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Application for Amends to Licenses NPF-2 & NPF-8,revising Tech Specs to Redefine Fully Withdrawn Position of All Rod Cluster Control Assembly (Rcca) Banks to Minimize Localized Rcca Wear
Person / Time
Site: Farley  Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 06/12/1990
From: Hairston W
Shared Package
ML20043G533 List:
NUDOCS 9006200401
Download: ML20043G532 (2)




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Alatcma Power Comp:ny i

I 40 inverness C:ntre Parkw:y gm Post Office Box 1295 y

. Birmingham, Alabama 35201 Telephono 205 868 5581 '

.4 W. G. Hairston, lit


Senior Vice President i

"~h Nuclear Operations Alabama Power i

June 12, 1990 the southern etectrc system i

10 CFR 50.90 W

Oocket Nos. 50-348 50-364 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission =

ATTN:. Document Control Desk' Vashington, D.'C.

20555 Gentlemen:

Joseph.H. Farley Nuclear Plant Proposed Reactivity Control i

l-System Technical Specification Change l

Provided herein are proposed technical specification changes for. Joseph H.

Farley Nuclear Plant Units 1 and 2 which govern the reactivity control systems. 'These proposed changes redefine the fully withdrawn position of all Rod Cluster Control Assembly (RCCA) banks to minimize localized RCCA

- vaar. provides the proposed technical specification changes for RCCA repositioning. Currently,.the fully withdrawn position for the control and shutdown RCCA banks is defined as 228 steps above rod bottom.

The proposed changes vill allow the control and shutdown RCCA banks to be designated as fully withdrawn between steps 225 and 231, inclusive. These changes are consistent with Westinghouse's recommendation to axially reposition the RCCAs up to three steps to distribute wear to other locations on the RCCA rodlets in order to extend rod life.

' contains the required significant hazards analysis pursuant to 10 CFR 50.92.

Based on the analysis provided, Alabama Power Company has determined that the proposed changes to the Technical Specifications vill not increase the probability or consequences of an accident previously evaluated, create the possibility of a new or different kind of accident from any accident previously evaluated, or involve a reduction in C'

a margin of safety.

Similar type technical specification changes have already been approved by as the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) for Point Beach Units 1 and-2, Surry Units 1 and 2, Vogtle Units 1 and 2 and Callaway Unit 1.

4 9006200401 900612 nwcx **gp, o


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'U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Cormission:

. ATTN:.Docuatnt Control D2sk Page 2 s.


$k The Plas Operations Review Committee'has reviewed and approved these proposed changes and the Nuclear Operations Review Board vill review these

. proposed changes at a future meeting. NRC approval of these proposed

changes is requested as soon as practical.

A. copy of these proposed changes has been sent to Dr. C. E. Fox,-the 4

Alabama-State Designee, in accordance with 10 CFR 50.91(b)(1).

Respectfully submitted, ALABAMA POWER COMPANY


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V. G. Hairston, III D

VGH,III/JARimgd 8.09 SVORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED BEFORE ME Attachments b DAY OF O uml;, 1990 THIS /d cci Mr. S. D. Ebneter sM[U.blif NI_[c Mr. S. T. Hoffman.

Notary Pyblic' Mr. G. F. Maxwell My Commission Expires [>%Sl0NIXPlRISDEC 15 m Dr. C. E. Fox 1I


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