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Final Significant Deficiency Rept SD-38 Re Containment Liner Stud Spacing in Excess of Spec Requirements.Initially Reported on 830519.Present Containment Stud Spacing Adequate.Item Not Reportable Per 10CFR50.55(e)
Person / Time
Site: Millstone Dominion icon.png
Issue date: 10/12/1984
From: Counsil W, Fee W
To: Murley T
F0443A, F443A, SD-38, NUDOCS 8411030720
Download: ML20107E532 (9)


F e

General Offices

cec P.O. BOX 270 HARTFORD. CONNECT l cut 06141-0270 L L J ((,C$%7,,, (203) 665-S000 October 12,1984 Docket No. 50-423 F0443A Dr. Thomas E. Murley Regional Administrator Region I U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 631 Park Avenue King of Prussia, PA 19006 Refet ences: (1) W. G. Counsil to T. E. Murley, B10964, dated December 1, 1983.

(2) W. G. Counsil to T. E. Murley, B10815, dated June 17,1983.

(3) Stone & Webster Engineering Corporation, NERM-59, Millstone Nuclear Power Station, Unit No. 3. "Evahmtlen c,I Anchor Stud Spacing Containtment Structure Steel Liner,"

dated May 23,1984.

Dear Dr. Murley:

Millstone Nuclear Power Station, Unit No. 3 Reporting of Potential Significant Deficiencies in Design and Construction: Containment Liner Stud Spacing (SD-38)

In a May 19, 1983, telephone conversation between your Mr. T. Elsasser and our Mr. R. R. Viviano, Northeast Nuclear Energy Company (NNECO) reported a potential significant deficiency in the construction of Millstone Unit No. 3 as required by Title 10 Code of Federal Regulations Part 50, Paragraph 55(e). The potential significant deficiency involves containment liner stud (anchor) spacing in excess of specification requirements. (See References 1 and 2).

We have completed our evaluatien of the stud spacing in the Millstone Unit No. 3 containment liner to determine its potential impact on containment liner intedrity. The results of this evaluation are documented in a report by our architect-engineer (Reference 3) and a copy of this was given to your Mr. K. A. Manoly during his site visit on August 14,1984.

We have concluded that the present containment liner stud spacing for Millstone Unit No. 3 is adequate and that it would .have had no adverse effect on safety had the condition gone undetected. Hence, this is not a significant deficiency for Millstone Unit No. 3.

8411030720 841012 DR ADOCK 05000 S af

-; e - ... .>

9 l

Changes to die Millstone Unit No. 3 FSAR,'Section 3.8 (Design of Category 1.

Structures) have been initiated to make the FSAR consistent with our findings and are attached for your information.

This constitutes our final report closing out SD-38. We trust that the above

- information satisfactorily responds to your concerns.


W. G. Counsil Senior Vice President

  • N By: W. F. Fee Executive Vice President cc: Mr. R. C. Young, Director Division of Inspection and Enforcement U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Phillips Building 7920 Norfolk Avenue Bethesda, MD 20014 Mr. K. A. Manoly Office of the Executive Director for Operations Region i U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 631 Park Avenue King of Prussia, PA 19406

MNPS-3 FSAR The liner plate is a continuously welded steel membrane supported

{ by and anchored to the inside of the containment at sufficiently F close k _

intervals with anchor studs arid deformed bars cn alamonM l natter 7) so that the overall deformation of the liner under the J 7 parameters derived from the design basis accident (DBA) and

  • normal operation will be essentially the same as that of the concrete containment structure.

