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03/13/1978 Letter Monthly Operating Report for February 1978 & Response to Refueling Information for Unit 1 Requested by Letter of 1/18/1978
Person / Time
Site: Cook  American Electric Power icon.png
Issue date: 03/13/1978
From: Shaller D
American Electric Power, Indiana Michigan Power Co, (Formerly Indiana & Michigan Power Co)
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML18219D351 (36)


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SIZE: 1P+19P+7P LTR i<5 ENCL ~lf CONTROL NBR: 78079004-THE END

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'~> ~c egg March 13, 1978 L> .M~s~ g jgp8


Director, Office of Management Information and Program Control U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555 Gentlemen:

Pursuant to the requirements of Donald CD Cook Nuclear Plant Units 1 and 2 Technical Specification, the attached Monthly Operating Reports for the month of February, 1978 are submitted.

Also included are ten copies of responses to refueling information for Unit No. 1 requested in Mr. R. A. Hartfield's letter dated January 18, 1978.

Sincerely, D. V. Shaller Plant Manager DVS:ab Attachments cc: R. W. Jurgensen NRC Region III K. R. Baker R. C. Callen R. Walsh S. J. Mierzwa J. E. Dolan I R. J. Vollen ,780790043 G. E. Lien K. W. Brown J. M..Hennigan P. W. Steketee A. F. Kozlowski J. F. Stietzel PNSRC File A'oos s ~

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AVERAGE DAlLYUNIT POWER LEVEL DOCKET. 40 D. C. Cook 1 DATE 3-1-78 CO>>IPLETED BY l% T. Gillette TELEPHONE 61 6 465 5901 Febr uary 1978 DAY AVERAGE DAILYPOWER LEVEL DAY AVERAGE DAILYPOWER LEVEL (MWe-Net I (MWe-Net) 1046 1039 17 1025 1035 18 499 19 711 517 20 1031 531 1037 2]

1016 1040 1037 1042 23 1041 1038 1044 1033 1042 1039 10 26 1042 699 1042 1043 '>9 13 1041 30 1044 31 16 1040 INSTRUCTIONS On this format. list the aver ge daily unit p>><<'er leve! in M'>Ye-Net for each day in the reporttnz tn>>nth. C>>mpute to

he nearest v'hole megawat t.

(<) l771



'TELEPHONE XL~~901 OPERATING STATUS Donald C. Cook 1 Notes 3 0

3. Licensed Thermal Power (ibINt):
4. Nameplate Rating (Gross MWe):
5. Design Electrical Rating (Net MNe): 54
6. Maximum Dependable Capacity (Gross MWe): 1080


7. Maximum De endable Ca acitv Net MNe: ) 1044 S. If Changes Occur in Capacity Ratings (Items Number 3 Throuo> 7) Since Last Report, Give Reasons:
9. Power Level To Which Restricted, If Any (Net MNe):
10. Reasons For Restrictions. If Any:

This Month Cumulative 672 1416 28,464. 0 ll. Hours In Reporting Period 1'2. Numoer Of Hours Reactor Nas Critical 6 1.1 1 919.1

13. Reactor Reserve Shutdown Hours 0 463. 0
14. Hours Generator On-Line 647.2 1285. 1
15. Unit Reserve Shutdown Hours 321.,0 1,65 .625 3,876,685 55,432,878 l 7. Gross Electrical Energy Generated (MNH) 7, 0 ,042,300
18. Net Electrical Energy Gener ted (itINH) 626,116 1,230,279 B
19. Unit Service Factor 9 .6 .9
20. Unit Availability Factor 80. 9 2l. Un! t Capacity Factor (Using MDC Net) 88. 4 83. 2 69. 4
22. Unit Capacity Factor (Using DER Net) 87.5 82.4 64.1
23. Unit Forced Outage Rate 3.7 9.2 7.1
24. Shutdowns Scheduled Over Next 6 Months (Type. Date. and Duration of Each):
25. If Shut Down At End Of Report Period. Estimated Date of Startup:

26, Units ln Test Status tPrior to Commercial Operation): Forecast Achieved INITIALCRITICALITY INITIALELECTRICITY COMMERCIAL OPERATION

('>I 57)

Docket No.: 50-31 5 Unit Name: D.'. Cook Unit 1 Date: March 13 1978 Completed By: R. S. Keith Telephone: 616 465-5901 OPERATING EXPERIENCE - FEBRUARY, 1978 Hi hli hts Unit 1 operated in the Deicing Mode the entire month with inlet temperatures averaging 34.5 F.

Reserve power was lost for a period of 7.5 hours5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br /> when an insulator flashed over and tripped breakers 12AB and 12CD.

~Summa r 2/1/78 - At the beginning of the month Unit 1 was at 100Ã power.

2/2/78 - Power was reduced to 501 and steam from Unit 1 was used to roll Unit 2 Turbine-Generitor up to rated speed.

2/5/78 - Testing of Unit 2 Turbine-Generator was completed and Unit 1 was retunned to 100Ã power.

2/11/78- At 0059 hours6.828704e-4 days <br />0.0164 hours <br />9.755291e-5 weeks <br />2.24495e-5 months <br /> Unit 1 tripped while conducting a routine test of the Solenoid Trip Valve.. Subsequent testing using a revised procedure eliminated the cause of the trip.

2/12/78- The Reactor was critical at 0035 hours4.050926e-4 days <br />0.00972 hours <br />5.787037e-5 weeks <br />1.33175e-5 months <br /> and the unit was paralleled to the grid at 0159 hours0.00184 days <br />0.0442 hours <br />2.628968e-4 weeks <br />6.04995e-5 months <br />.

