MONTHYEARML20217D7961999-10-12012 October 1999 Proposed Tech Specs Pages,Removing Turbine EHC Low Oil Pressure Trip from RPS Trip Function Requirements in TS Sections 2.2 & 3/4.1.A ML20210R8281999-08-13013 August 1999 Revised Bases Page B.3/4.9-6 to TS Section 3/4.9,providing Clarity & Consistency with Sys Design Description in UFSAR Sections & ML20209J2321999-07-16016 July 1999 Proposed Tech Specs 3/4.7.D Replacing Limit for Any One Msli Valve of Less than or Equal 11.5 Sfch with Aggregate Value of Less than or Equal 46 Scfh for All MSIVs ML20196K1941999-06-30030 June 1999 Rev 2.0 to Chapter 11 of Quad Cities Offsite Dose Calculation Manual ML20209C2951999-06-29029 June 1999 Proposed Tech Specs Section 3/4.3.C, Reactivity Control - Control Rod Operability ML20211C3311999-04-30030 April 1999 Rev 2.0 to Generic ODCM for Dresden,Quad Cities,Zion, Lasalle,Byron & Braidwood ML20205L2631999-04-0505 April 1999 Tech Spec Page B 3/4.5-2 to TS Section 3/4.5, ECCS, to Clarify Requirement Discussed in ML20205J9741999-03-30030 March 1999 Proposed Tech Specs,Deleting Various License Conditions That Have Been Completed,Making Editorial Changes & Providing Clarifying Info ML20205J9321999-03-30030 March 1999 Proposed Tech Specs 3/4.6.E Changing SRs 4.6.E.2 to Allow one-time Extension of 18 Month Requirement to Pressure Test or Replace One Half of MSSVs to Interval of 24 Months ML20205J9911999-03-30030 March 1999 Proposed Tech Specs Allowing Alternative Methodology for Quantifying RCS Leakage When Normal RCS Leakage Detection Sys Is Inoperable ML20199L6921999-01-21021 January 1999 Proposed Tech Specs Section 3/4.6.I,relocating from Chemistry TS Requirements to UFSAR ML20199L7741999-01-21021 January 1999 Proposed Tech Specs Bases for Sections 3/4.10.K & 3/4.10.L, Provides Description of Design & Operation of RHR SD Cooling Subsystem ML20196H4571998-11-30030 November 1998 Proposed Tech Specs 3/4.8.J, Safe Shutdown Makeup Pump, Reducing Current AOT from 67 Days to 14 Days ML20196F6451998-11-30030 November 1998 Proposed Tech Specs 3/4.1.A,3/4.10.B & 3/4.12.B,proposing Changes to Relocate Requirement to Remove RPS Shorting Links Which Enable non-coincident Scram for Neutron Instrumentation,To Licensee Controlled Document ML20196K5861998-11-0505 November 1998 Rev 3 to Qcap 0280-01, Process Control Program for Processing of Radioactive Wet Wastes at Quad Cities Nuclear Power Station ML20155D8091998-10-29029 October 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Bases Sections 3/4.2.D & 3/4.5.D, Providing Clarity & Consistency with Sys Design Description Contained in UFSAR Section ML20195J9041998-09-24024 September 1998 Rev 0 to TR-VQ1500-02, Clean ECCS Suction Strainer Head Loss Test Rept ML20151S7991998-08-31031 August 1998 Proposed Tech Specs,Increasing Max Allowable MSIV Leakage from 11.5 Scfh to 30 Scfh Per Valve When Tested at 25 Psig, IAW SR 4.7.D.6 ML20236W8401998-07-31031 July 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Bases 3/4.7.C & 3/4.7.12.C,clarifying Testing Requirements for Primary Containment Excess Flow Check Valves ML20247D7761998-05-0505 May 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Page B 3/4.4-1,changing Administrative Error.Bases for Net Quantity of Gallons for Solution Is Changed from 3254 (Correct Quantity) to 3245 ML20246Q3481998-04-29029 April 1998 TS Page B 3/4.5-3,reflecting Change to TS Bases for Section 3/4.5.C ML20217G1481998-03-27027 March 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Bases Section 3/4.5.A,reflecting Design Info Contained in Rev 4 to Ufsar,Dtd Apr 1997 ML20216C6381997-08-29029 August 1997 Proposed Tech Specs,Incorporating New Siemens Methodologies That Will Enhance Operational Flexibility & Reducing Likelihood of Future Plant Derates ML20196G0271997-05-0101 May 1997 Proposed Tech Specs 4.9.A.8.b Revising Load Value for Diesel Generator to Be Equal to or Greater than Largest Single Load & Revising Frequency & Voltage Requirements During Performance of Test ML20138G3321997-04-29029 April 1997 Proposed Tech Specs,Permitting Loading of ATRIUM-9B Fuel in Plant Unit Core for Operational Modes 3,4 & 5.Modes Will Support Refueling Activities Such as Fuel Load,Vessel re- Assembly & Single Rod Timing ML20138B3231997-04-21021 April 1997 Proposed Tech Specs,Requesting That NRC Grant Exigent Amend to TS 2.1.B & 6.9.A.6.b to Support Plant Unit 2 Cycle 15 Operation Scheduled to Begin 970519 ML20137G3981997-03-26026 March 1997 Proposed Tech Specs 3/4.7.P Re Standby Gas Treatment & TS 5.2.C Re Secondary Containment ML20135F7321997-03-0303 March 1997 Proposed Tech Spec Bases 3/4.9.E,clarifying Purpose of SR 4.9.E ML20135D9461997-02-24024 February 1997 Proposed Tech Specs,Clarifying Bases for TS Surveillance 4.8.D.5.c ML20138L4011997-02-17017 February 1997 Proposed Tech Specs Section 2.1.B Re Thermal Power,Section 3/4.11 Re Power Distribution Limits,Section 3/4.6 Re Primary Sys Boundary,Section 5.3 Re Reactor Core & Section 6.9 Re Reporting Requirements ML20138L3701997-02-17017 February 1997 Proposed Tech Specs 4.9.A.8.h Re Diesel Generator Endurance Test Surveillance Requirements ML20134D2191997-01-27027 January 1997 Proposed Tech Specs Deleting marked-up Sentence from TS Bases for Section 3/4.7.K ML20129K3321996-10-18018 October 1996 Cycle 15 Startup Test Results ML20129C2391996-10-16016 October 1996 Proposed Tech Specs for Dresden 2 & 3 & Quad Cities 1 & 2, marked-up to Show Transition Verbiage ML20129D3981996-09-20020 September 1996 Proposed Tech Specs 3/4.6.K,updating Pressure-Temp Curves to 22 Effective Full Power Yrs & TS Bases ML20216H8841996-06-30030 June 1996 Revs to ODCM for Quad Cities,Including Rev 1.8 to Chapters 10,11,12 & App F ML20116F3971996-06-30030 June 1996 Rev 1.8 to ODCM, Annex,Chapters 10,11,12 & App F ML20113C3571996-06-25025 June 1996 Proposed Tech Specs Re Upgrade Program ML20113A7861996-06-10010 June 1996 Proposed Tech Specs,App A,To Reflect Transition of Fuel Supplier from General Electric to Siemens Power Corp ML20117D7121996-05-0606 May 1996 Proposed Tech Specs,Implementing New LCO & SR Re Revs to TS for 10CFR50,App J,Lrt ML20107A1881996-04-0404 April 1996 Proposed Tech Specs 3.4/4.4 Re Standby Liquid Control Sys ML20101H1381996-03-25025 March 1996 Complete Version of TS Upgrade Program Pages That Reflect Current Configuration of Plant & Specifies SRs That Will Not Be Current Upon Implementation of Tsup Project ML20097D9231996-02-0808 February 1996 Proposed Tech Specs,Upgrading Existing TS 3/4.5, Eccs ML20100C0441996-01-24024 January 1996 Secondary Containment Leak Test Summary ML20093K7721995-10-12012 October 1995 Quad-Cities Nuclear Power Station Unit 2 Cycle 14 Startup Test Results Summary ML20098A3821995-09-20020 September 1995 Proposed Tech Specs,Revising TS Upgrade Program & Improving Plant Submittals ML20086D4741995-06-30030 June 1995 Proposed Tech Specs Re TS Upgrade Program for Dresden Units 2 & 3 & Quad Cities Units 1 & 2 ML20087H8651995-05-0202 May 1995 Proposed Tech Specs Re TS Upgrade Program Section 3/4.10 ML20082H7481995-04-10010 April 1995 Proposed Tech Specs,Revising SR for HPCI & RCIC Sys ML20080K8171995-02-23023 February 1995 Proposed Tech Specs,Changing Name of Iige to Reflect Results of Merger Between Iige,Mid American Energy Co,Midwest Power Sys Inc & Midwest Resources Inc 1999-08-13