The function of the liner is to act as a gas-tight membrane under conditions that can be encountered throughout the operating life of the plant. The liner is designed to resist all direct leads and accommodate deformation of the concrete containment structure p without ieonardizino N k-ticht iteority,pance stress levelsl w1A1 be kept within allowable stress levels specified in ASME III I Division 1 Class MC.J Under DBA conditions, the liner is under a state or oraxial compressive strain due to thermal effects and during the test condition, the liner plate is under a state of biaxial tensile strain. The anchor studs prevent buckling of the liner and act as nodal points. Tests conducted at Northeastern University, Boston, Massachusetts, using 5/8-inch diameter studs and 3/8-inch thick plate, show that shear failure occurs in the stud adjacent to the weld connecting the stud to the plate; in no instance was the plate damaged. Tests conducted for the stud manufacturer under the direction of Dr. I.M. Viest (TRW, Inc. 1975) indicate that, with the manufacturer's reccmmended depth of embedment of the stud in concrete, the ultimate strength

[ of the stud material can be developed in direct tension. The reinforcement ring and liner adjacent to the hatches are anchored to the concrete containment with a denser stud pattern.

The liner pressure boundary includes embedments, insert plates, and penetrations. Liner dimensions are given in Sections to .3 and shown in Figure 3.8-14. Leak chase channels are installed over penetration to liner' seams and over knuckle plate to liner seams.

B. Embedments Three types of embedments are used to maintain the leaktightness I of the steel membrane while transferring loads across the mat liner plate to the concrete mat. One is a 3 x 6 rectangular forged bar also called a bridging 'ar, another is a 1 1/4-inch thick plate, and the other is a 5-inch thick forged plate to which the neutron shield tank is mounted. Leak test channels are welded all around the embedments to ensure the leaktightness of the steel membrane. Vertical reinforcing steel is Cadwelded to the top and bottom of the embedments providing reinforcing bar continuity without creating n.ultiple penetrations.

C. Insert Plates

/ Loads from supports for piping such as the spray headers and other miscellaneous eclipment are transferred to the containment

-( concrete wall through insert plates and their anchors. Each 3.8-4

- - _ - = -- - - - - __ _ _ - = - - _ _ ,

I l

o. .


!$?S-3 FSAR


25. ASTM C 26C-69 Air-entraintng A3 mixtures for Concrete
29. ASTM C 259-71 Test for Potential Reactivity of Aggregates (Chemical Method) 3C. ASTM C 295- Recommended Practice for Petrographic .

1965 Examination of Aggregates for Concrete (1973)

31. ASTM C SE6-69 Test for Potential Alkali Reactivity of Carbonate Rocks for Cencrete y Aggrega r.a s $
32. AWS D1.1-72 Rev.1-73 Structur u nelding Code k

t-9 t

33. AWS D12.1 Recommended Practices for Welding Rein-- 0 forcing Steel, Metal Inserts and Connect- c ions in Reinforced Concrete Construction j


34. NRC Regulatory Guides as qualified in Section 1.8 on the N following topics:

>; g Cadweld Splices 0

! 4. 4
b. Reinforcing Bar Testing

?!,j { c. Structural Acceptance Testing -

d. Placement of Concrete c
i e. Design Response Spectra 2

' 0

f. Seismic Damping values c ,
35. BOCA Basic Building Code of the Building officials and Code Administrators International, Inc., O 1970 g A

lj;e 36. State of Connecticut Basic Building. Code, 1971 q 9

'h Steel Liner and Penetrations -

g ul

I O if There was no applicable code for the design of concrete containment structure liners at the beginning of the construction of the Millstone liner. However, ASME gec ucns .II and VIII, 1971 edition, were used as a guide.

lN Design, materials, fabrication, testing, and inspection, where

. applicable, conform to the following codes, standards, and

$ specifications:

a. ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Eections II, III and V, 3

1971issueincludingaddendafuptoandincluding the 1973 Summer addends'.Awo sec riod E. Dty' f,'OM 2. 506 5E c.TioM CC 19S0 lj ( 1% > E tur.:.scidt- ADDEuoA uP c Ayo N(.L9DNc- 59succ.1967..

b. ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Welding Qualifications, 5ection IX, issue in effect at the time of qualificatten.


