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Rept on Reanalysis of Safety-Related Piping Sys.
Person / Time
Site: Beaver Valley
Issue date: 08/11/1980
Shared Package
ML19344A749 List:
NUDOCS 8008220130
Download: ML19344A750 (100)



AUGUST 11, 1980 i

l 1 I t i 4 l ) } Stone & Webster Engineering Corporation Boston, Massachusetts i 8008220130j , j

o M (4i234ss-sooo

      =:.r 2.

l August 11, 1980 Director of Nuclear Reactor Regulation United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attention: Steven A. Varga, Chief Operating Reactors Branch No. 1 Division of Operating Reactors Washington, D.C. 20555


Beaver Valley Power Station-Unit No. 1 Docket No. 50-334

       .            Seismic Reanalysis of Piping Systems Gentlemen:

In response to the Show Cause Order of March 13, 1979, we are transmitting herewith our final report on the seismic reanalysis of dynamically analyzed piping for Beaver h) \> Valley Power Station Unit No. 1. This report provides the results of Stone & Webster's reanalysis of all safety related piping that was originally analyzed using the SHOCK II comput-er program which the NRC determined to be unsatisfactory. The reanalysis was performed using the NUPIPE-SW code which ap-plied the SRSS methodology for load combinations as currently required by the NRC. Included in the report are the detailed results of the stress reanalysis for piping, supports, penetrations, and equipment nozzles. The specific hardware modifications that resulted from calculated overstressed conditions determined in the reanalysis are identified in the report. All of the modifications defined have been incor-porated in the plant during the current extended refueling and modification outage. A total of 131 problems were reanalyzed along with 1,481 pipe supports, 149 nozzles, and 64 penetratior,s. There were no piping, nozzle, or penetration modifications required as a result of this reanalysis. A total of 167 pipe supports were modified. This report summarizes the final results of the [s

    ; reanalysis and modifications to the piping which had original-

_,/ ly been analyzed using the SHOCK II subroutine.

s i


Beaver Valley Power Station-Unit No. 1 Docke t No. 50-335 Seismic Reanalysis of Piping Systems

%/              Page 2 We believe that this report fulfills all commit-ments made by the Duquesne Light Company related to the e-analysis and modifications of computer analyzed safety related piping systems installed in the Beaver Valley Power Station Unit No. 1.

Very truly yours, E. J. Woolever j Vice President

                ,( CORPORATE SEAL)                                                                                    l Attest:
                    &      . r u'. lx?     In -
              /       Joan S.:Senghyshyrf j                   Assistant Sedret'ary COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANI A)
                                                    )    SS:

COUNTY OF ALLEGHENY ) On this // # day of A f v4-v.S f , 1980, before me, DONALD W. SHANNGE , a Notary Public in and for said Commonwealth and County, personally appeared E. J. Woolever, who being duly sworn, deposed, and said that (1) he is Vice President of Duquesne Light, (2) he is duly authorized to execute and file the foregoing Submittal on behalf of said Company, and (3) the statements set forth in the Submittal are true and correct to the best of his knowledge, information, and belief. s *'O W//km~ DONALD W. SHANNON, NOTARY PUBLIC PITTSBURGH, ALLEGHENY COUNTY WY COMMISSION EXPIRES JUNE 7, IM3 L') 3 Attachments Member, Pennsylvania Acaciaben of Notares

                                          .~.    -.   --                        --            .        . , , ., ... -


AND CONCLUSIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1

2. SCOPE OF REANALYSIS . .......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1
3. . PIPE STRESS RESULTS ....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-1
4. PIPE SUPPORT RESULTS. ............. . . . . . . . . . . . 4-1
5. HARDWARE MODIFICATIONS. ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.

5.1 Piping and Pipe Supports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T-1 5.2 Joints . . . . . ........ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-2 5.3 Racks. . . . . . .. ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-2 5.4 Saddles. . . . . ........... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-6 I 5.5 Main Steam . . . ............ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-6 5.6 Pressurizer Safety and Relief Valve System . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-6 APPEFDIX i , A. SYSTEMS INCLUDED IN THE REANALYSIS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-1 B. FLOW DIAGRAMS . . ....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-1 C. PLANT CONSERVATISMS .............. . . . . . . . . . . . C-1 i .j 4 I + l e m i i. i I

LIST OF TABLES Table Title 1-1 Abbreviations 3-1 Pipe Stress Re-evaluation Summary 3-2 Nozzle and Penetration Summary 4-1 Pipe Supports Summary 5-1 Summary of Required Modifications , 5-2 Modifications to Expansion Joints l 4 l l e f i 4

i 1

I i i. l 11 l



AND CONCLUSIONS Y In response to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission's Order to Show Cause, dated March 13, 1979, a reanalysis has been conducted of safety-related piping systems which were originally dynamically analyzed using the SHOCK 2 computer program. This program, which combined intramodel responses algebraically, is no longer considered acceptable by the NRC. The seismic reanalysis utilized the piping analysis program, NUPIPE-SW, that uses a methodology currently acceptable to the NRC. OA total of 131 pipe stress problems were reanalyzed as a part of the Show Cause activity. Included in these 131 problems are 1481 pipe supports, 149 nozzles, and 64 penetrations. There vere no piping, nozzle, or penetration modifications required as a result.of the reanalysis and the total number of pipe suppcats modified was 167. The modifications are described in 1 Section 5 of this report.

This report presents the results .of the total reanalysis effort. All

' modifications required to ensure that both pipe stresses and pipe support stresses are within applicable code al.lowables have been completed. Also presented in this report are descriptions of the modifications which were ( , \ l l-1 _ . _ - . _ _ ___ . ~ . . _ _ . , _ - - . ._. , _ _

BEAVER VALLEY POWER STATION, UNIT 1 i required as well as a discussion on plant conservatisms, and other topics within the scope of the reanalysis task. The report represents the completion of all work to date and is in addition to other submittals previously forwarded since the Order to Show Cause. Abbreviations used in this report are defined in Table 1-1. l e 4 i i


( 1-2

               .       .~                  .     ,         - - -                ..                      .-.   . _. ...-._ . .- - --                                                         - .-          _ _

i. BEAVER VALLEY POWER STATION, UNIT 1 1 TABLE 1-1 l O ABBREVIt.TIONS l l i l S  : Pressure Stress i LP l S  : Deadicad Stress OL. s

'  : Allowable Stress at Maximum and/or Minimum Operating Temperature S

h Sc - Allowable Stress at 70'r temperature S OMT

                                 = Total Stress under OBE Condition
Total Stress under DBE Condition S

DEET 4 S "' " " " HEl 4 S,  : - Allowable Stress i

. Yield Strength S,

S, = Ultimate Strength I S g  : Thermal' Stress 1 3 1 e i 4 i ? I i-l i k i  % 4 1 of 1 g i

      ,w w m ,     ,w,    --,--------,m.-r,y-      y--r,,-       -,e-,-w   -, , -  w-,,,,,,,,----,rn--                       ------,y--, ,- - -.,y<e-- w +nw * - - 'vw' '
                                                                                                                                                                            'me-~t~'-t~4*-m-'v'w'-'w'---'     - - - - '

BEAVER VALLEY POWER STATION, UNIT 1 O I SECTION 2-SCOPE OF REANALYSIS Reanalysiig i 1 As describad in the NRC Order to Show cause, March 13, 1979, some piping systems in the Beaver-Valley Power Station, Unit 1, were dynamically analyzed using a computer-technique which the NRC declared as not acceptabis. (~'g In response to the Order to Show Cause, the following actions were taken: V i

1. Safety systems or portions thereof that were dynamically analyzed using the' computer progran SHOCK 2 were identified and are listed in Appendix A. The flow diagrams for these systems are shown in Appendix B.


2. These systems were reanalyzed using the NUPIPE-SW computer program as discussed in Section 3.


3. Results of the reanalysis were compared with code allowable pipe stresses, with allowable loads for nozzles / penetrations, and with allowable loads for pipe supports.





 /    T.


4. In those cases where the reanalysis indicated that stresses or loads 1

might be in excess of allowable values further examination was initiated and, where required, modifications were completed. The long term reanalysis program consisted of preparing completely documented calculational packages, utilizing the NUPIPE-SW computer program with amplified esponse spectra (ARS) based on soil-structure interaction (SSI), for all of the problems identified in Appendix A. The methodology used in SSI-ARS is based upon a layered elastic media model for soil and a lumped mass model for the structure. Analysis using these j models involver (a) the calculation of frequency-dependent stiffness at 'che l G surface of a layered medium using the program REFUND, (b) modification of a specified surface motion to account for embedment of the structure, (c) the application of kinematic interaction principles to modify translational input l specified at the surface to both a translational and rotational motion at the base of the rigid structure foundation using the program KINACT, and (d) analysis- of the structural model supported on frequency-dependent springs using the program FRIDAY. The resulting ARS developed from this methodology were compared with ARS developed using a detailed finite elemant representation of the underlying soil medium with a lumped mass representation of the containment structure using the program pLAXLY. The amplified values of acceleration computed using the REFUND /KINACT/ FRIDAY method are generally A D 2-2



a 30 to 100 percent larger than values computed using the more rigorous PLAXLY approach. Variations in soil properties have generally been accounted for by developing i ARS using mean values of soil moduli and damping ratio values adjusted for strain levels associated with earthquakes, and peak spreading the resulting ARS. The amplified response spectra used in the reanalysis effort are based on the development described in the report entitled " Soil-Structure Interaction in the Development of Amplified Response Spectra for Beaver Valley Power Station, Unit No. 1." This report was submitted to the NRC by Duquesne Light Company on June 11, 1979. Anchor Movement Criteria Pipe stress analysis for Beaver Valley Unit 1 was performed in accordance with the ANSI B31.1 Power Piping Code - 1967. Originally, in formulating load combinations to' meet- paragraphs 102.3.3(a) and (d), seismic anchor l displacement effects were included with seismic inertia effects to form total seismic response for the DBE case. < l l l 2-3



Inclusion of. the DBE anchor displacement effects in combination with the DBE inertia effects is not a requirement of current codes, neither ANSI B31.1 or ASME III NC or ND3600, since the displacement effect is secc.dary in nature. As a part of the final reanalysis criteria established for Beaver 4 Valley Unit 1, anchor displacement effects were not combined with the inertia effects of the DBE event when evaluating primary stresses in the system. Field Vertification of As-Built Conditions , l The. documentation of as-built conditions for Beaver Valley Unit 1 began in September 1974 and was completed prior to initial commercial operation. The (.- effort was manned by Pipe Stress Analysis and Pipe Support Designers who walked all Category I piping systems to ensure compliance with the stress i analysis summaries (MSKs). All Category I piping was checked for piping configuration, pipe support location, and pipe support type. The results of this effort were documented and reported on Southwest Fabricating isometric drawings which then became part of the permanent plant record. These isometric drawings supersede the RP series piping drawings. Duquesne Light Co. personnel verified the accuracy of a portion of these isometric drawings  ; during March and April of 1979 subsequent to the shutdown order. I UI 2-4

, . - . . . ~. . - - . . . BEAVER VALLEY POWER STATION, UNIT 1 i Encin9ering Assurance A comprehensive and extensive Engineering Assurance program has been developed and applied to the reanalysis activities. A detailed project procedure was developed that includes provisions for design control, document control, and interface controls. Each new project procedure developed received a full review and approval by the S&W Engineering Assurance (EA) staff. Each pipe stress / pipe support problem package is subjected to a detailed EA audit according to a written EA audit plan. The EA audit plan is sufficiently broad in scope to include all significant technical attributes as well as programmatic attributes.


