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Public Version of Revised Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures Qep 310-1, Initial Notification & Qep 340-4, Action to Be Taken in Event of Oil Spill to Mississippi River
Person / Time
Site: Quad Cities  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 10/13/1983
From: Gerner L
Shared Package
ML20081L868 List:
PROC-831013-01, NUDOCS 8311160476
Download: ML20081L892 (17)



e' QEP 310-0 RAvisica 17 Octcbar 1983 ID/2Q,2R NOTIFICATION OF RESPONSIBI.E AUTHORITIES 310-0 Notification of Responsible Authorities Rev. 17 10-13-83 310-1


Initial Notification Rev. 7 10-13-83 310-3 Guidance for Augmentation of the On-Site.

Emergency Organization within 30 Minutes Rev. 6 05-20-83 310-T2 State of Illinois Nuclear Accident Reporting System Form Rev. 2 08-17-83 310-T3 Prioritized Notification Listing Rev. 9 07-13-83 310-T4 Flow Chart for NARS Notification Rev. 1 08-17-83 S

0 e

-e l

p APPROVED C07131Sa3 9 C Q.S. k. (final) 8311160476 831110 PDR A90CK 05000254 F




QEP 310*1 Revision 7 INITIAI. NOTIFICATION October 1983 ID/2R A.



i The purpose of this procedure is to outline GSEP responses and the initial notification of offsite authorities for emergency conditions.



10 CFR 20.403.


10 CFR 30.72.




QEP 310-T1, Emergency Organization Augmentation.


QEP 320-1, Activation of the Emergency Organization.


QEP 440-1, Emergency Communication Facilities.


QEP 310-T2, NARS Form.


QEP 310-T4, Flow Chart far NARS Notification.






When making initial notifications to any agency or control center for purposes of classifying, upgrading or downgrad'. q an event, the following should be used at a list of minimum information that should be transmitted.


Name and title of the reporting person.


Location and type of incident (i.e., the emergency classification).


Data and time of incident.


Whether a release of radioactive material is taking place.


Potentially affected population and areas.


Whether protective measures may be necessary.


l COT 1.31983 hbhdd -

p l'


QEP 310-1 Ravinicg 7 2.

If verification of the authenticity of a notification is requested by p

outside agencies, suggest a call back using outside phone lines but do v

not provide outside phone number information.



Once the NRC is notified of a GSEP condition, a continuous communication channel with the NRC Operations Center shall be maintained open and shall close only when notified and concurred with by the NRC.



Forward completed Nuclear Accident Reporting System (NARS) form to the GSEP Coordinator upon termination of GSEP condition.



GSEP responses.


Transportation accident.

(1) Declare transportation accident condition.

(2) Notify the System Power Dispatcher, using the Nuclear Accident Reporting NARS Esra shown in QEP 310-T2.

Instructions on the use of this form are contained in F.2.b.(2) of this procedure and ED-17.

(3) Notify GSEP station group in accordance with QEP 310-T1 and QEP 320-1.

(4) Notify the NRC Operations Center. If call is made on.the INS (red) phone, NRC Region III any also answer.

If NRC Region III does not answer, NRC Operations Center will contact NRC Region III.

(5) Dispatch personnel for evaluation if deemed necessary.

(6) Notify appropriate local agencies as needed (i.e., fire departments, hospitals, etc.)


Unusual event.

(1) Declare an unusual event condition.

(2) Notify the System Power Dispatcher, using the Nuclear Accident Reporting (NARS) Form shown in QEP 310-T2.

Instructions on the use of this form are contained in 7.2.b.(2) of this procedu.e and ID-17.


(3) Notify GSEP station group in accordance with QEP 310-T1.

APPROVED' 0T131933 Q.C.O.S.n.


QEP 310-1 Revisica 7 (4) Notify the NRC Operations Center.

If call is made'on' ENS O

phcas, NRC Region III may also answer.

If NRC Region III does not answer, NRC Operations Center will contact NRC Region III.

(5) Notify appropriate local agendes as needed (i.e., fire departments, hospitals, etc.)



