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EPIP-1-0, Ginna Station Event Evaluation and Classification, Revision Xx, Page 2 of 2
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Site: Ginna  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 12/21/2011
Constellation Energy Nuclear Group, Operations Support Services
Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML12037A118 (1)


ANY ga.. ou. mon"()(readlng > Table R* 1 column *GE* my gaseoul mon~or reading > Table R 1 column *SAE-ror 15 min (Note 1) 00 not delay ded.ratlon awatllng dose alSOtament lor 15 min (Note 1)

Do nOi deLay dedaratlon awatUng dOse flllmtnt

~y QeMO"" rnonltorreadlng " Table R* ' column *.AJert-lor > 15 min (Noto 2)

~y gaMoul or Hqukt monHor (eliding "

  • U
  • fo. > 60 min (Nol. 2)

T8b~ R* ' coklmn 1 lou of all on-lito and ell on.~. AC power, Table C-1 , to

.t8OV ufego_rdl buM. tor 15 mk1 (Note.)

AC power Cllpabllrty to 4aov aafeguanl. bUM. reduced to a lingle power source, Tab6e c-'1 . for )o 16 mIn (Note.)

AND (tluttJ relutt.

Lo. . '" EDG 1B (Sarogu,"d I**., B. & ... 18 & 11) MY add~1on1ll lingle pow r IOU"" I lIure will re... ~ In a If dote assessment resu", are aVlllabta, dtteklraUon If dose aasesament relult_ are IyaHable, deelaraUon II1OU/a bO D41sed on dose 811ellmenf Insiead of AC eomplete to.. of aU 480V toguerdl bu. power lhould be baS8(i on dose all...ment Instoad of radlotlon monKor vau** (He EAl RG1 2) radiation mon~or values (toe EAl. RS12) Power

  • Station AUXIliary TransfOrmer 12A allon Auxiliary Tranolorm.r 12B I I I I
  • I s I I I z I
  • s I CU2.1 1

ROU 00 ** 01 1 Z 3 8 IIment using adual meteorology Ind~tol do ***

D RS1.2 I 1 I 3 I 00........ment using actua' mmeorofogy Indicates do...

8 D I RAl.2 ( 1 ( Z ( 3 ( 4 I e ( 6 ( D I RU1.2 ( 1 I 2 ( 3 I

  • I e ( 8 ( D I 2 Unil Auxiliary Tran.IOIlTIor 11 blCkreed (Ir currenlly ollabWlhed) < 108 VDC on r.qul .. d 126 VDC bu .... r()( > 15 min ConRrmed I8mp~ anlty... for gaseoul or Ilqukt relea,e, Confirmed IImp'e analvae. for gal80us or liquid rele'te. LOll Of (NOIe.)
110 1,000 mRem T DE or 5,000 mRem thyroid CD at or > 100 mR m TEDE or bOO mRem Ihyrold CDE.I 0< beyond 0trIIIN Rod Indicate ~ratlon. 0( roleaM mtos ) 200 K P-9 limit. for indicate concentr'alionl 0( role8M rales ) 2 x P-9 Umhs for r
~::~~C;O~3~.I~:::I:::I:::J:::J~~:]:J:::J--Ir~C;S~3~1~::5C:::r:::c:::r:!:r:!:I:::I--1r~C~A3~1-r:::i:::i:::i:::i~:J~:J:::J---r~C~U~3~1 i:::S::::i:::5::::iooc:Jc:Ji l beyond the Iile boundary ConCitUon. lhe .." boundary > 15 min (Note 2) > 60 min (Not. 2)

DC Po ...r RG1.3 ( 1 ( 2 ( 3 (

  • D RS1.3 RCS Ievelconno1 be monMo<ed w~h
  • 10.. 01 RCS Inwnlory Loll or Invemory IIlndlcaled by RCS wiler level < 0 In RCS leakag. r....H.ln Ih. Inallimy 10 maintain or I$II()(I RCS level cannot be monitOfed w"h core uncover; "dlelled by ANY or lhe lo~owlng for 30 min (NoI ** ) II Indlctled by ANY Ollho following lor > 30 min (Nolo.) OR RCS level wttntn Ine target band ellaOlllhtKI by procedure for Flokl survey relun. Indicate cloted window do ** ratos Containment radiation R*29 or R-30 > 1 OC .. 02 Rlhr RCS level c.annot be monitored for > 15 min wlh I toll or 16 min (Nole 4)

