IR 05000341/1996009

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Insp Rept 50-341/96-09 on 961024.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Maint & Engineering Re Inservice Insp Program
Person / Time
Site: Fermi DTE Energy icon.png
Issue date: 10/24/1996
Shared Package
ML20129G225 List:
50-341-96-09, 50-341-96-9, NUDOCS 9610300053
Download: ML20129G268 (6)





! U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION REGION lil Docket No: 50-341 l License No: NPF-43 l

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Report No: 50-341/96009(DRS)

Licensee: Detroit Edison Company l.


Facility: Fermi 2 Nuclear Power Station i


Location: 6450 N. Dixie Highway Newport, MI 48166 l


Dates: October 7-11,1996 i

l Inspectors: M. S. Holmberg, Reactor inspector !

K. Green-Bates, Reactor Inspector j l

l Approved By: W. Kropp, Chief, Engineering Branch 1 Division of Reactor Safety I


i 9610300053 961024 PDR ADOCK 05000341 0 PDR m



I Report Details ll. Maintenance M1 Conduct of Maintenance M 1.1 Observation of Inservice insoection (ISI) Activities Inspection Scoce (73753,73052. 73755)

Inspectors observed work, reviewed ISI procedures, personnel certifications and reviewed data associated with the following activities:


e General Electric Nuclear Energy (GE) personnel performing magnetic particle l (MT) and ultrasonic testing (UT) on main steam loop B pipe welds N ;

SW PS-2-B3-TLU, SW-PS-2-B3-TLD-1, SW-PS-2-B3-TLD-0, SW-PS-2-B4-LU-1, l SW-PS-2-B4-LU-0, FW-PS-2-84, SW-PS-2-84L j l

e GE personnel performing UT on main steam loop D pipe welds N l SW-PS-2-D3LU, FW-PS-2-D3, SW-PS-2-D3LD-0, SW-PS-2-D3-ALU-0, i SW-PS-2-D3-A, SW-PS-2-D3-AL '

e ISI staff performing a demonstration of procedure GE-PDI-UT-2, revision 0,

" Procedure for Manual Ultrasoric Examination of Austenitic and Dissimilar Metal Piping Welds."

l e GE personnel performing ultrasonic equipment calibration and UT of reactor vessel head weld 5-31 i e GE personnel performing ultrasonic equipment calibration for inspections of recirculation loop A and B IGSCC susceptible weld Observations and Findinas GE personnel performing UT of weld SW-PS-2-B4-LU-O did not use the skewing technique identified as the recommended scanning method in procedure UT-FER-106VO, revision 0, " Procedure For Manual Ultrasonic Examination of Ferritic Piping Welds." For this weld inspectors estimated the UT scanning speed to be in excess of 3 inches per second recommended by the procedure, but within the maximum allowed speed of 6 inches per second.

Procedure GE-PDI-UT-2, revision 0, " Procedure for Manual U'trasonic Examination

of Austenitic and Dissimilar Metal Piping Welds," was baseo on a Performance l Demonstrated initiative Procedure. This procedure was de nonstrated as a superior inspection technique to the Authorized Nuclear Inservice ir spector (ANil) in accordance with requirements of IWA-2240 of Section XI of the ASME Code. This procedure was subsequently used to perform inspections of recirculation loop piping welds potentially susceptible to IGSC '



1 i Conclusions The ISI program was implemented in accordance with the licensee's program and ASME Section XI,1980 Edition, Winter 1981 Addenda, requirements. Non-preferred scanning techniques (speed greater than that recommended by the procedure and lack of skewing) were utilized during a UT examination by contracted nondestructive examination (NDE) personnel, which indicated that opportunities exist for improvement in contract NDE oversight. Inspectors considered the use of a performance demonstrated procedure for welds susceptible to IGSCC to be an element of a quality ISI progra M3 Maintenance Procedures and Documentation


M3.1 Inservice insoection I insoection Scoce (73052,73755)



l The inspector reviewed UT data and corrective actions associated with flaws j l detected in shroud head bolts during the fourth refueling outage (RFO-4). ,

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Observations and Findinas l

l On May 20,1994,16 shroud head I olts were identified with ultrasonic indications l (documented on Deviation Event Report 94-0210), which were subsequently i determined to be caused by IGSCC. The licensee replaced the affected bolts with l bolts of improved design and materials resistant to IGSCC. The remaining l susceptible bolts were scheduled to be replaced with the improved bolt design


during the current outage (RFO-5). Conclusions The detection of IGSCC in shroud head bolts indicated that implementation of this l

portion of the ISI program was effective. Corrective actions to replace allIGSCC susceptible shroud head bolts demonstrated good staff safety focu Ill. Enaineerina E2 Engineering Support of Facilities and Equipment E Inspector Uodated Safety Analvsis Report (UFSAR) Review While performing the inspections discussed in this report, the inspectors reviewed


the following UFSAR sections:

. 3.1.2. Reactor Coolant Pressure Boundary 3.1.2. Criterion 15 Reactor Coolant System Design


. Classification of Structures Components, and Systems Protection Against Dynamic Effects Associated With Postulated Rupture Of Piping 5.2. Applicable Code Cases Reactor Pressure Vessel And Appurtenance The inspectors did not identify any UFSAR discrepancies as a result of this revie I I

V. Manaaement Meetinas X1 Exit Meetino Summary At the conclusion of the inspection on October 11,1996, the inspector met with l


licensee representatives identified herein and summarized the scope and findings of the inspection activities. The inspector questioned licensee personnel as to the potential for proprietary information in the likely inspection report material discussed at the exit. No proprietary information was identifie !

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PARTIAL LIST OF PERSONS CONTACTED Persons Contacted Detroit Edison Comoany (DECO)

"P. Fenfer, Plant Manager

'R. McKeon, Assistant Vice President Operations

'W. Ramberg, Assistant Vice President Technical

  • P. Smith, Director Nuclear Licensing

'N. Peterson, Supervisor Compliance

  • A. Antrassian, Licensing Engineer

'J. Moyers, Director Nuclear Quality Assurance

'B. Sheffel, Director Performance Engineering

'R. Hambleton, ISI Engineer M. Brooks, ISI Engineer U.S. Nuclear Reaulatorv Commission (NRC)

A. Vegel, Senior Resident inspector C. O'Keefe, Resident inspector Hartford Steam Boiler Insoection and Insurance Comoany (HSB)

M. Wilson, ANil The NRC inspector also contacted and interviewed other licensee and contractor employee ' Denotes those present during the exit interview on October 11,199 INSPECTION PROCEDURES USED IP 73753: Inservice Inspection IP 73755: Inservice Inspection, Data Review and Evaluation )

IP 73052: Inservice Inspection, Review of Procedures  !



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LIST OF ACRONYMS USED ASME American Society of Meclianical Engineers BWR Boiling Water Reactor Plant GE General Electric Nuclear Energy EPRI Electric Power Research Institute GL Generic Letter IGSCC Intergranular Stress Corrosion Cracking IP inspection Procedure IR inspection Report

! ISI Inservice inspection MT Magnetic Particle Testing NRC Nuclear Regulatory Commission RFO Refueling Outage TS Technical Specification

UFSAR Updated Safety Analysis Report l UT Ultrasonic Testing I

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