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Forwards Load Forecasts of 4 co-owners of Skagit Project, Recently Updated,For Use in Preparing 1979 West Group Forecast, & for Comparison W/Load Forecasts Introduced as Evidence at Mar 1977 Joint Need for Power Hearing
Person / Time
Site: Skagit
Issue date: 01/25/1979
From: Thomsen F
To: Black R, Deale V
Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel, NRC OFFICE OF THE EXECUTIVE LEGAL DIRECTOR (OELD)
NUDOCS 7902260132
Download: ML19263C474 (62)




hI 1 asm88888f l* PER KINS, COIE, STON E, oLS EtJ E. WI L LI AM S i 9 o o v. A s m r.G i o *. O ui L O i N G ,,,,.,,,c,,,u,,,,,


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> January 25e 1979 IUiLATED con 3Ewc --, ~- v. . c ,, 7-

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g. ..

is Valentine B. Deale, Chairman m

% f -



Atomic Safety and Licensing Board y, e7. h 1001 Cor.necticut Avenue .rl /

Wcchington, D.C. 20036 h.

Q[E.a ,+,8k4 4

e. -}

Richard L. Black, Ecquire "<A l

Counsel for NRC Starf fch c$'df ,h'/,

i l

i U.S. Nuclear Regulator y Commission Office of the Er.ecutive Legal Director k ' ~ [ \\'

20555 1

j Washington, D.C.

! In the Matter of Puget Sound Pcwer & Light Co,apany, et a l ._

(Skagit Nuclear Pcwer Project, Units 1 and 2)

Docket Nos. 50-_522 and 50-323 Gentlemen:

For the informatian of the Licensing Board, the Regulatory Staff and the parties pursuant to the McGuitj rule, we are enclosing copies of the load forecasts of the four co-owners of

, the Skagit Project as recently updated for use in preparing the 1979 West Group Forecast (WGF) .


To facilitate comparison of these load forecasts with those

! introduced in evidcnce at the joint need for power hearing in March 1977, they have been prepcred in the form of updated

- Tables A, B, C and D , which may be compared with Tables A, B, C j~ and D attached to the testimony of David H. Knight dated Feb-

. ruary 15, 1977 (follows Tr. NFP 3527, March 9, 1977). To be consistent with the prior tables, the updeted loads shown for Pacific Power & Light Company are its total loads and thus include its Wyoming loads, which are not part of the West Group.



- e 790226013l* @

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Valentine B. Deale Richard L. Black

January 25, 1979


Page 2

We are also enclosing an updated Table E, the four-cccpany composite, which may be compared with Table E attached to Knight's testimony.

Additionally, we are cnclosing updated versions of Tables H, I, J and K attached to Knight's cited testimony, which show the actual loads of the four co-owners through the end of 1978. It should be noted that these are system leads not total loads.

~i .

The currently estimated resources of the four participants are also shoan en the enclosed Tables A, B, C and D, which separately list the estirated contributions of the two Skagit units and the two Pebble Springs units to the resources of the respective participants in those two projects based on the currently estimated " probable energy date" for each unit, i.e.,

the later of the WGF rilestone date or the scheduled completion date. The current probable energy dates, which vill be used in the 1979 WGF, are as follows:

1979 WGF l_977 WGF 5%agit Unit 1 November 1986 August 1984 Skagit Unit 2 Novecabe r 1988 August 1986

Pebble Springs Unit 1 March 1987 July 1985 Pebble Springs Unit 2 April 1989 July 1988 For comparison, we have also listed the probable energy dates ,

-'t were used in preparing the 1977 WGF and the tables that

+". presented at the March 1977 joint hearing on need for power. The current dates reflect the licensing delays that

> have ,ccurred since that time. In the case of the Skagit

! units, the current dates are based on the assumption that the LWA or construction permits will be issued by Septerber 1979.

In the case of the Pebble Springs units, the current dates are based on the assun.ption that both the state certification and the NRC construction permits will be issued by January 1930.

In response to Mr. Linenberger's request at the recent conference, and to facilitate comparison of the enclosed 1979 forecasts with the 1977 forecasts that were presented at the March 1977 joint session, we are enclosing updated versions of Figure . end Table 1. The initial versions of Figure 1 and Table 1 cons tituted pages 10 and 11 of Applicants' Answer of May 5, 1978 to last year's FOB /CFSP Motion for Reopened Need


i f a i'

i Valentine B. Deale Richard L. Black January 25, 1979 Page 3 for Power Evidentiary Record, which was denied by the Bcard's Order of May 18, 1978. To the initial version of Figure 1 we q have added the 1979 four-co:apany composite forecast from the enclosed Table E dated January 22, 1979. As can be seen, the curve for the 1979 forecast is essentially the same shape as the curve for the 1977 forecast--but it has shifted to the right and also shows a larger deficit. What this demonstrates is that the projected need for the Skagit units is now more pronounced than the existing evidentiary record--the 1977 forecast--would indicate. .

Table 1, to which we have added the 1979 forecast, shows in more detail that the currently projected need for the Skagit units is somewhat greater than that shown by the 1977 forecast. This can be seen by comparing the magnitudes of the projected deficiencies under the two forecasts, if either of the Skagit units were not to come on-line when scheduled.

(Col. C. vs. Col. F. ) Under the 1977 forecast, in which Unit 1 was scheduled to come on-line in 1984-S5 (Col . B for 1984-85, 708 MW), the projected deficiency for that year withou'c Unit I was 1407 K4 (Col. C for 1984-85). Under the 19'4 forecast, in which Unit 1 is scheduled to come on-line in 1986-87 (Col . E I for'1986-87, 515 MW), the projected deficiency for that year without Unit 1 is 1575 K3 (Col . F for 1986-87). With respect to Unit 2, tl.e cc:aparable projected deficiencies under the 1977 and 1979 forecasts are the same--615 MW--if Unit 2 were not to come on-line whcn scheduled.

Very truly yours, PE2 KINS, COIE, STONE, .


// )-ALg -i2 k fj r; Q [, % .-

F. Theodore Thomsen %g Attorneys for Puget Sound Power & N Light Ccepeny FTT:jo Enclosures Tables A, B, C, D, E, H, I, J and K Figute 1 and Table 1 cc: Service list 4

. - - - -_,me-.

. --ee

Date: Januarv '1 5 , )979 s , ,

. Valentine B. Deale, Chairnan Nicholas D. Lewis, Chairnan Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Energy Facility Site Evaluation

, 1001 Connecticut Avenue, N.W. Council Washington, D.C. 20036 820 East Fifth Avenue j Olympia, WA 98504 Dr. Frank F. Hooper, Member Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Robert C. SchofieiF, Director Scnool of Natural Resources Skagit County Planning Department University of Michigan 120 West Rincaid Street Ann Arbor, MI 43104 Mount Vernon, WA 98273 Gustave A. Linenberger, Member Richard M. Sandvik, Esq.

Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Assistant Attorney General U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Department of Justice Washington, D. C. 20555 500 Pacific Building 520 S.W. Yamhill Alan S. Rosenthal, Chairman Portland, OR 97204 Atomic Safety and Licensing -

Appeal Board Robert Lowenstein, Esq.

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Ccamission Lowenstein, Newman, Reis & Axelrad Washington, D. C. 20555 1025 Connecticut Avenue, N.W.

tashington, D. C. 20036 Dr. John H. Buck, Member ,

Atcmic Safety and Licensing Warren Eastings, Esq.

Appeal Board Associate Corporate Counsel U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Portland General Electric Company l

Washington, D.C. 20555 121 S.W. Salmon Street Portland, OR 97204 Michael C. Farrar, Member Atomic Safety and Licensing CPSP and FOB Appeal Board E. Stachon & L. Marbet U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 19142 S. Bakers Fe2 ry Road Washington, D.C. 20555 Boring, OR 97009 _

Docketing and Service Section Canadian Consulate General Office of the Secretary Peter A. van Brakel U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Vice-Consul Washington, D. C. 20555 412 Plaza 600 ,

(original and 20 copies) 6th and Stewart Street Seattle, WA 98101 Richard L. Black, Esq.

Counsel for NRC Staff Donald S. Means U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Cormnission Box 277 Office of the Executive Legal La Conner, WA 98257 Director Washington, D.C. 20555 Richard D. Bach, Esq.

