ML102520157 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Browns Ferry |
Issue date: | 08/16/2010 |
From: | NRC/RGN-II |
To: | Tennessee Valley Authority |
References | |
50-259/10-301, 50-260/10-301, 50-296/10-301, ES-201, ES-201-1 50-259/10-301, 50-260/10-301, 50-296/10-301 | |
Download: ML102520157 (79) | |
ES-201 Examination Preparation Checklist Form ES-201-1 Facility: 0 1 Fr Date of Examination:
Developed by: Written - Facility NRC Li II Operating - FaciIityi NRC Li Target Chief Date* Task Description (Reference) Examiners Initials
-180 1. Examination administration date confirmed (Cia; C.2.a and b)
-120 2. NRC examiners and facility contact assigned (C.1.d; C.2.e)
-120 3. Facility contact briefed on security and other requirements (C.2.c)
-120 4. Corporate notification letter sent (C.2.d)
[-90] [5. Reference material due (C.1.e; C.3.c; Affachment 3)]
{-75} 6. Integrated examination outline(s) due, including Forms ES2-2, ES<3, ES-29 ES-3t-2, ES1-5, ES V1s, ES-40)4/2 ES481-3, and 2
ES-4-1-4, as applicable (C.1.e and f; C.3.d)
{-70} {7. Examination outline(s) reviewed by NRC and feedback provided to facility licensee (C.2.h; C.3.e)}
{-45} 8. Proposed examinations (including written, walk-through JPMs, and scenarios, as applicable), supporting documentation (including Forms ES-301-3, ES-301-4, ES-301-5, ES-301-6, and ES-401-6, and any Form ES-201-3 updates), and reference materials due (C.1 .e, f, g and h; C.3.d)
-30 9. Preliminary license applications (NRC Form 398s) due (C.1 .1; C.2.g; ES-202)
t)7L .ID
-14 10. Final license applications due and Form ES-201-4 prepared (C.1.l; C.2.i; ES-202)
-14 11. Examination approved by NRC supervisor for facility licensee review (C.2.h; C.3.f)
-14 12. Examinations reviewed with facility licensee (Cli; C.2.f and h; C.3.g)
-7 13. Written examinations and operating tests approved by NRC supervisor (C.2.i; C.3.h)
-7 14. Final applications reviewed; 1 or 2 (if >10) applications audited to confirm qualifications / eligibility; and examination approval and waiver letters sent (C.2.i; Attachment 5; ES-202, C.2.e; ES-204)
-7 15. Proctoring/written exam adminisation guidelines reviewed with facility licensee (C.3.k)
-7 16. Approved scenarios, job performance measures, and questions distributed to NRC examiners (C.3.i)
Target dates are generally based on facility-prepared examinations and are keyed to the examination date identified in the corporate notification letter. They are for planning purposes and may be adjusted on a case-by case basis in coordination with the facility licensee.
[Applies only] {Does not apply} to examinations prepared by the NRC.
ES-201, Page 25 of 28
ES-201 Examination Outline Quality Checklist Form ES-201-2 Facility:
Date of Examination:
Item Task Description
- 1. a. Verify that the outline(s) fit(s) the appropriate model, in accordance with ES-401.
w R b. Assess whether the outline was systematically and randomly prepared in accordance with I Section D 1 of ES-401 and whether all KJA categories are appropriately sampled.
- c. Assess whether the outline over-emphasizes any systems, evolutions, or generic topics.
- d. Assess whether the justifications for deselected or rejected K/A statements are appropriate.
- 2. a. Using Form ES-301-5, verify that the proposed scenario sets cover the required number of normal evolutions, instrument and component failures, technical specifications, S and major transients.
M b. Assess whether there are enough scenario sets (and spares) to test the projected number u and mix of applicants in accordance with the expected crew composition and rotation schedule
[ without compromising exam integrity, and ensure that each applicant can be tested using A at least one new or significantly modified scenario, that no scenarios are duplicated T from the applicants audit test(s), and that scenarios will not be repeated on subseo
- c. To the extent possible, assess whether the outline(s) conform(s) with the qualitative R and quantitative criteria specified on Form ES-301-4 and described in Appendix D.
- 3. a. Verify that the systems walk-through outline meets the criteria specified on Form ES-301-2:
(1) the outline(s) contain(s) the required number of control room and in-plant tasks W distributed among the safety functions as specified on the form I (2) task repetition from the last two NRC examinations is within the limits specified on the form T (3) no tasks are duplicated from the applicants audit test(s)
(4) the number of new or modified tasks meets or exceeds the minimums specified on the form (5) the number of alternate path, low-power, emergency, and RCA tasks meet the criteria on the form.
- b. Verify that the administrative outline meets the criteria specified on Form ES-301-1:
(1) the tasks are distributed among the topics as specified on the form (2) at least one task is new or significantly modified (3) no more than one task is repeated from the last two NRC licensing examinations
- c. Determine if there are enough different outlines to test the projected number and mix of applicants and ensure that no items are duplicated on subsequent days.
- 4. a. Assess whether plant-specific priorities (including ERA and IPE insights) are covered in the appropriate exam sections.
- b. Assess whether the 10 CFR 55.4 1/43 and 55.45 sampling is appropriate.
N c. Ensure that K/A importance ratings (except for plant-specific priorities) are at least 2.5.
- d. Check for duplication and overlap among exam sections.
A e. Check the entire exam for balance of coverage.
- a. Author Date
- b. Facility Reviewer (*) 71 ti) /
e 2 iefcicI
- c. NRC Chief Examiner (#) 4 Ik j.
d NRC Supervisor W!chi:f examin:
Note # Independent NRC reviewer initial items in Colu Not applicable for NRC-prepared examination outlines concurrence required.
ES-201, Page 26 of 28
HLT 0810 ES-201 Examination Security Agreement Form ES-201-3
- 1. Pre-Examination I acknO'~~edge that I ha'~'e acquired specfalized knO'\';~edge about the NRC licensing examinations scheduled fOfthe week{s) of 6/7-18/2010 as ottM date of my signature. I a.gree that I will not knowingly divulge any information about these examinations to any persons wtlo have not been authorized by the NRC chief examiner. I understand that I am not to instruct, evaluate, or provide pertormance feedback to those applicants scheduled to be administered these licensing examinations from this date until completion of examination administration, except as specifically noted below and authorized by the NRC (e.g., acting, as a simulaior booth operator or communicator is acceptable if the individual does not select the training content or pro'/idB direct or indirect feedback). Furthermore, I am aware of the physical security measures and requirements (as documented in the facilit1 licensee's procedures) and understand that violation of the conditions of this agreement may result in cancellaiion of the examinations and/or an enforcement action against me or the facilin' licensee. l'i'l,II immediately report to iacility management or the NRC chief examiner any indications or suggestions that examination security may have IJeen compromised.
- 2. Post-Examination To me best of my knowledge, I did not dilJulgeto any unauihorized persons any information conceming the NRC licensing examinaiiOfls administered during the weekes) of 6/7-18/201Q From the date that I entered into this security agreoolent until the completion at examinaiion administration, 1did not instruct, evaluate, or provide pertomlance feedba~ to those applicants who were administered these licensing examinations, except as specifically noted below and authorized by the NRC.
PRINTED NAME JOB TITLE I RESPONSIBILITY SIGN.A.TURE (1) d\l\ON'~ \"J\c ~~I)\l.1i:U Of'S Sur~~,\J')\~I-l~t oJ\ fi~lt>;"~
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ES-20'I, Page 27 of 28
HLT0810 ES-201 Examination Security Agreement Form ES-201-3
- 1. Pre-Examination I acknowledge that I have acquired specialized knowtedg e about the NRC licensing examinations scheduled for the week( s) of 6/7-18/2010 as of the date of my signature. I agree that I will not ~it1awingly divUlge any Information aoou; these examinations to any persons who have not been authorized by the NRC chief examiner. J understand that I am not to instruct, evaluate, or provide performance feedback to mose applicants scheduled to be administered these licensing examinations from this daie until completion of examination administration, except as speciiically noted below and authorized by the NRC (e.{I., .acting as a simulator booth operator or communicator is acceptable if the individual does not select the training content or provide direct or indirect feedback). Furthermore., I am aware ot the physical security measures and requirements (as documented in the facilitj licensee's procedures) and understand that violation of the conditions of tillis a{lreement may result in cancellation of the examinations and/or an enforcement action against me or the facility lictmsee. I ~Vill immediately report to facility management or the NRC chief examiner any indications or suggestions that examination security may have !Jeen compromised.
- 2. Post-Examination To the best of my knO',vledge, I did not divulgefo any unauihorized persons any information concerning the NRC licensing eY.aminatJons administered duling the week(s) of 6/7-18/201 Q From the date mat I entered into Iflis security agreement until the completion of examination administrauon, I did not instruct, evaluate, or provide performance feedlJacJ( to lhase applicants who were administered these licensing examinations, except as specifically noted below and authorized by the NRC PRlNTED NAME JOB TITLE I RESPONSIBILITY
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- 77T~w7 NOTES:
ES-20*t, Page 27 of 28
HLT 0801 Administrative Topics Outline Form ES-301-1 Facility: Browns Ferry NPP Date of Examination: 6/7/2010 Examination Level: RO Operating Test Number: 1006 Administrative Topic Type Describe activity to be performed Code *
(see Note)
Conduct of Operations N 2.1.5 Evaluate Work Schedule against guidelines of SPP 1.5 Fatigue Management and Work Hour Limits (jpm551)
Conduct of Operations N 2.1.36 Complete SRM operability surveillance and determine if acceptance criteria is met for core alterations. (jpm554)
Equipment Control N 2.2.41 Determine the isolation boundary for PCS Head Tank Pump 2B (jpm561)
Radiation Control P/M 2.3.12 Locked High Radiation Area Entry requirements (jpm548)
Emergency Plan NOTE: All items (5 total) are required for SROs. RO applicants require only 4 items unless they are retaking only the administrative topics, when all 5 are required.
(N)ew or (M)odified from bank (> 1)
(P)revious 2 exams (< 1; randomly selected)
HLT 0801 Administrative Topics Outline Form ES-301-1
- 1. Evaluate Work Schedule for compliance with new fatigue management guidelines
- New
- SPP 1.5 Fatigue Management and Work Hour Limits
- 2.1.5 Ability to use procedures related to shift staffing, such as minimum crew complement, overtime limitations, etc. Importance RO 2.9
- 2. Complete SRM operability surveillance and determine if acceptance criteria is met for core alterations.
- New
- 1-SR- Source Range Monitor System Count Rate and Signal to Noise Ratio Check
- 2.1.36 Knowledge of procedures and limitations involved in core alterations.
Importance RO 3.0
- 3. Determine the isolation boundary for PCS Head Tank Pump 2B
- New
- Drawings 2-47E814-1, 2-45E779-19, 2-47E610-71-1, 2-45E2750-4, and 2-47E751-3 and 5
- 2.2.41 Ability to obtain and interpret station electrical and mechanical drawings. Importance RO 3.5
- 4. Locked High Radiation Area Entry requirements
- Previous/Modified
- SPP 5.1 Radiological Controls
- 2.3.12 Knowledge of radiological safety principles pertaining to licensed operator duties, such as containment entry requirements, fuel handling responsibilities, access to locked high-radiation areas, aligning filters, etc. Importance RO 3.2
HLT 0801 Administrative Topics Outline Form ES-301-1 Facility: Browns Ferry NPP Date of Examination: 6/7/2010 Examination Level: SRO Operating Test Number: 1006 Administrative Topic Type Describe activity to be performed Code *
(see Note)
Conduct of Operations N 2.1.5 Evaluate Work Schedule against guidelines of SPP 1.5 Fatigue Management and Work Hour Limits (jpm551sro)
Conduct of Operations N 2.1.18 NRC Event Notification due to Reactor Scram (jpm553)
Equipment Control N 2.2.40 Controlling a containment penetration to meet the isolation requirements of TS (jpm555)
Radiation Control P/M 2.3.12 Locked High Radiation Area Entry requirements (jpm548)
Emergency Plan N 2.4.44 Protective Action Recommendation Evaluation (jpm552)
NOTE: All items (5 total) are required for SROs. RO applicants require only 4 items unless they are retaking only the administrative topics, when all 5 are required.
