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E-mail from M. King, NRR to R. Hall, NRR Re New Ope Forum Posting - Earthquake at Mineral, VA Affects North Anna - May Be a Good Item to Show That Gao and How We Handle This Communication Internally
Person / Time
Site: North Anna  Dominion icon.png
Issue date: 09/08/2011
From: Mark King
To: Randy Hall
Plant Licensing Branch IV
Download: ML12047A300 (8)


King, Mark From: King, Mark Sent: Thursday, September 08, 2011 5:02 PM To: Hall, Randy Cc: Thorp, John


FW: New OpE Forum Posting - Earthquake at Mineral, VA Affects North Anna - may be a good item to show the GAO and how we handle this communication internally

Randy, FYI the new internal OpE COMM on NORTH ANNA earthquake/Alert was issued today and I have pasted it below, so you can see howwidely this infoisdisseminated internall within the NRC It may be good item to show the GAO - this type of internal information if you get a chance and how we communicate it internally.

NOTE: All previous OpE COMMs can be viewed at this link:

http://nrrl 0.nrc.,ov/forum/forum.cfm?selectedForum=03&forumld=AIIComm

FYI, Mark Mnformati ecurjt9Remin er ormatio ecurity R nder: (ECOM Vcontai ,relimina irmation te~~nt~er of timel nternal mmu ation of ,Qeatin exper ce. Op MMs ma De pre-de sional a may ain seh ive in rmati ey are n intended r distrib ion ou 1i e the ency.,<

Page: 1 IRo bert B er na rdo (91712011 11:01:02 am) on 9/8/2011 4:07:07 pm

.Revised North Anna - Alert Declared Due to an Earthquake in the Area and a Loss of Off Site Power Event


4 - '  :

,On Tuesday', August 23, 201.1, at 13:51:04 (17:51:04 UTC), a magniftude 5.8 earthquake o~ccurr* d. The<

epicenter of the earthquake was located at Mineral, Virginia (37.944 0 N, 77.9420 W), at adepth of 3.7 miles. This location is approximately , 12 miles South-South East (1540 from Louisa, VA, where the North Anna NuclearStation is located. - tee :R' The North Anna station experienced a loss of offsite power due to trips of the three Rese~rve Stationi~

~Service Transformers (RSST's,) (See attached for pictures of the ,North Anna Electrical Distribution jSystem). The loss of offsite'4power resulted in trips of4 both Turbine Generators leading to automnatictrips jof both Reactors on nfegative rate. All control rods inserted into the core,"anddecay heat removal was

established via the steam dumps to atmosphere. No personnel injuries were reported. All four EDGs

<started and loaded oonto4 their respective busses.

Both resident inspectors were on site. One resident was in the control room observing Unit 1 testing of the Turbine Drive AFW pump (TDAFWP). The other responded to the Emergency Operations Facility (EOF).

The 2H EDG experienced a significant cooling leak on a gasket The Station Black Out (SBQ) diesel (referred togas Alternate AC (AAC) EDG) was started and aligned topower the 2H bus. (See attached for

pictures of the North Anna Electrical ~Distribution System). All three RSST's were unavailable. On Unit 1,4 1 the Motor Driv~e AFW (MDAFWP) starte~d anid aligned for Steam Generator Feed. The TDAFW pump was
being tested on Unit 2, the MDAFW started and aligned normally and was feeding all S/G's.~

,Spent Fuel Pool (SFP) cooling was lost for about 90 minutes but no significant heat urp was noi6ted. North~

'Anna has a commnonSFP for both' units. ...... 4 Z FiTU!

13S77*;* ""+<

<<;*, : : 7%71

The licensee declared an ALERT. (EN47181) at :14:02. The NRC entered monitoring mfnode at 14:22 (PNO-7 11-11-005). In addition to the ALERT at North Anna, a number of plants declared a Notice of Unusual Event (NOUE) due to seismic activity at the site..

Plants declaring NOUEs:

Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant (EN47184)

DC Cook (EN47194)

Hope Creek Generating Station (EN47192)

Limerick Generating Station (EN47185)

Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station (EN47188)

Palisades (EN47187)

Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station (EN47183)

Salem Nuclear Generating Station (EN47191)

Shearon Harris Nuclear Plant (EN47193)

Surry Power Station (EN47189)

Susquehanna Power Station (EN47186)

Three Mile Island Nuclear Station (EN47190)

These plants continued to operate while plant personnel examined their sites. No damage from the earthquake was noted. With the exception of North Anna, all NOUEs were terminated by 0027 on 8/24/2011.

