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EPIP-1-0, Ginna Station Event Evaluation and Classification, Revision Xx, Page 1 of 2
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Site: Ginna  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 12/21/2011
Constellation Energy Nuclear Group, Operations Support Services
Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML12037A117 (1)


ANY gaseous monttor reading > Table R-1 COIumn "G

  • ANY gaseous monitor reading > Table R-I column "SAE" LOll 01 III offlite and ,II onl'e AC power, Tlblt 5-1 , to Loll or III onlle ,nd oil onlit' AC power, Tible 5-1 , to AC power capebilly 10 ~8OV .. regu.rd, bu ... reduced 10 I Lon or III ollsl. Ae power, Tablo 5-1 , 10 480V lor 15 min (Notet) ANY gaseou. monitor reDding > Table R-1 ~umn "Alert" ANY gaseoul or liquid monitor reading > Table R- l column 0480V uroguords bu ...

ror >15min (Note I) lor ~ 15 min (Note 2) *uc- fOf ~ 60 min (Note 2) 4SOV ..regulntl bu .., for 15 min (Note~) lingle power sourc*

  • Tabla 8-.1 , for " 15 min (Note A) ... ffJOuardl bu *** for > 16 mjn (Note",
  • 00 not dotay dedanlfbn 8w.lllng dOM .lIeument
  • 00 not delay dodamfton 8w.~/no dOH ssment AND ITHER AND resulto If dOH . . . . . . ment reault. Ire av.ltBb.. , decJamUon rtaults lSI If doH ,.ltument reSUlts ere available, dectart1lon 1 R lIorttlon 01 0110011 one ~8OV .. Ieguard, bus w.hln 41lOutilsnooWk Iy Any addlUooatlklgle pow r lOurce '8t4ure wMI reaulln I complet. Iosl 01 all4SOV .. regu nt, bus power 'nil"" 8*1 At; Power 8ouI'CM Ihould be baNd on dOH IIHllment Instaad of .hould be baled on dose UHument Instead of OR radiation mon~orV9lues (188 E:ALRG1 .2) Lo** of or RED palh cond'lon extol F 02 Coro r9dlolkm monkor valuo. ,.oe EAL RS 1 2) EDG tA (8u, I~)

RG1.2li[21314[S[80 RS1.2 11 [ 2 I 3 I 4 [ 5 [ 6 0 2 o 1 [

AC Power COoling io DO IB (Bu' Ie) 1 Dose OISOSlmen1 ullng a<:tual meteorolOgy Indicates dOH' Dose .SMSIm&nf Ullng actual mmeorolooy Indlcares dOH.

RAl.2 Confirmed ,ampl analyse. r04" gaseous or tlquld rei ases RU12 1 2 1 3 [ 4 [ 5 [ 8 1 0 Confirmed s.arnpkl anatylel for gaseous or IIqula reJeasel


~---------------I StatIOn Auxiliary Tranltormer 12A 0fI0lIe Rod

> 1,000 mRem TEoE or 6,000 mRom Ihyroid CDE II or > 100 mRem TEDE or 500 mRem Ihyrold CoE II or beyond beyondlhe lite boundary indicate ooncentrelionl or rei.... rate. > 200

  • P*9 Ilmks lor Indicate concemratlonl or release ratel > 2 x P-911mltl for Station AuxlN.ry Tran.former 128 ConcUtlon, the &it. boundary

~ 15 min (Note 2) SO min (Note 2) 582.1 2 ...... < 108VOC on both 125VOC bulea1Aand 18 lor 15 min unit Auxttiary Transformer 11 bsckleed (~currently OItablithed)

ROD [ 1 [ 2 [ 3 I 4 I S 1 8 [ 0 [ RS1.3 [I:::'CI[:I:rjj3j~:r::!:r::l!oO Lo.. of DC Power (NOte 4)

Field IUrvey reauh, Indicate closed window dose rate. FHJId IUrvey relutt. Indate ck>>aed wtndow dose rile. S03.1 8S3.1 SA3.1 SU31

