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Ack Receipt of 780517 Ltr Requesting Info Re Control of Heavy Loads Near Spent Fuel.Compiling Info & Will Submit by 780930
Person / Time
Site: Saint Lucie, Turkey Point  NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 08/07/1978
From: Robert E. Uhrig
To: Stello V
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML19344A909 List:
REF-GTECI-A-36, REF-GTECI-SF, TASK-A-36, TASK-OR L-78-259, NUDOCS 8008220582
Download: ML19344A910 (1)


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                                              ,          August 7, 1978 L-78-259 Director of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Attention: Mr. Victor Stello, Director                                ,

Division of Operating Reactors ' U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D. C. 20555

Dear Mr. Stello:

Re: Turkey Point and St. Lucie Plants Docket Nos. 50-250, 50-251, and 50-335 Control of Heavy Loads We have reviewed your letter of May 17, 1978 which requested infonnation regarding the control of heavy loads at our facilities. We are compiling the information and plan to submit it to your office by September 30, 1978. Very truly yours,

 / -v &

Robert E. Uhrig Vice President REU/ MAS /cpc cc: Mr. James P. O'Reilly, Region II Harold F. Reis, Esquire 4 gboV W M49


  • Pcg3 1 of 8
   - -     .                                                                                                                               Revicien 3                    -



ST. LUCIE PLANT ' TBN MW GENERAL MAINTENANCE PROCEDURE NO. M-0305 This document is not Controlled. Before use, verify information with a controlled document.

1.0 Title

REACTOR VESSEL CLOSURE HEAD - RDiOVAL AND INSTALLATION 2.0 Review and Approval _: Reviewed by the Plant Nuclear Safety Committee NJ,9191 Approved by // // /ia , ,, 4 p Plant Manager r /. ,f t 19 2 W

                                                                                                     ~ ~ - ~ ~ ~

Rev. 1 Reviewed by the FIG


17 1978

                       .Appro-Ed by                   M_///EXtt.2 Plant. Manager                                                        '
                                                                                                                                                 /)14 y a m .


3.0 Purpose

This procedure delineate _ the instruction necessary for the removal and installation of the reactor vessel clostae head.  ; i 4.0 Precautions and Limits:  ; 4.1 All work shall be performed in accordance with a radiation work permit. 4.2 The reactor coolant system water level is being contrdlled below the reactor vessel flange. 4.3 Do not use hammer blows on the vessel or clostire-head. 4.4 Hold Points, as delinedted'if'h'is t procedure, shall be adhered to. 5.0 Related System Status: i 5.1 The shutdown cooling system shall be in operation. l i 6.0


6.1 St. Lucie Plant Quality Instructions 5, 13, and 17. 6.2 Reactor Vessel Assembly Instruction Manual, Volume I 7.0 Records Required: 7.1 Completed portions of this procedure as specified in the authorizing P.W.O. shall be attached to'the'P.W.O. record copy and' filed per PSL Tech. Spec. 6.10.2

                  .                                                       P ga 2 cf 8 Revicicn   3 GENERAI. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURE NO. M-0305

_ REACTOR VESSEL CLOSURE HEAD - REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION 8.0 Materials and Equipment Required: 8.1 Reactor Vessel Closure Head Lift Rig Assembly. 8.2 Two Reactor Vessel Alignment Pin Assemblies. 8.3 Two Alignment Pin Pipe Plugs.

            .         8.4 Two Alignment Pin 0-rings."

8.5 Two Alignment Pin Lifting Eye Bolts. 8.6 One Alignment Pin Wrench. 8.7 Fifty-Two (52) Closura Esad Stud Hole Plugs.

8.8 Lubricants

8.8.1 Super Moly No. 40240 . 8.8.2 Neolube

  • 8.8.3 Dow Cor::ing 44 8.9 Cleaning Materials:

8.9.1 Approved solvent 8.9.2 Lint free rags , 8.9.3 Stainless steel wire brushes 8.9.4 Utility buckets s I



                                                                            .                              1
    .    .                                                                    Pega 3 cf 8
                    .                                                        R vinicn 3 GENERAL HAINTENANCE PROCEDURE NO. M-0305 g                    REACTOR VESSEL CLOSURE HEAD - REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION 9.0 Detailed Procedure: Only applicable portions of this procedure need be performed.

9.1 Reactor Vessel Closure Head Removal 9.1.1 Place new reactor head 0-Rings within the head support columns. 9.1.2 Remove number one a d number twenty-eight reactor vessel head studs, studs, nuts and washers and store in stud k ~ 9.1.3 Attach the reactor vessel closure head lift rig to the

                             ' lugs on the closure head.                             .

NOTEt. The lift, rig shall be oriented relative to the closure head as shown in Appendix A Sheet 1 of this procedure. 9.1.4 HOLD POINT - Clean the reactor vessel head alignment pins i QC Verify and the reactor vessel flange stud holes numbers one (1) and twenty-eight (28) in - accordance with Quality Instruction 13 PR/PSL-2,

                                             " Cleaning of Quam ty controlled Material."

9.1.5 Install the reactor vessel alignment pin 0-rings on the

  • alignment pins.

NOTE: Neolube lubricant should be used to facilitate proper installation and positioning of the 0-rings. 9.1.6 Install the reactor vessel alignment pin lifting eye bolts in the top of the alignment pins. 9.1.7 Remove the reactor vessel alignment pin pipe plugs to provide venting of the alignment pins during installation. 9.1.8 BOLD POINT - Subricate the reactor vessel head alignment QC Verify pin threads with pre-mixed Super Moly No. 40240 lubricant. NOTE: Apply lubricant only to the alignment pin threads. Do not lubricate the reactor vessel flange stud holes or allow lubricant to come in contact with stainless steel or Ni-Cr-Fe alloy surfaces. 9.1.9 Install the reactor vessel alignment pin assembly (PC. 216-01) in reactor vessel flange stud hole number one (1) and alignment pin assembly (PC. 216-06) in flange stud hole number twenty-eight (28) until each pin is tightly bottomed  ; in its respective hole.  : y . -m-- .v , - - - , . - m., - - - - . - - - - . - - - - -


     -                                                                                             P:g3 4 cf 8 Revinien                .3,,,

GENERAL MAINTENANCE PROCEDURE NO. M-0305 . REACTOR VESSEL CLOSURE HEAD - REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION ( 9.0 Detailed Procedure: (Cont'd.) 9.1 Reactor Vessel Closure Head Removal (Cont'd.) 9.1. 10 Torque the reactor vessel alignment pin assemblies, sniigly R3 using the, alignment pin wrench. , . . _ _ _ . , _, _ . _ R3 9.1. 11 Reinstall the reac' tor vessel alignment pin pipe plugs in the alignment pins.


