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Tech Specs Re Radiological Effluents
Person / Time
Site: Turkey Point  NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 09/10/1982
Shared Package
ML17341B371 List:
NUDOCS 8209160132
Download: ML17341B372 (80)


nu be" of operable channels ano the number of channels when tr'pped will cause reactor trip.


1) CFMNNEL CHECK A CH~SNEL CHECK shall be the qualitative assessment of channel behavior during operation by observation. This determination shall include, where possible, comparison of the channel indicatiqa and/or status with other indications and/or status derived from independent instrumentation channels measuring the same parameter.
2) CHANliiL.FUNCTIONAL TiST consists of injecting a simulated signal A CHANN"L FUNCTIONAL TEST into the channel to verify that it's operable, including alarm ano/or t ip ini"iating action.

tne aojustment of channel output su h tnat 't responds, with acceptable range and accuracy, to known values of tne parameter which the channel measures. Ca ibration shall encompass the entire channel, including alarm or trip, and shall be deemeo to include the CHANNEL FUNCTIONAI, TEST.

0) SOURCE CHECK A SOURCE CHiCK shall be the qualitative assessment of channel when the channel sensor s exposed to a raoioactive source.


1) Cold Shu td own
ne reactor is in the cold shutdown condition when the reactor is subcritical by at least 1/ pk/k and Tavg is less than 200F.
2) Hot Shu td own Tne reactor is in the hot shutdo~m condition when it 8209ihOi32 8209i0 PDR ADOCK 05000250.,



I P~~ "-6

$ 'PN~>> l


),0 DEFINITIONS GASEOUS RAD'n'AS<K TREATMENT. SYSTEM A GASEOUS RQ'4'ASTE TREATMENT SYSTEM is the gas decay tank system designed and installed to reduce radioactive gaseous effluents by collecting primary coolant. system offgases from the primary system and providing for delay or holdup for the purpose of reducing the total

~ ~

radioactivity prio" to release to the environment.

) .24 7:h'TILATION EXHAUST TR~ATM NT SYSTEM A .3'"NTIL/TION 'EXHAUST TREAEKNT SYSTEM is any system designed and installed to reduce gaseous radioiodine or radioactive material in particulate form in effluents by passing ventilation or vent exhaust gases through charcoal adsorbers and /or HEPA filters xor the pu=pose of removing iodines or particulates from the gaseous exhaust stream prior

";o the release to the environment. Such a system s not considered to have any effect on noble gas effluents. Engineered Safety Feature {iS".)

atmospheric cleanup systems are not considered to be ventilation exhaust S.

treatment system components.


The PROCESS CONTROL PROGRPA shall contain the current formula, sa=pling, an" lyss; tests and determinations to be made to ensure that the processing'and packaging of wet raaioactive wastes basec on demonst ated processing of actual o" simulated wet radioactive wastes will be accomplished in su'c'n a way as to assure compliance ".ith )OC R20.

)OCFR7), and Federal and State regulations and othe." requirements governing. the disposal of radioactive wastes.

).26 ~

SOLIDIFICATION SOLIDIFICATION shall be the conversion of wet radioactive ~astes into a form tha" meets shipping and burial ground requirements.


The OF" SITE DOSE CALCULATION KQl3AL shall contain the methodology and parameters used in the calculation of offsite doses due to radioactive gaseous and liquid effluents and in the calculation of gaseous and liouid effluent monitoring alarm/trip setpoints.



The DOS:" EQUIVALE)iT I-13) shall be that concentration of I-131

{microcurie/gram) which alone would produce the same thyroid oose as the cuantity and isotopic mixture oi I-) 31, I-)32, i-)33, I-') 34 and I-) 35 actually present. Tne thyroid dose conversion factors used fo th's calculation shall be those listed in Table III of TID-)4844, "Calculation of Distance Factors for ?ower and Test Reactor Sites", or in )lRC Regula tory Guide ) . ) 09, Rev. ) Oc tober, ) 977:.


~ ~


).29 PURGE PURGING PURGE or PURGING is the controlled process of discharging air or gas from a confinement to maintain temperature, pressure, humidity, concentration or other operating condition, in such a ~armer that replacement air or gas is required to purify the confinement.

).30 VENTING VENTING is the controlled process of discharging air or gas frow a conf inement to ma inta in temperature, .pres sure, numid i ty, concentration or other operating condition, in such a manner that replacement air or gas is not provided or required during VENTING. Vent, used: in system names, ooes not imply a VENTING process.

~ ~

( ~


-pp11cab1 11ty o Appl'ies to the controlled release o all liquid, and gaseous

~aste discharge from the plant which may contain radioactive materials.

Objective: To establish conditions for the release of liquid and gaseous, radioactive materials and to assure that all .such releases are within the limits specified in )OCFR20r In



addition, every reasonable effort shall be made to'control'he rate of release of radioactive materials in )iquid and gaseous ~aste discharged from the plant to unrestricted areas as low as reasonably achievable.


G ~ The concentration of radioactive material released at any time from the site to unrestricted areas shall not exceed the concentrations specified in )OC:R20, PZPE)iDIX B, Table II, Column 2 fo- radionuclides other than dissolved or entrained noble gases. =o" dissolved or entrained noble gases, the concentration shall not exceed 2 x )0 . )Ci/ml total activity.

1. Tne radioactivity content of each batch cf radioactive liquid waste to be discharged shall be determined prior to release by sampling -nd analysis in accordance with Table 3. -1. Tne results of pre-release analyses shall be usec with the calculational methods described '".. the ODCH to verify that t'ne concentration a't the point of release aoes not exceed the values in Specifxcatxon 3.9.).a.

Post-release analyses of samples composited from batch releases shall be performed in accordance with Table 3..9-1. T'ne results o- the previous post-release analyses shall be used with the calculational met'nods describeo in the ODCH to assure that the concentrations at the point of l,';.

release were maintained within the limits o Specification 3.9.).a.

3. The radioactivity concentrations of liquids discharged from continuous release points shall be determined oy collection and analysis o=

sa. ples in acco dance <<ith Table 3.9-). :ne results of the analyses shall be used with tne calculational methods oescribed in the ODCN to verify that the concentration at the poin" of

release does not exceeo the values 'in Specification 3.9.).a.
4. If the concentration of radioactive material released from the site to unrestricted areas exceeds the above limits, restore the concentration below the above limits withou


b. The dose or dose commitment per reactor to an individual from any radioactive materials in liquid effluent released to unrestricted areas shal< be limited, during any calendar quarter, to < 1.5 mrem to the total body and to < 5 mrem to any organ.

? .

1. Calculations shall be per formed in accordance with methods described in the ODCH at least once per 31 days to ve-ify that the cumulative dose commitment due to liquid effluent does not exceed the limits stated above.

'4'ith thecalculated dose from tne release of radioactive materials in liouid effluents exceeding any of the above limits, in lieu of a licensee event report, prepare and submit to the Commission within 30 oays, pursuant to Specification 6;9.2.b, a report which identifies the causes(s) ='or exceeding t11e limit(s) and defines the corrective actions to be taken to reduce the, releases of radioactive materials n liquid effluents during the rem-inder of the current calenca quarter and during the remainder.

of the calendar yea, so that tne cumulative cose to an indiv'oval from these releases is within the above limits.

c. The raaiaact'ive liquid ef fluent monitoring instrumentation channels shown in Table 3.9-2 shall be OPERABLE with their alan/trip setpoints (if applicable) set to ensure that the limits of Specification 3.9.).a are not e..ceeded. The setpoints shall be determined in accordance with methods described in the ODCH.
1. The concentration of radioactive materials in liquid ef fluents released from the site shall monitored by the instruments shown be"-'ontinuously

= in Table 3. 9-2.

2.. The alarm/trip setpoint on a radioactive liquid

'effluent monitor will be set to ensure tha- the limits of Specification 3.9.).a are not exceeded.

If an alarm/trip setpoint is exceeded, the radioactive liquid release being monitorec by the affected monitor will be suspended, or the monitor declared inoperable, or the monitor eset imnediately to meet Specificztion 3.9.).a.

3. linen less than the minimum number of ra&~ozctive

~ ~

liquid effluent monitors are OPER&LE, the .CTION sho~w in Table 3. 9-2 will be taken.

4. Each radioactive liquid effluent monitor shzll be demonstrated OPEiV~L:" by perfo~ance of operations at the frequencies shown in Table 4.1-3.

d ~ Aopropriate subsvste s of the liquid radwaste treatment system shall be used to reduce the radioactive --terizls in liquid wastes prio- to tne'= ~

discharge when the projected doses in the unrestricted area due to liouid effluents, when averaged over 31 days, would exceed 0.)2 mrem to the total bodv or 0.4 rem to any organ.

). Calculations shall be performed at least once every 31 days in accorcance witn methods described in the ODCH to determine if doses are likely to exceed the design..objective aoses stated above, unless the liouid rzdwzste syste

>>as been utilized to process .adioactive iquic effluents 'during the previous 92 days.

i ~

2. The appropriate liquid raowaste subsystems sha'1'e

.demonstrated OPERABLE once per 92 oays unless the appropriate liquid radwaste subsystem has been utilized to process radioactive liquid effluents during the previous 92 days.

Mith the liouid radwaste treatment system inoperable for more than 3l days or with radioactive 1'quid waste being discharged witnout treatment and in excess of the above limits, in lieu of a licensee event report, prepare and submit to the Commission within 30 days pursuant to Specification 6.5.2.b a report which includes the fol lowing informa t ion:

(1) identification of the inoperable .equipment or subsystems and the reason for inoperability, (2) Action(s) taken to restore the inoperable equipment to OPER.-'~LE status, and (3) Summary description of action(s) taken to prevent a recurrence.


