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Rev 16 to ODCM
Person / Time
Site: Summer South Carolina Electric & Gas Company icon.png
Issue date: 09/30/1991
Shared Package
ML20086M098 List:
PROC-910930, NUDOCS 9112170218
Download: ML20086M111 (56)



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l Revision 16 September 1991 Reviewed by -

/ I l Date l Approved by: - - / f-MO- / '

Date l

01121702.6 911212

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. i LIST OF EFFECTIVE PAGES Page Revision age P Revision i 16 1.0 35 15 ii 16 1.0 36 15 iil 16 1.0-37 15 iv 15 1.0 38 15 v 16 1.0 39 15 vi 16 1.0 40 15 vii 16 1.0 41 15 viii 16 1.0-42 16 ix 15 1.0 43 16 x 15 1.0 44 15 xi 15 1.0-45 15 xii 15 1.0-46 15 1.0 47 15 1.0-48 15 1.0 1 13 1.0-49 15 1.0 2 13 1.0 50 15 1.0 13 1.0 51 15 1.0-4 13 1.0 52 15 1.0-5 13 1.0 53 16 1.0-6 13 1.0-54 16 1.3 7 13 1.0-55 16 1.0-8 13 1.0-56 16 1.0-9 13 1.0-10 13 1.0-11 13 1.0 12 13 .1 2.0-1 13 1.0-13 13 2.0 2 16 1.0 14 13 2.0-3 16 1.0 15 13 '

i 2.0-4 16 1.0-16 13 2.0-5 16 1.0 17 13 2.0-6 13 1.0 18 15 2.0 7 13 1.0-19 2 15 2.0-8 13 1.0 20 15 2.0-9 13 1.0-21 15 2.0 10 13 1.0-22 15 2.0-11 13 1.0-23 15 2.0 12 13 1.0-24 15 2.G 13 13 1.0.25 15 2.0 14 13 1.0-26 15 2.0-15 13 1.0-27 15 2.0-16 16 1.0-28 15 2.0 17 16 1.0-29 15 2.0 18 16 1.0-30 15 2.0-19 16 1.0 31 15 2.0-20 10 1.0-32 15 2.0 21 16 1.0-33 15 2.0-22 16 1.0-34 15 O D CM, V.C. Summer /SCE &G: Revision 16 (September 1991) i

. s . . t LIST OLEFFECTIVE PAGES (continy,eg Page Revision , Pag e Revision 2.0 23 16 3.0 29 13 2.0 24 16 3.0 30 13 2.0 25 16 3.0-31 13 2.0 ?6 16 3.0 32 13 2.0 27 16 3.0 33 13 2.0 28 16 3.0 34 13

?.0 29 16 3.0 35 13 2.0-30 16 3.0-36 13 2.0 31 16 3.0 37 16 2.0 32 16 3.0 38 16 2.0 33 16 3.0-39 14 >

2.0 34 16 3.0 40 13 2.0 35 16 3.0 41 13 2.0 36 16 3.0 42 13 2.0 37 16 3.0-43 14  ;

2.0 38 it 3.0-44 13 2.0 39 16 3.0 45 16 2.0-40 16 3.0 46 16 3.0 47 16 3.0-1 13 3.0 48 13 3.0-2 13 3.0 49 13 3.0-3 13 3.0 50 13 3.0-4 13 3.0 51 13 3.0 5 13 3052 13 3.0 6 13 3.0-7 13 3.0 8 13 4.0-1 13 3.0 9 13 4.0 2 13 3.0-10 16 4.0 3 13 3.0-10A 16 4.0 4 13 3.0 11 13 4.0-5 13 3.0-12 15 4.0 5 13 3.0-13 14 4.0-7 13 3.0 14 13 4.0-8 13 3.0 15 16 4.0-9 13 3.0 16 14 4.0-10 13 3.0 17 16 4.0 11 13 3.0 18 13 4.0 12 13 3.0 19 13 4.0 13 13 3.0-20 13 3.0-21 13 3.0 22 13 A1 13 3.0-23 13 A2 13 3.0 24 13 A-3 13 3.0-25 13 A-4 13 3.0 26 13 A-5 16 3.0-27 13 A6 16 3.0 28 13 A-7 13 ODCM, V.C. Summer /SCE&G: Revis;on 16 (September 1991) ii

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Pace Revisior)

A8 13 A9 13 A 10 16 A 11 13 A-12 13 A 13 14 A 14 14 A 15 16 A 16 13 u

ODCM, V.C. Summer /SCE&G: Revision 16 l September 1991) iii

Table of Contents PAGE List of Effective Pages .. . .. .. .. . . .. .. i Controlled Copy Distribution List . . . .. . iv l Table of Contents . .... v List of Tables . . . . . .. vii List of Figures .. .... . . .... . .. viii .

References ... . . . . ... ix Introduction . .. . .. . . . . ... . . x Responsibilities ....... ... .. .. . . .. .. . xi 1.0 SPECIFICATION OF LIMITING CONDITIONS FOR OPER ATig 1.1 Liquid Ef fluents . ... . . ... .. . 1,0 1 1.1.1 Radioactive t=iquid Ef fluent Monitoring instrumentation .. .. .. . . ... 1.0 1 1.1.2 Liquid Effluents: Concentration . .. ..... 1.0 8 1.1.3 Liquid Effluents: Dose . ... . . .. 1.0 14 1.1.4 Liquid Waste Treatment . .. . . .. .... 1.0 15 ,

1.2 Gaseous Effluents .... .. . .... . . . . .... .... 1.0 17 1.2.1 Radioactive Gaseous Ef fluent Monitoring Instrumentation .. ...... . . ... . 1.0 17 1.2.2 Gaseous Effluents: Dose Rate . .. . .. 1.0 23 1.2.3 Gaseous Effluents: Dose . Noble Gas . . . 1.0-26 1.2.4 Gaseous Effluents: Dose-Radioiodines, Tritium and Radioactive Materialsin Particulate Form . 1.0 27 1.2.5 Gaseous Radwaste Treatment . .. . . 1.0 28 1.3 Radioactive Ef fluents: Ntal Dose . . . 1.0-30 1.4 Radiological, Environmental Monitorina . . . . . . . . 1.0 32 1.4.1 Monitoring Program . . . ....... ... . .... 1.0 32 1.4.2 Land Use Cen;us . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.0 42 1,4.3 Interlaboratory Comparison Program ... . . 1.0 44 1.5 Bases .... .. , .... . . . .. .. . .. 1.0 45 1.6 Reportino Requirements ... .. . . . ... 1.0 50 1.6.1 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report . .. . .. . .. . .. . 1.0 50 1.6.2 .,emiannual Radioactive Effluent Release Report 1.0 51 1.6.3 Major Changes to Radioactive Waste Treatment System (Liquid and Gaseous) . . ... .... .. 1.0 53 1.7 Definitions . . . 1.0-55 ODCM, V.C. Summer /5CE&G: Revision 16 (September 1991) v


2.1 Liquid Effluent Monitor Setpoint Calculation ... .. . 2.u-1 2.1.1 Liquid Effluent Monitor Setpoint Calculation Parameters . ......... . .. . .... 2.0 2 2.1.2 Liquid Radwaste Effluent Line Monitors . ... 2.0 6 '

2 1.3 Liquid Radwaste Discharge Via industnal and Sanitary Waste System . .. . .. . 2.0 14 2 1.4 Steam Generator Blowdown, Turbine Building Sump, and Condensate Demineralizer Backwash Ef fluent Lines . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . 2.0 15

2. Dose Calculation for Liquid Effluents . .......... i U 32 2.2.1 Liquid Effluent Dose Calculation Parameters . 2.0 32 2 2.2 Methodology .. . ... .. . 2.0 33 3.0 GASEOUS EFFLUENT . .. . . ... .. . .. ........... 3.0 1 '

3.1 Gaseous Effluent Monitor Setpoints . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.0 1 3.1.1 Gaseous Effluent Monitor Setpoint Calculation Parameters . . . . . . . ... .. . ..... . . 3.0 1 3.1.2 Station Vent Noble Gas Monitors . . . . . . . . 3.0 5 3.1.3 Waste Gas Decay System Monitor ..... ..... 3.0 7 3.1.4 Alternative Methodology for Establishing Conservative Setpoints .. .... .... . 3.0 8 3.1.5 Meteorological Release Cnteria for Batch Releases . . . . . . . . . . .. .. ... 3.0 10 3.2 Dose Calculation for Gaseous Efiluent .. .... . 3.0 12 3.2.1 Gaseous Effluent Dose Calculation Parameters 3.0 12 3.2.2 Un'estricted Area Boundary Duse . ....... . 3.0 14 3.2.3 Unrestricted Area Dose to individual . . . . .. . . 3.0 15 3.3 Meteorological Model for Dose Calculations ..... 3.0 45 3.3.1 Meteorological Model Parameters . . . . . . . . 3.0 45 3.3.2 Meteorological Model . . . . ........ . 3.0 46 4.0 RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING . . . ...... . 4.0 1 Appendix A -Worked Examples of Monitor Setpoint Calculations and Dose Calculations A. RM LS, RM L7 and RM.L9 . ... .., . . A-1 B. RM L3, RM L8, RM L10 and RM L11 . . . A6 C. RM.A3 and RM A4 ... .. . ... . . .. .. ... A 'O ,

D. R M A 10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. . . A 14 E. Alternate Methodology for Establishing Conserva-tive Setpoints . . .. . . ....... .. . , A 15 i

ODCM, V.C. Summer /SCE&G: Revision 16 (September 1991) vi

LIST OF TABLES Table No. Pace No.

1.1 1 Radioactive Liquid Ef fluent Monitoring Instrumentation 1.0 2 1.1 2 Radioactive Liquid Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation Surveillance Requirements ..... . . .. 1.0 5 1.1 3 Frequency Notation .. . .. . . 1.0 7 1.1 4 Radioactive Liquid Waste Sampling and Analysis Program 1.0 10 1.2 1 Radioactive Gaseous Effluent Monitoring instrumentation 1.0 18 1.22 Radioactive Gaseous Effluent Monitoring instrumentation Surveillance Requirements . ... .. . .. . 1.0 21 1.2-3 Radioactive GaseousWaste Sampling and Analysis Program . .. . . .. ... .. . 1.0 25 1.4 1 Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program . .. . 1.0 35 1.4 2 Reporting Levels for Radioactivity Concentrations in Environ-mental $amples Reporting Levels . . . . . . .. ... . 1.0 40 1.4 3 Maximum Values for the Lower Limits of Detection (LLD) a.c Reporting levels . . . ..... ...... .. 1.0 41 2.2 1 Bioaccumulation Factors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... 2.0 35 2.2 2 Adult Ingestion Dose Factors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 2.0-36 2.2 3 Site Related Ingestion Dose Commitment Factor (Ait) . . 2.0 38 3.1 1 Dose Factors for Exposure to a Semi Infinite Cloud of Noble Gases .. ........ . . ... . .... . 3.0 4 3.1-2 Favorable Meteorology .. . ..... . . .. .. 3.0 10 A 3.2 1 Pathway Dose Factors for Section (P,) . .... ... 3.0 18 3.2 2 Pathway Dose Factors for Section (Ri) . . . . ..... 3.0 21 3.2 3 Pathway Dose Factors for Section (R,)(Infant) . . . . 3.0 24 3.2 4 Pathway Dose Factors for Section (Ri)(Child) . . . . . 3.0 27 3.2 5- Pathway Dose Factors for fection (Ri)(Teenager) . 3.0 30 3.2 6 Pathway Dose Factors for Section (R,)(Adult) . . . . . 3.0 33 3.2 7 Controlling Receptors, Locations, and Pathways . . . . . . . . 3.0 37 3,2 8 Atmospheric Dispersion Parameters for Controlling Receptor Locations , . . .. . ... .. .. 3.0 39 3.2 9 Parameters Used in Dose Factor Calculations ... 3.0 40 q

4.0 1 Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program . . . . . . 4.0 2 ODCM, V.C. Summer /SCE &G: Revision 16 (September 1991) vil

j e '


Fioute No, Page No.