2/14/78- Unit 1 lost the preferred off-site reserve power. The loss of power was caused by an insulator flashing over on the 34.5 KV transformer. The insulator was cleaned and the preferred reserve power sources were restored to normal standby operation.

2/18/78- Power was reduced to 65K to perform Excore/Incore Detector calibration.

2/19/78- Power return .to.'100/ was started at 1800 hours.,

Routine power operation at 100K continued throughout the remainder of the month.


'OCKET NO, 50 - 315 UNIT NAME D. C. Cook - Unit No. 1 DATE 3-13-78 COMPLETED BY B. A. Svensson TELEPHONE 616 465-5901 MAJOR SAFETY-RELATED MAINTENANCE FEBRUARY, 1978 MRV-231, 83 steam generator stop valve trip valve leaked by. Replaced the valve seat gaskets and retested.

Aux Feedwater pump discharge valve to Pl S/G, FMO-212 would not close electrically. Found a loose terminal screw at a terminal block in the hot shutdown panel. Tightened the terminal screw and retested valve.

Boric acid transfer pump discharge valve, HARV-410 was leaking. Replaced valve diaphragm and retested.

Repacked cylinders 83 and P5 on Reciprocating Charging Pump.

M-5 Replaced seat and lapped disc on MRV-232.

Replaced seat ring and gaskets on MRV-221.

Replaced seat ring and gaskets on MRV-242, CSI-1 Pressurizer Level Transmitter NLP-151 deviates 7X from NLP-152 and 153. The impulse lines were filled with D. I. water to remove gas from the instruments.

C& I-2 The nuclear instrumentation intermediate range N-36 trip status light failed to test properly. Relay K-4 contacts were burnished and correct operation verified.

CLI-3 RMS Channel R-2 Containment Area Monitor failed low. -

The GM detector tube was replaced and a calibration performed.

CSI-4 The CD diesel governor inverter power supply failed. The inverter was dried and'he SCR's and diodes were replaced.

CSI-5 Radiation monitoring system channel R-2, upper containment area monitor The connector at the detector and the detector required replace- 'ailed.


DOCKET NO. 50 - 315 UNIT NAME D. C. Cook - Unit No. 1 DATE 3-13-78 COMPLETED BY B. A. Svensson TELEPHONE 616 465-5901 PAGE MAJOR SAFETY-RELATED MAINTENANCE FEBRUARY, 1978 During auto operation of the rod control system, the rods began to step out without a corresponding demand signal. The zero potentiometer of JY-412S was found to be sensitive to vibration and required replacement.

Radiation Monitoring System channel R-2, upper containment area monitor failed. A broken wire located in the connector at the bottom of the detector housing required repair.


15 f


cohlPLETED II> B.A. Svensson REPORT hION TIIFEBRUARY, 1978 TELEPI ION E 61 6 46 r( Q N>> Vl Licensee ( CJ Cause k. Correct ivc Date EA

~ ( Event Q Action to Q (

Rcport Jr O Pfcvcnt Rccuffcncc

~ V) 122 780202 0 N/A ZZ ZZZZZZ Reduced reactor power to 50%%u- to supply steam for Unit 2 main turbine roll. Increased power to 100$

780206 123 780211 F 21.2 N/A HA Zzzzzz Turbine/Reactor trip. Turbine tripped while performing routine emergency governor trip testing.

Exact cause of trip is not fully known. Returned to service 780211.

124- .780211 F 3.6 ZZ ZZZZZZ Reactor/Turbine trip from 18%- power due to Steam/Feedwater flow mismatch and low steam generator water level..

Returned to service 780212.

125 780218 0 N/A ZZ ZZZZZZ Reduced reactor power to 65% to per-form Incore/Excore calibration of Power Range Channels. Tech. Spec. Increased power to 100K 780220 I 4 F: Forced l4',a son: hlcthod: Exhlblt G Instructions


S: Sclleduled A.E(iuipment Failure (Explain) I.Manual ror PrcparJtlon ol Data II hlaintenance or Test 2 Manual Scraln. Entry Slleets for Licensee .

C-Refueling 3-Automatic Scrlun. Event Report (LI R) File (NURL'G-D Rcgulatoly Rcstf lotion 4-Ot lier (Explain) OI 6 I )

E-Operator Training 8 License Iixamination F-Administrative G Opcfatlonal Error (I'.xpl Jul) 'Exllibit I - Sante Source

(()/77) I I.Other (Explrnn)

UNIT SHUTDOWNS AND POWER REDUCTIONS INSTRUCTIONS in accordance with the table appearing on the report form.

'his report should describe all plant shutdowns during the report period. In addition, it should be the source of explan- Ifcategory 4 must be used, supply brief comments.

ation of significant dips in average power levels. Each signi-ficant reduction in power level (greater than 2o reduction LICENSEE EVENT REPORT .'.. Reference the applicable in .average daily power level for the preceding 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />) reportable occurrence pertaining to the outage or power should be noted, even though the unit may not have been reduction. Enter the first four parts (event year, sequential shut down completelyi. For such reductions in power level, report number, occurrence code and report type) of the five the duration should be listed, as zero, the method of reduction part designation as described in Item 17 of Instructions for should be listed as 4 (Other), and the Cause and Corrective Preparation of Data Entry Sheets for Licensee Event Report Action to Prevent" Recurrence column should explain. The (LER) File (NUREG.0161). This information may not be Cause and Corrective Action to Prevent Recurrence column immediately evident f'r all such shutdowns, of course, since should be used to provide any needed explanation to fully further investigation may be required to ascertain whether or not' reportable occurrence was involved.) If the outage or describe the circumstances of the outage or power reduction.

power reduction will not result in a reportable occurrence.

