ML11243A057 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | San Onofre ![]() |
Issue date: | 03/15/2011 |
From: | Southern California Edison Co |
To: | Office of Information Services |
References | |
FOIA/PA-2011-0157 | |
Download: ML11243A057 (15) | |
Unit 2 System Status:
- Q1C, t(?
NC'PY :,PkS User Status:
%TL A('PC Notification:
2B008 pilot cell 013 voltaue below 2.14 Created on: 03/15/2010 Reported By:'(b)(6)
Responsible: 1(b)(6)
I Priority:
4 Medium Required Start:
05/05/2010 14:33 End: 09/01/2010 14:33 Order No: 800480025 Code:
Task Exists? (Y]
Func.Loc.: S2.DCPS.2B008 125V STATION BATTERY 2B008 Equipment:
Quality Class: II Location: CE Room:
Planner Group: Maint Electrical WorkCenter: EMEE Electrical Engrg Plant: 1000 SONGS - Services Reliability Classification: CRITICAL-A ARC Review Status: C Completed Feedback Req'd? (I M Rule:
Sig Level: 4 Low Level IsGuC Breakdown
[H Malfunction Start: 03/19/2010 10:25 Breakdown Duration:
H End:
03/15/2010 23:38:31 (b)(6)
/ S023-I-9.92, STEP
CELL 413 IS AT 2.1323.
Print Date: 06/08/201.0 Page 1 o* 17
Task Surmary Notification:
NN 200834923 Func.Loc.: S2.DCPS.2B008 125V STATION BATTERY 2E008 Location: CB Room:
Sort No.:
0001 Sort No.:
0002 Code Group:N-TS-IOD Immediate Operability Determination Short Text: 2B008 pilot cell #13 voltage below 2.14 Task Code: NO50 IOD-Canceled / Not Applicable/No DNC WorkCenter: EMSYE Electrical/I&C Systems Responsible:
Code Group:N-POD Prompt Operability Determination Short Text: POD approved OPR.
Task Code: P040 POD Closed WorkCenter:
EM EE Electrical Engrg Responsible: (b)(6)
Sort No.:
0003 Sort No.:
0004 Code Group:N-SPT General Support Record Short Text: Evaluate pilot cell voltage Task Code: ST04 sP'r Complete WorkCenter: EM EE Electrical Engrg Responsible: (b)(6)
Code Group:N-SPT General Support Record Short Text: TEMP ECP Request Task Code: ST05 SPT Canceled WorkCenter:
ED W E"1!N Responsible: 1.
( b (6 )..........................................................
Code Group:N-TS-IOD Immediate Operability Determination Short Text: DNC-2B008 413 Cell degradation 800480128 Task Code: NO45 IOD-Equipment Restored to Operable WorkCenter:
EM SYE Electrical/I&C Systems Responsible: (b)(6)
Sort No.:
0005 Print Date: 06/08/2010 Page 2 of 17
Task Details Continued Notification:
NN 200834923
2R008 pilot ceil 413 voltage below 2.14 3.8.106.
Determine OPERABLE/INOPERABLE xx Operable Inoperable Basis (provide discussion):
The battery pilot cell voltage is required to be greater than or equal to 2.07 V.
The weekly battery SV measured the pilot cell at 2.1323 V.
This i:
less than the early notification threshold of 2.14 V.
The battery remains OPERABLE and a POD will be created for additional Engineerirny evaluation.
Reviewed by SM :(b)(6)
- 4. Extent of Condition (Required for Inoperable)
EOC Created (YES or NO)?
NO Describe "other train/other unit" findings (if performed):
- 5.
IOD Closure Tnformation In summary all conditions in LCO 3.8.6 are satisfied, and the battery is able to perform its required safety functions.
In the case of LCS which was not satisfied, all required actions are in place to ensure the battery continues to perform its required safety functions.
LCS 3.8.106 Required Action C.1 was satisfied which requires Performance of SR, that is to verify each battery connected cell voltage is greater Lhan or equal to 2.07 VDC.
