ML20091H582 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Vallecitos Nuclear Center, Vallecitos |
Issue date: | 03/25/2020 |
From: | Feyrer M GE-Hitachi Nuclear Energy Americas |
To: | Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards |
References | |
M200045 | |
Download: ML20091H582 (44) | |
HITACHI M200045 March 25, 2020 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attn: Document Control Desk Washington, D. C. 20555-001 GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy Matt J. Feyrer Site Manager, Vallecitos Nuclear Center 6705 Vallecitos Rd Sunol, CA 94586 USA T 925 918 6018
GEH Annual Shutdown Reactor Reports for the Year 2019
License DPR-1, Docket 50-18 (VBWR), License DR-10, Docket 50-183 (EVESR), License TR-1, Docket 50-70 (GETR)
Enclosed are the 2020 Annual Reports for the deactivated Reactors (Vallecitos Boiling Water Reactor (VBWR), ESADA-Vallecitos Experimental Superheat Reactor (EVESR),
and the General Electric Test Reactor (GETR)} located at the GE Hitachi, Vallecitos Nuclear Center near Sunol, California.
If there are any questions or additional information required, please contact me at the number above.
Matt Feyrer, Site Manager Vallecitos Nuclear Center Enclo~ures:
VBWR Annual Report No. 55, EVESR Annual Report No. 52, and GETR Annual Report No. 61 cc: NRC Region IV Administrator J. Parrott, NRC NMSS MJF 20-001
Enclosures VBWR Annual Report No. 55 EVESR Annual Report No. 52 GETR Annual Report No. 61
ANNUAL REPORT NO. 55 FOR THE YEAR 2019 LICENSE DPR-1 DOCKET 50-18 MARCH 2020 Vallecitos Nuclear Center Sunol, California
VBWR Annual Report No. 55 Page 1 of 3 Vallecitos Boiling Water Reactor (Deactivated)
Annual Report No. 55 GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy has maintained the Vallecitos Boiling Water Reactor (VBWR) in a deactivated status under the authority of Amendment No. 21 to License DPR-1, Docket 50-18, issued Oct 22, 2007. In this annual report, a summary of the status of the facility for the period of January 1, 2019, to December 31, 2019, is presented, as required by paragraph 5.d.2 of the license.
All reactor systems have been removed from the containment except for the reactor vessel.
The water level within the reactor vessel was monitored and has remained essentially constant throughout the report period.
Radiation and contamination levels remain at acceptable levels. Environmental data is maintained on site and available for review.
2.0 STATUS OF FACILITY In accordance with written procedures, the Facility Manager controls access to the containment building and general systems. The facility continues to be in deactivated status in safe storage condition.
3.0 RADIATION AND CONTAMINATION Complete radiation and contamination surveys of the facility indicate that levels remain low.
Results of the surveys are presented in attachment 1. Air sampling results are presented in attachment 2. The radiation/contamination levels listed are representative but not necessarily maximum values.
An assessment for radionuclide distribution was performed of the shutdown reactors. An external consultant performed the Updated Radiological Source Term for the Vallecitos Nuclear Center. The assessment has been submitted to the NRC for review and is available for further review at VNC if needed.
VBWR Annual Report No. 55 Page 2 of 3 3.1 GROUND WATER MONITORING WELL Groundwater well MW-9 was installed southwest of the EVESR and VBWR shutdown reactors.
Monitoring Well 9 has two sampling points documented as MW-9S and MW-9D. These wells will provide additional groundwater monitoring of the hydrogeologic conditions downgradient of the shutdown reactors in this area. The installation of these wells is part of the response letter to the NRC, NRC Request for Additional Information Related to Vallecitos Nuclear Center (VNC) Request for Alternate Decommissioning Schedules, GEH Response Summary Dated May 31, 2019. Analytical results of groundwater samples collected from the wells during the reporting periods. These wells were sampled quarterly after installation in 2019.
Well W-9S (4S-1E2P1)
Month Gross Alpha (pCi/L)
Gross Beta (pCi/L)
Tritium (pCi/L)
July 2019 2.81 1.62 0
October 2019 2.31 2.82 176 Annual Average 2.56 2.22 88 Well W-9D (4S-1E2P2)
Month Gross Alpha (pCi/L)
Gross Beta (pCi/L)
Tritium (pCi/L)
July 2019 5.04 2.29 395 October 2019 4.10 0.75 270 Annual Average 4.57 1.52 333 4.0 ACTIVITIES Routine inspections were conducted during this report period. This included new monthly routines completed from February to December. Additional activities in VBWR included installation of a new automatic sump pump system in the VBWR Basement, and two monitoring wells downgradient of VBWR.
5.0 ORGANIZATION The Site Manager remains M. J. Feyrer. The VBWR Facility Manager remains K. P. Zanotto. The Manager, Regulatory Compliance and EHS remains J. Smyly.
VBWR Annual eport No. 55
GE Hitachi Nucl ar Energy concludes that the deactivated VBWR~s being maintained in a safe shutdown condi ion. The inspections, access control, and administratively controlled activities ensure maximu protection for the public health and safety. The procedures will be continued to maintain this high level of protection.
GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy Vallecitos Operations
Manager Vallecitos Nuclear Center Page 3 of 3
Routine REASON
Special Annual Survey ITEMS OR LOCATION Item
n TOTAL Distance
mRad/h mR/h mRem/h mRem/h CPM CPM CPM 1
F 2
F 3
4 F
5 C
6 1'
7 F
8 9
F 10 11 F
12 13 F
14 15 C
16 1'
INSTRUMENT USED Tennelec PRM - 7 CP - 5 PNR - 4 TBM -
COMMENTS Smears completed on Tennelec see attachment EFF.
Areas smeared are on maps with attachement (4 P (4 P GEO.)