(1) Declare alert condition.

(2) Notify the System Power Dispatcher if Corporate Comsand Center is not manned. Otherwise, notify Corporata Command Center. Use the Nuclear Accident Reporting (NARS) Form shown in QEP 310-T2 for this notification.

Instructions on the use of this form are contained in F.2.b.(2) of this procedure and ED-17.

(3) Notify the NRC Operations Center. If call is made on the ENS (red) phone, NRC Region III any also answer.

If NRC Region III does not answer, NRC Operations Center will contact NRC Region III.

(4) Activate the GSEP station group and augmentation personnel in.

accordance with QEP 310-T1 and QEP 320-1.

(5) Activate the On-Site Tahnical Support Center and the Opera-tional Support Center.

(6) Notify appropriate' local agencies as needed (i.e., fire departments, hospitals, etc.)


Site amargency.

, a 13 gg (1) Declare site emergency.


(2) Notify the System Power Dispatcher if ' Corporate Consmand Center is not'staned. Otherwise, notify Corporate Command Centar. Use the Nuclear Accident Reporting (NARS) Form shown in QEP 310-T2 for this notification.. Instructions on the use of this form are contained in F.2.b.(2) of this procedure and ED-17.

(3) Notify the NRC Cperations Cantar. If call,is made on the INS (red) phone, NRC Region III may also answer. If NRC Region III does not answer, NRC Cperations Center will contact NRC I

Region III.

l (4) Activate the GS2P station group and augmentation personnel in accordance with QEP 310-T1 and QEP 320-1.

l D

(5) Activate the On-Site Technical Support Cantier and the. Opera-tional Support Center.

1 e.


QEP 310-1 Revisica 7 (6) Dispatch persoonel for environs monitoring, if regtrired.

i s

(7) Notify appropriate local agencies as needed (i.e., fire


departments, hospitals, etc.)


General emergency.

(1) Declare a general emergency.

(2) Notify the System Power Dispatcher, state and local agencies with the NARS form if Corporate Ca===ad Center is not==anad.

Use the NARS (green) phone, dial 23.. Otherwise, notify Corporate Command Center. Use the Nuclear Accident Reporting (NARS) Forn shown in QEP 310-T2 for chia notift:ation.

Instructions on the use of this form are contained in F.2.b.(2) of this procedure and ED-17.

NOTE In the case of a General Emergency, the responsible state and local governmental agencias are to be notified within 15 minutes after declaring the condition as a General Emergency. The necessary time should be taken to accurately 42termine the condition of the emergency, and once the condition is-officially declared, the Red Phone and NARS Phone notifications must be completed within 15 minutes. It is not prudent, however, to use excessive amounts of time to classify the emergency and to avoid the inevitable timely notifications that must be made for a General Emergency GSEP classification.


The responsibility for notifying state and local agencies of a general emergency condition is given to the Station Director. However, if the CCC or the nearsite EOF have already been activated for a previous *.mergency declaration, this notification will normally be performed by the CCC Director or Recovery Manager. In addition, if the state ROC is already activated at the time of the general emergency declaration, the CCC Director or Recovery Manager may brief state officials before protective action rec-=6tions are given to local authorities via the Nuclear Accident Reporting Systan.


DT 131933 Q. c. o. s. n.


. 1

QEP 310-1 Rzvisien 7 f

(4) Notify the NRC Operations Center.

If call is made'on the INS g.g l

(red) phone, NRC Region III may also answer.

If NRC Region III does not answer, NRC Operations Center will contact NRC Region III.

(5) Activate the CSEP station group and augmentatica personnel in accordance with QEP 310-T1 and QEP 320-1.


(6) Activate the On-Site Technical Support Center and Operational l

Support Center.


.(7) Dispatch personnel for environs monitoring, if required.

QEP 310-T1 provides guidance for augmentation.

(8) Notify appropriate local agencies as needed (i.e., fire departments, hospitals, etc.)

(9) Provide plant statun updates to t'4 state and local authorities unti.1 these functions can be performed by the Command Center Director.


