Letter Sequence Request |
- Request, Request, Request, Request, Request, Request, Request, Request, Request, Request, Request, Request, Request, Request, Request, Request, Request, Request, Request, Request, Request, Request, Request, Request, Request, Request, Request, Request
- Acceptance, Acceptance, Acceptance, Acceptance, Acceptance, Acceptance, Acceptance, Acceptance, Acceptance, Acceptance
- Supplement
Other: ML18075A461, ML19158A274, ML19158A276, ML20014E617, ML20014E619, ML20163A702, ML20163A703, ML20163A704, ML20295A413, ML20295A415, ML20295A416, ML20295A417, ML20295A418, ML20295A419, ML20295A420, ML20295A421, ML20329A323, ML21118A864, ML21118A865, ML21118A866, ML21118A867, ML21118A868, ML21118A869, ML21118A870, ML21168A352, ML21168A353, ML21168A354, ML21168A355, ML21168A356, ML21168A357, ML21168A358, ML21168A359, ML21168A361, ML21168A362, ML21168A363, ML21168A364, ML21237A177, ML23074A102, ML23317A123, ML24010A058, ML24010A061, ML24095A040, ML24095A041, ML24095A042, ML24095A043, ML24095A044, ML24095A045, ML24095A046, ML24095A047, ML24178A113... further results
MONTHYEARML20014E6182011-06-13013 June 2011 Draft Proposed Certificate of Compliance No. 1032 Amendment 5 Project stage: Draft Other ML17017A2182017-01-17017 January 2017 NRR E-mail Capture - Catawba Nuclear Station, Unit Nos. 1 and 2 - Acceptance of Requested Licensing Action Amendment for TSTF-352-A, Rev. 1, Provide Consistent Completion Time to Reach Mode 4 (CACs MF8969 & MF8970) Project stage: Acceptance Review ML17254A1442017-10-23023 October 2017 Issuance of Amendments Adopting Technical Specifications Task Force Traveler TSTF-352-A, Revision 1 (CAC Nos. MF8969 and MF8970; EPID L-2017-LLA-0031) Project stage: Approval ML18075A4612018-03-16016 March 2018 Letter to K. Manzione Application for Amendment No. 5 to Hi-Storm Flood and Wind Certificate of Compliance No. 1032 - Accepted for Review Project stage: Other ML18134A1102018-05-15015 May 2018 Letter to J. Bondre Acceptance Review of Tn Americas LLC Application for Certificate of Compliance No. 1042, Amendment No. 1 to NUHOMS Eos System (Docket No. 72-1042, CAC No. 001028, EPID: L-2018-LLA-0043) - Request for Supplemental Informa Project stage: Acceptance Review ML18134A1112018-05-15015 May 2018 Enclosure 1: Rsi (Non-Proprietary) (Letter to J. Bondre Acceptance Review of Tn Americas LLC Application for Certificate of Compliance No. 1042, Amendment No. 1 to NUHOMS Eos System (Docket No. 72-1042, CAC No. 001028, EPID: L-2018-LLA-0043 Project stage: Acceptance Review ML18355A8642018-12-21021 December 2018 Enclosure 1 - RAI (Non-Proprietary) (Letter to P. Narayanan Tn Americas LLC Application for Certificate of Compliance No. 1042, Amendment No. 1, to NUHOMS Eos System (Docket No. 72-1042, CAC No. 001028, EPID: L-2018-LLA-0043) - Request for Project stage: RAI ML19046A0642019-02-13013 February 2019 Letter to J. Tomlinson Acceptance Review of Request for Amendment No. 5 to Certificate of Compliance No. 1032 for the HI-STORM Flood/Wind Cask System (W/Enclosure) Project stage: Acceptance Review ML19179A1002019-06-28028 June 2019 Letter to J. Tomlinson Acceptance Review of Request for Amendment No. 5 to Certificate of Compliance No. 1032 for the HI-STORM Flood/Wind Storage System Project stage: Acceptance Review ML19247B7182019-09-0303 September 2019 Letter to J. Tomlinson Amendment No. 5 to Certificate of Compliance No. 1023 for the HI-STORM Flood/Wind Multipurpose Canister Storage