. TABLE 3.9-)



~ ~

Emittersb~h Gamma 5x)0>! I Batch Paste PR PR Release Tanksc Each Batch Each Batch I-)3)h 1 x )0 ~

PR Dissolved and One Batch/M Entrained Gases> 1 x)05 H-3 1 x 105 PR Yi I I l x)07 I

Each Batch Composited Gross Alpha )

I Sr-89, Sr-90 5x)08 PR Q Ecch Batch Composited Pe-55 ) x)06 t-. Co .tinuou.s'.

Re~ ease se

l. Stea Generator Pr inc ipa 1 Gamma oioovn Emitter b:h '::," 5 x )0->

4/M P/M I-13) h x )0 Dissolved and Entrained'ases> I x 10 5 H 3 1 x 10"5 M-'

Composited Gross Alpha x 10 Sr-89, Sr-90 5'x )0 8 A/M . Qf I Composited Fe-55 x )0-6 t

Scorn r Drain Principal Gamma Emit tersb ih 5 x 10

~ I-) 3)h ) x )0

TABLE 3.9-1 (Cont.)

TABLE h'OTAT30N The LLD is t'ne smallest concentration of radioactive material in a sample tnat ~ill be detected vith 95% probability vi'th 5% probability .of falsely concluding that a blank observation represents a "real" signal.


-or a particular measurement system (which may include radiochemrcal separation):

LLD = 4.66 sb E

' '.22 x 10 Y exp (-"~t)


LLD is the "a priori" lo~er limit of detection as defined above for a blank sample (as microcurie per unit mass or volume),

sb is the stanoard deviation of the background counting rate oi of the counting rate of a blank sample as appropriate (as counts per minute),

is the counting efficiency (as counts per trans ormation),

0 V is the sample size (in units of 2,22 x )0 is tne t number mass or volume),

of transformations per minute per microcurie,

'Y is the fractional radiochemical yield (vhen applicable),

), is the radioactive oecay constant for the particular raoionuclide,,

and 5t is the elapsed time between midpoint of sample col ection ano time of count ng (for plant effluents, not environmental samples).

The value of sb used in the calculation of tne LLD ror a detection system shall be based on the actual observed variance of the background counting rate or of the counting rate of the 'blank samples (as appropriate) rather than on an unverified theoretically predicted variance. Typic'al values of E, V. Y, and ht shall be used in the calculatxono

TABLE 3.9-) (Cont.)

TABLE NOTATION Tne principe 1 ganesa emi'tt ers rs ~or which the LLD limit specificat on w111 \

apply are exclusively the following radionuclides: Pa-54, Fe-5, Co-58, Co-60 Zn-65 ) MO-99, Cs" l34, Cs-)37, Ce-)4), Ce-)44, Xe-)33, Xe-)33m and Xe-)35. This list aoes not mean that only these nuclides are to be detected znd reported. Other peaks which are measurable and.;.16entifiab e,

'th the above nuclides shzll also be identified and reported.

Huclides '

which zre below the LLD for the analyses should not be reporte "ed aas b being present at th e LLD level. linen a rzdionuclide's calculated LLD is gIeater than its listed LLD limit, the calculated LLD should be zssigned as the zctivity of the radionuclide; or, the activity of the radionuclide should be calculated using measured ratios with those Iadionuclides which are routinely identified and measured.

batch <<elease is the disch'arge of liouid wastes of a discrete volume.

Prior to sampling for analyses, each batch shall be isolated, znc then thoroughly mixed to assure representative sampling.

". composite sample is one in which the quznti ty of liquid sampled s p oportional to the quantity of liquid waste d'scharged and in wnich the method of sampling emploved Iesults in a,spec imen which is representative of the: 1'quids released, Prior to ana lys1s) all samp'les taken =or the composite'hall be thoroughly mixed in order for" the composite sample to be representative of the effluent re)e ase.

'l C

. continuous release is tne discharge of liouid wastes OI a nonciscrete volume;.e.g., from a volume of system that has zn input I1ow during t e continuous release.

Sampling a 1' an d ana 's of steam generator

" ~ ysis blowdown ='or these o-eely necessary on when primzry to seconaary in as 'ncicate leakage is occurring 'ncicated by the air ejector monitor.

or ':-reouency.designations are de 4 ined in Table 4,) ) Sheet 4.

h. ~

Tf performance of an isotopic analysis is not possible, liquid "elezses

-ay be made for up to 7 davs on the basis of a gross beta gz~a znalys1s at an LLD level of ) x )0" )jCi/ml.

TABLE 3.9-2 RADIOACTIVE LI UID EFFLUZh'T MONITORING Ih'STRUMENTATIOh'NSTRb~iENT HININUYi CHANNELS OPERABLE ACTION G oss Radioactivity Monitors Providing Automatic Termination of Release a.. I.iquid Radvaste Effluent Line (>)

b. Steam Generator B)o~do~w Effluent Line (i)
2. Gross Radioactivity Monitors Providing Alam But Not Providing Automatic Isolation
a. Component .Cooling Mater System (i)


3. Plo~ Rate Measurement Devices I aa. Liouid Radvaste Effluent Line (i)
b. Steam a Generator Blo~do~m Ef fluent Line (i)

4 Table 3.9-2 (Cont. )

TABLE NOTATION ACTION ) thh th e num b err oof channels OPERABLE less than requxr'ed by the Minimum Channe 1 s OP"RA"L~ z. o requirement, ef>>luent releases m~,

resumed for up to )4 days, provided that prior to initzat*ng a release:


1. At least two independent samples are analyzed xn accordance with Speci>>ication 3.9.).a.) ana;


~ ~

2. A t two technically oualified members of the Pacilzty

'taff 1 independently verify the release rate calculation discharge valving; Otherwi'se, suspend release of radioact ive effluents via this pathway.

ACTION 2 With the number of channels OPE)VALE less than reouired oy ihe minimum Channels OPEiVBLE reauirement, effluent releases via this ath~ay may continue for up to ~v days if- there secondary leakage occurring as indic~t monitor. pri ~ y to seconcary leakage rimary s indi.

di.cated a

"- ana eleases u to 30 days provided grab r" samples

- a:e -. alvzed O.


="or gross radioactivity (beta o" gamma)) aat z lxmzt" 0 Getect1on ' "ion o>> 0>>


~ at least )0 >Ci/ml or analyzed

'7 isotopically '(gamma) at a limpet o detection of at least 5 x 10 )!Ci/ml:

At least'nce per 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> wnen ihe pecific a ti i fic activity of the secondary coolant is > 0.0) QCi/ml DOS". EQUIVALENT  :-i3 ).

2. At least once per 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> when the specific aciivi i o i e secondary coolant is < 0.0) QCi/ml .DOSE EQUI'PALENT I-)31.

e ACTION 3 Pith rhe number of channels OPER.~L. less than reouired by the Hinimum Channe 1 s OP"KBL" r. z, req uirementI ) e>>fluent rele'ases via this pa thway may be ma e or up t o 90 days provided that grao s-mples

-d ll are co ec ted e during releases at least once per er 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> aana li-it anal ana yze .zed foro gross radioactivity (beta or gamma) amma aat a of detection of at least )00 '9'l3Ci/ml i/m or analyzed isotopically (gamma) at a limit of oetection of at least 5 x 10" MCi/ml.

ACTION 0 'k'i h the number of channels OPERABLE less than requirea by the'.:

a nels OPERABLE reoui.rement, ei luent releases via thi.s nathway may continue for up to 30 days provxoe t e estimated at least once per hou s during actual releases. Pump curves may be used to estimate flow.

With the nu-ber.of channels OPERABLE less than reouired by the Minimum Channels OPERABLE requirement, ef fluent releases via the affected pathway may continue for up to 90 oays if there is no primary t'o secondary leakage occurring. If primary to secondary leakage is occurring, as indicated by the air ejector monitor, releases may continue for up to 30 days provided the floe rate is estimated:

). At least once per 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> when the specific activity of the secondary coolant is > O.OI pCi/ml DOSE EQUIVPZ.ENT I->3l.

2. At least once per 24 hou=s vhen the specific activity of the secondary coolant is < 0.0l WCi/ml DOSE QUIVALENT I-13l.
2. GASEOUS*HASTE a ~ The dose rate due to radioactive materials released in gaseous effluents from the site shall be limited to the fol 1 owing:

Less than or equal to 500 mrem/yr to the total body and less than or equal to 3000 mrem/yr to the skin due to noble gases and less than o" equal ta. ]500 mrem/yr to any organ due to, I-13 I, tritium'"and o-all radioactive materials in particulate form vith half lives greater than S days.

The dose rate due to noble gases in gaseous effluents shall be determined to be within the above limits in accordance ~ith the methoos described in the ODCH.

2. The release rate of radioactive mate ials, otne=

than noble gases> in gaseous effluents shall be ',

determined to be within the above limits in accordance vitn the methods describea 'n the ODCH and by obtaining representative samples and per f orming analyses in accordance vith the sampling and analysis program, specified in Table 3.9-3.

3. ln the event the dose rate(s) exceeds the aoove limits, decrease the release rate vithout delay to comply ~ith the limit(s). given in Specification 3.9.2.a.
b. The ai" dose,,per reactor in unrestricted areas due to


noble gases released in gaseous effluents shall be limited, during'ny quarter, to < 5 m"ad d'or gamma radiation and < )0 mrad fo beta radiation.

). 'Cumulat ve dose contributions for the current calendar quarter and current calendar year shall be determined in accordance vith metnods described in the ODCH at least once per 3) days.