2.1 1 Example Liquid Monitor Cahbration Curve .. . 2.0 30 2..? 1 Liquid Radwaste Treatment System . .. .. .. . 2.0 40 3.1 1 Example Noble Gas Monitor Cahbration Curve .. .. 3.0 11 3.2 1 Gaseous Radwaste Treatment system ...... .. .. . 3.0 44 3.3 1 Plume Depletion Effect for Ground Level Releases (6) . . 3.0 49 f

3.3 2 Vertical Standard Deviation of Materialin a Plume (y,) . . . . 3.0 50 3.3-3 Relative Deposition for Ground Level Releases (Dg) .... 3.0 51 3.3-4 Open Terrain Recircolation Factor . . ....... . ... 3.0 52 4.0 1 Radiological Envi<onmental Sampling Locations (Local) . . . 4.0 12 4.0 2 Radiological Environmental Sampling Locations (Remote) . 4.0 13  !

4 k

ODCM. V.C. Summer /SCE&G: Revision 16 (September 1991) viii

1 1.4.2 Land Use Census LIMITING CONDITION FOR OPER ATION l A land use census shall be conducted and shall identify the location of the nearest miik animal, the nearest residence and the nearest garden

  • of greater than 500 square feet producing fresh leafy vegetables in each of the 16 meteorological sectors within a distance of five miles.

APPLICABillTY: At all times.


a. With a land use census identifying a location (s) which yields a calculated dose or dose commitment greater than the values currently being calculated in ODCM Specification 1.2.4 2, in lieu of any other report required by ODCM Section 1.6, ,

prepare and submit to the Commission within 30 days, pursuant to Technical Specification 6.9.2, a Special Report which identifies the new location (s). >

b. With a land use census identifying a location (s) which yields a caiculated dose or dose commitment (via the same exposure pathway) 20 percent greater than at a location from which samples are currently being obtained in m cordance with ODCM Specification,in lieu of any other report required by ODCM Section 1.6, prepare and submit to the Commission within 30 days, pursuant to Technical .

Specification 6.9.2, a Special Report which idemtifies the new location. The new location shall be added to the radiological environmental monitoring program within 30 days. The sampling location, excluding the control station location, having the lowest calculated dose or dose commitment (via the same exposure pathway) may be deleted from this monitoring program after October 31 of the year in which this land use census was conducted.

  • Broad leaf vegetati8n sampling may be performed at the site boundary in the direction sector with the highest D/O in lieu of the garden census.

ODCM, V.C. Summer, SCE &G: Revision 16 (September 1991) 1.0 42

c. The provisions of Technical Specifications 3.0.3 and 3.0.4 are not applicable.

$URVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS The land use census shall be conducted at least once per 12 months between the dates of June 1 and October 1 using that information which will provide the best resultt, such as by a door to door survey, aerial survey, or by consulting local agriculture authorities.

i k



1 ODCM, V.C. Summer, SCE&G: Revision 16 (September 1991) 1.0-43 l

_ _ __. .. _ _ ,._~ ~. . _ _ _ . _ _ _ . . - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . - _ . . - . . .. . _ . . _ .

__ _ __ _ ____._._ .___.-.~.______._ _.__ ___.___.

1 1.6.3 Major Chances To Radioactive Waste Treatment Systems (Liquid and Gase.,us) Licensee initiated major changes to the radioactn.e waste systems (liquid and gaseous): l

1. Shall be reported to the Commission in the Monthly Operating Report for the period in which the evaluation was reviewed by the Plant Safety review Committee. The discussion of each change shall contain:
a. A summary of the evaluation that led to the determination that the change could be made in accordance with 10 CFR 50.59;
b. Sufficient detailed information to totally support the reason for the i change without benefit of additional or supplementalinformation;


c. A detailed description of the equipment, components and processes involved and the interfaces with other plant systems;
d. An evaluation of the change which shows the predicted releases or radioactive materials in liquid and gaseous effluents that differs from those previously predicted in the license application and amendments '


e. An evaluation of the change which shows the expected maximum exposures to individual in the unrestricted area and to the general population that differ from those previously estimated in the license.

application and amendments thereto;

f. A comparison of the predicted releases of radioactive' materials, in liquid and gaseous effluents, to the actual releases for the period prior to when tha changes are to be made;
g. An estimate of the exposure to plant operat;ng personnel as a result of the change; and  :

ODCM, V.C. Summer, SCE &G: Revisich 16 (September 1991) 1.0-53

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i .


b. Documentation of the fact that the change was reviewed and found  :

acceptable by the PSRC.  !

2. Shall become effective upon review and acceptance as set forth in Technical Specification 6.5.


i i

4 4

ODCM, V.C Summer, SCE&G: Revision 16 (September 13(31) 1.0 54 h


+ man e o ,s v.s e n -e- +e m n ,- ,e -,e-- rw,,,,~

1.7 Definitioin ACTION 1.7.1 ACTION shall be that part of a specification which prescribes measures required under designat, d conditions.

ANALOG CHANNEL OPERATIONAL TEST 1.7.2 An ANALOG CHANNEL OPERATIONAL TEST shall be the injection of a simulated signal into the channel as close to the sensor as practicable to verify OPERABILITY of alarm, interlock and/or trip functions. The ANALOG CHANNEL OPERATIONAL TEST shall include adjustments, as necessary, of the alarm, interlock and/or trip setpoints such that the setpoints are within the required range and accuracy.

CHANNEL CAL l3 RATION 1.7.3 A CHANNEL CAllBRATION shall be the adjustment, as necessary, of the channel such that it responds within the required range and accuracy to known values of input. The CHANNEL Call 8 RATION shall encompass the entire channel including the sensors and alarm, interlock and/or trip functions, and may be performed by any series of sequential, overlapping or total channel steps such that the entire channelis calibrated.

CHANNEL CHECK 1.7.4 A CHANNEL CHECKS shall be the qualitative assessment of channel behavior during operation by observation. This determination shall include, where possible, companson of the channel indication and/or status with other indications and/or status derived from independent instrument channels measuring the same parameter.

GASEOUS RADWASTE TREATMENT SYSTEM 1.7.5 A GASEOUS RADWASTE TREATMENT SYSTEM is any system designed and installed to reduce radioactive gaseous effluents by collecting primary coolant system off gases from the primary system and providing for delay or holdup for the purpose of reducing the total radioactivity prior to release to the environment.

ODCM, V.C. Summer, SCE SG: Revision 16 (September 1991) 1.0 55

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1.7.6 A system, subsystem, train, component or device shall be OPERABLE or have ,

OPERABILITY when it is capable of performing its specified function (s), and i when-all necessary attendant instrumentation, controls, electrical power, j cooling or seal water, lubrication or other auxiliary-equipment that are required for the system, subsystem, train, component or device to perform its e function (s) are also capable of performing their rdated support function (s).

SOURCE CHECK 1.7.7 - A SOURCE CHECK shall be the qualitative assessment of channel response when the channel sensor is exposed to a radioactive source. t k


installed to reduce gaseous rad'olodine or radioactive material in particulate  !

form in effluents by passing ventilation or vent exhaust gases through charcoal absorbers and/or HEPA filters for the purpose of removing iodines or particu- "

lates from the gaseous exhaust stream prior to the release to the environment (such a system is not considered to have any effect on noble gas effluents).

Engineered Safety Feature (ESF) atmospheric cleanup systems are not considered to be VENTILATION EXHAUST TREATMENT SYSTEM components.- i a

r h

i ODCM, V.C. Summer, SCE&G: Revision 16 ($eptember 1991) 1.0 55

, 4y v v. evwt y-wyer 9 s v,-pc e y m - , t r-W"-y +

2.1.1 L quid Efiluent Monitor Setpomt Calculation Parameters

.1 Term Definition. Section of gg A = Penstock discharge adjustment f actor which will allow 2.1.2 the set point to be established in a convenient manner and to prevent spurious clarms.

= f /f t m d

Ait = The site related ingestion dose commitment factor to the total body or organ t, for each identified ptinapal gam- '

ma and beta emitter listed in Table 2.2-3 (mrem-ml per hr uCi). For calculation see section 2.2.2.

E a average Ait usmg maximum organ for each nuclide and weighted by concentration.


E._(%. ~%

  • Ci)

B = Steam Generator Blowdown adjustment factor which 2.1 4.1 will allow the set point to be established in a convenitnt manner and to prevent spurious alarms.

= i d/fds C = the effluent concentration limit (Specification 1.1.2) 2.1.2 implementing 10CFR 20 for the site, m utilrni.

C, a the effluent concentration of alpha emitting nuclides 2.1.2 observed by gross alpha analysis of the monthly composite sample,in uCi/ml.

C, = the measured concentration of Fe-55 in liquid waste as 2.1.2 determined by analysis of the most recent available quarterly composite sample,in uCi/mt.


= the effluent concentration of a gamma emitting nuclide, 2.1.2 g, observed by gamma ray spectroscopy of the waste sample,in uCi/ml.

C' = the concentration of nuclide i,in uCi/ml, as determined 2.1.2 by the analysis of the waste sample.

C, = the concentration of radionuclide i,in uCi/mt,in the 2.1.2 Monticello Reservoir. Inclusion of this term will correct for ossible long term buildup of radioactivity due to recirculation and for the presence of activity recently released to the Monticello Reservoir by plant activities.

C, = the concentration of Sr 89 or Sr-90 in liquid wastes as 2.1.2 determined by analysis of the quarterly composite sample,in uCi/ml.

C, = the measured concentration of H 3 in liquid waste as 2.1.2 determined by analysis of the monthly composite,in uCi/ml.

c = the setpoint,in uCi/ml, of the radioactivity monitor 2 1.2 measuring the radioactivity concentration in the ef-fluent line prior to dilution and subsequent release. This setpoint which is proportional to the volumetric flow to the effluent line and inversv.y proportional to the volumetric flow of the dilutio, stream plus the effluent

  • All concentrations are in units of uCi/ml unless 9therwise noted.

ODCM, V. C. Summer, 3CE &G: Revision 16 (September 1991) i 2.0 2  !

. _ . _ _ _ . -__ _ - _ _ . . ~ . . _.

. 4 I

Term Definition stream, represen+5 a value which,if exceeded, would


result in concentrations exceeding the limits of 10CFR 20 in the unrestricted area c, = the monitor setpoint cor. centration for RM L7, the 2.1 2.2 Nuclear Eiowdown Monitor Tank discharge line monitor, in uCi/

c c

= the mnnitor setpoint concentration for RM L9 the  ?.1.2.3 comb: ,Jd Liquid Waste Processing System ancI Nuclear Blowdown System ef fluent discharge line monitor,in pCi/ml.

cD = the 2,1.4 2.2 '

the monitor setpoint concentration rnineralizer Backwash fordischarge RM L11,hne Condensate monitor,in uCi De/ml.

LS,l.the Waste c* =

the Monitor monitot setpoint Tank concentration discharge for RM hne monitor,in uCi/m c 5d = the monitor setpoint concentraticin for RM-L3 the initial' Steam Generator Blowdown Effluent line mon,itor,in pCi/ml.

c,b = the monitor setpoint concentration for RM L10, the final 2.1.4 't.1 Steam Generator Blowdown Effluent line monitor,in uti/ml.

c' = the monitor setpoint concentration for RM L8, the Turbine Building Sump Effluent hne monitor,in uCi/mt.

CF = the Condensate Demineralize Backwash Effluent Concentration Factor.

CF 3 = the Steam Generator Blowdown Effluent Concentration I Factor.

CF r a the Turbine Building Sump Effluent Concentration Factor.

OF = the dilution factor, which is the ratio of the total dilution 2.1.2 flow rate to the ef fluent stream flow rate (s).

Dm = daily dose total (dose projection body or organ).margin (mrem) for most limiting F = the dilution water flow setpoint as determitied prior to 2.1.2 the release,in volume per unit time.

F d

m- the flow rate of1 he CirculatinqWater System during the time of release ol the Turbine 15uilding Sump and/or the Steam Generator Blowdown,in volume per unit time.

F'd = the diludon flow rate of the Circulating Water System used for efflyent morntor tetpoint calculations, based on 90 percent or expectec Circulating Water System flow rate durmg t qe time of release and corrected for recir.

culated Monticello Reservoir activity,in volume per unit tune.