(N)ew or (M)odified from bank (> 1)
(P)revious 2 exams (< 1; randomly selected)
HLT 0801 Administrative Topics Outline Form ES-301-1
- 1. Evaluate Work Schedule for compliance with new fatigue management guidelines
- New
- SPP 1.5 Fatigue Management and Work Hour Limits
- 2.1.5 Ability to use procedures related to shift staffing, such as minimum crew complement, overtime limitations, etc. Importance SRO 3.9
- 2. NRC Event Notification due to Reactor Scram
- New
- SPP 3.5 Regulatory Reporting Requirements
- 2.1.18 Ability to make accurate, clear, and concise logs, records, status boards and reports.
Importance SRO 3.8
- 3. Controlling a containment penetration to meet the isolation requirements of TS
- New
- Drawing 2-47E811-1
- SPP 10.2 Clearance Procedure to Safely Control Energy
- 2.2.40 Ability to apply Technical Specifications for a system. Importance SRO 4.7
- 4. Locked High Radiation Area Entry requirements
- Previous / Modified
- SPP 5.1 Radiological Controls
- 2.3.12 Knowledge of radiological safety principles pertaining to licensed operator duties, such as containment entry requirements, fuel handling responsibilities, access to locked high-radiation areas, aligning filters, etc. Importance SRO 3.7
- 5. Protective Action Recommendation Evaluation
- New
- EPIP-1 and 5 Emergency Classification Procedure and General Emergency
- Completed Notification Handout
- 2.4.44 Knowledge of emergency plan protective action recommendations. Importance SRO 4.4
ES-301 Control Room/In-Plant Systems Outline Form ES-301-2 Facility: Browns Ferry NPP Date of Examination: 6/7/2010 Exam Level: RO Operating Test No.: 1006 Control Room Systems (8 for RO); (7 for SRO-I); (2 or 3 for SRO-U, including 1 ESF)
Safety System / JPM Title Type Code*
- a. Control Rod Exercise SR (U2/U3) M, A, S 1
- b. Place a 2nd/3rd RFPT in service (U2/U3) N, S 2
- c. Close MSIVs during Power Operation (U2/U3) N, S 3
- d. Loss of Shutdown Cooling (U2/U3) N, L, A, S 4
- e. Returning an IRM to service from Bypass (U2/U3) N, L, S 7
- g. Drywell sprays w/Fire Protection Unit 1 and 2 actions EN, N, C 5
- h. Generator Synchronization and Load (U2/U3) N, A, S 6 In-Plant Systems@ (3 for RO); (3 for SRO-I); (3 or 2 for SRO-U)
- j. Suppression Pool Water Inventory Removal App 18 (U1) N, R, E 5
- k. 0-SSI-2-1, ATTACHMENT 2 D, E, A 8
@ All RO and SRO-I control room (and in-plant) systems must be different and serve different safety functions; all 5 SRO-U systems must serve different safety functions; in-plant systems and functions may overlap those tested in the control room.
- Type Codes Criteria for RO / SRO-I / SRO-U (A)lternate path 4-6 / 4-6 / 2-3 (C)ontrol room (D)irect from bank <9 / <8 / <4 (E)mergency or abnormal in-plant >1 / >1 / >1 (EN)gineered safety feature - / - / > 1 (control room system)
(L)ow-Power / Shutdown >1 / >1 / >1 (N)ew or (M)odified from bank including 1(A) >2 / >2 / >1 (P)revious 2 exams < 3 / < 3 / < 2 (randomly selected)
(R)CA >1 / >1 / >1 (S)imulator
HLT 0801 Control Room/In-Plant Systems JPM Narrative Control Room Systems:
- a. Control Rod Exercise SR (80)
- Modified / Simulator / Alternate Path
- 3-SR, Control Rod Test for Withdrawn Control Rods Rev. 28
- 3-AOI-85-5 Rod Drift In Rev 9
- 201002 Reactor Manual Control System A2.02 Ability to (a) predict the impacts of the following on the REACTOR MANUAL CONTROL SYSTEM; and (b) based on those predictions, use procedures to correct, control, or mitigate the consequences of those abnormal conditions or operations: Rod Drift Alarm IMPORTANCE: RO 3.2 SRO 3.3
- b. Place RFPT 3C in Service (202)
- New / Simulator
- 3-OI-3 Reactor Feedwater System Rev 79, Section 5.7
- 259001 Reactor Feedwater System A4.02 Ability to manually operate and/or monitor in the Control Room: Manually start/control a RFP/TDRFP IMPORTANCE: RO 3.9 SRO 3.7
- c. Close MSIVs during Power Operation (203)
- New / Simulator
- 3-OI-1 Main Steam System Rev 29 Section 8.2
- 239001 Main and Reheat Steam System A4.01 Ability to manually operate and/or monitor in the control room: MSIVs IMPORTANCE: RO 4.2 SRO 4.0
- d. Loss of Shutdown Cooling (225)
- New / Low-Power / Simulator / Alternate Path
- 3-AOI-74-1 Loss of Shutdown Cooling Rev 17
- 3-ARP-9-3D Rev 27
- 295021 Loss of Shutdown Cooling AA1.02 Ability to operate and/or monitor the following as they apply to Loss of Shutdown Cooling: RHR/shutdown cooling IMPORTANCE: RO 3.5 SRO 3.5
- e. Returning an IRM to service from Bypass (207)
- Low-Power / Simulator / New
- -OI-92A IRM Rev 15 section 6.2
- 215003 IRM System A2.02 Ability to (a) predict the impacts of the following on the IRM System; and (b) based on those predictions, use procedures to correct, control, or mitigate the consequences of those abnormal conditions or operations: IRM inop condition IMPORTANCE: RO 3.5 SRO 3.7
HLT 0801 Control Room/In-Plant Systems JPM Narrative
- f. Return DW Cam to Service after isolation (208)
- New / Simulator / Engineered Safety Feature
- 3-AOI-100-1 Reactor Scram Rev 51 step 37
- 272000 Radiation Monitoring System A2.10 Ability to (a) predict the impacts of the following on the Radiation Monitoring System; and (b) based on those predictions, use procedures to correct, control, or mitigate the consequences of those abnormal conditions or operations: LOCA IMPORTANCE: RO 3.9 SRO 4.1
- g. Spray the Drywell using Fire Protection Unit 1 and 2 CR actions (209)
- New / Control Room / Engineered Safety Feature
- 3-EOI Appendix 17B RHR System Operation Drywell Sprays, Rev 5
- 295024 High Drywell Pressure: EA1.11 Ability to operate and/or monitor the following as they apply to High Drywell Pressure: Drywell Spray: Mark-I&II IMPORTANCE: RO 4.2 SRO 4.2
- h. Generator Synchronization and Load (210)
- New / Alternate Path / Simulator
- 3-OI-47 Turbine Generator System, Rev. 84, Section 5.5
- 3-ARP-9-7B 3-XA-55-7B Rev 22 Window 32
- 262001 AC Electrical Distribution A4.04 Ability to manually operate and/or monitor in the control room: Synchronizing and paralleling of different AC Supplies IMPORTANCE: RO 3.6 SRO 3.7 In-Plant Systems:
- New / Emergency or Abnormal In-Plant / Alternate Path
- 3-OI-82, Standby Diesel Generator System, Rev. 88, Section 7.3 and 7.5
- 264000 Emergency Generators K4.07 Knowledge of Emergency Generators design features and/or interlocks for the following: Local operation and control IMPORTANCE:
HLT 0801 Control Room/In-Plant Systems JPM Narrative
- j. Suppression Pool Water Inventory Removal 1-EOI-Appendix 18 (212)
- New / RCA Entry / Emergency or Abnormal In-Plant
- 1-EOI-Appendix 18, Rev. 0
- 295029 High Suppression Pool Water Level EK2.01 Knowledge of the interrelations between High Suppression Pool Water Level and the following: RHR/LPCI IMPORTANCE: RO 3.0 SRO 3.3
- k. 0-SSI-2-1, ATTACHMENT 2 (127)
- Bank / Emergency or Abnormal In-Plant / Alternate Path
- 0-SSI-2-1 Rev 7
- 600000 Plant Fire on Site AA2.16 Ability to determine and interpret the following as the apply to Plant Fire on Site: Vital equipment and control systems to be maintained and operated during a fire IMPORTANCE: RO 3.0 SRO 3.5
ES-301 Control Room/In-Plant Systems Outline Form ES-301-2 Facility: Browns Ferry NPP Date of Examination: 6/7/2010 Exam Level: SRO-I Operating Test No.: 1006 Control Room Systems (8 for RO); (7 for SRO-I); (2 or 3 for SRO-U, including 1 ESF)
Safety System / JPM Title Type Code*
- a. Control Rod Exercise SR (U2/U3) M, A, S 1
- b. Place a 2nd/3rd RFPT in service (U2/U3) N, S 2
- c. Close MSIVs during Power Operation (U2/U3) N, S 3
- d. Loss of Shutdown Cooling (U2/U3) N, L, A, S 4
- e. Returning an IRM to service from Bypass (U2/U3) N, L, S 7
- g. Drywell sprays w/Fire Protection Unit 1 and 2 actions EN, N, C 5
- h. Generator Synchronization and Load (U2/U3) N, A, S 6 In-Plant Systems@ (3 for RO); (3 for SRO-I); (3 or 2 for SRO-U)
- j. Suppression Pool Water Inventory Removal App 18 (U1) N, R, E 5
- k. 0-SSI-2-1, ATTACHMENT 2 D, E, A 8
@ All RO and SRO-I control room (and in-plant) systems must be different and serve different safety functions; all 5 SRO-U systems must serve different safety functions; in-plant systems and functions may overlap those tested in the control room.