Electricians completed that assignment satisfactorily, within 3 houiý.
All remaining cells in 2B008 are greater than or equaL to 2.13 VDC.
Print Date: 06/08/2010 Page 5 of 17
Task Details Continued St N ;s Notification:
NN 200834923
2B008 pilot cell 413 voltage below 2.14 And per LCS 3.2.106 Required Action C.2 was satisfied by notifying the cognizant engineer IbX-6) by telephone at home) to trend cell performance within 12* hours.
And per LCS 3.8.106 Required Action C.3 was satisfied which requires to initiate action to restore the affected cell to >= 2.13 VDC.
A Work Order #800477811 was generated and put into effect to perform a battery bank equalize charge to restore its voltage equal to or above 2.13 VDC within 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> (SOD23-1-9.99).
3/18/10 at 0600 hour0.00694 days <br />0.167 hours <br />9.920635e-4 weeks <br />2.283e-4 months <br /> - 2.4055 Volts 3/18/10 at 2200 hour0.0255 days <br />0.611 hours <br />0.00364 weeks <br />8.371e-4 months <br /> - 2.1748 Volts NMO 800480316 was created to record the voltage of Pilot cell #13:
Hourly's started on 3/19/10 at 1610.
Lowest level prior to equalize was 2.1227 Volts. Adminiscracve action point 2.1317 Volts. Tech Spec >2.07 Volts.
3/19: Pilot Cell 1640 -
2.1116 1710 2.1427 1810 2.1422 1910
- 2.1415 2010 2.1406 2110
- 2.1407 2210 -
2.1405 2310 -
2.1402 3/20: Pilot Cell 0010 2.1406 0110 - 2.1404 0210 -
2.1404 0310 - 2.1400 0410 -
- 13 voltages:
- 13 voltages:
Contact L b or L
- D::::
for more info regarding NMO 80040316.lFrom<th<e trend data above it appears that-cill #13 is stabilizing around 2.14 Volts.
I Print Date: 06/08/2010 Page 6 of 17
Task Details Continued Notification:
NN 200834923
2B008 pilot cell. #13 voltage below 2.14 Implementation of these actions satisfies the LCS 3.6.106 that cells are above 2.13 Volts. The TS 3.8.6 LCO is satisfied by the cell voltage being above 2.07 Volts.
_____3/19/10 Peer check: lmx
This IOD will be cancelled and closed. The condition of this battery continues to degrade such that it is no longer operable.
A need IOD will be created.
3/20/10 Print Date: 06/08/2010 7 of 17 Print Date: 06,108/2010
Task Details Notification:
NN 200834923 Func.Loc.: S2.D)CPS.2Bn08 125V STATION BATTERY 2B008 Location: CS Room:
TAok N.ptail00 Sort No.:
0002 Code Group: N-POD Prompt Operability Determination Short Text: POD approved OPR.
Task Code: P040 POD Closed WorkCenter: EMEE Electrical Engrg Responsible:
TSCO Planned Start: 03/18/2010 08:07 Planned End: 03/18/2010 08:07 Complete: 03/18/2010 08:07 Task Long Text:
PART 1: DEGRADED/MONCONFORMING/UNANALYZED CONDITION A. Describe the as-found condition and the equipment affected, assuring that the problem and scope have been clearly identified.
While performing Monthly Surveillance on 2B008 battery IAW Procedure S023-I-9.
2, step, Electricians tound pilot cell 413 had a cell voltage of 2.1323.
Procedure requirements dictate notifying the cognizant engineer and writing a notificari.on. A further test of pilot cell #13 cell voltage showed the cell voltage to be 2.1218 volts which is less than the acceptance criteria Qf sceps 6.4.1 & (NN 200836402)
B. If it is confirmed at this stage that no degraded, nonconforming or unanalyzed condition exists, record as such and provide justification.
OF THE AFFECTED SSC 22008 is part of the DC electrical subsystem as described in 3.8.4 (DC Sources Operating) and 3.8.5 (DC SouLces shutdown),
and the specific battery parameters are identified in 3.8.6 i2attery Parameters).
