except for the following items:

1. Failure to evaluate measurement control data with appropriate statistical methods.
2. Failure to establisn written procedures for recording, analyzing and reporting meast'.ement control program data, s-n 21 l%

Copy / of S Ccptes

                                                                                  ,6       Pages This Document is net to M 8508090203 850621                                                      re reduced n*thout specirto PDR       FOIA                                                         appro'tal of II:II RATNER 85-158          PDR

y REPORT DETAILS Report No. 70-1113/81-14

1. Key Persons Contacted
         *B. F. Bentley, Manager, Fuel Chemical Operations R. L. Bruce, Analyst. Nuclear Materials Control "G. E. Grien, Manager, Financial Operation
         *L. N. Grossman, Manager, Microelectronic Operations
         *W. Haverty, Analyst, Nuclear Materials Management
         *W. J. Hendry, Manager, Regulatory Compliance
         *G. R. Mallett, Acting Manager, Nuclear Materials Management "R. G. Patterson, Manager, Fuel Fabrication Operation
         *W. T. Ross, Acting Manager, Fuel Manufacturing
         *D. Starr, Acting Manager, CJality Assurance
         *R. C. Stein, Senior Engineer, Measurements and Statistics
         *H. Stern, Acting Manager, Manufacturing Technology and Engineering Operations
         *C. M. Vaughn, Manager, Licensing and Compliance Audits
         *P. E. Younghans, Manager, Materials Operation The inspectors also interviewed several other licensee employees.
         *Denctes those present at the exit interview.
2. Statistical Controls The licensee's statistical program for the evaluation of the biases and measurements errors associated with the measurement systems utilized to
   -      account for special nuclear material (SNM) was inspected. The performance of the program during the material balance period, August 1980 through August 1981, was inspected. The inspection consisted of an examination of the lic nsee's written procedures for performing the statistical calucla-tions, the data base used to evaluate the statistical parameters and the statistical methods applied in the evaluation of the data base.

For the period under review, tht licensee had identified and determined varianets for 183 strata, of which, 23 were reviewed during the inspection. As the Feasurement Control data becomes available at the end of a material balance period, the variance associated with each strata is updated and recorded in the variance file maintained in the .icensee's computer. A computer program entitled ANOVII is used to calculate the majority of the variances. The program contains a file with the error structure for each type of strata used. Af ter the variance file is complete, the variances are transferred to a file used by the computer for the limit of error calcula-tion. The computer also maintains a matrix transformation file which correlates the measurement variances with the various material types and 1

their sampling schemes. The updated variances and the matrix transformation file are used to propagate the variances, with the appropriate quantities of SNM, through the material balance statement to obtain the variance of the inventory difference (10). The computer then generates a report delineating not only the total variance of the ID, but also the contribution to the total variance from each of the strata in both absolute and relative terms. The variance calculations for the following strata were inspected:

a. The sy3tematic and random components of the dichromate titration analysis for uranium concentration of various scraps and sludges.
b. The systematic and random components of the fuel rod active
c. Tne systematic and random components of the non-destructive assay (NDA) measurement of large boxes and drums of scrap and waste materials (the elephant gun),
d. The systematic and random components of the mass spectrographic measurement of enrichment for uranium hexafluoride,
e. The systematic and random components of the radiometric enrichment measurement performed by the use of a gamma spectrometer (enrichment analyzer).
f. The systematic and random components of the gravemetric analysis of uranium dioxide powder and pellets.

In reviewing the data base used for determining the random analytical error variance ass)ciated with the dichromate titration measurement, it was found t'ut the licensee had combined measurement control data from dried process sludges witF data from oxidized uranium dioxide powder and pellets. These materials exhibit dissimilar uranium concentrations and homogeneity. The rardom analytical variance for each of these two material categories were

       *ndependently calculated by the inspector and found to be very highly tatistically different.
      ~1e variances were determined to be 124.103 for the sludges and 3.058 for the oxidized materials. The ratio of the two variances is 40.6. It is trappropriate to pool, i.e., statistically combine two sets of data which I ve variance ratios exceeding the r-statistic. The F-statistic for these data is 2.32 (a = 0.05, d.f. = 18 and 26), therefore these data should not have been pooled (81-14-01).

In reviewing the licensee's written statistical procedures for evaluating the measurement conLrul data it was found that they did not delineate all of the licensee's methods of determining bias and systematic error variances. The methods found not having been included in the procedures were those used for the following measurement systems: dichromate titration, mass spectro-graphic, radiometric enrichment and gravimetric analysis (81-14-02).

One unresolved item was identified during this inspection. Additional information is required to determine whether the licensee used appropriate statistical methods to determine the bias and systematic error associated with the NDA measurements of fuel rods performed by the active scanner (Fat Albert) (81-14-03).

3. Unresolved Items Unre.olved items are matters about which more information is required to detennine whether they area acceptable or may involve violations or devia-tion . The unresolved item identified during this inspection is discussed in paragraph 2.
4. Exit Interview The inspection scope and findings were summarized on October 16, with those persons indicated in paragraph 1 above.



 ?~   jaf =tc     'o                              UNITEJ STATES                          "

r y ,, NUCLEAR RECULATORY COMMISSION y W* .I REGION il 8 101 MARIETTA ST., N.W., SulTE 3100 ATLANTA. GEORGIA 30303 APR 131982 General Electric Company ATTN: Mr. J. A. Long, General Manager Wilmington Manufacturing Department P. O. Box 780 Wilmington, NC 28402 Gentlemen:


Report No. 70-1113/82-09 This refers to the routine safeguards inspection conducted by Mr. J. B. Lenkford of this office on March 22-26, 1982, of activities authori:ed by NRC License N,. SNM-1097 at General Electric facility and to the discussions of our findings held with Mr. E. A. Lees at the conclusion of the inspection. Areas examined during this inspection included your program for nuclear material

-. 01 a..: a::c #:a :il' y uncer :be arr'i abis p-;s ie.--s c' Titie 10, C:ce ef Fe:6 ai Regi a: ions, Fart 70, "5pecial AUtlear P4:erial," and specific license ccncitions. Within these areas, the inspection consisted of selective examina-tiens of precedures and representative records, interviews with personnel, performance tests, and observations by the inspector.

Within the scope of this inspection, no violations or deviations were disclosed. We have examined actions you have taken with regard to previously identified enforcement matters. These are discussed in the enclosed inspection report. In accordance with Section 2.790(d) of the NRC's " Rules of Practice", Part 2, Title 10, Code of Federal Regulations, activities involving safeguards and security measures are exempt from public disclosure; therefore, the enclosed repnet with the exceptici of the cover page, which is an inspection summary, will

        - g be placed in the Public Document Room.

Should you have any questions concerning this letter, we will be glad to discuss them with you. Sincerely, O)) rvL. A. F. G'ibson, Chie 4 -' Technical Inspection Branch Division of Engineering and Technical Programs


See Fage 2 [ M 4:e $ 4 A 3 $ s W A P P.


Gene-41 Electric Cor.pany 1 APR 1 3 1982

 .g Er.cicsures:
1. Inspection Report No. 70-1113/82-09 (Exempt from Disclosure)
2. Inspection Summary (Not Exempt) cc w/ encl:

C. M. Vaughan, Manager L* censing and Ccmpliance Aucits i l

               -.                                                                                         g
                 .e I

a gf*.'.', e . 1



                     ~~ %,                       NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION g   U.                                                                    REGION il
                     ' *i y   $                                                          101 MARIETTA ST., N.W., Sulf E 3100
    %                  [                                          ATLANTA. GEORGIA 30303 APR 131982 Report No. 70-113/S2-09 Docket No. 70-1113                                   License No. SNM-1097                 Safeguards Group No. III Licensee:        General Electric Wilnington, NC 2SR1 Date of Inspection: March 22-26,1982 Type of Inspection:              Unannounced Material Control ane Accountability
            .r s'- ic ;-r :     Os) w A.                            l                                                     +t/n/fp.

J. % /}/apford,' Aud/ tor Date Signed Approved by: . ,. /./. .-

5. ; v ;:. meg. c .s. .u.a,' _-..-- 1 -

35 .5<-,

                                  - : : : . ; ;. :. ' : . .: e ; . i : .

Technical Inspection Branch Civisicq of Ergineering and Teckrical C opra s Inspection Summary Areas Inspected: Records and Reports The inenactinn involved 33 inspector-hours by one NRC inspector and was begun during the regular hours. Results: The licensee was found to be in compliance with NRC requirements in the

      ._one area examined during the inspection.

S-12 1- h Copy / of _ ci copies r@ ' Pages Th? s Document is not to be reproduced without spooific approval of IE II

g. [OS S '$ fh '

REPORT DETAILS Report No. 70-1113/82-09

1. Key Persons Contacted
         *D. W. Brown, Fuel Chemical Operations
         *P. N. Denison, Specialist, Nuclear Materials Management
         *E. A. Lees. Manager Cuali ty A s sa-a-:a
         *G. R. Mallett, Acti .g Ma ager, huclea Materials Managenert
         *R. G. Patterson, Acting Manager, Fuel Manuf acturing "R. A. Petelinkar, Manager, Planning and Projects
         *F. C. Schoenig, Manager, Automation Technology
         *W. B. Smalley, Regulatory Co rrliance
            . 5te r. av Va:         ' ; *e:    .':;3 :n- Eu %rt ; lre 4: cr.
         *C. M. Vaughan, Manager, Licensing and Compliance Audits
         'H. F. Walker, Specialist, Nuclear Materials Management s,e..   .
3. .. .- ...,.,,. .g .._ . . . . , .. ....: ,
         %"::e5 :ncie p eser at : .e emit inte view
       . t.ic. .see !.:; c . c,n ; e. ):.5 ;n spe: tion F t ncir;5 (Closed) Violation (78-13-06):            Failure to Reprocess All Scrap Material Types Within One iear Which Have A Measurement Uncertainty of Greater Than Plus or Minus 10 Percent. In December 1981. GE was issued License Condi-tien 7.1 which specified that SNM containing trash and oil retained for further processing via incineration may be classified as disposable waste with no associated time limit for retention. This exemption significantly reduced the quantity of scrap for which the retention limit applied. . A review of the licensee's inventory records as of February 13, 1932 disclosed no containers of scrap had been on inventory longer than twelve mc9ths.

(C1 0 sed) Violation (60-04-J1): Failure to Lirrit the Accumulation of Scrac With A Measurement Uncertainty of Greater Than 10 Percent. This iten is closed based on the sa e findings as discussea above for item 78-13-06. (Closed) Violation (79-15-0;): Failure to Conduct An Inscec ion of An Off-Site Storage Lecatien At : e Recuired Freauency. A revie. of irspe: tion reports for the periac Ja%ary 1, 1961 thr;.sgh . February 25, 1152 snoaed ir sce:tions ,,ere perf: . ic at the 'ea ired f rec,vency.

3. v~ $5:*fB Recerds aad Re: ets The objectives of this inspection were to ensure that the licensee had established an SNM acco;nting system sufficient to close the material balance, and to deter- ae the accuracy of the licensee's accourtability records. The perioc ccve ec ov this inspection was October 1, 1981 throuch Jaruar> 31, 1952

l l A review of the licensee's accounting procedures sho,ed a system of records had been established and was sufficient to close the material balarce. To determine the accuracy of the licensee's a:ccuntability records, a sarpling of entries posted to the re:ords were seie:ted for review. Entries repre-senting each type f transaction (i .e. rt:eipts, shipments, and Ic5ses) were included in the test. Each transaction was traced to the Nuclear Material Transaction Report (Form 00E/NRC-741) and to the applicable surro-ting do:utentation such as transfer forms, treasurement worksheets, ar- t hi::re r i n v :. i c e i . The traasa:: ires revie.v;; e e founc : te cerpe b s'apported and accurately posted to the accountacili ty records. The licensee's Material Balance Report (Form 00E/NRC-742) for the period ending September 30, 1981 was reviewed to determine whether the report 4::urately reflected transactices due*ma tre neried. The repo t was veund

           ,c :;e i n a g re e .d r. wi th 19e I t cer.see ' > .n te r ta ', r6;;,rcs and reports.

The licensee's quality control program to insure the accuracy of records and reports was reviewed. Anrual audits of the records and reports systen are

         .      <...    . . , .,-      ,. r,          .   . . ..    .    ,t sc.   ..       t     g;      .        ,'.,t.     .:.. . ..,;        ...,i ti ",1...

to ::e sui:ientl y cc r eNnsive. Area s c' review in:luded Nuclar Vaterial r: ,'e . R e s o r t s . k'a: # r ' a l 5: stas Ic.-tt. r"i, . m5 rt::-ts, i rit e. *-a l t .vs fer f cr?s, ar: e:,:q:llicticr.s Of ir.te' t.41 re:crds to control led;ers. A review was made of the licensee's procedure to ensure that accountability re:ords are retained in accordance with the retention periods specified by the regulation. It was determined that the retention periods specified in P*a:tices and pro:edures Nu .ber 140-13, Augast 29, 1931 were consistent witn th: r:;&cd eetention periods. A review of 00E/NRC Form 7415 for 1977 demonstrated that records were being retained. Eiit Irterview Tne inspe: tion scope, and findings were su-mari:od on Ma-:h 26, 1932 with those corsons indicated in paragraph I ateve. l

               --                                                                    /    /
   -                        s       .

_ _ _ , ' .... d'. GENERAL h ELECTRIC ,

                                                                                                                            ,j WILMNGTON MANUFACTURING DEPARTMENT y
                                . GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY
  • RO BOX 780
  • wwaNGTON. NORTH CAROUNA 28407f af r~ [
                 <: -          'f '                                                ,

il n Q4 .dv'd May 14,- : .km,  : ,1 9.,8 ,4

                                                 ,4.   .                                  ,


                                                                                                                   .', I '
  • I  ?'
                                                             ' h' Director                           0                                          /

2 -' ~v ' n Office of Nuclear Materials Safety & Safeguards 90 e r U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission p 3 v. s. .,;d '. . .. C-Washington, D. C. 20555 C. ,G,'. . . ' ' " Q, Attention: Mr. W. T. Crow, Section Leader 'p(, i" "* M~ ~ . . . .*- ' Uranium Process Licensing Section '- M/S 396-SS

Dear Sir:

1//3 Re f erence s (1) NRC License SNM-1097, Docket #70- W (2) Application for Renewal Dated 7/25/83, as amended


RENEWAL OF SNM-1097 - REVISION #3 . In response to written comments by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, General Electric Company Wilmington Manufacturing submitted a revised license application dated 7/25/83 to the NRC for renewal of NRC license SNM-1097. On April 11, 1984, at a meeting in the NRC of fice in Silver Springs, Maryland, the NRC discussed proposed nucelar safety related license conditions nceoccery for the implementation of a renewed license.

                 . in h subsequent meeting held May 3-4, 1984, in Silver Springs, the l

1:RC and GE discussed t.n3 reviewed propcsed chat. gor to Pert I of l the licon::c cpplicatien which would facilitictc renew:.1 of SNM-


General Elcetric hereby submits a reformatted version of Part I of the licence renewal application which incorporates the wording cgreed to during the referenced reviews. All revisions are noted by a solid vertien1 line in the right margin. There have been no twicions to Part I except those which have been discussed. In addition, GC has included a new comntment in Section 3.2.1 regarding facial contaminacion detected during personnel survey procedures. GC hereby regeents that this requirement not become effective until at leest 120 days following issuance of the license. This perio? M time is required to revice the procedures and training materiale and, more importantly, train the radiation nrkorc in the now requirement. ' \ l \S 9

     .-p444%Uj-L41Lp,-                                                                                                   ;;3m, .

_ GENER AL $ ELECTRIC i Director - ONMSS May 14, 1984 - Page 2 i General Electric personnel would be pleased to discuss these matters further with you and your staff as deemed necessary. , very truly yours, GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY k(.b'U Y Of '~ Charles M. Vaughan, Manager Licensing & Nuclear Materials Management M/C J26 CMV:bsd NSD/SGD-L me d S mee I B

TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Section Title PART I - LICENSE CONDITIONS l CHAPTER 1 - STANDARD CONDITIONS & SPECIAL AUTHORIZATIONS I-1.1 1.1 Corporate & Financial Information ............. , 1.2 Location & General Description of Wilmington I-1.1 Plant ......................................... 1.3 License Number ................................ I-1.1 I-1.2 1.4 Possession Limits .......,..................... I-1.3 1.5 Material Use Locations ........................ 1.6 Definitions ................................... I-1.3 l 1.7 Authorized Activities ......................... I-1.5 1.8 Exemptions & Special Authorizations ........... I-1.8 CHAPTER 2 - GENERAL ORGANIZATION & ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREM 2.1 Policy ........................................ I-2.1 2.2 Organizational Responsibility & Authority ..... I-2.1

  .                                                                   I-2.6 I2 . 3       Safety Review Committee .......................
                                                                  ... I-2.8
    '2 . 4       Approval Authority for Personnel Selections I-2.9 2 . '.

Personnel Education & Experience Requirements . 2.6 Training ...................................... I-2.13 - I-2.14 2.7 Operating Procedures - Administrative Controls 2.8 Audits & Inspections .......................... I-2.17 SNM-1097 DATE 5/14/84 PAGE , LICENSE REVISIcu 3 _ i_ DOCKET 70-1113



Title Page Section l , 2.9 Investigation & Reporting of Unusual 2 Occurrences .......................'............ I-2.20 2.10 Records ....................................... I-2.21 , CHAPTER 3 - RADIATION PROTECTION a 3.1 Administrative Requirements ................... I-3.1 3.2 Technical Requirements ........................ I-3.4 CHAPTER 4 - NUCLEAR CRITICALITY SAFETY i 4.1 Administrative Requirements ................... I-4.1 4.2 Technical Requirements ........................ I-4.4 CHAPTER 5 - ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION . 5.1 Effluent Control Systems ...................... I-5.1 Environmental Monitoring Program .............. I-5.13 5.2 Ch.'.PTER 6 - SPECIAL PROCESS COMMITMENTS


UF 6 Cylinder Valve Covers ..................... I-6.1

       .. 16 . 1

[6. 2 UO 2 Fowder Moisture Analysis & Moisture Limit . I-6.1 6.3 Transfer of UPS & Fluoride Liquid Wastes from Safe to Unsafe Geometries ................ I-6.1 CHAPTER 7 - DECOMMISSIONING PLAN ....... I-7.1 , CHAPTER 8 - EMERGENCY PLAN .......... I-8.1 DATE 5/14 /S4 PAGE LICENSE SNM-1097 FE*JTSION 3 DOOKET 70-1113

                                                                                              -    11 -


TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Title Page l


PART II - SAFETY DEMONSTRATION CHAPTER 9 - OVERVIEW OF OPERATION 9.1 Corporate Information ......................... II-9.1 9.2 Corporate Financial Qualification ............. II-9.1 , 9.3 Summary of Operating Objective & Procest ...... II-9.1 9.4 S i t e D e s c r ip t ion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II-9.2 9.5 Location of Buildings On Site ................. II-9.2 9.6 Location of the Plant Site .................... II-9.2 9.7 License History ............................... II-9.2 9.8 Significant Changes in Corporate Structure .... II-9.8 9.9 Changes in Procedures, Facilities & Equipment . II-9.8 CHAPTER 10 - FACILITIES DESCRIPTION 10.1 Plant Layout .................................. II-10.1 10.2 Utilities ..................................... II-10.6

 '10.3 Heating, Ventilation & Air Conditioning (HVAC). II-10.13
  ~10.4     Waste Handling ................................                                     11-10.26 10.5    Chemical Systems .............................. II-10.32 10.6    Fire Protection ............................... II-10.34 CHAPTER 11 - ORGANIZATION & PERSONNEL l'.1    Section Functions          .............................                             II-li.1 w

SNM-1097 DATE 5 / ~_4 'S 4 PAGE LICENSE REVIStoN 3 DOCEET 70-1113 _ 111 ,

TABLE OF CONTENTS i Page Section Title r 11.2 Organization Charts ........................... II-11.3 , 11.3 Organizational Procedures ..................... II-11.3 11.4 Key Functions ................................. II-11.9 e 11.5 Education & Experience of Key Personnel ....... II-11.12 11.6 Training ...................................... II-11.53 ., i CHAPTER 12 - RADIATION PROTECTION PROCEDURES & EQUIPMENT 12.1 Procedures for Radiation Surveys .............. II-12.1 12.2 P os t ing & Label ing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II- 12 . 2 12.3 Personnel Monitoring .......................... II-12.3 12.4 Operational Surveys ........................... II-12.6 II-12.7 12.5 Records ....................................... II-12.8 . 12.6 Reports ....................................... 12.7 Instrumentation ............................... II-12.9 12.8 Protective Clothing ........................... II-12.15 i 11-12.15 12.9 Administrative Action Guidelines .............. II-12.17 12.10 Respiratory Protection ........................ CHAPTER 13 - OCCUPATIONAL RADIATION EXPOSURE 13.1 Occupational Exposure Analysis ................ II-13.1 1 l II-13.54 j 13.2 ALARA at WMD .................................. II-13.67 13.3 Bioassay Program .............................. l i i DATE 5/14/84 PAGE LICC!:SC SNM-1097 3 iv - COCKET 70-1113 RD'IG IOt! _

TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Title Page l ii l 13.4 Air Sampling & Assigned Airborne Exposure ..... 11-13.73 , 13.5 Surface Contamination Control Program ......... II-13.80 f Shipping & Receiving Controls ................. II-13.85 13.6 i CHAPTER 14 - ENVIRONMENTAL SAFETY 14.1 Radiological ..................................*II-14.1 14.2 N on-Rad iolog ic al . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II- 14 .1 CHAPTER 15 - NUCLEAR CRITICALITY SAFETY 15.1 Administrative Practices - Area Managers . . . . . . II-15.1 l l 15.2 Administrative Practices - Criticality l Safety Function ............................... II-15.7 15.3 Equipment & Facility Design Considerations .... II-15.10 15.4 Methodology in Criticality Safety Analyses .... II-15.14 15.5 Analytical Methods ............................ II-15.19 15.6 Method validation ............................. II-15.29 CHAPTER 16 - PROCESS DESCRI77ICt! l

                                       & SAFETY A5ALYSES l            16.1   Receiving & Storing UF6              ....................... II-16.1 l

16.2 UF6 -to-UO 2 Conversion - ADU Process .......... 11-16.6 l l  ! l l 16.3 UF6 -to 002 Conversion - GECO Process .......... II-16.18 1 16.4 00 2 Powder Pre-Treatment ...................... 11-16.20 DATE 5/14 /34 PAGE LICENS" Stim-1097 REVISICN 3 .y. DCCXET 70-1113 i r

TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Title Page

                                                                                                          .l 16.5       00 2 Powder Blending ........................... II-16.36 16.6       Pellet Production ............................. II-16.38 16.7       Sintering ..................................... II-16.40 16.8       Pellet Grinding ............................... II-16.41 16.9       Fuel Rod Loading .............................. II-16.42                         e 16.10      Fuel Bundle Assembly .......................... II-16.44 16.11      Fuel Bundle Leak Test & Final Inspection ...... 11-16.47                             ,

16.12 Fuel Bundle Storage ........................... II-16.48 i 16.13 Packaging of Fuel Bundles for Transport ....... II-16.50 16.14 Scrap Recovery ................................ II-16.51 16.15 Waste Treatment & Disposal .................... 11-16.55 16.16 Chemical-Metallurgical Laboratory ............. II-16.65

          ' 16.17        Outside Product Can Storage ................... II-16.67                             ,

16.18 Process Technology Laboratory ................. II-16.68 CHAPTER 17 - ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS OF ACCIDENTS ................. 11-17.1 i e P l e-P

  .=o-                                                                                                       P LICCNSC      SNM-1097          D/.TS          5/14 /G 4             PAGE 70-1113           RE'11510M              3                  g. i DOO! CT                                                              .            .

l i i e f

REVISIONS BY PAGE Effective Effective Effective Page Date Page , Date Page Date

i 5/14/84 I-3.11 5/14/84 11 I-3.12 lii CHAPTER 2 I-3.13 iv I-3.14 v "

I-2.1 5/14/84 I-3.15 vi I-2.2 I-3.16 , vii I-2.3 I-3.17 viii I-2.4 I-3.18 ix I-2.5 I-3.19 x I-2.6 I-3.20 xi I-2.7 I-3.21 I-2.8 . I-3.22 I-2.9 I-3.23 I-2.10 'I-3.24 PART I I-2.11 - I-3.25 I-2.12 I-3.26 I-2.13 I-3.27 I-2.14 CHAPTER 1 - - I-2.15 ) I-2.16 I-1.1 5/14/84 I-2.17 CHAPTER 4 c I-1.2 I-2.18 _ I-1.3 I-2.19 I-4.1 5/14/84'

                                              "                                                             I-4.2 I-1.4                                                              I-2.20                                     "

I-1.5 I-2.21 I-4.3 I-1.6 I-2.22 I-4.4 I-1.7 I-2.23 I-4.5

     ,    I-1.C                               "

I-2.24 I-4.6 I-1.9 I-4.7 I-1.10 CI:APTCR 3 I-4.G I-1.11 I-4.9 I-1.12 I-3.1 5/14/84 I-4.10 I-1.13 I-3.2 I-4.11 I-1.14 I-3.3 I-4.12 I-1.15 I-3.4 I-4.13 I-1.16 " I-3.5 I-4.14 I-1.17 " I-3.6 I-4.15 I-1.18 I-3.7 I-4.16 I-1.19 " I-3.8 I-4.17 I-1.20 " I-3.9 I-1.21 " I-3.10


LICCt:SC St1M-1097 DATM 5/14/44 PAGE DOCHti 70-1113 REV!!!O!! 3 . ygg .

r I REVISIONS BY PAGE I Effective Effective

  • Effective Page Date Page Date Page Date CHAPTER 5 CHAPTER 8 II-10.16 7/25/83

' II-10.17 , 5/14/84 II-10.18 I-5.1 5/14/84 I-8.1 II-10.19 I-5.2 "

                                   "                                                                                        II-10.20                                                I I-5.3                                                                                                                                         "
                                   "                                                                                        II-10.21 I-5.4                                                                                                                                         "
                                   "                                                                                         II-10.22 I-5.5 I-5.6
                                   "                                                              PART II                    II-10.23                   "
                                   "                                                                                         II-10.24 I-5.7                                                                                                                                         "
                                   "                                                                                         II-10.25 I-5.8                                                                                                                                          "
                                   "                                                             CHAPTER 9                   II-10.26 I-5.9                                                                                                                                          "
                                    "                                                                                        II-10.27 I-5.10                                                                                                                                        "
                                    "                                                      II-9.1       7/25/83              II-10.28 I-5.11                                                                                            "                                           "
                                    "                                                      II-9.2                            II-10.29 I-5.12                                                                                            "                                           "
                                    "                                                      II-9.3                            II-10.30 I-5.13 I-5.14
                                    "                                                      II-9.4 II-10.31                    "
                                                                                                             "                II-10.32 I-5.15 11-9.5            "                                            "

11-9.6 II-10.33 I-5.16 " "

                                    "                                                      II-9.7                             II-10.34 I-5.17                                                                                            "                                            "
                                    "                                                      II-9.8                             II-10.35
 -         I-5.18 I-5.19
                                    "                                                                                         II-10.36                    "
                                                                                                                                                          "                            i
                                     "                                                                                        II-10.37 I-5.20                                                                                                             II-10.38 I-5.21
                                     "                                                          CilAPTER 10                                               "


                                     "                                                                                        11-10.39                    "
                                     "                                                      II-10.1      7/25/83              II-10.40 I-5.23                                                                                            "                                            "
                                     "                                                      II-10.2                           II-10.41 I-5.24                                                                                            "                                            "
                                     "                                                      11-10.3                           II-10.42
      . 1-5.25                    "                                                                       "

I-5.26 II-10.4 " II-10.5 II-10.6

                                                                                                              "                               CHAPTER 11 CHAPTER 6                                                            II-10.7 II-10.8
                                                                                                               "               11.1                  7/25/83" II-10.9
                                                                                                               "               11.2 I-6.1              5/14/84                                                                         "               11.3                          "

II-10.10 " 11-10.11

                                                                                                               "               11.4                          "

CH1.PTER 7 II-10.12 " 11.5 II-10.13 " 11.6 " 11-10.14 " 11.7 I-7.1 5/14/84 " 11.8 " 11-10.15


D /.TE 5/14/84 pAGE L IC r,tlS C SNM-1097 DOCHET 70-1113 DCVISIOt! 3 . yg g g , g

                                                                                                                 -               - - --______                  . . _ _ _              )

REVISIONS BY PAGE I Effective Effective Effective Pace Date Page Date Page Date f l


