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Forwards Documents Requested During 820624 Visit to Inspect Documents Produced in Response to NRDC Eighteenth Set of Interrogatories to Applicants.W/O Encl.Certificate of Svc Encl.Related Correspondence
Person / Time
Site: Clinch River
Issue date: 07/01/1982
From: Edgar G
To: Cochran T
National Resources Defense Council
NUDOCS 8207080273
Download: ML20054L588 (10)


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azurun cuiuusnisnacu MORGAN, LEWIS & BOCKIUS PHILADcLPHIA COU N S ELOR S AT L AW Los ANGELES Ncw YomK 18 0 0 M STR EET, N.W. MIAMI H ARRIS B U R G WAS HIN GTON, D.C. 2 0 0 3 6 PAmi,s Tats, ons:(ro2) e72-sooo GcoRGc L. EOGAR July 1, 1982 rwh Deak DessCT (202) 8 72

Dear Tom:

I have enclosed the documents identified on the attached list for.which you requested copies during your June 24 visit to the Project Office to inspect documents produced in response to your Eighteenth Set of Interrogatories to Applicants.

Very tr y yours, George L. Edgar Attorney for Project Management Corporation Attachment cc: (w/ attachment and without documents) Service List


8207080273 820701 PDR ADOCK 05000537 G PDR } $ C)j-


1. , .1 9 \


JUNE 24, l'982 .

1. OPDD-10, pagos 5-16 through 5-41.
2. OPDD-10, pages 7-85 th rough 7-180. -
3. Lottor WL61708, L.E. Str aw br i dge to N.M. Jacobi, "CRBRP; Update of PSAR Appendix 15A," dated December 10, 1976.
4. Homo SL 1804, W. R. Rhyne to PSD Files, "SSST Appeal to NRC Henagement--Div i si on Di rector L evel," dated October 29, 1976
9. Memo OS KLS, R. J. Hart to L. W. Caf f ey ,/"76) Assessment of CRBR

," dated October 22, impact on ORGDP and ORNL (Your Memo, 9/16 1976.

6. Letter WL61448, L. E. Strawbridge to W.H. Jacobi, "CRBRP; Effect of Annul us Reci rcul ati on on SSST Dosos," detod October 15, 1976.
7. Letter LR60353, D. K. Goeser to L. W. Coffey, "CRBRP; Site Sultab!!!ty Source Term Report," dated March 12, 1976.
8. " Site Sultability Source Term Calculations," from HRC meeti ng of October 21, 1976.
9. Telecopy from Tom Heenan, PLB R Of f ice, to Tony Buhl, CRBR, Design Basis Source Torm," date4

" Direction and Basis for October 8, 1976

10. Lotter WL61048, L.E. Strawbridge to W.H. Jacobi, "CRBRP; Datel l s of SSST and TLTM Dose Calculatlons,a detod July 29, 1976.
11. Lotter LR60932, D. K. Goeser to L. W. Caffey, "CRBRP; LRH Comments on Al lodino Attenuati on Test Resul ts," dated June 15, 1976,
12. Memo S: set 934, A. H. Hensen to D. B. Howard, " Site Sultability Source Term Eveiuetlons of Contalnment Systems f or the CRBRP,"

dated April 12, 1976.

13. WARD-D-0177, Rev. 7, "Revlev of OPDD-10, Rad l eti on Protection Criteria," performed Augu st 197 9, pages B-13 through 8-33.

