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Motion to Set Aside Partial Initial Decision Based on New Evidence & Circumstances.Certificate of Svc Encl
Person / Time
Site: Limerick  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 07/31/1984
From: Sugarman R
Shared Package
ML20094E495 List:
OL, NUDOCS 8408090233
Download: ML20094E519 (52)



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lIn.theLMatter of-  :- Docket Nos. 50--352dE4 Q -g g ,10 6



$>  :(Limerick Generating 1 Station,': ,

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. MOTION TO SET ASIDE~ BASED'ON NEW' EVIDENCE k f LPursuant to 10 $$2.730,- 2.780 and Part 2,

' ~


(App.EVI.nand VIII, Intervenor-Appellant Del-AWARE Unlimited,

.Inc.Jmoves to set aside the Partial PID-herein based on new.

^ . evidence zand -circumstances, and avers as the-basis thereof l



'li On fJun'e 18, 1984,; the : Pennsylvania . Environmental w .HearinglBoard rendered.its decision, in which it found that s  ; ;theidiversionloftwater into the-East Branch of the Perkiomen

m. t .. LCreek would,3cause ' substantial erosion therein. In so g( '

i finding, the- Environmental Hearing Board sustained .the i allegations- of Contention V-16, which contention was re-jected,by the Board herein.

Recently in discovery in Bucks County Common Pleas


12 .,

1 Court,= Lthe applicant produced a memorandum dated December

~, c12,ll'9_73, disclosing clearly that its selection of the non-channelization option for the ~ East - Branch was based on an effort to avoid regulatory review by this Commission. That

. memorandum,=; reflecting a meeting . of applicant's engineers and: ' advisors, discloses. that the applicant knowingly determined to accept-erosion rather than channelize, because

3 840803' DR K.05000352.

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. channelization would ' involve impact which would require 9 review by this Commission. A copy of the memorandum is i! A attached as Exhibit "B".. (See'pg. 4.)


,_ ' .3. 'Had the Commission deferred the hearings until after-the~ issuance:of the FES, it would have,been possible

~; to have _ included the. evidence herein that was presented 2before the EHB, as Lwell as that presented before the 9 iPennsylvania PUC. By. requiring intervenors to litigate the

' issue.' prior to conclusion of necessary studies, the Board committed-an error.

4. The.EHB decision entails the construction by PECo Jof - a L ' sewage : treatment plant to treat the diverted water
f. prior to- discharging it into the East Branch of the (Perkiomen Creek.- It is estimated that such construction Ewill ~ delay operation o f', t h e Diversion at least until the L Fall of 1986.-

5.: Additional material discovered from PECo files have; disclosed that Schuylkill river alternatives -would f

suffice for'one, but not two units at-Limerick. This issue

.g '

=wasJconsidered by-the Licensing Board, but rejected by it.

n ,The;recentimemorandum disclosed that the Applicant had been

' aware : 'of ' the validity of intervenors' position since at an

' least . . June', 198 3. - Copies .of PECo memoranda are attached g -

hereto as Exhibits "C" and "D".

6. _ Al'though the staff has taken the position that it has no-'interast in,.and in not the matter of the
source. of- supplemental cooling water, this is directly 4



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M contradicted [by an ex parte staff contact with PECo,

obviously- initiated ~ by the staff. In that contact, in which the _ staff _attepted to ascertain the impacts of the cancellation or. delay of Point Pleasant, the staff indicated a that it~ was making informal contact, and, committed to discuss with :PECo prior to making " formal" contact.


(Informal' notes of the informal contact attached as Exhibit "E".)

7. The . staf f action obviously reflected a improper contact with PECo, concealed from intervenors and the ipublic, and . contrary to the staff's public representations, and to 10 C.F.R. $27.80. It also constitutes an acknowl-edgement by.the staff that the Commission is involved in the in:me

^ Lmatter of.PECo's source of supplemental cooling water.

8. The Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission has recently- adopted a- resolution instituting an investigation into .the desirability of cancelling Unit 2 at Limerick.

This Resolution, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit-. "F", clearly show that the PUC's concern is no

~ longer limited, as claimed previously by the staff, to the

-financial consequences of concelling Unit 2, but rather

extends to the entire range of questions regarding the need for the power, the cost, and the effects of construction.
  • 9. 'The Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission has indefinitely deferred approval of the Bradshall Reservoir Pump- Station, a necessary component of the Point Pleasant Diversion. The Initial Decision by the Adminsitrative Law 3




ym '

pump, which Judge -had recommended approval of only one cr'cated a . situation where PECo could not properly operate the diversion, since DRBC order called for PECo to maintain excess of the

-the- minimum flow in the Perkiomen in capability of one pump.

10. As a result "of the foregoing, it is clear that PECo will not be able to operate Limerick Unit One in representations in the Amended accordance with the Application. Pursuant to this Commission's policies at 50 C.F.R. Part 2 Appendix A, it is therefore incumbent upon the Commission and its staff to make present preparation for alternatives, including the

- subsitt. tion of other nonoperation alternative - if necessary, in order to avoid regulatory delay if PECo should keep to its target date for

-commercial. operation, in order to consider on a timely basis license, filed on May PECo's motion for a interim low power 9, 1984.- Although PECo claims that it can operate unit one at low power without supplemental cooling water, such claim is based on the assumption that low power testing will occur only during the winter months; if it should continue into

/L the summer of 1985 (assuming that PECo is successful in obtaning a license in the fall of 1984), PECo would be unable to operate at low power as purposed in the amended application.

11. . The staff has estimated that it will require an effort of 6-12 months to review a substitute source of supplemental cooling water. The staff has not indicated 4


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' i whether this estimate applies to temporary, permanent, or any _ substitutes. If it does not apply the temporary

.substituters ,' the ' staff . has not defined what " temporary" ej. .

'means [initerms of duration, or nature of substitute.

[12. Under NEPA, this Commission is obliged to review

-reasonably ' foreseeable- alternatives as well as the applicant

[ l proposed; plan. E.g., Natural Resources Defense Council v.


, , lMorton, 458'F.2d 827 (D.C. Cir. 1972).

L 13. The Licensing' Board has declined to take jurisdic-


tion of-these matters, but has, nevertheless, expressed in dictum its~ conclusion- that these matter are not ripe or 2:

appropriate for hearing. Accordingly, either on the theory that jurisdiction lies in this Board, or that the Licensing

Board - has made a' decision, the matter is properly before Ithis Board at this time.

14 . -- Construction- of the Point Pleasant Diversion has L

'come-to a-complete halt, and permits have been remanded to

-ig W the Department;of Environmental Resources. Friend of Branch t -Creek and a number.of' riparian landowners on the Perkiomen icreek 'have appealed the EHB decision .to the Commonwealth l Court,"on the' ground that no_ diversion at all should have

'been permitted -into the East Branch.

A copy of their petition for: review is enclosed herewith (Exhibit "G").


- Since the foregoing matter have very recently occurred or been: disclosed, there can be nor question as t'o

'the timeliness of the foregoing Contentions.

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No other party has previously demonstrated any deposition to litigate these Contentions, and the staff have steadfastly refused to face the reality of the situation, i thereby making it . clear that no other party will litigate these' issues. ,

_ 17. Litigation of these issues at the present time "will substantially shorten these proceedings, since it will enable these Contentions and the question of alternatives sources of supplemental cooling water to be disposed of

. prior to 'the applicant bring this matter before the

' c- Commission, and thereby enabling the avoidance of regulatory delay.

c 18. The intervenor has previously demonstrated its superior- . capability to present- this matter to the Commission.

WHEREFORE, intervenor moves and request that this (C -Board set'aside the PID as having been.erreonous in law and fact, require that the Licensing . Board proceed promptly to j..

identify and evaluate likely alternatives to Point Pleasant,


.as well*as'any further evaluation of Point Pleasant that is consistent with this Board's determination, and find and determine that it would be . contrary to the National Environmental Policy Act for this Commision to permit the operation of Limerick unless and until a substitute cooling



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_[ Jwater source is ' identified, _thereby obviating the need to impose the. Point Pleasant facility.

