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Application for Amend to Licenses DPR-44 & DPR-56,changing Tech Specs Re Scram Discharge Vol & Reactor Water Cleanup Sys Instrumentation & Making Changes of Editorial Nature to Table of Contents.Certificate of Svc Encl
Person / Time
Site: Peach Bottom  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 11/10/1983
From: Daltroff S
Shared Package
ML20086B011 List:
NUDOCS 8311160220
Download: ML20086B012 (8)



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In the Matter of  :

DPR-44 & DPR-56 Philadelphia Electric Company, Licensee under Facility Ooerating Licenses DPR-44 and DPR-56 for Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station Unit Nos. 2 and 3, respectively, hereby requests that the Technical Specifications incorporated in Appendix A of the Operating Licenses be amended by revising certain sections as indicated by a vertical bar in the margin of the attached pages i



8311160220 831110 _1-PDR ADDCK 05000277 P PDR .

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i, ii, iii, vi, 38, 39, 42, 44, 62, 63, 73, 83 and 91, and bv the deletion of page vii.

The application addresses the following: (1) clarification of the Scram Discharge Instrument Volume high level trip setpoints, (2) modifies the limiting condition of operation for the Reactor Water Cleanup System high temperature instrumentation, and (3) corrections to the Table of Contents.

Licensee requests revisions to pages 38, 39, 42,44, 73 and 83 for the purpose of clarifying the Scram Discharge Instrument Volume high water level scram and control rod block setpoint values. The revision would change " Scram Discharge Volume" to " Scram Discharge Instrument Volume" where used to specify the 50 gallon scram setpoint and the 25 gallon control rod withdraw block setpoint.- The change would clearly establish the setpoint values as the quantity of water required to be present in the scram discharge instrument volume to initiate the trips. The setpoint values and volumns were established in the original licensing process to insure adequate capacity for liquid received as the result of a scram.

The proposed clarification is considered appropriate following a recent modification to meet the requirements of NRC Inspection and Enforcement Bulletin 80-17 for the scram discharge piping. The modification increased the size of the scram

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discharge pipe in order to establish a homogenous pipe size between the scram valves and the scram discharge instrument volume. The piping change increased the scram discharge volume by approximately 170 gallons on Unit 2, and 325 gallons on Unit 3, with less than 5 gallons of the additional pipe volume being added below the level switch trip elevations. The proposed amendment request would exclude this small volume (less than 5 gallons) from the setpoint values.

Additionally, Licensee reauests a change in the limiting condition of operation action statement (pages 62, 63 and 91) for the Reactor Water Cleanup System (RWCU) high temperature instrument used to isolate the system in the event of a high temperature condition at the non-regenerative heat exchanger outlet.

As stated on page 4.9-2 of the Peach Bottom Updated Final Safety Analysis Report, the purpose of the high temperature trip is to protect the ion exchanger resin in the RWCU filter demineralizer from damaae due to high temperature. As can be seen from figures 4.9.1 and 4.9.3 in the Peach Bottom Final Safety Analysis Report, which represents the RWCU design, isolation of the filter demineralizers alone would be sufficient to protect the resin from high temperature and would permit the use of the RWCU system for routing of reactor water to the main condenser or the waste surge tank. Routing the reactor water to

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these locations is an effective means of controlling reactor water level during the startup and shutdown mode of operation.

Inoperability of the high temperature switch in the past has unnecessarily prevented the use of the RWCU system for this purpose. The proposed revision would require isolation of only thee filter demineralizers, not the entire system, in the event the high temperature trip feature is inoperable. Additionally, the revision would permit the use of the RWCU filter demineralizers with the high temperature trip feature inoperable for un to 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br /> provided the temperature is monitored once per hour. Under these circumstances the water temperature would be limited to 180 degrees F, which is below the Technical Specification limit of 200 degrees F. This provision would permit the radiation levels of the water routed to either the condenser or the waste surge tank to be substantially reduced.

Licensee also requests revisions to the Table of Contents (pages i, ii, iii, vi) to reflect previously approved License Amendments, and correct typographical errors. Page vii is deleted to reflect a redistribution of material.

Further, Licensee requests deletion of obsolete notes from the bottom of page 38 (Unit 2), page 42 (Unit 3), and page 44 (Unit 3). The modification and testing referenced by the i

notes have been completed. The application of the notes on page q

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1 42 (Unit 3) were inadvertently reversed in the issuance of Amendment No. 67.

Significant Hazards Consideration Determination The proposed clarification of the scram discharge volume does not impact the minimum required discharge volume as i

previously designed, considering the increased capacity of the system free space following the pipe modifications required by NRO regulations.

i The proposed change in the limiting condition of 4

operation action statement for the Reactor Water Cleanup System high temperature trip would provide eauivalent protection for the demineralizer resins and meets the intent of the trip feature as described in the Peach Bottom Updated Final Safety Analysis Report. Adequate compensatory measures are proposed to permit the use of the demineralizers with the trip feature out-of-service. These measures involve frequent monitoring of temperature and a more conservative temperature limit. The

! proposed changes would enhance reactor water level control during the startup and shutdoun mode of operation with-the trip ~ feature inoperable. The other proposed changes are purely administrative in nature.

For these reasons, the amendment requests do not constitute a significant hazards consideration since they do.not



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(1) involve a significant increase in the probability or I

consequences of an accident previously evaluated, or (2) create the possibility of a new or different kind of accident from any accident previously evaluated, or (3) involve a significant reduction in a margin of safety.

Pursuant to 10 CFR Section 170.22, " Schedule of Fees for Facility License Amendments", Licensee proposes that this Application for Amendment be considered a Class III Amendment for Unit 2 and a Class I Amendment for Unit 3, since the proposed changes are deemed not to involve a significant hazards consideration or are administrative in nature.

The Plant Operating Review Committee and the Nuclear Review Board (off-site safety review committee) have reviewed these proposed changes to the Technical Specifications and have concluded that they do not involve an unreviewed safety question or a significant hazard consideration, and will not endanger the health and safety of the oublic.



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By # /

Vice Pre'aident ' J

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S. L. Daltroff, being first duly sworn, deposes and says:

That he is Vice President of Philadelphia Electric Company, the Applicant herein; that he has read the foregoing Amendment to Application for Amendment of Facility Operating Licenses and knows the contents thereof; and that the statements i

Gmd matters set forth therein are true and correct to the best of his knowledge, information and belief .



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Subscribed and sworn to before me this /0 day of lW M&.h& Notary Public. '

PATRICIA D. SCHod Notary Putte, PWadelphia, Phltaddphia Co.

My Commisisoa [zpires february 10,'1986 J

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I certify that service of the foregoing Application was made upon the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, by mailing a copy thereof, via 4

first-class mail, to Thomas R. Gerusky, Director, Bureau of Radiological Protection, P.O. Box 2063, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania,17120; all this 10th day of November, 1983. .

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Eugene .-Br[dley Attorney for Philadelphia Electric Company I

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