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Notifies of FEMA Setting Forth Prospective Terms & Conditions for Fully Graded Exercise of Transition Plan W/Or W/O Participation of State of Ny or Suffolk County.Certificate of Svc Encl.Related Correspondence
Person / Time
Site: Shoreham File:Long Island Lighting Company icon.png
Issue date: 05/01/1984
From: Irwin D
To: Kline J, Laurenson J, Shon F
Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel
OL-3, NUDOCS 8405040005
Download: ML20084F173 (17)





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8357 James A. Laurenson, Chairman Dr. Jerry R. Kline Atomic Safety and Licensing Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Board U.S. Nuclear Regulatory U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Commission East-West Tower, Rm. 402A East-West Tower, Rm. 427 4350 East-West Highway 4350 East-West Highway Bethesda, MD 20814 Bethesda, MD 20814 Mr. Frederick J. Shon Atomic Safety and Licensing

  • Board U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission East-West Tower, Rm. 430 4350 East-West Highway Bethesda, MD 20814 Long Island Lighting Company (Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, Unit 1)

Docket No. 50-322-OL-3 (Emergency Planning)


The Federal Emergency Management Agency issued the follow-ing letter last Thursday, April 26, 1984, setting forth pro-spective terms and conditions for a fully graded exercise of the LILCO Transition Plan with or without the participation of New York State and Suffolk County. Copies have been provided to all parties for their information.

Sincerely your ,

1 8405040005 840501 Donald P. Irwin Q' PDR ADOCK 05000322 One of Counsel for G PDR Long Island Lighting Company 91/730 Enclosure cc: Attached Service List 3E03


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, Omas of W Afhbe / WasMneten. DC 30472 Media


Release No.: 84-64 Dave Denne Releass Date:

(202) 287-0300 Friday, April 27, 1984 NOTE TO EDITORS:

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The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) sent the attached letter to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission on April 26, 1984. It describes FEMA's recent actions regarding l offsite emergency planning at the Shoreham Nuclear Power Plant.

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i Federal Emergency Management Agency

( Washington, D.C. 20472 AFR 2 8 a u Mr. William J. Direks Basentive Direeter for Operations U.S. Buslaar Regulatory Cemeission Maryland Natiesel Seek Building 7733 old Georgetown Raad Bethesda Maryland 20 14

Dear Mr. Diraks:

This letter respeeds to sertata questions that you raised concerateg further developments the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is espiering with regard to off-eite oestgency preparedness at the Shorehas suelear Osaerating Plant. You saked to be opdated on any additional steps we are leeking at since ey letter to you of March 15, 1994. That letter fotwarded FEMA's evaluaties of the off-site emergency plan prepared by the imag Island Lighting Ceepony (utility plan) to the Ceemiasten staff.

FEMA is charged by low and Freeldential directies to take eseprehensive steps, working with all levels of goveransat and the private setter, to enhance the state of readiasse for emergencies and disasters and to protect the lives and property of our Nation's cittseas. Coaststent with this respoesibility, FBIA, verktag with the DOE and other Federal agenaies is new deternimias the circumstances mader which it might prepare a plan to emeraise the stility's off-site eastgency plan ones, and assasing, necessary correstless are templeted.

This verk thus far indicates that such an effort would require feeding of between $1-2 million and would take about aime (9) neaths for sempletten. This approach envisions a full field emeraise of the its stility's report to theplan IRCafter staff.secreaties of deficiencies identified by FEMA in It is presently sostempleted that the esercise of the utility plan would be undertakes la essjusaties with the Federal Radiological Buergency Easponse 714a. resently emeraised la St. Lusie, Florida. Also, the emergeasy response sapabilities of the Deportesat of Snargy, and other Federal agonales with operations ta the vicinity of the shorehen plaat any be 1svelved. One goal ed the ensreise seald be to revise the way that available Federal plass sad researses, as noted, saa be employed la assistance to state and leesi plans and anslaat response espebilities withis the emergeasy planning seems of operating poner plante.


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Basessarily, there remains a great deal of work to be done in devoleptag this planning and anarcise effort. Saaluding close verk with the state of pee York, the RC and other Federal agsscies. We will he sentestias you and the E C staff as these efforts progrees.

