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Reactor Containment Bldg Integrated Leakage Rate Test,Type A,B & C Periodic Test,Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station,Unit 1
Person / Time
Site: Pilgrim
Issue date: 12/31/1984
Shared Package
ML20100F595 List:
NUDOCS 8504040371
Download: ML20100F603 (51)


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~- Section' Title Page REFERENCES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ii LIST OF ATTACHMENTS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iii 1 PURPOSE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1 2


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1 2.1 Type A Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1 2.2A Local Leakage Rate Tests (Types B and C) . . . . 2-3 2.2B Valve Betterment Program . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-3

-2.3 Work Control Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-4 3 TYPE A TEST. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.1-1 3.1 Edited Log of Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.1-1 3.2 General Test Description . . . . . .. . . . . . . 3.2-1 3.2.1 Prerequisites. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2-1 3.2.2 Equipment and Instrumentation. . . . . . . . . . 3.2-1 3.2.3 Data Acquisition System. . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2-2 3.2.4 Data Resolution System . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2-3 3.3 Test Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.3-1 3.3.1 Presentation of Test Results . . . . . . . . . . 3.3-1 3.3.2 ILRT Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.3-1 4 LOCAL LEAKAGE RATE TESTS (TYPES B AND C) . . . . 4-1


k i


1. 10CFR50 Appendix J, Primary Reactor Containment Leakage i Testing for Water Cooled Power Reactors, as amended l September 22, 1980
2. Procedure No., Revision 1, Primary Containment Integrated Leak Rate Test Preparations, 1984
3. Procedure No., Revision 1, Primary Containment Integrated Leak Rate Test, 1984
4. ANSI /ANS 56.8, Containment System Leakage Testing
Requirements, February 19, 1981*
5. ANSI N45.4 -

1972 Leakage Rate Testing of Containment Structures for Nuclear Reactors, March 16, 1972



  • This document used only as a guideline and any reference to said document in no way implies compliance.







TYPE C iii


O This- report describes and analyzes the surveillance Types A, B, and C Containment Leakage Rate Test results. Tasts were conducted on Boston Edison Company's Pilgrim Nuclear Power-Station, Unit No. 1 and reported as required by 10CFR50 Appendix J, Paragraph V.B (Reference 1).
Specifically, these tests were the December 1984 Containment Integrated Leakage Rate Test (ILRT) and the Types B and C tests performed from April 1982 through December 1984.

Stone & Webster Engineering Corporation provided engineering consultation services to BECO during their performance of these tests.

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O 2.1 TYPE A


This is the first periodic ILRT successfully performed on initial pressurization at Pilgrim Station. Previous ILRTs at BECO have been successful but only after a significant leakage path was

-isolated, or after the containment boundary was inadvertently altered, or after the containment was depressurized to repair leaks. Thus, from a licensing aspect, previous ILRTs have not been considered successful even though the leak tightness of the primary containment was eventually demonstrated. The success of the December 1984 test is directly attributable to the' excellent outage coordination and cooperation of the applicable management, engineering, maintenance / construction, operations and test groups. The coordination helped BECO overcome the additional problems of a major recirculation piping replacement effort, the

. incorporation of several plant design changes, as well as the previous problems associated with past ILRT failures.

Sections 2.2B and 2.3 detail the specific items BECO implemented

!- to make this-ILRT a successful test.

Pressurization of the primary containment was delayed by two separate equipment problems. The first was the failure of the

. drywell airlock full volume leakage test. The cause of the failure was found when the inner airlock door was reopened for maintenance. Tie wraps, that had been used to support some temporary hoses and cables for some recent drywell work, were 4

found across the 0-rings and the door channels. These were

  • removed. A subsequent local leakage rate test confirmed that this had been the cause of the failure. The second equipment
problem was the improper loop calibration for the primary

' containment dewpoint sensors. Its discovery occurred when the dewpoint temperature was found to be higher than the corresponding drybulb temperature. The calibration error was corrected and verified by in-situ comparisons using plant test i


Pressurization for the December ILRT was started at 0430 hours0.00498 days <br />0.119 hours <br />7.109788e-4 weeks <br />1.63615e-4 months <br /> l

and was completed at 0928 hours0.0107 days <br />0.258 hours <br />0.00153 weeks <br />3.53104e-4 months <br /> on December 12, 1984.

i. At 0810 hours0.00938 days <br />0.225 hours <br />0.00134 weeks <br />3.08205e-4 months <br /> on 12/12/84 drywell circulation fan VAC 206B1 was

, running close to its current limit and was manually secured.

Subsequent investigation revealed that, although current readings were high, the current limit had not actually been exceeded and the fan might not have had to be secured. At 1000 hours0.0116 days <br />0.278 hours <br />0.00165 weeks <br />3.805e-4 months <br /> fan VAC 206A tripped on overload. These nonsafety-related fans are i not intended to operate at the higher pressure accident condition. 'Ohe blades had been reset for the ILRT to provide circulation.. Loss of these two fans was not deemed significant i A 2-1 U .

en-,. n--,---~,nm n- w av~ n -.n,_ --en -- w . n ~n gn m nc-~-- w



to the ILRT because there. were still enough fans running to circulate air in the drywell.

During the temperature stabilization period,. extensive leakage investigations were conducted. A water leakage path- was

, identified at 1100 hours0.0127 days <br />0.306 hours <br />0.00182 weeks <br />4.1855e-4 months <br /> on December 12, 1984. This was identified as a cracked penetration weld on a high pressure coolant injection (HPCI) turbine exhaust line test connection.

The leakage was quantified to be approximately 4.75 gallons per minute. No repairs or adjustments were performed. No other significant leakage paths were discovered.

i Temperature stablization was achieved at 1330 hours0.0154 days <br />0.369 hours <br />0.0022 weeks <br />5.06065e-4 months <br /> on December

12, 1984. Initial trend data indicated an acceptable leakage i rate even with the identified HPCI test connection leakage path.

The 24-hour test period (required by the Pilgrim Technical Specifications) was completed at 1330 hours0.0154 days <br />0.369 hours <br />0.0022 weeks <br />5.06065e-4 months <br /> on December 13, 1984.

The Upper Confidence Limit for this reduced pressure test was 0.346244 percent per day as compared to the 0.75 Le limit of 0.595986 percent per day. A shorter duration test of

approximately 6 to 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> could easily have been performed with essentially the same results. The mass versus time plot of Attachment 3.3E gives the stability in the mass trend and the j corresponding leakage rate results of Attachment 3.3B.

l The. NRC required the superimposed leakage verification test be performed in lieu of the mass step change verification test. The


verification test flow was started at 1352 hours0.0156 days <br />0.376 hours <br />0.00224 weeks <br />5.14436e-4 months <br /> on December 13,


1984. A consistent and stable leakage trend was achieved at 1510

hours and this was used as the start of the verification test.

[ The procedural requirements were satisfied at 1910 hours0.0221 days <br />0.531 hours <br />0.00316 weeks <br />7.26755e-4 months <br />. It is felt that the last 16 to 18 hours2.083333e-4 days <br />0.005 hours <br />2.97619e-5 weeks <br />6.849e-6 months <br /> of the 24-hour test provided

sufficient confidence in the test results. In this case, the superimposed leakage test did not provide any additional information. A potential 18 hours2.083333e-4 days <br />0.005 hours <br />2.97619e-5 weeks <br />6.849e-6 months <br /> could have been reduced from the actual duration without substantially changing the test f results or the confidence of these results. Depressurization was started at 2015 hours0.0233 days <br />0.56 hours <br />0.00333 weeks <br />7.667075e-4 months <br /> on December 13, 1984 and was completed during the early morning hours of December 14, 1984.

After the ILRT, the HPCI test connection weld was repaired under the BECO ASME XI Repair Program. Because this was a 3/4-inch penetration, the leakage test will be deferred until the next scheduled ILRT in accordance with the guideline of ASME XI IWE-5222.


l O 2-2


.The' local- leakage rate tests (LLRT) of containment isolation valves and primary containment penetrations were conducted as-required in accordance with station surveillance procedures since the previous Type A test in February 1982.

In accordance with Appendix J, 10CFR50-paragraph V.B,_ data-for the LLRTs are summarized in-Section 4.

2.2B VALVE BETTERMENT PROGRAM As part of a review of the historical LLRT seat leakage results, BECO instituted a valve betterment program. This program focused on' containment isolation valves with a previous history of excessive seat leakage. . Certain valves had been scheduled for major overhaul or in fact replacement during this 1984 outage.

The following valves represent some of the valve betterment actions performed in 1984, e Main steam isolation valves (MSIVs) were overhauled.

New stems and poppets with extended nose pieces were installed, new valve guides were machined into the valve bodies, and the seats were rewelded, machined, and polished.


  • replaced and soft seats were replaced.

Two -reactor water cleanup (RWCU) isolation valves were replaced. The old valves had' body to bonnet leaks.

