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Responds to Item A.2 of Encl (1) to NRC 800323 Ltr Re Qualification of Reactor Operators by Forwarding Revised Training Program for Licensed Operators
Person / Time
Site: Fort Calhoun Omaha Public Power District icon.png
Issue date: 07/25/1980
From: William Jones
To: Collins P
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
NUDOCS 8008120579
Download: ML19331B680 (26)


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Omaha Public Power District 1623 HARNEY e O M A H A, NE8RASMA 68102 e TELEPHONE S36 4000 AREA CODE 402 July 25, 1980 Mr. Paul F. Collins, Chief Operator Licensing Branch U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission Washington, D. C. 20555


Docket No. 50-285

Dear Mr. Collins:

The Omaha Public Power District received a letter from the Com-mission, dated March 23, 1980, regarding the qualification of reactor operators. In response to Item A.2 of Enclosure (1) to the Comission's letter, attached hereto for your review is a copy of the revised Fort Calhoun Station Operations Department Training Program for licensed operators.


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W. C/ Jones Division Manager Production Operations WCJ/KJM/BJH/PRT:jmm Attachment cc: U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission Office of Inspection & Enforcement Region IV 611 Ryan Plaza Drive, Suite 1000 Arlington, Texas 76011 LeBoeuf, Lamb, Leiby & MacRae 1333 New Hampshire Avenae, N. W.

Washington, D. C. 20036 poO3 5


8 0 08120 n., s 79 O

C. DEPARTMENTAL TRAINING 1.0 Operations Department Initial Training Persons assigned to the Operations Department who are not licensed as Senior Operators or Reactor Operators by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission shall participate in the Training Program for Licensing Senior / Reactor Operator Candidates.

This training program is described in detail in Appendix B.

When a trainee has completed the Training Program for Licensing Senior / Reactor Operator Candidates, he will be recommended to sit for a Nuclear Regulatory Commission license examination.

When a Nuclear Regulatory Commission license is granted to a trainee, he will immediately begin to participate in the Licensed Operator Requalification Program.

1.1 Responsibilities 1.1.1 The Training Coordinator will schedule and

- document the Training Program for Licensing Senior / Reactor Operator Candidates. He will assist the Operations Supervisor in the evalu-ation of the progress of license candidates.

When a candidate is ready to sit for a Nuclear Regulatory Commission License, he will prepare the license application. The training coordinator will review all completed plant modifications, additions and Plant Review Committee minutes for significant items (current operating history, problems, procedure changes and administrative limits) applicable to training.

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1.1 Rasponsibilitisc (continu;d) 1.1.1 (continued)

The infor=ation obtained will be disseminated to training instructors by the training coor-dinator.

1.1.2 Training instructors who lecture on systems, integrated responses and transients shall possess a Senior Operating License. Such lectures presented by a person without a Senior Operating License shall be proctored by an individual with a Senior Operating License.

1.1.3 The Supervisor-operations vill ensure that operational personne'l participate in the Operations Department Initial Training and will monitor and evaluate the progress of license candidates. He vill ady^.se the Manager - Fort Calhoua Station when license candidates have completed the Training Program for Licensing Senior / Reactor Operator Candidates and are ready to sit for Nuclear Regulatory Commission license examinations.

1.1.h The Division Manager - Production Operations vill transmit license applications to the Nuclear Regulatory Coc: mission and vill certify that the applicant has been trained to operate the controls of the reactor in a safe and competent manner and has need of a Reactor Operator or a Senior Reactor Operator License for the performance of his duties.

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a e 1.2 Documentation Each person participating in the Training Program for Licensing Senior / Reactor Operator Candidates will com-plete the system checkouts, practical factors and on-the-job training of the Operator's Training Study Guide and Record and will maintain the record of his progress. The Operator's Training Study Guide and Record is Appendix C of this manual.

The Training Coordinator will prepare a training file for each candidate containing a record of videotape lecture attendance and outline completion, a record of lecture attendance and all quizzes and avaminations, records of drills performed, experience factors and simulator training certifications.

1.3 Schedules An annual schedule for the Operations Department will be published containing the planned training events for the participants in the Training Program for Licensing Senior / Reactor Operator Candidates.

2.0 Operations Department Retraining All members of the Operations Department who hold Nuclear Regulatory Commission Reactor Operator or Senior Reactor Operator Licenses will participate in the Licensed Operator i Requalification Program which is a continuous training program over a two year period and includes annual requalification examinations, preplanned lectures, simulator training and on-i the-job training. The Licensed Operator Requalification Program is described in detail in Appendix D of this manual.