In addition to the stress and support package audits, EA has performed other audits to confirm the quality of key input information used in the stress / support evaluation, e.g., the development of the SSI-ARS. O 2-5

                                                                            , --       - --       - - . - .J


                           -BEAVER VALLEY POWER STATION, UNIT 1 SECTION 3 PIPE STRESS RESULTS A total of 131 pipe stress' problems were identified for reanalysis and have baen analyzed by Stone 8 Webster Engineering         Corporation    in   Boston, Massachusetts.

The pipe . stress reanalysis was performed using the NUPIPE-SW code. The NUPIFE-SW code utilizes modal response combinations as fullows: (s% Intermodal - SRSS grouping method for modal combination between modes, where closely rpaced modes are combined by absoluto sum. This method

                       .is described in Regulatory Guide 1.92.

Intramodal - SRSS for combination of earthqua:.a directional effecte within.the mode.

     -Piping vis analyzed utilizing amplified response spectra (ARS) that were developed using soil structure interaction techniques          (SSI-ARS). The 3-L

BEAVER VALLEY POWER STATION, UNIT 1 s_/ resultant stresses and loads were used to evaluate piping, supports, equipment nozzles, penetrations, and equipment supports. Table 3-1 lists the 131 problems reanalyzed including the peak stress values for the NUPIPE-SW pipe stress runs. 1 Stresses were competed by t'.e liUPIPE-SW program using different mass models and different ARS than the original calculations. More importantly, the reanalyses were based on field-verified conditions which in some cases differ significantly from the original design conditions. f-- Table 3-2 summari zes the penetrations and nozzles evaluated under the

  "- reanalysis program. Of a total of .49 nozzles and 64 penetrations within the scope of the effort,         all have been evaluated. This is based on 1) vendor approval. 2) loads less than before, and 3) calculations.

Currently the following equipment and equipment supports have been qualified to the interim criteria and are avatting final disposition:

1. Quench and recirculation spray pumps 2.

Residual heat removal pumps

3. Component cooling pumps
a. Diesel driven fire pump D

a 3-2


5. Recirculation spray heat exchangers
6. Screen wash strainer
7. The ' ;zle connections to the pressurizer O

i 3-3 I l

         =                    .  . -- -. -                                       .       .-



4 ReOnalysis Allowable Maximum Stress Stress System QE DE and DBE DDE Problem No. (esi) (esi) Reactor Coolant

                   -653A                          14.534                  8.161 21,801                  8,510
                   .653B                          14.534                  8.277 21,801                  8,552 653C                          22.200                  15.763 33,300                  17,662 833/8                          17.160/19.200888       14.498/10.301

() v 25,740/28,200 19.200 17,491/11,070 7,924 1200 28,800 8,448 1201 19.200 8.149 28,800 8,757 i Safety In iect i ED u 391 22.500 12.194 33,750 22,349 2112 22.500 9.009 33,750 11,681 i 610 20.388 2.219 30,582 2,514 1 613 22.500 19.573 l 33,750 26,007 , 615 20.388 6.961 30,582 8,403 1 of 11


Reanalysis Allowable Maximum Stress Stress j System OBI

_ '9BI , and DBE DBE Problem No. (psi) (psi) 15 21.972 8.493 i ! 32,958 9,934 1011 22.500 7.363

!                                                33,750                              12,638 301                      19.200                              13.329 28,800                              14,577 213-                     20.388                              12.464 30,582                              23,041
2113 20.398 14.473 30,582 27,221 i 900 20.520 8.451 v 30,780 12,660 l 902 21.708 8.888 l 32,562 14,554 300 19.200 11.832 l 28,800 13,003
                       - 3004                    20.520                              6.212 30,780                              5,244 4

301A 19.200 10.544 28,800 11,714 Quench Sprav i 211 21.444 2.296 32,166 2,818 212 . 21.444 3.071 32,166 3,367 228 21.444 9.304 32,166 15,386. 3 V-2 of 11

                                                                             .               --m.,-

BEAVER VALLEY POWER STATION, UNIT 1 ~ I\ TABLE 3-1 (Cont) i Reanalysis Allowable Maximum Stress Stress l System GlE QlE and DBE DBE Problem No. (esi) (esi) 229 21.444 5.694 32,166 9,825 i

;         23                           22.236                                 10.537 33,354                                  28,807 134                          22.236                                 11.245 33,354                                 14,563 135                          22.236                                 13.547 4

33,354 10.526 136 22.236 20.947 33,354 30,272

<         210                          22.500                                  15.045

' 9,793 33,750 218 22.500 18.901 l 33,750 8,707 614 22.500 22.298 33,750 15,720 617 22.500 7.508

33,750 7,121 1

Recirculation Sorav 17 19.380 9.458 i 29,070 11,008 I 18 19.380 8.286

29,070 8,991
19. 19.380 6.047
                                     ~29,070                                   9,390 20                           19.380                                 18.642 i                                        29,070                                  7,277
   -l                                                                                                                                   l 3 of 11
                     ,     --- . . .      , - . - .         ,. ,_,,,,y-   . -    - . _ , . - -   , - - . , , - - -  . ~ . .v + ~- . . -
                                      . BEAVER VALLEY POWER STATION, UNIT 1 TABLE 3-1 (Cont)

Reanalysis l Allowable Maximum Stress Stress System 923 OBE and DBE DBE Problem No. (esi) (psi) 22 19.380 16.961 29,070 21,398 24 19.380 5.491 29.070 6,926 25 19.380 14.188 1 29,070 13,965 27,28 19.380 14.811

j. 29,070 14,706 l 29 19.380 5.157 l 29,070 16,410 130 19.380 9.815 )

29,070 6,210 131 19.380 10.611 29,070 6,074 132 19.380 5.684 29,070 5,651 133 19.380 13.657 29,070 14,962 611 22.500 19.442 29,C70 24,814 1 612 19.380 1.239 29,070 1,256 609 19.380 16.773 29,070 21,631 Charging and Volume Control i 100 20.388 7.148 30,582 7,636 4 4 of 11 i

BEAVER VALLEY POWER STATION, UNIT 1 TABLE 3-1 (Cont) (d Reanalysis AllowaDie. liaximum 4 Stress Stress System 215 91L and DBE DEE Problem No. (osi) (esi) 102 20.388 12.649 30,582 13,409 3031 21.708 6.974 32,562 7,792 260 21.708 8.903 32,562 9,349 911 21.708 7.194 32,562 9,596 3035 19.236 9.974 28,854 10,465 i i Residual Heat Removal i 255 18.300 7.082 27,450 7,834 j 256 18.300 12.539 i 27,450 15,648 14 17.358/19.2008'8 9.003/8.591 26,037/28,800 10,291/9,460 l 3011 18.300 6.4?5 27,450 7,574

!      616                   18.300                         8.408 1                             27,450                    11,500 t      Component
!      Cooling Water 302                   18.000                         6.295 27,000                    10,271 i,

5 of 11

                               . BEAVER VALLEY POWER STATION, UNIT 1 TABLE 3-1'(Cont) i                                                                          Reanalysis Allowable         Maximum Stress           Stress System                                       M                 M j                  and                                       DBE               DBE Problem No.                                   (esi)             (osi) 303                                        18.000             6.906 27,000            10,377 304                                        18.000             7.474 t                                                        27,000            10,524 i             305                                        18.000            6.233 27,000            8,558 306                                        18.000            4.814 27,000            5,734 l             307                                        18.000            3.083 27,000            3,450 180                                        18 dqQ            7.570 27.000            7,384 i

^ 181 18.000 7.516 27,000 15,168 170 18.000 6.669 27,000 7,050

171 18.000 5.639 27,000 5,839 172 18.000 5.701 4

27,000 11,136 173 18.000 5.107

27,000 6,381 l

! 174 18.000 2.664 27,000 2,760 175 18.000 5.197 27,000 5,414 176 18.000 3.492 27,000 4,279 l 6 of 11 , 1


  ;                        TABLE 3-1 (Cont)


                            ' Allowable                                   Maximum Stress                                       Stress System                    Q1E                                          Mg and                     DBE                                          DEE Problem No.               (esi)                                         (esi) 177                     18.000                                         8.491 27,000                                         11,781

, 178,186,270 18.000 10.233 27,000 11,918 179 18.000 2.081 27,000 2,995 i

183 18.000 12.475 27,000 15.424 j 184 '8.000 10.133 27,000 11,734 i

27,000 11,918 - I-215 18.000 11.098 l 27,000 19,776 4 217,914, 18.000 16.513 930,931 27,000 26,115 l 214 18.000 14.740 27,000 25,774 River Water 1 18.000 6.951 27,000 8,552 30 18.000 3.917

27,000 5,983 j 31 18.000 4.504 i 27,000 7,102 32 18.000 5.080 27,000 7,881 LO

, 7 of 11

BEAVER VALLEY POWER STATION, UNIT 1 TABLE 3-1 (Cont) Reanalysis Allowable Maximum Stress Stress System 91E 91E and DBE DDE . Problem No. (esi) (osi) 33 18.000 5.839 27,000 8,854 140 18.000 5.901 27,000 6,609 384 18.000 7.009 27,000 7.794 157 18.000 1.884 27,000 -2,011 i 158 18.000 1.976 27,000 2,090 159'28 18.000 8.514 27,000 9,256 125,126.128 18.000 12.119 27,000 14,183 124,126,127 18.000 11.722 l 27,000 14,885 l 123 18.000 11.983 27,000 18,237 1 120- 18.000 16.559 .! 27,000 24,879 216 18.000 6.151 27,000 10,682 203 18.000 1.685 27,000 1,823 2031 18.000 1.665 27,000 2,588 1 152 21.000 10.055 31,500 14,882 O 8 of 11