  • All the purge and vent valves were replaced. The new valves are butterfly valves with metallic seats.
  • Several in-line solenoid valves were replaced with control valves in the H /03 analyzer system. 4
  • Various other valves were reworked as described in Attachment 4C.

O 2-3


) To ensure a- sucessful ILRT, a number of measures were taken to control work and maintain the containment boundary during the major maintenance and refueling outage. This included training, review of work performed, and daily monitoring of maintenance activites.

At' the commencement of the outage, all test personnel received Appendix J training for the LLRTs and the ILRT. This included a gfneral overview and specific training for Levels I, II, and III tsst personnel. At the beginning of the ILRT, all contract personnel received briefings on the importance of work control during the ILRT and the precautions to be observed when working

r. bout the containment or on matters related to the test. The t6st group reviewed all maintenance requests and plant design change packages to identify activities that could impact leakage rate testing or the containment boundary. For example, all of the - work performed in regard to the H /03 pipe cracking problem was closely observed by the test group. This included extensive post-work and pre-ILRT walkdowns.

Morning and afternoon daily status meetings were attended by test group personnel. Previous to the ILRT, an additional Plant Testing Meeting was held daily to discuss and plan actions on items relating to the ILRT.

O These programs enabled BECO to overcome the previous problems that had caused past ILRTs to be unsuccessful.

2-4 ,

I i



_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ..I


,. ~

5 TYPE A TEST 3.1 EDITED LOG OF EVENTS 12/11/84 0110 Drywell sumps pumped.

0330 Drywell inspection completed.

0600 Inner door of drywell closed, strongback on. LLRT of door seals started.

0630 LLRT of drywell door seals acceptable. Integrated airlock test started. Access to reactor building secured.

1100 Integrated airlock test failed at 21 SLM (standard liters per minute). Maintenance activity started.

1500 Contract personnel briefed on ILRT and precautions to be observed when working near containment.

1500 Tie wraps found across inner door seal and removed.

Strongback installed.


1509 LLRT on drywell inner door completed with no leakage measured.

1513 Integrated airlock test started.

1800 Integrated airlock test completed. Leakage rate 4.9 SLM.

1810 Pressurization lineup and verification completed.

1900 Inconsistencies found on dewpoint readings. Dewpoint readings higher than dry bulb readings.

2000 Contractor night crew briefed on ILRT and precautions to be observed when working about containment.

2150 Plant computer calibration error discovered on dewcells.

2300 Drywell door opened to obtain psychrometer readings to verify deweell readings.

(v) 3.1-1

12/12/84 Q

k- / 0320 Drywell inner door reclosed and strongback installed.

0345 LLRTs on drywell doors commenced.

0420 LLRTs completed on drywell doors.

0430 Pressurization started.

0515 PCV 5030B disabled because it was closing and shutting off air supply to the drywell.

0810 VAC 206B1 fan, which was close to its current limit, secured.

0912 One compressor secured at 37.5 psia.

0928 Second compressor secured at 38.5 psia. Stabilization period started.

1000 VAC 206A tripped on overload.

1100 Water leak detected on a test connection on HPCI exhaust line, fs 1330 Thermal stabilization criteria satisfied, 24-hour test started.

1755 Leakage in torus room measured. Leakage rate approximetely 4.75 gpm.

12/13/84 1330 24-hour ILET completed.

1352 Commenced superimposed verification test by opening supplemental test connection valves.

1510 Superimposed test started.

1910 Superimposed test completed.

2015 Depressurizatioa started.

12/14/84 0730 Depressurization complete.

1350 Drywell sumps pumped and measured.

() 3.1-2 4


'/ 3.2.1 Prerequisites In accordance with Pilgrim Unit No. 1, ILRT Procedure No. (Reference 2), the following is a partial listing of the prerequisites completed and documented prior to containment pressurization.

1. General inspection of the accessible interior and exterior surfaces of the containment structure was performed. '
2. All equipment and instrumentation that could be damaged or destroyed by test pressure were removed or protected.
3. Valve lineups, including venting and draining as required, were completed.
4. All instrumentation used for the test was calibrated within 6 months of the test.
5. The plant computer was operational and programmed for the ILRT.
6. The official Log of Events Book was established and t

rx ) available prior to the commencement of the test.

\~# 7. The reactor building ventilation system, with ductwork modified for the ILRT, was in operation for about 2 days prior to commencement of the test.

8. Site meteorological data was recorded every 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> for 3 days prior to the test and hourly during the test.
9. Prior to pressurization the drywell floor and equipment sumps were pumped down and flow integrator readings were recorded.
10. During pressurization and throughout the test, access to the reactor building was minimized and under the control of the Test Director and Health Physics.
11. All high drywell pressure trips were electrically

. bypassed, tagged, and recorded.

3.2.2 Equipment and Instrumentation Pressurization of the containment was achieved by using two temporary air compressors. Air was piped through an aftercooler and moisture separator. The total capacity of the pressurization system utilized was rated at 2,400 scfm.

s_- .


1 During the test, the necessary variables used to determine containment leakage were continuously monitored. Instrumentation consisted of platinum resistance temperature detectors (RTDs),

dewcells for dewpoint indication, and an absolute pressure quartz manometer (Attachment 3.2A).

A calibrated rotometer was used during the superimposed verification test. Except for the rotometer, all test instrumentation readings were inputted to the plant computer for data acquisition and trending.

Prior to the December 1984 ILRT, a review of the containment weight factor calculations was performed. Two minor changes were made. The first change was to correct an error in the calculation of the volume below the vessel (Volume VIII). The second change was to subtract the internal volume of the vessel from normal water level to and including the head.

In February 1985, a correction to the revised December 1984 weight factor calculation added 1,312 cubic feet to the containment free volume, for a total of 263,520 cubic feet. This i is less than a 3.1 percent change from the BECO Final Safety Analysis Report figure of 271,000 cubic feet.

To evaluate the effect the new February 1985 weight factors would have on the test results, the hourly data was recalculated. The e- resulting leakage rate was lower than the leakage rate reported (s) in Attachment 3.3B. The confidence level was slightly higher, hcwever, this is due to using only 25 of the 73 data sets available. Using all of the 73 data sets with the February 1985 weight factors would lower the reported test results. Since this difference was determined to be insignificant, the results of Attachment 3.3B will be reported as the test results. The February 1985 weight factors will be used on all future Type A tests.

3.2.3 Data Acquisition System l The Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station, Unit No. 1 ILRT used a General Electric PAC 4000 to scan, log, and perform data reduction on tha test data received from the containment instrumentation.

Instantaneous values of the ILRT instruments were recorded ever,'

2 minutes. The volume weighted absolute drybulb temperature and the volume weighted vapor pressure were calculated every 10 minutes. These calculations were from the latest instantaneous values of the drybulb and dewpoint temperatures.


\~- .


3.2.4 Data Resolution System I ^

After. the appropriate- data had been acquired using the plant '

computer system, the results were manually inputted to a dedicated computer system for leakage rate calculations using the

absolute method of mass point analysis. The results presented in

. this report were run on a Stone & Webster HP-9826 computer.

I The -absolute method of mass point analysis consists of

calculating air masses within the primary containment over a i- minimum of 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> using pressure, temperature, and dewpoint 4

observations made during the ILRT. The masses are computed using i the Ideal Gas Law as follows:

M = 144V(P-Pv) (Eq 1)

RT where

! M = air mass, Ibm i P = total pressure, psia PV = average vapor pressure, psia '

R = 53.35 ft-lbf/lbm*R (for air) c T = average containment temperature, *R ll = containment free volume, 262,208 ft*

The leakage rate is then determined by plotting the air mass as a j

O function of time, using a least-squares fit to determine the slope, A = dM/dt. The leakage rate is expressed as a percentag'e of air mass lost in 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> or' symbolically:

i Leakage rate = A/B (-2400) (Eq 2).

i i


l- ,

l A = the slope of the least-squares curve 1

l_ B = the y-intercept l The sign convention is such that an outward leak is positive and i the units are in percent / day. The air mass is computed i separately, and the result is correlated as a function of time by j means of a least-squares curve fit of the forms m = At + B (Eq 3)  ;

l The slope A and the y-interept B are then used in Equation 2 to i determine the leakage rate.

! A 95 p reent confidence interval is calculated using a students T  :

distribution. The sum of the leakage rate and the 95 percent t confidence interval is the upper confidence limit (UCL). The 1


' 3.2-3

\  :


measured leakage rate may be described as 95 percent accurate to within the value of the UCL.