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t b 2.1 Rasponsibilities 2.1.1 The Trainint aordinator shall schedule and docu=ent the Licensed Operator Requalification.

The Training Coordinator vill prepare a training file for each licensed operator and =aintain a record of participation on the Requalification Training Suman for=s (Appendix H). The 4

Training Coordinator vill prepare, ad=inister, and grade the Annual Requalificatica Exa=ination and prepare the annual Operations Depart =ent training schedule using the results of the Annual Requalification Exa=ination to select the topics for the pre-planned lecture series.

2.1.2 Training instructors who lecture on syste=s, integrated responses and transients shall possess a Senior Operating License. Such lectures presented by a person without a Senior Operating License shall be proctored by an individual with a Senior Operating Lictnse.

2.1.3 The Supervisor-operations vill ensure that Operations personnel participate in Operations Department Retraining and vill evaluate the perfor=ance of licensed operators annually.

2.1.h The Manager - Fort Calhoun Station vill review the annual evaluation of licensed operators.

2.2 Schedule An annual schedule for the Operations Department will be published containing the planned training events for the participants in the Licensed Operator Requalification Training Progra=.


Omaha Public Power District Fort Calhoun Station Unit No. 1 Training Program for Licensing Senior / Reactor Operator Candidates A. PURPOSE 1.0 The purpose of the Fort Calhoun Station Unit No.1 Training Program for Licensing Senior / Reactor Operator Candidates is to provide a training program for those individuals who are in pursuit of Senior or Reactor Operator Licenses as defined by the Code of Federal Regulations 10CFR55 B. RESPONSIBILITY 1.0 It is the responsibility of the Plant Manager through the training coordinator to ensure that the Training Program for Licensing Senior / Reactor Operator Candidates as established herein is administered.

C. APPLICABILITY 1.0 All personnel in pursuit of Senior or Reactor Operator Licenses for the Fort Calhoun Station Unit No. 1 are required to com-plete the training program described herein.

2.0 a) Personnel in pursuit of a Senior Reactor Operator License shall have a minimum of a high school diploma or equiva-lent and 4 years of responsible power plant experience.

Responsible power plant experience should be that ob-tained as a control room operator (fossil or nuclear) or as a power plant staff engineer involved in the day-to-day activities of the facility. A maximum of 2 years power plant experience may be fulfilled by academic or related technical training, on a one-for-one time basis.

Two years shall be nuclear power plant experience. At least 6 months of the nuclear power plant experience shall be at the Fort Calhoun Station.

b) App?icants for Senior Operator Licenses shall have held an vperator's License for 1 year.

30 Personnel in pursuit of a Reactor Operator License shall have a high school diploma or equivalent and two years of power plant experience of which a minimum of one year shall be nuclear power plant experience.

D. DEFINITIONS 1.0 Operating Personnel - those personnel assigned to the shift operating crew, i.e., Shift Supervisors, Equipment Operators -

Nuclear, Auxiliary Operators - Nuclear and Helpers.

D. DEFINITIONS (continued) 2.0 Supervisory Personnel - those individuals not normally assigned to the shift operating crew, i.e., Plant Manager, Technical Supervisor and other staff personnel.

3.0 A reactivity change shall be defined as any of the following operations:

a. Changing plant condition from Hot Shutdown to Hot Standby and power escalation to the point of adding heat.
b. Changing plant conditions from Hot Standby to Min 4= =

Load (15% power).

c. Increasing plant load by an amount equal to or greater than 10% power.
d. Decreasing plant load by an amount equal to or greater than 10% power.
e. During power operation, trade off boron reactivity for control element reactivity for a reactivity change of at least 0.1%dk/k.
f. Xenon transient follow provided transient is significant enough to require adjustment of boron concentration.
g. Changing plant condition from Minimum Load (15% power) to Hot Standby.
h. Reactor trip.
i. Reactor trip recovery.

E. SCOPE 1.0 This licensing program sets forth the requirementc which must be met by the license candidate prior to his NRC examination. j 2.0 In addition, the program extablishes the methods to be utilized for:

l a. Scheduling training assignments.

l l b. Evaluating the progress of license candidates.

. c. Documenting the participation of license candidates.