NEO 289 (REV. 07/10) g HITACHI SURVEYOR (print and sign)
Name and signature on original at GEH Vallecitos Nuclear Center dPM dPM CPM dPM dPM AREA 0900 DOSE RATE DIRECT READING SMEAR READINGS
- Area Over Reactor Vessel
<1 Main Floor - General Area
<1-5 Basement - General Area
- Sump @ 1'
- Sump 4
4 Reactor Vessel Head Area
<1 Top of Fuel Pool
<1 Personnel Air Lock
<1 Equipment Air Lock
<1 Drum on first floor (Sludge) 38 38 Drum on first floor (Sludge) @ 1' 8
8 RO - 20 RM - 15 RM - 14 LUDLUM-12 Area Posted: (circle applicable) RA HRA CA RMA AIRBORNE AC - 3A (U) 10%
43 - 4 (U) 10%
8 6
3 7
12 11 1
2 5
4 10 9
13 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 32 contact 9@ 30cm 1
1 1
Steam Generator Hatch 55-GAL Drum Reactor Pit Equipment Hatch VBWR Main Floor Machinery Hatch Personal Hatch
- = Dose Rate
- = Smear Location Dose Rates in mR/hr
5 5
3 4
1 2
6 7
2 8
3 1
4 5 contact 3 @ 30cm 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
VBWR Basement Area Slanted Wall Slanted Wall Slanted Wall Diamond Plate Slanted Wall Slanted Wall Ladder To Main Floor Reactor Head Reactor Head Level Grating Sump Ladder To Basement
- = Dose Rate
- = Smear Location Dose Rates in mR/hr
AttachmenttoSurveyD055:VBWRContainmentAnnualSurveySmearResults Page1of1
Name and signature on original at GEH Vallecitos Nuclear Center
Level Location Alpha (NCPM/100cm2)
Alpha (DPM/100cm2)
Beta (NCPM/100cm2)
Beta (DPM/100cm2)
Main Floor Level1 1
0 0
108.2 323 2
0 0
47.2 141 3
0 0
44.2 132 4
0 0
79.2 237 5
0 0
43.2 129 6
0 0
49.2 147 7
0.9 2.5 33.2 99.2 8
0 0
37.2 111 9
0 0
24.2 72.3 10 0.9 2.5 27.2 81.3 11 0
0 89.2 266 12 0
0 51.2 153 13 0
0 28.2 84.2 RxHead Level 1
0.9 2.5 95.2 284 2
0 0
28.2 84.2 3
0 0
23.2 69.3 4(Bricks) 0 0
23.2 69.3 5(DiamondPlate) 0.9 2.5 104.2 311 Basement 1
2.9 8.0 1944.2 5810 2
0 0
579.2 1730 3
0 0
701.2 2090 4
0 0
532.2 1590 5
0 0
691.2 2060 6
2.9 8.0 738.2 2210 7(SumpCover) 0 0
399.2 1190 8(BySump) 1.9
5.2 915..2 2730
3 4
4 5
5 6
6 425 80 15 7
1000 60 68 9
12 22 7
8 14 10 11 9
30 118 180 12 410 56 16 8
9 32 8
11 8
10 20 90 6
12 13 12 8
18 8
Concrete Ring Cask 3
Cask Ventilation Unit Mockup Equipment EVESR Soil Sample Building Equipment Hatch Equipment Hatch Personal Hatch Cask Personal Hatch Concrete Pad Building VBWR
Soil Sample Mockup Area Stack Mockup Equipment VBWR
Soil Sample Concrete Pad Tank Pad Concrete Pad EVESR Soil Sample Cask Cask Cask VBWR Soil Sample Concrete Pad 1
nd le VBWR Soil Sample 1
2 EVESR Soil Sample VBWR Soil Sample EVESR Soil Sample EVESR
Soil Sample VBWR
- = Dose Rate
- = Soil Sample Location Dose Rates in microRem/hr
ATTACHMENT2:AirSampleDataforVallecitosReactorAnnualInspection2019 Sample Reactor Location Volume(ml) ncpm uCi/ml ncpm uCi/ml ncpm uCi/ml ncpm uCi/ml ncpm uCi/ml ncpm uCi/ml VBWR FirstFloor 2.83E+06 333.99 1.46E10 792.30 3.77E10 103.39 4.53E11 233.50 1.11E10 0.00 0.00E+00 7.00 3.33E12 Basement 2.83E+06 820.19 3.60E10 1991.90 9.47E10 260.29 1.14E10 592.20 2.81E10 0.49 2.15E13 21.50 1.02E11 FuelPool 2.83E+06 679.59 2.98E10 1813.90 8.62E10 71.89 3.15E11 159.20 7.57E11 1.09 4.78E13 10.30 4.90E12 EVESR FirstFloor 2.83E+06 3227.29 1.42E09 7953.80 3.78E09 718.89 3.15E10 1551.40 7.37E10 0.29 1.27E13 5.20 2.47E12 Basement 2.83E+06 4923.19 2.16E09 11385.50 5.41E09 999.79 4.38E10 2181.90 1.04E09 2.49 1.09E12 75.60 3.59E11 519'Level 2.83E+06 6876.69 3.02E09 16930.10 8.05E09 1534.89 6.73E10 3353.20 1.59E09 1.09 4.78E13 59.90 2.85E11 GETR FirstFloor 2.83E+06 190.09 8.33E11 548.50 2.61E10 71.99 3.16E11 170.30 8.09E11 1.29 5.66E13 8.00 3.80E12 Basement 2.83E+06 99.59 4.37E11 245.00 1.16E10 29.29 1.28E11 76.60 3.64E11 1.09 4.78E13 15.00 7.13E12 ThirdFloor 2.83E+06 124.29 5.45E11 458.30 2.18E10 43.29 1.90E11 238.00 1.13E10 0.79 3.46E13 43.30 2.06E11 36.28%
2.22E+06 8.05E+05 7.43E+05 Reactor Location DateSampled TimeOn TimeOff Minutes sampled Flow Rate (cfm)
Total Flow(ft3) ml/ft3 Initial Count Time 1Hr Count Time Minutes Decay Approx.
HalfLife (min.)