- Type Codes Criteria for RO / SRO-I / SRO-U (A)lternate path 4-6 / 4-6 / 2-3 (C)ontrol room (D)irect from bank <9 / <8 / <4 (E)mergency or abnormal in-plant >1 / >1 / >1 (EN)gineered safety feature - / - / > 1 (control room system)
(L)ow-Power / Shutdown >1 / >1 / >1 (N)ew or (M)odified from bank including 1(A) >2 / >2 / >1 (P)revious 2 exams < 3 / < 3 / < 2 (randomly selected)
(R)CA >1 / >1 / >1 (S)imulator
HLT 0801 Control Room/In-Plant Systems JPM Narrative Control Room Systems:
- a. Control Rod Exercise SR (80)
- Modified / Simulator / Alternate Path
- 3-SR, Control Rod Test for Withdrawn Control Rods Rev. 28
- 3-AOI-85-5 Rod Drift In Rev 9
- 201002 Reactor Manual Control System A2.02 Ability to (a) predict the impacts of the following on the REACTOR MANUAL CONTROL SYSTEM; and (b) based on those predictions, use procedures to correct, control, or mitigate the consequences of those abnormal conditions or operations: Rod Drift Alarm IMPORTANCE: RO 3.2 SRO 3.3
- b. Place RFPT 3C in Service (202)
- New / Simulator
- 3-OI-3 Reactor Feedwater System Rev 79, Section 5.7
- 259001 Reactor Feedwater System A4.02 Ability to manually operate and/or monitor in the Control Room: Manually start/control a RFP/TDRFP IMPORTANCE: RO 3.9 SRO 3.7
- c. Close MSIVs during Power Operation (203)
- New / Simulator
- 3-OI-1 Main Steam System Rev 29 Section 8.2
- 239001 Main and Reheat Steam System A4.01 Ability to manually operate and/or monitor in the control room: MSIVs IMPORTANCE: RO 4.2 SRO 4.0
- d. Loss of Shutdown Cooling (225)
- New / Low-Power / Simulator / Alternate Path
- 3-AOI-74-1 Loss of Shutdown Cooling Rev 17
- 3-ARP-9-3D Rev 27
- 295021 Loss of Shutdown Cooling AA1.02 Ability to operate and/or monitor the following as they apply to Loss of Shutdown Cooling: RHR/shutdown cooling IMPORTANCE: RO 3.5 SRO 3.5
- e. Returning an IRM to service from Bypass (207)
- Low-Power / Simulator / New
- 3-OI-92A IRM Rev 15 section 6.2
- 215003 IRM System A2.02 Ability to (a) predict the impacts of the following on the IRM System; and (b) based on those predictions, use procedures to correct, control, or mitigate the consequences of those abnormal conditions or operations: IRM inop condition IMPORTANCE: RO 3.5 SRO 3.7
HLT 0801 Control Room/In-Plant Systems JPM Narrative
- g. Spray the Drywell using Fire Protection Unit 1 and 2 CR actions (209)
- New / Control Room / Engineered Safety Feature
- 3-EOI Appendix 17B RHR System Operation Drywell Sprays, Rev 5
- 295024 High Drywell Pressure: EA1.11 Ability to operate and/or monitor the following as they apply to High Drywell Pressure: Drywell Spray: Mark-I&II IMPORTANCE: RO 4.2 SRO 4.2
- h. Generator Synchronization and Load (210)
- New / Alternate Path / Simulator
- 3-OI-47 Turbine Generator System, Rev. 84, Section 5.5
- 3-ARP-9-7B 3-XA-55-7B Rev 22 Window 32
- 262001 AC Electrical Distribution A4.04 Ability to manually operate and/or monitor in the control room: Synchronizing and paralleling of different AC Supplies IMPORTANCE: RO 3.6 SRO 3.7 In-Plant Systems:
- New / Emergency or Abnormal In-Plant / Alternate Path
- 3-OI-82, Standby Diesel Generator System, Rev. 88, Section 7.3 and 7.5
- 264000 Emergency Generators K4.07 Knowledge of Emergency Generators design features and/or interlocks for the following: Local operation and control IMPORTANCE:
- j. Suppression Pool Water Inventory Removal 1-EOI-Appendix 18 (212)
- New / RCA Entry / Emergency or Abnormal In-Plant
- 1-EOI-Appendix 18, Rev. 0
- 295029 High Suppression Pool Water Level EK2.01 Knowledge of the interrelations between High Suppression Pool Water Level and the following: RHR/LPCI IMPORTANCE: RO 3.0 SRO 3.3
- k. 0-SSI-2-1, ATTACHMENT 2 (127)
- Bank / Emergency or Abnormal In-Plant / Alternate Path
- 0-SSI-2-1 Rev 7
- 600000 Plant Fire on Site AA2.16 Ability to determine and interpret the following as the apply to Plant Fire on Site: Vital equipment and control systems to be maintained and operated during a fire IMPORTANCE: RO 3.0 SRO 3.5
ES-301 Control Room/In-Plant Systems Outline Form ES-301-2 Facility: Browns Ferry NPP Date of Examination: 6/7/2010 Exam Level: SRO-U Operating Test No.: 1006 Control Room Systems (8 for RO); (7 for SRO-I); (2 or 3 for SRO-U, including 1 ESF)
Safety System / JPM Title Type Code*
- a. Control Rod Exercise SR (U2/U3) M, A, S 1
- d. Loss of Shutdown Cooling (U2/U3) N, L, A, S 4
- g. Drywell sprays w/Fire Protection Unit 1 and 2 actions EN, N, C 5 In-Plant Systems@ (3 for RO); (3 for SRO-I); (3 or 2 for SRO-U)
- k. 0-SSI-2-1, ATTACHMENT 2 D, E, A 8
@ All RO and SRO-I control room (and in-plant) systems must be different and serve different safety functions; all 5 SRO-U systems must serve different safety functions; in-plant systems and functions may overlap those tested in the control room.
- Type Codes Criteria for RO / SRO-I / SRO-U (A)lternate path 4-6 / 4-6 / 2-3 (C)ontrol room (D)irect from bank <9 / <8 / <4 (E)mergency or abnormal in-plant >1 / >1 / >1 (EN)gineered safety feature - / - / > 1 (control room system)
(L)ow-Power / Shutdown >1 / >1 / >1 (N)ew or (M)odified from bank including 1(A) >2 / >2 / >1 (P)revious 2 exams < 3 / < 3 / < 2 (randomly selected)
(R)CA >1 / >1 / >1 (S)imulator
HLT 0801 Control Room/In-Plant Systems JPM Narrative Control Room Systems:
- a. Control Rod Exercise SR (80)
- Modified / Simulator / Alternate Path
- 3-SR, Control Rod Test for Withdrawn Control Rods Rev. 28
- 3-AOI-85-5 Rod Drift In Rev 9
- 201002 Reactor Manual Control System A2.02 Ability to (a) predict the impacts of the following on the REACTOR MANUAL CONTROL SYSTEM; and (b) based on those predictions, use procedures to correct, control, or mitigate the consequences of those abnormal conditions or operations: Rod Drift Alarm IMPORTANCE: RO 3.2 SRO 3.3
- d. Loss of Shutdown Cooling (225)
- New / Low-Power / Simulator / Alternate Path
- 3-AOI-74-1 Loss of Shutdown Cooling Rev 17
- 3-ARP-9-3D Rev 27
- 295021 Loss of Shutdown Cooling AA1.02 Ability to operate and/or monitor the following as they apply to Loss of Shutdown Cooling: RHR/shutdown cooling IMPORTANCE: RO 3.5 SRO 3.5
- g. Spray the Drywell using Fire Protection Unit 1 and 2 CR actions (209)
- New / Control Room / Engineered Safety Feature
- 3-EOI Appendix 17B RHR System Operation Drywell Sprays, Rev 5
- 295024 High Drywell Pressure: EA1.11 Ability to operate and/or monitor the following as they apply to High Drywell Pressure: Drywell Spray: Mark-I&II IMPORTANCE: RO 4.2 SRO 4.2 In-Plant Systems:
- New / Emergency or Abnormal In-Plant / Alternate Path
- 3-OI-82, Standby Diesel Generator System, Rev. 88, Section 7.3 and 7.5
- 264000 Emergency Generators K4.07 Knowledge of Emergency Generators design features and/or interlocks for the following: Local operation and control IMPORTANCE:
HLT 0801 Control Room/In-Plant Systems JPM Narrative
- k. 0-SSI-2-1, ATTACHMENT 2 (127)
- Bank / Emergency or Abnormal In-Plant / Alternate Path
- 0-SSI-2-1 Rev 7
- 600000 Plant Fire on Site AA2.16 Ability to determine and interpret the following as the apply to Plant Fire on Site: Vital equipment and control systems to be maintained and operated during a fire IMPORTANCE: RO 3.0 SRO 3.5
ES-301 Operating Test Quality Checklist Form ES-301-3 Facility: Browns Ferry Date of Examination: June 2010 Operating Test Number: 1006 Initials
- 1. General Criteria a b* c#
- a. The operating test conforms with the previously approved outline; changes are consistent with sampling requirements (e.g., 10 CFR 55.45, operational importance, safety function distribution).
- b. There is no day-to-day repetition between this and other operating tests to be administered during this examination.
- c. The operating test shall not duplicate items from the applicants' audit test(s). (see Section D.1.a.)
- d. Overlap with the written examination and between different parts of the operating test is within acceptable limits.
- e. It appears that the operating test will differentiate between competent and less-than-competent applicants at the designated license level.
- 2. Walk-Through Criteria
- a. Each JPM includes the following, as applicable:
- initial conditions
- initiating cues
- references and tools, including associated procedures
- reasonable and validated time limits (average time allowed for completion) and specific designation if deemed to be time-critical by the facility licensee
- operationally important specific performance criteria that include:
- detailed expected actions with exact criteria and nomenclature
- system response and other examiner cues
- statements describing important observations to be made by the applicant
- criteria for successful completion of the task
- identification of critical steps and their associated performance standards
- restrictions on the sequence of steps, if applicable
- b. Ensure that any changes from the previously approved systems and administrative walk-through outlines (Forms ES-301-1 and 2) have not caused the test to deviate from any of the acceptance criteria (e.g., item distribution, bank use, repetition from the last 2 NRC examinations) specified on those forms and Form ES-201-2.
- 3. Simulator Criteria The associated simulator operating tests (scenario sets) have been reviewed in accordance with Form ES-301-4 and a copy is attached.
- a. Author t../ Z.QIC:>
- b. Facility Reviewer(*) i-/~- U/~
- c. NRC Chief Examiner (#) 5" . . 1.\ - ;;l.D I "
- d. NRC Supervisor (Q , ~ /- ,tOlD
- The facility signature is not applicable for NRC-developed tests.
- Independent NRC reviewer initial items in Column *c"; chief examiner concurrence required.
ES-301 Simulator Scenario Quality Checklist Form ES-301-4 Facility: Browns Ferry Date of Exam: June 2010 Scenario Numbers: 20/21/22124 Operating Test No.: HLT 1006 QUALITATIVE ATTRIBUTES Initials a b* C#
- 1. The initial conditions are realistic, in that some equipment and/or instrumentation may be out of service, but it does not cue the operators into expected events.
D'- ;<< ~J1L-
- 2. The scenarios consist mostly of related events. 01- ~ ~)}L
- 3. Each event description consists of
- the point in the scenario when it is to be initiated
- the malfunction(s) that are entered to initiate the event
- the symptoms/cues that will be visible to the crew
- the expected operator actions (by shift position)
- the event termination point (if applicable) O"t.. ;q ~N--
- 4. No more than one non-mechanistic failure (e.g., pipe break) is incorporated into the scenario without a credible pr~ceding incident such as a seismic event. 0"1- ;q ~kL
- 5. The events are valid with regard to physics and thermodynamics. o'"t..- U '~.At-
- 6. Sequencing and timing of events is reasonable, and allows the examination team to obtain complete evaluation results commensurate with the scenario objectives. 0'1- 'J:'/ tJJ<-
- 7. If time compression techniques are used, the scenario summary clearly so indicates.