II-11.48 7/25/83 7/25/83 II-11.9 7/25/83 II-13.4 II-11.10 " II-11.49 II-13.5 II-11.11 " II-11.50 II-13.6 II-11.12 " II-11.51 II-13.7 II-11.13 " II-11.52 II-13.8 ' II-11.14 " II-11.53 II-13.9 II-11.15 " II-11.54 II-13.10 II-11.16 " II-11.55 II-13.11 II-11.17 " II-11.56 II-13.12 II-11.18 II-13.13 II-11.19 " II-13.14 II-11.20 " CHAPTER 12 II-13.15 II-11.21 " II-13.16 II-11.22 " II-12.1 7/25/83 II-13.17 II-11.23 " II-12.2 II-13.18 II-11.24 " II-12.3 II-13.19 II-11.25 " II-12.4 II-13.20 II-11.26 " II-12.5 - II-13.21 II-11.27 " II-12.6 II-13.22 II-11.28 " II-12.7 II-13.23 II-11.29 " II-12.8 II-13.24 II-11.30 " II-12.9 II-13.25 II-11.31 " II-12.10 II-13.26 II-11.32 " II-12.11 II-13.27 II-11.33 " II-12.12 II-13.28 II-11.34 " II-12.13 II-13.29 II-11.35 " II-12.14 II-13.30 II-12.15 II-13.31 i II-11.36 " " 11-13.32 " II-11.37 II-12.16 " II-11.3S " II-12.17 II-13.33 II-11.39 " II-12.18 II-13.34 II-11.40 II-12.19 II-13.35 II-11.41

                              "                                                    II-13.36 II-11.42
                              "                                                    II-13.37

( II-11.43 CHAPTER 13 II-13.38

  • II-11.44
                              "                                                    II-13.39 II-11.45 II-13.1    7/25/83 II-13.40 II-11.46 II-13.2                                  II-13.41 II-11.47 II-13.3                                 II-13.42 LICENSE           SNM-1C97            DATE                   5/14/84                 PAGE DOCKET            70 t113              REVISION                        3               _

ix _

REVISIONS BY PAGE I Effective Effective Effective ' Date Page Date Page Page Date _ II-13.43 7/25/83 II-13.82 7/25/83 II-15.21 9/30/83

                                                                                                                     "                              "                 II-15.22                     ,,

II-13.44 II-13.83 "

                                                                                                                                                    "                 II-15.23 II-13.45
                                                                                                                     "               II-13.84                                           "
                                                                                                                     "                              "                 II-15.24 II-13.46                            II-13.85                                           "
                                                                                                                     "               II-13.86
                                                                                                                                                    "                 II-15.25 II-13.47                                                                               "
                                                                                                                     "               II-13.87
                                                                                                                                                    "                 II-15.26 II-13.48                                           "                                    "
                                                                                                                     "               II-13.88                         II-15.27 II-13.49                                           "                                    "
                                                                                                                     "               II-13.89                          II-15.28 II-13.50                                          "                  II-15.29
                                                                                                                     "                II-13.90 II-13.51                                          "                                    "
                                                                                                                     "                II-13.91                         II-15.30 II-13.52                                                                              "
                                                                                                                     "                                                 II-15.31 II-13.53                                                                              "
                                                                                                                      "                                                II-15.32 II-13.54                                                                              "
                                                                                                                      "                   CHAPTER 14                   II-15.33 II-13.55                                                                              "

II-15.34 II-13.56 "

                                                                                                                      "               II-14.1    7/25/83               II-15.35 II-13.57                                                                              "
                                                                                                                      "                                                II-15.36 II-13.58                                                                             "
                                                                                                                      "                                                II-15.37 II-13.59                                             ~                             -"
                                                                                                                      "                   CHAPTER 15                   II-15.38 II-13.60                                                                             "
                                                                                                                      "                                                II-15.39 II-13.61                                                                             "
                                                                                                                       "              II-15.1    9/30/83               II-15.40
       -                                                                                               II-13.62                                       "                                   "
                                                                                                                       "              II-15.2                           II-15.41 II-13.63                                       "                                   "
                                                                                                                       "               II-15.3                          II-15.42 II-13.64                                       "                                   "
                                                                                                                       "               II-15.4                          II-15.43 II-13.65                                       "                                    "
                                                                                                                       "               II-15.5                          II-15.44 II-13.66                                       "                                    "
                                                                                                                       "               II-15.6                          II-15.45 i                                                                                                       II-13.67        "                              "                 II-15.46 II-13.68                        II-15.7                                             "

l " " II-15.47 II-13.69 II-15.8 l . II-13.70 II-15.9 II-13.71 II-15.10

                                                                                                                        "              II-15.11
                                                                                                                                                       "                      CHAPTER 16 II-13.72                                        "
                                                                                                                        "              II-15.12 l                                                                                                       II-13.73 II-13.74 II-15.13
                                                                                                                                                       "                II-16.1      9/30/83"
                                                                                                                        "                              "                 II-16.2 II-13.75                       II-15.14                                             "
                                                                                                                         "                             "                 II-16.3 11-13.76                       II-15.15        "                                    "

II-15.16 II-16.4 ' II-13.77 " " t , II-15.17 II-16.5 ) II-13.78 " II-16.6 II-13.79 II-15.18 " "

                                                                                                                         "              II-15.19                         II-16.7 II-13.80                                        "                                    "
                                                                                                                         "              II-15.20                         II-16.8 II-13.81 h

e LICE:iSC SNM-1097 DATE 5/14/84 PAGE 70-1113 REVISION 3 _x_ DOCKET



Effective Effective Effective Page Date Page Date Page Date II-16.9 9/30/83 II-16.48 9/30/83

                        "              II-16.49 II-16.10                                                   "
                        "              II-16.50 II-16.11                                                   "

II-16.12 II-16.51  ; II-16.13 " II-16.52 II-16.14 II-16.53 II-16.15 II-16.54 II-16.16 II-16.55 II-16.17 II-16.56 II-16.18 II-16.57 II-16.19 II-16.58

    . II-16.20                     II-16.59 II-16.21                     II-16.60 II-16.22                    II-16.61 II-16.23                     II-16.62 II-16.24                     II-16.63 II-16.25                     II-16.64 II-16.26                     II-16.65                         -

II-16.27 II-16.66 II-16.28 II-16.67 II-16.29 II-16.68 II-16.30 II-16.69 l II-16.31 II-16.70 l II-16.32 II-16.71 I II-16.33 II-16.72 II-16.34 II-16.73

      . II-16.35 1 Il-16.35 II-10.2'!
                           "                 CHAPTER 17 II-16.38 II-16.39        "              II-17.1                 7/25/83 II-16.40 II-16.41 II-16.42 11-16.43       "

II-16.44 II-16.45 II-16.46 II-16.47 LICEtiSE SI1M-1097 DATE 5/14/S4 PAGE 70-1113 REVISIO:: 3 DOCKET _ x. _



l l 1.1 CORPORATE & FINANCIAL INFORMATION This licensing information document is filed by the Wilmington Manufacturing Department of the General Electric Company, a New York corporation with a principal place of business at Schenectady, New York. 1.2 LOCATION & GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WILMINGTON PLANT The General Electric Company, Wilmington Manuf acturing Department (WMD) operates a nuclear fuel fabrication plant in Wilmington, North Carolina. At this site, WMD occupies buildings for administrative, laboratory and


manufacturing activities. Fuel manufacturing activities are conducted within the Fuel Manufacturing area. , The full address is as follows: General Electric Company, Wilmington Manufacturing Department, (ncme of 1 person and mail code), P. O. Box 780, Wilmington, NC 28402. 1 l i 1.3 LICENSE NUMBER The General Electric Company Wilmington Manufacturing Department NRC license number is SNM-1097 (Docket 70-1113). LICENSE S""-1097 DATE 5/14/S4 PAGE DOCKET 70-1113 REVISICn 3 7_ ; , ., 9

f In accordance with the GE timely renewal request dated 4/28/81 and subsequent, related submittals, General Electric hereby requests license renewal for a five year


period commencing from the time that the Nuclear Regulatory Commission completes final action on this matter. , 1.4 POSSESSION LIMITS The following types, quantities, and forms of special nuclear materials are authorized: 1.4.1 Uranium-235, 50,000 kgs total . Contained in uranium to a maximum, nominal enrichment of 6% in the form of UF 6, UO 2, UOg.and 3 other solid and-liquid process intermediates and products characteristic of LEU fuel fabrication and fuel fabrication development . activities. 1.4.2 Uranium-235, 350 crams total

 'I         In any form contained in uranium at any enrichment, for use in measurements, detection, research or development.

1.4.3 Uranium-235, 500 kes Total In any form, contained in uranium at a maximum nominal enrichment of 1:3 for use in laboratory and process technology development operations. LICENSE SNM-1097 DATE 5/14/S4 PAGE 70-1113 REVIS IO:: 3 I-1.2 DOCKET

i I l

1. 4. 4 . Plutonium I

1 milligram in samples for analytical purposes  ! 1 milligram as standards for checking the alpha radiation response of radiation detection to instrumentation. 20 grams as sealed neutron sources 9 In nuclear fuel rods containing not more than 10-6 grams of plutonium per gram of U235, 1.5 MATERIAL USE LOCATIONS . Uranium normally will be used at the Wilmington site in the Fuel Manufacturing Area only. Conversion and - fabrication of SNM is conducted within the Fuel

 .4 Manufacturing building.

Small quantities (i.e., less than one safe batch of uranium in a non-dispersable form) may be temporarily moved to other buildings or site locations for special tests. 1.6 DEFINITIONS . Definitions as used in the-license conditions are set forth below. DATE 5/14 /84 PAGE LICENSE SNP.- 10 97 3CVISIon 3 7_7,3 DOCKET 70-1113

1.6.1 Area Manacer - The manager designated by the Department General Manager who is responsible for implementation of nuclear safety requirements in the area assigned. The


general title " Area Manager" does not necessarily refer to the title of any specific position in the General Electric system of organization and position nomenclature.  ! 1.6.2 Array - means two or more interacting accumulations of m fissile material. 1.6.3 Criticality Control - means the administrative and technical requirements established to minimize the possibility of achieving inadvertent criticality in the environment analyzed. 1.6.4 Full Reflection - means the degree of reflection equivalent to a tight fitting shell of 12 inches or more of water. 1.6.5 Minimal Reflection - means the degree of reflection steel, equivalent to a close-fitting shell of water, inch in aluminum, nickel or copper not greater than 1/8 thickness. 1.6.6 Minimun Critical Dimension - means the smallest dimension which constitutes a critical system for a given geometry under conditions of full reflection and optimum noderation. . 1.6.7 Nominal U 235 Enrichment - means the value of enrichment assigned to a quantity of material for convenience p;gg LICE!;S: SNM-1097 DATE 5/14/s4 3 y_ j ,4 DOCKET 70-1113 REVISIO::

because the precise value is not known due to process or ~ measurement uncertainties. 1.6.8 Nuclear Safety - means both criticality and radiation safety. 1.6.9 Safe Batch - means an accumulation of special nuclear i material which is 45% of the critical accumulation for U235 enrichments less than or equal to 6% and 33 1/3% of k 235 enrichments greater the critical accumulation for U than 6%, considering enrichment, full reflection, and optimum water moderation for the specific material form. 1.7 A,UTHORIZED ACTIVITIES This application requests authorization to receive, . possess, use, store and ship authorized special nuc. lear materials pursuant to 10 CFR Parts 70, 71 and 73. 1.7.1 Product Processing Operations

   .;    UF 6 Conversion - Conversion of uranium hexafluoride to uranium oxides. Fuel Manufacture - Fabrication of nuclear reactor fuels containing uranium. Scrap Recovery - Reprocessing of unirradiated scrap from WMD and from other sources with nuclear safety characteristics identical tc WMD in-process materials. DATE 5/14/64 PAGE LICESSC SNM-1097 REVIS t o:: 3 _t,- DOCI:ET 70-1113

1.7.2 Process Technoloay Operations Development and fabrication of reactor fuel, fuel


elements and fuel assemblies in small amounts or of advanced design. Development of scrap recovery processes i; Determination of interaction between fuel additives and

          .. fuel materials. Chemical analysis and material testing, including physical and chemical testing and analysis, metallurgical examination and radiography of uranium compounds, alloys and mixtures. Instrument research and calibration, including development, calibration and functional testing of nuclear instrumentation and measuring devices. Cther process technology development activities related to, but not limited by, the above. ,1.7.3 Laboratory Coerations Chemical, physical or metallurgical analysis and testing of uranium compounds and mixtures, including but not limited to, preparation of laboratory standards. l l DATE 5/14/54 PAGs LICENSE SNM-1097 nOCKET 70-1113 REVISIO:: 3 I-1.6

1.7.4 _ General Services Operations Storage of unirradiated fuel assemblies, uranium ' compounds and mixtures in areas arranged specifically for maintenance of criticality and radiological safety. Design, fabrication and testing of uranium prototype processing equipment. Maintenance and repair of uranium processing equipment and auxiliary systems. Storage and nondestructive testing of fuel rods containing small amounts of plutonium. 1.7.5 Waste Treatment and Disposal Treatment, storage and disposal and/or shipment of . liquid and solid wastes whose discharges are regulated. 1.7.5.'2 Decontamination of non-combustible contaminated wastes to reduce uranium contamination levels, and subsequent shipment of such low-level radioactive wastes to licensed burial sites for disposal. Treatment or disposal of combustible waste and scrap material by incineration pursuant to 10 CFR 20.302(a) and 10 CFR 20.305. 1.7.6 Offsite Activities Non-destructive codification, testing, demonstration and storage of materials and devices containing unirradiated DATE 5/14/S4 PAGE LICENSE SNM-1097 REVISION 3 1_3,7 DOCKET 70-1113 9 l e

uranium, provided that such materials and devices shall be in General Electric control at all times. 1.8 EXEMPTIONS & SPECIAL AUTHORIZATIONS 1.8.1 Requirements for Prior Authorization of Activities by License Amendment i Prior authorization by license amendment shall be required for the following activities: Major changes or additions to existing processes which may involve a significant increase in potential or actual environmental impact resulting from utilizing such changes or additions. Major process changes or additions which involve a new process technology for which a criticality safety demonstration has not been previously submitted to the Commission. In determining whether a new process tecnnology requires such prior authorization by license amendment, the following factors will be consicered: (1) type of equipment utilized, (2) chemical reactions involved and (3) potential and/or actual environmental impact. Proposed activities for which specific application and prior approval are required by Commission regulations. LICCNSE SNM-1097 DATE 5/14/E* PAGE REVISION 3 7_j,g DOCKET 70-1113

1.8.2 Contamination-Free Articles , See " Annex A, Guidelines for Decontamination of Facilities & Equipment Prior to Release for Unrestricted Use or Termination of Licenses for Byproduct, Source, or Special Nuclear Material," US NRC, 12/30/82, pages I-1.18 through I-1.21. 1.8.3 Disposal of Contamination-Free Liquids Hydrocen Fluoride Solutions Authorization, pursuant to 10 CFR 70.42(b)(3), to transfer liquid hydrofluoric acid to Brush Wellman, Elmore, Ohio, through the chemical supplier, Consolidated Chemical Company, Kansas City, Missouri, without either company possessing a NRC or Agreement-State license for special nuclear material, provided that the concentration of uranium does not exceed three parts per million by weight of the liquid and the nominal enrichment does not exceed 6%. The hydrofluoric acid is transferred and used in such a manner that the minute quantity of uranium does not enter into any food, beverage, cosmetic, drug or other commodity designated for ingestion or inhalation by, cr application to, a human being such that the uranium concentration in these items would exceed that which naturally exists. Additionally, the acid is used in a process which will not release the low levels of radioactivity to the atmosphere as airborne material and whose residues will remain in a lagoon system. LICC"SE S"M-1097 DATE 5/14/84 PAGE DOCKET 70-1113 REVISIO:: 3 7_j,9

Prior to shipment, each transfer is sampled and measured to assure that the concentration does not exceed three parts per million of uranium. General Electric shall maintain records under this condition of license including, as a minimum, the date, uranium concentration and quantity of all hydrofluoric > acid transferred. k Nitrate-Bearing Liquids Authorization, pursuant to 10 CPR 20.302(a), to dispose ' of nitrate-bearing liquids, provided that the uranium concentration does not exceed a 30-day average of 5 parts per million by weight of the liquids and the nominal enrichment does not exceed 6 weight percent U235, by transport to an offsite liquid treatment system located at Federal Paper Board Corporation, Riegelwood, North Carolina, in which decomposition of the nitrates will occur and from which the denitrified liquids will be discharged in the effluent from the system. The environmental monitoring program as described in Section is used to control these activities. 1.B.4 Use of Materials at Off-Site Locations Authorization to use up to 15 grams of U 235 at other sites within the limits of the United States except o where the material is subject to licensir ; by an Agreement State as defined in 10 CFR 150. LICENSC SNM-1097 DATE 5/14/54 PAGE REVISION 3 I_t,;o OCC.R ET 70-1113

The manager of the radiation cafety function shall

 -          establish the safety criteria for material being used at offsite locations. It is also his responsibility to designate the individual who will be responsible to carry out these criteria. Authorization to store, at the storage warehouse located in Greenville, S. C. , and at nuclear reactor sites, uranium fully packaged as for transport in any Fissile ' Class I package, in accordance with the conditions of a license authorizing delivery of such containers to a carrier for Fissile Class I transport, at locations in the United States providing such locations are controlled by the General Electric Company, with provision to minimize the severity of potential accident conditions to be no greater than those in the design bases for the containers during~ transportation. Provisions for compliance with applicable 10 CFR 73 requirements are described in the NRC-approved General Electric Company, Wilmington Manufacturing Department, wilmington, N. C., Physical Security Plan dated October 26, 1981, as currently revised in accordance with regulatory provisions. Storage at nuclear reactor sites is subject to the financial protection and indemnity provision of 10 CFR 140 and is limited to possession for purposes of delivery to a carrier for transport. The requirements of 10 CFR 70.24 are waived insof ar as this section applies to the materials contained in Fissile Class I packages. SNM-1097 DATS 5/14/S4 PAGE LICC:'S C REVISIO:: 3 1_t,11 DOCKET 70-1113 9 Authorization to store, at the storage warehouse located at Greenville, S. C., and at nuclear reactor sites, arrays of finished reactor fuel rods and/or assemblies in any of the inner metal containers of the RA-series shipping package described in package certificate USA /4986/AF, at locations in the United States providing such locations are controlled by the General Electric Company with provision to minimize the severity of potential accident conditions to be no greater than those in the design bases for the containers during transportation.

       '     Arrays can be constructed without limit to the number of containers so stored, except that each array shall be stacked to a height of no more than 4 containers high with each container separated by nominal 2 inch wooden studs, and with the width and length for each array and separation between. arrays determined only by containe.r handling requirements.

Provisions for compliance with applicable 10 CFR 73 requirements are described in the NRC-approved GE-WMD Physical Security Plan dated October 26, 1981, as currently revised in accordance with regulatory I provisions. Storage at nuclear reactor sites is subject to the financial protection and indemnity provision of 10 CFR 140 and is limited to possession for purposes of delivery to a carrier for transport. The requirements of 10 CFR 70.24 are waived insofar as this section applies to the i..aterials contained in any of the inner SNM-1097 DATE 5/14/S4 pAGE LICENSE REVISION 3 I-1.12 DOCKET 70-1113

metal containers of the RA-series shipping package.


(Reference Section 1.8.7). Authorization to transfer, possess, use and store unirradiated reactor fuel of General' Electric Company manufacture at nuclear reactor sites, for purposes of inspection, fuel bundle disassembly and assembly, including fuel rod replacement, provided that the following conditions are met. A valid NRC license has been issued to the reactor licensee, which authorizes receipt, possession and storage of the fuel at the reactor site, and that General Electric Company ' possesses the fuel only within the indemnified location. Not more than one fuel assembly and 30 unassembled fuel rods of the types described in NRC Certificate of . Compliance USA /4986/AF, are possessed by General Electric Company at any one reactor site at any one time, except when the fuel has been packaged for transport.

     , All operations involving the fuel are conducted by or  ,

under the direct supervision of a member of the General Electric staff who shall be responsible for all work on the fuel element assembly. The person shall be knowledgeable and shall have access to all applicable procedures and license conditions at the reactor site and the appropriate actions that are to be taken in the event of emergencies at the site. LICENSE SNM-1097 DATE 5/14/54 PAGE DOCKET 70-1113 REVIS Io:: 3 I-1.13 All operations involving the fuel are conducted in locations that have been selected to preclude mechanical damage and flooding. i Loose rods are stored only in RA-series inner metal containers. Fuel is handled in accordance with pertinent provisions ' of the reactor license and in accordance with written , and approved General Electric Company procedures. The procedures shall define the radiation and contamination surveys that are to be performed and the frequency of the surveys. Written administrative procedures are jointly prepared and approved by General Electric and the reactor licensee, to provide for the nuclear and radiation safety of the operations to be performed.

' Records of the operation, including evaluations, procedures used, audits performed, and performance reports are maintained at the Wilmington, North Carolina, plant.

1.8.5 Disecsal of Industrial Waste Trettment Prcducts Notwithstanding any requirements for state or local government agency disposal permits, General Electric is authorized to dispose of industrial waste treatment products without continuing NRC controls provided the following conditions are met: LICENSE SNM-1097 DATE 5/14/S4 PAGE DOCKET 70-1113 RSVISIOt: 3 7_j,j4

                    -          All freestanding liquid shall be removed prior to shipment.

i The uranium concentration in the material shipped for disposal shall not exceed 30 pCi per gram after all freestanding liquid has been removed. The licensee shall possess authorization from appropriate state officials prior to disposing of , the waste material delineated in this amendment. The authorization shall be available for inspection at the Wilmington facility. 1.8.6 Dilution Factor for Airborne Effluents Authorization to utilize a dilution factor to the measured ste:L dincharges for the purpose of evaluating the airborne radioactivity at ths closest site boundary of stack discharges from the uranium processing facilities. For purposes of control, this dilution factor shall be no greater than 100. For other purposes, specific dilution factors, which consider dispersion model parameters, n.ay be calculated and

            .,            used.

1.8.7 Monitor System Exemption Authorization for exemption from the requirements of 10 CFR 70.24 for each area in which there is not more than: A quantity of finished reactor fuel rods equal te or less than 45% of a minimam critical numoer under SNM-1097 DATE 5/14 /84 PAOC I.ICENSE REVIslon 3 y_;,;) DOCMET 70-1113

conditions in which double batching is credible, or equal to or less than 75% of a minimum critical number under _ conditions in which double batching is not credible, or The number and type of finished reactor fuel rods and/or assemblies authorized for delivery to a carrier for transport as a Fissile Class I shipment in the model RA-series shipping package described i in package certificate USA /4986/AF, without limit on the number of such stored containers, provided the storage locations preclude mechanical damage and flooding, or The quantity of uranium authorized for delivery to a carrier for transport as a Fissile Class I package when fully packaged as for transport according to a valid NRC authorization for such - packages without limit on the number of such packages, provided storage locations preclude mechanical damage and flooding, or Arrays of finished reactor fuel rods and/or assemblies in any of the inner metal containers of the RA-series shipping packcge described in package certificate USA /4986/AF, under storage conditione described in Chapter 1.8.8 Incinerator Operation Authorization, pursuant to 10 CFR 20.302(a) and 10 CFR 20.305, to treat or dispose of waste and scrap material containing soecial nuclear material by incineration. DATE 5/14 /94 PAGE LICENSE SNM-1097 REVISIO : 3 I-1.16 DOCKET 70-1110

1.8.9 - Environmental Control & Monitoring Program Authorization to make changes in the environmental , control and monitoring program that do not degrade the effectiveness of the overall program. These changes

              .will be documented and retained for a period of two years after the change is made.

i I LICCNSE SNM-1097 DATE 5/14/84 PAGE nEVISION 3 7_3,37 DOCKET 70-1113




                          .                 \
                        .i                                U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission Division of Fuel Cycle and Material Safety Washington, D.C. 20555 July 1982 I-1.18

The instructions in this guide , in conjunction .with Table 1, specify the radionuclides and radiation exposure rate limits which should be used in

 ...               decontamination and survey of surfaces or premises and equipment prior
                 .to abandonment or release for unrestricted use. The limits in Table 1 do not apply to premises, equipment, or scrap containing induced radio-activity for which the radiological considerations pertinent to their use may be different. The release of such facilities or items frcm
                 . regulatory contro'l is                         considered on a case-by-case basis.
1. The licensee shall make a reasonable effort to eliminate residual contamination. , ,
2. Radioactivity on equipment or surfaces shall not be covered by paint, plating, or other covering material unless contamination levels, as determined by a survey and documented, are below the limits specified in Table 1 prior to the application of the '

covering. A reasonable effert must be made to minimize the contamination prior to use of any covering.

3. The radioactivity on the interior surfaces of pipes, drain lines, or ductwork shall be determined by making measure. Tents at all traps, and other appropriate access points, provided that contam-ination at these locations is likely to be representative of centamination on the interior of the pipes, drain lines, or
          .            ductwork.          Surfaces of premises, equipment, or scrap which are likely to be contaminated but are of such size, construction, or location as to make the surface inaccessible for purposes of measurement shall be presumed to be contaminated in excess of the limits.
4. Up:n request, the Commission may authorize a licensee to relinquish
              -,        possession or centrol of premises, equipment, or scrap having surfaces contaminated with materials in excess of the limits specified.

This may include, but would not be limited to, special circumstances such as razing of buildings, transfer of premises to another organication continuing work with radioactive caterials, or conversion of facilities , to a.long-term storage or standby status. Such requests must:

a. Provide detailed, specific infermation describing the premises, equipment or scrap, radioactive contaminants, and the nature, extent, and degree of residual surface contamination,
b. Provide a detailed health and safety analysis which reflects i that the residual amounts of materials on surface areas, together with other considerations such as prospective use of the premises, equipment or scrap, are unlikely to result in an unreasonable risk to the health and safety of the public.


                               ------y---   ,------c_ - --, , - -       - - , , - - - - - - -,   ---
                             .                                         5. Prior to release of premises for unrestricted use, the licensee shall make a comprehensive radiation survey which establishes that contamination is within the limits specified in Table 1. A copy of the survey report shall be filed with the Division of Fuel Cycle and Material Safety, USNRC, Washington, D.C. 20555, and also the Administrator of the NRC Regional Office having jurisdiction. The report shoul( be filed at least 30 days prior to the planned date of abar.donment. The survey report shall:


a. Identify the premises.
b. Show that reason'able effort has been made to eliminate .

residual contamination,

c. Describe the scope of the survey and general procedures -

followed. ,

d. State the findings of the survey in units specified in the instruction. ,

Folicwing review of the report, the NRC will consider visiting the facilities to eenfirm the survey. g i e O e I-1.20

4 . 8804.. s - *

                                                                 ,e                    .

ACCEf' TABLE SURTACC C0flTAlllilATI0fl LEVELS . . m, HMINUMbdf RENOVADLEbef, t!UCl.10E S* AVERAGCbcf U-rat. U-235, U-230, and 1,000 dpm e/100'cm2 associated decay products 5,000 dpm o/100 cm2 . 15,000 dpm a/100 cm2 , is ansuranics Ra-226 Ra-2211, 20 dpm/100 cm2 2 300 dpm/100 cm.2 Th-2 0. Th-2211, pa-231, 100 dem/100 cm At - 22 7, 1-125, 1-129

  • 6 Th'-nst, Th-232, Sr-90, 3000 ,dpm/100 cm2 200 dpm/100 cm 2 Rt.-223, ni-221. U-232, 1-126, 1000 dpm/100 cm2 I-131, 1-133 ..

peta <pnra emitters (nuclides with Jecay r. odes other than ~ 15,000 dpm sy/100 cm2 1000 dpm sy/100 cm2 alpha emission or spontaneous 5000 dpm sy/100 cm 2 fi .sinn) except Sr-90 and other'. noted above.