Si rely.

(wwab W. 1 1 W. speak '

sostate Direeter State sad Lesal Programs'and $spport I

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Pre-desistosal Executive Summary of issues on tuercise at Shoreben Attaahed are three documents concerning 1seves involved in developing and condestieg an esercise of the Long Island Lighting Company (LILCO) Transition Plan at Storehen with the use of the Federal Radiological Emertency Easponse Plan. The~ y are:

1) Sequence of Major Activities for the Exercise of the LILCO Plan for Shorehen;
2) Objectives which cover the observable elements of NUREG-0654; and
3) Items for Consideration In Planning An Esercise at Shorehas.

These documents form the basis from which the Federal Energency Management Agency (FEMA) can discuss how the exercise should proceed with other Federal agencies, the licensee, the State and other affected parties. Should the agency proceed with the development of the exercise as anticipated in this Plan, usjor commitments of resources and progran funds will be required. At St. Lucie for esemple, the cost to FIMA alone was $500,000=$700,000. Nine hundred people were involved in the St. Lucie full field exercise. At Shoreham it would be essential that contractors provide a large percentage of the personnel resources support so that a timely exercise schedule can be met while ensuring a reasonable level of interruption to ongoing FEMA programs. ,

Under the statutory assignments sede to FEMA by the President, we have authority to prepara a plan for comprehensive energency response by the Federal Government at Shoreham in conjunction with the LILCO off-site energency plan. FEMA, participating with other Federsi agencias, any also undertake an exercise of such a plan under existing authority.

There will be a continuing issue before the Nuclear Regulatory Commission's Atomic Safety and Licensing Board (ASLB) in the Shorehen case over whether an arrangement of the kind described above, even if successfully esereised. will constitute reasonable assurance of public health and safety off-site as provided for in 10 CFR Part 50.47. This is due in part to the questions that arise regarding the legal authority for both Federal and LILCO to conduct off-site energency operations in the case of en actual crisis in the absence of an invitation by the Governor of New York State that they do so, or a determination by the President that circumstances demand he invoke his energency powers under 10 U.S.C. 8 331 et see. The esercise concept developed in the attachasnt is based on the presumption that authority could be provided to support Federal emergency aid should an actusi crists occur.



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r ----3 Or "t_"E ACTIVITIES FOR TER "'"185 0F TER LIL40 PLAN FOR ****W l

  • The emerstee should proceed under'the eegis of the, Federal l e egies rgency Beepease Plan (FRERP), together with a ette=epeelfie i plan for the Shorehen plant. Additieasily, it to oesteepleted that as amargeney preparednese pass for the adjaeest Departeest of Energy (308) lesa11ty at Brookhaven would be developed and made part of the esereise effort. la essence, the Federsi response espabilities (e.g. FRESP, Brookhaven) would be eoesidered as parallel to e State response is an accident situation, with the LILOO local Beergemey Basposee Organisation (1330) response l betag roughly equivalent te what would moraally be espected at the esamty level, i.e., Suffolk County.

i Absent State sad local pertteipation, the esereise would assume that the first stage of offsite respease will be by 1230, under the esordinattee and assistases of the DOE at Brookhaven. Is the event of a fast-breaking assident, Brookhaves, notified by LILOO as stated in the Transittee Plan, would tattially soordinate the Federal response at the scene, pending FWI& arrival. Sie

  • is due to the physisal prealaity of Dog's treekhaves facility. The Severner l

will be notified by the LERO Director of Local Esepease at the Alert stage.

The Goverser calla the FEMA Region !! D1 rester, who will be deployed as the Deputy seater FEMA offisial (DgFO). together with the hegesey Easpense l Team (IRT). The DSF0 vill serve se the ensite/effsite esordiaster. Concurrently, the FEMA Directer will appoint a Senter FEMA Official (BFO) the will be deployed to the scene where he will sat as the Goverser's Anthertsed Representative (GAR). NBC's este team leader arrives en the seems at the time of the SFO sad to designated Directer of site Operations (380). L1140, threegt its dedianted telephens line, le la sentinuous contact with the Butlear Eagalatory Commission (IEC) Operations Center in Sotheeds, Neryland, throughout the emergesey.