NUMBER. This column should indicate the sequential num- the positive indication of this lack of correlation should be ber assigned to each shutdown or significant reduction in power noted as not appiicable (N/A).

I'r that calendar year. When a shutdown or significant power SYSTEM CODE. The system in which the outage or power reduction begins in one report period and ends in another.

reduction originated should be noted by the two digit code of an entry should be made for both report periods to be sure Exhibit G - Instructions for Preparation of Data Entry Sheets all shutdowns or significant power reductions are reported.

Until a unit has achieved its first power generation, no num- for Licensee Event Report (LER) File (NUREG4161).

ber should be assigned to each entry. Systems that do not fit any existing code should be designa-ted XX. The code ZZ should be used for those events where DATE. This column should indicate the date of the start a system is not applicable.

of each shutdown or significant power reduction. Report as year. month, and day. August i4. 1977 would be reported COP IPONENT CODE. Select the most appropriate component as 770814. When a shutdown or significant power reduction I'rom Exhibit I - Instructions for Preparation of Data Entry begins in one report period and ends in another, an entry should Sheets for Licensee Event Report (LER) File (NUREG4161).

be made for both report periods to be sure all shutdowns using the following critieria:

or significant power reductions are reported.

A. Ifa component failed,use the component directly involved.

TYPE. Use "F" or "S" to indicate either "Forced" or "Sche-duled," respectively, for each shutdown or significant power B. If not a component failure, use the related component:

reduction. Forced shutdowns include those required to be e.g., wrong valve operated through error: list valve as initiated by no later than the weekend following discovery component.

of an off-normal condition. It is recognized that some judg-ment is required in categorizing shutdowns in this way. In C. If a chain of failures occurs, the first component to mal-general. a forced shutdown is one that would not have been function should be listed. The sequence of events, includ-completed in the absence of the condition for which corrective ing the other components which fail, should be described action was taken. under the, Cause and Corrective Action to Prevent Recur-rence column.

DURATION. Seif~xplanatory.. When a shutdown extends Components that do not fit any existing code should be de.

beyond the end of a report period, count only the time to the signated XXXXXX. The code ZZZZZZ should be used for end of the report period and pick up the ensuing down time events where a component designation is not applicable.

in the following report periods. Report duration of outages rounded to the nearest tenth ofan hour to facilitate summation.

CAUSE & CORRECTIVE ACTION TO PREVENT RECUR-The sum of the total outage hours pius the hours the genem-RENCE. Use the column in a narrative fashion to amplify or tor was on line should equal the gross hours in the reporting explain the circumstances of the shutdown or power reduction.

pe flod.

The column should include the specific cause for each shut-down or significant power reduction and the immediate and REASON. Categorize by letter designation in accordance contemplated long term corrective action taken. if appropri-with the table appearing on the report form. If category H ate. This column should also be used for a description of the must be used. supply b riel'comments.

major safety. related corrective maintenance performed during the outage or power reduction including an identification of METHOD OF SHUTTING DOWN THE REACTOR OR REDUCING POWER. Categorize by number designation the critical path activity and a report of any single release of radioactivity or single radiation exposure speciiically associ ~

INoie that this dift'ers irom the Edison Electric Institute ated with the outage which accounts for more than 10 percent IEEI) definitions ot "Forced Partial Outage" and -Sche. of the allowable annual values.

duled Partial Outage." For these tern>>. I:FI uses a change oi'0 For long textual reports continue narrative on separate paper

~IW as the break point. F<>r larger power reactors.30 MW and reference the shutdown or power reduction t'or this


is I<>o sin JII J eh Jnge to wJffJlii explanation. n a frJ tive.


UNIT SHUTDOWNS AiVD POWER REDUCTIONS INSTRUCTIONS This report should describe all plant shutdowns during the in accordance with the table appearing on the report i'orm.

report period. In addition. it shouid be the source of explan- lfcategory 4 must be used, supply brie t comments.

ation oi significant dips,in average power levels. Each signi-ficant reduction in po~er level (greater than 2%i reduction LICENSEE EVENT REPORT =. Referenc. the applicable in average daily power level for the prec ding 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />) reportable occurrenc pertaining to the outage or power should be noted, even though the unit may not have been reduction. Enter the first four parts {event year. sequential shut down completelyi. For such reductions in power level, report number. occurrence code and reoort type) of the tive the duration should be listed. as zero, the method of reduction part designation as described in item 17 of Instructions for should be listed as 4 (Other), and the Cause and Corrective Preparation of Data Entry Sheets for Licensee Event Report Action to Prevent Recurrence column should explain. The (LER) File (VUREG4161). This information may not be Cause and Corrective Action to Prevent Recurrence column immediately evident ior all such shutdowns. of course, since should be used to provide any needed explanation to fully further investigation may be required to asc rtain whether ur describe the circufnstances of the outage or power reduction. not a reportable occurrence was involved.) lf the outage or power reduction will not result in a reportable occurrence.

NUKIBER. This colun;n should indicate the sequential num- the positive indication oi this lack ot correlation should be ber assigned to each shutdown or sianiiicant reduction in power noted as not appUcable (N/A).

ior that calendar year. When a shutdown or significant power SYSTEM CODE. The system in which the outage or power reduction begins in one report period and ends hi another.

reduction originated should be noted oy the iwo digit code oi

,an entry should. be made ior both report periods to be sure Exhibit- G - instructions for Preparation of Data Entry Sheets shutdowns or sig'niticant power reductions are reported.