                       - . -               - - = ,

BEAVER VALLEY POWER STATION, UNIT 1 TABLE 3-1 (Cont) Reanalysis 1 Allowable Maximum Stress Stress System QJLE Q]}I and DBE DBE Problem No. (esi) (esi) i 121 16.440/18.000's 10.556/4.610 24,660/27,000 17,485/8,611 122 16.440 9.995 24,660 12,141 165 21.000 10.055 31,500 14,882 652 18.000 1.523 27,000 1,624 653' 18.000 1.496 27,000 1,593 153 16.440 7,807 24,660 8,797 Main Steam 658 22.500 11.183 33,750 10,721

,                   6590                      18.000                          9.315                    l

! 27,000 12,026 101 18.000 13.833 27,000 22,319 I 659 22.500 15.616 { 33,750 11,290 ' 660 22.500 11.826 33,750 11,712 j 3063 22.500 20.134 33,750 26,524 r t.) g 9 of 11


,                                                           Reanalysis Allowable                 Maximum Stress                  Stress System                  M                         M and                    DBE                       DBZ Problem No.               (esi)                     (esi)

Feed Water 204 18.000 9.447 27,000 10,350 783 18.000 13.462 27,000 15,806 784 18.000 10.009 ' 27,000 11,852 785 18.000 10.023 27,000 12,044 261 132222 13.388 O 27,000 21,060 Diesel Generator Exhaust 651 12.960 121 19,440 712 Spent Tuel Fool and Purification 104 21.233 5.963 31,849 6,349 I 105 21.290 6.061 31,936 9,137 107 21.233 6.633 31,849 7,250 198 21.233 2.338 31,050 2,420 O 10 of 11

L BEAVER VALLEY POWER STATION, UNIT 1 TABLE 3-1 (Cont) Reanalysis Allowable Maximum Stress Stress System QE gli and DBE DBE Problem No. (esi) (esi) 301Z 18.900 5.404 28,350 8,774 Notes: SSI-ARS  : Amplified response spectra developed using soils structure interaction techniques Stresses shown are Operational Basis Earthouake (OBE) 5 tresses Design Basis Earthquake (DBE) Stresses

            TP304/TP316 allowables O'   Problem 159 inciudes Problems 160 and 161.
           *** A-155 Gr.C/A-106 Gr.B allowables.

J i 1 i i i i 11 of 11

  .__ _ __                           .._ ._ _._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ . . _                                 _. ._. . _ . . _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ ._ _ . .-_ . _ _ _ _ __ .- _ _ _ _____- ._.~

j BEAVER VALLEY POWER STATION, UNIT 1 t i TABLE 3-2 i l i N0ZZLE AND PENETRATION SUMdARY i ! l l Total No. Systen/ of Nozzles / l- Problem No. Penetrations 1 Reactor Coolant i j 653A 6/0 i

653B 8/0 i

l 653C 8/0 l 833 8 8 4/0 1 I 1200 1/0

                                                           . 1201                                                                                                          0/0 Safety IniectiED 391                                                                                                           1/0 1

2112 0/0 l 610 2/2 613 0/0 615 2/3 j i 15 1/0 1011 0/0 ( i 300 0/1 301 0/2 I 213 0/0

2113 0/0
,                                                            900                                                                                                           0/1 4

301A 0/0 i . 3012 0/1 1

1 of 7 m , yv+- - , -y+-w- , - , et, , ,r-- .-m r.emm,.___.-y. e e., .wsw,,%.- ,c.e,-3 e ,-....u---, - - , .m v._ --m.- --r--m,~.

i l 4 i BEAVER VALLEY POWER STATION, UNIT 1 l l i l f -TABLE 3-2 (Cont) i I f j Total No. j System / of Nozzles / Problem Ngt Penetrations 1 3004 0/1 902 0/2 Ouemh Soray l j 211 1/0 1 i 212 1/0 i  ; 4

228 1/0 '


229 1/0 i

I 23 0/0 l j 134 0/0 i r I ', 135 0/i i }- 136 0/1

;                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            i j                                                        210                                                                                                                   1/0                                                                            '

I i 218 1/0 i i .j 614 0/1

;                                                       617                                                                                                                   0/1                                                                           I j                                                        Recirculation Set u                                                                                                                                                                                  i 1-                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            i
!                                                       17                                                                                                                    2/0                                                                            [


18 2/0 i

i; i 19 2/0  ! I' i 20 2/0 i 22 0/0  ; 24 0/0 I

25' 0/0 l' i

j ,' 2 of.7

   ,    .,_               - - , , . . . . , . . _ ,         ,    ,       ..-m.                   _ - . . . . _ . , . . , - . . . . _ _ . _ . . _ . - _ _ , _ _ _ _ _ . .                  _ _ _ . , _ . _ . . . . , . _ _ , _ _ _ . . _ _ _             ,

i i BEAVER VALLEY POWER STATION, UNIT 1 i i 1 + I TABLE 3-2 (Cont)  ! 1 I Total No. I System / of Nozzles / Problem No. Penetrations i i j 27 1/0 28 1/0 i 29 l 130 0/1 131 0/1 132 0/0 133 0/0 611 2/0 } ! 612 2/2 t 'I i 609 2/0 Charninn a Volume Control i . 260 1/0 ] i 100 2/0 1 ! 911 0/1 l l 102 1/0 i' 3035 1/0 i l 3031 2/0 K_esidual Heat Removal 255 6/0 256 0/0 i 14 1/0 i !. 3011 0/0 616 0/1 i ? 3 of 7 l t-

  - , _ ~ , _ _ _ _ _ _ . . . , _ . , _ , _ _ . _ , , . _ _ . , _ _ , _   - . . , . _ _ , _ . _ _   ~ . _ . . __ _ _ _ _ _ . _ . . _ . _ _ _ , _  , , _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ . . _ , , _ _   . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , . _ _ _ _

,' 4 l TABLE 3-2 (Cont)  ! i Total !!o. . System / of Nozzles / , ! Problem No. Penetrations  ! I  ! j component cooline Water

302 1/1 -

l I I 303 1/1 ' f i 304 1/1 l 1 i ! 305 1/1 I 306 0/1 l )  ! 1 307 0/1

!                                                                                                                                                                                                i t

180 2/0  ! 4

181 2/0 170 3/0 i 171 6/0 -

i } 172 0/0 i l l 173 0/0 174 0/0 i 175 0/0 1, f 176 0/0 177 0/0 i l 178 0/0 ! T l 179 1/0 ( 1 ' l 183 3/0 i 184 2/0 186 0/0 [ ! l 270 3/0 i. !. 4 of 7 l

                        ..._.._,a----..-.:_,_.___-.________._,_____.                        . - _ . _ . . _ _ . _ , _ _ _ _ _ , - _ - _ , _ _ - . . . _ . . - - - _ , . _ . _ . . , _ , _ .



1  ! i '. TABLE 3-2 (Cont) i i I i Total No. System / of Nozzles / , Problem No. Penetrations j 215 0/4 i ! 217 0/4  : 930 0/1 l 931 t/1 1 . 214 0/1 j River Water 1 4/4 30 1/1 i l )' 31 1/1 i 32 1/1 f 33 1/1 1 j 140 1/0 i 384 1/0 1 j 157 0/0 158 0/0 1 4 159 3/0 . i 128 0/0 I i i 127 0/0 i 125 0/0 124 0/0 - 123 0/4' i

                            -120                                                                                  0/4 i

i 126 3/0 t 5.of 7 i

i BEAVER VALLEY POWER STATION, UNIT 1 TABLE 3-2 (Cont) Total No. System / of Nozzles / Problem No. Penetrations 216 0/1 203 2/0 2031 1/0 152 3/0 l 153 0/0 i i 121 3/0 1 122 0/0 165 0/0 652 4/0 653 4/0 4 Main Steam f 658 1/1 6590 0/0 101 0/0 659 1/1 s 660 1/1 3063 0/0 l

!                                       Feedvater 4

204 3/0 ! 783 1/1 784 1/1 i 785 1/1


261 0/0 4 i j 6 of 7 i ] i

  ..-.J..        -- ,. - , - . - .         . . , , -    ..          ..,  -.-.-,a        _
                                                                                                                    - , . . , , - , , - -            -n .  - , -, - . ,

BEAVER VALLEY POWER STATION, UNIT 1 i i TABLE 3-2 (Cont) l l t Total No. ! System /~ of Nozzles / l Problem No. Penetrations Diesel Generator Exhaust J 651 2/0 l 1 Fuel Pool Cooline and Purification 104 4/0 i 105 2/0

107 2/0 198 2/0 4

301Z 0/1 t i l i I i 4 1 i i 7 of 7 4

BEAVER VALLEY POWER STATION, UNIT 1 SECTION 4 PIPE SUPPORT RESULTS Table 4-1 summarizes the pipe supports evaluated in the reanalysis program. There were 1481 pipe supports on lines within the reanalysis effort; of these, 1314 were evaluated and found acceptable and 167 were modified to be acceptable. A support was considered acceptable if all the loading conditions analyzed produced responses that were within acceptable allowables. If a . support was unacceptable, a modification was performed. Hardware modifications and additions are discussed i'i detail in Section 5. l l O 4-1 _ . ._ . - . . - . , - . _ - . . _ -. \

       . . . . _ _ . . .      . ~ _ .   . _ . _ . ._ __ . _ . . . . _ . _ .__.                    __                                                  _                       .