. . .aubere surface contamination by both alpha- and beta-garuna-cmitting nuclides exists, the limits established for alpha- and beta-gama-emittin inscii<!cs should apply independently, tig. used in this table, dpm (disintegrations per minute) means the rate of emission by radioactive material as determined by correcting the counts per minute observed by an appropriate detector for background, cf ficiency, and geometric factors associated with the instrument CMeasurements of average contaminant should not be averaged over more than 1 square meter. For objects of less surface area, the' average should be derived for each such object.                                                                        ,

d ihe mixtmun contamination level applies to an area of not more than 100 cm2 2 of surface area should be determined by wiping that area with dry filter or soft C The amount of removable radioactive material per 100 cm absorbent paper, applying moderate pressure, and assessing tbc amount of radioactive material on the wipe with an appropriate i i n r,:n ef f iciency. Ilhen removabic contimination on objects of less surface area is detennined, the pertinent levels should be reduced proportionally and the entire surface should be wiped. . 'I lhe average and maximum radiation levels associated with surface h contamination resulting from beta-gamma emitters should and 1.0 mrad /hr at I cm, respectively, measured throug, not more than 7 milligrams per square centimeter of 0.2 mrad /hr at - t<tal ah*,orber. e

CHAPTER 2 GENERAL ORGANIZATIONAL & ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS 2.1 POLICY It is the policy of the General Electric Company to maintain a safe work place for its employees and to assure operational compliance within the terms and conditions of special nuclear materials licenses and applicable NRC regulations. The Wilmington Manufacturing Department (WMD) General Manager or his delegate, has the overall responsibility for safety and compliance to this policy. In particular, General Electric has established the . principle of keeping radiation exposures to employees and the general public as low as reasonably achievable (ALARA). 2.2 ORGANIZATIONAL RESPONSIBILITY & AUTHORITY 2.2.1 Kev Positions with Safety Related Responsibilities Area Manacer The Area Manager is the designated individual in management who is responsible to ensure that all activities necessary for safe operations and protection of the environment are conducted properly within his LICENSE SNM-1097 DATE 5/14/5* PAGE DOCKET 70-1113 REVISION 3 I-2.1

           -   designated area of the plant in which uranium materials are processed, handled or stored. The responsibility of safe operation and control of activities in the area and for the safety of the environs as influenced by the activities conducted therein is assigned to the Area Manager. He shall assure preparation and issuance and shall approve written operating procedures (PRODS) incorporating radiation and criticality safety controls           ,

and limits commensurate with the particular operations involved. Criticality Safety Function The criticality safety function is administrative 1y independent of production responsibil,ities. The criticality safety function is the function of WMD with designated responsibility for providing authoritative professional advice and counsel to Area Managers on - matters of control against accidental criticality. These functions include at least the following: Establishment of a criticality safety control program including criteria, procedures and training, Analysis and approval of proposed changes in process conditions and processing equipment involving criticality safety, Measurement of the effectiveness of the criticality control program. LICENSC ShM-1097 DATE 5/14/84 PAGE ] REVISIO;r 3 DOCKET 70-1113 I-2.2 9

Measurement of the effectiveness of the criticality control program is determined through audit programs to assure that nuclear safety criteria are met for the


protection of emp1oyees, the public and the environment. Radiation Safety Function The radiation safety function, under the direction of the manager of radiation safety, is administrative 1y independent of production responsibilities. The radiation safety function provides authoritative professional advice and counsel to Area Managers on matters of radiation safe'ty and measures the effectiveness of the radiation safety program. The radiation safety function has the responsibility of establishing and maintaining the radiation safety program necessary to ensure the protection of employees at WHD and the community. The manager of the radiation safety function shall review and approve the radiation safety program which shall include at least the f ! following: f i j . Establish the radiation protection and radiation j monitoring program, l ) ! Establish the radiation protection criteria, procedures and training programs to control I contamination and exposure to individuals, Evaluation of radiation exposures of employees and l visitors and maintenance of related records, LICCNSE SNM-1097 DATE 5/14/c4 Pl.GE I DOCKET 70-1113 REVISIO:: 3 1-2.3

                     .         Emergency planning, Evaluate the integrity and reliability of radiation detection instruments.

Establishment of special conditions for the use of laboratory samples containing plutonium and the maintenance of appropriate records, Analysis and approval of proposed changes in process conditions and processing equipment  ; involving radiological safety. Radiation Protection Function The radiation protection function is administratively independent of production responsibilities and has the authority to recommend the immediate shutdown of an . operation believed to threaten the health and safety of employees or the public. It is the function designated . 1 the responsibility to obtain data relative to radiation l c::pecurc: of employees and visitors, and to provide  ; operational support to department functions requiring radiation monitoring services. Radiation protection responsibilities shall include at least the following: Conduct of radiation monitoring programs, Administration of radiation work permit (RWP) covering nuclear safety requirements, Measurements of airborne uranium concentration, contamination levels and external radiation levels, LICENSE ~SNM-1097 DATE 5/14/54 PAGE DOCKET 70-1113 REVIS:ct: 3 I-2.4

Evaluation of the operational integrity and reliability of radiation detection instruments.


Activities are conducted in accordance with approved written procedures. Environmental Protection Function The environmental protection function is administra-I tively independent of production responsibilities. It is defined as that function of WMD with designated responsibility to include at least the following: Identification of environmental requirements of federal, state and local regulations governing the Department's operation, j Establishment of systems and-methods to measure and document Department adherence to regulatory environmental requirements and license conditions, i Evaluation and approval of new, existing or revised [ equipment, processes and procedures involving l , environmental protection, I - Assurance of proper federal and state permits, ( licenses and registrations for non-radiological discharges from the facilities. f Reculatorv Compliance Function The regulatory compliance function is administratively independent of production responsibilities but has the LICENSE SNM-1097 DATE 5/14/54 PAGE DOCKET 70-1113 REVISION 3 l I-2.5

( L _ authority to require the shutdown of any process or facility when the Area Manager has not assured or maintained controls for nuclear safety. It is the k function designated to establish nuclear safety, criticality safety and environmentai protection programs to ensure Department compliance with federal, state and local regulations and laws governing operation of a nuclear facility. These Department programs are designed to ensure the health and safety of employees and the public as well as protection of the environment. The managers of the criticality safety, the radiation safety, the radiation protection, and environmental protection functions report to the manager of regulatory [' compliance function. { l 2.3 SAFETY REVIEW COMMITTEE 2.3.1 Wilmington Safety Review Committee (WSRC) The functions of the safety review committee shall include responsibility for the following: An annual ALARA review which considers the following: Programs and projects undertaken by the radiation safety function and the operational radiation safety committee. Performance including, but not limited to, in airborne concentrations of radiaactivity, 6


Mm LICCNSE SNM-1097 DATE 5/14/84 PAGE DOCKET 70-1113 nEVIston 3 I-2.6 _ __ ?_

personnel exposures and environmental monitoring results. Programs for improving the effectiveness of equipment used for effluent and exposure control. Review of nuclear and industrial safety practices applied to major changes made or proposed in l I authorized plant activities, Professional advice and counsel on criticality and radiation safety issues. The committee shall consist of at least five senior members of WMD's technical staff, appointed by the , Department General Manager and shall include competence in the scientific and engineering disciplines. Senior members of management shall also serve on the upon the request of the Department General Manager. The committee is responsible to the Department General Manager. Its proceedings, findings and recommendations shall be reported in writing to the Department General Manager and to the section level managers responsible 1 for operations which have been reviewed by the committee. Such reports shall be retained for at least two years. The committee shall hold at least four meetings each calendar year with.a maximum interval of 180 days between any two consecutive meetings. LICENSE SNM-1097 DATE 5/14/54 PAGE DOCKET 70-1113 RCVISIon 3 y_2,7

} 2.3.2 Operational Radiation Safety Committee t . The operational Radiation Safety Committee has the responsibility for continued improvement in fuel manufacturing operations to assure the occupational ! radiation exposures of employees are kept as low as practicable and within established limits. The Committee meets at least monthly to maintain a continual awareness of the status of containment projects, performance measurement and trends, and the current shop operations radiation safety conditions. A written report of each operational Radiation Safety Committee meeting shall be forwarded to cognizant Area f Managers and the manager of the regulatory compliance function. The report shall be forwarded within 15 working days of the meeting. Records of the committee proceedings shall be maintained for two years. f The Committee shall consist of engineering, shop operations, maintenance, radiation safety function, radiation protection function and quality control management or senior contributors. , 2.4 APPROVAL AUTHORITY FOR PERSONNEL SELECTIONS The assignment of individuals to Area Manager, criticality safety and radiation safety functional positions identified in Section 2.2 shall be approved by management at the second oro nizational level above the position to be staffed. LICENSC SNM-1097 DATE 5/14/84 PAGE DOCKET 70-1113 REVISION 3 I-2.8 9

Assignments to all other safety-related staff positions shall be made within the normal administrative practices of WMD. _ 2.5 PERSONNEL EDUCATION & EXPERIENCE REQUIREMENTS 2.5.1 Area Manaaer . The minimum qualifications of an Area Manager shall be a BS degree from a college or university in a technical field and two years experience in nuclear fuel plant operation or a high school diploma with ten years experience in nuclear fuel plant operation. Each Area Manager shall be knowledgeable of the criticality control procedures and the radiation safety program as they relate to their area of responsi-bility. Each Area Manager shall have proficiency in the application of criticality control procedures and be knowledgeable in the procedures applicable to the area i under his management. Each Area Manager shall have proficiency in the application of a radiation safety program as it relates to limitations and radiological controls for the kind of activities in his assigned radiation or radioactive materials area. LICE!:SE SNM-1097 DATE 5/14/84 PAGE REVISICN 3 I-2.9 DOCKET 70-1113

2.5.2 _ Criticality Safety Function / Radiation Safety Function Criticality safety function / radiation safety function manager (s) shall hold a BS degree in science or engineering, and shall have at least five years of experience in a responsible position in the nuclear field such as engineering, physics or chemistry, at least three years of which shall have been in an activity which would develop an understanding of criticality problems and five years experience in assignments involving radiation safety. The criticality safety function and the radiation safety function responsibilities are currently vested with one manager. Criticality Safety The criticality safety function is generally staffed by personnel of three different classifications (senior, junior, trainee / technician). A senior member holds a b5/bh degree in science or engineering with at least two years of experience in criticality safety work and an additional year of experience in either criticality 1 safety or reactor engineering / physics. A junior member holds a BS/BA degree in science or engineering with at least one year of experience establishing and monitoring criticality safety limits. The trainee / technicians position is assigned to persons who have the potential to eventually meet the qualifications of at least a junior member. The criticality safety function shall consist of not less than two technically trained personnel, one of LICC::SC SNM-1097 D;.TE 5/14/84 PAGE DOCI:ET 70-1113 RP. VISION 3 I-2.10

whom must meet the qualifications of a senior member. At least one of the personnel shall be based at WMD.


The senior member has authority and responsibility to conduct all activities defined in Section The junior member performs the activities identified in Section Criticality analyses and approval of proposed changes require an independent review by a - senior member prior to being implemented. The trainee / technician, under the direction of a senior or junior member, assists in the activities defined in Section but has no authority for approval. Radiation Safety Qualifications for radiation safety engineers or specialists assigned to the radiation safety function shall vary depending upon position assignments and . delegated responsibilities. Such position assignments shall be made and/or approved by the manager of the radiation safety function and his manager. Qualifications for a senior member of the radiation safety function include a master's degree in science or

    -          engineering with no less than three years of experience in general health physics; or a bachelor's degree in science or engineering with no less than five years of experience in general health physics or two years of health physics experience in a nuclear fuel fabrication plant; or certification in health physics.

LICENSE SNM-1097 DATE 5 /14 /E 4 PAGE 70-1113 REVISION 3 I-2.11 DOCKCT

2. 5.3 _ Radiation Protection Function Radiation Protection Manager The qualifications of the manager of the radiation protection function is a BS degree in a scientific field with two years of' experience in assignments involving health physics or a high school diploma and eight years health physics experience. Radiation Protection Supervisor Qualifications of a radiation protection technician and two years of experience as a radiation protection technician, or at least five years of equivalent experience in the field of radiation protection. Radiation Protection Technician . . Qualifications of a radiation protection technician - Trainee, plus at least six months experience in the nuclear safety field plus certification prior to being certified as a radiation protection technician, and successful completion of a General Electric training program which includes both oral and written examinations covering radiological and criticality control procedures. Radiation Protection Technician - Trainee A minimum of a high school education with twenty-four monuhs monitoring experience or equivalent experience working with radioactive materials; or two years college LICENSC SNM-1097 DATE 5/14/84 PAGE DOCKET 70-1113 RCVISIon 3 I-2.12 l

training with science major and a minimum of four months monitoring experience; or at least five years of equivalent experience working with radioactive materials. 2.5.4 Environmental Protection Manager The qualification of the manager of the environmental . protection function is a BS degree in chemical or environmental engineering plus seven years of related experience or a BS degree in a non-technical field plus ten years of experience in chemical or environmental engineering. 2.5.5 Regulatory Compliance Manaaer The Manager of Regulatory Compliance must hold a BS in science of engineering and have 8-years of management-experience, of which 5 years must have been in a nuclear facility. 2.6 TRAINING Training policy requires that employees complete formal nuclear safety training prior to unescorted access in the controlled area. The method for evaluating the understanding of employees includes passing an initial . examination covering formal training contents. Such training is performed by instructors certified by the manager of the criticality safety and radiation LICENSE SNM-1097 DATE S/14/84 PAGE DOCKET 70-1113 R;VISIor: 3 1-2.13 )

l _ safety functions. Training program contents are reviewed at least every two years by the manager of the criticality safety and radiation safety functions to ensure that training program contents are current and adequate. Previously trained employees allowed unescorted access  ! to the controlled area are retrained every two years.  ; The effectiveness of the training program will be measured. 2.7 OPERATING PROCEDURES - ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS Fissile material processing is conducted in accordance with properly issued procedures or instructions. .

         '2.7.1      Adopting & Issuing Procedures Area Managers shall assure preparation of written nuclear safety control procedures incorporating limitations established by the criticality and radiation I            saf ety functions. They shall assure that these procedures are made readily available to foremen, operators and other concerned personnel through posting of limits, training prograns and other appropriate written notifications.

The radiation protection program is designed to establish and maintain a comprehensive set of writte.. Instructions for radiation health and safety practices so as to maintain occupational radiation exposures at LICENSC SNM-1097 DATE 5/14/84 PAGE DOCKET 70-1113 RCVISIOn 3 I-2.14 9

                           '                                                                                             I i

l j levels as low as reasonable achievable. Such l instructions are reviewed by the radiation safety  ! function prior to issuance by appropriate managers.


} Subsequent procedure review frequencies are shown I below: j Reviewing & . Approving  ! Review Functional  ! [ Document Frequency Manager  : Operational (Process When Radiation Safety l 1 Requirement changedl & Criticality  ! ' & Operator Documents) Safety < Maintenance / Test (Job Annually 2 Radiation Safety  ! i Hazard Analysis) ,

                                                                                        & Criticality                     j Safety                           j
,                                                                                                                         t
;                    Radiation Protection                 Annually          -

Radiation Safety { i (Nuclear Safety & Criticality i

;                    Instructions)                                                      Safety                           .

i  ! Environmental Every 2- Environmental  ! (Environmental Years 3 Protection

. Protection Instructions) .

1 The radiation safety and criticality safety portions of ' these operator procedures are reviewed and updated by . the radiation safety and criticality safety functions  ! when warranted based on process related facility

         .              change requests.                                                                                 l 2 Annually meanc a maximum interval of 13 months.                                                    '

3 Every 2 years means a maximum interval of 26 months. l 4 Criticality safety control and radiation protection [

procedures for workers in uranium processing areas are  !
!                    incorporated into the appropriate operating, maintenance and test procedures in place for uranium processing I

operations. 4 i 1 LICENSC SUM-1097 DATE 5/14/84 PAGE DOCKET 70-1113 REVISION 3 I-2.15

I I 2.7. 2 . Changes in Safety-Related Procedures Activities which do not involve a change in license conditions but which require procedures, facilities or equipment substantially different from those previously used are initiated only after the applicable conditions stated below are met: Changes which involve radiation hazards considerations are reviewed and evaluated, and approved in writing by the radiation safety function, Changes which involve a change in the parameters on which criticality safety was established are analyzed and approved in writing by the criticality safety function and documented by a written criticality analysis. . . 2.7.3 Procedures for New or Chanced Activities A request for nuclear safety (criticality and radiation safety) analysis is prepared in writing by, or at the direction of, an Area Manager for any proposed new

     -             activity or change in activity which may require a proposed change in criticality safety or radiological safety controls.

The changed activity will not be initiated until the ' nuclear safety analysis demonstrating safety of the activity has been completed, a preoperational inspection has been conducted to verify that the it.3tallation is in accordance with the nuclear safety analysis, and LICC"SC ENM-1097 DATE 5/14/84 PAGE DOCKET 70-1113 BCVIston 3 I-2.16

appropriate procedures and/or instructions are in place.


The results of these analyses are documented in nuclear safety reviews and maintained for the period of time they remain applicable. 2.8 AUDITS & INSPECTIONS Written operating procedures are based on WMD practices, applicable regulations and license conditions. Audits are performed to assure that plant operations are conducted in accordance with the operating procedures. 2.8.1 Criticality Safety & Radiation Safety Internal Audits Quarterly (an interval not to exceed 100 days), senior members of the criticality safety and radiation safety functions conduct formal, scheduled safety audits of nuclear manuf acturing and support areas in accordance with a procedure approved by the Department General Manager and in accordance with written procedures which have been approved by the manager of the radiation 1 cafety and criticality safety functions. Such audits are performed to determine that actual operations conform to to criticality and radiation safety requirements. Audits are performed by criticality safety and radiation safety personnel under the direction of the manager of LICENSE Smi- 10 97 DATE 5/14 /84 PAGE DOCKET 70-1113 REVISton 3 I-2.17

the criticality safety and radiation safety functions. Personnel performing audits do not report to the production organization and have no direct responsibility for the function and area being audited. Violations of license conditions identified during quarterly audits for criticality safety and radiation safety shall be communicated within 8 hours to the Area Manager and to the manager of regulatory compliance function. Written notifications of such violations shall be provided to the Area Manager and the manager of regulatory compliance function within 10 working days after the audit. Corrective actions shall be documented in writing and approved by the Area Manager. Weekly nuclear safety inspections of all nuclear manufacturing and support areas are conducted in accordance with written procedures and guidance which have been reviewed and approved by the manager of the radiation safety and criticality safety functions, by persons having the qualifications of a Radiation Protection Technician as described in Section Violations of license conditions identified during weekly inspections are communicated within 8 hours to the Area Manager and the manager of the radiation protection function. Written notification of such violations are provided by the manager of the radiation protection function to the Area Manager and the manager of regulatory compliance function within 10 working days. Records of the instructions and procedures, persons conducting the audits or inspections, violations of  ; LICENSC SNM-1097 DATE 5/14/84 FAGE l DOCKET 70-1113 REVIS IO:: 3 I-2.18

                                                                      ,          1

license conditions identified and corrective actions taken shall be maintained by the radiation safety function or the criticality safety function for a minimum period of 2 years. Audit results in the form of corrective action items are . reported to the Department General Manager and his staff for tracking until their closure. 2.8.2 Environmental Protection Internal Audits An audit schedule of the environmental protection program is developed by the environmental production

     ,            function on an annual basis. Audits are conducted in accordance with a written procedure approved by the Department General Manager to ensure that operational activities conform to documented environmental requirements.                        -                  -

Personnel under the direction of the manager of the environmental protection function, perform the environnmental protection audits. Personnel performing the audits do not report to the production organization and have no direct responsibility for the function and 1 area being audited. Apparent nonconformance is communicated to the Area Manager who is responsible for corrective action commitments in accordance with documented procedures approved by the Department General Manager. The manager of the environmental protection function or his delegate is responsible for formal follow-up and closure of identified nonconformances. Audit results in the form LICE:iSC SNM-1097 DATE _ 5/14 /84 PAGC DOCKCT 70-1113 REVISIor: 3 7_2,jg

of corrective action items, are reported to the Department General Manager and his staff for tracking until their closure. 2.8.3 External Audits . The WMD criticality safety and radiation safety programs are audited at a frequency of every two years by an appropriate function outside of the WMD organization. The audit team is composed of individuals whose audit qualifications are approved by the Department General Manager. Audit results are reported in writing to the Department General Manager, to the Area Manager, and to the manager of the criticality safety and radiation safety functions. The criticality safety function, radiation safety function and/or Area Manag'ers, as appropriate,' take necessary response actions in accordance with documented corrective action commitments. Audit results in the form of corrective action items are reported to the Department General Manager and his staff

    .              for tracking until their closure.

2.9 INVESTIGATION & REPORTING OF UNUSUAL OCCURRENCES 2.9.1 Incident Classification All unusual events which potentially threaten or lessen the effectiveness of health, safety or environmental protection are identified by the Area Manager and LICENSE SNM-1097 DATE 5/14/84 PAGE DOCKET 70-1113 REVISION 3 I-2.20

reported to the quality assurance section. Each i incident is considered in terms of its severity. Table 2.1 provides general guidelines for use in classification. 2.9.2 Investigation of Unusual Incidents Each reported unusual incident is evaluated to determine the level of investigation required. These evaluations and investigations are conducted in accordance with approve'd procedures. The depth of the investigation l depends upon the severity of the incident in terms of the levels of uranium released and/or the degree of ! potential for exposure of workers or the public. I 2.10 RECORDS Records appropriate to criticality and radiation safety l activities, occupational exposure of personnel to radiation, releases of radioactive materials to the l environment, and other pertinent activities, are ! maintained in cuch a manner as to demonstrate compliance l ., with Commission license c6nditions and regulations. Records of criticality safety analyses are maintained in sufficient detail and form to permit independent review ! and audit of the method of calculation and results. Such records are retained during the conduct of the activity and for six months following cessation of such activities to which they apply. (Two years minimum.) I i l LICENSE S!1M- 10 97 DATE 5/14/84 PAGE l DOCKET 70-1113 REVISION 3 I-2.21 [.

l i I i ] .  ; I . l TABLE 2.1 .  ; INCIDENY UGETTFICATIONS L i i e t CATEGORY CLASS I CLASS II CLASS III r I l i ONSITE Evidence of Evidence of o Death or  ; i PERSONNEL apparent apparent disabling

INJURY OR exposure less exposure less injury as ,
EXPOSURE than the than five times defined under i regulatory the regulatory appropriate 1 limits but limit but OSHA greater than or greater than regulations. i equal to the the regulatory administrative limits o Evidence of guides (internal or apparent  !
(internal or external) exposure in ,


  • excess of or I

equal to five l

  -.                                                                                                                            times the                              !

regulatory '

.                                                                                                                               limit (internal or external) i i           . PROPERTY                                                        Damage or loss                                  Damage or loss
-DAMAGE less than greater than or .

- $200,000 but equal to i greater than or $200,000 i equal to  !

$50,000  ;

1 J i i f a j l p ] LICcuss sum-1097 DATM 5/14/84 Pace  ; } DOCKET 70-1113 REVISION 3 I-2.22 l 1 . t i i

TABLE 2.1 INCIDENT CLASSIFICATIONS - CATEGORY CLASS I CLASS II CLASS III VIOLATIONS OF LICENSE OR - REGULATORY LIMITS: o Effluent Uranium Uranium Uranium concentra- concentration concentration concentraton tion less than less than 10 grecter than or limit for permit criteria times permit equal to 10 liquid, or and regulatory criteria but times permit airborne limits, but greater than or criteria for o In-plant greater than or equal to permit all three airborne equal to criteria for categories and o Contamina- administrative all three in excess of tion guide categoriesand 5,000 times the release in excess of regulatory both 500 times the limit incide and regulatory outside of limit controlled area

      ,SilIPPING &        Damage to       Shipment           Breach of

RCCCIVING container in received container in-excess of externally transit offsite administrative contaminated in (loss of guides with no excess of integrity of loss of license or container). container regulatory integrity. limits. LICCNSC SNM-1097 DATE 5/14/84 PAGE DOCKCT 70-1113 REVISION 3 I-2.23

Records associated with personnel radiation exposures are generated and retained in such a manner as to comply with the relevant requirements of 10 CFR 20. The following additional radiation prot,ection records will be maintained for at least two years: Records of safety review committee meetings, Survey of equipment for release to unrestricted areas, Instrument calibration, Safety audits, Training and retraining, Radiation work permits, - - Surface contamination surveys, Concentrations of airborne radioactive material in the facility, Radiological safety analyses. All records associated with the environmental protection activities described in Chapter 5 are generated and retained in such a manner as to comply with the relevant requirements of 10 CFR 20 and this license. LICCNSE SNM-1097 DATE 5/14/84 PAGE D OCh* ET 70-1113 REVISIOt; 3 I-2.24

CHAPTER 3 RADIATION PROTECTION 3.1 ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS 3.1.1 Radiation Work Permit (RWP) Procedures Routine and repetitive maintenance work performed in radiation controlled areas is administered by the use of standard procedures. Nonroutine activities, particularly those performed by non-GE employees (e.g., contractor personnel), which generally are not covered

by documented procedures, are adminis.tered by the RWP system. This includes facility construction, maintenance, and service work (e.g., equipment relocation, floor tile replacement, ventilation duct -

removal, etc.). Radiation Work Permits are issued for non-routine operations which are not covered by an operating procedure and where the radioactivity levels are likely

      ..            to exceed the limits specified in 10 CFR 20. The RWP specifies the necessary radiation safety controls, as appropriate, including personnel monitoring devices, protective clothing, respiratory protective equipment, special air sampling, and additional precautionary measures to be taken.

The manager or his delegate responsible for performance of the non routine work is responsible for obtaining the RWP from the radiation protection function and for l 1-l LICE::SE SNM-1097 DATE _5/14/04 PAGE DOCKET 70-1113 REVISION 3 I-3.1

obtaining RWP approvals by the manager or a supervisor of the radiation protection function, the Area Manager or his delegate and by the requestor. He is also responsible for assuring that only personnel who have completed required radiation safety training are assigned to perform work under a RWP. A copy of the RWP listing any specific radiation safety precautions is posted in a conspicuous location throughout the duration of the activity, and work is monitored by the radiation protection function, as required. All RWPs have expiration dates and the status of issued RWPs is reviewed on a weekly basis by the radiation protection function. Upon completion of the work under the RWP, the - requestor is responsible to assure that the RWP is terminated and that the work area is returned to normal conditions. Responsibilities and elements of the RWP system are documented in the Department Practices and Procedures I (P/P) system. 3.1.2 ALARA Program WMD has established a radiation protection program designed to ensure that occupational radiation exposures are maintained at levels as low as reasonably achievable. The approach consists of (1) a strong management commitment, (2) development and LICENSE SNM-1097 DATE 5/14/84 PAGE DOCKET 70-1113 REVISION 3 I-3.2 O

implementation of improved detection / measurement

   -                   capabilities, (3) development of advanced exposure-related managemen_t information systems, and (4) provision in facilities for exposure reduction via implementation of well engineered systems. Management Commitment The WMD management commitment to the ALARA concept is emphasized in departmental level P/Ps and is evidenced in continued support of long range development

  • programs and near-term improvement projects. In addition, implementing instructions to the operating and engineering personnel stress the importance of continuous effective exposure control. Detection and Measurement Systems Health physics detection and measurement systems, some computer based, provide the capability to determine airborne concentrations, internal exposures, extremity exposures, external exposures, water concentrations and criticality detection. j - Information Systems A major program has been developed for an advanced, computer-based management system to calculate, monitor and record personnel radiological exposures. Relevant l data (i.e., demographic, time-in-area, air sample ! results, etc.) are entered into the system and provide ! management with near real-time information on employee exposure. LICENSC SNM-1097 DATE S/14/F4 PAGE DOCKET 70-1113 REVISION 3 I-3.3

Data analysis capability built into the system provides accurate information for management planning of the continued employee exposure reductions. Major Facility & Equipment Changes Management attention is addressed to identifying operating conditions which require modification for reduced personnel exposure. Major facility changes and equipment process development programs meet criteria directed towards exposure reduction and/or improved shop conditions. Project safety reviews are held to assure that ALARA has been addressed in proposed project designs. Current shop conditions are monitored to identify needed near-term upgrades in process equipment, equipment accessories and operating systems which, when -


implemented, will result in reduced potential for occupational radiation exposures. 3.2 TECHNICAL REOUIREMENTS

         -3.2.1       Access Control Controlled areas in the fuel manufacturing building are as demonstrated in, Chapter 10. Access points to controlled areas are established through change rooms.

Each change room includes a " hot" side and a " cold" side, with a step-off area provided between the hot and colo sides. LICCNSC SNM-1097 DATC 5/14/84 PAGE D00KCT 70-1113 REVISION 3 I-3.4 O

The personal clothing and other worker belongings are stored on the cold side in the change rooms. Clean protective clothing (described in Section is made available on the cold side to personnel entering a i controlled area. Used protective clothing is stored on the hot side and collected there for processing through the laundry facility. Disposable protective clothing is used, where applicable. Entry points to controlled areas are posted in accordance with 10 CFR 20.203. Instructions controlling entry and exit from controlled areas are posted at the entry points. Special instructions regarding reporting time in the controlled areas, personnel dosimetry l badges, protective clothing, personnel surveys and emergency evacuation, etc., may alco be posted as necessary. Personnel survey meters are provided in the step-off area of each change room for use by personnel leaving , , the controlled areas. Posted instructions address the use of the survey meters and appropriate decontamination methods. Notification instructions regarding contamination detected during the exit survey are also included. Personnel are instructed to notify the radiation protection function before performing decontamination activities if they detect any contamination on their face, or if the prescribed decontamination routines (Section do not remove the contamination on other parts of their body. l Personnel authorized to enter controlled areas are i issued a coded badge which denotes completion of proper l l l LICENSC SN!!- 1097 DATE 5/14/84 PAGE 00CHET 70-1113 DEVISICt; 3 I-3.5 l

5 radiation protection training. Badges are monitored at l random in the main change rooms. Other personnel must be escorted by an authorized person when entering, the controlled areas. , l 3.2.2 Ventilation Requirements l Inter-area Air Flow Design Ventilation equipment is designed to provide air flow . ! from areas of lesser potential contamination to areas of 1 higher potential contamination. Specific facilities and , capabilities of ventilation systems are detailed in  ! l

         .                         Table 3.1.                                                                                         1 l

Direction of air flow in the work area is checked  ; i monthly,

                                                                                  ..                                     ,            i              Enclosures Containment designs for fuel manufacturing areas include hoods, and other special enclosures as applicable to                                              7 contain airborne uranium and thereby minimize personnel l            .,                      exposures.