Operators have sufficient time to carry out expected activities without undue time constraints. Cues are given. en... ;q ~
- 8. The simulator modeling is not altered. o~
~tf ~J\L
- 9. The scenarios have been validated. Pursuant to 10 CFR 55.46(d), any open simulator performance deficiencies or deviations from the referenced plant have been evaluated to ensure that functional fidelity is maintained while running the planned scenarios. oz. U -t-~
- 10. Every operator will be evaluated using at least one new or significantly modified scenario. All other scenarios have been altered in accordance with Section 0 .5 of ES-301. o~ It:I -bk
- 11. All individual operator competencies can be evaluated, as verified using Form ES-301-6 (submit the form along with the simulator scenarios). O"L ;ttJ +k
- 12. Each applicant will be significantly involved in the minimum number of transients and events specified on Form ES-301-5 (submit the form with the simulator scenarios). O"L ~,{ tk
- 13. The level of difficulty is appropriate to support licenSing decisions for each crew position. OL 1CtJ ~
Target Quantitative Attributes (Per Scenario; See Section D.S.d) Actual Attributes - - -
- 1. Total malfunctions (5-8) 71717/8 , Jf({ t Jl-
- 2. Malfunctions after EOP entry (1-2) 2/2/2/3 0 ...... d tJc-
- 3. Abnormal events (2-4) 4/4/4/4 D"t. Id ttL
- 4. Major transients (1-2) 1/1/2/2 .0" l:tr tJc
- 5. EOPs entered/requiring substantive actions (1-2) 2/3/3/3 o~
C1:! ~J)c 1/0/1/2 i"- lu ' ~
- 6. EOP contingencies requiring substantive actions (0-2)
- 7. Critical tasks (2-3) 5/4/3/7 o'L W ~k
ES-301 Transient and Event Checklist Form ES-301-5 Facility: Browns Ferry NPP Date of Exam: June 06 - 19, 2010 Operating Test No.: HLT 1006 A E Scenarios P V T M 1 (3-20) 2 (3-21) 3 (3-22) 4 (3-24)spare P E O I L N CREW CREW CREW CREW CREW T N I T POSITION POSITION POSITION POSITION POSITION A I C S A B S A B S A B S A B S A B L M A T R T O R T O R T O R T O R T O U N Y O C P O C P O C P O C P O C P M (*)
RO RX NOR 1 1 2 1 SRO-I I/C 3,4,5,6 3,4,5,6 8 2 SRO-U MAJ 7 7 2 1
- 1 TS 3,6 4,6 4 2 RO RX 2 2,6,7 2 1 NOR 1 1 2 1 SRO-I
- 1 I/C 3,6 3,4,5,6 5,6 8 4 SRO-U MAJ 7 7 7,8 4 2 TS 4,6 2 2 RO RX 2,6 2 2 1 NOR 1 1 2 1 SRO-I
- 2 I/C 3,6 4,6 3,4,5,6 8 4 SRO-U MAJ 7 7 7,8 4 2 TS 4,6 2 2 Page 1 of 5
ES-301 Transient and Event Checklist Form ES-301-5 Facility: Browns Ferry NPP Date of Exam: June 06 - 19, 2010 Operating Test No.: HLT 1006 A E Scenarios P V T M 1 (3-20) 2 (3-21) 3 (3-22) 4 (3-24)spare P E O I L N CREW CREW CREW CREW CREW T N I T POSITION POSITION POSITION POSITION POSITION A I C S A B S A B S A B S A B S A B L M A T R T O R T O R T O R T O R T O U N Y O C P O C P O C P O C P O C P M (*)
RO RX 2,6 2 2 1 NOR 1 1 2 1 SRO-I
- 3 I/C 3,6 4,6 3,4,5,6 8 4 SRO-U MAJ 7 7 7,8 4 2
- 1 TS 4,6 2 2 RO RX 2,6 2 2 1 NOR 1 1 1 SRO-I
- 4 I/C 4,6 3,4,5,6 6 4 SRO-U MAJ 7 7,8 3 2 TS 4,6 2 2 RO RX 2 2,6,7 2 1 NOR 1 1 1 SRO-I
- 5 I/C 3,4,5,6 5,6 6 4 SRO-U MAJ 7 7,8 3 2 TS 3,6 2 2 Page 2 of 5
ES-301 Transient and Event Checklist Form ES-301-5 Facility: Browns Ferry NPP Date of Exam: June 06 - 19, 2010 Operating Test No.: HLT 1006 A E Scenarios P V T M 1 (3-20) 2 (3-21) 3 (3-22) 4 (3-24)spare P E O I L N CREW CREW CREW CREW CREW T N I T POSITION POSITION POSITION POSITION POSITION A I C S A B S A B S A B S A B S A B L M A T R T O R T O R T O R T O R T O U N Y O C P O C P O C P O C P O C P M (*)
RO # 1 RX 2,3 1 1 NOR 1 1 2 1 SRO-I I/C 4,5 3,5 3,4 6 4 SRO-U MAJ 7 7 7,8 4 2
- 1 TS RO # 2 RX 2,3 1 1 NOR 1 1 2 1 SRO-I I/C 4,5 3,5 3,4 6 4 SRO-U MAJ 7 7 7,8 4 2 TS RO # 3 RX 2,3 1 1 NOR 1 1 2 1 SRO-I I/C 4,5 3,5 3,4 6 4 SRO-U MAJ 7 7 7,8 4 2 TS Page 3 of 5
ES-301 Transient and Event Checklist Form ES-301-5 Facility: Browns Ferry NPP Date of Exam: June 06 - 19, 2010 Operating Test No.: HLT 1006 A E Scenarios P V T M 1 (3-20) 2 (3-21) 3 (3-22) 4 (3-24)spare P E O I L N CREW CREW CREW CREW CREW T N I T POSITION POSITION POSITION POSITION POSITION A I C S A B S A B S A B S A B S A B L M A T R T O R T O R T O R T O R T O U N Y O C P O C P O C P O C P O C P M (*)
RO RX 2 2,6,7 2 1 NOR 1 1 1 SRO-I
- 6 I/C 3,4,5,6 5,6 6 4 SRO-U MAJ 7 7,8 3 2
- 1 TS 3,6 2 2 RO RX NOR 1 1 1 SRO-I I/C 3,4,5,6 4 2 SRO-U MAJ 7 1 1
- 2 TS 4,6 2 2 Page 4 of 5
ES-301 Transient and Event Checklist Form ES-301-5 Facility: Browns Ferry NPP Date of Exam: June 06 - 19, 2010 Operating Test No.: HLT 1006 A E Scenarios P V T M 1 (3-20) 2 (3-21) 3 (3-22) 4 (3-24)spare P E O I L N CREW CREW CREW CREW CREW T N I T POSITION POSITION POSITION POSITION POSITION A I C S A B S A B S A B S A B S A B L M A T R T O R T O R T O R T O R T O U N Y O C P O C P O C P O C P O C P M (*)
RO Instructions:
- 1. Check the applicant level and enter the operating test number and Form ES-D-1 event numbers for each event type; TS are not applicable for RO applicants. ROs must serve in both the at-the-controls (ATC) and balance-of-plant (BOP) positions; Instant SROs must serve in both the SRO and the SRO-I ATC positions, including at least two instrument or component (I/C) malfunctions and one major transient, in the ATC position. If an Instant SRO additionally serves in the BOP position, one I/C malfunction can be credited toward the two I/C malfunctions required for the ATC position.
- 2. Reactivity manipulations may be conducted under normal or controlled abnormal conditions (refer to Section D.5.d) but must be significant per Section
- 1 C.2.a of Appendix D. (*) Reactivity and normal evolutions may be replaced with additional instrument or component malfunctions on a 1-for-1 basis.
- 3. Whenever practical, both instrument and component malfunctions should be included; only those that require verifiable actions that provide insight to the applicants competence count toward the minimum requirements specified for the applicants license level in the right-hand columns.
Page 5 of 5
ES-301, Rev. 9 Competencies Checklist Form ES-301-6 Facility: Browns Ferry Date of Examination: June 2010 Operating Test No.: HLT 1006 APPLICANTS RO SRO-I SRO-U Competencies SCENARIO SCENARIO SCENARIO 20 21 22 24 20 21 22 24 20 21 22 24 Interpret/Diagnose Events 3,4 3,4 4,6 3,4 3,4 3,4 4,6 3,4 3,4 3,4 4,6 3,4 and Conditions 6,7 5,6 6,7 5,6 6,7 5,6 Comply With and 1,3 1,4,6 1,4,6 3,5 1,3 1,4,6 1,4,6 3,5 1,3 1,4,6 1,4,6 3,5 Use Procedures (1)
Operate Control 3,4 3,4 3,4 3,4 3,4 3,4 3,4 3,4 Boards (2) 5,6 5,6 5,6 5,6 5,6 5,6 5,6 5,6 Communicate 5,6,7 6,7,8 7,8 7,8 5,6,7 6,7,8 7,8 7,8 5,6,7 6,7,8 7,8 7,8 and Interact Demonstrate Supervisory 5,6,7 6,7,8 7,8 7,8 5,6,7 6,7,8 7,8 7,8 Ability (3)
Comply With and 3,6 4,6 4,6 3,5 3,6 4,6 4,6 3,5 Use Tech. Specs. (3)
(1) Includes Technical Specification compliance for an RO.
(2) Optional for an SRO-U.
(3) Only applicable to SROs.
Check the applicants license type and enter one or more event numbers that will allow the examiners to evaluate every applicable competency for every applicant.
ES-401 1 Form ES-401-1 Facility: Browns Ferry NPP Date of Exam : June 07 - 23, 2010 ILT-10-06 I
RO KIA Category Points SRO-Only Points Tier Group K K K K K K A A A A G Total A2 G* Total 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 *
- 1. 1 4 3 3 4 3 3 20 3 4 7 Emergency
& 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 7 1 2 3 NJA N/A Abnormal Plant Tier Totals 5 4 4 6 4 4 27 4 6 10 Evolutions 1 3 2 2 3 1 2 3 2 3 3 2 26 2 3 5 2.
Plant 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 12 0 1 2 3 Systems Tier 4 3 3 4 2 3 4 3 5 4 3 38 3 5 8 Totals 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
- 3. Generic Knowledge and Abilities Categories 10 7 3 3 2 2 1 2 2 2 Notes : 1. Ensure that at least two topics from every KIA category are sampled within each tier of the RO and SRO-only outlines (Le., except for one category in Tier 3 of the SRO-only outline, the "Tier Totals" in each KIA category shall not be less than two).
- 2. The point total for each group and tier in the proposed outline must match that specified in the table. The final point total for each group and Uer may deviate by +/-1 from that specified in the table based on NRC revisions. The final RO exam must total 75 points and the SRO-only exam must total 25 points.
- 3. Systems/evolutions within each group are identified on the associated outline; systems or evolutions that do not apply at the facility should be deleted and justified; operationally important, Site-speCific systems/evolutions that are not included on the outline should be added. Refer to Section D.1.b of ES-401 for guidance regarding the elimination of inappropriate KIA statements.
- 4. Select topics from as many systems and evolutions as possible; sample every system or evolution in the group before selecting a second topic for any system or evolution.
- 5. Absent a plant-specific priority, only those KlAs having an importance rating (IR) of 2.5 or higher shall be selected. Use the RO and SRO ratings for the RO and SRO-only port.ions, respectively.
- 6. Select SRO topics for TIers 1 and 2 from the shaded systems and KIA categories.
7.* The generic (G) KlAs in Tiers 1 and 2 shall be selected from Section 2 of the KIA Catalog, but the topics must be relevant to the applicable evolution or system . Refer to Section D.1 .b of ES-401 for the applicable KlAs.
B. On the following pages, enter the KIA numbers, a brief description of each topic, the topics' importance ratings (IR) (or the applicable license level, and the point totals (#) for each system and category. Enter the group and tier totals for each category in the table above. Use duplicate pages for RO and SRO-only exams.
- 9. For Tier 3, select topics from Section 2 of the KIA catalog, and enter the KIA numbers, descriptions, IRs, and point totals (#) on Form ES-401-3. Limit SRO selections to KlAs that are linked to 10 CFR 55.43.
- 0 2
~ Form ES-~01-1 ES-401 BWR Examination Outline Form ES*401*1 Emergency and Abnormal Plant Evolutions - TIer 1/Group 1 (RO I SRO)
ElAPE 1# I Name I Safety Function K K K A A G KIA Topic(s) 1 2 3 1 2 IR #
295001 Partial or Complete Loss of Forced 1 G2.1.7 (10CFR 55.41 .5)
Core Flow Circulation / 1 & 4 Ability to evaluate plant performance and make operational jUdgments based on 4.4 1 operating characteristics, reactor behavior, and instrument interpretation. I 295003 Partial or Complete Loss of AC I 6 1 G2.1.27 (10CFR 55.41 .7)
Knowledge of system purpose andl or function.
3.9 2 295004 Partial or Total loss of DC Pwr I 6 1 1 AA1.03 (10CFR 55.41.7) i Ability to operate and/or monitor the following as they apply to PARTIAL OR
- A.C. electrical distribution AA2.01 (10CFR 55.43.2 - SRO Only)
Ability to determine and/or interpret the following as they apply to PARTIAL OR COMPLETE LOSS OF LOSS OF D.C. POWER:
3.6 76
- Cause of partial or complete loss of D. C. power 295005 Main Turbine Generator Trip 13 1 AA2.08 (10CFR 55.41 .10)
Ability to determine and/or interpret the following as they apply to MAIN TURBINE GENERATOR TRIP: 3.2 4
- Electrical distribution status 295006 SCRAM I 1 1 AK3.03 (10CFR 55.41 .5)
Knowledge of the reasons for the following responses as they apply to SCRAM : 3.8 5 j
- Reactor pressure response 1
SRO only K/As shown in italics 3/17/2010 - 9:15:46 AM Page 2
- e ES-401 *2 .-
Form ES-401-1 ES-401 BWR Examination Outline Form ES-401 . 1 Emergency and Abnormal Plant Evolutions - TIer 1/Group 1 (RO I SRO)
EJAPE # I Name I Safety Function K K K A A G KIA Topic(s) IR #
1 2 3 1 2 295016 Control Room Abandonment 17 1 1 AA1.08 (10CFR 55.41 .7)
Ability to operate and/or monitor the following as they apply to CONTROL 4.0 6 ROOM ABANDONMENT:
- Reactor pressure AA2.05 (10CFR 55.43.5 - SRO Only)
, Ability to determine and/or interpret the following as they apply to CONTROL 3.9 77 ROOM ABANDONMENT:
- Drywell pressure 295018 Partial or Total Loss of CCW I 8 1 1 AK3.07 (10CFR 55.41 .5)
Knowledge of the reasons for the following responses as they apply to PARTIAL OR COMPLETE LOSS OF COMPONENT COOLING WATER: 3.1 7
- Cross-connecting with backup systems 1I G2.1.27 (10CFR 55.43.5 - SRO Only) 4.0 78 Knowledge of system purpose and/or function.