4 P

;                                                    BEAVER VALLEY POWER STATION, UNIT 1 3:



i i Total No. Modifications $ System / of Supports or Additions Problem No. (includine serinus) Recuired l j- Reactor Coolant l 653A 3 2  ; i 653B 22 6 653C 15 4 i . 2 833/8 37 8 4 j 1200 24 8 i 1201 22 3

 ;                        Safety Iniection 391                                                      11                                                                              0 l

902 11 0 1 2112 8 0 i  ; I 900 7 1 610 4 1

613 9 3 j
j. 615 40 1 1

15 15 3 1011 19 0 i 301 44 ! 5 l 301A 13 1 f-213 23 0 i. 3004 11 2 1 of 7

 !                                                                            BEAVER VALLEY POWER STATION, UNIT 1
                   <                                                                       TABLE 4-1 (Cont) i Total No.                                                              Modifications l

System / of Supports or Additions i Problem No. fincludine sprinus) Reauired 2113 23 0 [ 300 44 5  ! . Cuench sorav 1 i ! 211 5 0 212 3 0 t ! 23 24 0  ; 134 6 2 , 135 10 0 l ! I i 136 8 2 i ! 210 13 0 I 218 14 0 614 3 0 l f 617' 7 , 4 s ggqirculation spray l

                                        .17                                                       5                                                                                      1 l

18- 4 1 f 19 5 0 l 20 4 1 22 36 0 , 24 8 1 25 8 0 ,- 27, 28 20 3 i i 29 18 0 l 2 of 7

-l 1 BEAVER VALLEY POWER STATION, UNIT 1 TABLE 4-1 (Cont) Total No. Modifications i System / of Supports or Additions i Problem No. (includine sprines) Reouired 130 2 0 131 2 0 10 1 132 133 25 5 1 14 1 609 611 16 2 i 612 0 0 e a Charninn Volume control 3031 23 5 1 100 9 0 I 260- 9 3 102 9 2 911 5 0 3035 14 5 Residual Hbat Removal 19 2 255 256 11 0 14 19 0 11 0 3011 7 1 616 O 3 of 7 l [

     ~ . ~ , . . - . . _ . - . . . - . - - . . . - . - . . . . .

h 1. I BEAVER VALLEY POWER STATION, UNIT 1 i TABLE 4-1-(Cont) I l Total No. Modifications System /. of Supports or Additions  ! Problem No. j, including sprines) Reauired Component Cooline Water i'

                                               '302                                                                23                                                                                            0 i
                                                '303                                                               23                                                                                            0 1                                                 304                                                               33                                                                                            3 I                                                 305                                                               30                                                                                            0 l                                                 306                                                               12                                                                                            1 l

l 307 13 1 1 ! 180 5 0 1 j 181 6 0 i ! 170 19 1 l


j 171 18 4 1 s i 172 13 2 i 4 & I 173 3 1 l 174 4 0 l 1 175 7 0  : 176 8 1 I l-177 10 3 . 178 13 0 '

                                              ~ 179                                                                   9                                                                                          0 f                                                                   s

l 183 12 0 < 1 4 ,. 184 15 2 l ) 186 7 1 l l 270 11 2 l

!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      1 l

4 of 7 1 4 t~

           .                . . - . - , ~ , . .             . , . . . . - _ , - - ,a .. . ---. ,,_.-..         m._        ___,_-_ _.,,. , . . _ , , , . , _ _ _ _ _ _ , . , . _ . .                                 - . . - _ , - - . _ . . - , - ---m

i, i I BEAVER VALLEY POWER STATION, UNIT 1 I 4 i TABLE 4-1 (Cont) i i ' Total No. Hodifications j System / of Supports or Additions l 4 - Froblem No. (includine sorines) Reouired i i i 215 9 '1 i 217 12 2  ; i L i 930 4 0 931 2 0 [ ! i i ! 214 5 0 i ' f River Water i , i

 !                             1-                                                                                                                    0                                           0 i

! 30 2 0 [ ! L i

31 2 0 l 1 i

! 32~ 2 0 a 33 2 0 - 140 3 0 384 6 1 i 157 3 0

 ,                             156-                                                                                                                  2                                           1 L

1 I 4 .' 59 8 0 1 1 i 128 5 1 f 127 6 1 l 1 4' 125 13 0 124 17 1


o i-123 17 5 I . 1 120. 13 10 p t

                            '126                                                                                                                   13                                            0 5 of 7
,                                                                                                                                 (

l-ZEAVER VALLEY POWER STATION, UNIT 1 l 1 i TABLE 4-1 (Cont)  ! i i' Total No. Modifications i System / . of Supports or Additions

Problem No. 11ngludinn sprinus) Reauired ,

i  ! ! 203 16 2 l I 2031 10 0 J l 121 19 4  ; j 122 19 11 l 165 2 0 l i 152 8 0 ,

!                                                                                                                                 i i

! 153 2 0 652 2 0 f i 653 4 0 Main Steam 1 658 11 0 6590 9 3

 ,                     101                               9                             1 659                                3                            'O i


!                     660                               10                             1 J                     3063                               2                             0 4                                                                                                                                  i 4

Feedwater-783 13 1 784 9 0 f j -785 5 1 261 9 0 l  ; Diesel Generator Exhatig  ; 4 ' 6 of 7


_ . ~ - . - , _ . _ - - - - . - - . _

i- }~ BEAVER VALLEY POWER STATION, UNIT 1 r TABLE 4-1 (Cont) l 4 Total No. Modifications !' System / of Supports or Additions ! Problem No. (including sprinns) Reauired i ! Fuel Fool Cooling and Purification l 104 10 0 i 105 17 0  ; i l j 107 23 0  ; 1 198 9 1 4 301Z 2 0 i. 1 I e d > i i i t 3 i i i l 1 I , i l 4 O 7 of 7 ( ,~


e..n=.--., ,,--,_--r-,,..,--

BEAVER VALLEY POWER STATION UNIT A l Q)I SECTION 5 HARDWARE MODIFICATIONS 5.1 PIPING AND PIPE SUPPORTS Stress and support reanalysis of safety-related piping determined that as a result of the new analyses some piping and pipe supports exceeded code allowable levels. These condition: are due to a variety of reasons including as-built differences as well as numerous changes in analy*ical methodology.

    ~s Many supports were designated to be corrected by physical hardware additions rather than continuing exhaustive analysis. Generally this was done where the addition of restraints or damping devices (snubbers) or minor nodifications to existing supports was easier and less time-consuming than to continue calculational procedures.

The required modifications are described in Table 5-1 for the problems identified in Table 4-1. 73 ?  ? \J' 5-1 1

       .          -     -     .    .- .-.          . . - - - - . - - - - _ . . ~ . . .               - . - - . - - _...                                   - - - _ . - - .
                                          ' BEAVER VALLEY POWER STATION, UNIT 1 A

5.2 EXPANSION JOINTS i Expansion joints modified to accommodate the new loading conditions are shown ) on Table'5-2. 1 i 5.3 RACKS ,- General 4 As part of the reanalysis of safety related piping systems, the cable vault and annulus pipe racks.were also reanalyzed. These reanalyses considered the


as-built condition of the piping and electrical systems on the racks and utilized loads which-were developed for all piping, electrical conduit and trays support on the racks. As a result of the reanalyses, a number of I modifications were made to the racks. These modifications consisted primarily ' 4 of upgrading beam and hanger connections and strengthening rack beams to ' accommodate torsional and normal stress loadings. Eganalysis 4

          .The ' reanalysis of the racks considered all of the structural elements which make up the racks as well as all connections within the racks -and rack connections to .embedments or other structural elements. The elastic working i

V 5-2

BEAVER VALLEY POWER STATION, UNIT 1 O V stress method for see,el design using the space frame options of STRUDL was employed. Each rack was analyzed separately using applicable loads. Piping loads used in the rack analyses consisted ci NUpIpE-SW computer calculation output for computer analyzed piping and loads of record for piping analyzed by simplified analyses techniques. Seismic loading for conduit and cable tray was developed using the dead load times the peak amplified response spectra accelerations using the soil-structure interaction amplified response spectra. I \ The loading combinations considered in the reanalysis of the structural steel

  's racks were:
1. Y=D+T i


2. Y: 3/4 (D + T + E)

. .3. Y: 2/3 (D + T + E'), but 50.9Fy [ Wheret Y: Required section strength based on elastic method of design l l pd j 5-3

     ._.    . .      .~      . . _ _ _ . . . _               _    .-              _ . . _ _ _ - . _ _ _ _           . _ . . _ _ .   . __



l' D = Dead Load 4 T = Thermal i E: Operatlonal Basis Earthquake, OBE, include pipe inertia load E' : Design Basis Earthquake, DBE, include inertia load l

                -Modifications a

h 'I As a result of the reanalysis, the following modifications were performed on g- g the annulus pipe racks and the cable vault racks: Annulus Pine Racks l 1. Manger modifications - 18 connections between the outside ring hanger j and floor, beams were strengthened by replacing bolted "T" sections with. gussets welded directly to floor beams. Nineteen connections j between the inside ring hanger and floor slabs were strengthened by I .' adding stiffner plates..


2 f l': i 4 (, 5-4  : l l l f h' ~* r 5,, ~ . _ , . - .;,.-,.. ----n,,- -,---.,,,.r-. - - -- - , - , . - - . - - - , - - - - ~ - - - . - - - - , - - - - -


2. Truss modifications - two trusses were strengthened by adding furthez truss elements for continuity in order to relieve local high member loads for connections and members.
3. Beam modifications - fourteen beams were strengthened by additional cover plates, boxing-in of sections for torsional effects.

Cable Vault Racks

1. Beam modifications - four beams were strengthened by adding addibienalcoverplates, boxing-inofsectionsfortorsionaleffects.

4 other Modifications During the inspection of the annulus pipe racks it was noted that the embedded plates for rack numbers 10 and 40 exhibited visual deformations. It has been concluded that these deformations were caused by a water hammer incident in the 18"-CC-114 line (supply side of the RH system) during plant start-up and this condition has been corrected. The modifications to the embedded plates consisted of attaching overlay plates with drilled-in anchors. O 5-5

BEAVER VALLEY POWER STATION, UNIT 1 {% 5.4 SADDLES Two saddles were installed to relieve overstressed conditions resulting from the application of stress intensification factors at the connections between 3 i lines 14"-WR-26-151-Q3 and 24"-WR-29-151-Q3 of problem 120 and lines 18"-WR-185-151 and 10"-WR-211-121 of problem 122. ' 5.5 MAIN STEAM During the reanalysis of the main steam piping inside the valve house it was determined that stress levels exceeded code allowables when occasional loading due primarily to the effect of the safety relief valve opening event was considered. This was resolved by rerouting the piping beyond the 5 safety valves for each'of the three headers. This rerouting of the piping (15 lines) necessitated the addition of an anchor located on the roof of the mainsteam valve house for each line.

