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Provides Status Update on Offsite Radiological Emergency Preparedness of States of Nj & DE for Responding to Accident at Facility
Person / Time
Site: Salem  PSEG icon.png
Issue date: 08/30/1984
From: Krimm R
Federal Emergency Management Agency
To: Jordan E
NUDOCS 8409070119
Download: ML18092A266 (12)


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Federal Emerge~cy l\1an~gement Agency Washington, D.C. 20472 MEMORANDUM FOR : Edward L. Jordan Director, Division of Emergency Preparedness and Engineering Response *.

Office of Inspection and Enforcement U.S. Nucle Regulatory Conunission FROM: a

  • A i ant Associate

~Ir ffice of Natural an e ological Hazards Programs


Status Update on the Offsite Radiological Emergency Preparedness of New Jersey and Delaware Relative to the Salem Nuclear Generating Station The purpose of this memorandum is to provide a status update on the offsite radiological emergency *preparedness of the States of New Jersey and Delaware for responding to an accident at the Salem Nuclear Generating Station. A joint radiological emergency preparedness exercise was conducted at the Salem Nuclear Generating Station on October.26, 1983~ in which both the States of New Jersey and Delaware participated. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Region I II report on Del aware 1 s performance was submitted to the Nuclear Regulatory Conunission (NRC) on December 21, 1983, and the Region II report on New Jersey's performanqe was submitted on April 27, 1984

  • The State of Delaware submitted a schedule of corrective actions for the deficien~

cies cited in the FEMA Region III exercise report on March l, 1984. The corrective actions were analyzed and forwarded to the NRC on May 27, 1984, with a statement that, based on the corrective actions already taken or proposed, the public health and safety could be protected in the event of an accident at Salem. The response from Delaware removed the single Category A deficiency cited in the FEMA Region III exercise report. Delaware followed up their March l, 1984, schedule of correc-tive actions with additional corrective action information on April 11, 1984.

This schedule is attached for your information.

At a meeting hosted by FEMA Region I II on August 17, 1984,. and attended by : :

representatives from the State of Delaware and the Public Service Electric and Gas Company, it be~ame apparent that two unresolved Category B deficiencies originally scheduled for correction by the end of September 1984 cannot be corrected by that date. These deficiencies concern a defective air filtration system and inadequate showering, sleeping, and decontamination facilities jn the Delaware State Emergency Operations Center (EOC) (Category B deficienc~es, numbers 5 and 6). Attached is a memorandum from FEMA Region III outlining the results of this meeting. This is to advise you that without prompt and ade*quate attention to correcting these two Category B deficiencies by Delaware and/or the Public Service Electric and Gas Company, Delaware's ability to adequately protect the health and safety of the public could be seriously jeopardized. I

. . . . . __ will keep you apprised of any further actions that occur on this issue.

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In connection with the State of New Jersey, we are in the process of completing a detailed review of the remedial action schedule submitted by the State for deficiencies cited in the FEMA Region II Post Exercise Assessment (Revision 2, dated March 12, 1984). Because certain aspects of that schedule are being coordinated with preparations for the October 23, 1984, full-scale exercise _at Salem, it is preferable, in our view, to wait until the end of September to provide you with the final results of FEMA's evaluation. FEMA is working closely with the State of New Jersey to resolve remaining concerns. If any serious problems develop, we will notify you.

You may be interested in several specific actions that have already been completed. A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) has been signed between the State of New Jersey and the New Jersey Transit Authority with regard to the availability of buses and drivers for general evacuation. The MOU, as signed, still requires some modification before it is acceptable to FEMA, but the finalization of a*basic agreement between these two parties is a major positive step in the offsite radiological emergency planning for Salem. Also, the State has informed us that New Jersey Transit bus drivers are scheduled for training on October 16, 1984, concerning radiological exposure control.