295019 Partial or Total Loss of' Inst Air ' 8 1 AA2.02 (1 OCFR 55.41 .10)
Ability to determine andlor interpret the following as they apply to PARTIAL OR COMPLETE LOSS OF INSTRUMENT AIR: 3.6 8
- Status of safety-related Instrument air system loads (see AK2.1 -
SRO only K/As shown in italics 3/17/2010 - 9:15:46 AM Page 3
- e ES*401 2
<it Form ES*401*1 I
ES-401 BWR Examination Outline Form ES-401-1 Emergency and Abnormal Plant Evolutions - Tier lIGroup 1 (RO I SRO)
K K K A A G ElAPE 1# I Name I Safety Function KlA Toplc(s) IR #
1 2 3 1 2 295021 Loss of Shutdown Cooling I 4 1 1 AK2.01 (10CFR 55.41 .7)
Knowledge of the interrelations between LOSS OF SHUTDOWN COOLING and the following : 3.6 9 I
- Reactor water temperature G2.4.47 (10CFR 55.43.5 - SRO Only)
Ability to diagnose and recognize trends in an accurate and timely manner 4.2 79 utilizing the appropriate control room reference material.
295023 Refueling Ace I 8 1 1 AA1.03 (10CFR 55.41 .7)
Ability to operate and/or monitor the following as they apply to REFUELING ACCIDENTS: 3.3 10
- Fuel handling equipment G2.1.7 (10CFR 55.43.5
- SRO Only)
Ability to evaluate plant performance and make operational judgments based on 4.7 80 operating characteristics, reactor behavior, and instrument interpretation. I 295024 High Drywell Pressure I 5 1 1 EK1.01 (10CFR 55.41 .9)
Knowledge of the operational implications of the following concepts as they apply to HIGH DRYWELL PRESSURE:
4.1 11
- Drywell integrity: Plant-Specific G2.1.31 (10CFR 55.43.5 - SRO Only)
Ability to locale control room switches, controls, and indications, and to 4.3 81 determine that they correctly reflect the desired plant lineup.
295025 High Reactor Pressure I 3 1 EK3.01 (10CFR 55.41 .5)
Knowledge of the reasons for the following responses as they apply to HIGH REACTOR PRESSURE: 4.2 12
'10.0 ES-401 02 --
Form ES-401-1 ES-401 BWR ExamInation Outline Emergency and Abnonnal Plant Evolutions - TIer 1/Group 1 (RO I SRO) FO~E~~
EJAPE # I Name I Safety Function K K K A A G KIA Toplc(s) IR #
1 2 3 1 2 I
295026 Suppression Pool High Water 1 EA2.01 (10CFR 55.41 .10)
Temp. 15 Ability to determine andl or interpret the following as they apply to SUPPRESSION POOL HIGH WATER TEMPERATURE :
4.1 13
- Suppression pool water temperature 381cxa7 MIF c;:..___ 14m,a ....... /1
- - - - - - NlA for BFN - KIA for Mark III Containments ONL Y , -- --
295028 HIgh Drywell Temperature 15 1 1 EK2.01 (10CFR 55.41 .5)
Knowledge of the interrelations between HIGH DRYWELL TEMPERATURE and the following: 3.7 14
- Drywell spray: Mark-I&II EA2.06 (10CFR 55.43.5
- SRO Only)
Abifity to determine and/or interpret the following as they apply to HIGH 3.7 82
- Torus/suppression chamber air space temperature: Plant-Specific 295030 Low SuppressIon Pool WfT Lvi I 5 1 EK1 .02 (10CFR 55.41 .8)
Knowledge of the operational implications of the following concepts as they apply to LOW SUPPRESSION POOL WATER LEVEL: 3.5 15
- Pump NPSH 295031 Reactor Low Water Level 12 1 EK1 .03 (10CFR 55.41 .10)
Knowledge of the operational implications of the following concepts as they
,. apply to REACTOR LOW WATER LEVEL: 3.7 16
- Water level effects on reactor power i
295037 SCRAM Condition Present and Power Above APRM Downscale or 1 ,
EK2.13 (10CFR 55.41 .7)
Unknown 1 1 Knowledge of the interrelations between SCRAM CONDITION PRESENT AND REACTOR POWER ABOVE APRM DOWNSCALE OR UNKNOWN and the 3.4 17 following:
- Alternate boron injection methods: Plant-Specific SRO only K/As shown in italics 3/17/2010 - 9:15:46 AM Page 5
- 8 2
Form ES-401-1
-- - --- - -- -- ~
ES-401 BWR Examination Outline Form ES-401-'
Emergency and Abnormal Plant Evolutions - Tier 1/Group 1 (RO I SRO)
E/APE # I Name/ Safety Function K K K A A G KIA Toplc(s) IR #
1 2 3 1 2 295038 High Off-site Release Rate / 9 1 G2.4.9 (10CFR 55.41.10)
Knowledge of low power/shutdown implications in accident (e.g. , loss of coolant 3.8 18 accident or loss of residual heat removal) mitigation strategies.
600000 Plant Fire On Site I 8 1 AK1.02 (10CFR 55.41 .5)
Knowledge of the operational implications of the following concepts as they apply to PLANT FIRE ON SITE:
2.9 19
- Fire fighting 700000 Generator Voltage and Electric Grid Disturbances / 6 1 AA1.03 (10CFR 5S.41 .10)
Ability to operate and/or monitor the following as they apply to GENERATOR VOLTAGE AND ELECTRIC GRID DISTURBANCES:
3.8 20
- Voltage regulator controls ,
I KIA Category Totals; (RO) 4 3 3 4 3 3 Group Point Total: (RO) 20 KIA Category Totals: (SRO) 3 4 Group Point Total: (SRO) 7 SRO only K/As shown in italics 3/17/2010 - 9:15:46 AM Page 6
- 30 Form Ef J ..O-1.-1-- --
ES-401 BWR Examination OuUlne Form ES-401 -1 Emergency and Abnormal Plant Evolutions - Tier 1/Group 2 (RO I SRO)
K K K A A G ElAPE # I Name I Safety Function KIA Toplc(s) IR #
1 2 3 1 2 295002 Loss of Main Condenser Vae I 3 1 AK2.02 (10CFR55.41.10) - OPERATING EXPERIENCEu Knowledge of the interrelations between LOSS OF MAIN CONDENSER VACUUM and the following:
3.1 21
- Main turbine a81QQ:J NI&h A. . . . PF.'~""I a - - - - - - NOT RANDOMLY SELECTED -- --
M008 ...".. A**. , w. . .....,.. ~ a
- - - - - - NOT RANDOMLY SELECTED ~ -- -
295009 low Reactor Water Levell 2 1 AK1.0S (10CFR 55.41.10)
Knowledge of the operational implications of the following concepts as they apply to LOW REACTOR WATER LEVEL : 3.3 22
- Natural circulation 295010 High Drywell Pressure I 5 1 1 AA1.06 (10CFR 55.41.7)
Ability to operate and/or monitor the following as they apply to HIGH DRYWELL
., 3.3 23
- Leakage detection systems G2.2.4 (10CFR 55.43.5 - SRO Only)
(multi-unit license) Ability to explain the variations in control board/controJ room 3.6 83 layouts, systems, instrumentation, and procedural actions between units at a facility.
I 28601 ~ WIsh G8RtaiAIMRI +., J-Ii NlA for BFN - KiA for Mark III Containments ONL Y - -
a&I013 ..... ~ +8Alp ..... $1 - - - - - - NOT RANDOMLY SELECTED . - - -
~3 IoUgh S ..,,"IIIi8R Peel 14M,. ! * - - - - - - NOT RANDOMLY SELECTED SRO only K/As shown in italics 3/17/2010 - 9:15:46 AM Page 7
---"oeD ES-401 3 0 Form --
ES-~01-1 ES-401 BWR Examination Outline Form ES-401* '
Emergenoy and Abnormal Plant Evolutions - Tier 1/Group 2 (RO I SRO)
ElAPE Ii I Name I Safety Function K K K A A G KiA Toplc(s) IR #
1 2 3 1 2 295014 Inadvertent Reactivity Addition 1 1 1 AA2.01 (10CFR 55.43.5 - SRO Only)
AbIlity to determine and/or interpret the following as they apply to INADVERTENT REACTIVITY ADDITION:
- 4. 1 84
- Reactor power
- - - - - - . __ I
_o~:,: HIfIII OW tile Rei.... Rate $ 8 NOT RANDOMLY SELECTED ,- --
~ IAaIh'-' GaR" leelatieR J Ii &:,: - - - - - - NOT RANDOMLY SELECTED 295022 Loss of CRD Pumps 1 1 1 G2.2.38 (10CFR 55.41 .10) 3.6 24 Knowledge of conditions and limitations in the facility license.
I 295029 High Suppression Pool Wtr Lvi I 5 1 EK3.03 (10CFR 55.41 .10)
Knowledge of the reasons for the following responses as they apply to HIGH SUPPRESSION POOL WATER LEVEL: 3.4 25
- Reactor SCRAM 281Gaa HI.. S8I8R1l1If)' CenlaiMleRt
..,..T........... JIi - - - - - - NOT RAN DOML Y SELECTED .. -- -- '
295033 High Secondary Containment 1 G2.3.13 (10CFR 55.43.2 - SRO Only)
Area Radiation Levels I 9 Knowledge of radi%gical safety procedures pertaining to licensed operator duties, such as response to radiation monitor alarms, containment entry 1 requirements, fuel handling responsibilities, access to locked high-radiation 3.8 85
! I areas, aligning filters, etc.