1 4

4 i

0 4

3 4

i i

i 1

i i

i i

J h

l l

A i


j 3.2-4 r

i i


-- ---.- ~ ~ ~w n, - -- - -- . . _ . . _ _ . . ._.-.-n .m, e- - - - >

_ _ . _ _ . . . _ . . __ _ _ _ _ . - . m _ __ . _. - . _ _ _ _ _ . - . _ _

i 4




Instrument Computer ID Weight. Point N_ umbers Factor Zone Range (*F) ID Accuracy TE-A 0.014751 I 60-120 M011 10.1*F 4

TE-B 0.014752 I 60-120 M012 to.1'F TE-C 0.006657 II 60-120 M013 10.1*F TE-D 0.006657 II 60-120 M014 10.1*F TE-E 0.02605 III 60-120 M015 10.1*F TE-F 0.02605 III 60-120 M016 10.1*F TE-G 0.070051 IV 60-120 M017 10.l*F TE-H 0.070075 IV 60-120 M050 20.1'F

!~ TE-J 0.005356' VIII 60-120 M051 10.l'F

. TE-K 0.005356 VIII 60-120 M052 10.1'F TE-L 0.071851 V 60-120 M053 10.1*F TE-M 0.071852 V 60-120 M054 10.1'F TE-N 0.056749 VI 60-120 M055 10.1*F TE-O 0.020346 VII 60-120 M056 10.1*F TE-P 0.056749 VI 60-120 M057 10.1*F

( TE-Q TE-R 0.158907 0.158907 IX IX 60-120 60-120 M018 10.1*F M019 10.1*F TE-S 0.158907 IX 60-120 M020 10.1*F ME-A 0.021408 I, II 0-150 M021 10.1'F MZ-B 0.021409 I, II 0-150 M022 10.1'F NE-C 0.096101 III, IV 0-150 M023 iO.1'F ME-D 0.096101 III, IV 0-150 M024 10.1*F ME-E 0.128600 V, VI 0-150 MJ65 10.1*F ME-F 0.128601 VII, VIII 0-150 M066 0.1*F ME-G 0.031058 V, VI 0-150 M067 10.1*F ME-H 0.158907 IX 0-150 M068 to.1'F ME-J 0.158907 IX 0-150 M069 to.1*F ME-K 0.158907 IX 0-150 M070 to.1'F TI-1 N/A N/A 0-100 psia C041 10.015 psia

. am-O 1 of 1

r ELEV , ,


4l lF - ME-B ((O*

7 5

/ /

/ /

/ /

/ /


/ /

/ /

/ /

V o 8


  1. +

F ME-G 45, M -E , -+$

/ /

/ /

/ /

M E- F 0

ME-K [ /




g /

1200 G



(N ELEV s, ,

~ AZIMUTH TE-Ch,o-+9 l lF-TE-D


TE-B -

isoo LTE-A r

/r /

/[ / 60, TE-F [ TE-E 0

/ /

/ /

4o' / / TE-G 4 o' TE-H p / / a

/ /

/ /

/ /

TE-K TE-J 180 / O*

n ,/ ,/

J' S+-TE-M 4 l T E- L "' 9 20



/ TE-0 ** [/


/ /

TE-R TE-P ,- TE-N ,

2400 / / g TE-S 120 O /








() 3.3.1 The Presentation of Test Results December 1984 ILRT test data are based on a 24-hour period starting at 1330 hours0.0154 days <br />0.369 hours <br />0.0022 weeks <br />5.06065e-4 months <br /> on-December 12, 1984. The leakage rate analysis used Boston Edison Company's ILRT program run on an HP-8 5. - The test results in this report were run on a Stone &  ;

Webster HP-9826 computer. The reduced input data and mass point analysis are contained in Attachments 3.3A through 3.3D. Graphs of. the mass point data and the leakage rate are contained in Attachments 3.3E and 3.3F.

The test instrumentation was verified by the superimposed leakage test. The mass point analysis test results satisfied .the procedural acceptance criteria.

3.3.2 ILRT Results The ILRT was conducted in accordance with Boston Edison Company's Procedure No. (Reference 3). The ILRT results and the superimposed leakage test are as follows:

1. ILRT Mass Point Analysis Results Item  % Per Day Leakage Rate 0.342039 O- Confidence Level Type C Penalty 0.004205 0.025703 Sump Water Inventory 0.00365 TOTAL 0.375597
2. Superimposed Leakage' Results Calculate superimposed leakage T

f P,- x c

L, = L7 .p T g

c m where:-

P = pressure T = temperature c = calculation condition m = test condition 3.3-1

M (23.20+14.7) (73.2+459.67)

() Lo = 4.20 q (45+14.7) (76.92+459.67)

L o = 3.33 scfm Convert L o to percent per day Lo = 0.712956 percent per d&y The superimposed leakage rate test is acceptable if L falls within the following range:

(Lo +L am-0.254a ) <= Lc <= ( 43 +L ,,+ 0. 2 54a )


Lc = composite. leakage rate calculated during the verification test Lo = leakage rate imposed on containment using a flow measuring device La = maximum allowable leakage rate for ILRT L = total measured containment leakage rate am Mass Point

\O (0.712956 4 0.342039-0.198662)< = 0.934165< =

(0.712956 + 0.342039 + 0.198662) 0.856333< = 0.934165< = 1.253657 The superimposed leakage rate test results were acceptable in accordance with Appendix J.

3. Total Increase in Water Inventory Correction due to RPV water level

+0.5 inch in 24 hr = 41.67 gal / day Correction due to floor drain 160 gal x 24 hr = 45.35 gal / day 84.67 hr Correction due to equipment sump 342 gal x 24 hr = 96.94 gal / day 84.67 hr O


t i

j Total converted to percent per day 41.67 + 45.35 + 96.94 = 183.96 gal / day e 183.96 gal / day = 24.59 SCFM j 7.48 gal /ft' j 24.59 SCFM = X 4

5344.6 SCMM 0.794648 x = 0.00365%/ day

4. -Type C penetration leakage to be added since these
penetrations were not vented and drained  ;

4 .

i The leakages assigned are the Type C recorded minimum pathway j analysis.

i Pen Leakage 1

No. (SLM) i' 9A 0.1 9B 0.1 '

14 3.0

46A 0.1 i 46B 0.1 j Total 3.4 SLM 3.4 SLM = 0.12 SCFM 28.32 SLM/SCFM i-

. 0.12 SCFM = X 3.71 SCFM 0.794648 L I

X = 0.025703 i
i 3


j. >

4 1

b  ?

L i

! 3.3-3


. i 3

3 ATTACIBGENT 3.3A CONTAIIDEENT INTEGRATED LEAKAGE RATE TEST (from 1330 hours0.0154 days <br />0.369 hours <br />0.0022 weeks <br />5.06065e-4 months <br /> on 12/12/84 to 1330 hours0.0154 days <br />0.369 hours <br />0.0022 weeks <br />5.06065e-4 months <br /> on 12/13/84)

INPUT VARIABLES Time Temperature Moisture Pressure Set (hr) (*F)' (*F) (psia) 1 0.000 66.35 59.550 38.261 2 0.333 66.28 59.370 38.255 3 0.667 66.14 59.340 38.247 4 1.000 66.08 59.210 38.241 5 1.333 65.98 59.250 38.233 6 1.667 65.97 59.140 38.225 7 2.000 65.93 59.270 38.219 8 2.333 65.85 59.070 38.213 9 2.667 65.86 59.140 38.207 10 3.000 65.86 59.070 38.205 11 3.333 65.85 59.120 38.205 12 3.667 65.81 58.960 38.199 O 13 14 15 4.000 4.333 4.667 65.71 65.69 59.100 59.210 38.194 38.190 65.69 59.170 38.188 16 5.000 65.65 59.170 38.184 17 5.333 65.63 59.180 38.180 18 5.667 65.58 59.020 38.178 19 6.000 65.62 59.080 38.174 20 6.333 65.57 58.850 38.172 21 6.667 65.61 58.990 38.170 22 7.000 65.64 59.030 38.166 23 7.333 65.57 58.940 38.162 24 7.667 65.58 59.180 38.160 25 8.000 65.56 59.170 38.158 26 8.333 65.53 59.270 38.154 27 8.667 65.50 59.010 38.154 28 9.000 65.53 59.030 38.152 29 9.333 65.54 59.110 38.150 30 9.667 65.55 59.160 38.147 O

1 of 3


V Time Temperature Moisture Pressure Set (hr) ('F) (*F) (psia) 31 10.000 65.51 59.140 38.146 32 10.333 65.50 59.100 38.144 33 10.667 65.50 59.100 38.142 34 11.000 65.53 59.060 38.142 35 11.333 65.50 59.070 38.140 36 11.667 65.51 59.390 38.140 37 12.000 65.57 59.130 38.138 38 12.333 65.56 59.170 38.138 39 12.667 65.57 59.130 38.136 40 13.000 65.50 59.130 38.130 41 13.333 65.45 59.070 38.124 42 13.667 65.38 58.970 38.120 43 14.000 65.38 59.360 38.114 44 14.333 65.37 59.280 38.114 49 14.667 65.39 59.210 38.114