9.1.12 Deleted E

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9.1.13 ' Slowly raise the reactor vessei closure head assembly and check the elevation of the mating surface of the closure head with a transit or level at three points 120 apart and directly below the " pick-up points" of the closure head. NOTE: The reactor vessel closure head mating surface should be parallel to the reactor vessel mating' surface within 0.005 inches per foot during lifting operations. 9.1.14 Remove the reactor vessel closure head from the reactor vessel and apply DowuCorning 44 to flange surface to prevent corrosion; then place the closure head on the closure head stand. 9.2 Reactor Vessel Closure Head Installation 9.2.1 Remove and discard the closure head 0-rings from the closure head flange. NOTE: Do not discard the 0-ring retainer clips and rings.

               '                            These items will be used in subsequent 0-ring installations.

9.2.2 HOLD POINT - Clean all mating surfaces and 0-ring grooves QC Verify on both the closure head and vessel in accordance with Quality Instruction 13 PR/PSL-2,

                                                       " Cleaning of Quality Controlled Material."
                                                                                                                                           ,       . ~ ~ .        ,
                      .                                                      Pcg3 5 of 8 Revicien    3 GENERAL hAirriENANCE PROCEDURE NO. M-0305                             -
 /                        REACTOR VEf,SEL CLOSURE HEAD - REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION 9.0 Detailed Procedure:          (Cont'd.)                                                ,

9.2 Reactor Vessel Closure Head Installation (Cont'd.)


9.2.3 HOLD POINT - Clean two new metal closure head 0-rings QC Verify in accordance with Quality Instruction 13 PR/PSL-2, " Cleaning of Quality Controlled

         .                                          Material."

i 9.2.4 Install the new closure head 0-rings into the grooves provided on the mating surface of the closure head. Secure the 0-rings to the closure head w1th the 0-ring retainer clips and rings. 9.2.5 Slowly raise the reactor vessel closure head asse' ably and check the elevation of the mating surface of the closure head with a transit or level at three points 120 apart and directly below the " pick-up points" of the closure head. , NOTE: The reactor vessel closure head mating surface should be level to within 0.005 inches per foot during lowering operations. 9.2.6 Orient the axes of the closure head assembly to the corres-ponding axes of the reactor vessel. 9.2.7 Center the closure head assembly above and to within one (1) inch of the reactor vessel centerline. 9.2.8 Slowly lower the closure head assembly to engage the reactor vessel alignment pin assemblies; then continue to lower the closure head assembly until the 0-rings rest on the mating surface of the reactor vessel flange. l l 9.2.9 Remove the reactor vessel alignment pin pipe plugs to 1 provide venting of the alignment pins during removal. l l 1 9.2.10 Loosen the reactor vessel alignment pin assemblies using the alignment pin vrench. 9.2.11 RemcVe the reactor vessel alignment pin assemblies from the reactor vessel flange. 9.2.12 Remove the reactor vessel stud hole plugs from each of the fif ty-two (52) remaining stud holes. NOTE: Caution should be exercised when decreasing the l diameter of the expandable stud hole plugs (turning i

the T-handle counter-clockwise) to prevent dissen- .

j gagement of the T-handle from the plug body. l 9.2.13 HOLD POINT - Clean each stud hole in accordance with QI 13 l QC Verify PR/PSL-2 ead run the GO N0/GO gauge in each hole to assure that the threads are clean and in good condition.


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  -                                                              Pega 1 of 14 R vicien 3 FLORIDA POWER & LNHT COMPANY ST. LUCIE PLANT gENEP4.L MAINTENANCE PROCEDURE NO. M-0306

1.0 Title

This document is rict codolled. Before use, REACTOR VESSEL INTERNALS - RD10 VAL AND IN. $ hon giljp g cogolled dOCumA4 2.0 Review and Approval: . Reviewed by the Facility Review Group t[,f 197f . Approved by 'l N. 4 . . _. - Er Plant Manager /d (,- a 19 7 f. . Itevision 3 keviewed ~oy F Q At a rc,h El 1978 Approved by @A /J.)d Plant l'anager /kJa d 2. A 1970

3.0 Purpose

c/ This procedure delineates the instructions necessary for the removal and installation of the reactor vessel internals. . 4.0 Precautions and Limits: 4.1 All work shall be performed in accordance with a radiation work permit. 4.2 The reactor coolant system water level is being controlled below the reactor vessel flange. R/3 4.3 Do not use hammer blows on the vessel. 4.4 Personnel shall not be allowed on the lift rigs during lifting operations. 4.5 At no time shall jogging of the crane be allowed when the lift rigs are being used. 4.6 The lift rig tie rods shall maintain a minimum thread engagenent of five (5) inches during lifting and lowering operations. 4.7 The maximum deviation from the horizontal on any of the structural components when lifted by the lift rigs shall not exceed 0.005 inches per foot. 4.8 The polar crano shall be operational. 4.9 Hold Points, as delineated in this procedure, shall be adhered to,

    '.                                                           Page 2 of 14 Revision 3 GENERAL MAINTENANCE PROCEDURE NO. M-0306 REACTOR VESSEL INTERNALS - REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION 5.0 Related System Status:

5.1 The shutdown cooling system shall be in operation. 6.0


6.1 St. Lucie Plant Quality Instructions 5, 13, and 17. 6.2 Reactor Vessel Assembly Instruction Manual Volumes I and II. 6.3 Appendix "A". 7.0 Records Required: 7.1 Completed portions of this procedure as specified in R/3 the authorizing P.W.O. shall be attached to the P.W.O. record copy and filed per PSL Tech. Spec. 6.10.2 8.0 Materials and Equipment Required: 8.1 Standard mechanic's tool box. 8.2 Lift rig tic rod assembly. 8.3 Upper guide structure lift rjg. 8.4 Core support barrel lift rig. 8.5 Core support barrel lifting bolt wrench assembly. 8.6 Lubricants. 8.6.1 Neolube 8.7 Cleaning materials. 8.7.1 Approved solvent. 8.7.2 Lift free rags. 8.7.3 Stainless steel wire brush. 8.7.4 Utility buckets. 8.8 100 ft.-lb Torque Wrench R/ 3 8 e l e

   .                                                                 Page 3 of 14 Rsvision   3 GENERAL MAINTENANCE PROCEDURE NO. M-0306 REACTOR VESSEL INTERNALS - REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION 9.0 Detailed Procedure: Only applicable portions of this procedure                 R/ 3 need be performed.
             . 9.1 Upper Guide Structure - Removal from the Reactor Vessel 9.1.1   Position and center the polar crane hook over the upper guide structure lift rig; then engage the polar crane hook to the lift rig clevis pin.

