MONTHYEARML20217D7961999-10-12012 October 1999 Proposed Tech Specs Pages,Removing Turbine EHC Low Oil Pressure Trip from RPS Trip Function Requirements in TS Sections 2.2 & 3/4.1.A ML20210R8281999-08-13013 August 1999 Revised Bases Page B.3/4.9-6 to TS Section 3/4.9,providing Clarity & Consistency with Sys Design Description in UFSAR Sections & ML20209J2321999-07-16016 July 1999 Proposed Tech Specs 3/4.7.D Replacing Limit for Any One Msli Valve of Less than or Equal 11.5 Sfch with Aggregate Value of Less than or Equal 46 Scfh for All MSIVs ML20196K1941999-06-30030 June 1999 Rev 2.0 to Chapter 11 of Quad Cities Offsite Dose Calculation Manual ML20209C2951999-06-29029 June 1999 Proposed Tech Specs Section 3/4.3.C, Reactivity Control - Control Rod Operability ML20211C3311999-04-30030 April 1999 Rev 2.0 to Generic ODCM for Dresden,Quad Cities,Zion, Lasalle,Byron & Braidwood ML20205L2631999-04-0505 April 1999 Tech Spec Page B 3/4.5-2 to TS Section 3/4.5, ECCS, to Clarify Requirement Discussed in ML20205J9741999-03-30030 March 1999 Proposed Tech Specs,Deleting Various License Conditions That Have Been Completed,Making Editorial Changes & Providing Clarifying Info ML20205J9321999-03-30030 March 1999 Proposed Tech Specs 3/4.6.E Changing SRs 4.6.E.2 to Allow one-time Extension of 18 Month Requirement to Pressure Test or Replace One Half of MSSVs to Interval of 24 Months ML20205J9911999-03-30030 March 1999 Proposed Tech Specs Allowing Alternative Methodology for Quantifying RCS Leakage When Normal RCS Leakage Detection Sys Is Inoperable ML20199L6921999-01-21021 January 1999 Proposed Tech Specs Section 3/4.6.I,relocating from Chemistry TS Requirements to UFSAR ML20199L7741999-01-21021 January 1999 Proposed Tech Specs Bases for Sections 3/4.10.K & 3/4.10.L, Provides Description of Design & Operation of RHR SD Cooling Subsystem ML20196H4571998-11-30030 November 1998 Proposed Tech Specs 3/4.8.J, Safe Shutdown Makeup Pump, Reducing Current AOT from 67 Days to 14 Days ML20196F6451998-11-30030 November 1998 Proposed Tech Specs 3/4.1.A,3/4.10.B & 3/4.12.B,proposing Changes to Relocate Requirement to Remove RPS Shorting Links Which Enable non-coincident Scram for Neutron Instrumentation,To Licensee Controlled Document ML20196K5861998-11-0505 November 1998 Rev 3 to Qcap 0280-01, Process Control Program for Processing of Radioactive Wet Wastes at Quad Cities Nuclear Power Station ML20155D8091998-10-29029 October 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Bases Sections 3/4.2.D & 3/4.5.D, Providing Clarity & Consistency with Sys Design Description Contained in UFSAR Section ML20195J9041998-09-24024 September 1998 Rev 0 to TR-VQ1500-02, Clean ECCS Suction Strainer Head Loss Test Rept ML20151S7991998-08-31031 August 1998 Proposed Tech Specs,Increasing Max Allowable MSIV Leakage from 11.5 Scfh to 30 Scfh Per Valve When Tested at 25 Psig, IAW SR 4.7.D.6 ML20236W8401998-07-31031 July 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Bases 3/4.7.C & 3/4.7.12.C,clarifying Testing Requirements for Primary Containment Excess Flow Check Valves ML20247D7761998-05-0505 May 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Page B 3/4.4-1,changing Administrative Error.Bases for Net Quantity of Gallons for Solution Is Changed from 3254 (Correct Quantity) to 3245 ML20246Q3481998-04-29029 April 1998 TS Page B 3/4.5-3,reflecting Change to TS Bases for Section 3/4.5.C ML20217G1481998-03-27027 March 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Bases Section 3/4.5.A,reflecting Design Info Contained in Rev 4 to Ufsar,Dtd Apr 1997 ML20216C6381997-08-29029 August 1997 Proposed Tech Specs,Incorporating New Siemens Methodologies That Will Enhance Operational Flexibility & Reducing Likelihood of Future Plant Derates ML20196G0271997-05-0101 May 1997 Proposed Tech Specs 4.9.A.8.b Revising Load Value for Diesel Generator to Be Equal to or Greater than Largest Single Load & Revising