3F0618-02, Site Specific Decommissioning Cost Estimate

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Site Specific Decommissioning Cost Estimate
Person / Time
Site: Crystal River  Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 06/27/2018
From: Hobbs T
Duke Energy Florida
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML18178A181 (105)


Crystal River Nuclear Plant

(_~ DUKE 15760 W. Power Line Street

\; ENERGY Crystal River, FL 34428 Docket 72-1035 Docket 50-302 Operating License No. DPR-72 Ref: 10 CFR 50.9 June 27, 2018 3F0618-02 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attn: Document Control Desk Washington, DC 20555-0001


Crystal River Unit 3 - Site Specific Decommissioning Cost Estimate


CR-3 to NRC, Dated December 2, 2013, "Post-Shutdown Decommissioning Activities Report," (ADAMS Accession No. ML13340A009

Dear Sir:

The purpose of this letter is to provide an information copy of the updated site specific Decommissioning Cost Estimate (DCE) for the Crystal River Unit 3 Nuclear Generating Plant performed for Duke Energy Florida, LLC (DEF). The analysis relies upon site-specific, technical information from an earlier evaluation prepared in 2013 (Reference), updated to reflect current plant conditions, assumptions pertaining to the disposition of the nuclear unit and relevant industry experience in undertaking such projects. This update was performed at the request of Duke Energy management to verify sufficient funds remain to continue to demonstrate financial assurance and was not performed to satisfy any NRC regulation. The cash flows in this updated DCE will be used by DEF as the basis for demonstrating funding status in the future Annual Decommissioning and Irradiated Fuel Management Financial Status Report, submitted pursuant to 10 CFR 50. 75 (f)( 1) and 10 CFR 50.82(a)(8)(v) - (vii).

No new regulatory commitments are made in this letter.

If you have any questions regarding this submittal, please contact Mr. Phil Rose, Nuclear Regulatory Affairs, at (352) 501-3172.

~bs /~ )NW General Manager Decommissioning - SAFSTOR Crystal River Nuclear Plant TOH/par Attachment Crystal River Unit 3 Nuclear Generating Plant Site Specific Decommissioning Cost Estimate xc: Regional Administrator, Region I NMSS Project Manager


Document No. D03-1744-001, Rev. 0 UPDATED SITE-SPECIFIC DECOMMISSIONING COST ESTIMATE for the CRYSTAL RIVER UNIT 3 NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT prepared for Duke Energy Florida LLC prepared by TLG Services, Inc.

Bridgewater, Connecticut May 2018

Crystal River Unit 3 Nuclear Generating Plant Document No. D03-1744-001, Rev. 0 Updated Site-Specific Decommissioning Cost Estimate Page ii of xxi APPROVALS Project Manager William A. Cloutier, Jr. Date Project Engineer John A. Carlson Date Project Engineer Leasa Goetchius Date Technical Manager Francis W. Seymore Date TLG Services, Inc.

Crystal River Unit 3 Nuclear Generating Plant Document No. D03-1744-001, Rev. 0 Updated Site-Specific Decommissioning Cost Estimate Page iii of xxi TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION PAGE


............................................................................................................ vi-xxi

1. INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................... 1-1 1.1 Objectives of Study ........................................................................................... 1-1 1.2 Site Description................................................................................................. 1-1 1.3 Regulatory Guidance ........................................................................................ 1-2 1.3.1 Nuclear Waste Policy Act...................................................................... 1-5 1.3.2 Low-Level Radioactive Waste Acts ...................................................... 1-7 1.3.3 Radiological Criteria for License Termination .................................... 1-9
2. SAFSTOR DECOMMISSIONING ALTERNATIVE .............................................. 2-1 2.1 Period 1 - Preparations..................................................................................... 2-1 2.2 Period 2 - Dormancy ......................................................................................... 2-2 2.3 Period 3 - Preparations for Decommissioning ................................................ 2-3 2.4 Period 4 - Decommissioning ............................................................................. 2-4 2.5 Period 5 - Site Restoration ............................................................................... 2-7
3. COST ESTIMATE ..................................................................................................... 3-1 3.1 Basis of Estimate .............................................................................................. 3-1 3.2 Methodology ...................................................................................................... 3-1 3.3 Financial Components of the Cost Model ....................................................... 3-3 3.3.1 Contingency ........................................................................................... 3-3 3.3.2 Financial Risk ........................................................................................ 3-5 3.4 Site-Specific Considerations............................................................................. 3-6 3.4.1 Spent Fuel Management....................................................................... 3-6 3.4.2 Reactor Vessel and Internal Components ........................................... 3-9 3.4.3 Primary System Components ............................................................. 3-10 3.4.4 Main Turbine and Condenser............................................................. 3-11 3.4.5 Transportation Methods ..................................................................... 3-11 3.4.6 Low-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal ............................................. 3-12 3.4.7 Site Conditions Following Decommissioning .................................... 3-13 3.5 Assumptions .................................................................................................... 3-14 3.5.1 Estimating Basis ................................................................................. 3-14 3.5.2 Labor Costs .......................................................................................... 3-14 3.5.3 Design Conditions................................................................................ 3-15 3.5.4 General ................................................................................................. 3-15 3.6 Cost Estimate Summary ............................................................................... 3-17 TLG Services, Inc.

Crystal River Unit 3 Nuclear Generating Plant Document No. D03-1744-001, Rev. 0 Updated Site-Specific Decommissioning Cost Estimate Page iv of xxi TABLE OF CONTENTS (continued)


4. SCHEDULE ESTIMATE ........................................................................................ 4-1 4.1 Schedule Estimate Assumptions ..................................................................... 4-1 4.2 Project Schedule ................................................................................................ 4-2
5. RADIOACTIVE WASTES ........................................................................................ 5-1
6. RESULTS ................................................................................................................. 6-1
7. REFERENCES .......................................................................................................... 7-1 TABLES
1. Decommissioning Schedule ........................................................................... xviii
2. Decommissioning Cost Summary .................................................................... xix
3. Schedule of License Termination Expenditures .............................................. xx 3.1 Total Annual Expenditures ........................................................................... 3-19 3.2 License Termination Expenditures ............................................................... 3-21 3.3 Spent Fuel Management Expenditures ........................................................ 3-23 3.4 Site Restoration Expenditures ...................................................................... 3-24 4.1 Decommissioning Schedule ............................................................................. 4-3 5.1 Decommissioning Waste Summary ................................................................. 5-4 6.1 Decommissioning Cost Summary .................................................................... 6-4 6.2 Decommissioning Cost Element Contribution................................................ 6-5 FIGURES 4.1 Deferred Decommissioning Activity Schedule................................................. 4-4 4.2 Decommissioning Timeline .............................................................................. 4-5 5.1 Decommissioning Waste Disposition .............................................................. 5-3 APPENDICES A. Unit Cost Factor Development ............................................................................. A-1 B. Unit Cost Factor Listing ...................................................................................... B-1 C. Detailed Cost Analysis .......................................................................................... C-1 D. ISFSI Decommissioning Cost Analysis ............................................................... D-1 TLG Services, Inc.

Crystal River Unit 3 Nuclear Generating Plant Document No. D03-1744-001, Rev. 0 Updated Site-Specific Decommissioning Cost Estimate Page v of xxi REVISION LOG No. Date Item Revised Reason for Revision 0 05-01-2018 Original Issue TLG Services, Inc.

Crystal River Unit 3 Nuclear Generating Plant Document No. D03-1744-001, Rev. 0 Updated Site-Specific Decommissioning Cost Estimate Page vi of xxi


This report presents an estimate of the cost to decommission the Crystal River Unit 3 Nuclear Generating Plant (CR-3). The analysis relies upon site-specific, technical information from an earlier evaluation prepared in 2013,[1] updated to reflect current assumptions pertaining to the disposition of the nuclear unit and relevant industry experience in undertaking such projects. This estimate has been prepared for Duke Energy Florida LLC (DEF), formerly known as Florida Power Corporation, consistent with the recommendations for periodic review and/or adjustment provided in Regulatory Guide 1.159.[2]

The current estimate is designed to provide DEF with sufficient information to assess its financial obligations, as they pertain to the decommissioning of the nuclear station.

It is not a detailed engineering document, but a financial analysis prepared in advance of the detailed engineering that will be required to carry out the decommissioning.

CR-3 has been safely shutdown since September 26, 2009, when the plant entered the Cycle 16 refueling outage to replace the steam generators. As of May 28, 2011, all fuel assemblies were removed from the reactor vessel and placed in the spent fuel storage pool in the fuel storage building for temporary storage. Certification of the permanent cessation of power operations and defueling was submitted to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) on February 20, 2013.[3] Transfer of the irradiated fuel assemblies from the spent fuel storage pool to an on-site, dry storage facility was completed in January 2018.

DEF has announced its intention to decommission under the SAFSTOR alternative.

The currently projected total cost to decommission the nuclear unit, assuming the SAFSTOR alternative, is estimated at $895.9 million, as reported in 2017 dollars.

The cost includes the monies anticipated to be spent for operating license termination (radiological remediation), interim spent fuel storage and site restoration activities. The cost is based on several key assumptions in areas of regulation, component characterization, high-level radioactive waste management, low-level radioactive waste disposal, performance uncertainties (contingency) and 1 Site-Specific Decommissioning Cost Estimate for the Crystal River Unit 3 Nuclear Generating Plant, Document No. P23-1680-001, Rev. 1, TLG Services, Inc., December 2013 2 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Regulatory Guide 1.159, "Assuring the Availability of Funds for Decommissioning Nuclear Reactors," Rev. 2, October 2011, Section 1.4.3 Frequency of Adjustment 3 FPC to NRC letter dated February 20, 2013, "Crystal River Unit 3 - Certificate of Permanent Cessation of Power Operations and that Fuel Has Been Permanently Removed from the Reactor (ADAMS Accession No. ML13056A005)

TLG Services, Inc.

Crystal River Unit 3 Nuclear Generating Plant Document No. D03-1744-001, Rev. 0 Updated Site-Specific Decommissioning Cost Estimate Page vii of xxi site remediation and restoration requirements. The assumptions are discussed in more detail in this document.

Decommissioning Alternatives and Regulations The ultimate objective of the decommissioning process is to reduce the inventory of contaminated and activated material to levels at or below the site release criteria so that the license can be terminated. The NRC (or Commission) provided initial decommissioning requirements in its rule adopted on June 27, 1988.[4] In this rule, the NRC set forth financial criteria for decommissioning licensed nuclear power facilities.

The regulations addressed planning needs, timing, funding methods, and environmental review requirements for decommissioning. The decommissioning rulemaking also defined three decommissioning alternatives as being acceptable to the NRC: DECON, SAFSTOR, and ENTOMB.

DECON is defined as "the alternative in which the equipment, structures, and portions of a facility and site containing radioactive contaminants are removed or decontaminated to a level that permits the property to be released for unrestricted use shortly after cessation of operations."[5]

SAFSTOR is defined as "the alternative in which the nuclear facility is placed and maintained in a condition that allows the nuclear facility to be safely stored and subsequently decontaminated (deferred decontamination) to levels that permit release for unrestricted use."[6] Decommissioning is to be completed within 60 years, although longer time periods will be considered when necessary to protect public health and safety.

ENTOMB is defined as "the alternative in which radioactive contaminants are encased in a structurally long-lived material, such as concrete; the entombed structure is appropriately maintained and continued surveillance is carried out until the radioactive material decays to a level permitting unrestricted release of the property."[7] As with the SAFSTOR alternative, decommissioning is currently required to be completed within 60 years, although longer time periods will also be considered when necessary to protect public health and safety.

4 U.S. Code of Federal Regulations, Title 10, Parts 30, 40, 50, 51, 70 and 72 "General Requirements for Decommissioning Nuclear Facilities," Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Federal Register Volume 53, Number 123 (p 24018 et seq.), June 27, 1988 5 Ibid. Page FR24022, Column 3 6 Ibid.

7 Ibid. Page FR24023, Column 2 TLG Services, Inc.

Crystal River Unit 3 Nuclear Generating Plant Document No. D03-1744-001, Rev. 0 Updated Site-Specific Decommissioning Cost Estimate Page viii of xxi The 60-year restriction has limited the practicality for the ENTOMB alternative at commercial reactors that generate significant amounts of long-lived radioactive material. In 1997, the Commission directed its staff to re-evaluate this alternative and identify the technical requirements and regulatory actions that would be necessary for entombment to become a viable option. The resulting evaluation provided several recommendations, however, rulemaking has been deferred pending the completion of additional research studies (e.g., on engineered barriers).

In a draft regulatory basis document published in March 2017 in support of rulemaking that would amend NRC regulations concerning nuclear plant decommissioning, the NRC staff proposed removing any discussion of the ENTOMB option from existing guidance documents since the method is not deemed practically feasible.

In 1996, the NRC published revisions to the general requirements for decommissioning nuclear power plants to clarify ambiguities and codify procedures and terminology as a means of enhancing efficiency and uniformity in the decommissioning process.[8] The amendments allow for greater public participation and better define the transition process from operations to decommissioning.

Regulatory Guide 1.184, issued in July 2000, further described the methods and procedures acceptable to the NRC staff for implementing the requirements of the 1996 revised rule relating to the initial activities and major phases of the decommissioning process. The costs and schedules presented in this analysis follow the general guidance and processes described in the amended regulations. The format and content of the estimate is also consistent with the recommendations of Regulatory Guide 1.202, issued in February 2005.[9]

In 2011, the NRC issued regulations to improve decommissioning planning and thereby reduce the likelihood that any current operating facility will become a legacy site.[10] The regulations require licensees to report additional details in their decommissioning cost estimate, including a decommissioning estimate for the Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation (ISFSI). This estimate is provided in Appendix D.

8 U.S. Code of Federal Regulations, Title 10, Parts 2, 50, and 51, "Decommissioning of Nuclear Power Reactors," Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Federal Register Volume 61, (p 39278 et seq.), July 29, 1996 9 Standard Format and Content of Decommissioning Cost Estimates for Nuclear Power Reactors, Regulatory Guide 1.202, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, February 2005 10 U.S. Code of Federal Regulations, Title 10, Parts 20, 30, 40, 50, 70, and 72, "Decommissioning Planning," Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Federal Register Volume 76, (p 35512 et seq.), June 17, 2011 TLG Services, Inc.

Crystal River Unit 3 Nuclear Generating Plant Document No. D03-1744-001, Rev. 0 Updated Site-Specific Decommissioning Cost Estimate Page ix of xxi Basis of the Cost Estimate The decommissioning approach that has been selected by DEF for CR-3 is the SAFSTOR alternative. The primary objectives of the CR-3 decommissioning project are to safeguard the irradiated fuel until it can be transferred to the Department of Energy (DOE), reduce residual radioactivity to levels permitting unrestricted release, restore the site, perform this work safely, and complete the work in a cost effective manner. The selection of a preferred decommissioning alternative is influenced by a number of factors. These factors include the cost of each decommissioning alternative, minimization of occupational radiation exposure, availability of low-level waste disposal facilities, availability of a high-level waste (spent fuel) repository or DOE interim storage facility, regulatory requirements, and public concerns.

Under the SAFSTOR methodology, the facility is placed in a safe and stable condition and maintained in that state, allowing levels of radioactivity to decrease through radioactive decay, followed by decontamination and dismantlement. After the safe storage period, the facility will be decontaminated and dismantled to levels that permit license termination. In accordance with 10 CFR 50.82(a)(9), a license termination plan (LTP) will be developed and submitted for NRC approval at least two years prior to termination of the license. In addition, 10 CFR 50.82(a)(3) requires decommissioning to be completed within 60 years of permanent cessation of operations.

An ISFSI has been constructed adjacent to the power block and the spent fuel relocated from the auxiliary building into the dry storage modules to await transfer to a DOE facility. Assuming priority pickup for the spent fuel from shutdown reactors, and based upon a 2034 industry start date, DEF anticipates that the removal of spent fuel from the site could be completed by the end of year 2037.

For purposes of this analysis, the plant remains in safe-storage until 2067, at which time it will be decommissioned and the site released for alternative use without restriction, i.e., the license is terminated within the required 60-year time period.

Methodology The primary goal of the decommissioning is the removal and disposal of the contaminated systems and structures so that the plants operating license can be terminated. The analysis recognizes that spent fuel will be stored at the site until such time that it can be transferred to the DOE. Consequently, the estimate includes those costs to manage and subsequently decommission the interim storage facility (ISFSI).

TLG Services, Inc.

Crystal River Unit 3 Nuclear Generating Plant Document No. D03-1744-001, Rev. 0 Updated Site-Specific Decommissioning Cost Estimate Page x of xxi The estimate is based on numerous fundamental assumptions, including regulatory requirements, low-level radioactive waste disposal practices, high-level radioactive waste management options, project contingencies, and site restoration requirements.

The methodology used to develop the estimate followed the basic approach originally presented in the AIF/NESP-036 study report, "Guidelines for Producing Commercial Nuclear Power Plant Decommissioning Cost Estimates,"[11] and the DOE "Decommissioning Handbook."[12] These documents present a unit cost factor method for estimating decommissioning activity costs that simplifies the calculations. Unit factors for concrete removal ($/cubic yard), steel removal ($/ton),

and cutting costs ($/inch) were developed using local labor rates. The activity-dependent costs were then estimated with the item quantities (cubic yards and tons), developed from plant drawings and inventory documents. Removal rates and material costs for the conventional disposition of components and structures relied upon information available in the industry publication, "Building Construction Cost Data," published by RSMeans.[13]

The unit factor method provides a demonstrable basis for establishing reliable cost estimates. The detail provided in the unit factors, including activity duration, labor costs (by craft), and equipment and consumable costs, ensures that essential elements have not been omitted.

An activity duration critical path is used to determine the total decommissioning program schedule. The schedule is relied upon in calculating the carrying costs, which include program management, administration, field engineering, equipment rental, and support services, such as quality control and security.

This analysis reflected lessons learned from TLGs involvement in the Shippingport Station decommissioning, completed in 1989, as well as the decommissioning of the Cintichem reactor, hot cells, and associated facilities, completed in 1997. In addition, the planning and engineering for the Pathfinder, Shoreham, Rancho Seco, Trojan, Yankee Rowe, Big Rock Point, Maine Yankee, Humboldt Bay-3, Connecticut Yankee, Vermont Yankee and Fort Calhoun nuclear units have provided additional insight into the process, the regulatory aspects, and the technical challenges of decommissioning commercial nuclear units.

11 T.S. LaGuardia et al., "Guidelines for Producing Commercial Nuclear Power Plant Decommissioning Cost Estimates," AIF/NESP-036, May 1986 12 W.J. Manion and T.S. LaGuardia, "Decommissioning Handbook," U.S. Department of Energy, DOE/EV/10128-1, November 1980 13 "Building Construction Cost Data 2017," RSMeans (From the Gordian Group), Rockland, Massachusetts TLG Services, Inc.

Crystal River Unit 3 Nuclear Generating Plant Document No. D03-1744-001, Rev. 0 Updated Site-Specific Decommissioning Cost Estimate Page xi of xxi Contingency Consistent with cost estimating practice, contingencies are applied to the decontamination and dismantling costs developed as "specific provision for unforeseeable elements of cost within the defined project scope, particularly important where previous experience relating estimates and actual costs has shown that unforeseeable events which will increase costs are likely to occur.[14] The cost elements in the estimate are based on ideal conditions; therefore, the types of unforeseeable events that are almost certain to occur in decommissioning, based on industry experience, are addressed through a percentage contingency applied on a line-item basis. This contingency factor is a nearly universal element in all large-scale construction and demolition projects. It should be noted that contingency, as used in this analysis, does not account for price escalation and inflation in the cost of decommissioning over the life of the project.

Contingency funds are expected to be fully expended throughout the program. As such, inclusion of contingency is necessary to provide assurance that sufficient funding will be available to accomplish the intended tasks.

Low-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal The contaminated and activated material generated in the decontamination and dismantling of a commercial nuclear reactor is generally classified as low-level radioactive waste, although not all of the material is suitable for shallow-land disposal.

With the passage of the Low-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Act in 1980 and its Amendments of 1985, [15] the states became ultimately responsible for the disposition of low-level radioactive waste generated within their own borders.

With the exception of Texas, no new compact facilities have been successfully sited, licensed, and constructed. The Texas Compact disposal facility is now operational and waste is being accepted from generators within the Compact by the operator, Waste Control Specialists (WCS). The facility is also able to accept limited volumes of non-Compact waste.

Disposition of the various waste streams produced by the decommissioning process considered all options and services currently available to DEF. The majority of the low-level radioactive waste designated for direct disposal (Class A[16]) can be sent to 14 Project and Cost Engineers Handbook, Second Edition, American Association of Cost Engineers, Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York, New York, p. 239 15 Low-Level Radioactive Waste Policy Amendments Act of 1985, Public Law 99-240, January 15, 1986 16 Waste is classified in accordance with U.S. Code of Federal Regulations, Title 10, Part 61.55, TLG Services, Inc.

Crystal River Unit 3 Nuclear Generating Plant Document No. D03-1744-001, Rev. 0 Updated Site-Specific Decommissioning Cost Estimate Page xii of xxi EnergySolutions facility in Clive, Utah. Therefore, disposal costs for Class A waste were based upon DEFs Life of Plant Agreement with EnergySolutions. This facility is not licensed to receive higher activity waste (Class B and C).

The WCS facility is able to receive the Class B and C waste. As such, for this analysis, Class B and C waste is assumed to be shipped to the WCS facility and disposal costs for the waste were based upon preliminary and indicative information on the cost for such from WCS.

The dismantling of the components residing closest to the reactor core generates radioactive waste that may be considered unsuitable for shallow-land disposal (i.e.,

low-level radioactive waste with concentrations of radionuclides that exceed the limits established by the NRC for Class C radioactive waste (GTCC)). The Low-Level Radioactive Waste Policy Amendments Act of 1985 assigned the federal government the responsibility for the disposal of this material. The Act also stated that the beneficiaries of the activities resulting in the generation of such radioactive waste bear all reasonable costs of disposing of such waste. However, to date, the federal government has not identified a cost for disposing of GTCC or a schedule for acceptance.

For purposes of this study, components that must be disposed of as GTCC waste would be packaged in transportable canisters similar to canisters used for spent fuel. Because dismantlement would occur after the projected date for DOE acceptance of spent fuel and high level waste, for purposes of this study it is assumed that the canisters would be shipped directly to a DOE facility.

A significant portion of the waste material generated during decommissioning may only be potentially contaminated by radioactive materials. This waste can be analyzed on site or shipped off site to licensed facilities for further analysis, for processing and/or for conditioning/recovery. Reduction in the volume of low-level radioactive waste requiring disposal in a licensed low-level radioactive waste disposal facility can be accomplished through a variety of methods, including analyses and surveys or decontamination to eliminate the portion of waste that does not require disposal as radioactive waste, compaction, incineration or metal melt.

The estimate reflects the savings from waste recovery/volume reduction.

High-Level Radioactive Waste Management Congress passed the Nuclear Waste Policy Act (NWPA) in 1982, assigning the federal governments long-standing responsibility for disposal of the spent nuclear fuel created by the commercial nuclear generating plants to the DOE. The DOE was Licensing Requirements for Land Disposal of Radioactive Waste TLG Services, Inc.

Crystal River Unit 3 Nuclear Generating Plant Document No. D03-1744-001, Rev. 0 Updated Site-Specific Decommissioning Cost Estimate Page xiii of xxi to begin accepting spent fuel and high-level waste by January 31, 1998; however, to date no progress in the removal of spent fuel from commercial generating sites has been made.

Today, the country is at an impasse on high-level waste disposal, despite DOEs submittal of its License Application for a geologic repository to the NRC in 2008.

The Obama administration eliminated the budget for the repository program while promising to conduct a comprehensive review of policies for managing the back end of the nuclear fuel cycle and make recommendations for a new plan.[17] Towards this goal, the Obama administration appointed a Blue Ribbon Commission on Americas Nuclear Future (Blue Ribbon Commission) to make recommendations for a new plan for nuclear waste disposal. The Blue Ribbon Commissions charter included a requirement that it consider [o]ptions for safe storage of used nuclear fuel while final disposition pathways are selected and deployed. [18]

On January 26, 2012, the Blue Ribbon Commission issued its Report to the Secretary of Energy containing a number of recommendations on nuclear waste disposal. Two of the recommendations that may impact decommissioning planning are:

  • [T]he United States [should] establish a program that leads to the timely development of one or more consolidated storage facilities[19]
  • [T]he United States should undertake an integrated nuclear waste management program that leads to the timely development of one or more permanent deep geological facilities for the safe disposal of spent fuel and high-level nuclear waste.[20]

In January 2013, the DOE issued the Strategy for the Management and Disposal of Used Nuclear Fuel and High-Level Radioactive Waste, in response to the recommendations made by the Blue Ribbon Commission and as a framework for moving toward a sustainable program to deploy an integrated system capable of transporting, storing, and disposing of used nuclear fuel...[21]

17 Advisory Committee Charter, Blue Ribbon Commission on Americas Nuclear Future, Appendix A, January 2012 18 Ibid.

19 Blue Ribbon Commission on Americas Nuclear Future, Report to the Secretary of Energy, January 2012 20 Ibid., p.27 21 Strategy for the Management and Disposal of Used Nuclear Fuel and High-Level Radioactive Waste, U.S. DOE, January 11, 2013 TLG Services, Inc.

Crystal River Unit 3 Nuclear Generating Plant Document No. D03-1744-001, Rev. 0 Updated Site-Specific Decommissioning Cost Estimate Page xiv of xxi With the appropriate authorizations from Congress, a program could be implemented over the next 10 years that:

  • Sites, designs and licenses, constructs and begins operations of a pilot interim storage facility by 2021 with an initial focus on accepting used nuclear fuel from shut-down reactor sites;
  • Advances toward the siting and licensing of a larger interim storage facility to be available by 2025 that will have sufficient capacity to provide flexibility in the waste management system and allows for acceptance of enough used nuclear fuel to reduce expected government liabilities; and
  • Makes demonstrable progress on the siting and characterization of repository sites to facilitate the availability of a geologic repository by 2048.[22]

The NRCs review of DOEs license application to construct a geologic repository at Yucca Mountain was suspended in 2011 when the Obama Administration significantly reduced the budget for completing that work. However, the US Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit issued a writ of mandamus (in August 2013)[23] ordering NRC to comply with federal law and resume its review of DOE's Yucca Mountain repository license application to the extent allowed by previously appropriated funding for the review. That review is now complete with the publication of the five-volume safety evaluation report. A supplement to DOEs environmental impact statement and an adjudicatory hearing on the contentions filed by interested parties must be completed before a licensing decision can be made.

Even with a favorable review, there is considerable uncertainty as to DOEs future actions on the growing backlog of spent fuel, even with the additional direction provided by the Blue Ribbon Commission. For purposes of this analysis, DEF evaluated the feasibility of several spent fuel disposition scenarios, both near-term (e.g., 2021) and long-term (e.g., 2048), as well as a more moderate scenario.

For purposes of this estimate, the spent fuel management plan for the CR-3 spent fuel is based in general upon: 1) a 2034 start date for DOE initiating transfer of commercial spent fuel to a federal facility, 2) priority pickup for shutdown reactors, and 3) pickup based on the permanent shutdown date of the plant (oldest fuel first).

Assuming a maximum rate of transfer of 3,000 metric tons of uranium (MTU)/year, [24]

22 Ibid., p.2 23 U.S. Court of Appeals for the District Of Columbia Circuit, In Re: Aiken County, et al, Aug. 2013 24 Acceptance Priority Ranking & Annual Capacity Report, DOE/RW-0567, July 2004 TLG Services, Inc.

Crystal River Unit 3 Nuclear Generating Plant Document No. D03-1744-001, Rev. 0 Updated Site-Specific Decommissioning Cost Estimate Page xv of xxi and the aforementioned assumptions on spent fuel management, transfer of spent fuel from commercial generators would begin in 2034, with the spent fuel from CR-3 removed from the site by the end of 2037.

The NRC requires that licensees establish a program to manage and provide funding for the caretaking of all irradiated fuel at the reactor site until title of the fuel is transferred to the DOE.[25] Interim storage of the fuel, until the DOE can complete the transfer, will be at the on-site ISFSI.

DEFs position is that the DOE has a contractual obligation to accept the spent fuel earlier than the projections set out above consistent with its contract commitments. No assumption made in this study should be interpreted to be inconsistent with this claim.

Site Restoration The efficient removal of the contaminated materials at the site may result in damage to many of the site structures. Blasting, coring, drilling, and the other decontamination activities can substantially damage power block structures, potentially weakening the footings and structural supports. It is unreasonable to anticipate that these structures would be repaired and preserved after the radiological contamination is removed. Dismantling site structures with a work force already mobilized is more efficient and less costly than if the process is deferred. Consequently, this study assumes that site structures addressed by this analysis are removed to a nominal depth of three feet below the top grade of the embankment, wherever possible.