295034 Secondary Containment 1 EA1.02 (10CFR 55.41.7)
Ventilation High Radiation I 9 Ability to operate and/or monitor the following as they apply to SECONDARY 3.9 26 CONTAINMENT VENTILATION HIGH RADIATION:
SRO only K/As shown in italics 3/17/2010 - 9:15:46 AM Page 8
ES-401 O@ 3 Form ES-401-1 ES-401 BWR Examination OuUine Form ES-401 -1 Emergency and Abnormal Plant Evolutions - Tier 1/Group 2 (RO I SRO)
ElAPE # I Name I Safety Function K K K A A G KIA Topic(s) IR #
1 2 3 1 2
- Process radiation monitoring system
_gali SaseR..,. CeMliRlReAt Nigh I:MIfefaAliai P,..* ..,. J Ii - -- - - - NOT RANOOMLY SELECTED -- -
295036 Secondary Containment High 1 EA2.01 (1 OCFR 55.41 .10)
Sump/Area Water level I 5 Ability to determine and/or interpret the following as they apply to SECONDARY CONTAINMENT HIGH SUMP/AREA WATER LEVEL:
3.0 27
- Operability of components within the affected area IQQQQQ Nigh CTMr "¥I'-ileA CaM. I Ii - - - - - - NOT RANOOMLY SELECTED I
KIA Category Totals: (RO) 1 1 1 2 1 1 Group Point Total: (RO) 7 KIA Category Totals: (SRO) 1 2 Group Point Total: (SRO) 3 SRO only K/As shown in italics 3/17/2010 - 9:15:46 AM Page 9
ES*401 4 Form 1*1 ES-401 BWR Examination Outline Form ES-401 -1 ]
Plant Systems - Tier 21Group 1 (RO I SRO)
K K K K K K A A A A G System # I Name KiA Topic(s) IR #
1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 203000 RHRlLPCI: Injection 2 1 A1.01 (10CFR 55.41 .5)
Mode Ability to predict and/or monitor changes in parameters associated with operating the RHRlLPCI : INJECTION MODE (PLANT SPECIFIC) controls including:
4.2 28
- Reactor water level A1.04 (10CFR 55.41.5)
Ability to predict and/or monitor changes in parameters associated with operating the RHRlLPCI : INJECTION MODE (PLANT SPECIFIC) controls Including: 3.6 29
- System pressure A2.09 (10CFR 55.43.5 - SRO Only)
Ability to (a) predict the impacts of the following on the RHRlLPCI:
, INJECTION MODE (PLANT SPECIFIC); and (b) based on those
, 3.4 86 predictions, use procedures to COffect, control, or mitigate the consequences of those abnormal conditions or operations: i
- Inadequate system flow 205000 Shutdown Cooling 1 K3.05 (10CFR 55.41 .7)
Knowledge of the effect that a loss or malfunction of the SHUTDOWN COOLING SYSTEM (RHR SHUTDOWN COOLING MODE) will have 2.6 30 on the following:
- Fuel pool cooling assist: Plant-Specific 206000 HPCI 1 K2.02 (10CFR 55.41 .7)
Knowledge of electrical power supplies to the following: 2.8 31 aG109Q .....aA (&IR"I8A~}
- System pumps: BWR-2,3,4 Ca...... - - - - - - - - - - - NlA for BFN - No Isolation Condenser(s)
SRO only K/As shown in italics 3/17/2010 - 9:15:46 AM Page 10
--e ES-401
- 4 . ---
Form ES-401-1 ES-401 BWR examination OuUlne Form ES-401.'
Plant Systems - Tier 21Group 1 (RO I SRO)
System # I Name K K K K K K A A A A G KIA Topic(s) IR #
1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 209001 LPCS 1 I K1.08 (10CFR 55.41 .7)
Knowledge of the physical connections andlor cause-effect relationships between the LOW PRESSURE CORE SPRAY (LPCS) 3.2 32 SYSTEM and the following:
- A.C. electrical power
~"'~$ "
- - - - - - - - - - - NJA for BFN - No HPCS System - --
211000 SLC 1 1 A3.01 (1 OCFR 55.41 .7)
. Ability to monitor automatic operations of the STANDBY LIQUID CONTROL SYSTEM including: 3.5 33
- Pump discharge pressure: Plant*Specific I G2.1.7 (10CFR 55.43.5 - SRO Only)
Ability to evaluate plant performance and make operational judgments 4.7 87 based on operating characteristics, reactor behavior, and instrument interpretation.
212000 RPS A2.09 (10CFR 55.41 .5) 1 Ability to (a) predict the impacts of the following on the REACTOR PROTECTION SYSTEM (RPS); and (b) based on those predictions, use procedures to correct, control, or mitigate the consequences of 4.1 34 those abnormal conditions or operations:
ES-401 '-" 4 a
Form ES-401-1
- ~ ~~ -
ES-401 BWR Examination Outline Form ES-401 -1 Plant Systems - Tier 21Group 1 (RO I SRO)
I K K K K K K A A. A A G IR #
System # I Name KIA Toplc(s) 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 2150031RM 2 A4.04 (10CFR 55.41 ,7)
Ability to manually operate andlor monitor in the control room :
3.1 35
- IRM back panel switches, meters, and indicating lights A4.05 (10CFR 55.41 .7)
Ability to manually operate and/or monitor in the control room : 3.4 36
- Trip bypasses 215004 Source Range Monitor 1 G2.2.2 (10CFR 55.41 .7)
Ability to manipulate the console controls as required to operate the ,
facility between shutdown and designated power levels. 4.6 37 215005 APRM I LPRM 1 K4.01 (10CFR 55.41 .7)
Knowledge of AVERAGE POWER RANGE MONITOR / LOCAL POWER RANGE MONITOR (APRM I LPRM) SYSTEM design 3.7 38 feature(s) and/or interlocks which provide for the following :
- Rod withdrawal blocks 217000 RCIC 1 K6.04 (10CFR 55.41 .7)
.; Knowledge of the effect that a loss or malfunction of the following will have on the REACTOR CORE ISOLATION COOLING SYSTEM 3.5 39 (RCIC):
- Condensate storage and transfer system SRO only K/As shown in italics 3/17/2010 - 9:15:46 AM Page 12
- -0 ES-401 4
- ~
Form ES-401-1 ES-401 BWR Examination OuUlne Form ES-401-1 Plant Systems - TIer 21Group 1 (RO I SRO)
System # I Name K K K K K K A A A A G KlA Toplc(s) IR 1#
1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 218000 ADS 2 K4.02 (10CFR 55.41 .7)
Knowledge of AUTOMATIC DEPRESSURIZATION SYSTEM (ADS) design feature(s) and/or interlocks which provide for the following: 3.8 40
- Allows manual initiation of ADS logic K4.03 (10CFR 55.41 .7)
Knowledge of AUTOMATIC DEPRESSURIZATION SYSTEM (ADS) 3.8 41 I design feature(s) and/or interlocks which provide for the following:
- ADS logic control 223002 PelS/Nuclear Steam 2 K1.04 (10CFR 55 .41 .7) I Supply Shutoff Knowledge of the physical connections and/or cause-effect relationships between the PRIMARY CONTAINMENT ISOLATION 3.5 42 SYSTEM (PCIS) / NUCLEAR STEAM SUPPLY SHUT-OFF and the following:
- High pressure coolant injection: Plant-Specific K1 .08 (10CFR 55.41 .7)
Knowledge of the physical connections and/or cause-effect relationships between the PRIMARY CONTAINMENT ISOLATION 3.4 43 SYSTEM (PCIS) I NUCLEAR STEAM SUPPLY SHUT-OFF and the following :
- Shutdown cooling system/RHR 239002 SRVs 1 K2.01 (10CFR 55.41 .7)
Knowledge of electrical power supplies to the following: 2.8 44
~ 8 4
Form ES-401-1 ES-401 BWR Examination Outline Fonn ES-401 -1 Plant Systems - Tier 21Group 1 (RO I SRO)
K K K K K K A A A A G System # I Name KIA Topic(s) IR #
1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 259002 Reactor Waler Level 1 G2.2.40 (10CFR 55.41.10)
Control 3.4 45 Ability to apply technical specifications for a system.
261000 SGTS A 1.01 (10CFR 55.41 .5) 1 1 Ability to predict and/or monitor changes in parameters associated with operating the STANDBY GAS TREATMENT SYSTEM (SGTS) 2.9 46 controls including:
- System flow G2.2.4 (10CFR 55.43.5 - SRO Only)
(multi-unit license) Ability to explain the variations in control 3.6 88 board/control room layouts. systems. instrumentation, and procedural actions between units at a facility.
262001 AC Electrical K5.02 (10CFR 55.41 .5)
Distribution 1
Knowledge of the operational Implications of the following concepts as they apply to A.C. ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION:
2.6 47
- Breaker control 1 262002 UPS (AClDC) 1 K3.08 (10CFR 55.41 .7)
Knowledge of the effect that a loss or malfunction of the UNINTERRUPTABLE POWER SUPPLY (A.C.lD.C.)wili have on the 2.7 48 following :
ES-401 Q
- 4 G~-
Form ES-401-1
- -- - -- - --~-- - ~~ - ~-- - ---- - - -- - - -- - - - - - -- - - -- - - - --
ES-401 BWR Examinalion Outline Form ES-401-1 Plant Systems - Tier 21Group 1 (RO I SRO)
K K K K K K A A A A G ,
System 1# I Name KIA Topic(s) IR #
1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 263000 DC Electrical 1 1 A2.02 (10CFR 55.41 ,5)
Distribution Ability to (a) predict the impacts of the following on the D,C.
ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM; and (b) based on those predictions, use procedures to correct, control , or mitigate the 2.6 49 consequences of those abnormal conditions or operations:
- Loss of ventilation during charging G2.1.2B (10CFR 55.43.5 - SRO Only)
- 4. 1 89 Knowledge of the purpose and function of major system components and controls.
264000 EDGs 2 A 3.02 (10CFR 55.41 .7)
Ability to monitor automatic operations of the EMERGENCY GENERATORS (DIESEL I JET) including: 3.1 50 I
- Minimum time for load pickup A 3.04 (1 OCFR 55.41 .7)
Ability to monitor automatic operations of the EMERGENCY GENERATORS (DIESEL I JET) including: 3.1 51
- Operation of the governor control system on frequency and voltage control 300000 Instrument AIr !
1 A4.01 (10CFR 55.41 .7)
Ability to manually operate andlor monitor in the control room : 2.6 52
- Pressure gauges
- - - --- - --- - - - -- ~
SRO only K/As shown in italics 3/17/2010 - 9:15:46 AM Page 15
ES*401 ES-401 BWR Examination Outline Form ES*401 *1 Plant Systems - Tier 21Group 1 (RO I SRO)
K K K K K K A A A A G KIA Toplc(s) IR #
System ttl Name 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 400000 Component Cooling 1 1 K6.05 (10CFR 55.41 .7)
Water Knowledge of the effect that a loss or malfunction of the following will have on the CCWS:
2.8 53
- Pumps A2.02 (10CFR 55.43.5 - SRO Only)
Ability to (a) predict the impacts of the following on the CCWS; and (b) based on those predictions, use procedures to correct, control, or 3.0 90 mitigate the consequences of those abnormal conditions or operations:
- High/low surge tank level KIA Category Point Totals:
(RO) 3 2 2 3 1 2 3 2 3 3 2 Group Point Total: (RO) 26 KIA Category Point Totals:
(SRO) 2 3 Group Point Total: (SRO) 5 I
SRO only K/As shown in italics 3/17/2010 - 9:15:46 AM Page 16
Q 0 5
Q !!!F--
Form ES*401*1
~ ~ - --
ES-401 BWR Examinatlon Outline Form ES-401-1 j Plant Systems - ner 2JGroup 2 (RO I SRO)
K K K K K K A A A A G System 11 , Name KIA Topic(s) IR #
1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 3Q~DQ~~"8 - - - - - - - - - - - NOT RANDOMLY SELECTED - -- -,--
201002 RMCS 1 A2 .04 (1 0CFR 55.41.5)
Ability to (a) predict the impacts of the following on the REACTOR MANUAL CONTROL SYSTEM; and (b) based on those predictions, use procedures to correct, control, or mitigate the consequences of 3.2 54 those abnormal conditions or operations:
- Control rod block 3Q1aoac.l1trgl Me8MAIeM
~ .. ~
- - - - - - - - - - - NOT RANDOMLY SELECTED
- I 3Q~QCM R&G& - - - - - - - - - - - NlA for BFN - BWR 4/5 ONLY ---- --
> - - - - - - - - - - - NlA for BFN - BWR 6 ONLY - --
- - - - - - - - - - - NOT RANDOMLY SELECTED - --
~1 R.alN1llali8fl - - - - - - - - - - - NOT RANDOML Y SELECTED -- --
2QaOQa Re......1eA Flew QeAtr8I - - - - - - - - - - - NOT RANDOMLY SELECTED -- -
- - - - - - - - - - - NOT RANDOMLY SELECTED - ---
- n4DQORPI& - - - - - - - - - - - NOT RANDOMLY SELECTED - --
215001 Traversing In-core Probe 1 G2.4.21 (10CFR 55.43.5 - SRO Only) i, Knowledge of the parameters and logic used to assess the status of safety functions, such as reactivity control , core cooling and heat removal, reactor coolant system integrity, containment conditions, 4.6 91
, radioactivity release control, etc.