Other equipment in which processing operations generate , ! airborne uranium is designed with filtered enclosures, j hoods, dust capturing exhaust ports and other devices which maintain air concentrations of radioactivity in work arons below 10 CFR 20 limits under normal and foreseeable abnormal cperating conditions, f i t i i


LICCt!SE SNM-1097 DATE ( _ $/14 /G4 _3) PAGC i D OCI'r.T 70-1113 ntVISION __ 3 I-3.6, ! l l

i TABLE 3.1 SPECIFIC FACILITIES & CAPABILITIES OF VENTILATION SYSTEMS l - Alares, Interlocks & Facility Safety Features Purpose Hoods Air flow during operation Prevents spread of l 1 80 lineal feet per radioactive materials minute from work area to l immediate room area Fire extinguishers in Provides fire prevention work area Effluent air filtered Prevents release of ) with HEPA filters radioactive materials to environs Iligh Air flow designated to Prevents spread of , velocity maintain an average of radioactive materials Local 200 lineal feet per from work area to Exhaust minute immediate room area Sintering Automatic hydrogen Protects against hydrogen Furnaces shutoff and switch over explosion and resultant to nitrogen with alarm spread of contamination

     ,                      signal                                      as well as physical injury to room occupants UF 6                Temperature controller                      Controls temperature to Vapori:stion        and alarm                                   not exceed 300* F, which Chambers                                                        is 40' F telow the temperature at which unsafe cylinder pressure might be generated Ventilation unclosure                       Provides containment in event of cylinder rupture or abnormal leakage LICE:iSC   SNM-1097                        DATE                 5/14/84     PAGE DOCHET     70-1113                         RCVIS IO!!                 3       I-3,7

l TABLE 3.1 (continued) Alarms, Interlocks & Facility Safety Features Purpose Re- Air flow designed to Provides cleanup of circulating provide a minimum of air within rooms Air Systems eight (8) room air

                       & Exhaust                                                     changes per hour Air Systems Air filtered in               Removes essentially all potentially contaminated      contaminants from room zones with HEPA filters       and exhaust to environs or water scrubbers Pressure drop indicator       Maintains adequate set to alarm at > 4" H 2 O
                                                                                                      ,            circulation for removal A P across final filter       of dust and contaminants
                                                                                                 .                 from the room air Effluent air filtered         Prevents release of with HEPA filters             radioactive materials in environs                                               l O

t LICENSC SNH-1097 DATE 5/14/84 PAGE DOCKET 70-1113 REVISION 3 1 3,0

I Air flow through openings in these containment devices is measured monthly, at a minimum, to assure adequate system performance as necessary for protection of personnel. When air flow through any point of the opening approaches the minimum requirement of 80 LFPM, action is instituted to correct the problem. l Additionally, there are differential pressure indicators l across exhaust system filters to assure system l performance. 1 When a differential pressure is observed to have reached four inches of water, the effectiveness of the filter is investigated. Notwithstanding the monthly checks of differential pressure, the filters are changed when they are unable to allow the airflow necessary for the system which they are designed to serve. Effluent Air Duct Design - Effluent air ducts and air flow velocities are designed to minimize radioactive dust accumulations. Exhaust System Exhaust systems in potentially contaminated airborne effluents are equipped with filter media which are selected to maintain its integrity when subjected to chemicals, solvents and abnormal operations of the processes. These filters are at least 99.97% efficient for removal of 0.3 micron particles. All HEPA filters (both primary and secondary) in the exhaust system are equipped with a device for measuring differential pressure. LICENSE SNM-1097 DATE 5/14/84 PAGE DOCKET 70-1113 REVISION 3 I-3.9 l

                  -    Filter effectiveness is investigated when the pressure differential across the filter exceeds four inches of water. A filter is replaced following evidence of the inability of the filter or the exhaust system to perform its function properly. In no case will filters be operated at A P values which exceed the                                                          I manufacturers ratings for the filter,                                                             j Water scrubbers or other appropriate devices are                                                  .
                      ~provided where necessary to treat effluents before filtration. Such scrubbers are installed so that effectiveness of filters is maintained. Air Recirculation Rcom air may be recirculated within the uranium ' processing areas after being filtered. j 3.2.3 Instrumentation I General l I Appropriate radiation detection instruments are ' available to ensure adequate radiation surveillance can

           -            be accomplished. Selection criteria of portable and laboratory counting equipment is based on the types of

( radiations detected, maintenance requirements, ruggedness, interchangeability and upper and lower limits of detection capabilities. The radiation safety function annually reviews the appropriateness of the types of instruments being used for each monitoring t function.

    'I LICENSE      SNM-lO97         DATE                                     5/34/84            PAGE DOCHOT       70-1113          REVISION                                       3               I-3.10 O Equipment Description Table 3.2 lists examples of the types and uses of I available instrumentation. Calibration Monitoring instruments utilized for radiation safety purposes are calibrated before initial use, after major , maintenance, and on a routine basis at least six months 'f f Such calibration following the last calibration. consists of (but is not limited to) a performance check on each range scale of the instrument with a radioactive l { . source of known activity. l Prior to each use, operability checks are perfcrmed on monitoring and laboratory counting instruments utilized l for radiation safety purposes. l The background and efficiency of laboratory counting instruments are determined on a daily basis during periods when the equipment is in use. Efficiency is determined using radioactive sources of known activity. Criticality Detection & Evacuation Alarm System A criticality alarm system is provided that conforms to the requirements of 10 CFR 70.24. A predetermined alarm point not to exceed 50 mr/hr above background is programmed for each detector. The evacuation alarm logic is satisfied when two or more detectors in the same area exceed the high alarm set LICENSE SNM-1097 DATE 5/14/54 PAGE REVISION 3 I-3.11 DOCKET 70-1113



TYPES & USES OF AVAILABLE INSTRUMENTATION (TYPICAL) Typical Type Range Routine Use DOSE RATE METERS GM Low Range 0.01 mR - Area Dose Rate 2000 mR Survey GM High Range 0.05 mR - Emergency 1000 R Monitoring I Ion Chamber - Low Range 0.1 mR - Area Dose Rate 10 R Surveys, Shipment Survey

                   - High Range                  1 mR -             Emergency 1000 R             Monitoring ALPHA SURVEY METERS                          50 cpm -           Direct Personnel &

2 x 106 cpm Equipment Surveys NEUTRON METERS 0.5 R -5 R Special Dose Rate Surveys LABORATORY INSTRUMENTATION

    ' Multichannel analyzer                            N/A          Lab Analysis Automatic air sample counter                      N/A           Lab Analysis N/A           Lab Analysis Windowless gas-flow proportional counter N/A           Lab Analysis fixed geometry Geiger-Mueller counter N/A           Lab Analysis Sodium iodide well Counter N/A           Lab Analysis Phoswich detectors N/A           Lab Analysis Beta surface barrier detectors N/A           Lab Analysis Scintillation Counter (PC-6-1) with Detector (RD-14)

N/A Lung Disposition In Vivo Lung Counter Measurements LICENSE SNM-1097 DATE 5/14/84 PAGE REVISION 3 I-3.12 DOCKET 70-1113 t

point or if one detector is in the fail status and another in the same area exceeds the high alarm set point. _ The evacuation alarm system meets the guidance established in ANSI 8.3-1979, " criticality Accident Alarm System". i 3.2.4 Internal & External Exposure 1 Ventilation and Containment The internal radiation exposure of workers is controlled primarily by the ventilation systems and the containment of uranium within process equipment. Within work areas uranium liquids or powders are handled by workers in such a manner that reduces the potential for airborne contamination. The ventilation system for the fuel manufacturing areas is designed to maintain a conditioned air supply to all areas of the building and to exhaust potentially contaminated air through appropriate filtering or washing devices. Under normal operating design process conditicns, personnel will not recuire respiratory protective equipment. The following design considerations are implemented at WMD to reduce internal radiation exposures for controlled area personnel with regard to the ventilation and containment systems: DATE 5/14/84 PAGE LICENSE SNM-1097 RE'/IS Ios 3 I-3.13 DOCKET 70-1113


                  .             The primary barrier of containment for the radioactive material is the process equipment and is designed to contain potentially dangerous substances during normal operations.

Secondary containment barriers are used to supplement the primary process barriers. These include hoods or other similar devices to control - airborne contamination if the process fails to contain the material. These containment systems shall be designed to minimize the need for direct contact of contaminated radioactive materials by the operator. The design philosopy of primary and secondary containment systems shall be to prevent the release of uranium contamination to work areas during planned operations and to minimize it during anticipated accident conditions. The process area atmospheric pressure shall be negative relative to the outside. The exhaust equipment is designed to provide air flow from areas of lesser contamination potential to areas of higher contamination potential, to confine and contain air streams containing ' radioactive constituents and to minimize the potential accumulation of contamination within the air handling ductwork. LICE:?SE SNM-1097 DATE 5/14/84 PAGE 70-1113 REVISIor 3 I-3.14 DOCKET

                    ,     --w-~ y     ,-     - .- ,-,,y --,
                                                                 ..y _-._.-.7   y    . . _ _ _ -     ,._m,- Air Samplina & Analysis Routine Air Sampling in the Controlled Area , Air samples are continuously taken from each process area where licensed material is being handled in dispersible form in order to assess the concentrations of uranium in air. The air samples are collected in such a way that the concentrations of uranium are ' representative of the air in which workers are exposed. Filters from air samplers are changed each shift during normal operating periods or at more frequent intervals following the detection of an event that may have released airborne uranium, based upon knowledge of the particular circumstances. Consideration is given to running samplers over week' ends when no work is in progress or to changing part of the samplers each day of the weekend. The filters are processed through laboratory counting equipment to determine the uranium concentration in air for each area. A concentration indicated by an air sampler which exceeds 1 x 10-10 uCi/cc, not directly attributable to a

   -         known cause,   is investigated to determine the probable cause. Appropriate corrective actions are implemented and documented based on the frequency and magnitude of events causing releases of airborne uranium which noticeably perturb the weekly average airborne                        '

concentrations typical of the area. DATE 5/14/84 PAGE LICENSE SNM-1097 70-1113 REVISION 3 I-3.15 DCCKET

Each air sampler is equipped with a rotometer to

   -                           indicate flow rate of air sampled.                                       These rotometers are calibrated or replaced at least every 18 months.

The routine survey data and individual personnel I exposure assignments are monitored by the radiation . safety function to evaluate the effectiveness of the I radiation controls of personnel exposure. - The radiation safety function annually evaluates fixed filter sampling points for representativeness of personnel exposures and as a part of each radiation safety function review for all licensed process or equipment changes. Special Air Sampling The routine radiation air sampling program is - supplemented with backup portable air sample surveys as


required to evaluate operational trends or to evaluate breaches in containment. Special surveys of airborne i concentrations may be conducted for nonroutine maintenance and, based on these special surveys, additional radiation protection requirements for the

          -                     particular operation may be established. Typical of these special operations are burning, welding, and cutting operations which may result in increased airborne concentrations.

LICENSE SNM-1097 DATE 5/14/84 PAGE REVISION 3 I-3.16 DOCKET 70-1113 9

     --     ,    - - . - - ,     v- - , - , , , . ,    ,,.--.----,,,,-a,,--,,          -,.,--,-n,-.--      ,--,. ,- , , n n   e,--c--,-.           ,      , - - - - - , - Internal Exposure Measurements Airborne Exposure Assignment & Control f IF.dividual airborne exposure assignments are made based on airborne concentrations in the areas in which the individual worked and the time the individual spent in each area. Internal control actions are provided to . prevent an individual from exceeding the weekly 40 hour ' control measure specified in 10 CFR 20. Control actions include restricting the individual from working in an area containing airborne radioactivity for the remainder of that work week, and actions are taken as necessary to assure against recurrence. Bioassay Program Weekly and daily routine urine sampling frequencies are established for all individuals assigned to work _ in areas where soluble (Class D) uranium compounds are processed. These areas include portions of the chemical ' conversion and Chemet lab areas. The bioassay sampling program is conducted to reflect the applicable guidelines outlined in Regulatory Guide 8.11, June 1974;

        -           WASH-1251, " Application of Bioassay for Uranium", June 1974; and Draft ANSI Guide N341, " Internal Dosimetry Standards for Uranium", July 1974.

Accion levels and actions based on sampling frequency are as follows: Sample Action Level Action Daily >35 pg U/ liter Investigate & back-calculate uptake Weekly >15 ug U/ liter Investigate & back-calculate


uptake DATE 5/14/84 FAGE LICENSE. SNM-1097 REVISION 3 I-3.17 DOCKET 70-1113

The investigation includes calculating the maximum potential uptake based on the lapsed time from the previous sample. If the individual may have received an ' uptcke of greater than 2.5 milligrams uranium, the individual is -immediately restricted from further exposures to soluble uranium. Re-entry is authorized when a urinalysis result is <15 pg uranium per liter. For non-routine operations, perturbations, or an e incident where it is suspected that soluble materials may have been ingested, the radiation safety or radiation protection functions may request additional . bioassay sampling. In vivo Lung Counting In vivo lung counting is provided for the timely detection and assessment of indiv.idual intakes of . redioactivity a'nd as a method to verify the adequacy of the air sample program. Routine in vivo lung counting frequencies are established for individuals who normally work in areas where nontransportable uranium compounds are processed. Individuals are scheduled for in vivo lung counting based upon their airborne exposure assignments and

                   , previous counting results as follows:

LICE!!SC SNM-1097 DATE 5/14 /84 PAGE 70-1113 REVISION 3 I-3,18 DOCKET 9

Pravious In Vivo Count Count Assigned Airborne Exposure Result Frequency

              >,1.3 MPC hours / quarter                ---                   Annually
              >    52 MPC hours / quarter    or   > MDL                      Quarterly
                                                  >,150 ug O'35              Monthly
               >   40 MPC hours / week or                                    ASAP *

[ 520 MPC hours / quarter

  • ASAP means that the individual is restricted from working an area containing airborne radioactivity until counted.

Appropriate actions are taken based upon in vivo lung counting results to ensure the maximum permissible lung burden will not be exceeded. If an individual's lung burden is indicated to be greater tha'n 250 pg U235, the individual is temporarily restricted from working in areas containing airborne radioactive material. Protective Clothing Protective clothing is provided to all persons who are required to enter radiation controlled areas where personnel contamination potential exists as determined by the radiation safety function. The amount and type


of protective clothing required for a specific area or operation is determined by operational experience and the contamination potential. Available clothing includes caps, hoo.ds, laboratory coats, coveralls safety glasses, boots, overshoes, shoe covers, rubber and cloth gloves, safety shoes, and respiratory protection equipment. l LICENSE SNM-1097 DATE 5/14 /84 PAGE DOCKET 70-1113 REVISION 3 I-3.19

            -    The minimum clothing requirement for controlled area entry is as follows:

4 Managers, Supervisors, Inspectors and Visitors Controlled Area Workers Only Observing Operations Shoe covers or controlled Shoe covers area work shoes i Laboratory coats . Coveralls a Head covers Head covers Rubber gloves Rubber gloves (as appropriate) Safety glasses safety glasses in the The protective clothing is removed upon exit controlled area change rooms. In a few areas such as the Chemet' Laboratory, personnel contamination is controlled by exit monitoring. The minimum clothing requirement for entry into the Chemet lab is a laboratory coat and safety glasses. Respiratory Protection Program


The respiratory protection program shall be conducted in accordance with 10 CFR 20.103. Respiratory Protection Equipment Respiratory protection equipment specifically approved by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) is utilized. Two types of respirators e DATE 5/34/34 PAGE LICENSE SNM-1097 REVISION 3 I-3.20 DOCKET 70-1113 t

are commonly available - half masks and full face ~ masks. I Half mask respirators equipped with particulate filters are utilized as a precautionary measure during routine No operations which may generate uranium dusts. protection factor is taken for half mask usage, unless ' masks are fitted in accordance with 10 CFR 20. Full face mask respirators, equipped with a combination GMR canister, are utilized as precautionary measures in routine and for emergency actions which may require additional protection capabilities when there exists a


potential for releases of soluble uranium gases. A protection factor of 50 is taken for this type of respirator usage. NIOSH-approved air supplied hoods and self-contained-breathing devices are also available for certain operations. Respiratory protection equipment of these types are operating in accordance with 10 CFR 20 and specified protection factors are utilized. Employee Qualifications 1 Employee managers annually review and specify those individuals for whom respiratory protection devices may be required. Each designated employee's medical status is initially determined and reviewed annually by the

  • medical function to determine if there are medical restrictions which may prohibit an individual from using a respiratory protection device. If the individual nas no restrictions, he is provided respiratory training and LICENSE SNM-1097 DATE 5/14/84 PAGE REVISION 3 I-3.21 DOCKET 70-1113
                -      fitting by a qualified instructor. Additional training on the use and limitations of self-contained breathing devices is provided to designated respirator users.                 I An adequate mask fit is determined using qualitative
                     -(irritant smoke) methods. Mask fits determined by qualitative methods are re-evaluated annually; mask fits determined by quantitative methods are re-evaluated biennually. Quantitative results may be substituted for               '

qualitative. Respirator qualification records are maintained on each individual as a part of the employee's personnel exposure file. Reports showing the status of qualified individuals are routinely sent to the appropriate man. agers for review. Testing and Cleaning of Eauipment Each respirator is processed for cleaning, inspection, and replacement of parts as necessary. Air purifying ca'rtridges and canisters are challenge atmosphere penetration and differential pressure tested against parameters according to internal procedures. The respirator and canister assembly is challenge atmosphere

           -             tested and pressure tested prior to reuse. New respirators and canisters are similarly tested on a quality control basis.

Self-contained breathing devices are inspected for operational capability and are cleaned and re-inspected after each use. LICENSE SNM-1097 DATE 5/14/84 PAGE REVISION 3 I-3.22 DOCKET 70-1113 Surface Contamination Monitoring Routine contamination survey monitoring is performed for all uranium process and manuacturing areas including non-controlled areas such as hallways and lunch rooms immediately adjacent to controlled areas. The type of monitoring includes direct and removable contamination measurements based on the potential for contamination in these areas and operational experience. Survey frequencies are determined by the radiation safety function. The minimum survey frequencies are as follows: Minimum Survey Area Frecuency Controlled Areas , Weekly , Receiving, Storage & Shipping Weekly Eating Areas Used Primarily by Weekly Controlled Area Personnel Uncontrolled Areas Monthly Survey results are compared to action guide values as


specified in internal procedurec and appropriate responses are taken: Action Limits for Renovable Surface Contamination dpm a/100 cm 2 Controlled Areas (Floors) >5,000 Uncontrolled Areas > 220 5/14/64

                -LICENSE    SNM-1097          DATE                             PAGE DOCKET     70-1113           REVISION           3               I-3.23 l


dpm a/100 cm2 l Controlled Area Clothing >1,000 Personal Clothing (worn outside controlled areas) ,

                                                                >   220 Skin                                  Non-detectible In no case shall the delay to initiate decontamination actions exceed 24 hours.

Personnel contamination surveys for external contamination on c]othing and the body are required by all personnel when leaving the controlled area. Decontamination Self-monitoring is required upon exit from the controlled areas (see Section 3.2.1). If contamination

                    $s found in excess of background' levels, the individual
 --                 attempts self-decontamination at the facilities provided in the change rooms. If decontamination attempts are not successful, decontamination assistance will be provided by the radiation protection function.      If skin or personal clothing is still found contaminated
      "-            above background levels, the individual may not leave the area without prior approval of the radiation protection function.

Personnel contamination accompanied by potential chemical injury is treated by the site medical department. The radiation safety function reviews the contamination levels with medical and makes determination for bioassay or in vivo counting to further assess potential internal exposures. i ) - l= LICENSE SNM-1097 DATE 5/14/84 PAGE DOCKET 70-1113 REVISIO;I 3 I-3.24 Emergency Evacuation All personnel working in the fuel manufacturing operations are instructed to immediately evacuate the area in the event the criticality warning system alarm is activated. Personnel are instructed to leave their work stations and proceed as rapidly as possible along predetermined routes to the designated staging areas. Personnel from controlled areas, who may be contaminated, are segregated from non-contaminated personnel upon arrival at the staging area. Emergency evacuation drills demonstrate that the evacuation plan is effective. Personnel Monitoring - External Radiation Whole body or partial whole body exposure from external sources of radiation are determined by individually assigned dosimeters. These personnel monitors are scheduled for reading at least quarterly or sooner if there is an indication of an exposure in excess of established action guides. Action guides for external

     .              exposures received on site are as follows:

Action , Wholebody > 1 rem / quarter Restrict for remainder of quarter Skin -> 6 rems / quarter Restrict for remainder of quarter Extremities >15 rems / quarter Restrict for remainder of quarter LICENSE SNM-1097 DATE 5/34/84 PAGE DOCKET 70-1113 REVISION 3 I-3.25

In event of accidents or evaluation of unusual exposure conditions, whole body or partial whole body exposures may be calculated by the radiation protection function on the basis of data obtained by in,vestigation. Extremity exposure shall be determined by TLD measurements. When TLD measurements are not practical, then extremity exposures may be determined and assigned on the basis of engineering evaluations. Leak Testing of Plutonium Alpha Sources The sources when not in use shall be stored in a closed container adequately designed and constructed to contain plutonium which might otherwise be released during storage. At least once every three months l the sources shall be tested for loss of plutonium in one of the following ways, using radiation detection instrumentation capable of detecting 0.005 pCi of alpha contamination: By measurement of the source of potential alpha

       .                 contamination through surveys of the storage container and areas in which the source is used; or By wiping thoroughly the external surfaces of the source mount, other than the radioactive surface of the source, with a piece of filter paper of high wet strength and low porosite moistened with a solution which will not attack the mount and, after the paper is allowed to dry, measuring the radioactivity on the paper.

= = - _ LICENSC SNM-1097 DATE 5/14/84 PAGE DOCKCT 70-1113 REVISION 3 I-3.26

If any survey or measurement performed as required by the preceding paragraph discloses the loss of more than 0.005 pCi of plutonium from the source, or if a source has been damaged or broken, the source shall be deemed to be losing plutonium. The licensee shall immediately withdraw it from use, and cause the source to be decontaminated and repaired, or disposed of in accordance with the Commission regulations. Within f.ive (5) days after determining that any source has lost plutonium, a report shall be filed with the Division of Fuel Cycle and Material Safety, U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, D. C. 20555, describing the source, the test results, the extent of contamination and the corrective action taken. A copy of the report shall be sent to the Administrator o{ the NRC Region II office. Records of test results shall be"kept in units of - microcuries and maintained for inspection by the Commission. Notwithstanding the periodic test required above, any plutonium alpha source containing not more than 0.1 pCi of plutonium is exempted from the above requirements. LICENSE SNM-1097 DATE 5/14/84 PAGs j DOCKET 70-1113 REVISIC:: 3 I-3.27 l i l

CHAPTER 4 NUCLEAR CRITICALITY SAFETY I e 4.1 Administrative Requirements 4.1.1 Process / Facility Design Philosophy Process designs shall incorporate sufficient factors of safety to require at least two unlikely, independent, and concurrent changes in process conditions before a criticality accident is possible. The preferred method for assuring nuelear criticality , safety in production quantities of fissile material is by the use of geometry control. However, other controls may be used when geometry control- is not practical. Eor example, batch-control may be used in situations involving experimental quantities of material of from 7% to 15% enrichment. (See Table t.4, Page I-4.14) The use of fixed neutron absorbers is considered to be a form of geometry control and is preferred over the use

          -             of administrative controls.

The use of administrative controls for nuclear ~ criticality safety will be restricted to those cases in which geometry control is not practical. LICENSE SNM-1097 DATE 5/14/84 PAGE REVISION 3 y_4,1 DOCKET 70-1113 I _ , , _ _ . .,.-.,.-_,-m_ _ . - , _ r _.

1 4.1.2 Requests for Nuclear Criticality Analyses The Area Manager assures that all changes, modifications i , or additions to the plant which have the potential to affect criticality safety, are appropriately reviewed and approved for criticality safety prior to implementation. I If the Area Manager concludes that a proposed new

  • activity or change in activity has the potential to affect criticality safety, a request for a nuclear criticality analysis shall be submitted in writing to the criticality safety function. After review of the request, a member of the criticality safety function having the qualifications of a senior member as '

described in Section, shall make the decision as to whether or not an analysis is required. If an analysis is required, the change shall not be placed into operation until the criticality safety analysis is complete and the concomitant nuclear criticality safety requirements and approval for operation are received from the criticality safety function. 4.1.3 Criticality Control Procedures Each Area Manager shall assure that criticality control procedures incorporating limitations established by the

  • criticality safety function are developed and maintained and shall assure that foremen, operators and other concerned personnel are made aware of these procedures DATE 5/14/84 PAGE LICENSE SNM-1097 BCVISIc:: 3 ;_4,2 DOCKET 70-1113
               -   through posting, training programs or other appropriate written notifications.

l 4.1.4 Posting of Nuclear Criticality Safety Limits Nuclear criticality safety requirements which are received from the criticality safety function for each process system shall be available at each work station either in the form of operating procedures or as clear, visible signs or notices. Posted nuclear criticality safety requirements shall be defined by the criticality safety function and may


include: limits on material types and forms; allowable quantities by weight or number; allowable enrichments; required spacings between units; control limits, when applicable, on quantities such as moderation, and density or the presence of additives. - Labeling of Containers of Fissile Material 4.1.5 Containers of fissile material (not including fuel rods, shipping containers, waste boxes / drums, samples and the like) shall be labeled such that the material type, U 235

        -            enrichment and gross and net weights can be clearly identified or determined.

4.1.6 Role of the Criticality Safety Function Personnel of the criticality safety function determine safe batches, safe geometries, safe concentrations, and safe spacing of special nuclear materials; they shall determine limitations of other nuclear parameters LICCMSC SNM-1097 DATE 5/14/64 PAGE 70-1113 REVISION 3 I-4.3 DOCKET

i utilizing information set forth in the request for criticality analysis; and they assess and verify the normal and potent _ial environmental conditions of significance to criticality control. Criticality safety function personnel also perform audits and provide advice on training. 4.2 TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS 4.2.1 Nuclear Criticality Safety Methodology Nuclear criticality analyses shall utilize experimental data or analytical methods which have been bench marked by comparison with experimental data. An analytical method shall be considered bench marked when the following are established: (a) the type of systems - which can be modeled, (b) the range of parameters which may be treated, and (3) the bias, if any, which exists in the results produced by the method. Each nuclear criticality analysis shall be verified by an independent and qualified member of the criticality safety function having the qualificatens of a senior member as defined in Section of this application. When analytical methods are used in nuclear criticality analyses to determine system neutron multiplication factors, it is required that at the 99 percent confidence level the neutron multiplication factor for normal operations be no greater than 0.90 and the LICENSE SNM-1097 DATE 5/14/84 PAGE REVIS IO:1 3 _4 , ,g DOCKET 70-1113

                             -     neutron multiplication factor for all conditions required to be critically safe by the double-contingency policy be no greater than 0.97.

These restrictions shall be applied as follows: K ,+ 3o - bias f.90 for normal conditions K ,+ 3a - bias f.97 for failure of a single contingency i Where K,= The average effective multiplication factor calculated for the desired application

                                                              = The statistical or convergence uncertainties c

in the calculation of K,, and Bias = The bias of the calculational technique as determined by appropriate bench marking. i Criticality safety analyses shall take the following into consideration: Maximum credible degree of moderation and reflection, ' Potential heterogeneous effects due to particle sizes, neutron absorbers, material densities, or the separation of fissile material and moderator, The possibility of buildups of fissile material in inaccessible or unplanned locations, l LICENSE SNM-1097 DATE 5/14/84 PAGE

                                                                                    ' REVISION                                          3                    I-4,5 DC0KET                     70-1113 9
                                                                                       .--,._,n.,        ,-_- - - - - - _ . - _ , . .        , , . . -        - - , - -         - - - .
      , , , _ .      . . _ _             - . - -     -----_---._n,     .   . _ ,

Interaction between individual pieces of equipment in the facility including optimum or maximum credible int.erspersed moderation between units, Neutron absorption capability of the materials of construction, The enrichment of the materials being processed. _ Calculational methods used in nuclear criticality safety analyses shall include GEKENO and GEMER Monte Carlo Codes, keff calculations using the reactivity formula, and the solid angle technique of array evaluations. Newly developed codes or techniques may also be used when they have been validated and bench marked in accord with General Electric internal procedures and with the applicable ANSI standards. 4.2.2 Nuclear Criticality Safety Design Considerations for Geometry Control , Equipment used to process or store fissile material which is designed to be critically safe by geometry control shall comply with the requirements of 4.1.1 for

               -              the following conditions:

Optimum moderation by water or by other materials actually present which may be a more effective moderator than water, . Optimum credible density of the fissile material taking into account the presence of the water moderator, SNM-1G97 DATE 5/14/84 PAGE LICENSE DOCKET 70-1113 REVISION 3 I-4.6 t

                                                                       - , - . . -         -- - - - - - . - - - - - ,   - ,-    m _. -,


               -           The presence of the fissile material with water moderator in all areas in which water is not physically excluded,                                                                      t Full reflection by a layer od water at least                12 inches thick at the closest boundary to the equipment unless a greater degree of reflection is                                        '

provided by materials (such as concrete) actually present, a The optimum degree of heterogeneity credible to the system, The maximum enrichment of fissile material present in the system, , Maximum and minimum equipment dimensions, as appropriate, pertinent to geometry control. Equipment used to process or store uranium compounds is geometrically safe if it is designed to retain the process material within any one of the dimensional limitations of Tables 4.1 through 4.3 under normal and foreseeable abnormal process or environmental conditions and provided that it is separated by at least 12 inches from concrete walls or other significant reflectors. When cylinders and slabs are not infinite in extent, the dimensional limitations of Tables 4.1, 4.2, or 4.3 may ' be increased by means of standard buckling conversion methods or reactivity formula calculations which incorporate validated K-infinites, migration areas l (M2 ) and extrapolation distances. I a--.


