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Part 21 Rept Re Unacceptability of Two Radioactive Gas Monitors Procured & Installed as Required in Sections II.F.1.1 & II.F.1.2 of NUREG-0737,on 820510.Supplier Intends to Design Mod to Bring Monitors in Compliance w/NUREG-0737
Person / Time
Site: Millstone  Dominion icon.png
Issue date: 05/13/1982
From: Counsil W
To: Deyoung R
REF-PT21-82-633-000, RTR-NUREG-0737, RTR-NUREG-737, TASK-2.F.1, TASK-TM B10511, PT21-82-622, PT21-82-633, PT21-82-633-000, NUDOCS 8205180335
Download: ML17298A035 (8)



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lh ca+ Vsol'f eeeseshe hsvrem~eo eedeiseessmh May 13, 1982 Docket Nos. 50-245 50-336

$ 10511 Nr. Richard C. DeYoung, Director Office of Inspection and Enforcement U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission washington, D.C. 20555 .


(1) L'. G. Counsil letter to H. R. Denton, dated Decembe'r 31, 1979.

(2) M. G. Counsil letter to D. G. Eisenhut, dated hprfl 16, 1982 Gentlemen:

Millstone Nuclear Pover Station, Units 1 and 2 Re ort of Substantfal Saiet 'Hazard In conformance vith applfcable provisions and requirements of 10CFR21>

northeast Nuclear Energy Company hereby provides notification of a Substantfal Safety Hazard .(SSH) for Billstone Units 1 and 2 ht approximately 11:35 a-m.t Hay 10, 1982t the Region I Office vas fifth F 1 2 These monitors post-accident conditfons f<<**

notified by telephone oi the'unacceptability of the tao radioactive gas monitors procured and installed as required fn Sections IXeF 1-1 f IIUu -D737.

are to Provide radioractfve effluent gas monitoring during It has been determined by NHECO personnel that the count rates conditionals indicated by the mcuiters, as they mere received fram the supplier, are extremely sensitfve to gamma energy. Therefore, they cannot


be calibrated over the range of gamma energies expected from the mixture of radfoactive gases released during post-accident

. This vt11 preclude the; determination of specific activities of such radioactive gases. Therefore, the monftors are not fn conformance their fnpended purpose

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1 gee oonitor .eovrate gn response to e htgh -en p goons 4gr gg) ts several orders of magnitude greater than that observed from a loM-


energ>'amma (Xe-133) ~ for equal specific activities (see attached responce curves). Qe use of these aenitorc vould provide grossly inflated gaseous effluent measurementc. Therefore, they vould not provide quantification, nor even reasonable estimates, of effluents.

Use of the measured data could recult in public evacuations, vith the attendant hazards of unnecessaxy evacuatfons f

. The following information applicable to this Substantial Safety Hazard $ s provided as required by 10CFR21.21(3), i through viii.

(f) Name and hddress of Individual lnformin the C ission Villiam C. Counsil, Senior Vice President, Nuclear Engineering and Operatfons, Northeast Utilities Service Company> P. O-Box 270, Hartford, Connecticut 06101 ~

(ii) Identification of the Basic Com anent and (fii) Identic't on of the Firm Su 1 in the Basic Com onent Kaman Instrumentation, P. O. Box 7463, Colorado Springs, Colorado, 80933-7463's'the supplier of the KHG-HRH High Range Cas Monitor.

(iv) Nature of the Failure to Com 1 (See discussfon above).

(v) Date on l'hich the Information of Such Failure to Com 1 L'as Obtained Northeast Utflitfes Service Company (as agent for hhEC0) received the F~1.Calibratfoa Report from~he supplier..

dated hpril 16, 1982. h study of the report subsequently revealed the inability of the monitors to conform to the requirements of NUREG-0737 'eading to the fnitiation of a Substantial Safety Hazard Evaluation.,

(vi) The Number and Kocation of hll Such Monitors in Use Su lied or Bein Su lied Wo monftorc have been delivered and installed, but not y<<

put into service; one at Millstone Unit 1 and oae at M511st>>e Unit 2 Ao additional monitors have been ordered'ut not yet delfvered or accepted, for installation into Millstone>>it 3-Northeast Nuclear Energy Company has no iaionuatioa regarding the use of this moaitor by other 1iceasees.


(vii) Corrective Action Or animation Res onsibie and Time to s Com lete Action The supplier intends to design a modification that vould bring the monitors into compliance with hURKG-D737 The failure to successfully bring the monitor Ento compliance may require I re8esign of the existing monitors. Northeast Nuclear Energy Company is unable at this time to provide dates for completion of the modifications or for the in-sta)lation of conforming monitors. Northeast Nuclear Energy Company vill inform the Commission by August l, XQB2 of the status of these efforts and of appropriate schedules.

(viii) Advice Related to the Failure to Com 1 Sein Given to the Licensee Not applicable Refers to supplier The existing procedures for monitoring and quantifying high-level radioactive gaseous as docketed in References (1) and (2)>

vill remain in effectreleases, until these or alternate monitors are declared operational pith the docketing of this information, GRECO hereby amends the schedule completion of Items II.F.l.l and II.F.1.2 of NURKG-0737 as Previ>>>>y 'or provided in Reference (2).

Ve trust this information is complete as required under 10CFR21. Ple>>e contact Hr. Richard T. Laudenat, Jhnager, Generation Facilities L<<e>>inge of my staff, if you need additional information-Very truly yours>



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