The bases states gThe DC electrical power subs7ystem, each subsystem Print Date: 06/08/2010 Page 8 of 1/
Print Date: 06/OB/2010 Page 8 of 17
Task Details Continued Notification:
NN 200834923
2.3,,]8 pilot cell #13 voltage below 2.14 consisting of one battery, a battery charger, and the corresponding conttol equipment and interconnecting cabling within the train are required co be OPERABLE to ensure the availability of the required power to shutdown the reactor and maintain in a safe condition after an AOO or DBA."
LCO 3.8.6.A has a specific requirement of One or two batteries on one train with one or more battery cells with float voltage <2.07V.
LCS 3.8.106 states that the battery parameters shall be within the limits of the LCS.
A. Technical Basis LCO SR requires verification of each pilot cell voltago is e!qual to or abnve 2.07 VUC at 31 days frequency. Pilot cell 13 satisfies this requirement.
LCS SR requirement is to verify battery pilot cell voltage is equal to greater than 2.13 VDC every 31 days.
Pilot cell 13 does not satisfy this requirement.
B. Status (As Found)
X Specified Safety Function(s) Satisfied Specified Safety Function(s) NOT Satisfied LCS 3.8.106 Required Action C.1 requires performance of SR, that is to verify each battery connected cell voltage is greater than or equal to 2.07 VDC.
Electricians completed that assignment satisfactorily within 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br />. All remaining cells in 28008 are greater than or equal to 2.13 VDC Action C.1 is satisfied And per LCS 3.8.106 Required Action C.2 requirement, the cognizant engineer was informed by telephone at home to trend cell performance within 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br />. Action C.2 is satisfied And per LCS 3.3,106 Required Action C.3, Initiate action to restore the affected cell to >= 2.13 VDC.
A Work Order 48004/1811 was generated and put into effect to perform a battery bank equalize charge to restore its voltage equal to or above 2.13 VDC within 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> (SO23-I-9.99, Print Date: 06/08/2010 Page 9 of 27 J
Task Details Continued Notification:
NN 200834923
2B00-3 pilot cell #13 v;oltage below 2.14 Implementation of these actions satisfies the LCS and the LCO is satisfied by the cell voltage being above 2.07V In summary all conditions in LCO 3.8.6 are satisfied, and the battery is able to perform its required safety functions.
In the case of LCS which was not satisfied, all required actions are in place to ensure the battery continues to perform its required safety functions PART 4: CONTINUED DEGRADATION Continued degradation is possible for this cell.
The purpose of LCS 3.8.106 Action C.3 is to monitor the performance of cell #13.
This will identify 4nv further degradaticn.
Pdr SD23-I-9.99, which is being used to perform NMO 800477811, the battery voltage and current, and the pilot cell voltage will he monitored shiftly (every 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br />) unzil the uurrent across the battery terminals has stabilized four consecutive readings.
Then continue for an additional 35 hours4.050926e-4 days <br />0.00972 hours <br />5.787037e-5 weeks <br />1.33175e-5 months <br /> monitoring every 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />.
Engineering will monitor this data and assess the cell performance.
PART 6: EXTENT OF CONDITION (Required for Inoperable)
EOC Created (YES or NO)?
Describe "other train/other unit" findings (if performed) :No-All batteries are surveilled on a 31-day interval no other failing pilot cells identified POD Prepared By.(b6)
Ion 3/17/2010 T3ENI3 POS Verified Valid in EQUIS Until 3,125/2011 POD Reviewed B (b)(6) ion 3/17/2010 T3EN13 PQS Verified Valid in EQUIS Until 9/17/2010 Print Date- 06/08/2010 Page 10 of 17 Print Date! 06/08/2010 Page 10 of 17
Task Details Continued NM)
\\(I Notification:
NN 200834923
2B008 pilot ceil #13 voltage below 2.14 POD approved b, (b)(6)
Peer Checked by 03/18/2010 Print Date: OE/08/2010 Page 11 of 17 Print Date: 06/08/2010 Page 11 of 17
Task Details Notification:
NN 200834923 Func.Loc.: S2.DCPS.2B008 125V STATION BATTERY 2B008 Location: CB Room:
Sort No.:
0003 Code Group: N-SPT General Support Record Short Text: Evaluate pilot cell voltage Task Code: ST04 SPT Complete WorkCenter:
EM EE Electrical Engrg Responsible:
TSCb Planned Start: 04/02/2010 02:00 Planned End: 04/02/2010 02:00 Complete: 04/02/2010 02:00 Task Long Text:
SPT (General Support Record)
Debcibe the General support request:
In summa.Ly Lli conditions in LCO 3.b.6 are satisfied, and the battery is able to perform its required safety functions.