F",ld survey relutt, Indlcato ClOt d window dOH ralGs COntainment radiation R-29 orR*30 > 1 oe+02 Rlhr

> 1,000 mRl!tmlhr e~8d ro continue for > 60 min ot or rrallc Source Range Nuclear Instrumentation RCS Invenlory o.lndlCtlled by en unexplained lovel ri** In

,. 100 mRemlhr expected 10 conlinue for l: 60 min .t or rretlc Source Range Nuclear Inltrument.tion beyond Iho .Ke boundary beyond the ."e boundary Indlellion ANY Tobie C*2 .ump Illnk attrlbulablelo RCS I Ikag.

Indleellon (Nol** )

R OR OR Unexpl8lnec:t lewl rI.. In ~Y Table 0.2 lUmp I tank CU32 UnO>q>lolnod level rl" " ANV TIl>Io C*2 .ump I link IttrilxJtabie to ReS teokage AnatyHI or fi let survey Nmplcta Indlcale Ih)'fOtd coo anrlbUUlbleto Res 1e1ll.8ge Unplanned RCS level drop below ITHER ollh. loIIowlng

,. 500 mRem for 1 hr OIlnhatalion at or beyond the lite AND II>r 1 ~ min (NOIe.)


R.d RAJ.l ( 1 I 2 I 3 I

  • I 5 I
  • I D RU2.1 ( 1 I z I 3 ( * ( e I s I D (

3 MY ContoinmOllI Challenge 111<I1""lIon. Table C*3 R."et'" veutl nange (8< In on loop 1e",IIOOI<8I"')

(Wh.n 1".l8vel bInd II ftl8b11.hed lbove !he lfange)

R,I **** Res OR IR.d Alarm on ANY or Ih. rollowlng radlollon mon~()(I due 10 Unplanned water level drop In

  • reaCior refueling pathway 8S Level RCS levelllrgol band e.,abllshed by prated"rl (When lhe damage to Irrudlolod fuel or tou of water lewl IndlcQled by Inablilly 10 re.lor. and malnlaln level > SFP low lavol bilnd II ealabliahOC below Ihe nange) emu.nt R-12 Conlalnm nt Vent Noble G81 walor levol .Iprm set point (Note 3) 2 CHMT lilnt Nobl.

(R*121 a- NlA NlA NlA 7 4E.8qKnwltllWl 5 IE'Ocpm Wl 2 11m R 1. PIaI1l Venl Noble GBI R *2 Conllll1mem AND Aiel radiation monitor reodtng rtle on EITHER.

Contelnmonl Sump A Contalfwnent Sump B CU3.3 Onto". Rod


CNMT YIn, HatH 0.. H



__ R 5 Spent Fuel Pool R-2 COOlmnment

.... Jdliary IIuIIdlng Sump Toni< RCS Iovel clnn" be mon~orOd wlh I 10.. 01 RCS OR COnclMIoII. I" '2.\.7111 lOE'OIICIIoc HlA Invenlory BI Indic.tled by In unexplained Iovel rlso In R-5 SpeI1l Fuel Pool

& AN'( Table C-2 .ump I tank ~"nbUtabie to RCS lelkage 8pem F.-I PlIIOt Venl Notie c... NlA NlA e~. IR.I*I NlA RA2.2 ceo ( 3 I * ( 5 I s ( D I D I Pltnt Venl Nobl. 0 .. Hj Rllnoe (R~14"-'7")