~ 1.000 mR.m/hr expected 10 contInue rot ~ 60 mIn at or )0 100 mRomlhr expected to continue (or ,. 60 mfn at or An .utomallc lrip lolled to Ihut down Ihe relctor a.lna~ed beyond the lIIe boundary OR beyond tho ilia boundary 3 I\rl outornllic trip 1111ed 10 Ihul dOWn IhO r.aClor II I\rl automallc Inp rollod to Ihut down lhe reactor An unplanned IUltalntd positive ttortup rale observed R Anatylel or lield survey IOmple. Inalcat. thyrold CDE

> 5,000 mRom lor I hr or Inhalallon II or beyond Iho ,~o OR Anoty I of fleld IUrYO)' lamptel Indicate thyroid CoE

> 500 mRem for I hr of 1,)halaUon at or beyond the lite Criticality by reactor power > 5'"

AND All manuat act""," IoN 10 ,hut down Ihe reactor a'lnd~od by """"or pow..- > 5%

Indlcaled by re.dor power > 5%

AND Manual actionl taken It the reactor control console rlilod 10 .hut aown the reador "' indicated by roaOlor AND Mallual 'dlons taken at the read or control conlOle

_"rulty ,hut dOWn the reldor II Indlcaled by reador power < 5'"

on nu~ear Inltrument.tion Abnorm. RPS AND EITHER of the totlowlng oxlst or have ocwrred power > 5'"

Rid RA21 I 1 [ 2 I 3 I 4 [ 5 I 8 I 0 RU2.1 [ 1 [ 2 [ 3 I 4 [ 5 [ 6 I 0 I Failure RED path condliion e"'all F 0 2 COr'I Cooling OR Relu.e Alarm on ANY of the following ~dlotlon monltort due to RED POlh COndIlIon eldlll 1"-0 3 H at Sink I Rad Unplanned water level drop In a reactor refueling potnwlY I I Emuent 2

damago 10 Indlated fuel or loll or water "vel R*12 Contalnmenl V nl Noble Ga.

Indlcatea by Inabll~y 10 restoro and malnlaln level > SFP low water level alarm setpolnt (Note 3) 5 4 R-14 Planl Vent Noble Gas AND R- 2 Containment Atea radiation mooMor reading ttM on EITHE.R R* 6 Spent Fuel Pool R*2 Containment Plonlll not brought to requlroct opemltng modi within Onlit. Rad eN'" r Vl!nt Noble G9t HI RaflOi Condttlona 1 8E. 2 IICIeo 1 8E. 0 IICJcc NJA OR T,chnlcal Speclflcatlonl LCO required IctlOn completion (A t2A 711) R-5 Spoilt PUGI Pool lima

!!po". FUll ~nt~tlNot>le o.. NJA NlA NlA 150.1 E..n1O tR.141 SAII.l SU5.1 RA2.2 o Ptl101 Ihn' Noble 0.. tij R~ Unplanned toll 0'8 or more annunaalor pan. , Tat>>e 8-2, Unptanned 10" of 8 or mar. annunc'-'or penels, Table S.2, Unptennoct k). . of 6 or more annunelltor panel" Tab.... S-2.

21 -j IICkc '" water 1.",,1 drop In a reactor refUeling palhwey thai will (R ' ....-1/11 Al' (joctol NOble 0.. NlA NlA NlA resutt In Irradiated rUtl becoming uncoYOred Unplanned lrea ",dlotlon r** dlng Inere .... by a flctor or 1,000 over normallevell 5 ..... or >75'" or MCD Indlcatlonl for 15 min (NOIl4)

AND A IIgnlflcant IrlnllOnt 1,1n proglan, Tebl. 5-3

>75% or Mce Inalcallon, ror AND EITHER 15 min (Note4)

A IIgnlllcanl "Bnll.nt II In progrell, Tlbl. S*3 or >75% 01 MCB Indlcotlonl ror 15 min (Noto 4)

(R*II) Inlt AND OR RAJ. 1 I 1 [ 2 I 3 J 4 15 J B I D I Cornpen"'Y IndIcat"",. Ir. u""Vlllable (!'PCS) CornpenlOl"'Y indication, are unavailable (!'PCS)

NlA 3 M....