Until a unit has achieved its first power generation, no num- ior Licensee Event Report (LER) File (NUREG4161).

ber should be assigned to each ntry. Systems that do not fit any existing code should be designa-ted XX. The code ZZ should be used for those events where DATE. This column should indicate the date of the start a system is not applicable.

oi each shutdown or significant power reduction. Report year. month. and day. August 14. 1977 wouid be reported CO!!IPONENT CODE. Select the most appropriate component as 770814. When a shutdown or significant power reduct.'on tfom Exnibit I - Instructions for Preparation of Data Entry bey'as in one report period and ends in another, an entry should Sheets for Licensee Event Report {LER) File (NUREG4161).

be made for both report periods to be sure ail shutdowns using the following critieria:

or significant power reductions are reported.

A. Ifa component failed, use the component directly involved TYPE. Use "F" or "S" to indicate either "Forced" or "Sche-duled." respectively, ior each shutdown or signiticant power B. If not a component failure, use the related component:

eduction. Forced shutdowns include those required to be e.g.. wrong valve operated through error: list valve as initiated by no later than the weekend following discovery corn oonent.

of an uif-normal condition. It is recognized that some judg-ment is required in categorizing shutdowns in this way. In C. If a chain of failures occurs, the ttrst component to mai-

.sgenerai., a.,iorc d.shutdown'is,one .that would not,have,,been function should be listed. The sequence of everiis. includ-completed in the absence of the condition ior which corrective ing the other components which fail, should be described action was taken. under the Cause and Corrective Action to Prevent Recur-rence column.

DURATIO!V. Self~xplanatofy. When a shutdown extends Components that do not iit any existing code should be de-beyond the end ot' report period. count oniy the time to the signated XXXXXX The code ZZZZZZ should be used for end oi the report period and pick up the ensuing down time events where a component designation is not applicable.

in the following report periods. Report duration of outages rounded tu the nearest tenth vi an hour to facDitate summation.

CAUSE 8c CORRECTIVE ACTION TO PREVFVT RECUR-The sum ut'he total outage hours pius the hours the genera-REJVCE. Use the column in a narrative iashion to ampiify or tor was un line should equal the gross hours in the reporting expiain the c rcumstances oi the shutdown or power reduction.

ce nod.

The column should include the specific cause ior each shut.

down or significant power reduction and the immediate and REASON., Categorize by letter designatiun in accordance contemplated long term corrective action taken. if appropri-with the table appearing on the report form. If category H ate. This olumn should also be used ior a description of ihe fnust be used. supply brief comments.

major safety-related corrective maintehance performed during

'the outage or po~er reduction inciuding an identiiic tion oi METHOD OF SHUTTI; iG DOWN THE REACTOR OR REDUCING POWER. Categufiz oy number designation the critical path ac:ivity and a report oi any single release ur single radiation exposure speciii;ally associ-ut'adioactirity INuie that this diff'ers irufn tbe Edison Electric institute ated with the outage which accounts ior more than 10 percent tEEI) definitions ui'Forced Partial Outage" and -Sche- ui the allowable annuai values.

duled Partial Outage." F!!f these tcfni~. EFI uses J change ui For lung rextual reports continue narrative on separate paoer

0!!IW as t!ie break p!!mi. F!!r !urger pu>>ef reactors. ~0 ~IW =nu reference the shutdown uf powef feduc!!u!l t'uf thh is nh> gllJII J change i!) waffani cxplanilii!!!I. ilaffJtive.


1. Name of facility.
2. Scheduled date for next refueling shutdown.
3. Scheduled date for restart following refueling.
4. Mill refueling or resumption of operation thereafter require a technical specification change or other license amendment?

If answer is yes, what, in general, will these be?

If answer is no, has tne reload fuel design and core configuration been reviewed by your Plant Safety Review Committee to determine whether any unreviewed safety questions are associated with the core reload (Ref. 10 CFR Section 50 '9)?

If no such review has taken place, when is it scheduled?

5. Scheduled date(s) for submitting proposed licensing action and supporting information.
6. Important licensing considerations associated with refueling, e.g., new or different fuel design or supplier, unreviewed design or performance analysis methods, significant changes in fuel design, new operating procedures.
7. The number of fuel assemblies (a) in the core and (b) in the spent fuel storage pool.
8. The present licensed spent fuel pool storage capacity and the size of any '.ncrease in licensed storage capacity that has been requested or is planned, in number of'uel assemblies.
9. The projected date of the last refueling that can be discharged to the spent fuel pool assuming the present licensed capacity.

DOCKET NO. 50 - 315 UNIT NAME D. C. Cook - Unit No. 1 DATE 3-13-78 COMPLETED BY V. D. VanderBur TELEPHONE 616 983-3255 REFUELING INFORMATION

l. Donald C. Cook'uclear, Plant.
2. Last week of March.
3. Fifty six (56) days after shutdown, zero power tests included.
4. We expect no changes in technical specifications.

The reload fuel design has been reviewed by the Plant Nuclear Safety Review Committee. The final core configuration will be reviewed by the PNSRC prior to the start of fuel shuffling.

5. A brief description of proposed refueling plans including a detailed core loading plan will be submitted prior to startup.

A startup report including the same information included in the Cycle II startup report will be submitted after the star tup.

6. We expect no important licensing considerations associated with refueling.
7. There are 193 assemblies in the core and 65 assemblies in the spent fuel pool.
8. Present capacity is 500 assemblies. Additional capacity for 1500 more assemblies i;s under consideration.
9. March, 1981.




CD 3-13-78 315 Cook - Unit V. D. YanderBur No. 1 TELEPHONE 616 983-3255 REFUELING INFORMATION

1. Donald C. Cook Nucl ear Plant.

'I 0

2. Last week of March.
3. Fifty six (56) days after shutdown, zero power tests included.
4. We expect no changes in technical specifications.