Rives, Bonyhadi, Drummond & Smith Roger M. Leed, Esq. 1400 Public Service Building 1411 Fourth Ave. Bldg. #610 ,e. 920 S.W. 6th Avenue

. Seattle, WA 98101 },:%,L" Portland, OR 97204 Russell W. B'usch, Esc. / 7 o Thomas F. Carr, Esc. ^

Evergreen Legal Services / A[s/I,, Assistant Attorney General 5308 Ballard Avenue N.U. f tGI'emple of Justice Seattle, WA 98107 (2 ;

,. n @/[4! F 31ympia, WA 98504


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  1. ,. Table h


Jar:uary 19, 1979

[ r qq, g i

, Pa9e 1 of 5 l


(\ Y t



E,t (ttegewatt)

T/ /.*

  • r
  • I Line  % Q ij 'y.C ' 1979-1900 1980-1981 1981-1902 1982-1903 1983-197,4  !

Mo. Peak Avg. Peak Avg. Peak Avg. Peak Avg. Peak Avg. }

1. Est. System Load 2910 1639 3108 1740 3247 1035 3396 1910 3522 1997
2. Pxports --

10 -- - -- -- -- - -- --

3. TOTAL LCAD 2918 1657 3100 1740 3247 1035 3396 1918 3522 1997 nesources: 4
4. System Pydro 266 147 266 147 255 146 266 147 265
  • 147  !
5. Contract Uydro 11;8 6 090 1050 003 1831 G70 1699 056 1665 035 6 Canadian Ent. Return  ?.17) (4L) (113) (45) (109) (e l) (103) (40) (95) (36) 7 Restoration --

(13) --

(13) --

(13) --

(13) --

(13) 8 TOTAL !!YDRO 2035 984 2011 972 1997 9G2 1851 950 1835 933

  • 9 Shuf fic.*cn & Crystal Mountain 09 9 89 9 09 9 39 9 09 9 10 Conbustion Turbines 96 3 96 9 96 9 9G 9 96 9
11. bra Cemmitments 254 20 30G 60 293 GO 206 60 270 60 12  !!anford Extension -- 51 -- 51 -- 51 --

51 -- -

13 CSrc r:et 40a 192 344 100 339 175 323 147 213 85 ,

14 Contracts In & Irnpor t s -- 17 100 20 -- - - -- -- --


15. Centralia 92 64 92 64 92 64 92 64 97 64
16. Colstrip P1 165 125 165 125 165 125 165 125 IG5 125 f 17 Colstrip #'. 165 125 165 125 165 125 165 125 165 125 .

10 Colstrip 43 . . . (7/03) - - - -- - -- - -

175 105

19. Colsta ip #4 . . . (5/04) -- -- - - -- -- - - --


20. WPrSS it 3. . . . . (3/d5) - - - - -- - - - -- -
21. Skagit #1 . . . .(11/06) - - -- - -- - -- - -- -

22 Skagit it2 . . . .(11/0C) -- - -- - - -- -- - -- --

23. P.'bble Spring 3 #1 (3/07) -- - - -- -- -- - - -- -

24 Pebblo Springs 42 (4/09) -- - - -- -- -- - -- -- --

25. SU31DTAL 1269 612 1357 659 1244 627 1216 590 1265 000 26 'IoTAL ncsounCns 3304 1596 3360 1631 '

3231 1509 3077 1548 3100 1541 27 Res. Srnall Thermal Cr & Hydro (117) -

(116) --

(114) -

(107) -

(10G) -

28 nes. Large Thermal (63) --

(63) --

(63) --

(63) --

(90) --

29 NET TOTAL PISOURCES 3124 1596 3109 1631 3054 1599 2907 1540 2904 1541

.~ 1

30. surplus or (Dat.) 206 (61) 01 (109) (193) (246) (409) (370) (618) (456) '

, , , , . , ., _pq.. . - . * * - * * * '

'W, #

, 1 ,



Table A t Janinary 19, 1979 Pa<,o 2 o f 5 IRM"P SOLIND PONER & LIGHT COMPANY CSTIVATED IDADS AND RESOURCES (t' Jawatts) 1905-1906 1906-1987 1987-19d0 1900-1983 Line 1984-1985 Peak Avg. Imak Av9 Pcah Avg. Peak Avg.  ;

No. Peak Avg.

2130 4056 2285 4229 2392 4453 2507

1. Est. System Load 3691 2002 3058 -


2. cxports 4229 4453 2507 3691 2082 3050 2100 4056 2205 2392
3. !UTAL I4AD Rosources:

266 147 265 147 265 1/.6 2GG 147

4. System Hydro 265 347 1601 600 1570 702 1550 773 1546 764
5. Contract nydro 1632 010 (02) (31) (75) (29) (72) + (25) (60) (25) j 6 Canadian Ent. Return (09) (33)

- (13) -

(13) -

(13) -

(13) -

(13) {

7 Restoration 1744 073 1705 903 1760 007 1751 001 0 ETAL 1rtD00 1809 919 }

09 9 03 9 09 9 09 9

9. Shuf fleton t. Crystal Mountain 89 9 9 9G 9 96 9 96 9 j
10. Combustion Turbines 96 9 96 ,

244 i 68 230 60 224 68 216 60 ,

11. BPA Corwitments 256 68 I 12 Hanford Extension - - -

72 164 60 177 64 205 81 199 77 191

13. CSPE t!ct - - - - -
14. Contracts In r. Irtports - - - - -

l 92 64 92 64 92 64 92 64

' 15. Centralia 92 64 165 125 165 125 165 125 165 125 ,

16 Colstrip #1 165 125 125 165 125 165 125 165 125 165 125

17. Colstrip #2 165 131 175 131 175 131 175 131 175 131 1 JH. Colstrip 63 . . . (7/03) 175 i 109 175 131 175 111 175 131 175 131
19. Colstrip 64 . . . (5/84) 175 12 62 40 62 47 62 67 62 47 <
20. WPPSS #3. . . . . (3/05) --

360 515 30G

21. Skagit #1 . . . .(11/06) -- -- -- - 515 206 515 f

- - -- - 515 2P6 1

.(11/03) - -- -

22 Skagit #2 . . . -

277 200

- - - - 59 296 192 [

23. Pebble Springs #1 (3/07) -

- - -- - - - 44 R. Ithble Springs 9 2 (4/09) 1418 "33 1462 779 1955 1046 2238 1329 2719 1617

25. Su nTCUAL -

32/7 1652 3247 1682 3715 1933 3909 2210 44G3 2490 26 TMP.L RESNBCES (104) (103) -

(101) -

(100) -

(100) -

27. Res. Small *Ihermal Cr a Hydro -

(116) - (125) -

(202) -

(247) -

(321) --

28 Res. Large Thermal 3007 1652 3019 1682 3412 1933 3642 2210 4042 2490 ,

2 9.. . NET MPAL RESOtmCEs (039) {490) (644) (352) (507) (162) (411) (17)

30. Surplus or (Do f. ) (604) (430) t
  • I l ,

1 r

i Table A Tanuary 19, 1979 P!JCET COUND PG4ER & Y.ICirP COMPANY ESTIRE'3D IfnDS AND RESOURCES (rtogawa tts) ...y-Line 1989-19'.*0 1990-1991 1991-1992 1992-1993 1993-1994 No. Puk rivg . Peak Ayvy. Peak Avg. Poak Aw. Peak Avg.