New Jersey has also informed us that placards giving emergency public information to transients will be distributed in September 1984. Public information brochures for residents were distributed in February 1984.

Other public information efforts were indicated in FEMA's April 27, 1984, memorandum to NRC on Salem.

Finally, the State informed us that a contract has been awarded for an

  • emergency generator (to provide back-up power) for both the Greenwich and Stow Creek municipal EOC's. The generators are to be in place by the end of 1984.

The above actions address. deficiencies which were of some concern to FEMA.

We will provide NRC at the end of Septe~ber with a more complete status report on New Jersey offsite planning and preparedness for Salem.

I hope this information has been helpful. If you have any additional qu~stions, pleas~ co~tact Mr. Robert s. Wilkerson, Chief, Technological Hazards Division, at 287-0200.


  • As Stated


~hiladelphia, PA 19106

Dear Steve:

.Enclosed you will find revised Delaware Response and Comments which address the noted deficiencies and suggestions.

Proje~ted dates are included for each response. Also enclosed you will find a copy of the Directory for Milk, Food and Water Producers and Processors as requested.

If you have any questions contact John Price REP Planner.

~e u J/<.

Sincerely, Director V. Je


er CVJ/JP/mb



l. Admittedly, the radioactive release data used in the scenario was exaggerated to atimulate the deployment of protective actions in Delaware. Because REP ~oes not address protective actions beyond the 10 mile EPZ the possibility of sheltering and evacuations is not usually addressed beyond the 10 mile EPZ distance. Delaware's delay initiating protective actions beyond the 10 mile EPZ was not predicated on that fact. Rather, the decision to initiate protective actions beyond the 10 mile EPZ waa weighed in relation to ~he public impact affecting REP in Delaware.

Delaware considered the implications that such an exercise related decision would produce. Not_ only does it lend credence to the proponent.a of anti-nuclear power groups but also to the supporters of extending the 10 mile EPZ to include not only the EPZ but Newark, Wilmington and the residents of the entire state was the so1e contributing factor is this decision-ma.king delay. However, in the event *of a real accident, the AAAG and DEPO off iciala would not hesitate to act in a timely manner. l/15/84

2. The operations staff and a AAAG ~ep.resentative wi1l coordinate protective action1 in sectors.


3. Hardcopy data transmission terminals will be provided to the Director and AAAG from Salem Generating Station fer receiving important data. The Director will call meetings with the AAAG and Operations after receiving this data.


4. Delaware in future exercises will coordinate and make calls to New Jersey's EOC and State Director about*protective actions~

However, calla were made by the Director during the previous


5. The State BOC air filterin9 system will be installed within the next year.


6. The State EOC ahoweres, *leepin9 quarters, ana decontamination facilities will be completed. within the next year.

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P.03 10/26/83

7. The dedicated telephone linking the State EOC and primary EBS station was restricted to a one way ring down because of aafety reasons. 'l'his system was developed by the EOC to allow quiclt access in emergencies but also eliminating the opportunity for atation per1onnel uaing the system as a commercial telephone.

There are several alternate back up communications available for the ESS atation personnel to promptly contact the BOC.


8. The DEPO Director will continue to meet with the AAAG Chairman or his designee whenever the Utilities Response Director provides recommendations for protective actions, as was done durini every occassion during the 1993 exercise.


9. The calculator prograzn for dose projections has been corrected.


10. The REP Plan calla for the use cf XI for emergency workers only1 however, the State of Oelaware reserves the right, under the direction of the Director of Public Health, to administer KI to the general population, should the Director of Public Health deem this action necessaryo we have suffic.ient quantities of potassium iodide in bulk at Delaware Hospital for the Chronieally Ill, the Department of Corrections.and Delaware State Hospital that the population of the state could be aupplied within a short period of time. The supplies could be available at the evacuation centers or highway check points if needed.