.i 3.6*10

_ _ _ _ _ _ . . . _ _ _ ~ . _ _ _ . . - _ . . _ . . _ _ _ . . _ .

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is added to areas of marked

  • deviation from the normal

( pattern.

Steel I.iner and Penetrations Stres'ses due te strain compatability of the liner with the reinforced cencrete shell % ue to various combinatien6of pressure, thermal. IT self-weight an seismic load were determined using Stone & Webster's g f t- {

"KAI.NIUS" program. This is a direct integration program for static (;

dge analysis of multilayered thin shells of revolution. The stress tQ analysis of a shell subjected to mechanical and thermal surface loads gQgiyO and edge loads, is reduced to a boundary value problem governed by a u system of nenhomogeneous, linear, partial differential equat: ens. Mhahk The equations are separable with respect to the meridional and E o<; y y ej eircu=fercntial coordinates of the shell. The solution for each -

N}I$g separable component of the, loads is obtained by solving a typical 'two poine, boundary value problem governed by eight first order linea-F Analytic h =O t! yy U .)

ordinarydifferentialequationsusingdirectintegration.Ied evaluation of the penetration discontinuities were mode on the QO[$

ASAAS program (Asymmetric Stress Analysis of Axisymmetric Solids). $~i 3 The method of analysis employed is based on a finite element +

idealization of an axisy= metric solid. Each element is an Egg $n} e axisy= metric ring of a constant cross section. Since such a solid $ @p may be loaded and may deform in nonaxisymmetric modes and since the ')-

properties of the material may vary in all directions (e.g., due to ~[ $ e i

  • ( 8f o(0 temperature variations), all the dependent variables including the -8 0@@5 4 j material preperties are expressed as truncated Fourier series with

'f the circumferential coordinate being the independent variable.


1 Influence coefficients of penetrations due to applied temperature, pressure, movement. axial shear and torsional loads were determined

.' using TAC-2D analysis. TAC-2D is a co=puter program for calculating g steady-state and transient temperatures in two dimensional problems i by the finite difference method. The configuration of the body to be

! analyzed is described in the rectangular, cylindrical, or circular I (polar) coordinate system by orthogonal liries of constant coordinate

./ called grid lines. The grid lines specify an array of nodal

! elements. Nodal points are defined as lying midway between the

] bounding grid lines of these elements. A finite difference equation is formulated for each nodal point in terms of its capacitance, heat j[ generation and heat flow. paths to neighboring nodal points.

3.8.A.5 Structural Acceptance Criteria l

[ Containment Structure The containment structure is designed for the loads and load h

combinations presented in Section Allowable stresses, unless otherwise defined, are in accordance with ACI 318-71. For the y

' factored load combinations, design of the containment structure meets the broad intent of Article CC-3400 of ASME III Division 2. Details

' h' ( -

of the design conform to AC: 318-71 and the additional requirements

' discussed in Section, rather than the parallel requirenents A

t 3.B-20


( ultrasenically tested prict te instal}ation for the purpose of detecting pcssible laminations.

Toughness tests (Charpy V-notch) were performed on all materials -

which form part of the containment structure boundary. Nil-ductility Transition Temperature Tests were .so performed on all ferritic steel that fermed part of the pressure boundary but were not required of plates, test channels, hatch bolts, and hatch nuts. .

Penetratien sleeves are made of SA537 Grade B Q&T. SA516 Grade 60 fine grain, ncrmalized and SA333 Grade 6 fine grain normalized, all with a ND T of -10'F.

Neutron shield tank embedment base and the carbon steel penetration ferg:.ngs are SA505 Class 1 with a NDT! of +10'F. ,

W Penetration coolers equipment hatch, personnel airlock. shear lugs.