The cost for the site restoration of decontaminated and/or non-contaminated structures has been calculated and is separately presented as "Site Restoration expenditures in this report.

Summary The cost to decommission CR-3 assumes the removal of all contaminated and activated plant components and structural materials such that DEF may then have unrestricted use of the site with no further requirements for an operating license. Low-level radioactive waste, other than GTCC waste, is sent to a commercial processor for treatment/conditioning or to a controlled disposal facility.

25 U.S. Code of Federal Regulations, Title 10, Part 50 - Domestic Licensing of Production and Utilization Facilities, Subpart 54 (bb), Conditions of Licenses TLG Services, Inc.

Crystal River Unit 3 Nuclear Generating Plant Document No. D03-1744-001, Rev. 0 Updated Site-Specific Decommissioning Cost Estimate Page xvi of xxi Decommissioning is accomplished within the 60-year period required by current NRC regulations. In the interim, the spent fuel remains in storage at the site until such time that the transfer to a DOE facility is complete. Once emptied, the storage facilities are also decommissioned.

The decommissioning scenario is described in Section 2. The assumptions are presented in Section 3, along with schedules of annual expenditures. The major cost contributors are identified in Section 6, with detailed activity costs, waste volumes, and associated manpower requirements delineated in Appendix C.

The cost elements in the estimate are assigned to one of three subcategories: NRC License Termination, Spent Fuel Management, and Site Restoration. The subcategory NRC License Termination is used to accumulate costs that are consistent with decommissioning as defined by the NRC in its financial assurance regulations (i.e.,

10 CFR §50.75). In situations where the long-term management of spent fuel is not an issue, the cost reported for this subcategory is generally sufficient to terminate the units operating license.

The Spent Fuel Management subcategory contains costs associated with the operations of the ISFSI until such time that the transfer is complete. It does not include any spent fuel management expenses incurred prior to January 1, 2018, including the cost to construct the ISFSI and transfer the spent fuel from the storage pool. For estimating purposes, an allowance is included for the transfer of the fuel from the ISFSI into a DOE transport cask.

Site Restoration is used to capture costs associated with the dismantling and demolition of buildings and facilities demonstrated to be free from contamination. This includes structures never exposed to radioactive materials, as well as those facilities that have been decontaminated to appropriate levels.

It should be noted that the costs assigned to these subcategories are allocations.

Delegation of cost elements is for the purposes of comparison (e.g., with NRC financial guidelines) or to permit specific financial treatment (e.g., Asset Retirement Obligation determinations). In reality, there can be considerable interaction between the activities in the three subcategories. For example, DEF may decide to remove non-contaminated structures early in the project to improve access to highly contaminated facilities or plant components. In these instances, the non-contaminated removal costs could be reassigned from Site Restoration to an NRC License Termination support activity. However, in general, the allocations represent a reasonable accounting of those costs that can be expected to be incurred for the specific subcomponents of the total estimated program cost, if executed as described.

TLG Services, Inc.

Crystal River Unit 3 Nuclear Generating Plant Document No. D03-1744-001, Rev. 0 Updated Site-Specific Decommissioning Cost Estimate Page xvii of xxi As noted within this document, the estimate is developed and costs are presented in 2017 dollars. As such, the estimate does not reflect the escalation of costs (due to inflationary and market forces) during the decommissioning project. The decommissioning periods and milestone dates for the analyzed SAFSTOR decommissioning scenario are identified in Table 1. The cost projected for license termination (in accordance with 10 CFR 50.75) is shown at the bottom of Table 2 along with the costs for spent fuel management and site restoration. The schedule of expenditures for license termination activities is provided in Table 3.

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Crystal River Unit 3 Nuclear Generating Plant Document No. D03-1744-001, Rev. 0 Updated Site-Specific Decommissioning Cost Estimate Page xviii of xxi TABLE 1 DECOMMISSIONING SCHEDULE Duration Decommissioning Periods Start End (years)

SAFSTOR I [1] 1 Jan 2018 31 Aug 2019 1.66 SAFSTOR II 31 Aug 2019 1 Jan 2020 0.34 Period 2b: Dormancy w/Dry Fuel Storage 1 Jan 2020 1 Jan 2038 18.01 Period 2c: Dormancy w/No Fuel Storage 1 Jan 2038 23 May 2067 29.41 Period 3a: Site Reactivation 23 May 2067 22 May 2068 1.00 Period 3b: Decommissioning Prep 22 May 2068 21 Nov 2068 0.50 Period 4a: Large Component Removal 21 Nov 2068 26 Jun 2070 1.59 Period 4b: Plant Systems Removal and Building Remediation 26 Jun 2070 22 May 2072 1.91 Period 4f: License Termination 22 May 2072 20 Feb 2073 0.75 Period 5b: Site Restoration 20 Feb 2073 22 Aug 2074 1.50 Total [2] 56.68

[1] While permanent cessation of operations was declared on February 20, 2013, decommissioning costs are accumulated as of January 1, 2018

[2] Columns may not add due to rounding TLG Services, Inc.

Crystal River Unit 3 Nuclear Generating Plant Document No. D03-1744-001, Rev. 0 Updated Site-Specific Decommissioning Cost Estimate Page xix of xxi TABLE 2 DECOMMISSIONING COST


(thousands of 2017 dollars)

License Spent Fuel Site Decommissioning Periods Termination Management Restoration SAFSTOR I [1] 27,258 33,216 388 SAFSTOR II 861 3,097 46 Period 2b: Dormancy w/Dry Fuel Storage 132,896 58,748 -

Period 2c: Dormancy w/No Fuel Storage 115,898 82 -

Period 3a: Site Reactivation 39,789 - 699 Period 3b: Decommissioning Prep 35,247 - 917 Period 4a: Large Component Removal 203,367 - 2,552 Period 4b: Plant Systems Removal and Building Remediation 165,021 - 1,615 Period 4f: License Termination 28,278 - -

Period 5b: Site Restoration 229 - 45,690 Total [2] 748,844 95,143 51,906

[1] Excludes costs expended prior to 2018

[2] Columns may not add due to rounding TLG Services, Inc.

Crystal River Unit 3 Nuclear Generating Plant Document No. D03-1744-001, Rev. 0 Updated Site-Specific Decommissioning Cost Estimate Page xx of xxi TABLE 3 SCHEDULE OF LICENSE TERMINATION EXPENDITURES (thousands, 2017 dollars)

Equipment & LLRW Year Labor Materials Energy Disposal Other Total 2018 7,620 342 0 1,258 11,142 20,362 2019 5,078 184 0 363 2,132 7,757 2020 5,648 138 0 8 1,604 7,398 2021 5,633 138 0 8 1,600 7,377 2022 5,633 138 0 8 1,600 7,377 2023 5,633 138 0 8 1,600 7,377 2024 5,648 138 0 8 1,604 7,398 2025 5,633 138 0 8 1,600 7,377 2026 5,633 138 0 8 1,600 7,377 2027 5,633 138 0 8 1,600 7,377 2028 5,648 138 0 8 1,604 7,398 2029 5,633 138 0 8 1,600 7,377 2030 5,633 138 0 8 1,600 7,377 2031 5,633 138 0 8 1,600 7,377 2032 5,648 138 0 8 1,604 7,398 2033 5,633 138 0 8 1,600 7,377 2034 5,633 138 0 8 1,600 7,377 2035 5,633 138 0 8 1,600 7,377 2036 5,648 138 0 8 1,604 7,398 2037 5,633 138 0 8 1,600 7,377 2038 2,102 120 0 7 1,713 3,941 2039 2,102 120 0 7 1,713 3,941 2040 2,107 121 0 7 1,717 3,952 2041 2,102 120 0 7 1,713 3,941 2042 2,102 120 0 7 1,713 3,941 2043 2,102 120 0 7 1,713 3,941 2044 2,107 121 0 7 1,717 3,952 2045 2,102 120 0 7 1,713 3,941 2046 2,102 120 0 7 1,713 3,941 2047 2,102 120 0 7 1,713 3,941 2048 2,107 121 0 7 1,717 3,952 2049 2,102 120 0 7 1,713 3,941 2050 2,102 120 0 7 1,713 3,941 TLG Services, Inc.

Crystal River Unit 3 Nuclear Generating Plant Document No. D03-1744-001, Rev. 0 Updated Site-Specific Decommissioning Cost Estimate Page xxi of xxi TABLE 3 (continued)


Equipment & LLRW Year Labor Materials Energy Disposal Other Total 2051 2,102 120 0 7 1,713 3,941 2052 2,107 121 0 7 1,717 3,952 2053 2,102 120 0 7 1,713 3,941 2054 2,102 120 0 7 1,713 3,941 2055 2,102 120 0 7 1,713 3,941 2056 2,107 121 0 7 1,717 3,952 2057 2,102 120 0 7 1,713 3,941 2058 2,102 120 0 7 1,713 3,941 2059 2,102 120 0 7 1,713 3,941 2060 2,107 121 0 7 1,717 3,952 2061 2,102 120 0 7 1,713 3,941 2062 2,102 120 0 7 1,713 3,941 2063 2,102 120 0 7 1,713 3,941 2064 2,107 121 0 7 1,717 3,952 2065 2,102 120 0 7 1,713 3,941 2066 2,102 120 0 7 1,713 3,941 2067 22,037 1,183 730 23 1,869 25,843 2068 46,226 10,005 1,191 3,988 3,643 65,053 2069 50,292 25,681 1,135 35,217 15,216 127,541 2070 48,474 18,325 1,011 25,680 12,820 106,311 2071 46,782 11,475 896 16,800 10,589 86,541 2072 38,116 5,503 495 6,554 6,117 56,786 2073 4,577 232 33 4 446 5,292 2074 97 0 0 0 0 97 Total 431,747 78,901 5,491 90,218 142,486 748,844 Note: Columns may not add due to rounding TLG Services, Inc.

Crystal River Unit 3 Nuclear Generating Plant Document No. D03-1744-001, Rev. 0 Updated Site-Specific Decommissioning Cost Estimate Section 1, Page 1 of 10

1. INTRODUCTION This report presents an estimate of the cost to decommission the Crystal River Unit 3 Nuclear Generating Plant (CR-3). The analysis relies upon site-specific, technical information from an earlier evaluation prepared in 2013,[1] updated to reflect current assumptions pertaining to the disposition of the nuclear unit and relevant industry experience in undertaking such projects. This estimate has been prepared for Duke Energy Florida LLC (DEF), formerly known as Florida Power Corporation, to comply with the requirements of 10 CFR 50.82(a)(4)(i).

The current estimate is designed to provide DEF with sufficient information to assess its financial obligations, as they pertain to the decommissioning of the nuclear station.

It is not a detailed engineering document, but a financial analysis prepared in advance of the detailed engineering that will be required to carry out the decommissioning.

1.1 OBJECTIVES OF STUDY The objectives of this study were to prepare a comprehensive estimate of the costs to decommission CR-3, to provide a sequence or schedule for the associated activities, and to develop waste stream projections from the decontamination and dismantling activities.

CR-3 has been safely shutdown since September 26, 2009, when the plant entered the Cycle 16 refueling outage to replace the steam generators. As of May 28, 2011, all fuel assemblies were removed from the reactor vessel and placed in the spent fuel pool for temporary storage. Certification of the permanent cessation of power operations and defueling was submitted to the NRC on February 20, 2013.[2]

DEF has announced its intention to decommission under the SAFSTOR alternative.

1.2 SITE DESCRIPTION The CR-3 site is located in Citrus County, Florida, approximately 70 miles north of Tampa on the shore of the Gulf of Mexico. The generating site is comprised of four fossil-fired units and one nuclear unit. The Gulf of Mexico provides the heat sink for both Units 1 and 2 fossil-fired units, and the nuclear unit (natural draft towers provide the cooling for Units 4 and 5).

The nuclear steam supply system (NSSS) consists of a pressurized water reactor and a two-loop reactor coolant system, designed by Babcock & Wilcox.

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Crystal River Unit 3 Nuclear Generating Plant Document No. D03-1744-001, Rev. 0 Updated Site-Specific Decommissioning Cost Estimate Section 1, Page 2 of 10 The generating unit had a reference core design of 2,609 MWt (thermal), with a corresponding net dependable capability electrical rating of 860 megawatts (electric) with the reactor at rated power.

The reactor coolant system is comprised of the reactor vessel and two heat transfer loops, each loop containing a vertical once-through type steam generator, and two single speed centrifugal reactor coolant pumps. In addition, the system includes an electrically heated pressurizer, a reactor coolant drain tank and interconnected piping. The system is housed within the reactor containment building or reactor building, a seismic Category I reinforced concrete structure. The reactor building is composed of a vertical cylinder with a shallow dome and flat circular foundation slab. The cylinder wall is prestressed with a post-tensioning system in the vertical and horizontal directions. The dome roof is prestressed utilizing a three-way post-tensioning system. The foundation slab is reinforced with conventional mild steel. The inside surface of the reactor building is lined with a carbon steel liner to ensure a high degree of leak tightness during operating and accident conditions.

Heat produced in the reactor was converted to electrical energy by the steam and power conversion system. A turbine-generator system converted the thermal energy of steam produced in the steam generators into mechanical shaft power and then into electrical energy. The unit's turbine generator consists of high-pressure and low-pressure turbine sections driving a direct-coupled generator at 1800 rpm. The turbines were operated in a closed feedwater cycle, which condensed the steam; the heated feedwater was returned to the steam generators. Heat rejected in the main condensers was removed by the circulating water system. The condenser circulating water was taken from and returned to the Gulf of Mexico through the intake and discharge canals, respectively.

1.3 REGULATORY GUIDANCE The NRC provided initial decommissioning requirements in its rule "General Requirements for Decommissioning Nuclear Facilities," issued in June 1988.[3]

This rule set forth financial criteria for decommissioning licensed nuclear power facilities. The regulation addressed decommissioning planning needs, timing, funding methods, and environmental review requirements. The intent of the rule was to ensure that decommissioning would be accomplished in a safe and timely manner and that adequate funds would be available for this purpose. Subsequent to the rule, the NRC issued Regulatory Guide 1.159, Assuring the Availability of Funds for Decommissioning Nuclear Reactors,[4]

which provided additional guidance to the licensees of nuclear facilities on the financial methods acceptable to the NRC staff for complying with the TLG Services, Inc.

Crystal River Unit 3 Nuclear Generating Plant Document No. D03-1744-001, Rev. 0 Updated Site-Specific Decommissioning Cost Estimate Section 1, Page 3 of 10 requirements of the rule. The regulatory guide addressed the funding requirements and provided guidance on the content and form of the financial assurance mechanisms indicated in the rule.

The decommissioning rulemaking defined three decommissioning alternatives as being acceptable to the NRC: DECON, SAFSTOR, and ENTOMB. The DECON alternative assumes that any contaminated or activated portion of the plants systems, structures and facilities are removed or decontaminated to levels that permit the site to be released for unrestricted use shortly after the cessation of plant operations. The rule also placed limits on the time allowed to complete the decommissioning process.

For SAFSTOR, the process is restricted in overall duration to 60 years, unless it can be shown that a longer duration is necessary to protect public health and safety. The guidelines for ENTOMB are similar, providing the NRC with both sufficient leverage and flexibility to ensure that these deferred options are only used in situations where it is reasonable and consistent with the definition of decommissioning. At the conclusion of a 60-year dormancy period (or longer for ENTOMB if the NRC approves such a case), the site would still require significant remediation to meet the unrestricted release limits for license termination.

The ENTOMB alternative has not been viewed as a viable option for power reactors due to the significant time required to isolate the long-lived radionuclides for decay to permissible levels. With rulemaking permitting the controlled release of a site,[5] the NRC has re-evaluated this alternative. The resulting feasibility study, based upon an assessment by Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, concluded that the method did have conditional merit for some, if not most reactors. The staff also found that additional rulemaking would be needed before this option could be treated as a generic alternative.

The NRC had considered rulemaking to alter the 60-year time for completing decommissioning and to clarify the use of engineered barriers for reactor entombments.[6] However, the NRCs staff has recommended that rulemaking be deferred, based upon several factors, e.g., no licensee has committed to pursuing the entombment option, the unresolved issues associated with the disposition of greater-than-Class C material (GTCC), and the NRCs current priorities, at least until after the additional research studies are complete. The Commission concurred with the staffs recommendation.

In a draft regulatory basis document published in March 2017 in support of rulemaking that would amend NRC regulations concerning nuclear plant decommissioning, the NRC staff proposes removing any discussion of the TLG Services, Inc.

Crystal River Unit 3 Nuclear Generating Plant Document No. D03-1744-001, Rev. 0 Updated Site-Specific Decommissioning Cost Estimate Section 1, Page 4 of 10 ENTOMB option from existing guidance documents since the method is not deemed practically feasible.

In 1996, the NRC published revisions to the general requirements for decommissioning nuclear power plants.[7] When the decommissioning regulations were adopted in 1988, it was assumed that the majority of licensees would decommission at the end of the facilitys operating licensed life.

Since that time, several licensees permanently and prematurely ceased operations. Exemptions from certain operating requirements were required once the reactor was defueled to facilitate the decommissioning. Each case was handled individually, without clearly defined generic requirements. The NRC amended the decommissioning regulations in 1996 to clarify ambiguities and codify procedures and terminology as a means of enhancing efficiency and uniformity in the decommissioning process. The amendments allow for greater public participation and better define the transition process from operations to decommissioning.

Under the revised regulations, licensees will submit written certification to the NRC within 30 days after the decision to cease operations. Certification will also be required once the fuel is permanently removed from the reactor vessel.

Submittal of these notices will entitle the licensee to a fee reduction and eliminate the obligation to follow certain requirements needed only during operation of the reactor. Within two years of submitting notice of permanent cessation of operations, the licensee is required to submit a Post-Shutdown Decommissioning Activities Report (PSDAR) to the NRC. The PSDAR describes the planned decommissioning activities, the associated sequence and schedule, and an estimate of expected costs. Prior to completing decommissioning, the licensee is required to submit an application to the NRC to terminate the license, which will include a license termination plan (LTP).

In 2011, the NRC published amended regulations to improve decommissioning planning and thereby reduce the likelihood that any current operating facility will become a legacy site.[8] The amended regulations require licensees to conduct their operations to minimize the introduction of residual radioactivity into the site, which includes the sites subsurface soil and groundwater.

Licensees also may be required to perform site surveys to determine whether residual radioactivity is present in subsurface areas and to keep records of these surveys with records important for decommissioning. The amended regulations require licensees to report additional details in their decommissioning cost estimate as well as requiring additional financial reporting and assurances. These additional details, including an ISFSI decommissioning estimate, are included in this analysis.

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Crystal River Unit 3 Nuclear Generating Plant Document No. D03-1744-001, Rev. 0 Updated Site-Specific Decommissioning Cost Estimate Section 1, Page 5 of 10 1.3.1 Nuclear Waste Policy Act Congress passed the Nuclear Waste Policy Act[9] (NWPA) in 1982, assigning the federal governments long-standing responsibility for disposal of the spent nuclear fuel created by the commercial nuclear generating plants to the DOE. The DOE was to begin accepting spent fuel and high-level waste by January 31, 1998; however, to date no progress in the removal of spent fuel from commercial generating sites has been made.

Today, the country is at an impasse on high-level waste disposal, despite DOEs submittal of its License Application for a geologic repository to the NRC in 2008. The Obama administration eliminated the budget for the repository program while promising to conduct a comprehensive review of policies for managing the back end of the nuclear fuel cycle and make recommendations for a new plan.[10] Towards this goal, the Obama administration appointed a Blue Ribbon Commission on Americas Nuclear Future (Blue Ribbon Commission) to make recommendations for a new plan for nuclear waste disposal. The Blue Ribbon Commissions charter included a requirement that it consider

[o]ptions for safe storage of used nuclear fuel while final disposition pathways are selected and deployed.

On January 26, 2012, the Blue Ribbon Commission issued its Report to the Secretary of Energy[11] containing a number of recommendations on nuclear waste disposal. Two of the recommendations that may impact decommissioning planning are:

  • [T]he United States [should] establish a program that leads to the timely development of one or more consolidated storage facilities
  • [T]he United States should undertake an integrated nuclear waste management program that leads to the timely development of one or more permanent deep geological facilities for the safe disposal of spent fuel and high-level nuclear waste.

In January 2013, the DOE issued the Strategy for the Management and Disposal of Used Nuclear Fuel and High-Level Radioactive Waste, in response to the recommendations made by the Blue Ribbon Commission and as a framework for moving toward a sustainable program to deploy an integrated system capable of transporting, storing, and disposing of used nuclear fuel...[12]

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Crystal River Unit 3 Nuclear Generating Plant Document No. D03-1744-001, Rev. 0 Updated Site-Specific Decommissioning Cost Estimate Section 1, Page 6 of 10 With the appropriate authorizations from Congress, a program could be implemented over the next 10 years that:

  • Sites, designs and licenses, constructs and begins operations of a pilot interim storage facility by 2021 with an initial focus on accepting used nuclear fuel from shut-down reactor sites;
  • Advances toward the siting and licensing of a larger interim storage facility to be available by 2025 that will have sufficient capacity to provide flexibility in the waste management system and allows for acceptance of enough used nuclear fuel to reduce expected government liabilities; and
  • Makes demonstrable progress on the siting and characterization of repository sites to facilitate the availability of a geologic repository by 2048.

The NRCs review of DOEs license application to construct a geologic repository at Yucca Mountain was suspended in 2011 when the Obama administration significantly reduced the budget for completing that work. However, the US Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit issued a writ of mandamus (in August 2013)[13] ordering NRC to comply with federal law and resume its review of DOE's Yucca Mountain repository license application to the extent allowed by previously appropriated funding for the review. That review is now complete with the publication of the five-volume safety evaluation report. A supplement to DOEs environmental impact statement and adjudicatory hearing on the contentions filed by interested parties must be completed before a licensing decision can be made.

Even with a favorable review, there is considerable uncertainty as to DOEs future actions on the growing backlog of spent fuel, even with the additional direction provided by the Blue Ribbon Commission. For purposes of this analysis, DEF evaluated the feasibility of several spent fuel disposition scenarios, both near (e.g., 2021) and long-term (e.g.,

2048), as well as a more moderate scenario.

For purposes of this estimate, the spent fuel management plan for the CR-3 spent fuel is based in general upon: 1) a 2034 start date for DOE initiating transfer of commercial spent fuel to a federal facility, 2) priority pickup for shutdown reactors, and 3) pickup based on the permanent shutdown date of the plant (oldest fuel first). Assuming a maximum rate of transfer of 3,000 metric tons of uranium (MTU)/year, [14]

and the aforementioned assumptions on spent fuel management, transfer TLG Services, Inc.

Crystal River Unit 3 Nuclear Generating Plant Document No. D03-1744-001, Rev. 0 Updated Site-Specific Decommissioning Cost Estimate Section 1, Page 7 of 10 of spent fuel from commercial generators would begin in 2034, with the spent fuel from CR-3 removed from the site by the end of 2037.

The NRC requires that licensees establish a program to manage and provide funding for the caretaking of all irradiated fuel at the reactor site until title of the fuel is transferred to the DOE.[15] An ISFSI, operated under a Part 50 General License (in accordance with 10 CFR 72, Subpart K),[16] has been constructed to accommodate all spent fuel generated over the plant life. Interim storage of the fuel, until the DOE has completed the transfer is at the on-site ISFSI.

DOE has breached its obligations to remove fuel from reactor sites, and has also failed to provide the plant owner with information about how it will ultimately perform. DOE officials have stated that DOE does not have an obligation to accept already-canistered fuel without an amendment to DOEs contracts with plant licensees to remove the fuel (the Standard Contract), but DOE has not explained what costs any such amendment would involve. Consequently, the plant owner has no information or expectations on how DOE will remove fuel from the site in the future. In the absence of information about how DOE will specifically deal with already-canistered fuel, and for purposes of this analysis only, this cost estimate assumes that there will be no additional costs associated with DOEs acceptance of such fuel. If this assumption is incorrect, it is assumed that DOE will have liability for costs incurred to transfer the fuel to DOE-supplied containers, and to dispose of existing containers.

DEFs position is that the DOE has a contractual obligation to accept the spent fuel earlier than the projections set out above consistent with its contract commitments. No assumption made in this study should be interpreted to be inconsistent with this claim.

1.3.2 Low-Level Radioactive Waste Acts The contaminated and activated material generated in the decontamination and dismantling of a commercial nuclear reactor is classified as low-level (radioactive) waste, although not all of the material is suitable for shallow-land disposal. With the passage of the Low-Level Radioactive Waste Policy Act in 1980,[17] and its Amendments of 1985,[18] the states became ultimately responsible for the disposition of low-level radioactive waste generated within their own borders.

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Crystal River Unit 3 Nuclear Generating Plant Document No. D03-1744-001, Rev. 0 Updated Site-Specific Decommissioning Cost Estimate Section 1, Page 8 of 10 With the exception of Texas, no new compact facilities have been successfully sited, licensed, and constructed. The Texas Compact disposal facility is now operational and waste is being accepted from generators within the Compact by the operator, Waste Control Specialists (WCS). The facility is also able to accept limited volumes of non-Compact waste.

Disposition of the various waste streams produced by the decommissioning process considered all options and services currently available to DEF. The majority of the low-level radioactive waste designated for direct disposal (Class A[19]) can be sent to EnergySolutions facility in Clive, Utah. Therefore, disposal costs for Class A waste were based upon DEFs Life of Plant Agreement with EnergySolutions. This facility is not licensed to receive higher activity waste (Class B and C).

The WCS facility is able to receive the Class B and C waste. As such, for this analysis, Class B and C waste is assumed to be shipped to the WCS facility and disposal costs for the waste were based upon preliminary and indicative information on the cost for such from WCS.

The dismantling of the components residing closest to the reactor core generates radioactive waste that may be considered unsuitable for shallow-land disposal (i.e., low-level radioactive waste with concentrations of radionuclides that exceed the limits established by the NRC for Class C radioactive waste (GTCC)). The Low-Level Radioactive Waste Policy Amendments Act of 1985 assigned the federal government the responsibility for the disposal of this material. The Act also stated that the beneficiaries of the activities resulting in the generation of such radioactive waste bear all reasonable costs of disposing of such waste.

However, to date, the federal government has not identified a cost for disposing of GTCC or a schedule for acceptance.

For purposes of this study, components that must be disposed of as GTCC waste would be packaged in the same canisters used for spent fuel. Because dismantlement would occur after the projected date for DOE acceptance of spent fuel and high level waste, for purposes of this study it is assumed that the canisters would be shipped directly to a DOE facility.

A significant portion of the waste material generated during decommissioning may only be potentially contaminated by radioactive materials. This waste can be analyzed on site or shipped off site to TLG Services, Inc.

Crystal River Unit 3 Nuclear Generating Plant Document No. D03-1744-001, Rev. 0 Updated Site-Specific Decommissioning Cost Estimate Section 1, Page 9 of 10 licensed facilities for further analysis, for processing and/or for conditioning/recovery. Reduction in the volume of low-level radioactive waste requiring disposal in a licensed low-level radioactive waste disposal facility can be accomplished through a variety of methods, including analyses and surveys or decontamination to eliminate the portion of waste that does not require disposal as radioactive waste, compaction, incineration or metal melt. The estimate reflects the savings from waste recovery/volume reduction.

1.3.3 Radiological Criteria for License Termination In 1997, the NRC published Subpart E, Radiological Criteria for License Termination,[20] amending 10 CFR Part 20. This subpart provides radiological criteria for releasing a facility for unrestricted use.

The regulation states that the site can be released for unrestricted use if radioactivity levels are such that the average member of a critical group would not receive a Total Effective Dose Equivalent (TEDE) in excess of 25 millirem per year, and provided that residual radioactivity has been reduced to levels that are As Low As Reasonably Achievable (ALARA).

The decommissioning estimate assumes that the CR-3 site will be remediated to the levels specified in 10 CFR 20.1402, Radiological criteria for unrestricted use, although the remediation measures included in this estimate are believed to be sufficient to result in substantially lower levels than required by the foregoing regulation.

It should be noted that the NRC and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) differ on the amount of residual radioactivity considered acceptable in site remediation. The EPA has two limits that apply to radioactive materials. An EPA limit of 15 millirem per year is derived from criteria established by the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA or Superfund).[21]

An additional and separate limit of 4 millirem per year, as defined in 40 CFR §141.16, is applied to drinking water.[22]

On October 9, 2002, the NRC signed an agreement with the EPA on the radiological decommissioning and decontamination of NRC-licensed sites. The Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)[23] provides that EPA will defer exercise of authority under CERCLA for the majority of facilities decommissioned under NRC authority. The MOU also includes provisions for NRC and EPA consultation for certain sites when, at the time of license termination, (1) groundwater contamination exceeds EPA-permitted levels; (2) NRC contemplates restricted release of the TLG Services, Inc.

