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Advises of Counsel Agreement That Testimony on Shoreham Opponents Coalition Contentions 19(j) & 19(e) to Be Prefiled on 820413 & 0504,respectively.Related Correspondence
Person / Time
Site: Shoreham File:Long Island Lighting Company icon.png
Issue date: 03/25/1982
From: Lanpher L
To: Brenner L
Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel
Download: ML20042C326 (2)


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KmurDATRICK, LOCKHART, HrLL, CHRISTOPHER 8e Parr1Tr>s A PAarFFRasMIP brCLUDIwo A PEorsesronAs. ComponArzow 1900 M SrnmsT, N. V '

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TE1.BFMONE (SDS) 458.FOOO CABLE:NIFN2 , IIEEF& TRIG,3DGEAET,dOENWOW & EUTCEISON TELEX 440809 NIFE UI 1500 012T33 EUII2INO wErrar. ==Ecr a:As. n===== March 25, 1982 rm= =cBou. rE==enTAEu ====

202/452-7011 (**>*"-***

Lawrence Brenner, Esq. 4 g Administrative Judge \

Atomic Safety and Licensing Board 8 g U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission R! ICE M 4350 East-West Highway J.

Bethesda, Maryland 20814 MAR 3 0198P '_10 '

Re: Long Island Lighting Company;  %)W nwarrm: wit'"9$"" y Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, /


Unit 1; Docket No. 50-322 0.L. 'u/j p

Dear Judge Brenner:

In accordance with the Board's March 23, 1982 " Schedule for Submission of Prefiled Testimony," counsel have conferred regarding whether to prefile testimony on April 13 on SOC 19 (e) or 19 (j) . Counsel also conferred concerning an additional issue for the May 4 filing. We have agreed that testimony on

  • SOC 19 (j) will be prefiled on April 13 and that testimony on SOC 19 (e) will be filed May 4. We also agree that the additional issue for May 4 filing will be Suffolk County 28 (A) (iii) and related SOC 7. A( 3) .

The undersigned understands, in addition, that the~ Board 4

ruling concerning Revised 7B does not include SOC 19(b). Accord-ingly, testimony on SOC 19 (b) is to be submitted on May 4.

For convenience of the Board, I have prepared a revised schedule which, I believe, incorporates all of the Board's orders regarding prefiled testimony. That is attached hereto.

Sincerely yours, Mm Aut.n l

Lawrence Coe Lanpher LCL/dk .

Enclosure .<

i cc: Judge . Carpenter Judge Morris l Service List I 8203310223 820325 PDR ADOCK 05000322 Q '


=_ _ ---

SCl!EDtilE Fult SLIDMIESION Of" TESTIMONY April 13, 1982 M.ny 4, 1982 thy 25, 1982 Unsc M uled -

(Bd. Order at 29)

$ 3 g e

SC 8 l SOC 3 SC 1 SOC 1 s

9 l- SC i l SOC I SC 8 l SOC 3 *

.. ,e 7 7Bb~ 19(b) 3 8 1 2 24 19 (c) , 19(d) 7Bb! 7Bb!

e a e 8

s 29(h) 4 - 26 ,! 12-15 / ,! 23  !

I e a e 5 l 28 (a) (1) l 7.A(1) 16 l l t i s e 9  ! 28 (a) (il1) 7. A(3) 18-20 ! !  !

!  ! l l 10 16 21 l

t l

e j

a e a 11 l l 19 (e) 2227 e

l l e e a 17 l 31 l 19tg) 25 l 19 (a )  !

I i l l l 19(j) 27 3 l l I

l e

l 28 (a) (iv) l 7.A(4) ,

e e a

! l 28(a)(vis l 7.A(6)  !

j j 32 l 19(f) j e a e a j l 9

.  !' l

!  !  ! 19(1)  !

!  ! l l l l l l l  !

. . e .

E! SC/ SOC testiw>ny due 4/13s Staf f/LILCO testimony due 5/25. ,

-/ SOC will participate on SC is 12-15, 18 & 22.

.' O . . .