Forward completed NARS form to GSEP Coordinator upon termination of GSEP condition.


Agency notifications.


Nuclear hegulatory Commission.

(1) The conditions listed below may or may not require GSEP activation. Ecvever, any of these conditions require notifi-cation of the N4C Operations Center within one hour and identifiestion that the report is being made pursuant to 10CFR Part 50.72.

NOTE APPROVED The Division Vice-President for Nuclaar CT 1319T45 Stations or his designee and News 'Infor: nation Services shall be. notified any time the NRC Q. C. O. S. m is notified pursuant to 10CFR Part 50.72.

(a) Any event requiring initiation of the licensee's emergency plan or any section of that plan.

l (b) The exceeding of any Technical Specification Safety I


(c) Any event that results in the nuclear power plant not being in'a controlled or expected condition while opera-ting or shut down.-

(d) Any act that threatens the safety of the nuclear power g

plant or site personnel, or the security of special nuclear material, including instances of sabotage or attempted sabotage.

o 5-V g


,m r


l QEP 310-1 i

Rsvisien 7 (c) Any event requiring initiation of shutdown of,the riuclear power plant in accordance with Technical Specification Limiting Conditions for Operation.

y l

(f) Personnel error or procedural inadequacy which, during l

normal operations, anticipated operational occurrences, or accident conditions, prevents or could prevent, by itself, the fulfillment of the safpty functi6n of those


structures, systems, and coeponents important to safety that are needed to (i) shutdown the reactor safely and maintain it in a safe shutdown condition, or (ii) remove residual heat following reactor shutdown, or (iii) limit j

the release of radioactive material to acceptable levels or reduce the potential for such release.

l (3) Any event resulting in manual or automatic actuation of Engineered Safety Features,-including the Reactor Protection System.

I (h) Any accidental, unplanned or uncontrolled radioactive release.

(Normal or expected releases from maintenance or other operational activities are not included.)

l (i) Any fatality or serious injury occurring on the site and requiring transport to an off-site medical facility for trestment.

(j) Any serious personnel radioactive cont==4 nation requiring extensive on-site decont==4n= tion or outside assistance.

(k) Strikes of operating employees or security guards, or


honoring of picket lines by the employees.

(1) Any event meeting the criteria of 10CFR Part 20.403 fo'r l


NOTE Zven though the requirement for 20.403(b.)

events is 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> notification to NRC Region III, i

a one hour requirement exists to the NRC Operations Center.

'(2) 20.403 notification of incidents.

(4.) Immediate notification of NRC Region III:

Each licensee shall imeediately notify by elephone and telegraph, mailgram or facsimile, the Director of MRC l

Region III Office of any incident involving byproduct, l

source or special nuclear material possessed by him and O

which may have caused or threatens to cause:

V APPROVED CH131933 0.c.o.s. a.

t m -

QEP 310-1 R:vinica 7 (i) Exposure of the whole body of any indivi' dual to O

25'rea or more of radiation; exposure of the skin of the whole body of any individual of 150 ren or more of radiation; or exposure of the feet, ankles, hands or forearms of any individual to 375 ren or more of radiation; or (ii) The release of radioactive asterial in concentrations which, if averaged over a period of 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />, would exceed 5,000 times the limits specified for such materials in Appendix B, Table II; or


(iii) A loss of one working week or more of the operation of any facilities affected; or (iv) Damage to property in excess of $200,000.

(b) Twenty-four hour notification of NRC Region I1I:

Each licensee shall within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> notify by telephone and telegraph, mailgram or facsimile, the Director of the NRC Region III Office of any incident involving licensed asterial possessed by him and which may have caused or threatens to cause:

(i) Exposure of the whole body of any udividual to 5 ran or more of radiation; exposure of the skin of the whole body of any individual to 30 ren or more of radiation; or exposure of the feet, ankles,.

hands or forearms to 75 res or more of radiation; or (ii) The reletse of radioactive material in concentrations which, if averaged over a period of 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />, would exceed 500 times the limits specified for such materials in Appendix 3, Table II; or (iii) A loss of one day or more of the operation of any facilities affected; or (iv) Damage *o property in excess of $2,000.