Frequency & Voltage Requirements During Performance of Test ML20138G3321997-04-29029 April 1997 Proposed Tech Specs,Permitting Loading of ATRIUM-9B Fuel in Plant Unit Core for Operational Modes 3,4 & 5.Modes Will Support Refueling Activities Such as Fuel Load,Vessel re- Assembly & Single Rod Timing ML20138B3231997-04-21021 April 1997 Proposed Tech Specs,Requesting That NRC Grant Exigent Amend to TS 2.1.B & 6.9.A.6.b to Support Plant Unit 2 Cycle 15 Operation Scheduled to Begin 970519 ML20137G3981997-03-26026 March 1997 Proposed Tech Specs 3/4.7.P Re Standby Gas Treatment & TS 5.2.C Re Secondary Containment ML20135F7321997-03-0303 March 1997 Proposed Tech Spec Bases 3/4.9.E,clarifying Purpose of SR 4.9.E ML20135D9461997-02-24024 February 1997 Proposed Tech Specs,Clarifying Bases for TS Surveillance 4.8.D.5.c ML20138L4011997-02-17017 February 1997 Proposed Tech Specs Section 2.1.B Re Thermal Power,Section 3/4.11 Re Power Distribution Limits,Section 3/4.6 Re Primary Sys Boundary,Section 5.3 Re Reactor Core & Section 6.9 Re Reporting Requirements ML20138L3701997-02-17017 February 1997 Proposed Tech Specs 4.9.A.8.h Re Diesel Generator Endurance Test Surveillance Requirements ML20134D2191997-01-27027 January 1997 Proposed Tech Specs Deleting marked-up Sentence from TS Bases for Section 3/4.7.K ML20129K3321996-10-18018 October 1996 Cycle 15 Startup Test Results ML20129C2391996-10-16016 October 1996 Proposed Tech Specs for Dresden 2 & 3 & Quad Cities 1 & 2, marked-up to Show Transition Verbiage ML20129D3981996-09-20020 September 1996 Proposed Tech Specs 3/4.6.K,updating Pressure-Temp Curves to 22 Effective Full Power Yrs & TS Bases ML20216H8841996-06-30030 June 1996 Revs to ODCM for Quad Cities,Including Rev 1.8 to Chapters 10,11,12 & App F ML20116F3971996-06-30030 June 1996 Rev 1.8 to ODCM, Annex,Chapters 10,11,12 & App F ML20113C3571996-06-25025 June 1996 Proposed Tech Specs Re Upgrade Program ML20113A7861996-06-10010 June 1996 Proposed Tech Specs,App A,To Reflect Transition of Fuel Supplier from General Electric to Siemens Power Corp ML20117D7121996-05-0606 May 1996 Proposed Tech Specs,Implementing New LCO & SR Re Revs to TS for 10CFR50,App J,Lrt ML20107A1881996-04-0404 April 1996 Proposed Tech Specs 3.4/4.4 Re Standby Liquid Control Sys ML20101H1381996-03-25025 March 1996 Complete Version of TS Upgrade Program Pages That Reflect Current Configuration of Plant & Specifies SRs That Will Not Be Current Upon Implementation of Tsup Project ML20097D9231996-02-0808 February 1996 Proposed Tech Specs,Upgrading Existing TS 3/4.5, Eccs ML20100C0441996-01-24024 January 1996 Secondary Containment Leak Test Summary ML20093K7721995-10-12012 October 1995 Quad-Cities Nuclear Power Station Unit 2 Cycle 14 Startup Test Results Summary ML20098A3821995-09-20020 September 1995 Proposed Tech Specs,Revising TS Upgrade Program & Improving Plant Submittals ML20086D4741995-06-30030 June 1995 Proposed Tech Specs Re TS Upgrade Program for Dresden Units 2 & 3 & Quad Cities Units 1 & 2 ML17180B2541995-06-16016 June 1995 Proposed Tech Specs Consisting of cross-ref Between Current TS Requirements Against TS Requirements Proposed in TS Upgrade Program Pages Submitted in Comm Ed ML20087H8651995-05-0202 May 1995 Proposed Tech Specs Re TS Upgrade Program Section 3/4.10 ML20082H7481995-04-10010 April 1995 Proposed Tech Specs,Revising SR for HPCI & RCIC Sys 1999-08-13
