ML21168A361 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | 07201008 |
Issue date: | 09/09/2021 |
From: | Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards |
To: | Holtec |
KLBanovac NMSS/DFM/STL 301.415.7116 | |
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ML21168A351 | List: |
References | |
CAC 001208, EPID L-2018-RNW-0030 | |
Download: ML21168A361 (42) | |
Renewed Certificate of Compliance No. 1008 Appendix B Amendment 2 i
TABLE OF CONTENTS REVISION HISTORY....................................................... iii 1.0 Definitions........................................................... 1 1.1 Fuel Specifications.................................................... 2 1.2 Functional and Operating Limits Violations.................................. 2 1.3 Codes and Standards.................................................. 3 1.4 Site Specific Parameters and Analyses..................................... 3 1.5 Design Specifications.................................................. 5 Table 1.1-1 Fuel Assembly Limits............................................. 6 Table 1.1-2 PWR Fuel Assembly Characteristics................................ 22 Table 1.1-3 BWR Fuel Assembly Characteristics................................ 26 Table 1.1-4 Fuel Assembly Cooling and Decay Heat Generation.................... 31 Table 1.1-5 Fuel Assembly Cooling and Average Burnup.......................... 32 Table 1.1-6 Non-Fuel Hardware Cooling and Average Burnup...................... 33 Table 1.3-1 List of ASME Code Exceptions for the HI-STAR 100 Cask System......... 34
Renewed Certificate of Compliance No. 1008 Appendix B Amendment 2 ii This page is intentionally left blank.
Renewed Certificate of Compliance No. 1008 Appendix B Amendment 2 iii REVISION HISTORY Amendment Section Change Description 1
Throughout Editorial changes and typographical corrections.
1.1 Revised Section 1.1.1 to permit storage of certain non-fuel hardware.
1.4 Revised Item 6 to clarify the requirements for cask storage pad.
1.5 Revised Section 1.5.2 to replace the term painted surface of with paint used on.
Table 1.1-1 Added limits for non-fuel hardware (BPRAs and TPDs ),
array class 8x8F, and Thoria Rods.
Table 1.1-2 Revised certain fuel assembly parameters, added array/class 15x15H fuel assembly, and added clarifying notes.
Table 1.1-3 Revised certain fuel assembly parameters, added array/class 8x8F fuel assembly, and added clarifying notes.
Tables 1.1-4 and 1.1-5 Revised to clarify limits, reflect addition of BPRAs and TPDs, and permit linear interpolation between points.
Table 1.1-6 Added table specifying cooling and average burnup limits for non-fuel hardware.
Table 1.3-1 Added exception to ASME Code NB-5230 for the MPC lid-to-shell weld and added clarifying text.
2 1.4 Revised Item 6 to clarify the requirements for cask storage pad.
Renewed Certificate of Compliance No. 1008 Appendix B Amendment 2 1
Note -----------------------------------------------------------
The defined terms of this section appear in capitalized type and are applicable throughout this Appendix.
Term Definition DAMAGED FUEL ASSEMBLY DAMAGED FUEL ASSEMBLIES are fuel assemblies with known or suspected cladding defects, as determined by a review of records, greater than pinhole leaks or hairline cracks, missing fuel rods that are not replaced with dummy fuel rods, or those that cannot be handled by normal means. Fuel assemblies which cannot be handled by normal means due to fuel cladding damage are considered FUEL DEBRIS.
DAMAGED FUEL CONTAINER DFCs are specially designed enclosures for (DFC)
DAMAGED FUEL ASSEMBLIES or FUEL DEBRIS which permit gaseous and liquid media to escape while minimizing dispersal of gross particulates. DFCs authorized for use in the HI-STAR 100 design are shown in Figures 2.1.1 and 2.1.2 of the Final Safety Analysis Report (SAR) for the HI-STAR 100 Cask System.
FUEL DEBRIS FUEL DEBRIS is ruptured fuel rods, severed rods, loose fuel pellets or fuel assemblies with known or suspected defects which cannot be handled by normal means due to fuel cladding damage.
INTACT FUEL ASSEMBLY INTACT FUEL ASSEMBLIES are fuel assemblies without known or suspected cladding defects greater than pinhole leaks or hairline cracks and which can be handled by normal means. Partial fuel assemblies, that is fuel assemblies from which fuel rods are missing, shall not be classified as INTACT FUEL ASSEMBLIES unless dummy fuel rods are used to displace an amount of water greater than or equal to that displaced by the original fuel rod(s).
PLANAR-AVERAGE PLANAR-AVERAGE INITIAL ENRICHMENT is INITIAL ENRICHMENT the average of the distributed fuel rod initial enrichments within a given axial plane of the assembly lattice.
Renewed Certificate of Compliance No. 1008 Appendix B Amendment 2 2
1.1 Fuel Specifications 1.1.1 Fuel To Be Stored In The HI-STAR 100 SFSC 1.
INTACT FUEL ASSEMBLIES, DAMAGED FUEL ASSEMBLIES, FUEL DEBRIS, and certain non-fuel hardware meeting the limits specified in Table 1.1-1 (which refers to Tables 1.1-2 through 1.1-6) may be stored in the HI-STAR 100 SFSC System.
For MPCs partially loaded with stainless steel clad fuel assemblies, all remaining fuel assemblies in the MPC shall meet the maximum decay heat generation limit for the stainless steel clad fuel assemblies.
For MPCs partially loaded with DAMAGED FUEL ASSEMBLIES or FUEL DEBRIS, all remaining Zircaloy clad INTACT FUEL ASSEMBLIES in the MPC shall meet the maximum decay heat generation limits for the DAMAGED FUEL ASSEMBLIES.
For MPC-68's partially loaded with array/class 6x6A, 6x6B, 6x6C, or 8x8A fuel assemblies, all remaining Zircaloy clad INTACT FUEL ASSEMBLIES in the MPC shall meet the maximum decay heat generation limits for the 6x6A, 6x6B, 6x6C, and 8x8A fuel assemblies.
1.1.2 Preferential Fuel Loading Preferential fuel loading shall be used whenever fuel assemblies with significantly different post-irradiation cooling times (equal to or greater than one year) are to be loaded in the same MPC. That is, fuel assemblies with the longest post-irradiation cooling times shall be loaded into fuel storage locations at the periphery of the basket.
Fuel assemblies with shorter post-irradiation cooling times shall be placed toward the center of the basket.
1.2 Functional and Operating Limits Violations If any Fuel Specifications defined in Section 1.1 are violated, the following actions shall be completed:
The affected fuel assemblies shall be placed in a safe condition without delay and in a controlled manner.