46 15.000 65.36 59.160 38.108 1

47 15.333 65.36 58.980 38.104

'48 15.667 65.30 58.970 38.101 1

49 16.000 65.31 58.870 38.099 50 16.333 65.39 58.850 38.099 51 16.667 65.35 59.010 38.099 l 52 17.000 65.33 59.060 38.099 53 17.333 65.39 59.130 38.097 54 17.667 65.41 58.940 38.095 1

! 55 18.000 65.37 59.210 38.093 1

56 18.333 65.37 59.120 38.093 57 18.667 65.40 59.040 38.091 58 19.000 65.40 59.010 38.091 i' 59 19.333 65.45 59.020 38.089 60 19.667 65.44 59.200 38.089 61 20.000 65.45 58.880 38.087

! 62 20.333 65.46 58.930 38.087 i 63 20.667 65.47 59.090 38.087

, 64 21.000 65.47 59.240 38.083 i

65 21.333 65.48 59.170 38.083 66 21.667 65.51 59.000 38.081


2 of 3


Time Temperature Moisture Pressure set (hr) (*F) (*F) (psia) 67 22.000 65.50 59.330 38.079 68 22.333 65.57 59.220 38.079 69 22.667 65.56 59.220 38.079 70 23.000 65.56 59.290 38.079 71 23.333 65.55 59.340 38.077 72 23.667 65.53 59.330 38.077 73 24.000 65.56 59.280 38.077 O

O 3 of 3 O

ATTACHMENT 3.3B CONTAINMENT INTEGRATED LEAKAGE RATE TEST (from 1330 hours0.0154 days <br />0.369 hours <br />0.0022 weeks <br />5.06065e-4 months <br /> on 12/12/84 to 1330 hours0.0154 days <br />0.369 hours <br />0.0022 weeks <br />5.06065e-4 months <br /> on 12/13/84)

ABSOLUTE TEST METHOD, MASS POINT ANALYSIS Upper Confidence Time Miss Leakage Confidence Limit Set (hr) (lbm) _(%/ day) (%/ day) (%/ day) 1 0.000 51139.65 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 2 0.333 51140.56 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 3 0.667 51143.77 0.289633 0.534732 0.245099 4 1.000 51143.09 0.190253 0.215568 0.025315 5 1.333 51141.56 0.089487 0.172863 0.083376 6 1.667 51133.08 0.122660 0.285564 0.408224 7 2.000 51127.34 0.271937 0.258990 0.530927 8 2.333 51129.43 0.286878 0.186153 0.473031 9 2.667 51119.54 0.367530 0.166049 0.533579 10 3.000 51117.69 0.402802 0.135243 0.538045 11 3.333 51118.06 0.401331 0.108715 0.510047

( ) 12 3.667 51115.78 0.397406 0.089441 0.486847 13 4.000 51117.11 0.375786 0.078151 0.453938 14 4.333 51112.35 0.370600 0.066594 0.437194 15 4.667 51110.13 0.365760 0.057493 0.423253 16 5.000 51108.63 0.359104 0.050443 0.409546 17 5.333 51105.07 0.357329 0.044301 0.401630 18 5.667 51109.15 0.339738 0.043029 0.382767 19 6.000 51099.16 0.343999 0.038579 0.382578 20 6.333 51104.06 0.332326 0.036521 0.368846 21 6.667 51095.81 0.334449 0.033004 0.367452 22 7.000 51087.03 0.346736 0.032327 0.379063 23 7.333 51089.52 0.348509 0.029492 0.378001 24 7.667 51082.99 0.355581 0.027869 0.383451 25 8.000 51082.36 0.358624 0.025762 0.384386 26 8.333 51078.69 0.362369 0.024021 0.386391 27 8.667 51084.71 0.355734 0.023148 0.378882 28 9.000 51078.86 0.353879 0.021538 0.375417 29 9.333 51074.24 0.354429 0.020030 0.374458 30 9.667 51068.63 0.357686 0.018941 0.376626 '

V 1 of 3


Upper Confidence Time Mass Leakage Confidence Limit ret (hr) (lbm) (%/ day) (%/ day) (%/ day) 31 10.000 51071.41 0.355822 0.017790 0.373613 32 10.333 51070.16 0.353261 0.016847 0.370108 33 10.667 51067.47 0.351278 0.015927 0.367205 34 11.000 51065.03 0.349585 0.015066 0.364651 35 11.333 51065.13 0.346434 0.014522 0.360956 36 11.667 51060.32 0.345270 0.013750 0.359020 37 12.000 51054.91 0.346058 0.013018 0.359076 38 12.333 51055.41 0.345047 0.012362 0.357409 39 12.667 51052.22 0.344582 0.011728 0.356310 40 13.000 51050.94 0.343583 . 0.011176 0.354759 41 13.333 51048.43 0.342757 0.010654 0.353411 42 13.667 51051.04 0.339686 0.010571 0.350258 43 14.000 51038.28 0.341641 0.010251 'O.351892 44 14.333 51040.21 0.341482 0.009781 0.351263 45 14.667 51039.11 0.340804 0.009364 0.350168 46 15.000 51034.54 0.341051 *0.008955 0.350006 47 15.333 51031.29 0.341574 0.008585 0.350158 48 15.667 51033.20 0.340479 0.008291 0.348770 49 16.000 53030.72 0.339534 0.008002 0.347536 50 16.333 51023.18 0.340394 0.007724 0.348118 51 16.667 51025.17 0.339756 0.007443 0.347200 52 17.000 51026.52 0.338038 0.007345 0.345383 53 17.333 51017.15 0.338559 0.007083 0.345643 54 17.667 51014.78 0.339016 0.006833 0.345849 55 18.000 51012.74 0.339322 0.006569 0.345911 56 18.333 51013.82 0.338674 0.006382 0.345056 57 18.667 51009.17 0.338667 0.006156 0.344823 58 19.000 51009.53 0.337978 0.005979 0.343957 59 19.333 51001.85 0.338614 0.005807 0.344421 60 19.667 51000.67 0.338906 0.005619 0.344525 61 20.000 51000.82 0.338599 0.005441 0.344040 62 20.333 50999.82 0.338140 0.005283 0.343423 63 20.667 50996.38 0.337822 0.005123 0.342945 O

2 of 3


O Upper Confidence Time Mass Leakage Confidence Limit Set (hr) (lbm) (%/ day) (%/ day) (%/ day) 64 21.000 50989.19 0.338505 0.005005 0.343510 65 21.333 50989.06 0.338679 0.004853 0.343532 66 21.667 50985.48 0.339062 0.004719 0.343781 67 22.000 50979.81 0.340017 0.004669 0.344685 68 22.333 50974.34 0.341439 0.004734 0.346173 69 22.667 50975.31 0.342148 0.004646 0.346794 70 23.000 50974.47 0.342528 0.004527 0.347056 71 23.333 50972.14 0.342860 0.004410 0.347270 72 23.667 50974.20 0.342442 0.004306 0.346748 73 24.000 50971.89 0.342039 0.004205 0.346244 O

O 3 of 3

ATTACHMENT 3.3C SUPERIMPOSED LEAKAGE RATE TEST (trom 1510 hours0.0175 days <br />0.419 hours <br />0.0025 weeks <br />5.74555e-4 months <br /> on 12/13/84 to 1910 hours0.0221 days <br />0.531 hours <br />0.00316 weeks <br />7.26755e-4 months <br /> on 12/13/84)

INPUT VARIABLES Absolute Vapor Time Pressure Pressure Temperature Moisture Set (hr) (psia) (psia) (*F) (*F) 78 25.667 38.049 0.2499 65.44 59.310 79 26.000 38.043 0.2494 65.44 59.260 80 26.333 38.037 0.2499 65.42 59.310 81 26.667 38.031 0.2501 65.39 59.330 82 27.000 38.025 0.2506 65.37 59.390 83 27.333 38.019 0.2500 65.31 59.320 84 27.667 38.017 0.2506 65.38 59.390 85 28.000 38.011 0.2521 65.40 59.560 86 28.333 38.008 0.2518 65.40 59.520 87 28.667 38.003 0.2514 65.42 59.480 88 29.000 38.000 0.2512 65.41 59.460 0 89 90 29.333 29.667 37.996 37.990 0.2502 0.2512 65.41 65.44 59.350 59.460 O

1 of 1

ATTACHMENT 3.3D SUPERIMPOSED LEAKAGE RATE TEST (from 1510 hours0.0175 days <br />0.419 hours <br />0.0025 weeks <br />5.74555e-4 months <br /> on 12/13/84 to 1910 hours0.0221 days <br />0.531 hours <br />0.00316 weeks <br />7.26755e-4 months <br /> on 12/13/84)

ABSOLUTE TEST METHOD, MASS POINT ANALYSIS Upper Confidence Time Mass Leakage Confidence Limit Set (hr) (lbm) (%/ day) (%/ day) (%/ day) 78 0.000 50945.44 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 79 0.333 50937.95 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 80 0.667 50931.21 0.005811 0.171830 1.177641 81 1.000 50925.79 0.928587 0.141358 1.069945 82 1.333 50918.92 0.921641 0.066037 0.987678 83 1.667 50917.49 0.816792 0.137533 0.954326 84 2.000 50907.16 0.848211 0.098595 0.946805 85 2.333 50895.08 0.932901 0.119253 1.052154 86 2.667 50891.52 0.943768 0.090607 1.034274 87 3.000 50883.33 0.960978 0.073208 1.0341t7 88 3.333 50880.50 0.944892 0.061283 1.006175 89 3.667 50876.43 0.921366 0.056111 0.97747f 90 4.000 50864.11 0.934165 0.048805 0.982970 O

1 of 1


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The LLRT data performed since the February 1982 Type A test is summarized below with details given in this section's attachments.