9.1.2 Slowly hoist the upper guide structure lift rig from the storage area and position it on the operating floor of the containment building. 9.1.3 Notify the Operations Department to increase the water level in the refueling cavity to an elevation of fifty-five (55) feet. 9.1.4 HOLD POINT - Clean the threads and the underside of the . QC Verify bolt heads on the upper guide structure lift rig lifting bolts in accordance with Quality Instruction 13.PR/PSL-2, " Cleaning of Quality Controlled Material." 9.1.5 HOLD POINT - Lubricate the threads and the underside of QC Verify the bolt heads on the upper guide structure lift rig lifting bolts with two (2) coats of Neolube. 9.1.6 Raise the lift rig lifting bolt wrench assemblies until the hook on the wrench assembly shaft protrudes from the lif ting bolt guide tube (approximately one (1) foot)~; i then attach the hook on the lip of the guide tube. The wrench assemblies are now in their storage positions. 9.1.7 Slowly hoist the upper guide structure lift rig and center above and to within one (1) inch of the reactor vessel centerline.

                                                                                         .       l 9.1.8   Orient the axes of the upper guide structure lift rig                 ;

to the corresponding axes of the reactor vessel. l 9.1.9 Slowly lower the upper guide structure lift rig until l the lift rig guide bushings engage the reactor vessel ) guide pins; then continue to lower the upper guide  ; structure lift rig until it rests on the reactor vessel  ; and the load on the polar crane is released. I 9.1.10 Raise the lif t _ rig lif ting bolt wrench assemblies and disengage them from their storage positions; then slowly lower the lifting bolts into the threaded holes of the upper guide structure.

s- Page 4 of 14 R: vision 3 7 GENERAL MAINTENANCE PROCEDURE NO. M-0306 ' REACTOR VESSEL INTERNALS - REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION 9.0 Detailed Procedure: (Cont'd.) 9.1 (Cont'd.) 9.1.11 Thread the three (3) lifting bolts into the upper guide structure top flange and torque to fifty (50) ft-lbs. 9.1.12 Detach the polar crane hook from the upper guide structure lift rig clevis pin. -


9.1.13 Attach the instrumentation hoist sling assembly to the polar crane hook. 9.1.14- Raise the instrumdntation hoist sling assembly over the center of the lift rig. NOTE: Ensure that the instrumentation hoist sling cables straddle the tie rod assembly of the lift rig. , 9.1.15 Tilt the instrumentation hoist sling assembly laydoun bars outwards 90 . 9.1.16 Slowly raise the instrumentation heist cling assc=bly until i, the instrumentation pick-up adapter is above the lift rig working platform. 9.1.17 HOLD POINT - Clean the threads on the instrumentation QC Verify pick-up adapter in accordance with Quality Instruction 13 PR/PSL-2, "Cicaning of Quality Controlled Material." 9.1.18 HOLD POINT - Lubricate the threads on the instrunentation QC Verify pick-up adapter with two (2) coats of Neolube. 9.1.19 Slowly lower the entire instrumentation hoist sling assembly and observe that the pick-up adapter enters the center hole of the instrument plate. Stop the crane when a small amount of slack appears in the sling cables.

       ,                NOTE: During the lowering operation, the hoist sling cable guide plate should be positioned on the lift rig working platferm. It may be necessary to adjust the polar crane position to ensure that no rubbing of the hoist sling cables on the guide plate occurs.

9.1.20 Manually lower the instrument hoist tool; then insert the hoist tool into the instrumentation pick-up adapter. 9.1.21 Turn the. instrument hoist tool clockwise to thread the instrumentrtion pick-up adapter into the instrument plate. Torque to fifty (50) ft-lbs.

v .

Pagn 5 of 14 Rsvision 3 GENERAL MAINTENANCE PROCEDURE NO. M-0306

![., REACTOR VESSEL INTERNALS - REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION 9.0 Detniled Procedure: (Cont'd.) 9.1 '(Cont'd.) 9.1.22 Remove the instrument hoist tool from the instrumentation pick-up adapter. 9.1.23 Raise the instrum'ent package at six (6) inches per minute for approximately three (3) feet. CAUTION: During this lifting evolution, continuously monitor the load sensing device for hang-ups. Weight of the instrument package is seven thousand (7000) pounds. Stop the crane if this load is exceeded by six hundred (600) pounds. Investigate and correct hang-up conditions. 9.1.24 Continue to raise the instrument package at six (6) feet per minute until the top of the instrumentation pick-up adapter is above the hoist sling assembly laydown bars. 9.1.25 Tilt the hoist cling essewhly laydown ' hors upward; then slowly lower the hoist sling assembly uncil the pick-up adapter rests on the laydown bars. i NOTE: Ensure that the locating pins on the laydown bars are engaged into the pick-up adapter. 9.1.26 Detach the polar crane hook from the instrumentation hoist sling; then attach the polar crane hook to the upper guide structure lift rig clevis pin. 9.1.27 Raise the upper guide structure at a maximum speed of six (6) inches per minute for approximately three (3) feet. CAUTION: During this lifting evolution, continuously monitor the load sensing device for hang-ups. Weight of the instrument package, upper guide structure, and lift rig is one-hundred twenty-six thousand eight hundred (126,800) pounds.  ; Stop the crane if this load is exceeded by five ' thousand (5000) pounds. Investigate and correct hang-up conditions. 1 l I 9.1.28 Raise the upper guide structure clear of the reactor vessel and reactor vessel-guide pins. 9.1.29 Center the upper guide structure over the storage area; then lower the guide structure until it rests in the . storage area and the load on the polar crane is re1 cased. 1 I 1 l 1

Page 6 of 14 R vision 3 GENERAL MAINTENANCE PROCEDURE No. M-0306

 ,/                 REACTOR VESSEL INTERNALS - REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION 9.0 Detailed Procedure:        (Con'td.)-

9.1 (Cont'd.) 9.1.30 Detach the tie rod assembly from the upper guide structure lift rig and store in a safe place. CAUTION: The tie' rod assembly shall be removed from the upper guide structure lift rig at all times while the lift rig is in storage with the upper guide structure to gain clearance for the refueling machine. 9.2 Upper Guide Structure - Assembly to the Reactor Vessel 9.2.1 Notify the Operations Department to lower the water IcVel in the refueling cavity to a level of fifty-five (55) feet to provide access to the upper guide structure lift rig

  • platform.
               ,,9.2.2    Attach the tie rod assembly to the upper guide structure lift rig.