Within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />, notify the NRC Operations Center.
Within 30 days, submit a special report which describes the cause of the violation, and actions taken to restore compliance and prevent recurrence.
The above actions are not a substitute for the reporting requirements ontained in 10 CFR 72.75.
Renewed Certificate of Compliance No. 1008 Appendix B Amendment 2 3
1.3 Codes and Standards The American Society of Mechanical Engineers Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code (ASME Code), 1995 Edition with Addenda through 1997, is the governing Code for the HI-STAR 100 Cask System, as clarified in Specification 1.3.1 below.
1.3.1 Exceptions to Codes, Standards, and Criteria Table1.3-1 lists approved exceptions to the ASME Code for the design of the HI-STAR 100 Cask System.
1.3.2 Construction/Fabrication Exceptions to Codes, Standards, and Criteria Proposed alternatives to the ASME Code,Section III, 1995 Edition with Addenda through 1997 including exceptions allowed by Specification 1.3.1 may be used when authorized by the Director of the Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards or designee. The request for such alternative should demonstrate that:
The proposed alternatives would provide an acceptable level of quality and safety, or 2.
Compliance with the specified requirements of the ASME Code,Section III, 1995 Edition with Addenda through 1997, would result in hardship or unusual difficulty without a compensating increase in the level of quality and safety.
Requests for exceptions shall be submitted in accordance with 10 CFR 72.4 1.4 Site Specific Parameters and Analyses Site-specific parameters and analyses that need verification by the system user are, as a minimum, as follows:
The temperature of 80o F is the maximum allowed average yearly temperature.
The allowed temperature extremes, averaged over a three day period, shall be greater than -40o F and less than 125o F.
The horizontal and vertical seismic acceleration levels are bounded by the values listed below in Table 1-4.
Renewed Certificate of Compliance No. 1008 Appendix B Amendment 2 4
Table 1-4 Design-Basis Earthquake Input on the Top Surface of an ISFSI Pad Horizontal g-Level in Each of Two Orthogonal Directions Horizontal g-Level Vector Sum Corresponding Vertical g-Level (Upward) 0.222 g 0.314 g 1.00 x 0.222 g = 0.222 g 0.235 g 0.332 g 0.75 x 0.235 g = 0.176 g 0.24 g 0.339 g 0.667 x 0.24 g = 0.160 g 0.25 g 0.354 g 0.500 x 0.25 g = 0.125 g 4.
The analyzed flood condition of 13 fps water velocity and a height of 656 feet of water (full submergence of the loaded cask) are not exceeded.
The potential for fire and explosion shall be addressed, based on site-specific considerations. This includes the condition that the on-site transporter fuel tank will contain no more than 50 gallons of combustible transporter fuel.
The cask storage pads shall be verified by analysis to limit cask deceleration during both the design basis drop and the non-mechanistic tipover event to
60 gs at the top of the MPC fuel basket. Analyses shall be performed using methodologies consistent with those described in the HI-STAR FSAR.
In cases where engineered features (i.e., berms, shield walls) are used to ensure that the requirements of 10CFR72.104(a) are met, such features are to be considered important to safety and must be evaluated to determine the applicable Quality Assurance Category.
Renewed Certificate of Compliance No. 1008 Appendix B Amendment 2 5
1.5 Design Specifications 1.5.1 Specifications Important for Criticality Control MPC-24 1.
Minimum flux trap size: 1.09 in.
Minimum 10B loading in the Boral neutron absorbers: 0.0267 g/cm2 MPC-68 and MPC-68F 1.
Minimum fuel cell pitch: 6.43 in.
Minimum 10B loading in the Boral neutron absorbers: 0.0372 g/cm2 in the MPC-68, and 0.01 g/cm2 in the MPC-68F.
1.5.2 Specifications Important for Thermal Performance OVERPACK The paint used on the HI-STAR 100 OVERPACK must have an emissivity no less than 0.85.
Renewed Certificate of Compliance No. 1008 Appendix B Amendment 2 6
Table 1.1-1 (Page 1 of 16)
Fuel Assembly Limits I.
MPC MODEL: MPC-24 A. Allowable Contents
- 1. Uranium oxide, PWR INTACT FUEL ASSEMBLIES, with or without Burnable Poison Rods (BPRAs) or Thimble Plug Devices (TPDs) listed in Table 1.1-2, and meeting the following specifications:
- a. Cladding type:
Zircaloy (Zr) or stainless steel (SS) as specified in Table 1.1-2 for the applicable fuel assembly array/class
- b. Initial enrichment:
As specified in Table 1.1-2 for the applicable fuel assembly array/class.
Decay heat per assembly i.
Zr Clad:
SS Clad An assembly decay heat as specified in Table 1.1-4 for the applicable post-irradiation cooling time.
< 575 watts
- d. Post-irradiation cooling time and average burnup per assembly i.
Zr clad:
SS clad:
An assembly post-irradiation cooling time and average burnup as specified in Table 1.1-5.
BPRA and TPD post-irradiation cooling time and average burnup as specified in Table 1.1.6.
An assembly post-irradiation cooling time > 9 years and an average burnup < 30,000 MWD/MTU.
OR An assembly post-irradiation cooling time > 15 years and an average burnup < 40,000 MWD/MTU.
- e. Nominal fuel assembly length:
< 176.8 inches f.
Nominal fuel assembly width:
< 8.54 inches
- g. Fuel assembly weight:
< 1,680 lbs (including non-fuel hardware)
Renewed Certificate of Compliance No. 1008 Appendix B Amendment 2 7
Table 1.1-1 (Page 2 of 16)
Fuel Assembly Limits I.
MPC MODEL: MPC-24 (continued)
B. Quantity per MPC: Up to 24 PWR fuel assemblies.
C. Fuel assemblies shall not contain control components except as specifically authorized by this certificate of compliance. BPRAs and TPDs are authorized for loading in the HI-STAR 100 System with their associated fuel assemblies provided the burnup and cooling time limits specified in Table 1.1-6 are met.
D. DAMAGED FUEL ASSEMBLIES and FUEL DEBRIS are not authorized for loading into the MPC-24.
Renewed Certificate of Compliance No. 1008 Appendix B Amendment 2 8
Table 1.1-1 (Page 3 of 16)
Fuel Assembly Limits II. MPC MODEL: MPC-68 A. Allowable Contents
- 1. Uranium oxide, BWR INTACT FUEL ASSEMBLIES listed in Table 1.1-3, with or without Zircaloy channels, and meeting the following specifications:
- a. Cladding type:
Zircaloy (Zr) or stainless steel (SS) as specified in Table 1.1-3 for the applicable fuel assembly array/class.