VBWR FirstFloor 6/18/2019 7:47 8:07 20 5
100.0 28317 8:54 9:52 58 34.3 VBWR Basement 6/18/2019 7:47 8:07 20 5
100.0 28317 8:42 9:42 60 36.2 VBWR FuelPool 6/25/2019 9:43 10:03 20 5
100.0 28317 10:16 12:10 114 35.2 EVESR FirstFloor 6/18/2019 9:34 9:54 20 5
100.0 28317 10:39 11:55 76 35.1 EVESR Basement 6/18/2019 9:34 9:54 20 5
100.0 28317 10:49 12:05 76 33.0 EVESR 519'Level 6/18/2019 9:34 9:54 20 5
100.0 28317 10:28 11:44 76 35.1 GETR FirstFloor 6/17/2019 14:17 14:37 20 5
100.0 28317 14:45 15:49 64 45.7 GETR Basement 6/17/2019 9:50 10:10 20 5
100.0 28317 10:58 12:00 62 35.1 GETR ThirdFloor 6/25/2019 8:55 9:15 20 5
100.0 28317 9:36 10:36 60 39.4 Initial 1HourDecay
>24HourDecay Alpha Beta Alpha Beta Alpha Beta TennelecSystem"A"Efficiency&ConversionFactors TotalSample Volume(ml) 2.83E+06 2.83E+06 2.83E+06 2.83E+06 2.83E+06 SamplingInformation AlphaEfficiency BetaEfficiency dpm/uCi Alphacpm/uCi Betacpm/uCi 2.83E+06 2.83E+06 2.83E+06 2.83E+06
ANNUAL REPORT NO. 52 FOR THE YEAR 2019 LICENSE DR-10 DOCKET 50-183 MARCH 2020 Vallecitos Nuclear Center Sunol, California
EVESR Annual Report No. 52 Page 1 of 3 ESADA-Vallecitos Experimental Superheat Reactor (Deactivated)
ANNUAL REPORT NO. 52 GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy (GEH) has maintained the ESADA Vallecitos Experimental Superheat Reactor (EVESR) in a deactivated status under the authority of Amendment No. 7 to License DR-10, Docket 50-183, issued December 1, 2008. In this annual report, a summary of the status of the facility for the period of January 1, 2019, to December 31, 2019, is presented, as required by Amendment 7, Appendix A, Technical Specifications, section C. 1.
Component removal activities began in 2008 above the 549-foot level. Tech Spec changes issued in Amendment 7 December 1, 2008 authorize the removal of systems beside the reactor vessel and bio-shield below the 549-level. Component removal concluded (current scope) in 2010. Entry into the containment building was made for routine radiation surveys and a general examination of conditions throughout the building. In accordance with written procedures, the Facility Manager controls access to the containment building.
Radiation and contamination levels remain at acceptable levels. Environmental data is maintained on site and available for review.
2.0 STATUS OF FACILITY The facility continues to be in deactivated status. The plugs to the reactor vessel and head storage shield, the wooden cover over the fuel storage pool remain in place.
3.0 RADIATION AND CONTAMINATION Complete radiation and contamination surveys of the facility indicate that levels remain low. Results of the surveys are presented in attachment 1. Air sampling results are presented in attachment 2. The radiation/contamination levels listed are representative but not necessarily maximum values.
An assessment for radionuclide distribution was performed of the shutdown reactors.
An external consultant performed the Updated Radiological Source Term for the Vallecitos Nuclear Center. The assessment has been submitted to the NRC for review and is available for further review at VNC if needed.
EVESR Annual Report No. 52 Page 2 of 3 3.1 GROUND WATER MONITORING WELL Groundwater well MW-9 was installed southwest of the EVESR and VBWR shutdown reactors. Monitoring Well 9 has two sampling points documented as MW-9S and MW-9D. These wells will provide additional groundwater monitoring of the hydrogeologic conditions downgradient of the shutdown reactors in this area. The installation of these wells is part of the response letter to the NRC, NRC Request for Additional Information Related to Vallecitos Nuclear Center (VNC) Request for Alternate Decommissioning Schedules, GEH Response Summary Dated May 31, 2019. Analytical results of groundwater samples collected from the wells during the reporting periods. These wells were sampled quarterly after installation in 2019.
Well W-9S (4S-1E2P1)
Month Gross Alpha (pCi/L)
Gross Beta (pCi/L)
Tritium (pCi/L)
July 2019 2.81 1.62 0
October 2019 2.31 2.82 176 Annual Average 2.56 2.22 88 Well W-9D (4S-1E2P2)
Month Gross Alpha (pCi/L)
Gross Beta (pCi/L)
Tritium (pCi/L)
July 2019 5.04 2.29 395 October 2019 4.10 0.75 270 Annual Average 4.57 1.52 333 4.0 ACTIVITIES Routine inspections were conducted during this report period. During this report period, two additional monitoring wells were installed downgradient of EVESR. No major activities occurred inside the reactor during this period.
5.0 ORGANIZATION The Site Manager remains M. J. Feyrer. The EVESR Facility Manager remains K. P.
Zanotto. The Manager, Regulatory Compliance and EHS remains J. Smyly.
GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy concludes that the deactivated ESADA-Vallecitos Experimental Superheat Reactor is being maintained in a safe shutdown condition. The
EVESR Annual Report No. 52 inspections, access control, and administratively controlled activities ensure maximum protection for the public health and safety. The procedures will be continued to maintain this high level of protection.
GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy Vallecitos Operations Manager Vallecitos Nuclear Center Page 3 of 3
Routine REASON
Special Annual Survey ITEMS OR LOCATION Item
n TOTAL Distance
mRad/h mR/h mRem/h mRem/h CPM CPM CPM 1
F 2
F 3
F 4
C 5
C 6
C 7
F 8
9 F
10 F
11 Personnel Air Lock F
12 F
13 14 15 16 INSTRUMENT USED Tennelec PRM - 7 CP - 5 PNR - 4 TBM -
COMMENTS Smears completed on Tennelec see attachment EFF.
Areas smeared are on maps with attachement (4 P (4 P GEO.)
