PY-CEI-NRR-1401, Forwards Emergency Response Data Sys Implementation Program Plan,Per 10CFR50,App E,Section VI.4.a

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Forwards Emergency Response Data Sys Implementation Program Plan,Per 10CFR50,App E,Section VI.4.a
Person / Time
Site: Perry FirstEnergy icon.png
Issue date: 10/22/1991
From: Lyster M
PY-CEI-NRR-1401, NUDOCS 9110290408
Download: ML20091D843 (14)



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Michael D. Lyster


October 22, 1991 PY-CEI NRR-1401 L U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission

Document-Control Desk Vashington, D.C. 20555 Perry Nucle'.r Power Plant Docket No. 50-440 ERDS Implementation Program Plan Pursuant to 10CFR50, Appendix E Gentlemen

-This letter satisfies the requirement to submit an implementation program plan for' linking _the Perry Nuclear Power Plant (PNPP) Unit 1, to the NRC's Emergency Response Data System (ERDS) pursuant to 10CFR50 Appendix E, Section VI.4.a.

Perry's ERDS Implementation Plan is contained in Attachment 1. Attachment 2 contains the completed questionnaire from NUREG-1394, Rev. 1, for the Perry Plant.

Preliminary review indicates that the Perry-Nuclear Power Plant-can

provide the majority of the requested-parameters, with the exceptions of Dryvell/ Containment Oxygen Concentration (by design, Perry's containment is not inerted) and Intermediate Range Nuclear Instruments. However, the data is distributed _on two computer systems which would be heavily utilized during (Emergency Events. :A satisfactory solution vill require hardware modifications E _vhich have been factored into the implementation plan.-

In addition, we have factored Perry's 1992 Refuel Outage into the schedule, as

vell as allotted _ time for modifying the Emergency Response Instructions and

._ Software. Control Procedures, and for training Emergency Response personnel' prior;to. final implementation of ERDS at Perry. Nevertheless, adherence to the proposed JRDS Implementation Plan schedule contained in Attachment 1 is necessarily' dependent on the NRC staff and its ERDS contractor with respect to ~

timely reviev and approval of Perry's Data. Point Library (DPL) and Plant Attribute Library (P- :, once submitted, and timely completion of ERDS acceptance testing.

l C110290408 911022 0 lPDR ADOCK 05000440 l F- PDR t k

Ocercerg Co%c es C ewed figf ac Nmw ~g TMc Ed san

4 Document Control Desk PY-CEI/NRR-1401 L October 22, 1991-Our point of contact for ERDS, as provided in Attachment 2, is Mr. Keith J. Nelson. Mr. Nelson can be reached by telephone at (216) 259-3737 ex:ension 5687. If you have any questions, please_ feel tree to call.


/ , 1 Michael D. L ter MDL:CJftse Attachment-cc NRC Project Manager NRC Resident-Inspector Office NRC Region III C.-E. Norelius, NRC Region III

. , , . - - ._ . . . - . . . ~

4  ;

kJ; ,

. -l Wa -

d Attachment l' PY-CEI/NRR'1401 L-



Milestone Completion. . Milestone Description Date:

, l November 15,(1991- Engineering Design Change Request

<Jr (EDCR) for hardware modifications -

submitted to Perry Nuclear Engineering ~ "

Department for' review and approval.

-December 15, 1991 - Data Point Library-(DPL) and Plant--

- Attribute Library _(PAL) submitted to

  • NRC and to NRC contractor.


' April 1,L1992: Design Change Package (DCP) completed .

- (hardware modifications installed).

l September 30, 1992 Utility and NRC contractor software tready-for' testing.


October.15, 1992 Preliminary transmission testing..

October 30D 1992: . Emergency Response Instruction changes ,

and' Software Control'ProcedureLehanges-

, subs.itted foriproject review and

' approval.-

, g November.130,fl992 Finalntest.

i '

g December-15,71992 Procedure changes and Emergency .