As specified in Table 1.1-3 for the applicable fuel assembly array/class.
Initial maximum rod enrichment:
As specified in Table 1.1-3 for the applicable fuel assembly array/class.
- d. Decay heat per assembly i.
Zr clad ii.
SS clad An assembly decay heat as specified in Table 1.1-4 for the applicable post-irradiation cooling time, except for (1) array/class 6x6A, 6x6C, and 8x8A fuel assemblies, which shall have a decay heat <
115 watts and (2) array/class 8x8F fuel assemblies, which shall have a decay heat < 183.5 watts.
< 95 watts
- e. Post-irradiation cooling time, average burnup per assembly:
Zr clad:
SS clad:
An assembly post-irradiation cooling time and average burnup as specified in Table 1.1-5, except for (1) array/class 6x6A, 6x6C, and 8x8A fuel assemblies, which shall have a cooling time > 18 years, an average burnup < 30,000 MWD/MTU, and (2) array/class 8x8F fuel assemblies, which shall have a cooling time > 10 years, an average burnup < 27,500 MWD/MTU.
An assembly cooling time after discharge > 10 years, an average burnup < 22,500 MWD/MTU.
- e. Nominal fuel assembly length:
< 176.2 inches f.
Nominal fuel assembly width:
< 5.85 inches
- g. Fuel assembly weight
< 700 lbs, including channels
Renewed Certificate of Compliance No. 1008 Appendix B Amendment 2 9
Table 1.1-1 (Page 4 of 16)
Fuel Assembly Limits II. MPC MODEL: MPC-68 (continued)
A. Allowable Contents (continued)
- 2. Uranium oxide, BWR DAMAGED FUEL ASSEMBLIES, with or without Zircaloy channels, placed in DAMAGED FUEL CONTAINERS. BWR DAMAGED FUEL ASSEMBLIES shall meet the criteria specified in Table 1.1-3 for fuel assembly array/class 6x6A, 6x6C, 7x7A, or 8x8A, and meet the following specifications:
- a. Cladding type:
Zircaloy (Zr)
As specified in Table 1.1-3 for the applicable fuel assembly array/class.
Initial maximum rod enrichment:
As specified in Table 1.1-3 for the applicable fuel assembly array/class.
- d. Decay heat per assembly
< 115 watts
- e. Post-irradiation cooling time and average burnup per assembly:
An assembly post-irradiation cooling time > 18 years and an average burnup < 30,000 MWD/MTU.
Nominal fuel assembly length:
< 135.0 inches
- g. Nominal fuel assembly width:
< 4.70 inches
- h. Fuel assembly weight
< 400 lbs, including channels
Renewed Certificate of Compliance No. 1008 Appendix B Amendment 2 10 Table 1.1-1 (Page 5 of 16)
Fuel Assembly Limits II. MPC MODEL: MPC-68 (continued)
A. Allowable Contents (continued)
MOX BWR INTACT FUEL ASSEMBLIES shall meet the criteria specified in Table 1.1-3 for fuel assembly array/class 6x6B, and meet the following specifications:
- a. Cladding type:
Zircaloy (Zr)
As specified in Table 1.1-3 for fuel assembly array/class 6x6B.
Initial maximum rod enrichment:
As specified in Table 1.1-3 for fuel assembly array/class 6x6B.
- d. Decay heat per assembly
< 115 watts
- e. Post-irradiation cooling time and average burnup per assembly:
An assembly post-irradiation cooling time > 18 years and an average burnup < 30,000 MWD/MTIHM.
Nominal fuel assembly length:
< 135.0 inches
- g. Nominal fuel assembly width:
< 4.70 inches
- h. Fuel assembly weight
< 400 lbs, including channels
Renewed Certificate of Compliance No. 1008 Appendix B Amendment 2 11 Table 1.1-1 (Page 6 of 16)
Fuel Assembly Limits II. MPC MODEL: MPC-68 (continued)
A. Allowable Contents (continued)
- 4. Mixed oxide (MOX), BWR DAMAGED FUEL ASSEMBLIES, with or without Zircaloy channels, placed in DAMAGED FUEL CONTAINERS. MOX BWR DAMAGED FUEL ASSEMBLIES shall meet the criteria specified in Table 1.1-3 for fuel assembly array/class 6x6B, and meet the following specifications:
- a. Cladding type:
Zircaloy (Zr)
As specified in Table 1.1-3 for array/class 6x6B.
Initial maximum rod enrichment:
As specified in Table 1.1-3 for array/class 6x6B.
- d. Decay heat per assembly
< 115 watts
- e. Post-irradiation cooling time and average burnup per assembly:
An assembly post-irradiation cooling time > 18 years and an average burnup < 30,000 MWD/MTIHM.
Nominal fuel assembly length:
< 135.0 inches
- g. Nominal fuel assembly width:
< 4.70 inches
- h. Fuel assembly weight
< 400 lbs, including channels
Renewed Certificate of Compliance No. 1008 Appendix B Amendment 2 12 Table 1.1-1 (Page 7 of 16)
Fuel Assembly Limits II. MPC MODEL: MPC-68 (continued)
A. Allowable Contents (continued)
- 5. Thoria rods (ThO2 and UO2) placed in Dresden Unit 1 Thoria Rod Canisters (as shown in Figure 2.1.2A of the SAR) and meeting the following specifications:
- a. Cladding type:
Zircaloy (Zr)
- b. Composition:
98.2 wt.% ThO2, 1.8 wt. % UO2 with an enrichment of 93.5 wt. % 235U.
Number of rods per Thoria Rod Canister:
< 18
- d. Decay heat per Thoria Rod Canister:
< 115 Watts
- e. Post-irradiation fuel cooling time and average burnup per Thoria Rod Canister:
A fuel post-irradiation cooling time
> 18 years and an average burnup
< 16,000 MWD/MTIHM.
Initial heavy metal weight:
< 27 kg/canister
- g. Nominal fuel cladding O.D.:
> 0.412 inches
- h. Nominal fuel cladding I.D.:
< 0.362 inches i.
Nominal fuel pellet O.D.:
< 0.358 inches j.
Nominal active fuel length:
< 111 inches k.
Canister weight:
< 550 lbs, including fuel
Renewed Certificate of Compliance No. 1008 Appendix B Amendment 2 13 Table 1.1-1 (Page 8 of 16)
Fuel Assembly Limits II. MPC MODEL: MPC-68 (continued)
B. Quantity per MPC: Up to one (1) Dresden Unit 1 Thoria Rod Canister plus any combination of DAMAGED FUEL ASSEMBLIES in DAMAGED FUEL CONTAINERS and INTACT FUEL ASSEMBLIES, up to a total of 68.