Alert Staae As the emergesey moves from the petifiesties of Dameuel Event (9005) to the Alert stage, the FBIA Emergency taformaties Coordiastica Canter (RICC) to notified through the ERC Operational Resposee Procedures (ORP).

FEMA then seedvets its salldown, through the BICC, of the Other Federal Agenstes (0FA's), i.e., SPA, ERS, 98R4, BOT, DOC, D0!, W D, BCS, and D00.

The IICC is soars that 308. FEMA, sad MC are already informed. l Aloe at the Alert stage, the LERO teesi SCC to sativated at Brentweed, l Imag Island. This includes estigation of the DOE resources at treekhaves. l who report to the Lesal 50C as provided for is the L1LCO Tranetties Plan. i l

The emergency setten level goes fres Alert to Site Area Smergesey (SAE) la the amat 2 heure. Berlag that time, the fe11ewsag securst e BC Seedquartere Operatione Gester estigated.

e the FBIA Baergoesy espport Team (EST) beesses operational.

Sees after the dealerstice of SAS, B C requests additiesel p a as and acessesmet, thereby astigating the Federal Radielegical IIsattering and Assesesmet Center (FBI 6C) ta support of lab 0/3reekhaves activittee.

.2 .-

6 2

The energemey reaches the classificatten

. t estive Antion Reesamondations ( are tap esented.

230 recommendatione for sheltering and evaesaties thish have been made to MC (the CFA) are Saylamented as fellsae8

, . i e Se prompt alert and motificaties (A4N) systems will be estivated by Ma0 with the semestresas of the SC's Direeter of Site Operations (800). )

she has see arrived at the Amorgesey Operations Facility (30F), and I apon approval of the SFO la his sapaatty as the Severnor's Authorised I Representative (043). Se SFO motifies the Goverser that the A4N activaties will escur. Se 870 aise mothertses 1830 to de route alerting, activate strees, toes alert radies and activate the MRO

  • ES$* ayeten for the emeralse.

e Other PAR's may be, developed sad taplemented, depending spea meteerelegical i essessanats and detailed assesseest of plant sendittene. 1 NRC maintatas close contact with FEMA 5eadquarters (EST Direeter) as aejer

. release begins.

Federal agencies deploy and withis several hours the IRT. 5FO tagether with his Deputy Senter FINA Official (D870) arrive at the Federal Baspense Caster (FRC). OFA representatives arrive sometime later at the PRC. Se FRNAC to i established in elese prestaity te Brookhaven National Laboratory. DOR's Offaite Technical Direeter (00TD) is la sharge of FMAC. as will digest all technical data from 330 and other sources as a beste for PAR's is eenjunction with the ROF. These receameadsticas are made by the OSTD with 300 ( R C).

The SFO (acting on FEMA's and the State's behalf) and the 350 held esordtaaties and strategy asetings. In the avest FAR's are verraeted, the FAR desistoa is made by the 570, acting as GAR, and implenested with MRO's ressurses and perseasel. Seen thereafter, the mejor release ends.

Meet of the above operations are sendested under the FRERP and the MC/ FEMA Operating Response Procedores (ORP). The signifisset differesse, of esarse.

is that the Goverser himself does set play a direct role ta mejor desisteamaking.

la essesse, free early on the FEMA Regisa !! Director fumations as the GAR.

The SFO ta thus the critical sensualestion link to the Goverser. Es scatteus11y keeps the Goverser apprised of the energesey attuaties and the public imposta.

i There for esemples are namorous activities of the Federal agencies during the asjer release, e

Mouhere of Deegress request the states of seastiteests' health.

e Prese laquiries are made to USDA 58. MC and FBLA es the lapset og the release sa feed, dairy predasts, and general health.

'the 11eeeeee downgrades the level of emergesey to SAE seen after the plant to stable (utthis a few hears of the end of the mejor release).

Followies the end to a major release, active Federal agesey levalvesset takes place is slees eseparaties with 330 (stility. LIMO esmeracters, and.305).