F* r. the dilution flow rate through the penstock (s) receiving 2.1.2 the radioactive hquid release upon which the of fluent monitor setpoint is based, as corrected f or any recir-culated radioactivity,in volume per unit time.

ODCM, V. C. Su mmer, SCE & G: Revision 16 ($eptember 1991) 2.0 3


  • (Conservatively this value will be either zero, if no release is to be conducted fromthis system, or the maximum measured capacity of the discharge pump if a release is to be conducted.)

Term Definition [h S

F, = the flow rate of water through the Fairfield Pumped 2.1.2 Storage Station penstock (s) to which radioactive liquids are beino discharged during the period of effluent releasefhis flow rate is dependent upon operational status of Fairfield Pumped Storage Station,in volume per unit time.

f = the effluent line flow setpoint as determined for the 2.1.2 radiation monitor location,in volume per unit time.

fg a the maximum permissible diccharge flow rate for re- leases to the Circulating Water,in volume per unit time.

f** = the flow rate of the Nuclear Blowdown Monitor Tank 2.1.2 discharge _,in volumt rer unit time.

f em * = the flow rate o,f a Waste Monitor Tank discharge,in 2.1.2 volume per unit time.


= the flow rate of the Steam Generator Blowdown discharge,in volume per unit time, f, = the flow rate of the tank discharge, either fdm orfdb, in 2.1.2 volume per unit time.

F, = The near field dilution factor for Ci during release from Turbine Building sump.

f, = the recirculation flow rate used to mix the contents of a 2.1.2 tank,in volume per unit time.

f, a the maximum permissible discharge flow rate for batch 2.1.2 releases to the penstocks, in volume per unit time.

MPC, =

MPC,, MPC,, MPC,, MPC,, and MPC, = the limiting con. 2.1.2 centrations of the appropriate gamma emitting, alpha emitting, and strontium radionuclides, Fe 55, and tri- r tium, respectively, from 10CFR, Part 20, Appendix B, Table 11, Column 2. For gamma emitting noble gas radio-nuclides, MPC, = 2 x 10 d uCi/ml.

SF = the safety factor, a conservative factor used to compen- 2.1.2 sate for engineenna and measurement uncertainties. 5F

= 0.5, corresponding to a 100 percent variation.

= the Lower limit of Detection (LLD) for radionuclide iin 2.1.3

[ Cdu.n liquid waste in the Waste Monitor Tank, as determined ,

by the analysis required in ODCM Table 1.1-4, in uCi/ml.

[ C;]y a the concentration of radionuclide iin the waste con- 2.1.3 tained within the Waste Monitor Tank serving as the holding facility for sampling and analysis prior to discharge,in pCi/ml.

ODCM, V. C. Summer, SCE&G: Revision 16 (September 1991) 2.0 4 -

o ,

Definition Section of Tern) inTtTaIVse_

E Cg = the sum of the concentrations Cg of each measured 2.1.2 g gamma emitting nuclide observed by gamma ray spectroscopy of the waste sample,in uCi/ml.

[E CgI n = the gamma isotopic concentrations of the Nuclear 2.1.2 g Blowdown Monitor Tank as oLtained from the sum of the measured concentrations determined by the analysis required in ODCM Table 1.14,in uCi/ml.

(E Cglo = the gamma isotopic concentrations of the Condensate g Demineralizer Backwash effluent (including solids) as obtained from the sum of the mea ured concentrations -

determined by the analysis required in ODCM Table 1.1-4, in uCi/ml.

[E Celu = the gamma isotopic concentrations of the Waste 2.1.2 g Monitor Tank as obtained from the sum of the measured concentrations determincd by the analysis required in ODCM Table 1.14,in uCi/ml.

(ECls g = the gamma isotopic concentrations of the Steam g Generator Blowdown as obtained from the sum of the measured concentra tions determined by the analysis required in ODCM Table 1.14, in uCi/ml.

(E Cglr = the gamma isotopic concentrations of the Turbine g Building Sump as obtained from the sum of the measured concentrations determined by the analysis required in ODCM Table 1.1-4,in uCi/ml.

[E (Ci /MPCI)}n = the sum of the ratios of the measured concentration of nuclide i to its limiting value MPC, for the Condensate Demineralizer Backwash.

[E (Ci/MPCi)]3 = the sum of the ratios of the measured concentration of 2?.4.1 nuclide i to its limiting value MPC, for the Steam Generator Blow-down Effluent.

(E (C;/MPCi)]7 = the sum of the ratios of the measured concentration of ,

nuclide i to its limiting value MPC, for the Turbine Building Sump Effluent.

(E (Ci/ MPCi)), = the sum of the ratios of the measured concentration of 2.1.2 nuclide i to its limiting value MPC for the tank whose contents are being considered for release. For a WMT, X

= M. For the NBMT, X = B.

t, a the minimum time for recirculating the contents of a 2.1.2 tank prior to sampling,in minutes.

V = the volume ofliquid in a tank to be sampled,in gallons. 2.1.2 Vj = release volume for Turbine Building sump release permit

, in gallons.

At t a the length of time (in hours)during wnich concentra- tions and flow rates are averaged. For purpose of

-setpoint calculation, Ati = 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />.

ODCM, V. C. Summer, SCE&G: Revision 16 (September 1991) '

2.0 5


.mg a.----e<i. - ----

w--+w - --wg-ww--i- -

t ---e-* v - ' - 9 v '- " - ' ' * * "P " * ~ ' " " * -

n In' reality, all of these effluent pathways utilize the' circulating water as dilution to the effluent stream, with the circulating water discharge canal being the point of release into an unrestricted area. Steam Generator ,

Blowdown Effluent may be released to the Circulating Water either directly in the Condenser outflow (the normal flow path) or in the first hours following startup via the Industrial and Sanitary Waste System (15WS) for chemical reasons. The Turbine Building Sump and Condensate Demineralizer Backwash Effluents enter Circulating Water via the sumps and ponds of the industrial and Sanitary Waste System.

To ensure compliance with ODCM specification (T5

-normally no dilution is assumed for dittages to the !rdustrial and Sanitary-Waste System. The assumption of no dilution limits div.harges to < .5 MPC and therefore ODCM specification would not be compromised in the event circulating water dilution is lost. To add operational flexibility for abnormal conditions (radionuclide cor, centration in Turbine Building sump

> .5 MPC), discharges from the Turbine Building sump and concentrations in the 15W5 may exceed the operational objective, .5 MPC, provided circul4 ting water dilution is sufficient to ensure compliance with ODCM specification and liquid effluents are being discharged in compliance with ODCM Specification (T5 Two separate setpoint calculations are given for Turbine Building sump discharges (RM-L8). Section describes the setpoint calculation normally used, limiting discharges to .5 MPC Section provides an alternate setpoint methodology which $

may be !ned during abnormal conditions. RM-L8 set points are considered in compliance with ODCM specification (T5 provided the setpoints are adequate to prevent releases in excess of ODCM specification (T5

Two mutually exclusive setpoint calculation processes are outlined below for A. am generator blowdown. Section is to be used whenever Staam Generator Blowdown is being releesed directly to the Circulating Water in th+ Condenser outflow, which is the normal mode.

Section is to 'r e m whenever Steam Generator Blowdown is being released to the Inde <tre d Sanitary Waste System, or diverted to the Nuclear Blowdown System, both of which are alternate modes.

Normally, water collected by the Nuclear Blowdown Processing

/- System has very low specific activity. This water may be processed to the Turbine Building sump.

NOTE: When Circulating Water is unavailable for effluent dilution, releases ,

containing activity above LLD should be discouraged via pathways ODCM, V. C. Summer, SCE&G: Revision 16 (September 1991) 2.0-16

1 which lead tv it. Steam Generator Blowdown should be diverted to the Nuclear Blowdown Processing System. Condensate Deminera-lizer Backwash may be diverted to the Turbine Building sump or not released. Turbine Building sump effluent should be diverted to the ,

Excess Liquid Waste Processing System. (These steps are to keep the calculated dose to individuals as low as reasonably achievable.)

Furthermore, sampling and analysis of the Industrial and Sanitary -

Waste System is to be initiated and the measured concentrations used in the dose calculations of Section 2.2. Steam Generator Blowdown Effluent Direct to Circulatina Water (Normal Mode}

Equation (1) is again used to assure that effluents are in compliance with the aforementioned specification:

Wn The available dilution water flow (Fo,) is dependent upon the mode of operation of the Circulating Water System. Any change in this value will be accounted for in a recalculation of equation (1).

The Steam Generator Blowdown flow rate (f ) and the Steam Generator Blowdown monitor setpoints (cs , and c33) are set to meet the condition of equation (1).

RM L3, the first monitorin the Steam Generator Blowdown i discharge pathway, alarms and terminates release of the stream. The discharge is then automatically diverted to the Nuclear Blowdown Pracessing System. RM-L10, the last monitor in the Steam Generator Blowdown discharge pathway, alarms and terminates the release.

Thus, RM-L10 is redundant to RM L3 and the setpoint (cs ,) wm W determined in the same manner as RM-L3 (c3 ,).

The method by which the monitor setpoints are determined is as follows:

ODCM, V. C. Summer, SCE&G: Revision 16 (September 1991) 2.0 17

1) The isotopic concentrations for any release source to be or being released are obtained from the sum of the measured '

concentrations as determined in Table 1.1-4. Equation (2)is again ernployed for this calculation:

j', C, = 1 c, 4 c, + c, + c, + cf 4 a where:

,S C, = the sum of the measured concentrations as determined by the analysis of the waste san ple,in uCi/mi,

{C, = the sum of the concentrations C,of each measured ga'nma emitting nuclide observed by gamma-ray spectroscopy of the waste sample,in uCi/ml.

C, = the measured concentration C, of alpha emitting composite sample,in uCi/ml.

C, = the measured concentrations of Sr-89 and Sr-90 in liquid waste as determined by analysis of the most recent available quarterly composite sample, in uCi/ml.

C, = the measured concentration of H-3 in liquid waste determined by analysis of the monthly composite sample,in uCi/ml, C, = the measured concentration of Fe-SS in liquid waste as determined by analysis of the most recent available ,

quarterly composite sample, in uCi/ml.

Isotopic concentrations for the Steam Generator Blowdown System effluent, the Turbine Building Sump Effluent, and the Condensate Demineralizer Backwash effluent may be calculated using equation (2).-

l- ODCM, V. C. Summer, SCE&G: Revision 16 (September 1991) 2.0 18 l

l l

2) Once isotopic concentrations for the Steam Generator Blowdown have been determined, these values are used to calculate a Dilution Factor, DF, which is the ratio of the total dilution flow rate to effluent stream flow rate -

required to assure that the limiting concentrations of 10CFR, Part 20, Appendix B. Table 11, Column 2 are met at the point of discharge, c'

DF= 3. + Sr (15) c c c c c

"'* * * *

  • s + sy (16)

AtP :, AIPc, AIPc, AIPc, AtPc, where:

C, = C,, C,, C,, C,, and Ct ; measured concentrations as defined in Step 1. Terms C,, C,, C,, and Ci will be included in the calcuiation as appropriate, c'


= the sum of the ratios of the measured concen-T . AIPC, tration of nuclide i to its limiting value MPC, for the Steam Generator Blowdown effluent.

MPC, = MPC,, MPC,, MPC , MPC,, and MPC, are limiting s

concentrations of the appropriate radionuclide from 10CFR, Part 20, Appendix B, Table ll, Column .

2 limits. For gamma-emitting noble gas radionuclides, MPC,is to be set equal to 2 x 10


SF = the same generic term as used in Section 2.1.2,  ;

Step 2.

= 0.5 ODCM. V C. Summer, SCE&G: Revision 16 (September 1991) 2.0 19

, n.

3) The maximum permissible effluent discharge flow rate, f a, may now be calculated for a release from the Steam Generator Blowdown.

f, = =

(x F,, > > f,, Uh

,, y where:


= Dilution flow rate for use in effluent monitor setpoint calculations, based on 90 percent of the expected flow rate of the Circulating Water System during the time of release and corrected for any recirculated activity:

C F,, = (0.9)jF l1- 1 (18) where:

F, = the flow rate of the Circulating Water System during the time of the release. F, should normally fall between 1.78 X 105 and 5.34 X 105 gpm when the plant is operating and should be 5000 gpm when the plant is shutdown and the Circulating Water Jockey pump is operating.