C. Fuel assemblies with stainless steel channels are not authorized for loading in the MPC-68.
D. Dresden Unit 1 fuel assemblies (fuel assembly array/class 6x6A, 6x6B, 6x6C, or 8x8A) with one Antimony-Beryllium neutron source are authorized for loading in the MPC-68. The Antimony-Beryllium source material shall be in a water rod location.
Renewed Certificate of Compliance No. 1008 Appendix B Amendment 2 14 Table 1.1-1 (Page 9 of 16)
Fuel Assembly Limits III. MPC MODEL: MPC-68F A. Allowable Contents
BWR INTACT FUEL ASSEMBLIES shall meet the criteria specified in Table 1.1-3 for fuel assembly array/class 6x6A, 6x6C, 7x7A, or 8x8A and meet the following specifications:
- a. Cladding type:
Zircaloy (Zr)
As specified in Table 1.1-3 for the applicable fuel assembly array/class.
Initial maximum rod enrichment:
As specified in Table 1.1-3 for the applicable fuel assembly array/class.
- d. Decay heat per assembly
< 115 watts
- e. Post-irradiation cooling time and average burnup per assembly:
An assembly post-irradiation cooling time > 18 years and an average burnup < 30,000 MWD/MTU.
Nominal fuel assembly length:
< 176.2 inches
- g. Nominal fuel assembly width:
< 5.85 inches
- h. Fuel assembly weight
< 700 lbs, including channels
Renewed Certificate of Compliance No. 1008 Appendix B Amendment 2 15 Table 1.1-1 (Page 10 of 16)
Fuel Assembly Limits III. MPC MODEL: MPC-68F (continued)
A. Allowable Contents (continued)
- 2. Uranium oxide, BWR DAMAGED FUEL ASSEMBLIES, with or without Zircaloy channels, placed in DAMAGED FUEL CONTAINERS. BWR DAMAGED FUEL ASSEMBLIES shall meet the criteria specified in Table 1.1-3 for fuel assembly array/class 6x6A, 6x6C, 7x7A, or 8x8A, and meet the following specifications:
- a. Cladding type:
Zircaloy (Zr)
As specified in Table 1.1-3 for the applicable fuel assembly array/class.
Initial maximum rod enrichment:
As specified in Table 1.1-3 for the applicable fuel assembly array/class.
- d. Decay heat per assembly
< 115 watts
- e. Post-irradiation cooling time and average burnup per assembly:
A post-irradiation cooling time after discharge
> 18 years and an average burnup < 30,000 MWD/MTU.
Nominal fuel assembly length:
< 135.0 inches
- g. Nominal fuel assembly width:
< 4.70 inches
- h. Fuel assembly weight
< 400 lbs, including channels
Renewed Certificate of Compliance No. 1008 Appendix B Amendment 2 16 Table 1.1-1 (Page 11 of 16)
Fuel Assembly Limits III. MPC MODEL: MPC-68F (continued)
A. Allowable Contents (continued)
- 3. Uranium oxide, BWR FUEL DEBRIS, with or without Zircaloy channels, placed in DAMAGED FUEL CONTAINERS. The original fuel assemblies for the uranium oxide BWR FUEL DEBRIS shall meet the criteria specified in Table 1.1-3 for fuel assembly array/class 6x6A, 6x6C, 7x7A, or 8x8A, and meet the following specifications:
- a. Cladding type:
Zircaloy (Zr)
As specified in Table 1.1-3 for the applicable original fuel assembly array/class.
Initial maximum rod enrichment:
As specified in Table 1.1-3 for the applicable original fuel assembly array/class.
- d. Decay heat per DFC:
< 115 watts
- e. Post-irradiation cooling time and average burnup per assembly:
A post-irradiation cooling time after discharge
> 18 years and an average burnup < 30,000 MWD/MTU for the original fuel assembly.
Nominal original fuel assembly length:
< 135.0 inches
- g. Nominal original fuel assembly width:
< 4.70 inches
- h. Fuel debris weight
< 400 lbs, including channels
Renewed Certificate of Compliance No. 1008 Appendix B Amendment 2 17 Table 1.1-1 (Page 12 of 16)
Fuel Assembly Limits III. MPC MODEL: MPC-68F (continued)
A. Allowable Contents (continued)
MOX BWR INTACT FUEL ASSEMBLIES shall meet the criteria specified in Table 1.1-3 for fuel assembly array/class 6x6B, and meet the following specifications:
- a. Cladding type:
Zircaloy (Zr)
As specified in Table 1.1-3 for fuel assembly array/class 6x6B.
Initial maximum rod enrichment:
As specified in Table 1.1-3 for fuel assembly array/class 6x6B.
- d. Decay heat per assembly
< 115 watts
- e. Post-irradiation cooling time and average burnup per assembly:
An assembly post-irradiation cooling time after discharge > 18 years and an average burnup <
30,000 MWD/MTIHM.
Nominal fuel assembly length:
< 135.0 inches
- g. Nominal fuel assembly width:
< 4.70 inches
- h. Fuel assembly weight
< 400 lbs, including channels
Renewed Certificate of Compliance No. 1008 Appendix B Amendment 2 18 Table 1.1-1 (Page 13 of 16)
Fuel Assembly Limits III. MPC MODEL: MPC-68F (continued)
A. Allowable Contents (continued)
- 5. Mixed oxide (MOX), BWR DAMAGED FUEL ASSEMBLIES, with or without Zircaloy channels, placed in DAMAGED FUEL CONTAINERS. MOX BWR INTACT FUEL ASSEMBLIES shall meet the criteria specified in Table 1.1-3 for fuel assembly array/class 6x6B, and meet the following specifications:
- a. Cladding type:
Zircaloy (Zr)
As specified in Table 1.1-3 for array/class 6x6B.
Initial maximum rod enrichment:
As specified in Table 1.1-3 for array/class 6x6B.
- d. Decay heat per assembly
< 115 watts
- e. Post-irradiation cooling time and average burnup per assembly:
A post-irradiation cooling time after discharge
> 18 years and an average burnup < 30,000 MWD/MTIHM.