I l F. TRAINING PROGRAM 1.0 The training program for all license candidates shall consist of the following requirements:

a. License candidates shall complete the Video Tape Lecture i Series. The lecture series consists of video tapes which j address the following topics:




(1) Module 1: Nuclear Power Orientation (2) Module 2: Basic Nuclear Concepts (3) Module 2: Basic Nuclear Concepts Chart of the Nuclides (15)

(4) Module 3: Reactor Operation Steam Tables (15)

(5) Module 4: Plant Performance (6) Module 5: Radiation Protection Code of Fed. Reg.10 (15)

(7) Module 6: Water & Waste Treatment (8) Module 7: Instrum. & Op. Analysis Each video tape is accompanied by a lecture outline, a study guide and problems.

b. License candidates in pursuit of a Reactor Operator License shall complete the Auxiliary Operator Study Guide and Record, the Equipment Operator Study Guide and Record, and the Reactor Operator Study Guide and Record as specified by the Operator's Training Study Guide and Record.

Reactor Operator applicants shall have 3 months training on shift as an extra person in the control room. In addition to the above, those license candidates in pur-suit of a Senior Operator License shall complete the Shift Supervisor's Study Guide and Record as specified by the Operator's Training Study Guide and Record. SRO candidates shall have 3 months of shif t training as an extra man on shift.

c. License candidates shall:

(1) Complete two (2) reactor startups at Fort Calhoun Station Unit No. 1, OPTION I, or j (2) manipulate the controls of the reactor during five (5) significant reactivity changes, OPTION II. The reactivity changes may or may not include reactor startups. -

OPTION I will require the license candidate to perform a reactor startup as part of his NRC operoting test.

OPTION II will require the license candidate to partici-pate in a simulator training program. If this option is utilized, the license candidate will not be required to perform a reactor startup as part of his NRC operating test. The simulator training program shall provide

sufficient simulator training to ensure that the. license candidate is

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. . l F. TRAINING PROGRAM (continued)

(a) able to manipulate the controls and keep the reactor under control during a reactor startup.

(b) able to predict instrument response and the use of instrumentation during a reactor startup, (c) able to follow'the facility startup procedure and (d) able to explain alarms and annunciators that may occur during the reactor startup.

If a simulator is required, the Combustion Engineering pressurized water reactor simulator at Windsor, Connecticut will be used. The Combustion Engineering simulator re-

' produces the general operating characteristics of Fort Calhoun Station Unit No. 1. The general arrangement of the instrumentation and controls of this simulator are similar to Fort Calhoun Station Unit No.1.


d. Lectures will be given to license candidates and will include the following topics:

(1) Theory and Principles of Operation (2) General and Specific Plant Operating Characteristics (3) Plant Instrumentation and Control Systems (4) Plant Prc.ection Systems (5) Engineered Safety Systems (6) Normal and Emergency Operating Procedures (7) Radiation Control and Safety (S) Technical Specifications (9) Quality Assurance for Operations (10) Heat Transfer, Fluid Flow and Thermodynamics (11) Use of Installed Plant Systems to Control or Hitigate Accident: Involving Severe Core Damage (12) Reactor and Plant Transients C. SCHEDULING 1.0 Video tape lecture and Study Guide assignments for Operating Personnel shall be scheduled in the Shift Training Package.

2.0 Lectura assignments for license candidates shall be scheduled on the Weekly Training Schedule.


H. EVALUAT'Of 1.0 Periodic quizzes and tests vill be given to all video tape lecture series participants. Failure on these quizzes and tests is a grade of less than 805.

2.0 The simulator training center must attest to the applicants:

a. Ability to nantpulate the controls and keep the reactor under control during'a reactor startup,
b. Ability to predict instrument response and use the instrumentation during a reactor startup,
c. Ability to follow the facility startup procedure and
d. Ability to explain alar =s and annunciittors that may occur during this operation.

3.0 Periodic quizzes vill be given to all lecture studies partici-pants to evaluate their. knowledge in topics covered by the lectures. Failure on these quizzes is a grade of less than 805.

h.0 Reactivity manipulations and reactor startups vill be evaluated on the Experience Factor Record by Senior Operator Licensed Personnel.