On the evening on August 23, the licensee restored one of the 500 kV off site power lines to the site. The licensee was able to restore off site power to both units via the Reserve Station Service Transformers, thus allowing themrto secure all EDGs. A reactor coolantpump was started on each unit, and .both unitsý were placed in cold shutdown, unit 1,first, followed by unit 2.

The Lake Anna Dam was inspected with no damage noted (see www.lakeannavirginia.orci for a Lake Anna Civic Association (LACA) tour of the dam and spillway.)

At 1116 EDT on 8/24/2011, North Anna downgraded their Alert to a Notification of Unusual Event (NOUE) based on equipment'alignments and safety equipment inspection results. At 1140" EDT, the NRC (Region .,

2) exited Monitoring Mode based on their clear understanding of the event.and licensee priorities at North Anna. Region 2 updated the preliminary notification (PNO-II-11-005A).

At 1315 EDTnNorth Anna notified the NRC Operations Center thatthey exited their NOUE. The basis was that all plant walkdowns and inspections were completed and the condition no longer exists for the NOUE" declaration.*see EN47181.

Unit 1 has three sets of 12 metal "scratch plates" within the concrete: dome that measure round shaking on'three planes--vertically, north to south, and east to west. The plates are etched by a diamond stylus, to create a record of ground movement. The scratch plates have been sent to Engdahl Enterprises in_

California for analysis. The full analysis of the scratch plates is expected by Friday, September 9, 2011.

On August 26, 2011 at 1340 hours0.0155 days <br />0.372 hours <br />0.00222 weeks <br />5.0987e-4 months <br />, initial reviews of the data determined that the seismic activity potentially exceeded the Design Basis Earthquake magnitude value above 5 Hz. This was reported via EN47201.

The current best estimate of the Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA) for the North Anna Power Station based on US Geological Survey data and data from the licensee indicated the safe shutdown earthquake ground motion designed limits may have been exceeded for some frequencies. The North Anna Power Station has two Safe Shutdown Earthquake (SSE) ground motion design limits, one for structures, systems, and components (SSCs) located on top of rock of 0.12 g, and the other is for SSCs located on top of soil, of 0.18 g. The site also has two corresponding Operating Basis Earthquake (OBE) ground motion spectra, of 0.06 a for rock and 0.09 a for soil.


NRC Response:

In accordance with Management Directive (MD) 8.3, "NRC Incident Investigation Program," deterministic and conditional risk Criteria were used to evaluate the level of NRC response for this operational event.

The MD 8.3 evaluation (NON-PUBLIC) is available in ADAMS (ML112410546).. This issue meets the deterministic criteria of MD 8.3 in that the ground movement of the earthquake could'have exceeded the design bases of the facility. The Conditional Core Damage Probability (CCDP) for the event was estimated to be 1.1E-4, which is in the region of an Augmented Inspection Team (AIT). Because a deterministic criteria was met and the level of risk involved, an AIT was deemed appropriate in this case.,

A charter was developed (NON-PUBLIC, ML11243A021), and the AIT arrived on site on August 30; 2011.

As of September 6, 2011, the licensee reports that no significant equipment damage to safety related systems (including class I structures) has been identified through site walk-downs nor has equipment degradation been detected through plant performance and surveillance testing following the earthquake.

The AIT team activities continue, with an expected completion date of September 18. This COMM will be updated with any significant developments as the AIT progresses.

The NRC reported the earthquake and loss of off site ower at North Anna to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) via the Nuclear Events Web-based System (NEWS). The provisional rating for this event has been determined to be'a Level 0 in accordance with the International Nuclear and Radiological Event Scale (INES) User's Manual 2008 Edition. The NRC's participation in the INES is described, in Information Notice 2009-27. A brochure describing the INES is available at,

On August 30 and September 1, NRC staff briefed the commissioners on this event. Theipresentation (which is NON-PUBLIC) is available in ADAMS (ML112420551).