2 1 +'~I CIoc 2 IE..oj'CIoG 2 I[ '11CIoc NlA A wIler ktve/ drop In

  • reldor refueling pathway Ihal will Unplanned area radlallon re.cting Increase. by I factOi of CAoil CU..1 r..utt In Irradiatctd luel becoming uncovered 1,000 owr normal lOvell NlA Tllble An unplanned .....nt resuHI In tTH R. Unplanned event teautt.ln ReS temperature > 2OO"F NlA NlA RCS 10mpe,"luro > 2OO'F I()( > Tablt C-4 durliion OR RAJ.l I 1 I 3 (
  • 5 I s I D I
  • Contaklmenl doIure not .".bUshed RCS preNUl'e weaH " I 0 pal duo to an unptanned loll CU. .2 3 Main ateem Une 5 7E.0 ~CIoc NlA Oole ralOt ,. 1S mRomlhr In [ITHCR of the rOUOWtog areas roqufrtng continuoul occupancy to maintain plant utety 4
  • Hydrogen concentrllUoo In Conlalnmom ~ ~%

of decay heat removal C8Pf1blllly (thll condlOon II nQt

.ppNcable In IOlid plal1l OOOdrtlon,)

LOll of all ReS lemperatur. and RCS IevellndlcalkHl for > 15 min (Note.)

(A0311R-32) functions' RCS

  • Unplonlled rise In Containment pre **ur.

,"Rv 5 O[ ~3 tnRlhr 5 Or- 2 mRlhr &OC" mR"u &0£.0 mR/h' Control Room CR* 1) Temp.

l Safe1Y :1 )(,3 mRlhr 23( ' 2 mRJhr 2 3(.'mRIhr 3 7(,0 mR/hr 2 a.ttrty  !!EllmRIt'll 1 1['2 mRmr 1 Irq mR/ttr OR NlA 3 s.fety 1 7[*2 mRllw 77tllm~ 7 1['0 mRhM' NlA CAS

  • 8ofoty 57 E.2 mRltw 5 7( fI mRlhr S 7[.0 mRIhr NlA HAl .l ( 1 I 2 ( 3 I
  • I 5 I
  • I D I HU1.1 I b System OtIoHo EITlIER: ComnW1m.m (elllOmll)

Conflrmatlon of an earthquake ER* se 4 Earthquake Emergoncy Plan 0' an Intensity > 0 08 g per SOlsmlc event identified by /'Il.NY two of tho following

  • Red LEO event Indicator on Klnemetrtca ETNA Dlglta' RCS Slalu.

Ck)lur. StBllll DUfation Commerdal phone 'y,lem X CU51 D Recorder Indicates .el,mlc event detatted Intoct AND "ot OR Control Room Indication of degraded performance of ANY tafety-retated .tructure, Iystem, or component

  • 8rthqudke fett on8l10
  • Nallona' Earthquake Inronn"lon Center (Note 6) 5 reduced Invel1lol)

NlA 80 m.n , Dlract Dial POTS lin ** (Bluo Phone.)

Pllnt plge p.rty .yllem x X LOll of aU Table C-5 onll1. (intemol) communIcation methodl affecting the .bUlly to perform routine operations OR AND Comm RldloaIWatk'- Talkie. X Lo .. 01 III Table C-S 0"'** ('ld.m.~ communlcallon 1'A"",! COnflrmOd by EITli R earthquake lo~ In plal1l FrS 2001 lelePhone .yatam (eNS. 1-f'N) x mathod, Inectlng lhe alllll1y 10 per10rm on,Ke nOhntallon.

OR Control Room Hard W ired Sal IIi10 Phone X Nalional Earthqual<o InfOfm8Uon Cente, (Note 6) CUG.l Col1lrol Room mergeney Cell Phone X HA1 .2 ( 1 ( 2 ( 3 I 4 ( e ( 8 ( 0 HU1 .2 ( 1 ( 2 I 3 ( * ( 8 I 8 JLJ An unplanned IUIt oed POlttive Itartup rile Observed on nuc:"'ar Inltrumen'aUOn Tomado striking or .u,lalned high wind. " 7S mph ,.,ulUng In Tornado .trlklnO wkhln p(otected Noa boundary EITHER OR Visible damagolo ANY ..r6lY-l$laled IIructure *