5.0 Failure on any examination given to Operating or Supervisory Personnel vill be a grade of less than 80%.

I. DOCUMFliTATION 1.0 The following records shall be maintained to document each license candidate's participation in the Training Progras for Licensing Senior / Reactor Operator Candidates.

a. Video tape lecture attendance and a copy of each quiz and test administered.
b. Conpleted Experience Factor Records for Operating and Supervisory Personnel.
c. Co=pleted Operator's Training Study Guide and Record manuals.
d. Lecture attendance and a copy of each quiz administered.
e. Simulator training center certification of training.
f. A copy of all examinations given to Operating and Super-visory Personnel.

2.0 The records described above vill be maintained as required by the Fort Calhoun Station Unit No.1 Technical Specifications.


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Simulator Training Program for Senior / Reactor Overator License Candidates Simulator training for Fort Calhoun Station Unit No.1 Senior / Reactor Operator License candidates will be conducted at the Combustion Engineering Nuclear Training Facility in Windsor, Connecticut.

The simulator training program vill provide additional hands-on exp *ien;;e and reactor startup opportunities. The hands e n experience vill cousist of demonstration sessions, practice sessions and exercise or evaluation sessions.

Demonstration sessions vill be used initially to demonstrate nor=al plant operation, then to demonstrate plant transients and accidents. The license candidates vill have an opportunity to operate the plant controls under a variety of conditions both with and without plant malfunctions.

Arexercise session vill be utilized to evaluate the license candidates '

operational ability during reactor startups.

COURSE SYLLABE Training Session Duration

1. Pre-Simulator Classroom Lectures 2 Days
a. Rex?. tor Coolant System
b. Chemical and Volume Control Systems
c. Turbine Generator
d. Steam, Feedvater and Condensate System
e. Reactor Regulating Systems
f. Pressurizer Pressure and Level Control Systems
g. Reactor Theory and Reactivity Balance
2. Simulator Training 5 Days Minimum
a. First Session Orientation Plant Startup Plant Maneuvering in the Power Range Plant Shutdown


b. Second Session Plant Startup Steam Line Break at Turbine Plant Transient
c. Third Session -

F.'. ant Ac'cident E,jected CEA CVCS Rupture Recovery from a Reactor Trip

d. Fourth Session Plant Maneuvering in the Power Range Plant Startup and Shutdown Reactor Startup Exercise Session
e. Fifth Session Reactor Startup Exercis ssion Hot Leg Rupture Recovery from a Reactor Trip NOTE: This is a general format and specific lectures may be substituted to strengthen the program but the general intent must be adhered to.


L"CTURE SERIES DURATION Course / Lecture Duration

1. Health Physics Unrestricted Course (3 days) 2h hours
2. Video Tape Lecture Serie's 135 hours0.00156 days <br />0.0375 hours <br />2.232143e-4 weeks <br />5.13675e-5 months <br />
3. Lecte aa A. Theory & Principles of Operation * (1 day) 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> B. General & Specific Plant Operating Characteristics * (1 day) 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> C. Plant Instrumentation and Control (2 days) 16 hours1.851852e-4 days <br />0.00444 hours <br />2.645503e-5 weeks <br />6.088e-6 months <br /> D. Plant Protection Systems * (1 day) 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> E. Engineered Safety Systems * (1 day) 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> F. Normal & Emergency Operating Procedures * (1 day) 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> G. Radiation Control and Safety (1 day) 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> H. Technical Specifications * (1 day) 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> I. Quality Assurance for Operations (1 day) 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> J. Heat Transfer, Fluid Flow and Thermodynamics (1 day) 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> K. Use of Installed Plant Systems to Control or Mitigate .

Accidents Involving Severe Core Damage (1 day) 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> L. Reactor and Plant Transients * (1 day) 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br />

4. Walk-through Examination * (1 day) 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> 5 Written NRC Examination * (2 days) 16 hours1.851852e-4 days <br />0.00444 hours <br />2.645503e-5 weeks <br />6.088e-6 months <br /> l TOTAL 287 hours0.00332 days <br />0.0797 hours <br />4.74537e-4 weeks <br />1.092035e-4 months <br /> I
  • Lectures to be given by individuals holding a Senior Operating License or proctored by c.n individual with a Senior Operating License.

I NOTE: Times are approximate depending on background of applicants.


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f OMAHA PUBLIC POWER DISTRICT Fort Calhoun Station Unit No.1 Licensed Operator Requalification Program A. PURPOSE

1. To ensure continued plant safety during all conditions of plant operations.
2. To improve overall plan't availability and operating efficiency.
3. To ensure continued licensed operator competence.
4. To demonstrate satisfactory compliance with federal regulations.