         .5.6   PRESSURIZER SAFETY AND RELIEF VALVE SYSTEM As part of the reanalysis of problem 833/8, the occasional loading resulting from.the water slug discharge from the pressurizer safety and relief valves was regenerated. This was necessary since had informed Duquesne Light Company that the information contained in Westinghouse Standard 1.21 i

O 5-6 - l


t N~-]

Rev. 0 (dated January 15, 1973, entitled " Criteria and Guidelines for the Design of Safety and Relief Valve Installation") was for preliminary design only and should not ha used as the basis for the final design acceptance. An unsuccessful attempt was made to generate forcing functions to be used in the modeling of the two phase mixture resulting following opening of the pressurizer safety and relief valves. In order to gain time in which to develop forcing functions, a piping modification was made to drain the liquid from the valves' loop seals, thus eliminating the two phase mixture from an input to the analysis. The modification consists of providing continuous drains from the loop seals and routing the resultant drain flow into the pressurizer liquid space. The installation of this modification allows (}' G completion of the analysis and provides assurance that all stresses will remain within allowable limits. It is recognized that this modification results in thermal currents in the drain lines and that t .a potential for leakage through the valves would be increased. However, investigations with both Westinghouse and plant operations personnel indicate that control of this leakage can be maintained without violation of plant technical specifications and without placing the plant in an unsafe condition.

   ,- ~

gja 5-7

      -. . ~       .      ._        _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _._        _ _ . . . . _ _ _ _ _ . _ . _ . _ _ _                    _,_ .. _ __ _ _ _ _ _.__ _      _

3 O O l. t TABLE 5-1


OF REQUIRED MODIFICATIONS i Problem Support No. No. Reason for Modification Nature of Modification  ! Reactor Coolant 653A HSS-103 & Clamp overstress (two suppressors on Remove HSS-104 and connect it'to new clamp. , HSS-104 same clamp) 653B HSS-101 8 Clamp overstress (two suppressors on Remove HSS-102 from existing clamp and HSS-102' same clamp) connect it to new clamp H-30 & H-31 Local support member overstress Add 3/8" plate H-38 Support members and bolts overstress Remove two-way constraint and replace with one-way constraint HSS-107 Local member fails in bending Modify adding.1/4" plate 653C H-18 Loaded beyond weld capacity Replace with structural tube box frame f H-19 Baseplates overstress Add TS 4" x 4" x 1/2" brace

.                        HSS-105 &    Clamps overstress (two suppressor                              Remove HSS-105 from existing clamp and l                        HSS-106      connected to same clamp)                                       connect it to new clamp
;            833/8       H-42A        Overstrussed due to dynamic load                               Install two hydraulic ishock suppressors HSS-302      overstressed due to dynamic load                               Install one hydraulic shock suppressor                i HSS-303      Overstressed due to dynamic load                               Install two hydraulic shock suppressors HSS-20       overstressed due to dynamic load                               Modify existing support R-31         overstressed due to dynamic load                               Modify existing support R-33         overstressed due to dynamic load                               Modify existing support 4

1201 SH-27 Not within working range of spring Reset -

SH-28 j

SH-53 4 1200 H-2.8 H-4A Support overstress Modify from vertical constraint to vertical-lateral constraint H-11 U-bolts overstress Remove U-bolts and replace with structural- r i tube support i- SH-8 Not in working range Reset i 1 of 8 1

                                 ' f\ -                                              O U                                              V                                                   [U  %

TABLE 5-1 (Cont) Problem Support No. No. Reason for Modification Nature of Modification SH-15 Undersized spring used Replace existing spring with large one RC-A-7 8 Local overstress of pipe at anchor Modify existing support w'.th tubular steel RC-A-17 and special anchor clamp RC-R-90 New loading requiremenc Add new support 833 H-46 (PSSP- Support members overstress due to Add a snubber to each support 046) 3 seismic loads H-301 (PSSP-301) Safety Iniection 3004 H-87 New load overstress Reveld and add 4" x 4" x 1/4" TS 3004 H-89A New load overstress Add (two) 3/8" x 1 1/4" x 2" plates 610 SH-50 Improper spring setting Reset load settings l 15 SH-1 New load considerations and resetting Reset load settings 15 H-8 Lugs overstressed Modify the lugs, with tubular steel 613 SH-53 Neu load considerations and resetting Reset load settings 613 A-15 Weld failed Increase and strengthen veld 613 H-52 Local overstress of pipe at hanger Remove existing lug. Replace with structural tubing 300 H-304 Support member overstress Mcdify member section to strengthen 300 H-305 New load cverstress Increase trunnion diameter to 6" H-312 300 H-325 Excessive uplifting force Add 1/2" x 2" x 2 1/2" top plate 300 H-311 New load overstress Add shims to increase clearance 301 SH-49A New load considerations and resetting Reset load settings 301 SH-52A New load considerations and resetting Reset load setting SH-57A SH-58A 301 SH-101A New load considerations and resetting Reset load setting 2 of 8 5

                                                     ,                                                                                                      ,n
                                                    ' ,. yl                                             \    )                                             \.  -

gj w T/BLE 5-1 (Cont) Problem Support No. No. Reason for Modification Nature of Modification 301A A-60 New load overstress Add member TS 4" x 2" x 1/4" to strengthen 900 A-305A Base plate overstressed Modify base plate 615 PSA-03 U-bolts overstressed Replace with friction clamp ouench Sorav 134 H-91 High thermal loads Change support from vertical constraint to laterai constraint H-91A Neu .oading condition Add lateral constraint 136 H-88 Thermal and dead load overstresses Modify support from a vertical constraint to a lateral constraint H-173 Dead load overstress Add new spring hanger 617 H-22 Local member overstressed Modify support H-23A Clamp loaded beyond capacity ~ Replace existing clamp with strut clamp, Grinnel Fig. 211, Size 4 H-23B Clamp loaded beyond capacity Replace existing clamp with strut clamp, Grinnel Fig. 211, size 4 H-57 New loading condition Delete hanger due to pipe stress requirements Recirculatien Spray 24 SH-47A Impropar spring setting Reset load settings 27/28 SH-1 Spring oversized Install proper size spring 27/28 SH-5 Spring oversized Install proper size spring 27/28 SH-300 Excessive stress Install new spring hanger assembly 611 H-004 Improper spring setting Reset load setting 611 H-008 New load overstress Replace straps with tubular sections 609 H-013 New load overstress Replace straps with tubular sections 133 H-20A2 Support member overstress Vertical support to vertical restraint 3 of 8 l

 .,                                                 p v                                                 V                                                  U TABLE 5-1 (Cont)

Problem Support No. No. Reason for Modification Nature of Modification 133 H-21A2 Support member oversress Vertical support to vertical restraint 133 SH-23 Support member overstress Remove spring hanger 133 H-212 Support member overstress Replace snubbers with sway strut 133 H-228 Support member overstress Replace snubbers with sway strut 18AtB SH-8 Local pipe stress above normal Modify support with clamps 20ASB SH-4 Local pipe stress above normal Modify support with clamps 17A8B SH-48A Local pipe stress above normal Modify support with clamp" 132 H-216 Suppressor clamp interferer.ce Remove portion of suppressor clamp Charcine Volume Control 3035 PS-3 Support member overstress Change members from angles to t' des PS-3A Seismic overstress of run pipe Design new support PS-4 Support member overstress Modify members to form tubular section PS-6 Excessive lateral load Replace U-bolt with angles R-206 Excessive ther movements Add additional member 3031 PS-001 Excessive lateral loads Replace U-bolts with angles PS-004 Excessive lateral loads Replace U-bolts with angles PS-005 Excessive lateral lords Replace U-bolts with angles H-44 Excessive lateral loads Replace U-bolts with angles H-46 Excessive lateral loads Replace U-bolts with angles 260 H-134 U-bolt overstress Replace with tubular steel frame H-25 Support member overstress Replace angles with tubular steel H-34 Excessive lateral loads Modify member section to strengthen Lesidual Heat Removal Member overstress Add 2" x 2" x 3/8" angle 255 H-ll 4 of 8

                                                           ,                                              y, (x_/ )                                              (%    .)                                         (    l
                                                             ./                                            x_-

TABLE 5-1 (Cont) Problem Support No. No. Reason for Modification Nature of Modification 255 H-15 Local excessive pipe stress Replace pipe trunnion 616 SH-56 Improper spring setting Reset load setting Conconant Cooline 170 H-20 Support members of rack overstress Modify mamber to increase properties and add new membsr to act as brace 171 H-64A Local overstress of pipe due to lug Modify lug attachment attachment H-65A Local overstress of pipe due to lug Modify lug attachment attachment H-68A Support men'-ar overstress Modify member and add new member to frame pipe H-70A Excessive rod hanger clearance Adjust hanger gap 172 H-9 Support member overstress Modify member section to increase its properties A-6/A-14 Baseplate and anchor bolt overstress Remove existing brace and replace with TS 4" x 4", Also add gusset plates and new bolts to base 173 H-66 Local support member overstress Add stiffener plates 176 H-95 Local overstress on pipe Change support from anchor to three-way constraint 177 A-27 Local support member overstress Replace member with tubular steel member A-136 Local overstress of pipe at anchor Add pad H-80 U-bolt overstress Replace U-bolt with structural member box 184 A-50 Baseplate and anchor bolts overstress Add new support brace and replace baseplate bolts H-105B Support member overstress Replace member with tubular steel member 186 A-51 Baseplate and anchor bolts overstress Add new support brace and replace existing baseplate and bolts 217 PSSP-300A,B Suppcrt members overstress Add new suppressor and reloate spring hanger 5 of 8

                                   ._~   _                       ,.   ._       _

(" L) q) O TABLE 5-1 (Cont) Problem . Support No. No. Reasen for Modification Nature of Medification 270 H-56 Weld loaded beyond capacity Relocate' support - clamp instead of welds H-23 Support members of rack overstress Modify member to increase member properties and add how member to act'as brace 304 HSS-406A,B Suppressor loaded over capacity Replace with large suppressor H-100-6 Local overstress of pipe Reduce length of trunnion - redesign other members 306 A-264 Local overstress of. pipe Reloate support and redesign .307 H-300A Local overstress of pipe due to lug Modify lug attachment attachment 215 H-209- Baseplate and anchor overload Add vertical member and baseplate River Water 120 R Uplift force on pipe Change from vertical support to vertical constraint R-6 Uplift force on pipe Change from vertical support to vertical constraint R-7 Uplift force on pipe Change from vertical support to vertical constraint R-3, Sway strut loaded above capacity Replace with larger strut R-4A Sway strut loaded above capacity Replace with larger strut R-8 Support member failed in shear Modify member by adding 3/8" plates to increase member's properties R-81 Support member failed in shear Modify member by adding 3/8" plates to increase member properties HSS-306 Support member overstresss Modify member by adding 1/2" plates HSS-307 Snubber over loaded Replace with larger snubber R-ll Baseplate overstress Add TS 4" x 4" x 1/4" support base 121 R-12 Support member overstress Add 1/2" plate to increase member properties 6 of 8