9.2.3 Hoist *ha.s.^ par guide structure end lift rig assccbly clear of the storage area; then center the upper guide structure and lift rig assembly above and to within one (1) inch of the reactor vessel centerline. 9.2.4 Orient the axes of the upper guide structure and lift rig assembly to.the corresponding azes of the reactor vessel. 9.2.5 Slowly lower the upper guide structure and lift rig assembly until the lift rig guide bushings engage the reactor vessel guide pins; then continue to lower the upper guide structure and lift rig assembly until it rests on the reactor vessel and the load on the polar crane is released. CAUTION: Lower the last three (3) at slow speed, six (6) inches per minute maximum, and monitor the load sensing device for hang-ups. Investigate and correct hang-up conditions. 9.2.6 Detach the polar crane hook from the upper guide structure lift rig clevis pin. 9.2.7 Attach the instrumentation hoist sling assembly to the l polar crane hook. I 1

Psg2 7 of 14 Revision 3 GENERAL MAINTENANCE PROCEDl3E NO. M-0306 ! REACTOR VESSEL INTERNALS - 1. 10 VAL AND INSTALLATION 9.0 Detailed Procedure: (Cont'd.) 9.2 (cont'd.) 9.2.8 Position the instrumentation hoist sling assembly over

                 -      the center of the lift rig.
  ,                    NOTE:   Ensure that the instrumentation hoist sling cables straddle the tie rod assembly of the lift rig.

9.2.9 Slowly raise the instrument package until the top of the instrumentation pick-up adapter is approximately oix (6) inches above the hoist sling assembly laydown bars. 9.2.10 Tilt the instrumentation hoist sling assembly laydoan bars outward 90 . 9.2.11 Slowly lower the instrument package until the load is released from the polar crane. NOTE: It may be necessary to adjusL the polar crcnc position to ensure that no rubbing of the instrumentation hoist sling cables on the guide plate occurs. 9.2.12 Manually lower the instrument hoist tool; then insert the hoist tool into the instrumentation pick-up

                      . adapter.

9.2.13 Turn the instrument hoist tool counter-clockwise to enscrew the instrumentation pick-up adapter from the instrument plate; the.n raise the pick-up adapter approximately one (1) foot. 9.2.14 Remove the instrument hoist tool from the instrumentation pick-up adapter. 9.2.15 Raise the instrumentation hoist sling assembly until the top of the instrumentation pick-up adapter is above the hoist sling assembly laydown bars. 9.2.16 Tilt the hoist sling assembly laydown bars upward; then slowly lower the hoist sling assembly until the pick-up adapter rests on the laydown bars. NOTE: Ensure that the locating pins on the laydown bars are engaged into the pick-up adapter. l I

Fage 8 of 14 Rivision 3 GENERAL MAINTENANCE PROCEDURE NO. M-0306 'f REACTOR VESSEL INTERNALS - REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION 9.0 Detailed Procedure: (Cont'd.) 9.2 (Cont'd.) 9.2.17 Detach the polar crane hook from the instrumentation hoist sling; then attach the polar crane hook to the upper guide structure lift rig clevis pin. 9.2.18 Turn _the lift rig lifting bolt vrench assemblies counter-clockwise to unscrew the lifting bolts from the upper guide structure. 9.2.19 Raise the lift rig lifting bolt wrench assemblies until

   .                       the hook on the wrench assembly shaft protrudes from the lif ting bolt guide tube (approximately one (1) foot);

then attach the hook on the lip of the guide tube. The wrench assemblies are now in their storage positions. 9.2.20 Raise the upper guide structure lift rig until it clears the reactor vessel guide pins; then store the lift rig in the storage area. 9.3 Core Support Barrel - Removc1 from the Reactor Vessel 9.3.1 Remove the upper guide structure in accordance with Section 9.1 of this procedure. 9.3.2 Ensure that all fuel has been removed from the reactor vessel. 9.3.3 Attach the tie rod assembly to the core support barrel lift rig. 9.3.4 Notify the Operations Department to lower the water level in the refueling cavity to an elevation of forty-five (45) feet to avoid submerging the polar crane hook. 9.3.5 Slowly hoist the core support barrel lift rig tnd center above and to within one (1) inch of the reacto t vessel centerline. 9.3.6 Orient the axes of the core support barrel lift rig to the corresponding axes of the reactor vessel. 9.3.7 Slowly lower the core support barrel lift rig until the lift rig guide bushings engage the reactor vessel guide pins; then lower the core support barrel lift rig until it rests on the reactor vessel and the load on the polar crane is released.

    ,[                                                                         Page 9 of 14 Rsvision                 3 GENERAL MAINTENANCE PROCEDURE NO. M-0306


- 9.0~ Detailed Procedure

9.3 (Cont'd.)

'9.3.8 Detach the polar crane hook from the tie rod assembly and hoist the hook away from the lift rig.


     .                  9.3.9   Move the refuelin'g machine over the reactor vessel.                                I t

9.3.10 Manually lower the core support barrel lifting bolt wrench assembly to engage one (1) of the core support j- barrel lifting bolts. 9.3.11 Slowly turn the lifting bolt wrench assembly in the i clockwise direction to disengage the lifting bolt from its auxiliary thread. CAUTION: Maintain a firm grip on the wrench to prevent a sudden drop of the lifting bolt into the threaded hole of the core support barrel when the lifting bolt auxiliary thread is disengaged. 9.3.12 Slowly lower the lifting bolt into the threaded hole of the coce support barrcl; than tura the lif ting 'uoll wrench assembly clockwise to thread the lifting bolt into the core support barrel. Torque to fifty (50) ft-lbs. 9.3.13 Repeat Steps 9.3.10 through 9.3.12 for the two remaining lifting bolts. NO.1 NO.2

  • 9.3.10 9.3.10 9.3.11 9.3.11 9.3.12 9.3.12 9.3.14 Move the refueling machine over the upper guide structure storage area.

i , 9.3.15 Center the polar crane hook above and to within one (1) inch of the reactor vessel centerline; then attach the hook to the tie rod assembly. 9.3.16 Raise the core support barrel at six (6) inches per minute maximum for approximately three (3) feet. 4  ! CAUTION: During this lifting evolution, continuously monitor the load sensing device for hang-ups. Weight of the core support barrel and lift rig assembly is two hundred fifty-eight thousand-

   .                                                     ._         Pagn 10 of 14 RIvision 3 GENERAL MAINTENANCE PROCEDURE NO. M-0306 REACTOR VESSEL INTERNALS - REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION 9.0 Detailed Procedure:         (Cont'd.)