B. RESPONSIBILITY It is the responsibility of the Plant Manager through the Training Coordinator to ensure that the Requalification Program as described herein is administered.

C. APPLICABILITY Requalification training is required of all NRC licensed personnel

+ at the Fort Calhoun Station Unit No.1 to the extent indicated in the Requalification Program.


1. Quotation marks used in this requalification program indicate a quote from Appendix A of 10CFRSS, unless otherwise indicated.-
2. Those personnel holding NRC licenses at the Fort Calhoun Station Unit No.1 are hereby divided into two separate categories for purposes of this requalification program.
a. Operating Staff - those licensed personnel who have been

" actively and extensively engaged as operators." At the Fort Calhoun Station Unit No. 1, this is synonymous with licensed personnel assigned to the shif t operating crew, i.e., Shift Supervisors, Reactor Operators and Assistant Reactor Operators.

b. Staff Supervisors - those " individuals who maintain operator or senior operator licenses for the purpose of providing backup capability to the operating staff." At the Fort Calhoun Station Unit No.1, this is synonymous with licensed personnel not normally assigned to the shif t operating crew, i.e., Plant Manager, Operations Supervisor and other licensed personnel.
3. Accelerated Requalification Program (discussed in Section G) is a training program designated for those individuals (if any) who fail the annual written examinatien. These individuals will be removed from lir.ensed duties during the period of accelerated

D. TERMINOLOGY (continued) training. The scope and duration of the accelerated training will be dependent upon the individual's deficiencies.

4. Additional Train *ng Program (discussed in Section I) is a training program designated for those individuals (if any) who show unsatisfactory quiz, experience factor, or drill per-formance. These individuals will receive additional training to upgrade their performance in these areas.

E. SCOPE This program covers the methods to be employed to:

1. Schedule the requalfication program.
2. Administer pre-planned lectures.
3. Conduct on-the-job training.
4. Evaluate the performance of licensed operators.
5. Document the participation of each licensed operator in the requalification program.

F. SCHEDULE The requalification program will be conducted in two-year segments.

A typical two-year schedule is shown in Figure 1. The program will be conducted in a " continuous" manner; however, it will be tailored to traditional peak vacation periods and to planned plant outages.


1. Pre-planned lectures will be given to operating staff per-sonnel on the following topics in each two-year requalification program:
a. Facility design changes, if any
b. Procedure changes, if any
c. Facility license changes (Technical Specifications changes), if any
d. Operations Incidents and Licensee Event Reports (LER),

if any

e. Emergency Procedures j
f. Special lectures on major upccaing events such as re-fueling and major scheduled maintenance outages.
g. Other lecture topics as deemed necessary by the Training I Coordinator from the list provided in Item 2 of this section.

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G. LECTURES (continued)

1. (continued) ,

Staff supervision personnel will not normally be required to attend these lectures because their normal duties require that they review the above topics. Documentation will be provided to insure that all licensed personnel have reviewed facility design changes, procedure changes, facility license changes, and abnormal and emergency operating procedures. Documentation will be in the form of PRC minutes and routing slips. These changes will be routed to licensed personnel in a timely manner. Abnormal and emergency procedures will be reviewed on a continuing basis by all licensed personnel.

2. All licensed individuals who fail the annual written examination (described in Section I) will be placed in an " accelerated requalification program." Licensed individuals that score low in particular categories of the annual written examination will be required to attend appropriate pre-planned lectures.

Lecture topies to be chosen for this program include:

a. Theory and Principles of Operation
b. General and Specific Plant Operating Characteristics
c. Plant Instrumentation and Control Systems
d. Plant Protection Systems
e. Heat Transfer, Fluid Flow and Thermodynamics
f. Use of Installed Plant Systems to Control or Mitigate Accidents Involving Severe Core Damage.
g. Reactor and Plant Transients
h. Engineered Safety Systems
1. Normal and Emergency Operating Procedures J. Radiation Control and Safety
k. Technical Specifications
1. Quality Assurance for Operations
3. Approximately eight (8) months of lectures are covered by the pre-planned lectures as described in Item 1 above. Time allotted will be approximately fourteen (14) hours per man per month.
4. Evaluation of lecture series performance is dicussed in Section I.
5. Lecture series records are discussed in Section J.