. 4/2/84

11. A phone will be available in the AAAG roqm for contacting the New Jersey BRP about coordination of dose aasessmenta and .

protective actions during frequent intervals an exercise~


12. The Station Status Checklist will be changed so that it is compatible with AAAG program data form.


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. *. i:u:;.23 '84 09: 1S F'EMA REGION III PHILADELPHIA 2 P.04 2/16/84

13. Dose projections will be reported in iuillirems ana the exponential format will be dropped.


14. In future exercises, DEPO will identify and aimulate the eatablishment of all necessary access control posts.


15. In future exercises registration/monitoring centers ana disaster shelters will be activated d~ring Site Area Emergency phase.


16. The switchboard operator waa instructed to record all incoming messages and pass them on to the the operation& area. The messenger delivered messages to the Kent County liason1 whoae responsibility waa to contact his agency.

This proceaa was developed to keep phone lines open. A runner will be assigned to make sure that counties receive their messages.


17. The EOF representative will be advised to direct a1l media inquiries concerninq Delaware response activities to the Delaware Public Information Officer.  ; 1.


18. Additional training will be scheduled for the radiological monitors.
  • 4/7/84
19. The PIO will adhere to REP Plan procedures as speci£ied in SOP 502 for future exerciaea.


20. All officer* in involved in access control will be in*tructed where to direct evacuees for decontamination and regiatrat.ion.

P.05 2/16/84

21. A system of procurement for obtaining signs at access control points ia in effect.

2/15/84 .

22. The processing of eVacueea, ineiuding handicapped, at the registration/decontamination centers will be demonstrated in future exercisea.



23. All fire companies in the !PZ will be provided written prescripted messages to insure acc:uraey and consistency.


24. It has been determined by the fire chiefs that the present form of route alerting has proved efficient, therefore, this system of route aler~ing will continue to be used.


25. The radiological field monitoring teams will be advised on SOP instructions concerning G.M. probe mounted outside their vehicle. It will be closed durinq transit to prevent unnecessary breakage.


26. Response team-members are quite certain that SOP'a were followed and 3 foot and 3 inch readings were taken with both open and closed probe positions. It ia unclear how these readings would determine plume elevation, especially considering long distances from the FNP aource and accompanying dilution. These reading* are u1ed to determine whether the team ia in the plume or ground dipoaition haa occurred.


27. Puture exercises will demonstrate the notification and mobilization precedure for aamplinq teams.


28. In future execiaea field sampling teams will be briefed prior to their departure en information regarding plant status, type of releases, and meteorological con~itions as specified in SOP 202.

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  • *. * . AUG.23 '84 09:20 F'EMA REGIOi\!r'III PHILADELPHIA 2 o I
  • _ *. ~ . *-*. :: ' ..... -*
    • -* P.06 3/15/84
29. ~he entire assortment of monitQrinq eql.lipme.nt listed in the SOP was supplied to the aampling teams. Hand receipts of issued equipment are available upon request at the State EOC for further reference. During refresher training teams will be advised to bring their entire monitoring kits with them.


30. The med1cal officer will arrive at the emergency worker's decontamination center upon activation. A doctor would be present at the decontamination center during an actual emergency.


31. The State has an agreement with the Salvation Army to provide clothing at the emergency worker decontandnation center *

. 5/22/84

32. Problems that were encountered in Xent county were primarily a result of change in the direetorship just prior to the exercise.

Kent county EOC ataff will be advised not to preposition during future exercises.


33. xent County elected officials, William Paskey and Mickey Meaaina were present at the EOC to provide support to the staff and facilitate the expanaion cf hia/her knowledge cf emergency operations.


34. Xent.Ccunty has been advi1ed of the plan and operating pr~cedures for internal BOC communications, external communications, and use and control of the emergency communications center. The Xent County EOC ataff will implement review aeaaicns and practice drill* within the office to improve it'* actions in future exercise1.
  • 5/22/84 .
35. The Kent County Deputy Director will receive additional training in assuming the fulfillment of the Director'* SOPa.