C ,, = the concentration of radionuclide i,in uCi/mi,in the Circulating Water System intake, (that is, in the Monticello Reservoir). ' inclusion of this term will correct for possible'long-term buildup of radioactivity due .to recirculation and for the presence of activity recently released to the Monticel'o Retervoir by plant activities. For' expected discharges of liquid wastes, the summa-tion will be much less than 1.0 and can be ignored (Reference G).

f, e

= Flow rate of Steam Generator Blowdown discharge.

(This value normally will be either zero, if no release is ODCM, V. C. Summer, SCE&G: Revision 16 (September 1991) 2.0 20

, . .. .. - -- . . -- -~ . . ... - .


to be conduc'edior the maximum rated capacity of the j discharge pump (250 gpm); if a release is to be



Note that the equation is valid'only for DF > 1; for DF W1, ,

the effluent concentration meets the limits of 10CFR 20 without dilution as well as being in compliance with the conservatism imposed by the Safety Factor in Step 2.

If f d?" f ,,a releases may be made as planned.. Because Fe ,is


normally very large compared to the maximum discharge pump capacity of the Steam Generator Blowdown System,-

it is extremely unlikely that f, < f,,. However, if a situation should arise such that fo < f ,,o steps must be taken to assure that equation (1) is satisfied prior to making the release.

These steps may include diverting Steam Generator Blowdown to the Nuclear Blowdown Processing System or ,

decreasing the effluent flow rate.-

When new candidate flow rates are chosen, the calculations above should be repeated to verify that they combine to form an acceptable release. If they do, the establishment of flow rate monitor setpoints should proceed as follows in Step 4. If they do not provide an acceptable release, the choice of candidate flow rates must -

be repeated until an acceptable set is identified.

O The dilution flow rate setpoint for minimum flow rate, F,is ^

established at 90 percent of the expected available dilution flow rate:

F = (0.9)(F,) (19)

Flow rate monitor setpoints for the Steam Generator-Blowdown effluent stream shall be set at the selected

, - ODCM, V. C. Summer, SCE&G: Revision 16 (September 1991) 2.0 21 o .

, _ _ _ ~ _ , - ,__ - _ -

l l

i discharge pump rate (normally the maximum discharge pump rate) f e, chosen in Step 3 above.

5) The Steam Generator Monitor setpoints may be specified based on the values of E Ci, F,and f which were specified to provide compliance with the limits'of 10CFR 20, Appendix
  • 8, Table 11, Column 2. The monitor response is primarily to gamma radiation, therefore, the actual setpoint is based on E Cg. The monitor setpoint in cpm which corresponds to the calculated value c is taken from the monitor calibration graph. _ (See NOTE, page 2.014.) The setpoint concentra-tion, c,is determined as follows:

cs1c,xn (20) a B = f g/f,, (21)

If 8 3 1, Calculate c and determine the maximum value for the actual monitor setpoint (cpm) from the monitor calibration graph.

If B < 1, No release may be made. Reevaluate the alternatives presented in step 3.

NOTE: If the calculated setpoint value is near actual concentrations being. released or planned for release, it may be impractical to set the-monitor .

alarm at this value, in this case a new setpoint may be calculated following the remedial methodology presented in steps 3 and 4 for the caseg f < f,,.

Within the conditions stated above, the specific monitor setpoint concentrations for the two steam generator blowdown monitors RM L3 and RM-L10 are calculated as shown below. Since the monitors are sensitive primarily to ODCM, V. C. Sur c .. 'CE&G: Revision 16 (September 1991) 2.0-22

4 gamma radiation, their setpoinsts will be based on the concentrations of gamma emitting radionuclides. For RM-l.3, Steam Generator Blowdrawn Dis-charge initial monitor, and for RM410, Steam Generator Blowdown Discharoe fgal monitor:

eg orc,9 s 1 C, 3.(10 (22)


= the isotopic concentration of the Steam Generator

\.. C, Blowdown effluent as obtained from the sum of the 3

e measured concentrations determined by the analysis

- required in ODCM Table 1.1-4,in uCi/ml.

'See GENERAL NOTE under 2.1. Turbine Buildina Sump and Condensate Demineralizer Backwash (Normal Mode)

For conservatism, the Turbine Building Sump and Conden-sate Demineralizer Backwash monitor setpoints (c r and co ) will claim no dilution from the Circulating Water, and will be set at the appli-cable concentration limit. That is:

c5C (23)

The Turbine Building sump monitor, RM48, alarms and terminates release upon exceeding the monitor setpoint (c,). The discharge can then be manually diverted to the Excess Waste Processing System. RM-L11, the Condensate Demineralizer Backwash monitor, a! arms and terminates release upon exceeding th e monitor .

setpoint (co). The discharge may then be manually diverted to the Turbine Building sump or simply delayed.

The Turbine Building Sump and Condensate Demineralizer Backwash monitor setpoints be established indepen-l ODCM, V. C. Summer, SCE&G: Revision 16 (September 1991)

L 2.0 23 i

dently of each other and without crediting dilution.- They are to be based on the measured radionuclide concentrations of the effluent stream and are to ensure compliance with the limits of 10CFR 20, Appendix 9. Table ll, Column 2 prior to discharge.

For each effluent stream, a concentration factor CF must be calculated, measuring the nearness of approach of the undiluted waste stream to the specified limiting condition of the Maximum Permissible Concentration. That is, C

  • CF = ', + sF (24)

C CF7 = sF (25) y c, r C

CFn" . o + sr (26) where:

C Af C i r = the sum of the ratios of the measured concentration of-a nuclide i to its limiting value MPC, for the Turbine Building sump effluent.


Y ' = the sum of the measured concentration of nuclide i(in l -- MFC, liquid only) to its limiting value MPC, for the Condensate Demineralize. Backwash effluent, CF 7 = - the concentiat.en factor for the Turbine Building Sump Effluent.

CF o = the concentration-factor for the Condensate Demin-eralizer Backwash Effluent.

ODCM, V. C. Summer, SCE &G: Revision 16 (September 1991) 2.0 24

SF_ = the generic engineering safety factor used in Section 2.1.2, Step 2.

=. 0.5 If CF 51, calculate c and determine the actual monitor setpoint (cpm) from the c&libration cerye.

If CF > 1, no release may be made via this path. The release must either be delayed or diverted for additional processing. Because of spurious e alarms, these remedial steps may be required if the monitor setpoints are only near the actual concentrations being released.

Within the limits of the co.iditions state d above, the soecific monitor setpoint concer.trations for RM L8 and RM-i1-may now be calculated Because they are primarity sensitive to garnma radiation, their setpoints will be based on the concentrations of gamma emitting radionuclides as follows: For RM.L8, Turbine Building Sump Discharge Monitor:

cr 5 1 C, r + CFr- (27) e Where:

y The gamma isotopic concentration of the Turbine Building d

p'n r= sump effluent as obtained from the sum of the measured concentrations determined by the analysis required in ODCM Table 1.1-4,in aCi/ml. -

CFT = The Turbine Building sump Effluent Concentration Factor from equation (25).

  • See GENERAL NOTE under 2.1.

ODCM, V. C. Summer, SCE&G: Revision 16 (September 1991) 2.0-25 For RM-L11. Condensate Demineralizer Backwash Discharge Monitor:

c a

5 1 C, o + CFo (28)

R where:

= The gamma isotopic concentration of the Condensate V c#

- D Demineralizer Backwash effluent (including solids) as ob-tained from the sum of the measureo concentrations determined by the analysis required ODCM Table 1.1-4,in uCi/ml.

CFo = The Conder;stte Demineralizer Badwash Effluent Concen-tration Factor from equation (26).

  • $ee GENERAL NOTE under 2.1. Steam Generator Blowdown Effluent Not Directly to Circu.

l latino Water (Alternate Mode)

Equation (23) is again used to assure that effluents are in l compliance v/ith the aforementioned specification before dilution in the receiving water:

c5C Because dilution is not considered in the setpoint calculation, it is not necessary to calculate maximum permissible discharge flow rates or anticipated available dilutic,n flow rate.

The functions of the two monitors whos, setpoints are to be established are described in Section above. The method for the determination is as follows:

1) If a release is found to be permissible, flow rate monitors for the active effluent streams (Steam Generator Blow-down - f , Turbine Building sump - fdt, and Condensate Demineralizer - fed) may have their setpoints established at any operationally convenient value. Since 10CFR 20 is to be ODCM, V. C. Summer, SCE8G Revision 16 (September 1991) 2.0 26

e complied with before dilution, the flow rate of discharges is irrelevan>..

2) The Concentration Factor of equation (24)is again used to ensure the permissibility of the release:

C' .

CF = 1 i i

+SF C'

Cry = g + SF (29) g in which all terms are defined in subsection and subscript S refers to the Steam Generator Blowdown Effluent.

If CF 51, calculate c and determine the actual monitor setpoint (cpm) from the calibration curve.

If CF > 1 no release may be made via this path. The release must either be delayed or diverted for additional processing.

Because of spurious alarms, these remedial steps may be required if the monitor setpoints are only near the actual concentrations being released.

Within the above limitation, setpoint concentrations may now be calculated for the two effluent monitors. Because they are primarily sensitive to gamma radiation, their.setpoints will be based on the concentrations of gamma emitting radionuclides as follows: For RM-L3, Steam Generator Blowdown- Dis-charge initial monitor, and RML-10, Steam Generator l Blowdown Discharoe final monitor:

  1. sa"'#so 5 Cg + CFs 3 (30) l ODCM, V. C. Summer, SCE&G: Revision 16 (September 1991) 2.0-27 l

Where; yg = The isotopic concentration of the Steam Generator

- e s Blowdown effluent as obtained from the sum of the

  1. mea;ured concentrations determined by the analysis required in ODCM Table 1.1-4,in uCi/ml.

CF 3 = The Steam Generator Blowdown Effluent Concentration Factor from equation (29).

  • See GENERAL NOTE under 2.1. Turbine Buildina Sump (Abnormal Conditions)

Provided circulating water is available,1 to 3 circulating water pumps, effluent exceeding .5 MPC may be released from the Turbine Building sump to the industrial and sanitary waste system, using the setpoint in this section, provided the following conditions are met:

1) instantaneous release rate limits of ODCM Specification are not exceeded in the circulating water discharge canal,
2) The average radionuclide concentration in the industrial and sanitary -

waste system (Pond 6B or 008) will not exceed .5 MPC when averaged over one year,

3) The radionuclide concentration of the Turbine Building sump effluent does not exceed 15 MPC (ensures radionuclide concentration in discharge canal does not exceed .5 MPC, assuming maximum discharge from Steam Generator Blowdown through RM L3 and RM-L10 and only one circulating water pump operational),
4) The limits of ODCM specification w;ll not be exceeded with the proposed release, and
5) Average discharge flow does not exceed values used in setpoint determination.

in addition, the sourt of radioactivity should be identified and isolated. Radionuclide concentration in Turbine Building sump effluent should _be restored to <.5 MPC as soon as possible and normal setpoint reestablished. Radionuclide concentration in Pond 6B and 008 should be restored to < LLD using dilution as necessary. Turbine Building sump samples should be obtained and analyzed every eight hours while the alternate setpoint is ODCM, V. C. Summer, SCE&G: Revision 16 (September 1991) 2.0-28


. ... = .. - -.~.- - _

- --. ..~. .

.w .i

.- .n being'used to ensure that the setpoint remains conservative with respect to 1 the isotopic mixture.

+.< -- Alternate setpoint methodology for Turbine Building sump (RM L8)is e,#

~available to ensure _ operational flexibility in the event radioactivity is

- detected in the Turbine Building sump > .5 MPC and release would result in minimal offsite dose. The alternate setpoint methodology is not intended to -

be used continuously. To remove restrictions on operation of circulating water, pond concentration's should be restored to < LLO as soon as possible.