Attachment 4A - 1982/1983 Type B Test Data Attachment 4B - 1983/1984 Type B Test Data Attachment 4C - 1983/1984 Type C Test Data The combined "as-left" leakage rate for all the valves and penetrations is well below the acceptance criterion of less than 0.6La. The applicable surveillance procedure states the totals.

As indicated in Attachment 4C, four valves were removed prior to performance of "as-found" LLRTs. This outage maintenance activity resulted in no "as-found" values. Previous test results for these four particular valves reveal no evidence that they

, would have had any significant contribution to the total "as-found" leakage rate.

Under the extended outage maintenance, a valve betterment program i was instituted to minimize local leakage rates. Fifteen valves

! were overhauled including extensive rework on all main steam Thirteen additional valves were replaced.

I l p,)

q, isolation valves.

Attachment 4C gives the details.

l l

l l

l I


jm. f'3t



(J . >

NJ ATTACHMENT 4A 1982/1983 LOCAL LEAKAGE RATE TEST PENETRATION DATA TYPE B As-Found As-Left Pen Pen Type Equipment / Valves Leakage /Date Leakage /Date No t Description Test Tested (SLM) (SLM) Remarks 2 Atriock Outer Door B Double 0-Ring O.241/10-7-83 0.241/10-7-83 N/A 2 Atriock Inner Door B Double 0-Ring 0.241/10-7-83 0.241/10-7-83 N/A 2 Atriock Outer Door B Double 0-Ring 0.241/10-10-83 0.241/10-10-83 N/A 2 Airlock Inner Door B Double 0-Ring 0.241/10-10-83 0.241/10-10-83 N/A 2 Airlock Inner Door B Double 0-Ring 0.241/10-10-83 0.241/10-10-83 N/A 2 Airlock Outer Door B Double 0-Ring 0.241/10-10-83 0.241/10-10-83 N/A 2 Atriock Integrated Test - -

1.05/10-4-83 1.05/10-4-83 e 45 psig 2 Atriock Outer Door B Double 0-Ring O.241/8-2-83 0.241/8-2-83 N/A 2 Airlock Inner Door B Double 0-Ring 0.241/8-2-83 0.241/8-2-83 NA 2 Atriock Outer Door B Double 0-Ring O.241/8-2-83 0.241/8-2-83 NA 2 Airlock Inner Door B Double 0-Ring 0.241/8-2-83 0.241/8-2-83 NA 2 Atriock Inner Door B Double 0-Ring 0.241/7-29-83 0.241/7-29-83 NA 2 Atriock Outer Door B Double 0-Ring O.241/7-29-83 0.241/7-29-83 NA 2 Atriock Outer Door B Double 0-Ring 0.241/7-3-83 0.241/7-3-83 NA 2 Atriock Inner Door B Double 0-Ring 0.241/7-0-83 0.241/7-3-83 NA 2 Atriock Outer Door B Double 0-Ring 0.241/7-2-83 0.241/7-2-83 NA 2 Airlock Inner Door B Double 0-Ring 0.241/7-2-83 0.241/7-2-83 NA 2 Atriock Inner Door B Double 0-Ring 0.241/6-27-83 0.241/6-27-83 NA 2 Afriock Outer Door B Double 0-Ring 0.241/6-27-83 0.241/6-27-83 NA 2 Atriock Outer Door B Double 0-Ring 0.241/6-15-83 0.241/6-15-83 NA 2 Airlock Inner Door B Double 0-Ring 0.241/6-15-83 0.241/6-15-83 NA 2 Airlock Outer Door B Double 0-Ring 0.241/6-14-83 0.241/G-14-83 NA 2 Airlock Inner Door B Double 0-Ring 0.241/6-14-83 0.241/6-14-83 NA 2 Airlock Outer Door B Double 0-Ring 0.241/6-11-83 0.241/6-11-83 NA 2 Airlock Inner Door B Double 0-Ring O.241/6-11-83 0.241/6-11-83 NA 2 Atriock Integrated Test - -

1.5/3-18-83 1.5/3-18-83 e 45 psig Airlock Inner Door B Double 0-Ring 0.241/11-5-82 0.241/11-5-82 NA Airlock Outer Door B Double 0-Ring O.241/11-5-82 0.241/11-5-82 NA 2 Airlock Inner Door B Double 0-Ring 0.241/11-4-82 0.241/11-4-82 NA 2 Atriock Outer Door B Double 0-Ring 0.241/11-4-82 0.241/11-4-82 NA 1 of 3

+ .

e_ f] [N,

-(v V ()


As-Tound As-Left Pen Pen as Type Equipment / Valves Leakage /Date Leakage /Date j

f gt Description Test Tested (SLM) (SLM) Remarks 2 Atriock Inner Door B . Double 0-Ring 0.241/11-3-82 0.241/11-3-82 NA 2 Airlock Outer Door B Double 0-Ring 0.241/11-3-82 0.241/11-3-82 NA 2 Airlock Inner Door B Double 0-Ring 0.241/10-23-82 0.241/10-23-82 NA 2 Atriock Outer Door B Double 0-Ring 0.241/10-23-82 0.241/10-23-82 NA 2 Airlock Outer Door B Double 0-Ring 0.241/10-23-82 0.241/10-23-82 NA.

2 Airlock Tnner Door B Double 0-Ring 0.241/10-22-82 0.241/10-22-82 NA 2 Airlock Outer Door B Double 0-Ring 0.241/10-10-82 0.241/10-10-82 NA 2 Airlock Inner Door B Double 0-Ring 0.241/10-10-82 0.241/10-10-82 NA 2 Airlock Outer Door B Double 0-Ring 0.241/9-21-82 0.241/9-21-82 NA 2 Airlock Inner Door B Double 0-Ring 0.241/9-21-82 0.241/9-21-82 NA 2 Airlock Inner Door B Double 0-Ring O.241/8-17-82 0.241/8-17-82 NA 2 Airlock Outer Door B Double 0-Ring 0.241/8-17-82 0.241/8-17-82 NA 2 Airlock Inner Door B Double 0-Ring 0,241/8-16-82 0.241/8-16-82 NA 2 Atriock Outer Door B Double 0-Ring 0.241/8-16-82 0.241/8-16-82 NA 2 Airlock Outer Door B Double 0-Ring 0.241/8-14-82 0.241/8-14-82 NA 2 Airlock Inner Door B Double 0-Ring 0.241/8-14-82 0.241/8-14-82 NA 2 Airlock Outer Door B Double 0-Ring O.241/4-18-82 0.241/4-18-82 NA 2 Airlock Inner Door B Double 0-Ring 0.241/4-18-82 0.241/4-18-82 NA 2 Atriock Inner Door B Double 0-Ring 0.241/4-8-82 0.241/4-8-82 NA 2 Atriock Outer Door B Double 0-Ring 0.241/4-8-82 0.241/4-8-82 NA 2 Airlock Inner Door B Double 0-Ring 0.241/4-5-82 0.241/4-5-82 NA 2 Atriock Outer Door B Double 0-Ring 0.241/4-5-82 0.241/4-5-82 NA 2 Atriock Inner Door B Double 0-Ring 0.241/4-3-82 0.241/4-3-82 NA 2 Atriock Outer Door B Double 0-Ring 0.241/4-3-82 0.241/4-3-82 NA 2 Airlock Integrated Test - -

4.9/9-21-82 4.9/9-21-82

  • 45 psig 2 Atriock Integrated Test - -

O.1/4-1-82 0.1/4-1-82

  • 45 psig 2 Atriock Inner Door B Double-0-Ring 0.241/3-31-82 0.241/3-31-82 NA 2 Atriock Outer Door B Double 0-Ring 0.241/3-31-82 0.241/3-31-82 NA 2 Airlock Inner Door B Double 0-Ring O.241/3-31-82 0.241/3-31-82 NA 2 Airlock Outer Door B Double 0-Ring 0.241/3-31-82 0.241/3-31-82 NA 2 Airlock Inner Door B Double O-Ring 0.241/3-28-82 0.241/3-28-82 NA 2 of 3

. . - . . .. - . - . . ., -. ~. .- .- . -

-~. _. .~ .

t O .