' Respectfully submitted,

'C N


ROBERT J. SUBAP Counsel for Int @ervenor Del-AUARE Unlimited Of~ Counsel

'SUGARMAN, DENWORTH & HELLEGERS 16th Floor,' Center. Plaza 101 North' Broad Street '

-Philadelphia, PA 19107-

-(215),751-9733 m

Dated: July.31, 1984-020 lIntervenor request the Board's pardon for couching its previous communication as a letter. Such form of communi-

' cation had routinely been employed by several of the parties

-in communications with the Board, and is common to many court :in which counsel practices, including United States District Courts and U.S. Courts of Appeals. Counsel will adhere ' in the. future - to the Board's preference and rules.

Likewise, counsel regrets not having observed that Mr. Edles had been substituted for Mr. Eilperin.

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  • g* 6 l m_ MEETING OF DECEMBER 12, 1972 Scoce:
  • This meeting was'in connection with usage of the stream l channel of the East Eranch PerlQomen Creek to convey water

. pumped from the Delawarc River to a point along the main

. stem of,Perkiomen Crecklwhere it will be picked up and -

transmitted to the Limerick Plant.


l i . .

Attendanec: PMladelphia' Electric Company:

. Mr. Dave Marano " *

r Mr. Lou Pyrih .

.- Mr. Haines Dickinson .

Mr. Edward Purdy lehthyological Aca.ociates:

' Edward C. Raney, Director

, Paul L. Harmon, Project Leader *

, Mr. Robert Molzahn E. H.' Bourquard As sociates, Inc. -

E. H. Bourquard i .

Terry L. Fought.

The meeting started with a discussion by E. H.,Bourquard of the i

proposed channci improvement of the East Branch. This would consist of a l

120-isot bottom width low flow channel starting t where water in pumped into the East Branch from the Delaware River and extending 2500 feet downstream tlieroof (Later considerations wore that t$ds channel should extend at least to l

lthe Routo 313, bridge, a total distance of about 8000 feet). The proposed channal

would carry the 65 cis maximum pumpage rate at a depth of 1. 2 feet and the


k minimum pumpage rato provided in the D DC' water allocation o at a y  : depth of 0. 6 foot. We are roanonably cer'tain that.this dro~ posed channel, with


igrassed banks', would conform to the reghirements of the impact Statement

,, that thero be no crosion; however, somelmaintenanco would be required an a

' i

-log or other flood debris could lodge in the channel and upset the regimen of x '

s' .


$$ Y, .

P -- 8 EXHIBIT "B'?

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In explanation of the fact that the stream channel should be abic f the stream. I Lto withstand croolon, E. ; H. Bourqu srd described a vluit to the otream channel I

on November 10, 1972, when ho and T. L. Fought inspected tho upper reachco I

.of the stream channel to note erosion from a flood which occurred on November 8th.~ This nood was roughly cetimated to be approximately 400 cfc at Elephant I

Road Bridge r.nd~ travelled down the stream channel'at a depth of about 5 to 6 feet (4 to' 5- feet above stream now at tim of viIit). Th'o only signs of crosion I

that were noted were along the cutside bank of sharp bends where the water cut I

'into the bank untilit became an altnoct vertical face and continued to erode the-i unprotected surface, evidently for the duration of the nood now. The other I

. portions of the strearn seemed to suffer only very minor crocion due to this


flood. The existing vegetation and the soil forming the otream banks, which ic l

plastic, appear to offer relatively high resistance to erosion. Also, tho exist-ing stream channel did not have much capacity for flood flows and when such flows occur tho depth increauca considerably and overbank nooding occuro.

Pictures taken on November 10th, which ;showed the condition of the stream 1

channel and the height of the NovemEr 8th nood, were passed around the group.

I Dave Marano stated that Dr. Raney had felt that no stream channel work of any ,

type would be the best solution for the East Branch ecological pro,bicm ,and questioned why a channel thould be installed. The exieting stream channel can I

handle the peak pumping rate (65 cis) at a depth of about 2 feet and, in general, I

should be within the banks of the stream which are approximately 3 to 6 fcct I

high. Prints were passed around the group I which showed computed flow lines for various cfischargos and the location of sectionc utilized in the now line com- '

putations. Probably the only reason fodhe improved _, channel _yvouId .be to firmly I

establish P. . E. 's liability with_ regard to*p,a,ssage of the peak pumping rate;

, w without auch a channel, it is possibic that P.E. might be blamed for any damage I

that was incurred as a result of a flood on the stream. It was pointed out that, at present, State laws pertaining to workf on ntream channels are primarily directc 3

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< at prevention of floods and do not necessarily , l take into account ecological


Also, the property ownore 'along the stream channel are more likely Accordingly, to be concerned about nooding than the biota of the stream channel.

difference in water Icyc1 between the P. E. might be considered liable for any normal now of the stream and the now line of the 65 cfs peak pumping rato.

6 l

- Another item is the matter of stream cro,osings by property owners, such as a

  • farmers, .who own land on both sides of the stream and are able, throughout

. I most of the year, to ford the stream. With the passage of a 65 cfs now, such I

fording would not be possible.

P. E. will have to install come type of. crossing I

E. H. Bourquard stated that a general inspection where this situation exists. I of aerial photographs and property lines along the stream channel did not indicate i '

h l;

..very many places where a property owneri worked across the stream c anne

' ' t however, this must be checked in more detail later. .


. At this point, Dr. Raney reiterated his uosition that no channel work

- ,should,,bc performed on the East Eranch.f He pointed out that etream chan are formed 'during times of nood,and that during the rising stage of the nood most of the erosion takes place, whereas, on the following stage, the wator be-1 E comes relatively clear except for colloidal materials. ' He felt that the existing


channel, which had been formed by past Ilood flows, should not be materially -

I In affected by the peak pumping rate which is much icas than the usual nood.

addition, channel work would destroy the, ecology of that part of the stream and I

the resulting crosion from this work could be expected to deposit cilt in the

. stream as far down as Sellersville. He jwas asked what mesures might be taken y .to improve the ecology of the- stream after ,

channelimprovement work had been

- installed. .' He stated that his observation of improved channels where definite attempts had been made to restore the ecology by small

dame, groins, etc.


.had,' even after a period of 15 years in c'ome cases, not been very success u .


. He cited the Highway Department and other N. ,Y. State agencies' attempts to .

I restore the ccology of improved channels as an example-of what should not be I

done. Lou Pyrih pointed out that 1 caving the channel as is would probably expose t

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it to crosion with the increased now over aJong duration, ac compared with

, ,q

.ths existing situation where high nown occur for short durations and very low I

nows _are present ut all other times. E. H. Bourquard was of the opinion, based upon observations of the West Branch l of Codorus Creek, in York County, I

ithat the 65 cis now would crode a relatively, stabic channe! into the exicting l

ttream bed below the point of discharge but!that such

  • erosion would be limited i m The flow of the We=t Branch of in amount and occur over a period of years'l .

C:dorua Creek is effectivaly controlled by a largo dam on the main stream and I

by a diversion weir-pumping installation onlthe stream draining the remaining


l upstream watershed. B,etween thece installationa and Spring Grove, where the I

c:ntrolled now is picked up, there is about acven miles of channel which, for the I

pitet 4-5 yearn has carried a relatively high!and constant flow several times i

grcater than the previous median flow of the stream. Inspection of this channel I

y indicated that crosion of the existing Earat B; ranch channel wpuld not create a suf-ficient volume of sediment to bo damaging i the downstream channel. Also, it was pointed 'out that observations of the East Branch watershed and the tributary

~ ~~

ctreamc suggested that the major sourcc of nediment carried by the Ea=t Branch

in the tributary streams and sheet crocion of the watershed. This was comewhat confirmed by the resulto of total solids test made on water campics taken during th2 June 23,1912 nood on the Branch, Going in a downstream direction fr
m Elephant Road, where the total solids ' content, in milligrams per liter, was i

208, to State Route 313 with a total solida c7ntent of 456, to Route 309 with con.

tent of 1196, to State Route 63 with a content of 1406, and finally at Stato Routo 73 1

-with a total solids content of 1568. Dr. Rancy stated that any adverne effect of ~

i c diment resulting from erosion of the existing channel by the increased flow w:uld be far Ican damaging to the ecological cystem of tlie qtream than could be L cxpected if th improved channel was installed. The group generally agreed that [

th2 ocological requirements of the stream channel outweigh the hydraulic, or CO*g ficcd factors, particularly with regard to ob'taining approval of an application to I

canstruct the Limerick Plant. However, another consideration was the possibic t  ;