90s and IPA researeas as port of the FWl4C perform the feastice of the state's Burmee of Radiological Realth ta assh the sans usy that 1890 perforand A&M feastians la place of Suffolk County.

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Pressuree ts114 free auserous sostees for Federal impact assessenet. Ihsttag this time, emptag activities (selude e Musitertag e Base Assessmenti e Imag-term protective settee ressemondations; and )

e Publie affaire and Congressional relattosa activities.

1 Se governer requeste the Federal establishment to provide and to taplement l recovery sad reestry guidance. Also, the President directs the SFO to develop i this guidance and submit it as a written report to the White Eeuse.

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egnassposelag -

enRT(0) W ISOOMA 0$J50TIVR8 eeBeCle8 P M Nee 84MM54

1. asenestrate ability to esbillee See. 1 5 1, 8.1 staff and estivate facilities See. I prospely. Sea.

Sea. I

a. 1 l
2. Beasostrate eHlity to fully See. 1 i

staff feet 11 ties sad estatsin A.3.e. -

staffing stowed the sleek. See. 1 A.4 See. I 80s. I  !

3. oseenstrate eht31sy se enke g see. 11 A.I.d.

desteises and to seerdinate esetgeeer sesivities.

1 4 Demeestrate adequesy of facilities See. III S.S.e.

and displays to seppert aserssety See. 11 5.3, operettees.

see. 11 E.3

5. Desenstrate ability to seasseisste ROC. See. IT F utan all appropriate toestices. See. 111 orgeoisettene. and field poteensel. See. 111 See. 111

. 1. II l Ses. IV

6. Sensecteste eM 11ty to mew 18ee and deploy field usettering 3 See. 1 3.2, 1.8 teams se e stenir feeMao.
7. Bessestrate appespriate agesysset and poseedness fee deteratetag 3 tee. 11, !!! 1.0, 1.11 eeMass sediaties Imgels.
8. Russentrose appropriese agespeset i and pseenderse fee usesorenset R See. II Ett E.8 M See. 1, 11 et etstesses raidietedtes seasonsrettaes se les se led  !

e m/GB in the pressees of asM e geese.

u a 9... Bussessesse appropriese a )

+wuand passaderne fee a=1t===gesposes *= R 9ee. II. 111 1.8 M See. 1. It teenspeet and eastsete of semp,les of ..

es.e .en . sepptestes, seen, eneer. - . -- - -

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8M MS) SF NDOULAR essacr1938: BIBeC188 Fem MESO 4634

18. Semenstrate ability se project Sea. T eneage to the publie vie plume 3.10. J.10.e See. 11 espesure, based en plass and field dets, and to deteresse appropriate preteettee esseures, based se PA8's available shelther, esseestian time estimates, and all other appropriate fastare.
11. Deepestrate ability to project Sea. T desess to the publis via legeetion 1.10. J.11 patheer esposere, hosed se field See. VI date, and to desirates appropriate preteettve measures, beoed se Pese and other relevant fastere. .

II. sensestrate ability to laplement g see. VII.C


protective settees for ingestion J.9 J.11 patheep hasards.

13. Someostrate ability to alert the See. V1 publie eithis the I N 1e Ept, 56 and diesemisate se lettial tea. til teatreetlesal asseage, utthie 18 mimetas.
14. Samenstrate ability to formelste g see. ?!
and distribose appropriate 35 teetreettees to the pebate, 1e a t

timely fashias.

15. sensestrate the erSantestseeni see. T11.A J.3, J.30.g t shelity and sessernes messesary See. I to esage se orderly essenessee of all er port of the pin s EPS.
16. Sammastrate the orgeoisettomal l

aba88ty and seeserees eseessary 3 Sea. V11 4 J.10.k to h et utth impediesets to 5 see. I sessenedes, as aestament eastner er teeffte eksteestsees.

n. m esestr.t. the e esi -ti.nel m ese. m ..

att11ty and sesserees eseessary p. I 4.a.3 to acessel aseene to se essenesad ases.