1 i ATTACHMENT 4A (Cont) l As-Found As-Left Pen Pen -Type Equipment / Valves' leakage /Date Leakage /Date Not Description Test Tested (SLM) (SLM) Remarks 2 Airlock Outer Door 0.241/3-28-82 B Double 0-Ring 0.241/3-28-82 NA l 2 Airlock Inner Door O.241/3-25-A2 i 2 B Double O-Ring 0.241/3-25-82 NA -

Airlock Oister Door B Double 0-Ring 0.241/3-25-82 0.241/3-25 NA 200-B Torus Hatc!. 8 Double 0-Ring 0.1/8-16-82 0.1/3-16-82 e 45 psig 7D MSIV A02O3-2D B Valve 0.79/10-14-82 0.79/10-14-82 No leakage ,

l on plug +

l' e 23 psig l

7D MSIV A0203-20 Outboard B valve 0.79/10-9-82 0.79/10-9-82 Water / leg on inboard ,

side of A0203-1D 4

e 23 psig I

7D MSIV A0203-1D/A0203-2D B valve 3.00/10-22-82 3.00/10-22-82 e 23 psig Final Acceptance 7D MSIV A02O3-1D/A0203-2D B Valve 150.1/10-10-82 150.1/10-10-82 A0203-1D Initial Test Failed

  • 23 psig i

i i f 1

i I

1 l

I i

3 of 3 i -


[] #'5 Q

f Gi Q.

ATTACHMENT 48 1983/1984 LOCAL LEAKAGE RATE TEST PENETRATION DATA TYPE B As-Found As Left Pen Pen Type Equipment / Valves Leakage /Date Leakage /Date Remarks No s Description Test Tested (SLM) (SLM) Notes NA Gib Manways e O' B Double 0-Ring O.1/12-21-83 0.1/12-21-83' (2)

NA .Gib Manways e 45* B Double O-Ring NA Gib Manways e 90* B Double 0-Ring NA Gib Manways e 135' B Double 0-Ring NA Gib Manways e 180* B Double 0-Ring NA Gib Manways e 225' B Double 0-Ring NA Gib Manways e 270* B Double 0-Ring NA Gib Manways e 315* 3 Double 0-Ring NA Drywell Head B Double 0-Ring O.18/11-28-84 0.1'/11-28-84 NA 1 Equipment Hatch B Double O-Ring O.15/11-27-84 0.1'/11-27-84 NA 2 Airlock Inner Seal B Double 0-Ping 0.241/12-12-84 NA Airlock Outer Seal B Double 0-Ring 0.241/12-12-84 NA Atriock Integrated 5.0/1'2-11-84 NA 4 Drywell Head Access Hatch B Double 0-Ring O.15/5-10-84 0.1'/5-10-84 NA 6 CRD Removal Hatch B Double 0-Ring 0.2/11-26-84 0.2/11-26-84 NA 7A Main Steam B Bellows 0.18/12-2-83 0.1'/12-2-83 NA 78 Main Steam B Bellows O.18/12-2-83 0.18/12-2-83 NA 7C Main Steam B Bellows 0.1'/12-2-83 0.1'/12-2-83 NA 7D Main Steam B Bellows O.1'/12-2-83 0.1'/12-2-83 NA 8 Main Steam Drain B Bellows 0.1'/12-2-83 0.18/12-2-83 NA SA Feedwater B Bellows 0.1'/12-2-83 0,1'/12-2-83 NA 98 Feedwater B Bellows O.1'/12-2-83 0.1'/12-2-83 NA 12 RHR Suction From Recirculation B Bellows O.4/1-3-84 0.4/1-3-84 NA 14 Cleanup Supply B Be11ows 0.1'/12-6-83 0.18/12-6-83 NA 16A Core Spray B Bellows 0.18/12-6-83 0,1'/12-6-83 NA 168 Core Spray B Bellows 0.18/12-6-83 0.18/12-6-83 NA 17 Rx Vessel Head Spray B Bellows O.18/1-13-84 0.18/1-13-84 NA 25 Inboard Flange B A05044A O.1'/11-2-84 0.1'/11-2-84 (2)

Inboard Flange B A050448 Outboard Flange B A050448 1 of 4


\ -



.. As-Found As Left-Psn Pen Type. Equipment / Valves Leakage /Date Leakage /Date.

No . - Description . Remarks Test Tested (SLM) (SLM)- Notes

23 Inboard Flange' Inboard Flange B A050358 0.1'/11-1-84 0.1'/11-1-84, (2)

B A050358 Outboard Flange B A05035A

'35A Tip Drive Flange (Inner)

Tip Drive Flange (Outer)

B Double 0-Ring 0.1'/12-22-83 0.1'/11-15 (2)

B Double 0-Ring 35B Tip Drive Flange (Inner) B-

-Tip Drive Flange (Duter)

Double 0-Ring 0.1*/12-22-83 0.18/11-15-84. (2)

B Double 0-Ring

'35C Tip Drive Flange (Inner)

Tip Drive Flange (Duter)

B Double O-Ring O.18/12-22-83 0.1*/11-15-84 (2)

B Double O-Ring 350 Tip Drive Flange (Inner) B Tip Drive Flange (Duter) B Double 0-Ring 0.1'/12-22-83 0.1'/11-17-84 (2) 1 Double O-Ring 35E Tip Drive Flange (Inner)

Tip Drive Flange (Outer)

B Double 0-Ring 0.18/12-22-83 0.18/11-15-84 (2)

B Double O-Ring 43 Drywell Test Connection Flange B Double O-Ring 0.1'/2-8-84 0.1'/2-8-84 47 ILRT Support Connection Flange B Double 0-Ring O.18/3-20-84 0.18/3-20-84 NA 514 RHR Return to Recirculation B Bellows 0.1'/1-3-84 0.1'/1-3 NA 518

  • RHR Return to Rectreulation B Bellows O.1'/12-5-83' O.1'/12-5-83 NA 52 HPCI Steam to Turbine 53 RCIC Steam to Turbine B Bellows 0.1'/12-5-83 0.f*/12-5-83 NA B Bellows 0.1'/12-2-83 0.1a/12-2-83 NA 1004 Neutron Monitoring B 1008 Neutron Monitoring Double 0-Ring 0.0 /1-3-84 0.08/1-3-84 NA B Double 0-Ring O.O'/1-4-84 0.08/1-4-84 NA 100C Neutron Monitoring 1000 Neutron Monitoring B Double 0-Ring 0.08/12-30-83 0.08/12-30-83 NA 100E Neutron Monitoring B Double 0-Ring O.O'/12-30-83 0.O'/12-30-83 NA B Double 0-Ring O.08/1-6-84 0.08/1-6-84. NA 101A Electrical B 1018 Electrical Double 0-Ring ~0.08/1-3-84 0.O'/1-3-84 NA 101C 21ectrical B Double 0-Ring. 0.05/1-4-84 0.08/1-4-84 NA B Double 0-Ring 0.08/2-13-84 0.O'/2-13-94 NA 102A Electrical B bouble0-Ring 0.O'/12-30-83 O.O'/12-30-83 NA 102B Electrical B Double 0-Ring 0.08/1-6-84 0.O'/1-6-84 NA 103A Electrical 1038 Electrical B Double 0-Ring O.08/12-30-83 0.08/12-30-83 NA B Double 0-Ring O.O'/1-6-84 0.08/1-6 NA 104A CRD Position 104B CRD Position B Double 0-Ring 0.08/1-6-84 0.O'/1-6-84 NA 8 Double D-Ring O.O'/1-6-84 0.O'/1-6-84 NA 2 of 4

- - - -~. ,e+ - ,n 4 , -e-. w

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As-Found As Left Pan Pen Type Equipment / Valves- Leakage /Date Leakage /Date Remarks Not Desertation Test Tested (SLM) (SLM) Notes 104C CSD Position B Double 0-Ring 0.08/1-6-84 0.O'/1-6-84 NA 104D CRD Position B Double 0-Ring O.08/1-3-84 0.O'/1-3-84 NA 104E CRO Position B Double 0-Ring O.08/1-3-84 0.08/l 3-84 NA 104F CRD Position B Double 0-Ring O.O'/1-3-84 0.O'/1-3-84 NA 104G CRD Position B Double 0-Ring O.O'/12-30-83 0.O'/12-30-83 NA 104H CRD Position 8 Double 0-Ring O.08/12-30-83 0.08/12-30-83 NA 104J CRD Position B Double 0-Ring 0.O'/12-30-83 0.O'/12-30-83 NA 105A Electrical B Double 0-Ring O.05/1-6-84 0.O'/1-6-84 NA 1058 Electrical B Double 0-Ring 0.08/12-30-83 0.05/12-30-83 NA 106B Drywell Humidity and Temperature B Double 0-Ring O.O'/1-3-84 0.O'/1-3-84 NA