(R lam Une tlR..:tl)

Do.. ",It I > 15 mRemlhr In EITH R olthe following areal requk'i1g continuous occupancy to malnlaln plan! safety mocllo"s SUI.l I ARV I S"'ety 2Ser"

& OC.) mRJhf 2 3£+3 mR/h, I lE.3 mRIhr 5 0£* 2 mAA't1 2 )[.2 mRltll 1 1('2 mR/hr II O( ~ I mHlhr 231:., mR/h, 1 1(" mRlhl fI 0 ..0 rnRlh, 37(.0 mRIhr NlA Control Room (R' I)

CAS OR 6 LOll orall rlble So4 onllte (Intemal) communication method.

."ectlng the .bliity to perform roullne operaUont OR 3 8efery 1 7['2 mRttw 7 1E t1 mRhlI 11f::.0 mRlhr NlA Comm.

.. Safety 57[ ' 2 mRItv 5 7[ +1 mfM1f S 7f to n\ft'hl NlA Lo ** 0' aU Table S-4 ofJait.e eommunk:atlon HAl.1 11 1 2 I 3 I 4 I 5 J I I 0 I methOdI off.l, not_11on1 HU1 .l IL _1!...J1L--'--1-----L---L......-L....!D-J Spt.,O Onln Offalta SU7.1 EITH R: I---____________-t"-(n_te_m_an (extornal)

Confirmation or Br'I eanhquak. of an Intenahy ,. 0 08 g per ER*SC 4 ""hqU ke Em.rgency Plan Sellmlc ovent Idonllfle<l by ANY two 01 the rollowlng

  • R~ LEO event Indicator on Kln.metrlcs ETNA Otgllal Record,r Indalel selamic event detec1ed 7 Commercial phOM aystem x x Res lpectflc actiVity > 80 ..,ClIgm dOM ttquHolent I 131 OR
  • Earthquakl rltH onl~e Fuel CIaG Direct Dial POTS UnOi (8lue PhonOl) X X ContrOl Room IndlcaHon or degraded performance of MY sarety*rel.ted .tru~ure , Iystem, Of component
  • National Irthquako Inlormallon Centar (Noto 8) Plant Plge PMy Iyll.m X AND " Aulom.tJC lumlne runback > 26'" thelmal power Radktl/VValkJe Talkie. X valid LetOown Monitor (R* 9) re.Olno ,. " ,600 mR'd'tnr Ea"hquok. confinned by ErTH R Elrthquake f.~ In plant Iedr1c Iosd rejoctlon > 26% lui ,1Odr1calloaa FTS 2001 letephone syllem ( NS, ItPN) X OR R dortrtp Control Room Hard Wired Iitt. Phone X SUI 1 Nollonal Earthquake Information C.nter (Nota 6)

HA1 .2 1 1 [ 2 [ 3 I 4 [ 5 [ * [ 0 HU1 .2 [ 1 I 2 I 3 I 4 I 5 I 6 b 8 loty Injoellon Idlvotlon Control Room mergoncy Cell Phone X Unldonlif1ed or pn!t..u.... bOundary ktakage " 10 0PIT1 ro,

> 15 min (Noto 4)

RCI 011 Tomaao linking or IUllalned high wlndl > 75 mph relunlng In Tomado .trlklng w~hln Proteded Area boundary LalklUI laenllfied leo""go > 25 gpm lor > 15 min (Nolo 4)

EITHER OR VlslCle damage 10 ANY l8(efy* r.,lated Itructure. Iystem, or Sullalned high wlna. > 75 mph F"'.'