NEO 289 (REV. 07/10) g HITACHI SURVEYOR (print and sign)
Name and signature on original at GEH Vallecitos Nuclear Center dPM dPM CPM dPM dPM AREA 1100 DOSE RATE DIRECT READING SMEAR READINGS
503' Level
<1 487' Level (Basement)
<1 534' Level - General Area 1.5 1.5 519' Level
- Floor Drain @ 1' 1.5 1.5
- Floor Drain 7
- Emergency Cooling Valves 4.5 4.5
<1 Equipment Air Lock
<1 549' Level Top of Spent Fuel Pool (Main Floor)
<1 RO - 20 RM - 14 RM - 15 LUDLUM-12 Area Posted: (circle applicable) RA HRA CA RMA AIRBORNE AC - 3A (U) 10%
43 - 4 (U) 10%
2 1
7 3
4 8
10 9
6 5
<1 Stairs Equipment Hatch EVESR 549 Level Escape Hatch Dose Rates in mRem/hr
<1 7
3 4
2 1
8 5
9 6
Drain 7 contact 3 @ 30cm Rx Stairs 3 contact 1 @ 30cm 2 contact 1 @ 30cm Valve Valve Pipe Chase Tank EVESR 534 Level Dose Rates in mRem/hr
<1 4
5 2
6 3
1 Stairs EVESR 519 Level Stairs Rx Tank Dose Rates in mRem/hr
<1 3
2 5
4 8
1 7
6 Stairs Rx Stairs Pipe Chase Opening EVESR 503 Level Pipe Chase Opening Dose Rates in mRem/hr
<1 1
4 3
2 Stairs Rx Stairs EVESR 500 Level In-Core Flux Area Dose Rates in mRem/hr
<1 5
6 8
7 9
10 4
3 2
1 11 Stairs Sump EVESR 487 Level CRD Room Dose Rates in mRem/hr
AttachmenttoSurveyD056:EVESRContainmentAnnualSurveySmearResults Page1of2
Name and signature on original at GEH Vallecitos Nuclear Center
Level Location Alpha (NCPM/100cm2)
Alpha (DPM/100cm2)
Beta (NCPM/100cm2)
Beta (DPM/100cm2) 549 Level1 1
0 0
17.2 51.4 2
0 0
17.2 51.4 3
0 0
12.2 36.4 4
0.9 2.5 16.2 48.4 5
0.9 2.5 20.2 60.3 6
0 0
8.2 24.5 7
0 0
10.2 30.5 8
0 0
12.2 36.4 9
0 0
14.2 42.4 10 0
0 18.2 18.2 11 1.9 5.2 37.2 37.2 534 Level2 1
0 0
120.2 359 2
0 0
153.2 458 3
0 0
482.2 1440 4
0 0
207.2 619 5
1.9 5.2 110.2 329 6
0 0
95.2 284 7
0 0
176.2 526 8
0 0
36.2 108 9
0.9 2.5 108.2 323 10(FencedArea) 0.9 2.5 110.2 329 519 Level3 1
0 0
71.2 213 2
0 0
43.2 129 3
0.9 2.5 76.2 228 4
0.9 2.5 189.2 565
AttachmenttoSurveyD056:EVESRContainmentAnnualSurveySmearResults Page2of2
Level Location Alpha (NCPM/100cm2)
Alpha (DPM/100cm2)
Beta (NCPM/100cm2)
Beta (DPM/100cm2) 5 0
0 77.2 231 6
0 0
48.2 144 503 Level4
1 0
0 111.2 332 2
0 0
883.2 2,640 3
2.89 8.0 124.2 371 4
0 0
78.2 234 5
0 0
129.2 386 6
0 0
193.2 577 7
0 0
95.2 284 8
0.89 2.5 281.2 840 500 InCore FluxLevel 1
0 0
144.2 431 2
0 0
23.2 69.3 3
0 0
298.2 891 4
0 0
3650 10,900 487 Basement 1
0 0
106.2 317 2
0 0
326.2 975 3
1.89 5.2 130.2 389 4
1.89 5.2 140.2 419 5
0 0
47.2 141 6
0 0
68.2 204 7
0 0
118.2 353 8
0 0
244.2 730 9
0 0
210.2 628 10 0.89 2.5 335.2 1000 11 0.89 2.5 470.2 1400
5 6
5 3
6 4
4 12 7
11 8
8 8
9 1000 118 90 18 12 8
80 425 410 8
6 9
7 12 10 32 14 16 13 20 68 11 60 12 30 10 9
15 22 56 8
180 Cask Concrete Pad Concrete Ring EVESR Soil Sample Concrete Pad Cask Cask Cask Concrete Pad VBWR
Soil Sample Concrete Pad Mockup Equipment Stack VBWR Soil Sample Mockup Area Building Personal Hatch VBWR Soil Sample VBWR Soil Sample EVESR
Soil Sample Personal Hatch 3
Equipment Hatch 2
1 Equipment Hatch EVESR
Soil Sample 1
Building EVESR Soil Sample 2
Mockup Equipment Ventilation Unit EVESR Soil Sample Cask Cask VBWR
Soil Sample VBWR
Soil Sample Tank Pad EVESR Soil Sample VBWR EVESR VBWR & EVESR SITE MAP Dose Rates in microRem/hr
ATTACHMENT2:AirSampleDataforVallecitosReactorAnnualInspection2019 Sample Reactor Location Volume(ml) ncpm uCi/ml ncpm uCi/ml ncpm uCi/ml ncpm uCi/ml ncpm uCi/ml ncpm uCi/ml VBWR FirstFloor 2.83E+06 333.99 1.46E10 792.30 3.77E10 103.39 4.53E11 233.50 1.11E10 0.00 0.00E+00 7.00 3.33E12 Basement 2.83E+06 820.19 3.60E10 1991.90 9.47E10 260.29 1.14E10 592.20 2.81E10 0.49 2.15E13 21.50 1.02E11 FuelPool 2.83E+06 679.59 2.98E10 1813.90 8.62E10 71.89 3.15E11 159.20 7.57E11 1.09 4.78E13 10.30 4.90E12 EVESR FirstFloor 2.83E+06 3227.29 1.42E09 7953.80 3.78E09 718.89 3.15E10 1551.40 7.37E10 0.29 1.27E13 5.20 2.47E12 Basement 2.83E+06 4923.19 2.16E09 11385.50 5.41E09 999.79 4.38E10 2181.90 1.04E09 2.49 1.09E12 75.60 3.59E11 519'Level 2.83E+06 6876.69 3.02E09 16930.10 8.05E09 1534.89 6.73E10 3353.20 1.59E09 1.09 4.78E13 59.90 2.85E11 GETR FirstFloor 2.83E+06 190.09 8.33E11 548.50 2.61E10 71.99 3.16E11 170.30 8.09E11 1.29 5.66E13 8.00 3.80E12 Basement 2.83E+06 99.59 4.37E11 245.00 1.16E10 29.29 1.28E11 76.60 3.64E11 1.09 4.78E13 15.00 7.13E12 ThirdFloor 2.83E+06 124.29 5.45E11 458.30 2.18E10 43.29 1.90E11 238.00 1.13E10 0.79 3.46E13 43.30 2.06E11 36.28%
2.22E+06 8.05E+05 7.43E+05 Reactor Location DateSampled TimeOn TimeOff Minutes sampled Flow Rate (cfm)
Total Flow(ft3) ml/ft3 Initial Count Time 1Hr Count Time Minutes Decay Approx.