In the case of LCS which was not satisfied, all required actions are in place to ensure the battery continues to perform its required safety functions.
And per LCS 3.8.106 Required Action C.3 was satisfied which requires to initiate action to restore the affected cell to >= 2.13 VDC.
A Work Order 9800477811 was generated and put into effect to perform a battery bank equalize charge to restore its voltage equal to or above 2.13 VDC within 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> (S023-I-9.99).
3/18/10 at 0600 hour0.00694 days <br />0.167 hours <br />9.920635e-4 weeks <br />2.283e-4 months <br /> -
2.4055 Volts 3/18/10 at 2200 hour0.0255 days <br />0.611 hours <br />0.00364 weeks <br />8.371e-4 months <br /> 2.1748 Volts NMO 800480316 was created to record the voltage of Pilot cell #13:
Hourly's started on 3/19/10 at 1610.
Lowest level prior to equalize was 2.1227 Volts. Administrativre action point 2.1317 Volts. Tech Spec >2.07 Volts.
3/19: Pilot Cell 413 voltages:
1610 2.1416 1710 2.1427 1810 2.1422 Print Date: 06/08/2010 Page 1.2 of 17
-J Task Details Continued Notification:
NN 200834923
2B008 pilot cell 413 volitage below 2.1.1 1910 - 2.1415 2010
- 2.1406 2110 -
2.1407 2210 -
2.140S 2310 -
2.1402 3/20: Pilot Cell #13 voltages:
0010 - 2.1406
.0110 2.1404 0210
- 2.1404 0310 2.1400 0410 2.1391 contact (b)(6)
- o.
or (b).6) for more info regarding NMO ?0042031E.
03 / 1f6/
010 S2.DCPS.2B008 battery pilot cell #13 voltage was 2.1227 VDC and 2.1218 taken with two different meters per the procedure.
Acceptance Criteria is equal to or greater than 2-1317.
So steps 6.4.1 and are unsat and a failed surveillance. of G023-1-9.92 will be performed taking all cell voltages.
Battery 2B008 Cell #13 needs to be replaced due to continued degradation after battery bank equalizing charge.
Several NMOs were generated to replace the degraded cell so that the battery can perform its specified safety function.
The NMOs are:
800480098 2B002/2B004-Optimum Load Sharing-3/20 CPL 800480128 2B008-Swap jar 13/14 with spare 17/18-3/26 F/C (CSR, closed)
I3/20/2010 Peer Check: [1 1
Urdate by (b)(6) 3/21/10 at 3:45PM (PQS T3EN13 expires 12/16/10) 2B008 was placed in service and battery checks completed by Electrimans 3/21/2010 -* 1741 bA. _-
Verified work complete.(b)( 6 )
3/21/010 1943 Print Date: 06/08/2010 Paye 13 of 17 Print Date: 06/08/2010 Page 13 of 17
.J Task Details Continued Notification:
NN 200834923
2B00,0 pilot ce.1. #13 voltaae below 2.14 Print Date: 06/08/2010 Page 14 oE I'?
Task Details Notification:
NN 200834923 Func.Loc.: S2.DC2PS.2B008 1.25V STATION BATTERY 2B008 Location: CB Room:
- Dptailg, Sort No.:
0004 Code Group: N-SPT General Support Record Short Text: TEMP ECP Request Task Code:
ST05 SPT Canceled WorkCenter: ED W EWIN
=ep n i l
- *
- 6.........................