Crystal River Unit 3 Nuclear Generating Plant Document No. D03-1744-001, Rev. 0 Updated Site-Specific Decommissioning Cost Estimate Section 1, Page 10 of 10 site; and/or (3) residual radioactive soil concentrations exceed levels defined in the MOU.

The MOU does not impose any new requirements on NRC licensees and should reduce the involvement of the EPA with NRC licensees who are decommissioning. Most sites are expected to meet the NRC criteria for unrestricted use, and the NRC believes that only a few sites will have groundwater or soil contamination in excess of the levels specified in the MOU that trigger consultation with the EPA. However, if there are other hazardous materials on the site, the EPA may be involved in the cleanup. As such, the possibility of dual regulation remains for certain licensees. The present study does not include any costs for this occurrence.

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Crystal River Unit 3 Nuclear Generating Plant Document No. D03-1744-001, Rev. 0 Updated Site-Specific Decommissioning Cost Estimate Section 2, Page 1 of 7

2. SAFSTOR DECOMMISSIONING ALTERNATIVE A detailed cost estimate was developed to decommission the CR-3 nuclear unit for the SAFSTOR decommissioning alternative. The following narrative describes the basic activities associated with the alternative. Although detailed procedures for each activity identified are not provided, and the actual sequence of work may vary, the activity descriptions provide a basis not only for estimating but also for the expected scope of work, i.e., engineering and planning at the time of decommissioning.

The conceptual approach that the NRC has described in its regulations divides decommissioning into three phases. The initial phase commences with the effective date of permanent cessation of operations and involves the transition of both plant and licensee from reactor operations (i.e., power production) to facility de-activation and closure. During the first phase, notification is to be provided to the NRC certifying the permanent cessation of operations and the removal of fuel from the reactor vessel. The licensee is then prohibited from reactor operation.

The second phase encompasses activities during the storage period or during major decommissioning activities, or a combination of the two. The third phase pertains to the activities involved in license termination. The decommissioning estimate developed for CR-3 is also divided into phases or periods; however, demarcation of the periods is based upon major milestones within the project or significant changes in the projected expenditures.

2.1 PERIOD 1 - PREPARATIONS The NRC defines SAFSTOR as "the alternative in which the nuclear facility is placed and maintained in a condition that allows the nuclear facility to be safely stored and subsequently decontaminated (deferred decontamination) to levels that permit release for unrestricted use." The facility is left intact (during the dormancy period), with structures maintained in a sound condition. Systems that are not required to support the spent fuel pool or site surveillance and security are drained, de-energized, and secured. Minimal cleaning/removal of loose contamination and/or fixation and sealing of remaining contamination are performed. Access to contaminated areas is secured to provide controlled access for inspection and maintenance.

Preparations for long-term storage include the revision of technical specifications appropriate to the operating conditions and requirements (i.e.,

permanently shutdown technical specifications), a characterization of the facility and major components, and the development of the PSDAR.

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Crystal River Unit 3 Nuclear Generating Plant Document No. D03-1744-001, Rev. 0 Updated Site-Specific Decommissioning Cost Estimate Section 2, Page 2 of 7 DEF submitted the certification of permanent cessation of power operations and removal of fuel from the reactor to the NRC on February 20, 2013. A PSDAR was subsequently submitted on December 2, 2013,[24] which included a description of the planned decommissioning activities, a schedule for their accomplishment, a site-specific decommissioning cost estimate, and a discussion that provided the basis for concluding that the environmental impacts associated with decommissioning activities will be bounded by appropriate, previously issued, environmental impact statements.

On June 11, 2015, DEF notified the NRC that they were planning to perform (i) certain activities that constitute a schedule change from those actions and schedules described in the PSDAR and associated site-specific decommissioning cost estimate, and (ii) certain construction activities with associated costs that were neither described in nor contemplated by the PSDAR and associated decommissioning cost estimate.[25] The activities included:

1. Disposal of legacy waste (i.e., retired steam generators, reactor vessel closure head and hot leg piping) from the site (included in the prior estimate and now completed).
2. Demolition of the Ready Warehouse to permit a change in the security footprint of the plant once the fuel was off loaded to the ISFSI (included in the prior estimate and now completed).
3. The construction of an ISFSI and associated security modifications (a spent fuel management expense not included in the prior estimate but now complete).

Once the ISFSI had been constructed, the spent fuel was transferred from the spent fuel pool to the horizontal storage modules located on the ISFSI pad.

DEF provided notice to the NRC of its first campaign, under the CR-3 general license, in July 2017. The transfer was completed in January 2018.

The estimate excludes those costs incurred prior to January 2018. It does include the costs identified to complete the preparations for long-term storage, based upon the budgeted costs through the year 2019.

2.2 PERIOD 2 - DORMANCY The second phase identified by the NRC in its rule addresses licensed activities during a storage period and is applicable to the dormancy phases of the deferred decommissioning alternatives. Dormancy activities include a 24-hour TLG Services, Inc.

Crystal River Unit 3 Nuclear Generating Plant Document No. D03-1744-001, Rev. 0 Updated Site-Specific Decommissioning Cost Estimate Section 2, Page 3 of 7 security force, preventive and corrective maintenance on security systems, area lighting, general building maintenance, heating and ventilation of buildings, routine radiological inspections of contaminated structures, maintenance of structural integrity, and a site environmental and radiation monitoring program. Resident maintenance personnel perform equipment maintenance, inspection activities, routine services to maintain safe conditions, adequate lighting, heating, and ventilation, and periodic preventive maintenance on essential site services.

An environmental surveillance program is carried out during the dormancy period to monitor and control releases of radioactive material to the environment. Appropriate emergency procedures are established and initiated for potential releases that exceed prescribed limits. The environmental surveillance program constitutes an abbreviated version of the program in effect during normal plant operations.

Security during the dormancy period is conducted primarily to safe-guard the spent fuel while on site and prevent unauthorized entry. The security fence, sensors, alarms, and other surveillance equipment provide security. Fire and radiation alarms are also monitored and maintained.

For purposes of planning and this cost estimate, the transfer of the spent fuel from the ISFSI to a DOE facility is assumed to be complete by the end of 2037, although transfer could occur earlier if DOE is successful in implementing its current strategy for the management and disposal of spent fuel. The ISFSI will then be secured for long-term storage and decommissioned along with the power block structures in Period 4.

2.3 PERIOD 3 - PREPARATIONS FOR DECOMMISSIONING CR-3 is currently expected to remain in safe storage until 2067, at which time preparations for decommissioning would commence. The period of storage was based upon, and considered, the available financial resources, projected fund growth and the cost to complete decommissioning and plant dismantlement.

Prior to the commencement of decommissioning operations, preparations are undertaken to reactivate site services and prepare for decommissioning.

Preparations include engineering and planning, a detailed site characterization, and the assembly of a decommissioning management organization. Final planning for activities and the writing of activity specifications and detailed procedures are also initiated at this time.

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Crystal River Unit 3 Nuclear Generating Plant Document No. D03-1744-001, Rev. 0 Updated Site-Specific Decommissioning Cost Estimate Section 2, Page 4 of 7 At least two years prior to the anticipated date of license termination, an LTP is required. Submitted as a supplement to the Final Safety Analysis Report (FSAR) or its equivalent, the plan must include: a site characterization, description of the remaining dismantling activities, plans for site remediation, procedures for the final radiation survey, designation of the end use of the site, an updated cost estimate to complete the decommissioning, and any associated environmental concerns. The NRC will notice the receipt of the plan, make the plan available for public comment, and schedule a local hearing. LTP approval will be subject to any conditions and limitations as deemed appropriate by the Commission.

2.4 PERIOD 4 - DECOMMISSIONING This period includes the physical decommissioning activities associated with the removal and disposal of contaminated and activated components and structures, including the successful termination of the 10 CFR §50 operating license. Although the initial radiation levels due to 60Co will decrease during the dormancy period, the internal components of the reactor vessel will still exhibit sufficiently high radiation dose rates to require remote sectioning under water due to the presence of long-lived radionuclides such as 94Nb, 59Ni, and 63Ni. Portions of the biological shield will also be radioactive due to the presence of activated trace elements with long half-lives (152Eu and 154Eu).

Decontamination will require controlled removal and disposal. It is assumed that radioactive corrosion products on inner surfaces of piping and components will not have decayed to levels that will permit unrestricted use or allow conventional removal. These systems and components will be surveyed as they are removed and disposed of in accordance with the existing radioactive release criteria.

Significant decommissioning activities in this phase include:

  • Reconfiguration and modification of site structures and facilities, as needed to support decommissioning operations. This may include establishing a centralized processing area to facilitate equipment removal and component preparation for off-site disposal. Modifications may also be required to the reactor building to facilitate access of de-construction equipment, support the segmentation of the reactor vessel internals, and for large component extraction.
  • Design and fabrication of temporary and permanent shielding to support removal and transportation activities, construction of contamination control envelopes, and the procurement of specialty tooling.

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Crystal River Unit 3 Nuclear Generating Plant Document No. D03-1744-001, Rev. 0 Updated Site-Specific Decommissioning Cost Estimate Section 2, Page 5 of 7

  • Procurement (lease or purchase) of shipping canisters, cask liners, and industrial packages for the disposition of low-level radioactive waste.
  • Decontamination of components and piping systems as required to control (minimize) worker exposure.
  • Removal of piping and components no longer essential to support decommissioning operations.
  • Removal of control rod drive housings and the head service structure from the reactor vessel head.
  • Removal and segmentation of the plenum assembly. Segmentation will maximize the loading of the shielded transport casks, (i.e., by weight and activity). The operations will be conducted under water using remotely operated tooling and contamination controls.
  • Disassembly and segmentation, if necessary, of the remaining reactor internals, including the core former and baffles and lower core support assembly. Depending on packaging, some material may exceed Class C disposal requirements. Any such material will be packaged in transportable canisters similar to canisters used for spent fuel for transfer to DOE.
  • Segmentation / removal of the reactor vessel. If segmented, a shielded platform will be installed for segmentation as cutting operations will be performed in-air using remotely operated equipment within a contamination control envelope. The water level will be maintained just below the cut to minimize the working area dose rates. Segments will be transferred in-air to containers that are stored under water, for example, in an isolated area of the refueling canal.
  • Removal of the activated and contaminated portions of the concrete biological shield and accessible contaminated concrete surfaces. If dictated by the steam generator and pressurizer removal scenarios, those portions of the associated D-rings necessary for access and component extraction will be removed.
  • Removal of the steam generators for processing and pressurizer for controlled disposal. The generators will be moved to an on-site processing center and prepared for transport to the waste processor. To facilitate transport, the generators will be cut in half, across the tube bundle. The exposed ends will be capped and sealed. The pressurizer will be disposed of intact.
  • Removal of remaining plant systems and associated components as they become nonessential to the decommissioning program or worker health and safety (e.g., waste collection and treatment systems, electrical power and ventilation systems).

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Crystal River Unit 3 Nuclear Generating Plant Document No. D03-1744-001, Rev. 0 Updated Site-Specific Decommissioning Cost Estimate Section 2, Page 6 of 7

  • Removal of the steel liners from refueling canal, disposing of the activated and contaminated sections as radioactive waste. Removal of any activated/contaminated concrete.
  • Surveys of the decontaminated areas of the reactor building.
  • Remediation and removal of the contaminated equipment and material from the auxiliary building and any other contaminated area. Radiation and contamination controls will be utilized until residual levels indicate that the structures and equipment can be released for unrestricted access and conventional demolition. This activity may necessitate the dismantling and disposition of most of the systems and components (both clean and contaminated) located within these areas. This activity facilitates surface decontamination and subsequent verification surveys required prior to obtaining release for demolition.
  • Routing of material removed in the decontamination and dismantling to a central processing area. Material certified to be free of contamination will be released for unrestricted disposition, e.g., as scrap, recycle, or general disposal. Contaminated material will be characterized and segregated for additional off-site processing (disassembly, chemical cleaning, volume reduction, and waste treatment), and/or packaged for controlled disposal at a low-level radioactive waste disposal facility.
  • Remediation of the west settling pond (approximately 500 cubic yards), and the excavation and removal of the station drain tank line, as well as the underground portions of the nitrogen line.

Incorporated into the LTP is the Final Survey Plan. This plan identifies the radiological surveys to be performed once the decontamination activities are completed and is developed using the guidance provided in the Multi-Agency Radiation Survey and Site Investigation Manual (MARSSIM).[26] This document incorporates the statistical approaches to survey design and data interpretation used by the EPA. It also identifies commercially available instrumentation and procedures for conducting radiological surveys. Use of this guidance ensures that the surveys are conducted in a manner that provides a high degree of confidence that applicable NRC criteria are satisfied.

Once the survey is complete, the results are provided to the NRC in a format that can be verified. The NRC then reviews and evaluates the information, performs an independent confirmation of radiological site conditions, and makes a determination on release of the property for unrestricted use and license termination.

The NRC will terminate the operating license if it determines that site remediation has been performed in accordance with the LTP, and that the TLG Services, Inc.

Crystal River Unit 3 Nuclear Generating Plant Document No. D03-1744-001, Rev. 0 Updated Site-Specific Decommissioning Cost Estimate Section 2, Page 7 of 7 terminal radiation survey and associated documentation demonstrate that the facility is suitable for release.

2.5 PERIOD 5 - SITE RESTORATION The efficient removal of the contaminated materials at the site may result in damage to many of the site structures. Blasting, coring, drilling, and the other decontamination activities can substantially damage power block structures, potentially weakening the footings and structural supports. It is unreasonable to anticipate that these structures would be repaired and preserved after the radiological contamination is removed. Dismantling site structures with a work force already mobilized is more efficient and less costly than if the process is deferred. Consequently, this study assumes that site structures addressed by this analysis are removed to a nominal depth of three feet below the top grade of the embankment, wherever possible.

The three-foot depth allows for the placement of gravel for drainage, as well as topsoil, so that vegetation can be established for erosion control. Site areas affected by the dismantling activities are restored and the plant area graded as required to prevent ponding and inhibit the refloating of subsurface materials.

Non-contaminated concrete rubble produced by demolition activities is processed to remove reinforcing steel and miscellaneous embedments. The processed material is then used on site to backfill foundation voids. Excess non-contaminated materials are trucked to an off-site area for disposal as construction debris.

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Crystal River Unit 3 Nuclear Generating Plant Document No. D03-1744-001, Rev. 0 Updated Site-Specific Decommissioning Cost Estimate Section 3, Page 1 of 24

3. COST ESTIMATE The cost estimate prepared for decommissioning CR-3 considers the unique features of the site, including the NSSS, power generation systems, support services, site buildings, and ancillary facilities. The basis of the estimate, including the sources of information relied upon, the estimating methodology employed, site-specific considerations, and other pertinent assumptions, is described in this section.

3.1 BASIS OF ESTIMATE The estimate was developed using the site-specific, technical information from the 2013 analysis. This information was reviewed for the current analysis and updated as deemed appropriate. The site-specific considerations and assumptions used in the previous evaluation were also revisited. Modifications were incorporated where new information was available or experience from ongoing decommissioning programs provided viable alternatives or improved processes.

3.2 METHODOLOGY The methodology used to develop the estimate follows the basic approach originally presented in the AIF/NESP-036 study report, "Guidelines for Producing Commercial Nuclear Power Plant Decommissioning Cost Estimates,"[27] and the DOE "Decommissioning Handbook."[28] These documents present a unit factor method for estimating decommissioning activity costs, which simplifies the estimating calculations. Unit factors for concrete removal ($/cubic yard), steel removal ($/ton), and cutting costs ($/inch) are developed using local labor rates. The activity-dependent costs are estimated with the item quantities (cubic yards and tons), developed from plant drawings and inventory documents. Removal rates and material costs for the conventional disposition of components and structures rely upon information available in the industry publication, "Building Construction Cost Data," published by RSMeans.[29]

The unit factor method provides a demonstrable basis for establishing reliable cost estimates. The detail provided in the unit factors, including activity duration, labor costs (by craft), and equipment and consumable costs, ensures that essential elements have not been omitted. Appendix A presents the detailed development of a typical unit factor. Appendix B provides the values contained within one set of factors developed for this analysis.

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Crystal River Unit 3 Nuclear Generating Plant Document No. D03-1744-001, Rev. 0 Updated Site-Specific Decommissioning Cost Estimate Section 3, Page 2 of 24 This analysis reflected lessons learned from TLGs involvement in the Shippingport Station decommissioning, completed in 1989, as well as the decommissioning of the Cintichem reactor, hot cells, and associated facilities, completed in 1997. In addition, the planning and engineering for the Pathfinder, Shoreham, Rancho Seco, Trojan, Yankee Rowe, Big Rock Point, Maine Yankee, Humboldt Bay-3, Connecticut Yankee, Vermont Yankee and Fort Calhoun nuclear units have provided additional insight into the process, the regulatory aspects, and the technical challenges of decommissioning commercial nuclear units.

Work Difficulty Factors TLG has historically applied work difficulty adjustment factors (WDFs) to account for the inefficiencies in working in a power plant environment. WDFs are assigned to each unique set of unit factors, commensurate with the inefficiencies associated with working in confined, hazardous environments.

The ranges used for the WDFs are as follows:

  • Access Factor 10% to 20%
  • Respiratory Protection Factor 0% to 50%
  • Radiation/ALARA Factor 0% to 15%
  • Protective Clothing Factor 0% to 30%
  • Work Break Factor 8.33%

The factors and their associated range of values were developed in conjunction with the AIF/NESP-036 study. The application of the factors is discussed in more detail in that publication.

Scheduling Program Durations The unit factors, adjusted by the WDFs as described above, are applied against the inventory of materials to be removed in the radiological controlled areas.

The resulting man-hours, or crew-hours, are used in the development of the decommissioning program schedule, using resource loading and event sequencing considerations. The scheduling of conventional removal and dismantling activities is based upon productivity information available from the "Building Construction Cost Data" publication.

An activity duration critical path is used to determine the total decommissioning program schedule. The schedule is relied upon in calculating the carrying costs, which include program management, administration, field TLG Services, Inc.

Crystal River Unit 3 Nuclear Generating Plant Document No. D03-1744-001, Rev. 0 Updated Site-Specific Decommissioning Cost Estimate Section 3, Page 3 of 24 engineering, equipment rental, and support services such as quality control and security. This systematic approach for assembling decommissioning estimates ensures a high degree of confidence in the reliability of the resulting costs.

3.3 FINANCIAL COMPONENTS OF THE COST MODEL TLGs proprietary decommissioning cost model, DECCER, produces a number of distinct cost elements. These direct expenditures, however, do not comprise the total cost to accomplish the project goal, i.e., license termination and site restoration.

3.3.1 Contingency Inherent in any cost estimate that does not rely on historical data is the inability to specify the precise source of costs imposed by factors such as tool breakage, accidents, illnesses, weather delays, and labor stoppages.

In the DECCER cost model, contingency fulfills this role. Contingency is added to each line item to account for costs that are difficult or impossible to develop analytically. Such costs are historically inevitable over the duration of a job of this magnitude; therefore, this cost analysis includes funds to cover these types of expenses.

The activity- and period-dependent costs are combined to develop the total decommissioning cost. A contingency is then applied on a line-item basis, using one or more of the contingency types listed in the AIF/NESP-036 study. "Contingencies" are defined in the American Association of Cost Engineers Project and Cost Engineers' Handbook[30] as "specific provision for unforeseeable elements of cost within the defined project scope; particularly important where previous experience relating estimates and actual costs has shown that unforeseeable events which will increase costs are likely to occur." The cost elements in this analysis are based upon ideal conditions and maximum efficiency; therefore, consistent with industry practice, contingency is included. In the AIF/NESP-036 study, the types of unforeseeable events that are likely to occur in decommissioning are discussed and guidelines are provided for percentage contingency in each category. It should be noted that contingency, as used in this analysis, does not account for price escalation and inflation in the cost of decommissioning over the remaining operating life of the station.

Contingency funds are an integral part of the total cost to complete the decommissioning process. Exclusion of this component puts at risk a TLG Services, Inc.

Crystal River Unit 3 Nuclear Generating Plant Document No. D03-1744-001, Rev. 0 Updated Site-Specific Decommissioning Cost Estimate Section 3, Page 4 of 24 successful completion of the intended tasks and, potentially, subsequent related activities. For this study, TLG examined the major activity-related problems (decontamination, segmentation, equipment handling, packaging, transport, and waste disposal) that necessitate a contingency. Individual activity contingencies ranged from 10% to 75%,

depending on the degree of difficulty judged to be appropriate from TLGs actual decommissioning experience. The contingency values used in this study are as follows:

  • Decontamination 50%
  • Contaminated Component Removal 25%
  • Contaminated Component Packaging 10%
  • Contaminated Component Transport 15%
  • Low-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal 25%
  • Low-Level Radioactive Waste Processing 15%
  • Reactor Segmentation 75%
  • NSSS Component Removal 25%
  • Reactor Waste Packaging 25%
  • Reactor Waste Transport 25%
  • Reactor Vessel Component Disposal 50%
  • Non-Radioactive Component Removal 15%
  • Heavy Equipment and Tooling 15%
  • Construction 15%
  • Supplies 25%
  • Engineering 15%
  • Energy 15%
  • Characterization and Termination Surveys 30%
  • Spent Fuel Transfer 15%
  • ISFSI Decommissioning 25%
  • Operations and Maintenance 15%
  • Taxes and Fees 10%
  • Insurance 10%
  • Staffing (plant, contractor and security) 15%

The contingency values are applied to the appropriate components of the estimate on a line item basis, except where actual budgets were provided or estimates for activities provided by DEF assume to include contingency.

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Crystal River Unit 3 Nuclear Generating Plant Document No. D03-1744-001, Rev. 0 Updated Site-Specific Decommissioning Cost Estimate Section 3, Page 5 of 24 3.3.2 Financial Risk In addition to the routine uncertainties addressed by contingency, another cost element that is sometimes necessary to consider when bounding decommissioning costs relates to uncertainty, or risk.

Examples can include changes in work scope, pricing, job performance, and other variations that could conceivably, but not necessarily, occur.

Consideration is sometimes necessary to generate a level of confidence in the estimate, within a range of probabilities. TLG considers these types of costs under the broad term financial risk. Included within the category of financial risk are:

  • Delays in approval of the decommissioning plan due to intervention, public participation in local community meetings, legal challenges, and national and local hearings.
  • Changes in the project work scope from the baseline estimate, involving the discovery of unexpected levels of contaminants, contamination in places not previously expected, contaminated soil previously undiscovered (either radioactive or hazardous material contamination), variations in plant inventory or configuration not indicated by the as-built drawings.
  • Regulatory changes, for example, affecting worker health and safety, site release criteria, waste transportation, and disposal.
  • Policy decisions altering national commitments (e.g., in the ability to accommodate certain waste forms for disposition), or in the timetable for such, for example, the start and rate of acceptance of spent fuel by the DOE.
  • Pricing changes for basic inputs such as labor, energy, materials, and disposal. Items subject to widespread price competition (such as materials) may not show significant variation; however, others such as waste disposal could exhibit large pricing uncertainties, particularly in markets where limited access to services is available.

This cost study does not add any additional costs to the estimate for financial risk, since there is insufficient historical data from which to project future liabilities. Consequently, the areas of uncertainty or risk should be revisited periodically and addressed through revisions or updates of the base estimate.

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Crystal River Unit 3 Nuclear Generating Plant Document No. D03-1744-001, Rev. 0 Updated Site-Specific Decommissioning Cost Estimate Section 3, Page 6 of 24 3.4 SITE-SPECIFIC CONSIDERATIONS There are a number of site-specific considerations that affect the method for dismantling and removal of equipment from the site and the degree of restoration required. The cost impact of the considerations identified below is included in this cost study.

3.4.1 Spent Fuel Management The cost to dispose the spent fuel generated from plant operations is not reflected within the estimate to decommission CR-3. Ultimate disposition of the spent fuel is within the province of the DOEs Waste Management System, as defined by the Nuclear Waste Policy Act. Until recently, the disposal cost is financed by a 1 mill/kWhr surcharge paid into the DOEs waste fund during operations. On November 19, 2013, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit ordered the Secretary of the Department of Entergy to suspend collecting annual fees for nuclear waste disposal from nuclear power plant operators however, require licensees to establish a program to manage and provide funding for the management of all irradiated fuel at the reactor site until title of the fuel is transferred to the Secretary of Energy.

Completion of the decommissioning process is highly dependent upon the DOEs ability to remove spent fuel from the site. The timing for removal of spent fuel from the site is based upon an internal DEF probability assessment and the most recent information from the DOE on likely future actions regarding interim and long-term solutions to spent fuel disposition.

For purposes of this estimate, the spent fuel management plan for the CR-3 spent fuel is based in general upon: 1) a 2034 start date for DOE initiating transfer of commercial spent fuel to a federal facility, 2) priority pickup for shutdown reactors, and 3) pickup based on the permanent shutdown date of the plant (oldest fuel first). Assuming a maximum rate of transfer of 3,000 metric tons of uranium (MTU)/year,[31] and the aforementioned assumptions on spent fuel management, the spent fuel from CR-3 would be completely removed from the site by the end of 2037.

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Crystal River Unit 3 Nuclear Generating Plant Document No. D03-1744-001, Rev. 0 Updated Site-Specific Decommissioning Cost Estimate Section 3, Page 7 of 24 ISFSI An ISFSI has been constructed adjacent to the power block and used to off-load the spent fuel pool. The relocation of the spent fuel from the wet storage pool to the ISFSI was completed in January 2018.

Storage Canister Design Spent fuel is currently stored in NUHOMS-32PH1 Type 2-W dry storage system. The systems consist of a stainless steel Dry Shielded Canister (DSC), and a concrete Horizontal Storage Module (HSM),

which houses the DSC during storage. The DSCs can house up to 32 spent fuel assemblies each.

Canister Transfer For estimating purposes, an allowance was used for the transfer of the fuel from the ISFSI into a DOE transport cask.

Operations and Maintenance The estimate includes the cost for operation and maintenance of the ISFSI. ISFSI operations are expected to continue through December 2037, based upon the previously outlined assumptions on DOE performance.

ISFSI Decommissioning In accordance with 10 CFR §72.30, licensees must have a proposed decommissioning plan for the ISFSI site and facilities that includes a cost estimate to implement. The plan should contain sufficient information on the proposed practices and procedures for the decontamination of the ISFSI and for the disposal of residual radioactive materials after all spent fuel, high-level radioactive waste, and reactor-related GTCC waste have been removed.

As an allowance for HSM remediation, 6 modules are assumed to have some level of neutron-induced activation after approximately 20 years of storage (i.e., to levels exceeding free-release limits), equivalent to the number of modules required to accommodate the final core off load. The steel support structure is assumed to be removed from these modules and sent, along with the concrete, for controlled disposal. The cost of the TLG Services, Inc.

Crystal River Unit 3 Nuclear Generating Plant Document No. D03-1744-001, Rev. 0 Updated Site-Specific Decommissioning Cost Estimate Section 3, Page 8 of 24 disposition of this material, as well as the demolition of the ISFSI facility, is included in the estimate.

Minor contamination of the ISFSI pad is assumed. Funding has been added to the DCE to address areas of concern. It would be expected that this assumption would be confirmed as a result of good radiological practice of surveying potentially impacted areas after each spent fuel transfer campaign. The estimate is limited to costs necessary to terminate the ISFSIs NRC license and meet the §20.1402 criteria for unrestricted use.

Prior to constructing the ISFSI pad, the top soil was sampled and remediated where trace amounts of contamination were detected. This estimate assumes that no additional remediation of the soil in the vicinity of the ISFSI is necessary.

The cost estimate for decommissioning the ISFSI reflects: 1) the cost of an independent contractor performing the decommissioning activities; 2) an adequate contingency factor; and 3) the cost to remove the ISFSI pads, concrete apron and concrete wave steps; and 4) the cost of meeting the criteria for unrestricted use. The cost summary for decommissioning the ISFSI is presented in Appendix D.

GTCC The dismantling of the reactor internals generates radioactive waste considered unsuitable for shallow land disposal (i.e., low-level radioactive waste with concentrations of radionuclides that exceed the limits established by the NRC for Class C radioactive waste (GTCC)).

The Low-Level Radioactive Waste Policy Amendments Act of 1985 assigned the Federal Government the responsibility for the disposal of this material. The Act also stated that the beneficiaries of the activities resulting in the generation of such radioactive waste bear all reasonable costs of disposing of such waste. However, to date, the Federal Government has not identified a cost for disposing of GTCC or a schedule for acceptance. For purposes of this estimate, the GTCC radioactive waste has been assumed to be packaged in transportable canisters similar to canisters used for spent fuel and disposed of as high-level waste, at a cost equivalent to that envisioned for the spent fuel.

The GTCC material is assumed to be shipped directly to a DOE facility as it is generated from the segmentation of the reactor vessel internals.

