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Forwards States of Nc & Sc Responses to Regional Assistance Committee Findings on Offsite Radiological Emergency Response Preparedness & Exercise on 840215-16.State & Local Emergency Plans Adequate
Person / Time
Site: Catawba  Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 07/27/1984
From: Krimm R
Federal Emergency Management Agency
To: Jordan E
NUDOCS 8408090042
Download: ML20094D947 (8)


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Federal Emergency Management Agency Washington, D.C. 20472 C O Jll 271984 MEMORANDUM FOR: Edward L. Jordan Director, Division of Emergency Preparedness and Engineering Response Office of Inspection and Enforcement U.S. Nucl r Regulatory Commission

& V FROM: . ri I

.Assis ant Associ e Director

/ M fice of Natura and Technological Hazards Programs


Interim Findings on Offsite Radiological Emergency Response Preparedness (RERP) for the Catawba Nuclear Station Reference is made to my memorandum dated May 8,1984, subject as above and your memorandum dated June 7,1984.

Attached is a letter from the State of South Carolina dated April 24, 1984, and a letter from the State of North Carolina dated May 22, 1984. They respond to the Regional Assistance Committee (RAC) review as documented in the material attached to my May 8, 1984, memorandum.

Based on a review of the above information and the results of the full participation exercise conducted February 15-16, 1984, FEMA finds that the State and local emergency plans are adequate and the exercise demonstrated that the offsite preparedness is adequate to provide reasonable assurance that appropriate measures can be taken to protect the health and safety of the public living in the vicinity of the Catawba Nuclear Station in the event of a radiological emergency.

If you have any questions on the above, please contact Mr. Robert S. Wilkerson, Chief, Technological Hazards Division, at 287-0200.

Attachments As Stated s

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H. m m R C!m k. Secretarv flay 22, 1984 (9191 733 38

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fir. Glenn C. Woodard, Jr.

Chairman, RAC IV Federal Emergency fianagement Agency Region IV 1375 Peachtree Street, N. E.

Atlanta, Georgia 30309

Dear fir. licodard:

Enclosed is the response to the Regional Assistance Comittee's informal evaluation coments of the Off-Site Radiological Emergency Response Plans (January 1984 revision) for the Catawba Nuclear Station.

If you have corrunents concerning the actions proposed by the attachment to this letter, please forward them in time for consideration prior to the distribution of the planned changes.



le.sw V G III sse T. Pugh, JTPIII:br .

Enclosure cc: Ron Harris, Duke Power l

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Action will be taken to incorporate letters of agreement for private agencies having emergency response roles prior to the distribution of the planned changes. These agreements will include information outlined in NUREG-0654 Criteria. Gaston Memorial Hospital and Gaston County Emergency Medical Services are not private agencies, therefore, agreements are not necessary.


Efforts toward updating letters of agreement with individuals and organizations have already begun by the Radiation Protection Section. Since the completion of this task involves,a number of individuals and agencies, a great deal of coordination is necessary. Therefore, all agreements may not be incorporated in the final plan but will be in the subsequent changes. This delay will not impede emergency operations procedures.


Preselected radiological monitoring and sampling points are normally not shown on the operations map. This information is the responsibility of the Radiation Protection Section, North Carolina Department of Human Resources (RPS) and is included on maps utilized by RPS. Therefore, no action needs to be taken.

IV. PROTECTIVE RESPONSE - NUREG ITEM -J.12 The need for letters of agreement from the Red Cross have been. brought to the attention of county emergency management personnel. Agreements will be incorporated in the next planned changes and will include information on registering of evacuees.

Monitoring of evacuees is not a Red Cross responsibility.

Monitoring operations will be implemented by fire and rescue departments of Gaston and Mecklenburg Counties.


Annex I will include page 90 as a reference in the next plan l


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sy, Ghr # tate of Bauth Garolina militarg Bepartment OFFICE OF THE ADJUTANT GENERAL

2. uro ...c,..., April 24, 1984 1,,a aE[Eo'1 Mr. Glenn C. Woodard, Chairman R gional Assistance Committee FEMA, Region IV Suite 664 1375 Peachtree Street, NE Atlanta G orgia 30309 Daar oodard:

The following are the South Carolina responses to the RAC Review of the Catawba Plans.


RAC Comment: Private sector organizations with responsibilities assigned in the plan should have letters of agree-ment in the plan. These 1.o.a.'s should meet NUREG-0654 criteria.

SC RESPONSE: Concurr. In the next update of the Catawba Plans, letters of agreement will be included for private sector organizations.


RAC COMMENT: Rumor control arrangements are not discussed in plan. A narrative discussion is needed giving

' specific responsibilities for rumor control and describing coordination arrangements.

Emergency Preparedness Division l

Rutledge Building 1429 Senate Street Columbia, South Caroline 29201 (803) 754-2826


Glenn Woodard Letter April 24, 1984 Pcge 2 SC RESPONSE: Disagree. On page 32-33, Section 12 of SCORERP it states that it is the responsibility of the media center staff to prevent rumors from reaching the public. Additionally, the Catawba Brochure that is being revis'.ed will have specific telephone numbers to call in the event the public has heard a rumor.