On September 8, Dominion representatives briefed the NRC staff on Overview.of the 8/23 Earthquake Response and Restart Readiness Demonstration Plan.-A link will be provided to the presentation once* it is posted in ADAMS. Dominon reported that:

  • OBE and DBE criteria were exceeded; However,CAV calculations indicate that significant damage would not be expected. -
  • Extensive actions are underway to inspect, evaluate, test and repair, if 'necessary, SSCs to ensure'they are capable of performing their required design basis functions. Results are confirming the CAV expectations.
  • To date, no safety related SSCs have been identified that require repair.
  • Long term actions are planned to improved plant seismic monitoring capability and to re-evaluate plant OBE and DBE criteria in conjunction with the resolution to GI-199.° Generic Issue 199:

While reviewing new reactor applications and updating seismic hazard information from the U:S.

Geological Survey,, the staff identified that the estimated seismic hazard levels at some current central and eastern U.S. (CEUS) nuclear sites may be higher than seismic hazard values used in design and previous evaluations. Generic Issue 199 (GI 199) was opened to assess the implications of updated seismic data and methods on operating plants. For the Safety/Risk Assessment, RES evaluated the effects of new seismic hazard data and methods on U.S. nuclear plants, and collaborated with the Electric Power Research Institute to assure'a sound technical approach. The Safety/Risk Assessment Panel Report recommended that further actions be taken to address GI-199 outside the GI Program. The issue was transferred to NRR for Regulatory Office Implementation. Information Notice 2010-018, "Generic Issue 199, "Implications of Updated Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Estimates in Central and Eastern United States on Existing Plants"" was issued to inform stakeholders of the issuance of the GI-199 Safety/Risk Assessment Report . It stated that the NRC will follow the appropriate regulatory process to request oDeratino D*ants and ISFSIs to orovide specific information relatina to their facilities to enable the NRC 3

!staff to complete the R.egulatory Assessrme~nt where candidate b~ackfits are identified and evaluated. NRR iis developing~ a Generic Letter to request needed data from power 4reactor licensees. On September 1, 2011, the Proposed Generic Communication: Seismic Risk Evaluations for Operating Reactors federal register notice was published. The Nuclear Regulatory Commission staff is seeking public comments on a

!draft Generic Letter that.would require U.S. nuclear power plants to re-examine their sites'seismic risk jand provide that information to the NRC. Comments on the draft letter will be accepted until October 31,

~2011. The draft Generic Letter is available in~ADA MS (ML111710783). The staff expects to hold a public meeting on the draft letter in mid-October to gather comments, meeting details will be announced the .,latest sttsof GI-1!99; seet/heii i intral RES .website:.*-*


  • esepartately nnews eea wes ~h R eleas for moedtis 10n August4430 and September 1, NRC staff briefed the commissioners on the status of GI 199. The

{presentation (wh~ich is NON-PUBLIC) is available in4 ADAMS *(ML112420564)2 * &.'

Earthquake Related Information:  ;;

ýOpE COMMS on earthquake events: 47

',The Great East Japan Earthquake ~ *" ~ ~ V , ~ *9

e2006 Taiwanese Earthquake on Maanshan Nuclear Power Station (M NPS)
Seismic Event in *Jlapan Impacts*Kashiwazaki-KariwaNuclear Power Plant Earthquake Magnitude 8.3 at Kuril Islands .,*. .

~Earthquake During Refueling Outage of Chashma Unit 1

,Safe9* Shutdown of Kalpakkanm-2 Reactor Following Tsunami Strike, ~'

NRC uiformation related to-Earthquakes:

Individual Plant Examinations: Perspectives on Reactor Safety and Plant Performance, NUREG-1560 (Vol.

1) (Vol. 2) (Vol 9 3) 49 Perspectives Gained From the Individual Plant Examination of External Events (IPEEE) Program," NUREG 1742 "K;" - <j::; .. K Fact Sheet on Seismic Issues for Nuclear Power Plants For the Record: NRC9*Clarifies Earthquake Measuremients and Design Criteria " -

Reg Guide 1.p12, "Nuclear Power Plant Instrumentation fors*Earthquakes" Reg Guide 1.166, "Pre-Earthquake Planning and Immediate Nuclear Power Plant Operator Post *

Earthquake Actions".: Ns e.v9os 9
Reg Guide 1.167, "Restart of a Nuclear Power Plant Shut Down by a Seismic Event" During the .2011 Regulatory Information Conference, ,Session T13 discussed the seismic analysis activities for operating reactors in California, the central and eastern United States, and Japan. NThe ses~sion provided presentations on the analysis of seismic studies being completed in the vicinity of Diablo Canyon Power Plant, Units'41 and.2, near San9 Luis Obispo, California,, and NRC and ind~ustry activities related to 1G-199. The session also provided a presentation on nuclear power plants affected by the Chuetsu-oki iearhquae inJapan. LINKs ,for the various presentations are provided on the RIC website.