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Crystal River Unit 3 Nuclear Generating Plant Document No. D03-1744-001, Rev. 0 Updated Site-Specific Decommissioning Cost Estimate Section 3, Page 9 of 24 3.4.2 Reactor Vessel and Internal Components The reactor pressure vessel and internal components are segmented for disposal in shielded, reusable transportation casks. Segmentation is performed in the refueling canal, where a turntable and remote cutter are installed. The vessel is segmented in place, using a mast-mounted cutter supported off the lower head and directed from a shielded work platform installed overhead in the reactor cavity. Transportation cask specifications and transportation regulations dictate the segmentation and packaging methodology.

Intact disposal of reactor vessel shells has been successfully demonstrated at several of the sites currently being decommissioned.

Access to navigable waterways has allowed these large packages to be transported to the Barnwell disposal site with minimal overland travel.

Intact disposal of the reactor vessel and internal components can provide savings in cost and worker exposure by eliminating the complex segmentation requirements, isolation of the GTCC material, and transport/storage of the resulting waste packages. Portland General Electric (PGE) was able to dispose of the Trojan reactor as an intact package (including the internals). However, its location on the Columbia River simplified the transportation analysis since:

  • the reactor package could be secured to the transport vehicle for the entire journey, i.e., the package was not lifted during transport,
  • there were no man-made or natural terrain features between the plant site and the disposal location that could produce a large drop, and
  • transport speeds were very low, limited by the overland transport vehicle and the river barge.

As a member of the Northwest Compact, PGE had a site available for disposal of the package - the US Ecology facility in Washington State.

The characteristics of this arid site proved favorable in demonstrating compliance with land disposal regulations.

It is not known whether this option will be available to CR-3. Future viability of this option will depend upon the ultimate location of the disposal site, as well as the disposal site licensees ability to accept highly radioactive packages and effectively isolate them from the environment. Consequently, the study assumes the reactor vessel will TLG Services, Inc.

Crystal River Unit 3 Nuclear Generating Plant Document No. D03-1744-001, Rev. 0 Updated Site-Specific Decommissioning Cost Estimate Section 3, Page 10 of 24 require segmentation, as a bounding condition. With lower levels of activation, the vessel shell can be packaged more efficiently than the curie-limited internal components. This will allow the use of more conventional waste packages rather than shielded casks for transport.

3.4.3 Primary System Components Due to the natural decay of radionuclides over the dormancy period, a chemical decontamination of the primary coolant system is not included.

The following discussion deals with the removal and disposition of the steam generators, but the techniques involved are also applicable to other large components, such as heat exchangers, component coolers, and the pressurizer. The steam generators size and weight, as well as their location within the reactor building, will ultimately determine the removal strategy.

A trolley crane is set up for the removal of the generators. It can also be used to move portions of the steam generator cubicle walls and floor slabs from the reactor building to a location where they can be decontaminated and transported to the material handling area.

Interferences within the work area, such as grating, piping, and other components are removed to create sufficient laydown space for processing these large components.

The generators are rigged for removal, disconnected from the surrounding piping and supports, and maneuvered into the open area where they are lowered onto a dolly. Each generator is rotated into the horizontal position for extraction from the reactor building and placed onto a multi-wheeled vehicle for transport to an on-site processing and storage area.

The generators are segmented on-site to facilitate transportation. Each unit is cut in half, across the tube bundle. The exposed ends are capped and sealed. Each component is then loaded onto a rail car for transport to the waste processing facility.

Reactor coolant piping is cut from the reactor vessel once the water level in the vessel (used for personnel shielding during dismantling and cutting operations in and around the vessel) is dropped below the nozzle zone. The piping is boxed and transported by shielded van. The reactor coolant pumps and motors are lifted out intact, packaged, and transported for processing and/or disposal.

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Crystal River Unit 3 Nuclear Generating Plant Document No. D03-1744-001, Rev. 0 Updated Site-Specific Decommissioning Cost Estimate Section 3, Page 11 of 24 3.4.4 Main Turbine and Condenser The main turbine is dismantled using conventional maintenance procedures. The turbine rotors and shafts are removed to a laydown area. The lower turbine casings are removed from their anchors by controlled demolition. The main condensers are also disassembled and moved to a laydown area. Material is then prepared for transportation to an off-site recycling facility where it is surveyed and designated for either decontamination or volume reduction, conventional disposal, or controlled disposal. Components are packaged and readied for transport in accordance with the intended disposition.

3.4.5 Transportation Methods Contaminated piping, components, and structural material other than the highly activated reactor vessel and internal components will qualify as LSA-I, II or III or Surface Contaminated Object, SCO-I or II, as described in Title 49.[32] The contaminated material will be packaged in Industrial Packages (IP-1, IP-2, or IP-3, as defined in subpart 173.411) for transport unless demonstrated to qualify as their own shipping containers. The reactor vessel and internal components are expected to be transported in accordance with Part 71, as Type B. It is conceivable that the reactor, due to its limited specific activity, could qualify as LSA II or III. However, the high radiation levels on the outer surface would require that additional shielding be incorporated within the packaging so as to attenuate the dose to levels acceptable for transport.

Any fuel cladding failure that occurred during the lifetime of the plant is assumed to have released fission products at sufficiently low levels that the buildup of quantities of long-lived isotopes (e.g., 137Cs, 90Sr, or transuranics) has been prevented from reaching levels exceeding those that permit the major reactor components to be shipped under current transportation regulations and disposal requirements.

Transport of the highly activated metal, produced in the segmentation of the reactor vessel and internal components, will be by shielded truck cask. Cask shipments may exceed 95,000 pounds, including vessel segment(s), supplementary shielding, cask tie-downs, and tractor-trailer. The maximum level of activity per shipment assumed permissible was based upon the license limits of the available shielded transport casks. The segmentation scheme for the vessel and internal segments is designed to meet these limits.

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Crystal River Unit 3 Nuclear Generating Plant Document No. D03-1744-001, Rev. 0 Updated Site-Specific Decommissioning Cost Estimate Section 3, Page 12 of 24 The transport of large intact components (e.g., large heat exchangers and other oversized components) will be by a combination of truck, rail, and/or multi-wheeled transporter.

Transportation costs for material requiring controlled disposal are based upon the mileage to the EnergySolutions facility in Clive, Utah and the Waste Control Specialist facility in Andrews County, Texas.

Transportation costs for off-site waste processing are based upon the mileage to Oak Ridge, Tennessee. Truck transport costs are estimated using published tariffs from Tri-State Motor Transit.[33]

The transportation cost for the GTCC material is assumed to be included in the disposal cost.

3.4.6 Low-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal To the greatest extent practical, metallic material generated in the decontamination and dismantling processes is processed to reduce the total cost of controlled disposal. Material meeting the regulatory and/or site release criterion, is released as scrap, requiring no further cost consideration. Conditioning (preparing the material to meet the waste acceptance criteria of the disposal site) and recovery of the waste stream is performed off site at a licensed processing center. Any material leaving the site is subject to a survey and release charge, at a minimum.

The mass of radioactive waste generated during the various decommissioning activities at the site is shown on a line-item basis in Appendix C, and summarized in Section 5. The quantified waste summaries shown in these tables are consistent with 10 CFR Part 61 classifications. Commercially available steel containers are presumed to be used for the disposal of piping, small components, and concrete.

Larger components can serve as their own containers, with proper closure of all openings, access ways, and penetrations. The volumes are calculated based on the exterior package dimensions for containerized material or a specific calculation for components serving as their own waste containers.

The more highly activated reactor components will be shipped in reusable, shielded truck casks with disposable liners. In calculating disposal costs, the burial fees are applied against the liner volume, as well as the special handling requirements of the payload.

TLG Services, Inc.

Crystal River Unit 3 Nuclear Generating Plant Document No. D03-1744-001, Rev. 0 Updated Site-Specific Decommissioning Cost Estimate Section 3, Page 13 of 24 Disposal fees are based upon estimated charges, with higher rates applying for the highly activated components, for example, generated in the segmentation of the reactor vessel. The cost to dispose of the lowest level and majority of the material generated from the decontamination and dismantling activities is based upon the current cost for disposal at EnergySolutions facility in Clive, Utah. Disposal costs for the higher activity waste (Class B and C) are based upon preliminary and indicative information on the cost for such from WCS.

The estimate includes a Florida Department of Health inspection fee; applied to the volume of low-level radioactive waste shipped to commercial low-level radioactive waste management facilities for treatment, storage, or disposal (Florida Radiation Protection Act, s.


Material exceeding Class C limits (limited to material closest to the reactor core and comprising less than 1% of the total waste volume) is generally not suitable for shallow-land disposal. This material is packaged in the same multi-purpose canisters used for spent fuel transport.

3.4.7 Site Conditions Following Decommissioning The NRC will terminate the site license if it determines that site remediation has been performed in accordance with the license termination plan, and that the terminal radiation survey and associated documentation demonstrate that the facility is suitable for release. The NRCs involvement in the decommissioning process will end at this point. Local building codes and state environmental regulations will dictate the next step in the decommissioning process, as well as the owners own future plans for the site.

Non-essential structures or buildings severely damaged in decontamination process are removed to a nominal depth of three feet below the top grade of the embankment (i.e., 118-6), wherever possible.

The embankment and the foundations of buildings located on the embankment, below this elevation, will be abandoned in place. Below grade voids will be filled with clean concrete rubble (processed to removed rebar), generated from demolition activities. Excess construction debris is trucked off site as an alternative to onsite disposal. Certain facilities, which have continued use or value (e.g., the switchyard) are left intact.

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Crystal River Unit 3 Nuclear Generating Plant Document No. D03-1744-001, Rev. 0 Updated Site-Specific Decommissioning Cost Estimate Section 3, Page 14 of 24 The intake and discharge canals are abandoned. No remediation is anticipated.

Costs are included for the remediation of minor quantities of asbestos containing materials (e.g., gaskets, insulation, construction materials) and for the remediation of the firing range (i.e., removal of soil containing lead residue).

3.5 ASSUMPTIONS The following are the major assumptions made in the development of the estimate for decommissioning the site.

3.5.1 Estimating Basis The study follows the principles of ALARA through the use of work duration adjustment factors. These factors address the impact of activities such as radiological protection instruction, mock-up training, and the use of respiratory protection and protective clothing. The factors lengthen a task's duration, increasing costs and lengthening the overall schedule. ALARA planning is considered in the costs for engineering and planning, and in the development of activity specifications and detailed procedures. Changes to worker exposure limits may impact the decommissioning cost and project schedule.

3.5.2 Labor Costs DEF, as the licensee, will continue to provide site operations support, including decommissioning program management, licensing, radiological protection, and site security. A Decommissioning Operations Contractor (DOC) will provide the supervisory staff needed to oversee the labor subcontractors, consultants, and specialty contractors needed to perform the work required for the decontamination and dismantling effort. The DOC will also provide the engineering services needed to develop activity specifications, detailed procedures, detailed activation analyses, and support field activities such as structural modifications.

Site personnel costs are based upon average salary information provided by DEF. Overhead costs are included for site and corporate support, and reduced commensurate with the staffing of the project.

The craft labor required to decontaminate and dismantle the nuclear unit is acquired through standard site contracting practices. The current cost of labor at the site is used as an estimating basis.

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Crystal River Unit 3 Nuclear Generating Plant Document No. D03-1744-001, Rev. 0 Updated Site-Specific Decommissioning Cost Estimate Section 3, Page 15 of 24 Security, while reduced from operating levels, is maintained throughout the decommissioning for access control, material control, and to safeguard the spent fuel. Once the spent fuel is removed from the site, the organization is converted from a nuclear to an industrial security force.

3.5.3 Design Conditions Any fuel cladding failure that occurred during the lifetime of the plant is assumed to have released fission products at sufficiently low levels that the buildup of quantities of long-lived isotopes (e.g., 137Cs, 90Sr, or transuranics) has been prevented from reaching levels exceeding those that permit the major NSSS components to be shipped under current transportation regulations and disposal requirements.

The curie contents of the vessel and internals at final shutdown are derived from those listed in NUREG/CR-3474.[34] Actual estimates are derived from the curie/gram values contained therein and adjusted for the different mass of the CR-3 components, operating life, and period of decay. Additional short-lived isotopes were derived from NUREG/CR-0130[35] and NUREG/CR-0672,[36] and benchmarked to the long-lived values from NUREG/CR-3474.

The control elements are disposed of along with the spent fuel, i.e., there is no additional cost provided for their disposal. Neutron activation of the containment building structure is assumed to be confined to the biological shield.

3.5.4 General Transition Activities Existing warehouses are cleared of non-essential material and remain for use by DEF and its subcontractors. The plants operating staff performs the following activities at no additional cost or credit to the project during the transition period:

  • Drain and collect fuel oils, lubricating oils, and transformer oils for recycle and/or sale.
  • Drain and collect acids, caustics, and other chemical stores for recycle and/or sale.

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Crystal River Unit 3 Nuclear Generating Plant Document No. D03-1744-001, Rev. 0 Updated Site-Specific Decommissioning Cost Estimate Section 3, Page 16 of 24

  • Process operating waste inventories, i.e., the estimate does not address the disposition of any legacy wastes; the disposal of operating wastes during this initial period is not considered a decommissioning expense.

Scrap and Salvage The existing plant equipment is considered obsolete and suitable for scrap as deadweight quantities only. DEF will make economically reasonable efforts to salvage equipment. However, dismantling techniques assumed by TLG for equipment in this analysis are not consistent with removal techniques required for salvage (resale) of equipment. Experience has indicated that some buyers wanted equipment stripped down to very specific requirements before they would consider purchase. This required expensive rework after the equipment had been removed from its installed location. Since placing a salvage value on this machinery and equipment would be speculative, and the value would be small in comparison to the overall decommissioning expenses, this analysis does not attempt to quantify the value that an owner may realize based upon those efforts.

It is assumed, for purposes of this analysis, that any value received from the sale of scrap generated in the dismantling process would be more than offset by the on-site processing costs. The dismantling techniques assumed in the decommissioning estimate do not include the additional cost for size reduction and preparation to meet furnace ready conditions. For example, the recovery of copper from electrical cabling may require the removal and disposition of any contaminated insulation, an added expense. With a volatile market, the potential profit margin in scrap recovery is highly speculative, regardless of the ability to free release this material. This assumption is an implicit recognition of scrap value in the disposal of clean metallic waste at no additional cost to the project.

Furniture, tools, mobile equipment such as forklifts, trucks, bulldozers, and other property is removed at no cost or credit to the decommissioning project. Disposition may include relocation to other facilities. Spare parts are also made available for alternative use.

Equipment and materials acquired for the power uprate, and not installed, are assumed to be dispositioned at no net cost or credit to the project.

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Crystal River Unit 3 Nuclear Generating Plant Document No. D03-1744-001, Rev. 0 Updated Site-Specific Decommissioning Cost Estimate Section 3, Page 17 of 24 Energy For estimating purposes, the plant is assumed to be de-energized, with the exception of those facilities associated with spent fuel storage.

Replacement power costs are used to calculate the cost of energy consumed during decommissioning for tooling, lighting, ventilation, and essential services.

Insurance Costs for continuing coverage (nuclear liability and property insurance) during decommissioning are included and based upon operating premiums. Reductions in premiums, upon entering dormancy and beyond, are based upon the guidance provided in SECY-00-0145, Integrated Rulemaking Plan for Nuclear Power Plant Decommissioning.[37] The NRCs financial protection requirements are based on various reactor (and spent fuel) configurations. Insurance credits were provided by DEF.

Taxes The estimate includes an allowance for property tax.

Site Modifications The perimeter fence and in-plant security barriers will be moved, as appropriate, to conform to the Site Security Plan in force during the various stages of the project.



Schedules of expenditures are provided in Tables 3.1 through 3.4. The tables delineate the cost contributors by year of expenditures as well as cost contributor (e.g., labor, materials, and waste disposal).

The cost elements are also assigned to one of three subcategories: License Termination, Spent Fuel Management, and Site Restoration. The subcategory License Termination is used to accumulate costs that are consistent with decommissioning as defined by the NRC in its financial assurance regulations (i.e., 10 CFR §50.75). In situations where the long-term management of spent fuel is not an issue, the cost reported for this subcategory is generally sufficient to terminate the units operating license.

TLG Services, Inc.

Crystal River Unit 3 Nuclear Generating Plant Document No. D03-1744-001, Rev. 0 Updated Site-Specific Decommissioning Cost Estimate Section 3, Page 18 of 24 The Spent Fuel Management subcategory contains costs associated with the operations of the ISFSI until such time that the transfer is complete. It does not include any spent fuel management expenses incurred prior to January 1, 2018, including the cost to construct the ISFSI and transfer the spent fuel from the storage pool, nor does it include any costs related to the final disposal of the spent fuel.

Site Restoration is used to capture costs associated with the dismantling and demolition of buildings and facilities demonstrated to be free from contamination. This includes structures never exposed to radioactive materials, as well as those facilities that have been decontaminated to appropriate levels.

As noted within this document, the estimate is developed and costs are presented in 2017 dollars. As such, the estimate does not reflect the escalation of costs (due to inflationary and market forces) during the decommissioning project. Schedules of expenditures are based upon the detailed activity costs reported in Appendix C, along with the schedule presented in Section 4.

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Crystal River Unit 3 Nuclear Generating Plant Document No. D03-1744-001, Rev. 0 Updated Site-Specific Decommissioning Cost Estimate Section 3, Page 19 of 24 TABLE 3.1 TOTAL ANNUAL EXPENDITURES (thousands, 2017 dollars)

Equipment & LLRW Year Labor Materials Energy Disposal Other Total 2018 17,875 1,461 0 1,258 24,790 45,384 2019 14,285 1,251 0 363 3,583 19,482 2020 8,108 138 0 8 2,109 10,363 2021 8,086 138 0 8 2,185 10,417 2022 8,086 138 0 8 2,103 10,335 2023 8,086 138 0 8 2,103 10,335 2024 8,108 138 0 8 2,191 10,445 2025 8,086 138 0 8 2,103 10,335 2026 8,086 138 0 8 2,103 10,335 2027 8,086 138 0 8 2,185 10,417 2028 8,108 138 0 8 2,109 10,363 2029 8,086 138 0 8 2,103 10,335 2030 8,086 138 0 8 2,185 10,417 2031 8,086 138 0 8 2,103 10,335 2032 8,108 138 0 8 2,109 10,363 2033 8,086 138 0 8 2,185 10,417 2034 8,086 138 0 8 2,103 10,335 2035 8,086 138 0 8 2,103 10,335 2036 8,108 138 0 8 2,191 10,445 2037 9,331 3,871 0 8 2,103 15,313 2038 2,102 120 0 7 1,713 3,941 2039 2,102 120 0 7 1,795 4,023 2040 2,107 121 0 7 1,717 3,952 2041 2,102 120 0 7 1,713 3,941 2042 2,102 120 0 7 1,713 3,941 2043 2,102 120 0 7 1,713 3,941 2044 2,107 121 0 7 1,717 3,952 2045 2,102 120 0 7 1,713 3,941 2046 2,102 120 0 7 1,713 3,941 2047 2,102 120 0 7 1,713 3,941 2048 2,107 121 0 7 1,717 3,952 2049 2,102 120 0 7 1,713 3,941 2050 2,102 120 0 7 1,713 3,941 TLG Services, Inc.

Crystal River Unit 3 Nuclear Generating Plant Document No. D03-1744-001, Rev. 0 Updated Site-Specific Decommissioning Cost Estimate Section 3, Page 20 of 24 TABLE 3.1 (continued)

TOTAL ANNUAL EXPENDITURES (thousands, 2017 dollars)

Equipment & LLRW Year Labor Materials Energy Disposal Other Total 2051 2,102 120 0 7 1,713 3,941 2052 2,107 121 0 7 1,717 3,952 2053 2,102 120 0 7 1,713 3,941 2054 2,102 120 0 7 1,713 3,941 2055 2,102 120 0 7 1,713 3,941 2056 2,107 121 0 7 1,717 3,952 2057 2,102 120 0 7 1,713 3,941 2058 2,102 120 0 7 1,713 3,941 2059 2,102 120 0 7 1,713 3,941 2060 2,107 121 0 7 1,717 3,952 2061 2,102 120 0 7 1,713 3,941 2062 2,102 120 0 7 1,713 3,941 2063 2,102 120 0 7 1,713 3,941 2064 2,107 121 0 7 1,717 3,952 2065 2,102 120 0 7 1,713 3,941 2066 2,102 120 0 7 1,713 3,941 2067 22,464 1,183 730 23 1,869 26,270 2068 47,585 10,015 1,191 3,988 3,643 66,422 2069 51,808 25,765 1,135 35,217 15,216 129,142 2070 49,630 18,379 1,011 25,680 12,820 107,521 2071 47,602 11,502 896 16,800 10,589 87,388 2072 38,435 5,514 495 6,554 6,117 57,115 2073 18,154 9,700 136 4 3,562 31,555 2074 10,140 7,003 76 0 2,305 19,524 Total 525,871 101,477 5,671 90,218 172,656 895,893 Note: Columns may not add due to rounding TLG Services, Inc.

Crystal River Unit 3 Nuclear Generating Plant Document No. D03-1744-001, Rev. 0 Updated Site-Specific Decommissioning Cost Estimate Section 3, Page 21 of 24 TABLE 3.2 LICENSE TERMINATION EXPENDITURES (thousands, 2017 dollars)

Equipment & LLRW Year Labor Materials Energy Disposal Other Total 2018 7,620 342 0 1,258 11,142 20,362 2019 5,078 184 0 363 2,132 7,757 2020 5,648 138 0 8 1,604 7,398 2021 5,633 138 0 8 1,600 7,377 2022 5,633 138 0 8 1,600 7,377 2023 5,633 138 0 8 1,600 7,377 2024 5,648 138 0 8 1,604 7,398 2025 5,633 138 0 8 1,600 7,377 2026 5,633 138 0 8 1,600 7,377 2027 5,633 138 0 8 1,600 7,377 2028 5,648 138 0 8 1,604 7,398 2029 5,633 138 0 8 1,600 7,377 2030 5,633 138 0 8 1,600 7,377 2031 5,633 138 0 8 1,600 7,377 2032 5,648 138 0 8 1,604 7,398 2033 5,633 138 0 8 1,600 7,377 2034 5,633 138 0 8 1,600 7,377 2035 5,633 138 0 8 1,600 7,377 2036 5,648 138 0 8 1,604 7,398 2037 5,633 138 0 8 1,600 7,377 2038 2,102 120 0 7 1,713 3,941 2039 2,102 120 0 7 1,713 3,941 2040 2,107 121 0 7 1,717 3,952 2041 2,102 120 0 7 1,713 3,941 2042 2,102 120 0 7 1,713 3,941 2043 2,102 120 0 7 1,713 3,941 2044 2,107 121 0 7 1,717 3,952 2045 2,102 120 0 7 1,713 3,941 2046 2,102 120 0 7 1,713 3,941 2047 2,102 120 0 7 1,713 3,941 2048 2,107 121 0 7 1,717 3,952 2049 2,102 120 0 7 1,713 3,941 2050 2,102 120 0 7 1,713 3,941 TLG Services, Inc.

Crystal River Unit 3 Nuclear Generating Plant Document No. D03-1744-001, Rev. 0 Updated Site-Specific Decommissioning Cost Estimate Section 3, Page 22 of 24 TABLE 3.2 (continued)


Equipment & LLRW Year Labor Materials Energy Disposal Other Total 2051 2,102 120 0 7 1,713 3,941 2052 2,107 121 0 7 1,717 3,952 2053 2,102 120 0 7 1,713 3,941 2054 2,102 120 0 7 1,713 3,941 2055 2,102 120 0 7 1,713 3,941 2056 2,107 121 0 7 1,717 3,952 2057 2,102 120 0 7 1,713 3,941 2058 2,102 120 0 7 1,713 3,941 2059 2,102 120 0 7 1,713 3,941 2060 2,107 121 0 7 1,717 3,952 2061 2,102 120 0 7 1,713 3,941 2062 2,102 120 0 7 1,713 3,941 2063 2,102 120 0 7 1,713 3,941 2064 2,107 121 0 7 1,717 3,952 2065 2,102 120 0 7 1,713 3,941 2066 2,102 120 0 7 1,713 3,941 2067 22,037 1,183 730 23 1,869 25,843 2068 46,226 10,005 1,191 3,988 3,643 65,053 2069 50,292 25,681 1,135 35,217 15,216 127,541 2070 48,474 18,325 1,011 25,680 12,820 106,311 2071 46,782 11,475 896 16,800 10,589 86,541 2072 38,116 5,503 495 6,554 6,117 56,786 2073 4,577 232 33 4 446 5,292 2074 97 0 0 0 0 97 Total 431,747 78,901 5,491 90,218 142,486 748,844 Note: Columns may not add due to rounding TLG Services, Inc.

Crystal River Unit 3 Nuclear Generating Plant Document No. D03-1744-001, Rev. 0 Updated Site-Specific Decommissioning Cost Estimate Section 3, Page 23 of 24 TABLE 3.3 SPENT FUEL MANAGEMENT EXPENDITURES (thousands, 2017 dollars)

Equipment & LLRW Year Labor Materials Energy Disposal Other Total 2018 10,255 1,119 0 0 13,379 24,753 2019 9,207 1,067 0 0 1,286 11,560 2020 2,461 0 0 0 505 2,966 2021 2,454 0 0 0 586 3,040 2022 2,454 0 0 0 504 2,958 2023 2,454 0 0 0 504 2,958 2024 2,461 0 0 0 587 3,048 2025 2,454 0 0 0 504 2,958 2026 2,454 0 0 0 504 2,958 2027 2,454 0 0 0 586 3,040 2028 2,461 0 0 0 505 2,966 2029 2,454 0 0 0 504 2,958 2030 2,454 0 0 0 586 3,040 2031 2,454 0 0 0 504 2,958 2032 2,461 0 0 0 505 2,966 2033 2,454 0 0 0 586 3,040 2034 2,454 0 0 0 504 2,958 2035 2,454 0 0 0 504 2,958 2036 2,461 0 0 0 587 3,048 2037 3,698 3,733 0 0 504 7,935 2038 0 0 0 0 0 0 2039 0 0 0 0 82 82 Total [1] 64,908 5,919 0 0 24,316 95,143 Note: Columns may not add due to rounding TLG Services, Inc.

Crystal River Unit 3 Nuclear Generating Plant Document No. D03-1744-001, Rev. 0 Updated Site-Specific Decommissioning Cost Estimate Section 3, Page 24 of 24 TABLE 3.4 SITE RESTORATION EXPENDITURES (thousands, 2017 dollars)

Equipment & LLRW Year Labor Materials Energy Disposal Other Total 2018 0 0 0 0 269 269 2019 0 0 0 0 165 165 2020-66 0 0 0 0 0 0 2067 427 0 0 0 0 427 2068 1,359 9 0 0 0 1,368 2069 1,516 84 0 0 0 1,600 2070 1,156 54 0 0 0 1,210 2071 820 27 0 0 0 847 2072 319 10 0 0 0 329 2073 13,577 9,468 103 0 3,116 26,264 2074 10,042 7,003 76 0 2,305 19,427 Total 29,216 16,657 179 0 5,854 51,906 Note: Columns may not add due to rounding TLG Services, Inc.

Crystal River Unit 3 Nuclear Generating Plant Document No. D03-1744-001, Rev. 0 Updated Site-Specific Decommissioning Cost Estimate Section 4, Page 1 of 5

4. SCHEDULE ESTIMATE The schedule for the decommissioning scenario considered in this study follows the sequences presented in the AIF/NESP-036 study, with minor changes to reflect recent experience and site-specific constraints. In addition, the scheduling has been revised to reflect the spent fuel management plan described in Section 3.4.1.

The start and end dates of the decommissioning subperiods are shown in Table 4.1. A schedule or sequence of activities for the deferred decommissioning portion of the SAFSTOR alternative is presented in Figure 4.1. The scheduling sequence assumes that fuel has been removed from the site prior to the start of decontamination and dismantling activities. The key activities listed in the schedule do not reflect a one-to-one correspondence with those activities in the cost tables, but reflect dividing some activities for clarity and combining others for convenience. The schedule was prepared using the "Microsoft Project Professional" computer software.[38]

4.1 SCHEDULE ESTIMATE ASSUMPTIONS The schedule reflects the results of a precedence network developed for the site decommissioning activities, i.e., a PERT (Program Evaluation and Review Technique) Software Package. The work activity durations used in the precedence network reflect the actual person-hour estimates from the cost table, adjusted by stretching certain activities over their slack range and shifting the start and end dates of others. The following assumptions were made in the development of the decommissioning schedule:

  • All work (except vessel and internals removal) is performed during an 8-hour workday, 5 days per week, with no overtime. There are eleven paid holidays per year.
  • Reactor and internals removal activities are performed by using separate crews for different activities working on different shifts, with a corresponding backshift charge for the second shift.
  • Multiple crews work parallel activities to the maximum extent possible, consistent with optimum efficiency, adequate access for cutting, removal and laydown space, and with the stringent safety measures necessary during demolition of heavy components and structures.
  • For plant systems removal, the systems with the longest removal durations in areas on the critical path are considered to determine the duration of the activity.