MONTHYEARML20196K1941999-06-30030 June 1999 Rev 2.0 to Chapter 11 of Quad Cities Offsite Dose Calculation Manual ML20211C3311999-04-30030 April 1999 Rev 2.0 to Generic ODCM for Dresden,Quad Cities,Zion, Lasalle,Byron & Braidwood ML20196K5861998-11-0505 November 1998 Rev 3 to Qcap 0280-01, Process Control Program for Processing of Radioactive Wet Wastes at Quad Cities Nuclear Power Station ML20116F3971996-06-30030 June 1996 Rev 1.8 to ODCM, Annex,Chapters 10,11,12 & App F ML20216H8841996-06-30030 June 1996 Revs to ODCM for Quad Cities,Including Rev 1.8 to Chapters 10,11,12 & App F ML17180B0561994-12-23023 December 1994 Plant Initiating Events Notebook Sections 1,2 & 3 ML20216E2521994-05-26026 May 1994 E-0038 to Receiving & Testing Procedure for GE Nuclear Returned Disc Assemblies. W/Six Oversize Drawings ML20064G1081994-02-14014 February 1994 Quad-Cities Nuclear Station 1994 Mgt Plan ML20063H8141994-02-11011 February 1994 Revised Procedures,Including Rev 16 to Qep 120-0, Technical Director Index 58 & Rev 3 to Qep 120-T10, Key Point History Listing ML20063F9231994-01-31031 January 1994 Rev 1.0 to Chapters 10,11,12 & App F to ODCM,Quad-Cities Station ML20062J3681993-10-28028 October 1993 Station,Third Ten-Yr Interval IST Plan ML17181A2091993-09-30030 September 1993 Rev 11 to Quad-Cities Station Process Control Program for Processing of Radioactive Wet Waste ML20035C9771993-02-26026 February 1993 Offsite Dose Calculation Manual Generic Sections, Rev 0.K ML20034H7491993-01-31031 January 1993 Revised Odcm,Including Rev O.K. to Chapter 10 & App F ML20034E1461993-01-0707 January 1993 Third 10-Yr Inservice Insp Interval Inservice Insp Plan for Quad Cities,Units 1 & 2 ML20127D0691992-12-30030 December 1992 Corporate Emergency Response Organization Required Reading Package 92-11 ML20099B9741992-07-27027 July 1992 Temporary Procedure Secondary Containment Preventative Maint Program ML20102A5971992-07-0202 July 1992 Corrected Chapter 11 to, Environ Radiological Monitoring Table of Contents, Odcm,Revs 0.C & G ML20097G0781992-05-31031 May 1992 Rev 0.G to Odcm,Chapter 11,pages 11-i,11-6,11-9,11-10,11-12 & 11-15 ML20079H0121991-10-0202 October 1991 Tech Spec Upgrade Program ML20082H1951991-08-15015 August 1991 Tech Spec Upgrade Program,Proposed Amend Section 3.4/4.4, Standby Liquid Control Sys ML20085B5901991-07-29029 July 1991 Tech Spec Upgrade Program ML20082M2261991-04-30030 April 1991 Rev 10 to Quad-Cities Process Control Program for Processing of Radioactive Wet Waste ML20055E8101990-07-0101 July 1990 Rev 3 to Pump & Valve Inservice Testing Plan for Quad-Cities Nuclear Power Station Units 1 & 2 ML20029B1981990-04-30030 April 1990 Rev 9 to, Quad-Cities Process Control Program for Processing Radioactive Wet Waste ML20245L7651989-08-0707 August 1989 Rev 0 to Offsite Dose Calculation Manual ML20059C7341989-02-28028 February 1989 Rev 8 to Quad-Cities Station Process Control Program for Processing of Radioactive Wet Waste ML20235N4731989-01-31031 January 1989 Guidelines for Neutron Radioassay Measurements at Quad-Cities Unit One Spent Fuel Storage Pool ML20235N8151988-12-31031 December 1988 Quad-Cities Station Process Control Program for Processing Radioactive Wet Waste ML20235A8921988-07-31031 July 1988 Rev 6 to, Process Control Program for Processing of Radioactive Wet Waste ML20237J8081987-08-31031 August 1987 Rev 0 to Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure EPIP 200-T4, Containment Radiation Time Dependent Correction Factors ML20212H5851987-02-11011 February 1987 Rev 5 to Process Control Program for Processing of Radioactive Wet Waste ML20210E2111986-12-31031 December 1986 General Abnormal Manual ML20203L3551986-04-30030 April 1986 Rev 0 to Comm Ed Training Program Description for Station Control Room Engineer/Shift Technical Advisor ML20205F5581985-12-31031 December 1985 Rev 11 to Offsite Dose Calculation Manual List of Tables for Quad-Cities Section 7.2 ML20112G4691984-10-31031 October 1984 Inservice Insp & Testing Program,Quad Cities Nuclear Power Station,Units 1 & 2 ML20108A6551984-10-30030 October 1984 Emergency Operating Procedures Generation Package ML20093M6781984-10-0505 October 1984 Suppl 2 to Detailed Control Room Design Review Program Plan ML20087P5611984-03-0202 March 1984 Public Version of Revised Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures QEP-310-O, Notification of Responsible Authorities & QEP-310-T3, Prioritized Notification Listing. W/Jm Felton 840323 Release