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Environ Event Rept 80-02:on 800513-14,reclaiming Ion Exchanger Out of Svc When Steam Generator Blowdown Water Discharged Into River.Sample of Outfall Revealed Ph Value Greater than 8.5.Caused by Seasonal Change of River
Person / Time
Site: Prairie Island  Xcel Energy icon.png
Issue date: 06/04/1980
From: Ward E
NUDOCS 8006090289
Download: ML19323G941 (2)


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MIN N E A POLt S, MI N N E SOTA 55401 June 4, 1980 Mr J G Keppler, Director, Region III Of fice of Inspection and Enforcement U S Nuclear Regulatory Commission 799 Roosevelt Road Glen Ellyn, Illinois 60137

Dear Mr Keppler:

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT Docket No. 50-282 License No. DPR-42 50-306 DPR-60 Environmental Event Report 80-02 pH of Discharges TS B-2.4.3 Under TS B-5.4.2A we are required to report as an Environmental Event when a protection condition is exceeded.

According to TS B-2.4.3 the effluent streams from the steam generator blowdown treatment system and the turbine building sumps shall be controlled to ensure that the.ater discharged at the outf all has a pH value no less than 6.5 nor greater than 8.5.

Ordinarily, the steam generator blowdown water is recycled back into the plant, however, during the period of May 13 (9:00 PM) to May 14 (11:00 PM)

= the reclaiming ion exchanger was out of service for a resin change and this blowdown was then discharged to the river. The autfall was sampled accord-ing to TS B-3.4.3 requirement.

On May 14, 1980, about 10:00 l.M the outfall pH was measured at 8.72.

Approximately 20 minutes later, the pH on the river side of the skimmer wall measured 8.69.

The same day at 1:00 PM these two points were sampled again and the inlet pH measured 8.67 and the outfall measured 8.66.

Additional pH measurements were made on the river in the plant area on the same day and the results are as follows:

_pH Upstream

- Main Channel Top 8.7 Bottom 8.6 Intake Channel Top 9.0 Bottom 9.0 Discharge

- Main Channel Top 9.0 Bottom 9.0 Lock & Dam #3 Top 9.0 Bottom 8.8 OUUdogo

O NORTHERN CTATES POWER COMPANY Mr J G Keppler June 6, 1980 Page The elevated pil measurements are a river related phenomena caused by measonable changes of chemical and physical variations that impact on the pil of the water.

This was a natural condition and a seasonal phenomenon, but on the advise of our resident NRC inspector we are making this report.

Yours very truly, E C Ward, PE Manager-Nuclear Environmental Service ECW/BWC/jh cc:

Director, NRR c/o DSB (17)

MPCA Attn: J W Ferman e