9.3 (Cont'd.) 9.3.16 (Cont'd.) (258,000) pounds. Stop the crane if this load is exceeded by twenty-five thousand (25,000) pounds. Investigate and correct hang-up conditions. 9.3.17 Notify the Operations Department to commence filling the refueling cavity to maximum refueling level; then continue to raise the core support barrel at six (6) feet per minute maximum until the core support barrel is clear of the reactor vessel and reactor vessel guide pins. 9.3.18 Center the core support barrel over the storage area; then , lower the core support barrel until it rests in the storage area and the load on the polar crane is relensed. 9.3.19 Detach the polar crane hook from the tic rod assembly.

( 9.4 Core Support barrei - Assembly to the Reactor Vessel 9.4.1 Position and center the polar crane over the core support barrel storage area; then engage the polar crane hook to the lift rig tie rod assembly.

9.4.2 Raise the core support barrel assembly to clear the reactor vessel and ractor vessel guide pins. 9.4.3 Center the core support barrel assembly above and to within one (1) inch of the reactor vessel centerline. 3.4.4 Orient the axes of the core support barrel lift rig to the corresponding axes of the reactor vessel. 9.4.5 Notify the Operations Department to commence lowering the water level in the refueling cavity to an elevation of forty-five (45) feet to avoid submerging the polar crane hook. 9.4.6 Slowly lower the core support barrel assembly until the lift rig guide bushings engage the reactor vessel guide pins; then lower the core support barrel until it rests on the reactor vessel and the load on the polar crane is released.

 ,                                                               Page 11 of 14        l Revision    3 I

, GENERAL MAINTENANCE PROCEDURE No. M-0306 REACTOR VESSEL INTERNALS - RDIOVAL AND IMSTAILATION 9.0 Detailed Procedure: (Cont'd.) 9.4 ~(Cont'd.) 9.4.6 (Cont'd.) CAUTION: Lower th,e last three (3) feet at slow speed,

 ,                                 six (6) inches per minute maximum, and monitor the load sensing device for hang-ups. Inves-tigate and correct hang-up conditions.

9.4.7 Detach the polar crane hook from the tie rod assembly and hoist the hook away from the lift rig. l 9.4.8 Move the refueling machine over the reactor vessel. 9.4.9 Manually lower the core support barrel lifting bolt wrench assembly to engage one (1) of the core support ' barrel lifting bolts. 9.4.10 Slowly turn the lifting bolt wrench assembly in the counter-clockwise direction to disengage the lifting bolt from the core support barrel. 9.4.11 Slowly raise the lifting bolt (approximately 1/4 inches); then turn the lif ting bolt wrench assembly in the counter-clockwise direction to engage the lifting bolt auxiliary threads to the lift rig. Turn the wrench assembly at least five (5) full turns to ensure safe storage of the lifting bolt in the lift rig. 9.4.12 Repeat Steps 9.4.9 through 9.4.11 for the two remaining lifting bolts. NO.1 NO.2 9.4.9 9.4.9 9.4.10 9.4.10 9.4.11 9.4.11 9.4.13 Move the refueling machine over the upper guide structure

                       . m rage area.

9.4.14 Center the polar crane book above and to within one (1) inch of the reactor vessel centerline; then attach the hook to the tie rod assembly. 9.4.15 Raise the core support barrel lift rig until it clears the reactor vessel guide pins; then store the lift rig in the storage area. 9.4.16 Detach the polar crane hook from the tie rod assembly.

l - Pege 12 of 14 Rnv. 3 GENERAL MAINTENANCE PROCEDURE NO. M-0306 REACTOR VESSEL INTERNALS - REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION 9.0 Detailed Procedure: (Cont.) 1 9.5 Removal of CEDM Extension Shafts From The Upper Guide Structure 9.5.1 Couple extension shaf t hanaling tool to extension shaft in accordance with Operations Procedure

                      #0110022, " Coupling an'd Uncoupling of CEA Exten-sion Shafts."

9.5.2 Remove extension shaft from upper guide structure and store with handling tool in designated storage area. 9.6 Installation of CEDM Extension Shafts In The Upper Guide Structure 9.6.1 Couple extension shaft handling tool to extension shaft in accordance with Operations Procclure

                      #0110022, " Coupling and Uncoupling of CEA Exten-sion Shafts."

9.6.2 Install extension shaft in upper guide structure. 9.6.3 Uncouple extension shaft hand 11ag tool from exten-sion shaft in accordance with Operations Procedure

                      #0110022, " Coupling and Uncoupling of CEA Extension Shafts."

l l l 1 i R/3 1

Page 13 of/p, ..

   ,                               Ceneral Maintenance Procedure No. !!-0306                                                                                Revision f


                                 ~          UPPER
                                - GUIDE STRUCTURE                                          -







ICi- SUPPORT < /' o . j';Nn  ?.+ n 1 BEAM (FOR --. ./ .'- '- .J. UP-POSITION) s. 9.t 4 (xNi- s g_'Q/r n ' - INSTRUMENT

                                                                                                                                   ' f, '
                                                                                                     /; [                            -
                                                                                                                                       ,                       STALK OPENING
                           ,.         .                                   1,                          i. _
                                                                                                                                   .6, Mi:1i                                          s
                      ' (                                           \Y/           i-( ~~ El I i ~~ hh/                                                                      --


                                                                     ,            4?:

S i, l

                                                                                                                            ~~ 3\                  .-

Y 7

                                                                 ,f                                            j                       \w


                    ..                  STRUCTURE                              q         _L. ,

180 x NE g ';(/ _.g'g]'[,

                                                                                                                                                 ,             COLUMN ICl- ADAPTOR             e                                             /
                                                                                                 /               '

Nx ' /r U.iDE_.sU.S.H;fNG c 80R

           ,                                                                                 i f,                           -         ,
                                                                                                                                                        /    u. v. uu i uc ire      .
                                                                                              '                                                              (2 PLACES)



d - .I s Page 14. of 14 General Maintenance Proce' dure NO. M-0306 Revision 3 8 . t._ . . APPDGIX A. Sheet 2 .

                                       .                                               a,
                                                                                       %                          LIFT POINT FOR CRANE STANDARD CORE SUPPORT BARREL                                       4                                                       -


                                                                                       ~ bn                \          TORQUE TOOL

fj . x , .s (5 -. . .... ( ,

                                    .,                                                                            x                    's

C l 1 S PREADER = h .@IAS*i ' BEAM f --

                                                                 .         .A                                                    q"      __

g/ 'N ~ E" O%.

