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Special Rept:On 950610,122 Diesel Fire Pump Started 2 Psig Below Acceptable Pressure Range Allowed by Procedure
Person / Time
Site: Prairie Island  Xcel Energy icon.png
Issue date: 07/10/1995
From: Richard Anderson
NUDOCS 9507170138
Download: ML20086G795 (2)


i Northern States Power Company Prairie island Nuclear Generating Plant 1717 Wakonade Drive East Welch, Minnesota 55089 July 10, 1995 Technical Specification Section 3.14 U S Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attn: Document Control Desk Washington, DC 20555 PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT Docket Nos. 50-282 License Nos. DPR-42 50-306 DPR-60 Report of Inoperable Fire Protection Pumps This special report is being submitted in accordance with Prairie Island Technical Specification 3.14.B.3.

Technical Specification 3.14.B.3 requires

that, With the FIRE SUPPRESSION WATER SYSTEM otherwise inoperable:

Establish a backup FIRE SUPPRESSION WATER SYSTEM within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />, and a.

b. Provide a special report to the Commission within 30 days outlining i

the actions taken and the plans and schedule for restoring the inoperable system to OPERABLE status.

On June 10, 1995 surveillance procedure, SP-1202, Fire Pumps Test, was being performed as required per Technical Specification 4.16.B.l.g.

This procedure verifies the auto-start function of the fire pumps and checks pump capability.

During performance of the test, the 122 Diesel Fire Pump started 2 psig below the acceptable pressure range allowed by this procedure.

122 Diesel Fire Pump was logged out of service. This caused three fire protection pumps to be logged out of service at the same time.

l l

The 122 Diesel Fire Pump has the lowest auto-start pressure range of the three l

fire protection pumps.

In order to adequately test the auto-start function of the diesel pump, the remaining two pumps are isolated from the fire header to allow the header pressure to be reduced to the start point of the diesel pump.

Since the 122 Diesel Fire Pump did not meet the acceptable auto-start pressure range, three fire protection pumps were logged out of service at the same time.

> 4 es m-9507170138 950710 DR ADDCK 0500 2

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i USNRC NORTHERN STATES POWER COMPANY July 10,,1995 Page 2 Although the three fire protection pumps were logged out of service per Technical Specification 3.14.B, two pumps were available for fire service, if needed.

Surveillance procedure SP 1202 contains guidance to allow Operations j

personnel to immediately return 121 Motor Driven Fire Pump and 121 Screenwash l

Pump to service, if required for fire duty. Operators were stationed in the plcnt Screenhouse during performance of SP 1202 to allow a rapid return of these pumps, if needed. Also, the plant cooling water system was available for cross-tie to the fire header for back-up suppression supply, if needed.

The 122 Diesel Fire Pump auto-start pressure switch was subsequently adjusted per plant work order and a non-conformance report was issued for further investigation.

The applicable portions of SP 1202 were successfully completed and all fire protection pumps were returned to service within the same day.

In addition, we submitted a report dated June 12, 1995 which reported 121 Motor Driven Fire Pump out of service for greater than 7 days.

This report has one inadvertent error in it.

We reported that: "During the time the Motor Driven Fire Pump is and has been out of service, either the 122 Diesel Driven Fire Pump or the 121 Screenwash Pump have been operable." As discussed above, both 122 Diesel Driven Fire Pump and 121 Screenwash were inoperable at the same time on June 10.

The reason that the June 12 letter contains this mis-statement is that it was written and reviewed on Friday, June 9, the day before the situation described above. However, the letter was signed on Monday, June 12, without knowledge of the situation that occurred on the intervening Saturday.

All three pumps were declared operable on June 9,1995.

No new NRC commitments are being made in this letter.

Please contact Jack Leveille (612-388-1121, Ext. 4662) if you have any questions related to this letter.


Roger O Anderson h

Director Licensing and Management Issues c: Regional Administrator - Region III, NRC Senior Resident Inspector, NRC NRR Project Manager, NRC J E Silberg FPOOS795. DOC