  • yllem . ()(

SU'1I1oOd high wind a > 75 mph component within ANY Ta~. H*1 ar08 OR Conlrol Room Indication 01 degl1lded pelf()(mance or ANY aaroty related ahuClure , system , or component within ANY N....

rablo H-1 .rea , 1 he ED .twukf not waH unlit In** ppNQI~ fIrM ha. elapMd, but Ihould declare the evont 8S I 2 I 1 1 HA1 .3 ( 1 I 3 I

  • I 8 ( 6 Il1Iomallloodlng In ANY Table H 1 ar.a resuKlng In EITH R

( D Art oleCtl'lcallhoek haurd that preeIU<lo. lIeee.. to opel'llte HU1 .3 ( I 2 ( 3 ( 4 ( B ( 6 Inlernal nOOdlng Ihal ha.lhe potemlallo onect ANY .alely-( 0 I lOOn GI " II dolormined Ihallhe condKlon will IIkety exceed Ihe applicable tlmo related Itructure, Iystem, or c:omponenl required by 2 The ED lhOUld not wok untl1l1t IppliCible time N.tutllor Table H*1 Safe Shutdown Areas or montlor MY safety related strudure, Iystem, or Technical Speclficatlonl for the current operating mode In hll ".pHd, bullhould declar. the ewnt **

DeetNetlv. component wMhln ANY Tablo H-1 ""a ANY Table H* 1 area soon II It is determined thai the refe... du"tion Reactor Contalnm nl Buktlng OR h ** lJICeoded. ()( ..1I iuly 1JIUOd. Ihl Conlrol Room Indication 01 ctegradod poI"IOIlTIa..,. 01 ANY apptielb .. limo In the obaence of dote to the

"">dNa", Building safety related IlIuctUf'O , SYal m, Of component wMhln ~y cont,.ry, .lIUme that the (Me Ie duralion hal Control BUilding Tlble H 1 area .xceeded Ih. Ipplicab'-llm8 It .n ongoing Intermediate BuUdlng HAU LLLL ( 3 I 4 ( 5 I 6 I 0 I HUU D relO81O I. det~ed and Ihe rel...o .. 8ft Hmo II nilnOwIL mergency 01 ...1Bulldlng(.) Turtllne rallure generlled prolecllles relu~lng In ITliER 1urbine failure relunlng In callng ponetratlon or damage to 3 If IOu of wat.r ..vel In the refUeling palhw.y SAFW Bu~dlng Vi.lbla damage 10 or penelllliion 01 ANV 18161y "laled IUrbine or gene.~lor QCCuf'l whlkt kl Mode 6. 8 Of 0 , consider SCteenhouse Itructu,., .yatem, or c;omponent wfill'n ANY Table H., c ....IftcaUon under EALI CU3 1, CU3 2 or Il$a CU33 Coble Tunnel OR

~ The EO IIhouId not woit untl 1M appNC&~ time ContrOl Room indtCatJon Of dooraoea pef1'onnance Of BaHOfY Room. Al4Y I8fety related structure. Iysiem, or component halo"pNd, bullhoukl deClore the ewnt I.

WMhin AllY Table H 1 orea lOOn a. rt II determined lhat Ihe COnd,Ion ha.

exceeded, or wlllllkGfy e~d , Ihe .ppl~o HAU ( 1 ( 2 b HU1 .S I 1 I z I a I

  • I e I e I D I limo
5. lithe equipment In the 1t81 d area wal already Lake Ie..-el > 253 " Deer Croak flOoding over entrance roed bfldge hand rail Inopembtt, or out or IIMee, befo!'. the event OR OR ocoulrod, then EAt. HA3 1 Ihould not btl Scroen Hou.e Suction Bay wat r level < 16 ft or < 1. 6 ft Lak.levol > 252 ft declnntd II It will hlYe no adverte Impact on Ihe by manual IeY'llt mealurement OR abW.y or Ih. plal1l10 ..rely ()( ..rety lIIul Screon HOUle sucUon Bay water level < 17 ft or < 15 e " by down beyond that already allowftd by TeeMlcal HAU ( 1 ( 2 ( 3 I 4 I B I
  • I 0 I manual level measurement .t Speclflcatlonl Ihellme of the event H Vehicle ctash resuttlng tn EI THER VIsible damage 10 AAY ..rety*rolaled llructul$. Iy.lem. or component within N4Y T"ble H-1 .rea
6. The NOC eon be con""""" by ... llIng (3031 273-8500 Select option .1 and In'orm the an8tyst you wiSh to conflnn recent I limN: .ctlvlty in ttle OR Conlrol Room 1""lcelion or dograded performlnee or ANV 0'