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i webjections of the property owners tb introduction of the increased flow without

I installing compensating strearn improv*cment work. In Pennoylvania, the Com-I

monwealth owns the stream bed and permission to discharge this flow into the

_., East Branch must be obtained from DER.l: Consideration was given to contacting g .. . ... . _

Vaden Butler, Chief ot Dams and Encroachments, concerning the proposed ucage e' of this stream channel; however, it was concluded "that such should be delayed

! e until after the Impact Statement in finalised. A draft copy of this Statement has I

4 already been furnished the Cornmonwealth and it is expected that Vaden has or I

will review the portion pertaining to the East Branch. '

  • l ., .

i Following this was a discussion of the effects of chlorination of the water pumped from the Delaware River. John Carson's letter to DRBC concerning this matter. states that "Present planc fori diversion of water into the ?orkiomen i

Creek, as part of the Point Pleasant Pumping Station project, do not include

'dicinfoction. " The Environmental Irnpact' Statement provided only that such s

alcinfection not be harmful to the ecology of the stream. Chlorination had been initially considered in the Point Pleasant project.

as a means of inhibiting the i

growth of clime within the transmission mains, It in expected that Delawarc River water will contain many varied types of micro-organisms and bacteria and come of these will probably be capable of attachment to the walls of the pipe line and continuing their growth. Also, the Health Department had indicated a need I

for chlorination becauso part of the water would go into the North Branch' Reservoir where it is expected that swimming will be permitted. Dave Marano 1

-indicated that a solution might be to just chlorinate the water going into L

Neshaminy Crcek by means of.a chlorination station located near Bradshaw -

I Reservoir. Also, numerous types of pipejwcre discussed as a posoible means et reducing the ability of micro-organiam and bacteria 'to attach 'homnolves to the walls, but it was geacrally concluded that the typo of pipc would have littlo 1

.cifect on the growth of these life forms. In view of the fact that chlorination 7

I r, r creates such serious problems, it will probably be desirable to manually clean , /'


. any such growths off of the walls of the pipe _line as part of the project maintenance

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$ werks Sinco John Carson's letter to DhBC stated that dioinfection was not

. 6f rw ..

N'h"' , included as part of the project, at thiai. ilme, P. E. can state that water to

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l Perkiomen Crook will not bo ' chlorin..a t.e_d ,



The next item discuased was the discharge of the Delaware River water

-into Perkiomen ..

Creek and its effect on the ecology of the stream. One item

. ~ . . _

.was the; rapid increase or decrease in depth and -e velocity that would result

from' starting and stopping the pumps and Dr. Rancywas questioned as to i '

4whether or not some o*perational procedure chould be set up to slow down the I . .

. variations in ~ depth. Dr. Raney stated t at aquatic life affected by the variation,

-~in' depth would not benefit by a more gradual rate of variation. When asked l

!about any harmful effect resulting from mixtures of Delaware River,and East

  • ~

. Branch water, Dr. Rancy stated that nothinn developed so far had indicated

. 1 any adverse effecto. In fact, Delaware River water appears to be a slichtiv

. i better gually of water than that of the East Branch. Th'c proposed impact energy dissipatar to be installed at the outlet of the transmisolon main was discussed and it was pointed out that it Nould increase the DO content of the I

watcb Dr. Rancy naked if the actual pu'mping of the water would not increase lthe:DO and it _was agreed that there woul'd be some increase solely as a result I i of the~ pumping. The quantion then aron as to whether or not it would bc advisable to further increase the DO content by means of spray-acration or I

> other such methods. Dr. Rancy said "No". The discusolon then turned to the probabic temperature of the water as it emergen from the impact basin. A

~ ~

. rough estirnate by Lou Pyrih and Haines lDickinson indicated thIt when pumping at the minimum rato (18 cia), .the water would be at about ground temperature, .

- approximately 50*. This would have theieffect of increasing stream water temperatures-during the winter and decreauing streanPwater temperatures f s during the. summer. Dr. Raney thought that this might convert the East Branch i

into a trout stream but that it also could 'have come' harmful effects, particularly ,

I if"there were sudden changes of temperature (5' or more). Consideration was

-given to installation of a small recorvoir!. at the outlet of the trancmission main I *


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.whi:h could be used in the event of a po .cr failuro or pipe line break, to supply

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a limited quantity of water to the stream for the duration of the outage. Dr.

1 -

Rancy in to make a reco*mmendation as to what minimum flow should_ be r>Iovi,d,qd_ ) .

-and, from this, the size of this storage basin can be determined. Thio storage D. il t I

.bacin could also have a temperature equalizing offect.

g .

At this point, Lou Pyrih brought up tlyc fact that the pipe linec must be designed for a Seismic II condition. He;further stated that such requirements have not usually necessitated a greater strength pipe. . ,

i i

  • We are to furnish P.E. with ajetter briefly summarizing our findings a

concerning the proposed East Brauch channel improvement by December 22, I

1972. .

The necessity, or dcairability, j of '

a otream gaging utation on the East Branch wac discussed and it was concluded that such a e,tation, particularly if utilized to obtain water quality data, would certainly be most helpful in future design work and in preparation of the additional  :

environmental impact state- i


-menTanticipated in connection with design of the Point Pleasant Pumping Fa cilitics. . Dave Marano indicated that hey would take this up with manage-i .

- ment and attempt to secure approval of such a station, but that until such time as the availability of Delaware River water 10 confirmed (Tocks Island Reservoir),

1 -

he did not expect an affirmative response.


- Dr. Rancy is to furnish us the minimum stream flow for ecological 1

purposes after sudden shut-down of pumping; also, he is acading us some reports which include ' water quality and other data developed during the cource ~

of their study on the East Branch and the Schuylkill River. f gr i ' ..s p #

P. E. will furnish un the results of the Beltz Laboratory studies of water quality of the Delaware River at Point Pl'canant and of the Perkiomen Creek at ,

i .

Graterford, plus a draft of (Jio Environm' ental Impact Statement pertinent to the 1

East Branch and Delaware River pumping. *

E. H. Dourquard ,

T. L. Fought

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42 -1. 7101
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Limorf ek Mahc7Up Uater Supply *

{ Hluu~ Ma ruh IMuervoir

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- 3 .

I i'

e .. Blue Marsh Ds and Reservoir are it.cated in Berks County, Pennsylvania, on Tulpchocken Creek, a tributary-of the Schuylkill River. The dan is f

about 6 miles northwest of Reading, Pennsylvania, and by water is 4

approximately 35 miles from the Limerick site.

NThis project was constructed by the Corps of Engineers to serve the w . neltiple purposes of water supply, flood control, and recreation. The reservoir was - filled during 1978, reaching full pond clevation in

' Sop tembe r. < The. COE has the responsibility for the operation and maintenance of the project; but bect.use . the Delaware River Basin Cor.unission has A-.

icontracted for the water supply features, it is the DRBC that allocates

thel stored unter to downstream users for public water nupply and Indust rial

' nce ds. '

' Availabic data and testimony at recent hearings confirm that the-

' reservoir storage for water supply is 8,000 acrc-fect and for flow y augmentation to, control water qual'ity, is 6,600 a-f , giving a total usabic storage of 14,600 a-f. It was further developed that the only water availnble for Limerick would come f rom the water supply storage

. and that probably the DRBC would consider no more than 257. of that 8,000 O .~a-f for PECO.use.


- Preliminary calculations ' indicate that the entire water supply

~ (8,000 a-f)? storage can barely meet the needs of one unit at Lime rick under average conditions. The average consumptive need of one unit (27 cis) for the. average number of days each year that the Schuylkill River Lis not available because of low flow or high temperature (146 days) k requires a ctorage of 7,884 a-f.

g .  : At present the only firm customer for water is the Western Berks Water Authority which has a need for 9 cfs through 1989.

In summary, Blue Marsh is an acceptable alternative water supply on C*J a temporary basis ' for one unit because it is built and presently under-utilized.- It is upriver from'Edmerick and would not require any new facilities "to make it usable. It.would have no known detrimental Lenvironmental impact and would be very cost effective. It would require

.DRBC approval of the allocation of water to Limerick, but it should be the quickest of all alternatives . co implement.