  .                                                                               GUIDE BUSHING FOR R.V. GUIDE PIN                                                   N ATTACHMENT W             (2 PLACES)                                                                    0g POINT                                                                                '                                                '

l t. G PLACES) l

                                                                                               ..                                                                                         l 9
                                                             .                                       g


                                                                          ,            CENERAL HAINTENANCE PROCEDURE H-0306                                                      - .

V APPENDIX A - Page 15 of 16 04 t... .. . . ..: .: . --. - CEA EXTENSION SHAFT ~ " :.- - INSTALLATION TEACI".ING LOG 5- The CEA Extension shafts shall be installed in opening in.accordance with CE Instruction Manual and shall be logged as installed on this form. The hole location of the shafts shall be in accordance with CE Dwg. No. E-19367-163-003, R3. CEA Hole CEA Extension Number Shaft Number

                                                                                                                                     . .         -- Initial ^                 ,

Date 1. 2. 3.

4. --

5. 6. , 7. 8. i 9. i 10. .. _ 11. I

     ,                   . 12!

13. 14.

_ 15

! 16. 17 _ 18 _ 19.

                        - 20
                        - 21
                        - 22.
23. .
                        - 24.                                                                          .

25 ., .. 26.

                        - 27                  - - .              -
<                          28                     -
29. --

? 30. . 31. 32 33. 34. 35 l 36.

             .             37.                                                                                                                                            
                     . - 38.                                                                                        -                      - ~ ~          "~
    .                     39.                                                    -
40. ._ . . . . .
41. , ,

! 42 43 . 45 _46 i 47_ . i i 4 e . s

  • q .
  .       . n .
  • a


                         .                                                                                                                                       Page 2 CEA Hole                                                                CEA Extension
             . Number                                                                 Shaft Number                                                    Initial                 Date 48.

49. 50.

                       ~~~ ' --' -

51.~ - ' ' - - -

                                                                                         - - * - - ' ' - * - ~ ~ - - ' - - * -
57. -


            .$g,      . ......_..                                   . _ - . - . .                 . _ . . . . . . . .


56. . .. _. . . . _ . ._ _

37,_.. _ . . . . . _ _ . . _ _ . _ _ . _ . . g,. . - . . _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ . -

                                                                                                               =                  . _ .

_39,_ ... .... __ .: _ _ _ . . . 1 61.-- '-- y ,. ... . . . . . 953.

64. -' ' ~ - - ' -'
                                                                                ' ' ' ~ ~ - " - - ~ ~ ~ ' ' ' '

6 5.- ~ ~ ~ - -- - '- - ~ - - -- -

                                                                                                                    - ~ - - - -

66.- - " - ~ ~ - - * - -

                                                                     '~ ~ ' - - ~               ~ ~ ~ - ~ - - - - - -
   *       ~67.                 -'
                                                                                                 ' ' - ~ ~ ~                                                    .

69.~ --~ -


l l l I l 1 J





Reviewed by Facility Review Group 8/,'4['6 .1 J~ 19 7/T Approved by egI['r/+;? t o Plant Manager A/, r -

                                                                                                   ;- h- 19 vt .

i. t 4 Rev.2 RebevedbyFRG , T 1978 V ApprNed by /0,//// ///h __ Plant Manag6/ CT v u ,f/_ 1978 3.0 PURPOSE / SCOPE: 3.1 This procedure applies to the general building and loading of the NFS-4 cask. It covers all movements of the cask from the trailer to the spent fuel pool and return to the trailer.


4.1 Outline drawing 1A-A-1104 gives a brief description of the cask. 4.2 Drawing 1A-A-1102 shows the cask on the trailer and being re- I moved from the trailer. The drawing shows all critical dimen- l sions and w'ights (cask and axle loading). 4.3 Drawing 1A-A-1104 shows the removable baskets for various type fuels (PWR-BWR) . The baskets are installed such that the strong-back ribs on the basket straddle the two locking tabs near the mouth of the cask cavity. Alternate liner arrangements may be used for radwaste or sample specimens. R2 4.4 The vent, gasket check (pressure test), and pressure relief valve ports located near the top of the cask (cask vertical) are identified as "V", "GC", and "R", respectively by cask markings. One of two drain ports (marked "D") located near - the bottom of the cask is permanently plugged (no valve) and 8 is not normally used. 4.5 It is generally helpful if crane locations are noted or id-l l entification points established to assist in subsequent picks and movements. p O T011 NTORfi A10t ONI.Y This docurnent is not controlled. Before use, verify infortnation with a controlled docuraent. 1

           -                                                               P:gn 2 of 10 MAINTENANCE PROCEDURE NO. M0913, REV. 2 GENERAL OPERATING PROCEDURE FOR HANDLING & LOADING OF THE NFS-4 CASK C)     )

C ,/ 5.0 PRECAUTIONS AND LIMITATIONS: 5.1 The cask cavity pressure may be as high as 160 psig.

  • 5.2 The neutron shield tank (outer tank on cask) may be as thermally hot as 320 F and pressurized as high as 100 psig.*

5.3 The cask may not be immersed in 700F water when the cask surface temperature exceeds 170 F (1000F max. temperature difference) to prevent thermally shocking the cask structure.

  • F / 5.4 Insure that drain plug from cask wash down to the Waste Manage-ment System is open and plug to the storm drain shut.

5.5 The cask surf' ace may not be cleaned with steel wool or any other abrasive material. The dull appearance of the cask sur-face naast be maintained. No polishing of the cask exterior is permitted. 5.6 The cask trailer is light in weight and fragile. Extreme care must be taken when loading or unloading the cask to nrevent damage to the trailer. 5.7 The cask exterior is constructed of 1/4 inch and 3/16 inch

 @                         stainless sheet meral and care must be exercised when handling to prevent denting the cask.
                               '    ~                                                            ~

5.8 Th'e cask trailer with the cask shall only'be doveE by a tractor ~ having a side oscillating (front to back and left to right pivot) fifth wheel. 5.9 Exercise care in loading the cask to prevent scratching the /R2 flange 0-ring seating surface.

              *These high limits would be found only with a fueled cask loaded to it's             j maximum heat capacity (11.5 KW) which has been sitting in still air                 !

e (130 F) and direct sun for an extended period of time. The cask will  ! kt/ likely be at or near room temperature conditions for many shipments; however, caution should be exercised to assure that this potential hazard is not overlooked under frequent association with low tempera-tures and pressure operations, n

l Pcg3 3 of 10

 .~     .