2. h'ith the calculated air dose fro radioactive noble gases in gaseous effluents exceeding any of the above l.imits, in lieu of a 1censee event report, prepare ano sub~it to'tne Commis'sion within 30 days, pursuant to Specification 6.9.2.b, a report ;hie'n identi=ies the cause(s) for exceeding the limit(s) ano defines the corrective actions to be taken to reduce the releases of raoioactive noble gases in gaseous effluents ouring the remainder of,'the current

'calendar quarter, ano during'he remainoer o=.

Ql I

the calendar year, so that the cumulative dos'e is within the above limits.

Ci The dose to a person offsite per reactor due to T-)3), tritium and to particulates with half-lives greater than 8.0 dzys released in airborne effluents shall not exceed 7.5 mre'a to any organ duzing any quarter.

) . Cumulative dose contributions for the current calendar quarter and current calendar year shall be determined in accordance with the ODCM zt least once per 3) days.

2 ~ Pith the calculated dose from the release of l-)3), tritium and materials in particulate form

, with half lives greater than 8 days, in gaseous effluents exceeding any of the above limits, in lieu of a licensee event report, prepare and submit to the Co~ ssion within 30 days, pursuant to Specification 6.9.2.b, a report which i dentif ies the cause(s) for exceeding the'imit and defines the corrective actions to be taken'to reduce the releases of l-)3), tritium and radioactive materials in p-'rticulate form with half-lives greater than 8 days in gaseous ef fluents. during tne remander of the current calendar quarter and during the remainder of the calendar year, so that the cumulative dose to an

,individual from "hese releases 's wit'nin the above limits.

d. The radioactive gaseous effluent monitoring 'I instrumentation channels sholem in Tzble 3.9-4 shall be OPKHAiLK with their alarm/trip setpo'nts set to ensure,'that the limi "s o Specification 3.9.2.a are not exceeded. The setpoints shall be determined in accoraance with methods described in the ODCH.

) ~ The alarm/trip setpoint on a radioactive gaseous ef fluent monitor will be set to ensure that the limits of Specification 3.9.2.a are not exceeded.

Ef an alarm/trip setpoint is exceeded, the radioactive gaseous release being monitored by the affected monitor will be suspended; or the monitor declared inoperable, or the monxtog reset immediately to meet Specificztion 3.9.2.a.

2. Pith less than tne minimum number of radioactive gas'eous effluent monitoring instrumentatxon channels OP""cVZL:-, take t'n'e ACTlOV showai in Table 3.9-4.


~ ~

3. Each radioactive gaseous e fluent mon'toring instrumentation channel shall be demonst zted


. OPEMLE by performance of the opera" ons at the freauencies shown in Table 4.)-4.

e. The GASEOUS 1VDWASTE TREATPZNT SYSTEM shall be used to reduce radioactive materials in gaseo. s vzste prior to their discharge if the projected gzseous effluent aose per reactor due to gaseous efflyent

~ ~

releases to unrestricted areas when ave&aged 'over 31 aays exceeds 0.4 mrad for gz~ radiation and 0.8 mrad for beta radiation, ana 4 "liTILATION ~UST TREAZKNT SYSTEH shall be used to reauce raaioactive materials in gaseous chaste prior to their d scharge if the projected gaseous effluent dose pez reactor aue to gaseous effluent releases to unrestricted areas +hen averaged over 31 days exceeds 0.6 =rem to any organ.

}. Doses due to gaseous releases, to unrest=icted areas shall be projected zt least once pez 31 cizys.

2. The GASEOUS EM)'~'ASTE TR"-ATYiiNT SYSTEM~! ana VENTILATION EXu&UST TREATHE12'YST~'hall be aemonstrated OP:RKLE by operating th GASEOUS i'd)WASTE TREATMENT SYST:~i equipment znd K':NTILATION EXHAUST TR:.-'.TRENT SYSTEM eou "ment, at least once pez 92 cays unless t'ne -p-ropziate system has been utili~eo to process rz'a~ozctive gzseous effluents during the previo"s 92 czys.
3. With the GAS'OUS RADeASTE TREAT11ENT S'S'E.i znd/oz the VENTILATION EXHAUST TREATY'""NT SYS::~~f inoperable for more than 3) days o" --'th,gaseous waste being aischarged .;ithout trez"-mant and in excess of the above limits, in lieu of a licensee event report, prepare and submit to the Commission vithi'n 30 azys, pursuant to Specification 6.9 2 b z report which includes


the following information:

i~a Identif ication o the 'noperzble equ'pmcent


or subsystems and the reason for inoperability, (2) Action(s) taken to zestore the inope=zble equipment t;o OPERA:"LE status, (3) Sugary descripton oi action (s) taken to pzevent a recurrence.

f. The dose or ~ose commitment to a real individual from

'all uranium fuel cycle sources is limited to <,25 mrem to t'ne total body or any organ (except the thyroid, which is limited to < 75 mrem) over a period of )2 consecutive months.

With the calculated dose from t'ne release of radioactive m-terials in liquid or gaseous effluents exceeding t~ice the limits of Specifications 3.9.).b, 3.9.2.b, or 3.9.2.c, prepare and submit a report, in lieu of z licensee event report, to the C',.ozmission within 30 days pursuant to Specification 6.9.2.b and limit the subsequent releases such that the dose or oose commitment to any real individual from uranium fuel cycle sources is limited to < 25 mrem to'he'otal body or any organ (except thyroid, vhich is limited to < 75 mrem) over )'2 consecutive mont'ns. This repo=t shall'ncluae an analysis which demonstrates that raaiation exposures to any real inoividual from uranium fuel cycle sources (including all effluent.

pathways and cirect radiation) are less than the.

40 CFR Part )90 Standard. Othe".vise, ootain a variance from the Commission to permit releases which exceed the 40 C:>>R'Part )90 Standard.

2. Cumulative dose contributions from liquid and gaseous ef f luents shall be oetermined in accordance ~ith Specification 3.9. )'.b, 3.9.2'.b and 3.9.2.c, and in accordance ~ith ODCH.
g. The ouantity of raoioactivity contained in each gas storage tank s'nail be limited to less t,'nan or eaual to 70,000 curies noble gases (considered as Xe-)33).'he quantity of radioactive material conte'ned in each gas storage tank shall be determined to be within the above limit at least once per 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> vhen radioactive materials are being adoed to the tank and the reactor coolant system total activity exceeds the activity limit of Specification 3.1.4. '
2. With the ouantity of radioactive:material in any gas storage tank exceeoing the above. limit, im=ediately suspend all additions of radioactive material to the tank and witnin 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br /> reduce ~

the tank contents to within the limit.


h. The concentration of oxygen in <<he gas decay tank system shall be limited to less than or equal to 4%

by volume whenever the hydrogen concentration exceeds 4% by volume.

1. The concentration of hydrogen and oxygen in the gas deczy tank system shall be deter i ed to be within the above limits, zt least-once every 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />, using a gas analyzer reouired 0"ZR>ZL= by Table 3.9-4.
2. Pith the concentration or oxygen in the gas oecay tank system greater than 4% by volume and the hydrogen concentration greate- than 4% by volume:

(1) Immediately suspend all additions of waste gases to the affected gas decay tank, (2) Verify that the remainder of tne gas decay tank system is within tne limits of Specification 3.9.2.h, '

(3) Tne affected gas decay tank(s) hall be released without delay in comp ance v~ th Specification 3.9.2.a or the c oncentrzilon of oxygen'. shall be ".eouced to less tnan or equal to 4% by volume without o clay.





LOiiiR Li:




A. Gas Decay Tank PR PR (Bztch) Each Tank Each Tank Principal Gamma Emittersb 1 x 10 I

I Grab Szmple I

l B. Con r a ident PR Principal Gama Emittersb 1 x )0 Purge (Batch) Grab i Sample H"3 ) x)0 M Noble Gasb 1 x )0

-'C. Air Ejectors Grab i Sample H-3 l 'x 10

,4/M I-131 1 x )0 Continuousc Charcoal Sample I-)33 :1 x 10 O/M Continuousc Particulate Particulate 1 x10 Sample Principal Gama Emittersb D. Plant Vent and M M

!."3 Spent "uel Grab Sample Grab Sample Noble Casb ) x)0 Pat Buxldxng Meir M Grab Sample Grab Sample H-3 ) x 10, O/M I-)3) 1 x )0 Continuousc Charcoal Szmple I-. 1 33 ) x )0

</M Continuous c Particulate Par ticulate x 10 Sample Principal Gamma Emittersb M

Composite Cont inuou s c Particulate Gross Alpha x 10 Sample Compos 1 te Cont inuou s c Particu)zte Sr-89, Sr-90 ) x)0 Sample Plant Vent Continuous Noble Gas Noble Gases Monitor Gross Beta-Gamma 1 x 10

TABLE 3.9-3 {Cont.)

TABLE NOTATEOH C ~ The LLD is the smallest concentration of raoioactive material in a sample that ~ill be detected with 95% probability with 5% probability o- alsely concluding that a blank observation represents a "real" signal.

For a particular measurement system (which may include radio"ne ical



se para t ion):

LLD = 4.66 sb ether.e:

E ~

V ~

2.22 x )0 Y . exp {-) ~t) 1LD is the "a priori" lover limit of detection as defined -bove for a blank sample (as microcurie per unit mass o volume),

'I sb is tne standard deviation of the background counting /

rate or of the

-counting rate of a blank sample as appropriate (as ~

counts per mrnute) >

E is the counting efficiency (as counts per transformation),

V. is the sample size (in units of mass or volume),

2.22 x 10 is the number of transformations pe". minute pe= microcurie, Y is the fractional radiochemical yield (when applicable).

is the radioactive decay, constant for the particular rad:onuc}ioe, and

~ t is the elapsed time between midpoint of sample a"..d time of counting (for plant effluents, not environmental samples).

