LR-N10-0355, Attachment 4 to LR-N10-0355, Hope Creek Generating Station, Emergency Action Level Technical Bases Supporting Documents (Cd with Paper Index)

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Attachment 4 to LR-N10-0355, Hope Creek Generating Station, Emergency Action Level Technical Bases Supporting Documents (Cd with Paper Index)
Person / Time
Site: Salem, Hope Creek  PSEG icon.png
Issue date: 10/14/2010
Public Service Enterprise Group
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML110050399 (11)


Attachment 4 HCGS EAL Technical Bases Supporting Documents (CD with paper index)

Hope Creek NEI 99-01, Rev. 05, EAL Submittal Reference Material Checklist Rev. 01 Procedure Number Procedure Nomenclature EAL Collected (YIN)Number s)Calc E-4.1 HC Class 1E 125 VDC Station Battery and Charger Sizing CU2.1 Y DOT (ERG2008)

DOT Emergency Response Guide Link No -Available online at: HU3.2 HUH -MSA/'ls/ý erg2008 eng.pd" DWG 205415-A-8765 Sheet 1 500 KV Transmission Plan & Profiles SU1.1 No -Refer to FSAR Figure 8.2-1 SA1.1 FSAR Reference Materials not SS1.1 included on Supporting SGI.1 Document CD as NRC maintains CU1.1 current copies CAl .1 DWG E-0001-0 Sheet I Hope Creek Generating Station Single Line Diagram SU1.1 No -Refer to FSAR Figure 8.3-1 SA1.1 FSAR Reference Materials not SS1.1 included on Supporting SG1.1 Document CD as NRC maintains CUl.l current copies CA1.1 Emergency Plan Section 7, Communications SU6.1 Y CU5.1 HC.EP-EP.ZZ-0205 TSC -Post Accident Core Damage Assessment FB2-L Y CB5-P HC.IC-CC.SE-0001 Nuclear Instrumentation System -Channel A Source Range YU3.1 Monitor C5 I-K600A HC.IC-CC.SE-0002 Nuclear Instrumentation System -Channel B Source Range YU3.l Monitor C5 I -K600B HC.IC-CC.SE-0003 Nuclear Instrumentation System -Channel C Source Range SU3Y Monitor C5 1-K600C HC.IC-CC.SE-0004 Nuclear Instrumentation System -Monitor C5 1 -K600D Channel D Source Range Y SU3.1 Page 1 of 10 Hope Creek NEI 99-01, Rev. 05, EAL Submittal Reference Material Checklist Rev. 01 EAL Procedure Number Procedure Nomenclature Number(s)

