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Transmittal of Annual Report No. 45 for the Deactivated General Electric Test Reactor
Person / Time
Site: Vallecitos File:GEH Hitachi icon.png
Issue date: 03/30/2004
From: Doreen Turner
General Electric Co
Document Control Desk, NRC/FSME
Download: ML040970274 (5)


v -GE Energy David W. Turner Mgr, Regulatory Compliance & EHS March 30, 2004 File Copy DWT-2004-14 Document Control Desk U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555




Annual Report for GETR, 2003 License TR-1, Docket 50-70 Annual Report No. 45 (3 copies)

Enclosed are three signed copies of Annual Report No. 45 for the deactivated General Electric Test Reactor (GETR) located at Vallecitos Nuclear Center near Sunol, California.

If there are any questions or additional information required, please contact me at the number below.

Sincerely Yours, David W. Turner Manager, Regulatory Compliance & EHS

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General Electric Company GENE Vallecitos Nuclear Center Mail Code V-18 6705 Vallecitos Rd Sunol, CA 94586 T.925.862.4360

GE Nuclear Energy Vallecitos Nuclear Center General Electric Company Sunol, California GENERAL ELECTRIC TEST REACTOR (DEACTIVATED)


General Electric Test Reactor (Deactivated)

Annual Report No.45 General Electric Company has maintained the General Electric Test Reactor (GETR) in a deactivated status under the authority of Amendment No. 16 to License TR-1, Docket 50-70, issued September 30, 1992. In this annual report, a summary of the status of the facility for the period of January 1, 2003 to December 31, 2003 is presented.



The facility remains in essentially the same condition described in Annual Report No. 44. Entry into the reactor building was made for routine radiation surveys and a general examination of conditions throughout the building.

Radiation levels remain essentially unchanged.

2.0 STATUS OF FACILITY In accordance with written procedures, the Facility Manager controls access to the containment building and general systems. The facility continues to be in deactivated status. There were no changes authorized by the Facility Manager pursuant to I OCFR50.59(a) and completed in 2003.

3.0 RADIATION AND CONTAMINATION The data below are from sample and dosimeter results accumulated during 2003. These data are for the entire VNC site and include the effects of operations other than GETR.

3.1 GETR Stack Not operated.

3.2 Air Monitors (Yearly average of all meteorological stations.)

Four environmental air monitoring stations are positioned approximately 90 degrees apart around the operating facilities of the site. Each station is equipped with a membrane filter that is changed weekly and analyzed for gross alpha and gross beta-gamma.

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GETR Annual Report No. 44 Alpha Concentration:

Maximum, 5.2E1-15 pCi/cc (predominantly radon-thoron daughter products)

Average, 3.OE-15 piCi/cc Beta Concentration:

Maximum, 12.0E-15 piCi/cc Average, 6.5E-15 pCi/cc 3.3 Gamma Radiation The yearly dose results for the year 2003 as determined from evaluation of site perimeter environmental monitoring dosimeters showed no departure from normal stable backgrounds.

3.4 Vcgetation No alpha, beta or gamma activity attributable to activities at the GETR facility was found on or in vegetation in the vicinity of the site.

3.5 Off-Site Samples taken off the site indicate normal background for the area.

4.0 ACTIVITIES Routine inspections were conducted during this report period. There were no preventive or corrective maintenance activities performed having safety significance during the reporting period.

5.0 ORGANIZATION The management and operations organization for the GETR is described in Technical Specification 6 (Figure 1) of License TR-1. The organizational structure remained the same, the Facility Manager during 2003 was F. A. Arlt.


The General Electric Company concludes that the deactivated GETR is being maintained in a safe shutdown condition. The inspections, access control, and administratively controlled activities ensure maximum protection for the public health and safety. The procedures will be continued to maintain this high level of protection.

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GETR Annual Report No. 44 GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY Vallecitos Operations C. W. Bassett, Manager Facilities Maintenance and QA Page 3 of 3