The value of sb used in the calculation of the LLD for a detect on syste~ shall be basea on the actual observed variance of the background coun"ing rate or of the counting rate of the blank samples (as appropriate) rather than on an unverified theoretically p eoicted variance, Typical values of Eg Vy Y) and ~t snail be used in the calculation.

TABLE 3.9-3 (Cont.)


b. The principal gama emitters for ~i ich the LLD limit specificztion will apply are exclusively the following rzdionuclides: Er-.87,'r-88, Xe-) 33, Xe-)33m, Xe-)35, and Xe-138 for noble gas emissions znd Mn-54, re-59, Co-58, Co-60, Zn-65, Mo-99, Cs-)34, Cs-)37, Ce-)<1, Ce-)44, and I-)31 for particulate emissions. This list does not mean that only these nuclides are to be detected and reported. Other peaks w'nich are measurable znd ioentifiable, together with the above nuclioes shall also be identified and reported. Huclides which are below the Ll.D for the /analyses should not'be reported as being present at the LlD level for that nuclide. When a radionuclide's calculated LLD is greater than its listed LLD limit, the

,calculated LLD should be assigned as the activity of the radionuclide; or, the activity of the radionuclide. should be calculated using measured ratios with those radionuclides ~~ich zre routinely identified and

'measured, C ~ The ratio of the sample flow rate to the sampled strea~ flow. rate shzll be known for the time perioo covered by each dose or dose rate calculation made in accordance with Specifications 3.9.2.a, 3..2.b, and 3.9.2.c. J 0

~  :-requency designations are defined in Table A. 1-), sheet 4.

e.. Tritium grab samples shall be taken at least once per 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> wnen the refueling canal is flooded.

Tritium ~rab samples shall be taken at least once per 7 days from the ventilation exhaust from the spent fuel pool area .-henever spent fuel is tne spent fuel pool.




1. Plant Vent a- Noble Gas Activity Monitor Radioactivity Conccn LraLj.on IlcasuxemcnL

.b. Noble Gas 'Activity Hon'itor lligh Range Radioactivity Concen-tration Measurement c Iodine Sampler Cartridge Verify Presence of Car tr idge ParticulaLe Sampler 1 ilLcr Verify Presence of 10 Filter Sampler Flo<< Rate Measuring Device Sampler Flow Rate Measurement Z. 83 Spent Fuel Pit Building Vent tl ~ Noble Gas Activity Honitor Radioactivity Concen-tration Heasurement Noble Gas Activity Honitor IIigh Range Radioactivity Concen-tration Heasurement L'0 c ~ Iodine Sampler Cartridge Verify Presence 10 of Car tridge

d. Particulate Sampler Filter. Verify Presence of .10 Filter Sampler Flow Rate Heasuring Device Sampler Flow Rate Heasuremcnt
3. Air. I;lector Vent a e Noble Gas Activity Honitor. Rad ion c tiv i ty Concen-tration Measurement
b. Noble Gas Activity Monitor Iligh Range Radioactivity Concen-tra t ion glea suremen t c '.':. f f I 11r>>L Sya tern I'low Ratr Hr 13>>r Lng Dcv tcr.

4 Syo tcm 1'low ra tc 7 H c il 3 u r c nlc n

+t t

4 l'All ~ 9-Il RADIohc'tIvE GA,:1;ouS El'PLuE HOHrTORI~G INSTRuHrllx'ATIOH HINIHuH CllhNHELS hPPLICh-IHSTRlJHEHT OPERhnLE IIXLXTY PARAHrTrR IICTXON Cl. H l in Steam Gross Activity Honitor lligh Range (1) Radioactivity Concen-tration Heasurement S ~ - Gas Decay Tank System Explosive Gas Honitoring System

a. Ilydrogen (l)  % llydrogen 12
b. Oxygen (l) I Oxygen 12
  • ht al.l times

>>* Daily wllen primary to secondary leakage is occurring (as indicated by the air ejector monitor)

>>*>> Includes Gas Decay Tank System Release Patllway

TABLE 3. 9-4 {Cont. )

Ti ACTiON 7 4'ith the number .of channels OPERPDLE less than reouired by the Minimum Channels OPE)ALE reouirement, effluent releases via this pathvay may continue for up to 30 days provided the flo-'ate is estimated at least once every 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br />.

ACTiON 8 Vith the number of channels OPERABLE less than requi-ed by the Minimum Channels OPERABLE reouirement, effluent relapses via this pathway may continue for up to 30 days provided grab samples are



collected every 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> and analyzed for activity within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />.

"CTION 9 Pith the 'number of channels OPE)ALE less than required by the Minimum Channels OPERABLE requirement, ef fluent releases viz this pathway may continue for up to 30 days provioed grab samples zre collected every 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> and anzlyzed within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> for noble gas when primary to secondary. leakage is occurring as indicated by the air eject. or monitor.

-'C iON )0 'nith the numbe" of channels OPERABLE le ss t'nan requi=ed oy t'rie Minimu Channels OPERPZLE reouirement, effluent releases via this pathvzy may continue for up to 30 days, provided sa- les are continuously collected with aux'liary s - pl'g eouip -ent anc analyzed approximately every seven (7) ozys ~

ACTiON ) ) 'n'ith the number of channels OPER~ALE.less than reoui=ed by the


,'inimum Channels OPEiVZLE requirement, effluent releases, excluding gas decav tank releases, via tnis pathvay -ay continue for up to 30 davs providea grab samples are collectqo zt. least once per 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> and these samples zre analyzed for activity within 24 ho's.

For Gas Decay Tznk Rel'eases:

O Vith the number of channels OPE)ALE less than reoui=ed by the M nimum Channels OPERABLE reouirement, the contents o the tank may be released to the environment for up to )0 days provded that prior to initiating the release:

). ',At least two indepenoent samples of the tank s contents are analyzed for activity-, and

2. At least two technically qualified members of the Facijity Staff inoependently verify the release rate calculations'nd

,discharge valve lineup:

Othe".wise, suspend release of radioactive efflue'nts v'a this pathway.

A CTiON ) 2 Vith the nu&er of channels OPERABLE less than,recu'=ed by the 1!inimum Channels OPERABLE requirement, operation of the -zste gas decay tank system may continue for up to 30 days prov~Red that grab samples are collected znd analyzed for hycrogen and oxygen concentration at least once every 24 hou.s.

a. Co'ntainers of radioactive vaste materials shall be shipped from the site by licensed carriers in conf ornance ~ith the Cooe of Federal Regulations.
b. Vet radioactive ~astes shall be processed in accordance vith a PROC"SS CONTROL PROGiVA (PCP) prior to being shipped to a radioactive vaste disposal facility.

Channel Dcscriition Check Cal.ibratc Test Rcmar'k"

10. Rod Position Dank Counters st H.h. N.h. Mith analog Rod Position ll. Steam Ccnerator Level st
12. Charging Flow H.h. R H.h.

13.'esidual lleat Removal Pump Flow N.A. HE A.

-14. Boric Acid Tank Level R N.h.

15. Refueling Mater Storage Tank Level H-h.
16. Volume Control Tank Level N.-A. H.A.

1 7A. Con t a inmen t Pressu re Hide Range 17B. Containmcnt Prcssure Narrow Range 18A. Process Radiation 18B. Area Radiation

19. Doric Acid Control N. h. N.h.
20. Con ta inment Sump l.cvel H.A. H.A.

21- ~ Accumulator Level and Pressure Sr H.h.

?2. Stcam Pressure st

TA13Ll; 4.1 Sill;l;T 1 3 Channel Descri tion Check Calibrate Test . Remarks

23. Logic Channels N.A. N.A. Mt 24 . Se ismogra ph N.A. N.A. Malce trace, Test battery (change semi-annually)
25. Auxiliary Feedwater Flow Rate H.A.
26. RCS Subcooling Margin Monitor H.A.
27. PORV .Position Indicator (Primary Detector) H.A. Check consists of monitoring inclica ted
28. PORV Bloclc Valve Position Indicator H.A. position and verifying, by observation of
29. Safety Valve Position Indicator Ml: N.A. related parameters 30 ~ Loss of Voltage (both 4kv busses) N.A. N.A. For AFM ac tua t ion a t power on 1 3 1. Trip of Both Main Feedwater N.A. N.A. For AFM actuation at power on1 Pump Brealcers

TAO1.E 4..1-1 S>1EET 4 Us ing movcab le in-core de tee tox sys tern Frequency only

    • '-17A, R-170, R-18 and R-19 -refer to Table 4 '-3;. R-14 and R-15 refer to Table t ~ 1-4 PR Prior to each release (for. Radioactive Effluent Sampling)

S Each Shift D Daily.

W Meekly 4/O' At least 4 per month and a minimum of 46 per year. (for Radioactive Effluent Sampling) 0/H Every Two Weeks

. 11 Honthly g Quarterly

'SA - Semiannually

. P Pr'ior to each startup Each Refueling Shutdown if not done previous week R

'A Annually '

H.A. Not applicable N.A. during cold or. refueling shutdowns. The specified tests, however, shall bc performed within one surveillance interval prior to startup.

'I'1 N.A. during cold or refueling shutdowns. 'The specified tests, however, shall be performed within one surveillance interval prior to heatup above 200l'.


Alarm and Automatic Isolation

a. Liquid Raclwastc Effluent Line h(3) .


b. Steam Generator Blowdown Effluent Line A(3) q(l)
2. Gross Beta or Gamma Radioactivity Honitors Providing Alarm but Hot Providing Automatic Isolation
a. Component Cooling Mater System h(3) q(z)
3. Flow Rate Honitor
a. Liquid Radwaste Ef fluent Line D>v(l) )
b. Steam Generator Blowdown Effluent Line D~v(q ) N/A During releases via this pathway.

