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Answer to Ucs Fourth Set of Interrogatories & Document Requests.Related Correspondence
Person / Time
Site: Three Mile Island Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 09/28/1984
From: Bauser D
Shared Package
ML20098F040 List:
SP, NUDOCS 8410020265
Download: ML20098F051 (9)


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'?zlQ September 28, l954 Ci -i FQ:p





) (Restart-Management Remand)

- (Three Mile Island Nuclear )

Station, Unit No. 1) )

4 LICENSEE'S ANSWERS TO UNION OF CONCERNED SCIENTISTS' FOURTH SET OF INTERROGATORIES AND DOCUMENT REQUESTS TO GENERAL PUBLIC UTILITIES Licensee General Public Utilities Nuclear Corporation (GPU Nuclear), pursuant to 10 C.F.R. 5 2.740b, hereby submits the following answers to " Union of Concerned Scientists' Fourth set of Interrogatories and Document Requests to General.Public Utilities." The provision of answers to these interrogatories is not deembd a representation that Licensee considers the information sought to be relevant to the issues to be heard

- in this remanded proceeding.

INTERROGATORIES 4-1. How does GPU decide whether an individual is an appropriate candidate to be admitted to the licensed operator training program? Provide all documents that provide any stan-dards, criteria, or ;uidance in making that decision.

ANSWER. The prerequisites for the licensed operator po-sition are listed in the replacement operator training program 8410020265 840928 PDR ADOCK 05000289 o PDR 4- v ,,--t s- - - - . . ,,-,,...,..%,,,m,w-,,-.-.-w - - - - - - , , - . - . . . . , ,--,._wec,.w.-,,z-_m,e,..wm-,---- -,-.-w. , , - . - . -

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and the control room operator job specification. See documents i

provided in response to TMIA (2d) document production request 9 for the replacement operator training program. The job speci-fication will be available in the discovery reading room.

i 4-2. What are the prerequisites for admission to the licensed operator training program?


(a) If an individual must complete educational or training programs, describe the substance and duration of each such program and the means by which the company determines that the program has been successfully completed. If examina-tions, interviews, or other assessments are used to determine

.whether the program has been successfully ccmpleted, provide copies of the examinations and describe the content and purpose of the interviews or other assessments in detail. Provide copies of all documents setting out standards, criteria, or any other information by which GPU determines whether the program has been successfully completed.

(b) If an individual must hold other positions, such as that of non-licensed operator, as a prerequi. site to ad-mission to the licensed operator training program, state which positions the individual must hold, how long the individual must hold the position, and how GPU determines that the indi-vidual's performance in the position justifies admission to the license operator training program. If examinations, inter-views, or other assessments are used to determine whether the

! individual has performed adequately in the position, provide copies of the examinations and describe the content and pyrpose t

of the interviews or other assessment in detail. Provide copies of all documents setting out standards, criteria, or any other information by which GPU determines whether the individu-al has performed adequately in the position.

ANSWER AND OBJECTION. See answer to Interrogatory 4-1 i

for prerequisites to the licensed operator training program.

The prerequisites are outlined below:

Power plant experience - experience as an auxiliary ,

J operator, military propulsion plant operating experience, or equivalent operator experience at another facility.


w Plant Systems Training ' conducted as part of the TMI-l auxiliary operator training program.= If a candidate is not a'previ6us auxiliary operator the

systems training is con-ducted as part of the CRO program.

PlantFundamentalstraininglistedaspartofthebRO job specification may be fulfilled by any proven college or -

high school course or by a course with a content specifically approved by GPU. Fundamentals training' administered in the Naval Nuclear Power School program. fulfills some training re-quirements. Each individuallConsidehed for placement in the-program must be screened using the Minnesota Multiphasic Per-s t ,b sonality Inventory (MMPI) exam.

a .

Licensee objects to Interrogatory 4-2 insofar as it seeks the examinations administ9 red as part'of the auxiliary operator

' training program. There exbms are outside the scope of the re-manded proceeding. , x a*

4-3. State a'll criterfa, including entrance examina ~~

tions, psychological assessments, and required education, that GPU uses to decide whether'an' individual should be admitted to the licensed operator training program. If training, experi -

-ence, or testing outside the company can substitute for training, experience, or testing at GPU, describe the equiva '

lent training, experience, or testing. Provide,Aall documents related to your answer.

ANSWER. See the answers to Inte'rrogatories5 4 1 and 4-2.

4-4. Describe the procedures through which GPU applies the criteria referred to in Interrogatory 4-3 and de-cides what individuals,should be admitted to the licensed oper-ator trainingiprogram. Provide all documents setting out or '

describing these procedures. , , e ANSWER AND OBJECTION. In accordan{e with the union agree-ment, when a control room operator vacancy exists, a job O

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fposition is initiated. Personnel interested in obtaining that i position submit a written job bid request. The bidders' back-ground and training are evaluated to verify that candidate meets.the job specification and operator training program re-quirements. Seniority is considered only after the job re-quirements are met.

Licensee objects to providing the union agreement, which is outside the scope of this health and safety proceeding.

4-5. State all criteria, including entrance examina-tions, psychological assessments, and required education, that GPU uses to decide whether an individual should be admitted to or. hired for programs or positions that are prerequisites to the licensed operator training program. If training, experi-ence, or testing outside the company can substitute for training,. experience, or testing at GPU, describe the equiva-lent training, experience, or testing. Provide all documents related to your answer.

ANSWER AND OBJECTION. For candidates who enter the CRO program from the auxiliary operator ranks, the job specifica-tion for auxiliary operator 'C' lists the entry level program requirements for TMI operators. The Plant Operator-Selection System (POSS) aptitude test is used as a selection. tool for candidates to the auxiliary operator program. The POSS test is accredited by the Edison Electric Institute'and is used by utilities nationwide as a selection tool. The job posting pro-cess is described in response to Interrogatory 4-4.