System - Request for Additional Information (W/Enclosure 1) Project stage: RAI ML19158A2762019-12-20020 December 2019 Enclosure 4: Preliminary CoC 1032 Amendment No. 4 SER (Memorandum to J. Cai User Need for Rule Making for the Holtec HI-STORM Flood-Wind Multipurpose Canister Storage System, Amendment No. 4) Project stage: Other ML19158A2742019-12-20020 December 2019 Enclosure 2: Proposed CoC 1032 Amendment No. 4 Appendix a (Memorandum to J. Cai User Need for Rule Making for the Holtec HI-STORM Flood-Wind Multipurpose Canister Storage System, Amendment No. 4) Project stage: Other ML20014E6172020-02-14014 February 2020 Memo Re User Need for Rulemaking for the Holtec HI-STORM FW MPC System, Amendment No. 5 Project stage: Other ML20014E6212020-02-14014 February 2020 Preliminary Certificate of Compliance No. 1032 Amendment 5 Safety Evaluation Report Project stage: Approval ML20014E6192020-02-14014 February 2020 Proposed Certificate of Compliance No. 1032 Amendment 5 Appendix a, Technical Specifications Project stage: Other ML20128J2922020-04-27027 April 2020, 28 April 2020 International, Submittal of Responses to Nrc,S 1st Round RAIs for HI-STORM 100 Amendment Number 15 Project stage: Request ML20128J2932020-04-28028 April 2020 International, Submittal of Responses to Nrc,S 1st Round RAIs for HI-STORM 100 Amendment Number 15 Project stage: Request ML20136A4752020-05-15015 May 2020 Holtec International Submittal of Responses to Nrc'S RAIs 3-1 and 3-6 for HI-STORM 100 Amendment Number 15 Project stage: Request ML20164A2942020-06-12012 June 2020 International Submittal of Supplemental Information to RAI 8-1 Response for HI-STORM 100 Amendment Number 15 Project stage: Request ML20163A7032020-06-25025 June 2020 Certificate of Compliance No. 1032 Amendment No. 5 Project stage: Other ML20163A7022020-06-25025 June 2020 Letter to Holtec Issuing Certificate of Compliance No. 1032 Amendment No. 5 for HI-STORM Flood/Wind Multipurpose Canister Storage System Project stage: Other ML20163A7042020-06-25025 June 2020 Certificate of Compliance No. 1032 Amendment No. 5 Appendix a Project stage: Other ML20245E4632020-09-0101 September 2020 International - Submittal of Supplemental Information on HI-STORM 100 Amendment 15 Project stage: Request ML20269A4252020-09-25025 September 2020 International - Submittal of Supplemental Information on HI-STORM 100 Amendment 15 Project stage: Request ML20318A3212020-11-13013 November 2020 Submittal of Clarification RAI Responses on HI-STAR 100 License Renewal Project stage: Request ML20329A3232020-11-24024 November 2020 International, Clarification RAI Responses on HI-STAR 100 License Renewal Updated Project stage: Other ML20295A4202021-01-27027 January 2021 Proposed CoC 1014 Amendment No. 15 Appendix A-100U Project stage: Other ML20295A4162021-01-27027 January 2021 Proposed CoC 1014 Amendment No. 15 Appendix a Project stage: Other ML20295A4212021-01-27027 January 2021 Proposed CoC 1014 Amendment No. 15 Appendix B-100U Project stage: Other ML20295A4132021-01-27027 January 2021 User Need for Rulemaking for the Holtec HI-STORM 100 Cask System, Amendment No. 15 Project stage: Other ML20295A4172021-01-27027 January 2021 Proposed CoC 1014 Amendment No. 15 Appendix B Project stage: Other ML20295A4152021-01-27027 January 2021 Proposed CoC 1014 Amendment No. 15 for Holtec Intl Project stage: Other ML20295A4222021-01-27027 January 2021 Preliminary CoC 1014 Amendment No. 15 Safety Evaluation