LICENSE SNM-1097 DATE 5/14/94 PAGE l REVISION 3 I-4.7 j DOCKET 70-1113 m -_ _ _ _ - . - -

m. - -- _ _ - _

TABLE 4.1 i SAFE GEOMETRY VALUES FOR HOMOGENEOUS UO,,-H.,0 MIXTURES I Nominal Infinite Infinite Weight Cylinders Slabs Spheres Percent Diameter, Thickness, Volume, 'I U235 Inches Inches Liters 2.00 16.7 8.9 105 2.25 14.9 7.9 75.5 13.75 7.2 61 2.50 , 12.9 6.65 51 2.75 3.00 12.35 6.25 44 3.25 11.7 5.9 38.5 3.50 11.2 5.6 34 3.75 10.8 5.3 31 4.00 10.5 5.1 29 5.00 9.5 4.45 24 6.00 8.95 4,00 18.5

             .,   7.00                8.45                                           3.75              17.0 Iror enrichment not specified in this table, smooth curve interpolation may be used.

LICENSE SNM-1097 DATE 5/14/84 PAGE 70-1113 REVISION 3 I 4.8 DOOKET

t TABLE 4.2 SAFE GEOMETRY VALUES I FOR HOMOGENEOUS AQUEOUS SOLUTIONS i l l Infinite ) Nominal Slabs Spheres I Thickness, Volume, W/O U235 Inches Lite r,s 2.00 9.3 106.4 2.25 8.4 ~ 80.5 2.50 7.8 , 66.8 2.75 7.3 56.2 I 3.00 7.0 49.7 3.25 6.7 44.8 - i 1 3.50 6.5 41.0 3.75 6.3 38.0 4.00 6.0 34.9 5.00 4.8 26.0 4.4 22.5 l 6.00 7.00 4.1 19.5 I For enrichments not specified in this table, smooth curve interpolation of values may be used. LICENSE SNM-1097 DATE 5/14/84 PAGE DOCKET 70-1113 REVISION 3 I_4,9 9

TABLE 4.3 SAFE GEOMETRY VALUES FOR HETEROGENEOUS MIXTURES OR COMPOUNDS I Infinite Infinite Nominal Cylinders Slabs Spheres , l W/O Diameter Thickness, Volume, 1 U235 Inches Inches Liters l l 2.00 11.1 5.6 35.7 2.25 10.5 5.1 30.7 2.50 10.1 4.8 27.3 i 2.75 9.7 4.6 24.7 3.00 9.4 4.4 22.6 3.25 9.2 4.3-~ 20.9 - 3.50 9.0 4.2 19.2 3.75 8.9 4.1 18.2 4.00 8.8 4.0 16.9 a.uu 8.3 3.6 13.0 6.00 7.9 3.5 11.0 7,00 7.4 - 7.6 I For enrich;nent not %cified in this table, smooth curve interpolation of c?, s may be used.


} LICENS:: SNM-1097 DATE 5/14/84 PAGE DOC!:ET 70-1113 nEVISIon 3 I-4.10 Whenever criticality control is directly dependent on the integrity of a structure used to retain the

                      '. 2    ,   geometric form of a fissile material accumulation or the spacing within a storage array, the structure shall be                          )

designed with an adequate strength " factor to assure against failure under foreseeable loads or accident

       '                              ~

conditions. Materials of construction shall be fire i resistant. The degree to which any corrosive environment might affect nuclear safety shall be considered and corrosion-resistant materials or coatings applied as necessary. l . , The use of fixed neutron absorber systems as geometric l controls shall require that:

1) The neutron absorber is one of the following:

a) Elemental cadmium b) Elemental boron alloyed -with steel - c) Solid, stable boron compounds such as boron carbide fixed in a matrix such as aluminum or polyester resin.

2) The neutron absorber and any hydrogeneous material used to thermalize neutrons are sealed in a f ,
              -                           stainless steel or other suitable container which may be an integral part of the process equipment.
3) The neutron absorber system (i.e., absorber, moderator, container) is installed as a permanent

! part of the process equipment such that it cannot be readily removed. LICEMSC SNM-1097 DI.TE 5/14/84 PAGE

         ,,                    DOCKET          70-1113           REVISION                    3        I-4.11 4

f ~. .

4) Prior to using a fixed neutron absorber system for criticality control, an inspection shall be performed written procedures developed and approved by management, to verify the presence of the neutron absorbers and to verify that the system installation is in accordance with design and nuclear criticality safety requirements.
               . Inspection records shall be documented and           .

maintained for the life of the system. t

5) The void volume of the neutron absorber system is negligibly small to prevent internal rearrangement.
6) The effectiveness of the neutroq absorber system is demonstrated utilizing validated calculational methods.
7) The integrity of the fixed neutron absorber system must be maintained against any credible fire hazard.
8) The integrity of the fixed neutron absorber system must be verified on a periodic schedule compatible with the rates of corrosion and deterioration credible to the process system.
9) If the absorber is removed, the system shall be r locked out in accordance with safety lock and tag procedures (e.g., circuit switch locked, circuit breaker removed, feed lines removed) or operated under controls authorized in writing by the criticality safety function which ensure, as a

~~ LICENSE SNM-1097 DATE 5/14/84 PAGE DOCKET 70-1113 REVISION 3 I-4.12


                  .                     minimum, that the requirements of the double

contingency philosophy in Section 4.1.1 are met.

10) The fixed neutron absorber system must be designed to withstand all credible industrial accidents and natural events. Whenever criticality control is directly dependent on the integrity of physical barriers or neutron absorbers, , the structure shall be designed to assure against loss of integrity through foreseeable accident conditions such as fire, impact, melting, corrosion or leakage of materials. 4.2.3 Nuclear Criticality Safety Considerations for Administrative Control of Mass Where geometric control is not practical, criticality safety may be based on U 235 mass limits in either of the


following ways: If double batching is credible, the mass of any single accumulation shall not exceed a safe batch, which is defined to be 45% of the minimum critical mass. Table 4.4 lists safe batch limits for homogeneous mixtures of UO2 and water as a function of U235 enrichment over the range of 1.1% to 15.0% for uncontrolled geometric configurations. Where engineered controls prevent over batching, a mass of 75% of a minimum critical mass shall not be exceeded. LICENSC SNM-1097 DATE 5/14/S4 PAGE DOCKET 70-1113 REVISION 3 I-4.13 9


                                      -(Kgs UO2)

Nominal U235 g235 Enrich- Enrich-ment UO 2 UO 2 ment UO 2 UO 2 ~ w/o Powder l Pellets 2 w/o Powderl Pellets 2 1.1 2629 510 3.4 34.6 31.0 1.2 1391 341 3.6 31.1 28.5 1.3 833 246 3.8 28.3 26.4 1.4 583 193 4.0 25.7 24.7 1.5 404 158 4.2 23.7 22.9 1.6 293.3 135 4.4 21.9 21.4 1.7 225.0 116 4.6 20.2 20.0 1.8 183.0 102 4.8 19.1 18.8 1.9 150.6 90.5 5.0 , 18.1 18.1_ 2.0 127.5 81.6 5.5 15.4 15.4 2.1 109.2 73.1 6.0 13.8 13.8

     '2 . 2          96.8        66.4                7.0       8.3     8.3 2.3            84.3        61.0                8.0       6.9      6.9 2.4            74.7        56.1                9.0       5.9      5.9 2.5            68.9        52.1              10          5.1      5.1 2.6            60.5        48.8              11          4.4      4.4
   . ,2 . 7          56.6        45.4              12          3.9      3.9 2.8            52.2        42.9              13          3.5      3.5 2.9            47.6        40.1              14          3.3      3.3 3.0            44.5        38.1              15          3.0      3.0 3.2            38.9        34.1 NOTE:   For enrichments not specified above, smooth curve interpolation of safe batch values may be used.

l Homogeneous mixtures 2 Hetergeneous mixtures LICENSE SNM-1097 DATE 5/14/S4 PAGE DOCKET 70-1113 REVISION 3 I-4.14 The safe batch sizes for U0 2 f specific enrichments set forth in Table 4.4 shall be adjusted when applied to other compounds by the formula: kgs U0 2 x 88% = kg X x f where f = % U in Compound X 4.2.4 Nuclear Criticality Safety Considerations for Administrative Control of Moderation When geometry controls are not practicable, criticality safety of vessels, structures or processes may be based on control of moderation provided that the following


conditions are satisfied: Validated calculational methods are used to demonstrate the criticality safety of the systems. Fissile material accumulations overmoderated by hydrogen, may be controlled as follows. The accumulations will be measured periodically and either of the following conditions applied:


The uranium concentration of the accumulation shall not exceed one-half of the minimum critical concentration for the given enrichment. A full density mixture will be used in determining the uranium concentration (i.e., the effect of voids or inert materials mixed with the accumulations will not be included), or LICENSE SNM-1097 DATE 5/14/84 PAGE DOCKET 70-1113 REVISION 3 I-4.15

The H/235U atomic ratio shall not be less than 5200. When control is based upon undermoderated material accumulations: Sources of moderation internal and external to the process shall be identified and controls established for each source which are consistent with the double contingency principle stated in Section 4.1.1. Support equipment associated with the control of processing of moderating materials shall be designed so that they are either.. geometrically safe or designed to prevent backflow.of fissile materials and/or flooding of the fissile materials. - 4.2.5 Criteria for Fire Protection in Areas Containing Fissile Material Fire protection shall be provided for equipment, processes, and facilities containing fissile material and shall be selected on the basis of minimum impact on area nuclear criticality safety. The use of water for fire protection in moderation control areas shall be minimized and controlled. Fire protection instructions covering the manufacturing facility are issued which communicate necessary or permissible methods or techniques to be used. I LICENSE SNM-1097 DATE 5/14/84 PAGE DOCKET 70-1113 REVISION 3 I-4.16

4.2.6. Nuclear Isolation of Facilities and Ecuipment Equipment and facilities may be considered to be nuclearly isolated if they are separated from all other accumulations of fissile material by distances which are equivalent to the isolation provided by an eight inch thick slab of water or the larger of 12 feet or the greatest distance across an orthographic projection of the largest of the fissile accumulations on a plane ,, perpendicular to the line joining their centers. 4.2.7 Incineration of Nuclear Waste The incinerator is authorized to cperate with an in i estimated uranium enrichment of not less than 2.75% ' Waste boxes with assigned U 235 for batch control. enrichments greater than 2.75% in U235 can be incinerated with proper demonstration of safety provided the boxes are generated from process areas where the maximum nominal enrichment handled is not more than 4.0%. No waste boxes generated from a process which operates with a maximum enrichment greater than 4.0% nominal will be incinerated unless physical measurements of the U 2?S content are made or the highest enrichment in the bcx is assigned to the batch. f 5/14/8' PAGE S::M-1097 DATE LICENSE 3 I-4.17 70-1113 REVISIo:: DOCKET

CHAPTER 5 ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Radiological releases from the Wilmington site can occur via three effluent pathways: airborne, liquid or solid. The control systems for each of these pathways are addressed in the following sections. 5.1 EFFLUENT CONTROL SYSTEMS

 -   5.1.1       Airborne Effluents The exhaust systems from uranium processing areas in the fuel manufacturing building are designed to maintain a negative pressure in those areas relative to the outside environment. This assures that air leakage is inward into the uranium processing areas.             The negative pressure differential is maintained by regulating the volume of fresh air added to the uranium processing areas.

All exhaust systems from the uranium processing areas are discharged through high efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter assemblies. Each exhaust system contains one final stage of HEPA filtration preceded by other air cleaning devices specifically suited to the process steps served by the exhaust systems. Some of these other air cleaning devices include prefilters, primary HEPA filters, and wet scrubbers. LICENSE SNM-1097 DATE 5/14/S4 PAGE REVISION 3 I-5.1 DOCKET 70-1113

             -    Each of the exhaust system stacks,, from process areas generally used for processing uranium compounds in solid form (i.e. , pellet pressing, pellet sintering, pellet grinding, rod loading, scrap sorting, and and decontamination) are serviced by an air cleaning system as shown in Figure 5.1.                                  .

The exhaust systems from areas such as chemical , 1 processing (i.e., vaporization, conversion, ' defluorination, and uranium scrap recovery) are serviced by an air cleaning system as shown in Figure 5.2. Source Point Sampling of Airborne Effluents Each exhaust stack from the uranium p,rocessing area is sampled continuously at a point prior to discharge and after the final HEPA filter in the system. The stack air sampler continuously pulls a' sample of air from the air stream in the stack through a filter. The filter on each sampler is changed and evaluated for gross alpha activity as indicated in Table 5.1, Page I-5.15. The measurement of gross alpha activity from each stack sample is utilized to determine uranium concentration in the discharge and total uranium activity discharged from the stack. Action Level for Airborne Effluents Data from the air sampling measurements are analyzed for ' comparison with the concentrations established as an internal action guide. The occurrence of an individual stack value exceeding the internal action guide initiates review action. LICENSE SNM-1097 DATE 5/14/84 PAGE DOCKET 70-1113 REVISION 3 I-5.2 9



Sample Point-Blower

                                        +  _

Secondary .. , HEPA Filter Primary Primary Primary Primary HEPA HEPA HEPA HEPA Filter Filter Filter Filter s. Roughing Roughing Filter Filter -_ Containment Containment Containment Containment


LICENSE SNM-1097 DATE 5/14 /84 PAGE 3 I-5,3 DOCKET 70-1113 REVISION


  .                       TYPICAL EXHAUST AIR CLEANING SYSTEM FOR WET CHEMICAL PROCESSING AREAS To Atmosphere                          To Atmosphere t                                      t                    _

Sample -- Sample -- Point Point Blowers Blowers - HEPA HEPA Filter Filter . 4 Wet Scrubber

              ,                d Primary Legs

LICENSE SNM-1097 DATC 5/14/84 PAGE DOCKET 70-1113 REVISION 3 I-5.4 9

Personnel responsible for operating the exhaust-system are notified if any stack result exceeds 3 x 10-12 uCi/cc. In the event one of these values exceeds > 1 x 10-11 uCi/cc nuclear safety and environmental protection personnel are also notified. An investigation may be undertaken, depending on the severity of the event, in accordance with administrative routines described in Section 2.9. _ Reporting Method Uranium activity releases in the airborne effluents are summarized in a weekly stack program report. This report includes pertinent information for each stack and for the total site. Year-to-date summaries and data for the current week are included in the report. In the event an action guide is exceeded, additional - notification as described in Section is initiated. Tne activity release data are also accumulated and reported on a semi-annual basis to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Lower Limits of Detection, Calibration and Standardization of Measurements A solid state scintillation detector is currently used to determine the activity on the stack sample filters. The system is calibrated for gross alpha using a standard traceable to the National Bureau of Standaros. This system provides a lower limit of detection of LICENSE SNM-1097 DATE 5/14/64 PAGE DOCKET 70-1113 REVISION 3 I-5.5

                -   activity at the site boundary within the requirements of Appendix B of 10 CFR 20. Background and efficiency checks are performed each operating shift.

The minimum detection limit for airborne effluent concentrations is 1 x 10-12 pCi/cc at the stack which ' equates to approximately 1 x 10-14 pCi/cc at the site boundary using a dilution factor of 100. This lower . limit of detection is lower than the limit identified ' in Regulatory Guide 4.16, March 1978, and is < 10% of the value 3 x 10-12 pCi/cc, from Table II of Appendix B to 10 CFR 20. 5.1.2 Liquid Effluents The liquid waste streams containing uranium from the fuel manufacturing operations are segregated as nitrate waste, fluoride waste and rad waste. This separation makes it possible to utilize final individual treatment processes most compatible with the specific streams. Each of these separated streams is processed through a quarantine tank system before it is released from the fuel manufacturing operation. The quarantine tank

         -            control system assures that internal for uranium concentrations are met before the liquids are released from the building to the final treatment processes.

LICENSE SNM-1097 DATE 5/14/84 PAGE 70-1113 REVISIOr 3 I-5.6 DOCKET O Source Point Sampling of Liquid Effluents All process waste _ liquids are collected, treated and (with the exception of nitrate wastes) discharged to the Northeast Cape Fear River. The treated process wastes (with the exception of nitrate wastes) are sampled and discharged at the outfalls of the two final process lagoons. The lagoon discharges are sampled on a composite basis proportionate to the discharge flow. The sampling device extracts a fixed aliquot for each unit of discharge. Normally, this provides one aliquot added to

   .            the composite every two or three minutes since the total volume discharged is about one-half m.illion gallons per day.

The volume measurement used to activate the sampler and generate the total flow signal is based upon an impulse generated by the water level in a stilling well in the weir box above a 90-degree vee notch weir. The volume flow is recorded, and an integrated value is generated by the recording instrument.


The composite samples are collected daily (except weekends and holidays) and chemically analyzed for uranium concentration. A weekly composite of the daily samples is analyzed for gross alpha and gross beta activity. LICENSE SNM-1097 DATE 5/14/84 PAGE REVISION 3 I-5.7 DOCKET 70-1113 Discharge volume & Destination The daily discharge of treated process waste water to the Northeast Cape Fear River is approximately 500,000 gallons. Action Levels for Liquid Effluents The action levels for the discharge of treated process wastes from the final process lagoons are specified in chemical uranium concentration (i.e., two parts per million (ppm) daily average for the month and'5 ppm any one day) and in activity concentration (i.e, >3 x 10-5 pCi/ml on a weekly composite sample). For reference, two ppm at a typical enrichment would equate to approximately 10% of the 10 CFR 20 value of 3 x 10-5 uCi/ml annual average for release to an unrestricted area. ,

    '    Reporting Method Uranium chemical analyses are available daily (except weekends and holidays) via the generation of a laboratory chemical analysis report on the discharge sample data. These data are sumuarized on a monthly basis. Daily and monthly values       are reviewed against the internal action guides.

The activity release data are reported on a semiannual basis to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.


LICENSC SNM-1097 DATE 5/14/84 PAGE 70-1113 REVISION 3 1-5.8 DOCFET 9 Analysis, Lower Limits of Detection, Calibration and Standardization of Measurements Chemical Analysis of Uranium The lower limit of detection for chemical uranium analysis on environmental samples is approximately 0.02 parts per million. _ The test method is calibrated using standard solutions made from National Bureau of Standards 950b 0 03 8 Of equivalent. The method is verified with each group of samples run by use of a verification standard. Activity Analysis for Liquid Environmental Samples Gross alpha and gross beta are currently determined by standardized laboratory counting ' techniques. Lower - limits of detection (for samples with low absorption) is typically 3 x 10-8 pCi/ml for gross alpha and , 5 x 10-s pCi/ml for gross beta. The alpha calibration is accomplished using a standard calibrated by the National Bureau of Standards.

       -5 .1. 3     Solid Wastes Solid wastes generated in the fuel manufacturing operation are packaged in boxes. These boxes are assigned to controlled access queuing areas where they await processing through a decontamination facility.

The decontamination operation provides a number of functions including recovery of uranium for recycle, separation of wastes into combustible and noncombustible categories, as well as decontamination of material for

    .                reuse where feasible.                                   -

LICENSE SNM-1097 DATE 5/14/B4 PAGE DOCKET 70-1113 RCVISIcN 3 I-5.9 W--

   ,               .    .        - . . _ .          -=-          -       -  .-        . _.              .      .         .          --            . - - .

1 L l . After separation in the decontamination facility, the combustible wastes are designated for burning in an f* incinerator designed for processing uranium contaminated I wastes. Wastes which cannot be incinerated or reused are shipped to a licensed' recipient'for disposal. I Source Point Monitoring of Solid Wastes . 1 Each box is assayed for uranium content to assure that

'                                             it meets storage, shipment and burial requirements.

i Lower Limits of Detection, Calibration, and Standardization of Measurements 4 ! The assay of solid waste boxes for uranium is done by a nondestructive method which employs passive and/or active scanning. The lower limit of detection is approximately.1 gram U 235 per bon. Calibration and . l standardization' conform to the measurement control v. requirements defined in the GE-WMD Fundamental Nuclear - l Material Control Plan. Action Level Boxes which exceed a U 235 content, established by criticality safety analysis and/or burial site requirement are returned to the decontamination facility l for reduction of U235 content. Reportino Method l 4 The activity data on each shipment is summarized on ohe i shipping papers. i


LICENSE SNM-1097 DATE 5/14/04 PAGE 70-1113 REVISION 3 I-5.10 ! DOCKET i e

     - - , , . . .        . . - _ . .               .--,,_   ____,,,m_,-       ._ _.-       ._,m_-,,_. -  .y,,     .-,.r._,.-,,,,__.--,-

5.1.4 Contamination Free Liquid Two liquid streams (hydrofluoric acid and ammonium nitrate solutions) generated as a result of the conversion operation are transferred to unlicensed recipients and are not regarded as radioactive waste because of their low activity level. The annual average activity level of shipments of . hydrofluoric acid and ammonium nitrate liquids is no more than that listed in Table II, Appendix B to 10 CFR 20, 3 x 10-5 pCi/ml. Hydrofluoric Acid In the dry process for converting UF to UO 2, a product stream of hydrogen fluoride dissolved in water is generated. This acid contains less than 3 parts per - million of uranium by weight of the liquid. This product is transferred to persons whose uses of the material are such that incorporation of uranium from the liquid is not likely to occur in any food, beverage, cosmetic, drug or other commodity designed for ingestion

         -            or inhalation by, or application to, a human being such that the uranium concentration in such items would exceed that which naturally exists.

The acid is collected in a bulk storage tank to await shipment. Material containing 3 or more parts per million uranium is not released for shipment. The total volume produced will vary based on manufacturing requirements. N LICENSE SNM-1097 DATE 5/34/84 PAGE DOCKET 70-1113 REVISIort 3 I-5.11

i Treated nitrate Wastes The nitrate bearing liquid is produced as a result of treating metal finishing solutions from onsite ' operations and nitrate wastes from the uranium processing operations. This colution is temporarily stored in the nitrate lagoons. This nitrate solution is utilized as part of the , nutrient system for the biological waste treatment facility owned by Federal Paper Board Company and located in Columbus County, North Carolina. The solution is transferred to the biological waste treatment facility by tank truck. f Source Point Sampling A grab sample is collected from each shipment and - analyzed for uranium concentration before release from the site. A composite of the grab samples taken in one day is also collected for subsequent uranium analysis and a weekly composite sample from the shipments is analyzed for gross alpha activity. 5 Action Ievel for Nitrate Wastes The action levels for the transfer of treated nitrate wastes to Federal Paper Board Company are as follows: One Truck sample - > 25 ppm U - investigate cause

                                                                                 > 50 ppm U - stop shipment Daily composite of trucks - >                                 3 ppm U 30 Day average -                                          >   3 ppm U of daily composites of trucks LICENSE         SNM-1097                                  DATE           5/14/84                              PAGE DOCKET          70-1113                                   nEVISIon                               3                     I-S.12 9

I i The lower limit of detection (LLD) utilized for uranium concentration in_the one truck sample taken before a , truck is released, is 10 ppm. The LLD for uranium concentration in the daily composite sample is 0.02 i ppm. i The lower limit of detection for the gross alpha I analysis is 5 pCi/l (5 x 10-9 pCi/ml). 9 4 5.1.5 Effluent Control Responsibilities Effluent Responsibility Effluent Control Monitoring Stream Airborne & Applicable Area Mgr-Regulatory Solid Effluents Manager - Compliance Liquid Effluents o Final Process Mgr-Facilities Mgr-Regulatory Lagoons Compliance - o Nitrate Wastes Mgr-Fuel Mgr-Regulatory Chem Operation Compliance o Hydrofluoric Mgr-Fuel Mgr-Regulatory ' Acid Chem Operation Compliance i. 5.2 ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING PROGRAM The environmental monitoring program incorporates the I point of release measurements described in Section 5.1 4 as well as the data generated from the programs described in this section. 3 1 i LICENSE SNM-1097 DATE 5/14/84 PAGE DOCKET 70-1113 REVISION 3 1-5.13 7

1 The monitoring program is summarized in Table 5.1 where


the current program components are listed. The site environmental monitoring program is dynamic, and changes are made in it as dictated by changes in operations and/or the emergence of new-found information. When a situation occurs which impacts on the environmental monitoring program, the manager of the . l environmental protection function decides whether a change in the program is warranted. If so, the change is made and the review action is documented. (Reference Section 1.8.9.) 5.2.1 Compliance with 40 CFR 190 Air Monitoring If the radioactivity in plant gaseous effluent exceeds 1,250 pCi per calendar quarter, a report shall be prepared and submitted to the Commission within 30 days , which identifies the cause of exceeding the limit and the corrective actions to be taken to. reduce release rates. If the parameters important to the dose assessment change, a report shall be submitted within 30 1 days which describes the changes in parameters and includes an estimate of the resultant change in dose commitment. In the event that the calculated dose to any member of the public in any consecutive 12-month period is about to exceed the limits specified in 40 CFR 190.10, immediate steps shall be taken to reduce emissions so as to comply with 40 CFR 190.10. As provided in 40 CFR LICENSE SNM-1097 DATE 5/14/84 PAGE DOCKET 70-1113 REVISIoM 3 I-5.14

TABLE 5.1 ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOLOGICAL MONITORING PROGRAM Figure Collection s*pp19 pelat Deference Eseple Type Frequency- paramet er Action Level Deteet ten Limit Air ment tering Airborne rigure 5.1 Composite Daily Cross alpha, >10:10-18vC1/m1, 1:10*l8e ci/cc gross di!ch!rges = gross beta gross alpha alpha ctack3 Cross alpha, 13:10*18sC1/m1, 1:10*l8pC1/cc gross weekly gross beta gross alpha alphe Amb1 Sat air rigure S.3 Composite Weekly Cross alpha o 40CFR190 Ilmits atitions o >3.45:10*l8sC1/m1 0.$s10*l8s ci/cc (Isotopics everage ambient air gross alpha

  • on monthly concentration per basis) quarter o 12 ponth everage ).9 a10**C1 S-rface water Disthirge f rom rigure 10.5 Composite Daily U content >5 ppm one day, >2 ppa 0.02 parts per daily average for n!!!!on (ppel fits! Process month lagoons Corpeelte Weekly drossAlpha > 3:10-8 >C1/m1 gross 3:10*8pC1/mi groes Cross Beta alpha alpher 5:10*8 pC1/m1 gross beta composite semi-annually Techniciug None 9e Nrrthiest Cape Figure 5.5 Crab Monthly U content 3 successive values 0.02 ppm 3 0. 2 p pm ract River =

Up:ttsam 4 Down2Lreen Kydrs!!voric ==* Crab Sefore U content 3 ppa 0.02 ppe csid tank or shipment terck Pitr*te weste stream c) Ammon!.m .-- Crab tech truck U content $25 pre U for single 10 ppm altrate tank . te schload, tot levels truck 750 ppm U for single trustload, 2nd level Composite of Daily U content ) .' pre D da!!y 0.02 ppm U

                                               ,                                                                                                  individual                                    corposite,1st levell
                                                         -                                                                                        truck samples                                >3 ppv U averaged over
                                                        -                                                                                         fer one day                                   30 days, 2nd level.