Nominal fuel assembly length:
< 135.0 inches
- g. Nominal fuel assembly width:
< 4.70 inches
- h. Fuel assembly weight
< 400 lbs, including channels
Renewed Certificate of Compliance No. 1008 Appendix B Amendment 2 19 Table 1.1-1 (Page 14 of 16)
Fuel Assembly Limits III. MPC MODEL: MPC-68F (continued)
A. Allowable Contents (continued)
- 6. Mixed oxide (MOX), BWR FUEL DEBRIS, with or without Zircaloy channels, placed in DAMAGED FUEL CONTAINERS. The original fuel assemblies for the MOX BWR FUEL DEBRIS shall meet the criteria specified in Table 1.1-3 for fuel assembly array/class 6x6B, and meet the following specifications:
- a. Cladding type:
Zircaloy (Zr)
As specified in Table 1.1-3 for original fuel assembly array/class 6x6B.
Initial maximum rod enrichment:
As specified in Table 1.1-3 for original fuel assembly array/class 6x6B.
- d. Decay heat per DFC
< 115 watts
- e. Post-irradiation cooling time and average burnup per assembly:
A post-irradiation cooling time after discharge
> 18 years and an average burnup < 30,000 MWD/MTIHM for the original fuel assembly.
Nominal original fuel assembly length:
< 135.0 inches
- g. Nominal original fuel assembly width:
< 4.70 inches
- h. Fuel debris weight
< 400 lbs, including channels
Renewed Certificate of Compliance No. 1008 Appendix B Amendment 2 20 Table 1.1-1 (Page 15 of 16)
Fuel Assembly Limits III. MPC MODEL: MPC-68F (continued)
A. Allowable Contents (continued)
- 5. Thoria rods (ThO2 and UO2) placed in Dresden Unit 1 Thoria Rod Canisters (as shown in Figure 2.1.2A of the SAR) and meeting the following specifications:
- a. Cladding type:
Zircaloy (Zr)
- b. Composition:
98.2 wt.% ThO2, 1.8 wt. % UO2 with an enrichment of 93.5 wt. % 235U.
Number of rods per Thoria Rod Canister:
< 18
- d. Decay heat per Thoria Rod Canister:
< 115 Watts
- e. Post-irradiation fuel cooling time and average burnup per Thoria Rod Canister:
A fuel post-irradiation cooling time
> 18 years and an average burnup
< 16,000 MWD/MTIHM.
Initial heavy metal weight:
< 27 kg/canister
- g. Nominal fuel cladding O.D.:
> 0.412 inches
- h. Nominal fuel cladding I.D.:
< 0.362 inches i.
Nominal fuel pellet O.D.:
< 0.358 inches j.
Nominal active fuel length:
< 111 inches k.
Canister weight:
< 550 lbs, including fuel
Renewed Certificate of Compliance No. 1008 Appendix B Amendment 2 21 Table 1.1-1 (Page 16 of 16)
Fuel Assembly Limits III. MPC MODEL: MPC-68F (continued)
B. Quantity per MPC:
Up to four (4) DFCs containing uranium oxide or MOX BWR FUEL DEBRIS. The remaining MPC-68F fuel storage locations may be filled with array/class 6x6A, 6x6B, 6x6C, 7x7A, and 8x8A fuel assemblies of the following type, as applicable:
- 5. Up to one (1) Dresden Unit 1 Thoria Rod Canister.
C. Fuel assemblies with stainless steel channels are not authorized for loading in the MPC-68F.
D. Dresden Unit 1 fuel assemblies (fuel assembly array/class 6x6A, 6x6B, 6x6C or 8x8A) with one Antimony-Beryllium neutron source are authorized for loading in the MPC-68F. The antimony-Beryllium neutron source material shall be in a water rod location.
Renewed Certificate of Compliance No. 1008 Appendix B Amendment 2 22 Table 1.1-2 (Page 1 of 4)
Fuel Assembly Array/Class 14x14A 14x14B 14x14C 14x14D 15x15A Clad Material (Note 2)
Zr Zr Zr SS Zr Design Initial U (kg/assy.) (Note 3)
< 407
< 407
< 425
< 400
< 464 Initial Enrichment (wt % 235U)
< 4.6
< 4.6
< 4.6
< 4.0
< 4.1 No. of Fuel Rods (Note 5) 179 179 176 180 204 Clad O.D. (in.)
> 0.400
> 0.417
> 0.440
> 0.422
> 0.418 Clad I.D. (in.)
< 0.3514
< 0.3734
< 0.3880
< 0.3890
< 0.3660 Pellet Dia. (in.)
< 0.3444
< 0.3659
< 0.3805
< 0.3835
< 0.3580 Fuel Rod Pitch (in.)
< 0.556
< 0.556
< 0.580
< 0.556
< 0.550 Active Fuel Length (in.)
< 150
< 150
< 150
< 144
< 150 No. of Guide Tubes 17 17 5 (Note 4) 16 21 Guide Tube Thickness (in.)
> 0.017
> 0.017
> 0.038
> 0.0145
> 0.0165
Renewed Certificate of Compliance No. 1008 Appendix B Amendment 2 23 Table 1.1-2 (Page 2 of 4)
Fuel Assembly Array/Class 15x15B 15x15C 15x15D 15x15E 15x15F Clad Material (Note 2)
Zr Zr Zr Zr Zr Design Initial U (kg/assy.) (Note 3)
< 464
< 464
< 475
< 475
< 475 Initial Enrichment (wt % 235U)
< 4.1
< 4.1
< 4.1
< 4.1
< 4.1 No. of Fuel Rods (Note 5) 204 204 208 208 208 Clad O.D. (in.)
> 0.420
> 0.417
> 0.430
> 0.428
> 0.428 Clad I.D. (in.)
< 0.3736
< 0.3640
< 0.3800
< 0.3790
< 0.3820 Pellet Dia. (in.)
< 0.3671
< 0.3570
< 0.3735
< 0.3707
< 0.3742 Fuel Rod Pitch (in.)
< 0.563
< 0.563
< 0.568
< 0.568
< 0.568 Active Fuel Length (in.)
< 150
< 150
< 150
< 150
< 150 No. of Guide Tubes 21 21 17 17 17 Guide Tube Thickness (in.)
> 0.015
> 0.0165
> 0.0150
> 0.0140
> 0.0140
Renewed Certificate of Compliance No. 1008 Appendix B Amendment 2 24 Table 1.1-2 (Page 3 of 4)
Fuel Assembly Array/ Class 15x15G 15x15H 16x16A 17x17A 17x17B 17x17C Clad Material (Note 2)
SS Zr Zr Zr Zr Zr Design Initial U (kg/assy.) (Note 3)
< 420
< 475
< 443
< 467
< 467
< 474 Initial Enrichment (wt % 235U)
< 4.0
< 3.8
< 4.6
< 4.0
< 4.0
< 4.0 No. of Fuel Rods (Note 5) 204 208 236 264 264 264 Clad O.D. (in.)