MONTHYEARML20196K1941999-06-30030 June 1999 Rev 2.0 to Chapter 11 of Quad Cities Offsite Dose Calculation Manual ML20211C3311999-04-30030 April 1999 Rev 2.0 to Generic ODCM for Dresden,Quad Cities,Zion, Lasalle,Byron & Braidwood ML20196K5861998-11-0505 November 1998 Rev 3 to Qcap 0280-01, Process Control Program for Processing of Radioactive Wet Wastes at Quad Cities Nuclear Power Station ML20216H8841996-06-30030 June 1996 Revs to ODCM for Quad Cities,Including Rev 1.8 to Chapters 10,11,12 & App F ML20116F3971996-06-30030 June 1996 Rev 1.8 to ODCM, Annex,Chapters 10,11,12 & App F ML20216E2521994-05-26026 May 1994 E-0038 to Receiving & Testing Procedure for GE Nuclear Returned Disc Assemblies. W/Six Oversize Drawings ML20064G1081994-02-14014 February 1994 Quad-Cities Nuclear Station 1994 Mgt Plan ML20063H8141994-02-11011 February 1994 Revised Procedures,Including Rev 16 to Qep 120-0, Technical Director Index 58 & Rev 3 to Qep 120-T10, Key Point History Listing ML20063F9231994-01-31031 January 1994 Rev 1.0 to Chapters 10,11,12 & App F to ODCM,Quad-Cities Station ML20062J3681993-10-28028 October 1993 Station,Third Ten-Yr Interval IST Plan ML20035C9771993-02-26026 February 1993 Offsite Dose Calculation Manual Generic Sections, Rev 0.K ML20034E1461993-01-0707 January 1993 Third 10-Yr Inservice Insp Interval Inservice Insp Plan for Quad Cities,Units 1 & 2 ML20127D0691992-12-30030 December 1992 Corporate Emergency Response Organization Required Reading Package 92-11 ML20099B9741992-07-27027 July 1992 Temporary Procedure Secondary Containment Preventative Maint Program ML20102A5971992-07-0202 July 1992 Corrected Chapter 11 to, Environ Radiological Monitoring Table of Contents, Odcm,Revs 0.C & G ML20097G0781992-05-31031 May 1992 Rev 0.G to Odcm,Chapter 11,pages 11-i,11-6,11-9,11-10,11-12 & 11-15 ML20079H0121991-10-0202 October 1991 Tech Spec Upgrade Program ML20082H1951991-08-15015 August 1991 Tech Spec Upgrade Program,Proposed Amend Section 3.4/4.4, Standby Liquid Control Sys ML20085B5901991-07-29029 July 1991 Tech Spec Upgrade Program ML20082M2261991-04-30030 April 1991 Rev 10 to Quad-Cities Process Control Program for Processing of Radioactive Wet Waste ML20055E8101990-07-0101 July 1990 Rev 3 to Pump & Valve Inservice Testing Plan for Quad-Cities Nuclear Power Station Units 1 & 2 ML20029B1981990-04-30030 April 1990 Rev 9 to, Quad-Cities Process Control Program for Processing Radioactive Wet Waste ML20245L7651989-08-0707 August 1989 Rev 0 to Offsite Dose Calculation Manual ML20059C7341989-02-28028 February 1989 Rev 8 to Quad-Cities Station Process Control Program for Processing of Radioactive Wet Waste ML20235N4731989-01-31031 January 1989 Guidelines for Neutron Radioassay Measurements at Quad-Cities Unit One Spent Fuel Storage Pool ML20235N8151988-12-31031 December 1988 Quad-Cities Station Process Control Program for Processing Radioactive Wet Waste ML20235A8921988-07-31031 July 1988 Rev 6 to, Process Control Program for Processing of Radioactive Wet Waste ML20237J8081987-08-31031 August 1987 Rev 0 to Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure EPIP 200-T4, Containment Radiation Time Dependent Correction Factors ML20212H5851987-02-11011 February 1987 Rev 5 to Process Control Program for Processing of Radioactive Wet Waste ML20210E2111986-12-31031 December 1986 General Abnormal Manual ML20203L3551986-04-30030 April 1986 Rev 0 to Comm Ed Training Program Description for Station Control Room Engineer/Shift Technical Advisor ML20205F5581985-12-31031 December 1985 Rev 11 to Offsite Dose Calculation Manual List of Tables for Quad-Cities Section 7.2 ML20112G4691984-10-31031 October 1984 Inservice Insp & Testing Program,Quad Cities Nuclear Power Station,Units 1 & 2 ML20108A6551984-10-30030 October 1984 Emergency Operating Procedures Generation Package