               . . , ~     .. - -          -         .   . - - . . - . . - _ -    _ . . . .   - . = .    .   .      ~ . - , .       .    .
n.  %

,. . ( TABLE 5-l'(Cont)

           ' Problem            Support No.               No.           Reason for Modification                               Nature of Modification-R-19A           Support member overstress                             Change from vertical support to vertical
-.w.                                                                                                  lateral constraint R-68A           Overstress condition                                  Remove support 12467              H-51         ' Support member overstress                              Change from NS-EW verticvi' constraint to E-W, vertical constraint 158                H-290B       . Support overstress                                     Modify by adding stiffner plate 123                R-21         , Frame members overstress                               Rebuild support using tubular steel members
                              .R-33             Frame-members overstress                              Add 3/8" stiffener plate H-23            Local overstress'of pipe                              Modify lug attachment HSS-309      . Frame member overstress

Modify by adding stiffener plates to eliminate local bending stress R-32 Local member overstress Modify by adding stiffener plates 127 H-53 Welds not fabricated as originally Add cap plates to increase ~ welds capacity designed 128 H-60 Welds not fabricated as designed Add cap plates to increase welds capacity 384 H-12 Welds overstress Add angles to carry load of welds 203 R-30 Rod hanger can not take compressive load Replace rod hanger with sway strut R-35 U-Bolt failed in sbear Modify U-Bolt 122 H-44, H-45, Baseplates and anchor bolts overstress Horizontal bracer and verticia brace H-46, H-47 H-10 Frame members and baseplates overstress Modify by adding braces 1 , .+ i R-G Rod hanger overloaded Replace rod hanger with a sway strut i R-J U-Bolt overstress Replace with tubular steel box frame

                              -R-421            New design loads                                      Add a new support spring                         ,

R-422 New Design loads Add new spring hanger

H-43 Frame members overstress Redesign support with tubular steel 7 of 8

A m TABLE 5-1 (Cont) Problem Support No. No. Reason for Modification Nature of Modificatics H-79 New loading condition due to rerouting Remove support of pipes Main Steam < 101 H-157 Support member overstress Add N-S support 660 SH-7 Existing support inadequate Install new spring with travel stops

 -6590          H-159       Support frames and baseplates overloaded Add two braces and baseplates H-160 H-161 Feedvater
 .783           SH-2        Excessive member overstress                 Replace spring can 785        .H-8           New load overstress and improper spring     Reset spring setting                                                                                           .

Diesel Generator Exhaust 651 R-8 Excess Stress from upward thermal Replace plate growrh 651 R-16 Excess stress from upward thermal Replace plate growth Spent Fuel 198 SH-25A Excessive upward forces and overstress Change hanger size l 8 of 8 4

k TABLE 5-2 MODIFICATIONS TO EXPANSION JOINTS 1 Hexnuts Added Joint Tie Rods Control Plates No. of Existing

                                  ' Problem   Rej. Isometric          on Inner Face              . Size             Added              Added                  Tie Rods Per                  No. of No. A          No.         of Control Plate (in.)                       Per Joint          Per Joint                              Joint           Joints 120      8          66                  Yes                  14                  -                       -

3 4

25. 66 Yes 24 2 4 2 1 c 121 .19 69 Yes 18 2 4 3 3 26 69 Yes 30 1 2 2 l'

, 122 26 69 Yes 30 1 2 2 1

                                   ' 123      7          67                  Yes                   14                 2                       4                              3                 4 25         67                  Yes                  24                   1                      2                              2                 2

, 12467 18 68 Yes 18 2 4 3 3 24 68 Yes 24 1 2 2 1 12568 24 128 Yes 24 1 2 2 l' 152/165 12 804 Yes 24 -1 2 2 2 159 6 801 Yes 20 - - 3 3 170 16 49 Yes 18 2 4 2 3 L l T I i I i , 1 of 1 4

                                                             - . .    ,                 _    , -                        4               _ . .      . _ . . .                         ,-    -        .. i.


  /N                                      APPENDIX A
  >   1 V

SYSTEMS INCLUDED IN THE REANALYSIS The reanalysis included those lines originally computer analyzed with the SHOCK 2 code and which are necessary for safe shutdown. In order to evaluate safety system lines which have interconnecting ties with nonsafety system lines, the reanalysis was extended to include lines attached to the safety systems, past the first automatic trip valve or the first normally closed manual valve, to the first piping anchor or the equivalent. Problem FSAR Systen Line Number No. Fic. No. Reactor Coolant 29"-RC-4-250lR-Q1 653A 4-1 (RC) 27.5"-RC-6-250lR-Q1 31"-RC-5-250lR-Q1 8"-RC-29-250lR-Q1 8"-RC-27-250lR-Q1 31"-RC-8-250lR-Q1 653C 4-1 29"-RC-7-250lR-Q1 27.5"-RC-9-2501R-Q1 8"-RC-37-250lR-QL 7g 8"-RC-39-250lR-QL g ) 14"-RC-86-2501R-Q1 4-1,4-2 v 29"-RC-1-2501R-Q1 653B 4-1 27.5"-RC-3-250lR-Q1 31"-RC-2-250lR-QL 8"-RC-17-250lR-Q1 8"-RC-19-250lR-Q1 12"-RC-111-602 833 & 4-2 6"-RC-100-602 8 6"-RC-101-602 6"-RC-102-602 6"-RC-108-602 6"-RC-104-1502-Q1 6"-RC-97-1502-Q1 6"-RC-98-1502-Q1 6"-RC-99-1502-Q1 3"-RC-105-1502-Q1 3"-RC-106-1502-Q1 3"-RC-107-1552-Q1 4"-RC-71-1502-Q1 1200 4-1,4-2 4"-RC-72-1502-Q1 4"-RC-71-1502-Q1 1201 4-1,4-2 v A-1

BEAVER VALLEY POWER STATION, UNIT 1 [ Problem FSAR Fist . No. ( System Line Number No. Safety Injection 6"-SI-41-153W-Q2 100 9.1-1 (SI) 6"-SI-42-153W-Q2 6"-SI-40-153W-Q2 12"-SI-110-602-Q1 653B 6.3-2 12"-SI-111-1502-Q2 4-1. 6.3-2 6"-SI-40-153W-Q2 102 9.1-1 6"-SI-44-153W-Q2 8"-SI-15-153W-Q2 8"-SI-2-153W-Q3 2112 6.3-1 8"-SI-2-153W-Q3 1011 6.3-1, 9.1-1 12"-SI-5-153A-Q2 610 6.3-1, 12"-SI-6-153A-Q2 6.3-2 12"-SI-7-153A-Q2 12"-SI-8-153A-Q2 12"-SI-13-153A-Q2 12"-SI-6-153A-Q2 613 6.3-1, 12"-SI-1-153W-Q2 6.3-2 10"-SI-15-1502-Q1 615 6.3-1 10"-SI-16-153W-02 10"-SI-17-153W-Q2 10"-SI-18-1502-Q1 10"-SI-26-153W-Q2 10"-SI-27-153W-Q2 10"-SI-28-1502-Q1 10"-SI-162-153A-Q2 10"-SI-161-153A-Q2 6"-SI-32-1502-Q1 6"-SI-33-1502-Q1 6"-SI-34-1502-Q1 615 6.3-1, 6"-SI-44-153W-Q2 6.3-2 6"-SI-163-SCH80-Q2 6"-SI-164-SCH80-Q2 2"-SI-36-153W-Q2 2"-SI-37-153W-Q2 i 12"-SI-121-1502-Q1 15 6.3 .?,4-1 12"-SI-108-602-Q2 12"-SI-1-153W-Q3 391A 6.3-1, 6.4-1 8"-SI-2-153W-Q3 6.3-1 A-2


   }/"'N s_,/.- System               Line Number                        No.          Fin. No.

6"-SI-72-1502-Q1 300 6.3-2, 6"-SI-73-1502-QL (RM-41B) 6"-SI-74-1502-Q1 6"-SI-34-1502-Q1 2"-SI-85-1502-QL 12"-SI-101-1502-Q1 14 6.3-2,4-1 10"-RH-23-1502-Q1 9.3-1 12"-SI-120-602-Q2 10"-RH-16-602-Q2 6"-SI-30-1502-QL 3018301A 6.3-2 6"-SI-29-1502-Q1 6"-SI-20-1502-Q1 6"-SI-19-1502-Q1 6"-SI-30-1502-Q1 6"-SI-32-1502-Q1 6"-SI-33-1502-Q1 6"-SI-40-153W-Q2 2113 6.3-1 6"-SI-44-153W-Q2 213 6.3-1 () 12"-SI-1-153W-Q3 8"-SI-2-153W-Q3 391 6.3-1, (RM-41A) 3"-SI-81-1503-Q1 900 6.3-1 3"-SI-57-1503-Q1 3"-SI-130-1503-Q1 902 6.3-1 3"-SI-141-1503-Q2 3"-SI-140-1503-Q1 3"-SI-81-1503-Q1 3004 6.3-2 3"-SI-140-1503-QL 2"-SI-82-1503-Q1 2"-SI-84-1503-Q1 2"-SI-86-1503-Q1 Quench Spray 12"-QS-2-153B-Q3 211 6.4-1 (QS) 10"-QS-2-153B-Q3 , 12"-QS-1-153B-Q3 212 6.4-1 12"-QS-1-153B-Q3 228 6.4-1 12"-QS-2-153B-Q3 229 6.4-1 2.5"-QS-85-153A-Q3