I i SRO only K/As shown in italics 3/17/2010 - 9:15:46 AM Page 17
ES-401 8
- 5 0---
Form ES-401-1 ES-401 BWR Examination OuUine Form ES-401*1 Plant Systems - Tier 21Group 2 (RO I SRO)
System # I Name K K K K K K A A A A G 1 3 KJA Topic(s) IR #
2 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 215002 RBM 1 A3.04 (10CFR 55.41 .7)
Ability to monitor automatic operations of the ROD BLOCK MONITOR SYSTEM including: 3.6 55
- Verification of proper functioning I operability: BWR-3,4,5 216000 Nuclear Boiler Ins\. 1 1 A1.02 (10CFR 55.41 .5)
Ability to predict and/or monitor changes in parameters associated with operating the NUCLEAR BOILER INSTRUMENTATION controls including: 2.9 56 I
- Removing or returning a (sensor) transmitter to service A2.06 (10CFR 55.43.5
- SRO Only)
Ability to (a) predict the impacts of the following on the NUCLEAR BOILER INSTRUMENTATION; and (b) based on those predictions, use procedures to correct, control, or mitigate the consequences of 3.1 92 those abnormal conditions or operations:
- Loss of power supply 219000 RHRlLPCI : TorusIPool 1 G2.4.41 (10CFR 55.43.5 - SRO Only)
Cooling Mode Know/edge of the emergency action level thresholds and 4.6 93 classmcations.
mDO~ PfiIMty ~ ~.-. - - - - - - - - - - - NOT RANDOMLY SELECTED -- --
ZMIQ01 RIoI~9GI: ~ 8pn1)1
230000 RHRlLPCI : Torus/Pool Spray Mode 1
-- -I I 1
Ability to manually operate and/or monitor in the control room: 3.1 57 I I
- Minimum flow valves
- - -- - - _.. - ~
SRO only K/As shown in italics 3/17/2010 - 9:15:46 AM Page 18
ES-401 ES-401 BWR Examination OuUine Fonn ES-401-1 Plant Systems - Tier 21Group 2 (RO I SRO)
System # I Name K K K K K K A A A A G KIA Topic(s) IR #I 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 233000 Fuel Pool Cooling/Cleanup 1 K2.02 (1 OCFR 55.41 .7)
Knowledge of electrical power supplies to the following: 2.8 58
o 0 5
Form ES-401-1 I
ES-401 BWR Examination Outline Form ES-401-1 Plant Systems - Tier 21Group 2 (RO I SRO)
K K K K K K A A A A G System # I Name KIA Topic(s) IR #
1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 234000 Fuel Handling Equipment 1 K5.02 (10CFR 55.41 .5)
Knowledge of the operational implications of the following concepts as they apply to FUEL HANDLING EQUIPMENT:
3.1 59
- Fuel handling equipment interlocks 238QQ~ ...... _ R...... S,._
- - - - - - - - - - - NOT RANDOMLY SELECTED-3a8Q03 MSIV La..... (;eARI - - - - - - - - - - - NJAfor BFN -- --
241000 Reacl,o rrrurbine Pressure 1 K6.06 (10CFR 55.41 .7)
Regulator Knowledge of the effect that a loss or malfunction of the following will have on the REACTOR I TURBINE PRESSURE REGULATING 3.8 60 SYSTEM:
- Reactor pressure 34iOQQ MIlA ;"ftllAe G.i. ~ ."'.. - - - - - - - - - - - NOT RANDOMLY SELECTED -
3MGOG R**** ~IIA"" - - - - - - - - - - - NOT RANDOMLY SELECTED - -" -
al8OO~ Reaelaf .....,...
268000 Radwaste
- - - - - - - - - - - NOT RANDOMLY SELECTED - -
1 K3.04 (10CFR 55.41 .5)
Knowledge of the effect that a loss or malfunction of the RADWASTE will have on the following: 2.7 61
- Drain sumps mggog.... - - - - - - - - - - - NOT RANDOMLY SELECTED - --I SRO only K/As shown in italics 3/17/2010 - 9:15:46 AM Page 20
- e ES*401 5
Form ES*401*1 ES-401 BWR Examination Outline Plant Systems - Tier 21Group 2 (RO I SRO)
Fonn ES-401-1 I K K K K K K A A A A G System # I Name KJA Toplc(s) IR #
1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 272000 Radlalion Monitoring 1 A3.02 (10CFR 55.41 .7)
Ability to monitor automatic operations of the RADIATION MONITORING SYSTEM including:
3.6 62
- Offgas system isolation indications 286000 Fire Protection 1 G2.2.42 (10CFR 55.41 .10)
Ability to recognize system parameters that are entry-level 3.9 63 conditions for Technical Specifications.
- a&1OGO PlaAl~teA""A - - - - - - - - - - - NOT RANDOMLY SELECTED .. - --
28OQO~ &**A"~ c:lM; - - - - - - - - - - - NOT RANDOMLY SELECTED -- - - '
290003 Control Room HVAC 1 K4.01 (10CFR 55.41 .7)
Knowledge of CONTROL ROOM HVAC design feature(s) and/or interlocks which provide for the following: 3.1 64
- System initiationslreconfiguration: Plant-Specific 290002 Reactor Vessel Intemals 1 K1.12 (10CFR 55.41 .6)
Knowledge of the physical connections andlor cause-effect relationships between REACTOR VESSEL INTERNALS and the 3.4 65 following:
- SBlC KJA Category Point Totals:
(RO) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 Group Point Total: (RO) 12 KIA Category Point Totals:
(SRO) 1 2 Group Point Total: (SRO) 3 SRO only K/As shown in italics 3/17/2010 - 9:15:46 AM Page 2 1
ES-401 Generic Knowledge and Abilities Outline (Tier 3) Form ES-401-3 Facility: Browns Ferry NPP Date of Exam : June 07 - 23 2010 RO SRO-Only Category KlA# Topic IR # IR #
2 .1. G2.1.2S (10CFR 55.41 .10) 3 .9 66 Ability to interpret reference materials, such as graphs, curves, tables, etc.
en c:: G2.1.41 (10CFR 55.43.6 - SRO Only) 3.7 94 0
- Know/edge of the refueling processes.
ro L..
Q) 0.
2.1 . G2.1.27 (10CFR 55.41 .7) 3.9 67 - -
Knowledge of system purpose andlor function .
.0 "f'- '+-
....0 2.1 . G2.1.8 (10CFR 55.41 .10)
Ability to coordinate personnel activities outside 3.4 68 - -
~ the control room .
Subtotal 3 1 2 .2. G2.2.37 (10CFR 55.41 .10) 3.6 69 Ability to determine operability and/or availability of safety related equipment.
G2.2.39 (10CFR 55.43.2 - SRO Only) 4.5 95 Know/edge of less than or equal to one hour technical speCification action statements for systems.
-0 G2.2.22 (10CFR 55.41 .5)
..........c:: 2.2 .
Knowledge of limiting conditions for operations 4.0 70 0 and safety limits.
0 c:: G2.2.43 (10CFR 55.43.3 - SRO Only) 3.3 96 N Q) Know/edge of the process used to track E inoperable alarms.
. ::J 2.2. G2.2.4 (10CFR 55.41 .7) 3.6 71 - -
0' (multi-unit license) Ability to explain the W variations in control board/control room layouts, systems, instrumentation, and procedural actions between units at a facility.
Subtotal 3 2 SRO only K/As shown in italics 3/17/2010 - 9:16:21 AM Page 22
ES-401 Generic Knowledge and Abilities Outline (Tier 3) Form ES-401-3 Facility: Browns Ferry NPP Date of Exam : June 07 - 23 2010 RO SRO-Only Category KIA # Topic IR # IR #
2.3 G2.3.14 (10CFR 55.41 .12) 3.4 72 Knowledge of radiation or contamination hazards that may arise during normal, abnormal, or emergency conditions or activities.
G2.3.11 (10CFR 55.43.4- SRO Only) 4.3 97 Ability to control radiation releases.
-0 2.3 G2.3.S (1 OCFR 55.41 .11 )
Ability to use radiation monitoring systems, 2.9 73 L-
+-" such as fixed radiation monitors and alarms, C
0 portable survey instruments, personnel U monitoring equipment, etc.
('I') C G2.3.13 (10CFR 55.43.4 - SRO Only) 3.8 98 0
- t:j Knowledge of radiological safety procedures ro
.- pertaining to licensed operator duties, such as "0 response to radiation monitor alarms, ro containment entry requirements, fuel handling 0:: responsibilities, access to locked high-radiation areas, aligning filters, etc.
Subtotal 2 2 2.4. G2.4.20 (10CFR 55.41 .10) 3.8 74 Knowledge of the operational implications of C EOP warnings, cautions, and notes.
ro 0.. G2.4.40 (10CFR 55.43.5 - SRO Only) 4.5 99 Knowledge of SRO's responsibilities in en emergency plan implementation.
- l 2.4. G2.4.45 (10CFR 55.41 .10) 4.1 75
'"0 Q) Ability to prioritize and interpret the significance U of each annunciator or alarm .
.q- 0 L-0.. G2.4.45 (10CFR 55.43.5 - SRO Only) 4.3 100 U
Ability to prioritize and interpret the significance c: of each annunciator or a/arm.
Q) 0>
W ~ NOT RANDOMLY SELECTED Subtotal 2 2 Tier 3 Point Total 10 7 SRO only K/As shown in italics 3/17/2010 - 9:16:21 AM Page 23
ES*401 Record of Rejected KlAs Form ES*401*4
- Tier /
Group 1/ 1 Randomly Selected KIA 295023 AA 1.05 Reason for Rejection Rejected KIA no fuel transfer system for Browns Ferry, replaced with AA 1.03 Fuel handling equipment Rejected KIA due to overlap with 295009, replaced with EK1.03 1/ 1 295031 EK1.02 water level effects on reactor power Rejected due to no significant unit differences for SRMs, replaced with G2.2.2 Ability to manipulate the console controls 2/1 215004 G2.2.4 as required to operate the facility between shutdown and designated power levels.
Rejected due to no auto main steam isolation, replaced with 2/2 272000 A3.01 A3.02 Offgas system isolation indications Rejected unsuccessful last exam, replaced with G2.2.37: Ability 3 2.2.20 to determine operability and/or availability of safety related
SRO only, rejected due to low probability of success, replaced with G2.4.21: Knowledge of the parameters and logic used to 2/2 215001 G2.4.2 assess the status of safety functions, such as reactivity control, core cooling and heat removal, reactor coolant system integrity, containment conditions, radioactivity release control, etc.
SRO only rejected due to overlap, replaced with 2.3.13:
Knowledge of radiological safety procedures pertaining to licensed operator duties, such as response to radiation monitor 1 /2 2950332.2.39 alarms, containment entry requirements, fuel handling responsibilities, access to locked high-radiation areas, aligning filters, etc
- 3/17/2010 - 9:16:11 AM Page 1
ES-401 Written Examination Quality Checklist Form ES-401*6 Facility: Browns Ferry Date of Exam: June 2010 Exam Level: RO 181 SRO 181 Initial Item Description a b* c#
- 1. Questions and answers are technically accurate and applicable to the facility. 0'\.. /f11 I~
- 2. a. NRC KiAs are referenced for all questions.
- b. Facility learning objectives are referenced as available. O"Lo- 1~ ~jL
- 4. The sampling process was random and systematic (If more than 4 RO or 2 SRO questions were repeated from the last 2 NRC licensing exams, consult the NRR OL program office). 1tJJt-
- 5. Question duplication from the license screening/audit exam was controlled as indicated below (check the item that applies) and appears appropriate:
_ the audit exam was systematically and randomly developed; or
_ the audit exam was completed before the license exam was started; or
_ the examinations were developed independently; or
_x_ the licensee certifies that there is no duplication; or
_ other (explain) 0""" 1f1 ~;k-
- 6. Bank use meets limits (no more than 75 percent Bank Modified New from the bank, at least 10 percent new, and the rest new or modified); enter the actual RO / SRO-only question distribution(s) at right.