1 Est. System Load 4654 2629 4864 2740 5037 2058 5244 29G8 ,5447 3097

- 1 2 Exports - - - - - - - - - -

3. 1UTAL LOAD 4G54 2629 4864 2740 5037 205d 5244 2968 5447 3087 k Resources 4 Systen Ilydro 266 147 266 147 266 147 266 147 266 147
5. Contract ifycro 1536 755 1524 740 1512 730 1507 732 1502 727 ,

6 Canadian Ent. Return (66) (22) (65) (22) (56) (21) (50) (20) (44) (10) 7 Restoration --

(13) --

(13) --

(13) --

(13) --

(13) ti . mTAL 1rtDuo 1736 667 1725 660 1722 051 1723 84G 1724 643 9 Shuf fleton & Crystal Mountain 89 9 '89 9 09 9 09 9 09 9

.0. Codustion Turbines 96 9 96 9 96 9 96 9 96 9

11.  : IPA Commitrents 212 60 2.0 6G 192 68 190 Gu 168 60
12. lianford Extension - -- - -- - - -- - - -
13. CSrc t:et 178 60 179 57 .G3 S 'i 140 53 132 51 s; l.. Centracts In & Irnports - - - - -
15. Centralia 92 64 92 c4 92 64 92 64 92 64 16 Colstrip #1 165 125 165 125 165 125 165 125 165 125 '

17 Colstrip w2 165 125 165 125 165 125 163 125 165 325 p 18 Colstrip 83 . . . (7/03) 175 131 175 131 175 131 175 131 175 131 -

19. Colstrip #4 . . . (5/04) 175 131 175 131 175 131 17G 131 175 131 ,
20. WPrSS #3 . . . . (3/05) 62 47 62 47 62 47 62 47 62 47 l
21. Ska9i t #1 . . . .(11/06) 515 366 515 306 MS 386 515 386 515 Jn6
22. Skaoit #2 . . . .(11/00) 515 360 5:.5 3H6 515 3e6 515 366 515 306 ,

23 Pebble Springs #1 (U O7) 267 200 267 2v0 267 200 267 200 267 200 i 24 Pebble Springs #2 (4/89) 296 109 296 222 296 222 296 222 296 222 i

25. CUnmTAL 3002 1901 3001 1960 2967 1958 2940 1956 2912 1954 1

26 MTAL RESOURCES 4738 2771 4726 2020 4609 2009 4663 2002 4636 2797 f

27. Res. Sn.all Thermal CT & Irydro (99) -

(99) , -

(98) -

(90) -

(90) ~

l 20 Res. Largo Thermal (364) -' (3G4) -

(364) -

(364) -

(364) -

79 NET 'KrrAL RESOfRCES 4275 2771 4263 2B20 4227 2009 4201 2802 4174 2797 30 Surplus or (tM f.') (379) 142 (G01) 72 (810) (49) (1043) (166) (1273) (290) i.

w y ep. -e -- ee w weg e .. m = me -- - - p e -p p

i i

l Table A January 19 1979 Fage 4 of $





Line 1994-1995 1595-199G 1996-1997 1997-1998 [

Unak i Mo. Pak Avg. reak h Pe ak, Avg. [g

1. Est system Lcad 5644 3202 5797 3302 590P 3401 6179 35J2 2 D ports - - - -- - - -- -
3. HiTAL LOAD 5644 3202 5797 3302 5900 3401 6179 3512 Resources:
4. Syst2a nytiro 266 147 26G 147 266 147 26G 147
5. Contract !!ydro 1497 722 1492 .30 1486 712 1401 707  ;.
6. Cana<lica Ent. Haturn (39) (17) (33) (AG) (26) (16) (2G) (14)
7. Restoration -

(13) -

(13) -

(13) -


8. My"tAL tr/Dr,0 1724 039 1725 63G 1725 030 1721 827 9 Shu f fleton & Crystal Mountain 89 9 09 9 69 9 09 9 8
19. Curbustion Turbines 96 9 96 9 96 9 96 9
11. DPA Corrmitnents 100 60 lc. G 68 52 - 52 -


12. Itanford ' x tension 13 CSPE Not 116 43 101 46 Is 5 44 82 42 14 Contracts In G Irrports - - - -

15 Ce n t ra 1 I a a: 64 92 64 92 64 92 64 16 Colstrip 91 ms 125 365 125 165 125 165 125 17 Colstrip #2 165 125 165 125 165 125 1G5 125

18. Colstrip #3 . . . (7/83) 175 131 175 13l 175 131 115 131 .

19 Colstrip 44 . . . (5/04) 175 131 175 131 175 131 175 131  !

20 wrrss 43. . . . . (3/6 5) 62 47 62 47 62 47 62 47

21. Skagit fl . . . .(11/06) 515 396 515 386 515 30G 515 366 22 Skagi t #2 . . . .(11/08) 515 306 515 3Jd 515 366 515 33G 21 rebble Springs irl (2/07) 267 200 267 200 2G7 200 267 200
24. Ivbble Springs 42 (4/89) 196 222 296 222 296 222 296 222 25 SUhDOTAL 2006 1951 2A59 1949 2749 1879 274G 1877 26 TO'IAL PEscuncES 4620 2790 45G4 27AS 4475 2709 4467 2704 i

27 Res. Srvill Thennal CT & ffHro (97) --

(97) -

(97) -

(97) -

20 Res. Large Therm 1 (364) -

(364) -

(364) -

(364) -

, 29. NET 'IDTAL RESOURCES 4149 2790 41 3 2705 4014 2709 4006 2704

30. Surplus or (Do f . ) (1495) (412) (1674) (517) (1974) (692) (2173) (000)

. y

- - - - - ., -- -- - -- . n, .

l .y

  • I l



Table A I January 19, 1979 Page 5 of 5 ,

I l

I a



1. We loads and resources are thosa suhaitted to PNUCC for tho 1979 West Group and " Blue Book" forecasts.
2. !!ydro resources are based on the 1970 WGP 42-1/2 month critical perloo.
3. Energy capability of planned thermal unita 500 rw or greater 60 percont pl4.nt factor first year, 75 percent t)ereafter. l t

4 Energy capat2ility of existir.g thermal units is as reported trf Project cporators.


l 5 %orral unit datos are the probable onorgy dates frcsu the 1979 WGrp i.e., lator of the  ;

milestono date or the scheduled cor,pletion data.

i f'

I i

t i


w&e,p --wew.p---+ g 3-w W-f


Table B -


(Mogasatts)  !

1979-1980 1900-1901 1901-1902 1902-1983 1903-1984 Line No. Peak Avq. Peak Avq. Peak Avg. Peak Mcl., Poah Avg.

2810 1677 2940 1763 3054 1831 3177 1905 3241 1975

1. Estimated System Load 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 Exports 3 2321 16AO 2943 176f- 3057 1034 3100 1900 3244 1970


590 210 590 210 590 210 598 210 , 593 219

4. System Hydro 763 392 731 377 719 366 703 358 601 346
5. Contract liydro ,
6. Canadian t:nt. Return (67) (31) (64) (70) (60) (25) (57) (24) (53) (21) 7 Restoration --

(7) -

(7) -

(7) -

(7) -

(7) 1294 572 1271 560 1257 552 1244 545 122G 537

u. mTAL trIDno 6 1 6 1 6 1 6 1
9. Small Therm 1 and Miscellaneous 6 1 973 73 973 73 973 73 973 73 973 74
10. Corbir.ed Turbino 60 604 20 750 60 752 60 746 63 740
11. nrA Cormitment

.i 2 -- 52 -- 52 -- 52 - -

12. Ilanford Extension --

257 102 .4 96 234 93 225 09 215 05 ,

13 C::M: Net Contracts and Irnports 160 - 100 -- 100 - 100 -- 100 -

34 33 23 33 23 33 23 33 23 33 23

15. Centralia I 7u3 540 763 540 763 540 763 540 ,63 540 16 Trojan

-- - - - 70 42 17 Colstrip #3 . . . (7/83) - - - --

-- - -- -- - -- 7 10 Cols trip # 4 . . . (5/84) - -- --

-- 477 191 477 3?4 477 350 424 310

19. noa rdma n. . . . .(11/60) -
20. WN ss #3 . . . . (3 /05 ) -- - -_ --
21. Skagit #1 . . . (11/06) -- -
22. skagit 42 . . .(11/0n) -- - -- -- --

-- - - -- - - g

23. rebble Springs #1 (3/07) -- --

24 Pebble Sprin9s #2 (4/09) -- -

2736 011 3356 1044 3338 1104 3323 1204 3324 1157

25. SunTrfrAL 4030 1383 4627 1604 4595 1736 4567 1749 4550 1694 26 To AL Co:-etITTro ResooncrS  !

?7 Res. Small Thermal, CT, Hydro (116) (115) (111) (113) (112) f 28 Res. Largo Thermal (119) (191) (1%) (191) (194) ,

4321 1604 4290 1736 4263 1749 4244 1694 29 @MIT* FED UCT TrfrAL PE mJRCES 3795 1383 (204) k

30. Surplus or (Def.) 974 (297) A370 (162) 1233 (90) 1003 (159) 1000


.. -- -. cy . - -- -





k i



Line 1984-1985 1985-1986 1986-1987 1907-1980 190S-1999 No. Peak Avo. Peak Avg. g'g nyg. Pear Avg. Peak f.vre . ]

2060 3490 2150 3615 2234 3749 2320 3870 2405

1. Ertimated System Load 3362 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 f
2. Exports 3 3
3. TOTAL 1. CAD 33G5 2071 3493 2153 3610 2237 3752 2323 3073 2400 Rer au rces :
4. Syntem itydro 590 210 590 210 590 216 590 210 590 210 5 Centract ifydro 67a 343 673 335 669 339 665 337 6G0 329 6 Canadian Ent. Return (51) (20) (49) (10) (47) (17) (45) (15) (4 3) (14)
7. Restoration --