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.. *. ', ,,.' ~.23 '84 09:21 F"EMA. REGION III PHI~IA 2 . P.07 3/12/84

36. In future exercises tne lent County EOC Director wil1 conduct periodic briefing for the staff on the events rather than rely totally on status boards for update.


37. Xent County EOC personnel will be provided training in sector/zone designations and wind vectors to improve their capabilities for future exercisea.

5/23/84 JB. The lent County Director will verify all evacuation sector information with his liaison at the State EOC to avoid unnecessary repetition of sectors being evacuated.


39. Xent County EOC *will be trained on status board posting procedures for significant emergency events and actions.


40. Rent county EOC personnel will establish and be trained in uniform messa9e ha~dling procedures similar to the State EOC.


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Federal Emergei:icy Management Agency Region III 6th & Walnut Streets Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19106 August 24, 1984 MEM)RANDOM FOR: Robert S. Wilkerson, Chief Technological BazaJ:ds DiVision FKM: James Ro Asher 1 Chai.l:man ~ * {(.. ~

Begional Assistance carmi~

StJBJE:T: Salem ~ercise (Delaware 1983)

On October 26, 1983 Region Ill's FEMA Office conducted an evaluation of an exercise that was held by the State of Delaware, and the Cotmties of Kent and New Castle. A report of the firrlings resulting fran that evaluation was released Novanber 25, 1983.

A sche:lule of corrective actions has been received fn:m the State of Delaware that indicated the prop;>sed date of ex>rrectians as they relate to deficiencies, all have been_ apparently corrected with the exception

  • of two catego:r:y "B" 's nunbered on the report as #5 and i6.. These two deficiencies were scheduled for correction on 9/21/84.

On 8/17 /84 in Philadelphia, at the Regional Office of the Federal

&rergency Management Agency with the Regional Assistance Carmittee

. I Chail:man presiding a meeting was held to detennine the outcane of those two deficiencies #5 and if 6. The State of Delaware through its representative, stated flatly, the state 1N0uld not relocate the E.O.C.

outside the 10 mile E.P.Z. -It feels the present location has served than well for all other -disasters. It was also stated by the Director that

  • the Accident Assessnent Advisocy Groups manbers said they all may not show up tmless the air system is .installed. This is deft rency #5.

This will cause other needed mfmbers of the E.O.C. Staff to possibly

.abandon their t:05t.

A suggestion of evacuation as a solution was rejected by the state because of the cx:mmmicatian equ:i..ptent and other neede:i gear to handle an additional disaster.

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- 2 Deficiency 16 states the need for sleeping quarters and decontamination faciljties in order to insure 24 h:rur staffing of the E.O.C. Neither

_of these projects have started and at the July 17th meeting no piojected date was advanced.

Based on my observation of the situation at this time and taking into consideration the fact that ~ Region III will mt be evaluating Delaware until October 29, 1985. I feel these conditions could seriously effect the State of Delaware's ability to ade:µttely safeguam tbe public in the event of an accident at the Salen Nuclear Power Plant.

Please find enciose:i list of those attending July meeting.


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August 17, 1984 FF.Ml\ 3 E oO .C. Habitahi 1i ty Management Name Organization Title Peter A. M:eller PSE & G Manager-Nuclear Site Piojector Fred J. Donnelly ~ Camnmications Officer Ken Fujishiro ~, Regian 3 General Engineer

. Harlin H. Justice DEPO Emergency, Plannning* Officer John Price DEPO Radiological F.mergency

, Planner Don Petrilli DEPO Operation Officer Clarke V. Jester DEPO Director Rol:ert J. Bores NRC:l Technical Assistant, Division of Engineering &

Technical Programs Craig L. Adams - PSE &G Pete Fredricksen EEMA, Region 3 Chief,~

Steve Hopkins Rep Planner Jjm Asher RAC ~