TLG Services, Inc.

Crystal River Unit 3 Nuclear Generating Plant Document No. D03-1744-001, Rev. 0 Updated Site-Specific Decommissioning Cost Estimate Section 4, Page 2 of 5 4.2 PROJECT SCHEDULE The period-dependent costs presented in the detailed cost tables are based upon the durations developed in the schedules for decommissioning. Durations are established between several milestones in each project period; these durations are used to establish a critical path for the entire project. In turn, the critical path duration for each period is used as the basis for determining the period-dependent costs.

The project timeline is provided in Figure 4.2 with milestone dates based on the 2013 declaration of permanent cessations of operations. The fuel pool is emptied by January 2018, while ISFSI operations continue until the DOE can complete the transfer of assemblies to its repository. Deferred decommissioning is assumed to commence in 2067 with the operating license is terminated within a 60-year period from the declared cessation of plant operations.

TLG Services, Inc.

Crystal River Unit 3 Nuclear Generating Plant Document No. D03-1744-001, Rev. 0 Updated Site-Specific Decommissioning Cost Estimate Section 4, Page 3 of 5 TABLE 4.1 DECOMMISSIONING SCHEDULE Duration Decommissioning Periods Start End (years)

Period 1: Planning and Preparations [1] 1 Jan 2018 31 Aug 2019 1.66 31 Aug 2019 1 Jan 2020 0.34 Period 2b: Dormancy w/Dry Fuel Storage 1 Jan 2020 1 Jan 2038 18.01 Period 2c: Dormancy w/No Fuel Storage 1 Jan 2038 23 May 2067 29.41 Period 3a: Site Reactivation 23 May 2067 22 May 2068 1.00 Period 3b: Decommissioning Prep 22 May 2068 21 Nov 2068 0.50 Period 4a: Large Component Removal 21 Nov 2068 26 Jun 2070 1.59 Period 4b: Plant Systems Removal and Building Remediation 26 Jun 2070 22 May 2072 1.91 Period 4f: License Termination 22 May 2072 20 Feb 2073 0.75 Period 5b: Site Restoration 20 Feb 2073 22 Aug 2074 1.50 Total [2] 56.68

[1] While permanent cessation of operations was declared on February 20, 2013, decommissioning costs are accumulated as of January 1, 2018

[2] Columns may not add due to rounding TLG Services, Inc.

Crystal River Unit 3 Nuclear Generating Plant Document No. D03-1744-001, Rev. 0 Updated Site-Specific Decommissioning Cost Estimate Section 4, Page 4 of 5 FIGURE 4.1 DEFERRED DECOMMISSIONING ACTIVITY SCHEDULE TLG Services, Inc.

Crystal River Unit 3 Nuclear Generating Plant Document No. D03-1744-001, Rev. 0 Updated Site-Specific Decommissioning Cost Estimate Section 4, Page 5 of 5 FIGURE 4.2 DECOMMISSIONING TIMELINE (not to scale)

Declaration of Permanent Cessation of Operating License Operations Terminated Period 1 Period 2 Period 3 Period 4 Period 5 SAFSTOR Dormancy Decommissioning Deferred Site Preparations Preparations Decommissioning Restoration 02/2013 1/2020 05/2067 11/2068 02/2073 08/2074 Wet Transfer Complete Pool Operations Transfer of Irradiated Fuel from Pool to ISFSI Dry Transfer 01/2018 Complete ISFSI Operations Transfer of Irradiated Fuel from ISFSI to DOE 12/2037 TLG Services, Inc.

Crystal River Unit 3 Nuclear Generating Plant Document No. D03-1744-001, Rev. 0 Updated Site-Specific Decommissioning Cost Estimate Section 5, Page 1 of 4

5. RADIOACTIVE WASTES The objectives of the decommissioning process are the removal of all radioactive material from the site that would restrict its future use and the termination of the NRC license. This currently requires the remediation of all radioactive material at the site in excess of applicable legal limits. Under the Atomic Energy Act,[39] the NRC is responsible for protecting the public from sources of ionizing radiation. Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations delineates the production, utilization, and disposal of radioactive materials and processes. In particular, Part 71 defines radioactive material as it pertains to transportation and Part 61 specifies its disposition.

Most of the materials being transported for controlled burial are categorized as Low Specific Activity (LSA) or Surface Contaminated Object (SCO) materials containing Type A quantities, as defined in 49 CFR Parts 173-178. Shipping containers are required to be Industrial Packages (IP-1, IP-2 or IP-3, as defined in 10 CFR

§173.411). For this study, commercially available steel containers are presumed to be used for the disposal of piping, small components, and concrete. Larger components can serve as their own containers, with proper closure of all openings, access ways, and penetrations.

The destinations for the various waste streams from decommissioning are identified in Figure 5.1. The volumes are shown on a line-item basis in Appendix C and summarized in Table 5.1. The volumes are calculated based on the exterior dimensions for containerized material and on the displaced volume of components serving as their own waste containers.

The reactor vessel and internals are categorized as large quantity shipments and, accordingly, will be shipped in reusable, shielded truck casks with disposable liners.

In calculating disposal costs, the burial fees are applied against the liner volume, as well as the special handling requirements of the payload. Packaging efficiencies are lower for the highly activated materials (greater than Type A quantity waste),

where high concentrations of gamma-emitting radionuclides limit the capacity of the shipping casks.

No process system containing/handling radioactive substances at shutdown is presumed to meet material release criteria by decay alone (i.e., systems radioactive at shutdown will still be radioactive over the time period during which the decommissioning is accomplished, due to the presence of long-lived radionuclides).

While the dose rates decrease with time, radionuclides such as 137Cs will still control the disposition requirements.

TLG Services, Inc.

Crystal River Unit 3 Nuclear Generating Plant Document No. D03-1744-001, Rev. 0 Updated Site-Specific Decommissioning Cost Estimate Section 5, Page 2 of 4 The waste material produced in the decontamination and dismantling of the nuclear plant is primarily generated during Period 4 of SAFSTOR. Material that is considered potentially contaminated when removed from the radiological controlled area (e.g., concrete and dry active waste) and metal with low levels of contamination are sent to processing facilities in Tennessee for conditioning and disposal. The disposal volumes reported in the tables reflect the savings resulting from reprocessing and recycling. Heavily contaminated components and activated materials are routed for direct, controlled disposal.

Disposal costs for Class A waste were based upon DEFs Life of Plant Agreement with EnergySolutions. Separate rates were used for containerized waste and large components, including the pressurizer and reactor coolant pumps. Demolition debris including miscellaneous steel, scaffolding, and concrete was disposed of at a bulk rate. The decommissioning waste stream also includes resins and dry active waste.

Since EnergySolutions is not currently able to receive the more highly radioactive components generated in the decontamination and dismantling of the reactor, disposal costs for the Class B and C material were based upon preliminary and indicative information on the cost for such waste from WCS.

The estimate includes a Florida Department of Health inspection fee; applied to the volume of low-level radioactive waste shipped to commercial low-level radioactive waste management facilities for treatment, storage, or disposal (Florida Radiation Protection Act, s. 404.131(3)(a)).

A small quantity of material will be generated during the decommissioning will not be considered suitable for near-surface disposal, and is assumed to be disposed of in a geologic repository, in a manner similar to that envisioned for spent fuel disposal.

This material, known as GTCC material, is estimated to require four transportable canisters similar to canisters used for spent fuel (or the equivalent) to dispose of the most radioactive portions of the reactor vessel internals. The volume and weight reported in Table 5.1 represents the packaged weight and volume of the spent fuel storage canisters.

TLG Services, Inc.

Crystal River Unit 3 Nuclear Generating Plant Document No. D03-1744-001, Rev. 0 Updated Site-Specific Decommissioning Cost Estimate Section 5, Page 3 of 4 FIGURE 5.1 DECOMMISSIONING WASTE DISPOSITION DAW Resin / Filters (Class A)

Direct Burial EnergySolutions Containerized Clive, Utah Waste Bulk Waste (Contaminated Soil and Concrete)

Decommissioning Reactor Waste Low-Level Radioactive Waste (Class A)

Streams Studsvik Metal Processing Memphis, TN Waste Control Reactor Waste Specialists (Classes B/C) Andrews County, Texas Reactor Waste Geologic Disposal (Class GTCC) Federal Facility TLG Services, Inc.

Crystal River Unit 3 Nuclear Generating Plant Document No. D03-1744-001, Rev. 0 Updated Site-Specific Decommissioning Cost Estimate Section 5, Page 4 of 4 TABLE 5.1 DECOMMISSIONING WASTE


Waste Volume Weight Waste Cost Basis Class [1] Waste Form (cubic feet) (pounds)

Low-Level Radioactive Waste EnergySolutions (near-surface disposal) A Containerized 63,045 5,254,804 A Bulk 124,425 7,887,996 WCS B Shielded Cask 1,252 96,500 WCS C Shielded Cask 462 59,891 GTCC (geologic repository or federal Spent Fuel facility) Equivalent GTCC DSC 1,654 333,192 Processed/Conditioned Recycling (off-site recycling center) Vendors A Bulk 279,217 10,750,300 Total [2] 470,055 24,382,683

[1] Waste is classified according to the requirements as delineated in Title 10 CFR, Part 61.55

[2] Columns may not add due to rounding TLG Services, Inc.

Crystal River Unit 3 Nuclear Generating Plant Document No. D03-1744-001, Rev. 0 Updated Site-Specific Decommissioning Cost Estimate Section 6, Page 1 of 5

6. RESULTS The analysis to estimate the cost to decommission CR-3 relied upon the site-specific, technical information developed for a previous analysis prepared in 2013. While not an engineering study, the estimate provides DEF with sufficient information to assess their financial obligations, as they pertain to the decommissioning of the nuclear station.

The estimate described in this report is based on numerous fundamental assumptions, including regulatory requirements, project contingencies, low-level radioactive waste disposal practices, high-level radioactive waste management options, and site restoration requirements. The decommissioning scenarios assume continued operation of the stations spent fuel pool until the spent fuel can be off-loaded to the ISFSI. The ISFSI will be used to safeguard the spent fuel until such time that the DOE can complete the transfer of the assemblies to its facility.

The cost projected for deferred decommissioning (SAFSTOR) is estimated to be

$895.9 million. The majority of this cost (approximately 83.6%) is associated with placing the unit in storage, ongoing caretaking of the unit during dormancy, and the eventual physical decontamination and dismantling of the nuclear unit so that the operating license can be terminated. Another 10.6% is associated with the management, interim storage, and eventual transfer of the spent fuel. The remaining 5.8% is for the demolition of the designated structures and limited restoration of the site. The costs are allocated, by subperiod, into the categories of License Termination, Spent Fuel Management and Site Restoration in Table 6.1.

The primary cost contributors, identified in Table 6.2, are either labor-related or associated with the management and disposition of the radioactive waste. Program management is the largest single contributor to the overall cost. The magnitude of the expense is a function of both the size of the organization required to manage the decommissioning, as well as the duration of the program. It is assumed, for purposes of this analysis, that DEF will oversee the decommissioning program, using a DOC to manage the decommissioning labor force and the associated subcontractors. The size and composition of the management organization varies with the decommissioning phase and associated site activities. However, once the operating license is terminated, the staff is substantially reduced for the conventional demolition and restoration of the site.

The cost for waste disposal includes only those costs associated with the controlled disposition of the low-level radioactive waste generated from decontamination and dismantling activities, including plant equipment and components, structural material, filters, resins and dry-active waste. As described in Section 5, the TLG Services, Inc.

Crystal River Unit 3 Nuclear Generating Plant Document No. D03-1744-001, Rev. 0 Updated Site-Specific Decommissioning Cost Estimate Section 6, Page 2 of 5 EnergySolutions facility in Utah is the assumed destination for the majority of the low-level radioactive material required controlled disposal, with the remaining high-activity waste destined for Waste Control Specialists facility in Texas.

Components, requiring additional isolation from the environment (i.e., GTCC), are packaged for geologic disposal. The cost of geologic disposal is based upon a cost equivalent to spent fuel.

A significant portion of the metallic waste is designated for additional processing and treatment at an off-site facility. Processing reduces the volume of material requiring controlled disposal through such techniques and processes as survey and sorting, decontamination, and volume reduction. The material that cannot be unconditionally released is packaged for controlled disposal at one of the currently operating facilities. The cost identified in the summary tables for processing is all-inclusive, incorporating the ultimate disposition of the material.

Removal costs reflect the labor-intensive nature of the decommissioning process, as well as the management controls required to ensure a safe and successful program.

Decontamination and packaging costs also have a large labor component that is based upon prevailing wages. Non-radiological demolition is a natural extension of the decommissioning process. The methods employed in decontamination and dismantling are generally destructive and indiscriminate in inflicting collateral damage. With a work force mobilized to support decommissioning operations, non-radiological demolition can be an integrated activity and a logical expansion of the work being performed in the process of terminating the operating license.

The reported cost for transport includes the tariffs and surcharges associated with moving large components and/or overweight shielded casks overland, as well as the general expense, e.g., labor and fuel, of transporting material to the destinations identified in this report. For purposes of this analysis, material is primarily moved overland by truck.

Decontamination is used to reduce the plants radiation fields and minimize worker exposure. Slightly contaminated material or material located within a contaminated area is sent to an off-site processing center, i.e., this analysis does not assume that contaminated plant components and equipment can be decontaminated for uncontrolled release in-situ. Centralized processing centers have proven to be a more economical means of handling the large volumes of material produced in the dismantling of a nuclear unit.

License termination survey costs are associated with the labor intensive and complex activity of verifying that contamination has been removed from the site to the levels specified by the regulating agency. This process involves a systematic survey of all remaining plant surface areas and surrounding environs, sampling, TLG Services, Inc.

Crystal River Unit 3 Nuclear Generating Plant Document No. D03-1744-001, Rev. 0 Updated Site-Specific Decommissioning Cost Estimate Section 6, Page 3 of 5 isotopic analysis, and documentation of the findings. The status of any plant components and materials not removed in the decommissioning process will also require confirmation and will add to the expense of surveying the facilities alone.

The remaining costs include allocations for heavy equipment and temporary services, as well as for other expenses such as regulatory fees and the premiums for nuclear insurance. While site operating costs have been greatly reduced following the final cessation of plant operations, certain administrative functions do need to be maintained either at a basic functional or regulatory level.

TLG Services, Inc.

Crystal River Unit 3 Nuclear Generating Plant Document No. D03-1744-001, Rev. 0 Updated Site-Specific Decommissioning Cost Estimate Section 6, Page 4 of 5 TABLE 6.1 DECOMMISSIONING COST


(thousands of 2017 dollars)

License Spent Fuel Site Decommissioning Periods Termination Management Restoration SAFSTOR I [1] 27,258 33,216 388 SAFSTOR II 861 3,097 46 Period 2b: Dormancy w/Dry Fuel Storage 132,896 58,748 -

Period 2c: Dormancy w/No Fuel Storage 115,898 82 -

Period 3a: Site Reactivation 39,789 - 699 Period 3b: Decommissioning Prep 35,247 - 917 Period 4a: Large Component Removal 203,367 - 2,552 Period 4b: Plant Systems Removal and 165,021 - 1,615 Building Remediation Period 4f: License Termination 28,278 - -

Period 5b: Site Restoration 229 - 45,690 Total [2] 748,844 95,143 51,906

[1] Excludes costs expended prior to 2018

[2] Columns may not add due to rounding TLG Services, Inc.

Crystal River Unit 3 Nuclear Generating Plant Document No. D03-1744-001, Rev. 0 Updated Site-Specific Decommissioning Cost Estimate Section 6, Page 5 of 5 TABLE 6.2 DECOMMISSIONING COST ELEMENT CONTRIBUTION (thousands of 2017 dollars)

Cost Element Total  %

Preparations for Safe-Storage (2018-19) - Excluding Security 52,692 5.9 Preparations for Safe-Storage (2018-19) - Security 15,254 1.7 Preparations for Safe-Storage (2018-19) - Insurance and Taxes -3,080 -0.3 Decontamination 6,932 0.8 Removal 124,129 13.9 Packaging 17,462 1.9 Transportation 13,387 1.5 Waste Disposal 65,816 7.3 Off-site Waste Processing 32,658 3.6 Program Management [1] 304,910 34.0 Security 99,554 11.1 Spent Fuel Management [2] 11,610 1.3 Insurance 20,686 2.3 Insurance Credits -61,545 -6.9 Energy 5,671 0.6 Characterization and Licensing Surveys 37,007 4.1 Property Taxes 23,276 2.6 Miscellaneous Equipment 7,954 0.9 Non-Labor Reoccurring 92,703 10.3 Other 1,265 0.1 Corporate A&G 27,551 3.1 Total [3] 895,893 100.0 Cost Allocation Total  %

License Termination 748,844 83.6 Spent Fuel Management 95,143 10.6 Site Restoration 51,906 5.8 Total [3] 895,893 100.0

[1] Includes engineering

[2] Includes costs for ISFSI O&M and spent fuel transfer costs to DOE

[3] Columns may not add due to rounding TLG Services, Inc.

Crystal River Unit 3 Nuclear Generating Plant Document No. D03-1744-001, Rev. 0 Updated Site-Specific Decommissioning Cost Estimate Section 7, Page 1 of 4

1. Site-Specific Decommissioning Cost Estimate for the Crystal River Unit 3 Nuclear Generating Plant, Document No. P23-1680-001, Rev. 1, TLG Services, Inc., December 2013
2. CR-3 to NRC letter dated February 20, 2013, "Crystal River Unit 3 -

Certification of Permanent Cessation of Power Operations and that Fuel Has Been Permanently Removed from the Reactor" (ADAMS Accession No. ML13056A005)

3. U.S. Code of Federal Regulations, Title 10, Parts 30, 40, 50, 51, 70 and 72, "General Requirements for Decommissioning Nuclear Facilities," Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 53 Fed. Reg. 24018, June 27, 1988 [Open]
4. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Regulatory Guide 1.159, "Assuring the Availability of Funds for Decommissioning Nuclear Reactors," Rev. 2, October 2011 [Open]
5. U.S. Code of Federal Regulations, Title 10, Part 20, Subpart E, Radiological Criteria for License Termination [Open]
6. U.S. Code of Federal Regulations, Title 10, Parts 20 and 50, Entombment Options for Power Reactors, Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, 66 Fed.

Reg. 52551, October 16, 2001 [Open]

7. U.S. Code of Federal Regulations, Title 10, Parts 2, 50 and 51, "Decommissioning of Nuclear Power Reactors," Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 61 Fed. Reg. 39278, July 29, 1996 [Open]
8. U.S. Code of Federal Regulations, Title 10, Parts 20, 30, 40, 50, 70, and 72, "Decommissioning Planning," Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Federal Register Volume 76, (p 35512 et seq.), June 17, 2011 [Open]
9. Nuclear Waste Policy Act of 1982, 42 U.S. Code 10101, et seq. [Open]
10. Charter of the Blue Ribbon Commission on Americas Nuclear Future, Objectives and Scope of Activities [Open]
11. Blue Ribbon Commission on Americas Nuclear Future, Report to the Secretary of Energy, p. 27, 32, January 2012 [Open]

TLG Services, Inc.

Crystal River Unit 3 Nuclear Generating Plant Document No. D03-1744-001, Rev. 0 Updated Site-Specific Decommissioning Cost Estimate Section 7, Page 2 of 4

7. REFERENCES (continued)
12. Strategy for the Management and Disposal of Used Nuclear Fuel and High-Level Radioactive Waste, U.S. DOE, January 11, 2013 [Open]
13. United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, In Re:

Aiken County, Et Al., August 2013 [Open]

14. Acceptance Priority Ranking & Annual Capacity Report, DOE/RW-0567, July 2004
15. U.S. Code of Federal Regulations, Title 10, Part 50, Domestic Licensing of Production and Utilization Facilities, Subpart 54(bb), Conditions of Licenses


16. U.S. Code of Federal Regulations, Title 10, Part 72, Subpart K, General License for Storage of Spent Fuel at Power Reactor Sites [Open]
17. Low-Level Radioactive Waste Policy Act, Public Law 96-573, 1980 [Open]
18. Low-Level Radioactive Waste Policy Amendments Act of 1985, Public Law 99-240, January 15, 1986 [Open]
19. U.S. Code of Federal Regulations, Title 10, Part 61, Licensing Requirements for Land Disposal of Radioactive Waste [Open]
20. U.S. Code of Federal Regulations, Title 10, Part 20, Subpart E, Final Rule, Radiological Criteria for License Termination, 62 Fed. Reg. 39058, July 21, 1997 [Open]
21. Establishment of Cleanup Levels for CERCLA Sites with Radioactive Contamination, EPA Memorandum OSWER No. 9200.4-18, August 22, 1997


22. U.S. Code of Federal Regulations, Title 40, Part 141.66, Maximum contaminant levels for radionuclides [Open]
23. Memorandum of Understanding Between the Environmental Protection Agency and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission: Consultation and Finality on Decommissioning and Decontamination of Contaminated Sites, OSWER 9295.8-06a, October 9, 2002 [Open]

TLG Services, Inc.

Crystal River Unit 3 Nuclear Generating Plant Document No. D03-1744-001, Rev. 0 Updated Site-Specific Decommissioning Cost Estimate Section 7, Page 3 of 4

7. REFERENCES (continued)
24. CR-3 to NRC, dated December 2, 2013, "Post-Shutdown Decommissioning Activities Report," (ADAMS Accession No. ML13340A009)
25. CR-3 to NRC, dated June 11, 2015, "Notification of Schedule Changes for the Post-Shutdown Decommissioning Activities Report," (ADAMS Accession No. ML15175A188)
26. Multi-Agency Radiation Survey and Site Investigation Manual (MARSSIM),

NUREG-1575, Rev. 1, EPA 402-R-97-016, Rev. 1, August 2000 [Open]

27. T.S. LaGuardia et al., "Guidelines for Producing Commercial Nuclear Power Plant Decommissioning Cost Estimates," AIF/NESP-036, May 1986
28. W.J. Manion and T.S. LaGuardia, "Decommissioning Handbook," U.S.

Department of Energy, DOE/EV/10128-1, November 1980

29. "Building Construction Cost Data 2017," RSMeans (From the Gordian Group),

Rockland, Massachusetts

30. Project and Cost Engineers Handbook, Second Edition, p. 239, American Association of Cost Engineers, Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York, New York, 1984
31. DOE/RW-0351, Civilian Radioactive Waste Management System Waste Acceptance System Requirements Document, Revision 5, May 31, 2007 [Open]
32. U.S. Department of Transportation, Title 49 of the Code of Federal Regulations, "Transportation," Parts 173 through 178 [Open]
33. Tri-State Motor Transit Company, published tariffs Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC), Docket No. MC-427719 Rules Tariff, May 2014, Radioactive Materials Tariff, August 2014
34. J.C. Evans et al., "Long-Lived Activation Products in Reactor Materials" NUREG/CR-3474, Pacific Northwest Laboratory for the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, August 1984 [Open]
35. R.I. Smith, G.J. Konzek, W.E. Kennedy, Jr., "Technology, Safety and Costs of Decommissioning a Reference Pressurized Water Reactor Power Station,"

NUREG/CR-0130 and addenda, Pacific Northwest Laboratory for the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, June 1978 [Open Main Report] [Open Appendices]

TLG Services, Inc.

Crystal River Unit 3 Nuclear Generating Plant Document No. D03-1744-001, Rev. 0 Updated Site-Specific Decommissioning Cost Estimate Section 7, Page 4 of 4

7. REFERENCES (continued)
36. H.D. Oak, et al., "Technology, Safety and Costs of Decommissioning a Reference Boiling Water Reactor Power Station," NUREG/CR-0672 and addenda, Pacific Northwest Laboratory for the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, June 1980

[Open Main Report] [Open Appendices]

37. SECY-00-0145, Integrated Rulemaking Plan for Nuclear Power Plant Decommissioning, June 2000
38. "Microsoft Project Professional 2010," Microsoft Corporation, Redmond, WA
39. Atomic Energy Act of 1954, (68 Stat. 919) [Open]

TLG Services, Inc.

Crystal River Unit 3 Nuclear Generating Plant Document No. D03-1744-001, Rev. 0 Updated Site-Specific Decommissioning Cost Estimate Appendix A, Page 1 of 4 APPENDIX A UNIT COST FACTOR DEVELOPMENT TLG Services, Inc.

Crystal River Unit 3 Nuclear Generating Plant Document No. D03-1744-001, Rev. 0 Updated Site-Specific Decommissioning Cost Estimate Appendix A, Page 2 of 4 APPENDIX A UNIT COST FACTOR DEVELOPMENT Example: Unit Factor for Removal of Contaminated Heat Exchanger < 3,000 lbs.

1. SCOPE Heat exchangers weighing < 3,000 lbs. will be removed in one piece using a crane or small hoist. They will be disconnected from the inlet and outlet piping. The heat exchanger will be sent to the waste processing area.
2. CALCULATIONS Activity Critical Act Activity Duration Duration ID Description (minutes) (minutes)*

a Remove insulation 60 (b) b Mount pipe cutters 60 60 c Install contamination controls 20 (b) d Disconnect inlet and outlet lines 60 60 e Cap openings 20 (d) f Rig for removal 30 30 g Unbolt from mounts 30 30 h Remove contamination controls 15 15 i Remove, wrap, send to waste processing area 60 60 Totals (Activity/Critical) 355 255 Duration adjustment(s):

+ Respiratory protection adjustment (50% of critical duration) 128

+ Radiation/ALARA adjustment (15% of critical duration) 38 Adjusted work duration 421

+ Protective clothing adjustment (30% of adjusted duration) 126 Productive work duration 547

+ Work break adjustment (8.33 % of productive duration) 46 Total work duration (minutes) 593

      • Total duration = 9.883 hours0.0102 days <br />0.245 hours <br />0.00146 weeks <br />3.359815e-4 months <br /> ***
  • alpha designators indicate activities that can be performed in parallel TLG Services, Inc.

Crystal River Unit 3 Nuclear Generating Plant Document No. D03-1744-001, Rev. 0 Updated Site-Specific Decommissioning Cost Estimate Appendix A, Page 3 of 4 APPENDIX A (continued)

3. LABOR REQUIRED Duration Rate Crew Number (hours) ($/hr) Cost Laborers 3.00 9.883 $37.14 $1,101.16 Craftsmen 2.00 9.883 $49.53 $979.01 Foreman 1.00 9.883 $59.05 $583.59 General Foreman 0.25 9.883 $68.56 $169.39 Fire Watch 0.05 9.883 $37.14 $18.35 Health Physics Technician 1.00 9.883 $69.50 $686.87 Total Labor Cost $3,538.37
4. EQUIPMENT & CONSUMABLES COSTS Equipment Costs none Consumables/Materials Costs

-Universal Sorbent 50 @ $0.68 sq ft {1} $34.00

-Tarpaulins (oil resistant/fire retardant) 50 @ $0.51/sq ft {2} $25.50

-Gas torch consumables 1 @ $22.64/hr x 1 hr {3} $22.64 Subtotal cost of equipment and materials $82.14 Overhead & profit on equipment and materials @ 16.00 % $13.14 Total costs, equipment & material $95.28 TOTAL COST:

Removal of contaminated heat exchanger <3000 pounds: $3,633.65 Total labor cost: $3,538.37 Total equipment/material costs: $95.28 Total craft labor man-hours required per unit: 72.15 TLG Services, Inc.

Crystal River Unit 3 Nuclear Generating Plant Document No. D03-1744-001, Rev. 0 Updated Site-Specific Decommissioning Cost Estimate Appendix A, Page 4 of 4

  • Work difficulty factors were developed in conjunction with the Atomic Industrial Forums (now NEI) program to standardize nuclear decommissioning cost estimates and are delineated in Volume 1, Chapter 5 of the Guidelines for Producing Commercial Nuclear Power Plant Decommissioning Cost Estimates," AIF/NESP-036, May 1986.
  • References for equipment & consumables costs:
1. www.mcmaster.com online catalog, McMaster Carr Spill Control (7193T88)
2. RSMeans (2017) Division 01 56, Section 13.60-0600, page 23
3. RSMeans (2017) Division 01 54 33, Section 40-6360, page 718
  • Material and consumable costs were adjusted using the regional indices for Tampa, Florida.

TLG Services, Inc.

Crystal River Unit 3 Nuclear Generating Plant Document No. D03-1744-001, Rev. 0 Updated Site-Specific Decommissioning Cost Estimate Appendix B, Page 1 of 7 APPENDIX B UNIT COST FACTOR LISTING (SAFSTOR: Power Block Structures Only)

TLG Services, Inc.