Report Project stage: Approval ML20295A4192021-01-27027 January 2021 Proposed CoC 1014 Amendment No. 15 Appendix D Project stage: Other ML20295A4182021-01-27027 January 2021 Proposed CoC 1014 Amendment No. 15 Appendix C Project stage: Other ML21068A3612021-03-0909 March 2021 International, Submittal of HI-STORM 100 Multipurpose Canister Storage System Amendment 16 Request Project stage: Request ML21118A8632021-05-13013 May 2021 Issuance of Certificate of Compliance No. 1014, Amendment No. 15 for the HI-STORM 100 Multipurpose Canister Storage System Project stage: Approval ML21118A8652021-05-13013 May 2021 Certificate of Compliance 1014, Amendment No. 15, Appendix a Technical Specifications for the Hi-Storm 100 Cask System Project stage: Other ML21118A8662021-05-13013 May 2021 Certificate of Compliance 1014 - Amendment No. 15, Appendix B, Approved Contents and Design Features for the Hi-Storm 100 Cask System Project stage: Other ML21118A8712021-05-13013 May 2021 Certificate of Compliance 1014 - Amendment No. 15. Final Safety Evaluation Report Project stage: Approval ML21118A8672021-05-13013 May 2021 Certificate of Compliance 1014 - Amendment No. 15, Appendix C, Technical Specifications for the Hi-Storm 100S Version E Cask Project stage: Other ML21118A8682021-05-13013 May 2021 Certificate of Compliance 1014 - Amendment No. 15, Appendix D, Approved Contents and Design Features for the Hi-Storm 100S Version E Cask and Hi-Trac Ms Project stage: Other ML21118A8702021-05-13013 May 2021 Certificate of Compliance 1014 - Amendment No. 15, Appendix B-100U Approved Contents and Design Features for the Hi-Storm 100 Cask System (Model No. 100U Addition) Project stage: Other ML21118A8692021-05-13013 May 2021 Certificate of Compliance 1014 - Amendment No. 15, Appendix A-100U Technical Specifications for the Hi-Storm 100 Cask System (Model N. 100U Addition) Project stage: Other ML21118A8642021-05-13013 May 2021 Certificate of Compliance 1014 - Amendment No. 15 Project stage: Other ML21168A3522021-06-28028 June 2021 User Need Memo for Renewal of CoC No. 1008 (HI-STAR 100) Project stage: Other ML21168A3512021-06-28028 June 2021, 9 September 2021 Rulemaking for the Renewal of CoC No. 1008, HI-STAR 100 Cask System Project stage: Request ML21179A1792021-07-12012 July 2021 Acceptance Review of Request for Amendment No. 16 to Certificate of Compliance No. 1014 for HI-STORM 100 Multipurpose Canister Storage System, Request for Supplemental Information Project stage: Acceptance Review ML21223A0452021-08-10010 August 2021, 11 August 2021 HI-STORM 100 Amendment 16 Responses to Requests for Supplemental Information Project stage: Request ML21237A1772021-08-25025 August 2021 Request for Supplemental Information for Amendment No. 7 to Certificate of Compliance No. 1032 for the Hi-Storm Flood/Wind Multipurpose Canister Storage System Project stage: Other 2020-04-27
[Table View] |
Category:License-Application for Dry Cask ISFSI DKT 72