Memo ML20087Q0641984-01-20020 January 1984 Public Version of Revised Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure Qep 340-7 Re Chemical Spill Cleanup & Qep 520-2 Re Training for Offsite Support Agencies.W/Jm Felton 840326 Release Memo ML20086J6011983-12-19019 December 1983 Public Version of Revised Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures,Including Procedure Qep 200-2 Re Classification of Incident Involving Hazardous Matls & Qep 310-1 Re Initial Notification ML20083J4771983-11-15015 November 1983 Public Version of Revised Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures Qep 350-T1, Recommended Protective Actions for Gaseous Release & Qep 350-2, Emergency Drills ML20081B7011983-11-0303 November 1983 Public Version of Revised Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures,Including Procedures Qep 110-0 Re Station Director & Qep 110-2 Re Acting Station Directory (Shift Engineer).W/Jm Felton Release Memo ML20081L8921983-10-13013 October 1983 Public Version of Revised Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures Qep 310-1, Initial Notification & Qep 340-4, Action to Be Taken in Event of Oil Spill to Mississippi River ML20090G7031983-10-0606 October 1983 Public Version of Revised Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures,Including Procedures Qep 550-1 Re First Aid & Decontamination Facilities,Qep 550-2 Re Emergency Equipment Inventory & Qep 550-T1 Re Environ Sampling Supplies ML20078M7891983-09-30030 September 1983 Rev 10 to Offsite Dose Calculation Manual for LaSalle & Quad Cities ML20078G0761983-09-0808 September 1983 Public Version of Revised Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures Qep 110-2 Re Acting Station Director (Shift Director) & Procedure Qep 310-1 Re Initial Notification ML20078E8701983-09-0808 September 1983 Public Version of Revised Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures,Including Procedures Qep 550-0 Re Emergency Equipment & Supplies & Qep 550-T4 Re Emergency Operations Facility Supplies ML20078M8091983-08-31031 August 1983 Rev 9 to Offsite Dose Calculation Manual for Braidwood, Consisting of Chapters 7.2 & 8.0 ML20024E7771983-07-11011 July 1983 Public Version of Revised Environs Group Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures.Two Oversize Drawings Encl.Aperture Cards Available in PDR 1999-06-30
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PURPOSE The purpose of this Process Control Program is to insure that all low level radioactive westes solidified at Quad-Cities Mielear Power Station are vold of any free standing water. This taanual sets forth the steps used to solidify radioactive vaste and to verify the final product is free of veter.
Both the cement and DOW solidification systems are covered by this Program.
Solid vastes at Quad-Cities Station consist of filter media (powdered resin and fiber) and bead resin. When expended, these unstes are transferred to various storage tanks.
SOLID WASTE SYSTEM DESCRIPTION The resin slurry is transferred to one of two centrifuges for dauntering. The centrifuges have a capacity of 25 gpm. The solids are separated from the unter and drop into a hopper associated with each centrifuge. The water is routed back to a storage tank.
Each hopper has a 40 cubic foot capacity.
At the bottom of the hopper there is a hopper discharge valve. This is a remotely operated, air operated, f ail closed valve. Connected to the hopper discharge i
valve is the sludge chute and the drum feed valve. The sludge chute i
is 8 inches in diameter and 6 feet 5 inches long, with a capacity of 2.2 ' cubic feet.
The drum feed valve is also remotely operated, air l
i operated, and fail-closed. The hopper discharge valve and the drum 1
feed valve are interlocked to prevent both valves from being open simultaneously.
Cement is added to a drum fran the cement silo.
The cenent silo has a capacity of 620 cubic feet.