HalfLife (min.)
VBWR FirstFloor 6/18/2019 7:47 8:07 20 5
100.0 28317 8:54 9:52 58 34.3 VBWR Basement 6/18/2019 7:47 8:07 20 5
100.0 28317 8:42 9:42 60 36.2 VBWR FuelPool 6/25/2019 9:43 10:03 20 5
100.0 28317 10:16 12:10 114 35.2 EVESR FirstFloor 6/18/2019 9:34 9:54 20 5
100.0 28317 10:39 11:55 76 35.1 EVESR Basement 6/18/2019 9:34 9:54 20 5
100.0 28317 10:49 12:05 76 33.0 EVESR 519'Level 6/18/2019 9:34 9:54 20 5
100.0 28317 10:28 11:44 76 35.1 GETR FirstFloor 6/17/2019 14:17 14:37 20 5
100.0 28317 14:45 15:49 64 45.7 GETR Basement 6/17/2019 9:50 10:10 20 5
100.0 28317 10:58 12:00 62 35.1 GETR ThirdFloor 6/25/2019 8:55 9:15 20 5
100.0 28317 9:36 10:36 60 39.4 Initial 1HourDecay
>24HourDecay Alpha Beta Alpha Beta Alpha Beta TennelecSystem"A"Efficiency&ConversionFactors TotalSample Volume(ml) 2.83E+06 2.83E+06 2.83E+06 2.83E+06 2.83E+06 SamplingInformation AlphaEfficiency BetaEfficiency dpm/uCi Alphacpm/uCi Betacpm/uCi 2.83E+06 2.83E+06 2.83E+06 2.83E+06
ANNUAL REPORT NO. 61 FOR THE YEAR 2020 LICENSE TR-1 DOCKET 50-70 MARCH 2020 Vallecitos Nuclear Center Sunol, California
GETR Annual Report No. 61 Page 1 of 4 General Electric Test Reactor (Deactivated)
ANNUAL REPORT NO. 61 GE Hitachi (GEH) has maintained the General Electric Test Reactor (GETR) in a deactivated status under the authority of Amendment No. 17 to License TR-1, Docket 50-70, issued October 22, 2007, as specified in TS 6.6.1 to Amendment No. 14, issued February 5, 1986. In this annual report, a summary of the status of the facility for the period of January 1, 2019, to December 31, 2019, is presented.
The facility remains in essentially the same condition described in Annual Report No. 60.
Entry into the reactor building was made for routine radiation surveys and a general examination of conditions throughout the building. The crane, elevator, and ventilation were serviced and tested in 2011 in anticipation of beginning remediation activities.
Such activities have not begun.
Radiation and contamination levels remain at acceptable levels.
2.0 STATUS OF FACILITY In accordance with written procedures, the Facility Manager controls access to the containment building and general systems. The facility continues to be in deactivated status. There were no changes authorized by the Facility Manager pursuant to 10CFR50.59(a) in 2019.
3.0 RADIATION AND CONTAMINATION Complete radiation and contamination surveys of the facility indicate that levels remain low. Results of the surveys are presented in attachment 1. Air sampling results are presented in attachment 2. The radiation/contamination levels listed are representative but not necessarily maximum values.
Radiological surveys were performed in June 2019, in unknown areas that had not been surveyed previously using Change Authorization 19-05. Entries into these areas was
GETR Annual Report No. 61 Page 2 of 4 performed using SCBA and full-face respiratory protection. Radiological surveys are available for review at VNC. Some of the areas were found to have high radiation levels and high levels of contamination. Areas were posted as required by regulation based on survey results.
An assessment for radionuclide distribution was performed of the shutdown reactors.
An external consultant performed the Updated Radiological Source Term for the Vallecitos Nuclear Center. The assessment has been submitted to the NRC for review and is available for further review at VNC if needed.
3.1 GETR Stack Although maintenance was performed on the stack in 2011, and the stack was tested, there has been no remediation effort performed for the GETR reactor. The ventilation system is operational, but not currently in use.
GETR Stack was operational from June to November 2019, during entries made into unknown areas for surveying purposes. The data listed below is from the GETR stack.
GETR Stack Month Beta (uCi)
Alpha (uCi)
May 2019 0.00 1.77E-02 June 2019 3.48E-03 3.67E-01 July 2019 1.39E-03 6.36E-02 August 2019 7.33E-03 5.59E-01 September 2019 6.57E-03 1.78E-01 October 2019 5.74E-03 1.14E-01 November 2019 6.91E-03 1.73E-01 Total (Annual) 3.14E-02 1.47E+00 3.2 Gamma Radiation The yearly dose results for the year 2019 as determined from evaluation of site perimeter environmental monitoring dosimeters showed no departure from normal stable backgrounds.