MONTHYEARML24109A2522024-03-0101 March 2024 Attachment 2: HI-STORM FW Amendment 10 Certificate of Compliance ML24109A2512024-03-0101 March 2024 Attachment 1: HI-STORM FW Amendment 10 Summary of Proposed Changes ML24109A2542024-03-0101 March 2024 Attachment 4: HI-STORM FW FSAR Proposed Revision 11 Revised Pages PLA-8036, Registration for the Use of Spent Fuel Storage Casks 203, 202, and 204, PLA-80362022-11-30030 November 2022 Registration for the Use of Spent Fuel Storage Casks 203, 202, and 204, PLA-8036 ML21211A6112021-07-30030 July 2021 Attachment 2: Proposed Coc 1032 ML21211A6102021-07-30030 July 2021 Attachment 1: Summary of Proposed Changes for Amendment Request 1032-8 ML21211A6092021-07-30030 July 2021 HI-STORM FW Amendment 8 Request ML21126A2942021-05-0606 May 2021 Attachment 26 - HI-STORM FW Amendment 7 Certificate of Compliance Reorganization Evaluation Form ML21126A2672021-05-0606 May 2021 International HI-STORM FW Amendment 7 Request ML21126A2682021-05-0606 May 2021 Attachment 1 - HI-STORM FW Amendment 7 Summary of Proposed Changes ML21126A2692021-05-0606 May 2021 Attachment 2 - HI-STORM FW Amendment 7 Certificate of Compliance ML21126A2702021-05-0606 May 2021 Attachment 3 - HI-STORM FW Amendment 7 Certificate of Compliance, Appendix a ML21126A2712021-05-0606 May 2021 Attachment 4 - HI-STORM FW Amendment 7 Certificate of Compliance, Appendix B ML21126A2902021-05-0606 May 2021 Attachment 22 - HI-STORM FW Amendment 7 Certificate of Compliance Reorganization ML21126A2912021-05-0606 May 2021 Attachment 23 - HI-STORM FW Amendment 7 Certificate of Compliance, Appendix a, Reorganization ML21126A2932021-05-0606 May 2021 Attachment 25 - HI-STORM FW Amendment 7 Certificate of Compliance Reorganization Matrix ML21126A2922021-05-0606 May 2021 Attachment 24 - HI-STORM FW Amendment 7 Certificate of Compliance, Appendix B, Reorganization ML21126A2952021-05-0606 May 2021 Attachment 27 - HI-STORM FW Amendment 7 Certificate of Compliance, Appendix a, Reorganization Evaluation Form ML21126A2962021-05-0606 May 2021 Attachment 28 - HJ-STORM FW Amendment 7 Certificate of Compliance, Appendix B, Reorganization Evaluation Form ML21126A2972021-05-0606 May 2021 Attachment 29: Affidavit of Kimberly Manzione in Accordance with 10 CFR 2.390 ML21126A2732021-05-0606 May 2021 Attachment 6 - HI-STORM FW FSAR Proposed Revision 9 Revised Pages (Non-Proprietary) ML20225A1932020-08-12012 August 2020 Attachment 3: HI-STORM FW Amendment 7 Certificate of Compliance, Appendix a ML19282C3652019-10-0202 October 2019 Attachment 2: Draft Certificate of Compliance for Spent Fuel Storage Casks ML19282C3602019-10-0202 October 2019 International - HI-STORM FW Amendment 6 Request ML19282C3672019-10-0202 October 2019 Attachment 3: Draft Certificate of Compliance No. 1032, Appendix a, Technical Specifications for the HI-STORM FW MPC Storage System NOC-AE-19003648, Registration of Dry Spent Fuel Storage Cask2019-04-29029 April 2019 Registration of Dry Spent Fuel Storage Cask ML18179A1112018-06-15015 June 2018 Attachment 6 - HI-STORM FW FSAR, Proposed Revision 6.E - Changed Pages - Nonproprietary ML18179A1072018-06-15015 June 2018 Attachment 3 - Proposed HI-STORM FW CoC 1032, App a, Amendment 5 -Changed Pages ML17174A9362017-06-23023 June 2017 Registration of Use of Cask to Store Spent Fuel PNP 2016-062, Registration of Holtec HI-STORM FW System Casks2016-11-14014 November 2016 Registration of Holtec HI-STORM FW System Casks ML16214A0782016-08-0101 August 2016 Registration of Use of Cask to Store Spent Fuel ML16193A6502016-07-11011 July 2016 Registration of Use of Cask to Store Spent Fuel ML15231A5722015-08-19019 August 2015 Registration of Use of Cask to Store Spent Fuel 2024-03-01
[Table view] |
Definitions 1.1 Certificate of Compliance No. 1032 Amendment No. 5 Appendix A 1.1-1 1.0 USE AND APPLICATION
The defined terms of this section appear in capitalized type and are applicable throughout these Technical Specifications and Bases.