t J. E. Nolan to R. Bolent, G. G. Glenn, and

14. Lotter LA90280, W. W. Doweld, "CRBRPi Pl ant Av el l ab i l i ty ," dated J uly 3, 1979.

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15. Lotter LR800228, P. Bradbury to L. W. Caf f oy , "CRBRP; Responses to NRC Questions on TNBDB," dated Herch 17, 1980.
16. Memo EN:RPS:79-252, S. Brown to CCB Hembers, " Executive Summary of ECP L10-104, Revision 0, Thermel Mergin Beyond the Design Baso CTMBDB)," dated August 2, 1979.
17. Memo L AS-80-023, T. W. Ball to Mul. Add., "TMBDB . Task Force Finel Report," dated Herch 4, 1980. -
18. Lotter S:L:1506, A. R. Buhl to R. S. Boyd, " Amendment No. 26 to the Prollminary Saf ety Analysi s Report f or Clinch River Breeder Roactor Plant," dated August 27, 1976.
19. Lotter S : L : 107 6, L. W. Coffey to R. S. B oy d , " Response to NRC Gul dence on CRBRP L Iconsi ng Approach," dated Hey 24, 1976. >
20. Letter, R. P. Deniso to L. W. Caffey, dated May 19, 1976.
21. Lottor, B. C. Rusche to G. F. Murphy, re: core disruptive accl dents, doted May 19, 1976.
22. Lottor E:S:597, D. R. RIloy to W. M. Jdcobi, " Front End Planning S um:aa r l es for NRC May 6 Letter Licensi ng issues," dated May 23, 1976.
23. Letter SsL:997, P. S. Yen Nort to R. S. Boyd, "Amencment No. 18 to the Preliminary Safety Ana ly si s Report for Clinch River Breeder Ranctor Plant," dated April 30, 1976.
24. Lotter WL60907, H.C. Huang to W. M. Jacobi, "CRBRP; Recommended Uso of PSAR Append [x F Inf ormati on," dated J une 30, 1976.
23. Letter LB60361, E. G. Hess to E. C. Brolin, "CRBRP; Ori gi nal s to PSAR Appendix F," dated August 19, 1976.
26. Letter LG70368, N.-A. Poilack to R. E. Skavdehl, "Preparatio'n of Report on HCDA Analy ses," dated May 10, 1977.
27. R.)por t, "improvod Meteriei Accounti ng for PIutonium Process 1ng Facill1tes end o U-235 HTGR Fuel Fabricetion Facility," deted October 1975, BNNL-2098, 142 pages.
28. Memo S:SE:2006, A. R. Buhl to R. W. Cochran, " Quality Assurance Req u i r em e n t s f or Mathemati cal Model and Computer Code Development for DRSs 02.23.08 and 02.23.09," dated Dccomber 10, 1976.
29. Memo 5 : S E : 16 51, A. R. Buhl to R. W. Cochran, "DRS 02.20, Hypothetial CDA Dy nemic Loed S imulation in on LMFBR Scele Model, WA WC2047," detod October 4, 1976.
30. Momo QA-76-800, J. W. Anderson to A. R. Buhl, " Review of DRS 02.04.03, Rev. 1," d a't e d S e p t em b e r 21, 1976.


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31. Lottor LDC-76-157, H. S. McCreery TO L. W. Ceffey, "Cilnch River Broeder Reactor Plant; Submittal of DRS 02.20, Core Disruptive Acident Loads Simulation in un LHFBR Scale Model (FC 2407, Rev.1)," cated June 10, 1976.
32. Memo S;SE:1636, A. R. Buhl to D. F. Ril ey , "PO Responsibility for WA WC7047 (DRS 02.20)," dated October 7, 1976.
33. Memo S:SE:1853, H. S. McKoovn to A. R. Suhl, " Hee ti ng Report -

Review of H2 Burning Test Progrems and Use of Results To Support the Updated TLTM Repor t, " da ted Noyomber 8, 1976.

34. Letter, XL595 50151, D. H. Krueger to.Dr. W. M. Jacobi, "0RS's for Support of CDA Analysis," dated August 3, 1976.
35. Homo S:SE:1687, A. R. Buhl to Dr. W. M. Jccobi, "DRS 02.20 Rev.

4, "H y po th oti ca l CDA Dy nam ic Load S imul ati on in An LHFBR Sccio Model" (Work Agreement WC2047)," detod November 23, 1976.