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REQUALIFICATION PROGRAM SCHEDULE (TYPICAL) 2 YEARS A. Annual Written Examination M Lecture Series for all [

B. Operating Staff Personnel Accelerated Requalification ff


C. Program (if required) .

H/ '

On-the-Job Training CONTINUING IASIS D. (Drills)

On-the-Job Training CONTINUING BASIS E. (Experience Factors)

NOTES: (1) Item B is scheduled to take into account the peak vacation period (June 1 - September 1) and plant outages , such as for refueling.

(2) Item C will be scheduled on an individual basis for those who fail the written examination.



1. Every reasonable effort will be made to have each licensed operator perform a combination of control manipulations through at least ten (10) reactivity changes during any two-year requalification program to meet the requirements of -

10CFR55 Appendix A, Section 3a and 3b. If this is not pos-sible, a nuclear power plant simulator vill be used to insure compliance with 10CFR55 Appendix A, Sections he and 4d. If the simulator is used to meet the drill and experience facter portions of the requalification program requirements, the final evaluation of the actions taken or to be taken by the licensed individual vill be made at the Fort Calhoun Station control panels. In the event a simulator is required, the Combusi; ion Engineering pressurized water reactor simulator at Windsor, Connecticut will be used. The Combustion Engineering simulator reproduces the general operating characteristics of the Fort Calhoun Station Unit No. 1. The general arrangement of the instrumentation and controls of this simulator are similar to Fort Calhoun Station Unit No. 1.

If a simulator is used, approximately five days per man year of simulator time vill be provided.

The following control manipulations and plant evolutions are applicable to the plant design and are acceptable for meeting the reactivity control manipulations required by Appendix A, Paragraph 3.a. of 10CFR Part 55 The starred items belov vill be performed on an annual basis; all other items shall be per-formed on a two-year cycle. However, the requalification programs shall contain a commitment that each individual shall perferm or participate in a combination of reactivity control manipulations based on the availability of plant equipment and systems. Those control manipulations which are not performed au the plant may be performed on a simulator. The 'use of the Technical Specifications should be maximized during the simulator control manipulations. Personnel with senior licenses are credited with these activities if they direct or evaluate control manipulations as they are performed.

l *(a) Plant or reactor startups to include a range such that reactivity feedback from nuclear heat addition is noticeable and heatup rate is established.

(b) Plant shutdown.

j *(c) Manual control of steam generators and/or feedvater during startup and shutdown l (d) Boration and/or dilution during power operation.

  • (e) Any significant (. 10%) power changes in manual rod control or recirculation flow.

(f) N/A Any reactor power change of 10% or greater where load change is performed with load limit control or where flux, te=perature, or speed control is on manual (for HTGR).



H. ON-THE-JOB TRAINING (continued)

  • (g) Loss of coolant including: (1) significant FWR steam generator leaks; (2) inside and outside pri-mary containment; (3) large and small, including leak-rate determination; and (4) saturated Reactor Coolant response (PWR).

'+(h) Loss of instrument air (if simulated plant specific).

(i) Loss of electrical power (and/or degraded power sources).

  • (j ) Loss of core coolant flow / natural circulation.

(k) Loss of condenser vacuum.

(1) N/A Loss of service water if required for safety.

(m) Loss of shutdown cooling.

(n) Loss of component cooling system or cooling to an individual component.

(o) Loss of normal feedwater or vormal feedwater system failure.

  • (p) Loss of all feedwater (normal and emergency).

(q) Loss of protective system channel.

(r) Mispositioned control rod or rods (or rod drops).

(s) Inability to drive control reds.

(t) Conditions requiring use of emergency boration or standby liquid control system.

> (u) Fuel cladding f ailure or high activity in reactor coolant or offgas.

(v) Turbine or generator trip.

(w) bb1 function of automatic control system's) which affect reactivity.

(x) Malfunction of reactor coolant pressure / volume control system.

(y) Reactor trip.

(z) Main steam line break (inside or outside contain-ment).

(aa) Nuclear instrumentation failure (s).

+ Combustion Engineering simulator will not provide this function at present. Training on this manipulation will consist of classroom lectures.