-personnel trainingfcomplete and'ERDS F


n 1

,- i h

SC/ CODED /3181 _

L 4

- . . . , . . - .,- _ ,, ~. .. . . _ , - _

PY-CEI/NRR-140i L Attachment 2

.. APPENDIX B Pane I of 10 -

. ERDS COMMUNICATIONS DESCRIPTION AND SURVEY QUESTIONNAIRE ne following is a questionnaire pertaining to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission's (h7C)

Emergency Response Data System (ERDS). It consists of a series of questions concerning plant 1/0 points, software protocols, data formats, transmission frequencies, and other plant com-puter specific information to be used in the ERDS computer databas: files. Also, included hpigi are desenptions and examples of data streams that the NRC la expecting to see transmitted over the communication line.  %

Re purpose of collecting the data is to develop a plant specific database that will be retrieved into the ERDS once the system is activated by a utility. It will also be used to design and imple-ment ERDS software that can receive the utility's data transmission. In essence, this informa-tion will provide the basis for building a profile of the plant in the ERDS database.

In some cases, the 1/0 point data may be distributed over several EROS consid-ers this situation a multi feeder site and Section IV must be filled out for each feeder.


B-1 I

PY-CEI/NRR-140 i L Attachment 2 -

'Page 2 of 10 ...

1. Contacts .t Note: Please provide name, title, mailing addrosa, and phone number.

A. Survey Coordinator (i.e., contact for later clari5 cation of questionnaire answers) -

Keith J. Nelson - (216) 259-3737 ext. 560/

Ccmputer Engineer - d Mail Stop SBB30 P.O. Box 97- '".

Perry, Ohio 44081 B. Computer Hardware Specialist (s)-

Clint Weirich (216) 259-3737 ext. 5263 Cmputer Engineer Mail Stop SBB30 P.O. Box 97 Perry,. Ohio 44081 C. Systems Software Specialist (s):

Keith J. Nelson D. Application level Software Specialist (s)-

Keith J. Nelson

. E. ~ Telephone Sysams Specialist (s)-

Sharon Flaning (216) 259-3737 ext. 5553 Telecomunications Asst.

Mail Stop S210 P.O. Box 97 Perry, Ohio 44081 B-2

l'Y-CEI/NRR-1401 L

- Attachment.2 II. ERDS Ccmmunications Descripti:n l'88e 3 of 10 3 y *

.,' A. Hanbrare De following hardware will be supplied:

- for a single feeder site:

Codex 2234 modem - V.22 2400 bps, asynchronous, auto-dialing, auto-answer, .

error correcting, using the AT command set j

- for a multiple feeder site:

Codex 6015 multiplever, Codex 2260 modem V32 9600 bps, asynchronous, auto-dialing, auto-answer, error-correcting, using Sie AT command set he modems are intended to be operated in the auto reliable link mode (referred to as MNP in the modem manuals)nith speed conversion and flow control enabled. Speed conversion allows the computer to communicate with the modem at a baud rate which is independent of the baud rate the modem is using to communicate with the remote modem, his feature is important C because the modems have the ability to adjust their transmission rate downwaid if the remote modem is operating at a lower speed. However,in order to use speed conversion, the site com-puter must support some form of flow control.Bree types of flow control are supported by the modems: XON/XOFF, RTS/ CTS, and DTR/ CTS. All of the above features are discussed in the modem manuals.

B. Software

1. Data Transmission


All transmissions, from both the site and the ERDS, will be terminated with a carriage return

- ( < CR > ).

a. Site willinitiate a link request in ASCII using-

- the three character site designator,

- the word LINK.

- local site time and date in the format MM/DD/YY/HH:MM:SS, and

- a < CR > ,

if the site does not receive a response from the ERDS within one minute,it should send another link request message and continue sending them at one minute intervals, if more than five minutes elapses without a response, site personnel should notify the NRC before disconnecting the line.

b. ERDS will respond in AECll with:

- the three character site designator,

- the word ACCEPTED or DENIED, and

- a < CR > .

If the ERDS responds with the denied message, the site should wait one minute and then send a link request message and continue sending them at one minute intervals. lf B-3 l

PY-CEI/NRR-140l L Attachment 2 more than five minutes elapses without a response, site personnel should notify the ^" 4!.10 P


NRC before disconnecting the line.

c. When the ERDS is ready to receive data, it will send an initiate message in ASC3 using:

- the three character site designator.

- the word INinATE, and

- a < CR > , e if the ERDS does not send an inititte message within one minute of the accept mes-sage, the site should send the link request message (described in Section H.B.1.a.).

d.- Upon receipt of the initiate message, the plant begins transmission of data at a 15-second rate. The data string consists of:

- a header containing the three character site designator and date and time in the format MM/DD/YY/HH.MM:SS,

- the data packet sequenced with point identifier, value, and quality tag.