3.3 Vegetation No alpha, beta or gamma activity attributable to activities at the GETR facility was found on or in vegetation in the vicinity of the site.
GETR Annual Report No. 61 Page 3 of 4 3.4 Ground Water Monitoring Well Data Analytical results of groundwater samples collected from the B-2 (GETR) well during the reporting periods. The GETR well was sampled quarterly in 2019. During the fourth quarter sampling period, a sample was not collected from the B-2 well due to a blockage caused by the sampling bag. Condition Report # 33068 was entered into the Condition Report System.
GETR Well B-2 Month Gross Alpha (pCi/L)
Gross Beta (pCi/L)
Tritium (pCi/L)
January 2019 9.36 2.76 522 April 2019 3.93 3.24 149 August 2019 6.50 2.47 318 November 2019 No Sample Collected CR # 33068 Groundwater well MW-8 was installed southwest of the GETR shutdown reactor. The well will provide additional groundwater monitoring of the hydrogeologic conditions downgradient of GETR. The installation of the well is part of the response letter to the NRC, NRC Request for Additional Information Related to Vallecitos Nuclear Center (VNC) Request for Alternate Decommissioning Schedules, GEH Response Summary Dated May 31, 2019. Well was sampled quarterly in 2019 after installation.
Well W-8 (4S-1E2M01)
Month Gross Alpha (pCi/L)
Gross Beta (pCi/L)
Tritium (pCi/L)
July 2019 6.86 1.51 371 October 2019 1.32 2.28 798 Annual Average 4.09 1.90 585 4.0 ACTIVITIES Routine inspections were conducted during this report period. A small amount of water
(<5 gallon) was identified in the elevator sump area of GETR. The water was removed (CR# 31626), and gamma spectroscopy was performed. Results were normal. There were no preventive or corrective maintenance activities performed having safety significance during the reporting period.
5.0 ORGANIZATION The Site Manager remains M. J. Feyrer. The GETR Facility Manager remains K. P.
Zanotto. The Manager, Regulatory Compliance and EHS remains J. Smyly.
GETR Annual Report No. 61
GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy concludes that the deactivated GETR is being maintained in a safe shutdown condition. The inspections, access control, and administratively controlled activities ensure maximum protection for the public health and safety. The procedures will be continued to maintain this high level of protection.
GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy Vallecitos Operations 3f/?r Manager Vallecitos Nuclear Center Page 4of4
NUCLEAR SAFETY SURVEY RECORD 200 Area GETR Containment (1 of 2)
Routine REASON
Special Annual Survey ITEMS OR LOCATION Item
n TOTAL Distance
mRad/h mR/h mRem/h mRem/h CPM CPM CPM 1
F 2
F 3
4 F
5 F
6 F
7 C
8 F
9 C
10 F
11 F
12 F
13 F
14 F
15 F
16 F
INSTRUMENT USED Tennelec PRM - 7 CP - 5 PNR - 4 TBM -
COMMENTS Smears completed on Tennelec see attachment EFF.
Areas smeared are on maps with attachement (4 P (4 P GEO.)
NEO 289 (REV. 07/10)
RO - 20 RM - 14 RM - 15 LUDLUM-12 Area Posted: (circle applicable) RA HRA CA RMA AIRBORNE AC - 3A (U) 10%
43 - 4 (U) 10%
- Platform 6128
- Clean Area
- Missile Shield
- Bridge 1.5 1.5
- Zone Area South
<1-1 3rd - Zone Area North
- Filter Bank Down stairs
- Filter Bank
- Field Reading Around EEHS Cubicle
- EEHS Cubicle Door 7
7 2nd - General Dose Rate
- Zone Area
<1 1st - Clean Area
<1 Personnel Air Lock SOP Equipment Air Lock
<1 Personnel Air Lock
g HITACHI SURVEYOR (print and sign)
Name and signature on original at GEH Vallecitos Nuclear Center
NUCLEAR SAFETY SURVEY RECORD 200 Area GETR Containment (2 of 2)
Routine REASON
Special Annual Survey ITEMS OR LOCATION Item
n TOTAL Distance
mRad/h mR/h mRem/h mRem/h CPM CPM CPM 1
C 2
F 3
F 4
F 5
F 6
C 7
C 8
C 9
F 10 F
11 C
12 1'
13 F
14 F
15 C
16 INSTRUMENT USED Tennelec PRM - 7 CP - 5 PNR - 4 TBM -
X COMMENTS Smears completed on Tennelec see attachment EFF.
Areas smeared are on maps with attachement (4 P (4 P GEO.)