1.1 Definitions Term Definition ACTIONS ACTIONS shall be that part of a Specification that prescribes Required Actions to be taken under designated Conditions within specified Completion Times.
DAMAGED FUEL ASSEMBLY DAMAGED FUEL ASSEMBLIES are fuel assemblies with known or suspected cladding defects, as determined by a review of records, greater than pinhole leaks or hairline cracks, empty fuel rod locations that are not filled with dummy fuel rods, missing structural components such as grid spacers, whose structural integrity has been impaired such that geometric rearrangement of fuel or gross failure of the cladding is expected based on engineering evaluations, or that cannot be handled by normal means. Fuel assemblies that cannot be handled by normal means due to fuel cladding damage are considered FUEL DEBRIS.
DFCs are specially designed enclosures for DAMAGED FUEL ASSEMBLIES or FUEL DEBRIS which permit gaseous and liquid media to escape while minimizing dispersal of gross particulates. DFCs authorized for use in the HI-STORM FW System are as follows:
- 1. Holtec Generic BWR design
- 2. Holtec Generic PWR design DAMAGED FUEL ISOLATOR (DFI)
DFIs are specially designed barriers installed at the top and bottom of the storage cell space which permit flow of gaseous and liquid media while preventing the potential migration of fissile material from fuel assemblies with cladding damage. DFIs are used ONLY with damaged fuel assemblies which can be handled by normal means.
Definitions 1.1 Certificate of Compliance No. 1032 Amendment No. 5 Appendix A 1.1-2 1.1 Definitions Term Definition BLEU FUEL FUEL DEBRIS Blended Low Enriched Uranium (BLEU) fuel is the same as a commercial spent fuel but with a higher cobalt impurity.
FUEL DEBRIS is ruptured fuel rods, severed rods, loose fuel pellets, containers or structures that are supporting these loose fuel assembly parts, or fuel assemblies with known or suspected defects which cannot be handled by normal means due to fuel cladding damage.
FUEL BUILDING The FUEL BUILDING is the site-specific power plant facility, governed by the regulations of 10 CFR Part 50, where the loaded OVERPACK or TRANSFER CASK is transferred to or from the transporter.
GROSSLY BREACHED SPENT FUEL ROD Spent nuclear fuel rod with a cladding defect that could lead to the release of fuel particulate greater than the average size fuel fragment for that particular assembly. A gross cladding breach may be confirmed by visual examination, through a review of reactor operating records indicating the presence of heavy metal isotopes, or other acceptable inspection means.
LOADING OPERATIONS LOADING OPERATIONS include all licensed activities on an OVERPACK or TRANSFER CASK while it is being loaded with fuel assemblies. LOADING OPERATIONS begin when the first fuel assembly is placed in the MPC and end when the OVERPACK or TRANSFER CASK is suspended from or secured on the transporter. LOADING OPERATIONS does not include MPC TRANSFER.
MPCs are the sealed spent nuclear fuel canisters which consist of a honeycombed fuel basket contained in a cylindrical canister shell which is welded to a baseplate, lid with welded port cover plates, and closure ring. The MPC provides the confinement ATTACHMENT 3 TO HOLTEC LETTER 5018061 Page 3 of 9
Definitions 1.1 Certificate of Compliance No. 1032 Amendment No. 5 Appendix A 1.1-3 1.1 Definitions Term Definition boundary for the contained radioactive materials.
MPC TRANSFER MPC TRANSFER begins when the MPC is lifted off the TRANSFER CASK bottom lid and ends when the MPC is supported from beneath by the OVERPACK (or the reverse).