Responsible: '(b)(6)
Planned Start: 03/20/2010 16:44 Planned End: 03/20/2010 16:44 Complete: 03/20/2010 16:44 Task Long Text:
SPT (General Support Record)
DeLtjibe the Ueneral support request: Request Temp ECP to install BOOX on the 2D2 dc Swgr to support cell jumpering on 2B008 Based on discussion in OCC wiLh shift manager the 2B008 was declared inoperable due to continuing degradation [ though still above admin and license values ]. Tech spec 3.-.4 was entered to implement cross tie from 2D2 = 2D4 and expectation for temp ecp was retracted. This assignment will be cancelled as not needed now.
(b)(6) 33/20 1600 Print Date: 06/08/2010 Page 15 of 1'7 Print Date: 06/08,'2010 Pace 15 of 17
Task Details Notification:
NN 200834923 Func.Loc,: S2.DCPS.2B008 125V STATION BATTERY 2B008 Location: CB Room:
TaRk nehaiJg-Sort No.:
0005 Code Group: N-TS-IOD Immediate Operability Determination Short Text: DNC-2B008 #13 Cell degradation 800480128 Task Code: N045 IOD-Equipment Restored to Operable WorkCenter: EMSYE Electrical./I&C Systems Responsible:
TSCO Planned Start: 03/30/2010 Planned End: 03/30/2010 Complete: 03/21/2010 19:43 Task Long Text:
N1 200834923 NOTES:
- 1) Parcs
[ throuqh 4 will be completed by the STA.
- 2)
may be completed by Operations (STA) or Engineering (Responsible Engineer) when The SSC has been restored to a fully qlualified status. IOD (Immediate Operability Determination)
This is an immediute Operability Determination (IOD).
- 1. Deficiency Identified and the Affected Functional Location:
S2.DCPS.2B008, PILOT CELL VOLTAGE IS BELOW 2.14 volts and continuing to degrade.
- 2. Identify the Specified Safety Function(s); include mission time (if applicablej*
1E 12SV batteries provide DC power to 125VDC switchboards and instrument busses in the event of a loss of plant AC power.
The mission time of the 125VDC batteries is approximately 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br />.
The batteries need be OPERABLE in accordance with TS 2.8.6 and LCS 3.8.106.
Determine OPERABLE/INOPERABLE Print Date: 06/08/2010 Page 16 nf 17
Task Details Continued Notification:
NN 200834923
2BED0? pi.[om cell 413 voltage below 2.14 Operable
Basis (provide discussion):
Because of its continued degradation after the equalizing charge, there is not a reasonable expectation the battery will perform its specified safety function. A graph of the pilot cell voltage is attached.
- 4. Extent of Condition (Required for Inoperable)
EOC Created (YES or NOW?
No, EOC will be caught by periodic surveillances.
Describe "o~her rrain/otrier unit" findings (if performed):
- 5.
1OD Closure informaLtion Line item added to 2-EDMR-2010-0051 Battery 2B0'8 Cell 413 needs to be replaced due to continued degradation after battery bank equalizing charge.
Several NMOs were oenerated to replace the degraded cell so that the battery can perform its specified safety function.
The NMOs are:
800480098 2B002/2B004-Optimum Load Sharing-3/120 CPL (This NMO is WIP as of 3/21/10 3:45PM???)
800480128 2B008-Swap jar 11/14 with spare 17/19-3/26./C (Thio NMO is in cat.50 CSR, closed)
(b)(6) 3/20/2010 Peer Check:
Update in ()by
- Fb)(6) 1 3/21/10 at 3:45PM (PQS T3EN13 expires 1.2/16/10) 2B008 was placed in service and battery checks completed by Electricians 33/21/2010 "'1 1741
Verified work comIlee. (b)(6) 1 3/21/010 1943 Print Date: 06/08/2010 Page 17 of 17 Print Date: 06/08,1'2010 Page 17 of 17