TABLE 4.1-3 SHEET 2 TABLE NOTATION The CHANNEL FUNCTIONAL TEST shall also demonstrate that automatic isolation of this pathway and control room alarm annunciation occurs i the following condition exists:

). In'strument indicated measured levels above the alarm/trip setpoint.

(2) The CEM'EL FUNCTIONAL TEST shall also demonstrate that control room alarm annunciation occurs if the following conditions exist:

) .. Instrument indicated measured levels -bove the alarm/trip setpoxnt.

2. Instrument indicates a downscale failure.
3. Channel in test condition.

(3) The initial C9$ NEL CALIBRATION shall be performed using one or more o the reference standards certified by the National Bureau of Stancarcs or using standards that have been obtained from suppliers that part cipate in measurement assurance activities with NBS. Inese standards shall permit calibrating the system over its intended range of energy anc:

measurement range. For subsequent Ci'-'DUEL CP~-IBRATION, sources that have been related to the initial calibration shall be used.

(4) CK~SNEL CHECK shall consist of veri.fying indication of flow during periods of release. CPMiNEL CHECK shall be made. at least once da~ly on any oay on which continuous, periodic or batch releases are made.

(5) Frequency designations are defined in Table 4. )-1, Sheet 4.


1. Plant Vent
a. Noble Gas Activity Monitor
  • D(1) A(3) q(2)
b. Noble Gas Activity >monitor lligh Range A(3) N/A c 'odine Sampler Cartridge N/A
d. Particulate Sampler Filter N/A .H/h
e. Sampled Flow Rate Measuring Device
2. '//3 Spent Fuel Pit Building Vent
a. Noble Gas Activity Monitor A(3) b,. Noble Gas Activity Monitor lligh Range A(3)- H/h c ~ Iodine Sampler Cartridge N/A H/h
d. Particulate Sampler Filter . N/A N/A N/A Co Sampler Flow Rate Measuring Device N/A 3.' Air Ejector Vent.

Noble Gas Activity Aonitor A(3)

b. Noble Gas Activity Monitor lligh Range A(3) H/h
c. Effluent. System Flow Rate Measuring Device H/A ..



4. Hain Steam
a. Gross Activity Honitor lligh Range A(Z) N/A
5. Gas Decay Tank System Explosive Gas Honitoring System
a. Ilydrogen Honitor q(4)
b. Oxygen Honitor H/A
  • Includes Gas Decay Tank System Release Pathway

1 TABLE 4-.)-4 SHEET'3 TABLE NOTATION A CEQlNEL CHECK for the plant vent noble gas activity monitor is performed prior to making a release through the gas decay tank release pathway.



(2) The CEASEL FUNCTIONAL TEST shall also demonstrate that control roon alarm annunciation occurs if the following condition e>.ists:

), Instrument indicated measured levels above the alan@/trip setpoint.

Por the Gas Decay Tank Release Pathway, r

The CEPSNEL FUNCTIONAL TEST shall also demonstrate that automatic isolation of this pathway and control room alarm annunciation occurs if the following conditions exist

). Instrument indicated measured levels above the alarm/trip setpo nt.'.

2. Instrument indicates a downscale failure.

~ () The initial the'eference using standards CHANNEL CALIBRATION standards certified shall be performed using one or more of by the National Bureau of Standards or that have been obtained from suppl ers that participate in measurement assurance activities with h~S. These standards shall permit calibrating the system over its intenoed '".ange o~ energy and measurement range. For subsequent CANNEL CALIBRATION, sources tnat nave been related to the initial calibration shall be used.

The CHPhNEL CALIBRATION shal.l'nclude the use of standard gases containing a known concentration of hydrogen.

(5) ~

The CP~NEL CALIBRATION shall include the,use of standard gases containing a known concentration of oxygen.

(6) Frequency designations are defined in Table 4.)-l, Sheet 4.

1 2 RAD1 OLOG 1CAL; F1!Y'1 ROi'>HE i>TAL I >Ot'i1 TOR1 ><6

'b pl ', ca bi 1 i ty: Applies to routine monitoring of plan. environs.

Obj 4ct 1 ve: To e.tablish a samplino schedule>>hich>>ill assure cognizance of radiological changes in the'nvirons.

Specification: 1. Radiological samples shall be collected and analyzed in accordance with Table 4.'12-1. Haximum values for lo~er limits of detection shall be in accordance with Tabl e 4.12-2. Specific. sample locations shall be provided in a figure and a table in an approved procedure.

a. With the radiological environmental surveillance program not being conducted in accordance Hith Specification 4.12.1, include in the annual Radiological Environmental Monitoring Report, a description of the reasons for not conducting the surveillance as specified. Deviations from Tables
4. 12-1 and 4. 12-2 may 'occur because samples are unobtainable due to hazardous c'onoitions, Diolooical or seasonal unavailability, or due to f

vandal i sm, mal unct i on of s amp) i ng or ana1yti ca 1

.equipment, laboratory accidents, sampl 1 ng errors, 0 other 1 eoitimat reasons. If d viations occur because of a malfunction of sam>pling or analytical equipment, an effort shall be made to complete corrective actions prior to th end of tne next

'r sample interval. A description of all deviations f rom Table 4. 12-1 'or 4. 12-2, the reaso;Is. for el 1 sUch devla lons, and a descf 1 ptlon of ?AV corrective actions initiated or planned to bring the radiological environment surveillance program back 'in accordance with Specification 4.12-1 shall be provided ln the annual Radiological Environmental lIonitoring Report.

b. t<ith the confirmed* level of radioactivity in an environmental sampling medium at one or more of the 1ocatloIls outside the clos'ed cool ing canal systen, specified in Table 4,.12-1 exceeding the limits of Table e.g-1 when averaoed over any calendar quarter, preoare and submit to tne:...

~ Co.lI11 sslon Within 30 days f> >:1 t'le e"J 0" the affected calendar quarter. (or fron the'time of the confirmatory result if such result is not received until after the end of the quarter in vhich the

"' confirmatory reanalysis of the original, a duplicate, or 8, net sample may be desirable, as appropriate. The results of tne confirmatory ana Jsls shall be co:..p')eted at the earliest time consistent i'ith the analysi s, but in a ny ca se I~i tni n 30 days.


original sample >>as collected), a special report pursuant to speci f i cati on 6. 52 b whi ch inc I udes an evalua iGn of any release conditions; envi ronmental factors or other aspects which nay have caused the limits of Table. 5.9-1 to be exceeded. This report exempts the requi rements for a Licensee Event Report (LER). In addition, thi s report is not required if the measured level of radi oactivity was no the result of plant effluents; however, in such an event, the condi tions shall be reported an& described i n the Annual Radi ol'ogi cal Environmental Honitori ng Report.

c. With milk or edible garden vegetation samples unavailable from any of the sample locations reouired by Table 4.12-1, information shall be included in 'th Annual Radiological Environmental PIonitoring Report identifving the cause of the unavailability of samples and plans for ootaining .

futur'e sampl es. If temporarv replacement locations are used. to collect tn se samples,'he temporary locations will be indentified in ihe Annual Report. If new pernanent sample localions ere required; once they have been sel cted and sample avail abili.y is established, the locations from which are unavailaole may be deleted.

from the prooram, and the 1 ocations from which the sar;;ples.will be obtai'ned in the future are incorporated "in the monitoring program as new sample lo anions.

2. A land use census sha I 1 be conducted annual ly to identify the location of the nearest milk animal, the nearest residence, and the nearest carden"'of oreater than 500 square feet producing fresh leafy vegetables in each of the 16 meteorological sectors within a distance of five miles. In addition, a survey sha11 be conducted semi-annually using one or more of th survey methods of specification 4.12-2.c to ident'y the location of mHch herds producing milk for human consumption within a radius of 10 miles from the plant.
a. Ih th a land use ce .sus identifying. a location(s) which yields a calculatod dose or dose commi tnent oreater than the values curently being calculate i n Specification 3. 9. 2.c.l, information shall be submitted i n the Annual Radiological Envi ronmen.

ldonitoring Report which iC ntifies the new locati "Broad lea'f veoetation sampling may bo performed at 'the sit ooundary in a sector wi th'he hi ghest - D/g in lieu of the ga,"den census.

b. l]ith a land use census identifying a location(s) which yields a calculated dose or dose co..;..itment

{vi'a the same exposure pathway) 20 percent greater than at a location from wnich samples are currently bei ng obtained in accordance >>i th'able'.

12-1, information shall be submitted in the Annual Radiological Environmental I';onitoring Report which identifies the new location(s)., The new location(s) will be added to the Raaiological Environmental Honitori ng Program when samples become avail abl.e. The sampling loca iion having the lowest calculated dose or dose commitment (via the same exposure pathway) may be deleted from the monitoring program after October 31 of tne year in which the land use census was conducted.

c. The land use census shall be. conducted onc per calendar year (during the period Feo. } July 31), by' door-to-door survey, by aerial survey, or by consultino local agriculture authorities.

l ith a semi-annual survey that identifies a milch herd producing milk for human, consumption'within 10 miles frow th plant, samples will be collected from that location (if available) ard analyzed in accordance with Table 4.12-1 and 4.12-2. If more than one milch herd producing milk fo- hu-::,an consumption is located within 10 miles fran the plant, samples'will b collected from the location having samples available>>ith the highest e"posure pathway.. Once samples'ave been initiated the reouire:-'t for the 10: ile semi-an.,u:-') sdf v v is dropped. l ith samples unavailaole reinitiate the 10 mile semi-annual survey.

