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2016 Quad Cities Nuclear Power Station Initial License Examination Form ES-401-9
Person / Time
Site: Quad Cities  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 05/02/2016
From: Palagi B
Exelon Generation Co
Shared Package
ML15274A342 List:
Download: ML16216A154 (8)


3. Psychometric Flaws 4. Job Content Flaws 5. Other

1. 2.
6. Source 7. Status o LOK LOD 8. Explanation (F/H) (r-5) Stem Cues ltF Cred Partial Job-Minutia
  1. t Back o- SR o

(B/M/N) (u /E /s)

Focus Dst Link Unts ward KA F 3 N B S Are you certain 4.1 RRCS MAROR FAILURE will NOT alarm for a failure from 2 H 4 N N 2 96% speed to 20% speed? lf it did alarm I would say S there is no correct answer.

Resolution: Stem changed to a failure that will not a RRCS MAROR FAILURE alarm.

3 H 3 N S 4 H 3 N N S Consider changng the conect answer to a 5 H 2 E

N N trip of the running CRD pump."

s Resoluton made 6 H 3 N N s 7 F 3 N s I F 3 N S lnstructions (Refer to Section D of ES401 and Appendix B for additional information regarding each of the following concepts:

1. Enter the level of knowledge (LOK) of each queston as either (F)undamental or (H)igher cognitive level.
2. Enter the level of difficulty (LOD) of each question a 1(easy) to 5 ( difficult); (questions with a difficulty between 2 and 4 are acceptable)
3. Check the approprate box if a psychometric flaw is dentifed:

' "Stem Focus": The stem lacks sufficient focus to elicit the correct answer (e.g., unclear intent, more information is needed, or too much needless information).

'. "Cues": The stem or dstractors contain cues (i.e., clues, specific determners, phrasing, length, etc.).

"TlF"-. The answer choices are a collecton of unrelated truelfalse statements.

' "Cred. Dist': The distractors are not credble; single mplausible dstractors should be repared, more than one is unacceptable.

' "Partial": One or more distractors is (are) partially correct (e.9., if the applicant can make unstated assumptons that are not contradicted by stem).

4. Check the appropriate box if a job content error is identifed:

' "Job Link": The queston s not lnked to the job requirements (i.e., the question has a valid l(A but, as written, s not operational n content).

' "Minutia": The question requires the recall of knowledge that is too specific for the closed reference test mode (i.e., it is not requred to be known from memory).

' "# I Unts": The question contains data with an unrealistic level of accuracy or inconsistent units (e.g., panel meter n percent with question in gallons).

' "Backward": The question requires reverse logic or application compared to the job requirements.

5. Check questions that are sampled for conformance with the approved l(A and those l(As that are designafed SRO-onty (KA and license level mismatches are unacceptable)
6. Enter queston's source: (B)ank, (Mdifed, or (N)ew. Verify that (M)odifed questions meet the criteria of ES4O1 Section D.2.f.
7. Based on the reviewer's judgment, is the question as written (U)nsatsfactory (requiring repair or replacement), n need of (Eitorial enhancement, or (S)atisfactory?
8. At a mnmum "U" Status (e.9., how the Appendix B attributes are not beng met).

ES-40r Written Examination Review Worksheet Form ES-401-9

  • cvory f\ir/ clue5fioa wa9 çh'"lal{"t í' i *iel f ev;e.,J ar\ol y'eri Fí eet,bn of reFcFnzcS

+ alt laee*)o., KA urQ-'"e "tr'clled

3. Psychometric Flaws 4. Job Content Flaws 5. Other 2.
6. Source 7. Status o LOK LOD SR (B/M/N) 8. Explanation (F/H) (1-5) Stem Cues TIF Cred.

Partal Job-Minutia

  1. l Back o- o (u /E /s)

Focus Dist Link Units ward KA Onlv When the HPCI water level reaches 50" floodng out the electrical equipment will the water level be below 2 the level of the secondary containment doors? lf I H 2 N N s water s at the door level 'D" could be correct.

Resolution: Walk down of the HPCI room confirmed doors above the 50" level.

l0 H 3 N B S 11 H 3 N N S I would argue that "C" not "4" is the correct answer, because the Div I RHR loop is not lined up for 12 H 3 N N u shutdown cooling the pumps are not available to S provide cooling.

Resoluton: Stem changed to state that loop "f' of RHR is in standby.

Change the stem to make it clear we are only asking E what actions the Unit 1 operator must take. With Unit 13 M 4 N N s 2 in a refueling outage he would have other actions.

Resoluton: Chanqe made 14 H 2 N N S 15 H 2 N N S ls there any auto start sgnal that will start the 1A

't6  ? instrument ar compressor when it s in standby?

H 3 N N S Resolution: There is No auto start signal. No chanqe needed.