,onFProduct camponent w~hln ~Y Table H-1 area F0 1.l FlU FUll OR Controt Room IndicatIOn 01 degraded pertormance of ANY F,.. Lou or ANY two bar""" Loll or potlntlot lou 01 ANY two borr1er, (Tablo F 1) ANY loll or ANY potentlat lou or eiller Fuel Clad or RCS ANY 10.. or ANY potenttallo ,of Contalmlloot (TlbIt F I)

I.foty-rekttod structure, systom, or compononl within ANY AND (T.ble F.1)

Tlb .. H* 1 oroa Barrt.r Lou or pot ntlalloll or IhOlhlrd berrler (rlble F 1) 1 [ I I I I I I I I I 5 [ I b I 1 Table H*1 Safe Shutdown Areas HA1 .3 [ 2 3 4 5 6 0 Intornal OOOdlng In ANY TobIe H* , area reaultlng 1ft EITHER HU1 .3 1 [ 2 3 [ 4 6 l(tlernal nooolflglhal nas ttle poffJnllal to afl'6d ANY I.rety-Naturat or Reactor Containment Building ArI.lactt1callhock hazard thol precludes accelllO operate or monitor ANY safe1y* related structure. aYltem. or related structure, aystem, or compon nt required by lectlnlcal Specincatlonl for the current operating modo In Table F*1 FI .'on Product Barrier Matrix w~:~:~

De.trueUve component wllnln ANY Tobit t 1-1 area ANY Table II* 1 erel Auxmary Building Phenomena OR Fuol Clad Barrier Roactor Coolant System Barrier Containment Barrlor Control Butldlng COntrol Room kldlcallon or degraded pertormlncO of ANY .1 The EO .hould nol lhe applicable l!mel ha. tIopltd. but lhould declaro the ovent .1 I8f ty*rolaled sttUdurt, I~ m, or compon nt wlthln ANY loss Potential loss Inlermedlot. Buldlng TabMt H 1 area lOOn aa ~ Ia determined that the conc:Iltlon wll loss Potential loss loss Potential loss Emergent)' 01e101 BuNdlng(l) Ili<ety exceed the .ppltcable t"".

Lll I I I I " RCo Pllh oond~lon .ldll. : I palh condKlon RED pelh condrtlon e>dl" SAI-WBuUdlrl{l HA1 .4 2 3 [ 4 5 8 0 [ HUU llJ 2 1 3 J 4 I 5 J B J 0 1 12 The ED lhOuld not wa* untU the applicable rim. f;. n , (:0(_ Cling  ! .... F n , r..tM"e C"'.oohng F-n .. Int-orHy Rf 0 path COndrtlon lxiII' F' -0 5 Cont.lnrnent ScreenhoulO Turbin. f.llure-gen ....I.d projadllel reluHklg In ITHER Vllible d.mage 10 or pen.tratlon or ANY lar.ty rel.tad Turbine teUur. rllultlng In casing penetraUon or turbine or generalor Hal.

h.. ftlapaod , but should declare lIlo event ..

loon a. ~ II determIned thol tho relea .. duranon A I

RED palh cona~lon eldl" Nontt Rt 0 Pllh COndition ""'"" Nott.

Cable Tunnel 'truOlure, 'Ylt m, or compon nt whhln ANY Tablo H.1 hal exceeded, or wit! "kely exceed, lhe CSFST  : f -O 3 Heat Sink and htlt F-O 3 Heat Sink encr heat Batlery Roomt area OR

.ppllcable time In the ablone. of data to tho COOI,..ry, ...ume that the ,.Ioa.. duration hat 1_________I_________________~:~--~n-k-I-"-~-U-I-red______~------------------~---~nkllre~qu-lr-ad--------f_------------------~------------------1 Control Room IndicatIOn or degraded perform.nce or oxce<Klea Iho applicable lime II an ongotng rele ... 11 detected and IhI rele ... II8f1IImo II 2 Core ExIt TCI 1,200"F Core .xl TCa> 700T Core [xft TC. cannot be ANY Nfely-relalOd atructure. Iy.tem, or componenl f1Illored < 1 ,200 within w~hln ANY Tlble H* I .rea unknown t5mln 3 ilion or water level In the rel"o'ng pathwIY HA1.5 1 1 I 2 Lako Ie"'" > 253 ft D HU1 .5 11 I 2 I 3 [ 4 I 5 [