> 0.422
> 0.414
> 0.382
> 0.360
> 0.372
> 0.377 Clad I.D. (in.)
< 0.3890
< 0.3700
< 0.3320
< 0.3150
< 0.3310
< 0.3330 Pellet Dia. (in.)
< 0.3825
< 0.3622
< 0.3255
< 0.3088
< 0.3232
< 0.3252 Fuel Rod Pitch (in.)
< 0.563
< 0.568
< 0.506
< 0.496
< 0.496
< 0.502 Active Fuel Length (in.)
< 144
< 150
< 150
< 150
< 150
< 150 No. of Guide Tubes 21 17 5 (Note 4) 25 25 25 Guide Tube Thickness (in.)
> 0.0145
> 0.0140
> 0.0400
> 0.016
> 0.014
> 0.020
Renewed Certificate of Compliance No. 1008 Appendix B Amendment 2 25 Table 1.1-2 (Page 4 of 4)
- 1. All dimensions are design nominal values. Maximum and minimum dimensions are specified to bound variations in design nominal values among fuel assemblies within a given array/class.
- 3. Design initial uranium weight is the uranium weight specified for each assembly by the fuel manufacturer or reactor user. For each PWR fuel assembly, the total uranium weight limit specified in this table may be increased up to 2.0 percent for comparison with users fuel records to account for manufacturer tolerances.
- 4. Each guide tube replaces four fuel rods.
- 5. Missing fuel rods must be replaced with dummy fuel rods that displace an equal or greater amount of water as the original fuel rods.
Renewed Certificate of Compliance No. 1008 Appendix B Amendment 2 26 Table 1.1-3 (Page 1 of 5)
Fuel Assembly Array/Class 6x6A 6x6B 6x6C 7x7A 7x7B 8x8A Clad Material (Note 2)
Zr Zr Zr Zr Zr Zr Design Initial U (kg/assy.) (Note 3)
< 110
< 110
< 110
< 100
< 195
< 2.7
< 2.7 for the UO2 rods.
See Note 4 for MOX rods
< 2.7
< 2.7
< 4.2
< 2.7 Initial Maximum Rod Enrichment (wt.% 235U)
< 4.0
< 4.0
< 4.0
< 5.5
< 5.0
< 4.0 No. of Fuel Rods (Note 14) 35 or 36 35 or 36 (up to 9 MOX rods) 36 49 49 63 or 64 Clad O.D. (in.)
> 0.5550
> 0.5625
> 0.5630
> 0.4860
> 0.5630
> 0.4120 Clad I.D. (in.)
< 0.5105
< 0.4945
< 0.4990
< 0.4204
< 0.4990
< 0.3620 Pellet Dia. (in.)
< 0.4980
< 0.4820
< 0.4880
< 0.4110
< 0.4910
< 0.3580 Fuel Rod Pitch (in.)
< 0.710
< 0.710
< 0.740
< 0.631
< 0.738
< 0.523 Active Fuel Length (in.)
< 120
< 120
< 77.5
< 80
< 150
< 120 No. of Water Rods (Note 11) 1 or 0 1 or 0 0
0 0
1 or 0 Water Rod Thickness (in.)
> 0
> 0 N/A N/A N/A
> 0 Channel Thickness (in.)
< 0.060
< 0.060
< 0.060
< 0.060
< 0.120
< 0.100
Renewed Certificate of Compliance No. 1008 Appendix B Amendment 2 27 Table 1.1-3 (Page 2 of 5)
Fuel Assembly Array/Class 8x8B 8x8C 8x8D 8x8E 8x8F 9x9A 9x9B Clad Material (Note 2)
Zr Zr Zr Zr Zr Zr Zr Design Initial U (kg/assy.) (Note 3)
< 185
< 185
< 185
< 185
< 185
< 177
< 4.2
< 4.2
< 4.2
< 4.2
< 3.6
< 4.2
< 4.2 Initial Maximum Rod Enrichment (wt.% 235U)
< 5.0
< 5.0
< 5.0
< 5.0
< 5.0
< 5.0
< 5.0 No. of Fuel Rods (Note 14) 63 or 64 62 60 or 61 59 64 74/66 (Note 5) 72 Clad O.D. (in.)
> 0.4840
> 0.4830
> 0.4830
> 0.4930
> 0.4576
> 0.4400
> 0.4330 Clad I.D. (in.)
< 0.4295
< 0.4250 0.4230
< 0.4250
< 0.3996
< 0.3840
< 0.3810 Pellet Dia. (in.)
< 0.4195
< 0.4160
< 0.4140
< 0.4160
< 0.3913
< 0.3760
< 0.3740 Fuel Rod Pitch (in.)
< 0.642
< 0.641
< 0.640
< 0.640
< 0.609
< 0.566
< 0.572 Design Active Fuel Length (in.)
< 150
< 150
< 150
< 150
< 150
< 150
< 150 No. of Water Rods (Note 11) 1 or 0 2
1 - 4 (Note 7) 5 N/A (Note 12) 2 1
(Note 6)
Water Rod Thickness (in.)
> 0.034
> 0.00
> 0.00
> 0.034
> 0.0315
> 0.00
> 0.00 Channel Thickness (in.)
< 0.120
< 0.120
< 0.120
< 0.100
< 0.055
< 0.120
< 0.120
Renewed Certificate of Compliance No. 1008 Appendix B Amendment 2 28 Table 1.1-3 (Page 3 of 5)
Fuel Assembly Array/Class 9x9C 9x9D 9x9E (Note 13) 9x9F (Note 13) 10x10A Clad Material (Note 2)
Zr Zr Zr Zr Zr Design Initial U (kg/assy.) (Note 3)
< 177
< 177
< 177
< 177
< 4.2
< 4.2
< 4.1
< 4.1
< 4.2 Initial Maximum Rod Enrichment (wt.% 235U)
< 5.0
< 5.0
< 5.0
< 5.0
< 5.0 No. of Fuel Rods (Note 14) 80 79 76 76 92/78 (Note 8)
Clad O.D. (in.)
> 0.4230
> 0.4240
> 0.4170
> 0.4430
> 0.4040 Clad I.D. (in.)
< 0.3640
< 0.3640
< 0.3640
< 0.3860
< 0.3520 Pellet Dia. (in.)
< 0.3565
< 0.3565
< 0.3530
< 0.3745
< 0.3455 Fuel Rod Pitch (in.)
< 0.572
< 0.572
< 0.572
< 0.572
< 0.510 Design Active Fuel Length (in.)