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18. Bessestrete the'orsemisettesel M See. VII.S J.10.d eM11ty and resserees accessary & See. 11 8 to effect en orderly eveeeettes . I of meh811ty-Sepeired individuele l withis the pleos EPS.  !

I 19 3seenstrate the ergentsattesel g Sea. VII.S J.9. J.10 3 l l ebstasy and resources eseessary , l to effect se orderly esecession l et seheele withis the plane i 8F8.


20. Seeenstrate ability to esatteuseely See. V111 E.3.s.b essitar and aestrel emergesey e. N seeker espesure. See. T
21. Dessestrate the ability to aske the See. 9 desteise based se predeternised See. Y1 eriterie, ehether to lesse El to emergoesy workere and /er the generet popelettee.
22. Samenstrate the entlity to supply See. T111 J.10.e and edeteister EI, ease the desteles . IT hee been sede to de es. Gee. T
33. Beseestrate ability to effect g tea. T11 3 J.2 m orderly eveeestsee of easite porosanel.
24. Beseestrate ability to brief ges. IE 0.3.s the endte to a steer, seeerste See. N 8.4.s and tamely scener. .N
23. Bumseettete eW 11ty to provide M See. II s.4.b adessee esordiesties of sofersetten M See. IT saaessed.
36. Snessetrete chility to establish M See. !! J.13 and ese sneer esecret to e et feeMem.
87. Bessestrate adequesy of festlitsee M see. It! J.te.h t . ,

for mese eere of esessees.

5; 4. s v.; .._ ;J 3 1 . "-

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1 1 pasMs) er sess Aa suunclas sesu, M S4 esaserrvssa ,

i 30, Deusestrate adequate agespacet M all 5 5.e. b and precedures for dessetenteettee of emergeney workers, equipeset and vokseles.

3p6 geneestrate adequesy of enholeese M See. III 64 feettistas and precederte for headling contestested individuale.

304 Seessettste adequesy of keepital g See. 11 61

' facilities and precedores for ,

i headlies eestaatssted tedividuals.

i 31'. Doesastrate ability to releeste (to be developed) 5 3, E3 to and operate the e1 ternate ear /sec.

33. Demonstrate att11ty to estiente see. Y &&

tetel population espesare. See. ?!

33. Someostrate shality to deterates g see. I mi and implement appropriate esseeres for eestrelled recovery and reentry.
34. Bemeestrate ability to identify esed (to be developed) 8.1.e, b l

for. request, and obtain heetal eastetense.

l hb ebjectives Weder Pederal desteteneer

1. Se evoleste the adequesy, tiestieses, and effectivenese of the interagency sa m unisettees, testudies prosederes and hardeers used to estify and epdate heete1 agencias et Roadquarters Field, sed one state.
2. h eveleste the adequesy of the fanitittes evettable et the site for seek esemer se perfesa see seek.
3. h evalents the essursey, esamistenay, and tisetteese of the release et puh11e tefessettee, portteetetty the essetteettee of such infeeneties

! esses the hestet assoeies, effette notuses Bachtesten,3.g., steld Segentaattees, Jetes Infeenottee Beater, and any State infeenotten l esseer..

4 t osetease the effeesteemeos of the hderet todielestset heiteries and h e Fles se providtag radiological oestatesse.

5, t evolente she effsetsgeeses of the beestas the hate geese infessed of the essansses and pesaret sessees.


g. -- for Cassideration In pleasing Aa_tsereise at Shoreham The following eleasste sould have major impact on the successful conduct of j an emeraise of the Lees Island Lighting Company (LILCO) Transition Pian at shorehas ease deficiencies are,eerrested. ,


1. state Sussert l It is importsat, se an early component of the developasnt of an eseraise plas, to desemine the estent of State support for the ,

i plassed activities.

FEMA Region 11 representatives emphasised that at a sinimum, this support must encompass two concepts: (1) the concept of the enereise itself, with or without State or local participation and (2) the concept of operations.