36. Lotter LR60250, H. S. McCreary to L. W. Caffey, " Clinch R i v er Breedor Reactor Plant: DAD 02.20, Revision 2, CDA Dynamic Locds Simulation i n An LMFBR Scalo Model," dated for,ruary 27, 1976.
37. Leit9r LR60467, H. S. McCreary to L. W. Caffey, "Cl i nch Rivur Broeder Reactor Plent: Ocvolopment Activity Description 02.23.03, investigeflon of Transient Overpower Condi tions Arising During LOF CDA," dated March 31, 1976.
38. Momo E.R: 531, D. Rlloy to A. R, Buhl, " Comments On DAD 02.23.04, Coro Disruptive Accident Transition Phoso," dated July 23, 1976.
39. Letter LR60850, H. S. McCreery to L. W. Ceffey, "Cl i nch River Broodor Reactor Plant; Submitt=I of DAD 02.73.0 4, Core Disruptivo Accident Transition Phaso," dated June 3, 1976.
40. Letter LR60688, H. S. McCroory to L. W. Ceffoy, " Clinch R i v'6 r Broodor Ronctor Plant: Submittal of Revisions of DADS 02.23.01, 02.23.02 and 02.23.03," detod May 6, 1976.
41. Memo S SE:371, A. Hensen to A. R. Buhl, " DAD 02.20 CDA Dynam ic Loads Simulation in An LMFBR Scalo Modol," dated December 15, 1976.
42. Lotter LR60D78, H. 5. McCrocry to L. W. Coffey, " Clinch River Broodor Roactor Plant; DAD 02.20, Rev. I, "CDA Dynnmic Loads SImuletton In an LMFBR Scal n Model,a dated January 28, 1976.
43. Memo S:SE:878, A. H. Hen so n to D. B. Howcrd, "CDA Energo ti cs Devofopment Pr ogr em , " dated Herch 30, 1976.
44. Memo E:S:663, D. R. Ri l oy to A. R. Buhl, " Transmittal of CACECO Codo Listing To NRC," dated July 20, 1976.

9 4-

45. SRDA Weekly Report, J.D.

dated May 27, 1977.

Gr!ffIth, "HIshlIghts: Reactor Safety."

46. Letter LW60663, 5. Rcmchandran to J. E. Nolan, "CRBRP3 LRM Comments on Plume Deposition Model f or TL i M Evaluation," dated September 28, 1976.

m, .

47. Letter WL61357, L. E. Strawbridge to Dr. W. H. Jacobl, "CRBRP -

Autocatalytic Recombination of Hydrogen Information for The Third Level Margin Scenerlo," dated S eptember 29, 1976.

48. Letter LR6.1673, W. M. Jacobi to L. W. Ceffey, "CRBRP; Third Level Thermal Margin," dated November 4, 1976.
49. Letter W/FFTF-C-764380, D. E. Simpson to Dr. R. J. Siember,

" Comments on BMI-NUREG-1952, 'Some lasights On the Etfect of Engineered Safety Features On The Risk Of Hypoth e ti ca l LMFBR Accidents,'" dated November 17, 1976.

50. Letter W/FFTF-C-764631, L. D. Huhl ester n to Director, FFTF Project Office, " Transmittal of 'HEDL Repor t TC-730, Experimental Study of Hydrogen Formation and Recomb i nett on Under Postulated LHFBR Accident Conditions," dated December 8, 1976
51. Letter BL60717, O. S. Ehrman to Dr. W. M. Jacobi, "W . O. 3067-27 Breeder Reactor Division, Cl i nch River Breeder Reactor Plant Project TLTH - 24 Hour Contai nment I ntegr i ty Req u i remont," dated December 16, 1976.

l 52. Memo S:SE 77:304, M. S. McKeown to A. R. Buhl, " Review Of Sandte l

1 and HEDL TL TM Testing Progr am s with NRC/RSR," dated March 17, 1977.

53. Memo S:SE:77:424, A. R. Buhl to D. R. Ri l ey, " Addition Of Firebrick over Reactor Cavity Call Liner," cated April 6, 197.7.

l 34. Memo To Files 51510, A. R. Buhl to fil es, "NRC Appeal of 24-Hour i

Containmont Criteric," dated August 24, 1976.


33. Letter L:77:426, W. R. Rhy ne to A. R. Buhl, "NRC TLTM L etter,"

dated April 6, 1977.


56. Letter LR70737, W. M. Jacobl to L. W. Ccffey, "CRBRP; Documentation of HCDA Ana ly si s For NRC Rev iew," da tod May 5, 1977.
57. Letter E:S:359, D. R. R i l ey to A. R. Buhl, " Sodium Spray Codes end CACECO Code Meeting With NRC On 3/5/ 76," da ted February 27, 1976.

l 58. Letter PS:79:037, W. E. Pasho to PS Div i sion Fil es, "CRBRP-3, VOL.