(7) --

(7) --

(7) --

(7) --

(7) 6 %TAL tr(Dno 1225 534 1222 520 1220 533 1218 533 1215 526  :

5 9 Scull Therrnal and Hiscellaneous 6 1 6 1 6 1 6 1 6 1

10. Cor.bined Turbine 973 73 973 73 .973 73 973 73 973 73
11. bra Cormnits ent 734 63 730 60 726 60 720 63 716 68 ,.
12.  !!anford Extension -- - -- --

13 CSrc Nat 205 el  ; 9's 77 191 72 104 60 177 64

14. Contracts arm! Irnports 100 -- 100 -- 100 - 103 -- 100 --

33 23 31 23 33 23  ;) 23 33 23 1

15. Centralia 16 Trojua 763 540 763 540 763 54 ') 7C3 549 7G3 540 ,

~0 53 70 53 70 53 70 'i 3 70 53 17 Co' strip 43 . . . (7/83) lu. Colstrip #4 . . . (5/64) 70 45 70 53 73 53 70 53 70 53

19. waa rdma n , , ,(11/80) 424 310 424 313 424 318 424 318 424 31H 25 124 124 93 124 93 124 93
20. W r!"3 S 4 3 . . . . . (3/as) -- bl .

366 290

21. Skagit #1 . . . . (ll/f.6) -- -- -- -- 3P6 155 366 270

-- - 336 155 22 ' '< a g it # 2 . . . .(11/06) -- -- - -- -- -

23 rebble Springs #1 (3/07) -- -- -- -- --

119 593 385 593 445 24 rebble Springs #2 (4/89) - -- -- -- - - - - - 89 25 SUniMAL 337R 122' 3492 1287 3dG6 1568 4446 1945 4021 2265 26 TnTAL COMMITrEE RESOURCES 4603 1761 714 1815 5006 2101 5664 2478 6036 2791 27 Res. Smil Therwal, 6r, trydro (112) (112) (112) (111) (111)

I 20 Res. Large TherTnal (204) (223) ( 2(sl) (3G9) (427)

29. COMMITT".3 ?!ET 'IOTAT. RESCURCES 4207 1761 4379 1915 4G93 2101 5184 2473 5493 2791

,30 Surplus or (cef.) 922 (310) 006 (33G) 1075 (136) -

1432 155 1625 383 I

f m.

- . . = ~ . - - - -,se-a y

. . . , , . .w .rg.,g. ,

t I

I Table B January 19, 1979 ,

Pago 3 of 5 )i PCRTIJit;D CEMCML EUTCTRIC COMPAtiY ESTIPAED ILADS AND RF.SOUTCES l (Mage ='a t ts) l Line 1989-1990 1990-1991 1991-1992 1992-1993 1993-1994 No. Peak Avg. Peak Avg. Peak Avg. Peak Avg. Peak Avg.

1. Estimated System Load 3969 2403 4132 2570 4265 2665 4412 2761 4543 2057 2 Exports 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
3. 'ivrAL 1,OAD 3992 2486 4135 2573 4268 2660 4415 2764 4546 2860 Resources: *
4. System flydro 598 218 599 21R 598 210 590 210 593 210
5. Contract Hydro 656 333 652 331 64 / 320 647 323 647 328 f
6. Canadian Ent. Re tu rn (4 3) (13) (43) (13) (39) (11) (34) (11) (31) (10) 7 Re s tora ti.m --

(7) --

(7) --

(7) --

(7) -

(7) 3 'mTAL Irtopo 1211 531 1207 529 1206 520 1211 528 1214 529 3 Sic.all Therral and Miscellancous 6 1 6 1 6 1 G 1 6 1 lu. Cemhined Turbine 973 73 973 7a 973 73 973 73 973 73

11. BPA Conaitrrent */16 50 716 GS 160 65 150 65 142 65 12 H.inford Extension - - -

13 CSPE Net 178 60 179 57 163 55 14 0 53 132 51

14. Contracts and Ireports 100 -- 100 - 100 - 100 --

100 -

15. Centralia 33 23 33 23 33 23 33 23 33 23
16. Trojan 753 540 763 540 763 540 703 540 763 540 70 53 70 51 70 53 70 53 70 53 17 Colntrip 43 . . (7/8J)
10. Colsirip #4 . . . (5/04) 70 53 70 5 70 53 70 53 70 53
19. Loard.,an . . .(11/00) 424 310 424 310 424 310 424 310 424 318

' ~

20 uitSS # 3 . . . . (3/05) 124 93 124 93 124 9J 1?4 93 124 93 Skagit #1. . . .(13/06) 3N6 200 3G6 290 3H6 290 306 230 3C6 290 zl.

22 Skagit #2 . . . .(11/08) 306 270 33C 9 0 3GG 290 366 290 586 290 .

23. Pebble Springs #1 (3/07) 5S6 417 534 401 514 401 534 401 531 401
24. Pebble Springs 52 (4/09) 593 376 593 *e45 ' 593 445 593 445 593 445
25. Su n'mTAL 5378 2637 5357 2702 4765 2700 4760 2690 4736 2696 l

3228 5971 3226 5950 3225  !

6509 3160 65E4 3231 5091 26 MTAL COf StITED PESOURCES (110) (110) (110) 27 pes. Srull Thermal, 'CT, Itydro (111) (Ill)


Pes. Large Thermal (511) (507) ( *.,0 7 ) (507) 20 5946 3231 5374 3228 5354 3:26 5333 3225

23. COMMITTED tiET 'mTAL RFSmacts 5967 3168 658 lio6 560 931 462 707 365 l
30. Surplus or (Def.) 1975 632 lull f




Line 1994-1995 1995-1996 1996-1997 1997-1990 (

tio. Peak Avg. Peak Avg. Peak Avg. Peak Avg. ,

1. Estimated System Load 4677 2940 4840 3050' 5000 3161 515G 3270 ,

2 Exports 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

3. NTAL LOAD 4600 2951 4043 3G53 5003 3164 515') 3273 nosources:

4 System Hydro 590 219 5 953 210 590 210 599 210

5. Contract ifydro 647 328 047 32G G47 326 047 326 .

G. Crnadian Cnt. Return (27) (10) (21) (3) (19) (9) ( l'3) . (5) 7 :le s. tora t i on --

(7) --

(7) --

(7) --

(7) 8 TOTAL IfvDRO 121t! 529 122a 523 1226 520 1226 520 9 Small Thernal And Miscellaneous 6 1 6 1 6 1 6 1 10 Comnined Turbine 973 73 973 73 973 73 9/3 73 l

11. DPA Comitr.cnt 142 65 124 .65 38 0 56 0 l
12. Hanford Extension -- -- -- -- -- -- - --


13. CS:t: Net ~

117 40 101 96 65 44 d2 42

14. Contracts and Irporte 100 -- 100 -- 100 - 109 --

15 Centralia 33 23 33 21 33 23 33 ?3 16 Trojan 703 540 70i 540 7G3 540 763 540 j II. Colstrip #3 . . . (7/F 70 53 73 53 70 St 70 53 IG. Colstrip #4 . . . (9 70 53 70 53 70 53 70 53 19- Doardman. . . . .(A 424 318 424 31C 424 313 424 310 20, w rPSs 3 3. . . . . (; 124 93 121 93 12. 93 124 53

21. Skagic 'll . . . .(ll/cG) ., C 6 290 306 233 3P6 290 306 290 I 22 Skagit 42 . . . .(11/ce) 306 290 30G 290 3rG 290 306 2 '> 0 23 Febble Springs #1 (3/87) 534 /91 534 401 534 401 534 401  ;

24 Icbble Springs #2 (4/09) 593 445 533 445 593 445 593 445

25. SUnTWAL 4721 2693 4607 2091 4585 2624 4500 2622 26 mTAL Cof tITTED RESOURCES 5939 3222 5910 3219 5811 3152 5005 3150 ,'

27 Res. Small Thermal. CT, trydro (110) (110) (110) (110) 20 nes, targe Therwal (507) (507) (507) (507)

29. CctetITTSD ?!ET TWAL RESOURCES 5322 3222 5293 3219 5194 3152 5103 3150
30. Surplus or (De f. ) 642 27* 450 166 191 (12) 30 {l23)  ;

r-m yw w ~ ~ -

.nm e -.w w ,, . ~ - - . -

4,y p ,

  • Table B

' January 19, 1979 I Page 5 of 5 .


i EXPLANATORY NOTES r 1. 'The loads and resources are those subnitted to PNUCC for the 1979 West Group and

" Blue Book" forecasts (except Trojan's average annual energy which is at 70.8 percent plant factor) .