The reload fuel design has been reviewed by the Plant Nuclear Safety Review Committee. The final core configuration will be reviewed by the PNSRC prior to the start of fuel shuffling'.

A brief description of proposed refueling plans including a detailed core loading plan will be submitted prior to startup.

A startup report including the same information included in the Cycle II startup report will be submitted after the startup.

6. We expect no important licensing considerations associated with refueling.
7. There are 193 assemblies in the core and 65 assemblies in the spent fuel pool.
8. Present capacity is 500 assemblies. Additional capacity for 1500 more assemblies is under consideration.
9. March, 1981.

DOCKET NO. 50 - 315 UNIT NAME D. C. Cook Unit No. 1 DATE 3-13-78 COMPLETED BY Y. D. VanderBur TELEPHONE 616 983-3255 I


1. Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant.
2. Last week of March.
3. Fifty six (56) days after shutdown, zero power tests included.
4. We expect no changes in technical specifications.

The reload fuel design has been reviewed by the Plant Nuclear Safety Review Corrmittee. The final core configuration will be reviewed by the PNSRC prior to the start of fuel shuffling.

5. A brief description of proposed refueling plans including a detailed core loading plan will be submi'tted prior to startup.

A startup report including the same information included 'in the Cycle II startup report will be submitted after the startup.

6. We expect no important licensing considerations associated with refueling.
7. There are 193 assemblies in the core and 65 assemblies in the spent fuel pool.
8. Present capacity is 500 assemblies. Additional capacity for 1500 more assemblies i: s under consideration.
9. March, 1981.

DOCKET NO. 50 315 UNIT NAME D. C. Cook - Unit No. 1 DATE 3-13-78 COMPLETED BY V. D. VanderBur TELEPHONE 616 983-3255 REFUELING INFORMATION

1. Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant.
2. Last week of March.
3. Fifty six (56) days after shutdown, zero power tests included,
4. Me expect no changes in technical specifications.

The reload fuel design has been reviewed by the Plant Nuclear Safety Review Committee. The final core configuration will be reviewed by the PNSRC prior to the start of fuel shuffling.

5. A brief description of proposed refueling plans including a detailed core loading plan will be submitted prior to startup.

A startup report including the same information included in the Cycle II startup report will be submitted after the startup.

6. Lle expect no important licensing considerations associated with refueling.
7. There are 193 assemblies in the core and 65 assemblies in the spent fuel pool.
8. Present capacity is 500 assemblies. Additional capacity for 1500 more assemblies i.s under consideration.
9. March, 1981.

DOCKET NO. 50 - 315 UNIT NAME D. C. Cook - Unit No. 1 DATE 3-13-78 COMPLETED BY Y. D. YanderBur TELEPHONE 616 983-3255 REFUELING INFORMATION Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant.

2. Last week of March.
3. Fifty six (56) days after shutdown, zero power tests included.
4. We expect no changes in technical specifications.

The reload fuel design has been reviewed by the Plant Nuclear Safety Review Committee. The final core configuration will be reviewed by the PNSRC prior to the start of fuel shuffling.

5. A brief description of proposed refueling plans including a detailed core loading plan will be submitted prior to startup.

A startup report including the same information included in the Cycle II startup report will be submitted after the startup.

6. We expect no important licensing considerations associated with refueling.
7. There are 193 assemblies in the core and 65 assemblies in the spent fuel pool.
8. Present capacity is 500 assemblies'dditional capacity for 1500 more assemblies i'.s under consideration.
9. March, 1981.

DOCKET NO. 50 - 315 UNIT NAME D. C. Cook - Unit No. 1 DATE 3-13-78 COMPLETED BY Y. D. YanderBur TELEPHONE 616 983-3255 REFUELING INFORMATION

1. Donald C, Cook Nucl ear Plant.
2. Last week of March.
3. Fifty six (56) days after shutdown, zero power tests included.
4. l<e expect no changes in technical specifications.

The reload fuel design has been reviewed by the Plant Nuclear Safety Review Committee. The final core configuration will be reviewed by the PNSRC prior to the start of fuel shuffling.

5. A brief description of proposed refueling plans including a detailed core loading plan will be submi'tted prior to startup.

A startup report including the same information included in the Cycle II startup report will be submitted after the startup.

6. lie expect no important licensing considerations associated with refueling.
7. There are 193 assemblies in the core and 65 assemblies in the spent fuel pool.
8. Present capacity is 500 assemblies. Additional capacity for 1500 more assemblies i: s under consideration.
9. March, 1981.

DOCKET NO. 50 - 315 UNIT NAME D. C. Cook - Unit No, 1 DATE 3-13-78 COMPLETED BY V. D. VanderBur TELEPHONE 616 983-3255 REFUELING INFORMATION

1. Donald C. Cook Nucl ear Plant.
2. Last week of March.
3. Fifty six (56) days after shutdown, zero power tests included.
4. Me expect no changes in technical specifications.

The reload fuel design has been reviewed by the Plant Nuclear Safety Review Committee. The final core configuration will be reviewed by the PNSRC prior to the start of fuel shuffling.

5. A brief description of proposed refueling plans including a detailed core loading plan will be submi'tted prior to startup.

A startup report including the same information included in the Cycle II startup report will be submitted after the startup.

6. He expect no important licensing considerations associated with refueling.
7. There are 193 assemblies in the core and 65 assemblies in the spent fuel pool.
8. Present capacity is 500 assemblies. Additional capacity for 1500 more assemblies i:.s under consideration.
9. March, 1981.