2. Figure 2 (Experience Factor Record) provides for the documen-tation and evaluation of Reactivity Manipulations (as dis-cussed in Item 1) and other non-reactivity manipulations such as:
a. Turbine generator startup
b. Turbine generator shutdown

! c. Plant heat-up

( d. Plant cool-down l

e. Liquid Waste Release l f. Caseous Waste Release l

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H. ON-THE-JOB TRAINING (continued)

2. g. Containment Entry
h. Reactor Coolant Sample
1. Boron Analysis
j. Contamination Survey
k. Radiation Survey
1. Reactivity Balance Calculation
m. Axial Flux Shaping
n. Calorimetric Calculation
o. Operation of auxiliary systems important to overall plant safety; i.e.rthose auxiliary systems specified in the Technical Spe'cifications. For example:

(1) Starting / stopping a RC pump (2) Establishing / terminating charging and letdown flow (3) Starting / stopping an auxiliary FW pump (4) Performing a surveillance test on the ENGINEERED SAFEGUARDS SYSTEH (5) Performing a surveillance test on the RPS The above list is not intended to be all-inclusive but only to be representative of the type of non-reactivity manipulation to be documented. There is no requirement on the number of non-reactivity manipulation experience factors to be performed in any two-year period.

3. Periodic drills (which simulate emergency conditions) will be given to each licensed operator. These drills will be accomp-lished on the control panel of the facility or by use of a simluator which meets the requirements of 10CFR55. Evaluation of these drills is discussed in Section I. Drill records are described in Section J.


1. An annual written examination will be conducted which follows the format of the standard NRC written licensing examination.

Examinations will be tailored to emphasize those areas in which the licensed operator's prime responsibilities exist.

Failure on this examination (overall grade of less than 80%)

will require that the individual be placed on an " accelerated requalification program" as discussed in Section G of this program. Following the examination, a report will be issued

FIGUP.E 3 FORT CALHOUN STATION UNIT NO. 1 DRILL EVALUATION RECORD Na=e of EYAminee Name of Eraminer Date A. Description of Drill I= posed:

B. Drill Sy=ptoms given Ernminee: g D 3

$ ,-< Y a a a a 2 3  %  %

C. Evaluation: N Y $1 E as v2 x m

1. Ability to quickly deter =ine type of abnor=al or emergency condition i= posed from given sy=ptoms.
2. Ability to respond correctly to abnor=al or emergency condition i= posed.
3. Ability to recover from abnor=al or -

emergency condition,

k. Co=pliance with procedures.

5 Co=pliance with Technical Specifica-tions.

6. Ct-rall control of plant.

7 Knowledge of plant response without operator action.

  • D. Re= arks:

Reviewed by:

Training Coordinator

  • Required for grade of Excellent or Unsatis:factcry. -


I. EVALUATION (continued)

1. (continued) summarizing weak topical areas and a list of those personnel, if any, who fail the examination. In addition, individuals who score less than 80% in particular category (ies) will be required to attend the appropriate lectures.
2. Periodic written quizzes will be given to all lecture studies participants to evaluate their knowledge on topics covered by these lectures. Failure on the quizzes is a grade of less than 80%.
3. Experience Factors (as discussed in Section H of this program) will most of ten be evaluated by Shif t Supervisors and periodically by licensed Staff Supervisors.
4. Drills (as discussed in Section H of this program) will be evaluated and documented on Figure 3 (Drill Evaluation Record).

Examiners (drill evaluators) will most often be Shift Super-visors and periodically licensed Staff Supervisors.

5. The evaluation of experience factors and drills will determine if the licensed operator "has demonstrated satisfactory under-standing of the operation of all apparatus and mechanisms and knows the operating procedures in each area for which he is licensed.
6. If unsatisfactory performance is indicated on Items 2, 3 and 4 above, the Training Coordinator will prescribe additional training as required. Up to fourteen (14) hours per man per month of additional training can be allotted to upgrade the individual's performance in these areas. The exact amount of time allotted will depend upon the nature and the extent of retraining required.


1. The following records will be maintained "to document each licensed operator's and senior operator's participation in the requalification program."


a. The annual written examination along with the graded answer sheets,
b. Lecture series attendance and a copy of each quiz ad-ministered and the graded answer sheets.
c. Completed copies of Figure 2 (Experience Factor Record) so that the satisfactory performance of ten reactivity manipulations in a two-year requalfication program can be demonstrated.


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J. RECORDS (continued)

1. (continued)
d. Completed copies of Figure 3 (Drill Evaluation Record) to demonstrate performance of simulated emergency or abnormal operations.
e. Participation (if required) in an accelerated requali-fication program or in an additional training program.
2. The records described above will be maintained as required by the Fort Calhoun Station Technical Specifications.

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