Blue Marsh lwould not be capable of supportinkuniM at Limerick without major changes to the flow and/or temperature limitations on Schuylkill River withdrawals.

Allocations of reservoir storace to other users would not be possibic. It is unlikely that Blue Marsh could ever 3; bc considered for two units at Limerick based on testimony.

(.?fot Prepared by! W.11. Dickinson Mechanical Engineering Division EXHIBIT "C" June 8, 1983 g WiiD/dme - 7/1-

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%._._ 4 /pg/T x 1 s'// - . (84./!- . . . N. 0 . 60 0 x.- . [n. n m . i

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j- . . . . . . . .

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    . .c             P

) . _. . . . 3 h + . J . . . . . . . . . _ _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . _ . . . . _ . . . _ . . . . . C.. . .

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             ' #, .                            Il2 *l           T)t)1 f t.n ke* L lil s ci t A Be for e PUC Helating fo Bloc Ma rnh Henoi voi r N

1. yltness Junathon Phillippe, consulting enuineer I Page No.

158 Blue Marsh bancrits are: a) it is built,

                    ,-            b) depends on natural filling, c) has fairly good yield. Thore are no pumps to fall uo reliability la high, and there are no puuping power costs.

159 Cost to DRBC was $30 m. including interest. { 161 Estimates PE could buy DR3C share for $20 to $25 m. 161 Estimates PE costs for Morrill Crock, Point Pleasant, p- Deadshaw Perkiomen intake and all pipelines is $100 m. p 164 Water is stored and is available for municipal and industrial use. f_ ) 165 Blue March has 8,000 a-f allocated to water supply [ 6,600 a-f allocated to low flow auguentation for water quality control. 166 Yield is defined in termr of how much and how long. (, - 167 Natural stream flow gaged before dam was built showed flows greater than 41 cfs for 987 of time and greater D than 65 cf s for 907. of time. Limerick's need is less than 40 cf s. 185 Any Schuylkill River alternative (Blue Marsh) would be better (than Point Picasant). 195 Removal of the temperature limitation on the Schuylkill River reduces PC need for supplemental water storago--and Ulue Marsh could casily provido. 20,3 DRBC must approve an allocation for use of Blue Marsh. 213 Witness did not know whether PC sought DRBC approval to take Blue Marsh water. 218 Witness feels pn should pursuo use of Blue Maruh on either a long or short-term basis because DRBC pays chargos for reservoir and is not now being paid by others. 220 Witness facis environmental ef fects at other roscrvoir sites can be overcomo since Blue Marsh had some vety serious envirotunental impacto but was built. Repeats capacity data; uce page 165. recis PC can (' 226 227 use water f rom the 8,000 cru water supply storage 228 execpt for a small, portion aircady allocated to others. 3

                                                                            ;c                                    -
          ,,                                             q                    w                    ,    y
       .g                                               us                       ,      m,                                              , , '

9 ' ,1

                              .+                                           J r.jge  ny_
  • .4
                                            ~ y ,, , 

l g *

                                                                                  '230                     DW1.tneau 1 e t t e ve:,, pg n ...d ; i1,000 a f for 2 ..a l .. .                               A  ., 1 f'                                  N                            > M 37,000 aff in nue:n nt 4, but wi tner n . con 1/1 h.n.r in ao

/( ',- c criculations tu verify. Ic '

                                      ..,                                                        .       >                                    /


                                                    ,, 3 234                                      .        ' Witaieun would 'phraue Ti t) o f Phil a.                                       n1:ernatIve fIrut ;od then the. Blue .Pa ruh uptiun.

{ , f p ,

                                                                              -236                            TAMS report states, tha t 103 a-f/ day (54 cfn) are at
                                                                                                       ,c rcquired 'idr 2 uni ts.                                      Safe yield of Blue Parch s

37 :. W p2.37 '

                                                                                                           .is about_40 cf.n.                             ' Precise figure is 30.6 MCD or 47 cfs.

t- -

                                                                             ,237                            The 8,000 n-Cin Blue Marsh wonid provide 54 a- f/ day
                                             ,gi, m                                                           (27 cfs) Jors1. unit operot.f on Tor about 148 days.

7 , y qf .;m , - E , l ,3240 ' ' Blue Marsh and g$avity flov - are a far sa fer source

                                                         , ._;                                             Lthan; pumping 'iea ter.cver ,.the mountain.

s :.. . - ~ - c.+- .;

                                                                             $ 2 41_ , , Safe ,yicJd of Blue Marsh is 4i cfc. -Western Berks

[ O .Wateri Aut.bority requires 10 cfs leaving 37 cfs which is

nore" thin PE needs, e

m W ' f.* ,. . x x.' 2 , Witn6a; s agrees that the old 3naged flow at Blue Marsh g J242

m. 'f f site of 41'Ef s, 90 '., 'o f t h e timq, is in the Schuylkill and N 2-
                                                                                ~.                           isfin'effcet a Ilsw-thropgh.      _

7, 243 cThis is'not add.J tional ' flow; - and if, there is a problem

                                            -.X". ,                            ,

g ~in .thc liehuylkill, the ;41 cfs is already included in the ( p, . insufficient quantity. y .e ' &  : b 342n ec .g 'Witinisc R.i i:notihy

                                                                                                           .-       T, '.Jes' ton, DER and DEBC
                                               ~                             .            ,s 347 '

% .Neither ~ the DER or Jt he, DRBC have considered Blue Marskas~ an alternativssfer l' unit. 'PE has not requested k 5 < theTunit opii'on be fvaluate'd. = Q.  : , ._x ,, v' W k- ~0348: . l on'g-term storage i,.apacity of 5 billion gallons or _3 4,600 a-f. N ,. . 0f that 3 billion gallons or 8,000 a-f are g .f _ pilocated to water supply, and 2 billion gallons or 6,600

  • -~-
                                                                                                       a-f to low flow augncntation for unter quality control.
                                                   ;j%;g y                                                    ,

7 z


t N _ * % ' 3'4 9 ' Witness doesdot 'know' reservoir yield. , There are various e eyd* t '

                                                                                                        -ways to evalundi tiic1d. Referring to 1975 DRBC Water Plan (page II-44) . a' net yield of 31 MCD'is. stated,

{( g 6

                              -                         ,p,'y a

Western Berks Wat'er Authority needs approximately 6 MCD, leaving 25 MCD, n,^

- ,7 U '

3 50- . Assuming PE 'needs a pe'akiof- 21 MGD for 1 unit, there is


h.B~ ~ :t " no physicd redsorDthat-Blue Marsh could not provide PE +

                                                                                                       .1with'its madmum needs.                               -

s. h


t353- DRBCihas at various Iimes considered allocating all-h 4- ' of -its rahervoir iro PE,~~but' Commission must consider

                  .  ,~t
                                                                                                        . policy of: equitable . apti ottinnment. When Conninsion ordered electrie: Dutiliti'es'to construct their own reservoien, 4-

[k ..' 4' M Commission in of feci determined they would not sell

                                                                                                     " s'torage in Blue Mafsh and Beltzville.

N --


I ' L kg 7

                              , - . ,- .                                                                                            ~                     -,-

y ' g'

           ' , <. N N.                                                                     T. gs 1i o ~-.-
                  ~-qa ,,.                                                                           -

J353 PE had not untu'lt ..1 an .,,p1Icai on r>r nlne :tn sh in D354 1977. W!!ne:n; feels decinion to h.sve utilitie. build M reservoir wan a declulain not t o nel l Bl ue 'ia rch.


354' ~ DnBC- diucusued une of nevocal reservoi rs inclinting ks . Jilue !!arnh, Heltzvil .10,- and Trexler. only une considered for sale Io utilities. T r ex l e r w.u, the p . , '! hen Congrens

                                                                                                                ' deauthorized Trexler, ' Co:ualusion ordered utiliLies to lo 41 d thstr-own rana moir,

c355' --DRBC has not considered operating Bitic Marsh for N PE-needs,,while PE releases compennating flows at Merrill e ~ Creelc. It is not -known whether this ncenario would

 .                   o                                                                             -

u tisfy the PE permit ccnditions.