DOCKET NO. 50 315 UNIT NAME D. C. Cook - Unit No. 1 DATE 3-13-78 COMPLETED BY V. D. VanderBur TELEPHONE 616 983-3255 REFUELING INFORMATION

1. Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant.
2. Last week of March.
3. Fifty six (56) days after shutdown, zero power tests included.
4. We expect no changes in technical specifications.

The reload fuel design has been reviewed by the Plant Nuclear Safety Review Committee. The final core configuration will be reviewed by the PNSRC prior to the start of fuel shuffling.

5. A brief description of proposed refueling plans including a detailed core loading plan will be submi'tted prior to startup, A startup report including the same information included in the Cycle II startup report will be submitted after the startup,
6. We expect no important licensing considerations associated witH refueling.
7. There are 193 assemblies in the core and-65 assemblies in the spent fuel pool.
8. Present capacity is 500 assemblies. Additional capacity for 1500 more assemblies i: s under consideration.
9. March, 1981.

DOCKET NO. 50 - 315 UNIT NAME D. C. Cook - Unit No. 1 DATE 3-13-78 COMPLETED BY V. D. VanderBur TELEPHONE 616 983-3255 REFUELING INFORMATION

1. Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant.
2. Last week of March.
3. Fifty six (56) days after shutdown, zero power tests included.
4. We expect no changes in technical specifications.

The reload fuel design has been reviewed by the Plant Nuclear Safety Review Committee. The final core configuration will be reviewed by the PNSRC prior to the start of fuel shuffling.


5. A brief description of proposed refueling plans including a detailed core loading plan will be submi'tted prior to startup.


A startup report including the same information included in the Cycle II startup report will be submitted after the startup.

6. We expect no important licensing considerations associated with refueling.
7. There are 193 assemblies in the core and 65 assemblies in the spent fuel pool.
8. Present capacity is 500 assemblies. Additional capacity for 1500 more assemblies inder consideration.
9. March, 1981.

DOCKET NO. 50 - 315 UNIT NAME D. C. Cook - Unit No. 1 DATE 3-13-78 COMPLETED BY V. D. VanderBur TELEPHONE 616 983-3255 REFUELING INFORMATION

1. Donald C. Cook Nuclear'Plant.
2. Last week of March.
3. Fifty six (56) days after shutdown, zero power tests included.
4. We expect no changes in technical specifications.

The reload fuel design has been reviewed by the Plant Nuclear Safety Review Committee. The final core configuration will be reviewed by the PNSRC prior to the start of fuel shuffling.

5. A brief description of proposed refueling plans including a detailed core loading plan will be submi'tted prior to startup.

A startup report including the same information included in the Cycle II startup report will be submitted after the startup.

6. We expect no important licensing considerations associated with refueling.
7. There are 193 assemblies in the core and 65 assemblies in the spent fuel pool.
8. Present capacity is 500 assemblies. Additional capacity for 1500 more assemblies i: s under consideration.
9. March, 1981.

DOCKET NO. 50 315 UNIT NAME D. C. Cook - Unit No. 1 DATE 3-13-78 COMPLETED BY V. D. VanderBur TELEPHONE 616 983-3255 REfUELING INFORMATION

1. Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant.
2. Last week of March.
3. Fifty six (56) days after shutdown, zero power tests included.
4. We expect no changes in technical specifications.

The reload fuel design has been reviewed by the Plant Nuclear Safety Review Committee. The final core configuration, will be reviewed by the PNSRC prior to the start of fuel shuffling.

5. A brief description of proposed refueling plans including a detailed core loading plan will be submi'tted prior to startup.

A startup report including the same information included in the Cycle II startup report will be submitted after the startup.

6. We expect no important licensing considerations associated with refueling.
7. There are 193 assemblies in the core and 65 assemblies in the spent fuel pool.
8. Present capacity is 500 assemblies. Additional capacity for 1500 more assemblies i:,s under consideration.
9. f1arch, 1981.


50 316 D. C. COOk 2 DATE 3 1 78 coMPLETED B Y H. T. O'I 11 ett Tt LEPHOI (E 61 6 465 5901 February 1978 DAY AVERAGE DAILYPOWER LEVEL DAY AVERAGE DAILYPOWER LEVEL (MWe-Net) (MWe.%et )

0 0 I

0 0

)8 0 0 19 0 0 20 0 '2) 0 0 0 23 0 0 24 0 0 '>5 0 0 0 10 26 0 27 0 0 0 28

)3 0

14 0 30 15 0 31 16 0 li4 STRUCTIONS On this format. list the average daiii'nit p>>N e: )eve! in >Ice.Yet for each day in the reportine >n>>nth. C>>mpute to

he nearest v
hole m 8 watt.

(<) I77 )



'TELEPHONiF $ ))4~901 OPERATING STATUS Dona1d C. Cook 2 Notes

l. Unit Name.
2. Reporting period: FebruarY 1978
3. Licensed Thermal Power (iiIWt):
4. Nameolate Rating (Gross XiIWe):
5. Design Elecmcal R"ting (Net MWe):
6. Maximum Dependable Capacity (Gross MWe):
7. Maximum Dependable Capacity (Net MWe):
8. IfChanges Occur in Capacity Ratings (items Number 3 Through 7) Sine Last Report. Give Reasons:
9. Power Level To Which Restr!cted, If Any ('.Vet MWe):

10 Reasons For Rstrictjous If AnvUnti 1 COmmi SS i OnhaSapprOVed the'IJR8-1COrre1 a tiOn and the im roved thermal desi n procedure MCAP-8762 and HCAP-8567.