Crystal River Unit 3 Nuclear Generating Plant Document No. D03-1744-001, Rev. 0 Updated Site-Specific Decommissioning Cost Estimate Appendix B, Page 2 of 7 APPENDIX B UNIT COST FACTOR LISTING (Power Block Structures Only)

Unit Cost Factor Cost/Unit($)

Removal of clean instrument and sampling tubing, $/linear foot 0.43 Removal of clean pipe 0.25 to 2 inches diameter, $/linear foot 4.53 Removal of clean pipe >2 to 4 inches diameter, $/linear foot 6.61 Removal of clean pipe >4 to 8 inches diameter, $/linear foot 12.74 Removal of clean pipe >8 to 14 inches diameter, $/linear foot 24.33 Removal of clean pipe >14 to 20 inches diameter, $/linear foot 31.80 Removal of clean pipe >20 to 36 inches diameter, $/linear foot 46.74 Removal of clean pipe >36 inches diameter, $/linear foot 55.46 Removal of clean valve >2 to 4 inches 87.68 Removal of clean valve >4 to 8 inches 127.36 Removal of clean valve >8 to 14 inches 243.26 Removal of clean valve >14 to 20 inches 317.96 Removal of clean valve >20 to 36 inches 467.42 Removal of clean valve >36 inches 554.60 Removal of clean pipe hanger for small bore piping 31.70 Removal of clean pipe hanger for large bore piping 106.70 Removal of clean pump, <300 pound 218.43 Removal of clean pump, 300-1000 pound 597.04 Removal of clean pump, 1000-10,000 pound 2,346.11 Removal of clean pump, >10,000 pound 4,550.02 Removal of clean pump motor, 300-1000 pound 246.74 Removal of clean pump motor, 1000-10,000 pound 970.68 Removal of clean pump motor, >10,000 pound 2,184.04 Removal of clean heat exchanger <3000 pound 1,276.45 Removal of clean heat exchanger >3000 pound 3,230.67 Removal of clean feedwater heater/deaerator 8,989.71 Removal of clean moisture separator/reheater 18,327.96 Removal of clean tank, <300 gallons 280.54 Removal of clean tank, 300-3000 gallon 877.83 Removal of clean tank, >3000 gallons, $/square foot surface area 7.38 TLG Services, Inc.

Crystal River Unit 3 Nuclear Generating Plant Document No. D03-1744-001, Rev. 0 Updated Site-Specific Decommissioning Cost Estimate Appendix B, Page 3 of 7 APPENDIX B UNIT COST FACTOR LISTING (Power Block Structures Only)

Unit Cost Factor Cost/Unit($)

Removal of clean electrical equipment, <300 pound 116.08 Removal of clean electrical equipment, 300-1000 pound 401.72 Removal of clean electrical equipment, 1000-10,000 pound 803.45 Removal of clean electrical equipment, >10,000 pound 1,946.33 Removal of clean electrical transformer < 30 tons 1,351.70 Removal of clean electrical transformer > 30 tons 3,892.67 Removal of clean standby diesel generator, <100 kW 1,380.65 Removal of clean standby diesel generator, 100 kW to 1 MW 3,081.70 Removal of clean standby diesel generator, >1 MW 6,379.74 Removal of clean electrical cable tray, $/linear foot 11.08 Removal of clean electrical conduit, $/linear foot 4.85 Removal of clean mechanical equipment, <300 pound 116.08 Removal of clean mechanical equipment, 300-1000 pound 401.72 Removal of clean mechanical equipment, 1000-10,000 pound 803.45 Removal of clean mechanical equipment, >10,000 pound 1,946.33 Removal of clean HVAC equipment, <300 pound 140.37 Removal of clean HVAC equipment, 300-1000 pound 482.71 Removal of clean HVAC equipment, 1000-10,000 pound 962.02 Removal of clean HVAC equipment, >10,000 pound 1,946.33 Removal of clean HVAC ductwork, $/pound 0.45 Removal of contaminated instrument and sampling tubing, $/linear foot 1.39 Removal of contaminated pipe 0.25 to 2 inches diameter, $/linear foot 21.06 Removal of contaminated pipe >2 to 4 inches diameter, $/linear foot 33.85 Removal of contaminated pipe >4 to 8 inches diameter, $/linear foot 54.04 Removal of contaminated pipe >8 to 14 inches diameter, $/linear foot 102.36 Removal of contaminated pipe >14 to 20 inches diameter, $/linear foot 122.16 Removal of contaminated pipe >20 to 36 inches diameter, $/linear foot 167.46 Removal of contaminated pipe >36 inches diameter, $/linear foot 196.74 Removal of contaminated valve >2 to 4 inches 416.70 Removal of contaminated valve >4 to 8 inches 475.51 TLG Services, Inc.

Crystal River Unit 3 Nuclear Generating Plant Document No. D03-1744-001, Rev. 0 Updated Site-Specific Decommissioning Cost Estimate Appendix B, Page 4 of 7 APPENDIX B UNIT COST FACTOR LISTING (Power Block Structures Only)

Unit Cost Factor Cost/Unit($)

Removal of contaminated valve >8 to 14 inches 954.61 Removal of contaminated valve >14 to 20 inches 1,211.27 Removal of contaminated valve >20 to 36 inches 1,605.54 Removal of contaminated valve >36 inches 1,898.38 Removal of contaminated pipe hanger for small bore piping 138.24 Removal of contaminated pipe hanger for large bore piping 438.32 Removal of contaminated pump, <300 pound 845.78 Removal of contaminated pump, 300-1000 pound 1,908.86 Removal of contaminated pump, 1000-10,000 pound 5,960.03 Removal of contaminated pump, >10,000 pound 14,486.28 Removal of contaminated pump motor, 300-1000 pound 845.14 Removal of contaminated pump motor, 1000-10,000 pound 2,448.33 Removal of contaminated pump motor, >10,000 pound 5,506.42 Removal of contaminated heat exchanger <3000 pound 3,633.65 Removal of contaminated heat exchanger >3000 pound 10,651.33 Removal of contaminated tank, <300 gallons 1,414.74 Removal of contaminated tank, >300 gallons, $/square foot 26.71 Removal of contaminated electrical equipment, <300 pound 647.22 Removal of contaminated electrical equipment, 300-1000 pound 1,529.29 Removal of contaminated electrical equipment, 1000-10,000 pound 2,950.99 Removal of contaminated electrical equipment, >10,000 pound 5,905.31 Removal of contaminated electrical cable tray, $/linear foot 31.43 Removal of contaminated electrical conduit, $/linear foot 16.40 Removal of contaminated mechanical equipment, <300 pound 720.57 Removal of contaminated mechanical equipment, 300-1000 pound 1,707.41 Removal of contaminated mechanical equipment, 1000-10,000 pound 3,288.11 Removal of contaminated mechanical equipment, >10,000 pound 5,905.31 Removal of contaminated HVAC equipment, <300 pound 720.57 Removal of contaminated HVAC equipment, 300-1000 pound 1,707.41 Removal of contaminated HVAC equipment, 1000-10,000 pound 3,288.11 TLG Services, Inc.

Crystal River Unit 3 Nuclear Generating Plant Document No. D03-1744-001, Rev. 0 Updated Site-Specific Decommissioning Cost Estimate Appendix B, Page 5 of 7 APPENDIX B UNIT COST FACTOR LISTING (Power Block Structures Only)

Unit Cost Factor Cost/Unit($)

Removal of contaminated HVAC equipment, >10,000 pound 5,905.31 Removal of contaminated HVAC ductwork, $/pound 2.06 Removal/plasma arc cut of contaminated thin metal components, $/linear in. 3.36 Additional decontamination of surface by washing, $/square foot 7.22 Additional decontamination of surfaces by hydrolasing, $/square foot 30.04 Decontamination rig hook up and flush, $/ 250 foot length 6,028.10 Chemical flush of components/systems, $/gallon 22.65 Removal of clean standard reinforced concrete, $/cubic yard 74.81 Removal of grade slab concrete, $/cubic yard 85.05 Removal of clean concrete floors, $/cubic yard 383.35 Removal of sections of clean concrete floors, $/cubic yard 1,105.52 Removal of clean heavily rein concrete w/#9 rebar, $/cubic yard 107.87 Removal of contaminated heavily rein concrete w/#9 rebar, $/cubic yard 1,946.22 Removal of clean heavily rein concrete w/#18 rebar, $/cubic yard 146.16 Removal of contaminated heavily rein concrete w/#18 rebar, $/cubic yard 2,569.71 Removal heavily rein concrete w/#18 rebar & steel embedments, $/cubic yard 454.02 Removal of below-grade suspended floors, $/cubic yard 204.85 Removal of clean monolithic concrete structures, $/cubic yard 899.21 Removal of contaminated monolithic concrete structures, $/cubic yard 1,928.26 Removal of clean foundation concrete, $/cubic yard 709.84 Removal of contaminated foundation concrete, $/cubic yard 1,795.54 Explosive demolition of bulk concrete, $/cubic yard 49.28 Removal of clean hollow masonry block wall, $/cubic yard 25.75 Removal of contaminated hollow masonry block wall, $/cubic yard 60.63 Removal of clean solid masonry block wall, $/cubic yard 25.75 Removal of contaminated solid masonry block wall, $/cubic yard 60.63 Backfill of below-grade voids, $/cubic yard 33.88 Removal of subterranean tunnels/voids, $/linear foot 108.41 Placement of concrete for below-grade voids, $/cubic yard 158.63 Excavation of clean material, $/cubic yard 3.15 TLG Services, Inc.

Crystal River Unit 3 Nuclear Generating Plant Document No. D03-1744-001, Rev. 0 Updated Site-Specific Decommissioning Cost Estimate Appendix B, Page 6 of 7 APPENDIX B UNIT COST FACTOR LISTING (Power Block Structures Only)

Unit Cost Factor Cost/Unit($)

Excavation of contaminated material, $/cubic yard 37.85 Removal of clean concrete rubble (tipping fee included), $/cubic yard 27.25 Removal of contaminated concrete rubble, $/cubic yard 23.56 Removal of building by volume, $/cubic foot 0.31 Removal of clean building metal siding, $/square foot 1.31 Removal of contaminated building metal siding, $/square foot 4.29 Removal of standard asphalt roofing, $/square foot 2.02 Removal of transite panels, $/square foot 2.01 Scarifying contaminated concrete surfaces (drill & spall), $/square foot 11.80 Scabbling contaminated concrete floors, $/square foot 6.95 Scabbling contaminated concrete walls, $/square foot 18.38 Scabbling contaminated ceilings, $/square foot 62.79 Scabbling structural steel, $/square foot 5.75 Removal of clean overhead crane/monorail < 10 ton capacity 566.45 Removal of contaminated overhead crane/monorail < 10 ton capacity 1,588.80 Removal of clean overhead crane/monorail >10-50 ton capacity 1,359.51 Removal of contaminated overhead crane/monorail >10-50 ton capacity 3,811.23 Removal of polar crane > 50 ton capacity 5,798.24 Removal of gantry crane > 50 ton capacity 24,329.17 Removal of structural steel, $/pound 0.19 Removal of clean steel floor grating, $/square foot 4.37 Removal of contaminated steel floor grating, $/square foot 11.96 Removal of clean free standing steel liner, $/square foot 11.06 Removal of contaminated free standing steel liner, $/square foot 30.91 Removal of clean concrete-anchored steel liner, $/square foot 5.53 Removal of contaminated concrete-anchored steel liner, $/square foot 35.92 Placement of scaffolding in clean areas, $/square foot 16.73 Placement of scaffolding in contaminated areas, $/square foot 25.68 Landscaping with topsoil, $/acre 25,777.07 Cost of CPC B-88 LSA box & preparation for use 2,229.67 TLG Services, Inc.

Crystal River Unit 3 Nuclear Generating Plant Document No. D03-1744-001, Rev. 0 Updated Site-Specific Decommissioning Cost Estimate Appendix B, Page 7 of 7 APPENDIX B UNIT COST FACTOR LISTING (Power Block Structures Only)

Unit Cost Factor Cost/Unit($)

Cost of CPC B-25 LSA box & preparation for use 2,098.37 Cost of CPC B-12V 12 gauge LSA box & preparation for use 1,661.13 Cost of CPC B-144 LSA box & preparation for use 11,431.48 Cost of LSA drum & preparation for use 225.23 Cost of cask liner for CNSI 8 120A cask (resins) 13,140.46 Cost of cask liner for CNSI 8 120A cask (filters) 9,391.53 Decontamination of surfaces with vacuuming, $/square foot 0.80 TLG Services, Inc.

Crystal River Unit 3 Nuclear Generating Plant Document No. D03-1744-001, Rev. 0 Updated Site-Specific Decommissioning Cost Estimate Appendix C, Page 1 of 10 APPENDIX C DETAILED COST ANALYSIS TLG Services, Inc.

Crystal River Unit 3 Nuclear Generating Plant Document D03-1744-001, Rev. 0 Updated Site-Specific Decommissioning Cost Estimate Appendix C, Page 2 of 10 Table C Crystal River Unit 3 Nuclear Generating Plant SAFSTOR Decommissioning Cost Estimate with Dry Fuel Storage (thousands of 2017 dollars)

Costs run: Wed, Apr 25, 2018 at 10:46:55 Off-Site LLRW NRC Spent Fuel Site Processed Burial Volumes Burial / Utility and Activity DECCER Version 2016.08.16a Decon Removal Packaging Transport Processing Disposal Other Total Total Lic. Term. Management Restoration Volume Class A Class B Class C GTCC Processed Craft Contractor Index Activity Description Cost Cost Costs Costs Costs Costs Costs Contingency Costs Costs Costs Costs Cu. Feet Cu. Feet Cu. Feet Cu. Feet Cu. Feet Wt., Lbs. Manhours Manhours SAFSTOR I Period 0a Additional Costs 0a.2.1 2018 -2019 SAFSTOR I Nuc. Protective Services - - - - - - 13,864 - 13,864 - 13,864 - - - - - - - - -

0a.2.2 2018 - 2019 SAFSTOR I Radiological D&D - - - - - - 12,264 - 12,264 12,264 - - - - - - - - - -

0a.2.3 2018 - 2019 SAFSTOR I Spent Fuel Activities - - - - - - 14,006 - 14,006 - 14,006 - - - - - - - - -

0a.2.4 2018 - 2019 SAFSTOR I Site Restoration/EWF - - - - - - 388 - 388 - - 388 - - - - - - - -

0a.2.5 2018 - 2019 SAFSTOR I Emergent Work Fund - - - - - - 12,545 - 12,545 12,545 - - - - - - - - - -

0a.2.6 2018 - 2019 SAFSTOR I Insurance & Taxes - - - - - - (1,051) - (1,051) (1,051) - - - - - - - - - -

0a.2.7 2018 Severance (contingency) - - - - - - 3,500 - 3,500 3,500 - - - - - - - - - -

0a.2.8 2018 Loading Campaign - - - - - - 4,526 - 4,526 - 4,526 - - - - - - - - -

0a.2.9 2018 Spent Fuel Litigation - - - - - - 820 - 820 - 820 - - - - - - - - -

0a.0 TOTAL PERIOD 0a COST - - - - - - 60,862 - 60,862 27,258 33,216 388 - - - - - - - 224,840 SAFSTOR II Period 0b Additional Costs 0b.2.1 2019 SAFSTOR II Nuc. Protective Services - - - - - - 1,390 - 1,390 - 1,390 - - - - - - - - -

0b.2.2 2019 SAFSTOR II Radiological D&D - - - - - - 2,379 - 2,379 2,379 - - - - - - - - - -

0b.2.3 2019 SAFSTOR II Spent Fuel Activities - - - - - - 1,707 - 1,707 - 1,707 - - - - - - - - -

0b.2.4 2019 SAFSTOR II Site Restoration/EWF - - - - - - 46 - 46 - - 46 - - - - - - - -

0b.2.5 2019 SAFSTOR II Emergent Work Fund - - - - - - 160 - 160 160 - - - - - - - - - -

0b.2.6 2019 SAFSTOR II Insurance & Taxes - - - - - - (2,029) - (2,029) (2,029) - - - - - - - - - -

0b.2.7 Period 0b credit to remove 0b 1.1 SAFSTOR Char. Survey - - - - - - (522) (157) (679) (679) - - - - - - - - - -

0b.2.8 Period 0b credit to remove 0b Engineering cost. - - - - - - (5,661) (849) (6,510) (6,510) - - - - - - - - - (44,390) 0b.2.9 2019 disposal cost (detector/trolley girder) - - - - - - 350 - 350 350 - - - - - - - - - -

0b.2 Subtotal Period 0b Additional Costs - - - - - - (2,180) (1,006) (3,186) (6,329) 3,097 46 - - - - - - - (44,390) 0b.0 TOTAL PERIOD 0b COST - - - - - - 4,004 0 4,004 861 3,097 46 - - - - - - - 17,523 PERIOD TOTALS - - - - - - 64,866 0 64,866 28,119 36,313 434 - - - - - - - 242,363 PERIOD 2b - SAFSTOR Dormancy with Dry Spent Fuel Storage Period 2b Direct Decommissioning Activities 2b.1.1 Quarterly Inspection a 2b.1.2 Semi-annual environmental survey a 2b.1.3 Prepare reports a 2b.1 Subtotal Period 2b Activity Costs - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Period 2b Additional Costs 2b.2.1 Insurance Credits - - - - - - (22,868) - (22,868) (22,868) - - - - - - - - - -

2b.2.2 Spent Fuel Litigation - - - - - - 492 - 492 - 492 - - - - - - - - -

2b.2 Subtotal Period 2b Additional Costs - - - - - - (22,376) - (22,376) (22,868) 492 - - - - - - - - -

Period 2b Collateral Costs 2b.3.1 Spent Fuel Capital and Transfer - - - - - - 4,328 649 4,978 - 4,978 - - - - - - - - -

2b.3 Subtotal Period 2b Collateral Costs - - - - - - 4,328 649 4,978 - 4,978 - - - - - - - - -

Period 2b Period-Dependent Costs 2b.4.1 Insurance - - - - - - 7,272 727 7,999 7,999 - - - - - - - - - -

2b.4.2 Property taxes - - - - - - 7,669 - 7,669 7,669 - - - - - - - - - -

2b.4.3 Health physics supplies - 1,940 - - - - - 485 2,425 2,425 - - - - - - - - - -

2b.4.4 Disposal of DAW generated - - 51 11 - 113 - 35 210 210 - - - 2,186 - - - 43,724 71 -

2b.4.5 Plant energy budget - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

2b.4.6 Non-Labor Reoccuring - - - - - - 26,557 3,984 30,540 23,577 6,963 - - - - - - - - -

2b.4.7 ISFSI Operating Costs - - - - - - 1,837 276 2,113 - 2,113 - - - - - - - - -

2b.4.8 Florida LLRW Inspection Fee - - - - - - 4 1 5 5 - - - - - - - - - -

2b.4.9 Corporate A&G - - - - - - 10,800 1,620 12,420 12,420 - - - - - - - - - -

2b.4.10 Security Staff Cost - - - - - - 55,469 8,320 63,789 32,277 31,512 - - - - - - - - 1,049,118 2b.4.11 Utility Staff Cost - - - - - - 71,193 10,679 81,872 69,182 12,690 - - - - - - - - 936,712 2b.4 Subtotal Period 2b Period-Dependent Costs - 1,940 51 11 - 113 180,801 26,126 209,042 155,763 53,278 - - 2,186 - - - 43,724 71 1,985,830 2b.0 TOTAL PERIOD 2b COST - 1,940 51 11 - 113 162,753 26,775 191,643 132,896 58,748 - - 2,186 - - - 43,724 71 1,985,830 TLG Services, Inc.

Crystal River Unit 3 Nuclear Generating Plant Document D03-1744-001, Rev. 0 Updated Site-Specific Decommissioning Cost Estimate Appendix C, Page 3 of 10 Table C Crystal River Unit 3 Nuclear Generating Plant SAFSTOR Decommissioning Cost Estimate with Dry Fuel Storage (thousands of 2017 dollars)

Costs run: Wed, Apr 25, 2018 at 10:46:55 Off-Site LLRW NRC Spent Fuel Site Processed Burial Volumes Burial / Utility and Activity DECCER Version 2016.08.16a Decon Removal Packaging Transport Processing Disposal Other Total Total Lic. Term. Management Restoration Volume Class A Class B Class C GTCC Processed Craft Contractor Index Activity Description Cost Cost Costs Costs Costs Costs Costs Contingency Costs Costs Costs Costs Cu. Feet Cu. Feet Cu. Feet Cu. Feet Cu. Feet Wt., Lbs. Manhours Manhours PERIOD 2c - SAFSTOR Dormancy without Spent Fuel Storage Period 2c Direct Decommissioning Activities 2c.1.1 Quarterly Inspection a 2c.1.2 Semi-annual environmental survey a 2c.1.3 Prepare reports a 2c.1 Subtotal Period 2c Activity Costs - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Period 2c Additional Costs 2c.2.1 Insurance Credits - - - - - - (32,491) - (32,491) (32,491) - - - - - - - - - -

2c.2.3 Spent Fuel Litigation - - - - - - 82 - 82 - 82 - - - - - - - - -

2c.2 Subtotal Period 2c Additional Costs - - - - - - (32,409) - (32,409) (32,491) 82 - - - - - - - - -

Period 2c Period-Dependent Costs 2c.4.1 Insurance - - - - - - 9,299 930 10,229 10,229 - - - - - - - - - -

2c.4.2 Property taxes - - - - - - 12,519 - 12,519 12,519 - - - - - - - - - -

2c.4.3 Health physics supplies - 2,774 - - - - - 694 3,468 3,468 - - - - - - - - - -

2c.4.4 Disposal of DAW generated - - 70 15 - 154 - 48 287 287 - - - 2,993 - - - 59,869 98 -

2c.4.5 Plant energy budget - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

2c.4.6 Non-Labor Reoccuring - - - - - - 43,360 6,504 49,864 49,864 - - - - - - - - - -

2c.4.7 Florida LLRW Inspection Fee - - - - - - 6 1 7 7 - - - - - - - - - -

2c.4.8 Corporate A&G - - - - - - 8,885 1,333 10,218 10,218 - - - - - - - - - -

2c.4.9 Security Staff Cost - - - - - - 22,378 3,357 25,735 25,735 - - - - - - - - - 917,537 2c.4.10 Utility Staff Cost - - - - - - 31,359 4,704 36,062 36,062 - - - - - - - - - 535,230 2c.4 Subtotal Period 2c Period-Dependent Costs - 2,774 70 15 - 154 127,805 17,569 148,389 148,389 - - - 2,993 - - - 59,869 98 1,452,766 2c.0 TOTAL PERIOD 2c COST - 2,774 70 15 - 154 95,397 17,569 115,980 115,898 82 - - 2,993 - - - 59,869 98 1,452,766 PERIOD 2 TOTALS - 4,714 121 27 - 267 258,150 44,345 307,623 248,794 58,830 - - 5,180 - - - 103,593 169 3,438,597 PERIOD 3a - Reactivate Site Following SAFSTOR Dormancy Period 3a Direct Decommissioning Activities 3a.1.1 Prepare preliminary decommissioning cost - - - - - - 166 25 191 191 - - - - - - - - - 1,300 3a.1.2 Review plant dwgs & specs. - - - - - - 587 88 675 675 - - - - - - - - - 4,600 3a.1.3 Perform detailed rad survey a 3a.1.4 End product description - - - - - - 128 19 147 147 - - - - - - - - - 1,000 3a.1.5 Detailed by-product inventory - - - - - - 166 25 191 191 - - - - - - - - - 1,300 3a.1.6 Define major work sequence - - - - - - 956 143 1,100 1,100 - - - - - - - - - 7,500 3a.1.7 Perform SER and EA - - - - - - 395 59 455 455 - - - - - - - - - 3,100 3a.1.8 Perform Site-Specific Cost Study - - - - - - 638 96 733 733 - - - - - - - - - 5,000 Activity Specifications 3a.1.9.1 Re-activate plant & temporary facilities - - - - - - 940 141 1,081 973 - 108 - - - - - - - 7,370 3a.1.9.2 Plant systems - - - - - - 531 80 611 550 - 61 - - - - - - - 4,167 3a.1.9.3 Reactor internals - - - - - - 905 136 1,041 1,041 - - - - - - - - - 7,100 3a.1.9.4 Reactor vessel - - - - - - 829 124 953 953 - - - - - - - - - 6,500 3a.1.9.5 Biological shield - - - - - - 64 10 73 73 - - - - - - - - - 500 3a.1.9.6 Steam generators - - - - - - 398 60 458 458 - - - - - - - - - 3,120 3a.1.9.7 Reinforced concrete - - - - - - 204 31 235 117 - 117 - - - - - - - 1,600 3a.1.9.8 Main Turbine - - - - - - 51 8 59 - - 59 - - - - - - - 400 3a.1.9.9 Main Condensers - - - - - - 51 8 59 - - 59 - - - - - - - 400 3a.1.9.10 Plant structures & buildings - - - - - - 398 60 458 229 - 229 - - - - - - - 3,120 3a.1.9.11 Waste management - - - - - - 587 88 675 675 - - - - - - - - - 4,600 3a.1.9.12 Facility & site closeout - - - - - - 115 17 132 66 - 66 - - - - - - - 900 3a.1.9 Total - - - - - - 5,073 761 5,834 5,135 - 699 - - - - - - - 39,777 Planning & Site Preparations 3a.1.10 Prepare dismantling sequence - - - - - - 306 46 352 352 - - - - - - - - - 2,400 3a.1.11 Plant prep. & temp. svces - - - - - - 3,200 480 3,680 3,680 - - - - - - - - - -

3a.1.12 Design water clean-up system - - - - - - 179 27 205 205 - - - - - - - - - 1,400 3a.1.13 Rigging/Cont. Cntrl Envlps/tooling/etc. - - - - - - 2,300 345 2,645 2,645 - - - - - - - - - -

3a.1.14 Procure casks/liners & containers - - - - - - 157 24 180 180 - - - - - - - - - 1,230 3a.1 Subtotal Period 3a Activity Costs - - - - - - 14,249 2,137 16,387 15,688 - 699 - - - - - - - 68,607 Period 3a Additional Costs 3a.2.1 Insurance Credits - - - - - - (1,105) - (1,105) (1,105) - - - - - - - - - -

3a.2 Subtotal Period 3a Additional Costs - - - - - - (1,105) - (1,105) (1,105) - - - - - - - - - -

TLG Services, Inc.