Other Information Sources:

iThe Electric Power Research In~stitute (EPRI) ha5s developed guidelines that will en~able licensees to quickly, ide'ntify and assessearthquake effects on nuclear powerplants*.These guidelines are available as downloads (no cost) from EPRI corn EPRI NP-5930~ "A Criterion for Determining Exceedance of the Operating Basis Earthquake" EPRI NP-6695 "Guidelines for Nuclear Plant Response in an Earthquake".

EPRI TR-100082 "Standardization of the Cumulative Absolute Velocity"~

ýThe Relationship Between Richter Magnitude and Modified Mercalli In~tensity ~

The Modified Mercalli Intensity Scale  :

Modified Mercalli Inten~sity Sca~le This COMM has been posted to the following communities. All mmucai Feedwater,ECCS, ElectricalPower Systems, Emergency Diesel Generators,Emergency' Preparedness,Flood Protection& Missiles, Inspection Programs,Natural Phenomena, New Reactors*, Physical Security, SIT/AIT, Spent Fuel Storage & Load HandfingStructural Page: 1 From: Bernardo, Robert

§enti Thursday, September 08, 2011 4:08 PM T0: GS°nf6S, Aladar; Roseobr°°k, Andrew; Barto, Andrew; Bllg Amy;ohn FWang Alan Mallia ks,Asimios; McMurtray, Anthony; Patel, Amar; Garmoe.,Alex; Masters, Anthony; Howe, Allen; Blarney, Alan; Barrett, Andy; Lising, Jason; Minarik, Anthony; Dahbur, Alan; Erickson, Alice; Burritt, Arthur; Hiser, Allen; Klett, Audrey; Zoulis, Antonios; Issa, Alfred; Ulses, Anthony; Barker, Allan; Rao, Ami; Bielen, A Boland, Anne; Billoch, Araceli; IGoldy Tony; Howell, Art; Keii, Andrea; Matos-Marin, Alfredo; Sabisch, Andrew; Ziedonis, Adam; Aen, Alejandro; Belen,e Aixa;-Calero, Alicia; Ferkile, Andrea; Fol, Adakou; Istar, Ata; Johnson, Andrea; Kammerer, Annie; Rezai, Ali; Roundtree, Amy;, Sengupta, Abhijit; Sheikh, Abdul; Tardiff, Al; Turilin, Andrey; Tsirigotis, Alexander; True, Andrea; Wong, Albert; Boger', Bruce; Bickett, Brice; Clarke, Brent; Purnell, Blake; Rini, Brett; Alferink, Beth; Watson, Bruce; Desai, Binoy; Rice, Blake; Haagensen, Brian; Lehman, Bryce; Westreich, Barry; Welling, Blake; Holian, Brian; Beasley, Benjam~in; Rogers,,

Billy; White, Bernard; Fuller, Brian; Singal, Balwant; Tharakan, Binesh; Vaidya, Bhalchandra; Bartlett, Bruce; Mozafari i Brenda; Brady, Bennett; Yip, Brian; Smith, Brian; Parks, Benjamin; Wagner, Brian; Tindell, Brian; Baxter, Brad; Cecere;

'Bethany; Jose, Benny; Jones, Bruce; Casto, Chuck; Bickett, Carey; Julian, Caudle; Nove, Carol; Abbott, Coleman;

.Cowdrey, Christian; Cauffman, Christopher; Khan, Cheryl; Pederson, Cynthia; AtnsuChiia;TloCaroline; Moulton, Charles; Cahill, Christopher; Erlanger, Craig; Miller, Chris; Ng, Ching; Norton, Charles; Young, Cale; ClemonS.7 I Webb; Candace; Fong, CJ; Phillips, Charles; Rosselle, Chuck; Sanders, Carleen; Williams, Christopher; Doutt, Clifford; 1-1sh-leyl, Clinton; Douglas, Christopher; Pineda, Christine; Henderson, Christopher~; Lally, Christopher; 'Roquecruz, Carla;*

