MONTHYEARML18152A2161999-02-23023 February 1999 Summary of 990119 Meeting with Util to Discuss Issues Re GL 97-04, Assurance of Net Positive Suction Head for Emergency Core Cooling & Containment Heat Removal Pumps ML18153B1971994-12-27027 December 1994 Notification of 950110 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Vision 2000 Program Update,Current & Future Licensing Activities & Cost Beneficial Licensing Actions ML18151A3451994-06-0303 June 1994 Summary of 940216 Meeting W/Vepco Re VEPCO Proposal for Five Year Term License Renewal,For Surry Npgs,Units 1 & 2 & North Anna Npgs,Units 1 & 2.List of Attendees,Agenda & Other Handouts Encl ML20059H8251993-10-29029 October 1993 Summary of 931028 Meeting W/Util Re Current Licensing Actions Ongoing at Plant.Licensing Actions Discussed Listed ML18152A4531993-09-0808 September 1993 Summary of 930825 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md Re Discussions on Integrated Trending Program,Ts Line Item Improvement,Regulatory Requirements Marginal to Safety & Surrey Fire Protection Tss.List of Attendees Encl ML18153D0121992-05-12012 May 1992 Summary of 920330 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md Re Significant Licensing Issues for Surry Units 1 & 2 & North Anna Units 1 & 2 ML18153C6941991-08-0808 August 1991 Summary of 910801 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md to Provide Opportunity to Describe Efforts Underway to Enhance Inservice Testing Program for Pumps & Valves at Both Surry & North Anna Stations ML18153C5891991-03-29029 March 1991 Summary of 910227 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md Re General Overall Status & Direction of Plants & Programs,Including Nuclear & Industrial Safety,Human Resources,Regulatory Compliance & Performance & Cost Mgt ML18153C2451990-06-0505 June 1990 Summary of 900523 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md Re Recent Changes in Matls Procurement Program.List of Attendees & Viewgraphs Encl ML20248D8821989-09-26026 September 1989 Summary of 890907 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Safety Sys Outage Mods Insp Finding IC-3,alleging That non-Class 1E Pressure Transmitters Powered from Class 1E Buses W/O Proper Isolation.Viewgraphs & Attendees List Encl ML20247E3641989-09-0606 September 1989 Summary of 890717 Meeting W/Numarc,B&W Owners Group & Representatives of Lead Plants Re Status of STS Amends & Outstanding Issues Associated W/Lead Plant STS Submittals ML18153B7971989-07-0606 July 1989 Summary of 890612 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md Re Plant Configuration Mgt Program.Informs That Goal of Program Is to Confirm That as-built Plants in Conformance W/Licensing Design Basis as Described in FSAR ML20246B8971989-07-0505 July 1989 Summary of 890615 Meeting W/Util & Westinghouse Re Lead Plant Implementation for Westinghouse Merits Tech Specs. List of Attendees,Agenda & Merits Program Description Encl ML20247K0901989-05-23023 May 1989 Summary of 890517 Meeting W/Inpo Re Similarities & Differences Between Performance Indicator Programs.Detailed Discussion Encl ML20247K1011989-05-16016 May 1989 Summary of 890517 Meeting W/Inpo in Bethesda,Md Re Similarities & Differences Between INPO & NRC Performance Indicators ML18153B7071989-05-0404 May 1989 Summary of 890419 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md Re Followup on NRC Bulletin 80-11, Masonry Wall Design. NRC Requested Documentation of as-built Boundary Conditions, Available Conservatisms & Field Verifications ML18153B6791989-04-11011 April 1989 Summary of 890330 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md Re Util Overall long-term Improvement Plan to Enhance Plant Operations ML20247F1991989-03-24024 March 1989 Summary of Operating