A-3 l l

1 __, ,--_-___ ,- - . . _ _. ._ _1

BEAVER VALLEY POWER STATION, UNIT 1 Prob 1ra n FSAR O- System ;fne Number No. Fir. No. 10"-QS-4-153B-Q3 614 6.4-1 10"-QS-3-153B-Q3 617 6.4-1 4"-QS-6-1533-Q3 210 6.4-1, 10"-QS-4-153B-Q3 (RM-35A) 10"-QS-71-153A-Q3 10"-QS-44-153A-Q3 8"-QS-47-153A-Q3 l-4"-QS-5-153B-Q3 218 6.4-1 10"-QS-3-153B-Q3 10"-QS-69-153A-Q3 8"-QS-46-153A-Q3 10"-QS-3-151B-Q3 134 6.4-1 10"-QS-3-153B-Q3 135 6.4-1 10"-QS-4-153B-Q3 136 6.4-1, (RM-35A) , 14"-UR-82-151-Q2 031 6.4-1 8"-QS-22-153B-Q3 23 6.4-1 8"-QS-23-153B-Q3 Recirculation Spray 10"-RS-9-153B-Q2 609 6.4-1, (RS) 6"-RS-29-1533-Q2 (RM-35A) 4"-RS-14-153B-Q2 12"-RS-7-153A-Q2 612 6.4-1 12"-RS-8-153A-Q2 12"-RS-5-153A-Q2 10"-RS-10-153B-Q2 611 6.4-1 4"-RS-15-153B-Q2 6"-RS-30-153B-Q2 10"-RS-1-153B-Q2 27 & 28 6.4-1 10"-RS-2-153B-Q2 4"-RS-28-153B 4"-RS-27-153B 10"-RS-1-153B-Q2 20A & B 6.4-1 12"-RS-3-153B-Q2 10"-RS-2-153B-Q2 18A & B 6.4-1 12"-RS-4-153B-Q2 Om_. A-4

b3 AVER VALLEY POWER STATION, UNIT 1 Problem TSAR O' s- 11113E Line Number No. Fic. No. 10"-RS-25-153B-Q2 131 6.4-1 10"-RS-26-153B-Q2 130 664-1 10"-RS-25-153B-Q2 19A & B 6.4-1 12"-RS-11-153B-Q2 10"-RS-26-1533-Q2 17A 8 B 6.4-1 12"-RS-12-153B-Q2 12"-RS-3-153B-Q2 133 6.4-1 12"-RS-4-153B-Q2 25 6.4-1 12"-RS-11-153B-Q2 24 6.4-1 12"-RS-12-153B-Q2 29 6.4-1 12"-RS-12-153B-Q2 132 6.4-1 l- 8"-RS-21-1533-Q2 22 6.4-1 8"-RS-22-153B-Q2 - 8"-RS-23-153B-Q2 8"-RS-24-153B-Q2 Charging and Volume 6"-CH-63-153W-Q2 100 9.1-1 Control 6"-CH-67-153W-Q2 (CH) 8"-CH-15-153W-Q2 l l 8"-CH-15-153W-Q2 102 9.1-1 6"-CH-68-153W-Q2 3"-CH-125-1503-Q1 260,911 9.1-1, (RM-39A) - 2"-CH-23-1502-Q1 3035 9.1-1, (RM-39A) 4"-CH-76-1503-Q2 3031 9.'-1, 4"-CH-72-1503-Q2 (RM-49A) 3"-r.:-69-1503-Q2 3"-/;H-73-1503-Q2 3" CH-80-1503-Q2 3"-CH-70-1503-Q2 3"-CH-74-1503-Q2 2"-CH-77-1503-Q2 I 2"-CH-78-1503-Q2 A-5

BEAVER VALLEY POWER STATION, UfIT 1 ( ) Problem TSAR System Line Number No. Fic. No. Residual Heat Removal 12"-RH-6-602-Q2 255 9.3-1 (RH) 12"-RH-9-602-Q2 12"-RH-12-602-Q2 10"-RH-4-602-Q2 10"-RH-5-602-Q2 10"-RH-7-602-Q2 10"-RH-8-602-Q2 10"-RH-10-602-Q2 10"-RH-19-602-Q2 12"-RH-12-602-Q2 256 9.3-1 10"-RH-16-602-Q2 10"-RM-17-602-Q2 6"-RH-20-602-Q2 10"-RH-16-602-Q2 3011 9.3-1 14"-RH-1-1502-Q1 653B 4-1,9.3-1 14"-RH-2-602-Q2 14"-RH-18-602-Q2 10"-RH-24-l.,v2-Q1 653C 6.3-2 '/ _, 10"-RH-23-1502-Q2 14 9.3-1, 6.3-2 6"-RH-14-152-Q2 616 9.3-1 Component Cooling 18"-CC-118-151-Q3 302 9.4-4 18"-CC-116-151-Q3 303 9.4-4 18"-CC-114-151-Q3 304 9.4-4 18"-CC-130-151-Q3 305 9./ 4 8"-CC-255-151-Q3 306 9.4-3 C'-CC-2 56-151-Q 3 6"-CC-261-151-Q3 8"-CC-476-151-Q3 ("-CC-262-151-Q3 6"-CC-258-151-Q3 307 9.4-3 6"-CC-265-151-Q3 8"-CC-259-15!.-Q3 8"-CC-260-151-Q3 8"-CC-517-151-Q3 6"-CC-263-151-Q3 6 A-6

BEAVER VALLEY POWER STATION, UNIT 1 Problem TSAR s System Line Number No. Fir. No. 6"-CC-519-151-Q3 215 9.4-4 24"-CC-125-151-Q3 18"-CC-489-151-Q2 18"-CC-490-151-Q2 18"-CC-529-151-Q3

 ;'                         18"-CC-530-151-Q3 6"-CC-488-151-Q2 6"-CC-526-151-Q3 4"-CC-525-151-Q2 3"-CC-486-151-Q3 3"-CC-523-151-Q2 24"-CC-266-151-Q3 6"-CC-518-151-Q3 8"-CC-476-151-Q2                          216         9.4-3 24"-CC-112-151-Q3                         217         9.4-3, I

24"-CC-113-151-Q3 9.4-4 18"-CC-114-151-Q2 930 9.4-3, 18"-CC-118-151-Q2 931 9.4-4 18"-CC-483-151-Q3 18"-CC-484-151-Q3 18"-CC-527-151-Q3

        )                   18"-CC-528-151-Q3 6"-CC-479-151-Q3 6"-CC-478-151-Q2 6"-CC-481-151-Q2 6"-CC-480-151-Q2

, 6"-CC-510-151-Q3 l 6"-CC-511-151-Q3 6"-CC-512-151-Q3 6"-CC-482-151-Q3 i 8"-CC-517-151-Q2 214 9.4-3 10"-CC-20-151-Q3 172 9.4-1, 9.4-2 8"-CC-81-151 173 9.4-1 8"-CC-469-151-Q3 6"-CC-82-151 3"-CC-78-151 4"-CC-475-151 8"-CC-66-151 174 9.4-1 8"-CC-468-151-Q3 6"-CC-55-151

,                                    A-7


   - ( ,, / System                               Line Number                           No. Fin. No.

8"-CC-58-151-Q3 175 9.4-1, 9.4-2 10"-CC-320-151-Q3 176 9.4-1 8"-CC-323-151-Q3 9.2-4 3 6"-CC-470-151-Q3 6"-CC-83-151 4"-CC-91-151 4"-CC-97-151 3"-CC-96-151 , 12"-CC-46-151-Q3 177 9.4-3, 8"-CC-61-151 9.4-2 8"-CC-465-151-Q3 6"-CC-65-151 6"-CC-92-151-Q3 6"-CC-476-151 4"-CC-94-151 } 4"-CC-88-151 3"-CC-98-151 14"-CC-45-151-Q3 178, 9.4-1, 12"-CC-46-151-Q3 186, 9.4-2 10"-CC-48-151-Q3 270 8"-CC-8-151-Q3 8"-CC-51-151-Q3 8"-CC-466-151-Q3 r 8"-CC-80-151 8"-CC-35-151-Q3 6"-CC-84-151 6"-CC-23-151-Q3 !. - 6"-CC-23-151-Q3 179 9.4-2 4"-CC-26-151 6"-CC-513-151 8"-CC-51-151-Q3 180 9.4-2 6"-CC-53-151-Q3 6"-CC-56-151-Q3 8"-CC-38-151-Q3 181 9.4-2 6"-CC-54-151-Q3 6"-CC-60-151-Q3 10"-CC-20-151-Q3 183 9.4-2 8"-CC-19-151-Q3 6"-CC-42-141-Q3 6"-CC-515-151-Q3 . - 3"-CC-38-151-Q3

     \m A-8 l


y. Systeg Line Number No. Fin. No.

4"-CC-27-151 3"-CC-458-151-Q3 I 8"-CC-35-151-Q3 184 9.4-2 6"-CC-41-151-Q3 3"-CC-37-151-Q3 8"-CC-6-151-Q3 178, 9.4-1, 8"-CC-8-151-Q3 186 9.4-2 6"-CC-513-151-Q3 24"-CC-5-151-Q3 9.4-1 24"-CC-112-151-Q3 18"-CC-4-151-Q3 18"-CC-105-151-Q3 l 18"-CC-109-151-Q3 24"-CC-22-151-Q3 170C 9.4-1 24"-CC-266-151-Q3 18"-CC-101-151-Q3 l 18"-CC-102-151-Q3 18"-CC-106-151-Q3 24"-CC-2-151-Q3 171 9.4-1 18"-CC-1-151-Q3 18"-CC-3-151-Q3

,                                                   18"-CC-103-151-Q3 18"-CC-104-151-Q3 18"-CC-107-151-Q3 18"-CC-108-151-Q3 8"-CC-321-151-Q3 10"-CC-321-151-Q3 i
Chilled Water 8"-CW-8-151 216 9.4-3 (CW) 10"-CW-10-151 214 9.4-3 8"-CW-9-151 8"-CW-5-151 4"-CW-14-151 4"-CW-7-151 River Water. 14"-WR-64-151-Q2 30 9.9-1A

! (WR) l i 14"-WR-82-151-Q2 31 9.9-1A 14"-WR-89-151-Q2 32 9.9-1A I A-9


     )                                                                  Problem   FSAR g_,)   System                           Line Num'aer                     ho. Fin. No.