RAC COMMENT: Emergency Kits by general category (protection equip-ment, communications, etc.) are not listed in an appendix as prescribed in NUREG-0654.

SC RESPONSE: Concurr. The next revision of the Catawba Plans will have an appendix (SCORERP and York County Plan) des-cribing emergency kits and communications.

Protective Equipment:

York County has approximately 100 kits stored in ~

shelters within the county totaling as follows:


66 - CDV 700 - Low Range Monitor 167 - CDV 715 - High Range Monitor 16 - CDV 717 - High Range Monitor i 167 - CDV 750 Dosimeter Charger 1002 - CDV 742 Dosimeter l Emergency Communications:

The SC communications 18-wheel van used for deployment in all. emergencies c'ontains the following communications cabability:

e Facsimile by land-line

  • e SC EPD Local Government Radio (LGR) e SC Wildlife and Marine Resources
  • e SC Highway Patrol e SC Highway Maintenance .
  • e (10) Regional Law Enforcement Mutual Aid e SC Forestry Commission e State Law Enforcement Division

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Glenn Woodard Letter

, April 24, 1984 '

Pcge 3 Emergency Communications (cont):

  • e RACES (HF) (VHF)
  • e Plus an additional four portable base stations on SC EPD LGR Network e 10 hand held walkie-talkies on SC EPD LGR Network
  • These communications systems have direct contact with York County.

'NUREG ITEM: J.10.a.

RAC COMMENT: Preselected radiological sampling and monitoring points for the plume exposure pathway are not on the operations map submitted.

SC RESPONSE: Disagree. SC does not in'dicate sampling and monitoring points on the operations map. This is a DHEC respon-sibility and those maps are maintained by DHEC for deployment to FEOC. (See D.4 pg 3 SCORERP) (See XII maps pg B-5 STRERP)


f RAC COMMENT: There is no listing of special facilities (with number of occupants) for the mobility-impaired or institution-alized and no listing of resources to assist in the evacuation of this segment of the population. Plan also does not define "special facilities" and does not indicate that the county has identified the mobility-impaired.

SC RESPONSE: Each item will be addressed separately. eItem concern-ing list of special facilities: concur. Duke Power, the State of SC and York County are in the process of researching and obtaining an accurate list of special facilities and the mobility-impaired. Once this infor-mation is obtained it will be included in the next re-j vision of the plan and kept on. file in the York County

.EOC to update annually.

e Item concerning resources to assist in evacuation:

Disagree. (See Annex L - York County Plan section II. '

Situation pg L-1.) (See annex Q York County Plan, l l Section II.k. Transportation pages Q24-25.)

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Glcnn Waodard Letter

. April 24, 1984 Pcge 4 e Item Concerning definition of "special' facilities":

Disagree. "Special Facilities" are defined on pg D-1, Annex D, Catawba Site-Specific.


RAC COMMENT: Plan needs clarification of procedures by which the Transportation Coordinator would deal with special evacuation problems. Potential impediments to evac-uation routes are not addressed. While the SC Compre-hensive Disaster Preparedness Plan describes the authority and operations of the Forestry Commission to remove debris in the event of a Governor's Declared Disaster, the coordinating links with the local Trans-portation Coordinator are not described.

SC RESPONSE: Each item will be addressed separetly, e Item concerning clarification of procedures to deal with special problems:

Disagree. SC feels that the Transportation Annex is l clear and the procedures for which the coordinator will deal with special evacuation problems will be addressed in the Transportation SOP (Now being developed.) The Transportation Coordinator is a EOC Staff member and problems as they arise will be addressed and handled in the EOC.

e Item concerning potential impediments to evacuation routes:

Disagree. See Annex M Engineering and Public Works, York County Plan Section IV.E.1.e. pg M-4. Additionally, a statement will be added in Annex L, Transportation Service concerning the coordination between the Trans-portation Coordinato'r and the Engineering and Public Works Director for removal of potential impediments to evacuation routes.

e Item concerning coordination links between Transpor-l , tation Coordinator and State support:

. Disagree. See Annex L, York County Plan Section IV A.3.

" request for State Support".


RAC COMMENT: Plan should provide for the issuance of low range dos-imeters (e.g., CDV 138's) and permanent record devices (e.g. , TLD's or film badges) to emergency workers.

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Glcnn Wsodcrd Letter April 24, 1984 Pcge 5 SC RESPONSE: Concurr. However, the CDV 138 low range dosimeters have been distributed as follows:

State Law Enforcement - 200 State Highway Patrol - 100 State Wildlife - 100 Ten Affected Counties 100 each State EPD - 200 The State of SC has no funds available at this time to purchase TLD's or Film Badges for issuance to emergency workers.

The State of South Carolina has enjoyed the fine relationship it has with the Regional Assistance Committee and appreciates the committees' comments on the Catawba Plans. Through this cooper-ation we will better our plans and better protect our citizens in the event of any type of emergency.


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o hua P. Moore ector JPM:BMc:ews


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