Weekly Weekly Cross Alpha --- SPC1/ggrossalphar composite of Cross tota 5:10' pCi/mi, gross truck beta samples b) Csnel sludge Figure 1.6 Crab Quarterly U centent 75 ppm 0 0.02 ppmu s) Clarifter rigure 5.6 Crab Cuarterly Cross alpha, 75 ppe U 0.01 ppeu sluge gross beta, 1s l0*'eC1/al, gross U content alpha ls10* eC1/el, gross beta dl zew say rigure $.6 Crab Cuarterly Cross alpha, same as above liquid gross beta, Cl His Bay Figure $.6 Crab Quarterly same se above cl<dge Cr,oss alpha, pl ppm U

                                                                                                                                                                               , ose beta, U rentent                                                                      ,,

LICENSE SNM-1097 DATE 5/14/84 PAGE DOCKET 70-1113 REVISION 3 I-5.15

l TABLE 5.1 ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOLOGICAL MONITORING PROGRAM (continued) Figure Collection Detection Limit Reference Sample Type Frequency Parameter Action Level Sample Point Quarterly Cross alpha, Same as above f) Carth Basin Figure 5.6 Crab gross beta liquid Quarterly U content, >$ ppm U Same as above g) Uttth Basin Figure S.6 Crab gross alpha, sludge gross beta Quarterly Cross alpha, Same as above h) C:p3 Fear Figure S.6 Grab gross beta Riv3r upstream Cross alpha, Same as above Figure S.6 Crab Quarterly il etpe Fear gross beta . Rivst dowIstreme Groundwat er U content 0.1 ppe 0.02 pra Crab Monthly cometnee anlet - citer supply U content 0.1 ppm 0.02 pps Figure S.7 Grab Monthly irr 83 ries welle Cross alpha >15 pC1/1 - gross 5 pC1/1 alpha Cross bet's >$0 pC1/1 - gross 20 pC1/1 beta U content 0.1 ppe 0.02 ppe Figure 5.7 Crab Quarterly AF esties wells Cross alpha >15 pC1/1 - gross 5 pC1/1

  • alpha Cross beta >$0 PC1/1 - gross 20 pC1/1 beta U content 0.1 ppe 0.02 ppa Figure S.7 Grab Monthly 2 s3 ries.wetts 5 pC1/1 Quarterly Cross alpha, >11 pct /1 - g oss FL, series wells Figare S.7 Crab a!pt.a II, 3, 5, 8, 11 snly Cross beta >$0 pC1/1 - gross 20 pC1/1 beta 0.1 ppe 0.02 ppe U content Area "

U content 0.7 pre 0.02 ppa Figure 5 4 Grab Quarterly doll LICENSE SNM-1097 DATE 5/14/84 PAGE DOC.ET 5 70-1113 p.tvISION 3 I-5.16 9

190.11, a petition may be submitted to the NRC for a variance from the requirements of 40 CFR 190.10. If a petition for a variance is anticipated, the request will be submitted at least 90 days prior to exceeding the limits specified in 40 CFR 190.10. These reports or petitions will be submitted to the Director, Office of Nuclear Material Safety & Safeguards, with a copy to the Region II Administrator. e Sampling & Measurement Air sampling stations are installed and operated in the prevailing wind directions, i.e., N, S, SW and NE, as shown in Figure 5.3. Air samples are collected continuously and, in addition to analysis for gross alpha, the samples at each location are composited and analyzed on a monthly basis for uranium isotopes with an analytical sensitivity of at least 10-16 pCi/ml. If the results of the campling program indicate a quarterly airborne uranium concentration of greater than 3.45 x 10-15 pCi/ml, within 30 days af ter receiving the analytical results an air sampling program will be

     -         instituted at the site boundary in the direction of the nearest resident to determine the particle size distribution of radioactive material with a cascade impactor of multiple stages covering nonrespirable and respirable particle size ranges. The particle size distribution analysis may be performed on a semiannual basis.

LICENSC SNM-1097 DATE 5/14 /84 PAGE 70-1113 BCVISION 3 I-5.17 DOCKET


                '-                                                                   AMBIENT AIR SAMPLING SITE PROPERTY            LINE
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I Samples taken at the station in the southern location shall be composited quarterly and analyzed for uranium solubility if the_ quarterly average airborne uranium concentration exceeds 3.45 x 10-15 pCi/ml. The solubility analysis shall follow the methodology and procedures established by Battelle Pacific Northwest Laboratories (" Solubility Classification of Airborne Products from Uranium Ores and Tailings Piles", D. R. ,_ Kalkwarf, BNWL, November 1978, and "Second Quarterly Report on Solubility Classification of Airborne Products from LWR-Fuel Plants", D. R. Kalkwarf, BNWL, October 15, 1979) or an equivalent method acceptable to the NRC. If a laboratory other than BNWL is used for the

      ,                analysis, a split sample will be provided to the NRC so that the NRC can perform a verification analysis.

5.2.2 Soil Sampling Program Objective Determ(ge if there is ascertainable deposition from stack discharges , Soil samples are collected and analyzed for uranium concentration to monitor for long term buildup of uranium concentrations attributable to plant operations. The locationc of these stations are concentrated along the predominent wind directions. Figure 5.4 details the

                       -sample locations.

The samples are collected on a quarterly basis and analyzed for uranium concentration. The results are recorded and evaluated against an internal action guide of 0.7 parts per million. LICENSC SNM-1097 DATE 5/14/84 PAGE DOCKCT' 70-1113 REVISION 3 I-5.19



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LICENSE SNM-1097 DATE 5/14/84 PAGE DOC!;CT 70-1113 REVISION 3 I-5.20 n .

l 5.2.3 Surface Water Sampling Northeast Cape Fear River Sampling Program Objective: Confirm source point and provide measure of effluent control effectiveness


The Northeast Cape Fear River is the receiving stream for treated liquid waste waters discharged from the facility. The river is routinely sampled to establish chemical uranium concentrations in the river upstream and downstream from the site. The sampling location, type of sample taken at each location and frequency of sampling are detailed in Figure 5.5. The data from the monitoring program are evaluated - against an internal action level. The uranium concentrations are typically less than 0.02 parts per million. The action level utilized in this program is l three successive values greater than 0.2 parts per million. The upstream and downstream results are reported monthly to the State of North Carolina. Treated Nitrate Waste Shipments Sampling Program Objective: Confirm source point data One segment of tne monitoring program is designed to address shipments of nitrate solutions to Federal Paper LICCNSE SNM-1097 DATE 5/14/84 PAGE DOCKET 70-1113 FEVISInn 3 I T-5.21 L


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                                                                     )[-                         i Sample Location                                                             Type         Precuency
                            $1 - Upstream Public Boat Dock                                    Grab         Weekly
                            %2 - Downstream Seaboard Coastline                                Grab         Week:f Railroad Bridge LICENSE            SNM-1097                    DATE               5/14/64                            FAGE DOCKET             70-1773                     nrvisION                 3                              1-5.22

r l Board Company Inc., Riegelwood, N. C., for use in their I waste treatment system.


Samples of water and sediment are' collected from selected locations in the Federal Paper Board waste l treatment system (see Figure 5.6 for locations) as well . l as locations in the Cape Fear River that are upstream and downstream from the outfall of the Federal Paper , waste treatment system. These 3amples are analyzed for t gross alpha and gross beta activity and uranium as detailed in Table 5.1. These results are compared against the action guides also listed in Table 5.1. . l 5.2.4 Groundwater l Principal Aquifer Sampling Program Objective: Assure quality of plant supply water The process and potable water for the site is supplied from wells (currently 15 in number) which draw from the principle aquifer. A grab sample is collected monthly on the combined incoming flow from these wells and analyzed for uranium content and the results are compared to the action guide in Table 5.1. l Water Table Aquifer Well Ssmpling Progran Objective:- Provide early warning of containment failure LICCNSE SNM-1097 DATE 5/14/84 PAGE DOCKET 70-1113 REVISION 3 T-5.23


I WMD f Upstream Nitrate f . Solution f I

  • f Canal f Cape Papermill -+ Clarifier ' New -* North -+f Fear Effluent V V Bay --

Basin f River ey ey J I = l l+ 1 f Downstream 1 1 I Sampling Points: Liquid e Sludge V i l i i l LICENSE SNM-1097 DATE 5/14/84 PAGE

DOCKET 70-1113 nCVISION 3 I-5.24
                                          .    - - , - - ,    r-.--.    - . ,,~      ~ - - - . - ,    - . , - - ,         - - - - -        -

Additional series of wells have been placed in the water table (shallow) aquifer immediately adjacent to potential sources of contamination such as lagoons and sludge storage areas. It should be noted that a number of other wells exist on ' site. These wells are not utilized in the environmental monitoring program but are available for special studies as needed. Reference Table 5.1 for details of the program and Figure 5.7 for location of the wells detailed in the . table. The data from the program are compared to the action guides listed in Table 5.1. 1 I 5.2.5 By-Product Hydrofluoric Acid Sampling - Program Objective: Assure that shipments meet action guides Hydrofluoric acid produced by the dry conversion process is available for sale. This material is analyzed for

            -           uranium content before shipment for comparison against the action guide as detailed in Table 5.1.

LICENSE SNM-1097 DATE 5/14/84 PAGE REVISICR 3 I-5.25 DUCKET 70-1113


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e LICENSE SNM-1097 DATE 5/14/84 PAGE DOCKET 70-ii13 nEvlsION 3 I-5.26 9

            -                        CHAPTER 6 SPECIAL PROCESS COMMITMENTS 6.1      UFc CYLINDER VALVE COVERS                                 .

UF 6 cylinders shall have valve covers in place while the cylinders are being moved. 6.2 UO, POWDER MOISTURE ANALYSIS & MOISTURE LIMIT Criticality safety analyses are based on a 50,000 ppm water-equivalent limit which is maintained through process controls. '- - Use of lower limits will be based on a specific criticality analysis and measurement of the moderator content. 6.3 TRANSFER OF UPS & FLUORIDE LIQUID WASTES FROM SAFE TO UNSAFE GEOMETRIES Prior to tuansfer from a safe to an unsafe geometry vessel, all UPS and fluoride liquid waste will be demonstrated by measurement to meet the criticality control limits for the unsafe geometry vessel. LICENSE SNM-1097 DATE 5/14/8g PAGE DOCKET 70-1113 REVISION 3 I-6.1

F CHAPTER 7 DECOMMISSIONING PLAN At the end of plant life, General Electric Company Wilmington Manufacturing Departmcnt shall decontaminate the facilities and site in accordance wO/h the Closure & Decommissioning Plan submitted on July 21, 1981, approved by the NRC on December 11, 1981, and as revised in accordance with regulatory provisions. The financial commitment from General Electric, to assure that funds will be available for decommissioning, which was submitted on May 14, 1979, shall remain in effect.

2. .
 .o LICENSE  SNM-1097          DATE           5/14/24                 PAGE DOCKOT   70-1113           REVISIO::            3                   I-7,1
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maintain a capability for handling emergencies in accordance with the Radiological Contingency & Emergency Plan, submitted to the

                   . NRC on August 27, 1981, as supplemented-on January 14, 1982,                                                                              -

approved by the NRC on March 29, 1982, and as revised in ) accordance with regulatory provisions. GE will make no changes to the Plan which would decrease its effectiveness without prior approval of the Commission. A record of authorized changes will be maintained for a period of two years.

                      ' Changes, which do not decrease the effectiveness of the Plan, will.

be reported within six months of the change to the Chief, Uranium Fuel Licensing Branch, Division of Fuel Cycle & Material Safety, Washington, D. C. , 20555, with a copy to the Administrator, NRC

                    ., Region II, 101 Marietta Street, Suite 2900, Atlanta, Georgia

The requirements of the Plan shall be implemented through approved written procedures maintained by the licensee. ~ 1 l l LICENSE SNM-1097 DATE 5/14/84 PAGE 1 DOCKET 70-1113 REVISION 3 I-8.1 l


p 9K ( . - JAN 2 31984 MEMORANDUM FOR: Ralph G. Page Chief, Uranium Fuel Licensing Branch, Division of Fuel Cycle and Material Safety FROM: J. Philip Stohr, Director, Division of Emergency Preparedness and Materials Safety Programs


COMMENTS ON GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPAN! LICENSE RENEWAL APPLICATION SNM-1097 Enclosed for your consideration are additional comments relating to the radiological and criticality safety, aspects of the subject license renewal application. J. Philip Stohr Encle::::r::: Comments on G.E. License Renewal Application SNM-1097 RII RII i W EJMcAlpine JPSt hr I!'-l84 .s i n y .in.a. W NIf h If'


                      *gfpe Etsg'o 4
      -                                              , LEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION g
             ,       f                                            C E SIO N ll
                    $*                                  101 MARIETTA STREET,N.W.
  • ATLANTA. GEORGIA 30303 Deceaber 21, 1983

MEMORANDUM FOR: Edward J. McAlpine, Chief Materials Control and Accountability Section - Safeguards Branch Division of Emergency Preparedness and Materials Safety Programs FROM: Kenneth P. Barr, Chief Facilities Radiation Protection Section

  • Operational Program Branch Division of Engineering and Operational Programs


COMENTS ON GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY LICENSE RENEWAL ' APPLICATION DATED JULY 25,1983,[SNM-1097] The facilities radiation protection section has reviewed the radiological safety aspects of the subject license renewal application. The following comments are provided: CHAPTER 1 Section 1.8.2. This section should specify what type of survey instrument [e.g. ion chamber, alpha scintillation, GM, etc.] which should be used for performing , fixed alpha contamination measurements for releasing material. The section - should also define the term " removable" as it relates to contamination [e.g. capable of being removed by wiping the surface, using moderate pressure with a dry filter paper or soft absorbent paper]. , Section 1.8.10. This section differs from the current licensee requirement. The - current license specifies that sufficient absorbent should be added so that the radioactive material concentration does not exceed 30 pCi/ gram of dry absorbent.

                     .The license application is more restrictive, in that the weight of added absorbent cannot be included in determining if the concentration meets the 30 pCi/ gram limit. NMSS should determine if the licensee intended to make the requirements more restrictive.


Section 2.1. A paragraph should be added to this section which states that
                      " employees are required to follow written radiation protection procedures, posted radiation protection instructions and verbal instruction from radiation protec-tion personnel." Unlike most other nuclear facilities, GE has no enforceable policy that employees will follow radiation protection procedures, or any other safety related procedure. GE should include such a requirement in the applica-                               '

tion or it should be imposed as a license condition. i , , CONTACT: C. M. Hosey Ext. 2695 . g 4

   . Edward J. McAlpine                           2                                       December 21, 1983 Section 2.2.1     This orpenizational structure is not acceptable.                           The key organizational position; described do not reflect the current organization at GE.

Currently, the manager, nuclear safety engineering is acting as manager of both the radiation safety function and the criticality safety function. However, this fact is not indicated in this section. Also it is unclear how the position of manager of the radiation protection function relates to the manager of the radiation safety function. In the organization of chart shown in section, the Manager Radiation Protection and the Manager, Nuclear Safety Engineering are equal in rank, e.g. both report to Manager, Regulatory Compliance. As GE has written the responsibilities in Se'ction 2.2.1, a subordinate to the Manager, Nuclear Safety Engineering (Manager, Radiation Safety Functions) could be establishing the radiation protection program and. directing the activities of a more senior manager through the preparation of procedures, guidance and criteria. The responsibility for the implementing operational radation protection program at the facility (directing the day-to-day activities) should reside in a single position which incorporates the elements contained in the radiation safety and radiation protection function. This position should have equal or greater rank than the area managers and should be independent of production responsibilities. Section The emergency planning responsibility should be deleted. This function is performed by the licensee's emergency preparedness coordinator. Also, a paragraph should be added to give this function the responsibility for reviewing and approving all procedures and other work documents which involve the handling of radioactive material or radiation exposure. Section The licensee's application did not satisfactorily answer the NRC conccrn st;sut the authority of the Radiation Protection Manager to imediately shutdown any operation believed to threaten the health and safety of employees or the public, in that it only states the function has the authority to recomend shutdown of operations. No authority is required to recommend. The section should state "The Radiation Protective Manager has the authority to direct the safe shutdown of any operation believed to threaten the health and safety of employees or the public." Section 2.3.1. The Wilmington Safety Review Committee should have a formal audit ) function, such that, over a specified period of time, the comittee members or technical experts selected by the comittee, audit each major area of plant operations. Section 2.5.2. This section states that the criticality safety function and the radiation safety function is currently vested in one manager. The section should specify which manager this is. . Section This section states that at least one of the two members of the criticality safety function shall be physically located at WMD. This literally means one of the individuals must be on site at all times. It is not believed that this is the intent of this statement. The licensee should clarify this requirement.

l*- . Edward J. McAlpine 3 Section The experience required of the radiation protection manager is inadequate. This RPM should have a minimum of four years in applied radiation protection work, with at least two years in a supervisory radiation protection position. If the individual does not have a BS degree in a scientific field preferably health physics, then the individual should have a high school diploma and at least eight years of applied radiation protection work, at least three years of the experience will be at a nuclear facility dealing with radiological problems similar to those encountered at WMD and at least two years of super-visory radiation protection experience. , Section 2.6. First sentence should indicate that nuclear safety training includes radiological safety and criticality safety training. The th,ird para-graph states that employees routinely working with SNM are retrained annually. Term " routinely" should be defined. Also the paragraph should specify that retesting will be accomplished. Section 2.6 should be expanded to include a discussion of the training / qualification program for radiation protection personnel (trainees, technicians and supervisors). Section 2.7. Sentence should be changed to read "all activities involving the < handling of special nuclear material and oth~er radioactive material and radio-logical health and safety practices will be conducted in accordance with properly issued procedures or instructions". Section 2.7.1. Area manager should also be tasked with the responsibility for ensuring that procedures are implemented. The second paragraph should be changed to include the statement, ." procedures for personnel radiation protection shall be prepared consistent with the requirements of 10 CFR 20 and shall be approved, maintained and adhered to for all operations involving personnel radiation exposure." Section 2.8.1. The planning of audits performed by the criticality safety function and the radiation safety function should be performed by the respectively functions and approved by the manager, Regulatory Compliance, who has overall responsibility for the audit functions. This section should be revised to specifically include audits of the radiation protection program. Section 2.8 should be revised to discuss audits performed by the licensing and nuclear material management group. Section 2.9 This section doesn't address investigations,10 CFR 21 events or items listed in Appendix B, Regulatory Guide 3.52 as suggested in paragraph 2.9 i of the Reg. Guide 3.52. Section 2.10 The following records should also be maintained for two years: , Records of abnormal and off normal occurrences and events associated with radioactivity releases Investigations performed when administrative limits are exceeded , Radiation surveys

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Edward J. McAlpine 4 CHAPTER 3 Section 3.1.1 Third paragraph should be revised to delete the approval of RWFs by technicians.


Section This section does not address all the items specified in Reg. ) Guide 3.5Z. The' licensee should include in this section, testing methods and frequency of test for the HEPA filters and the scrubbers. The filters should be I tested using ANSI standard N510-1980. The licensee should periodically  ! (annually) determine the efficiency of the scrubbers. Table 3.2 Should include fixed (inplant and stack) and portable air sampling equipment. Section Section should require that radiation detection instruments and air sampling equipment be calibrated in accorandance with written, approved procedures. The section should also include a statement that flow rate meters on air sampling equipment will be calibrated annually or replaced annually with a meter that has been factory calibrated. Calibration certificate for the meter will be maintained for two years. Section This section states that the process area atmospheric pressure shall be negative relative to the outside. This section should be revised to include a discussion of how the differential pressure is to be determined and how frequently will it be checked. Section The table contained within this section should be revised to incorporete units under the column entitled " Derived Airborne Concentration." The section should also specify that an investigation by the radiation safety function will be performed and documented if an individual's lung burden is indicated to be greater than 250 micrograms U-235. Section The minimum protective clothing requirements for visitors should include a conditional statement that entry will be for observations, collecting data or inspections and that radioactive material will not be handled. Section This section should be revised to require notification of radiation protection if an individual finds himself contaminated when exiting the controlled area. This notification must be performed before the individual attempts self-decontamination. Section As written, this section implies that all personnel are monitored for external exposure by a dosimetry device. This is not the practice at GE. The paragraph should state that when monitoring is required by 10 CFR 20, dosimetry devices will be used. This section should provide specific examples of when, extremity monitoring is not used, but rather engineering studies. Basis for using engineering studies should be included.

Edward J. McAlpine 5 CHAPTER 5 Section 5.1.1 See comment for Section Section This section should indicate that sampling of airborne effluents meets the requirements of ANSI N13.1-1969 or as equivalent standard. Section The internal stack action guide should be specified in this paragraph. Section This section references a system for collecting a composite sample proportioned to flow from the final process lagoons. It specifies that a fixed aliquot is collected for each unit discharged. The section should specify what the aliquot is (e.g. I ml/10,000 gallons). Fic ure 10.2 Licensee should provide new drawing which reflects the modifications mace to the process area to accommodate the &W pellet production operations. (, rnKenneth Barr P. y t w

                                       -r           _-     - -. -   - ,
                                                                                                    /d-///3 GENERAL $ ELECTRIC wu.MINGTON MANUFACTURING DEPARTMENT GENERAL ELECTRIC COMMNY
  • P.O. BOX 780 WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROUNA 98402 April 4, 1984 W Ii'} s Chief, Uranium Fuel Licensing Branch 9- RECEI O j '..~!'.. _

Division of Fuel Cycle & Material Safety C C.- - Nuclear Material Safety & Safeguards " Mb U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission e 4huarzy#0';fj'ff fcIWG4 Washington, D. C. 20555 . Rett su,;,,  ;

Dear Sir:

tot 1 -


NRC License SNM-1097, Docket 470-1113 With respect to activities authorized by NRC License SNM-1097, General Electric Company Wilmington Manufacturing Department hereby submits Revisions 1 and 2 to the Radiological Contingency & Emergency Plan. This plan was approved by the NRC on March 29, 1982, in Amendment #24 to SNM-1097. Attachment I contains a descriptive listing of the changes made which do not require NRC approval prior to implementation and Attachment 2 contains the revised pages. If you require further information related to this matter, please contact me.

      .,                                      Very truly yours,


               ..                                                ff.            dA)' w"~

Charles M. Vaughan, Manag't;r Licensing & Nuclear Materials Management M/C J26 CMV:bsd


Attachment /c

                                                            /[                    /,$    '

es;, G l'oc[y cc: Administrator, NRC-RII g APg , ) c::~ .. l"?n4

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N9EY 1fLI$2DlsEi- 2 VF: y

GENERAL $ ELECTRIC Chief, Uranium Fuel Licensing Branch April 4, 1984 ATTACHMENT 1 RADIOLOGICAL CONTINGENCY & EMERGENCY PL.TN CHANGES NOT REQUIRING NRC APPROVAL , PRIOR TO IMPLEMENTATION REVISION 41 Dated 12/26/83 Pages Description 10-2 Letters of agreement with offsite agencies have been through updated. 10-14 Appendix J 401, " Fire &/or Explosion" emergency procedure has been 401-A-1 updated 402, " Criticality" emergency procedure has been updated 402-A-1 403, " Radiological Incident" emergency procedure has been

            . 403-A-1         updated REVISION (2 Dated 4/4/84 Pages           Description 4-2             Chart has been updated to reflect current organization.                            ,

4-4 Chart has been updated to reflect current organization. C. M. Vaughan

bsd 2 i l l -- 1


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(~ supervisory personnel indicated as interims.will assume -i command until the emergency members arrive. 4.2 On-Site Emergency and-Radiological-Contingency Response Organization - This section describes the on-site emergency - , organization of plant staff personnel as set forth in Table 4.2 for controlling each class of emergency for . . . both day and night shift situations. 4.2.1 Direction and Coordination A senior operations manager for each building / area is designated as the Building Manager for the Wilmington - Manufacturing Department facilities, as shown in Table 4.2. The Building Manager will handle unusual incidents ' I within his designated jurisdiction which are classified as Local Plant Emergency or below. His responsibilities

      )               -

include direction and coordinationlof the emergency incident until the emergency is terminated or until he transfers the direction and coordination of the

emergency to the Emergency Director. The Emergency
,                                 Director has the authority to assume direction and
           ,..                    coordination for emergency' incidents at any level of severity.

The Manager, Quality Assurance, is designated as the Emergency Director, to be succeeded by the Manager, -

                                                                                                      ~.2 Manufacturing Technology & Engineering Operation, or one                      I of the four other alternates identified in the                  .       I procedures. Appendix B identifies the index of                         -

j procedures for various emergency conditions.. ' I l WMD RADIOLOGICAL' CONTINGENCY & EMERGENCY PLAN Page

License No. SNM-1097- Section No. -

4 4-3 J. Amand. No 0-- ,m. mend . DatC l/18/82 Amend. Secliun(s) , e


              .                        .         i             .                         .              I           .


4.0 ORGANIZATIONAL CONTROL OF EMERGENCIES AND/OR RADIOLOGICAL CONTINGENCIES This section describes the emergency organization ' activated on-site and its augmentation and support by off-site functions. It delineates the authorities and responsibilities of key individuals and groups and identifies the communication links for notifying, alerting, and mobilizing emergency personnel. Each of the potential emergencies has its own unique communication link and initialing characteristics (i.e., .1 audible alarms which are site-wide in the event of fire or explosion, audible and visible alarms in the event of a fire or criticality, and telephone for other emergencies) which mobilize emergency personnel to handle the emergency situation to which they are assigned. 1 4.1 Normal-Plant-Organization The Wilmington Manufacturing Department organization for normal operations is shown in Table 4.1. The table shows the levels of responsibility within the plant. 1 A member of the Department Staff serves as Emergency Director. The Department Staff serves in an advisory function in an emergency situation.

                ,                                                                                                                                     A specific Emergency Organization is described in the following                                                                                            .       _. . _


             .,                                   section of the Plan. Individuals in management have been designated as prime members within the Emergency                                                                                               -

Organization with alternates identified for when prime " ' members are out of town. Specific individuals or .


1 [ WMD RADIOLOGICAL CONTINGENCY ^& EMERGENCY PLAN Page (; License No. SNM-1097 Section No. - 4 4-1 [ Amand. No. O' Amend. Date 1/18/82 Amend Sectien(c)




1 g 10.0 APPENDICES This section cont.ains supplementary information as  ; referenced in the Wilmington Manufacturing Department i Emergency Plan.  ; I APPENDIX A Letters of Agreement APPENDIX B Implementing Emergency Procedure List APPENDIX C Emergency Equipment Categories APPENDIX D Emergency Director Delegation Letter APPENDIX E Support Agency Emergency Plan List APPENDIX F Site Plan Wilmington Manufacturing Department APPENDIX G Dose / Distance Plot APPENDIX H Photograph Exhibits APPENDIX I MAPS APPENDIX J Emergency Procedures Exhibits for Demonstration Purposes Only

                                                                           ~ ..    .

s s , WMD EMERGENCY & CONTINGENCY PLAN Page fkicenseNo.SNM-1097 Section No. 10 10-1 Amand. No. _ 0 Amend. Date 1/18/82 Amend. Section(s)



t s WMD EMERGENCY & CONTINGENCY PLAN Paf 4 l Lic0nse No. SNM-1097 Section No. 10 10-2

AmOnd. No. 1 Amend. Da te 12/26/83 Amend. Section(s)
                                                                                            ,.n,-     .,,,s-.-w-           -~

__ . . - - - . .o ,4 .. (NEh9 HANOVER MEMORIAL HOSPITAL 2131 SOUTH 17th STREET . WILMINGTON. N. C.' 28401 November 8, 1982 Mr. Julian H. Bradberry, Jr. - Emergency Preparedness Coordinator General Electric Company P.O. Box 780 Wilmington, N.C. 28401

Dear Mr. Bradberry:

As General Electric's Wilmington Manufacturing Department's support Hospital, this is to again confirm our existing arrange-ments to treat patients who may be contaminated with radioactive and/or hazardous materials. copies of the plan of treatment are located both at your plant and in the Emergency Department and Outpatient Decontamination Area of this Hospital. As previously agreed, these plans will be updated as changes are needed. New Hanover Memorial Hospital appreciates the fine cooperation and radiation training that General Electric has provided for our personnel and we look forward to a continued fine relationship.. Sincerely,-

                                                                           ~A   -
      ,.                                                          J. Tommy Lewis

_ Assistant Director Hospital Operations JTL:ab . CC: -% Mr. William F. Morrison (Contract File) -0

                                                                                                                            .     .4 s

s - [ WMD EMERGENCY & CONTINGENCY PLAN Pag e . Lic:nse No. SNM-1097 Section No. 10 10-3 AmOnd. No. 1 Amend Da te 12/26/83 Amend. SectiOn(S)


  • Cngs 576 CASTLE MAyME noAo . wateM7ssonO WILU A%1IV. k.

WILMINGTON, N. C. ^*5' ("s January 18, 1982 - Mr. J. H. Bradberry, Jr. Emergency Preparedness Coordinator General Electric Company P. O. Box 780 Wilmington, North Carolina 28402

Dear Mr. Bradberry:

To confirm your letter of January 14, 1982, this is to assure the General Electric Company of our intent to provide emergency aid upon their request for fire or disaster assistance.