2. Ig(Lg,_

A. Level of Fundina and__ Contractor Sussort - Due to the asesive consignent of personnel resources necessary for the tasks associated with the developasnt of this unique esercise within a reasonable cias frame, contracting support is essential. Free the esperience of conducting the esercise of the Federal Radiological Emergency Response Flan (FRERP) at St. Lucie, we can estimate that the cost for FEMA responsibilities for development and coordination approached $300,000-$700,000. The potential involvement of Argonne National Laboratory (ANL) Idaho National Engineering laboratory, and other contractor support is anticipated at a sinimum. Due to the accelerated time frame for the development and conduct of the exercise and due to its unique nature, it is necessary to sole-soures the work to these fires under existing contracts. Efficiency is gained through the use of esisting contract mechanisms and through the proven esperience and resource base of these companies. Each has either worked on the conduct of the FRERp esercise at St.

Lucia or been intimately favolved with FEMA radiological energency preparedness (REF) esercises for seastine.

l B. Seuroes of Fundina. Finally, the total funding suet be shared essag the Department of Energy (D0s), Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) )

and FINA. It is propeeed that the $500,000-8700,000 eentioned in '

Seattaa A above be shared among these agencies. NRC and DOE would eestribute their share through interesoney transfer of funds.

Rasching agreement on this 3-part funding may be a probles. purther, even FEM &'s share may be so large that it any become necessary to approach Ceegrees either for (1) authority to reprogram funds from other FEMA programs er (2) to solicit supplemental funds. Thia l

obviamely would be diffleult without full Congressional support for FEMA's intentions.


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  • -3=

We have

3. e- .aai - 1 aussert for F=A's elam to esercise at shorehen.

already remaived coegreestomal resatione, both pro and con, to FEMA's March 15, 1984, report se Shorehen.

4 Ge..e:tfee of MLc0 fr- -ities Plan defielescies. In FEMA's March 15, 19e4, trememittal, 32 esfisionsies were element identified. With(eescerning A.2.b. the eseeption of the deficiesey relattag 4e Wes30-0654 solely the legal authority issue), deficiencies must be corrected. g ediusw;ts :::::sary te_ assoamedate the unieue role of Federal Aaencies would s hoe have to be made. For esample, the standard operating procedures relating to Stoekhaven's role in the Plan must be streegthened. Mile this any met appear to be a major obstacle given the amount of time available, a great number of tasks are involved.

5. lasact on FEMA Readauertere and Ration II (estimated from the esserience with the esercise of the Himal et 33. Lucial. At the St. Lucie Full Field Esercise (FFE), nine hundred people were involved. The seen number of Federal participants were involved in the FFE se in the dry run i.e.,

about 450. Four staff years of effort were required at FINA Reademorters and Regional Offices. There was also a major commitment of full-time State resources (3 FTE). Seasone in FEMA would also have to assume these duties. These are just examples of the intensive personnel resources required.

Based on the above information, we estimate that even with estensive contractor support, the successful conduct of the Shoreham esercise will take 12 staff years of effort counting both FEMA Headquarters and Regional levela, primarily in the Office of Natural and Technological Essards (0NTM) and the Office of Disaster Assistance Programs (DAP). Particularly ,

' in Headquarters ONTE, this would esen that work on other reactore would be delayed. The same effect would occur in FEMA Region 11 where auch REF work was already postponed due to the heavy staff involvement at Indian Point.

6. Reeutrements for Particisation of Senior FEMA Staff - The FRERP calls for Presidentisi appointees (e.g., an Associate Director of Administrator) to staff the position of Senior FEMA Official (SFO). This will require extensive ties in preparation and play in the esertise.
7. Atomic Safety and Lie - ina Board (ASLB) Ceneaeuences. The ASLR any require entensive testimony by FEMA centerning the development of the esercise esecept. Staea the ASL5 has already convened and is hearing testimesy en offsitt emergency planning issues related to the Regional Assistance Cseetttee (SAC) funding, testimony on the shorehan esercise seuld be required is the seer future. This would entail time-eessuming preparaties of pre-file desummate and briefings, etc.

I 8. Activittee br Suffolk P = tv and/or intervener arouse. We have rese19ed a Freedom of Infereotten (FOIA) request free Suffolk Cesaty's attorneys for safermaties relattag to the March 15, 194A, tremonittal, the RAC findtag and FEMA's positica sa the LILCO Trametties Flaa. It is entirely possible that other intervener grasps seald jota the County la seeking taforestica, etc. There is en obvious drain on FEMA resserees la respoeding to these settess.