1 If the Radi ologi cal Environmental Surveillance Program is carried out by the licensee, the licensee shall

.establi sh an Interlaboratory Co:".iparison Program which has been approved by the llRC. If the licensee is not the principle investigator, the licensee shall require the principle investigator to take a part in an Interlaboratory Compari son Pr ogram. Thi s conai tion may be sqtisfied by participation in the Environm ntal Radi oactivi ty Laboratory Intercompari son Stu".'i'e's.

Progra; conducted by the EPA.

.4. 12-3

'a ~ With. analys s'ot being perfor;.ied as reoui red above, notify the Commission as z part of

~adi ol ogi cal Envi ron&ental l",onito'ring the'nnual Report.

4.. The annual Radiological Environmental i~onilor1ng Report shall be submitted in accordance arith Specification 6. 9.4. b.






and/or sample Sam il e Loca ti ons a Collection Fre uenc b

1. Ai rbo me
a. I<adioiodine and 0 locations Continuous operation of Hadioiodine filters-Particulates sampler with sample 1-131 weekly .

collection at least weekly. Particulate filters Gross beta - weekly:. Analyze each filter for gross beta radioactivity )D hours following filter change.

Gamma Isotopic (Composite) quarterly A gamma isotopic is also required for each sample having a gross beta ~adioactivitZ chica is > 1.0 pCi/m and which is also ) 10 times that of the most recent control sample.

7. Direct lladiation. 22 locations quarterly Gamma exposure rate - Quarterly.
4. 12-5

TABLE I (Cont.)


and/or sample Sam)le Locations a Cll I I: y. y ~l

3. Haterborne
a. Surface Hater 9 locations Honthly Gamma i so topi c anal ysi s and tri tium analysis. monthly.
b. Ground 14ater ltells, 7 locations quarterly Gamma isotopic analysis and tritium analysis - quarterly.
c. Drinking water~ 3 locations Non thly Gross beta, gamma isotopic analysis and tritium analysis-monthly ~

d, Bottom Sediment 3 locations , Semi-annually Gamma isotoic analysis-semi-annually

TR<>LE 4. -1 (ConI:.)

  • ~


and/or sample Sam le Locations a Collection Fre~ uency b of Rnalysis 4 .. a.Ingestion t'ai l k 1 location Semi -mon thl y ~

. Gamma i sotop i c ana1ys is ~

and .

(Rdditional locations Control'amples-Monthly . I-131 analysis - semi-monthly as determined by Gamma i so top i c analys i s and Speci fication 4.12-2) I-131 analysis on Control Samples - monthly

b. Fish and invertebrates
1) Crustacea 3 locations Gamma isotopic'nalysis-Semi-annually
2) Fish 3 locations Semi-annually Gamma isotopic analysis-Semi-annually
c. Food Products
1) Edible Garden Vegetation - 3 locations Rt havest time Gamma isotopic analysis-Each sampling

TABLE tiOTATlOH 4.12-1 a) A )ist of sample locations will be provided in a figure'nd Table in the OPC fsi ~

{b) Sample col)ection frequency definitions follow:

Weekly Not less than once per calendar week. A raximum interval of 11 days is allowed between the collection of any two consecutive samp)es.

Semi -monthly tarot less than 2 times per calendar month ~ith an interval of not 1 ess than 7 days between s amp) e collections. A maximum interval of ".4 days is allowed between collection of any two consecutive samples.

Honth) y Hot less than once per calendar month with an interval of not less than 10 days between sample collections.

Qua rterly Not'ess than once per calendar quarter "Ith an interval of not less than 30 days bet" en sample collections.

Semi-annually One sample each between calendar dates (January 1 June 30) and (Ju)y 1 - December 31). An interval of 0 (c) not less than 30 days will be provided between sample collections.

Frequency of analysis to be consistent with collection frequency.

(d) I o drinkino water sources are affected by ef'f) uenas irom the p)an-.

4. 12-8

TRO .12-2 Detectio'n" Capabil.ities l'r -environmental Sample Rnalysis

. Lower Limit ol'etection (LLl))b Ri rborne Parti cul a te Hater or Ga] Fl sh Mi 1 k Food Products Sediment Analysi s ~Ci /1 pCi/ai L pCi/kg, wet ~pCi/i Ci/kg, wet Ci/kg, dry Gross Beta 1 x 10-2 ZOOO(1000 )

5'iMn 130 5'Fe 30 260 O 60co 15 130 65gn 30 260

>>7.r 30 g'tfh 15 1

x 10 GU 13/iCs 10-2 UO'00 15 6 x 130 137Cs 6 X 10 150 1<<na la 35 35 hese nucl~des are measurable. and i'denti fi able, together with the above nuclides, shall also be identif'i,ed and reported.

TABLE 4. 12-2 NOTES f cceptable detection capabilities a for ther."o'i~,.inescent dosimeters used for enviro'nm ntalt measurements are given. in Regulatcry Guide 4.13.

Table indicates acceptable detection capabHi-;ies for radioactive materials in environmental samples. These detection capabilities are tabulated in terms of the lower limits of detection (LLOs). The LLD is defined, for purposes of this guide, as the smallest concentration of ra" ioactive material in a sample that. will yield a net count {above systen background) that will be detected with at least 95"probability with at'os-. 5'robability of falselv con'eluding that a blank observation represents a "real" signal.


.For a parti' cul ar measurement systan (whi ch may include radiochemical seperation):

I' 4.66 s LLD = E x Y x 2..22 x Y where LLO is the lower limit of detection as ": fined above (as pCi per unit mass or volume) 5 is tho standard deviation of the back:round counting rate or of the counting rate of a blank sample as appropri at (as counts per minute)

E is the counting efficiency (as counts p r disintegration)

V i s the sample size {in units of mass or volume)..

2.22 is the number of disintegrations per minute per picocurie Y is the fractional radiochemical yield {;h n applicable)

LLD for .drinking water.

. LLD for gard n vegetation Total 'Ior parent and daughter

  • 4.66 's the factor used when background has +e=n s btracted <rom the sample count. For measurements in which the backgrouc". is not subtracte t. e factor ~

3.29 shall be used.

4. 12- 1'0

0 0

I ~ Review oi acility op~ratiicns to ccteci p te l ial sa B-.y hazard ds-ierioi-.i.'ance o= special r views a d iinvestiga ~ ioAs aAd reports thereon as requested by the Chair.-ian oi the Co;:pariy h'uciear Review Board.

h. RBY i ew oi. the Pl ant Security Pl an a nd i,i pl e: Brit i Ag procedures and sub;iitting reco.-im nded chiances to thB PB2A oi the CG lpany i'iuci eai Revl e'lt Board. 'hai Review o the Er,ergency Plan and i-ipl B~entiro procedures and reco.-;nended chances to the Char l?O'G he Cc.i.pany liuclear Review Boa G.
j. Review the results of the Radiological Environmental Yionitoring Progran at least once per 12 months.

Review the PROCESS CONTROL PROGR~"1 and any changes thereto prior to implementation.

6." 5.

~ 1 . 7

~ "AU7HGR l i iiiB Pl Brit !'iuc!,Bal Sa i ety Coil il ttee shai 1

-r.~ a- >i>Iil r - i- n >err V~1 C ~

OT P'LSC Iii i. I ni oi i ills ccrisioere 'nder 6. "=.l.'6(a ) thrc ch (d) aDOV B ~

Render deter'-iinat..'ons in itin"l A ~ Ie I AQ ~es c= Pi'i ~C Ao Bac i it e7i considered unde. 6. o. 1;6 ( a ) 7. hircuon (e) a- Ov< "~nstiitut~S an unreviewed saiety oue St i OA-c~ iOri to .ie 5i Ce President of Nuclear Energyanc t<<e Co;.io ~ .v:0JC i Ear ?i v 4 Boa o ~ oi.'dl sa, Beige At 6-8

(5) Calculated dose from the release of raoioactive materials in liquid or gaseous effluents exceed'ng the limits of Technical Spec f ical on .

3. 9.

(6) Heasu ed levels of radioactivity in an environmental sampling medium outside the closed cooling canal, determined to exceed the reporting level values of Table 6.9-1 vhen averag'ed over any calendar quarter sampling period pursuant to Specification 4.12.1.b. 'n~nen more than one of the radionuclides in Table 6.9-1 are detected in the sampling medium, this report shall be submittedJ.ament if: W concentration (1) concentration (2)

~ limit level () ) leve /

'4hen radionuclides other than those in Table 6.9-1 are detected and ar'e 'the result of plant effluents, this report shall be submitted if the .ouarterly dose to an inoividual is equal to or greater th-n the quarterly limits of Specifications 3.9.1.b and 3.9.2.b. Inis eport is not reouired if the measured level of radioactivity was noi the result o plant effluents;'hovever, in such an event. the conditio shall be eported ano oescribed in the Annual Radiological environmental Honitoring Report.




(b) Ine total est'-ateo radioactivity (in curies).



The oates


of shipment


and disposition (if shipped

'c) off-site).

Annual Radiological Environmental lloni toring Report A Radiological Environmental ilonitoring Report coverin the, operation of the Turkey Point 3 8 4 units during the previous cal ndar year shall be submitted prior to i'iay 1 of ach year.

The annual Radi ol ogi c al Envi ronment al honi tori ng Report sha 1 1 i ncl ude su...maries,'interpretations, and information based upon trerd anal vsis of the results of the rad)ological environmental surveillance activities for the report period, including a comparison with preoperational studies, Gperat) onal controls (as appropriate), and previ ous environmental surveil lance reports and an assessment of the observed impacts oi pl ant op ration on the environment. The reports shall also incude the resu1ts o the land use census and semi-annual milch herd survey required by Specification 4.12. 2. 1f harmful effects or evid nce of irreversibl e dB"lage are 'detected by the mon) toring, the report shal 1 provide an analysis of the problem and a planned course of action to all eviate 'ihe problem.