  • I b I Doer Creek f100dlnliJ over entl"anc. road bridge hand 'a~

ocwrs wltlle In MOde 5, e or 0 , conllder clalllflcation und r EALI CU3 t , CU3 2 or CU33 B N..,. N....

core Exit TCI 700'F AND OR Core Exit TCI RVUS Ie",' c,nnOl be OR Screen HOUle Sudlon Boy WIt r level -< 16 ft or < 14 5 n Lako IOveI > 252 ft 4 The ED .nould not wa~ untilihe .ppllcable limo rollored > 52% I>55'"

by manual level measuremont has elapsed, but Ihould declare the event a. advef'le CNMT] with no OR Screen HoUH Suction Bay water leveJ < 1 T ft or 0( 155ft by loon IS nII determined that the condition hIS RCP. running w~hln HAU I 1 I 2 I 3 I " I 0 I I I 0 I manual level measuremem .,.:oeGad, or will IIkoty oxceed, me IPflIlcablo 15 min time H Vehicle cralh roaunlng In Elm R VlII~e damage to ANY litety related sttu~ure . system, Of' component Wllhln ANY Table ',1* 1 .rea OR 6 If the equipment In Ihe "otO<l area wal already Inoperable, or out of I8Mco, botore the event occurred , then EAI HAl 1 Ihould not be

  • RIIlIS Iovel ~ 62%

1< 55'" ad""rse CNMTj OR 1 RCS leak ~Ie >- lvalla. .

makollp capacity at Indlclled by a 10.. of RCS RCS ..,.k rate " 60 gpm wrth letdOWn Isolaled I A containment pre.sul'l rls. Iollowed by

  • rapid une)(ploln d drop In 4 comalNnent prettufe

> SO plig and rl.lng declared I. It will hive no advert Impact on 1M Atlialt one RCP running ,ubcooUng << EOP rig containment pre.tufe Contalnm.nt hydrogen Huard. Control Room Indication of degraded performonce of ANY MIN SUBCOOLING) aafety*related ttNcture . tYllem, or componem WIthin ANY ability 01 Ihe planllo .. rety oper"'o or f ty Ihul RIIlIS ltuld IractlOn <66'" concentration 04%

& down beyond thai already lliowed by Technical Containment preSiure Dr Table H-1 .reo Ruptured SJO relufts In on Other Specilicallon, .t the lime 01 thO e"'nt lump level relponse not 6 Contalnmenl prellUre ECCS (SI) IduatlOn consl.tent with LOCA '2' 28 ptfo and 0( two CRFC Condl* e The NEIC can be contaded by ClUing (303) 2711- condfUonl unlto and onl CS pump 11 r I I

  • I I I I done Affect*

Ing P lant 2

HAl.1 2 3 Fire or e""lolion r..u~1ng In ElTH R 5 8 0 Vi.lble demegalo ANY aaroty-rekMed structure, aystam, or HU2.1 [ 1 I 2 I 3 I 4 I 5 I Fire not extinguished withkl15 min of Control Room I I D r noHficsUon or verification of a COnt~ Room fire ..erm In ANY 8500 Seiad option 11 Ind Inlorm lhe anatylt you wish to confirm recent lotlmlc oCllvtty In Ine Vicinity of Glnna Nuctear Power Plant Provide the anatyat wlthtM ~Iowlng Glnne COMUnale_

c Inventory Ruptured SlG 1IIIIso rlu~ed containment outside of operating per de.lgn Non.