14"-WR-87-151-Q2 33 9.9-1A 8"-WR-228-151-Q3 140 9.9-1A 8"-WR-229-151-Q3 8"-WR-230-151 8"-WR-231-151 8"-WR-227-151 8"-WR-234-151-Q3 214 9.4-3 14" 'JR-63-151-Q2 1 9.9-1A 14"-WR-65-151-Q2 14"-WR-86-151-Q2 14"-UR-88-151-Q2 14"-UR-25-151-Q3 120 9.9-2A 14"-UR-26-151-Q3 14"-UR-27-151-Q3 14"-WR-28-151-Q3 24"-UR-29-151-Q3 14"-WR-21-151-Q3 123 9.9-1A 14"-UR-22-151-Q3 14"-WR-23-151-Q3 14"-WR-24-151-Q3 24"-WR-19-151-Q3 24"-WR-20-151-Q3 24"-WR-19-151-Q3 124 9.9-1A

                                        .24"-UR-187-151-Q3              126 24"-UR-7-151-Q3               1?7 24"-WR-8-151-Q3
.                                         18"-UR-12-151-Q3 l

18"-WR-13-151-Q3 4 6"-WR-117-151-Q3 125 9.9-1A 24"-WR-20-151-Q3 126 24"-UR-186-151-Q3 128 .i 24"-WR-9-151-Q3 24"-UR-99-151-Q3 157 9.9-1A 24"-WR-100-151-Q3 158 9.9-1A,B ( l A-10 ,


k BEAVER VALLEY POWER STATION, UNIT 1 Problem FSAR System Line Number No. Fin. No. 20"-WR-1-151-Q3 159 9.9-1A,B 20"-UR-2-151-Q3

 .                           20"-UR-3-151-Q3 j                             20"-WR-4-151-Q3 20"-WR-5-151-Q3 20"-WR-6-151-Q3 24"-WR-99-151-Q3 24"-UR-100-151-Q3 18"-UR-154-151-Q3
12"-UR-177-151-Q3 8"-UR-234-151 214 9.4-3, 9

9.9-1A 30"-WR-171-151-Q3 152 9.9-1B 30"-WR-172-151-Q3 30"-WR-175-151-Q3 10"-SWW-14-151-Q3 165'28 9.9-1B 10"-SWW-1-121 18"-WR-14-151-Q3 121 9.9-1A 18"-WR-15-151-Q3 18"-UR-16-151-Q3 6"-WR-53-151-Q3 30"-UR-17-151-Q3 30"-UR-17-151-Q3 122 9.9-1A 30"-WR-18-151-Q3 18"-UR-185-151-Q3 10"-UR-211-121-Q3 6"-WR-155-151-Q3 384 9.9-1B 6"-WR-214-151-Q2 652 RM-53A 5 6"-UR-215-151-Q3 653 RM-53A Main Steam 3"-SDHV-1-601-Q2 101 10.3-1 (MS) 3"-SDHV-2-601-Q2 3"-SDHV-3-601-Q2 l 4"-SDHV-4-601-Q2 4"-SDHV-5-601-Q2 32"-SHP-56-601-Q2 658 10.3-1 32"-SHP-57-601-Q2 659 10.3-1 32"-SHP-58-601-Q2 660 10.3-1 i o V A-11 i l _. _ ~ _


  \~,       System                             Line Number                                            No. Fin. No.

4"-SHP-19-601-Q2 6590 10.3-1 4"-SHP-20-601-Q2 4"-SHP-21-601-Q2 1 6"-SAE-1-601 6"-SAE-2-601 4 6"-SAE-3-601 32"-SHP-56-601-Q2 3063 10.3-1 32"-SHP-57-601-Q2 , 32"-SHP-58-601-Q2 32"-SHP-22-601-Q2 32"-SHP-23-601-Q2 32"-SHP-24-601-Q2 10"-SSVD-1-601 10"-SSVD-2-601~' 10"-SSVD-3-601 10"-SSVD-4-601 l ~10"-SSVD-5-601 i 10"-SSVD-6-601 10"-SSVD-7-601 10"-SSVD-8-601 5 10"-SSVD-9-601 10"-SSVD-10-601

) 10"-SSVD-11-601 10"-SSVD-12-601 10"-SSVD-13-601 1

10"-SSVD-14-601 10"-SSVD-15-601 Main and Auxiliary 16"-WFPD-22-601-Q2 783 10.3-5 l Feedwater (FW) 16"-WFPD-24-601-Q2 784 10.3-5 16"-WFPD-23-601-Q2 785 10.3-5 I 16"-UFPD-9-601-Q2 0261 10.3-5

                                            - 16"-WFPD-13-601-Q2 16"-UFPD-17-601-Q2 l                                               16"-WFPD-7-601 i                                               6"-WFFD-18-901 6"-WFPD-19-601 6"-WD-23-151-Q3                              203           10.3-5 6"-UD-24-151-Q3 6"-WD-25-151-Q3 6"-UD-26-151-Q3 i

4"-WD-27-151-Q3 f} x-4"-WD-41-151-Q3 f A-12 i L

       -<w-                              yv.m-     -n   y   -- -
                                                                 --wn-  -   g   e,, e-r,, ,,erw,--,-v     - - -     r v ,-- ee w

g BEAVER VALLEY POWER STATION, UNIT 1 , Problem FSAR ( System Line Number No. Fi st . No. 8"-WD-22-151-Q3 2031 10.3-5 6"-WD-?5-151-Q3 6"-WD-26-151-03

,         Diesel Generator                22"-OL-55-151-Q3           651                 RM-53A l          Exhaust (OL)                 '22"-OL-54-151-Q3 Fuel Pool Cooling &            6"-FC-4-152-Q3              104                 9.5-1 Purification System'           6"-FC-5-152-Q3 (FC)                           6"-FC-6-152-Q3

{ 6"-FC-8-152-Q3 105 9.5-1 i-6"-FC-9-152-Q3 6"-FC-38-153A-Q3 10"-FC-1-152-Q3 198 9.5-1 6"-FC-2-152-Q3 6"-TC-31-152-Q3 4"-TC-10-152 107 9.5-1 4"-TC-11-152 6"-FC-14-152 6"-FC-17-152 6"-FC-32-152 6"-FC-12-152-Q2 301Z RM-53A NOTES: .I

          * Problems   160 and 161 were included within the scope of the reanalysis effort for problem 159.
          '2'  Problem -165 was. analyzed on NUPIPE as part of the Beaver Valley Unit 2 stress analysis effort.

A-13 i-


'                                                                               APPENDIX B FLOW DIt. GRAMS t

I b 1 f I ll I 1


l . I re,-r,--- ,,- -- -- -, - - --- -, , - - - - - - - ,m---

l BEAVER VALLEY POWER STATION, UNIT 1 LIST OF FIGURES O Finure Title 4-1 Main Coolant System Sh. 1 4-2 Main Coolant System Sh. 2 6.3-1 Safety Injection System Sh. 1 6.3-2 Safety Injection System Sh. 2 6.4-1 Containment Depressurization System , 9.1-1 Charging and Volume Control System Sh. 1 i 9.3-1 Residual Heat Removal System 9.4-1 Component Cooling Water System (Sheet 1) 9.4-2 Component Cooling Water System (Sheet 2) i 9.4-3 Component Cooling Water System (Sheet 3) 9.4-4 Component Cooling Water System (Sheet 4) N- 9.5-1 Fuel Fool Cooling and Purification System 9.9-1A River Water System 9.9-1B Intake Structure l 10.3-1 Main Steam System ] 10.3-5 Feedwater System RM-53A Emergency Diesel Generator Fuel and Air System i O B-1

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                               ]                 i gt'rts
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FIG 4-2 (RM-378) MAIN COOLANT SYSTEM-SH.2 BEAVER VALLEY POWER STATION H FINAL SAFETY ANALYSIS REPORT ra . . . . . .% 9 6.e te a to 5 G S s'I $a4 .St e.8 0 to a F 3-4 333 s t.e 4

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 ,.. .                 . .          ,,.                                                                                                                                                      FINAL SAFETY ANALYSIS REPORT n              ...     .t          .u .                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      .

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I I BEAVER VALLEY POWER STATION, UNIT 1 i l l O APPENDIX C PLANT CONSERVATISMS There are many conservatisms inherent in the seismic design of the Beaver Valley Power Station, Unit 1. Some of these are:

1. Elastic dynamic analyses are performed using conservatively low damping values.
2. Multiple-directional seismic input, with each horizontal component having equal intensity, is considered in design of piping, which exceeds the licensed basis of the plant. Actual earthquakes are typically strong in one direction only.
3. The peaks in amplified floor response spectra are broadened to account for variation in material properties and approximations in modeling. Peak broadening is intended to reflect a range of uncertainty in the precise location of the resonant peak of the response curve and not to indicate that multiple peak resonant response is likely within the broadened range. What, in fact, exists is a " family" of curves, each having only one point of maximum resonant response.
   ~3          It would be more precise to analyze systems and components for a number of unbroadened spectra which are members of the broadened family of possible amplified response spectra. Sincs there can only be one single peak frequency for a given system, the use of peak broadened floor response spectra as practiced in seismic design is a conservative analytical expediency that results in an additional margin of safety for systems, components, and supports.

For piping systems subjected to more than one amplified response spectrum (support points located at different levels of the structure), the ARS applied in the analysis of each run is generally selected coincident with the highsst elevation along the piping run, thus maximizing the seismic inputs to the entire system. Conservative assumptions relative to piping supports and anchor (equipment) points within a building and between buildings are chesen in the seismic analysis (ref B2.1.1-FSAR). 4 4 In the design of structures and equipment, it is convenient to assure that all elements of the structure or equipment are designed to stress levels well below the actual strength of the materials, so that any permanent deformation is very small. This approach obviates the need for complex and costly inelastic analyses. Inelastic behavior would significantly reduce structural response prior to failure. From the standpoint of functionability, piping systems and components can withstand the deformation and usually even the failure of some supports due to redundancy, i.e., the existence of multiple (} v load paths. C-1


  /N    5. stress limits, whether elastic or inelastic, are based upon material            l
  !s_,)      behavior under static loading conditions.          Since dynamic loads          i contain a limited amount of energy, the margin (between the stress limits and failure) under dynamic loads is greater than under static loads if elastica 11y calculated peak response is compared to the stress limits with strain rate effects neglected.
6. Pipe and structural support members are selected from standard available sections, and consequently have generally greater strength than the minimum required by the analysis. Hence, the computed stresses are often significantly lower than the allowable stresses.

This difference constitutes an additional margin in the actual plant.

7. Computed pipe stresses are multiplied by code stress intensification factors. These stress intensification factors are primarily fatigue or cyclic loading factors, and are not strictly applicable to the seismic DBE condition, which produce only a few cycles of strong motion.
8. Piping and supports in general are conservatively designed, even when no dynamic seismic analysis is performed. Fossil-fueled power plants, refineries, and process plants have survived major earthquakes in California, Alaska, Guatemala, and other locations with little or no piping damage. This experience includes earthquakes considerably larger than the DBE for Beaver Valley Unit 1.

s~ > 4 C-2