NON-FUEL HARDWARE NON-FUEL HARDWARE is defined as Burnable Poison Rod Assemblies (BPRAs), Thimble Plug Devices (TPDs), Control Rod Assemblies (CRAs),
Axial Power Shaping Rods (APSRs), Wet Annular Burnable Absorbers (WABAs), Rod Cluster Control Assemblies (RCCAs), Control Element Assemblies (CEAs), Neutron Source Assemblies (NSAs), water displacement guide tube plugs, orifice rod assemblies, instrument tube tie rods (ITTRs),
vibration suppressor inserts, and components of these devices such as individual rods.
OVERPACK OVERPACKs are the casks which receive and contain the sealed MPCs for interim storage on the ISFSI.
They provide gamma and neutron shielding, and provide for ventilated air flow to promote heat transfer from the MPC to the environs. The term OVERPACK does not include the TRANSFER CASK.
PLANAR-AVERAGE INITIAL ENRICHMENT PLANAR AVERAGE INITIAL ENRICHMENT is the average of the distributed fuel rod initial enrichments within a given axial plane of the assembly lattice.
REPAIRED/RECONSITUTED FUEL ASSEMBLY Spent nuclear fuel assembly which contains dummy fuel rods that displaces an amount of water greater than or equal to the original fuel rods and/or which contains structural repairs so it can be handled by normal means.
SFSCs are containers approved for the storage of spent fuel assemblies at the ISFSI. The HI-STORM FW SFSC System consists of the OVERPACK and its integral MPC.
STORAGE OPERATIONS STORAGE OPERATIONS include all licensed activities that are performed at the ISFSI while an SFSC containing spent fuel is situated within the ISFSI perimeter. STORAGE OPERATIONS does not include ATTACHMENT 3 TO HOLTEC LETTER 5018061 Page 4 of 9
SFSC Heat Removal System 3.1.2 Certificate of Compliance No. 1032 Amendment No. 4 Appendix A 3.1.2-2 SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS SURVEILLANCE FREQUENCY SR 3.1.2 Verify all OVERPACK inlets and outlets are free of blockage from solid debris or floodwater.
24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> OR For OVERPACKS with installed temperature monitoring equipment, verify that the difference between the average OVERPACK air outlet temperature and ISFSI ambient temperature is:
- 137oF for OVERPACKS containing MPC-37s,
- 152oF for OVERPACKS containing BWR
- MPCs,
- 130 oF for OVERPACKS containing MPC-32MLs 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> ATTACHMENT 3 TO HOLTEC LETTER 5018061 Page 5 of 9
3.4 Tables Certificate of Compliance No. 1032 Amendment No. 4 Appendix A 3.4-1 Table 3-1 MPC Cavity Drying Limits Fuel Burnup (MWD/MTU)
MPC Type MPC Heat Load (kW)
Method of Moisture Removal (Notes 1 and 2)
All Assemblies 45,000 MPC-37 44.09 (Pattern A in Table 2.3-1A of Appendix B) 45.00 (Pattern B in Table 2.3-1A of Appendix B) 37.4 (Figures 2.3-1 through 2.3-3 of Appendix B) 39.95 (Figures 2.3-4 through 2.3-6 of Appendix B) 44.85 (Figures 2.3-7 through 2.3-9 of Appendix B)
VDS (Notes 3 and 4) or FHD (Note 4)
MPC-32ML 44.16 (Pattern A in Table 2.3-5 of Appendix B)
MPC-89 46.36 (Table 2.3-2A of Appendix B) 46.2 (Figures 2.3-10 and 2.3-11 of Appendix B) 46.14 (Figures 2.3-12 and 2.3-13 of Appendix B)
One or more assemblies
> 45,000 MPC-37 29.6 (Table 2.3-3 of Appendix B)
VDS (Notes 3 and 4) or FHD (Note 4)
MPC-32ML 28.70 (Pattern B in Table 2.3-5 of Appendix B)
MPC-89 30.0 (Table 2.3-4 of Appendix B)
One or more assemblies
> 45,000 MPC-37 44.09 (Table 2.3-1A of Appendix B) 45.00 (Table 2.3-1B of Appendix B) 37.4 (Figures 2.3-1 through 2.3-3 of Appendix B) 39.95 (Figures 2.3-4 through 2.3-6 of Appendix B) 44.85 (Figures 2.3-7 through 2.3-9 of Appendix B)
VDS (Notes 3, 4, and 5) or FHD (Note 4)
3.4 Tables Certificate of Compliance No. 1032 Amendment No. 4 Appendix A 3.4-2 Fuel Burnup (MWD/MTU)
MPC Type MPC Heat Load (kW)
Method of Moisture Removal (Notes 1 and 2)
MPC-32ML 44.16 (Pattern A in Table 2.3-5 of Appendix B)
MPC-89 46.36 (Table 2.3-2A of Appendix B) 46.2 (Figures 2.3-10 and 2.3-11 of Appendix B) 46.14 (Figures 2.3-12 and 2.3-13 of Appendix B)
- 1.