vldnlty Olnna Nuclear Powor Plarlt Provkie lI1e anllyot wMh 1I1e following Glnna coordln I.a Hazards

& safety-rotated structure, system, or COmpon nt w~hln ~Y 4" 18.T nOr1h latitude, 77'18.7' we.t Table 11-1 area longttudt Othor Condi -

tion. HAZ.l ( 1 I 2 3 I

  • D I HUZ.l ( 1 I Z I 3 I 4 I e I , I D I Alleet-Ing 2 FO. ()( explo.1on reauKlng In EITHER.

IIhIlble damago 10 ANV ..rely*relaled llructure . aY".m. ()(

Fife not extinguiShed wHhln 16 min ot Control Room nollflC8llon ()( ve~lIeation or

  • ConlrOi Room nre alann In ANY Plant component wl1hln ANY T.bla H-1 8(e. Table 11-1 .reo or Turbine Building (Note 4)

Safety Fire or OR ExpJo.'on Control Room indication of degraded performance of ANY HU2.2 I 1 I 2 ( 3 ( 4 ( ( 8 D safety* related Itructure, Iy'tem, or component Within ANY Table H , .rea ExpIoston within the Protected Area HAl.1 0 1 2 I 3 I

  • I 5 I s I D I HU3.1 3 Acce.SIO ANV Tlble H- 1 .rea II pronlb~.d due 10 loxlc.

corro"....., 81phyxlant or flammable gllOl which jeopordlze R.lea.e or loide. corrosive, .'Phyxlanl or nammable QII'" 0' luffleldnt quantity 10 arrecl n0fT1l81 plant opel1lUOnli H.urdou. operation of AJtJY "fety-f'etaled structure, Iystom, or

01. componenl (NOIe 5) HU3.2 I 1 I 2 ( 3 ( * ( s ( 8 I D I Recommendation by 1ocIII, county or Itale officlal.lo ovacuate or shelter sKe personnel blsed on orrait. event HG* . 1 I 1 ( 2 I 3 ( * ( S ( 6 I 0 I HS4 1 ( 1 ( 2 I 3 I 4 ( B I 6 ( 0 HM.l HU..1 ( 1 ( 2 I 3 I 4 I 4 I 6 I D I A hOIIl" .eUon hIS occurred sUCh that plant peflOnnel are A hostile action i, occurrtng or has occurred within the At hostlll action Ia OCCUn'lOg Of has occurred within the un~. to operate equIpment (equlred to maintain lafety A security coo<hUoo thai doe_ not Involve 8 hoS1Ue action 8S ProteClOd AI.a a, reponed by Secullly Silin SupoNlllon Ownor Controlled AI
  • a. roported by Socullly Shin reported by Securty Shift SupftN.ion 4 runction.

HO., 2 ( 1 I 2 I 3 I

  • I e I SiD I SupeMlion OR OR A credible .~e-1jl8CIflc .owrlly Ih,aat nOlllieatlon At Y8tkJaied notification from NRC of an -'nlner aUaCk threal OR A h01i11e action ha. c.tuil8d r.llure or Spenl Fuel COOling Wilhln 30 m,n or Ihe ,Ke 115lonll A v,lIdaled not,rlUtlon from NRC providing InfOl'l11fttlon o( .n AND alrcl$ft Ihr..1 Immlnttnt fuel damage II Itkely

--r-----------------------------------itH~S~511_rI =rl=r(=2~[IJ3[]([J4[]l:]e:JI:!=rJo[:~II~HA5~*I,~(:r1:rI=2r:1[J3[J([]4[]I:Je:J1~:rJD[:~-t-----------------------------------