Illinois Emergency Services and Disaster Agency.

(1) Using the RM telephone, or its equivalent, report the inf;_mation required by the ESDA Nuclear Accident Report Form.

(See Environmental Director Implementing Procedure ED-17 and QEP 310-T2.)




.7T 131933 n.c.c.s.n..

QEP 310-1 R:visien 7 1

(2) NARS Form. Using the letter designations in each of the O.

sections of the NARS form, describe the information as follows:

(a) Fill in the time and date in upper left corner. This information is not transmitted.

It is the time and date q

i the NARS message is received.

(b) Section 1 - Classify status.

(c) Section 2 - Name the site affected.

(IPRA Vol # is for the state of Illinois use.)

(d) Section 3 - Classify accident using GSEP, its annex, and QEP 200-T1.

(e) Section 4 - Release status.

(1) T [A] None if there is no potential for a release, A release is not occurring, or a release has terminated.

(2) T [B) Potential if there is a possibility of a release occurring. Considering the actual or potential degradation of the affected station.

(3) T [C] OCCURRDiG if a release is in progress.

O (4). T [D] TERMINATED if a release HAD occurred and BAS been terminated.

(f) Section 5 - Classify type of release.

(3) Section 6 - write the time and date the incident ocmmrod at the affected station.

(h) Section 7 - write the time and date the accident was classified by the authorized individual.



As the G3EP facilities are activated the l

authority to classify an accident will shift.

Authority to Classify an Accident GSEP Tacilities Activated CR TSC CCC EOF Shift Engineer

  • I Station Director X

X CCC Director X

Recovery Manager X


  • The Shift Entineer is normally the initial GSEP APPROVED j

Station Director and as such has the authority for l

the initial classification of an accident and

T 3. 3 L recommending protective actions.

O. C. O. S. R.,

i l

QEP 310-1


Revisica 7 (i) Section 8 - Wind data. Fill in direction wind is from.

O Check one only. Read across.

(j) Section 9 - Recommended protection actions.

(1) Check Box A if there is no action expected of governmental officials. This would most likely occur during an Unusual Event but could apply to the Alert or Transportation Accident Classes.

(2) Check Box B if you advise the governmental officials to prepare for future action involving the public.

This is most likely to occur during an Alert or a Sita Area Zaergency but could apply to a Transportation Accident.

(3) Check Box C and indicate the recommended protective action if the public is to be involved. This is most likely to occur for a Site Area or General Emergency and Trnaspcrtation Accident. Reference flow chart for initial PAG's and GSEP Table 6.3-1.

In Wisconsin and Iowa protective actions beyond two miles in the three downwind sectors are taken, not to a fixed 5 to 10 miles distance as in Illinois, but to a distance R.

R is the range, to the next whole mile, at which the projected dose is 1 rea whole body or 5 rem thyroid.

(4)' If there is a release of radioactivity in liquid sufficient to create a Site or General emergency, check Box L and give the name of the nearest downstream public water intake:

QC - Quad City Area (E. Holine, etc.)

(5) Check Box 5 if there is a General Emergency involving a gaseous release and specify the distance as 10 miles.

(k) Section 10 - Self explanatory.

(1) Section 11 - If you are sending a NARS message give the NARS code. If you are receiving a NARS message, enter it in the box. Be sure to ask for it if the sender omits it.

(a) Section 12 - Self-explanatory.

(n) Section 13 - If you receive a NARS message be sure to verify the initial call. Verification of subsequent calls related to the same event is optional.





  • .*4 6 40M

-,ei i d tww.

9 Q. C. U. d. n


QEP 310-1 Ravision 7 (o) Section 14 - Self-explanatory. Enter if known; if not,


find out ASAP.

(p) Completed NARS forms (both copies) are forwarded to the i

GSEP Coordinator.

NOTE Use QEP 310-T4, Flow Chart for NARS Notification, to aid in completing NARS form.

