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Summary of the Public Meeting to Discuss Aspects of Tva'S Response to 2009 Confirmatory Order, August 18, 2014
Person / Time
Site: Watts Bar Tennessee Valley Authority icon.png
Issue date: 08/19/2014
From: Stephanie Morrow
To: Patricia Holahan
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August 19, 2014 MEMORANDUM TO: Patricia K. Holahan, Acting Director Office of Enforcement FROM: Stephanie L. Morrow, Safety Culture Program Manager /RA/

Concerns Resolution Branch Office of Enforcement



OF THE PUBLIC MEETING TO DISCUSS ASPECTS OF TVAS RESPONSE TO 2009 CONFIRMATORY ORDER On August 18, 2014, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) staff hosted a Category 1 public meeting with staff from Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) to discuss actions taken at Watts Bar Nuclear Plant Unit 2 in response to the Confirmatory Order dated December 22, 2009 (Agencywide Documents Access and Management System (ADAMS) Accession No. ML093510993). Enclosure 1 contains the meeting attendance list; Enclosure 2 contains the meeting slides discussed by TVA during the meeting; Enclosure 3 is a handout provided by TVA of a timeline of safety culture activities at Watts Bar Unit 2.

The public meeting was held to provide an opportunity for TVA to describe actions that have been taken at Watts Bar Unit 2 from 2009 through 2014 to assess safety culture and safety conscious work environment (SCWE). TVA described how the assessments related to safety culture, the methods used to perform the assessments, and how the results were used. A closed session was conducted for TVA to provide information of a personal privacy nature to the NRC. No decisions were made during the meeting. NRC staff intends to perform a subsequent inspection to resolve the action items in the 2009 Confirmatory Order.

CONTACT: Stephanie Morrow, OE/CRB 301-415-1986


1. Attendance List August 18, 2014
2. TVA Meeting Slides August 18, 2014
3. TVA Handout Timeline of Safety Culture Activities August 18, 2014

August 19, 2014 MEMORANDUM TO: Patricia K. Holahan, Acting Director Office of Enforcement FROM: Stephanie L. Morrow, Safety Culture Program Manager /RA/

Concerns Resolution Branch Office of Enforcement



OF THE PUBLIC MEETING TO DISCUSS ASPECTS OF TVAS RESPONSE TO 2009 CONFIRMATORY ORDER On August 18, 2014, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) staff hosted a Category 1 public meeting with staff from Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) to discuss actions taken at Watts Bar Nuclear Plant Unit 2 in response to the Confirmatory Order dated December 22, 2009 (Agencywide Documents Access and Management System (ADAMS) Accession No. ML093510993). Enclosure 1 contains the meeting attendance list; Enclosure 2 contains the meeting slides discussed by TVA during the meeting; Enclosure 3 is a handout provided by TVA of a timeline of safety culture activities at Watts Bar Unit 2.

The public meeting was held to provide an opportunity for TVA to describe actions that have been taken at Watts Bar Unit 2 from 2009 through 2014 to assess safety culture and safety conscious work environment (SCWE). TVA described how the assessments related to safety culture, the methods used to perform the assessments, and how the results were used. A closed session was conducted for TVA to provide information of a personal privacy nature to the NRC. No decisions were made during the meeting. NRC staff intends to perform a subsequent inspection to resolve the action items in the 2009 Confirmatory Order.

CONTACT: Stephanie Morrow, OE/CRB 301-415-1986


1. Attendance List August 18, 2014
2. TVA Meeting Slides August 18, 2014
3. TVA Handout Timeline of Safety Culture Activities August 18, 2014 DISTRIBUTION:

SMorrow PHolahan LJarriel JMunday JDion RArrighi DSolorio DSieracki JHamman JBartley ADAMS ACCESSION NO: ML14231B010; Package: ML14231A982 OFFICE OE/CRB OE NAME SMorrow PHolahan DATE 08/19/2014 08/19/2014 OFFICIAL RECORD COPY