Reactors Events Meeting 89-12 on 890322.List of Attendees,Events Discussed & Significant Elements,Summary of Reactor Scrams & Comparison of Weekly Statistics W/Industry Averages for Wk Ending 890319 Encl ML20247A8971989-03-16016 March 1989 Summary of Operating Reactors Events Meeting 89-11 on 890315.List of Attendees,Events Discussed & Significant Elements of Events & Four Events Identified for Input to NRC Performance Indicator Program & Summary of Scrams Encl ML20154P4171988-05-13013 May 1988 Summary of 880408 Meeting W/Util & Arrowhead Industrial Water,Inc in Rockville,Md Re Very Low Level Radioactive Concentrations Observed in Reverse Osmosis Sys Used to Generate Makeup Water at Plant.Attendance List Encl ML20151L0681988-04-0404 April 1988 Summary of 880127 CRGR Meeting 128 Re Listed Items,Including Review of Proposed Generic Ltr to Inform Licensees of New NRC Position on Guidelines for Determining Whether Operating Basis Earthquake Limits Exceeded ML20148K0921988-01-22022 January 1988 Summary of ACRS Subcommittee on Metal Components & Thermal Hydraulic Phenomena 871215 Meeting W/Vepco & Westinghouse in Washington,Dc Re Steam Generator Tube Rupture Failure & Dl Johnson Comments on Criteria for ECCS Rule ML20148H6621988-01-15015 January 1988 Summary of Operating Reactors Events Meeting 88-02 on 880112 Re Events Which Occurred Since Last Meeting on 880105.List of Attendees,Significant Elements of Events & Tabulation of long-term Followup Assignments to Be Completed Encl ML20236P2841987-11-0505 November 1987 Summary of Operating Reactors Events Meeting 87-38 on 871103.List of Attendees,Viewgraphs & Summary of Reactor Scrams Encl ML20238A5321987-08-26026 August 1987 Summary of 870729 Meeting W/Util & Westinghouse at Plant Re 870715 Steam Generator Tube Rupture.List of Attendees, Meeting Viewgraphs & North Anna Unit 1 870715 Steam Generator Tube Rupture Event Rept Encl ML20237G3791987-08-11011 August 1987 Summary of Operating Reactors Events Meeting 87-23 on 870721.List of Attendees,Viewgraphs & Summary of Reactor Scrams & Significant Events Encl ML18149A3681986-10-0909 October 1986 Summary of 860902 Meeting W/Util in Bethesda,Md Re Security Plans.Interpretation of Detection as Used in Regulations Addressed.Viewgraphs Encl ML20149C1001986-06-20020 June 1986 Discusses Attendance at 860528 & 29 INPO Accreditation Board Meetings.Board Attendees Listed & Major facility-specific Issues & Util Responses Discussed.Evaluation Method Appears Effective Overall.Nrc Involvement Should Be Maintained ML20141F4091986-04-10010 April 1986 Summary of Operating Reactors Events Meeting 86-10 W/Ofc Director,Div Directors & Representatives Re Events Since 860324.Viewgraphs & Supporting Documentation Encl ML20154N8751986-03-12012 March 1986 Summary of Operating Reactor Events 860310 Meeting 86-07 W/Ornl Re Events Occurring Since 860303 Meeting.Followup Review Assignments,Status of Previous Assignments,List of Attendees & Viewgraphs Encl ML20154P0071986-03-12012 March 1986 Summary of Operating Reactor Events 860303 Meeting 86-06 W/Ornl Re Events Occurring Since 860224 Meeting.Followup Review Assignments,Status of Previous Assignments,List of Attendees & Viewgraphs Encl ML20151N3021985-12-19019 December 1985 Summary of 851216 Operating Reactor Events Meeting 85-27. Attendance List,Viewgraphs of Events Discussed,Significant Event Elements,Assignment of Followup Review Responsibility & Status of Previous Assignments Encl ML20141E9501985-11-18018 November 1985 Summary of ACRS Subcommittee on Reactor Operations 851104 Meeting in Washington,Dc to Discuss Recent Plant Operating Experience.Fr Notice,Schedule of Discussion & Agenda Encl ML20136C5141985-11-11011 November 1985 Summary of Operating Reactors Event Meeting 85-21 on 851028.List of