',T 13153 c.

Illinois Department of Nuclear Safety.

n,q a s.n.

(1) Insediate notification:

i Each licensee or registrant shall immediately notify the Illinois Department of Nuclear Safety by telephone and tele-graph of any incident involving any source of radiation possessed by him and which may have caused or threatens to cause:

l (a) A dose to the whole body of any individual of 25 ren or more of radiation; a dose to the skin of the whole body of any individual of 150 ren or more of radiation; or s l

dose to the feet, ankles, hands or forearms of any individual of 375 ran or more of radiation; or, (b) The release of radioactive material in concentrations which, if averaged over a period of 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />, would l

exceed 5,000 times the limits specified for such materials in Appendix A, Table II (Appendix B of 10CTR 20); or (c) A loss of one working week or more of the operation of any facilities affected; or, (d) Damage to property f.a excess of $100,000.

i l

l (2) Twenty-four hour notification:

Each licensee or registrant shall within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> notify the Illinois Department of Nuclear Safety by telephone and talegraph of any incident involving any source of radiation possessed by him and which may have caused or threatens to cause:

(a) A dose to the whole body of any individual of 5 ren or -

more of radiation; a dose to the skin of the whole body of any individual of 30 ren or more of radiation; or a j

dose to the feet, ankles, hamin or forearms of 75 rem or.

-l more of radiation; or, l

(b) The release of radioactive material in concentrations l


which, if averaged over a period'of 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />, would


exceed 500 times the limits specified-for ruch materials l

in Appendix A, Table II (Appendix 3 of 10 3 20); or, 10- '-

n --



QEP 310-1 Revicica 7 (c) A loss of one day or more of the operation of*any facilities O,

affected; or, (d) Damage to property in excess of $1,000.




QEP 310-T2, NARS Form.




i p

APPROVED C 3T131S33 Q.c.o.s n (final)


NRC QAP 1100-T5 Revision 6


ID/1X Revision Description

/ s_/> @ g A$ iY.

AMJJlAlf) I 0$f 3'l0 ~ Y l


, Procedure t*ffc"Jt-Y

~ fjds/w/a f> I/&




Originator Revision l

7 Y fA9 d NJA d.

214/bnw q- -

.WA, HAW k sh

$Ed I

.2 2.

This procedure is required to be implemented prior to Date because of N -// d 3 Tech. Staff Supervisor Date l

Deptpead r7d//h Date M

l0 f t 3

Departs t Head Date Tech. Staff Superviso'r Date dm

/h -//-f i W

t6f(1k OligIn Date Asst. Supt. /> > -


/ UYS a

............L.*i "_'""M"**"*22'_S""*i::


$5/ ste-6 Aac lz-psi.rev-Y/k.s 4 W M D 1 A Y o



,,, - s Please sign and date below, and return this sheet to the Officer Supervisor -

Quad Cities Station. Your Station Procedure copy number is

.J 7.F; w ::.a l

Signature Date g

  • l*(final)

$5OY 0 E

O.c.c.s. a

QEP 340-0 R:visicn 12 October 1983 ID/1Q,1R CORRECTIVE ACTIONS


340-0 Corrective Actions Rev. 12 10-13-83 340-1 Operation During Earthquake Conditions Rev. 4 05-18-82 ~

340-2 Operation During Tornado Warning Rev. 1 06-20-30 340-3 Lock and Dam Number 14 Failure Rev. 2 02-19-81 340-4 Action to be Taken in the Event of an Oil Spill to the Mississippi River Rev. 4 10-13-83 340-5 Station Fire Fighting Rev. 4 02-16-82 340-6 Chlorine Dioxide Spill Rev. I 10-01-82 340-7 Chemical Spill Clean-Up Rev. I 10-29-82 340-S1 Fire Drill Worksheet Rev. 3 12-23-82 s


, )

C0T131983 9.c.o.s. w.

- (final) a*-

QEP 340-4 l

Revision 4 s




PURPOSE The purpose of this procedure is to guide in the action to be taken in the event of an oil spill to the Mississippi River. This procedure is also applicable to PCB releases.