. },

2. flydro resources are based on the 1970 WGP 42 month critical period.
3. Energy capability of thermal units 500 nu or greater: 60 percent plant factor firs *

! year, 75 percent thereafter (except Centralia which is at 70 percent thereaf ter),


4. Thermal unit dates are the probable energy dates from the 1979 WOF; i.e., the later of the nilestone date or scheduled completion date.
5. Boardman resources assumes buy back of 10 percene share fran Pacific Northwest Generating Company (PNGC) for 1980/81 throw;h 1982/83.


6. Pebble springs #1 resource assumes a proportionate buy back of PNGC's 10 percent share the first year and a proportionate buy back of 36 percent of PNCC's 10 percent

,  ?:hara (PNGC necds only 64 percent) the ne::t year. Thereafter, PNGC uses their full 10 percent share.

! 7. Additional combustion turbine energy turbine energy is not included in the tabulation:

560 average mw 1979/00 throuch 1997/?B.

I s



i .



I PACIFIC PCWER & LIGil! CCKPANY Table C Esticated I. cads and Resources 1/19/79

' Page 1 of 4 (Megawatts) I t

1979-00 19S0-81 1981-82 1932-33 1983-84 Peak Avg. Pec.k Peak Avg. ?cak Avg. Peak Av t.

Av t.

2657 4U21 2320 5133 2991 5421 3159

1. Estfriated System Load 1/ 4327 2516 4567
2. Ewports --

h6 --

68 --

88 --

88 -- --

TOTAL L tD 4317 2o04 4567 2745 4821 290J 5133 3079 5421 3159 3.


4 System !!ydro 852 367 652 367 252 367 352 3o7 G54 367 ,

612 311 526 273 511 270 497 263 478 252

5. Contract flydro
6. Caaadian Entitlecant Return (49) (24) (4 t;) (22) (46) (10) (43) (18) (39) (15) 17 --

17 --

17 --


7. Restoration --

17 --

1415 671 1330 640 1317 634 1305 629 1293 621 8- TOTAL HYDRO ,

33 33 7 33 7 33 7 33 7

9. Snall Thermal & Misc. 7 24 24 -- 24 --

24 --

10. Conbustion Turbine 24 -- --

trA Conniteento 1075 --

923 --

1269 -- 1313 --

705 --

11 20 72 00 120 60 120 GO 120 50 63 i

12. Uanford & W?PSS #1 141 53 141 57 95 64 65 61 ;22 49 l
13. CSPE Net
o. 3 3 3 3 3 3- 3 3 3 3 l Cont racts In 624 437 624 437 624 437 624 437 624 437

'5. Centralia 28 21 28 21 23 21 28 21 28 21

15. Tropn 2331 1455 2331 1544 2331 1507 2331 1567 2331 1567
17. Wyoming The rmal

-- -- -- 70 42 (7/83) - -- -- --

10. Colstrip #3 --

-- -- -- -- -- 7

19. Col trip f4 (5/84) -- - -- --

(3/85) -- - -- --

2U. 'JN P v 3

-- ~~ -- -- -- --

2;. wNP v5 (6/86) -- - -- --


22. Skagit Ji -- -- -- -- -- --


23. Skagit 32 (11/88) -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

22 Pebble Springs #1 (3/87) -- --

25. Pebble Springs #2 (4/89) -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

4285 2054 4187 2189 4487 2219 4501 2216 4020 2201  !

26. Sms TOTAL i

5700 2725 5517 2329 5304 2833 5601 2845 5313 2322 i

27. _ TOT AL__R. EsouaCES , ,
28. Res. Small Thermal CT 6 Ilydro (77) --

(72) --

(71) --

(71) --

(70) --

29. kes. La rge The rmal (447) --

(447) --

(447) --

(447) --

(458) --

t i'

5176 2725 4996 2S29 5285 2353 5289 2845 4785 2822

31. Surplus or (Def.) 849 121 431 55 465 (55) 156 (234) (636) (337)

--1/ Sandpoint, Idaho. load excluded through December,1981. ,


-v.- . ,

--- ' wee- y e -

f 4

PACITIC P0i!CR & LIC!!T 'COMPAN"! Table C Estinated Loads ar.d F.ecources -

1/19/79  ;

Page 2 of 4 i Oiegswatts) 1984-85, 1985-26 ,1986-87 Peak 1987-83 1938-89 g Av3 Peak Avq. Peak Avg. Peak Ava. Peak A v g.

1. Estimated System Load 1 5722


3339 C043 3529 6333 3729  ;

2. Exports --

6742 3942 7121 4165

~~ -- -- -- -- j

3. TuTAL LOAD 5722 3339 6043 3529 6333 3729 6742 3942 7121 4165 Kesources: '

4 System liydro 853 367 852 1 367 852 367 652 367

5. Cont rac t flyd ro 476 250 S$2 367 I 475 249 473 248 471
6. Canadian Entitlement Return (39) 247 47! 247 j (14) (36) (13) (35) (12) ( 3';)
7. Ecstoration --

17 --

(!!) (32) (II)

  • i 17 --


3. TOTAL INDRO 1290 620 17 --

17 1291 620 1290 620 1290 620 1291 620

9. Small Thermal & Misc. 33 7 33 7 33 7 33
10. Co.:.bustion Turbine 24 --

24 7 33 7 24 --

24 --

!1. n?A Connitments 705 --

699 --

697 2 '. --

12. 1:anford a WPPSS #1 555 --

693 --

80 69 Ea 68 B0 63 i

13 CSPE Net EO 68 CO 68 117 46 113 44 10) i

4 41 105 39 Con t rac ts In 3' 3 3 3 101 36 3 3 3
15. Centralia 624 437 624 3 1 3

' 437 6 2 '. 437 624 437 16 Trojan 23 24 624 437 26 21 28 21 23 21 l 17 Wyaming Thermal 2331 28 21  ;

1567 2331 1567 2331 1567 18 23JI 156/ 2331 1567 Colstrip #3 (1/63) 70 52 70 52 76 52 70

19. Co! strip #4 (5/84) 52 70 52 70 44 70 53 70 53 2G. Zu #3 70 53 70 53

'3/B5) --

25 124 61 124 93 124

21. W:w 25 93 124 93 (6/85) -- -- --

6 124 76 124


22. Skagtt #1 93 124 93 (11/86) -- -- -- --

253 103

73. 258 101 253 133 skagit J2 (11/83) -- -- -- -- -- -- --

24 Pebble Sprir.cs #1 (3/87) -- -- -- --

258 103  ?

74 371 241

25. Pea 51e Springs #2 (4/89) -- -- -- -- -- -- --

347 260 2o. SU5 TOTAL 4085 2270 4199 2339 56 4575 2595 4940 2855 5:63 3142

27. TOTAL RESOURCES 5375 2000 5490 2959 5655 3215 6230 3475 6459 3762
28. Pes. Sna11 Thermal CT & Hydro (70) l 29.

(70) --

(70) --


Res. La rge Thermal (453) --

(69) --

(4S7) --

(544) --

(600) --

(6 35,)

30. Nr.T TOTAL RESOURCES 4837 2890 4933 2959 5251 3215 5560 3475 57'5 3762 '
31. Surplus or (Def.) -

(885) (449) i (1110) (570) (1132) (314) (1182) (467) (1366) (403) 9 0

-e n~e~ ---~*m en - , , , , ,

py sm _




i 2ACIFIC POWER & LIGHT CC"?/.NT Table C l Estim.tted Loads and Resourcea 1/19/79 g Page 3 of 4 l

(Meanwatts) i i

1989-99 1990-9'. !991-92 1992-93 1993-94 .

Peak Av t. Peak fvg. Peak Avi. Peak i.v ' . Peak Ave.