ML20093M6781984-10-0505 October 1984 Suppl 2 to Detailed Control Room Design Review Program Plan ML20087P5611984-03-0202 March 1984 Public Version of Revised Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures QEP-310-O, Notification of Responsible Authorities & QEP-310-T3, Prioritized Notification Listing. W/Jm Felton 840323 Release Memo ML20087Q0641984-01-20020 January 1984 Public Version of Revised Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure Qep 340-7 Re Chemical Spill Cleanup & Qep 520-2 Re Training for Offsite Support Agencies.W/Jm Felton 840326 Release Memo ML20086J6011983-12-19019 December 1983 Public Version of Revised Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures,Including Procedure Qep 200-2 Re Classification of Incident Involving Hazardous Matls & Qep 310-1 Re Initial Notification ML20083J4771983-11-15015 November 1983 Public Version of Revised Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures Qep 350-T1, Recommended Protective Actions for Gaseous Release & Qep 350-2, Emergency Drills ML20081B7011983-11-0303 November 1983 Public Version of Revised Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures,Including Procedures Qep 110-0 Re Station Director & Qep 110-2 Re Acting Station Directory (Shift Engineer).W/Jm Felton Release Memo ML20081L8921983-10-13013 October 1983 Public Version of Revised Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures Qep 310-1, Initial Notification & Qep 340-4, Action to Be Taken in Event of Oil Spill to Mississippi River ML20090G7031983-10-0606 October 1983 Public Version of Revised Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures,Including Procedures Qep 550-1 Re First Aid & Decontamination Facilities,Qep 550-2 Re Emergency Equipment Inventory & Qep 550-T1 Re Environ Sampling Supplies ML20078M7891983-09-30030 September 1983 Rev 10 to Offsite Dose Calculation Manual for LaSalle & Quad Cities ML20078E8701983-09-0808 September 1983 Public Version of Revised Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures,Including Procedures Qep 550-0 Re Emergency Equipment & Supplies & Qep 550-T4 Re Emergency Operations Facility Supplies ML20078G0761983-09-0808 September 1983 Public Version of Revised Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures Qep 110-2 Re Acting Station Director (Shift Director) & Procedure Qep 310-1 Re Initial Notification ML20078M8091983-08-31031 August 1983 Rev 9 to Offsite Dose Calculation Manual for Braidwood, Consisting of Chapters 7.2 & 8.0 ML20024E7771983-07-11011 July 1983 Public Version of Revised Environs Group Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures.Two Oversize Drawings Encl.Aperture Cards Available in PDR ML20024B9721983-06-30030 June 1983 Public Version of Revised Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures,Including Procedures Qep 330-0 Re Assessment Actions & Qep 330-11 Re Estimation of I-131 Release by Field Team Measurements.Revised Index Encl ML20085N1321983-06-0707 June 1983 Public Version of Rev 14 to Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures Qep 310-0, Notification of Responsible Authorities & Rev 8 to Qep 310-T3, Prioritized Notification Listing ML20024E1751983-06-0303 June 1983 Public Version of Revised Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures,Including Procedures Qep 330-0 Re Assessment Actions & Qep 330-11 Re Estimation of I-131 Release by Field Team Measurements 1999-06-30
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.J NUARY, 1989 a
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INTRODUCTION In late July, 1986 Quad-Cities Nuclear Power Station learned that Pt. Beach Nuclear Power Station was observing Boraflex (neutron absorber) degradation.