5 Control Room E>Jlcuatlon ContrOl Room .vacuatlon ha. been 1n~lated AND Control 0' the plant Clnnot btl established within 30 min Cornrol Room eV9cuation hal been Initiated HGS.l I HM.l ( 1 ( Z I J I * ( 5 I SiD HAB.1 ( 1 ( 2 ( 3 ( * ( 8 I s ( D I HUS.l ( 1 ( 2 I 3 (

  • I s I 8 I D I O1her oooolion**><I1l which In Iheludgment or Iho O1her condKlon. e><l.t which In Iheludgmont 01 tI.. Othtlr condklonl exist which .., the Judgment of the Other conahlQn. el(lll which In the judgment or the Emergency OfrectM lnable \nal event. Ire In progress or Emergency DlrtCIOf' Indicate that events are In progre .. or mergency Director Indicate that eventl are In progrels or have occurred which InVOlve actual or Imminent lubltantl,1 Emergency Olrec(()( Indlcal.lhol evenl. ore In progra .. or hive OCCUlTed which Involve actual or likely major failures 01 have QCCuf'red whiCh InVOMt an actual or polentlal hive occurred whiCh Indicate I pot ntial degradation 01 the core dogradallon or me"lng w~h polenllallor 10.. or planllunctlona needed ror protection or Ihe public OR hollile aubltanUal degrlldaUon of the level of aafely of the pl.nt OR containment Integrity OR hOSIl1o action that r IUKiln an level of loftty 0' the plant OR Indlcato
  • Iec:urfty thre.llo aclkHl thlt result. In Inlentional damage Of' malicioul acts
  • Hcurtty evenlthat !nvotve. probable life threalenlng risk to facility protection hal been Inhlated No reteaso. 01 actual 10.. of phYlal control ot Ihe facMy RaleelO' can be 6 realOn.bly expected 10 eJ<Ce.d CPA Protective Action Guld line expoaurel.vel. (1 .000 mRem T 0 or 6.000 (1) loward aft, perea"nel or equipment Ihal could 'tId 10 the likely falture of. or (2) that prevent enedive Ieee ** 10, equlpmenl needed r()( Ih. prot o1lon or th. public My r.

~Ie personnel or damage to lite equipment becauH of ha,ti" eeUon Any refean*

  • expected 10 be limited /0 Imal frldlon. or Ihe EPA Prolectlve Action Guideline radioactive material requiltng onsile relponle or monltonng

.,. oxpected unlo** further d8'g.-.dafion or aatefy 'Vat,rnl occurs Judgment mRem Ihyrokt COE) on... tor more than the ImmodlalD 110 relOeHI ore not expected to reault In exposure levels which expolur. level. (1 .000 mRem TEOE ()( 5.000 mRam Ihyrold arel exceed EPA Protective AcUon Culdeline Oxpoaul' level. CDE)

(1.000 mRom TEDE ()( 5.000 mRem Ihyrold CDE) beyond I"**~e boundary I

EAL Identifier J

l ~~E~j-----------~----------J_----------~eu~1 .1~~c=~--

XXX_X Non. Non_ Non. Dam.ot to

  • loaded cask conf'lnement bOundary Calogory (R . H. E. s . F. C).J II L Sequentl.1 number .. rthln IUballogory/ct..ll_on I..... I.

S.FS.I. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~............ P-~~....................~......~~~......... Emergency c"llICIllOn (0. S, A. U) - ' L Sul>Clltogory number (1 Wno ...l>CDlogOly) i Modes: CO m CO CD m m m jl.~~~~::::~....~p~ow: e~r~o:pe:r:o~to:n:. ~&~8:~~U:P:. ~H:O~t~S~h~U~ld:own:; ~H:O~I:sl~a;n:d:b~y ~C:O:ld~s~n~u:ld:ow::n~.:::::~ ~~~::

.. .. .. .. .......... Jt::::~:::::::;;;;;~~~~~~~~;;;;;:::~~~;;:::::::::: MODE 5, 6 or D