Cement is fed through a
s rotary-feeder down a transfer tube through the mixer haad, into the drum. The air.or goes into the drina and forms a seal to prevent dispersion of cement dust or spillage during mixing. The mixer has two speeds, 100 rpm and 200 rpm, that are programmed into the mix cycle.
Drums are capped at the load-out conveyor area before loading-
, into a shipping cask. A cao is set in place and a seal ring is snapped over it.
A threaded bolt is used to tighten the seal ring.
Drim storage consists of three conveyor lines, with room for 25 drtais on each line.
OPERATION OF THE CEMENT SOLID WASTE SYSTEM In order to insure solidification of spent resins with no free water, tests vsre conducted at Quad-Cities Station using unspent resin. Fresh resins were mixed up in the proportions that would be expected to be normally processed. These resins were then put into a drum and the drum was processed through the cenent system.
The, drum ins capped as normal and allowed 'to set in storage for 24 hours. '
Af ter 24 hours, the drum was cut open lengthwise and inspected. The results of the inspection resulted in a change of the proportions of water and cament until the final product was solid and free of unter.
A series of drums were processed using spent resins, and-the drums were visually inspected for no free water prior to shipoing. No free water uns observed.
The general procedure that Ls followed to process spent resins is described below.
Specific plant operating procedures are f ollowed by the operator.
I l
_ _ _.. _,,.....,,.,.. ~., _ _ _ _ _., _ _,
The septy drtan is covered with a plastic bag and taped in place to prevent external contamination.
l 3.
A half of a bag of dry canent is added to the empty drina.
The empty drums are loaded on a conveyor.
D '.
Ons empty drum from the conveyor is loaded on a transfer cart (remote operation).
The transfer cart is advanced to the selected hopper station (remote operation).
Water is added (remote operation). Normally 12 gallons of veter are added to each' drum. This amount can be varied if necessary for cczaplete solidification. The amount of water required is selected, and a flow integrator gives the inlet valve a closed signal when that amount is delivered.
The drum is filled with resins to a prescribed level (remote F
operation). The resin is transferred from the hopper to the drum through the sludge chute.. The discharge valve on the sludge chute is a manually operated remote valve. The operator views
.the drtra through a mirror and fills the drum to the first roll s
hoop frcrt the top of the drum.
Although this method of adding resin to the drum is not precise, it can be controlled to a high degree.
If an operator determines that the quantity of resins variae from the prescribed level, he can compensate with water and/gr cement.
The drum is transferred to the mixing station (renote operation).
The cement timer is set.
The mixer cycle (renote operation) is started. The mixe r lowe rs
' into the drum and foms a tight seal. The mixer will begin to
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rotate at slow speed. The air slide blower and dust collector are started. The cement feeder and vibrators start and cement is metered to the drtm. The si:Eer incredses to fast speed. The cement feeder stops and the air slide blower and dust collector stop. When the mixer completes' the cycle, the RPM meter will start to decrease. At this point, the mixer control switch is moved fran AUTO. to FAST and the mixer is given an additional 5 minutes on fast speed.
The switch is then returned to AUTO, and the mixer cycle is complete.
The $rtan is transferred to the inspection station (renote operatlod<',
The sized drum contact radiation reading are logged and the dontents of the drian are observed.
If it is determined char more
canent is required, the drum is returned to the mixer and additional l
catent is added. When the mix is satisfactory, the drum is
transferred to the drum storage lines.
c s
j IV.
The solidified drum is verified to be void of free water prior co-loading into a shipping cask.
The drum is transferred from the storage lines to the load-out conveyor.
At this point, the drum is visually verified to be void of free wa ter, the protective plastic Sag is
- removed, and the drum is capped. The drum is then surveyed for smearable contanination and dose rate. The drum is then loaded into the shipoing cask.
If a drum is found to contain free wa ter, it will be noted as su ch.
Dry cement will be added such that all of the free water is 4
absorbed or the drum will be recycled through the etixing line as required. The drum will not be shipped until all free water is absorbed.
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DOW SOLIDIFICATION SYSTILM DESCRIPTION The DOW Syste is utilized at the Station to augment and supplement the cement system.
It offers the advantage of reduced radiation expoenre to operators involved with performing the necessary package handling operations.
The DOW Systen basically consists of a series of chemical additions to radusta sludge in a disposable mixing liner that also serves as the shipping container. These chemicals, namely the binder, CMC-7M filler material, Tamol, catalyst, and promotor, are mixed with the radweste and a water-free solidified mass is produced.
Some radwaste may not need' CMC-7M for solidification, such as Cleanup Sludge.