Attendees,Events Discussed & Completion Dates Assigned Encl ML20149B8651985-11-0404 November 1985 Summary of INPO Accreditation Board 851023-24 Meetings in Atlanta,Ga Re Training Programs for Listed Facilities, Performance Indicators,Nrc Exam Failure Rate & Instructor Qualifications ML20133E4631985-10-0101 October 1985 Summary of Operating Reactors Events Meeting 85-17 on 850923.List of Attendees & Viewgraphs Encl ML20138A1201985-09-23023 September 1985 Trip Rept of 850617-20 Site Visits Re Reduction of Wrong Unit/Wrong Train Events at Facilities ML20133Q4171985-09-0505 September 1985 Summary of 850823 Meeting W/Util in Atlanta,Ga Re Development of Scaling Factors for 10CFR61.55 Compliance. Attendance List Encl ML20128C9601985-06-25025 June 1985 Summary of 850607 Meeting W/Util in Bethesda,Md Re Svc Water Sys Piping Corrosion & Preservation Program.Nrr Approval Given to Portion of Util Mechanical Cleaning Program ML20127A7001985-06-0505 June 1985 Summary of 850506 Meeting W/Utils & Bechtel Corp in Bethesda,Md Re Respiratory Protection for Subatmospheric Containments.Agenda & List of Attendees Encl ML20024D4061983-07-25025 July 1983 Trip Rept of 830714 Site Visit for NRC & Lll to Obtain Addl Info Re Recurring Main Transformer Failures ML18139B9671982-07-13013 July 1982 Trip Rept of 820512-14 Visit to Facilities Re Radiological Effluent Tech Specs ML18139B6491981-12-0202 December 1981 Summary of 811113 Meeting W/Util in Richmond,Va Re Emergency Operations Facility & Technical Support Ctr.Agenda,Attendee List & Viewgraphs Encl ML20032C9041981-10-21021 October 1981 Trip Rept of 811008 Site Visit & Concurrent IE Plant Insp to Discuss Technical Assignment Control Sys for Facilities. Areas Inspected:Const of Machine Shop Bldg,Auxiliary Feedwater Pumps & Mods Underway on Powdex Demineralizers ML20031F1401981-10-0101 October 1981 Summary of 810918 Meeting W/Westinghouse Owners Group Re Pressurized Thermal Shock to Reactor Pressure Vessels. Attendance List & Handouts Encl ML20065H6621981-08-10010 August 1981 Summary of 810806 Operating Reactor Events Meeting.Related Info Encl.Next Meeting Scheduled for 820812 ML20030A9071981-07-22022 July 1981 Trip Rept of 810709 Site Visit to Observe Effects of Main Phase B Transformer Fire Which Occurred on 810703 ML20010D6101981-06-24024 June 1981 Minutes of ACRS Ad Hoc Subcommittee on Decay Heat Removal Sys 810505 Meeting Re Response to Commissioner Gilinsky Questions on RHS & Low Power Injection Sys Improvements & Re NRC Sponsored Work at Sandia Alternate Heat Removal Sys ML20126L2331981-05-0101 May 1981 Summary of 810429 Meeting W/Pwr Owners Group Re Thermal Shock to Reactor Pressure Vessels.All Parties Agree That Thermal Shock W/Subsequent Repressurization Is Safety Concern Needing Prompt Evaluation ML20126H6141981-04-0909 April 1981 Summary of 810320 Meeting W/Utils,Westinghouse & EPRI in Bethesda,Md Re Testing of Block Valves.Attendance List, Handouts & Vendor Ltrs Encl 1999-02-23
MONTHYEARML18152A2161999-02-23023 February 1999 Summary of 990119 Meeting with Util to Discuss Issues Re GL 97-04, Assurance of Net Positive Suction Head for Emergency Core Cooling & Containment Heat Removal Pumps ML18153B1971994-12-27027 December 1994 Notification of 950110 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Vision 2000 Program Update,Current & Future Licensing Activities & Cost Beneficial Licensing Actions ML18151A3451994-06-0303 June 1994 Summary of 940216 Meeting W/Vepco Re VEPCO Proposal for Five Year Term License Renewal,For Surry Npgs,Units 1 & 2 & North Anna Npgs,Units 1 & 2.List of Attendees,Agenda & Other Handouts Encl ML20059H8251993-10-29029 October 1993 Summary of 931028 Meeting W/Util Re Current Licensing Actions Ongoing at Plant.Licensing Actions Discussed Listed