Identify the source and immediately terminate the discharge of oil to the river or take whatever steps possible to minimize the release i

i rate.



If possible, trip extra circulating water pumps to slow the rate to


the river and to lessen the turbulence in the discharge bay.



.i 1.

Immediate Actions.


In the event of an oil spill or other accidental discharge of l

hazardous material to the Mississippi River, the following personnel i

shall be notified immediately by the, Shift Engineer:


(1) Station Superintendent.

(2) Operating Assistant Superintendent.

l (3) Operating Engineer.

(4) Rad Chem Supervisor.

4 b..

Immediate reporting will normally be made by'the Station Superin-tendent or his designee unless they cannot be reached.

In such j

case, the Shift Engineer will. initiate the necessary reporting.

The following agencies will be notified promptly of a spill:


APPROVED CT 131933 q.c.o.s. n.



QEP 340-4


R visica 4


(1) United States Coast Guard ATTN: Duty Officer National Response Center 400 Seventh Street, SW Washington, D.C.

20590 1

800-424-8802 or U.S. Coast Guard 9th District Office 1240 East 9th Street Cleveland, Ohio 44199 216-522-3983 or Coussanding Officer U.S. Coast Guard Marine Safety Office f

210 N. Tucker alvd., Suite 1128 St. Louis, Missouri 63101



(314)425-4657 or I

l Supervisor U.S. Coast Guard Marine Safety Department Federal Building, Room 106 131 E. 4th Street O

Davenport, Iowa 52801

~ Phone:

(319)322-6297 or the Designated EPA / Coast Guard OSC or Commanding Officer of any Coast Guard unit in the vicinity of the discharge.

(2) United States Environmental Protection Agency - Region V office 536 South Clark Street, Chicago, Illinois 60604 312-353-2318 (011 Spill and Containment)

(3) Divisich Vice-President Nuclear Stations.

(4) Director of Water Quality, Environmental Affairs.


Subsequent Actions.


If possible, trip extra circulating watar pumps to : low the rata to the river and to lessen the turbulence in the discharge bay.


Clean-up the oil in the bays by ski-ing the oil off the top of the water using the portable oil skimmer and discharging it into p.

one of the two on-site oil separators. Roto-Rooter of Davenport, 4

Iowa, is also available to assist if necessa: y; they can respond V

to'a callout in less than four hours.

APPROVED COT 131933. q.c.o.s.a.


QEP 340-4 Rsvisica 4 O.


If step 2.b is not feasible, soak up the oil from the surface of the water using oilsoak pillows.

.J 3.

Any oil discharged to the river will either by via the intake bay or the discharge bay.

Depending on the turbulence in tnese bays, it should be possible to contain the oil within one of the bay areas.

t 4.

Immediate notification is required to the National Rasponse Center in the event of a release to the environment of 10 pounds or more of PCB.

Reasonable notice should be provided to potential injured parties.

Refer to SPCC Plan for definitions and detailed reporting requirements.

Fluid leaks greater.than 0.5 gallons from PCB transformers, containers, or equipment are reportab_le. Laaks contained in a building or on concrete or pavea nt are not reportable. Leaks to the ground or stone-covered surfaces are reportable. As soon as there is knowledge of an incident, immediate notification is made to the Division Load Dispatcher or Shift Engineer. They will notify the National Response Center:

800-424-8802 5 '. The following information should be provided:


Name of on-site person and phone number.


D?te, time, and location of spill.


Extent of injuries or cone==ination.


Type and quantity of material.


Cause of spill.


Precautionary measures being taken.

3 Other agencies notified.

l 6.

A PCB Spill Log :say be used to collect the above information, and a copy will be sent to C.E.Co. Environmental Affairs. The Response Centar should be notified on a timely basis, and it is better to =ake the call before all information is available, rather than to wait.


Notify C.E.Co. Environmental Affairs of the incident as soon as possible during nor:nal working hours, at extension 4457.




l H.




CCT131SQ o.c.o.s. n. (final) l