Kpontz, Craig; Moore, Carl; Ogle, Chuck; Smith, Chelsea; Welch, Christopher; Schulten, Carl; Newport, Christopher Fairbanks, Carolyn; Gratton, Christopher; Lamib, Christopher; Crisden, Cherie; Li, Chang; Dempsey, Douglas; Dube, Donald; Holman, David; Johnson, Don; Powers, Dale; Seymour, Deborah; Allen, Don; Everhart, Dave; Spitzberg, Blair; Tifft, Doug; Caron, D~ana; Erb, Delson; Graves, Chris; Johnson, Dante; Murdock, Darrell; Dodison, Douglas; Edwards,_

Denise; Hills, David; Jackson, Donald; Tharp, Doug; White, Duane; Huyck, Doug; Marksberry, Don; Strickland, Duane;I Shum, David; Spindler, David; Allston, Dennis; Copeland, Douglas; Mills, Daniel; Roberts, Darrell; Santos, Daniel; Allsoppr David;: Cunanan, Davida; Mas, Delza; Rahn, David; Schroeder, Daniel; Werkheiser, David; Barss, Dan; Brittner, Donald; Kern, David; Silk, David; Williams, Donna; Tarantino; David; Norkin, Donald; Algama, Don; Dority, Dayna; Fleury, David Murray, Demetrius; Reinert, Dustin; Halverson, Derek; Simpkins, Douglas; Saenz, Diego; Stroup, David; Tang, David; Hoang, Dan; Pickett, Douglas; Andrukat, Dennis; Hudson, Daniel; Rich, Daniel; Chyu, Doris; Frumkin, Daniel; Garmon; David; Merzke, Daniel; Melendez-Colon, Daneira; Passehl, Dave; Terao, David; Wright, Donna; Brown, Eva; Ruesch, Eric; Goldfeiz, Eliezer; Burket, Elise; Knutsonr, Ed; Michel, Eric; Collins; Elmo; Huang, Eugene; Stutzcage, Edward; Gray, Harold; Gettys, Evelyn; Roach, Edward; Benner, Eric; Cunningham, Liza; Patterson, Eric; Stamm, Eric; Wong, Emma; DiPaolo, Eugene; Keighley, Elizabeth; Schrader, Eric; Chelliah, Erulappa; Coffman, Ellery;. Rigg, Eric; Smith, Edward; Cobey_

Eugene;__Robinson, Edward; Heher_ Elaine; Thomas, Eric; Torres, Edgurda own, Frederick; Saba, Fah rn ank; 5

Bower, Fred; Ferrante, Fernando; Sullivan, Frederick; Hutto, Andy; Newman, Garrett; Pick, Greg; Simonds, George; Wilsonr George; Miller, Geoffrey; Smith, George; Larkin, Grant; Gardner, George; Figueroa, Gladys; Kolcum, Gregory;'

McCoy Ge~rald; Purciarello, Gerard; Hunegs, Gordon; Ottenberg, Geoffrey; Armstrong, Garry; Curran, Gordon; Shear, Gary; Demoss, Gary; Hausman, George; Tutak, Greg; Bedi, Gurjendra; Bowman, Gregory; Dentel, Glenn; MacDonald, Geore Baci, Goutam; Kulesa, Gloria; Miller, Ed; Matharu, Gurcharan; Thomas, George; Thomas, George; Warnick; Greg Waigd, Gerald; Clayton, Brent;; Scott, Harold; Gonzalez, Hipolito; Gepford, Heather; Chernoff, Harold;'

cGrave'sn Herman; Jones, Heather; Le, Hien; Christensen, Harold; Crouch, Howard; Prokofiev, Ioun; Jung, Ian; Tifft, Jennife~r; Clark, Jeff; Circle, Jeff; Ciocco, Jeff; Dion, Jeanne; Grobe, Jack; Gavula, James; Hickey, James; Kulp, Jeffrey; Lennartz, a McHugh, James; Pires, Jose; Steckel, James; Ambrosini, Josephine; Brady, Joseph; Baptist, James; Biernik mes;i"Giessner, John; Hickman, John; Hariman, Joyce; McKirgan, John; Green, Joseph; Lane, John; Nance, James;,