ML18152A4531993-09-0808 September 1993 Summary of 930825 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md Re Discussions on Integrated Trending Program,Ts Line Item Improvement,Regulatory Requirements Marginal to Safety & Surrey Fire Protection Tss.List of Attendees Encl ML18153D0121992-05-12012 May 1992 Summary of 920330 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md Re Significant Licensing Issues for Surry Units 1 & 2 & North Anna Units 1 & 2 ML18153C6941991-08-0808 August 1991 Summary of 910801 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md to Provide Opportunity to Describe Efforts Underway to Enhance Inservice Testing Program for Pumps & Valves at Both Surry & North Anna Stations ML18153C5891991-03-29029 March 1991 Summary of 910227 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md Re General Overall Status & Direction of Plants & Programs,Including Nuclear & Industrial Safety,Human Resources,Regulatory Compliance & Performance & Cost Mgt ML18153C2451990-06-0505 June 1990 Summary of 900523 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md Re Recent Changes in Matls Procurement Program.List of Attendees & Viewgraphs Encl ML20248D8821989-09-26026 September 1989 Summary of 890907 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Safety Sys Outage Mods Insp Finding IC-3,alleging That non-Class 1E Pressure Transmitters Powered from Class 1E Buses W/O Proper Isolation.Viewgraphs & Attendees List Encl ML20247E3641989-09-0606 September 1989 Summary of 890717 Meeting W/Numarc,B&W Owners Group & Representatives of Lead Plants Re Status of STS Amends & Outstanding Issues Associated W/Lead Plant STS Submittals ML18153B7971989-07-0606 July 1989 Summary of 890612 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md Re Plant Configuration Mgt Program.Informs That Goal of Program Is to Confirm That as-built Plants in Conformance W/Licensing Design Basis as Described in FSAR ML20246B8971989-07-0505 July 1989 Summary of 890615 Meeting W/Util & Westinghouse Re Lead Plant Implementation for Westinghouse Merits Tech Specs. List of Attendees,Agenda & Merits Program Description Encl ML20247K0901989-05-23023 May 1989 Summary of 890517 Meeting W/Inpo Re Similarities & Differences Between Performance Indicator Programs.Detailed Discussion Encl ML20247K1011989-05-16016 May 1989 Summary of 890517 Meeting W/Inpo in Bethesda,Md Re Similarities & Differences Between INPO & NRC Performance Indicators ML18153B7071989-05-0404 May 1989 Summary of 890419 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md Re Followup on NRC Bulletin 80-11, Masonry Wall Design. NRC Requested Documentation of as-built Boundary Conditions, Available Conservatisms & Field Verifications ML18153B6791989-04-11011 April 1989 Summary of 890330 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md Re Util Overall long-term Improvement Plan to Enhance Plant Operations ML20247F1991989-03-24024 March 1989 Summary of Operating Reactors Events Meeting 89-12 on 890322.List of Attendees,Events Discussed & Significant Elements,Summary of Reactor Scrams & Comparison of Weekly Statistics W/Industry Averages for Wk Ending 890319 Encl ML20247A8971989-03-16016 March 1989 Summary of Operating Reactors Events Meeting 89-11 on 890315.List of Attendees,Events Discussed & Significant Elements of Events & Four Events Identified for Input to NRC Performance Indicator Program & Summary of Scrams Encl ML20154P4171988-05-13013 May 1988 Summary of 880408 Meeting W/Util & Arrowhead Industrial Water,Inc in Rockville,Md Re Very Low Level Radioactive Concentrations Observed in Reverse Osmosis Sys Used to Generate Makeup Water at Plant.Attendance List Encl ML20151L0681988-04-0404 April 1988 Summary of 880127 CRGR Meeting 128 Re Listed Items,Including