1. Estimated System Load 7521 4403 7947 4655 8397 4922 8874 5205 9379 5505 I
2. Exports -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
3. TOTAL LOAD 7521 4403 7947 4655 5391 4922 5874 5205 9379 5505 Rascurces:
4. 2yste,ItyJro 852 367 052 367 852 367 052 367 352 367  :
5. Cor.treet liydro 469 246 458 245 466 245 466 245 466 245
6. Canadian Entitlement Return (32) (9) (32) (8) (29) (7) (25) (7) (23) (6)
7. Festoration --

17 --

17 --

17 --

17 --


8. TOTAL !NDao 1289 621 1233 621 12S9 622 1293 622 1295 623
9. Small Thermal & Misc. 33 7 33 7 33 7 33 7 33 7
10. Combustion Turbine 24 --

24 --

24 --

24 --

24 --

11. BPA Conmitments 693 --

693 --

56 --

52 --

48 --

12, i:anf ord & WPPSS fl 80 68 ED 68 83 68 80 68 80 58 j

13. CSPE act 102 34 102 33 93 32 54 30 75 29 14 Contracts In 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3'
15. Centralia 624 437 624 437 6 2 ?. 437 624 437 624 437 16 Trojan 23 21 26 21  ? -, 2I 24 21 23 21
17. Wyoning The rmal 2331 1567 2331 1567 2331 1567 2331 1567 2331  !$67
18. Colstrip 03 (7/83) 70 52 70 52 70 52 70 52 70 52
19. Colstrip #4 (5/84) 7U 53 70 53 70 53 7J 53 70 53 -
20. Vi? # 3 (3/c5) 124 93 12a 93 124 53 124 53 124 93 g J!. WNP CS (6/86) 174 4') 124 93 124 93 12 'a 93 124 93
22. Skagit #1 (11/86) 253 193 250 193 25S 193 258 193 253 193 l,
23. Skaatt 32 (11/83) 258 lol 256 193 253 193 258 193 253 133
24. Pebbie Springs #1 (3/87) 333 250 333 250 333 250 333 250 333 250
25. Pebble Springs #2 (4/89) 371 236 371 278 371 278 371 278 371 278
26. SU3 TOTAL 5526 3286 5526 3341 4680 3340 4P67 3338 4854 3337 i

.7. TOTAL RESOURCES 6815 3909 6c14 3762 6169 3962 6150 3960 6149 3960  !

28. Res. Small The rmal CT & !!ydro (69) --

(69) --

(69) --

(69) --

(69) --

29. Res. Large Thermal (689) ~~

(6L9) --

(639) --

(669) --

(669) --

30. NET TOTAL RESOURCES 6057 3909 6056 3962 5411 3962 5402 3960 5391 3960
31. Surplus or (Def.) (1464) (494) (1891) (693) (2936) (960) (3472) (1245) (3938) (1545)

. i 5

_ _ _ _ __ _._. . . ._.m 4


  • Estimated Loads and Resources -

1/19/79 Page 4 of 4 '

(Megawatts)  !

e i

!O94-95 1995-96 1996-97 1997-98 Peak Ava. Peak Peak Avg. Peak Av1 Av g.

1. Estir.ated System Irsd 9911 5321 10476 6157 11073 6514 11708 6893
2. r_ x p o r t s -- -- -- -- -- ~~ -- --
3. TOTAL LOAD 9911 5521 10476 6!$7 11073 6514 11703 6893 l

acr.curces: *

4. Systru I!yd ro 352 307 352


367 852 357 852 367

5. Cant rac t llyd ro 466 245 j

465 245 466 245 466 24)  ;

6. Canadian Entitlement Return (21) (5) (17) (5) (15)
7. Restoration (5) (13) (5)

17 --

17 --

17 --


3. TOTAL trtDRO 1297 624 1301 624 1303 624 1305 624 t,
9. Small Thernal 5 Misc. 33 7 33 7 33 7 33 7 10 Ceabustion Turbine ?4 --

24 --

24 --

24 --

11. nPA Conniements 42 --

31 --

30 --

26 --

12, i:anf ord & WPPSS 01 80 68 80 6 e, 80 68 80 68

23. CSPS ;iet di 23 l 57 26 49 25 47 2 '. I 14 Cont racts In 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 I t '. . C.n.tralia 624 437 6 2 c. 437 624 437 624 43/ I
o. Icojan 28 21 23 il 23 21 26 2t
17. t Wy.mi ng The rmal 2331 1567 233: 1567 2331 1567 2331 1567
18. Colstrip 33 (7/33) 70 52 70 52 70 52 70 52
19. Colstrip #4 (5/84) 70 53 70 53 70 53 70 53
20. UNP #3 (3/85) 124 91 l '-. 4 91 12 -. 93 12'. 93  ;
21. L*N r 6 5 (6/56) 124 93 124 93 !24 93 124 92
22. Skagit #1 (11/86) 258 193 253 .93 25J 193 253 193
21. Skagit 02 (11/83) 253 193 253 193 253 193 258 193
24. Pebble Springs #1 (3/87) 333 250 213 250 233 250 333 l 250
25. Pebble Springs #2 (4/89) 371 '30 371 278 371 278 371 278
26. SUBTOTAL 4840 3336 4624 3334 4SIO 3333 4806 3333 27 TOTAL RESO'f RCES 6137 3960 6125 3958 6113 3957 6111 3956 i
23. Res. Small Thermal CT & !!ydro (69) ~~

(69) --

(69) 29.

(69) --

Res. Large The rmal (639) --

(689) --

(689) --

(689) --

30. NET TOTAL RESOURCES 5379 3960 5367 3953 5355 3957 5353 3s56
31. Surplus or (Def.) (4532) (1861) (5109) (2199) (5718) (2557) (6335) (2937) m

- . - - - -- - e- - e, m,-

-e.-,,_, ,




i i



(Megawntto) '

Line 1979-80 1980-81 '981-82 1932-83 1983-S4' Mo. Peak h ' Peck ~ Avg. ' Peak Avg. Penh Avg. Peak Avn.

1. Est. Syster 'ond 1516 878 1599 913 1625 941 1696 962 1762 993
2. Omtracts Out 6 Exports 227 161 198 161 139 140 141 121 141 122
3. TOTAL LOAD 1743 1039 J97 1079 1764 1082 1836 1083 1903 1115 necourcec:
4. Systen Hydro 9 19 345 920 345 919 345 921 345 921 345
3. Contract 1!ydro 290 163 237 162 275 159 270 154 262 150
6. Canadian Ent. Return (22) (10) (2s) (10) (20) (7) (10) (7) (13) (7) '
7. Rectoration. --

7 --

7 --

7 --

7 --


8. TOTAL HYDRO 1137 510 1182 504 1174 504 1173 499 1165 495 i
9. City o Spokane 4 1 4 1 4 1 ^ i 1 4 1
10. ComSuncion Turbines 161 27 10' '7 101 27 101 27 101 27
11. "anford Extension --

51 --

5.t 51 51 -- --

12. CSPC Purch se 67 31 55 29 65 27 63 26 61 25 i
13. Contracts In & Imports
  • 336 251 300 297 342 263 33d 234 256 223 }

'. 4 . Centralia 197 133 197 138 197 135 197 13S 197 136

15. Colctrip #3 . . . (7/83) -- -- -- -- l 105 63 i
16. Calctrip 04 . . . (5/84) -- -- -- -- -- -



P C3 . . --
10. Shagit #1 . . . (11/S6) -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
10. Skagit C2 . . . (11/0S) -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
20. S!DTOTAL 705 499 760 543 709 527 703 527 724 487
21. TOTAL RESOURCES 1892 1009 1942 1047 1833 1031 1876 1889 932 1025
22. Rec. Sm. B ern. CT & Hydro (66) --

(65) , (65)

(65) --

(64) --

2 ', . Res. Large Thermal (21) (21) (30) (45)

(30) -- --

24. 'ET TOTAL RESOURCES 1805 1009 1856 1047 1730 - 1031 1781 1026 1780 982 i



25. Surplus or (Def.) 62 (30) 59 (22) (51) (133) 24 (55) (57) . (123)


Table D (Megawatts) January 19, 1979 i Page 2 of 5 t

Line 1984-85 1935-86 1986-87 1987-83 1988-89

'? o . Peak Avg. Peak Avg Peak gg. Peak ME Peak Avg

1. Et. System Load 1840 1029 '1915 1064 1906 1098 2054 1131 2122 1163 ,
2. Contracts Out & Exports 142 122 143 123 144 123 144 114 32 84
3. TCTAL LOAD 1982 1151 2058 1187 2130 1221 2198 1245 2154 1247
  • i Lcourecs:
4. Systen !!ydro 921 345 921 345 920 345 921 345 921 345
5. Contract nydro 261 149 261 149 260 149 259 149 258 1/ 9
6. Anadian Ent. Return (16) (6) (16) (5) (15) (5) (14) (5) (13) (5) .
7. Rectoration --