                                                                                              '360'               DER'did not consider Blue March for 1 unit operat* ion p             

at the time of preparing DER's EA of August 1982. 4

                                                                                               '373            1 Witness doesn't recall PE applying for the use of
                                                                                                               -Blue Marsh.
                                                              /                          ,

2373 1  ; Blue Marsh operations are fairly complicated. Used


for water quality augmentation and Western Berks water cupply. Also operated on " pool:of water concept" to make g f up consumptive uses.;and repell salinity iti Philadelphia ' i +- .- _ s a rea .- l c375 DRBC would very seriously consider the allocation of s(s

                                                                                                                ;remainiag capacity.or' yield to one user.         It would not
                                 .                                                                             ' have additional water for other users.

It would be a l . serious. policy consideration. k.. w ' 3. - LWitness:

                                                                  .                                               V;lS.-Boyer,;PECo.-

p ' ' ' ., a :


P' . '8 81 - - To pursue.another source of water such as Blue Marsh h '. g y .

                                                                                                               -or another Schuylkill; Reservoir would result in a delay F

n "

                                                                                                               'of several-years. PE-has not had occasion to explore the Luse: of Blue Marsh and have not asked . for' the right.

i-" ^ i 18827 Witness has no numbers on the cost to obtain the b^m


y -Blue Marsh water supply, 49  ;; . 8820  : Witness .wouldn'.t expect use of' Blue Marsh to :be granted, 883- ' and a review process would take several years. It $ g# q - u

                                                                                                               , would take an environmental . impact statement because the Eassignment offthe water to .one user climinates the availability

pa ~J Recreational uses would be


c2 .of water for smaller userr. y;p % ' ef fec ted. sg ,

     ?                                              .                                         :8841
                                                                                                               .The' frequency of ' drawdown by PE would be greater than y               .~                     , _                                                                  -by the:inten& d industrial use.        The effects on recreation "must be conu'dmed by the DRBC.

{;< e, e YiM ~ i884: - Witness has not asked PE Legal Department or any other hI ~ branch to study the need for an EIS.

p. #

x , s 1 #

    .                          r w                                 _ .             . _ .
                                                                   .M.2.              __
y. _
      , ", , ' ' f,            P.We Mna f.

398 TheQ1C ' a su s i n 1913 L t ed i no s ea:.ons for not

  1. _ consi de ri ng Bl ue' ub : a) Re m cvoi r would iiot he ".idy

[,' in tjue and b) iL iG needed f or populati on growth .nul g.

                                        -indu:, trial expanulon. These srascos now 899    appear invalid ;o vuu]dn't it be piudent to reopen the quention of Blue Marnh 7 WJ tueus fcels Dr. Caddard was against using a public sup )orted water project 900 . for one large consumptive user, and it eliminates the k                                         availability for others.

b . 905 Witness has worked on unter with DRBC for 15 years and doesnt recall an official reiluest for the une of y

                        ,,-              Blue Marsh.      In turn, the Coumission staf f never proposed the use of Blue Marsh water.
4. Witness R. Timothy Weston (continued examination) 938 lias the DER determined whether the use by Limerick of Blue Marsh wa ter would be contrary to public interest ?

s b Witness believes use would not receive DER or DRBC 939 support or approval. No formal application has been filed; so a final decision has not been made. >m

                                .941    Witness states he has authority as governor's alternate to vote on an application by PE for the use of Blue 942    Marsh. Covernor and witness have not discussed the subject of Blue Marsh.

p~ :' 944 Pennsylvania has no direct power, other than its vote on the DRBC, over the allocation of water in Blue Marsh (a federal reservoir). Witness briefly expressed to x- other Commissioners at the last DRBC meeting that the g allocation of Blue Marsh for one use would not comport t with good water management policy. f 9 945 DRBC policy stating that Blue Marsh is for multiple &~ ushrs is recorded in the 1975 DRBC Water Management book, in the adoption of Blue Marsh in the Comprehensive Plan f: of 1962 and in subsequent resolutions. Resolution 948 60-14 cites the use of the storage for flow augmentation to satisfy needs in Pottstown/ Reading area and in

b. Philadelphia, multiple needs. A staff document, dated April 1975, called Uoter Management of Delaware River dasin, states Blue Marsh water supply has net yield C 949 of 31 MCD (47 cfs) to meet needs in aren, municipal

{ , and industrial needs. Will also meet minimum flow objectives and water quality control. 949 These documents are the total authority for the policy 950 that the Blue Marsh water supply is to meet multiple uses do.'nstream rather than a single use. 953 Blue Marsh water is available for sale to consumptive users. It is being paid for by water users throughout the basin. It is not being sold to individual water users.

$f1 s


w :- - . a . .. : .,.

                                         ,i -                                                ='

WR < t:}c .* a.9_ [b * " '" 956 DHnc hau a akon a ougher look at waser allocationn y ,; ntnce 1975--76 .uid in .nlopt ing a formal budget to I i::.i t allocatloan to aethal on -1 lac at orage. ' p 962' DER made an analysis aucuming a reduced flow criteria

                                                                                                         , and no temperattire restrictjens to determine the needs f                                                                                                            for BJuc Marnh In the second .corst year, 1960. Analy:in y c                                                         -

led = to witneuues' testimony. E 1 967 PE 1needs 4,'509 cfs-days to meet needs of second worst year of 167 days. (The next pages contains confusing

                       ' ~

g , .'_--, _ calculations.) Now the needs of Limerich can be met wi th

                                                                    .~                                         a 107.icxcess. These words by Mr. Sugar.aan are neither
                                                                                                             . accepted or denied by witness.

b .

                                     .                                                                                                                                          ~

969' ' Pennsylvania approved a reduction in conservation f' .<_ release from Blue. Marsh from 41 cf s to 21 cf s during the

           ,                                                                                                . drought of- 1980/81.

E 5. IWitness


l Robert L ' coodell, Chief Engineer - DRBC 7  : 1014 In response _to Del Aware's petition to reopen DRBC's

                                                                                                          -decision, the_ Commission reaffirmed its position that the y;*     -
                                                                                                            ,(Point Pleasant) project would be necessary for p                                                                                           1016             - either one- or two units"ac Limerick -and that al te rna tives cited by petitioners-were-less efficient, cost-effective
                                                 'S                                                              ~

or environmentally acceptable.

                                                                                         ,1017 .           . Witness quote'd this p'osition as Commission's rejection

(> m , _ -of Blue' Marsh.for use to supply two; units. He stated j/[Y~' 1017 that-B1 tie Marsh was not considered for use with one 1- , unit. j, ,

                                    -1                                                l1018-              :DRBC Commissioners have not been pulled with respect m                           ,

N- tio -the use of Blue Marsh for one unit. hf ' . . M ' f '

                                                                                       .1019              .DRBC position is that Blue Marsh would not be adequate p .+                                                      -
                                                                    %                                     .for 2 units and would .be marginally adequate to support R


                                                                                                         ; .1 " uni t . llypothetical . discussion follows in testimony as c3 ~                                                                          :to'whether docket decision would permit PECo. to_ withdraw

$ _ ?# 4 ~ water.. from Schuylkill during ;1ow' flows even if ths.y supplied a: similar; quantity of water upstream from their own reservo2.r. 'x - 11028:


DRBC.would not make a decision on the use of Blue' h h: 7 _  ! Marsh?unicss; an application was . formally submitted. yg e, w 1050' DR'BC discussed :use of-' Blue Marsh at time of. preparing [3 p ' 1973 EISL iBlue; Marsh could yield limited water supply

    ;i f                            ,-
                                                                                                          -but would not be . ready ini time and anticipated population 1s @s                                                                             11051              ; growth and industrial expansion._nceds were expected.

w' j" 1068 ' Prior to :1971 at meetings DRBC staff suggested 'to-a S PECO that Blue Marsh would not be avail.3ble for a Limerick L FK water supply.- : Later discussed with entire Commiusion N ,

which upheld the staff position.

[. ,1071- . Cominissione rs again considered Blue . Marsh in' 1982. b

u. .
p. --

f ,

                             ;,-                                                            :~'
          ',7 -
         'J.d q '.                                       "

1 072'_ Hluu na r ;h kin einlus sed for municipal and indosi e ial h .4,; , une wherei hinh' ret urn -flows could im e: pecind. f ls 1031- W1 tuens fenla'between 20 and D% of niuo ?!arnh .ould . i1 '


be allocated to PECL, but rent of utorage most be .r.a l ! bl e i,

                         'u                                         ..       . .

lfor other water quanti ty .nid quali ty demands.