< 150
< 150
< 150
< 150
< 150 No. of Water Rods (Note 11) 1 2
5 5
2 Water Rod Thickness (in.)
> 0.020
> 0.0300
> 0.0120
> 0.0120
> 0.0300 Channel Thickness (in.)
< 0.100
< 0.100
< 0.120
< 0.120
< 0.120
Renewed Certificate of Compliance No. 1008 Appendix B Amendment 2 29 Table 1.1-3 (Page 4 of 5)
Fuel Assembly Array/Class 10x10B 10x10C 10x10D 10x10E Clad Material (Note 2)
Zr Zr SS SS Design Initial U (kg/assy.) (Note 3)
< 186
< 186
< 125
< 4.2
< 4.2
< 4.0
< 4.0 Initial Maximum Rod Enrichment (wt.% 235U)
< 5.0
< 5.0
< 5.0
< 5 No. of Fuel Rods (Note 14) 91/83 (Note 9) 96 100 96 Clad O.D. (in.)
> 0.3957
> 0.3780
> 0.3960
> 0.3940 Clad I.D. (in.)
< 0.3480
< 0.3294
< 0.3560
< 0.3500 Pellet Dia. (in.)
< 0.3420
< 0.3224
< 0.3500
< 0.3430 Fuel Rod Pitch (in.)
< 0.510
< 0.488
< 0.565
< 0.557 Design Active Fuel Length (in.)
< 150
< 150
< 83
< 83 No. of Water Rods (Note 11) 1 (Note 6) 5 (Note 10) 0 4
Water Rod Thickness (in.)
> 0.00
> 0.031 N/A
> 0.022 Channel Thickness (in.)
< 0.120
< 0.055
< 0.080
< 0.080
Renewed Certificate of Compliance No. 1008 Appendix B Amendment 2 30 Table 1.1-3 (Page 5 of 5)
All dimensions are design nominal values.
Maximum and minimum dimensions are specified to bound variations in design nominal values among fuel assemblies within a given array/class.
Zr designates cladding material made from Zirconium or Zirconium alloys.
Design initial uranium weight is the uranium weight specified for each assembly by the fuel manufacturer or reactor user. For each BWR fuel assembly, the total uranium weight limit specified in this table may be increased up to 1.5% for comparison with users fuel records to account for manufacturers tolerances.
< 0.635 wt. % 235U and < 1.578 wt. % total fissile plutonium (239Pu and 241Pu), (wt. % of total fuel weight, i.e., UO2 plus PuO2).
This assembly class contains 74 total fuel rods; 66 full length rods and 8 partial length rods.
Square, replacing nine fuel rods.
Variable 8.
This assembly class contains 92 total fuel rods; 78 full length rods and 14 partial length rods.
This assembly class contains 91 total fuel rods, 83 full length rods and 8 partial length rods.
One diamond-shaped water rod replacing the four center fuel rods and four rectangular water rods dividing the assembly into four quadrants.
These rods may be sealed at both ends and contain Zr material in lieu of water.
This assembly is known as QUAD+ and has four rectangular water cross segments dividing the assembly into four quadrants.
For the SPC 9x9-5 fuel assembly, each fuel rod must meet either the 9x9E or 9x9F set of limits for clad O.D., clad I.D., and pellet diameter.
Missing fuel rods must be replaced with dummy fuel rods that displace an equal or greater amount of water as the original fuel rods. Storage of 6x6A, 6x6B, 6x6C, 7x7A, and 8x8A fuel assemblies with missing fuel rods are permitted provided the assemblies are stored as DAMAGED FUEL ASSEMBLIES or FUEL DEBRIS.
Renewed Certificate of Compliance No. 1008 Appendix B Amendment 2 31 Table 1.1-4 FUEL ASSEMBLY COOLING AND DECAY HEAT GENERATION (Note 1)
Post-Irradiation Cooling Time (years)
MPC-24 PWR Assembly With or Without BPRAs or TPDs Decay Heat (Watts)
MPC-68 BWR Assembly Decay Heat (Watts)
226 Note:
- 1. Linear interpolation between points permitted.
Renewed Certificate of Compliance No. 1008 Appendix B Amendment 2 32 Table 1.1-5 FUEL ASSEMBLY COOLING AND AVERAGE BURNUP (Note 1)
Post-Irradiation Cooling Time (years)
MPC-24 PWR Assembly Burnup (Without BPRAs and With or Without TPDs)
MPC-24 PWR Assembly Burnup (With BPRAs)
MPC-68 BWR Assembly Burnup (MWD/MTU)
37,600 Note:
- 1. Linear interpolation between points permitted.
Renewed Certificate of Compliance No. 1008 Appendix B Amendment 2 33 Table 1.1-6 NON-FUEL HARDWARE COOLING AND AVERAGE BURNUP (Note 1)
Post-Irradiation Cooling Time (years)
MPC-24 BPRA Burnup (MWD/MTU)
MPC-24 TPD Burnup (MWD/MTU)
20,000 NC (Note 2)
4 NC
30,000 NC
7 NC
50,000 NC
10 NC
11 NC NC
12 NC
13 NC
14 NC
630,000 Notes:
- 1. Linear interpolation between points is permitted, except that TPD burnups >180,000 MWD/MTU and 630,000 MWD/MTU must be cooled 14 years.
- 2. Not Calculated
Table 1.3-1 (Page 1 of 5)
LIST OF ASME CODE EXCEPTIONS FOR THE HI-STAR 100 CASK SYSTEM Renewed Certificate of Compliance No. 1008 Appendix B Amendment 2 34 Component Reference ASME Code Section/Article Code Requirement Exception, Justification & Compensatory Measures MPC NB-1100 Statement of requirements for Code stamping of components.
MPC enclosure vessel is designed and will be fabricated in accordance with ASME Code,Section III, Subsection NB to the maximum practical extent, but Code stamping is not required.
MPC NB-2000 Requires materials to be supplied by ASME-approved material supplier.
Materials will be supplied by Holtec-approved suppliers with Certified Material Test Reports (CMTRs) in accordance with NB-2000 requirements.
MPC Lid and Closure Ring Welds NB-4243 Full penetration welds required for Category C Joints (flat head to main shell per NB-3352.3).
MPC lid and closure ring are not full penetration welds.
They are welded independently to provide a redundant seal. Additionally, a weld efficiency factor of 0.45 has been applied to the analyses of these welds.
MPC Lid to Shell Weld NB-5230 Radiographic (RT) or ultrasonic (UT) examination required Only UT or multi-layer liquid penetrant (PT) examination is permitted. If PT alone is used, at a minimum, it will include the root and final weld layers and each approximately 3/8 inch of weld depth.