Unsatisfactory performance on the POSS examination is grounds for candidate rejection regardless of seniority.

Candidates for the CRO position who are not auxiliary op-erators must meet the eligibility requirements addressed in response to Interrogatory 4-1.

d Candidates from outside operations are selected when qual-l'fied candidates are not available from within.

Licensee objects to providing the POSS test which is a .

confidential document the value of which would be severely un-dermined if it were publicly disclosed.

4-6. Describe the procedures through which GPU applies the criteria referred to in Interrogatory 4-5 and de-cides what individuals should be admitted to or hired for the programs or positions that are prerequisites to admission to the licensed operator training program. Provide all documents setting out or describing these procedures.

ANSWER. See answer to Interrogatories 4-4 and 4-5.

4-7. For the period encompassing the two most recent I rounds of requalification examinations, but no less than the last 24 months, state the following:

(a) The number of individuals considered for admission to the licensed operator training program.

ANSWER. Between November,1981 and the present sixteen

-(16) control room operator positions were posted. Forty-four

-(44) internal candidates submitted bids for those positions.

The number of external candidates considered is not available.

(b) The number of individuals considered for admission who were not admitted to the program.

ANSWER. Thirty-five (35) internal candidates were not selected. The number of external candidates not selected is not available.

(c) The reasons that individuals were not ad-mitted to the licensed operator training program and the number of individuals to whom each reason applied.

ANSWER. Internal Candidates Nineteen (19) Disqualified due to not meeting education or experience criteria

Four (4) De: lined the position Three (3) Disqualified due to holding simi-lar positions in TMI-2 Nine (9) Not accepted due to seniority being insufficient for existing posting External Candidates _

Information not available 4-8. For the period encompassing the two most recent rounds of requalification examinations, but no less than the last 24 months, state the following:

(a) The number of individuals considered for admission to or placement in programs or positions that are prerequisites to admission to the licensed operator training program.

(b) The number of individuals considered for admission or placement who were not admitted to or placed in the prerequisite programs or positions.

(c) The reasons that individuals were not ad-mitted to or placed in the prerequisite programs or positions, and the number of individuals to whom each reason applied.

OBJECTION AND ANSWER. Licensee objects to the relevance of Interrogatory 4-8; however, Licensee nevertheless is providing the following information:

During the period of May 1981 and present, twenty-nine (29) auxiliary operator 'C' postings were initiated.

Twenty-eight (28) internal candidates submitted bids for those positions. The number of external candidates considered is not available.

Fourteen (14) internal candidates were not selected. The number of external candidates not selected is not available.


I 4-9. Answer Interrogatory 4-7 for the time that each currently licensed operator was admitted to the licensed opera-tor training program, except that you need not answer this in-terrogatory for persons admitted to the license operator training program before March 28, 1979.

ANSWER. Currently available information indicates the following:

Operators were admitted to the training program in five groups: (a) two in October of 1979; (b) one on February 16, 1981; (c) three between October and November of 1981; (d) seven in February of 1982; and (e) five in February of 1984. To facilitate staffing, seven different postings for thirty-four (34) control roojn operator positions were initi-ated.

- Seventy (70) internal candidates submitted bi~ds on these positions. The number of external candidates is not available.

- Fifty-seven (57) internal candidates were not selected.

Internal Candidates Twenty-five (25) Disqualified due to not meeting education or experience.

Eight (8) Declined position.

Seven (7) Disqualified due to holding simi-lar positions in Unit 2.

Seventeen (17) Not accepted due to seniority being insufficient for existing position.

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l External Candidates i Information not available. l 4-10. Answer Interrogatory 4-8 for the time that each currently licensed operator was admitted to or placed in posi-tions that are prerequisites to admission to the licensed oper-ator training program, except that you need not answer this in-terrogatory for prerequisites to which persons were admitted before March 28, 1979.

ANSWER. Currently available information indicates the following:

Operators were admitted to the auxiliary operator 'C' classes on the following three dates: December of 1979, July of 1981 and July of 1983. To facilitate that staffing, six (6) different postings between November of 1979 and present were initiated for forty-one (41) auxiliary operator 'C' positions.

- Forty-seven (47) internal' candidates submitted bids for these positions. The number of external candidates is not available.

- Thirty-one (31) internal candidates were not selected.

The number of external candidates not selected is not available.

Internal Candidates Thirty-one (31) were rejected due to insufficient selec-tion examination scores.

External Candidates Information not available.

4-11. With respect to each' currently licensed opera-tor, provide all documents reflecting the individual's perfor-mance in and completion of prerequisites to admission to the licensed operator training program, except that you need not answer this Interrogatory for prerequisites completed by the individual before March 28, 1979.


ANSWER AND OBJECTION. The selection process used for ad-mission to the CRO program for current operators is addressed in response to Interrogatories 4-1, 4-2 and 4-4.

Licensee objects to this interrogatory insofar as it seeks auxiliary operator examinations, the applicable union contract, or the POSS test.

4-12. With respect to each currently licensed opera-tor, provide all documente reflecting GPU's decision to admit the individual to the licensed operator training program, ex-cept that you need not answer this Interrogatory for individu-als admitted to the licensed operator training program before March 28, 1979.

ANSWER. See Licensee's answers to Interrogatories 4-1, 4-2 and 4-4.

Respectfully submitted, M A.(k or Blake, Jr.,

Ernest L. P.C.

Deborah B. Bauser SHAW, PITTMAN, POTTS & IROWBRIDGE 1800 M Street, N.W.

Washington, D.C. 20036 (202) 822-1000 j Counsel for Licensee i

Dated: September 28, 1984 l

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