- Acceptability of the release and setpoint determination will be based on the --

dose limits in specification (T5, operation of liquid radwaste-treatment system, since this is the most limiting condition for unprocessed effluent. The setpoint methodology follows:

i# For RM-L8, Turbine Buildino Sump (alternate methodoloav) l (57) '

D Vc 8


T 5, at F A C .



Cr = setpoint concentration (uCi/ml),

Dm = Daily dose margin (mrem) for most limiting dose (total body or organ). .

=- .06_ mrem /31 day _ .(total body daily dose for all open

_ permits), or

= .2 mrem /31 day - (organ daily dose using maximum -

organ for all open permits),

E= average Ait using maximum organ for each nuclide and weighted by concentration. ,


E (A,,

  • ca


EC ODCM, V. C. Summer, SCE&G: Revision 16 (September 1991) 2.0-29


Ci = Concentration of radionuclidei.

Ais , The site related ingestion dose commitment factor to the total body or organ t, for each identified i principal camma and beta emitter listed in Table 2.2-3 (mrem ml per br uCi). For calculation see section 2.2.2.

At, _

. the length of time (in hours) during which concen-trations and flow rates are averaged. For purpose of setpoint calculation, Ati = 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />.

F, ,

The near field dilution factor for Ci during release-from Turbine Building sump.

= (averaoe undiluted waste flow)

(average flow from discharge structure)

S, ', = The sum of concentrations of each measured n gamma emitting radionuclide in the undiluted ,

8 waste sample.

E C; -

= The sum of the measured concentrations of all-i radionuclides in the undiluted waste sample (see equation 2).

For pu pose of implementing section release condition 2, the following must be satisfied.

- 14 I -

C N C. r; *V ; (59) s; 5 T



>1 where [E(Ci/ MPCi)]r = the sum of the ratios of the measured concentra.

tion of nuclide i to its limiting value MPCi for the Turbine Building

. sump effluent for release permit j, including proposed permit,

,. Vj = Release volume for Turbine Building sump release permit j (gal), and -


j= index for batch release permits during the previous 12 months including the proposed permit.

l-ODCM, V. C. Summer, SCE&G: Revision 16 (September 1991) 2.0-30 L



. . - ,I I

Figure 2.1 1 1 Example Liquid Effluent Monitor l Calibration Curve i i

i o .e

- g ..' = 2... . 'q, g. . . , ' ., - .. g .._

4 .- ,. ;, . ;g 4' erg 4

f...  !. . . . . . '. .,t ., ..


2 m ,,,= g g,2;

_ ...r. -

g . je ,


, , . , . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . 1 .- -

,..---73 o o e

_.. _,. A .;' c.

3 . . . .

l . . . ._ , ..


. .._ _ _ _...,.a - e,--

........,w 100 j l=_. .

. ~.._,, = ._ a z :... -:.=- - - _:. . = -.: . . . . . s ..

-* : . _ = . . i:p. .

.. : ; g-i

( ,

e a 7

~ .Y '

'* '. i

"'-- - ^- - -

O ' .

L.1. .. ' .. . .. - .

2 n

. }z;D

' ' w b .. ,\ .

. .s..... .

t_ J. , _ _ .; . a ; y _ _L . _ ; __.

3"- .


+ -.

4 q ~~t2 === r:g ==- - .. .


q A i &. ..N.. - , . . F. _ ;; . ,. ,; . .,_ . ; y _.. .,. ;_ ; . ._,

ry -

- _ _ . _ -5;

_; _ -W '

. Ie -.

.... .,y p . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .


, n z' 4 .

, . . . . .. . . .. JL. -

  • - i. .. -


l t

1...,. ..

A p .. . . , .

, .' 9

= i: E f 2 a. . u . . . . . .



. -. iu . .a . .

. -._ ::2 _ 3__ ==

a ;p* I } :... s . 7 . ._

..:::s&:I:i L ' M  :%

. - == : u..: = - . ...- _ _.:'"...

t , c s t ..

m. . .

.. ' .y . . .

. 4 sh . 1 . s. II .

......I i- O . >

~- . i.

- . _ . J..... .2  % .i . - , . . . - _ . . . -


.,- - , . . .ra::- _~. = = . __ . = _2. ' =.:. n. ; ;. 2.=;-


_:: . .2 :::. --

t0 3t ..!. . l.& L

=. :.. - :. -. ., ,. . . . . - . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . ..

o .

a .

'- , - ~ ~ ~ (uCi/ml)

.o .

. < . .- .1,.._- .

I,..-fi u

.c._.._ _ .


, .A

.; S r

g 2..m_ang. .q'% . - - . L:

,0 n.





. o , ;c .

- f 3 .,g_

s . . .


! ,, ,;: ira ~ ~ :.:y 92;.3_'  ;;3 L . L ._ _g .y _ . . . . J . _ 6,. .; ...E::

r:a.=:im- - === -

. . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . .. ,'8

,3 ......) .... 4 .. 3 10; 10* 10 10 to 4 ODCM, V. C. Summer, SCE&G: Revision 16 (September 1991) 2.0 31

l 2.2 Dose Calculation For Liquid Effluents The method of this section is to be used in all cases for calculating doses to individuals from routine liquid effluents. Four notes at the end of the section confirm the values which certain parameters are to be assigned in some special cases.

2.2.1 Liquid Effluent Dose Calculation Parameters Term Definition " f hC Use An = the site related ingestion dose commitment 2.2.2 factor to the total body or any organ t, for each identified principal gamma and beta emitter listed in Table 2.2 3 in mrem ml per hr-pCi.

B F, a Bioaccumulation Factor for nuclide i,in fish, 2.2.2 pCi/Kg per pCi/l, from Table 2.21.

C4 = the average concentration of radionuclide, 2.2.2 i,in undiluted liquid effluent during time period at, from any liquid released,in uCi/ml.

DF,, = a dose conversion factor for nuclide,i, for 2.2.2 adults in preselected organ, t,in mrem /pCi found in Table 2.2-2.

O' = the cumulative dose commitment to the 2.2.2 total body or any organ, t , from the liquid ef fluents for the total time period, Eatk in mrem (Ref.1).

D* = Dilution Factor from the near field area 2.2.2 within one-quarter mile of the release points to the potable water intake for adult water consumption; for V. C. Summer, D, = 1.

F, = the near field average dilution f actor for C, 2.2.2 during any liquid effluent release.

K = 1.14 x 105, units conversion factor = 2.2.2 (106 pCi/uCi)(103 ml/l) + 8760 hrlyr ODCM, V. C. Su mmer, SCE & G: Revision 16 (September 1991) 2.0 32 1

Liould Effluent Dose Calculation Parameters (continued)

Term Definition Section of fhTtial Use Atk = the length (in hours) of a time period over -2,2.2 which concentrations and flow rates are averaged for dose calculations.

U, = 21 kg/yr, fish consumption (adult) 2.2.2 (Reference 3).

U, = 730 kg/yr, water consumption (adult) 2.2.2 (Reference 3).

Z = applicable near. field dilution factor when 2.2.2 no additional dilution is to be considered; Z = 1. ,

2.2.2 Methodology The dose contribution from all radionuclides identified in liquid effluents released to unrestricted areas is . calculated using the following expression:

13 = 1 Au 1 o'a % F a (31)

, s.n A,, = K, ( (U,/D,) + U,BF,) DF, (32)

FL = (average undiluted liquid waste flow) (33)

(average flow from the discharge structure) (2) 1 NOTE 1: If radioactivity in the Monticello Reservoir (C,,) becomes > the LLD specified in ODCM, Table 1.1-4, tha' concentration must be included in the Dose determination. Fcr this part of the dose calculation, F, .-: 1 and at, = the entire time period for which the dose is being calculated.

NOTE 2: During periods when the Circulating Water Pumps are not in operation, the possibility of leakage of activity from the industrial Water System will be accounted for as follows.

Sampling of the liquid in the Sanitary and Industrial Waste 1

l l

O DCM, V. C. Summer, SCE &G: Revision 16 (September 1991) 2.0-33

System will be initiated, and the measured concentrations of-

= radionuclides will be used in the dose calculations with F, = 1-and A t, = the entire time period for which the dose is being

,. calculated.

NOTE 3: During periods when the Circulating Water Pumps are in operation, any releases to the Sanitary and Industrial Waste System as to be credited with dilution in Circulating Water for dose calculation purposes, even though such dilution was not claimed in the setpoint calculation.-When taken in union with the note above, this procedure results in some overestimation of dose to the population because discharges made-to the

-Sanitary and Industrial Waste System just before loss of '

Circulating Water will be counted twice in the dose calculation -


NOTE 4: If radioactivity in the Service Water becomes > LLD as determined by the analysis required by ODCM, Table 1.1-4, that concentration must be included in the Dose determination. For this part of the dose calculation, F, = 1 and a t,-= the entire time since the last Service Water sample was taken, O DCM, V. C. Summer, SCE &G: Revision 16 (September 1991) 2.0-34


(pCi/kg per pCi/ liter)

ELEMENT . FRESHWATER FISH H 9.0E-01 C 4,6E 03 F 1.0E 01 Na 1.0E 02 P 1.0E 05 Cr 2.0E 02 Mn 4.0E 02 Fe 1.0E 02 Co 5.0E 01 Ni 1.0E 02 Cu 5.0E 01 Zn 2.0E 03 Br 4.2E 02 Rb 2.0E 03 Sr 3.0E 01 Y 2.5E 01 Zr 3.3E 00 Nb 3.0E 04 Mo 1.0E 01 Tc 1.5E 01 Ru 1.0E 01 Rh 1.0E 01 Sb 1.0E 00 Te 4.0E 02 1 1.5E 01 .

Cs 2.0E 03 Ba 4.0E 00 La 2.5E 01 Ce 1.0E 00 -

Pr 2.5E 01 Nd 2.5E 01 W 1.2 E 03 Np 1.0E 01

  • Values in Table 2.2-1 are taken from Reference 3, Table A-1.

ODCM, V. C. Summer, SCE&G: Revision 16 (September 1991) 2.0 35


(mrem /pCiingested)

NUCLIDE BONE LIVER T. BODY TRYROID KIDNEY LUNG Gl LLI H3 NO DATA 1.05E 07 1.05E-07 1.05 E 1.05 E-07 1.05E-07 1.05E-07 C 14 2.84E-06 5.68E 07 5.68E-07 5.68E-07 5.68E 07 5.68E 07 5.68E-07 t F-18 6.24 E-07 NO DATA 6.92E 08 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 1.85 E-08 NA-24 1.70E-06 1.70E-06 1.70E-06 1.70E-06 1.70E-06 1.07 E-06 1.70E 06 P-32 1.93 E-04 1.20E-05 7.46E-06 NO DATA - NO DATA NO DATA 2.17 E-05 CR 51 NO DATA NO DATA = 2.66E-09 1,59E 5.86E 10 3.53E-09 6.69E-07 MN 54 NO DATA 4.57 E-06 8.72E 07 NO DATA 1.36E 06 NO DATA 1.40 E-05 MN 56 NO DATA 1.15 E-07 2.04E-08 NO DATA 1.46E-07 NO DATA 3.67E-06 FE-55 2.75E-06 1.90 E-06 4.43 E-07 NO DATA NO DATA 1.06E-06 1.09E 06 FE-59 .4.34 E-06 1.02 E-05 3.91 E-06 NO DATA NO DATA 2.85E 06 3.40E-05 t CO-57 NO DATA 1.75E-07 2.91 E-07 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 4.44E-06 CO-58 NO DATA 7.45E-07 1.67E 06 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 1.51 E-05 CO 60 NO DATA 2.14E-06 4.72 E-06 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA ' 4.02E-05 NI-63 1.30E-04 9.01 E-06 4.36E-06 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 1.88E-06 NI-65 5.28E 07 - 6.86E-08 3.13E 08 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 1.74E-06 CU-64 NO DATA 8.33 E-08 3.91E-08 NO DATA 2.10E-07 NO DATA 7.10 E-06 ZN-65 4.84E-06 1.54E-05 ~ 6.76E-06 NO DATA 1.03 E-05 NO DATA 9.70E-06 ZN 1.03E 08 1.97 E-08 1.37 E-09 NO DATA 1.28 E-08 NO DATA 2.96E-09 tBR-82 NO DATA NO DATA 2.26E-06 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 2.59E-06 BR 83 NO DATA NO DATA 4.02 E-08 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 5.79E-08 BR-84 NO DATA NO DATA 5.21E-08 NO DATA- NO DATA NO DATA 4.09E-13 BR-85 NO DATA NO DATA 2,14E-09 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA LT E 24 *