NEO 289 (REV. 07/10)
Area Posted: (circle applicable) RA HRA CA RMA AIRBORNE AC - 3A (U) 10%
43 - 4 (U) 10%
Heat Exchange 6128 Heat Exchange Room G/A RO - 20 RM - 14 RM - 15 LUDLUM-12
<1 25 25 B-3 Basement G/A
<1 B-2/B-4 Basment G/A
<1 B-1 Basement Pipe @1' 15 15 B-1 Basement Pipe 120 120 B-1 Basement G/A
<1-5 Mezzanine between 2nd & 3rd Floors
- Autoclave 2
- Control Rod Repair Hood
- Control Rod Storage
- Zone Area
- Filter Bank
<1 Basement - Clean Area
<1 Elevator
<1 3rd Floor - Zone Area Floor Drain 6
g HITACHI SURVEYOR (print and sign)
Name and signature on original at GEH Vallecitos Nuclear Center
GETR Basement Stairs SOP SOP Elevator Rx Filter Bank Autoclave Hx Cylinder Storage Area CRD Rack CRD Hood 57 51 56 52 59 62 63 61 60 68 69 67 70 64 53 66 65 58 54 55 120 contact 15 @ 30cm 60 contact 10 @ 30cm 3
< 1
< 1
< 1
< 1
< 1
< 1
< 1
< 1 2
< 1
< 1
< 1
< 1 2
< 1
< 1
< 1 25 contact
< 1
< 1
< 1
< 1
< 1
- = Dose Rate
- = Smear Location Dose Rates in mR/hr
< 1
< 1
< 1 15 contact 6 @ 30cm
< 1
< 1
< 1
< 1
< 1
< 1
< 1
< 1
< 1
< 1 46 39 44 43 38 37 48 40 41 49 50 47
< 1 42
- = Dose Rate
- = Smear Location Dose Rates in mR/hr
GETR Level 2 Door STAIRS STAIRS Elevator EEHS Rx 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 27 28 29
< 1
< 1
< 1
< 1
< 1
< 1
< 1
< 1 10 contact 7 contact 4 @ 30cm
< 1
< 1
- = Dose Rate
- = Smear Location Dose Rates in mR/hr
GETR Level 3 Mezzine STAIRS Rx Elevator 26 25 4
3 2
< 1
< 1
< 1
< 1
< 1
< 1
- = Dose Rate
- = Smear Location Dose Rates in mR/hr
GETR Level 4 Fuel Bridge Raised Platform Area Office STAIRS Reactor Head Missile Shield Bathroom Elevator Reactor Cavity Opening Opening
- 5 contact 1.5 @ 30cm Drain
< 1
< 1
< 1
< 1
< 1
< 1
< 1
< 1
< 1
< 1
< 1
< 1
< 1
< 1
< 1
< 1
< 1
< 1
< 1
< 1
< 1 6
19 20 18 16 21 14 5
15 24 23 17 11 7
8 9
10 12 13 22
- = Dose Rate
- = Smear Location Dose Rates in mR/hr
AttachmenttoSurveyC020:GETRContainmentAnnualSurveySmearResults Page1of3
Name and signature on original at GEH Vallecitos Nuclear Center
Level Location Alpha (NCPM/100cm2)
Alpha (DPM/100cm2)
Beta (NCPM/100cm2)
Beta (DPM/100cm2)
Main Floor Level1 1(ZoneFloor) 0.9 2.5 72 216 2(ZoneFloor) 0.9 2.5 63 189 3(ZoneFloor) 0.0 0.0 335 1,001 4(ZoneFlats) 0.9 2.5 42 126 5(ZoneFlats) 0.0 0.0 24 72 6(ZoneFloorLeftofSOP) 0.0 0.0 598 1,787 7(ZoneFloorRightofSOP) 0.0 0.0 340 1,016 8(ByLadder) 0.0 0.0 1,075 3,212 FlatsbehindGELogo 0.0 0.0 17 51 FloorBehindGELogo 0.9 2.5 67 201 CAAreaFloorNearEntrance 0.0 0.0 15 45 EquipmentAirLock 0.0 0.0 1
4 CleanFloorNearEntrance 0.9 2.5 26 78 PersonnelAirLockSOP 0.0 0.0 1
4 Basement ZoneAreaCRDRack 0.0 0.0 61 183 ZoneAreaTable 0.9 2.5 35 105 HeatExchanger(HX)Room 0.0 0.0 25 75 Elevator 0.9 2.5 32 96 CleanArea 0.0 0.0 17 51 ZoneAreaRodRepairHood 3.9 10.7 12,174 36,373 ZoneAreaFloor 0.0 0.0 548 1,638 RoomB3Flats 0.0 0.0 151 452 RoomB3Floor 0.0 0.0 42 126 RoomB3Floor@Door 0.9 2.5 925 2,764 UnderVesselFlats 1.9 5.2 75 225
AttachmenttoSurveyC020:GETRContainmentAnnualSurveySmearResults Page2of3
Level Location Alpha (NCPM/100cm2)
Alpha (DPM/100cm2)
Beta (NCPM/100cm2)
Beta (DPM/100cm2)
UnderVesselFloor 0.9 2.5 157 470 UnderVesselRustFloor 0.0 0.0 1,322 3,950 Basement Basement:UnderHXRoom 0.9 2.5 59 177 HXRoomLeadShield 0.9 2.5 21 63 HXRoomFlats/Pipes 0.9 2.5 54 162 PumpRoom(B1) 0.0 0.0 117 350 PumpRoom(B1)Floor 0.0 0.0 60 180 PumpRoom(B1)Flats 0.0 0.0 64 192 PumpRoom(B1)Floor 0.0 0.0 60 180 Level2 Inside,OnlyEntranceHotSpot 0.0 0.0 2,917 8,716 OnlyEntrancePump 0.0 0.0 261 780 OnlyEntranceDrain 0.0 0.0 2,575 7,694 Elevator 0.9 2.5 11 33 1
0.0 0.0 3
10 2
0.0 0.0 6
19 3
0.0 0.0 31 93 4(@Stairs) 0.9 2.5 41 123 5
0.9 2.5 47 141 6(@BackStairsArea) 0.9 2.5 34 102 Level2.5 Mezzanine Room1Floor 0.9 2.5 138 413 Room1Flats 1.9 5.2 157 470 GeneralArea1 1.9 5.2 11 33 GeneralArea2 1.9 5.2 18 54 GeneralArea3 0.0 0.0 32 96 Level3 TopFloor TopofBathroom 0.9 2.5 39 117 UnderPlatform#1Floor 0.9 2.5 39 117 UnderPlatform#2Floor 0.0 0.0 129 386 Floor(1)@Stairs 0.0 0.0 100 299 Floor(2)LeftofStairs 0.0 0.0 26 78 Floor(3)@Bathroom 0.0 0.0 50 150 Floor(4)@Elevator 0.0 0.0 36 108 Floor(5)@PlatformStairs 0.9 2.5 135 404 Floor(6)LeftofMissileShield 0.0 0.0 354 1,058 Floor(7)LeftsideofCavity 0.0 0.0 444 1,327 Floor(8)RightofMissileShield 0.0 0.0 211 631 Floor(9)RightofCavity 0.0 0.0 2,944 8,797 Floor(10)ByStraightLadder 0.0 0.0 1,083 3,236
AttachmenttoSurveyC020:GETRContainmentAnnualSurveySmearResults Page3of3
Level Location Alpha (NCPM/100cm2)
Alpha (DPM/100cm2)
Beta (NCPM/100cm2)
Beta (DPM/100cm2)
MissileShield(11) 0.0 0.0 147 440 UpperDeck(12) 0.9 2.5 24 72 Level3 TopFloor UpperDeck(13) 2.9 8.0 48 144 UpperDeck(14) 0.0 0.0 32 96 Flats(15) 0.0 0.0 23 69 Flats(16) 3.9 10.7 127 380 Bridge(17) 0.9 2.5 234 700 FlatsSpreaderBar(18) 0.9 2.5 131 392
Level Location Alpha (NCPM)
Alpha (DPM)
Beta (NCPM)
Beta (DPM)
Level2 EEHSFloor1 76.9 211.9 334207 998527 EEHSFloor2 21.9 60.3 31243 93346 EEHSFloor3 3.9 10.7 73920 220855 EEHSFlats1 5.9 16.2 36608 109376 EEHSFlats2 0.9 2.5 24.2 72.3 EEHSFlats3 7.9 21.7 9786 29238 EEHSFlats4 0.9 2.5 2370 7081 EEHSFlats5 9.9 27.3 29546 88276
Note:ThesmearsintheExperimentEffluentHoldupSystem(EEHS)roomweretakenwithdisksmears, butwerenotlimitedto100cm2.