7 --

7 --

7 --

7 --


8. TOTAL HYDRO 1156 495 1166 496 1165 496 1166 496 1166 495
9. City of Spokane 4 1 4 1 4 1 4 1 4 1

.0 . Combustion Turbines 101 27 101 27 101 27 101 27 101 27

.1. 1.anford Extencion -- -- -- --

.2. CSPE Purchace 59 23 57 22 55 21 53 19 51 18 '

.3. Contractu In & Imports 252 224 252 224 250 224 248 206 246 152  ;

.4 . Centralia . 197 138 197 133 197 138 197 133 197 138 i

.a. Colstrip li3 . . (7/83) 105 79 105 79 105 79 105 79 105 79

.6. Colstrip I!4 . . . (5/84) 105 66 105 7> 105 79 105 79 105 79 '

.7. CP #3 . . ,(3/85) --

12 62 40 62 47 62 47 62. 47

8. Skagit #1 . .. (11/86) -- -- -- --

l .'. 9 51 129 90 129, 97 ,

L9. Shagit (' 2 . . . (11/08) -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

129 51  ;

10. S U3 TOTAL 823 570 833 610 1008 667 1004 686 1129 639 i t
I. . TOTAL RESOURCES 1989 1065 2049 ~1106 2173 1163 2170 1182 2295 1184
12. Rec. Sm. Therm. CT S Hydro (64) --

(64) --

(64) --

(64) --

(64) --


3. Rec. Large Thermal (61) --

(70) --

(90) --

(90) --

(109) -- j

'i . 'CT TOTAL RESCURCES 1864 1065 1915 11?' 2019 1163 ~ 2015 1102 2122 1184

.5. , Curplus or (Def.) (118) (86) (143) (81) (111) (58) (182) (63) (32) '(63)

, . - - ---w.--, ,,%

i P


(Megauattc) Page 3 of 5  !

Line 1989-1990 1990-1991 1991-1992 1992-1993 1993-1994 No. Peak Av e. . Peak Avg. ' Peak Avg. Peak Avg. Neak Avg.

. Est. System Lead 2187 1195 2252 1227 2312 1256 2371 1286 2429 1314

2. Contracts out & Exportc 32 85 32 85 32 85 32 85 32 85
3. TOTAL LOAD 2219 1280 2284 1312 9.344 1341 '403

. 1371 2461 1399 Ecsources:

4. System Hydro 921 345 621 345 921 345 921 345 . 921 345 1.. Coacract Hydro 257 148 257 147 256 147 256 147 256 147  :
u. Canadian Ent. Return (13) (5) (13) (4) (12) (4) (1T, (4) (11) (4)
7. acstoration --

7 --

7 --

7 --

7 --


3. TOTAL HYDRO 1165 495 1165 495 1165 495 1165 495 .1166 495
9. City of Spokane 4 1 4 1 4 1 4 1 4 1
10. Corauc tion Turbines 101 27 101 27 101 27 101 27 101 27
11. Hanford Extension -- -- - -- -- - -- -- -- --
12. CSPE Purchase 51 17 51 16 e. 7 16 42 15 33 14
13. Contracts In & Iraports 2/. 6 152 243 149 241 143 241 149 239 149
14. Centralia 197 130 197 130 197 133 197 133 197 133 j'
15. Cobtrip #3 . . . (7/83) 105 79 103 79 105 79 105 79 105 79
16. Colstrip #4 . . . (5/84) 105 79 105 79 105 79 103 79 105 79
17. U'm 03 . . . (3/85) 62 47 62 47 C2 4. 7 62 47 62 47 ,

1 3 . Skagit #1 . . . (1,1/86) 129 97 129 97 129 97 129 97 129 97 ,

19. Sb git 92 . . . (11/88) 129 90 129 97 129 97 129 97 129 97 l
29. SUnTOTAL 1129 727 1126 730 1120 729 1115 729 1109 723 l
21. TOTAL RESOU_RC_ES 2294 1222 2291 1225 2235 1224 2c00 1224 2275 1223
22. Res. Sm. Therm. CT & Hydro (64) --

(64) --

(64) --

(64) --

(64) --

23. Res. Large Thermal (109) --

(109) --

(109) --

(109) --

(109) --

2',.tjCTTOTALRESOURCES 2121 1222 211b 1225 2112 1224 . 2107 1224 2102 1223

. ~ ,

25. Surplus or (Def.) (98) (58) (166) (87) (232) (296) (359) (176)

(117) (147) ,

.w,,m . . . . . + = * ~*

.i .,

i .,


, t i.


E'JIMATED LOADS A!:D RESOURC7e J..nuary 19, 1979 Page 4 of 5 i (Megawatts)

Line 1994-1995 1995-1996 1996-1997 1997-1998  ;

Peak .A3 i!c . -

Peak Avg. Pea!- /.v t . Peak Avn. . i

1. Ect. Synten Load 2486 1343 2544 1372 2601 1401 2657 1429
2. Contracts Cut & Exporta 32 35 -- 66 --

6G --


3. TOTAL LOAD 2518 1428 .2544 1433 2601 1467 2657 1495 1 1 i


4. Cycten Hydro 921 345 921 345 921 343 9 'n '45 l S. Contract Hycro 256 147 201 105 201 105 201 105


5. Canadian Ent. Return (3) (3) (7) (3) (7) (3) (7) (2)' .
7. Restoration -

7 --

7 --

7 -

7 j.

C. TOTAL HYDRO 1169 496 1115 454 1115 454 1115 455 i

9. City of Spokane 4 '. 4 1 4 1 4 1
10. Cr$untion lurbines . 27 101 27 101 27 101 27
11. 'innford Extension - -
12. CCP5 Purchase 33 14 29 13 24 13 24 12 ,
13. Contracts In & Importa 233 149 23t 149 154 34 154 84 l
14. C.m ralia 197 13S 197 133 19/ 13S 197 13S )
15. Colc tt ip 93 . . . (7/83) 105 79 105 79 10S 79 10S 79 4
16. Colstrip 04 . . . (5/0J.) 105 79 105 79 195 79 105 79
17. "1P #3 . .. (3/85) 62 47 62 47 - 62 47 .

62 47

16. Skagit 31 . . . (11/36) 149 97 129 97 129 97 129 97 19 . Skagit C2 . . . (11/3B) 129 97 129 97 129 97 129 97
20. 'J3 TOTAL 1098 723 1092 727 1010 662 10. 0 661 .
21. TOTAL RESC RCES 2267 1224 2207 1131 2125 1116 2125 1116 t
22. Res. Sn. Taem. CT & Hydro (64) --

(61) -

(61) -

(61) --

23. Res. Large T:.cmal (209) --

(109) -

(109) -

(109) .

24. NET TOTAL RESOURCES 2094 1224 2037 1131 , 1955 1116 1955_ 1116

. i

25. Surplus or (Def.) (424) (204) (507) (257) (646) (351) (702) (379),

. - - - . -- . , . ,.y

i I

t The Uachington Pater Power Company Table D Loads and F.esources January 19, 1979 Exp1nnatory Notes and Con.ments Page 5 of 5

1. The loads and resources are those submitted to PhUCC for the 1979 West Group cnd " Blue Book" forecasts. i

?. Hydro resourcis are based cn the 197 S UG7 4.'.-month critical period.  !

3. . .crgy capability of new thermal units 500 Mw or greater: GO percent plant factor first year, 75 percent thereafter.
4. Thermal unit dates are the probable energy dates from ti.2 1979 UCF; i.e., the later of the milestone data or the scheduled comp 1.rtion date.  !

S. The Company is acquiring options on propecty in Lincoln County for purposes of construction of a coal-fired generating plant. She Washington State Ener:;y Facility Site Evalu tion Council (EFEEC) is ct.rrently raking a potential cite study for 500 Mu to 1500 'v of generation. Dates for construc:fon and operation I of the pl..nt and participation in plant output by other utilitics have not beca deteruined.

6. The Company is currently investigating the feasibility of wood-fired generation anc. cogeneration in our service area.
7. Tne Company and Public Utility District do. I of Pend Creille Cc inty are studying the feasibility of i constructing a 16-Mu hydroelectric facility in !'end Orcilic County.

l I

i t

a .

. . , .,,s. . ~_ _ - . . . . - - -

4 -


.' January 22, 1979 Page 1 of 2 FOU.( COMPA!'? CO" POT,ITE  !