  • RB-86 NO DATA 2.11 E-05 9.83E-06 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 4.16E 06 RB-88 NO DATA 6.05E-08 3.21 E-08 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 8.36E-19 RB-89 NO DATA 4.01 E-08 2.82 E-08 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 2.33 E- 21 SR-89 3.08E-04 NO DATA 8.84E 06 NO DATA NO DATA NO D ATA 4.94 E-05 5R-90 7.58E-03 NO DATA 1.86E 03- NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 2.19E 04 SR-91 5.67E-06 NO DATA 2.29E 07 NO DATA NO DATA- NO DATA 2.70E 05 -

SR 92 2.15 E-06 NO DATA 9.30E 08 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 4.26E-05 Y 90 9.62E 09 NO DATA 2.58E-10 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 1.02 E-04 Y-91 M 9.09E-11 NO DATA 3.52E-12 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 2.67E-10 Y-91 1.41 E NO DATA 3.77E-09 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 7.76E-05 Y - 8.45E 10 - NO DATA 2.47 E- 11 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 1.48E-05 Y-93 2.68E-09 NO DATA 7.40E-11 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 8.50E-05 ZR-95 ' 3.04E 08 9.7 5E-09 6.60E-09 NO DATA 1.53 E-08 NO DATA 3.09E-05 ZR-97 .1.68E 09 3.30ES 10 1.55E-10 NO DATA 5.12 E-10 NO DATA 1.05E 04 NB-95 6.22E-09 3.46E 09 1.86E-09 NO DATA 3.42 E-09 NO DATA 2.10E-05 MO-99 NO DATA ~ 4 31E-06 8.20E-07 NO DATA 9.76E-06 NO DATA. 9.99 E-06 tValues taken from Reference 13, Table 4.

  • Values in Table 2.2-2 are taken from Reference 3, Table E-11.
    • Less than E 24.


i ODCM, V.C. Summer, SCE& G: Revision 16 (September 1991) 2.0-36 1

TABLE 2.2-2 (continued)

Page 2 of 2 NUCLlDE DONE LIVER T.B ODY THYROID KIDNEY LUNG GI LLI TC 99M 2.47E 10 6I98E-10 8.89E-09 NO DATA 1.06E-08 3.42 E - 10 4.13 E-07 TC-101 2.54E-10 3.66E-10 3.59E-09 NO DATA 6.59E-09 1.87E-10 1.10E 21 RU-103 1.85E-07 NO DATA 7.97E-08 NO DATA 7.06E-07 NO DATA 2.16E 05


RU-105 1.54E-08 NO DATA 6.08E 07 NO DATA 1.99 E-07 NO DATA 9.42E 06 i RU-106 2.75E-06 NO DATA 3.48E 07 NO DATA 5.31 E-06 NO DATA 1.78E-04 AG 110M 1.60E-07 1.48E 07 8.79E-08 NO DATA 2.91 E-07 NO DATA 6.04E-05 ISB 124 2.80E-06 5.29E 08 1.11E 06 6.79E 09 NO DATA 2.18 E-06 7.95 E-05 i 158 125 1.79E-06 2.00E 08 4.26E-07 1.82 E-09 NO DATA 1.38E 06 1.97E-05 t SB-126 1.15 E-06 2.34E-08 4.15 E -07 7.04E-09 NO DATA 7.05E-07 9.40E 05 TE-125M 2.68E-06 9.71 E-07 3.59E 07 8.06E-07 1.09E 05 NO DATA 1.07E.05 TE-127M 5.77 E-06 2.42 E-06 8.25 E-07 1.73 E-06 2.75E 05 NO DATA 2.27E-05 l

TE-127 1.10E-07 3.95E-08 2.38E 08 8.15 E-08 4.48E-07 NO DA"A 8.68E-06 l TE-129M 1.15 E-05 4.29E-06 1.82E-06 3.95E-06 4 80E-05 NO DAM 5.79E-05  :

TE-129 3.14E-08 1.18 E-08 7.65E-09 2.41 E-08 1.32E 07 NO DATA 2.37E-08 TE-131M 1.73 E-06 8.46E-07 7.05E 07 1.34E 06 8.57E-06 NO DAT A 8.40E-05 TE-131 1.97E 08 8.23 E-09 6.22 E-09 1.62 E-08 8.63E-0R NO DATA 2.79E-09 TE-132 2.52E-06 1.63E 06 1.53 E-06 1.80E-06 1.57E 05 NO DATA 7 71E 05 l-130 7.5GE-06 2.23E 06 8.80E-07 1.89E 04 3.48E-06 NO DATA 1.92 E-06 l-131 4.15E 06 5.95E 06 3.41 E-06 1.95 E-03 1.02E 05 NO DATA 1.57E 06 l-132 2.03 E-07 5.43 E-07 1.90E-07 1.90E-05 8.65E-07 NO DATA 1.02 E-07 l-133 1.42 E-06 2.47E-06 7.53 E-07 3.63 E-04 4.31 E-06 NO DATA 2.2 2 E-06' l-134 1.06E-07 2.88E-07 1.03 E-07 4.99 E-06 4.58E 07 NO DATA 2.51 E-10 1-135 4.43 E-07 1.16 E-06 4.28E-07 7.65E-05 1.86E-06 NO DATA 1.31E 06 C5-134 6.22 E-05 1.48E-04 1.21 E-04 NO DATA 4.79E 05 1.59E-05 2.59 E 416 C5-136 6.51 E-06 2.57E 05 1.85E 05 NO DATA 1.43 E-05 1.96E-06 2.92 E-06 C5-137 7.97E-05 1.09 E-04 7.14 E-05 NO DATA 3.70E 05 123E-05 2.11 E -06


C5-138 5.52 E-08 1.09E-07 5.40E 08 NO DATA 8.01 E-08 7.91 E-09 4.65 E.13 BA 139 9.70E-08 6.91E 11 2.84E-09 NO DATA 6.46E-11 3.92E 11 1.72 E-07 8 A-140 2.03 E-05 2.55E-08 1.33 E-06 NO DATA 8.67E-09 1.46E 08 4.18 E-05 8 A 141 4.71 E-08 3.56E 11 1.59E-09 NO DATA 3.31E 11 2.02E 11 2.22E 17 B A- 142 2.13 E-08 2.19E-11 1.34E-09 NO DATA 1.85 E-11 1.24E 11 3.00E-26 LA-140 2.50E-09 1.2 6E-09 3.33E 10 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 9.2 5 E -05 LA-142 1.28E-10 5.82E 11 1.45 E- 11 NO DATA ' NO DATA NO DATA 4.2 5 E-07 CE-141 9.36E-09 6.33 E-09 7.18 E- 10 NO DATA 2.94E-09 NO DATA 2.42 E -05 CE-143 1.65E-09 1.22 E-06 1.35 E- 10 NO D ATA 5.37E-10 NO DATA 4.56E-05 CE-144 4.88 E- 07 2.04E-07 2.62E 08 NO DATA 1.21E 07 NO DATA 7.65 E-04 PR-143 9.20E-09 3.69E-09 4.56E-10 NO DATA 2.13 E-09 NO DATA 4.03 E-05 PR-144 3.01 E-11 1.2 5 E- 11 1.53 E-12 NO DATA 7.05E 12 NO DATA 4.33 E - 18 ND-147 6.29E-09 7.27E-09 4.3 5 E- 10 NO DATA 4.2 S E-09 NO DATA 3.49E-05 W-187 1.03 E-07 8.61 E-08 3.01E 08 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 2.82 E M NP-239 1.19 E-09 1.17 E- 10 6.45 E - 11 NO DATA 3 65E-10 NO DAl A 2.40F ODCM, V.C. Summer, SCE &G: Revision 16 (September 1991) 2.0 37


(mrem /hr per pCi/ml)

Page 1 of 2 NUCLIDE BONE LIVER l T. BODY THYROID KIDNEY LUNG GILLI H3 NO DATA 8.96E + 00 8.96E + 00 8.96E + 00 8.96E + 00 8.96E + 00 8.96E + 00 C-14 3.15E + 04 6.30E + 03 6.30E + 03 6.30E + 03 6.30E + 03 6.30E + 03 6.30E + 03 F-18 6.69E + 01 NO DATA 7.42E + 00 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 1.98E + 00 NA 24 5.48E + 02 5.48E + 02 5.48E + 02 5.48E + 02 5.48E + 02 S.48E + O2' 5.48E + 02 P-32 4.62E + 07 2.87E + 06 1.79E + 06 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 5.20E + 06 CR-51 NO DATA NO DATA 1.49E + 00 8.94E 01 3.29 E-01 1.98E + 00 3.76E 4 02 MN 54 NO DATA 4.76E 4 03 9.08E + 02 NO DATA 1.42E + 03 ND DATA 1.46E + 04 MN 56 NO DATA 1.20E + 02 2.12E + 01 NO DATA 1.52E + 02 NO DATA 3.82E 4 03 FE-55 8 87E + O2 6.13 E + 02 1.43E + 02 NO DATA NO DATA 3.42E + O2 3.52E 4 02 FE 59 1.40E + 03 3.29E + 03 1.26E + 03 NO DAT A NO DATA 9.19E + 02 1.10E 4 04 CO-57 NO DATA 3.55E 4 01 5.91E + 01 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 9.01 E + 02 CO 58 NO DATA 1.51 E + 02 3.39E + 02 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 3.0654 03 CO-60 NO DATA 4.34E + 02 9.58E + 02 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 8.16E + 03 NI-63 4.19E r 04 2.91 E + 03 1.41 E + 03 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 6.07E + 02 NI-65 1.70E + 02 2.21E + 01 1.01 E + 01 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 5.61E + O2 CU-64 NO DATA 1.69E + 01 7.93E + 00 NO DATA 4 26E + 01 NO DATA 1.44E + 03 ZN-65 2.36E + 04 7.50E + 04 3.39E + 04 NO DATA 5.02E + 04 NO DATA 4.73E + 04 ZN-69 5.02E + 01 9.60E + 01 6.67E + 00 NO DATA 6.24E + 01 NO DATA 1.44E + 01 BR-82 NO DATA NO DATA 2.46E + 03 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 2.82E + 03 BR-83 NO DATA NO DATA 4.38E + 01 NO DATA ~ NO DATA NO DATA 6.30E + 01 BR-84 NO DATA NO DAT A 5.67E + 01 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 4.45E - 04 BR-85 NO DATA NO DATA 2.33E + 00 NO DATA NO DATA NO D ATA 1.09E - 15 RB-86 NO DATA 1,03E + 05 4.79E 4 04 ND DATA NO DATA NO DATA 2.03E 4 04 RB-88 NO DATA 2.95E 4 02 1.56E + 02 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 4.07E - 09 RB-89 NO DATA 1.95E + O2 1.37E + 02 NO DATA NO D ATA NO DATA 1.13E - 11 SR-89 4 78E + 04 NO DATA 1.37E + 03 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 7'T6 E + 03 SR-90 1.18E + 06 NO DATA 2.88E + 05 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 3.48E + 04 SR-91 8.79E + 02 NO DATA 3.5SE + 01 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 4.19E + 03 SR 92 3.33E + 02 NO DAT A 1.44E + 01 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 6.60E + 03 Y-90 1.38E + 00 NO DATA 3.69 E - 02 NO DATA NO D ATA NO DATA 1.4GE e 04 Y 91M 1.30E - 02 NO DATA 5.04E - 04 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 3.82 E - 02 Y-91 2.02E + 01 NO DATA 5.39E - 01 NO DA'TA Nd DATA NO DATA 1.11E + 04 Y-92 1.21 E - 01 NO DATA 3.53E - 03 NO DATA NO DATA NO D ATA 2.12E + 03 Y 93 3.83E - 01 NO DATA 1,06E - 02 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 1.22E + 04 lif95 2.77E + 00 8.88E - 01 6.01 E - 01 NO DATA 1.39E + 00 NO DAT A 2.82E + 03 2R-97 1.53 E - 01 3.09E - 02 1.41 E - 02 NO DATA 4.67E - 02 NO DATA 9.57E + 03 NB-95 4.47E + O2 2.49E + O2 1.34E + 02 NO DATA 2.46E + 02 NO D ATA 1.51 E + 06

  • Calculated using equation (32) and Tables 2.21 and 2.2-2.