Review of Proposed Generic Ltr to Inform Licensees of New NRC Position on Guidelines for Determining Whether Operating Basis Earthquake Limits Exceeded ML20148K0921988-01-22022 January 1988 Summary of ACRS Subcommittee on Metal Components & Thermal Hydraulic Phenomena 871215 Meeting W/Vepco & Westinghouse in Washington,Dc Re Steam Generator Tube Rupture Failure & Dl Johnson Comments on Criteria for ECCS Rule ML20148H6621988-01-15015 January 1988 Summary of Operating Reactors Events Meeting 88-02 on 880112 Re Events Which Occurred Since Last Meeting on 880105.List of Attendees,Significant Elements of Events & Tabulation of long-term Followup Assignments to Be Completed Encl ML20236P2841987-11-0505 November 1987 Summary of Operating Reactors Events Meeting 87-38 on 871103.List of Attendees,Viewgraphs & Summary of Reactor Scrams Encl ML20238A5321987-08-26026 August 1987 Summary of 870729 Meeting W/Util & Westinghouse at Plant Re 870715 Steam Generator Tube Rupture.List of Attendees, Meeting Viewgraphs & North Anna Unit 1 870715 Steam Generator Tube Rupture Event Rept Encl ML20237G3791987-08-11011 August 1987 Summary of Operating Reactors Events Meeting 87-23 on 870721.List of Attendees,Viewgraphs & Summary of Reactor Scrams & Significant Events Encl ML18149A3681986-10-0909 October 1986 Summary of 860902 Meeting W/Util in Bethesda,Md Re Security Plans.Interpretation of Detection as Used in Regulations Addressed.Viewgraphs Encl ML20149C1001986-06-20020 June 1986 Discusses Attendance at 860528 & 29 INPO Accreditation Board Meetings.Board Attendees Listed & Major facility-specific Issues & Util Responses Discussed.Evaluation Method Appears Effective Overall.Nrc Involvement Should Be Maintained ML20141F4091986-04-10010 April 1986 Summary of Operating Reactors Events Meeting 86-10 W/Ofc Director,Div Directors & Representatives Re Events Since 860324.Viewgraphs & Supporting Documentation Encl ML20154P0071986-03-12012 March 1986 Summary of Operating Reactor Events 860303 Meeting 86-06 W/Ornl Re Events Occurring Since 860224 Meeting.Followup Review Assignments,Status of Previous Assignments,List of Attendees & Viewgraphs Encl ML20154N8751986-03-12012 March 1986 Summary of Operating Reactor Events 860310 Meeting 86-07 W/Ornl Re Events Occurring Since 860303 Meeting.Followup Review Assignments,Status of Previous Assignments,List of Attendees & Viewgraphs Encl ML20151N3021985-12-19019 December 1985 Summary of 851216 Operating Reactor Events Meeting 85-27. Attendance List,Viewgraphs of Events Discussed,Significant Event Elements,Assignment of Followup Review Responsibility & Status of Previous Assignments Encl ML20141E9501985-11-18018 November 1985 Summary of ACRS Subcommittee on Reactor Operations 851104 Meeting in Washington,Dc to Discuss Recent Plant Operating Experience.Fr Notice,Schedule of Discussion & Agenda Encl ML20136C5141985-11-11011 November 1985 Summary of Operating Reactors Event Meeting 85-21 on 851028.List of Attendees,Events Discussed & Completion Dates Assigned Encl ML20149B8651985-11-0404 November 1985 Summary of INPO Accreditation Board 851023-24 Meetings in Atlanta,Ga Re Training Programs for Listed Facilities, Performance Indicators,Nrc Exam Failure Rate & Instructor Qualifications ML20133E4631985-10-0101 October 1985 Summary of Operating Reactors Events Meeting 85-17 on 850923.List of Attendees & Viewgraphs Encl ML20133Q4171985-09-0505 September 1985 Summary of 850823 Meeting W/Util in Atlanta,Ga Re Development of Scaling Factors for 10CFR61.55 Compliance. Attendance List Encl ML20128C9601985-06-25025 June 1985 Summary of 850607 Meeting W/Util in Bethesda,Md Re Svc Water Sys Piping Corrosion & Preservation Program.Nrr Approval Given to Portion of Util Mechanical Cleaning Program ML20127A7001985-06-0505 