MPC Closure Ring, Vent and Drain Cover Plate Welds NB-5230 Radiographic (RT) or ultrasonic (UT) examination required Root (if more than one weld pass is required) and final liquid penetrant examination to be performed in accordance with NB-5245. The MPC vent and drain cover plate welds are leak tested. The closure ring provides independent redundant closure for vent and drain cover plates.
Table 1.3-1 (Page 2 of 5)
LIST OF ASME CODE EXCEPTIONS FOR THE HI-STAR 100 CASK SYSTEM Component Reference ASME Code Section/Article Code Requirement Exception, Justification & Compensatory Measures Renewed Certificate of Compliance No. 1008 Appendix B Amendment 2 35 MPC Enclosure Vessel and Lid NB-6111 All completed pressure retaining systems shall be pressure tested.
The MPC enclosure vessel is seal welded in the field following fuel assembly loading. The MPC enclosure vessel shall then be hydrostatically tested as defined in Chapter 9. Accessibility for leakage inspections preclude a Code compliant hydrostatic test. All MPC enclosure vessel welds (except the closure ring and vent/drain cover plate) are inspected by volumetric examination, except the MPC lid-to-shell weld shall be verified by volumetric or multi-layer PT examination. If PT alone is used, at a minimum, it must include the root and final layers and each approximately 3/8 inch of weld depth. For either UT or PT, the maximum undetectable flaw size must be demonstrated to be less than the critical flaw size. The critical flaw size must be determined in accordance with ASME Section XI methods. The critical flaw size shall not cause the primary stress limits of NB-3000 to be exceeded.
The vent/drain cover plate weld is confirmed by liquid penetrant examination and the closure ring weld is confirmed by liquid penetrant examination. The inspection process, including findings, (indications) shall be made a permanent part of the certificate holders records by video, photographic, or other means which provide an equivalent retrievable record of weld integrity. The video or photographic records should be taken during the final interpretation period described in ASME Section V, Article 6, T-676. The inspection of the weld must be performed by qualified personnel and shall meet the acceptance requirements of ASME Code Section III, NB-5350 for PT or NB-5332 for UT.
Table 1.3-1 (Page 3 of 5)
LIST OF ASME CODE EXCEPTIONS FOR THE HI-STAR 100 CASK SYSTEM Component Reference ASME Code Section/Article Code Requirement Exception, Justification & Compensatory Measures Renewed Certificate of Compliance No. 1008 Appendix B Amendment 2 36 MPC Enclosure Vessel NB-7000 Vessels are required to have overpressure protection No overpressure protection is provided. The function of the MPC enclosure vessel is to contain the radioactive contents under normal, off-normal, and accident conditions. The MPC vessel is designed to withstand maximum internal pressure considering 100% fuel rod failure and maximum accident temperatures.
MPC Enclosure Vessel NB-8000 States requirements for nameplates, stamping and reports per NCA-8000.
The HI-STAR 100 Cask System is to be marked and identified in accordance with 10CFR71 and 10CFR72 requirements. Code stamping is not required. QA data package to be in accordance with Holtec approved QA program.
Overpack Helium Retention Boundary NB-1100 Statement of requirements for Code stamping of components Overpack helium retention boundary is designed, and will be fabricated in accordance with ASME Code,Section III, Subsection NB to the maximum practical extent, but Code stamping is not required.
Overpack Helium Retention Boundary NB-2000 Requires materials to be supplied by ASME approved Material Supplier Material will be supplied by Holtec approved suppliers with CMTRs per NB-2000.
Overpack Helium Retention Boundary NB-7000 Vessels are required to have overpressure protection No overpressure protection is provided. Function of overpack vessel is to contain helium contents under normal, off-normal, and accident conditions. Overpack vessel is designed to withstand maximum internal pressure and maximum accident temperatures.
Table 1.3-1 (Page 4 of 5)
LIST OF ASME CODE EXCEPTIONS FOR THE HI-STAR 100 CASK SYSTEM Component Reference ASME Code Section/Article Code Requirement Exception, Justification & Compensatory Measures Renewed Certificate of Compliance No. 1008 Appendix B Amendment 2 37 Overpack Helium Retention Boundary NB-8000 Statement of requirements for nameplates, stamping and reports per NCA-8000 The HI-STAR 100 Cask System is to be marked and identified in accordance with 10CFR71 and 10CFR72 requirements. Code stamping is not required. QA data package to be in accordance with Holtec approved QA program.
MPC Basket Assembly NG-2000 Requires materials to be supplied by ASME-approved material supplier.
Materials will be supplied by Holtec-approved supplier with CMTRs per NG-2000 requirements.
MPC Basket Assembly NG-8000 States requirements for nameplates, stamping and reports per NCA-8000.
The HI-STAR 100 Cask System will be marked and identified in accordance with 10CFR71 and 10CFR72 requirements. No code stamping is required. The MPC basket data package will be in conformance with Holtecs QA program.
Overpack Intermediate Shells NF-4622 All welds, including repair welds, shall be post-weld heat treated (PWHT).
Intermediate shell-to-top flange welds and intermediate shell-to-bottom plate welds do not require PWHT. These welds attach non-pressure retaining parts to pressure retaining parts. The pressure retaining parts are >7 inches thick. Localized PWHT will cause material away from the weld to experience elevated temperatures which will have an adverse effect on the material properties.
Table 1.3-1 (Page 5 of 5)
LIST OF ASME CODE EXCEPTIONS FOR THE HI-STAR 100 CASK SYSTEM Component Reference ASME Code Section/Article Code Requirement Exception, Justification & Compensatory Measures Renewed Certificate of Compliance No. 1008 Appendix B Amendment 2 38 Overpack Helium Retention Boundary NG-2000 Perform radiographic examination after post-weld heat treatment (PWHT)
Radiography of helium retention boundary welds after PWHT is not required. All welds (including repairs) will have passed radiographic examination prior to PWHT of the entire containment boundary. Confirmatory radiographic examination after PWHT is not necessary because PWHT is not known to introduce new weld defects in nickel steels.
Overpack Intermediate Shells NF-2000 Requires materials to be supplied by ASME approved Material Supplier Materials will be supplied by Holtec-approved supplier with CMTRs in accordance with NF-2000 requirements.
Overpack Helium Retention Boundary NB-2330 Defines the methods for determining the TNDT for impact testing of materials TNDT shall be defined in accordance with Regulatory Guides 7.11 and 7.12 for the helium retention boundary components.