- a trailer containing the checksum value of the data packet, aad a < CR >.

e. Wh:n the site or ERDS wishes to termi". ate the mnnection, an ASCII nessage will be sent containing:

- the three-character site desit uator.

- the word TERMINATE, anc

- a < CR > .

f. If a site is inadvertently terminate 1(due to loss of communications or receipt of termi-nate message) and the incident it still underway, the site should reconnect with the ERDS by redialing and using the reconnee'. iink requen :n-ss:,ge. This message is in

. ASCII and will contain:

- the three-character site designator,

- the word RECONNECT,

- local site time and date in the format MM/DD/YY/IDH0tSS, and

- a < CR > .

Upon receipt of this message, the ERDS will respond with the accept and initiate mes-sages as described in Sections U.B.1.b and II.B.1.c. If the ERDS responds with a link deny message (described in Section D.B.1.b) the site should stop trying to reconnect and send a link request message (described in Section II.B.1.a). If the ERDS does not respond to the site's reconnect request within one minute. the site should send another reconnect request and continue sending reconnect requests once a minute. If more

- than five minutes elapses without a response, site personnel should notify the NRC before disconnecting the line. it is the responsibility of the site to monitor the outgoing line for loss of communications.


-- , . - , . ~ . -

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  1. ~

PY-CEI/NRR-1401 LL-A . - , s-Attachment-!2-  ;

4 L i Data Format :

Page 5 of 10' . 4 p

y n R- . he following three delimiters have been identified:

L(1); Sold delimiter ('k ,

"- L(2) data set delimiter (\),~and

  1. L(3); carriage return (<CR>). . ,
Note: ne Ogth of the messages sent by the ERDS (e.g., ACCEPTED, DENIED,C INITIATE, TERMINATE) are variable and it is recommended that the site soft' *.

ware use the data set delimiter as the message delimiter for messages received.

from the ERDS.

p ^

'.a.1 Link requests will be in ASCH as described in II.B.1.a. with each field separated by a -

- Seld delimiter and the request terminated with a data set delimiter. For example,  ;


  • LINK'01/12/89/11:48:50\ < CR >~.

b) : The ERDS response will be in ASCH as described in H.B.1.b. with each field sepa-

- rated by a Seld delimiter and the response terminated with a data set deliraiter. For exampic, pal *ACCErtr.1A<CR>, ~

c. - When the ERDS is ready to receive data it will respond in ASCH as described in:

ILB.I.c with 'ench Seld separated by a field delimiter and the response terminated with -


y, ~a data set delimiter. For example, pal

  • INITIATE \< CR > .

(d. . Data streams will be in ASCH and will consist of thre parts (header, data, and trailer) as described in H.B.I.d. with each Seld separated by a field delimiter and each of the three parts separated by a data set delimiter. For. example, 3 Header:; pal *01/12/89/11:50:30\-

Data: - B21CP004*-0.1234E+00*3* .(for each parameter)\

Trailer: 0000056000\ < CR>

e. The point identiSer may be up to 12 characters in length.--

L ,

f.' ?The value may be up to 20 characters in length.

g." -

The following quality tags will be accepted by the ERDS: 3 I, '~_

Good E =0- Value is within range tolerance for discreet points or in-

. put points are within tolerance for composed points.


. Off scan =1 . Point is currently out-of-senice.

Suspect =2 ?Value is not bad yct should not be considered good.This

- quality will occur primarily on composed values when

?  ;

enough good inputs are present to allow the calculation l

to be made yet a bad quality on other inputs may make f .

the result questionable.

l -

Bad -3 Value is not within tolerance for discreet points or calcu.

lation of a composed point may not be made due to.the -

qualities 'of its inputs.

l-B-5 i

L l



At t chmei.: 2


'- Unknown =4- _ No quality indicator available. Page 6 of 10 ...


.  : Operator Entered = 5- ' Value has been manually entered, overriding the_ dis- -

creet or composed value.

High Alarm- .=6- Value is in high alarm.

I.ow Alarm =7 Value is in low alann, 2<

h. The checksum which accompanies each update set will be an integer value calculated by summing each of the bytes of the transmission, up to and including the dataset de * *. "

limiter following the body of the update set (the body of the update set being the por.

tio'n containing the parameter, value, and quality indications). "Ihis integer checksum -

value' will then be encoded into the update set as a 10-digit value, left padded with zeros as required to fill the 10 digit field. The checksum is the sum of the transmitted

- bytes.

i. The reconnect link request message will be in ASCH as described in Section H.B.1.f  !

with each field separated by a field delimiter and the request terminated with a data set delimiter. For example, pal

  • RECONNECT *01/12/89/11:48%<CR>.