ODCM, V.C. Summer, SCE&G: Revision 16 (September 1991) 2.0 38 i

~ 4,,


Page 2 of 2 NUCLlDE BONE LIVER l T. BODY THYROID l KIDNEY l LUNG GI LLI MO-99 NO DATA 4.62E + O2 8.79E + 01 NO DATA 1.05E + 03 NO DAT A 1.07E + 03 TC 99M 2,94E - 02 8 32E -02 1.06E + 00 NO DATA 1.26E + 00 4.07 E - 02 4.92E + 01 TC 101 3 03E -02 4.36E - 02 4.28E - 01 NO DATA 7.85E - 01 2.23 E-02 1.31 E - 13

~hU-103 1.98E + 01 NO DATA 8.54E - 01 NO DATA 7.57E + 01 NO DATA 2.31E + 03 R U-105 1.65E + 00 NO DATA 6.52E - 01 NO DATA 2.13E + 01 NO DATA 1.01E + 03 RU-106 2.95E + 02 NO DATA 3.73E + 01 NO DATA 5.69E + 02 NO DATA 1.91 E + 04 AG 110M 1.42 E + 01 1.3TE + 01 7.80E + 00 NO DATA 2.58E + 01-NO DATA 5.36E + 03 58-124 2.40E + 02 4.53E + 00 9.50E + 01 5.81 E-01 NO DATA 1.87E + 62 6.81 E + 03 53-125 1.53E + 02 1.71E + 00 3.65E + 01 1.56E 01 NO DATA 1.18E + 02 1.69E + 03 SB-126 9.85E + 01 2.00E + 00 3.55E + 01 6.03 E-01 NO DATA 6.04E + 01 8.05E + 03 TE 125M 2.79E + 03 1.01 E + 03 3.74E + 02 T39E + 02 1.13E + 04 NO DATA 1.11 E + 04 TE-127M 7.05E + 03 2.52E + 03 8.59E + 02 1.80E + 03 2.86E + 04 NO DATA 2.3bE + 04 TE-12 7 1.14E + 02 4.11 E + 01 2.48E + 01 8.48E + 01 4.66E + 02 NO DATA 9.03E + 03 TE-129M 1.20E + 04 4.47E + 03 1.89E + 03 4.11E + 03 5.00E + 04 NO DATA 6.03E + 04-TE-129 3.27E + 01 1.23E + 01 7.96E + 00 2 51E + 01 1.37E + 02 NO DATA 2.47E + 01 TE-131M 1.88E + 03 8.81E + 02 7.34E + 02 1.39E + 01 8.92E t 03 NO DATA 8.74E + 04

-TE-131 2.05E + 01 8.57E ,00 6.47E + 00 1.69E + 01 8.98E + 01 NO DATA 2.90E + 00 TE 132 2.62E + 03 1.70E + 03 1.59E + 03 1.87E + 03 1.63E + 04 NO DATA 8.02E + 04 1-130 9.01E + 01 2.66E + 02 11.iE + 02 2.25E + 04 4.15E + 02 NO DATA 2.29E + 02 l131 4.96E + 02 7.09E + O2 4.03E 4 02 2.32E + 05 1.2TE + 03 NO DATA 1.87E + 02 1-132 2.42E + 01 6.47E + 01 2.26E + 01 2.26E + 03 1.03E + 02 NO DATA 1.22E + 01 1-133 1.69E + O2 2.94E + O2 8.97E + 01 4.32E + 04 5.13E + 02 NO DATA 2.64E + 02 1134 1.26E + 01 3.43E + 01 1.23 E + 01 5.94E + 02 5.46E + 01 ' NO DATA 2.99E - 02 1135 5.28E + 01 1.38E + 02 5.10E + 01 9.11E 4 03 2.22E + 02 NO DATA 1.56E + O2 C5-134 3.03E + 05 7.21E + 05 5.89E + 05 NO DATA 2.33E + 05 7.75E + 04 1.26E + 04 C5-136 3.17E + 04 1.25E + 05 9.01E + 04 NO DATA 6.97E + 04 9.55E + 03 1.42E + 04 C5-137 3.88E + 05 5.31E + 05 3.46E + 05 NO DATA 1.88E + 05 5.99E + 04 1.03E + 04 C5-138 2.69E + 02 5.31E + 02 2.63E + 02 NO DATA 3.90E + 02 3.85E + 01 2.27E - 03 8 A-139 9.00E + 00 6.41 E - 03 2.64E - 01 NO DATA 5.99ET03 3.64E - 03 1.60E + 01 B A-140 1.88E + 03 2.37E + 00 1.23E + 02 NO DATA 8.05E - 01 1.35E + 00 3.88E + 03 8A-141 4.27E + 00 3.30E - 03 1.48E - 01 NO DATA 3,0'7E - 03 1.87 E - 03 2.06E - 09 B A-142 1.98E 4 00 2.03 E - 03 1.24E - 01 NO DATA 1.12 E - 03 1.15E - 03 2.73E - 18 LA-140 3.58E - 01 1.80E - 01 4.76E - 02 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 1.32E + 04 LA-142 1.83 E - 02 8.33 E - 03 2.07E - 03 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 6.08E + 01 CE-141 8.01 E - 01 5.42 E - 01 6.15E - 02 NO DATA 2.52 E - 01 NO DATA 2.07E + 03 CE-143 1.41 E - 01 1.04E + 02 1.16E - 02 NO DATA 4.60E - 02 NO DATA 3.90E + 03


C E-144 4.18E + 01 1.77E + 01 2.24E + 00 NO DATA 1.04E + 01 NO DATA 1.41 E + 04 PR-143 1.32E + 00 5.28E - 01 6.52 E - 02 NO DATA 3.05E - 01 NO DATA 5.77E + 03 PR-144 4.31 E - 03 1.79E - 03 2.19E - 04 NO DATA 1.01 E - 03 NO DATA 6.19E - 10 NO-147 9.00E - 01 1.04E + 00 6.22 E - 02 NO DATA 6.08E - 01 NO DATA 4 99E + 03 W-187 3.04E e 02 2.55E + 02 8.90E + 01 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 8.34E + 04 i NP-239 l 1.28E - 01 1.25E - 02 i 6 91E - 03 NO DATA 3.91E - 02 l NO DATA 2.57E + 03 l

l ODCM, V.C. Summer, SCE & G: Revision 16 (September 1991)

, 2039 i


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1.1  !! aa ODCM, V.C. Summer, SCE &G
Revision 16 (September 1991) 2.0-40


X,' = the total concentration of rioble gas radionuclides in the waste gas decay tank whose contents are to be discharge 4 3 corrected to the pressyre of the discharge stream at the point of the flow measurement, c' = count rate in cpm of the waste gas decay system monitor corresponding to X,' pCi/cc of Kr-85.

3.1.5 Meteorological Release Criteria for Batch Releases Planned gaseous batch (eleases (WGDT) will be made during favorable meteorology. Limiting releases to favorable mtteorology provides assurance that release conditions will be conservative with respect to annual ,

average dispersion values (X/Q, X/Q'). Favorable meteorology is defined in Table 3.1-2.

f i

ODCM, V. C. Summer, SCE&G: Revision 16 (September 1991)

J 3.0-10 i

. ...i

c Table 3.1-2 Favorable Meteorology -

Differential Ten perature (AT)1 Wind Speed 2 (mph)

Stability Clan 61m - 10m 40m - 10m 10m 61m AT n -1.74 AT b -1.03 A * *


-1.74 < AT 5 -1.56 -1.03 < AT 6 -0.92 B

-1.55 < AT 5 -1.38 -0.92 < AT h 0.81 C 1.3 1.6

-1.38 < AT S 0.46 ~ .81 < AT G I0.27

-0 D 3.1 4.1 0.46 < AT 5 1.38 -0.27 < AT 5 0.81 E 3.5 6.6 1.38 < AT 5 2.67 0.81 < AT % 2.16 F 5.2 14.0 3.67 < AT 2.16 < aT G 7.0 18.9 i

l Notes:

1 The AT values for 61m - 10m are considered as primary indicators for determination of stability class. The 40m - 10m AT values are used only when 61m - 10m values are not available. All AT values are listed in F and are based on values in USNRC Regulatory Guide 1.23.

2 The 10m win'd speed is considered the pri. nary indication for windspeed. The 61m wind speed indication should oniy be used if 10m is not available.

No wind is required for planned releasec.

ODCM, V. C. Summer, SCE&G: Revision 16 (September 1991) 3.0-10A

X/Q = the highest annual average relative concentra-tion in any sector, at the site boundary (for value, see Section 3.1.2)

P, = dose parameter for radionuclide i, (mrem /yr per pCi/m 3) for inhalation, f tom Table 3.2 1. I I

= the release rate of non noble gas radionuclide i as determined from the concentrations measured in the analysis of the appropriate sample required by Table 1.2-3 (pCi/sec).

3.2.3 Unrestricted Area Dose (Air Dose and Dose to individual) . For the purpose of implementation of section (Calendar quarter: 5 5 mrad - y and 510 mrad - p, Calendar year:

510 mrad - y and M 20 mrad - ) and section (air dose averaged over 31 days: 5 0.2 mrad - y and 5 0.4 mrad - p),the air dose in unrestricted areas shall be determined as follows:

Dy = air dose due to gamma emission _s from noble gas

.dionuclide l'(mrad)

= 3.17 x 10 e E M,WQ Q, (49) i where:

3.17 x 10-8 = the fraction of one year per one second 3, = rumulative release of noble gas radionuclide i over the period of interest (pCi).

ODCM, V. C. Summer, SCE&G: Revision 16 (September 1991) 3.0-15 i-

Ry a dose factor for radionuclide i and pathway j, (mrem /yr per pCi/m3 )or(m 2 mrem /yr per pCi/sec) from Table 3 2 2 3,' = Cumulative relene of non noble gas radionuclide i (requitad by ODCM Specification over the period of interest (pCl).

3.2.4 For the purpose of initial assessments of the impact of unplanned gaseous releases, dose calculations for the critical receptor in each affected sector may be performed using section 3 2.3.1 and section equations as follows:

(1) For eacn affected sector, X/O and D/O will be calculated for one mile and critical receptor tocations using actual meteorological conditions occurring during the unplanned release. Actua! X/O and D/O values will be compared to annual average dispersion coefficients (E6, X/O', and D/O'). The more limiting dispersion coefficients will be used along with methodology in sections and for the initial assessment.

(2) The location of the critical receptors and the pathways j which should be analyzed are shown in Table 3.2 7. ( very rough calculations, the annual average dispersion ct,*fficients (XTQ and CI/Q) for each receptor are shown in Table 3.2 0.)

(3) The Ry for the appropriate exposure pathways and age groups will be selected from Tables 3.2 3 through 3.2 6.

t ODCM, V. C. Summer, SCE &G: Revision 16 (September 1991) 3.0 17



N'* 6,100 Vegetation Child Vegetable Garden NNE *

  • 5,300 Vegetation Child Vegetab'e Garden NE 4,500 Vegetation Child Vegetable Garden -

4,500 GrawCow/ Meat Child Graring Beef Cattle a ENE 2,600 Vegetation Child -Vegetable Garden 2,600 Grass / Cow / Meat Child Grazing Beef Cattle E 1,800 Vegetation Child Vegetable Garden ESE 1,800 Vegetation Child Vegetable Garden SE 2,400 Vegetation Child Vegetable Garden SSE 4,300 Vegetation Child Vegetable Garden 5** 6,300 Vegetation Child Vegetable Garden

$5W** 5,500 Vegetation Child Vegetable Garden SW *

  • 5,300 Vegetation Child Vegetable Garden WSW 3,100 Grass / Cow / Meat Child Grazing Beef Cattle W 4,300 Vegetation Child Vegetable Garden 3,500 Grass / Cow / Meat Child Grazing Beef Cattle WNW*
  • 7,700 Vegetation Child -Vegetable Garden NW*
  • 6,600 Vegetation Child Vegetable Garden 6,600 Grass / Cow / Meat Child Grazing Beef Cattle NNW 4,800 Vegetation Child Vegetable Garden 4,800 Grass / Cow / Meat Child Grazing 3eef Cattle See note on the following page for the method used to identify these control-ling receptors.
    • If a cow were located at 5.0 miles (8,000 meters) in this sector, an infant consuming only its milk would receive a greater total radiation dose than would the real receptor listed. However, such an infant would not be the Maximum Exposed Individual for the site.