Collected (Y/N)Channel L-1 1683/B21-N027 Rx Cavity Floodup Level/Rx RU2.1 Y Shutdown Range Level Setup CU3.1 HC.IC-GP.BB-0003 CU3.2 CU3.3 CA3.2 CU4.2 HC.OP-AB.BOP-0002 Main Turbine HU1.3 Y HA1.3 HA1.6 HC.OP-AB.CONT-0001 Drywell Pressure SU8.1 Y RB1-P RB2-L CB 1 -L HC.OP-AB.CONT-0002 Primary Containment SU8.1 Y RB 1-P RB2--L CB I -L HC.OP-AB.CONT-0005 Irradiated Fuel Damage RU2.1 Y RA2.1 HC.OP-AB.COOL-0004 Fuel Pool Cooling RU2.1 Y RA2.1 HC.OP-AB.HVAC-0002 Control Room Environment HU3.1 Y HA3.1 HA5.1 HS5.1 HC.OP-AB.IC-0003 Reactor Protection System SA3.1 Y HC.OP-AB.M1SC-0001 Acts of Nature HU1.1 Y HU1.2 HU1.5 HAI.1 HAI.2 HC.OP-AB.MISC-0002 CRIDS/Overhead Annunciators/PPC Computer SU5.1 Y SA5.1 SS5.1 Page 2 of 10 Hope Creek NEI 99-01, Rev. 05, EAL Submittal Reference Material Checklist Rev. 01 Procedure Number Procedure Nomenclature EAL Collected (Y/N)Number s)HC.OP-AB.RPV-0003 Recirc System/Power Oscillations RB I-P Y HC.OP-AB.RPV-0008 Reactor Coolant Activity SU7.1 Y SU7.2 FB3-L HC.OP-AB.RPV-0009 Shutdown Cooling CA3.1 Y CA4.1 HC.OP-AB.SEC-0001 Security Event HU4.1 No -Security Sensitive Procedure HA4.1 -not included in submittal HS4.1 package HG4.1 HC.OP-AB.SEC-0002 Airborne Event HU4.1 No -Security Sensitive Procedure HA4.1 -not included in submittal HS4.1 package HG4.1-HC.OP-AB.ZZ-0135 Station Blackout/Loss of Offsite Power/Diesel Generator Malf SAL.1 Y SSI.1 SGI.1 SS2.l CA1.1 CU2.1 HC.OP-AB.ZZ-0150 125VDC System Malfunction SS2.1 Y HC.OP-AM.ZZ-0001 Severe Accident Guidelines (SAG) FBI-L Y, CB I -P CU3.1 CU3.2 CA3.2 CS3.1 CG3.1 CU4.2 CB3-P CG3.1 CG3.2 HC.OP-AR.EC-0002 Reactor Level Indication Panel 10C214 RU2.1 Y Page 3 of 10 Hope Creek NEI 99-01, Rev. 05, EAL Submittal Reference Material Checklist Rev. 01 Procedure Number Procedure Nomenclature EAL Number(s)Collected (Y/N)HC.OP-AR.ZZ-0001 Overhead Annunciator Window Box Al HU1.4 Y HA 1.4 HC.OP-AR.ZZ-0006 Annunciator Response Procedure, Window B I RB3-L Y HC.OP-AR.ZZ-0008 Annunciator Response Procedure, Window C1 RB3-L Y HC.OP-AR.ZZ-0009 Overhead Annunciator Window Box C3 SU3.1 Y CS3.2 CG3.2 CU6.1 HC.OP-AR.ZZ-0010 Annunciator Response Procedure, Window C5 RB3-L Y HC.OP-AR.ZZ-0011 Overhead Annunciator Window Box C6 HU1.l Y HAlI.1 SU7.1 CB5-P SU5.1 SA5.1 SS5.1 HC.OP-AR.ZZ-0012 Annunciator Response Procedure, Window C8 RB3-L Y HC.OP-AR.ZZ-0013 Overhead Annunciator Window Box D l-A5 RU2.1 RA2.1 Y HC.OP-AR.ZZ-00 14 Annunciator Response Procedure, Window D3 RB3-L Y y HC.OP-AR.ZZ-00 16 HC.OP-AR.ZZ-0019 HC.OP-AR.ZZ-0024 Overhead Annunciator Window Box E3 CB3-P CG3.1 CG3.2 I +Overhead Annunciator Window Box E6-A3 CRIDS Computer Points Book 5 D3624 thru D4288 RA2.1 CB3-P CG3.1 CG3.2 Y Y+Page 4 of 10 Hope Creek NEI 99-01, Rev. 05, EAL Submittal Reference Material Checklist Rev. 01 Procedure Number Procedure Nomenclature EAL Collected (Y/N)Number s)HC.OP-EO.ZZ-OIO1A-FC ATWS-RPV Control SGIA. No -Copy could not meet PDF SA3.1 requirements for NRC electronic SS3.1 submittal SG3.1 FBI-P FBI-L RB 1 -L RB4-L CB1-P HC.OP-EO.ZZ-0101-FC RPV Control SGIA Y SS2.1 sus. I FB 1 -1 FBI-L RBI-P RBI-L RB2-L RB4-L CB 1-P CB1-L CU3.1 Page 5 of 10 Hope Creek NEI 99-01, Rev. 05, EAL Submittal Reference Material Checklist Rev. 01 Procedure Number Procedure Nomenclature Number(s)Collected (Y/N)Y HC.OP-EO.ZZ-0102-FC Primary Containment Control SS2.1 SG3.1 sU8.I RB1-P RB2-L RB4-L CB2-P CB4-P CBI-L CB3-L CB4-L CU3.2 CA3.2 CS3.2 CG3.2 HC.OP-EO.ZZ-0103/4-FC Reactor Building and Radioactive Release Control HU1.4 Y HA1.4 RB1-P RB2-P RB4-L CB5-L CG3.1 CG3.2 HC.OP-EO.ZZ-0202-FC Emergency Depressurization SS2.1 Y HC.OP-EO.ZZ-0206A-FC ATWS -RPV Flooding SGI.1 SG3.1 FBI-P FBI -L RB1-L CB 1-P Y Page 6 of 10 Hope Creek NEI 99-01, Rev. 05, EAL Submittal Reference Material Checklist Rev. 01 lProcedure Number Procedure Nomenclature eAL Collected (Y/N)Number s)HC.OP-EO.ZZ-0206-FC RPV Flooding SG1.l Y FBI-P FBI-L RBI-L CB1-P HC.OP-EO.ZZ-0318 Containment Venting CB4-L Y HC.OP-GP.ZZ-0005 Drywell Leakage Source Detection SU8.1 Y RB1-P RB2-L CU3.2 CA3.2 CS3.2 CG3.2 HC.OP-IO.ZZ-0004 Shutdown from Rated Power to Cold Shutdown CU4.1 Y CU4.2 CA4.1 HC.OP-IO.ZZ-0005 Cold Shutdown to Refueling CU3.1 Y CU3.3 CA3.1 CU4.1 CU4.2 HC.OP-IO.ZZ-0008 Shutdown from Outside the Control Room HA5.1 Y HS5.1 HC.OP-IO.ZZ-0009 Refueling Operations CA3.1 Y HC.OP-SO.BC-0002 Decay Heat Removal Operation CU4.1 Y CU4.2 CA4.1 HC.OP-SO.SG-0001 Seismic Instrumentation System Operation HU1.1 Y HA1.1 HC.OP-SO.SM-0001 Isolation Systems Operation SU8.1 Y RB 1-P RB2-L Page 7 of 10 Hope Creek NEI 99-01, Rev. 05, EAL Submittal Reference Material Checklist Rev. 01 EAL Procedure Number Procedure Nomenclature Number(s)