I MAINTENANCE PROCEDURE NO. M0913, REV. 2  ! CENERAL OPERATING PROCEDURE FOR HANDLING & LOADING OF THE NFS-4 CASK { m 6.0 INITIAL CONDITIONS: , 6.1 Appropriate Health Physics safety measure shall have been pre-pared and implemented, j 6.2 The Spent Fuel Cask Crane and Operator are available. ( I 7.0 RECORDS REQUIRED: 7.1 To assure that all critical functions are performed, the f3 Appendix A is to be filled in for each shipment of the cash. pj' The chec'a>ff sheets and billa of lading shall be kept on permanent file. 8.0 EQUIPMENT CHECK LIST: , 8.1 NFS - Furnished Items - 8.1.1 NFS-4 Lifting Yoke (Dwg. No. E-10099) ,

                      , 8.1.2 NFS-4 Lid Spider and Four 1 In. Dia. x l-1/2 In. Lg. Soits-8.1.3 (SST)(Dag.No.E-10101)                                                         .

_' F


8.1.4 (emale quick 1/2" female disconnects NPT connection)(Snap tites)for connection to cas<

                         . . -  Gasket-CheckEquipment(Dwg.No.:lC-T-1087)                               ,;

3.1.5 NFS-4 Cask (Dag. No. lA-A-1104) 8.1.6 NFS-'4 Cask and Triiler (Dwg. No.1A-A-1102) > 8.1.7 NFS-4 Valve Opening Tool and Valve Cover Spanner Wrench 8.,1.8 NFS-4 Cask License and Referenced Documentation i 8.1.9 Removable Impact Limiter - Special Allen Wrench 8.2 Utility-Furnished Items 8.2.1 Cask Unloading Crane (Min. 25 Tons) Compatible with .  : 8.2.2 Supplied Cask Yoke (A-1) 8.2.3 Auxiliary Crane (Min.1/2 Ton - Optional) for Cask Ltd , i 8.2.4 Lid Lifting Tool or Hook Compatible with Lid Spider (A-2)  ! l

Pgn4of 10 MAINTENANCE PROCEDURE NO. M0913, REV. 2 CENERAL OPERATING PROCEDURE FOR HANDLING & LOADING OF THE NFS-4 CASK (( < 8.0 EQUIPMENT CHECK LIST: (Cont) Utility-Furnished Items (Cont) 8.2 8.2.4 Service Bridge ' 8.2.5 Cask Inspection and Decon Scaffold 8.2.6 Decon Equipment, Solutions, Water, Protective Clothing, Etc. 8.6.7 Tools O Torque Wrench,1000 ft 1bs, with 2 in G point socket

                                  ~~ (or equivalent with multiplying wrench) Maximum socket O. D. = 3 inches. Torque Wrench,100 ft lbs , with 1/2 in. drive Ratchet and Breaker Bar with 1/2 in drive Wire Cutter, Screwdriver (medium)  !

                                !                                                                               .I h                  8.2.8 Lock Wire and Lead Scal Tag::                                                     }

[Q) .  ! 8.2.9- Plywood (approx. '. /2" x 4_'_ x 4') or equivalent for cask sitdown_ . . .. 8.2.10 Health and Safety Equipment including Neutron and Gamma i Survey le' umentation 8.2.11 Vent and Drain Hoses for use with Snap tites for connection to cask. m v l n) h j C I f s i

                                                                   -       Pags 5 of 10
                                -MAINTENANCE PROCEDURE NO. M0913, REV. 2 CENERAL OPERATING PROCEDURE FOR HANDLING & LOADING oF THE NFS-4 CASK 9.0. Loading Procedure 9.1 Receive the cask and trailer at handling area and perform radiation i

survey. Note time of cask arrival on site on bill of lading. i 1 9.2 Release front (upper) cask tie-downs and rear (bottom) tie-downs (overcenterleverclamp). . j

9. 3 Unbolt lid impact limiter from cask (fe'ir 1 in. socket head bolts) -

and roll it forward on the sling carriage built into the trailer. 9.4 Using an overhead crane (min 25 tons), attach the lifting yoke to upper trunnions on cask.* The yoke movable lift arm must then be locked in place using the attached Ball-loc pin. l

                                                                                             .        ii 9.5 Rotate cask to the. vertical position on the trailer while keeping             ;i I'

crane cables vertical at.all times. 3 ', 9.6 Remove cask from trailer. Move trailer from handling area (if 'j required) . . 9.7 Inspect cask for damage. Rinse road dirt off exterior and remove 1 tape covering ports as necessary. Cask should be set on, and attached to, clean plywood (or equivalent) to prevent enbedding of foreign I material (radioactive) into the cask surface. iI 98 Attach lid lifting spider to cask lid using four 1 in, bolts (finger jj < q d tight). 9.9 Remove port cavers (5) using special spanner tool supplied. Do not use hammer or equivalent due to thin (.005) blow out section on pressure relief valve port cover. . i

             *The ori&ntation of the overhead crane hook's throat relative to the yoke's s         lay down ear may be significant under certain plant layouts.



 ,s-             9.0 LOADING PROCEDURE: (Cont) i    \

(O' 9.10 Attach vent and drain lines to the quick disconnects on the lines to the vant and drain valves * (Ref. Dwg. No.1A-A-1104). Open both the vent and drain valves. This will allow the cask to drain , as it is removed from the fuel storage pool. 9.11 Remove cask lid bolts (six 1-1/4 in, dia. hex head). Remove cask 11d (optional **) . Visually inspect 0-rings for damage and replace O if -required. Vacuum grease may be used to hold the gaskets in place if necessary. .The 0-rings are normally replaced periodically by the cask owner. Depending upon the length of the radwaste being shipped, a spacer may be bolted to the bottom surface of the lid. i 9.12 Lower cask to bottom of pool. Allow yoke to rotate i:orizontally  !;

                                                                                                                                            .                                     :i until its ear rests on the cask'and remove crane hook (if necessary).                                                                                   J 9 13 Verify liner cover attachment (if required) and load samples into                                                                                            j e   cask. Use caution to prevent touching or scratching flange (gasket) surface. Assure assembly or basket identification is established                                                                                           .

as may be necessary for accountability purposes. 9.14 Place lid on cask, aligning a mark on lid with v mark on the cask. 9.15 Raise cask to surface of pool and monitor for neutron and gamma O U~ radiation. Such radiation shall neither exceed 10 mr/hr total at

               .          eight (8) feet from cask (equivalent to 6 feet from the surface of the transport vehicle) per DOT regulations nor have 27 times the neutron dose rate plus 1.4 times the gamma dose rate greater than
  • The quick disconnects are valved type and the cask cannot be vented or drained without the female disconnect attached to open the valve in the male disconnect.