VDS means a vacuum drying system. The acceptance criterion when using a VDS is the MPC cavity pressure shall be 3 torr for 30 minutes while the MPC is isolated from the vacuum pump.
- 2.
FHD means a forced helium dehydration system. The acceptance criterion when using an FHD system is the gas temperature exiting the demoisturizer shall be 21oF for 30 minutes or the gas dew point exiting the MPC shall be 22.9oF for 30 minutes.
- 3.
Vacuum drying of the MPC must be performed with the annular gap between the MPC and the TRANSFER CASK filled with water.
- 4.
Heat load limits are set for each cell; see Appendix B Section 2.3.
- 5.
Vacuum drying of the MPC must be performed using cycles of the drying system, according to the guidance contained in ISG-11 Revision 3. The time limit for these cycles shall be determined based on site specific conditions.
3.4 Tables Certificate of Compliance No. 1032 Amendment No. 4 Appendix A 3.4-3 Table 3-2 MPC Helium Backfill Limits1 MPC Model Decay Heat Limits Applied (per Appendix B Section 2.3)
Pressure range (psig)
MPC-37 Table 2.3-1C Table 2.3-3 42.0 and 50.0 Table 2.3-1B 42.0 and 47.8 Table 2.3-1A, Pattern A 42.0 and 45.5 Table 2.3-1A, Pattern B 41.0 and 46.0 Figure 2.3-1 Figure 2.3-2 Figure 2.3-3 45.5 and 49.0 Figure 2.3-4 Figure 2.3-5 Figure 2.3-6 44.0 and 47.5 Figure 2.3-7 Figure 2.3-8 Figure 2.3-9 44.5 and 48.0 MPC-89 Table 2.3-2B Table 2.3-4 42.0 and 50.0 Table 2.3-2A 42.5 and 47.5 Figure 2.3-10 Figure 2.3-11 Figure 2.3-12 Figure 2.3-13 42.0 and 47.0 MPC-32ML Table 2.3-5, All Patterns 41.5 and 45.5 1 Helium used for backfill of MPC shall have a purity of 99.995%. Pressure range is at a reference temperature of 70oF ATTACHMENT 3 TO HOLTEC LETTER 5018061 Page 8 of 9
Programs 5.0 Certificate of Compliance No. 1032 Amendment No. 4 Appendix A 5.0-5 5.0 ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS AND PROGRAMS (continued) 5.3 Radiation Protection Program (continued)
- c.
A minimum of four (4) dose rate measurements shall be taken on the side of the TRANSFER CASK approximately at the cask mid-height plane. The measurement locations shall be approximately 90 degrees apart around the circumference of the cask. Dose rates shall be measured between the radial ribs of the water jacket. For a TRANSFER CASK with a neutron shield cylinder, dose rates shall be measured between the radial ribs of the neutron shield cylinder.
- d.
A dose rate measurement shall be taken on contact at the surface of each inlet and outlet vent duct screen of the OVERPACK.