$p and backing plates are SA516 Grades 60 and 70 fine grain ncrmali:ed 3<

<I with NDT of -10*F. O u Bridging bars are made of SA350 Grade LF1 and SA516 Grade 70 ul $

M normalized with NOT of 0*F. Sump liners and bellows are made of Type 304 stainless steel SA240. The stainless steel penetratica 'h a forgings are made of types 304 and 316. SA182. g <,


( - Quality Control 3<

JU 1 tJ

\ Quality centrol procedures are described in the QA plan. Chapter 17. <

Special Construction Technicues bd I

Erection of the cylindrical portion of the liner plate followed a comoletien of the concrete mat. The liner plates served as the internal form for the concrete containment durinc constructicn. All liner seams are double butt welded. except for the lower 31 fe t of j the cylindrical shell liner p here th @ plates are welded using backing plates. The liner plate is continuously anchored to the concrete shell with steel anchor studs and deformed bars.

The maximum difference in cross-sectional diameters of the liner is in accordance with the rules shown in paragraph NB-4221.1 of Section III, ASME Boiler and Pressure Vess,el Code. Nuclear Power Plant Cemponents,1971 Edition. The maximim misalignment between liner plates is in accordance with paragraph NB-4232 of the ASME Boiler and Prersure Vessel Code. Nuclear Power Plant Components, 1971 Editlen.

All measurements were taken on parent metal and not at welds. Flat spots or sharp angles were not allowed.

l The allevable deviation frem true circular ferm does not affect the elastic stability of the containment liner because of the restraint g

provided by the ancher studs and deformed bars tying it to the reinforced concrete shell.


' 2.5-29

I 7 ,.




. Allowables Lead (per ASME !!!

Catecory Cenditiens Ncmenclature)

D+P3 +T P +Pb+Q<25,,

Emergency g +SSE Test D+1. lSP. Pm<0.95 y P +P <1.355 y m b .

+" CAT" curve cen-siderations Normal 100 cycles of AP NE-3222.4 (d) or (e) 400 cycles of AT 100 cycles of 1/2-SSE Severe P (S Without D+P"i" +T"i" 1/2-SSE <1.55 temper-Operational P"+P"b m m ature


. (~.'

- P +P +Q<25 m m b ANCHORS Emergency D+P +T + SSE Max. shear < .425 S u D D Severe D+P g+T gg+ 1/2-SSE Max. tensile <0.45 5 Operational , ,


l .

The normal and test load ecmbinations are producing negligible

! effects.



. ,t

! D = Dead load effect of reinforced concrete structure acting on the 1:ner plus dead load of the liner

} i i = Design pressure (pressure resulting from design basis l

.; P  ;

D accident and safety margin)

T = Load due to thermal expansion, resulting when the liner

/ D is exposed te the design temperature l ( ,

SSE = Stresses in the liner derived from applying the effect of


! 's, the safe shutdoen earthquake 1 of 2



( TAELE 2.5-1 .tCont) 4? = Dif ferential pressure between operating pressure and '

atmospheric pressure (100 cycles are assumed en the basis of 2.5 ar refueling cycles per year on a 40 year span)

AT = Lead due to thermal expansion resulting when the liner is exposed to the differential temperature between operating and seasonal refueling temperatures (400 cycles are assumed on the basis of 10 such variations per year. on a 40 year span (100 cycles of 1/2-SSE is an assumed nu:r.ber of cycles

'for this type of earthquake.)

Pr in= Minimum pressure resulting during operation of the containment .

i = Load due to thermal expansien resulting when the liner dn is exmosed to the minimum pressure S = Yield strength of the material y

5, .= The smaller of 1/3-ultimate strength or 2/3-yield strength i S u

= Ultimate strength of the stud material.


( b = ALLcWASLC DISPLAEUT F0f. LidEC A u c.M c E S , 1 4 .

[u OLTil.4 ATE Dl6PLAf.EMCOT 4MMi.lii Fbr. L10cc. Acc. Hots,10.

(~ =

= ALL.OWASLE unsf. Pt. ATE c0MPEE%PJ8 67 ear 4 3 lu/M

't i



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