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9. . It is eritical to achieve the eeeparation other egencies ch participate la the app 11astion of the rugRF se shoreham. 1stegrated pleasing of the interagency roles is this unites esercise is necessary from the beginning of the project.



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9 LILCO, May 1, 1984 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE In the Matter of LONG ISLAND LIGHTING COMPANY (Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, Unit 1)

(Emergency Planning Proceeding) Docket No. 50-322-OL-3 I hereby certify that copies of a letter from Donald P.

Irwin to James A. Laurenson, Esq., et al., dated May 1, 1984, attaching a letter from Samuel W. Speck to William J. Dircks, dated April 26, 1984, were served this date upon the following by first-class mail, postage prepaid.

James A. Laurenson, Secretary of the Commission Chairman U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Atomic Safety and Licensing Commission Board Washington, D.C. 20555 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Atomic Safety and Licensing East-West Tower, Rm. 402A Appeal Board Panel 4350 East-West Hwy. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Bethesda, MD 20814 Commission Washington, D.C. 20555 Dr. Jerry R. Kline ,

Atomic Safety and Licensing Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Board Panel U.S. Nuclear Regulatory U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Commission East-West Tower, Rm. 427 Washington, D.C. 20555 4350 East-West Hwy.

Bethesda, MD 20814 Bernard M. Bordenick, Esq.

David A. Repka, Esq.

Mr. Frederick J. Shon Edwin J. Reis, Esq.

Atomic Safety and Licensing U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Board Commission U.S. Nuclear Regulatory 7735 Old Georgetown Road Commission (to mailroom)

East-West Tower, Rm. 430 Bethesda, MD 20814 4350 East-West Hwy.

Bethesda, MD 20814 Stewart M. Glass, Esq.

Regional Counsel Eleanor L. Frucci, Esq. Federal Emergency Management Attorney Agency Atomic Safety and Licensing 26 Federal Plaza, Room 1349 Board Panel New York, New York 10278 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Stephen B. Latham, Esq.

East-West Tower, North Tower Twomey, Latham & Shea 4350 East-West Highway 33 West Second Street Bethesda, MD 20814 Post Office Box'398 Riverhead, NY 11901


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Fabian G. Palomino, Esq. Ralph Shapiro, Esq.

Special Counsel to the Cammer & Shapiro, P.C.

Governor 9 East 40th Street Executive Chamber New York, New York 10016 Room 229 State Capitol James B. Dougherty, Esq.

Albany, New York 12224 3045 Porter Street Herbert H. Brown, Esq.

Lawrence Coe Lanpher, Esq. Jonathan D. Feinberg, Esq.

Christopher M. McMurray, Esq. New York State Public Service Kirkpatrick, Lockhart, Hill Commission, Staff Counsel Christopher & Phillips 3 Rockefeller Plaza 8th Floor Albany, New York 12223 1900 M Street, N.W.

Washington, D.C. 20036 Spence W. Perry, Esq.

Associate General Counsel -

Mr. Marc W. Goldsmith Federal Emergency Management Energy Research Group Agency -

4001 Totten Pond Road 500 C Street, S.W., Rm. 840 Waltham, Massachusetts 02154 Washington, D.C. 20472 MHB Technical Associates Ms. Nora Bredes 1723 Hamilton Avenue Executive Coordinator Suite K Shoreham Opponents' Coalition San Jose, California 95125 195 East Main Street Smithtown, New York 11787 Mr. Jay Dunkleberger New York State Energy Office Martin Bradley Ashare, Esq.

Agency Building 2 Suffolk County Attorney Empire State Plaza H. Lee Dennison Building Albany, New York 12223 Veterans Memorial Highway Hauppauge, New York 11788 Gerald C. Crotty, Esq.

Counsel to the Governor Executive Chamber State Capitol Albany, New York 12224 Donald P. Irwin i Hunton & Williams 707 East Main Street Post Office Box 1535 Richmond, Virginia 23212 1

l DATED: May 1, 1984