June 1985 Summary of 850506 Meeting W/Utils & Bechtel Corp in Bethesda,Md Re Respiratory Protection for Subatmospheric Containments.Agenda & List of Attendees Encl ML18139B6491981-12-0202 December 1981 Summary of 811113 Meeting W/Util in Richmond,Va Re Emergency Operations Facility & Technical Support Ctr.Agenda,Attendee List & Viewgraphs Encl ML20031F1401981-10-0101 October 1981 Summary of 810918 Meeting W/Westinghouse Owners Group Re Pressurized Thermal Shock to Reactor Pressure Vessels. Attendance List & Handouts Encl ML20065H6621981-08-10010 August 1981 Summary of 810806 Operating Reactor Events Meeting.Related Info Encl.Next Meeting Scheduled for 820812 ML20010D6101981-06-24024 June 1981 Minutes of ACRS Ad Hoc Subcommittee on Decay Heat Removal Sys 810505 Meeting Re Response to Commissioner Gilinsky Questions on RHS & Low Power Injection Sys Improvements & Re NRC Sponsored Work at Sandia Alternate Heat Removal Sys ML20126L2331981-05-0101 May 1981 Summary of 810429 Meeting W/Pwr Owners Group Re Thermal Shock to Reactor Pressure Vessels.All Parties Agree That Thermal Shock W/Subsequent Repressurization Is Safety Concern Needing Prompt Evaluation ML20126H6141981-04-0909 April 1981 Summary of 810320 Meeting W/Utils,Westinghouse & EPRI in Bethesda,Md Re Testing of Block Valves.Attendance List, Handouts & Vendor Ltrs Encl ML19350A4161981-02-20020 February 1981 Summary of 810218 Meeting W/Anchor/Darling Industries in Bethesda,Md Re Dyna A/Damp Mechanical Snubber & in Place Surveillance Testing.Design of Snubber Meets Inservice Insp Program Requirements.Addl Info May Be Requested ML17328B0601981-02-0303 February 1981 Summary of 810123 Meeting W/Util & Westinghouse Re Low Pressure Turbine Disk Insp.Attendance List & Results of Insp Encl ML19341A9291981-01-12012 January 1981 Summary of 810107 Meeting W/Util in Bethesda,Md Re Leak Testing of RCS Isolation Valves.Tech Spec Page 3/4 4-18 Encl ML19345B9921980-11-21021 November 1980 Summary of ACRS 801106-08 Meeting 247 Re Methods to Strengthen ACRS Role in Regulatory Process,Proposed Changes in Residual Heat Removal Sys of North Anna Unit 2 & Mod & Proposed Operation of Getr ML18139A8891980-11-19019 November 1980 Summary of 801107 Meeting W/Util in Bethesda,Md Re Emergency Plans 1999-02-23
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Docket Nos. 50-338 M
and 50-339 A
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Rchert A. Clark, Chief
Q Operating Reactors Branch #3, DL bs FROM:
Leon B. Engle, Project Manager Operating Reactors Branch #3, DL iG
FOR DISCUSSING THE dyna A/ Damp MECHANICAL SNUBBER AND IN-PLACE SURVEILLANCE TESTING A meeting was held in Bethesda, Maryland on February 18, 1981 with a representative of Anchor / Darling Industries, Inc. (A/0) and the NRC staff regarding the subject noted above. A list of attendees is provided in Attachment No. 1.
A/D stated that it's dyna A/ Damp (dA/D) mechanical snubber is a non-locking.:
velocity limiting device, that is always engaged and responds immediately to dynamic loadings.
The dA/D mechanical snubber is unlike other mechanical snubbers since there are no complex clutches or spring mechanism used in the design of the snubber. The dA/D snubber, being all-mechanical, eliminates leaky fluids and leakprone seals and does not need lubrication or adjustment.
An oscillatory type escapement mechanism restricts pipe movement to a constant velocity for dynamic loadings; but gradual movements, such as related to temperature, are practically unrestricted. A/D further stated that the dA'P snubber is designed and manufactured to the standards specified by ASME,Section III, Subsection NF and ANSI B 31.1. Also, the dA/D snubber can be tested in-place for operability without being removed from piping or supports.