                                                             - _108 2 ~                           This represents 2,000 a-f out of 8,000 a-f.         This j                                                                                       .          allocation would be ^ the upper limit.

g ^ [.1082 Other .domands on. Blue March are currently Western Berks Water Authority, replacement of other-consumptive water

     ,,                                            p          ,                                   uses and_ quality control.

,- .~.

                                                                   '1083 Blue. March was used betucun Sept. 1930 and Feb. 1981
                                                                                                - for . low flow augmentation to help the Delaware Rive r
s. < ,1090 i mect salinity standards. It was also used for low flow augmentt. tion in the Schuylkill River.

1095- Witness was not including the 6,600 a-f of low flow

                                               ,                                                . augmentation capacity when talking about allocating the Blue Marsh water supply.
                                                                        .1097.                    Western Berks. Water Authority is projected as needing
                                                                                                '17.6.'cfs in' year 2010. Contract of 1971 projected
3. :11098' 5. 7 cfs -in 1980, and actual use is only 4. 8 cf s.

1^ 7

  • These uses are allocated in Blue Marsh.

2 _

1098 _DRBC requested a reduction in conservation releases
        , 7' ~                                                            .

if rom Blue Marsh during 1980 drought.

1099 - 41L cfs release lowered to 21 cfs for conservation and 6 g -

9' cfs -for. Western Berks, or a revised total drought

                           .                                                                     . release of-30 cfs.
            ,                                                            .1116~                  : Limerick's use of water is consumptive; and if Blue eh                                                                ~ >-                             Marsh was dedicated to Limerick, the water could not be creused in the 38 miles to Philadelphia.        The Limerick water would not'be used to augment flows and improve
                                                                                                -. downstream quality.
                                                                  .1117-                          Allocation of Blue Marsh to Limerick could impact
      .                                                                                           current recreational use because drawdowns would be at a
                                                                         =                        faster rate and would reduce the available pool acreage.

y ' _.1120 -Commission made~'a decision that dedication of.all

                                                                                                .'or :any of Blue Marsh' would not be looked on f avorally.

k .6.t Witness R. Timothy.Weston (continued) p* . -

                                                                    -1151.                      . Weston's _12/4/80 letter to col Ton indicated State's k                                                                                                . willingness to reduce min. releases 'ffom 41 cfs to '21 cfs R                                                                                                  plus water for Western-Berks.       Fish agencies agreed for
                                                                                                - drought periods.

1 - g

                                                                        -1152                     A technical committee is working on reservoir operating
       'V                                                                                  ,.

plan, b Q S. - -.


Q, - 4 , a ..

                                                                                   ..:'- p U.> . ~

5' y y.t 9;

             %_ q, 7.                       j. .

E 1

                                                                                             ;I153;            . (Calculai ! ond ~ oC :.torage ind  cleatmn are ain.unmd y                          ^
                                                                                             -1162.              .but arn no confusing uo not en ani he mmle. )


                   ,                 .'                                                11163                  . The original 14,000 a -f (app em. .' was for at er jualit y, fg              .                                     ,
                                                                                                              < water-cupply, and recreation.         If 8,000 a-f a.e for

s supply, the re.saining 6,(00 a-f (approx.) must be for

                                                                                                               ; quality and recreation. This storage van used dutIng
                                                                                                               '1980/81' for quality control in Schuy1 hill and Delaware
       .u                                                                                                     , Rivers.
                                                              ,                          [1165:               ~ Assignment of some of 6 600 a-f quali.ty storage would
                                                                                                              ; require COE to complete a reformation study. tieston has been involved' in 3 such studies. One lasted 3 years and
wa s ; a,ccep ted. . One study was rejected, and one is still Jin progress. If ' the quality storage is to be used for A
                                                                                                              . water' supply, the DRBC would have to pay construction costs-plut interest.



l1171 l- . Water projection for 1990 estimates 56.6 MCD additional 4' '

                                                                                       .1172.                :needed; . Equates to 88 cfs.         This is consumptive use.             g sa:  ' ~
                                                   ~ a                                                         The storage. requirement for 167 days is about 14,600 cfs-               )
                                                                                                              < da'ys.- ' This need . is more than the existing storage.              ,

P.? Adding ' Limerick's need of 32. 5 cfs gives total need of

                                                                                                                          . PECO need is about 25% of consumptive water 120.cfs.                                                             /

use; _and if Blue Marsh is made available, PECO should / E . Lonly be allotted'about 26%. '



                                                                                      -11741                   PE11s the ~only: user with; ability _ to build a reservoir ps q    %-                             E+g                                                                   i so ~ DitBC may just say bu'ild your own reservoir.
                     ':..                                                                  1175                O'ne unit at Limerick Ave. consumptive use-for 167 days
                         ]                                                                               ,     needs 4,509. cf s-days storage .and peak need is 5,428 cis-P                                                                     '
                                                                                                             " days. , Blue Marsh ~ inflow and storage minus present yq,,                                    r
                                                                  .                                         L commitments; is 25,000 ' cf s-day, and ,26% is about 1,300 cfs-
                                                                                                             . days.. CBlueLMarsh is not: adequate for 1 unit.

4% ka e " cl192~ Wsston's recomsendation to supply _ water-in Schuylkill-m- Basin would be to build a new reservoir. ', W 2x ,

                                                                                                            ;Before a new reservoir could be completed, DRBC has i ,                                                                    :11921 p% xn                           -'                                      -

3: options:- 1) order river-follower operation.of Limerick, F ^ 7 - 2):make. temporary allocation from Blue- Marsh and 3)

f q. Q reducejflos rates (criteria in river).

gp _ .! m ( ~ il193s . ~ The'~Commissiontaction is difficult to predict. A hM W'- $[h , " temporary use of Blue Marsh would require a year' to ' approve and,another year for the environmental impact $s M J.

                                                  .,                                                         -statement. - ' The Jsame time requirement; would be needed to reduce Schuylkill-minimum flow requirements.
               ._- -                                .m g[t -
                                                                            ' .l1214f                       2The COE makes Blue 11arsh releases f rom storage and y                                :1215;                . whether,itsis conservation storage, quality storage,                          '

g; _ _ ;or. supply storage 11s - '(testimony ~is confusing) . ,,e' ' 33, 9. c.1229L Witness : identifies alternatives -for ' water supply.


_11e . later -(page - 1230) p rioritizes them, c c - w [i ys y M. , _ . - ~

wg ,

         , ;. ,, i.*'(    ,

Vane Ho, //

p. _

1230 Wi tneun l i nt.s .il e ..i i ve:i t o oril :r of preference.

1) Project an propo: mil, L. ,. d on .mv i rion... ntal lep.ici s g'

,_ '; and wa t e r gi ...< >n t consideraLions.

2) Po rt ion of water f .ind come from nlue

{c .arnh. [ 1231 3) Flow adjustment on Schuylkill and 11]ue Marsh, 15 t o!4 of its storage.

g. 1232 4)t.5) Red Creek or committing all of Bluc !!.irsh.

It *

6) Tras sfer of Philadelphia water. -

L t Wild /dmc 1/1 g. ?. .( Y

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MdCiuNICAL ENGINEERING DIVISION f N2-1 2301 Mrket Street Testinony Before PUC F.clating To Blue }brsh Fbservoir

1.. Witness Jonathon Phillippe (continued)
                                             -Page 1449        Reviewed Weston's testimony on water use in Schuylkill 1453-       River and amplifies. Daily use per Weston is 716 MC/ day of which 465 BC is once-through by utilities.         716 MCD is about 1000cfs which is about      of  the  average   daily (ic                                        :1454         flow (Daily ave - 1821 cfs).