Additions to the liner are made, through a fill head that fits over the liner.
A batching tank is utilized to collect the radwaste to be solidified.
The tank can be filled fra any of the following:
Condensate Phase Separators.
Cleanup Phase Separators.
Spent Resin Tanks.
Waste Sludge Tank.
Floor Drain Domineralizer.
Af ter the tank is filled with radvaste, a decant pump is used to remove water frcza the top of the settled sludge.
'4 hen the decanting operation is completed, the tank contains about 1,900 gallons of sludge.
The mixing tank is operated on recirculation in order to allow a tank sample to be takan for analysis and sample solidification tests.,
- r
A binder tank is located underground west of the Unit 2 L.P.
Heater Bay.
A binder pump is used to pump the binder from the tank to the liner. Radweste is transferred to the liner from the mixing tank by means of a radunste pump.
Flushing capability exists on these lines. Air-driven pumps are used to pump catalyst Tamol, and prcmoter to the liner. CMC-7M is a solid that is manually added to the liner, if needed.
A temperature monitor in the liner is used to note the raximum temperature during the exotherm. At this point the waste is solidified, and the liner is prepared for shipment.
OPERATION OF THE DOW SOLIDIFICATION SYSTEM A liner is prepared for use by installing a thermocouple and adding CMC-7M (if necessary). The fill head is placed over the liner and locked in-place. The fill head off-gas ventilation blower is started.
Binder is added to the liner.
A batcher is set for the proper amount, and the binder is pumped frce the tank.
The CMC (if added) and binder are then mixed for about 15 minutes, and Tamol is then add ed.
The proper amount to be' added is set on the hatcher.
The radwaste is then added to the liner. The mixing tank is first mixed for about 10 minutes. The proper amount of raduaste to be l
pumped is set on the cointer on the radunste pump. Waste flow to the liner is monitored by a TV camera, and the liner is mixed for about 5 l
minutes af ter radwaste has been added to the liner. The radwaste nipe i
lines and waste transfer hose to the fill head are then flushed.
Catalyst is added to the liner. The proper amount is set on the I
batcher. The liner is then mixed for about15 minutes.
Promoter is added af ter having set the proper mount on the batcher. After mixing, the temperature of the emulsion is monitored and the maximum temperature is noted. Af ter the taperature begins to decrease, the fill head is removed.
The liner is then covered with a lid, secured, surveyed, and shipped.
VERIFIC ATION OF DOW SYST'JM SOLIDIFIC ATION Verification of solidification first involves sampling the raduaste prior to solidification in order to determine the proper proportions of the chemical ingredients that will produce an acceptable, unter-free solid. A representative laboratory sample of waste is taken frcm the sampling line.
Small, scaled-down amounts of chemicals are added. in the lab in proper quantities.
The quantities depend on DOW Co. recommendations and on the type of raduaste to be solidified.
Staticn procedures shall specify these quantities. The following process is then perf ormed:
Weigh CMC (if to be used) and binder into a disposable container.
Start mixer.
Adjust to good vortex.
Add Tamol. Observe color change from anber to silvery wh ite.
l D.
t E.
Slowly add radioactive waste while.aintaining a good vortex.
Observe the mixing action to ensure emulsification has occurred.
Continue adding renaining radioactive unste to the nix.
As the mix gets more viscoua, lower the container to :naintain a good vo rt ex... _. -
i G.
When all the waste has been added, continue mixing. Emulsion f.-
I' should be light-colored, high viscosity and homogeneous.
Add catalyst and mix.
Add promoter.
Start stopuntch and mix.
Remove sample from mixer.
Insert taiperature monitoring probe. Determine gel time by probing periodically.
Record appropriate amounts of chemical used on data sheet.
Stop timer when gelation has occurred.
Record maximum exothern on data sheet.
If the gel time and temperature change are acceptable, write up appropriate formulas and scale-up numbers for use in the plant.
Solidification of the sample is hereby verified.
If solidification is not acceptable.
take another radwaste sample and adjust concentration of ingredients such that solidification is verified.
The scale-up numbers are those 92antities and proportions of CMC-7M, (if needed) Tamol, radweste, binder, promoter, and catalyst that are to be actually used in the process of solidification. These numbers are converted to settings to be placed on the batchers and pump counters.
To 62rther verify solidification, a-quality check of the liner is performed prior to installing the lid.
Both a visual inspection and a penetration probe are performed. The visual inspection verifies no free-standing unter, and the surf ace resistance to penetration verifies a solid nass.