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Requests Consideration of from J Feldman Re Use of Nuclear Power
Person / Time
Site: New England Power
Issue date: 02/08/1979
From: Pell C
Shared Package
ML19282B283 List:
NUDOCS 7903120402
Download: ML19282B282 (1)




February 8',






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OJCnifeb Sinies Senale Letter attached from Jacquelyne Feldman I

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Respectfully referred to:

Nuclear Regulatory Commission Office of Congressional Affai 1717 H Street, N. W.


h Washington, D. C.

20505 g



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Because of the desire of this offic gb responsive to all inquiries and coc:municauons, your consideration of the attached is requested.

Your findings and views, in duplicate form, along with return of the enclosure, will be appreciated by S.,,ai., Ctad.,,,a 'P.!!

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-.f Senator Claiborne deb. Pell 325 nucsell Senate r 4.rif.

S Office Building i

YNg 3 Washington, D.


20510 as IMnorable Senator Pell:

I have aluays had a tremendous anount of respect and admiration for you and all the decisions you have cade during your political career.

Therefore, I uould like to bring a matter of


great concern to your attention.

The possible establish-ment of nuclear power plants in Rhode Island and it's neighboring communities.

The risk of accidents in nuclear power plants involving the release of radioactive material has become a matter of public concern, and for myself a personal concern.

I, strongly oppose the use of nuclear power in Rhode Island.

Although many people think it may be good for our economy and may provide new jobs, it has a definite potential of becoming a detriment to millions of lives.

I am sure you have been informed about the findings concerning radicactive material in the atmosphere from nuclear blasts, in Utah, but I must stress that possible leakage in a plant, woulu cause a major catastrophe.

Plutonium is a man-made elenent used in the atomic bomb that was dropped,,

over Magasaki, Japan in 1945.

A typical power plant produces several hundred pounds of plutonium each year.

It takes plutonium half a million years to lose its killing power!

I would appreciate it if you vould join in the fight against the use of nuclear pouer.

Do you knou of any o.rganizations or commissions in Rhode Island concerned with the prevention of nuclear power?

I am sure after studying the facts on the health risks of nuclear energy, you will make the choice that is best for Rhode Island.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Sincerely yours, c "-

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