9 35 35 14 14 350 450 17 17 47 36 22 9
1000 300 1200 50 19 60 40 14 25 20 60 32 50 8
30 24 25 20 600 1100 900 28 300 800 1000 Storm Drain Personal Hatch Equipment Hatch GETR Building Building Sealand 1
Sealand 2
GETR Soil Sample Sealand 3
GETR Soil Sample 4
6 Sealand GETR Soil Sample Sealand Sealand 5
Sealand Sealand GETR Soil Sample Sealand Building GETR
Soil Sample Ventilation Unit Building GETR
Soil Sample Building Tank GETR Site Map
- = Dose Rate
- = Soil Sample Location Dose Rates in microRem/hr
ATTACHMENT2:AirSampleDataforVallecitosReactorAnnualInspection2019 Sample Reactor Location Volume(ml) ncpm uCi/ml ncpm uCi/ml ncpm uCi/ml ncpm uCi/ml ncpm uCi/ml ncpm uCi/ml VBWR FirstFloor 2.83E+06 333.99 1.46E10 792.30 3.77E10 103.39 4.53E11 233.50 1.11E10 0.00 0.00E+00 7.00 3.33E12 Basement 2.83E+06 820.19 3.60E10 1991.90 9.47E10 260.29 1.14E10 592.20 2.81E10 0.49 2.15E13 21.50 1.02E11 FuelPool 2.83E+06 679.59 2.98E10 1813.90 8.62E10 71.89 3.15E11 159.20 7.57E11 1.09 4.78E13 10.30 4.90E12 EVESR FirstFloor 2.83E+06 3227.29 1.42E09 7953.80 3.78E09 718.89 3.15E10 1551.40 7.37E10 0.29 1.27E13 5.20 2.47E12 Basement 2.83E+06 4923.19 2.16E09 11385.50 5.41E09 999.79 4.38E10 2181.90 1.04E09 2.49 1.09E12 75.60 3.59E11 519'Level 2.83E+06 6876.69 3.02E09 16930.10 8.05E09 1534.89 6.73E10 3353.20 1.59E09 1.09 4.78E13 59.90 2.85E11 GETR FirstFloor 2.83E+06 190.09 8.33E11 548.50 2.61E10 71.99 3.16E11 170.30 8.09E11 1.29 5.66E13 8.00 3.80E12 Basement 2.83E+06 99.59 4.37E11 245.00 1.16E10 29.29 1.28E11 76.60 3.64E11 1.09 4.78E13 15.00 7.13E12 ThirdFloor 2.83E+06 124.29 5.45E11 458.30 2.18E10 43.29 1.90E11 238.00 1.13E10 0.79 3.46E13 43.30 2.06E11 36.28%
2.22E+06 8.05E+05 7.43E+05 Reactor Location DateSampled TimeOn TimeOff Minutes sampled Flow Rate (cfm)
Total Flow(ft3) ml/ft3 Initial Count Time 1Hr Count Time Minutes Decay Approx.
HalfLife (min.)
VBWR FirstFloor 6/18/2019 7:47 8:07 20 5
100.0 28317 8:54 9:52 58 34.3 VBWR Basement 6/18/2019 7:47 8:07 20 5
100.0 28317 8:42 9:42 60 36.2 VBWR FuelPool 6/25/2019 9:43 10:03 20 5
100.0 28317 10:16 12:10 114 35.2 EVESR FirstFloor 6/18/2019 9:34 9:54 20 5
100.0 28317 10:39 11:55 76 35.1 EVESR Basement 6/18/2019 9:34 9:54 20 5
100.0 28317 10:49 12:05 76 33.0 EVESR 519'Level 6/18/2019 9:34 9:54 20 5
100.0 28317 10:28 11:44 76 35.1 GETR FirstFloor 6/17/2019 14:17 14:37 20 5
100.0 28317 14:45 15:49 64 45.7 GETR Basement 6/17/2019 9:50 10:10 20 5
100.0 28317 10:58 12:00 62 35.1 GETR ThirdFloor 6/25/2019 8:55 9:15 20 5
100.0 28317 9:36 10:36 60 39.4 Initial 1HourDecay
>24HourDecay Alpha Beta Alpha Beta Alpha Beta TennelecSystem"A"Efficiency&ConversionFactors TotalSample Volume(ml) 2.83E+06 2.83E+06 2.83E+06 2.83E+06 2.83E+06 SamplingInformation AlphaEfficiency BetaEfficiency dpm/uCi Alphacpm/uCi Betacpm/uCi 2.83E+06 2.83E+06 2.83E+06 2.83E+06