Sa Pie,`Jason; Poole, Justin;l Shepherd, James; Tsao, John; Tomlinson, Joyce; Draper, Jason;. Fuller, Justin; Hanna John; Huhy Jh;Hamn efry Or-Da;Dnghue, Joseph; Greiyes, Jonathan; Hernandez, -Jorge; Josey, Jeffrey;

'Mars-hall, Jane; Neurauter, Jamnes; Rivera-Ortiz, Joel; Thorp, John; Whitten, Jack; Drake, James; Quichocho, Jessie; Roggem,John; Starg, John; Caruso, John; Cassidy, John; Giitter,Joseph; Ibarra, Jose; Krarer, John; Lamb, John; Sriscoll; James; -Schoppy, Joseph; Bartley,BJonathan; Bashore, Joseph; Nadel, Jared; Thompson, Jon; Wallo Jon;l Zimmerman, Jacob; Blake, Jerome-' Corujo-Sandin, Jorge; McHale, John; Patel,Jligar; Shea, James; Wood, Jeffery;-

Cameron, Jamnes; Dixon-Herrity, Jennifer; Dixon, John; Marble, Julie; Ashcraft, Joseph; DAntonio, Joseph; Giantellif Joseph; Lilliendahl, Jon; McGhee, James; Pelchat, John; Trapp, James; Calle, Joselito; Adams, James; Boska, John; Bartleman, John; Burke, John; DeBoer, Joseph;- Reynoso, John; Segala, John; Bream, Jeffrey; Cherubini, John; Hall,,

Randy;, Hawkins, Justin; Larsen, James; Walsh, J; Dodson Jim; Jandovitz, John; Kim, James; Kaizer,Joshua; Wiebe, Jo Wallace, Jay; Adams, John; Heinly, Justin* Johnson, Joathan; Polickoski, James; Wiggins, Jim;Kauffman, John; Andersen- James; Clifford, James; Ayala, Juan; Cushing,Jck Dozier, Jerry; DeMarshall, Joseph; Gall, Jennifer; Huang, John;- Heisserer, Jamie; Heath, Jermairne Kent, Jonathan; Kellum, Jim;*Laughlin, Jeff; Lehning, John; Ortega-Luciano, Jonathan; Patel, Jay; Rady, Jeff; Robles Jesse; Willis, Joseph Wilson, Joshia; Zeiler, John; Quinones-Navarro, Joylynn Conway, Kimberly; Gray, Kathy; Kavanagh Kern; Mangan Kevin Miller, Kenn; Young, Keith;Cronk, Kevin; Feintuch Karl; O'Donohue, Kathleen; Korth, Kelly; Lian Jocelyn; Nietmann* Kevin; Stoedter, Karla; Dunham, Katrina; Ellis, Kevin Hoffman, Keith; Roche, Kevin; Cotton, Karen KolaczykiKenneth; Mattern, Kevin; West, Steven; Diederich, Kr Kerni Luidwig;. Fieldls, Leslie; Betancourt, Luis;.Haeg, Lucas; Wilkins, Lynnea; Pressley,. Lundy; Micewski, Laura; Suggs, LaDonna; KlosJohn; Gibson, Lauren; Kozak, Laura; Jarriel, Lisamarie; Scholl, Larry; Wheeler, Larry; James, Lois; Willoughby, Leonard; Casey, Lauren; Miller, Lee; Plisco, Loren; Criscione, Lawrence; Doerflein, Lawrence; CasteiLisa Pitts,. Leonard; Cain, Loyd; Ramadan, Liliana; Raghavan, Rags; Boggi, Michael; Hiser, Matthew; Jimenez, Manuel; Galloway,- Melanie; Pohidla,- Marie; Satorius, Mark; Barillas, Martha; Cheok, Michael; Hay, Michael; Learn, Matthew; Magyar,:Michael; Concepcion, Milton; Ralph, Melissa; Thadani, Mohan; Tobin, Margaret; Orenak, Michael; Sykes, Marvlin;,