(1) Design:
The basis concepts used in the design of the dA/D mechanical snubber are described in Attachments No. 2 and No. 3 to this memorandum.
It should be noted that the velocity is proportional to the displacement force and is held to a maximum of.l.1 inches per second regard 1 css of load duration. The response to dynamic loadings is instantaneous and the dA/D snubber is always engaged. The compression tension characteristics are practically identical hnd the snubber has a low breakaway force. The dA/D operates over a. full-range of loads and frequencies (See Attachment No. 2).
810 31 e o /I5 -
. (2) Static / Dynamic Testing:
The dA/D snubber has been tested for both static and dynamic lcads.
Break-away force responds to less than ? nercent of rated load. The dA/D has been tested to rated loads for more tron 15,000 cycles. The snubber has also been tested for 1.2 X 108 cycles at 20 Hz with a total displacement of 0.025 inches.
For the tests above, A/D stated no appreciable changes in drag or dynamic characteristics were noted. Upon disassembly of tested units no excessive wear or damages to integral parts was noted.
The dA/D snubbers were tested for the full range of seismic frequencies and acceleration, and velocity tests were performed over the entire stroke at full rated load without lock-up or damage.
(3) Environmental Qualification and Testing:
A/D stated that the dA/D mechanical snubber has been immersed in water, baked in ovens and exposed to saturated steam. Also the snubber has been exposed to salt spray, sand and dust with no deleterious effects noted in the mechanical snubber performance capabilities (See page 60, Attachment No. 3).
(4) In-Place Testing:
The dA/D snubbers are designed to facilitate inspection without being removed from the in-place snubber location. The inservice inspection is performed by (1) loosening the snubbers locking collar in order to allow free travel of the snubber housing (See Figure 1, Attachment No. 2), (2) a test fixture is then mounted on built-in test pins, and (3) a torque wrench can then be used to measure the force required to operate the dA/D snubber. A/D stated these measurements would normally be made on a test stand after removal of an in-place mechanical snubber with the attendant possibilities for snubber damage and increased inspection time.
A/D asked the NRC staff present, whether the design and specifications of the dA/D mechanical snubber was acceptable for meeting the inservice inspection program as specified in Section 4.7.9, paragraph E, sections 1, 2 and 3 of the Technical Specification Revisions for Snubber Surveillance issued November 20, 1980. The NRC staff stated that the design of dA/D mechanical snubber was applicable for meeting the inservice inspection program specified in Section 4.7.9.
However, the staff may request additional information from A/D regarding the dA/D specifications.
_ eon B. Eng Project Manager Operating Reac ors Branch #3, DL Att3chments:
List of Attendees 2.
DYNA / DAMP Mechanical Snubber 3.
PUP-42, Component Support Snubbers-Design, Application and Testing.
cc: Se9 nest page
- Copies also sent to those people on service (cc) list for subject plant (s).
Docket File KWichman
.NRC PDR RVollmer L PDR JKnight TERA RBosnak NSIC FCherny ORB Rda FSchauer VNoonan SPawlicki HDenton RGamble ECase WHazelton DEisenhut RPurple ZRosztoczy CHofmayer RTedesco DReiff-TNovak Glainas RReid TIppolito SVarga DCrutchfield RAClark ORB Project Manager Licensing Assistant DELD AEOD - JHeltenes IE-3 SShowe (PWR) or CThayer (BWR), IE RFraley, ACRS (16)
Program Support Branch GZech J01shinski BGrimes, DEP Sheldon Schwartz, DEP FPagano^, EPLB Steve Ramos, EPDB Mtg. Summary Dist.
NRC Participants EBrown LEngle DGuzy EHemminger RKiessel HShaw l
4 l
FEBRUARY 18, 1981 i
NRC ANCHOR / DARLING E. J. Brown W. A. Benning L
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AlTACHMLf1T T10. 2 DYNA / DAMP MECliANICAL SNUBBER Arit lior /D.irline; Industries, Inc.
P.O. Ilox 300, Warnhold Ild.
Kulpsville, PA 19!1843
The dyna / Damp snubber is a product of Anchor / Darling Industries, Inc.