1, " Energetics And Structural Hergin Beyond 7he Design Base,"

date'd February 6, 1979. ,


59. Letter PS;79:069, W. E. Posko to PS Div ision Fil es, " Trip Report On HCDA Strategy," dated March 18, 1979.
60. Letter XL-599-90017, J. E. Quinn to J. E. Nol an , "CRBRP; Transmittal of GEFR-00450, 'An I nv est i ga ti on of Potential Incohorence Effects On Coro Disruptive Accidents,'" dated May 9, 1979. -
61. Homo S: SE:1039, A. R. Buhl to L. W. Caffey, "Rati ona l e For CRBRP Contalnment/Continemen't Dosign," dated Ney 13, 1976.
62. Letter 76-6119, Rusche to Murphy "Regarding information on the Nuclear Regul etor y Commisslon Staf f -Approach Conerning Core Disruptive Accidents For The CRBRP," dated May 19, 1976.
63. Memo S:R:1309, A. R. Buhl to D. R. Riley, " Physi cs Cal cul ati ons To Support Accident Analysis," detod July 19, 1976.
64. Lotter B-01-23 60-054, G. F. F1enagan to A. R. Buhl, " Review of tha Current IJ. S. LHFBR Sef ety Progreen's Ef f orts Towards Def ining the HCDA," dated August 13, 1976.
65. Momo E:R:560, D. R. Ri l ey to A. R. Buhl, " Response To OPS Request For Physics Calculations to Benchmark the 'SAS' HCDA Anelysis Codo," dated August 13, 1976.
66. Memo S SE 1470, A. R. Buhl to D. R. Riley, " Human Factors in Design," dated August 16, 1976.
67. Lottor XB-596-60177, K. Hlkido to Dr. W. M. Jecobl, " Discussion and Eval uation of Bubble Collapse in CRBRP CDA Analysis," dated September 3, 1976.
68. Letter LR60920, R. J. Siember to L. W. Ceffey, " Clinch River Broodor Rocctor Plant: Core D i sr upt i v e Accidents," dated J u n e.,.14, 1976
69. Lettor WL61309, L. E. Str ew bri dge to W. M, Jecobi, "Cl l nch River Breeder Reactor Plant; Third L ev el Thermal Margin Sensitivity Analy sis For The Risk Assessment Task Force," dated September 20, 1976.
70. Id ec o E:R:639, D. R. Ri l ey to Dr. W. H. Jacobi, " Preparation f or The NRC Appeal On 1200 HJ Energe ti c, " da ted S ept embe r 28, 1976.
71. Lotter S:1955, A. R. Buhl to Dr. W. M. Jacobl, "Rosolution Of CRBRP Energeties Appeei To NRC," deted November 29, 1976.
72. Letter S:1953, L. W. Ceffey to R. Y. Loney, " Resolution of CRBRP Energetics Appeel to NRC," dated November 26, 1976.
73. CRBRP 1200 HJ Appeal Resol uti on, not dated.


- 6- s

74. Letter B-01-23-80-076, R. S. Boy d to L. W. Caf f ey, "Impl ementati on of CRBRP 1200 MJ IAppeelt Decision," dated December 6, 1976.
75. Public Safety Division Files, "HRC Menagem.ent Appeal of 120 MJ Energeti cs -0!v i sion Director L evel," dated December 21, 1976.
76. Letter EN:C:77-031, D. R. Ril ey to W. M. Jacobi, "CRDRP; Advance


Pl anni ng For Higher Energeti cs," dated January 19? 1977.

77. Letter E : R : 67 8, D. R. Ril ey to A. R. Buh l , " Pres's ntati on Outl i ne On 1200 HJ Appeal To NRC Henagement," dated October 22, 1976.
78. Memo S: SE 77: 355, A. R. Buhl to W. M.

Jacobi,"HCDA Energetics Appeal," dated March 31, 1977.

79. Letter RDD:RF:229, D. C. Newton to J. D. Griffith, " Report of November 12, 1976, Meeti ng on CRBRP Third LeYet Thermal Margin R&D Needs," dated November 16, 1976..
80. Letter WL 7 007 9, L, E. Str aw br i dge to Dr. W. H. Jacobi, "Cl i nch -

River Breeder Reactor Pl ant; Transm ittal of Concrete Thermal Cond u ct i v i ty Date Referenced (Ref. 10) In the November 5, 1976, Lo ter to NRC on the 24 Hour No Vent Cri teri a," dated January 18, 1977.