Sinc rel . skoktj, C ief Wrightsboro olunteer Fire Department, Inc. 576 Castle ayne Road

      .,Wilmington, North Carolina                                28401 O #
                                                                                                               . - Y$
                                                                                                             ,         . .=:
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WMD EMERGENCY & CONTINGENCY PLAN Pag g. Lic0nse No. SNM-1097 Section No.' 10 10-4 . Mend. NO. 1 Amend. Date 12/26f'83 Amend. Section(s)

        .                                                 CASTLE HAYNE

(' VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT, INC. Castle Hayne, N.C. 28429 - t f' 'd t . General Electric Company '...' '.." E. 7 r P.O. Bor 780 Wilmington. North Carolina.28402 , Attn Mr. J.H., Bradberry Jr.- Emergency Preparedness Coordinatore Dear Mr.. Bradberry; To confirm our recent' conversation and your11etter of. January 14 1982, this is:to assure the General Electric Company of our intent to provide emergency aid: . upon request for fire or disaster assistance. Q Very truly yours, f,hyr2A k . Elmer F. Ramsey (Chief)  : Castle Hayne Vol. Fbre D'ept. P.O. Box 265 Castle Hayne, NCI28429

                                                                                                                                       ~~                 .
              .       .                                                                                                                                                          ~

( . WMD EMERGENCY & CONTINGENCY PLAN Page. l .icense No. SNM-1097 Section No. 10 10-5 Amand. No. 1 Amend. Date 12/26/83 _ Amend. Section(s)

B ^ p) 6pa'en Y/oluntees 9?euue Squad Gnc. gfL@ P. O BOX 3032. NEW HANOVER COUNTY WILMINGTON. NORTH CAROLINA 28406 A c4 - February 16, 1982 . Mr. J. H. Bradberry, Jr. . Emergency Preparedness Coordinator General Electric Co. P. O. Box 780 Wilmington, n. c. 28401

Dear Mr. Bradberry:

Thia lottar 4 ? to confirm the ability and willingness of the Ogden Volunteer Rescue Squad, Inc. t respond to requests for e=ergency support in the event of illness or injury occuring at the General Electric Company in Wilmington.

               ' Emergency Medical Services are available twenty-four hours a day with equipped vehicles and state certified E=ergency Medical Technicians.
                    .                                                                                                                  m.                 ,

Sincerely, - i f  % l ... Jh p ( '

                                                                                                                                                      ~       ~

William J. F ray, Jr. \l - s Chief - s .

 . . ~ . - .                           - . _ - . . .

WMD EMERGENCY & CONTINGENCY PLAN Pag [ g Lic;nse No. SNM-1097 Section No. 10 10-6 AmOnd. No. 1 Amend . Da te 12/26/83 Amend. Section(S)

b l ( )

                                                                         %gNOVER Co
                                                              +4                                                                                                                                    r SHIRIFF5 DEPARTMENT                                                                                                                                 '

WILklNGTON. NORTH CAROLINA 284ot-4591 PHONE (919) 343041I Jesset McQue.n.Jr. M

  • January 19, 1983 l

1 J.H. Bradberry, Jr. 1 l Emergency Preparedness Coordinator General Electric Company l ' P.O. Box 780 j Wilmington, NC 28402 M/C J-26 l

Dear Brad:

la the event that you would request assistance for General Electric's Wilmington Plant from the New Hanover County Sheriff's Department, we would provide the following:

  • Investigative law enforcement services. This would be to i

l conduct any criminal investigation your plant requests. All that has to be done is for a call to be initiated by ( your office to this Department and Officers will be immed-intely dispatched to conduct necessary invastigation. This Department will provide for your plant any necessary traffic control upon your request. This, of course will cover any special activities or other traffic problema you have in and around your plant. I-

                   .                              This Department will also provide Deputies, upon your
  • request, for protection of plant property in the event of disturbances or disorders. .
  • This Department has ninety-two sworn Deputies, all of .
                              '  ',                 whom are cross-trained so they can be used in various
  • situations. Each L*niform Patrol shif t has eight(8) i Deputies, along with several Detectives on each shift.
                                                   'we also have.two " Crime Scene" Cfficers who are available twenty-four(24) hours per day.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               , '.T. .

s < [ t WMD EMERGENCY & CONTINGENCY PLAN Pag e . uicanse No. SNM-1097 Section No. 10 10-7 Amund_. No. 1 Amend. Da te 12/26/83 Amend. Section(s)

n.- -

                                                                                                             .     .. ~ --... --           -
                                                                                                                                 =         .

p ovERy Co T:

                                            +                                                P SHER!ITS DtPAsTMENT                                                                  -

WILailNGTON, NORTH CAROUN A 28401-4391 PHONt (919) 3434418 Jeanpn Mcoma. St. shenff J.H. Bradberry, Jr. (continued) Additionally, this Department has radiological monitoring teams which, upon your request, could assist in kny basardous spills or accidents. Therefore, in the event of an emergency, this Department ' would be able to supply an adequate number of Deputies and Detectives with vehicles at any given time. Within an hour's time, this Departnant can alert at least thirty (30) Regular and Special Deputies, if they are needed. This Department is willing to participate in any preplanned activity on a periodic basis. - We stand ready to serve your plant as we have in previous years. 4 Sincerely, l Joseph McQueen Jr. [ . I * ' '~-

  • JMcQ/ dss .


                                                     .?-       -     .       --

WMD EMERGENCY & CONTINGENCY PLAN Pag { Lic3nse No. SNM-1097 Section No. 10 10-6 ' Amsnd. No. 1 Amend. Date 12/26/83 Amend. Section(s)

4 0

            .                                        North Carolina Depanment of
n. o ,

c onme contro1 e . 512 N. Salisbury Street

                                                                    &PublicSafet P. O. Box 27687 Raleigh 276117687       (919) 733-2126              -

James B. Hunt, Jr., Govemor Heman R. Clark, Secretary . March 17, 1983 Mr. J. H. Bradberry, Emergency Preparedness Coordinator ' General Electric Energy Products Division ~ Wilmington Manufacturing Department M/C 3-26 Castle Hayne Road P. O. Box 780 Wilmington, NC 28401

Dear Mr. Bradberry:

This serves as the State of North Carolina's official letter of intent to respond to any emergency at your facility which has potential off-site effects. Under Horth Carolina General Statutes the Department of Crime Control and Public Safety is responsible for the planning and coordination of any emergency . response that involves two or more State agencies. , v- The~ direction of this response activity would be conducted through the State


Emergency Response Team. Depending on the type and magnitude of the emergency, selected members of the Crime Control and Public Safety staff will assemble with ' representatives from other agencies at or near the eniergency site. The senior personnel selected comprise a team of experts who have both authority and knowledge to efficiently and effectively allocate those resources of their agencies. Please note that prior to the arrival of the SERT it is expected that experts at".your facility would initiate any needed off-site monitoring, as well as make recommendations to local governments for needed nrotective actions. Initial notification should be sent both to the local government and to the State Warning Point. The receipt of this notification by the State will initiate notification of the proper State agencies and will ensure their prompt response. -:..._ inferely, .: L U v



                          ,                                             ' Heman R. Clark                        s
                  ~_ . . . _ . _ -              _ . _ _ _ . _ _ - . _ . _ _ _ _ _ - . . . - - -

[N I WMD EMERGENCY & CONTINGENCY PLAN . Pag e . sicense No. SNM-1097 'Section No. 10 10-9 Amand. No. 1 Amend. Date 12/26/83 Amend. Section(s) w-

T e





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9 WMD EMERGENCY & CONTINGENCY PLAN Pagh b Licanse No. SNM-1097 Section No. 10 10-10 Amand. No. 1 Amend. Date 12/26/83 Amend. Section(s) w- , w- -- w

b i Departinent of Energy Ook Rdge Operations P.O. Box E OakRidge, Tennessee 37830 . JAN 2 8 m2 3 Mr. J. E. Bradberry Energency Preparedness Cocedinator Nuclear Energy Products Division General Electric Ccrgeny Post Office Box 780 - Wilmingecm, North Carolina 28401

Dear Mr. Bradberry:

RhDINrIQt DIE 3GENCY ASSISDNCE CENZER TRAINDX3 SITE 00mCIS) In response to your letter of January 14, 1982, we are pleased to in-form you that the DOE RDCTS facility and tearn are available to provide backup support and assistance to the WLimington Nuclear Burgy Products Divisicri of accident orthe General Electric Ccspany in the event of a radiological incident. - - 4 The RDCIS facility is operated by the Oak Ridge Asocciated Universities 4 (CRAU) for the U.S. Department of Energy (DGE). Dr. Earl F. Ecbner is the Director of RD CIS. The RDCIS facility and team are part of a continuing DOE program, however, the availability of RDCIs assistance ' is dependent en continuing federal appropriations. 4 Tr.: :::AT::; provides modern facilities for emergency treatment for victims of radiation accidents. It is designed to cope with any t espesure act.ident wttich might occur in the Oak Ridge area.ype of radiation The RDCTS J staff is prepared to cccur outside the Oak Ridge area.provide advice and assistance when radiatien accidents

. the RD CTS staff is involved en a dally basis in training prograres andSince rad
 ,                    -                                radiation exposure studies utilizing the facility to assure its ccnstant readiness.

3 . . i , / Es cIs is also a source of informatien on the medical aspects of human exposure to radiation. j A system of records of htanan radiation effects fecm accidental and medical exposures has been established and serves 3 as a basis for epidemiological studies as well as providing useful a data for these immived in handling radiation accidents. .- x -

                                                                                                                                                                                .                     ~


              -.              .                                                          ,                                                                      MT,UM.

4 1 [ WMD EMERGENCY & CONTINGENCY PLAN Page t i sicense No. SNM-1097 Section No. 10 10-11 1 Amand. No. 1 Amend. Date 12/26/83 Amend. Section(s)


                                                                                                                                       )       ,

Mr. J. H. Bradberry JA.*! 2 8 ;332 No fee or retainer is required to assure the availability of backup services by RDCIS. Bowever, should you desire to utilize the services of RDC:S, we would expect to recover thcee costs which cculd reasonably ' be related to handling such an incident including all charges billed to DOE or CRAD by hospitals and physicians. You are free to inform the Nuclear Regulatory Ccumnissien that RDCTS is available as a backup sup-sort capability to your ongoing program. Informatim concerning the R m crs facilities, staff, services available and procedores for seeking RECIS assistance can be obtained by direct contact with the RDC5 Director, Dr. Rarl F. Hutmer, Oak Ridge Associated Universities, Post Office Box 117, Cak Ridge, Terr *.ssee 37830 or telegtene (615) 576-3098. We trust this informatim is adequate for your needs. sincerely,

                                                                                     **v Willian R. Bibb, Director ER-13: REB                            Research Divisim cc   C. C. Lushbaugh, ORAD             ,

K. F. Hubner, ORAD C. W. Blingtm, ER-70, HQ, GIN . J. W. Thicesen, IR-71, IQ, GIN ~ W. P. Snyder CI:-10, 0f0 J. W. Range, M-4, 30 og

                                                                            -                                                      .       n s

WMD EMERGENCY & CONTINGENCY PLAN Pagh % Licsnse No. SNM-1097 Section No. 10 10-12 Amand. No. 1 Amend. Da te 12/26/83 Amend. Section(s)

Greenvme County Sheriffs Dsps u (u ii. JCHNPM1ACK EROWN. SHERIFF *' January 16. 1984 ' - I i l . Mr. J. M. Bradberry. Jr. . i Emergency Preparedness Coordinator , General Electric Corporation ' P.O.hu7M i* Wilmington. North Carolina 28402 Dear Mr. Bradberry - i In the event that Easte'n r Distribution or ADT would I request assistance from the Creenv111e County Sheriff's , Department for General Electric's warehouse at Donaldson f Center, we would provide the following: Investigative law enforcement services. This would be to conduct any criminal investigation your ware-

  • house requests. All that has to be done is for a
                                  .                                            call to be initiated by your office to this depart-                                -


  • ment and officers will be dispatched to conduct any }

.' necessary investigation. " [ {(

  • 1
!                                                                             This department will provide for your warehouse any necessary traffic control upon your request. This.                                                                            !.
  • of course, will cover any special activities or other ,'
                               .                                              traffic problema you any have in and around your warehouse.                                   .                                                                                                         .

This department will also provide deputies, upon your request. for protection of varehouse property in the event of disturbances or disorders. - This department has one hundred eighty-three (183) sworn deputies, all of whom are cross trained so they i can be used in various situations. Each Uniform Patrol shift has thirty (30) or more deputies, several l detectives on each shift. as well as a Riot Team. SWAT team and Dive Team who are available twenty-four (24) 'N .

                                                                                                                                                                                                                             - = .a 4 McGEE STREET / GREEPMuE SOUTH CAROLF4A 29601(803) 2715280                                                                              .,           .h A
                                                                                                  .                                                                                                                                  ~

WMD RADIOLOGICAL CONTINGENCY & EMERGENCY PLAN Page [ ccnse No. SNM-1097 Section No. 10-13 i xiind. No. 1 Am'end. Da te --.12/26/83 Amend. Section(s)

                                                                                                                              ., e ; . t c,-    - . . . -          - , ,     . , , , - . - - - ,           .e-,.     .p. .,y       , , - , -- -,.                  .    . , , . ,.---- . .  -_m-.y-   -

r - - - - --- -- - , - - , - , . - - - -

             .                                                                                                                                               1 f

i Fase Two I ' Mr. J. E. Bradberry, Jr. January 16, 1984 , . hours per day. so therefore, in the event of an - emergency, this department would be able to supply  ! en adequate number of Deputies and Investigators  ! . with vehicles at any given time. This department also has a Bomb Team well trained in handling explosive and incendiary devices. We stand read' y to serve'your plant as we have during . , the past. . r Yaurs very truly. l . f g }

                                                                                         )f Jo 3 ' Mack Brown sh<tri f
  • I
  • JMassa .

w ,, l r. - t . t l l l l WMD RADIOLOGICAL CONTINGENCY & EMERGENCY PLAN Pag h h i Licanse No. SNM-1097 -

                                                                                'Section No.                                                          10-14 Amand. No.                     1   Amend. Date           12/26/83            Amend. Section(s) i


1. Castle Hayne Quadrangle North Carolina, 7.5 Minute Series
2. Map of Wilmington, North Carolina, Metro Area ~
3. Site map of the Wilmington Manufacturing Department

( - ~ ~.. , 4 1 g #

    /                                WMD EMERGENCY & CONTINGENCY PLAN                                                                                                                      Page License No. SNM-1097                    -

Section No.-APPENDIX H 10-37 1 Amand. No. 0 - ' Amen'd. Dat 1/18/82 Amend. Section(s) o

                                                      ,_   . - - - , . . , , , . ,       y _-,. , _ . ,             ,    __       y__,-i,.,__,._--.._.3         _           . - - -  --_,mT     e          


                  .                                                                ~~.~                        .

WMD EMERGENCY & CONTINGENCY PLAN Pag ! Licanse No. SNM-1097 Section No. 10 10-38 ' Amand. No. 1 Amend. Date 12/26/83 Amend. Section(s). Append. J e

                        .                       -.                        . - _ = -_                    - - _ - - .          -     -            - -- - _ . ._ _.---




1. CLASSIFICATION LEVEL: Incal Plant Baergency . A situation affecting only a local area of the plant and involving relatively few personnel. It may require evacuation of the affected area, but it can be controlled by
                                                                                    '                                                                    the Building Manager and the resources normally at his disposal.

Operational Plant . A situation which presents a hasard to a I j Emergency or Site Emergency major portion of a plant operation, and/or to - a significant number of personnel. The i j Emergency Director, site emergency teams and - t possibily off-site support agencies are i . required. For site emergencies release of hasardous material to the environment may be

  • involved to the extent that protective j

measures for off-site individuals may be warranted.

2. INITIATING SIGNAL: Incal Plant Emergency - Report of Situation and/or Fire Alarm Operational Plant Emergency or Site Esergency - Decision by Building Manager and Sounding of Second Alarm
3. EMERGENCY PERSONNEL WORK STATIOtts (Operational Plant' Baergency or Site Bsergency Only)
  • l Fune' tion Emergency Incident 1

Control Center location Stand-By Bsergency Director X

  • Building Manager X Industrial Safety Manager X Baergency Response Team X
                           ,                                        Nuclear Safety Advisor
  • I Monitor Team * .



Building First Aid X l g Building Search & Rescue X Pscilities Manager *,

                                                                                                                 .                   X I                                         Entry Team                                                                                          X                                                                               '

f Staging Area Supervisor * . X l II....t n4J.iul X Recorder X j g Environmental Engineer X

                                          *i                  Funetton                                               Prime                       Alternate                                        Interim Baergency Director                                                   Hee                         JL Ha rmon                                       manxing Site Manager
                                               , Building Managers                              FNO                  JE Bergman SF Bentley                                       Foreman-Powder Prod PCO                  WP noss                      EE Palmer B*    Foreman-TC&A**

ESO WW McMahon JF Wolfe AEG EE Spenner Foreman-Mfg (CR& Proc) . Foreman-AEG Bldg J RA Petelinkar Pacilities Manager . M/A RM McIver JW Summey N/A Industrial Safety Manager CF Shipp JC Bowell anerg. Response Chief Nuclear Safety Advisor WC Peters SP Murray Rad. Prot. Supervisor

,                                              Staging Area Supervisor                                               RC Pace                     Foreman Fuel Support                                                                                   r i

Site Plant Medical Leader CJ Schmidt RK Hollis Industrial Nurse . - 4 Recorder , GN McKenzie E Stern Ranking Site Manager.

                                                             *FNO Only                     ** Tubing, Cleaning & Annealing                   .*                      .      .-                                                                      {

_ ._. -.. .....-..-.....~.. License No. SNM.1097 Document No.* 401 Rev. No. 5 Author JR Bradberry Date 11/3F/83 Approval Signatures: Emergency Director b, I. * [i Wa AAd/Q


sm.rg.ney pr. Coordinator

                                                                                                                                                                       /                               '

3 .

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                                                                                                                                       $pgC3Atg$y .
                                                                                                                                                                                    $1TE          FACILITIES SEARCH & RESCUE        RE. ENTRY TEAM       MANAGEg              RECORDER LOCAL Pt ANT EME CENCY 4

l 5tandby Report to Scene Report to scene Report to Scene Report to Scene Standby Report to scene standby Reportgopene of incident of incident of Incident of fuel of we of Incident Manufacturing Manufacturing ^ Acc.ount P csonnetfor . Fires Ft res , Determine

                        ,    Severity            Evaluate        Call for Nuclear
  • Severity Safety Support
  • Search for Decide Need i Personnel TF Needed Assess Radiattoe l Assist As Needed If Required for First Aid L Safety Potential.
  • Direct Fire - l Fight Fire l
               .                                 Fighting                                Direct Survey               Survey Decide Need       Operations                                      Team If              Fact 11ttes
  • for Evacuation Necessary Sound Second Request Medical Request Medical Advise Fire Alarm If Support or Out- Support or Out- Fighting Team Warranted side Fire side Fire Fighting Equip. Fighting Equip.
  • As Needed As Needed '

OPERATIONAL PLAI T EMERCENCY AND $ TE EMERCENCY Report g3 Maintain Report to Emergency Comununications Report to

  • Report to Report to Report to Eneroency Control Center With Emergency
                                                                                                                                    ' Eme      cy                                Emer    y          Emer ncy           Emer ncy Director                                                  Control Center                                                                                    nier I                 Contro enter                               Contro             Contro Center        Contro Center Confir"            Matatain On-            Adytse                               Adv1se Emergency Support            Site Control          Emergency                                Director of Of Fire             Director                                   Radiation                                                                                                                   Document situation         of Situation                                  Situation                                   Evaluate                                                                       occurrences Via Butiding
  • Environmental '

1ssiss Severity Manager, - Ispact

   & Consider                                                                                                                                                            .

Assist f4 Needed Extended i Evacua tion tequest Medical Support if Direct lAssistAsNeeded eequired Additional Personnel ' Report Status a ecide Need for of Situation . Outside Fire j. Fighting j - Cajt for AssIstanco 'l Outside Support v t .

  • I 8
                                                                                                                                                    '                       ^
                                                                                       - . .         .s     ----
                                                                                                                                                                        ,.                                   l            .
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o .

                                                                                                                                                                                           .   "+
                                        . . .   .   . - . -               . . - . . ~ . - . - . - _ .       . . _ . _ .

FUNCTION CRITERIA LOCAL PLANT EMERGENCY WMD Department General Manager At the discretion of the Building Manager NRC Region II Within 30 days Radiation Protection Branch of Within 30 days - the N.C. Department of Human - Resources OPERATIONAL PLANT EMERGENCY OR SITE EMERGENCY


WMD Department General Manager Imediate Notification Nuclear Energy Products At the discretion of the Emergency Division General Manager Director (Operational Plant Emergency); Imediate Notification (Site Emergency) Manager - NEP&QA0 Within 24 hours (0perational Plant

                                                               ' Emergency); Imediate Notification (SiteEmergency)

Manager - Safety & Licensing At the discretion of the Emergency Operation (NE Projects Div.) - Direct.or Manager - Taxes & Insurance Within 24 hours (Nuclear Energy Finance Opn.) '

         .        NRC Region II                                 Imediate Notification Radiation Protection Branch of                Imediate Notification
              - the N.C. Department of Human                                            *
  • Resources N.C. Division of Environmental Immediate Notification if significant - u ..

Management (Wilmingtonoffice) smoke release off-site or if involving- - hazardous chemicals .. Environmental Protection Agency Within 24. hours - Site Emergency Only ., New Hanover County Sheriff Dept. Imediate Notification of a Site . . Emergency and if off-site hazard potential


f New Hanover County Civil Imediate notification if a Site' ( Preparedness Coordinator ' Emergency and if off-site hazard . potential .




{ FUNCTION CRITERIA New Hanover Memorial Hospital Imediate alert if injur.ies/ contamination Ogden Rescue Squad Imediate Notification if medical transportation assistance is required (First Choice) New Hanover County Rescue Squad Imediate Notification if medical transportation assistance is required

                ,                                                        (Second Choice)
 ,                     Wrightsboro Volunteer Fire                        Imediate Notification if fire Department                                       fighting assistance is required (FirstChoice) 3                     Castle Hayne Volunteer Fire                       Imediate Notification if fire                                              .

Department ' fighting assistance is required (Second Choice) Wilmington Fire Department Imediate Noti.fication if fire fighting assistance is required

                                                                       -(Third Choice)

N.C. Department of Labor Notify within 48 hours if a fatality O

                                                                       . occurs, or if 5 employecs hospitalized Fac' tory Mutual Engineering                 ~ Notify within one week
 '                    American Nuclear Insurance                        Upon recommendation of Manager, Taxes and Insurance
          -         N. C. Department of                                Immediate if Haza'dous     r             Materials Human Resources                                    are released or spilled to the
                                                                        ' environment.         ..                        .
                                                                                                                                         . :b     ~

l l

                                                                                                                                             -J  ..

C -


1 .

I EMERGENCY DIRECTOR EMERGENCY PROCEDURE . SITUATION: FIRE OR EXPLOSION LEVEL: Local Plant Emergency or l s Operational Plant Emergency , and Site Emergency INITIATING SIGNAL: 1-1-1-1 on Fire Alarm ~ OBJECTIVE The Emergency Director will respond only after the decision of the cppropriate manager to escalate a condition to an Operational Plant Emergency or a Site Emergency. The Emergency Director then has full rosponsibility and authority for the implementation and administration of cmergency actions. He is responsible for the overall control and direction of the emergency organization and control of affected areas. Primary objective is to monitor all activities in such a manner to assure the safety cnd well-being of plant personnel, the public, and the environment. IMPLEMENTING ACTIONS / COMMENTS o Alarm Sounded o Fire alarm system if- o Alarm enunciates 4 times V o Communicate with o Wait some time,.then call Security Security for _information as necessary . Gate 1 5494 ECC 6181 O Report to ECC on o Alarm is 1-1-1-1 alarm - o Recorder will report on alarm o Verify support o Support: Nuclear Safety Advibor" '

   . members' are at TCC                      Facilities Mgr.

Recorder Env. Engineer . 73 Re-entry Team , o Establish Status Report ' communication with o Area involved; building,' . Building Manager containment, environmental . (cont,inued) - License No. SNM-1097- Document No. 401-A-1 Rev. No. -2 * ( Author JH Bradberry Date 4/1/82- _ _ , Approval Signatures: Emergency Director -

                                                               //     my Emergency Preparedness
                                     . Coordinator               31 Mol             uh i-j


                                         'involv'ement, offsite consequences o Hazard involved; radioactive materials, fumes, pyrophoric                                         .

metals, criticality risk, gas or potential explosive fumes, - chemicals, i.e. fluorides, . ammonia, hydrogen, acid, akalyd, - solvents, PBC. o Personnel risk; potential hazard to people in area, building, people missing, injuries. o Admonish to remove unnecessary - personnel from scene. o Call General Manager (5666) and inform of situation. ( o Communications o Brief Emergency . Staff. - o Radio available at ECC - G* o Phones in ECC- 6183/6184 (1ccal) - o PA system available to FMO through criticality system

          ..,                         o PA system ESO 411, FCO 422

o Fire fighting teams o Status - Leader

                  .                                 Personnel on duty    [-            -

Emergency vehicle More required o Special equipment o Mask - "7' Fire extinguisher .- Suits . --- Scott Air Pak. ,. , , I o Method . o Firefighting s .


' CO2 Other (, o Risk involved Criticality ) Explosion I o Criticality hazard ~ o Use the following guidelines fo.r

                                       ~ fire fighting methods:


                                                                                                 / COMMENTS Area             -         '

Controls TEUX Stacker 1. Water MAY NOT be used.

                          ' Blender Warehouse Dry Powder Warehouse         2. Use CO2 (first choice) or foam (second choice).                                    .

PTL Blender Area

  • Old Stacker Bundle Forest 1. Foam MAY NOT be used.

Pellet Cabinets Rod Storage Cabinets 2. Use CO2 (first choice) or foam (second choice) . o Call Medical - have standby . o Medical readiness o verify personnel on duty o Emergency vehicle driver available

                                            .o Who.will support             ~

First Alder ~ External O Evacuate unnecessary. o Move personnel from. accident ' personnel scene o Account for personnel

             .                              o Determine requirement for search
               '_                              and rescue
                    .                       o Dispatch radio, megaphone andi' t
  • writing materials to FCO/REO staging area if required .

O Establish weather o Have recorded wind direction, * ' conditions wind speed, stability class - (call CP&L for this) weather ' condition . .. . ... o Have airport called for weather s . . verification backup o External support o Fire - Have Wrightsboro required Volunteer Fire Dept. called g ( o Have Security escort emergency vehicle to scene


( IRE OR EXPLOSION EMERGENCY DIRECTOR ~j[ IMPLEMENTING ACTIONS / COMMENTS o Assess situation for o Consider having done - issue instructions s Radiation hazard Air samples Criticality hazard Secure dam Explosive hazard Secure power lines, gas lines, , and/or other critical utilities Electrical hazard Secure chemical lines Chemical hazard , Injuries hazard Other potential ~ injury sources 4 O Request Nuc. Safety o Radiation measurements Manager to handle radiological measurements for radiation. potentials ( and, report results o Request Facilities o Damage Control

  • o Manager to provide . Cut off power.

assistance. , Shut off dam '

         .                                   Block ditches Isolate tanks, chemicals, gas, etc.

o Record actions taken and time oSe[archandrescue o Look for missing persons as

                .                         required                      r-    -       -

o Damage assessment w o If potential radiation hazard, - involve Re-entry Team and '.- Nuclear Safety Advisor . o Notification of o Potential for" injuries ~~ Medical (5333) .s , , , o Identify location

                               .       o Radiation / contamination presence b o Rescue Squad                   o Have called if Medical Director

! assesses need i o Notify Security . o Security to provide escort to site of emergency i

( TRE OR EXPLOSION EMERGENCY DIRECTOR . IMPLEMENTING ACTIONS / COMMENTS o Notify General o' Provide' status report Manager (5666) ' Damage - Injuries - Impact on production o Notify Local, State & o Designate Licensing & Compliance Federal agencies representative to notify o List in Coordination Summary ' Per Nuclear Safety Advisor recommendation

                                '                                                                      Per Environmental Protection Engineer recommendation Per Industrial Safety recommendation o Notify EECR                                                           o Preparation of news release Communications                                                                  and/or GE Corporate management Director

t Total control

  • o Terminate emergency established o Reestablish ECC-to pre-incident '

readiness. - o General Manager o Notify incident under control Significant points o Critique incident o Critique the accident ASAP after accident, include:

1) Employees involved
2) Spectators as appropriate ' v -
                                  .              ,e                                                    3) Industrial Safety Mgr.
4) Building Manager
5) Nuclear Safety Advisor A ._
6) Recorder "" 2-
7) Facilities Manager .=
8) Others as deemed necessary '

j o Should tape discussion o Have -incident report written , o Initiate investigation into , cause as required. ( . e w . - . - --,m . , - ..n,,--,m., - _y,, -. --- ,. ., ,,,_.,_ ,,,,,---. --

              ,                                                            COORDINATION 


SITUATION CRITICALITY J i 1. CLASSIFICATION LEVEL: Site Emergency - A situation which presents a hazard to e a major portion of a plant operation, and/or to a significant number of personnel. The Emergency Director, site emergency teams and possibly off-site support agencies are I required. Release of hazardous material to - the environment may be involved to the extent that protective measures for off-site individuals may be warranted.

2. INITIATING SIGNAL: Criticality Alarm '

3 .* EMERGENCY PERSONNEL WORK STATION: Emergency Staging Site Function Control Center Area- Gates Stand-By Beergency Director X Fuel Manufacturing Bldg Manager X Nuclear Safety Advisor X Staging Area Supervisor X - Entry Team X Monitor Team X Plant Medical X Plant Security X - Recorder X Baergency Situation Advisors

  • X WMD Advisory Staff X P. Licensing & Compliance X Environmental Engineer X R&CR Manager I * ,
  • Punction
  • Prime Alternate Interim Buergency Director EA Lees- JL Harmon Puel Manufacturing Bldg Mgr JE Bergman Foreman-Powder Prod.