1454 Q7-10 is around 250 cfs and is suf ficient to maintain water quality and the DO objective. f1454~ Flow (530 cfs) and te=perature (15oC) criteria are very arbitrary. LTo 3457 Blue Marsh can support I unit marginally in worst drought (0'i 5 year. But some witnesses say it should not be allocated to .PECO only, and 20 to 25% would be maximum. Witness disagrees. 2458: Fish Commission and USF & WS desire as much flow as possible in stream. Ilowever, PFC set 15% of average 1459 daily flow as a minimum. 15% of average flow (1,821 J1461- cf s) is 273 cfs at Pottstown.' A second mini =um flow

                                            .3460.        criteria is the Q7-10'which is approxi=ately 250 cfs.

b In 1965 the 273 cfs would have not been met 20 days. Calculations follow to show that during 25 days of L 1461 -shortage' Blue Marsh can supply the water and will even it ~" increase 'its storage by not releasing the total natural s tream ' inflow.

                                                         .Weston bas letter from Col. Ton saying conservation
                                            ,1465 release can be' reduced to 20 cfs.
                             .               :1466-       Using 1,300 cfs-days (2600 a-f) f rom Blue Marsh for Limerick would mean a minimum flow criteria of about 300 L             <

cfs would have -to be accepted. If DRBC allowed PE to use 50% of Blue . Marsh storage, the minimum' flow criteria dE , would have to be between 330 and 350 'cfs.

                                             ~1468        If PE were' allowed all Blue Marsh storage, the mini =um l river flow criteria could be -450 cfs.

{- 1468 _ Proposal _ to lower Schuylkill flow criteria has not

                                                         - considered recreation impacts.


  • L: __
    . , " . . *
  • ir.

g '/ . f * [. %, ,. Png .'f. 1479 The t r .;-., , i tu a c t e s t i t e n d on .;hich only appli..s to ine

                                        .Schuy] ki l l it thdr.o als coni d h.tve t o be i o . . c. . d .

1480 River .Me))ing sho ed DO obj ective would be ..,et. .ei t h flow of 280 or 250 cf s and ter.perature of 82 F (26 or [ 280C). 1526 " Water Supply & Water Quality study, Blue Lrsh Reservoi r,

g. June 196S" set tempe rature cri teria .iccording t o UKBC, but witness does not f$nd any cupport for tenperature.

f . h ) b"tD/drac 8/2 Vl> k-n 4 k r E-y y - L 1 W a t f: E t

Q- .

R . h af*1 .,-n. k>y

                                 ~                                                  ;; .ygga.;i gg g.;g;i.;in g.;g; p j .,r g ;;; o;;
    ; t, ' ' ' '                    j.                                                       N2 -1   230 lLirket: Street
                                                                  - Tein timuny nufoc e llearing Boa rd ni ne !!a rnh. Re: .o. voi r L-Transcript                  Witness           David K. Erickson, COE Page No.                                   Chief, Reservoir Regulaticm 1541-                    Blue Marsh is under control of COE.                       Operated by COC.

A; - lh42 , Filling s tarted April 1979, of ficially filled Sept. , 1979. Reservoir regulation manual (prel.) of Feb. 1980 has been updated. There are two storage levels-E -1543 1) winter storage-14,600 a-f, conservation release 39.6 cfs.

2) summer. storage = 19,000 a-f, "

3_ 40.0 cfs.

                                                                        ' Storage difference is for-recreation--the DRBC only has a contract for the 14,600 a-f.

p 154'5. During~ drought'of 1980/62, State and DRBC reduced min. release from 41' cfs to 21 cfs. g .- 154 6 ~ 1.etter 12/4/80 Weston to Col. Ton, reduced conservation fp . . , - release :during drought warning or drought conditions to [G.


21' e f s'. Water supply release for Western Berks shall be

 ' f'~:h                                                                    added resulting~in'a total of 30 cfs.

15501 .COE. physically' operates the dam, but DRBC daily calls COE to request releases from their contracted storage. t 1 .The final'say on actual' operation' is the COE. Water ysupply storage belongs to DRBC. s 1552 Minimum conservati n. release is set by State Water

                                                                  +         Plan.        Considered'the COE criteria.

COE helped 1554 formulate min. release criteria during design period co-meet federal requirements, fish and wildlife, aquatic and all agencies. -Min. rcicase criteria is a coordinated E effort.


C~ l'554 Min. = summer release of 40 cfs was based on Q7-10 for


(1563)- 'Tulpehocken~ Creek before dam.


11556: . Min. release is.just that--the. flow that must always be released. If DRBC requests 'a release .for low flow ( - . augmentation, the same water can satisfy both requirements-- the relcases 'are not additive. j557 'COE is. operating on a 41 cfs release regulation. 4

                                                 -1559                  - Western Berks release is in addition to conservation 1560                     release.' Regulation Manual states 41 cfs for min.
       ,                                                                    conservation release and 9 cfs for Western Berks.


                                                                        ' Western Berks intake is about I mile below the dam.

v; *

       .5 W                                    _              _

lgRf Y j.ui;c y.;,y ' i N prrmd.. c ipt~~: [q, ' , j [: E l5681 LCOE ogW: rat es dam acco rding t o - n i:gul ationn manual .

  1. t --DRBC can reips. st wa t e r f rinn i.bei r ntu rage, . bu t COE can
                              . 4                                                    overrule.      D!inC niorage in 14,(>00 a -f and 19 a.a s i d          .b. .ve P                                                     LLhc ..onservation. pool.


  1. ~
                                                                               ~ conservation releaue came through D:tlic

h. .v
                                                   , .1570,
with coordination' of State. Reduction was to enable returning storage ' as f ast as possibig.

p gig

                                               .g n

W <

                                                    }'!iy71;y                        lilevation 2S5 is top of vinter, water cupply pool. _
           , ..                                                                      The. top of the 14,600 a-f stiorage.         Elevation 290 is top

_- of - su: amer or recreation pool. Sum:.ier pool suaintained

                                                                                  . April 1 to October        1.~
                     ' ' .~               i
                                                       '.1572;                                                      2 Recreation facilities are designed for cicvation 290.
                                            ;,                                                                                                                         l e                      ,                    w c1572L                               --Western Berks required releases as planned.                    9 cfs x

through~ 1989, 13:cfs for 1990 to 1999, 18 cfs for 2000 to

                                  -                                              , 2009 and 27:cfs beyond 2010.'

L1573 -Water is stored under flood conditions based on downstream

   ;                                                                              ) gage readings to protect property.

rf;.'s . 1573_ -We would never- rc1 case- less- than 41 cfs. m 1574; If inflow was lcss than 41 cfs, COE would only store y . water to get pool ' to required nornial Icvel. i' NOTE: There.scems to be~some confuuion for several pages as to 'when storage -would' occur at low flow.

                                                         ,1577                    - Augmentation flows (requests) come f rom DRBC.

4;p p ~a ' 1579 - A study has been made to determine the impact on

                                                                                  , recreation of -dif ferent- pond elevations.

qq s3_

                                                            -1581                    Water supply comes before recreation because water supply is under contract with DRBC.

51582 *: 'DRBC' provided future data for Western Berks needs and hj - t - 1 will: request treleases as required. A L1585- Net yield is for worst drought of record.'


Net yield A- '

                                             .                                        is 30.6~MCD.~

n . Wild /dme -5/1

                                     ...                6-5-83 9 .
       -r 1
   ..-    3'                                                                                      .
                                                                                                                                  /.. f.

4 ,.......,....,ri , e EXHIBIT 66-I cf,Wu

                                                                                                                                                     ,4,4 ,..
                                                                                                                                                          '             t g ::th-6 Y J4                                                                                                                                          l' 4

l MECHA5?ICII EEGI!iEEP.ING DIVISION N2-1 2301 liarkat Straat

                                        .                            . . .     .          ..            ..            .                .a;
                                                                                                                                           ... ;;. m;;c.
                        . w.r:L w                     . .      .
                                                                                 .     : . . .a .::   . ,.


                            ? Q...',; *.:.,
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rm . J. L. Anen . JAN 19.19H .

                                     ;           Y. S. Boyar, Senior Vice President ITo Racicar Power                     '

SUBJECI: Blue Eareb P.eeervoir Regulation

                                                                      .                          1 In, you visited Blue Msrsb Reserveir.                                                        Upon your return, yoa 2.shed for infer =stic ebout Blue Marsh Reservoir elevations cud storage c pabilities. To enm :: your concerns, we borreved The Corps of Engineers Rceervoir tegul: tion Y.anual. 'Ihe attached me=orandum s ~--arites infor=stion cc tsi=ed in thic nenun1.                                                    If you have any other que:tiens, ple sc call.
                                      .                                                                                            W
r. .