This Month Yr:to-Date Cumuhtive

11. Hours In Reporting Period 672 1416 1416
12. Number Of Hours Reactor Was Critical
13. Reactor Reserve Shutdown Hours 0
14. Hours Generator On-Line 0
15. Unit Reserve Shutdown Hours
16. Gross Thermal Energy Generated (iE IWH) 0
17. Gross Electrical Energy Generated (iMWH) 0
18. Net Electrical Energy Generated {iIIIWH)
19. Unit Service Factor
20. Unit Availability Factor
21. Un! t Capacity Factor (Using <~IDC Net)
22. Unit Capacity Factor (Using DER Net)
23. Unit Forced Outage Rate ~


24. Shutdowns Scheduled Over Next 6 IIIonths (Type. Date. and Duntion of Each):
25. If Shut Down At End Of Report Period. Estimated Date of Startup:

26, Units ln Test Status (Prior to Commercial Operation): Forecast Achieved IN ITIA L CRITICALITY 3/I/78 INITIALELECTRICITY 3/'IE/78 COIBIMERCIALOPERATION 6/1/78



3-6-78 r) A I/)

Liccnscc ( Cause &. C()ffcclivc N(). l)atc III Event Q Action to Ji m ~ed



Rcport 4 CQ 0 Pfcvcnl Rccuffcncc


CJ 0 771223 S 672 N. A. ZZ ZZZZZZ Faci 1 i ty Operating License No. DPR-74 was issued on Dec. 23,1977.

Initial fuel loading was completed on Jan. 2, 1978. Post core loading hot functional testing is presently in progress.

F: Forced lb'a soll hlcthod: Exhibit G - Instructions S: Scheduled '-Efluipment Failure (Fxplah)) I Mantlal for Preparation of Data Il.hlait)tcnance or Test 2.Manual Scfaol. Entry Sheets for Licensee C.Refuelhig 3-Aulonlalic Scraln. Event Report (LER) File (NUlll!Ci-D-Regulatory Restriction 4-Other (Explaht) OI6I )

E.Operator Training &, Liccnsc I)xamination F.Admi nist la t ive Oi Opcfallonal Efrof (Fxplaul) 'Exhibit I - Salnc Source I I/77) I I*Other (Explain)

UNIT SHUTDOWNS AND POWER REDUCTIONS INSTRUCTIONS This report should describe all plant shutdowns during the in accordance with the table appearing on the report torm.

report period. In addition, it should be the source of explan- If category 4 must be used, supply brief comments.

ation of significant dips in average power levels. Each signi-ficant reduction in power level (greater than 20/<<reduction LICENSEE EVENT REPORT -... Reference the applicable in average daily power level for the preceding 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />) reportable occurrence pertaining to the outage or power should be noted, even though the unit may not have been reduction. Enter the first four parts (event year, sequential shut down completelyl. For such reductions in power level, report number, occurrence code and report type) of the tive the duration should be listed. as zero, the method of reduction part designation as described in Item 17 of Instructions for should be listed as 4 (Other), and the Cause and Corrective Preparation of Data Entry Sheets for Licensee Event Report Action to Prevent Recurrence column should explain. The (LER) File (iVUREG4161). This information may not be Cause and Corrective Action to Prevent Recurrence column immediately evident for all such shutdowns, of course, since should be used to provide any needed explanation to fully further investigation may be required to ascertain whether or describe the circumstances of the outage or power reduction.

not'a reportable occurrence was involved.) If the outage or power reduction will not result in a reportable occurrence.

NUMBER. This column should indicate the sequential num- the positive indication of this lack of correlation should be ber assigned to each shutdown or significant reduction in power noted as not applicable (N/A).

for that calendar year.. When a shutdown or significant power SYSTE<lf CODE. The system in which the outage or power reduction begins in one report period and ends in another.

reduction originated should be noted by the two digit code of an entry should be made for both report periods to be sure all shutdowns or significant power reductions are reported.

Exhibit G Instructions for Preparation of Data Entry Sheets


Until a unit has achieved its first power generation, no num- for Licensee Event Report (LER) File (NUREG416I).

ber should be assigned to each entry. Systems that do not fit any existing code should be designa-ted XX. The code ZZ should be used for those events where DATE. This column should indicate the date of the start a system is not applicable.

of each shutdown or significant power reduction. Report as year, month, and day. August i4. 1977 would be reported COMPONEiiIT CODE. Select the most appropriate component as 770814. When a shutdown or significant power reduction from Exhibit I - Instructions for Preparation of Data Entry begins in one report period and ends in another, an entry should Sheets for Licensee Event Report (LER) File (NUREG4161).

be made for both report periods to be sure all shutdowns using the following critieria:

or significant power reductions are reported.

A. If a component failed, use the component directly involved.

TYPE. Use "F" or "S" to indicate either "Forced" or "Sche-duled." respectively, for each shutdown or significant power B. If not a component failure, use the related component:

reduction. Forced shutdowns include those required to be e.g., wrong valve operated through error; list valve as initiated by no later than the weekend following discovery component.

of an off-normal condition. It is recognized that some judg-ment is required in categorizing shutdowns in this way. In C. If a chain of failures occurs, the first component to mal-general. a forced shutdown is one that would not have been function should be listed. The sequence of events, includ-completed in the absence of the condition for which corrective ing the other components which fail, should be described action was taken. under the Cause and Corrective Action to Prevent Recur.

rence column.

DURATION. Selfwxplanatory. When a shutdown extends Components that do not fit any existing code should be de.

beyond the end of a report period, count only the time to the signated XXXXXX. The code ZZZZZZ should be used for end of the report period and pick up the ensuing down time events where a component designation is not applicable.

in the following report periods. Report duratibn of outages rounded to the nearest tenth ofanhour to facilitatesummation.