COfTIponent within Al4Y Tab .. H-1 are. Tobie Ii-I area or Turbin BuNdlng (Noto 4) 4'" 11.7' north IltHude. 7""I.T_II Safety Fire or OR longttudl Explotlon 4 Pnmary to-eecondary Control Room Indication of degraded performance of ANY HU2.2 1 1 [ 2 I 3 [ i I o leakrlt, > 10 gpm safety relalad structure, svstem, or compononl within ANY AND Tlble H* I .re. Explo.lon w~hln Ih' Proladea lire. UrlI.OI.ble prolonged Ileam relo.18 trom affected SIG 10 the HA3.1 [ 1 I 1 I 3 I 4 I 5 I

  • I 0 I HU3.1 [ environmenl 3 Non. ..... Aceel. to /tiny Table ~1 area Is prohibHed due to toxic ,

corrosive, asphyxiant or nlmmlble gasel Which Jeopardize R.leo .. 01 toldc, corroal"" .aphyxJonl or ltammlblo g.... or 10 ""oct normol plant OperotlOnl Containment ,adlallon Containment radlallon  : Containment radiatkm operallon of ANY ..rOI),-,f totod .tructuro, Iymom, or monitor A ~ 29IR - 30 reldlng monitor R*29IR-30 reeding: monitor R ,29IR-30 reading o

HIUrdOUI Gil componenl (Nol' 6) HUl.2 I 1 [ 2 [ 3 I 4 I 5 [ 8 [ 0 [ > I 0 +0' Rlhr ,. I 0 .. 01 Rlhr  : ,. 1 OE+03 Rllir RtcornmendB11on by 1oeoI, counly or II",. 011'....1.10 4 Valid ~tldOWn Monllor (R 9) I eVllcuate or ahoMer th, per.annel baaed on Offl1l8 event Radlltlon I r_lng > 24.000 mRlhr  :

HG4.1 11 I 2 I 3 I ~ I 5 [ S [ 0 [ H!I4.1 HM.l COLl HU4.1 1 1 [ 2 I 3 [ 4 1 5 I 5 I 0 I CooIanl adMty I

I Actlv"y > 300 jJCVgm dOl. I A hOltlto adlon ha, occurred luch that pianl peraonnet are A no.lIIe .cUon Is occurring or has OCCurred within the A hostile acUon Is occurring or has occurred within the A .ocurMy condition that doea not Involve a hostile acUon aa eqUivalent I~ 131  :

unable to operate equipment required 10 maintain ..rety Proladed Area II reponed by Sewr~y Shift SUpervillOn 4 rundlons HG4.2 11 I 2 I 3 I 4 [ 5 I 6 [ 0 J Owner ControMed Are. a, reported by security Shift SupefVision OR reported by Security Shift Suparvtllon OR i Failure of.1I volvelln ANY Acredible .~e*,peclflc lOCunly Ihreot notlficallon One line to clote SoIeurlty A hOltlle 'Clion hal CIU.ed filiure of Spent Fuel Cooling Iylleml A velidoted nolificeUon from NRC or an "nDr .nack Ihrest w~hln 30 min 01 the Ill.

OR A volldatod notlficallon rrom NRC providing Inro"".tlon or.n E None NOlIe AND Direct downstream pathway to Ihe None AND ,Ireran Ihroat laolltlon StatUI envtronmenl exlsta after ImmlnenlliJel IllIkety containment IlOlalion

'ignll HUI 11 I 2 I 3 I 4 I s I LLlO HAS.l [ 1 I 2 I 3 I .. I 5 I o AHY cond"kH'Iln the NoN C;OOOiUon In the

  • ANY condition In the ... ANY cond;Uo" In the 6 ANY condilton In the ANY condition In the 5 Control Room evacuation hal been InMIsIed AND Control Room evacuation ha. boen initlBled F opinIOn 01 thl Emergency Director IhallndlcllOI lOll opinion 01 the Emergency Director mot Indlcal.1 opinIOn or the Emergency Director lhallndl~te. loll opinion olth. Emerg ncy otecto( thai Indicate.

opinion of Ihl Emergency Director thai Indk:ate. IOn optnlon or the Emergency DIrector that IlId/Clile.