  • 2OOA Torus Access Hatch (East) B Double 0-Ring O.1'/12-3-84 0.1'/12-3-84 NA 2008 Torus Access Hatch (North) B Double 0-Ring 201A Vent Line B Double 0-Ring O.18/12-5-83 0.1'/12-5-83 NA 201B Vent Line B Double 0-Ring 0.1'/12-5-83 0.1'/12-5-83 NA 201C Vent Line B Double 0-Ring 0.1'/1-3-84 0.1'/1-3-84 NA 2010 Vent Line B Double 0-Ring O.1'/1-3-84 0.1'/1-3-84 NA 201E Vent Line B Double'0-Ring 0.1'/12-30-83 0.1'/12-30-83 NA 201F Vent Line B Double 0-Ring O.1'/12-30-83 0.18/12-30-83 NA 201G Vent Line B Double 0-Ring O.1'/12-5-83 0.18/12-5-83 NA 201H Vent Line B Double 0-Ring 0.18/12-5-83 0.1'/12-5-83 NA 202A Vent Line B Double 0-Ring 0.09/1-26-84 0.1/1-26-84 NA 2028 Vent Line B Double 0-Ring 0.1/1-27-84 0.1/1-27-84 NA l

205 Inboard Flange B A050368 0.1'/11-1-84 0.18/11-1-84 (2)

Inboard Flange B A05036A Outboard Flange B A05036A 223 HPCI Steam to Torus (Inboard Flange) B Double 0-Ring - -

HPCI Steam to Torus (Outboard Flange) B Double 0-Ring I

2301-74 Inboard Flange B Double 0-Ring 0.18/4-11-84 0.18/4-11-84 (2) 2301-74 Outboard Flange B Double 0-Ring

. 225 1301-64 Inboard Flange B Double 0-Ring 0.18/2-9-84 0.1'/2-9-84 (2)

{ 1301-64 Outboard Flange B Double 0-Ring l

RCIC Steam to Torus (Inboard Flange) B Double 0-Ring 0.1'/2-16-84 0.1'/11-10-84 (2)

RCIC Steam to Torus (Outboard Flange) B Double 0-Ring 3 of 4

. /



' ATTACHMENT 48 (Cont)

- As-Fhund As Left Pen . Pen Type Equipment / Valves Leakage /Date. Leakage /Date Remarks

_ Nos. Description Test Tested (SLM) (SLM) Notes 227 , Inboard Flange B A05040A O.18/12-27-83 0.18/12-27-83 (2)

Outboard Flange B A05040A Outboard Flange B A05040B Seat Flange B X212A Seat Flange B X212B Inboard Flange B A05042B O.18/11-1-84 0.1'/11-1-84 (2)

Outboard Flange B A05042B O.18/11-1-84 Outboard Flange B A05042B O.1'/11-1-84 230 Torus Test Connection Flange B Double 0-Ring 0.03/1-26-84 0.1*/1-26-84 NOTES:

1. This value represents the minimum detectable reading of the instrument.
2. This value represents manifolded readings for these tests.
3. Electrical penetrations tested by pressure decay method are exempted from minimum detectable tolerances if the indicated leakage is zero,

, 4 of 4






As Found As Left Pen Pen Type Equipment / Valves Leakage /Date- Leakage /Date Remarks No u- Description Test Tested (SLM) (SLM) (Notes) 7A Main Steam C A0203-1A 1106/1-24-84 0.1'/1-16-84 (3) Extensive Main Steam C A0203-2A 88.5/1-24-84 0.1*/11-17-84 rework to all MSIVS 73 Main Steam C A02O3-1B 115/12-16-83 0.1*/11-16-84 (3)

Main Steam C A02O3-28 18.96/12-16-83 0.1'/11-16-84

  • 7C Main Steam C A0203-1C 281.8/12-16-83 0.18/11-17-84 (3)

Main Steam C A0203-2C O.1'/12-16-83 0.18/11-17-84 70 Main Steam C A0203-1D >20 scfm/12-16-83 0.1'/11-16-84 (3)

Main Steam C A0203-2D 55.3/1-11-84 0.18/11-16-84 O Main Steam Drain C M0220-1 0.1/12-15-83 0.2/12-3-84 C M0220-2 -

4.0/12-3-84 CA Feedwater C 58A (Inboard Check) >20 scfm/2-14-84 0.1/9-2-84 Replaced Cleanup Return C M01201-80 . 215/2-23-84 0.1'/11-23-84 soft seats Feedwater C 62A (Dutboard Check) >20 scfm/2-8-84 1.1/9-5-84 & hinge pin RCIC Pump Discharge C M01301-49 0.1'/2-6-84 0.I'/2-6-84 on check valves 98 HPCI Pump Discharge C M02301-8 0.2/2-7-84 0.2/9-7-84 Replaced Feedwater C 58B (Inboard Check) >20 scfm/2-14-84 0.18/9-7-84 soft seats &

Feedwater C 62B (Outboard Check) >20 scfm/2-8-84 0.1'/9-14-84 hinge pin on check valves 12 RHR Suction From Rectrculation C M01001-47 0.18/3-16-84 0.18/3-16-84 RHR Suction From Rectreulation C M01001-50 3.5/2-16-84 1.5/11-11-84 14 Cleanup Inlet C M01201-2 2.0/3-16-84 3.0/11-23-84 Cleanup Inlet C M01201-5 2.0/3-16-84 3.0/11-23-84 ISE He/0 Analyzer B C SV5065-35B O.1'/8-27-84 0.1'/8-27-84 He/0e Analyzer B C SV5065-31B O.18/8-27-84 0.1'/8-27-84 He/0 Analyzer B C CV5065-31 O.1'/1-18-84 -

Valves replaced CV5065-35 O.1'/1-18-84 -

by B valves 15F He/0e Analyzer B C CV5065-32 0.1'/1-18-84 -

Abandoned He/De Analyzer B C CV5065-36 0.1'/1-18-84 -

Abandoned 18A Core Spray to Rx C M01400-24A O.1'/1-17-84 0.1*/1-17-84 (2)

Core Spray to Rx C M01400-254 1 of 5



f% ' ' \'


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As Found As left Pen Pen . Type Equipment / Valves Leakage /Date Leakage /Date Remarks Not Description Test Tested (SLM) -(SLM) (Notes) 168 Core Spray to Rx C M01400-248 0.1'/1-10-84 0.1'/1-10-84 Core Spray to Rx C M01400-258 0 1'/1-10-84 0.1'/9-?2-84 17 Rx Head Spray C M01001-60 0.1'/3-15-84 0.1'/12-5-84 Rx Head Spray C M01001-63 0.18/3-15-84 0.1'/12-5-84 -

18 Drywell Floor Drain C A07017A 2.1/3-5-84 2.1/3-5-84 Drywell Floor Drafn C A070178 0.1'/3-5-84 0.1'/3-5-84 13 Drywell Equipment Drain C A07011A 3.1/3-5-84 3.1/3-5-84 Drywell Equipment Drain C A070118 12.8/3-5-84 0.1'/11-9-84 22 Instrument Air to Drywell C 31-203 (Check) 10/2-27-84 0.7/10-31-84 Valve Betterment Instrument Air to Drywell C A04356 22//2-27-84 3.0/10-31-84 Valve Betterment 23 RBCCW Supply ,C 30-305 (Check) 0.1'/6-5-84 0.1'/6-5-84 24 RBCCW Return C M04002 0.1'/G-5-84 0.18/6-5-84

" 25 Drywell Purge Exchange C A05044A,8 4.6/12-17-83 1.5/10-30-84 Valve Betterement Drywell Vent Exchange C A050434,B O 1/1-13-84 0.4'/1-13-84 (2)

Post-Accident Purge and Vent C SV5082A C SV5081B O.1'/1-13-84 0.18/1-13-84 (2)

Post-Accident Purge and Vent C SV5081A C SV50828 0.1/1-13-84 0.1/1-13-84 (2)

C CV5065-10 0.1/1-27-84 -

Abandoned C CV5065-17 0.1/1-27-84 -

Abandoned 28 Post-Accident Purge and Vent C SV-5086A O.1'/1-22-84 0.1'/2-22-84 (2)

C SV-50858 Post Accident Purge and Vent C SV-5085A O.1'/2-22-84 0.1'/2-22-84 (2)

C SV-50868 Drywell Makeup Gas C 9-301A (Check) 0.1'/2-22-84 0.1'/2-22-84 Drywell Makeup Gas C A05033A 1.1/2-22-84 1.1/2-22-84 Drywell Purge Inlet C A050338 9.8/12-17-83 6.2/11-10-84 (2) Valve Drywell Purge Inlet C A05035A.B Betterment 22E H e /D e' Analyzer A C SV5065-37A 1.6/8-27-84 1.6/8-27-84 He/O Analyzer A C SV5065-33A O.18/8-27-84 0.1*/8-27-84 He/0e Analyzer A C CV5065-33 0.1'/1-18-84 -