-3. Protocol

- a. ERDS will use XON/XOFF to stop, resume, or suspend data transmission for the site.  :


b. Communication parameters:

- eight data bits

- 1 stop bit - (

parity = none i

4. Exceptions Please note any' exceptions which must be taken to Section H and explain why, i

-ERDS data frcm Perry will be transmitted at a 60 second rate l due to the current loading of the Camputer Systans at Perry.

j B-6

, . - - - , , _ ,,-- - -- -- , . - - - , y ,-. ,,,, ,, -, . , - -

PY-CEI/NRR-140 i L

' Attachment 2

' ""8' 7 *' -

III. . Selection Of Data Feeders C l(; ;;

A. How many data feeders are there (six maximum)?

l' This data feeder will collect data frm 2 plant camputers and then transtit the plant data to the NRC via a Imdem. 4.

.j i

B. Identify the selected data feeders and provide the following for each:

(1).-- a short description of the categories of data points it will provide (e.g., met, rad, or

. plant data points, by unit) and

. (2) the rationale for selecting it if another system can also provide its categories of data points.

-(1) . All required points except Oxygen Concentration'and Intennediate Range Nuclear Instruments.

-(L (2) Only plant cmputer with sufficient CPU capacity to handle comunication program.

C. Which data feeder is the site time determining feeder? His should be the feeder which is providing the majority'of the data pomts.

3 ERIS (Emergency Response Information System) will provide the time ,

stamp on plant data.

  • 'l x.-..

B-7 y

- PY-CEI /NRR- 140 i L -


Attachm'ent 2 Page 8 of 10

-IV. Data Feeder Informati:n


=. Note: A new Section IV must be filled out for each feeder system selected.

- General.Quotions

1. IdentiSestion of Data Feeder
a. What is the name in local parlance given to this data feeder (e.g., Emergency Response .

Information System)? Please give both the acronym and the words forming it.

Aladin Lt' '

~ b. ~ Is this the site time determining feeder?

No c.- What is the upd te frequency of this feeder (in seconds)?

Data will be updated every 60 seconds.

2. Hardware / Software Environment a.: Identify the manafacturer and model number of the data feeder hardware.

VAX 11/780

b. Identify the operating system.

VMS 4.4

c. What method of timekeeping is implemented on this feeder system (Daylight Savings, Standard, Greenwich)?

Daylight Savings

d. 'In what time zone is this feeder located?

Eastern 1



  • . Attachment .

Page 9 of 10 .

.3 -

Data'Commumcation Details .

  1. ' . . a. Can this. data foeder provide asynchronous serial data communication (RS-232-C) '

with full-modem control?



b. Will this feeder transmit m ASCII or EBCDIC 7 [


c. Can this feeder transmit at a serial baud rate of 2400 bps? If not, a:what baud rate can it transmit?


d. Does the operating system support XON/XOFF flow control?


1. Are any problems foreseen with the NRC using XON/XOFF to control the trans-mission of data? -





e. slf it is not feasible to reconfigure a serial port for the ERDS linkup (i.e., change the baud rate, parity, etc.), please explain why.1 ,


f. Can the serial port dedicated to the ERDS be configured so that the NRC need not emulate a specific brand of terminal (i.e., can-it be configured to be a " vanilla" terminal)?

Yes B-9


,. Attachment 2 .

Pne 10 of 10 ,,

Do any ports cenently saist for the ERDS linkup?



1. If not, is it possible to add additional ports?

l N/A J

2. If yes. will the port be used solely by the ERDS or chared with other non.

l emergencv time users 7 Give deta'Is. '

Only for ERDS.

4. Data Feeder Physical Environment and Management 1
a. Where is the data feeder located in terms of the TSC, EOF, and control toom?



b. the data feeder protected from Lss of supply of electricity?


c. Is there a hunun operator for this d t feeder? -

5 Yes

1. If so, how many hours a day is the feeder attended?

Mon - Pri 10 hrs / day (7:00 - 17:30)

B-10 i

l 1

. - . m _. .. _ . , . _ _ _ ____