Nuclear Safety Advisor BP Bentley Foreman-Powder Prod. WC Peters SP Murray Rad Prot Supervisor Staging Area Supervisor RC Pace Foreman Fuel Support N/A

                      , Plant Medical Director                   CJ Schmidt Plant Security Director RK Hollis
  • Industrial Nurse JH Bradberry WJ Hendry Burns Supervisor Recorder GW McKenzie E Stern Licensing & Compliance
  • Foreman-OnMe CM Vaughan RBD Foleck ., N/A Beergency Situation Advisors WW McMahon
                                '                                                       JF Wolfe                   ;~ Foteman-Mfg (CR&JP)            -
                                       ,,                        CF Shipp                                                 N/A DA Burns               JM Miss                           N/A TM McLamb              GP Bartelt                        N/A WJ Hendry              CM Vaughan                        N/A Environmental Engineer                  WB Smalley             T Crawford
  • Tubing, Cleaning, & Anneal N/A - "
                         ..- - ..-............................ - ........... ..._...... . -.. ~ ....                                       . . . _
                                                                                                                                                           .'i -
                                                                                                                                                         .s License No. SNM-1097            Document No. 402           Rev. No.        5*
  • Author _ JH Bradberry Date 11/23/83 . s . .

5 Approval Signatures Baergency' Director E d [w - *-- -* Deergency Preparedness Coordinator k - '- W { ( *


l~ . l l

                                                               .                                                                                                   \


                                                                                                                                                     .         .l


      !!!Tf%L ACTION - Norl'At 047 SMirT OPERATIOf. L Repcet to Emergency      Report to Emergency   Report to Energeh         Report to Staging Control Center                                                                               Report to Emergency       Report to Emergency         l 5tandby l Control Center          Control Center                 Area             Control Center                                                      Report to Emergency Control Center                             Centrol Center IIITIAL ACTION . NIG47 SHIFT 5 AMD WEEEEN05                                                                                                 '

Call After-Hour Report to Emergency Reoort to Emergency Report to Emergency Emeroency Nottff. Report to Staging Report to Emergency Report to Emergency Control Center Control Center Control Center Area Control Center l Standby l Report to Emergency cation Elst Control Center Control Center IMPLEMENTING ACTif% fC! sty $lteGatesl l Conf'rsSupport lAssistAsNeededl Direct the Re-Entry

                                                                                 & Survey Teams Assure Staelng Area Security          Survey Factitty &        Report to Stagtag Assess Hazard                                                           Docisment Monitor Activities                                                                                                          Area & Survey                                 Occurrences
                              & Direct Operations                                                         Account for All                                   Personne)

Personnel Report Results to Report Results to Nuclear Safety Nuclear Safety Advisor Advisor Interpret Re-Entry

                                                                                 & Survey Team                         I Reports Evaluate Further Actions (1 or 2 Below)
 ;l Open 5f te Gates l          Initiate Return                                  5tlence Alaru to Operations                                  Sound All Clear ,

i Release Personnel in Protective Clothing Survey Factitty for Contamination Investigate Cause Release Remaining Barricade if of Alarm Personnel necessary *

2. CRITICAL $1TUAT:nN Secure Area & Request Medical Control Access Support Reconfirm Personnel Otitain Data Reconffra Personnel f Accountability l AS Dir'Cd l Surveys Report to Emergency Control Center g Initiate Enternal Evaluate Affected
  • Report to Nuclear al Report to Nuclear y Comrnications .

Areas & Personnel g Safety 4dvisor Safety Advisor . Decade hhether/Hw Eriticality is Stopped Assist Medical As Necessary Personnel Initiate Corrective .

                                                                                                                                                                                & Assist to Hospital Action Plan r   -

r'O . N -


FUNCTION CRITERIA WMD Department General Manager Imediate Notification Nuclear Energy Products Imediate Notification Division General Manager


Manager - NEP&QA0' Imediate Notification Manager - Safety & Licensing At discretion of Emergency Director Operation (NEProjectsDiv.) Manager - Taxes & Insurance Within 24 hours . (Nuclear Energy Finance Opn.) American Nuclear Insurers Upon recomendation of Manager, Taxes and Insurance or Regulatory Compliance Manager NRC Region II Imediate Notification .

  • NRC Director of Management Imediate Notification Information and Program Control -

Radiation Protection Branch of Imediate Notification - the N.C. Department _of Human . Resources _ , New Hanover County Sheriff Dept. Imediate Notification if off-site hazard potential

        ..        New Hanover County Civil                 Imediate Notification if off-site
          ~_      Preparedness Coordinator                 hazard potential New Hanover Memorial Hospital            Imediate alert if. injuries /    ,
                        -                                  contamination or overexposures to                -

radiation exist , Ogden Rescue Squad Imediate Notification if medical . ~~2 ' transportation assistance is required (FirstChoice)

                                                                                                    .,              .i New'Hanover County Rescue Squad           Imediate Notification if medical             .

transportation assistgnce is required ,

                                              .             (SecondChoice)

Radiation Management Corporation Imediate Notification if radiation medical consultation assistance is [ N.C. Department of Labor required Within 48 hours if a fatality occurs, or 5 employees hospitalized I i

EMERGENCY DIRECTOR EMERGENCY PROCEDURE SITUATION: CRITICALITY LEVEL: Site Emergency INITIATING SIGNAL: Criticality Alarm or Phone Call During Off Hours OBJECTIVE . Tho Emergency Director has full responsibility and authority for the 10plementation and administration of emergency actions. .He is responsible for the overall control and direction of the emergency organization, and the control of affected ares. Primary objective is to monitor all activities in cuch a manner to assure the safety and well-being of plant personnel, public, and the environment. He is responsible to determine if site support 10 sufficient to handle the conditions and request support as required. IMPLEMENTING ACTIONS / COMMENTS o Alarm o Criticality signal sounds in FMO o Alternate signal through fire alarm in all buildings 1-1-1-1

   .'   Proceed to Emergency         o Check high range gamma Control Center                 instrumentation in ECC o Ascertain if criticlaity is cycling o Have rad level checked at staging area o Activate ECC                   o Check radio operation status Communications                 (verify channel) o Confirm gates (exists) closed o Place someone at radio and on
  • phone to receive and record information

s License No. SNM-1097 Document No. 402-A Rev. No. 3 Author JH Bradberry' Date 12/26/83-Approval Signatures: Emergency Director - $bf 4h 7dcd - - Emergency Preparedness Coordinator -

                                                                          ,p      n 2 ^ ^, M

( v~

2 i CRITICALITY EMERGENCY DIRECTOR - MPLEMENTING ACTIONS / COMMENTS o Verify suport members o Support - Fuel Bldg. Mgr. Gre at ECC or coming. Nuclear Safety Advisor Have Security call, . - Recorder . if necessary Reentry Team monitor Team EECR Manager

  • Security Supervisor o Interim o If rad levels detected, have .

Security notify Emergency Organization Prime 6 Alternate ~ -

               ,                  members.                                             -

o If alarm determined to be false skip to "non critical situation". Have activities performed. o Notify Emergency Director o staging area rad o Check rad levels at large , levels warehouse; if acceptable

         > 250 mr/hr              assemble there if not l[                          o Reassemble at parking lot in front of FCO o' Recheck rad Itvels - record                                          -

readings o Make PA announcement for people to walk not run, provide reassurance o Instruct people to keep badges o Direct Nuclear Safety Advisor to set up quick check teams for activation monitoring ,,,,'


o Request Staging Area Manager to , control people for quick check

                                                                                           .,         l s

o Have air samples take'n upwind /  :-

                          ,       downwind for potential release                                       .

o Inclement weather - o Have personnel moved to large radiation readings material warehouse (take bolt cutter).or FCO ~ control area (A - people to,be kept segregated and together-  %

;                              ,                                                                                                                                                                              i CRITICALITY                                                                                                    EMERGENCY DIRECTOR
                                                                                                                                                              / COMMENTS i

(MPLEMENTINGACTIONS o All others have stand in aisle .. way together o People accountability o Have-all units report in o Contractors - Daniels Canteen Cleaning - o Vendors - o Visitors - I 0 Alar's valid and rad o Direct Nuclear Safety Advisor to 1 level < 250 mr/hr at set up quick. check teams for Otaging area activation o Assign Staging Area Manager to control people for quick check o Take air samples upwind / i downwind for potential release o People accountability o Have all units report in o Contractors - Daniels - Canteen Cleaning

                                     *                                                                          ~

o Vendors . l

                                                     ,             o Visitors o Medical                                               o Activate Medical Team at Staging
                   -.                                                       Area, if needed o Authorize actions to silence                                                   . -

alarm , o Inclement weather - o Have people moved to shipping ' no radiation readings area of building .

                                                                                                                                                                                                     . "?

o Post people at doors to prevent , [ reentry into FMO/FMOX until all s

clear given -

o Move and maintain people in '

control area clothing close to south side of building, keep together

, ( o Source location o Activate Monitor Teams to measure rad levels - determine source location 4

                     - . _ _ .         _,.-..c,. -
                                                       - . , ,______......_..-.....,._-__,__.~--_%._.__-                          ,--,-.-.,,.x,._                ..-_.__.,,w-c,._--r---c.r.m-
                                  .     . . _ _ ~ - -           .-_         -     -      ._ -               .                 .-


                                                                                        / COMMENTS                                              -


  ;                                   o Map radiation levels for                                                                                -

building area o Monitor exposure of Sea'rch & . Rescue and Survey Teams o Establish weather o Wind direction, speed, barometer ,

>          conditions                      reading, dry, wet, cloudy, clear, etc. Have these                                                                              -

recorded. , O Known false alarm o Verify radiation readings o Allow Security to open gate 1 and lobby o Can terminate accountability and staging area monitoring o Skip to non-critical situation i o Notify General

Manager ,

( Missing persons o Staging Area Mgr. should conduct search for personnel in other A v buildings or at their homes ,

,     o Search & R'escue             >o Activate search & rescue for missing persons upon concurrence j
         .                                with Nuclear Safety Advisor o Exposure records must be maintained o Review emergency exposure limits. 3                               ,

l . - I Wholebody '

                                            .25 rem protective                                                                     .       ',i 75 rem lifesaving                                                                               ,,

1 .,

Extremities -
                                                                      ~~                                                                   '

l 100 rem protective  :--

                         .                300 rem lifesaving                                                                               .<

o Assure wearing of dosimeters o Inquire from Staging Area Mgr. o Injury status of injury status { , 1 l .

                       . _ . .            . . . - - .-     -     .      - _ - . ~ _ _ - - - . - . . .


 <                                                                                                                         / COMMENTS (MPLEMENTING ACTIONS                                                                                                                                .
              ' s Evaluate data                           o Monitor Team reports radiation / contamination / release o criticality warning system                                                                    -

status o' Reentry Team reports .

o Staging Area status -

o Injury reports - o Call.offsite support o Concurrence with Medical Director 4 o Ogden Rescue Squad and/or NH 3 Resque Squad - transport accident victims to hospital '1 o NHMH needs notification that personnel being transported and contamination / radiation status i l-

                                                         'o Rad Safety personnel to d

accompany patient to hospital

                                   .                           and support hospital personnel o Notify Security                                                                   ,
                                       ,,                o' Security to escort emergency vehicle to accident scene o Offsite evacuation required                          o Notify Civil Preparedness
(Raleigh) and/or State warning pt. Highway Patrol -

o Notify Sheriff's Department I o External .~ contamination o Identify personnel with external , contamination and initiate - appropriate decontamination procedures - i.e., showers . o Interviews I o Have activated persons initially .5

                                       .                       interviewed                                                                     '

o Ascertain location .~ l l o Orientation

,                                                                                                                                                                 i o Flash observation
g-( o Utilization of tape recorder

h j would be beneficial


                                                                                                           / COMMENTS o Activated items                                        o Collect pens, pencils, rings, belt buckles, hair clips,
                        .                                        jewelry,' watches, dental applicances, etc.

o Record location on body o Could be exposure problem, place in container or some distance away , o Medical aspects if o Collect samples required fo'r person activated exposure analysis . Blood samples Hair Nail' clippings o Monitoring devices o Collect neede'd exposure history of personnel o Control criticality o Coordinate development of plan to control and secure criticality l(aStatus o Review current status - Missing persons

                                                           .       Injury status.                                                     .

Exposure levels . building people Accident locations Control status o Update General o Report on current condition and Manager hazards still remaining o Notify local, state, o List in Emergency Procedure ,

        & federal agencies                                       Per Nuclear Safety Advisor Licensing Consultant Industrial Safety License & Compliance Audits                                    .

person to do . o Notify E&CR o Prepare news release '


Communications ' Specialist . .o Notify GE Corporate - o Notify insurance company (- n j

l .

        'MPLEMENTING ACTIONS                                                                      / COMMENTS L

s Emergency controlled o Terminate emergency o' Send personnel home o Close palnt o Secure operations o Cut off utilities (as required) o Release people from site o Security o Egress controlled o Unlimited access l o Critique incident / o Critique accident ASAP o Assimilate all o Government interest information Release Exposure Injuries Deaths Destruction . Downtime expereinced/ anticipated-o Pictures, descriptions, observations pertinent o Collect all charts, records, tapes, pictures, etc. for

               "_                    reconstruction of incident o Recollect all          o Restore ECC to state of                            r-    m instruments,             readiness reinventory cabinets, I            restore to pre-                                                                                              .

incident readiness -

                                                                                                                   ._c, NON CRITCAL SITUATION                                                                               .

s o Centamination status o Have Reentry Team perform - surveys of building corridors, , exits, passageways , o Have Security Supervisor instruct Guards to open gate 1 ( and lobby. No emergency exists. ( l .


                                                                         / COMMENTS (MPLEMENTING o Personnel release ACTIONS o If no contamination present o Direst Staging Area Manager to release personnel in protective                                    -

clothing first o Release personnel in street , clothing o Have Guard open ECC gate ,

           .                o Have Staging Area Manager report                ,

to ECC for critique O Critique incident o Critique incident prior to te'rmination Should include: Staging Area Manager Building Manager Nuclear Safety Advisor Recorder Communications Security Force Representative Survey Team Representative Reentry Team Representative o Should be used to determine I .. problems and recommend solutions o Terminate emergency o Restore normal plant operations otatus o Notify General Manager o Wtitten account o Incident to be documented should include problems noted, recommendations, action items 3 m , ,

               ,    ,            who is responsible                                                    ,

O Reestablish ECC to o Assure instruments communication . pre-incident devices, equipment. returned - readiness  : o Have inventory performed, -- i

                  ,              cabinets restocked       -                                  - I o Non-essential equipment turned        ,               ,

ott - 6

( NUCLEAR SAFETY ASSOCIATES QUICKSORT METHOD OF ESTIMATING PERSONAL EXPOSURE TO DIRECT RADIATION FROM A NUCLEAR CRITICALITY f l In the event of a nuclear criticality,'the first step toward estimating the dose to exposed persons is to identify the exposed individuals by a

                   " quick sort" procedure. Radioactivity induced in an indium foil worn on
                 . a person by fission neutrons will likely permit measurement of the activity by an ionization chamber, GM, or scintillation survey instrument. The relationship between indium foil radioactivity and total neutron plus Bamma ray dose depends strongly upon the neutron spectrum, the gamma ray to neutron ratio, and the orientation of the indium on the person exposed to the critical event.        Consequently, any estimate.of personal dose made by this method is quite uncertain. Without definitive information about these 3
  • factors, it is advisable to consider a person significantly exposed if he is wearing an indium foil badge with any detectable induced radioactivity.

l0 Bases The bases on which the following procedure and graph have been derived are:

1. The exposed person is wearing an indium foil 0.002 inch x 0.5 inch x 0.5 inch weighing 0.06 gram.
            '_           2. The person is exposed to fission neutrons.
3. The gamma to neutron (kerma) ratio is'2.8. r, .
                       - 4. The quality factor of neutrons is 2.
5. The indium foil is read by a Cutie Pie, ionization chamber survey * ._.._
                                                                                                                                                .1 instrument with the beta shield closed and the chamber in contact                                             '

with the foil. 4.5 cm from the foil.) (The center of the ionization chamber is about [ p* ( s

7 Page 2 NUCLEAR SAFETY ASSOCI TES (- ) - Procedure This procedure should be executed in an area of normal or near normal background radiation level and to badges that are not otherwise contaminated " with radioactive material.

1. Obtain a portable radiation survey instrument of the ionization .
                   ,               chamber type.
2. . Check the operability of the survey instrument.
3. Close the beta shield on the survey instrument.
4. Read and record the background radiation level at the place where
       ,                           badges are to be surveyed.
5. Remov'e the indium badge from the wearer. Record the wearer and the badge number.
                           '6 . It is advisable to wipe the badge with tissue to remove any loose.

surface contamination before sur'veying it with an instrument. -

7. Place the indium foil in contact with the face of the ionization O chamber and read the exposure rite (mR/hr).

8; Record the survey 'in'strument reading of the indium foil, the time, and the approximate time elapsed since the nuclear criticality along with the badge number and wearers name.

             .,            9. If the indium foil reading is higher than background, assume that the wearer of the badge may have experienced a significant direct' radiation dose.      ~
                         '10.' Estimate the direct radiation dose to the wearer af any badge
                                 , reading higher than background.                                              .~~..
a. Locate the curve which corresponds to the tirne elapsed between $
                                                                                                              .~ .4 the criticality and the measurement of badge indium activity.
b. Using that curve read the v'alue of'the'ladiation dose from the '
                                     -' ordinate of the graph which corresponds to the measured           -

radioactivity of the foil, on the abscissa of the graph. C i G

      .                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                i 1


                                                                  ,                                             AS ESTIMATED BE INDUCED RADI0 ACTIVITY IN INDIUM FOIL                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  '

{ 0.06 gram Indium foil 1 l g Indium foil radioactivity measured with ionization chamber survey instrument (Cutie Pie) with beta shield closed

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                  ', Atmospheric dispersion factors relate the atmospheric concentration downwind to a unit release rate of the substance into the atmosphere.

Thus the product of,a release rate, and an atmospheric dispersion factor between the points of release and reception gives an estimate of the concentration of the point of reception. Likewise, the product of a time . integral of release rate and an atmospheric dispersion factor produces an estimate of the time integrated concentration, or exposure, at the , pointi of rec'eption.

  • Bases Atmospheric dispersion is largely influenced by weather conditions and wind speed. Mixing on the les side of a building from which radioactive gas is discharged may also increase the dispersion within a few hundred meters of that building. Factors of atmospheric dispersion from a ground- ,

level gaseous source when wind direction is unchan'ging are estimated with the equation , 2 X, 1 exp , J. Q u gyO'z , -0.5(yO'y , f where X = the short-term average centerline value of the ground level concentration (Ci/m )' ,

    "_                u = windspeed (m/sec)

O'y = standard deviation of distrib~ution of fluctuations in the -

                                              .                                    <-w.         .
                ,     ,,    horizontal wind direction (meters)

O'z = standard deviation of distribution of fluctuations in the vertical wind direction (meters) ~. y = horizontal distance perpendicular to axis of plume (meters) '

                                                                   .                                     .r      _      ,
                     ,f = factor of increase in atmospheric dilutio.n caused by mixing                 . - -

in building wake Isograms of atmosphei-ic dispersion from a gaseous discharge from a building to a location downwind are based on the following conditions and assumptions:

1. Each of Pasquill's atmospheric stability classes (A through G). h


2. -Constant, unchanging -wind direction.
                                                     . 3. Short-term gaseous release (8' hours or less).                                                                                             -
4. Wind speed: one meter per second.
5. Boundary of atmospheric mixing is'1500. meters above ground -

surface. Procedure for Estimating Atmospheric Concentration-of Airborne Radionuclides

1. Estimate the release rate or quantity of airborne radionuclides release to the atmosphere.
2. Read the wind speed and wind direction from the anemometer and wind vane on the plant site. .

P meters , miles , 0.45 1 second hour q()

3. Estimate the atmospheric stability class by observin8 the prevailing 0

weather conditions. Choose the stability class (A, B, C, D E, or F) od the basis of the following table & guidance.

4. Select the isogram on transparent film which corresponds to the atmospheric stability class existing. ,
                      .        5.                Superimpose the isogram on a 7.5 minute series USGS topographic map

[ oftheCastleHayne(quadrangle ~(scale 1.64inchequalsonekilometer)

                                                                                                                                                                                       ~ ~

with the origin of the isogram attthe point of gaseous discharge to i . . the atmosphere and the axis of the isogram in the downwind direction.

6. Each isopleth coincides with locations on the map where the atmospheric
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        . ~ ~ '",i   .

dispersion from the point of discharge to the receptor location is <=

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     ~.                4 estimated to be that value written beside the isopleth. Some additional . ~                                                                                                                            '

valuesofdispersionfactorsalong$heplumece$terline'areindicated on the" axis of the isogram. .

7. If the actual wind speed exceeds one meter per second, divide the dispersion factor identified with each isopleth by the actual wind
   .[                                           speed to get a better estimate of the dispersion factors.                                                                                                                                           -


       ----wi               -m   e.

s . . . -. , - o---.w,.,.,,,, _ - , _ . - . _ , . . - , _ ~ . - -

                                                                                                                         ,,     e--     -.. ,. - - -, , . _ . _ _ _ . _ , - -,
                 .Page 3 NUCLEAR SAFETY ASSOCIdTES

( -

                                                                                                                              )      s
8. At a receptor location of interest on the map, read the dispersion
                         ,factor from 'the isopleth or interpolate b tween       e     the two nearest isopleths.
9. Estimate the atmospheric concentratior} of radionuclide i at the receptor location of interest with the eq'ation u -

I t"91*EQ where: Xg = atmospheric concentration (Ci/m ) of radionuclide i qt= release rate of radionuclide i to the atmosphere (Ci/sec) 3

                       .            X/Q = atmospheric dispersion factor (Ci/m          per Ci/sec)

Note: If q represents the total (integrate'd) release of radionuclide i to the atmosphere (in Curies) then X g represents the total a p,otential. receptor (Ci . sec)/m 3). ( - 9 se f 9 e

               .                                                                            [*'W          e O         g e
                                                                                                                             *'~    ~


                                                                        ~.                                           -
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                                                                                               ,s             .-           .

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                             .Isograms'of projected doses due to a nuclear criticality are provided                                    .

separately for total body gamma dose, skin beta dose, and adult thyroid dose commitment by inhalation. Each isogram can be superimposed on the 7.5 minute series of USGS topographic maps. The isopleths represent lines of projected constant dose potential


(in units of REN') at locations on the map on which they are superimposed. Ea'ch isogram matches the scale (1.64 inch equals one kilometer) of a 7.5 minute series USGS topographic map. The distances downwind where additional doses are projected to occur are marked on the axis of each isogram. Bases {I -

1. The conditions 'and assumptions on which the dose isopleths are based are: "


2. Nuclea6 etiLicality event: 1 x 10 fissions
3. Radionuclides released to atmosphere: .
               -.              Nuclide             Quantity               Nuclide             Quantity (curies)                                   (curies)

Kr-83m . 2.68 Xe-135 12. 0 ~,- . Kr-85m 12. Xe-137 2800.


Kr-85 - 1.1 x 10 Xe-138 870. ._


Kr-87 ~72.5 1-129 3.0 x 10' Kr-88 47. 1-131 0.13 . Kr-89 2970. 1-132 - 0.49 . Xe-131m .2.8 x 10- 1-133 2. 5 s - Xe-133m , 4'. 0x~ 10' I-134 35. Xe-133 0.94 I-135 8.7 * ( Xe-135m 8.0 t e _1


       "                                                                                                                   ~
4. Airborne radionuclides are released to the atmosphere at ground level.
5. pindspeed: one meter per second (1 m/sec = 2.24 miles / hour)
6. Constant wind direction.  : -
                    ?,   s.Lcospheric stability class: Pasquill type F Procedure
1. Place the isogram on a 7.5 minute series USGS topographis map of the Castle Hayne quadrangle (scale 1.64. inch equals one kilometer) with the origin of the isogram at the point of discharge to the atmosphere and the axis of the isogram in the downwind direction.

2 ., Each isopleth coincides with locations on the map where the potential dose,to a person remaining throughout the release is projected to be that written beside the isopleth. ( .

3. If the actual wind speed exceeds one meter per second, divide the dose'

identified with each isopleth by the actual wind speed to get a better estimate of the projected doses associated with each isopleth.


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                                                      ,    PRO"'SC"'IVE ACTIOff Gl' IDES                          '"

1 Reconenended protective actions to avoid whole body and thyroid dose from exposure to a gaseous plume. ed l o (g ) to Recomended Actions (a) , Coments

                               <l              No protective action required.                                Previously recomended Whole bodI                       State may issue an advisory to seek shelter and await         protective actions may
   ,          Thyroid          <5                   further instructions or to voluntarily evacuate,         be reconsidered or Monitor environmental radiation levels.                       terminated.           .

Seek shelter and wait further instructions. , Whole body 1 to <5 Consider evacuation particularly for children and pregnant women. Thyroid 5 to <25 Monitor environmental radiation levels. . Control access. ' Conduct mandatory evacuation o'f populations in the Seeking shelter would . Whole body 5 and above predeter.nired area. be en alternative if

                                             . Monitor enviror.wntel radiation levels and adjust area       evacuatloa were not Thyroid        25 and above          for mandatory evacuation based on these levels.           imediately possible.

Control access. Projected Dose (Rem) to Emergency Team Workers , . Whole body' 25 Control exposure of energency team neeers to these Although respt'rators levels except for lifesaving missions. (Appropriate and stable iodine should .I, Thyroid 125 controls for er.ergency workers, include time limita- be used where effective !! tions. respirators, and stable iodine.) to control dose to emer- -

 ;                                                                                                          gency team workers, thy-

,i Control exposure of emergency team neeers performing ruid dose inay not be a Whole body 75 Iffesaving missions to this level. (Control of time limiting factor for of exposure will be nest effective.) lifesaving missions. (a)These actions are recomended for planning purposes. Protective action decisions at the time of the incident must take into consideration the impact of existing constraints. e 9 l n - n n


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2- 40 *. Ev::: : ion Tire 2.5 ho -s

s *? Cl e', Fassace Tire 8 hou-s
  • a 30 - 'E a u .

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                                                    *i                   2                   3         4 5               6        7        8               9       10,         11 i
                                                                                      ...Pretective Value of Evacuation as a Function of Time to Evacuate,'.findspeec, Dis:an:e,.ind Cloud Passace Time e      j                                                         0 l

4 4 , I* ' g , w

l. }
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                           - DECISION TIME                                                                             0.5 - 1.5 Ty - TIME TO NOTIFY POPULATION                                                                     0.2 - 1.0 h              Tg - TIME FOR MOBILIZATION

0.2 - 2.0 , 0.2 - 1.5


TT - TRAVEL TIME , TOTAL 1.1 - 6.0*

                 " TIME RAY BE LO!1GER FOR POPULATI0ils OVER 200,000-500,000                                                                                  -
                                                                                                                          -                                   <~

gY i D

       '   T*   ,
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                                                                                                                        . jn         .s;     . n J,              ,
                                                        ,         PDOTECTIVE ACTIO?2 GUIDES i-                                                                                         ,

Reconynended protective actions to avoid whole body and thyroid dose from exposure to a gaseous plume. ProjectedDose(Rem)to l the Pooulation Reconinended Actions (a) Corsnents - Wnole body <1 No protective action required. Previously recomended State may issue an advisory to seek shelter and await protective actions may a Thyroid <5' further instructions or to voluntarily evacuate. be reconsidered or

 ,                                  .               Monitor environmental radiation levels.                                   terminated.

Seek shelter and wait further instructions. Whole body 1 to <5 Consider evacuation particularly for children and pregnant women. Thyroid 5 to <25 Monitor environmental radiation levels. Control access. Conduct mandatory evacuation of populations in the Seeking shelter would . Whole bo # 5 and . cove predeter.nired area. be en altertiative if Monitor'nt21 radiation levels and adjust area ' evacuation were not Thyroid 25 and above for mandatory evas.uation based on these levels. imediately possible. Control access. i Projected Dose (Rem) to Emergency Team Workers - . Whole body 25 Control exposu e of errergency team mereers to these Although respirators levels except for lifesaving missions. ( Appropriate and stable lodine should

 '                                                        C  "I' IS I "                           I 'I"d  *i'"' " "I**~       D'   "5' d """' ' #* CII **

Thyroid 125 ','9',"CY l tions, respiraters " ' o" dine.') and stable l t'o control dose to ener- -

 ;                                                                                                                            gency team workers, thy-

{ , -(.ontrol exposure of emergency team mermers performing .roid dose may not be a

 '              Whole body 75                             lifesaving missions to this level. -(Control of time                limiting factor for i                                                .

ofexposurewillbemosteffective.) lifesaving missions. I8 These actions are recommended for planning purposes. Protective action decisions at the time 'of the incident must take into consideration the impact of existing constraints. e 6 t -

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