81. Letter B-01-23-80-081, T. P. Spels to L. W. Ceffey, "NRC Staff Heoti ng With CRBRP To 0!scuss Structural Response of Reactor Vessel Head To A 661 HJ CDA," dated January 18, 1977.
82. Letter XL-596-70142, K. Hlk!do to Dr. W. H. Jacobi, " Report on HCDA Analysls of AFMS," dated February 15, 1977.
83. Homo PS : S E : 77 : 217, A. R. Buhl to D. R. Riley, " Post- Acci dent Heat Remov al ," deted Febr uary 28, 1977.
84. Memo PR:82:377, B. C. Bowers to R. Getz, "Contr actor Empl oyment


Information Report," dated Aprli 20, 1982.

65. Homo EN R:77-220, D. R. Ri l ey to A. R. Buhl, NReview of ANL/ RAS 77-15, SAS-3D Repor t," dated May 27, 1977.
66. Memo S L 918, A, R. Buhl to D. R. Ril ey , " Demo Code: Rev. 4,"

dated April 6, 1976.

87. Letter EN:C 77-043, L. W. Caffoy to W. H. Jacobi, "CRSRP; Plan-Of-Action To Resolve NRC Concerns on Closure Head TLSH Assessment," deted February 3, 1977.
68. Lot.ter LR70115, W. M. Jecobi to L. W. Caffey, "CRBRP; Action Plen To Resolve NRC Concerns On Cl os ur e Head TLSH Asse s sment," cated January 24, 1977.




In the Matter of )








(Clinch River Breeder Reactor Plant) )


CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE Service has been effected on this date by personal delivery or first-class mail to the following:

Marshall E. Miller, Esquire Chairman Atomic Safety & Licensing Board U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D. C. 20545 Dr. Cadet H. Hand, Jr.

Director Bodega Marine Laboratory University of California P. O. Box 247 Bodega Bay, California 94923 Mr. Gustave A. Linenberger Atomic Safety & Licensing Board U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D. C. 20545 .

.' Daniel Swanson, Esquire

-Stuart Treby, Esquire Office of Executive Legal Director U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D. C. 20545 (2 copies)

  • Atomic Safety & Licensing Appeal Board U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D. C. 20545
  • Atomic Safety & Licensing Board Panel U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D. C. 20545
  • Docketing & Service Section Office of the Secretary U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D. C. 20545 (3 copies)

William M. Leech, Jr., Attorney General William B. Hubbard, Chief Deputy Attorney General Lee Breckenridge, Assistant Attorney General State of Tennessee Office of the Attorney General 450 James Robertson Parkway Nashville, Tennessee 37219 Oak Ridge Public Library Civic Center Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37820 Herbert S. Sanger, Jr., Esquire Lewis E. Wallace, Esquire W. Walter LaRoche, Esquire James F. Burger, Esquire l Edward J. Vigluicci, Esquire l

l Office of the General Counsel Tennessee Valley Authority )

400 Commerce Avenue Knoxville, Tennessee 37902 (2 copies)

    • Dr. Thomas Cochran.

Barbara A. Finamore, Esquire Natural Resources Defense Council 1725 Eye Street, H. W., Suite 600 Washington, D. C. 20006 (2 copies)

Ellyn R. Weiss, Esquire Harmon & Weiss 1725 Eye Street, N. W., Suite 506 Washington, D. C. 20006



Lawson McGhee Public Library 500 West Church Street Knoxville, Tennessee 37902


William E. Lantrip, Esq.

Attorney for the City of Oak Ridge Municipal Building P. O. Box 1 Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37830 Leon Silverstrom, Esq.

Warren E. Bergholz, Jr., Esq.

U. S. Department of Energy 1000 Independence Ave., S. W.

Room 6-B-256, Forrestal Building Washington, D. C. 20585 (2 copies)

Eldon V. C. Greenberg Tuttle & Taylor 1901 L Street, N. W., Suite 805 Washington, D. C. 20036 Commissioner James Cotham Tennessee Department of Economic and Community Development Andrew Jackson Building, Suite 1007 Nashville, Tennessee 37219 i

Georgec t7 Edgar Attorney for Proj ect Management Corporation DATED: July 2, 1982 l


  • Indicates hand delivery to 1717 H Street, N.W., Washington, D.C.

' *'t Indicates hand delivery to indicated address.