This was discovered during surveillance testing on their High Density Fuel Racks.
It was further learned that the degradation was oggurring in locations that had reached high exposure levels (approximately 1x10 rads). The high exposure levels were attributed to placing the freshly discharged fuel in the same location each outage.
Because of the similarity in operating practice, Quad-Cities was concerned about the integrity of the racks and criticality of the pool. This prompted
. Quad-Cities to examine the condition of the Reload High Density Fuel Racks in the Unit one fuel pool. The reload racks are used to accommodate the freshly discharged fuel each refueling outage as compared to the discharge racks which are used for long term storage. Therefore, these reload racks will reach higher exposures and see more thermal cycles than the discharge racks. The testing showed that Anomalies (gaps) had formed in the High Density Fuel Racks and, as expected, the reload racks contained the most and largest gaps.
In addition, planned future testing will be performed in the Unit One fuel racks because they have reached higher exposure than the Unit Two racks.
This data was used with theoretical behavior data to formulate a conservative Gap Growth Model. This model, along with conservative assumptions, was used in a criticality analysis of the fuel pool. The results of the analysis showed that the criticality of the spent fuel pool would never reach or exceed the 0.95 as long as the Gap Growth Model Technical Specification Limit of K,gg = limited to a maximum K was bounding and each fuel bundle was of less than 1.26.
Therefore,CommonwealthEdisonmustcontinuetomSnkEo!Ythe gap growth in the High Density Fuel Racks until such time that sufficient data exista (f rom CECO or othtr utilities) to prove the Cap Growth Model conserva-tively predicts the behavior of the Boraflex in the racks.
The purpose of this document is to provida guidelines that will form the basis of a surveillance program, in addition to the coupon surveillance, to verify Technical Specification compliance.
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i The objective of this surveillance is to verify the Technical Speci-fication Lf 7, K of the spent fuel pool is less than 0.95 now and th$ future.
I at any timt To meet this objective, the surveillance program should include the following processes:
Select sample size to examine and set surveillance interval.
i 2.
Collect gap size and location data on the sample.
l 3.
Trend the gap and location data.
i 4.
Verify the Gap Growth Model is bounding.
Commonwealth Edison evaluated two testing methodologies. The first test method will examine a minimum of 25 percent of reload cell panels prior to the next 4 Unit One outages. This testing will involve the Standard Test and Special Test Methods. The second method involves a statistical approach and the use of the Special Test Method only.
The first method is based on verifying the continued validity of the Gap Growth Model and the safety evaluation that is based on this model.
Beginning in the second quarter of 1989 (tentatively scheduled for May, 1989) and after the next three refueling outages, the Standard Test will be employed to examine a minimum of 25 percent of reload cell panels.
This will continue until all panels in the reload racks are examined once, or the conservative Gap Growth Model is shown to bound the gap distribution. This data will be used to verify the largest gaps are being trended and will provide information to evaluate the number of additional gaps to be trended.
The Special Test Method will be used to trend a minimum of 50 to 75 gaps.
This number will vary depending the number observed in the Standard Test Method. These trends will provide the necessary information to show the Gap Growth Model conservatively predicts gap growth.
The second method involves a rigorous statistical approach. This test will not directly verify that the Gap Growth Model bounds the gap distri-bution and will require a large amount of full panel testing.