Flanagan, Michelle; Hamm, Matthew; Resner, Mark; Schwieg, Mark; Tonacci, Mark; Balazik, Michael; King, Michael; Weber, Michael; Donithan, Michael; Evans, Michele; Vaaler, Marlayna; Chernoff, Margaret; Levine, Michael; Case, Michael; Maley, Michael; Marshfield, Mark; Ross-Lee, MaryJane; Virgilio, Martin; Halter, Mandy; Benson, Michael; Banks; Mar~k'; Brown, Michael; Chawla, Mahesh; Chambers, Michael; Dapas, Marc; Scott, Michael; Panicker, Mathew; Thorpe-'

Kavanaugh, Meghan; Lintz, Mark; Phillips, Monte; Patel, Manan; Bloodgood, Michael;Gryglak, Magdalena;Reisifard Mehdi; Gutierrez, Mauricio; Sheikh, Mina; Young, Matt; Ash, Melissa; Cervera, Margaret; Freeman, Scott; Ferdas, Marc; King, Mark; Lesser; Mark; Wegner, Mary; Zeitler, Michael; Bensi, Michelle; Markley, Michael; Abid, Mohammed; Banerjeg, Maitril Davis, Marione; Fernandez, Mario; Franovich, Mike; Gray, Mel; Junge, Michael; Jardaneh, Mahmoud; Kotzalas.

argie;- Kowal, Mark; Lombard,- Mark; Mahoney, Michael; McConnell, Matthew; Orr, Michael; Shannon, Mel; Hernandez, Nicholas;: Valos, Nicholas; Chokshi, Nilesh; Karlovich, Nicholas; DiFrancesco, Nicholas; Mamish, Nader; SalgadoNancy; Staples,-NecOta; Lafferty, Nathan; Floyd, Niklas; Morgan, Naciyah; Perry, Neil; Rivera-Feliciano,Nilda; Sieller, Nicole; Coleman, Nicole; Kalyanam, Kaly; Merriweather, Norman;lAyegbusi, Ounayo; Chopra, Om; Tabatabai, Omid; Smith)

Otis; Yee, On; Klein, Paul; Presby, Peter; Pieringer, Paul; Wagner, Paige; OBryan, Phil; Chung, Pong; Higgins, Patrick;.

Kaufman, Paul; Milano, Patrick; Patel, Pravin; Boyle, Patrick; Krohn, Paul; Alter, Peter; Bamford, Peter; Cardona-Morales Pe~dro; Coco,' Paul; Elkmann, Paul; Fillion, Paul; Heher, Patrick; Kang, Peter; McKenna, Philip; Snyder, Pete; Smagacz,'

Patrick; Wilson, Phillip; Zurawski, Paul; Niebaum, Phillip; VanDoom, Peter; Appignani, Peter; Hiland, Patrick; L*ouden, Peter; Lee, Pete; Finney, Patrick; Milligan, Patricia; Saverot, Pierre; Wen, Peter; Yarsky, Peter; Edwards, Rhex; Jervey; Richard;, Montgomery, Richard; Nelson, Robert; Cohen, Ronald; Elliott, Robert; Patel, Raju; Reeves, Rosemary; Sydnor, Russell; Eul, Ryan; Hagar, Bob; Johnson, Clay; Taylor, Ryan; Alexander, Ryan; Baker, Randal; Branch, Richard; Telson Ross; Architzel, Ralph; Carroll, Robert; Cureton, Ronald; Hickok, Roy; Kahler, Robert; Lantz, Ryan; Martin, Robert; Rodriguez, Ricardo; Spitzberg, Roberta; Krsek, Robert; Rolph, Ronald; Beall, Robert; Costello, Ralph; Davis, Robert; Perkins,Richiard; Bernardo,-Robert; Conte, Richard; Caniano, Roy;Craffey, Ryan; Kumana, Rayomand; Powell, Raymond; Pascarelli, Robert; Reyes, Rogerio; Stattel, Richard; Wolfgang, Robert; Caldwell, Robert; Lorson, Raymond; Mathew, Roy;,

Wild, Robert; Clagg, Rodney; Franovich, Rani; Moore, Randy; Monk, Robert; Nimit, Ronald; Pedersen, Roger; Woodward, Robert Berryman RobertNg, Raymond; Nolan, Ryyan.. lton, Ric Hardies. Robert; Correia, Richard; 6