Valves replaceo He/0e Analyzer A C CV5065-37 0.18/1-17-84 -

by A valves 2 of 5

f _"

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As Found As Left Pen Pen Type Equipment / Valves Leakage /Date Leakage /Date. Remarks No; Description Test Tested (SLM) (SLM) (Notes) 29F He/O. Analyzer A C CV5065-34 0.1/1-18-84 -

Abandoned C CV5065-38 0.1/1-17-84 - Ahandoned l 32A C-19 Return to Drywell C CV5065-91 0.1'/10-5-84 0.1'/10-5-84 4

C-19 Return to Drywell C CV5065-92 0.1'/10-5-84 0.1'/10-5-84 35A Tip Ball Valve A C 45-3OOA O.1'/12-16-83 0.1'/11-17-84 358 T1p Ball Valve B C 45-3006 0.1'/12-16-83 0.1'/11-17-84 35C Tip Ball valve C C 45-3 OOC O.5/12-16-83 0.5/11-17-84 35D Tip Ball Valve D C 45-3000 0,1/12-16-83 0.18/11-17-84 35E Tip N, Supply C CV-1 (Check) 0.1'/11-17-84 0.1'/11-17-84 39A Containment Spray C M01001-23A.26A -

O.2/10-13-84 Inoperable -

No "as found",

lubricated stem 398 Containment Spray C M01001-238,26B O.1*/1-7-84 4.6/12-5-84 1 40Aa det Pump Sensing (Pass) C SV5065-63 0.1'/8-27-84 0.1'/8-27-84 I

40Bb det Pump Sensing (Pass) C SV5065-64 0.1'/8-27-84 0.1'/8-27-84

, 40Cc det Pump Sensing (Pass) C SV5065-85 0.18/8-28-84 0.1'/8-28-84 40Dd det Pump Sensing (Pass) C SV5065-86 0.1'/8-28-84 0.18/8-28-84 41 Recirc Pump B Discharge Sample C A0220-44 -

5.2/11-25-84 Inoperable -


Recirc Pump B Discharge Sample C A0220-45 0.1'/2-15-84 0.1'/2-15-84 No "as found" I

) 42 Standby Ltquid Control C 1101-16 0.1'/3-9-84 0.18/3-8-84 1


43 Drywell Test Connection C 1-inch Globe 0.18/2-8-84 0.18/2-8-84 46A Rectrculation Pump Seal C 301-208A (F013A) 0.1'/2-14-84 0.18/11-12-84 Recirculation Pump Seal C 301-208A (F017A) 0.1'/2-14-84 0.1'/11-12-84 468 Recirculation Purp Seal C 301-2088 (F0138) 0.1'/2-14-84 0.18/11-12-84

  • Recirculation Pump Seal C 301-205B (F0178) 0.18/2-14-84 0.18/11-12-84 46F He/Or Analyzer A Return C SV5065-26A O.18/8-27-84 0.18/8-27-84 I He/O Analyzer B Return C SV5065-24A O.18/8-27-84 0.1'/8-27-84 He/O Analyzer B Return C CV5065-24 0.48/1-18-84 - Valves replaced He/Os Analyzer A Return C CV5065-26 0.3*/1-18-84 -

by A valves j' 47 Drywell Test Connection C P-14A.-148 0.1/3-2-84 0.1/3-2-84 Drywell Test Connection C P-13A O.1/3-2-84 1.6/3-2-84 i Drywell Test Connection C P-138, 0.18/3-2-84 0.18/3-2-84 a

3 of 5

r 1 g1 ATTACHMENT 4C (Cont)

As Found As Left Type' Equipment / Valves Leakage /Date Leakage /Date Remarks Pen Pen (SLM) (Notes)

No u Descriotton Test Tested (SLM)

.50Ad He/0e Analyzer B C SV5065-138 0.18/8-25-84 0.18/8-25-84 He/De Analyzer 8 C* SV5065-208 0.18/8-25-84 0.18/8-25-84 .

Valves replaced He/O: Analyzer 8 C 'CV5065-13.-20 - -

by B valves Valves replaced before "as found*

51A RHR Vessel In C M01001-28A O.18/3-16-84 0.1'/3-16-84 RHR Vessel In C M01001-294 0.1'/3-16-84 0.18/3-16-84 518 RHR Vessel In C M01001-288 1.9/1-7-84 1.9/1-7-84 RHR Vessel In C M01001-298 13.73/1-7-84 0.18/11-29-83 52 11PCI Steam Turbine C M02301-4.-5 0.1'/12-21-83 .O.1'/12-21-83 53 HPCI Steam Turbine- C N01301-16.-17 0.1'/12-21-83 0.1'/12-21-83 106Ab He/0' Analyzer A C SV5065-14A O.1'/8-27-84 0.1'/8-27-84 He/O: Analyzer A C SV5065-21A O.18/8-27-84 0.18/8-27-84 Valves replaced He/De Analyzer A C CV5065-21 - -

C CV5065-14 - - by A valves He/0e Analyzer A Valves replaced before *as found" Torus Makeup Gas C 9-301C (Check) 0.1'/2-22-84 0.1'/2-22 (2) 205 Post-Accident Purge and Vent C SV5087A Post-Accident Purge and Vent C SV50888 Torus Makeup Gas C A05033C O.18/2-22-83 0.18/2-22-84 Torus Makeup Gas C A05036A.B 1.2/12-17-84 0.18/11-8-84 (2)

Post-Accident Purge and Vent C SV50878 0.1/2-22-84 0.1/2-22-84 (2)

Post-Accident Purge and Vent C SV5088A 211A RHR to Torus C M01001,-34A.37A O.1'/3-16-84 0.1*/3-16-84 2118 RHR to Torus C M01001-348.378 0.18/,1-7-84 0.1'/'t-7-84 227A Torus Vacuum Breaker C A05040A. X212A O.18/12-22-83 0.1'/12-22-83 2278 Torus Vacuum Breaker C A050408 X2128 0.1'/12-22-83 0.1'/12-22-83 227 Torus Exhaust Bypass C A05041A.B O.7/12-22-83 0.7/12-22-83 (2)

  • Torus Main Exhaust C A05042A.B 4.8'/12-22-83 0.2/10-30-84 (2)

Post-Accident Purge and Vent C. SV5084A Post-Accident Purge and Vent. C SV50838 0.7/12-27-83 0.17/12-27-83 (2) 4 of 5


As Found As Left Pen Pen Type Equipment / valves Leakage /Date Leakage /Date Remarks No t Description Test Tested (SLM) (SLM) (Notes)

Post-Accident Purge and Vent C SV5083A Post-Accident Purge and Vent C SV5084B O.18/i2-27-83 0.1'/12-27-83 (2)

C CV5065-16 0.18/1-27-83 - Valves C CV5065-23 0.18/1-27-83 -

Abandoned 228C He/0, Analyzer B C SV5065-158 0.18/8-25-84 0.18/8-25-84 He/De Analyzer B C SV5065-228 0.18/8-25-84 0.18/8-25-84 He/0 Analyzer B C CV5065-15 O.4/1-27-84 - Valves replaced He/O Analyzer B C CV5065-22 0.1*/1-27-84 -

by B valves 228E Air to Torus Vacuum Breaker C CV5046 0.8/2-29-84 0.8/2-29-84 Air to Torus Vacuum Breaker C 31-225 (Check) 0.1'/2-29-84 0.1'/2-29-84 228G Gas Sample Return (Pass) C SV5065-77 0.1'/8-24-84 0,1*/8-24-84 Gas Sample Return (Pass) C SV5065-78 0.18/8-24-84 0.1'/8-24-84 228H Gas Sample Return (Pass) C SV5065-71 0.18/2-9-84 0.18/8-24-84 Gas Sample Return (Pass) C SV5065-72 0.1'/2-9-84 0.f'/8-24-84 228J He/Os Analyzer A C SV5065-11A O.1'/8-24-84 0.18/8-24-84 He/0e Analyzer A C SV5065-18A O.1'/8-24-84 0.1'/8-24-84 He/Os Analyzer A C CV5065-11 0.2/1-19-84 - Valves replaced H e /,C e Analyzer A C CV5065-18 0.1'/1-19-84 -

by A valves 228K He/0e Analyzer B Return C SV5065-258 2.1/1-26-84 0.2/8-25-84 He/0, A nal yzea B Return C SV5065-27B O.18/1-19-84 0.2/8-25-84 He/0 Analyzer B Return C CV5065-25 2.1/1-26-84 -

Valves replaced He/0 Analyzer B Return C CV5065-27 2.1/1-26-84 -

by B valves NOTES:

1. This represents the minimum detectable reading of the instruments.
2. This value represents valves tested together.
3. Rework on the main steam isolation valves included new poppets with extended nose pieces, machtning of new guide area below the seats, new stems. Installation of anttrotation devices on stem, rewelding of body guides, seats, and polishing of seats.

5 of 5