U ** Depending upon reactor layout and equipment, it may be more desirable to remove the lid after. the cask is lowered to the bottom of the pool. E ,"=% 4* *. - $ e **p  %% g w

Pags 7 of 10 MAINTENANCE PROCEDURE NO. M0913, REV. 2 i CENERAL OPERATING PROCEDURE FOR HANDLING & LOADING OF THE NFS-4 CASK j CN 9.0 LOADING PROCEDURE: (Cont) b 1,000 mr/hr at three feet from the surface of the cask per license requirements. (This is to assure acceptable radiation i levels if shield tank liquid is lost under accident conditions). 9.16 Install 'a minimum of one' or two 1-1/4 in'. hex lid ' bolt's finger


tight (Caution: Bolts to be lubricated with MOLY-K0TE only). d 9.17 Raise cask over pool while rinsing with clean water. Allow cask R2 to drain completely. 9.18 Glose both the vent and drain valves; remove quick discor.nect lines. Move cask to decon area. ,

                                                                                         /R2 9.19 Install remaining lid bolts (6 total) and torque to 600 ft lbs using a 1,4,2,5,3,6, pattern; then, with the same sequence, torque O

(i,/ . all bolts to 1,000 ft 1bs. 9.20 Pressurize- annulus ~-between double 0-ring seals to 80 to -100 psig, 2 isolate, hold for 10 minutes, and check for zero pressure leakdown with supplied pressure test equipment. Note: There may be a small pressure transient while temperature equalizes. If leakage is noted, repeat test with the test valve closed to verify that leakage is not CT g / in the test assembly or quick disconnects. Close 0-ring test valve. Replace 0-ring (s) if leakage is found and repeat the test. Spare 0-rings are in cask tool box.

9. 21 Pressurize cask cavity with pressure (gasket test equipment) to between 80 and 120 psig through the vent line. Monitor the pres-sure for 10 minutes, minimum, while visually inspecting the pres-sure relief, drain and vent fittings (4 ports) for leakage. To check the valves for leakage a female Snap-Tite must be installed


   /            9.0    LOADING PROCEDURE: (Cont)

(/ on the male Snap-Tite connection to open the fitting's check 1


valve. If any leakage is noted, repair per NFS procedures and Il 3 lI repeat the. test. ] 9.22 Pull th'e relief valve override ring and note no pressure relief j l

                                                                                                                                      ~,         ,

(audible). Vent off the cavity pressure. Close the vent valve -{

   $                        and repeat the pressure test to assure tightness of the vent valve.                                             j u

If any leakage is noted, repair per NFS procedures and repeat test. ql 9.23 Remove lid lifting spider. .(, i 9.24 Decon all exposed cask surfaces using high pressure water and wash with sponges and an approved decon solution is required. 00_ NOT scrub cask with any abrasives. Rinse and wipe exposed cask . i sEfaccsdry. . 9 25 Lock wire and lead seal tag two bolts. /R2  : C i it O - : _ e.c . r. n :_ i - . ~ 9.26 Replace valve port covers finger tight and lock wire in place. 9.27 Check cask surface for contamination and visually check surfaces for neutron shield tank leakage. It is recommended that the burst disc openings be taped to keep out wood dirt during , transit. 9.28 Load cask onto trailer by carefully placing lower trunnions into tie-down at aft end of the trailer. Lower cask to horizontal iI position while keeping crane cables vertical. Disengage Ball-loc pin from yoke ann and remove yoke from the cask. Latch fore (2) and aft (2) trunnion tie-downs. l l . 9.29 Attach lid impact limiter to cask (torque four 1 in. bolts to ' 5)

     "                        50 to 70 lbs.).


      .'                                                                Page 9 of 10 MAINTENANCE PROCEDURE NO. M0913, REV. 2 CENERAL OPERATING PROCEDURE FOR HANDLING & LOADING OF THE NFS-4 CASK 9.0     LOADING PROCEDURE: (Cont) vi 9.30 Close and latch trailer doors (4), turn EMPTY signs (2) to opposite side and attach proper placard. Rotate DRIVE SAFELY i

signs (4) to RADI0 ACTIVE. Remove EMPTY label from impact limiter. l 9 31 Perform radiation survey (gamma and neutron). i. O V 9.32 Obtain Health Physics release. /R2

                                                                                                               'i 9.33 If tractor has been removed from trailer, inspect fifth wheel

to assure latch level is in fully opened position. During con-b nection inspect to assure that the latch lever swings to a closed l

                                                .                                                              1 position behind lock. Verify connection of brake and electrical       .

lines and " tug" with trailer brakes applied. l l i 9.34 Operator and Health & Safety Technician to complete checkoff j

     \                              ~
     /.                    sheet and have Shift Supervisor sign off and keep on permanent                      j 1...                .
s. - s. - -

r-.- - file at the reactor station. . - - - 9 35 Bill of lading for the cask and fuel are to be signed and two (2) copies given to the truck driver after completing: 9.35.1.CaskIDnumber(NFS-4A,-48,etc.) 9.35.2 Shipment description. /R2 9 9.35.3 Time of arrival at site b ). 9.35.4 Time of departure from site. l 9.35.5 Time cask is ready for departure if different from "d". .

                                                                                                              !I One copy is retained for site records.              /R2 1   .

9.36 Remove cask ard trailer from handling area. i l 9.37 Notify Chem-Nuclear Transportation Supervisor (803-259-3588) at m l f time of departura. Also notify of any problems in handling the ('V') cask or the use of any spare parts from the tool box.



Y.) H & S Technician (s) Est. Heat Rate KW (2.5 KW Max.) Time of Arrival at Plant i Time of Loadirg of Fuel Shipper Time of Departure from Area - Driver - Time of Departure from Gate.


q Item (please initial) Item . Op. Supvr.

          ,    Storm Drain Closed &                                                        Op. Supvr.

Waste Drain Open . /R2 Cavity Drained Drain, Vent & Test Valves Closed Lid Bolts Torqued (1,000 ft lbs) Bolts & Port Covers Lock

  • Wired Lid Leak Checked Cask Released -

HP /R2 y= mr/hr n= mr/hr (at 6 feet from trailer) EP /R2 y= mr/hr n= mr/hr (at 3 feet from cask) HP /R2 k Smearable (DPM =/100 Cm ) = 2 Smearable{DPM8/100Cm)= P-2

                                                                                  ,. Supv.

Waste drain closed

                 &-storm drain open
                                                                                                         /R2 Lid Impact Limiter Bolted to Cask, Cask Secured on Trailer, Trailer Doors Closed, EMPTY Sign Turned, Placard Attached, Bill of Lading Given to Driver Latching of Tractor to Trailer Verified s


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