ODCM, V. C, Summer, SCE&G: Revision 16 (September 1991) 3.0 37


. e I i

NOTE: The controlling receptor in each sector was identified in the following way. Receptor locations and associated pathways were obtained from the August 1991 field survey. A child was assumed at each location, except that where a milk cow was listed, an inf ant j was assumed. X/Q' for each candidate receptor was obtained by l interpolation of values in Table 6.1 10 of Reference 5; D/Q' for each  !

candidate receptor was obtained by interpolation of values in Table 6.113 of Reference 5. Expected annual releases of each nuclide were takers from Table 5.2 2 cif Reference 5. The pathway dose factors given above in Tables 3.2 3 and 3.2 4 were then u:ed with the referenced values in the methodology of Section 5.3 of Reference 1 to compute total annual doses at each candidate receptor site for the pathways existing at that site. The controlling -

receptor for each sector was then chosen as the candidate receptor with the highest total annual dose of any candidate receptor in the given sector. All listed pathways are in addition to inhalation and ground plane exposure.

l l ODCM, V. C. Summer, SCE &G: Revision 16(September 1991) l 3.0 38


3.3 Meteoroloolcal_Model for Don,qa. lcglations 3.3.1 Metegrologiel Model Parameters Section of Term Definition Initial Use b = height of the containment building. (

D8 = deposition rate for ground level releates relative ( to the distance from the containment building (from Figure 3.3 3).

D/Q = the sector averaged relative deposition for ( any distance in a given sector (m'2).

i = wind speed class. The wind speed classes are ( given in Table 4A of Reference 10 as 13,4 7,812, 1318,19 24, and > 24 miles per hour.

N = total hours of valid meteorological ( data.

n ,' = number of hours meteorological ( conditions are observed to be in a given wind direction, wind speed c dass i, and atmospheric stability class j.

n = nui her of hours wind is in given direction. ( r = distance from the containment building (?3.2.1) to the location of interest for dispersion calculations (m).

AT/AZ = temperature dif ferential with vertical ( separation (*K/100m).

T = terrain recirculation factor, Figure ( 3.3-4.

u, a wind speed (midpoint of wind speed ( class i) at ground level (m/sec).

X/O = the sector average relative concentration at ( any distance in a given sector (sec/m').

S = plume depletion factor at distance r ( from Figure 3.31.

I ODCM, V. C. Summer, SCE &G: Revision 16 (September 1991) 3.0 45

Section of Term Definitior) Initial Use o, = verticalstandard deviation of the plume (

(in meters), at distance r for ground level releases under the stability category indicated by AT/ AZ, from Figure 3.3 2.

2.032 = (2/n)"2 divided by the width in radians of a ( 22.5* sector (0.3927 radians).

2.55 = the inverse of the number of radiansin a 22.5* sector ( 1 UE570.0175 Radianst')

3.3 2 Meteorological Model Atmospheric dispersion for routine venting or other routine gaseous effluent releases is calculated using a ground level, wake corrected form of the straight line flow model.

X/Q = the sector averaged relative concentration at any dis-tance in the given sector (sec/m 3) n U

= 2.032 8TY (52)

T Nru,1,4 where:

2.032 = (2/n)S3 divided by the width in radians of a 22.5* sector (0.3927 radians).

$= plume depletion factor at distance r for the appropriate stability class from Figure 3.31.

i = wind speed class. The wind speed classes are given in Table 4A of Reference 10 as 13,4 7,8-12,1318,19 24, and > 24 miles per hour, n ,,, a number of hours meteorological conditions are observed to be in a given wind direction, wind speed class i, and atmosphenc stability class).

ODCM, V. C. Summer, SCE&G: Revision 16 (September 1991) 3.0 46

N = total hours of valid meteorological data.

r = distance from the containment building to lor.ation of interest (m) u, = wind speed (midpoint of wind speed class 4) at ground level (m/sec). .

j, = the Inur of to * + b*t2mb or (V30,)


o, = verti,5) f adard deviation of the plume (in meters) at disttrve b 9.w d level releases under the stability categery mdica4; by AT/ AZ, from Figure 3.3 2.

T = terrain ream sation factor, from Figure 2 3-4 n = 3.1416 b = height of the containment building (50.9m)

AT/AZ = temperature differential with vertical separation

(K/100 m).

Note: For calculation of X/O using actual meteorological data for a particular release, ui = the average wind speed for hour i and n,j = number of hours with wind speed ; and stability class J. Relative deposition per unit area for all releases is calculated for a ground level release.

D/O = the sector averaged relative deposition at any distance in a given sector (m4).

= 2.55 Dgn (54) rN where, D, = deposition rate for ground level releases relative to distance (r) from the cont 6inment building (from figure 3.3 3).

ODCM, V. C. Summer, SCE &G: Revision 16 (September 1991) 3.0 47

.- _ , . - _ _ . _ , _ . - _ _ . = _ . - _ . _ . . . _ . . _ - _ . _ . _ _ - . . . _ . _ -

. l l

l RM L9, Combined Liquid Waste Processing System and Nuclear Blow-down Waste Effluent Discharge Line Monitor The monitor setpoint on the common line, c c, should be the same as the setpoint for the monitor on the active individual discharge line (i.e., cy, or c, as determined above):

l cc sMAX(c u ,cp Liquid Radwaste Discharge Via industrial and Sanit/iry Waste System l (RM L5)

The RM L5 setpoint should be established as close to background as practical to prevent spurious alarms and yet alarm should an ,

inadvertent high concentration release occur,

2) Dose Calculation The dose contribution from all radionuclides identified in liquid effluents released to unrestricted areas is calculated using the expression *: ,

/> *1 r

A n 1 A's Ca F4 i.i l


IsJ 60 gpm _

y' 2 33E0 gpm (F,)(1) ,

= 2,6E-5

= (8.96)(I 25)(2.7E-2)(2.6E- 5) + (908)(1.25)(3.59E- 7)(2.6E-5) + (143)(1.25)

(4.35E-6)(2.6E-5) + (1260)(l.25)(5.38E-7)(2.6E-5) + (339)(1.25H5.83E-7)(2.6E-5)

~ + (958)(1.25)(2.76K-6)(2.6K-5) 4 0 370)(1,25H6 SE-8)(2.6E-5) + (288,000)(1.25)

(1,74 E-7)(2.6E- 5) + (1,06)(1.25)(2,lE-7)(2.6E-5) + (95)(1.25)(5.49E- 7)(2.6E-5) +

(36.5)(1.25) (3.24 E-6h2 GE-5) + (4 86)(1.25)(3.83 E-5)(2 GE-5) + (89.7Hl .25)

ODCM, V.C. Summer, SCE8G: Revision 16 (September 1991)

Appendix A-5 pitw a e+rt' .,.m.gW - - + -



. g

($ 92R-8)(2 GR-5) + (0.0476Hl.25)(1.77R-7)(2.6E-5)

= 1.025E 5 mrem (to the Whole Body)

  • Dose calculation example was done only for Whole Body. Bone, Liver, Thyroid, Kidney, lung and GI LLI also must be done to address all dose receptors.

B, RM L3, RM L8, RM L10 and RM l.11 Normal Mode Given: Nuclide Concentrations:

fr = 100 GPM H3 = 3.71E 2 uCi/ml Fec = 3.114E5 GPM l-131 = 1.04E 5 uCi/ml*

fdi = 250 GPM l133 = 6.14E 7 uCi/m '

Fd = 3.46E5 GPM C5134 = 1.47E 6 uCi/ml*

Cir/MPCi = 8.54E 6 C5137 = 1.73E 6 uCi/ml*

Atk = 2.5 hr

= make up SC 9

1) Monitor Setpoint Calculations The method outlined in section by which these monitor setpoints are calculated is as follows:

a) Totalisotopic concentration and the Dilution Factor are calculated as in steps a) and b) of example A.

X C, u X C, + C, t C, + C, < C,

< a

= 1.42E 5 uCi/ml 4 0 + 0 + 3.71E-2 uCi/mi + 0

= 3.71E-2 uCi/ml C*

IW = j ,, ,

+ SF i 4 g- 104E-5 614E-7 1.47 E- 6 1.73 E - 6

- aoE-7 1.oE- a 9oE-o 2ox-3 ODCM, V.C. Summer, SCESG: Revision 16 (September 1991)

Appendix A-6


.) . *a

2) Dose Calculation The dose contribution from all radionuclides identified in liquid effluents released to unrestricted areas is calculated using the expression * :

O, = A,, [ hi C,g s Y g

. ..i Where l,

a 2500 spin 4

(Yg ill) 3 46E5 gpin

= 7.2E 4

= (B 96)(2 5)(3,7E-2)(7 2E-4) 4 (486)(2 5)(104N-5H7 2K-4) + (tt9 7H2.6)

(614E-7)(7.2K-4) + ($89,000)(2 5)(I 47K-6H7 2R-4) 4 (348,000)

(2 5)(1.73K-6h7 2N-4)

= 3.25E-4 mrem (to the Whole Body)

  • Dose calculation example was done only for Whole Body, Bone, Liver, Thyroid, Kidn2y, lung and GI LLI also must be done to address all dose receptors.

C. RM.A3 and RM A4 ._

Given: Nuclide Concentrations:

X/O u 5.3E 6 sec/m3 Kr-85m = 1.1E 6 uCi/mi F, = 481 cc/sec Kr88 = 3.5E 7 uCi/ml Atk = 0.6 hr Xe 131m = 3.9E 6 uCi/ml Xe 133 = 8.5E 4 uCi/mi Xe 133m = 1.2E 5 uCi/ml Xe 135 = 5.1E 5 uCi/ml 1131 a 6.73E-8 uCi/ml (0.6 hr)(3600 sec/hr)(481 cc/sec) = 1.04E6 cc Cv = 3.5E4 cpm (summed Noble Gas concentrations, used Example Noble Gas Calibration Curve, Figure 3.1 1).

ODCM, V,C. Summer, SCE&G: Revision 16 (September 1991)

Appendix A-10

f" o **p f, = the maximum permissible discharge rate based on skin dose rate. '

0.25 X 3000 mrrmlyr (X/Q)(1.6) X g(l41.1M q

= (.25)(3000)/((S.3E 6)(1.5)((1E 5)(1.01E4 + 1.1 (1.73E4)))]

= 3.24E8 cc/sec so fw 5 9.47E7 cc/sec c) When a discharge is to be conducted, valve HCV 014 is to be opened until:

(a) the waste gas discharge flow rate reaches (0.9)(f ) or (b) the count rate of the plant vent noble gas monitor RM A3 approaches its setpoint, whichever is reached first.

E. Alternative Methodology for Establishina Conservative Setpoints (using previous nuclide concentrations)

A more conservative setpoint is calculated to minimize requirements for adjustment of the monitor as follows:

1. For a plant vent:

R,' = conservative count rate per mrem /yr to the total body (Xe-133 detection, Kr 89 dose);

= C,' + [(X/Q) (K g ,.,,) (X,*) (F,)),

Note: C,'is based on the given Kr 89 concentration being applied to the Example Noble Gas Monitor Calibration Curve, Figure 3.1 1.

= 3.3E4 cpm /[(5.3E 6)(16,600)(8.5E 4)(481)

= 9.2E5 cpm Rl = count rate per mrem /yr to the skin.

ODCM, V.C. Summer, SCE&G: Revision 16 (September 1991)

Appendix A-15 g g. , y m_--__..a9 -3 ay., ._;., y. , . - . , y,.- _ - + -..y.. - ,.-m....g.---.-