17 H 3 N B S l8 M 2 N B S 19 M 3 N B S 20 H 3 N N s I am not aware that cavitation causes "overheating" 21 H 2 N N a? of the pump. The only concern I am aware of is S erosion damage to the pump. lf overheatng is not a concem there is no correct answer.

Resoluton: From GFES training candidats are aware ürat overheating can be caused by pump cavitation.

22 H 3 N B S Dstraclors "4" and "C" are not credible. No one would believe we would trip the plant to mantain 23 M 3 x U N B testng flexibility.

S Resolution: Distractors changed to be based on EOP bases.

24 H 3 N N S

J. r ryvr rur r rçrr ru r sYvo 2.

6. Source 7. Status o LOK LOD SR L Explanation (F/H) (1-5) Stem Cues ltF Cred.

Partial Job-Minutia

  1. l Back o- o (B/M/N) (u /E /s)

Focus Dist Link Units ward 1(/A Onlv 25 H 2 N N s 26 H 3 N N s Add'lRM" to the question stem, i.e. "the NSO E depresses and holds the IRM DRIVE OUT 27 H 3 N N s pushbutton.

Resolution: No change need the same button withdraws both the SRMs and the lRMs.

28 M 3 N N S 29 H 3 N N s 30 H 3 N N S 3'l H 3 N B s 32 H 3 N N s JJ M 3 N B S 34 M J N N s 35 H 3 N N S 36 M 2 N S 37 M 3 N S 38 M 3 N N S 39 M 3 N N S 40 H 3 N s 41 M 3 N N S Rather than, 'After five minutes, the ANSO noted the Standby Gas Treatment System (SBGTS) ndicatons 42 H 3 E shown above." Can we say, "After five mnutes, the N N S ANSO checks the Standby Gas Treatment System (SBGTS) for proper operation."

Resolution Ghanges made

43 H 4 N N S 44 M 3 N N s 45 M 2 N S 46 M 3 N S 47 H 2 N N S 48 M 3 N N S 49 H 3 N N S 50 H 3 N B S 5l H 2 N B S 52 M 2 N B S 53 M 4 N B S 54 H 3 N N S Consider changing the phrase "VúILL NOT ALLOW" 55 H 4 N E to "PROCEDURALLY PROHIBIT" to make it clear we S are not talking about a hardware lmit.

Resolution: Stem revsed There s no correct answer to this queston. lf the Ro has been actve for the past six months he must have 56 M 2 X had 2 quarters of minimum watches. Write the stem N U with specific dates. i.e. Today is May l Sh which of. ..

to take the watch on August 1.

Resolution: Stem revised to add clarty 57 M 3 N N S 58 M 4 N N S 59 M 4 N s 60 M 4 N s 61 H 3 N N s

62 M 2 N N S 63 M 4 N N S 64 M 2 N N S 65 M 4 N N S ob M 2 N N s 67 H 4 N B S 68 M 3 N N S 69 H 4 N N S 70 M 2 N B S 71 H 2 N B s 72 H 3 N M S 73 H 2 N N s 74 H 3 N N s 75 H 3 N B S ln each ofthe answers add the procedure name and number .e. B. The US using QOA 6900-10 LOSS 76 H 3 N E OF TURBINE BUILDING BUS 1A-2 this action wiII require declaring the Unit 2 battery inoperable.

Resolution: Procedural references added.

77 H 4 N S Add a phrase to each of the answers linking it to QGA 101 i.e. A, Dspatch an operator to close the 78 H 3 2C Circ Water Pump discharge valve, in order to N E maintain the ablty to control pressure in accordance with QGA 101 PRESURE Leg.

Resolution: Procedural references added.

79 H 3 N S I would say this question can be ansvered solely wth 80 H 3 U system knowledge and therefore is not SRO level.

N N S Resolution: No change this question is based on a SRO only training obiec{ive.

81 H 3 B S Does the stem make t clear that a Reactor trip has occurred? Change the stem to ..., Using QGA 100 82 H 3 X N E what drecton would the SRO give as the transient continued?

Resolution: Procedural references added.

83 M 3 s Add a procedure tp to answers .e. Per QGA 100, lnhibit ADS. Or. Change the stem to QGA 100and QGA200 have been entered. Based 84 H 3 N E on the above information above, the SRO will place the first priorty on which ONE of the following actions?

Resolution: references added.

85 H 4 N s to stem. "QGA 100 86 H 3 N E entered." As the second sentence.

Resolution: Procedural added.

87 H 3 S 88 H 3 S 89 H 4 N S 90 H 2 B S Why have you removed the pressure value of the 9l H 2 N s procedure excerpt?

Resolution: Ths s nformation required to be known from memory.

s2 H 3 M s Add procedural numbers and names to part (2) of 93 H 3 N E answers "A" "C" & "D".

Resolution: Procedural references added.

94 H 3 B S 95 M 3 N s 96 M 4 B S 97 M 2 B S 98 H 3 N s 99 H 3 N S 100 M 2 S ES-401 2 Form ES-40r-9