The annual Radiological Environmental t';onitoring Report shall include su lmar) zed and tabulated results in the format of 'abl e 6.9-2 of all radiological environmental samples taken durino the report p ri'od. in the event that some results are no ava)lable for inclusion within the report, the cepof t shall be. submitted .noting and ex pl aining the reasons for the mi ssino results. Oel ayed results shall be sub ii tted as soon as possibl e'n a .supplementary report.

IQ aodi ti on to the ' ormati on requi red above the G nual Radi ol og-; cal Environ .ental t'onitoring Peport shall include the followino:

1) A summary description of the radiolooical environile tal surveillance program.
2) A map shoving all sampling 1 ocati ons key d to a table giving distances and di recti ons from the faci 1 i ty.
3) A summary of ava i 1 abl e resul ts from the Interl aboratory Compa ri son Program.
0) Additional information as provided in Specifications 4.12.1 and.a.l2.2 and 4.12.3 6-2b


Broad Leaf Hater Ai rborne Parti cul ate Fish Hi lk Vegetation Rnalysis- ~Ci / 1 or Gases pCi/m 3 Ci/Kg,net Ci/Vg,wet N-3 2 x 104 Hn-54 1 x 103 3 x'104 Fe-59 4 x 102 1 x 104 Co-50 1 x 103 3x 104 Co-60 3 x 102 1'x 10 7n-65 3x102 2x 104 Lr -Nb-95 102 I-13l 0.9 1 x IO~

Cs-134 30 10 1' 103 60 1 x 10 Cs-137 50 20 2x10 70 2 x 103 Da-La -140 3 10 I Total for parent and daughter,


LOCATIOH OF FACILITY At, PORT IHG PERIOD liedlum or Pathyway Type and Lower Limli hl I Indicator Location with lllghest Annual Hean Control Locations Humber Sampled Total Huihber of I.oca'tlons H arne ~

Iiean )I (f)a ol'onroutina (Unit of of Analyses Detection Hean Distance and Direction f'ange Aangea Reported Yieasurements) Performed (LLD)


~ tieasurements

- ~ a)liean and range based upon detection measure<hents only. Fraction of detectablo measurements at speci[le locations ls lndlcated In parentheses (f)

Recoxcs of Q cl" ty Pxsurznce activities as reouirea by Corporate Quality Assurance Yranu~l.

Recoros o- revie-5 per.o ~ed'. o" c'nznges -zoe to proceoures o- Boui Dent 0T Tev'e-'5-Of tests and e>.-per Gents pu=suzrt to l0 C:-R 50.59.

3. Reco=ds of =eetings. of tne PliSC and the CK?9.

Rico cs for =nviroaaent~l Qualific-t'on which zre covered unoer tne provisions of paragrapn 6.13.

Radiological Environmental <<monitoring Reports and recorc" of

~ ~

~maual analyses transrwtted to the licensee vnich are used to prepare the P~mual Radiological Environmental Monitoring Report.i

n. 'eterological data, suunarized and reported in a foxaaat consistent with the reco~~endations of Regulatory Guides 1.21 znd 1.23.

~O'. PRO ' C::0% PPO "R='~

Procec res for personnel raciat'ori p=otectior. shial 'oe p=epared co siste. t -ith -ne =ecuire ents o- SOA i: s 0 anG 5hz< oe Zp =0 BC ~ a".i c. neG a;iG a enere6 r.

pe=scn e -.'"c atic., e~~csure.

~ I

.4 I


~ r22 l 0:. "nB or i. ol Gevi ce 0 zlc. sigrzl i

20.203(c) (2) of 10 C:"R 20: ~

c, ~ c'ie Gic tio'il .': Ba in ~h 'h tne intens'y o. cGia 0 j '5 g:ez i. e tnan l00 x>B~/hir ess thzn l000 -~B=/hr sha 'oe -a--

.=iccclec znd cons.icuous y postec as a =.ign RaG~ at i oil f Bc cnG .

entrance tnereto snail oe controlled oy >ssuanice 0 c icG c C ~ I

~OT3: Pe=rit cnd Zny inG~S~ cue,l or group 0 ~

indiv c" c ' ne:r tree to enter sucn zrem s.,-l 1 De Drovioed ~itn a r. conc i. Gn iso'ni

i. 0 Tire g clevice -'nich continuous J.y ~ ildicates tl e cc Ron GOSB c i e

~ ~

in tne area.

.zch:-.='gh Radi at oi} F ea "

n vnich the inten5 '. 0 BGiaiion ~ 5 g ec ~

B. tncn 000 =~e="/hr snz'1 'oe suoject "o t'ne ro'p 5 ons ct 6.13.l(a) -oove, and in accition ockec ooors shall oe p"ovi ceG to pre'ent unauthori""ed enter into such creas znc the 3:eys

~ ~

s.".zll oe =~intaireG unoe" ac='niist=atiive contro~ .

6.17 PROCESS COia'TROL PROGRQ1 (PCP) 6.17. 1 The PCP shall be approved by the PNSC prior to implementation.

6.17-2 Changes to the PCP snail be approved by the PhSC prior to implementation.


r OR > ~ ~'ZTL>iG CO<V)iTXOHS POR 0:"=RAT OH, R='DTOACTi>:-

'A~ R

~ou~ d P ff ~ ~fonts

~ s speci ic "on s prov Qed to ense e ih" t the concenL ation of radioactive ~tezizls released in iiou~d -zste effluents fry the site to nrestricted aces wtll be less than the co cen~~ation levels specified in 10 ~ P-=t 20, Append'- 3,':able ii. T'a< s 1'~" ~Don =ovides additional zssw~wce th-t the levels o=-. ~

radioactive ~te izls in bodies of ~- ier ouiside result >w e-posw es w+ t>~n (1) the Secnion iV.~ l'='ti~~ cowi+oa i¹ site ~~ not

=or operation o= ~ppe di- i, 10 W P-~t 50, io an ind vidu-'~

(2) the'1~~~ ts o" 10 C:R Part 20.106(e) to the popula"<on. ~

ne concento'~<on l~~t for noble gases is based upon t'ne ass~piion tn-t ~~135 is t¹ control~~

(su~ersion) -as conver ted to g radioisotope and an eov~v~~ent conce" iis FZC in a'=

tration us'ng t>> net'nods desc ibe'n ~~te~tional Co=~ssion on

'Pmiologic~> Protection (iCRP) Public- tion 2.

'Q. s SMcif" ca~on p ovides or t¹ ~~ulezentat'on o. the reou~r~ents of Sec" ions ii.A, iii.~ and iV.A of Pp~endm T., 10 ~:,

a t 50 '+ e ACTTOH s ca tegmen is p" ovid e .tM r coo'6 opora" 0 ~ exib~~it= znd a- the.'~~~ t~e ~mplt e t the gv'ces set fo=tn

. Seci'on 'V.J. of Pepewa i to -ssee "nat the releases of racioactive ~te-ial in ~< ouid e -fluents ~=:~1 b'e ¹pt "as lo=- as 's rezso~~bly'c'>>evable". ne dose c~c'tions n ='>o . ODCH

~- l~ent the rem"'re eats 'n Sec='o- iii.4 of ODC>l cor o ation ~ th the guides of .~ppe~"'~-

ca c~tiona methods base" on mode s and data su"h t'"~t the i: s io be sho~~ 'b-,

expose e of ~~ ~dividv-~ "hrougn appropriate "=-"'~ps s ~-

ro be subst-""tia>>v mderest'-=ted. The eouat ons spec~

=or c~~cu'aLi.~ tn doses due to the rit'DD',

rates of rad" oactive materials 'n 11Guic e- -'uents act"-'elease consis" ent ith t¹ methodology proviced in RegQ~au~ Guide 1,109, "C-~culation o" Ew~~~ Doses to ~a pro~ Routine Re eases o 2 actor

.~~fluents for ihe Purpose of iv~tuaQng Cr'anliance ~it~ 10 C:-R Pz.

50, Append'- i," Revision, October 1 77, and Peg~~to~i Gu-.ce 1.113, "ist~t g '.oua""c Dispersion of

>" luerts ~ Pwcice "-~

d Routine Reactor Releases for the Purpose o L plementi~~

~spends i,". XprQ 1977. h~UG<133 provides methods for cose calculations consistent ~~ th Regs~to~ Guides 1.109 and 1.113.

Dose calcnlat ons 'or t¹ release of licu<d efr>uo~is are ~ 3e done on a per reactor basis. d'or Tu=¹> Point sh--ed ra =~ste trea=e" t svstt s the lie~a efflu~nts are oportiond. bee een ihe, t-v,


7~e rMioactive l'auid ef='uent instrumentation is provided to

>> to and control as applicable, the releases of cdioactive

~terials 'n l>> Oui>>d ef f1 nants Gu" ~~ ac"u-1 o potential re1eases.

Th ~~a~3t ip set po.ints for these '~strme ts sh&> be calc~1ted cordance w+ th AC-approved methods>>n the ODCH to ensl-e that the ala~~~ p ~+~>>1 occl~ pr>>or to exceedi~~ '.the l>>-its of 10 C:-R Part 20. The operm>>1>> 'and use of this ~~

st~~entation is consistent ~ th the reou>>rmezts of General Design Criter~w 60, 63, and 64 o" w>aw-' to 10 C:R Part 30.