In each panel there are 14 - 10 inch segments each 10 inch segment would take 200 seconds to test.
Therefore, this type of testing would take approximately 4 to 5 months to complete as compared to 3 weeks for the method one testing.
i Commonwealth Edison believes that both methods listed above are acceptable ways of providing Technical Specification compliance.
However, the first method will provide a direct method of verifying the conservative Gap Growth Model. Therefore, Commonwealth Edison will use the first method in selecting a sample size for testing.
Onc'e the sample size is determined, the data will be collected employing the same non destructive testing methods used in the past (Standard Test Method and Special Test Method).
The non destructive testing is based on the physical principle known as backscattering. This principle involves highly energetic neutrons that are emitted from a neutron point source. The fast neutrons are trans-mitted through the neutron detectors and the adjacent cell walls without interaction.
Once the fast neutrons enter the water in the adjacent cells they lose energy due to collisions with the water molecules (thermalization). As these neutrons collide and lose energy, they are also reflected back towards the detectors. The thermal neutrons reflected back will be absorbed by the Boraflex which significantly atter.uates thermal neutrons.
However, if Boraflex is absent from a portion of the cell wall the thermalized neutrons will pass through the wall and interact with the detectors, yielding a noticeable increase in detector count rate.
STANDARD TEST METHOD This testing equipment consists of a Stainless Steel housing which hold an energetic neutron source and four thermal neutron detectors.
Each one of the detectors are located adjacent to one of the four cell walls and have an active length of 8 inches. The detectors are moved at a continuous rate from the top of the cell to the bottom then oack to the top.
The count rate of each of the detectors are recorded on a chart recorder. This method provides an estimate of the size and location of the gaps.
The results will be used to estimate gap size and location and provide input = to which gaps will be trended using the Special Test Method.
This testing method is based on the same Backscattering principle as the standard test method. However, this method provides a statistically accurate representation of the anomaly.
The increase in accuracy is attributed to the geometry of the two Helium 3 pro-portional counters (detectors) used in this test.
The detectors are placed equal distance apart on the face of the detector housing.
These detectors are wrapped in lead and Cadmium (Cd). The lead is used to reduce the possibility of gamma interaction from the spent fuel in the pool. The cadmium sheet (which absorbs thermal neutrons) contains a one-half inch high window which is located at the front center of the detector. This window essentially reduced the active length of the detector to one-half inch.
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4 3.
The purpose of Benchmarking is to verify the accuracy of the testing equipment while obtaining data that could nelp identify the anomaly sizes better. This test involves performing the above tests in a special simulated high density fuel cell. This cell, known as the Benchmark cell, contained known defects to which the detectors accuracy could be tested. At the beginning of the test, the Benchmark cell is used to verify that the detectors will be able to accurately characterize the known defects. At the completion of the test, it is used to verify the data in the Special Test Method was in agree-ment with the initial data.
Once the Benchmarking and the testing is complete, the test daia will be analyzed.
Once the gap size and location data is received, the data will be placed in a data base.
The data base will provide a record of gap growth and exposure.
Commonwealth Edison will then use this data to compare to the Gap Growth Model to verify the validity of the safety evaluation and continued Technical Specification compliance.
n The trend data will be evaluated against Figure 1, Gap Size vs. Exposure, to verify the Gap Growth Model bounds the gap distribution. This project will involve Nuclear Fuel Services and station personnel.
Once complete the surveillance interval will be re-evaluated to reflect the current data.
FIGURE 1 5.0 :
.g Upper 4.0 e
.Ct us I
G 3.0 Lower Estimate E
2.0 8
Es f.
1.0 2
0 l
" Criticality Safety Evaluation of Boraflex Degradation in the Quad-Cities Spent Fuel Storage Racks", Southern Science Report SS-167, June, 1987.
"An Assessment of Boraflex Performance in Spent-Nuclear-Fuel Storage Racks", EPRI Report NP-6159, December, 1988.
" Preliminary Assessment of Boraflex Performance in the Quad-Cities Spent Fuel Storage Racks", Northeast Technology Report-NET-0420-01, April 10, 1987.
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