Crystal River Unit 3 Nuclear Generating Plant Document D03-1744-001, Rev. 0 Updated Site-Specific Decommissioning Cost Estimate Appendix C, Page 4 of 10 Table C Crystal River Unit 3 Nuclear Generating Plant SAFSTOR Decommissioning Cost Estimate with Dry Fuel Storage (thousands of 2017 dollars)

Costs run: Wed, Apr 25, 2018 at 10:46:55 Off-Site LLRW NRC Spent Fuel Site Processed Burial Volumes Burial / Utility and Activity DECCER Version 2016.08.16a Decon Removal Packaging Transport Processing Disposal Other Total Total Lic. Term. Management Restoration Volume Class A Class B Class C GTCC Processed Craft Contractor Index Activity Description Cost Cost Costs Costs Costs Costs Costs Contingency Costs Costs Costs Costs Cu. Feet Cu. Feet Cu. Feet Cu. Feet Cu. Feet Wt., Lbs. Manhours Manhours Period 3a Period-Dependent Costs 3a.4.1 Insurance - - - - - - 316 32 348 348 - - - - - - - - - -

3a.4.2 Property taxes - - - - - - 426 - 426 426 - - - - - - - - - -

3a.4.3 Health physics supplies - 450 - - - - - 113 563 563 - - - - - - - - - -

3a.4.4 Heavy equipment rental - 567 - - - - - 85 652 652 - - - - - - - - - -

3a.4.5 Disposal of DAW generated - - 12 3 - 27 - 8 49 49 - - - 514 - - - 10,287 17 -

3a.4.6 Plant energy budget - - - - - - 1,039 156 1,195 1,195 - - - - - - - - - -

3a.4.7 Non-Labor Reoccuring - - - - - - 1,474 221 1,695 1,695 - - - - - - - - - -

3a.4.8 Florida LLRW Inspection Fee - - - - - - 1 0 1 1 - - - - - - - - - -

3a.4.9 Corporate A&G - - - - - - 523 78 601 601 - - - - - - - - - -

3a.4.10 Security Staff Cost - - - - - - 1,480 222 1,702 1,702 - - - - - - - - - 65,000 3a.4.11 Utility Staff Cost - - - - - - 15,629 2,344 17,974 17,974 - - - - - - - - - 257,920 3a.4 Subtotal Period 3a Period-Dependent Costs - 1,018 12 3 - 27 20,888 3,259 25,206 25,206 - - - 514 - - - 10,287 17 322,920 3a.0 TOTAL PERIOD 3a COST - 1,018 12 3 - 27 34,032 5,397 40,488 39,789 - 699 - 514 - - - 10,287 17 391,527 PERIOD 3b - Decommissioning Preparations Period 3b Direct Decommissioning Activities Detailed Work Procedures 3b.1.1.1 Plant systems - - - - - - 604 91 694 625 - 69 - - - - - - - 4,733 3b.1.1.2 Reactor internals - - - - - - 319 48 367 367 - - - - - - - - - 2,500 3b.1.1.3 Remaining buildings - - - - - - 172 26 198 49 - 148 - - - - - - - 1,350 3b.1.1.4 CRD cooling assembly - - - - - - 128 19 147 147 - - - - - - - - - 1,000 3b.1.1.5 CRD housings & ICI tubes - - - - - - 128 19 147 147 - - - - - - - - - 1,000 3b.1.1.6 Incore instrumentation - - - - - - 128 19 147 147 - - - - - - - - - 1,000 3b.1.1.7 Reactor vessel - - - - - - 463 69 532 532 - - - - - - - - - 3,630 3b.1.1.8 Facility closeout - - - - - - 153 23 176 88 - 88 - - - - - - - 1,200 3b.1.1.9 Missile shields - - - - - - 57 9 66 66 - - - - - - - - - 450 3b.1.1.10 Biological shield - - - - - - 153 23 176 176 - - - - - - - - - 1,200 3b.1.1.11 Steam generators - - - - - - 587 88 675 675 - - - - - - - - - 4,600 3b.1.1.12 Reinforced concrete - - - - - - 128 19 147 73 - 73 - - - - - - - 1,000 3b.1.1.13 Main Turbine - - - - - - 199 30 229 - - 229 - - - - - - - 1,560 3b.1.1.14 Main Condensers - - - - - - 199 30 229 - - 229 - - - - - - - 1,560 3b.1.1.15 Auxiliary building - - - - - - 348 52 400 360 - 40 - - - - - - - 2,730 3b.1.1.16 Reactor building - - - - - - 348 52 400 360 - 40 - - - - - - - 2,730 3b.1.1 Total - - - - - - 4,112 617 4,729 3,812 - 917 - - - - - - - 32,243 3b.1 Subtotal Period 3b Activity Costs - - - - - - 4,112 617 4,729 3,812 - 917 - - - - - - - 32,243 Period 3b Additional Costs 3b.2.1 Site Characterization - - - - - - 6,854 2,056 8,911 8,911 - - - - - - - - 30,500 10,852 3b.2.2 Hazardous/Mixed Waste - - - - - - 150 23 173 173 - - - - - - - - - -

3b.2.3 Insurance Credits - - - - - - (636) - (636) (636) - - - - - - - - - -

3b.2 Subtotal Period 3b Additional Costs - - - - - - 6,368 2,079 8,447 8,447 - - - - - - - - 30,500 10,852 Period 3b Collateral Costs 3b.3.1 Decon equipment 974 - - - - - - 146 1,120 1,120 - - - - - - - - - -

3b.3.2 DOC staff relocation expenses - - - - - - 1,474 221 1,695 1,695 - - - - - - - - - -

3b.3.3 Pipe cutting equipment - 1,100 - - - - - 165 1,265 1,265 - - - - - - - - - -

3b.3 Subtotal Period 3b Collateral Costs 974 1,100 - - - - 1,474 532 4,081 4,081 - - - - - - - - - -

Period 3b Period-Dependent Costs 3b.4.1 Decon supplies 35 - - - - - - 9 43 43 - - - - - - - - - -

3b.4.2 Insurance - - - - - - 202 20 223 223 - - - - - - - - - -

3b.4.3 Property taxes - - - - - - 213 - 213 213 - - - - - - - - - -

3b.4.4 Health physics supplies - 249 - - - - - 62 311 311 - - - - - - - - - -

3b.4.5 Heavy equipment rental - 284 - - - - - 43 327 327 - - - - - - - - - -

3b.4.6 Disposal of DAW generated - - 7 2 - 15 - 5 28 28 - - - 292 - - - 5,834 10 -

3b.4.7 Plant energy budget - - - - - - 521 78 599 599 - - - - - - - - - -

3b.4.8 Non-Labor Reoccuring - - - - - - 738 111 848 848 - - - - - - - - - -

3b.4.9 Florida LLRW Inspection Fee - - - - - - 1 0 1 1 - - - - - - - - - -

3b.4.10 Corporate A&G - - - - - - 300 45 345 345 - - - - - - - - - -

3b.4.11 Security Staff Cost - - - - - - 742 111 853 853 - - - - - - - - - 32,589 3b.4.12 DOC Staff Cost - - - - - - 5,309 796 6,105 6,105 - - - - - - - - - 58,400 3b.4.13 Utility Staff Cost - - - - - - 7,836 1,175 9,011 9,011 - - - - - - - - - 129,313 3b.4 Subtotal Period 3b Period-Dependent Costs 35 533 7 2 - 15 15,862 2,455 18,908 18,908 - - - 292 - - - 5,834 10 220,302 TLG Services, Inc.

Crystal River Unit 3 Nuclear Generating Plant Document D03-1744-001, Rev. 0 Updated Site-Specific Decommissioning Cost Estimate Appendix C, Page 5 of 10 Table C Crystal River Unit 3 Nuclear Generating Plant SAFSTOR Decommissioning Cost Estimate with Dry Fuel Storage (thousands of 2017 dollars)

Costs run: Wed, Apr 25, 2018 at 10:46:55 Off-Site LLRW NRC Spent Fuel Site Processed Burial Volumes Burial / Utility and Activity DECCER Version 2016.08.16a Decon Removal Packaging Transport Processing Disposal Other Total Total Lic. Term. Management Restoration Volume Class A Class B Class C GTCC Processed Craft Contractor Index Activity Description Cost Cost Costs Costs Costs Costs Costs Contingency Costs Costs Costs Costs Cu. Feet Cu. Feet Cu. Feet Cu. Feet Cu. Feet Wt., Lbs. Manhours Manhours 3b.0 TOTAL PERIOD 3b COST 1,009 1,633 7 2 - 15 27,816 5,683 36,164 35,247 - 917 - 292 - - - 5,834 30,510 263,397 PERIOD 3 TOTALS 1,009 2,651 19 4 - 42 61,848 11,080 76,652 75,036 - 1,616 - 806 - - - 16,121 30,526 654,924 PERIOD 4a - Large Component Removal Period 4a Direct Decommissioning Activities Nuclear Steam Supply System Removal 4a.1.1.1 Reactor Coolant Piping 31 118 44 64 33 471 - 182 941 941 - - 188 1,791 - - - 137,454 2,799 -

4a.1.1.2 Pressurizer Relief Tank 4 14 7 11 5 78 - 28 147 147 - - 31 298 - - - 22,882 345 -

4a.1.1.3 Reactor Coolant Pumps & Motors 26 83 75 210 - 1,448 - 435 2,277 2,277 - - - 4,664 - - - 840,400 2,568 80 4a.1.1.4 Pressurizer 9 50 433 179 - 899 - 312 1,881 1,881 - - - 2,897 - - - 341,500 1,505 1,500 4a.1.1.5 Steam Generators 43 5,235 2,445 3,124 - 6,882 - 3,764 21,493 21,493 - - - 22,172 - - - 1,889,167 8,838 4,500 4a.1.1.6 CRDMs/ICIs/Service Structure Removal 35 268 295 86 40 581 - 278 1,584 1,584 - - 419 3,500 - - - 169,622 5,721 -

4a.1.1.7 Reactor Vessel Internals 63 6,467 6,944 1,036 - 17,280 347 15,569 47,707 47,707 - - - 2,192 1,252 462 - 286,446 29,140 1,324 4a.1.1.8 Vessel & Internals GTCC Disposal - - - - - 7,162 - 1,074 8,237 8,237 - - - - - - 1,649 332,892 - -

4a.1.1.9 Reactor Vessel 92 7,848 2,556 1,993 - 4,684 347 9,463 26,983 26,983 - - - 14,096 - - - 991,628 29,140 1,324 4a.1.1 Totals 303 20,082 12,798 6,702 78 39,487 694 31,105 111,249 111,249 - - 638 51,610 1,252 462 1,649 5,011,990 80,057 8,728 Removal of Major Equipment 4a.1.2 Main Turbine/Generator - 274 23 5 116 - - 89 507 507 - - 991 - - - - 44,602 5,478 -

4a.1.3 Main Condensers - 851 54 12 271 - - 261 1,449 1,449 - - 2,316 - - - - 104,240 17,268 -

Cascading Costs from Clean Building Demolition 4a.1.4.1 Reactor - 393 - - - - - 59 452 452 - - - - - - - - 3,499 -

4a.1.4.2 Auxiliary Building - 101 - - - - - 15 116 116 - - - - - - - - 829 -

4a.1.4.3 Intermediate Bldg - 25 - - - - - 4 29 29 - - - - - - - - 134 -

4a.1.4.4 Machine Shop - Hot - 2 - - - - - 0 3 3 - - - - - - - - 23 -

4a.1.4.5 RM Warehouse - 1 - - - - - 0 1 1 - - - - - - - - 3 -

4a.1.4.6 z Fuel Handling Area (Aux Bldg) - 60 - - - - - 9 69 69 - - - - - - - - 455 -

4a.1.4 Totals - 581 - - - - - 87 668 668 - - - - - - - - 4,941 -

Disposal of Plant Systems 4a.1.5.1 Auxiliary Steam - 63 - - - - - 9 72 - - 72 - - - - - - 1,391 -

4a.1.5.2 Auxiliary Steam - RCA - 38 1 2 40 - - 16 95 95 - - 376 - - - - 15,255 605 -

4a.1.5.3 Chemical Addition - Cont - 68 1 3 63 - - 27 162 162 - - 596 - - - - 24,217 1,127 -

4a.1.5.4 Chemical Addition - Cont - Insulated - 11 0 0 6 - - 4 21 21 - - 61 - - - - 2,461 159 -

4a.1.5.5 Chemical Addition - Insulated - RCA - 9 0 0 6 - - 3 19 19 - - 61 - - - - 2,461 124 -

4a.1.5.6 Chemical Addition - RCA - 58 1 3 69 - - 25 157 157 - - 658 - - - - 26,704 903 -

4a.1.5.7 Chemical Feed Secondary Cycle - 15 - - - - - 2 17 - - 17 - - - - - - 331 -

4a.1.5.8 Chemical Feed Secondary Cycle - RCA - 8 0 0 5 - - 3 16 16 - - 51 - - - - 2,067 107 -

4a.1.5.9 Chilled Water - 69 - - - - - 10 79 - - 79 - - - - - - 1,520 -

4a.1.5.10 Chilled Water - RCA - 79 1 3 71 - - 31 185 185 - - 672 - - - - 27,273 1,225 -

4a.1.5.11 Circulating Water - 78 - - - - - 12 90 - - 90 - - - - - - 1,730 -

4a.1.5.12 Cond Demin Regeneration - 49 - - - - - 7 56 - - 56 - - - - - - 1,049 -

4a.1.5.13 Condensate - 128 - - - - - 19 147 - - 147 - - - - - - 2,868 -

4a.1.5.14 Condensate & Demin Water Supply - 28 - - - - - 4 32 - - 32 - - - - - - 606 -

4a.1.5.15 Condensate & Demin Water Supply - Cont - 79 1 2 51 - - 28 160 160 - - 483 - - - - 19,601 1,284 -

4a.1.5.16 Condensate & Demin Water Supply - RCA - 116 2 4 92 - - 44 257 257 - - 875 - - - - 35,538 1,773 -

4a.1.5.17 Condensate - Cont - 191 6 15 342 - - 102 656 656 - - 3,236 - - - - 131,415 3,586 -

4a.1.5.18 Condensate Demineralizer - 112 - - - - - 17 129 - - 129 - - - - - - 2,482 -

4a.1.5.19 Condensate Demineralizer - Cont - 165 3 8 169 - - 68 413 413 - - 1,604 - - - - 65,131 2,800 -

4a.1.5.20 Condenser Air Removal & Priming - 104 - - - - - 16 120 - - 120 - - - - - - 2,308 -

4a.1.5.21 Cycle Makeup Demin Water - 69 - - - - - 10 79 - - 79 - - - - - - 1,472 -

4a.1.5.22 Cycle Makeup Demin Water - RCA - 74 1 2 54 - - 27 159 159 - - 513 - - - - 20,841 1,125 -

4a.1.5.23 Cycle Startup - 10 - - - - - 1 11 - - 11 - - - - - - 222 -

4a.1.5.24 Cycle Startup - RCA - 24 1 2 46 - - 13 86 86 - - 431 - - - - 17,510 401 -

4a.1.5.25 Diesel Jacket Coolant - 29 - - - - - 4 33 - - 33 - - - - - - 613 -

4a.1.5.26 Diesel-Air Cooler Coolant - 5 - - - - - 1 6 - - 6 - - - - - - 108 -

4a.1.5.27 EDG FO & Compressed Air & Exhaust - 48 - - - - - 7 55 - - 55 - - - - - - 1,028 -

4a.1.5.28 EDG Lube Oil - 5 - - - - - 1 6 - - 6 - - - - - - 111 -

4a.1.5.29 EFP-3 Compressed and Starting Air - 13 - - - - - 2 15 - - 15 - - - - - - 302 -

4a.1.5.30 EFP-3 Fuel Oil Transfer - 20 - - - - - 3 23 - - 23 - - - - - - 444 -

4a.1.5.31 EFPB Sump Discharge - 9 - - - - - 1 11 - - 11 - - - - - - 225 -

4a.1.5.32 Emergency Feedwater - 78 - - - - - 12 89 - - 89 - - - - - - 1,668 -

4a.1.5.33 Emergency Feedwater - RCA - 151 3 8 173 - - 65 400 400 - - 1,640 - - - - 66,593 2,413 -

4a.1.5.34 Extraction Steam - 130 - - - - - 19 149 - - 149 - - - - - - 2,916 -

TLG Services, Inc.

Crystal River Unit 3 Nuclear Generating Plant Document D03-1744-001, Rev. 0 Updated Site-Specific Decommissioning Cost Estimate Appendix C, Page 6 of 10 Table C Crystal River Unit 3 Nuclear Generating Plant SAFSTOR Decommissioning Cost Estimate with Dry Fuel Storage (thousands of 2017 dollars)

Costs run: Wed, Apr 25, 2018 at 10:46:55 Off-Site LLRW NRC Spent Fuel Site Processed Burial Volumes Burial / Utility and Activity DECCER Version 2016.08.16a Decon Removal Packaging Transport Processing Disposal Other Total Total Lic. Term. Management Restoration Volume Class A Class B Class C GTCC Processed Craft Contractor Index Activity Description Cost Cost Costs Costs Costs Costs Costs Contingency Costs Costs Costs Costs Cu. Feet Cu. Feet Cu. Feet Cu. Feet Cu. Feet Wt., Lbs. Manhours Manhours Disposal of Plant Systems (continued) 4a.1.5.35 FW Heater Relief Vents & Drains - 56 - - - - - 8 65 - - 65 - - - - - - 1,225 -

4a.1.5.36 FW Heater Relief Vents & Drains - Cont - 70 1 2 39 - - 24 135 135 - - 366 - - - - 14,864 1,187 -

4a.1.5.37 Feedwater - 97 - - - - - 15 112 - - 112 - - - - - - 2,106 -

4a.1.5.38 Feedwater - Insulated - 53 - - - - - 8 61 - - 61 - - - - - - 1,222 -

4a.1.5.39 Feedwater - Insulated - RCA - 119 4 11 242 - - 68 444 444 - - 2,293 - - - - 93,138 1,961 -

4a.1.5.40 Feedwater - RCA - 28 1 3 60 - - 17 109 109 - - 572 - - - - 23,243 453 -

4a.1.5.41 HVAC-Misc Outbldgs - 19 - - - - - 3 22 - - 22 - - - - - - 469 -

4a.1.5.42 LP & HP Feedwater Drains & Vents - 227 - - - - - 34 261 - - 261 - - - - - - 5,048 -

4a.1.5.43 LP & HP Feedwater Drains & Vents - Cont - 258 4 11 248 - - 104 624 624 - - 2,346 - - - - 95,269 4,444 -

4a.1.5.44 Liquid Sampling - Cont - 82 1 1 33 - - 26 143 143 - - 313 - - - - 12,721 1,396 -

4a.1.5.45 Liquid Sampling - RCA - 68 1 2 36 - - 23 129 129 - - 336 - - - - 13,655 1,100 -

4a.1.5.46 Lube Oil - 12 - - - - - 2 14 - - 14 - - - - - - 256 -

4a.1.5.47 Main & Reheat Steam - 99 - - - - - 15 114 - - 114 - - - - - - 2,230 -

4a.1.5.48 Main & Reheat Steam - Cont - 654 61 162 3,641 - - 740 5,258 5,258 - - 34,481 - - - - 1,400,277 12,031 -

4a.1.5.49 Main & Reheat Steam - RCA - 17 0 1 24 - - 8 51 51 - - 226 - - - - 9,182 279 -

4a.1.5.50 Misc Turbine Room Steam Drains - 57 - - - - - 9 66 - - 66 - - - - - - 1,332 -

4a.1.5.51 Misc Turbine Room Steam Drains - Cont - 239 2 7 148 - - 83 480 480 - - 1,405 - - - - 57,049 3,733 -

4a.1.5.52 Nitrogen/Hydrogen/Carbon Dioxide - 32 - - - - - 5 36 - - 36 - - - - - - 736 -

4a.1.5.53 Nuc Serv & Decay Heat Sea Water - 53 - - - - - 8 61 - - 61 - - - - - - 1,172 -

4a.1.5.54 Nuc Serv & Decay Heat Sea Water - Cont - 78 7 18 395 - - 82 580 580 - - 3,740 - - - - 151,890 1,438 -

4a.1.5.55 Nuc Serv & Decay Heat Sea Water - RCA - 86 5 12 264 - - 63 430 430 - - 2,504 - - - - 101,697 1,455 -

4a.1.5.56 RC & Misc Waste Evaporator - 421 23 41 641 110 - 238 1,475 1,475 - - 6,075 454 - - - 275,981 7,957 -

4a.1.5.57 RC & Misc Waste Evaporator - Insulated - 43 5 4 7 34 - 21 113 113 - - 62 135 - - - 11,400 636 -

4a.1.5.58 Screen Wash Water - 46 - - - - - 7 53 - - 53 - - - - - - 989 -

4a.1.5.59 Seal & Spray Water - 4 - - - - - 1 5 - - 5 - - - - - - 99 -

4a.1.5.60 Seal & Spray Water - Cont - 118 1 4 86 - - 43 252 252 - - 814 - - - - 33,044 1,877 -

4a.1.5.61 Seal & Spray Water - RCA - 93 1 4 83 - - 36 217 217 - - 783 - - - - 31,811 1,379 -

4a.1.5.62 Secondary Cycle Sampling - 26 - - - - - 4 30 - - 30 - - - - - - 622 -

4a.1.5.63 Secondary Cycle Sampling - Cont - 11 0 0 6 - - 4 22 22 - - 60 - - - - 2,419 169 -

4a.1.5.64 Secondary Cycle Sampling - Cont - Ins - 4 0 0 2 - - 1 7 7 - - 20 - - - - 810 57 -

4a.1.5.65 Secondary Cycle Sampling - Insulated - 7 - - - - - 1 9 - - 9 - - - - - - 180 -

4a.1.5.66 Secondary Serv Closed Cycle Cooling - 224 - - - - - 34 258 - - 258 - - - - - - 4,978 -

4a.1.5.67 Turb Bldg Sump & Oily Water Separator - 22 - - - - - 3 25 - - 25 - - - - - - 491 -

4a.1.5.68 Turbine Generator Seal Oil - 27 - - - - - 4 31 - - 31 - - - - - - 621 -

4a.1.5.69 Turbine Gland Steam & Drains - 18 - - - - - 3 20 - - 20 - - - - - - 391 -

4a.1.5.70 Turbine Lube Oil - 52 - - - - - 8 60 - - 60 - - - - - - 1,107 -

4a.1.5.71 Waste Drumming - 18 2 2 3 14 - 9 48 48 - - 26 57 - - - 4,824 269 -

4a.1.5.72 Waste Gas Disposal - 315 26 29 251 166 - 165 950 950 - - 2,374 674 - - - 140,337 5,335 -

4a.1.5 Totals - 5,985 166 365 7,397 324 - 2,539 16,774 14,253 - 2,522 70,051 1,321 - - - 2,930,676 113,453 -

4a.1.6 Scaffolding in support of decommissioning - 1,130 20 6 92 17 - 303 1,568 1,568 - - 784 69 - - - 39,683 25,120 -

4a.1 Subtotal Period 4a Activity Costs 303 28,903 13,061 7,091 7,954 39,827 694 34,383 132,215 129,693 - 2,522 74,781 53,000 1,252 462 1,649 8,131,191 246,318 8,728 Period 4a Additional Costs 4a.2.1 Remedial Action Surveys - - - - - - 2,304 691 2,995 2,995 - - - - - - - - 33,144 -

4a.2.2 Asbestos Abatement - - - - - - 100 25 125 125 - - - - - - - - - -

4a.2.3 Remove Contaminated Outdoor Piping - 162 27 49 - 303 - 126 669 669 - - - 1,239 - - - 37,866 2,621 -

4a.2.4 Lead Abatement Crew - 960 - - - - - 240 1,200 1,200 - - - - - - - - 19,900 -

4a.2.5 Insurance Credits - - - - - - (2,024) - (2,024) (2,024) - - - - - - - - - -

4a.2.6 Fuel Bearing Waste - - - 57 - 75 - - 132 132 - - - - - - 5 300 - -

4a.2 Subtotal Period 4a Additional Costs - 1,122 27 106 - 378 379 1,083 3,096 3,096 - - - 1,239 - - 5 38,166 55,665 -

Period 4a Collateral Costs 4a.3.1 Process decommissioning water waste 3 - 5 20 - 21 - 10 58 58 - - - 47 - - - 2,799 9 -

4a.3.3 Small tool allowance - 262 - - - - - 39 301 271 - 30 - - - - - - - -

4a.3 Subtotal Period 4a Collateral Costs 3 262 5 20 - 21 - 49 359 329 - 30 - 47 - - - 2,799 9 -

Period 4a Period-Dependent Costs 4a.4.1 Decon supplies 110 - - - - - - 28 138 138 - - - - - - - - - -

4a.4.2 Insurance - - - - - - 644 64 708 708 - - - - - - - - - -

4a.4.3 Property taxes - - - - - - 679 - 679 679 - - - - - - - - - -

4a.4.4 Health physics supplies - 2,252 - - - - - 563 2,815 2,815 - - - - - - - - - -

4a.4.5 Heavy equipment rental - 3,498 - - - - - 525 4,022 4,022 - - - - - - - - - -

4a.4.6 Disposal of DAW generated - - 101 22 - 225 - 70 418 418 - - - 4,351 - - - 87,016 142 -

4a.4.7 Plant energy budget - - - - - - 1,574 236 1,810 1,810 - - - - - - - - - -

4a.4.8 Non-Labor Reoccuring - - - - - - 2,352 353 2,705 2,705 - - - - - - - - - -

TLG Services, Inc.

Crystal River Unit 3 Nuclear Generating Plant Document D03-1744-001, Rev. 0 Updated Site-Specific Decommissioning Cost Estimate Appendix C, Page 7 of 10 Table C Crystal River Unit 3 Nuclear Generating Plant SAFSTOR Decommissioning Cost Estimate with Dry Fuel Storage (thousands of 2017 dollars)

Costs run: Wed, Apr 25, 2018 at 10:46:55 Off-Site LLRW NRC Spent Fuel Site Processed Burial Volumes Burial / Utility and Activity DECCER Version 2016.08.16a Decon Removal Packaging Transport Processing Disposal Other Total Total Lic. Term. Management Restoration Volume Class A Class B Class C GTCC Processed Craft Contractor Index Activity Description Cost Cost Costs Costs Costs Costs Costs Contingency Costs Costs Costs Costs Cu. Feet Cu. Feet Cu. Feet Cu. Feet Cu. Feet Wt., Lbs. Manhours Manhours Period 4a Period-Dependent Costs (continued) 4a.4.9 Liquid Radwaste Processing Equipment/Services - - - - - - 645 97 742 742 - - - - - - - - - -

4a.4.10 Florida LLRW Inspection Fee - - - - - - 264 40 303 303 - - - - - - - - - -

4a.4.11 Corporate A&G - - - - - - 957 143 1,100 1,100 - - - - - - - - - -

4a.4.12 Security Staff Cost - - - - - - 2,360 354 2,714 2,714 - - - - - - - - - 103,644 4a.4.13 DOC Staff Cost - - - - - - 20,176 3,026 23,203 23,203 - - - - - - - - - 228,846 4a.4.14 Utility Staff Cost - - - - - - 25,125 3,769 28,893 28,893 - - - - - - - - - 414,575 4a.4 Subtotal Period 4a Period-Dependent Costs 110 5,750 101 22 - 225 54,774 9,267 70,249 70,249 - - - 4,351 - - - 87,016 142 747,065 4a.0 TOTAL PERIOD 4a COST 416 36,036 13,195 7,239 7,954 40,450 55,848 44,782 205,919 203,367 - 2,552 74,781 58,637 1,252 462 1,654 8,259,171 302,134 755,793 PERIOD 4b - Site Decontamination Disposal of Plant Systems 4b.1.2.1 500 KV Switchyard Components - 55 - - - - - 8 63 - - 63 - - - - - - 1,155 -

4b.1.2.2 ACC Diesel Gen. - 17 - - - - - 3 20 - - 20 - - - - - - 369 -

4b.1.2.3 Chemical Cleaning Steam Gen - Cont - 28 0 1 16 - - 10 55 55 - - 151 - - - - 6,141 452 -

4b.1.2.4 Chemical Cleaning Steam Gen - RCA - 26 0 1 20 - - 10 57 57 - - 188 - - - - 7,642 399 -

4b.1.2.5 Containment Monitoring - 67 1 2 37 - - 23 129 129 - - 351 - - - - 14,268 1,068 -

4b.1.2.6 Core Flooding - 109 2 6 145 - - 50 313 313 - - 1,373 - - - - 55,743 1,836 -

4b.1.2.7 Decay Heat Closed Cycle Cooling - 379 15 41 913 - - 239 1,588 1,588 - - 8,651 - - - - 351,308 6,555 -

4b.1.2.8 Decay Heat Removal - 335 48 72 773 344 - 301 1,873 1,873 - - 7,317 1,427 - - - 388,379 6,084 -

4b.1.2.9 Diesel Fuel Oil Tanks-UST's - 24 - - - - - 4 27 - - 27 - - - - - - 493 -

4b.1.2.10 Domestic Water - 44 - - - - - 7 51 - - 51 - - - - - - 985 -

4b.1.2.11 Domestic Water - RCA - 75 1 2 55 - - 28 162 162 - - 525 - - - - 21,339 1,106 -

4b.1.2.12 Electrical - Clean - 614 - - - - - 92 706 - - 706 - - - - - - 13,208 -

4b.1.2.13 Electrical - Contaminated - 604 8 21 464 - - 224 1,321 1,321 - - 4,394 - - - - 178,459 10,259 -

4b.1.2.14 Electrical - Decontaminated - 4,241 77 196 4,402 - - 1,758 10,674 10,674 - - 41,690 - - - - 1,693,054 68,485 -

4b.1.2.15 Fire Service Water - 310 - - - - - 47 357 - - 357 - - - - - - 6,727 -

4b.1.2.16 Fire Service Water - RCA - 610 13 34 752 - - 272 1,680 1,680 - - 7,126 - - - - 289,375 9,742 -

4b.1.2.17 Floor & Equip Drains - Aux & Reac Bldg - 200 28 36 276 215 - 153 908 908 - - 2,614 886 - - - 163,075 3,483 -

4b.1.2.18 HVAC - Auxiliary Bldg - 258 7 20 441 - - 134 860 860 - - 4,174 - - - - 169,500 4,279 -

4b.1.2.19 HVAC - Clean Machine Shop - 9 - - - - - 1 10 - - 10 - - - - - - 196 -

4b.1.2.20 HVAC - Control Complex - 42 - - - - - 6 48 - - 48 - - - - - - 944 -

4b.1.2.21 HVAC - Diesel Gen Bldg - 7 - - - - - 1 9 - - 9 - - - - - - 168 -

4b.1.2.22 HVAC - Fire Pump House - 3 - - - - - 0 4 - - 4 - - - - - - 72 -

4b.1.2.23 HVAC - Fuel Handling Area - 240 5 14 317 - - 110 687 687 - - 3,001 - - - - 121,884 3,690 -

4b.1.2.24 HVAC - Hot Machine Shop - 40 1 2 54 - - 19 116 116 - - 511 - - - - 20,735 662 -

4b.1.2.25 HVAC - Intermediate Bldg - 77 3 8 190 - - 49 328 328 - - 1,799 - - - - 73,076 1,291 -

4b.1.2.26 HVAC - Maintenance Support - 7 - - - - - 1 8 - - 8 - - - - - - 162 -

4b.1.2.27 HVAC - Office Bldg - 8 - - - - - 1 9 - - 9 - - - - - - 176 -

4b.1.2.28 HVAC - Reactor Bldg - 486 14 36 818 - - 251 1,606 1,606 - - 7,751 - - - - 314,790 7,743 -

4b.1.2.29 HVAC - Turbine Bldg - 127 - - - - - 19 146 - - 146 - - - - - - 3,059 -

4b.1.2.30 ICI Instrumentation - 128 1 3 78 - - 44 255 255 - - 740 - - - - 30,061 1,883 -

4b.1.2.31 Industrial Cooler Water - 34 - - - - - 5 39 - - 39 - - - - - - 731 -

4b.1.2.32 Industrial Cooler Water - RCA - 236 4 11 245 - - 98 594 594 - - 2,320 - - - - 94,222 3,708 -

4b.1.2.33 Instrument & Station Service Air - 83 - - - - - 12 96 - - 96 - - - - - - 1,884 -

4b.1.2.34 Instrument & Station Service Air - Cont - 188 2 5 123 - - 66 384 384 - - 1,160 - - - - 47,115 3,121 -

4b.1.2.35 Instrument & Station Service Air - RCA - 338 4 9 212 - - 118 682 682 - - 2,012 - - - - 81,728 5,162 -

4b.1.2.36 Leak Rate Test - Cont - 105 1 3 76 - - 38 224 224 - - 723 - - - - 29,355 1,775 -

4b.1.2.37 Leak Rate Test - RCA - 95 2 4 100 - - 40 241 241 - - 945 - - - - 38,385 1,566 -

4b.1.2.38 Liquid Waste Disposal - 1,028 72 81 372 590 - 480 2,623 2,623 - - 3,528 2,431 - - - 299,737 17,069 -

4b.1.2.39 Makeup & Purification - 709 8 20 460 - - 250 1,448 1,448 - - 4,355 - - - - 176,876 11,685 -

4b.1.2.40 Makeup & Purification - Insulated - 180 2 4 99 - - 61 346 346 - - 941 - - - - 38,212 2,994 -

4b.1.2.41 Nitrogen/Hydrogen/Carbon Dioxide - Cont - 27 0 1 16 - - 9 53 53 - - 148 - - - - 6,028 419 -

4b.1.2.42 Nitrogen/Hydrogen/Carbon Dioxide - RCA - 99 1 3 68 - - 36 207 207 - - 644 - - - - 26,153 1,402 -

4b.1.2.43 Noble Gas Effluent Monitoring - Cont - 24 0 1 16 - - 9 50 50 - - 152 - - - - 6,172 389 -

4b.1.2.44 Noble Gas Effluent Monitoring - RCA - 20 0 1 16 - - 7 44 44 - - 152 - - - - 6,172 299 -

4b.1.2.45 Nuc Serv Closed Cycle Cooling - Cont - 787 22 58 1,300 - - 403 2,569 2,569 - - 12,315 - - - - 500,136 13,503 -

4b.1.2.46 Nuc Serv Closed Cycle Cooling - RCA - 686 29 73 1,648 - - 433 2,870 2,870 - - 15,611 - - - - 633,983 11,323 -

4b.1.2.47 PASS Containment Monitoring - Cont - 9 0 0 5 - - 3 17 17 - - 44 - - - - 1,777 147 -

4b.1.2.48 PASS Containment Monitoring - RCA - 20 0 1 14 - - 7 42 42 - - 128 - - - - 5,207 306 -

4b.1.2.49 Post Accident Sampling - Cont - 36 0 1 22 - - 12 71 71 - - 205 - - - - 8,339 579 -

4b.1.2.50 Post Accident Sampling - RCA - 33 0 1 25 - - 12 72 72 - - 237 - - - - 9,629 520 -

4b.1.2.51 Post Accident Venting - Cont - 40 1 2 43 - - 17 103 103 - - 411 - - - - 16,678 680 -

4b.1.2.52 Post Accident Venting - RCA - 15 0 1 17 - - 6 40 40 - - 162 - - - - 6,581 234 -

4b.1.2.53 RB Penetration Cooling - RCA - 138 2 5 101 - - 51 296 296 - - 960 - - - - 39,005 2,178 -

4b.1.2.54 RCP Lube Oil - Cont - 5 0 0 6 - - 2 14 14 - - 58 - - - - 2,361 85 -

TLG Services, Inc.