CBS/dme .2/6 . . . ,. c. AttacMants

                             .                  . . , . . . .                                                           E 5..3!T ."D."                      .,a .

31 b .

b e, i MECBANICAL ENGDmEEING DIVISION N2-1 2301 hrket Stroot MSMAND*% . s . . Subject Blue Marsh Enservoir Ragulstion

        .                                              Blue &rsh _ Esservoir is the reapcasibility of the Corps of Engineers
c. .

(C0E).., in Table 6-1, revised April,1980, of the COE Rasarvoir. Regulation

              's.n -                        Mamm1, Joperating rule curve' is printed. This rula asrah14= bas -

se - that fros' October 16 thru Harch 31 Blue brsh is main *=4nad at Elevation The lake is fillad to Elev. 290.0 ft!.. fron

                  .- :                      285.0 ,f t... saa level datus.
                           .                April .1.thru April 15 and =4e 4=ad at this elevation' thru September -
30. iThe . reservoir is =4">4-ad 5 f t. higher at 290.0, during the suanar.for< recreational purposaa. It-is during this su: mer ti:ne period when most of the additional makeup v.ter for Lizarick Genarsting' Station will be required dus to low flow and/or high temperature restrictions of the Schuylkill River. . . .
c. . . .e-
               . - .                                  : :.9.p. 9 .                       . .                        . . . < . , .        -         ..                                                                :,m. r ,~>; -

Blue Harsh Reservoir contains 8,000 acre-foot of water. storage

    .                -                      which enn ba allocated for industrial and municipal usa. "ihe average -

consumptive water need for one unit (27 cfs) at Linarick for tha averags number-of days each year that the Schuylkill is not available because of lov flow.and/or high temperature (146 days) requiras a storage of 7,884

                .. -                        acre-feat.e. Assuming that inflow is not available to supplement "tha Reservoir elevation, 7,884 acru-feat would lover Blue hrsh slightly -

less than 8 feet, from 290.0 ft. to approkimately 282.0 ft. If.tha Schuylkill temperatura restriction of 158C (590F) is removed, the Schuylkill would be avn4hble all but 55 days in an cvsrage yaar. ?is - h would lower the required storage at Blue hrsh for the average cons ==ptive water need of one unit at Limerich to 2,970 nere-feat. Two thousand nine hmAred seventy (2,970) acro-feet would lover the sievation of Blus Marsh .from 290.0 ft. to between 287 0 fc. and 288.0 fc. . pre - -

                                                . .According to regulation, the,cOE- attespes to =%tain the pool elevation <at or near the designated-rule curve alevation whils usating *
                ~-                          all required relases obligations. As the Dalaware River Bcsin Consission L                    --                       (DRBC) has contracted for the water eupply features of Blue Marchi it is
                  .                         the DRBC which determines theos release obligations. At prea' ant, only 3             ~-

Western Berks Vater Authority has.a contractual agra==t with the DEBC for a small allotment of watar. .In the past, their actual'use-bas baan even lass than this allotment.. Attached is a copy of Table 4-1-(Blos L Marsh Laka - Schedula of Regulation), an Elevation, Area, and Capacity L Table, and a Pool Elevation verses Area-Capacity Curve. These are copias from the COE Blua Marsh Laka Easervoir Ragulation &nual. 7. ( .

                                                         ,.,,.>.+.          .    ,.
                ..                                      .. A 4,m -,
                                                                ,                                                                .. ..      .r . ..
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         'a ;;" . ::

l . _ Preparadibys .- C. 5. Se4 Aa== w e'*;*"'- m.9'N@ !. , . .am . . .. Echanical Engineering Division - 0.'/, - ! , . . .o . . Deconhar 22, 1983 - ' ~ ' "'". -- i Cas/due 2/7 Attachments . Copy to r...Y. ..S. Boyar J. 3. Kamper - '(' E. C. Kistner /J. L. Allan D. hrano/W. E. Di*in=on-

                 - - -                       ,9  -  --1,              m---------      ..,-m.-.,.  ,.     ~.m.,.. - - , . , , - . - ,          ,-w.    . , - . . - . _     . - . - - - - - - , - - - - , - - . - -               - + - - . -             --

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     ,            -.:                                                                      l'E E C"E 'lVi D
                      ,-                                           Public Meeting July  6, 1984 MOTION l      $K 061984
                                                          ..                                        L L & ll

IS'IN THE PUBLIC INTEREST / V fW]A On October 10,-1980, this Commiscion entered an Order at l docket number I-80100341 ' initiating an Investigation into the need for,

                         .and economy of, the Limerick Nuclear Generating Station of Philadelphia Electric Company (PECO). At the end of the Investigation, the Commis-
                         . sion concluded .that the simultaneous construction of Limerick Units I L                            and-II would not be in the public interest because of PECO's precarious i                            financial' condition and the effect that the continued construction of
  • both units would have upon PECO's ability to provide safe and reliable
                         . service. PECO was given the option of either cancelling Unit II, or E

suspending Unit II until Unit I was completed; however, if PECO refused to suspend or cancel Unit II, the Commission would not approve any b_ ' future securitica issuances to raise. capital for construction of, Unit II. The' Commission's Order was reversed by the Commonwealth Court but was 1 . .

y. ,
                         . upheld by.the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania.       Pennsylvania Public Utility
 ,                          Commission;v. Philadelphia Electric'Co., 501 Pa. 153, 460 A.2d 734 7


                          -(1983)." Af ter the Supreme Court decision, . PEC'O indicated that it in-tended to suspend Unit -II until Unit I. was completed, and then -resume

r constructson. e Recent. developments have rafsed anew grave concerns regarding PECO's' ability to provide adequate service at reasonable rates. PECO

                         ~ffled for a general rate increase on April 27, 1984, and has already
announced it's intention to file for another increase after Unit I


p.. w-i; p">Q.- n:

              .-                  ~ 4. Should: the Commission reject any securities
                        '                  filings, or impose any other appropriate remedy, to guarantee the cancellation of Unit II?
                                  ~5.      If' Unit II is cancelled, what, if any, j                                        ' percentage of the sunk costs should PECO be permitted to recover from its rate-
        .w                               ' payers?
6. If construction of Unit II is found to be in - the .-public interest, should the Com-mission adopt an " Incentive / Penalty Plan" as an inducement to cost efficient and timely construction? **

We believe that our duty to guarantee just and reasonable rates and to maintain adequate service require that the above issues be

                          . addressed by all affected parties and resolved by the Commission prior to April.1985, the date upon which construction of Unit II could resume; THEREFORE, WE MOVE:
1. That the Philadelphia Electric Company be ordered to show
                          .. cause why the completion of Limerick Nuclear Generating Station, Unit II, would be in the public interest.
                                         -2. That the Law Bureau prepare the necessary Order to'Show J

Cause, d

                                       ~                                               l    Df.E Y  b5
                                                                                       /    DATE r

[kn L t,/28/e4

                                                                                     /      DATE '       .



  • I:hereby certify that I have served a copy of the fore-000 qr ".-

going MOTION TO REOPEN BASED ON NEW EVIDENCE by mailing eN,i copy of the-same-to the following persons this 31stgayof_v g July, 1984. A10:11 Cri: Christine N. Kohl, Esq., Chairman I I'. ; T b; Administrative Judge E'O U .' S . Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555 Gary Edles, Esquire Administrative Judge U.S. Nuclear' Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555 Dr. Reginald'L. Gotchy Administra.tive Judge U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555 Ann Hodgdon, Esquire Benjamin H. Vogler, Esquire U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555 1 o ' Troy B. Conner, Jr. Esquire lI; Conner and Wetterhahn U '1747 Pennsylvania Avenue Washington, D.C. 20006 Edward G. Bauer, Esquire Vice President & General Counsel b Philadelphia Electric Company


o 2301 Market Street-

                            . Philadelphia, PA    19101 L                             Secretary U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attn.: Chief, Docketing & Service Branch Washington, DC 20555 I   ,

Atomic Safety and Licensing Appeal Board i' U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555 Charles W. Elliott, Esquire Brose'and Poswistilo 1101 Building lith & Northampton Streets Easton, PA 18042 8 h_}}