Gaseous ~ fzluents

h>>s speci ican>>ion>>s provided to e s e th-t the dose rate a" any at tne exclusion area bouzld~~ DR gaseous ef luents < ca ~1 l its on the site -+~

Part 2 0 for un=es l be w+ th>>n the c~rterly dose l~ its of 20 C:-R,

'he GM terl < Gose l<' t s are the a>>

>>ct ed area.s ~

doses associated -~ th the concentrati>>o~m o~ 10 C.=. ":art 20,

)upend', Table l: . nese -~ts prov'ioe reasonab e assurance that radioac ">>ve mter~>>~ discharge in gaseous ef~1uents w~1l:not resQ~t >>a the e-posure of an indivioual in ~ ~~"es~ictai area, e 'he l t'ai'2 0 ol't siG cxc l s o P ea bolzGa. y y o a nl average conce ~i~tions e=.ceed ng the '->> ts spec fied in ='ppenG~>>

Table TZ of 10 C:~:"art 20 (10 C ~:"art 20. 05(3)). "-or ~>>GiviGl -

~ ~


-=-' ~y at t~>>es >> be l. thin the e-c us'o area bounda~, the, occupPQcy' f 'e . m .v iGUal f

~il 1 be suf ic e tl y 1 ov to c~p ~~ate for wv iwrease w the -'Mosvhe=ic ciffusio wtor above th-t =or azc'usion area bounda~. 'Yhe sp c>> fied =e1e-s rate l>>-i"s res 'ct, at ~~ t:~ s, the co=espond ~ g

- anc beta

~iviGLB1 at o. beponG the Cxcl 'M-Gn areP Gose:ates'bove backgroUDc 0 o~~e~ to ( (300) ~ Dye~ to the tot- body or to ( (3,000)

""e /ye~ to the skin. These re1 ease rate l'~its ~so restrict, tmes, the co~espondi~ th~id c'ose rate above background to an ~+ ant viP t'ta co-=>>k-infan I pa

. I cy to < 300 vr w/year for the ne~ e s t co- to t >> slant.

y 7n's sp cifica~>>on appl>>es to tho re1ease of gaseous e Quents ~m

'both reac"ors at the site ""or u=koy Po>>-t <<+th>>ts sh--ed r~mste treatment systms, th gaseous.e Quents mthe sh- ed .

s.".Stan ~~e propor~ioned betveen the tvv mits.

arnis speci ication prov>>des or the ~pie~en~">>on of the reou-'ments o Sections lI.B, Ti'Z.L, and ZV.L of App ndw>> 'Z, 10 C:.R Part 30 . The r'CTZOH statements p=ov>>de the:eoui>>red ooerati~~

f1'&>>'">> ty and a" the s~ t~>> ~>>" pl~e " the gu'Ges se" orth>>n Sec>> on Z7 a of. rDpenc ~

I to P sslze that the re1 eases o.

rad'oactive wterial >>n gaseous e, lue "s -+11 be kept "as.1ov as>>s ramnably a hiev&le." The sl~e>>1~1-nce recuire ents Q~plaent the recure ents 'n Sect>>on X:x.k oz Pppenc>>- ~

that conro " 'th the T to be s'iM~w bv CRX c"~ a":O~~1 re thoGS Gasea on


gl+ des of <<~pend~>>


=odels ana can such that the actua1 ezposl=e o ~ incivicual ough the appropriate = tir hays>>s l=1'k lq to oe suhstantiQly

uzde~~est~-aied. The dose calculations established z w the ODCH for czlcul- ti~~ tne. doses due to t ihe actu-~ release rz-es G i i'e f radiozc noble gases a "q gaseous e > uants z" e consistent -+ th the methodology provided in Reg~~" tory Guide 1.10, "Calculation of Doses to -~ fr on Routine. Ro ease s of R ac'to .. ue ts or Uc t>o 'i=pose R

of:-vali.-ning Compliance ->>Cth 10 vision 1, Octobe 1977 znd Regulato~ Ga-'de 1.111, "Fothods

~ P~i 50 kppen~~-


for .st~~--t ~~ Leospheric T=~port and aspersion o. Gaseous fry Light-Pate=Cooled



"-=flu nts in Routine Releases o

sion 1, July 1977.

Qete=in~~ the ~ a~

h doses  ? t ODCl]

tne e clus 'r area Drmdz I


eouztio s provided y -re b" sea upon the M<storical zve"zge atmospheric condiiions.

.hV:.G<133 provides uetizds for dose c~>culztions co~wistent w< ih Regal" to~ Guides 1.109 and 1.111

of ' Sect'ons specifica~on =.ov"

'l. C,'::;4, des or znd "V. j.

M of

<=plenen~tion o" s.ppen ix T, 10 Mz ecuirme ts

'Part 50.

'e r.C 'OH st? tcnents 'zovide the rEl' r Y o'Pe zt ng + ez bQi i ~ ~

ihe s~~~ t~~~ <~-lenient the guides set forth ~~ Sect'on V. I- o Z to zssl=e that ihe rele-ses o= radioactive v-te ~>s gaseous achievable."

e f Ue ~

he s ~ 'e M~Qt ODC~~

? s Lo<<as czlc~~~

' reasonPb '

tio~ net&Os spec the sU:ve' lz ce eQl'>> ~ezents '~nl&EQt the reo"' EDents Sectio ".< o" kppenc': that co -o ~~ce ~ ih tne g. 'des of

~pe~~ T be. S~~>>w by czlculat~on?> nethods base'n models data such that the a~tuel e-posure o zn i~~iricl -~ i ough

-r""o'-"e "-"~--ys <s l" ~<ko'lv "o be subs"-""'"'~v ODCH'alcu'at c~l =et'zods =o=

c'8~ c~ ng the doses cue to the, ac" v- 'e'ase ra es 0 the s~-;ect izls zre reouire to be consi'sie" t -~ th the methodology provided '~ Regulatori yGl>>de 1.109, "Calcu'ti~~ of ~u-~ Doses to Y~ oz Rout'ne Re'leases of Roactor ".">nants io= the "-Mpose o=

,:-v~luzti~~ Co=pl izn'e lath 10 ~

October 1977 ~~ Regulano~i Guide 1.111, "Hethocs fo P~ i 50, Pppendm i," Rem'sicn st~~v

~sosnheric '"srort z d Msp rsion of Case'ous ""f- ue ts <<~ Ro"-< e Pleases i=o ~'ght-Pate Coolec Reactors," .provision 1, Jpiy 1977.


These eouations also provide for Qete~~~in+ he c Ml doses tho histom~l v erme ztnosphe+~ con'itions. The release basic'pon rzz specifications 'o <<zdioiodDes> rzdioact ve v-te izl x p "iculaie foa A~ rwionu lides other tM o'ole gases z e dependent on the exist ~~

mrestricted ~a.

radionu" ~iae pathways to The path hays wi. ch zre eza wed in tho

~, m the deveZopnent of tuse calc~ltions ~e: 1) i ~'vice ~ ~=.h- -tie:- of at~borne ra2ionuclides 2) deposir'on of radio~lides one greo~

leafy vegetation w+ th subseq~t co~~~ption by r-'", ") deposit" c" rassy are? s l here ni1 Q z..-zl s znd ne? t pi oduci+ zn-'.-zl s 0 to with consl p"ion of the -Qk -nd deposition on t~~ gro~d l'Cth subsequent exposl=e o.

~t ~, by znd 4)


.4 1

Tnis specification is'rovided to meet the repo ting reouirements of'40 CFR 190.~

ne radioactive gaseous efflueat instrumentation a is provided to monito" and

~ ~

control, as applicable, the release of radioactive materials in:gaseous


effluents during actual gr potential releases. The alarm/trip 1


setpoints for


these instruments shall be calculated in accordance ~"ith NRC-approved methods in the ODCM to ensure that the alarm/trip vill occur prior to exceeding the limits of 10 CFR Part 20. The operability and use of this instrumentation is consistent vith tne reauirements of General Design Criteria 60, 63, and 64 of Appendix A to 10 C:"R Part 50.


'he radiologic~1 environmental monitoring prooram required oy t ni s speci f i cat i on prov i des measurements of radi ati on ana of radioactive materials in those exposure pathways and for those radionuclides which .lead to tne hignest potential radiation exposur'es of 'individuals resulting iron the station operation. This monitoring program thereby supplements the radiological effluent monitoring program, by verifyi no thai the measurable concentrations of radioactive materials and levels of radi ati on are not higher than expected on the basis of effluent measurements and modeling of the envi ronaental

~ ~

exposure pathways. Prooram changes may be initiated based',on operational experience.

The detection capabilities required by Table 4.12-2 are state-of-the-art for routine environmental measurements in industrial laboratories. The LLD's for drinking water meet the requirements of 40 CFR 142.

The land use census'nd semii-annual milch nerd survey are provided:o'nsure .that changes in the use of unrestri cted areas are identified and that modifications to, the monitoring prooram are miade if r equi red by the res ul ts o7 tnese The land use census satisi ies tne reouirements o, 'urveys.

Section I).B.3 of Appendix I to 10 CFR Part 50. Res~ric-ing the census to gardens oi greater than 500 square feet provides assurance that sionificant exposure pathways via lee>y vegetables will be identified and monitored since a garoen o this size is the minimum. required to proouce the quan-.i.y (26 kg/yr) of leafy vegetables assumed in Pegul atory Guide i.iug for consumption by a child. To de,:ermirie this minimum oarden size, the i ol lowino assumpti ons were used. 1) Tha 2U'i ihe garden was used for growing broad leai vegetationi (i.e.,

similar to lettuce and cabbaoe), and 2) a vegetalion yield oi 2 kg/square meter.

The reouirement for participation in an Interla>oratory Comparison program is provided to ensure that incependent checks on the precision and accuracy of the measurements of radi oacti ve materi al in envi r'onmental sampl e matr i ces are perforined as part of a qual i'ty assurance, program for environmental monitorino .'in order to demonstrate -hat the results are reasonably valid.

p B-4. 12-'1

~ '