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Safety Evaluation Supporting Amends 220 & 220 to Licenses DPR-32 & DPR-37,respectively
Person / Time
Site: Surry  Dominion icon.png
Issue date: 06/07/1999
NRC (Affiliation Not Assigned)
Shared Package
ML20195D341 List:
NUDOCS 9906090129
Download: ML20195D357 (7)




By letter dated February 16,' 1999, the licensee proposed editorial changes to the plant Technical Specifications (TS) to consolidate the auxiliary feedwater (AFW) cross-connect i requirements by relocating the associated electrical power requirements. Also, the licensee proposed additional editorial changes to various TS. 2.0 EVALUATION The licensee proposed the following specific changes to the plant TS: j i Change 1: In TS 3.6.B delete "1. The following shall be operable:" and substitute "The following shall apply;" at the end of the first paragraph. Since the proposed individual specifications in TS 3.6.B contain their respective requirements for operability / availability, this proposed change is considered editorial in nature and is therefore acceptable on that basis. Chance 2: Delete TS 3.6.B.1.a and substitute "1. Two motor driven auxiliary feedwater pumps shall be OPERABLE." l This proposed change, coupled with Change 1 above, relocates the operability requirement from the opening paragraph in TS 3.6.B to this individual specification. The change is considered editorial and is therefore considered acceptable on that basis. Change 3: Add a new TS 3.6.B.4 with "The auxiliary feedwater cross-connect capability shall be available, as follows:" as the first sentence. l i Enclosure f 9906090129 990607 ADOCK 0 Q b PDR

u 3. ... Chanoe'3A: Delete the existing TS 3.6.B.1.b and substitute: 'Two of the three auxiliary feedwater pumps on the opposite unit (automatic initiation instrumentation need not be OPERABLE) capable of being used with the opening of the cross-connect. as new TS 3.6.B.4.a. Chance 38: Delete the last sentence from the existing TS 3.6.B.2 and substitute: A minimum of 60,000 gallons of water available in the protected condensate storage tank of the opposite unit to supply emergency water to the auxiliary feedwater pump suction of that unit. as new TS 3.6.B.4.b. Chance 3C: Delete existing TS 3.16.A.8 and substitute the following as new TS 3.6.B.4.c: c. Emergency power supplied to the opposite unit's auxiliary feedwater pumps and to the AFW cross-connect valves, as follows:

1.. Two diesel generators (the opposite unit's diesel generator and the shared backup diesel generator) OPERABLE with each generator's day tank having at least 290 gallons of fuel and with a minimum on-site supply of 35,000 gallons of fuel available.

2. Two 4160V emergency buses energized. i 3. Two OPERABLE flow paths for providing fuel to the opposite unit's diesel generator and the shared backup diesel generator. 4. Two station batteries, two chargers and the DC distribution systems OPERABLE.

5. ' Emergency diesel generator battery, charger and the DC control circuitry OPERABLE for the opposite unit's diesel generator and for the shared backup diesel generator.

6. The 480V emergency buses energized which supply power to the auxiliary feedwater cross-connect valves: a. For AFW from Unit 1 to Unit 2: Buses 1H1 and 1J1. b. For AFW from Unit 2 to Unit 1: Buses 2H1 and 2J1. I

-{ 4 4- ) i

7. _ One of the two physically independent circuits'from the offsite transmission network energizing the opposite unit's emergency buses.

i These proposed changes relocate and consolidate the existing AFW cross-connect requirements and are editorial in nature. On this basis they are therefore considered acceptable. Chance 4: In TS 3.6.D delete "3.6.B.1,3.6.B.2,3.6.B.3," and substitute "3.6.B". i This proposed change moves the TS reference up one level and is editorial in nature. On this basis it is therefore considered acceptable. Chance 5: In TS 3.6.G delete "3.6.B.1,3.6.B.2" and substitute "3.6.B". Also delete the comma following "and" and before "the protected" in the first sentence. The first proposed change moves the TS reference up one level. Both changes are editorial in nature and are therefore acceptable on that basis. Chanae 6:. Delete existing TS 3.16.B.4 and substitute the following as new TS 3.6.G.3: c. A train of the opposite unit's emergency power system as required by { Section 3.6.B.4.c above may be inoperable for a period not to exceed 14 j days; if this train's inoperability is related to a diesel fuel oil path, one diesel fuel oil path may be " inoperable" for 24 hours provided the other flow path is proven OPERABLE; if after 24 hours; the inoperable flow path cannot be restored to service, the diesel shall be considered j " inoperable". During this 14 day period, the following limitations apply: I i a. If the offsite power source becomes unable to energize the opposite unit's OPERABLE train, operation may continue provided its associated emergency diesel generator is energizing the j OPERABLE train. b. If the opposite unit's OPERABLE train's emergency diesel generator becomes unavailable, operation may continue for 72 hours provided the offsite power source is' energizing the opposite unit's OPERABLE j train. i - c. Return of tim originally inoperable train to OPERABLE status allows the second inoperab!c train to revert to the 14 day limitation. 2