Crystal River Unit 3 Nuclear Generating Plant Document D03-1744-001, Rev. 0 Updated Site-Specific Decommissioning Cost Estimate Appendix C, Page 8 of 10 Table C Crystal River Unit 3 Nuclear Generating Plant SAFSTOR Decommissioning Cost Estimate with Dry Fuel Storage (thousands of 2017 dollars)

Costs run: Wed, Apr 25, 2018 at 10:46:55 Off-Site LLRW NRC Spent Fuel Site Processed Burial Volumes Burial / Utility and Activity DECCER Version 2016.08.16a Decon Removal Packaging Transport Processing Disposal Other Total Total Lic. Term. Management Restoration Volume Class A Class B Class C GTCC Processed Craft Contractor Index Activity Description Cost Cost Costs Costs Costs Costs Costs Contingency Costs Costs Costs Costs Cu. Feet Cu. Feet Cu. Feet Cu. Feet Cu. Feet Wt., Lbs. Manhours Manhours Disposal of Plant Systems (continued) 4b.1.2.55 RCP Lube Oil - RCA - 4 0 0 6 - - 2 13 13 - - 58 - - - - 2,361 66 -

4b.1.2.56 Radwaste Demineralizer - 35 3 3 19 19 - 17 96 96 - - 177 79 - - - 12,351 583 -

4b.1.2.57 Reac Bldg Pressure Sensing & Test - 3 - - - - - 0 3 - - 3 - - - - - - 55 -

4b.1.2.58 Reac Bldg Pressure Sensing & Test - RCA - 47 1 1 31 - - 17 97 97 - - 293 - - - - 11,905 673 -

4b.1.2.59 Reactor Building Spray - 256 5 13 291 - - 110 675 675 - - 2,752 - - - - 111,740 4,454 -

4b.1.2.60 Refueling Equipment - 154 10 15 149 81 - 84 493 493 - - 1,412 337 - - - 78,738 3,006 -

4b.1.2.61 Sewage - 13 - - - - - 2 15 - - 15 - - - - - - 282 -

4b.1.2.62 Spent Fuel Cooling - 571 41 57 417 347 - 305 1,738 1,738 - - 3,950 1,445 - - - 252,551 10,116 -

4b.1.2.63 Waste Gas Sampling - 77 1 2 47 - - 27 153 153 - - 443 - - - - 18,005 1,190 -

4b.1.2.64 Wet Layup/N2 Blanketing - 5 - - - - - 1 5 - - 5 - - - - - - 112 -

4b.1.2.65 Wet Layup/N2 Blanketing - Cont - 8 0 0 4 - - 3 16 16 - - 40 - - - - 1,626 132 -

4b.1.2.66 Wet Layup/N2 Blanketing - RCA - 4 0 0 3 - - 1 8 8 - - 24 - - - - 978 61 -

4b.1.2 Totals - 15,284 436 874 15,703 1,596 - 6,610 40,504 38,889 - 1,615 148,720 6,605 - - - 6,462,935 259,219 -

4b.1.3 Scaffolding in support of decommissioning - 1,695 30 9 138 25 - 455 2,351 2,351 - - 1,176 104 - - - 59,524 37,681 -

Decontamination of Site Buildings 4b.1.4.1 Reactor 1,051 499 23 64 240 96 - 722 2,695 2,695 - - 2,269 2,145 - - - 205,411 28,533 -

4b.1.4.2 Auxiliary Building 371 116 7 49 52 70 - 248 914 914 - - 497 1,997 - - - 114,444 8,774 -

4b.1.4.3 Interior Concrete Reactor Building - 174 182 1,419 - 1,967 - 766 4,509 4,509 - - - 59,501 - - - 2,810,700 2,638 -

4b.1.4.4 Intermediate Bldg 79 41 3 21 22 30 - 64 260 260 - - 208 860 - - - 49,169 2,078 -

4b.1.4.5 Machine Shop - Hot 58 12 1 8 0 11 - 36 125 125 - - 3 331 - - - 15,753 1,236 -

4b.1.4.6 OTSG Storage Building 11 44 2 19 - 27 - 26 130 130 - - - 811 - - - 38,322 879 -

4b.1.4.7 RB Maintenance Bldg and HP Office 7 5 0 2 - 3 - 6 23 23 - - - 90 - - - 4,260 199 -

4b.1.4.8 RM Warehouse 44 38 2 18 - 26 - 41 169 169 - - - 773 - - - 36,510 1,383 -

4b.1.4.9 RVCH Storage Building 5 2 0 1 3 1 - 4 16 16 - - 27 23 - - - 2,183 130 -

4b.1.4.10 Fuel Handling Area (Aux Bldg) 797 656 17 55 462 86 - 664 2,738 2,738 - - 4,376 1,524 - - - 252,738 27,182 -

4b.1.4 Totals 2,423 1,587 239 1,657 779 2,317 - 2,577 11,579 11,579 - - 7,380 68,055 - - - 3,529,491 73,033 -

4b.1.5 Prepare/submit License Termination Plan - - - - - - 522 78 601 601 - - - - - - - - - 4,096 4b.1.6 Receive NRC approval of termination plan a 4b.1 Subtotal Period 4b Activity Costs 2,423 18,567 705 2,540 16,620 3,938 522 9,720 55,035 53,420 - 1,615 157,277 74,764 - - - 10,051,950 369,933 4,096 Period 4b Additional Costs 4b.2.1 License Termination Survey Planning - - - - - - 1,641 492 2,133 2,133 - - - - - - - - - 12,480 4b.2.2 Decommissioning of ISFSI - 43 136 1,016 - 1,280 3,037 1,378 6,890 6,890 - - - 16,619 - - - 1,997,380 8,495 10,495 4b.2.3 West Settling Pond - 26 0 74 - 837 - 227 1,164 1,164 - - - 13,500 - - - 1,053,000 309 -

4b.2.4 Underground Services Excavation - 4,913 - - - - 2,287 1,571 8,771 8,771 - - - - - - - - 35,000 -

4b.2.5 Remedial Action Surveys - - - - - - 2,755 826 3,581 3,581 - - - - - - - - 39,636 -

4b.2.6 Operational Tools & Equipment - - 74 162 2,675 - - 433 3,344 3,344 - - 41,160 - - - - 1,029,000 155 -

4b.2.7 Transfer Canal Sand Removal - 42 0 87 - 689 - 196 1,013 1,013 - - - 11,100 - - - 1,436,994 753 -

4b.2.8 Lead Abatement Crew - 1,148 - - - - - 287 1,435 1,435 - - - - - - - - 23,797 -

4b.2.9 Insurance Credits - - - - - - (2,421) - (2,421) (2,421) - - - - - - - - - -

4b.2 Subtotal Period 4b Additional Costs - 6,172 210 1,339 2,675 2,806 7,299 5,411 25,912 25,912 - - 41,160 41,219 - - - 5,516,374 108,146 22,975 Period 4b Collateral Costs 4b.3.1 Process decommissioning water waste 8 - 14 54 - 57 - 28 161 161 - - - 129 - - - 7,729 25 -

4b.3.3 Small tool allowance - 343 - - - - - 51 394 394 - - - - - - - - - -

4b.3.4 Decommissioning Equipment Disposition - - 153 50 702 127 - 160 1,191 1,191 - - 6,000 529 - - - 303,608 147 -

4b.3.5 On-site survey and release of 134.9 tons clean metallic waste - - - - - - 197 20 217 217 - - - - - - - - - -

4b.3 Subtotal Period 4b Collateral Costs 8 343 167 104 702 183 197 259 1,963 1,963 - - 6,000 658 - - - 311,337 172 -

Period 4b Period-Dependent Costs 4b.4.1 Decon supplies 1,221 - - - - - - 305 1,526 1,526 - - - - - - - - - -

4b.4.2 Insurance - - - - - - 770 77 847 847 - - - - - - - - - -

4b.4.3 Property taxes - - - - - - 812 - 812 812 - - - - - - - - - -

4b.4.4 Health physics supplies - 3,238 - - - - - 810 4,048 4,048 - - - - - - - - - -

4b.4.5 Heavy equipment rental - 4,301 - - - - - 645 4,946 4,946 - - - - - - - - - -

4b.4.6 Disposal of DAW generated - - 136 30 - 302 - 94 562 562 - - - 5,857 - - - 117,133 191 -

4b.4.7 Plant energy budget - - - - - - 1,486 223 1,709 1,709 - - - - - - - - - -

4b.4.8 Non-Labor Reoccuring - - - - - - 2,812 422 3,234 3,234 - - - - - - - - - -

4b.4.9 Liquid Radwaste Processing Equipment/Services - - - - - - 772 116 887 887 - - - - - - - - - -

4b.4.10 Florida LLRW Inspection Fee - - - - - - 638 96 733 733 - - - - - - - - - -

4b.4.11 Corporate A&G - - - - - - 1,143 172 1,315 1,315 - - - - - - - - - -

4b.4.12 Security Staff Cost - - - - - - 2,822 423 3,245 3,245 - - - - - - - - - 123,945 4b.4.13 DOC Staff Cost - - - - - - 23,518 3,528 27,046 27,046 - - - - - - - - - 265,739 TLG Services, Inc.

Crystal River Unit 3 Nuclear Generating Plant Document D03-1744-001, Rev. 0 Updated Site-Specific Decommissioning Cost Estimate Appendix C, Page 9 of 10 Table C Crystal River Unit 3 Nuclear Generating Plant SAFSTOR Decommissioning Cost Estimate with Dry Fuel Storage (thousands of 2017 dollars)

Costs run: Wed, Apr 25, 2018 at 10:46:55 Off-Site LLRW NRC Spent Fuel Site Processed Burial Volumes Burial / Utility and Activity DECCER Version 2016.08.16a Decon Removal Packaging Transport Processing Disposal Other Total Total Lic. Term. Management Restoration Volume Class A Class B Class C GTCC Processed Craft Contractor Index Activity Description Cost Cost Costs Costs Costs Costs Costs Contingency Costs Costs Costs Costs Cu. Feet Cu. Feet Cu. Feet Cu. Feet Cu. Feet Wt., Lbs. Manhours Manhours Period 4b Period-Dependent Costs (continued) 4b.4.14 Utility Staff Cost - - - - - - 28,536 4,280 32,816 32,816 - - - - - - - - - 468,017 4b.4 Subtotal Period 4b Period-Dependent Costs 1,221 7,539 136 30 - 302 63,308 11,189 83,726 83,726 - - - 5,857 - - - 117,133 191 857,701 4b.0 TOTAL PERIOD 4b COST 3,652 32,620 1,218 4,014 19,997 7,230 71,326 26,579 166,636 165,021 - 1,615 204,437 122,498 - - - 15,996,790 478,441 884,772 PERIOD 4f - License Termination Period 4f Direct Decommissioning Activities 4f.1.1 ORISE confirmatory survey - - - - - - 171 51 222 222 - - - - - - - - - -

4f.1.2 Terminate license a 4f.1 Subtotal Period 4f Activity Costs - - - - - - 171 51 222 222 - - - - - - - - - -

Period 4f Additional Costs 4f.2.1 License Termination Survey - - - - - - 7,995 2,399 10,394 10,394 - - - - - - - - 126,566 6,240 4f.2 Subtotal Period 4f Additional Costs - - - - - - 7,995 2,399 10,394 10,394 - - - - - - - - 126,566 6,240 Period 4f Collateral Costs 4f.3.1 DOC staff relocation expenses - - - - - - 1,474 221 1,695 1,695 - - - - - - - - - -

4f.3 Subtotal Period 4f Collateral Costs - - - - - - 1,474 221 1,695 1,695 - - - - - - - - - -

Period 4f Period-Dependent Costs 4f.4.1 Insurance - - - - - - 303 30 333 333 - - - - - - - - - -

4f.4.2 Property taxes - - - - - - 320 - 320 320 - - - - - - - - - -

4f.4.3 Health physics supplies - 682 - - - - - 171 853 853 - - - - - - - - - -

4f.4.4 Disposal of DAW generated - - 8 2 - 18 - 6 34 34 - - - 350 - - - 6,999 11 -

4f.4.5 Plant energy budget - - - - - - 156 23 179 179 - - - - - - - - - -

4f.4.6 Non-Labor Reoccuring - - - - - - 1,105 166 1,271 1,271 - - - - - - - - - -

4f.4.7 Florida LLRW Inspection Fee - - - - - - 1 0 1 1 - - - - - - - - - -

4f.4.8 Corporate A&G - - - - - - 449 67 517 517 - - - - - - - - - -

4f.4.9 Security Staff Cost - - - - - - 439 66 505 505 - - - - - - - - - 18,737 4f.4.10 DOC Staff Cost - - - - - - 5,308 796 6,104 6,104 - - - - - - - - - 56,992 4f.4.11 Utility Staff Cost - - - - - - 5,087 763 5,850 5,850 - - - - - - - - - 74,168 4f.4 Subtotal Period 4f Period-Dependent Costs - 682 8 2 - 18 13,168 2,088 15,966 15,966 - - - 350 - - - 6,999 11 149,897 4f.0 TOTAL PERIOD 4f COST - 682 8 2 - 18 22,809 4,759 28,278 28,278 - - - 350 - - - 6,999 126,577 156,137 PERIOD 4 TOTALS 4,068 69,338 14,421 11,254 27,951 47,698 149,983 76,120 400,833 396,667 - 4,166 279,217 181,484 1,252 462 1,654 24,262,960 907,152 1,796,702 PERIOD 5b - Site Restoration Period 5b Direct Decommissioning Activities Demolition of Remaining Site Buildings 5b.1.1.1 Reactor - 2,388 - - - - - 358 2,746 - - 2,746 - - - - - - 21,356 -

5b.1.1.2 500 KV Switchyard Structures - 67 - - - - - 10 77 - - 77 - - - - - - 879 -

5b.1.1.3 AAC Diesel Generator Building - 21 - - - - - 3 24 - - 24 - - - - - - 223 -

5b.1.1.4 Auxiliary Building - 926 - - - - - 139 1,065 - - 1,065 - - - - - - 7,894 -

5b.1.1.5 Central Alarm Station - 1 - - - - - 0 2 - - 2 - - - - - - 17 -

5b.1.1.6 Chemical Storage - 31 - - - - - 5 36 - - 36 - - - - - - 168 -

5b.1.1.7 Control Complex - 423 - - - - - 64 487 - - 487 - - - - - - 2,606 -

5b.1.1.8 Diesel Fuel Oil Tanks UST's - 10 - - - - - 2 12 - - 12 - - - - - - 62 -

5b.1.1.9 Diesel Generator Bldg - 178 - - - - - 27 204 - - 204 - - - - - - 1,303 -

5b.1.1.10 Discharge Structure - 13 - - - - - 2 15 - - 15 - - - - - - 71 -

5b.1.1.11 EFW Pump Building - 75 - - - - - 11 86 - - 86 - - - - - - 446 -

5b.1.1.12 Fire Pumphouse - 13 - - - - - 2 15 - - 15 - - - - - - 182 -

5b.1.1.13 GTCC Storage Container - 2 - - - - - 0 2 - - 2 - - - - - - 8 -

5b.1.1.14 Intermediate Bldg - 592 - - - - - 89 680 - - 680 - - - - - - 1,950 -

5b.1.1.15 Machine Shop - Cold - 59 - - - - - 9 68 - - 68 - - - - - - 765 -

5b.1.1.16 Machine Shop - Hot - 56 - - - - - 8 65 - - 65 - - - - - - 741 -

5b.1.1.17 Misc Yard Structures & Foundations - 1,217 - - - - - 183 1,399 - - 1,399 - - - - - - 5,134 -

5b.1.1.18 Miscellaneous Yard Structures - 1,196 - - - - - 179 1,376 - - 1,376 - - - - - - 10,257 -

5b.1.1.19 NAB - 392 - - - - - 59 451 - - 451 - - - - - - 4,661 -

5b.1.1.20 NSOC - 82 - - - - - 12 95 - - 95 - - - - - - 1,032 -

5b.1.1.21 OTSG Storage Building - 261 - - - - - 39 300 - - 300 - - - - - - 1,432 -

5b.1.1.22 PAB/TSC - 142 - - - - - 21 163 - - 163 - - - - - - 1,696 -

5b.1.1.23 RB Maintenance Bldg and HP Office - 45 - - - - - 7 52 - - 52 - - - - - - 644 -

5b.1.1.24 RM Warehouse - 31 - - - - - 5 36 - - 36 - - - - - - 256 -

TLG Services, Inc.

Crystal River Unit 3 Nuclear Generating Plant Document D03-1744-001, Rev. 0 Updated Site-Specific Decommissioning Cost Estimate Appendix C, Page 10 of 10 Table C Crystal River Unit 3 Nuclear Generating Plant SAFSTOR Decommissioning Cost Estimate with Dry Fuel Storage (thousands of 2017 dollars)

Costs run: Wed, Apr 25, 2018 at 10:46:55 Off-Site LLRW NRC Spent Fuel Site Processed Burial Volumes Burial / Utility and Activity DECCER Version 2016.08.16a Decon Removal Packaging Transport Processing Disposal Other Total Total Lic. Term. Management Restoration Volume Class A Class B Class C GTCC Processed Craft Contractor Index Activity Description Cost Cost Costs Costs Costs Costs Costs Contingency Costs Costs Costs Costs Cu. Feet Cu. Feet Cu. Feet Cu. Feet Cu. Feet Wt., Lbs. Manhours Manhours Demolition of Remaining Site Buildings (continued) 5b.1.1.25 RVCH Storage Building - 41 - - - - - 6 47 - - 47 - - - - - - 218 -

5b.1.1.26 Rusty Bldg - 211 - - - - - 32 243 - - 243 - - - - - - 3,159 -

5b.1.1.27 Turbine Building - 2,071 - - - - - 311 2,381 - - 2,381 - - - - - - 24,181 -

5b.1.1.28 Turbine Pedestal - 233 - - - - - 35 268 - - 268 - - - - - - 1,267 -

5b.1.1.29 Fuel Handling Area (Aux Bldg) - 589 - - - - - 88 678 - - 678 - - - - - - 5,274 -

5b.1.1 Totals - 11,366 - - - - - 1,705 13,071 - - 13,071 - - - - - - 97,880 -

Site Closeout Activities 5b.1.2 BackFill Site - 333 - - - - - 50 383 - - 383 - - - - - - 590 -

5b.1.3 Grade & landscape site - 464 - - - - - 70 534 - - 534 - - - - - - 947 -

5b.1.4 Final report to NRC - - - - - - 199 30 229 229 - - - - - - - - - 1,560 5b.1 Subtotal Period 5b Activity Costs - 12,163 - - - - 199 1,854 14,217 229 - 13,988 - - - - - - 99,417 1,560 Period 5b Additional Costs 5b.2.1 Concrete Crushing - 623 - - - - 11 95 729 - - 729 - - - - - - 2,911 -

5b.2.2 Demolition of ISFSI - 1,408 - - - - 130 231 1,769 - - 1,769 - - - - - - 6,038 160 5b.2.3 Discharge Cofferdam - 241 - - - - - 36 278 - - 278 - - - - - - 2,092 -

5b.2.4 Firing Range Closure - - - - - - 901 135 1,037 - - 1,037 - - - - - - - -

5b.2.5 Security VBS Barriers and Hardware - 356 - - - - - 53 409 - - 409 - - - - - - 1,608 -

5b.2 Subtotal Period 5b Additional Costs - 2,628 - - - - 1,043 551 4,222 - - 4,222 - - - - - - 12,648 160 Period 5b Collateral Costs 5b.3.1 Small tool allowance - 92 - - - - - 14 106 - - 106 - - - - - - - -

5b.3 Subtotal Period 5b Collateral Costs - 92 - - - - - 14 106 - - 106 - - - - - - - -

Period 5b Period-Dependent Costs 5b.4.2 Property taxes - - - - - - 639 - 639 - - 639 - - - - - - - -

5b.4.3 Heavy equipment rental - 4,722 - - - - - 708 5,430 - - 5,430 - - - - - - - -

5b.4.4 Plant energy budget - - - - - - 156 23 179 - - 179 - - - - - - - -

5b.4.5 Non-Labor Reoccuring - - - - - - 2,214 332 2,547 - - 2,547 - - - - - - - -

5b.4.6 Corporate A&G - - - - - - 901 135 1,036 - - 1,036 - - - - - - - -

5b.4.7 Security Staff Cost - - - - - - 878 132 1,010 - - 1,010 - - - - - - - 37,474 5b.4.8 DOC Staff Cost - - - - - - 10,260 1,539 11,798 - - 11,798 - - - - - - - 106,177 5b.4.9 Utility Staff Cost - - - - - - 4,118 618 4,735 - - 4,735 - - - - - - - 60,896 5b.4 Subtotal Period 5b Period-Dependent Costs - 4,722 - - - - 19,166 3,487 27,375 - - 27,375 - - - - - - - 204,547 5b.0 TOTAL PERIOD 5b COST - 19,605 - - - - 20,407 5,906 45,919 229 - 45,690 - - - - - - 112,065 206,267 PERIOD 5 TOTALS - 19,605 - - - - 20,407 5,906 45,919 229 - 45,690 - - - - - - 112,065 206,267 TOTAL COST TO DECOMMISSION 5,076 96,308 14,561 11,285 27,951 48,007 555,254 137,451 895,893 748,844 95,143 51,906 279,217 187,470 1,252 462 1,654 24,382,680 1,049,912 6,338,851 TOTAL COST TO DECOMMISSION WITH 18.12% CONTINGENCY: $895,893 thousands of 2017 dollars TOTAL NRC LICENSE TERMINATION COST IS 83.59% OR: $748,844 thousands of 2017 dollars SPENT FUEL MANAGEMENT COST IS 10.62% OR: $95,143 thousands of 2017 dollars NON-NUCLEAR DEMOLITION COST IS 5.79% OR: $51,906 thousands of 2017 dollars TOTAL LOW-LEVEL RADIOACTIVE WASTE VOLUME BURIED (EXCLUDING GTCC): 189,184 cubic feet TOTAL GREATER THAN CLASS C RADWASTE VOLUME GENERATED: 1,654 cubic feet TOTAL SCRAP METAL REMOVED: 40,213 tons TOTAL CRAFT LABOR REQUIREMENTS: 1,049,912 man-hours End Notes:

n/a - indicates that this activity not charged as decommissioning expense a - indicates that this activity performed by decommissioning staff 0 - indicates that this value is less than 0.5 but is non-zero A cell containing " - " indicates a zero value TLG Services, Inc.

Crystal River Unit 3 Nuclear Generating Plant Document No. D03-1744-001, Rev. 0 Updated Site-Specific Decommissioning Cost Estimate Appendix D, Page 1 of 2 APPENDIX D ISFSI DECOMMISSIONING COST ANALYSIS TLG Services, Inc.

Crystal River Unit 3 Nuclear Generating Plant Document D03-1744-001 Rev. 0 Updated Site-Specific Decommissioning Cost Analysis Appendix D, Page 2 of 2 Table D Crystal River Unit 3 Nuclear Generating Plant ISFSI Decommissioning Cost Estimate SAFSTOR Decommissioning Alternatives (thousands of 2017 dollars)

Burial Oversight LLRW Decon Removal Packaging Transport Other Total Volume Craft and Disposal Costs Costs Costs Costs Costs Costs Class A Manhours Contractor Costs (cubic feet) Manhours Activity Description Decommissioning Contractor Planning (characterization, specs and procedures) - - - - - 187 187 - - 1,000 Decontamination (activated disposition) - 43 136 1,016 1,280 - 2,475 16,619 254 -

License Termination (radiological surveys) - - - - - 1,041 1,041 - 8,241 -

Subtotal - 43 136 1,016 1,280 1,228 3,703 16,619 8,495 1,000 Supporting Costs NRC and NRC Contractor Fees and Costs - - - - - 352 352 - - 776 Insurance - - - - - 66 66 - - -

Property Taxes - - - - - 140 140 - - -

Plant energy budget - - - - - 34 34 - - -

Non-Labor Reoccuring - - - - - 485 485 - - -

Corporate A&G - - - - - 197 197 - - -

Florida LLRW Inspection Fee - - - - - 32 32 - - -

Security Staff - - - - - 257 257 - - 4,958 Oversight Staff - - - - - 246 246 - - 3,761 Subtotal - - - - - 1,809 1,809 - - 9,495 Total (w/o contingency) - 43 136 1,016 1,280 3,037 5,512 16,619 8,495 10,495 Total (w/25% contingency) 54 170 1,270 1,601 3,797 6,890 The application of contingency (25%) is consistent with the evaluation criteria referenced by the NRC in NUREG-1757 ("Consolidated Decommissioning Guidance, Financial Assurance, Recordkeeping, and Timeliness," U.S. NRC's Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards, NUREG-1757, Vol. 3, Rev. 1, February 2012)

TLG Services, Inc.