P.UGET , PuE, PPr L and WWP TABLE E ESTIMATED LOADS ?.ND RESOUl(CES (Megawatts) l '. -80 1980-61 1901-82 1992-03 1983-84 i

Peak Avg. Peak 7.vrL. Peak Ave. Peak Ave. Peak Avg.


1. Total Load 11809 6980 12415 7330 12309 7659 13545' 7909 14090 8249

'Mt Pesources

2. Ssagit "1 - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

f 3, ,;;a g i t 0 -- -- __ -- __ __ __ __ __ __ r

. Pobble Springs #1 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - - - -- --

5.  ? chole Springs #2 -- -- -- -~ -- -- -- -- -- --

G. Subtotal -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

7. 'Mt Other 13900 G713 14361 7111 14418 7209 142GO 71G9 13713 7039 l l

H. Total Net Resources 13900 6713 14364 7111 14413 7209 14240 7168 13713 7039

9. Surplus (Def.) 2091 (267) 1949 (.19) 1529 (450) 695 (820) (377) (1210) 19d4-85 1985-3G 1986-87 1987-88 1588-09 Peak T2vcy ._ Pe i. . M. Pet.k Avg. Peak Avg. Peak Mg .
1. Total Load 14760 8643 15452 9049 16187 9472 16921 9902 17601 10327 act Resources 2- 5 -c a gi t #1 -- -- -- --

1995 515 1095 902 1095 966 3, s):,q i t ;32 -- -- -- -- -- - - - - - - - - -

1095 515

. Pebble Springs #1 -- -- -- --

1071 252 1071 819 1CO3 885 '

%. Pebble Springs #2 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

1071 189 G. Subtotal -- -- -- --

21CG 767 2166 .721 4264 2555 7 .:c t Other 13995 73G8 14246 75G2 33209 7645 1423G 7624 13153 7672 F* . Total Net Resources 13995 7360 14246 75C2 15375 0412 16402 9345 17417 10227 j 9 '. Surplus (De f. ) (765) (1275) (1206) (1437) (812) (1060) (519) (557) (184) (100)

.-.m. g - ~ -. .- . - - .

mop .,.


4 January 22, 1979 Page 2 of 2 I l'OUR CCMPANY COMPC5ITE PUG C'2, PGE, PPrJ, and t'vm TAnLE E ESTI?!ATED LGADO AND RCCOURCES i

(Megawatts) i It'9-90 1990-91 1991-92 1992-33 1993-94 Peex Ava. PeGk 1.vy . Peak Avg. Peak Ava. Peak Av. t .

1. Total Load 18396 10798 19230 11288 2004G 11789 20936 12303 21033 12051 Mot Resources l

?. P.kagit !!1 1095 966 3095 96G 1095 96G 1035 9GG 1095 96G  ;

3. Ska91t #2 1C95 902 1095 9GG 1095 906 1995 9GG l 05 966
4. Pabble Springs #1 964 051 c 5.4 851 OG4 051 064 851 964 1152
5. Pebbie Springs #2 1071 C03 1071 945 1071 945 1071 945 1071 945 6 Subtotal 4225 3522 4225 3728 4225 3728 4225 3'/20 4225 3720 l

7 Not Other 14195 754a 14158 7510 12899 7495 12339 7484 12775 7477  !

G. Total Net Resources 18420 11070 18383 1123S 17124 11223 17060 11212 17000 11205

9. Surplus (Ce f. ) 34 272 (847) (50) (2922) (5G6) (3072) (1G96) , (4833) (lG4G) 199'.-95 1995-96 1996-97 1997-93 '

Penk Avg. Peak Avg. P c t.:. Avg. Peak Avg.

1. Total Load 22753 13402 23G60 .3950 246GS 14546 25703 15'.73 i,

i:et Renources

2. Skagit #1 1095 966 1095 266 IG95 96G 1C95 966
3. Skagit 12 1095 96o 1095 906 1095 966 1095 SGG
a. Pebble Springs #1 964 BE 964 851 9 6 <. f351 964 c51
5. Pcmhle Springn #2 1071 9 1071 945 1071 945 1071 945 '

G. Subtotal 4225 3728 4225 3720 f. 2 2 5 3728 4225 3720

' 12719 7409

!et other 12595 7415 12293 7?OG 12278 7198
8. Total Net Resources 1694e, 11196 16320 11143 1651d 10934 16503 1092G  !

.9 .' Surplun (Def.) (5809) (2206) (6040) (2007), (3147) (3612) (9200) (4247)

~ ~. - - - . - - . . . - . _ . _ - . - . . . . _ -

f W k f oe I AJ >c

  • CON O O e8 O C M  ;' . O. C.i h

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  • ) "'? O C b O I"* N ei ' -7 O s.? f** N V C c4 C f% O ,

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. W W N.

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I r-4 *. m Z D %O .% O Q 0 ***( ?4 m '? 0 'O r% Q 4 .

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s m,n a c. ; 15, 1979


a. e. .r.a.-t.i.n.g Y..n a.--.J

- . r ( u..l.y--- Throuch

- - Juc.e) *: G r o w t.-.h

-- ----- -.a.d.

l Percent Petcent 7.r tu ? 1 Ira:renca Cv r Fnergy A .'41 Increase Over Year Pcak D';) Pre'd 's Ycr* Avare c. e ' 3 rr n f.: .u it ;. r 1960/Cl 910 2.3 542.4 4.0 1961/6.2 310B 17.9 591.3 9.0 .

1962/63 1193 7.7 620.3 4.9 i

j 1963/C4 1139 (4.5) 674.5 8.'-

1964/C5 1507 32.3 719.9 6.7

19G5/66 1375 (0.8) 766.6 6.5 i

196./67 1319 (4.1) 819.G 6.9 1967/CD 1561 29.3 E86.7 C.2 19CP/GD 1907 22.2 1013.3 14.3 1959/70 1835 (3.8) 1066.6 5.3 1970/71 1900 3.5 1158.C 8.6 1971/72 2270 19.9 1256.1 8.4 J 1972/73 2492 9.4 1329.2 5.8 1973/74 2321 (6.9) 1325.0 (0.3) 19'i4/75 2225 (4.1) 1337.5 0.9 i'

1975//6 2310 3.8 1434.3 5.7 1976/77 2445 5.8 143:.1 1.3 1977/73 2519 3.1 1462.9 2.1 Ave-age (13 'jears)

. 6.0 PGE's 1978 ver.srs 1977 Calt . Car Ycar Lc ads 1979 2519 3.1 1514.4 4.6 i

. .. .- e

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Megawatts e- -

r~ D lt,9 / l 'T*d A E~C Wl~ ,

i 1977 PO.tECAST I - A '-- M m T S --

A B C D E F  !

With Both Projected h'I t hou t With both Projected Glithout Chagit E:nerg y Skagit 1 Skagit l'ne rc,; Skagit 1 Unita Frota Skagi d (or 2) Unita From Shagit (or 2)

YEAR On Line Units On Line On Line Units On Line >

2 ( 2 1 l

('A '9) o c.

1983-84 (10,7) -o- -o- (1047) 3> (./a/0 )

.Ir7+ e)- = - .--- n,

\. *

- -; n t 1984-85 (699) 708 -o- (1407)3 ser-[N/ z_g_g  ? 7 5~) o =


_ \ 3, )_.

r9.7/ 4g, .,,,w A 57) a c bYO7) 1985-86 (247) 950 -o- (1197) 3 ,;- u 7q_gg_ , .

' s O mQ/063) a f.>- c y t 7e j


1986-87 94 966 709 ( c15) 4 -;+ d,- - X-A e sil., ,

' >\ '

t',---. cf . . ,  ;

st ( v 3 ; ia~ O \y.oc/) .

1987-80 (2G7) 966 950 (1157)4 -ef," ;  % .', ,M  ;-}Xe J, (/ o 6) 'b 9f., 6 5l[(d/S~ "r.h9 198c-89 (248) 96G 966 ( 1214 ) -L hv ;s c- .

9 C:7_ rr o (y yt,) ?f i% /7/O-)<^ 272 '7E 0 962 r. 30) 4
1. Dr.ta from Table E, dated February 15, 1977 and correc2ed March 1, 1977, follows Tr. NFP 3527.
2. Data from Table E, t'ated January 5, 1978, in Attachment A.
3. Without Skagit 1.

. 4. With Skagit 1, but without Skagit 2.

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