[_ ] .4 L> ' This change relocates and consolidates the action statements for the AFW cross-connect electrical power. In addition, the action requirements for the diesel fuel oil path inoperability, . identical to existing TS 3.16.B.1.b, have been included. These changes are editorial in nature L ~ and are therefore considered acceptable. Chance 7: In the second paragraph of the Basis for TS 3.6, start a new paragraph with the j l' third sentence. Add "In addition," following the last sentence of this new ] paragraph and append the last paragraph on Page TS 3.16-6 from the Basis for 1 TS 3.16. Add the following to replace the paragraph removed from the Basis for .) TS 3.16. 1 - The electrical power requirements and the emergency power testing requirements for the AFW cross-connect are contained in TS 3.6.B.4.c and TS 4.6, respectively. i This change relocates and consolidates the Basis discussion for the AFW cross-connect requirements. This change is' editorial in nature and is therefore considered acceptable. Chance 8: Delete TS 3.9.B.- Since the AFW cross-connect electrical power requirements are being relocated and consolidated in TS 3.6 (as proposed in the above changes), this change eliminates unnecessary electrical power requirements which are contained in the revised TS 3.6 and is editorial in nature. On that basis it is considered acceptable.- i Chance 9: Delete TS 3.9.C. Also combine the first and second paragraphs under the Basis j for TS 3.9 and delete the last sentence. This change eliminates the electrical power requirements and the corresponding Basis - discussion associated with power operation with less than three loops in service. This material is no longer necessary since power operation with less than three loops in service is prohibited. This change is editorial in nature and is there considered acceptable. ^ Chance 10: Existing TS 3.9.D is renumbered 3.9.B. This change results from Changes 8 and 9 above and is editorial in nature. On that basis it is considered acceptable. l Chance 11: ' Delete the existing last paragraph under the Basis for TS 3.9 and substitute: The electrical power requirements and the emergency power testing requirements for the auxiliary feedwater cross-connect are contained in TS

3.6.B.4.c and TS 4.6, respectively.

This change _is part of the consolidation of the Basis discussion for the AFW cross-connect requirements to the Basis under TS 3.6. It is editorial in nature and is therefore considered acceptable.- ~

., l Chance 12: In TS 3.6.A replace " operable" with " OPERABLE". In TS 3.6.F replace ) " operable" with " OPERABLE" and " hot shutdown" with " HOT SHUTDOWN". In the last sentence of TS 3.6.G, replace " hot shutdown" with " HOT SHUTDOWN" l and " cold shutdown" with " COLD SHUTDOWN". In TS 3.9.A.7 replace " operable" with " OPERABLE." In TS 3.16.A.1 replace " operable" with " OPERABLE". In TS 3.16. A.5,6, and 7 replace " operable" with " OPERABLE". In TS 3.16.B replace " hot shutdown conditions" with " HOT SHUTDOWN". In TS 3.16.B.1.a.2 replace " operable" with " OPERABLE" in two places. In TS 3.16.B.1.a.3 replace " operable" with " OPERABLE", " hot shutdown" with " HOT SHUTDOWN", and " cold shutdown" with " COLD SHUTDOWN". In TS 3.16.B.1.b replace " operable" with " OPERABLE". In TS 3.16.B.2 replace " operable" with " OPERABLE" and "the cold shutdown condition" with " COLD, SHUTDOWN". In TS 3.16 B.3 replace " operable" with " OPERABLE" in three places, "the hot shutdown condition" with " HOT SHUTDOWN", and "the cold shutdown condition" with " COLD SHUTDOWN". These changes are all editorial in nature and are taerefore acceptable. Channe 13: Revise TS 3.16.A.4 as follows adding the parenthesis and a previously omitted i "V." Two physica!!y independent circuits from the offsite transmission network to energize the 4160V and 480V emergency buses. One of these sources must be immediately available, (i.e. primary source) and the other must be capable of bein.g made available within 8 hours, (i.e. dependable alternate source). This change is editorial and is therefore acceptable. Chance 14: In TS 3.16.B.1.b add " path" after " flow" in the second line. This is an editorial change and is therefore acceptable. Chanae 15: In the second sentence of TS 3.16.B.3, insert a comma after " period". This change is editorial and is therefore acceptable.


in accordance with the Commission's regulations, the Virginia State official was notified of the proposed issuance of the amendments. The State official had no comment.


These amendments change a requirement with respect to installation or use of a facility component located within the restricted area as defined in 10 CFR Part 20 and changes a sunroillance requirernent. The NRC staff has determined that the amendments involve no significant increase in the amoda.ts and no significant change in the types of any effluents that may be released offsite, and that there is no significant increase'in individual or cumulative occupational radiation exposure. The Commission has previously issued a proposed finding l l l l

q.; , :., o . l that these amendments involve no significant hazards consideration and there has been no public comment on such finding (64 FR 24203). Accordingly, these amendments meet the eligibility criteria for categorical exclusion set forth in 10 CFR 51.22(c)(9). Pursuant to 10 CFR -51.22(b) no environmental impact. statement or environmental assessment need be prepared in connection with the issuance of these amendments.


The Commission has concluded, based on the considerations discussed above, that: (1) there is reasonable assurance that the health and safety of the public will not be endangered by 2 operation in the proposed manner, (2) such activities will be conducted in compliance with the

Commission's regulations, and (3) the issuance of these amendments will not be inimical to the common defense and security cr to the health and safety of the public.

Principal Contributor: F. Burrows ' Date: - June 7,1999 i ) i j p 1

DATED: June 7,1999 l AMENDMENT NO. 220 TO FACILITY OPERATING LICENSE NO. DPR SURRY UNIT 1 l AMENDMENT NO. 220 TO FACILITY OPERATING LICENSE NO. DPR SURRY UNIT 2 l l gg pyh' PUBLIC PDil-1 R/F (. H. Berkow E. Dunnington G. Edison OGC - G. Hill (4), TWFN, 5/C/3 W. Beckner F. Burrows ACRS M. Satorius, Rll e-mail RCN - SE only l}}