Grover,- Ravindler; McIntyre, Richard; Moore, Ross; McKinley, Raymond; Egli, Richard; Li, Rul; Scheirer, Richard; Azua, Ray,'Guzman, Richard; Jenkins, Ronaldo;, Deese, Rick; Haskell, Russell; LaVera, Ronald; Musser, Randy; Sigmon, Rebecc,a; Sun, Robert; Taylor, Robert; Vettori, Robert; Richards, Stuart; Reynolds, Steven; Walker, Shakur; Sun, Summer; McCarver, Sammy; Meighan, Sean; Rich, Sarah; Sloan, Scott; Cochrum, Steven; Ibarrola, Sherlyn; Weerakkody, Sunil; Bussey,,Scott; LaVie, Steve; Iyer, Shri; Gardlocki, Stanley; Pannier, Stephen; Smith, Stephen; Vaughn; Stephen; Min; Seung; 'Schroer, Suzanne; Hansel], Samuel; Lewis, Shani;' Lopas, Sarah; Rosenberg, Stacey; Bernal, Sara; Galbreath, Stephanie; Shaeffer, Scott; Schneider, Max; Smith, Stacy; Bailey, Stewart; Malik, Shah; Shah, Swetha; Lingam, Siva; Rutenkroger, Scott;.,Sanchez, Steven; Bakhsh, Sarah; Jones, Steve; Kennedy, Silas; Sandal, Shane; Lee, Samuel; Barr, Steve; Downey, Steven; Graves, Samuel; Makor, Shiattin; Crane, Samantha; Craig, Seth; Darbali, Samir; Haq, Salman;,

Miranda, Samuel; Mazumdar, Subinoy; Peng, Shie-Jeng; Ray, Sheila; Sakai, Stacie; Som, Swagata; Sanders, Serita; Sancaktar, Selim; Bazian, Samuel; Beltz, Terry; Kendzia, Thomas; Moslak, Thomas; Reed, Timothy; Briley,_Thomas; Hartman, Thomas; Kolb, Timothy; Setzer, Thomas; Burton, Thomas; Chandler, Timothy; Hedigan, Tom; Walker, Tracy; Collins, Travis; Boyce, Tom' (RES); Fish, Todd; Farina, Thomas; Herrity Thomas; Kobe&r,Timothy; McGinty,Tim; Oref Tracy; WengertThomas; Harriman, Thomas; OHara, Timothy; Tate, Travis; Zie, Tracey; Morgan, Thomas; Fred"ette Thomias; Hipschman, Thomas; Lupold, Timothy; Tjader, Theodore; Pruett, Troy; Blount, Tom; Barry, Terrence; Inverso, T~ara; -Koshy, Thomas; MorrisseyThomas; Nazario, Tomy; Martinez-Navedo, Tariia; Wilson, Timothy; Kalikiarj, Roger; Perin, Vanice; Cusumano, Victor; Gaddy, Vincent; Goel, Vijay; McCree Victor Sreenivas, V; Cook, William; Jones, William; LyonWarren; Sifre, Wayne; Walker, Wayne; Ruland, William; Raymond, William; Schmidt, Wayne; Lewi, Russ; Jessup, William; Schaup, William; Shaw, William; Deschaine,*Wesley; Orders, William; Diaz-Castillo, Yamir; Chang James; Wong)

Yuken; Wang, Zeechung; Hollcraft, Zachary; Falevits, Zelig; Gran, Zachary; Li, Zhian; Xi, Zuhan Cc: Po9hidla, Marie; Wilson, George; McConnell, Matthew; Cook, Christopher

~ubiect N NOpE 'Forum Posting - Earthquake at Mineral. VAAffectsNot Anna This e-mail is being sent to notify recipients of a new posting on the @Operating Experience Community Forum. Recipients are expected to review the posting for applicability to their areas of regulatory responsibility and consider appropriate actions. However, information contained in the posting is not tasking; therefore, no specific action or written response is required.

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Dam Officer), Mathew McConnell (GridIssues), Marie Pohida (Shutdown Risk / SFP cooling concerns) and ChristopherCook (NRO Geoscience and GeotechnicalEngineeringBranch 2 Chief)

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Bob Berunardo Reactor Systems Engineer US Nuclear Regulatory Commission NRR/DIRS/IOEB 7

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