Controf Judgment 01 tho ruel Clad barrlOr polenllollo** Of Ihe fu I 01 Ihe RCS b.n1er potenllalloll olthe RCS of the containment barrier potenllallon 01 Ihe Room Control of the plant cannot be estabMah d within 30 min clad banter berrler containment barrier Evacuation HGI.l [ 1 I 2 I 3 I 4 I 5 I 6 I 0 I HSB.l 11 I 2 I 3 I .. I 5 I

  • I 0 I HAS.1 [ 1 [ 2 I 3 [ i [ 5 I * [ 0 [ HllI.1 I 1 I 2 I 3 I 4 15 I 6 I D I Other cond~lon. e" which In Ihe judgment 01 thl Olh r oondilon. 0" which In the judgment 01 tt,a O"'er conditlOnl oxllt which In tI,e judg"""'l 01 me Other condltionl e** t wtHch In Ihe ludgrmtnl 01 the Cmorgency OfrectOf Indlc6t. thar event**ro in progroll or Emergency Ok'eaor kldlCate lhat everrta or. In proort .. or Emergency Director Indlcat. that events are 6n pmgrell or have OCCurred which inVOfve actual or Imminent aubJlantial have occurred w~ Inwlve actual or hkely maJor failures of Emergency Dlt'ector Indble th.t lvent. are in progreal or have occurred which Inwlve In actual or polenllal hive ocwrred which Indicate a potenllal degradation Olthe core degradBtlon or melting wllh potentlal for k). . of planl functlonl needed tor protection of lhe public 01\ ho.llle aubIConU.1 degradation of th level of 'ely of tne plant OR Itvel Iy of Ihe plant OR Indicate a IOCUrity Ihrell 10 9 6 containment Integrtty OR hostile action that resultlln an actual loss of physical control of the facility Releases can be reasonably expected 10 exceed PA Proteell", Action action that rolliltsln Intentional damage or malk:lous actl (1) toward Site personnel or equipment Ihal could lead to the IIkety rallure of, or (2) thai pre""nleffecllvo access to ,
  • security ewnt that myotves probable life threatening risk 10 slte peflOnnel or damage 10 I~' equipment bocause 01 Iocility prot.dlon has b.en In~I.I.d No rele. . . of radjoactive maleli8l requiring 0<<,110 r.epan .. or monitorlng 1 Guld.llne expolUrolevell (t .OOO mRem TEDE Or 6,000 equlpmenl n eded for Ihe protadlon olthe public Any hostile aallon Any rektasel are expected to bl limited 10 are expected unlell fUrther degradation of saf ty ty.tems

""all ~Idlonl or Ih EPA Proladlvo AdIOn Guldallne I

occurs JUdgment mRem thyrokl COl:) otrlfte for more Ihan the Inunodl"t., .Ie retelsel art not 'KPOC!ed 10 reau" In expolure levell which expolurele",l, (t ,OOO mRem TEDEor 5,000 mRem thyroid are. exceed EPA Protectl", Ac1lon Guideline expo'ure lovell CDE)

(1 .000 mRom TEDE 0< 5,000 mRom thyroid CDE) beyond the aHe boundary EAL Identifier li '-~E~t----------j------------j-------------j;EU"'~~~~~ None None None Damage 10

  • lOaded cast! conRnem nt boundary XXX.X Category (R , H , E. S. F", C) .-l II L Soque01lal number wrChk'l .ubclt1eoory/cle.. iflcatlon

-1 L Subcalegory numbar (I Wno subcategory)

I tSFSt Emergency clsllincation (G, 5, A. U)

J. r---~------------~------------~--~~----~--~--~~---

j l..~~~()~ct~~~~~:.....P:ow: ~:r~ :~:r:l~to:n~~ls:~:~ U:P~I ~H:O~ !S:h:~t:dow::ln~~H:~ ls:~:n:d:~~Y~C:OI:~ S:~ UI:do:~lwn ~IR:o:~u:e~I~1 .!~:e:f~: lo:~

.. .. .. ........ .Jt:::::::::~:;;;;;~~~~~~~;;;;::~~~;;:::::::: MODE 1, 2, 3 or 4 1)0\