CAUSE & CORRECTIVE ACTION TO PREVENT RECUR-The sum of the total outage hours plus the hours the genera-RENCE. Use the column in a narrative fashion to amplify or tor was on line should equal the gross hours in the reporting exphin the circumstances of the shutdown or power reduction.


The column should include the specific cause for each shut-down or significant power reduction and the immediate and REASON. Categorize by letter designation in accordance contempiated long term corrective action taken. if appropri-with the table appearing on the report t'orm. If category H ate. This column should also be used for a description of the must be used. supply briei'comments.

major safety rehted corrective maintenance performed during the outage or power reduction including an identification of METHOD OF SHUTTING DOWN THE REACTOR OR REDUCING POWER. Categorize bv number designation the critical path activity and a report of any single release of radioactivity or single radiation exposure specitically associ.

INoie that this diff'ers t'rom the Edison Electric Institute ated with the outage which accounts for more than 10 percent

{EEI) definitions ot'Forced Partial Outage" and -Sche- of the allowable annual values.

duled Partial Outage." For these tern>>. EEI uses a change oi'0 For long textual reports continue narrative on separate paper MW as the break point. For larger power reactors. 30 MW and reference ihe shutdown or power reduction t'or th>>

is 1<><> 5111all a <<llange t<< warl'alii cxplaflall<<<l. naf fat ive.

Docket No.: 50-316 Unit Name: D. C. Cook Unit 2 Date: Narc 13, 1978 Completed by: R. S. Keith Telephone: 616 465-5901 hler I


~tli u Preoperational testing as sequenced by 2-PO-Q60-61Q, Post Core L'oading Tests, were conducted ~throughout the month.

~Summar 2/1/78 - Post Core Loading Preoperational Testing was being con-ducted with, Rod Drop Testi:ng in progress.

2/3/78- At 0157 hours0.00182 days <br />0.0436 hours <br />2.595899e-4 weeks <br />5.97385e-5 months <br /> the Turbine-Generator was rolling using Unit 1 steam.

2/5/78 - Testing of Unit 2 Turbine-,Generator including setting of overspeed trips were completed.

2/14/78- Unit 2 lost the preferred off-site reserve power. The Emergency Diesel Generators responded as required and picked up all required vital loads. At 1324 hours0.0153 days <br />0.368 hours <br />0.00219 weeks <br />5.03782e-4 months <br /> the unit shifted to the emergency off-site power with no difficulty. The preferred reserve off-site power was restored at 2018 hours0.0234 days <br />0.561 hours <br />0.00334 weeks <br />7.67849e-4 months <br />.

2/18/78- Unit 2 entered Mode 4 at 1952 hours0.0226 days <br />0.542 hours <br />0.00323 weeks <br />7.42736e-4 months <br /> as part of scheduled Post Core Loading Testing.

2/21/78- Unit 2 entered Mode 3 at 2208 hours0.0256 days <br />0.613 hours <br />0.00365 weeks <br />8.40144e-4 months <br /> as part of scheduled Post Core Loading Testing.

2/23/78 Unit 2 was at normal Tavg of 547 F and normal pressure of 2235 psig.

ld f I I

DOCKET NO. 50 316 UNIT NAME D. C. Cook - Unit No. 2 DATE 3-13-78 COMPLETED BY B. A. Svensson TELEPHONE 616 465-5901 MAJOR SAFETY-RELATED MAINTENANCE FEBRUARY, 1978 The head to fulcrum box gasket on CD diesel was leaking. Replaced gasket and had engine tested.

I There were jacket water leaks on numbers 4 and 5'front bank and 1 and 2 rear bank head to outlet manifold on AB Diesel. Replaced gaskets and had engine tested.

M-3 The east centrifugal charging pump locked up. Replaced the rotating assembly and had the pump tested.

M-4 AB diesel valve lifters were noisey. Replaced ¹2 front bank exhaust hydraulic lifter and had engine tested.

A fuel injection line on CD diesel cracked. Replaced the injection line and tested.

SV-122, safety valve on CCW return line from containment penetration CPN-37 was leaking. Lapped valve seat and disc and had valve retested.

FM0-222, Motor Driven Aux Feedpump discharge valve leaked by. Reconditioned valve seat and disc.

M-8 Aux feedwater isolation valve to ¹4 S/G leaked by. Reconditioned valve seats and plug and retested.

South seal injection filter housing was leaking. Replaced the head closure o-rings.

M-10 The RHR pump suction valve, IMO-310 would not open. Readjusted torque setting and retested valve.

M-11 Refueling water storage tank isolation IMO-390 would not open. Readjusted open torque setting and retested.

M-12 North safety injection pump would not trip from the Control Room. The

.circuit breaker trip coil had failed and was replaced. The breaker tested satisfactorily.

M-13 Oil cooler line to upper bearing oil reservoir on ¹4 RCP motor was leaking.

Replaced line and fittings.

DOCKET NO. 50 - 316 UNIT NAME D. C. Cook Unit No. 2 DATE 3-13-78 COMPLETED BY B. A. Svensson TELEPHONE 616 465-5901 PAGE MAJOR SAFETY-RELATED MAINTENANCE FEBRUARY, 1978 Replaced jar on cell 835 on AB Battery.

Replaced check valve CS-297E.

Replaced check valve CS-297W.

Nuclear Instrumentation system channel N-32 source range, indication was irratic. The space cables from the preamplifier to the drawer assembly were placed in service. The noise on the channel was removed.

Rod position indication system for rod D-8 failed. The signal conditioning module was removed and the contacts were cleaned. The cable connects at the reactor head was cleaned and tested. Normal indication returned to the D-8 channel.

NPP-151, pressurizer pressure channel I failed low. A defective lug on the screw terminal was found. Following replacement, the channel returned to correct indication.


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