Collected (Y/N)HC.OP-ST.SE-0005 SRM Channel Count Rate Surveillance SU3.1 Y CS3.2 CG3.2 CU6.1 HC.RP-AR.SP-0001 RMS Alarm Response RA2.1 Y RA3.1 SU7.1 RBI-HOLTEC Hi-Storm 100 FSAR No -See ADAMS Accession Numbers TOC ML101090396 listed under Procedure Chapter 1: General Description ML101090397 Nomenclature:

Chapter 2: Principal Design Criteria.

ML101090398 Chapter 3: Structural Evaluation.

ML101110022 Chapter 4: Thermal Evaluation.

ML101090499 4--ýChapter 5: Shielding Evaluation.

ML101110021 Chapter 6: Criticality Evaluation.

ML1 01110036 EUl.Chapter 7: Confinement.

ML101110037 Chapter 8: Operating Procedures.

ML101110038 Chapter 9: Acceptance Criteria and Maint ML1 01110039 Chapter 10: Radiation Protection.

ML101110042 Chapter 11: Accident Analysis.

ML1 01110043 Chapter 12: Operating Controls and Limits. ML101110044 Chapter 13: Quality Assurance.

ML101110045 HOLTEC (Spent Fuel Certificate of Compliance, Docket # 72-1014 No-Storage Cask) C of C = ADAMS Accession No.ML082030158, EU 1.1 App A = ADAMS Accession No.ML082030221.

App B = ADAMS Accession No.ML082030231 NC.CI-1-SH.MET-1206-Meteorological Monitoring System Calibration and HU1.2 Y Replaced by: Maintenance HA 1.2 CY-AA-170-500 Page 8 of 10 Hope Creek NEI 99-01, Rev. 05, EAL Submittal Reference Material Checklist Rev. 01 EALColce(YN Procedure Number Procedure Nomenclature Number Collected (Y/N)NUREG 1228 Source Term Estimation During Incident Response to Severe F13-L No -NRC Document not Nuclear Power Plant Accidents, Table 4.1 -included in submittal package ODCM Hope Creek Offsite Dose Calculation Manual (ODCM) RS 1.3 Y RG1.3 RU1.3 RA1.3 RU1.2 RA 1.2 RUI.1 RA 1.1 RS1.1 RGI. 1 OE-25324 Alert Declared Due to CO 2 Fire Extinguisher Discharge HU3.1 No -INPO Confidential HA3.1 OE-6144 Resin Intrusion, Hope Creek SU7.1 No -INPO Confidential OP-AA- 108-111 -1001 Severe Weather and Natural Disaster Guidelines HUI .2 Y HU1.5 HAI.2 OP-HC-108-115-1001 Operability Assessment and Equipment Control Program CS3.1 Y OU-AA- 103 Shutdown Safety Management Program CS3.1 Y CG3.1 CG3.2 CA4.1 Reg Guide 1.109 Table E-9 FB3-L No -NRC Document not included in submittal package SCP Salem-Hope Creek Security Contingency Plan (Safeguards HU4.1 No -(Safeguards Document -not Document -not included in submittal package) HA4.1 included in submittal package)HS4.1 Page 9 of 10 Hope Creek NEI 99-01, Rev. 05, EAL Submittal Reference Material Checklist Rev. 01 EALColce(YN Procedure Number Procedure Nomenclature Number Collected (Y/N)SY-AA-101-132 Threat Assessment HU4.1 Y Tech Spec Bases Fig. 3.3-1 Reactor Water Vessel Level FB 1-P Y RBI-L CU3.1 CU3.3 CA3.1 CS3.1 CU4.2 Tech Specs and FSAR All Tech Specs and FSAR Reference Materials Multiple No -Tech Specs and FSAR Reference Materials EALs Reference Materials not included on Supporting Document CD as NRC maintains current copies Page 10 of 10