Through its subsidiaries, affiliates and licensees, Anchor / Darling has been designing and manufacturing products for the nuclear power industry since its inception.
Anchor / Darling's affiliate, Bergen-Paterson Pipesupport Company, is a leading supplier of pipe restraint systems in which the snubber is a component.
Bergen-Paterson's engineering expertise in this field provided the technical support for the development of the dyna / Damp snubber. The extensive Bergen-Paterson test facilities at Laconia, NH are utilized for qualification and other test programs to support product improvement and new product development.
dyna / Damp snubbers are manufactured in Anchor / Darling's new plant in Kulpsville, PA at the northern edge of metropolitan Philadelphia. Completed in 1980, this facility was designed specifically for the manufacture of dyna / Damp snubbers and ADAC electric actuators for valves.
The dyna / Damp snubber is the latest result of Anchor / Darling's con-tinuing search to provide better, more reliable products for electric power plant construction and operation.
FORWARD The Anchor / Darling mechanical snubber incorporates the principle of limiting velocity by interconnecting an oscillating type escapement (verge) with a rotating member (verge whcci) to control the rate of linear displacement of the shaft.
Linear motion of the shaft rotates the verge wheci thru step-up gearing. The verge, with predetermined engagement angles, oscillates i
when the verge wheel rotates. The relationship of the engagement angles allows the verge to reverse direction for each half tooth move-ment of the verge wheel, thus the period of oscillation controls the rate of linear movement.
During normal thermal cycles, the rack is free to displace with relatively small resistance. Upon introduction of an externally applied force - such as a seismic disturbance - oscillation of the verge creates sufficient resistance to limit movement to a constant velocity at a given load. Since the snubber is always engaged, instant snubbing action assures positive displacement control of the connected piping or equipment.
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MECHANICAL ENERGY ABSORPTION The function of the verge and verge wheel mechanism is to absorb mechanical energy.
This is accomplished by the acceleration, stop, and reverse accelera-tion of the verge mass created by the rotation of the verge wheel. The amount of energy absorbed is related to, (1) the mass, (2) the effective angles of the verge pallets, and (3) the number of circular pitch encom-pased by the verge.
The greater the circular pitch of the mechanism, the more efficient the pallet angles become and the easier the verge is oscillated, thus requiring more oscillations or an increase in mass to absorb the same energy as a mechanism with lesser spread. See sketches 1 through 3.
The design criteria for the verge and verge wheel is thus related to the amount of energy to be absorbed. In addition, the initial drag force or load required to overcome static friction must be considered.
To allow case of movement under low loads, the mechanism is designed to operate at 1-27, of rated load.
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IPTRODUCTION The design data in this bulletin applies to the Mechanical Snubber sizes listed below. Qualification tests have been conducted for the sizes listed.
The Anchor / Darling Mechanical Snubber is currently available in the following sizes:
700 4
1500 4
5000 5
This snubber line is offered with accessories including:
Structural Attachments Transition Kit Test-in-Place Tool I
l Noteworthy features of the Anchor Darling Mechanical Snubbers include:
Corrosion resistant No routine maintenance I
Test in place feature for field inspection t
Adjustable length on some models i
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I ECllNICAL ANNOUNCl MI NT S ubject : Anchor / Darling 1.arge Capacity Mechanical Snubber Anchor / Darling is currently designing and testing a mechanical snubber product line for load applications of 16,000 lbs. through 125,000 lbs.
These new rugged products will be of inline tubular design, constructed of corrosion resistant materials. The Anchor / Darling patented verge prin-ciple will be incorporated to provide velocity limiting characteristics. The verge mechanism is driven through a ball screw translation converter and step-up gearing.
Testing has proven that the rugged design, which incorporates
'ad a c d design concepts, produces superior dynamic characteristics, low I
vne drag, and increased cyclic life.
In addition, our units are dimensionally compatabic for use in retro-fitting existing snubber applications.
The product line will be available in early 1981.
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- Travel at end of snubber NOTE: A standard torque wrench may be used to test the snubber. Refer to the chart supplied with each test tool, for a listing of torque readings for each size snubber.