33%/36% 28% /20% 39%/44% O-V tqf -:M-L
- 7. Between 50 and 60 percent of the questions on the RO exam are written at the comprehension/ analysis level; Memory CIA the SRO exam may exceed 60 percent if the randomly selected KiAs support the higher cognitive levels; enter the actual RO / SRO question distribution(s) at right. 45%/24% 55%/76% 01/
At I#-
- 8. References/handouts provided do not give away answers or aid in the elimination of distractors. 0""'" lU ~
- 9. Question content conforms with specific KiA statements in the previously approved examination outline and is appropriate for the tier to which they are assigned ;
"N1 l~
()'V deviations are justified.
- 10. Question psychometric quality and format meet the guidelines in ES Appendix B. 0-(..
1M ~
- 11. The exam contains the required number of one-point, multiple choice items; the total is correct and agrees with the value on the cover sheet. ov U 11k Printed Name / Signature )£ Date
- a. Author D A,... ' £L k . Z ,{ L'..-J.IC.' I Q..,j)! ~ y- q -.J \lJ\)
- b. Facility Reviewer (*) N;/~ u) ./!e-/Jl'fir/cl ~tJ &, ",L ") j4-t'L - ~/()
- c. NRC Chief Examiner (#)
- d. NRC Regional Supervisor ttl.
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~ _I)I- .u" Note:
- The facility reviewer's initials/signature are not applicable for NRC-developed examinations.
- Independent NRC reviewer initial items in Column "c"; chief examiner concurrence required.
If more than 20 percent1 of the submitted test items (with the operating test and RO/SRO written exams assessed separately) required replacement or significant modification, the report shall include a factual description of the test item changes (observations), including the number and types of test items replaced and/or significantly modified as a result of the joint NRC and facility licensee examination review process. The report shall also note that the overall submittal was outside the acceptable quality range expected by the NRC and that future examination submittals should incorporate any lessons learned from this effort.
To be considered a significantly modified question, at least one pertinent condition in the stem and at least one distractor must be changed from the original bank question. Changing the conditions in the stem such that one of the three distractors in the original question becomes the correct answer would also be considered a significant modification ES-401 Written Examination Review Worksheet Form ES-401-9
- 1. 2. 3. Psychometric Flaws 4. Job Content Flaws 5. Other 6. 7. 8.
Q# LOK LOD (F/H) (1-5) Stem Cues T/F Cred. Partial Job- Minutia #/ Back- Q= SRO B/M/N U/E/S Explanation Focus Dist. Link units ward K/A Only Gen Before in-office visit (preliminary assessment): [Allowing credit for changes to previously identified Unsat items prior to 4/23/10 submittals; i.e., only tallying Unsat items on the 4/23/10 submittal]
- of Unsat RO Items: [9/75 = %]
- of Unsat SRO Items: [ 8/25 = 32%]
Overall # of Unsat Items: 21/100 = 21%
After in-office visit:
- of Unsat RO Items: [XX/75 = XX%]
- of Unsat SRO Items: [ X/25 = XX%]
Overall # of Unsat Items: XX/100 = XX%
Gen If annunciator(s) referred to in a question, use EXACT nomenclature engraved on Alarm Window (also specified in ARP) followed by parentheses containing the shortest possible abbreviated window location designation that the applicants are familiar with.
Gen Each question should contain Which ONE of the following... in the primary stem of the question. If it is a fill-in-the-blank question, utilize Which one of the following completes the statement?
Gen If providing a reference to the candidate, place a bracketed statement [REFERENCE PROVIDED] between the stem and the first possible answer choice.
Gen Limit the amount of references provided to the candidates to the maximum extent possible.
Gen In a two-part question format with more than one element contained in each choice, limit the number of elements to two (for each choice).
Gen Whenever applicable, ensure the phrase in accordance with. Is pasted after the stem question. This ensures that there is only one correct answer. In all procedure related questions, ensure that the stem question includes in accordance with [procedure name]
If more than 20 percent1 of the submitted test items (with the operating test and RO/SRO written exams assessed separately) required replacement or significant modification, the report shall include a factual description of the test item changes (observations), including the number and types of test items replaced and/or significantly modified as a result of the joint NRC and facility licensee examination review process. The report shall also note that the overall submittal was outside the acceptable quality range expected by the NRC and that future examination submittals should incorporate any lessons learned from this effort.
To be considered a significantly modified question, at least one pertinent condition in the stem and at least one distractor must be changed from the original bank question. Changing the conditions in the stem such that one of the three distractors in the original question becomes the correct answer would also be considered a significant modification
- 1. 2. 3. Psychometric Flaws 4. Job Content Flaws 5. Other 6. 7. 8.
Q# LOK LOD (F/H) (1-5) Stem Cues T/F Cred. Partial Job- Minutia #/ Back- Q= SRO B/M/N U/E/S Explanation Focus Dist. Link units ward K/A Only Gen Please submit reference discs (in addition to selected procedure references) because this will:
- 1) Provide the procedures to allow research on questions. For example, a question may have the procedure reference needed to verify the correct answer; however, the procedure needed to validate the distractor is often not provided.
- 2) Having the other procedures will also facilitate development of alternative suggestions for questions needing replacements.
Gen Avoid using the word should in any test questions because this can often be argued as correct by an applicant.
Gen SRO-only Clarification Guidance Rev 0, page 12 contains an example of a good SRO-only question that is linked to 10CFR55.43 (5) procedure selection. Also pages 7 & 8 provide clarification in the first bullets by stating that if the question involves prescribing a procedure, then it may be SRO-only.
To further clarify: One area of SRO-level knowledge (with respect to prescribing or selecting procedures) is knowledge of the content of the procedure (SRO knowledge) versus knowledge of the overall mitigative strategy of the procedure (RO knowledge). To satisfy the 10CFR55.43.5 topic, the question must be linked to procedure selection. The SRO portion of a question may include procedure selection, tech specs, and/or E-plan classification, among the 7 areas listed in 10CFR55.43.
Gen Ensure that the stem question is followed with a question mark (?)
instead of trailing (.)
If more than 20 percent1 of the submitted test items (with the operating test and RO/SRO written exams assessed separately) required replacement or significant modification, the report shall include a factual description of the test item changes (observations), including the number and types of test items replaced and/or significantly modified as a result of the joint NRC and facility licensee examination review process. The report shall also note that the overall submittal was outside the acceptable quality range expected by the NRC and that future examination submittals should incorporate any lessons learned from this effort.
To be considered a significantly modified question, at least one pertinent condition in the stem and at least one distractor must be changed from the original bank question. Changing the conditions in the stem such that one of the three distractors in the original question becomes the correct answer would also be considered a significant modification Instructions
[Refer to Section D of ES-401 and Appendix B for additional information regarding each of the following concepts.]
- 1. Enter the level of knowledge (LOK) of each question as either (F)undamental or (H)igher cognitive level.
- 2. Enter the level of difficulty (LOD) of each question using a 1 - 5 (easy - difficult) rating scale (questions in the 2 - 4 range are acceptable).
- 3. Check the appropriate box if a psychometric flaw is identified:
- The stem lacks sufficient focus to elicit the correct answer (e.g., unclear intent, more information is needed, or too much needless information).
- The stem or distractors contain cues (i.e., clues, specific determiners, phrasing, length, etc).
- The answer choices are a collection of unrelated true/false statements.
- The distractors are not credible; single implausible distractors should be repaired, more than one is unacceptable.
- One or more distractors is (are) partially correct (e.g., if the applicant can make unstated assumptions that are not contradicted by stem).
- 4. Check the appropriate box if a job content error is identified:
- The question is not linked to the job requirements (i.e., the question has a valid K/A but, as written, is not operational in content).
- The question requires the recall of knowledge that is too specific for the closed reference test mode (i.e., it is not required to be known from memory).
- The question contains data with an unrealistic level of accuracy or inconsistent units (e.g., panel meter in percent with question in gallons).
- The question requires reverse logic or application compared to the job requirements.
- 5. Check questions that are sampled for conformance with the approved K/A and those that are designated SRO-only (K/A and license level mismatches are unacceptable).
- 6. Enter question source: (B)ank, (M)odified, or (N)ew. Check that (M)odified questions meet criteria of ES-401 Section D.2.f.
- 7. Based on the reviewers judgment, is the question as written (U)nsatisfactory (requiring repair or replacement), in need of (E)ditorial enhancement, or (S)atisfactory?
- 8. At a minimum, explain any U ratings (e.g., how the Appendix B psychometric attributes are not being met).
If more than 20 percent1 of the submitted test items (with the operating test and RO/SRO written exams assessed separately) required replacement or significant modification, the report shall include a factual description of the test item changes (observations), including the number and types of test items replaced and/or significantly modified as a result of the joint NRC and facility licensee examination review process. The report shall also note that the overall submittal was outside the acceptable quality range expected by the NRC and that future examination submittals should incorporate any lessons learned from this effort.
To be considered a significantly modified question, at least one pertinent condition in the stem and at least one distractor must be changed from the original bank question. Changing the conditions in the stem such that one of the three distractors in the original question becomes the correct answer would also be considered a significant modification ES-401 2 Form ES-401-9
- 1. 2. 3. Psychometric Flaws 4. Job Content Flaws 5. Other 6. 7. 8.
Q# LOK LO (F/H) D Ste Cu T/F Cr Partial Job- Minutia #/ Back- Q= SRO B/M/N U/E/S Explanation (1- m es ed. Link units ward K/A Only
- 5) Fo Dis cus t.
211000A3.01 33 H 2 N E S Appears to meet the KA. Could someone argue that the relief just lifted and pressure may be decreasing? This could make D also correct. Is it better to write out the parameters: SLC Pump Dish Press is 1100 psig and steady?
4/20/10, Reviewed again for draft submittal. Changes were made as noted above. SAT G2.1.25 66 F 3 X B U S Appears to meet the KA. Could someone argue that B & D are also correct? The level of 11.5 is the level at which the: A.
downcomer vents begin to become uncovered. B. HPCI Turb Exhaust begins to be uncovered at 12.75, therefore it is uncovered at 11.5. D. control room SP NR lvl indication goes off scale at ~13 ft.
11.5 is < all 3 of these choices. Change to say either: IAW procedure, line 1 above or In the derivation of the PSP curve, line 1 above 4/20/10, Reviewed again for draft submittal. Changes were made as noted above. SAT 76 H 3 N E 295004AA2.01 S Appears to meet the KA. Rewrite the 2nd question to simplify it and contain only 1 sentence. After manually transferring the 250 VDC RMOV Bd, the Board is considered _____IAW TS 3.8.7.
4/20/10, Reviewed again for draft submittal. Changes were made as noted above. SAT
If more than 20 percent1 of the submitted test items (with the operating test and RO/SRO written exams assessed separately) required replacement or significant modification, the report shall include a factual description of the test item changes (observations), including the number and types of test items replaced and/or significantly modified as a result of the joint NRC and facility licensee examination review process. The report shall also note that the overall submittal was outside the acceptable quality range expected by the NRC and that future examination submittals should incorporate any lessons learned from this effort.
To be considered a significantly modified question, at least one pertinent condition in the stem and at least one distractor must be changed from the original bank question. Changing the conditions in the stem such that one of the three distractors in the original question becomes the correct answer would also be considered a significant modification
- 1. 2. 3. Psychometric Flaws 4. Job Content Flaws 5. Other 6. 7. 8.
Q# LOK LO (F/H) D Ste Cu T/F Cr Partial Job- Minutia #/ Back- Q= SRO B/M/N U/E/S Explanation (1- m es ed. Link units ward K/A Only
- 5) Fo Dis cus t.
80 F 2 B E 295023G2.1.7 E Appears to meet the KA. EOI-3, Table 4 shows 1000 mr/hr as MAX SAFE (500 mr/hr is listed as MAX SAFE in the distractor discussion S
for A & B). Max Normal alarm setpoint is not included with references.
Can not tell if A is also correct or not, due to insufficient references being available.
Reword: Which ONE of the following identifies: 1.) The EOI-3 MAX NORMAL operating AND 2.) The required approval.IAW 2-AOI-79-1 4/20/10, Reviewed again for draft submittal. Changes were made as noted above. Where did the 500 mr/hr come from? Is it better distractor 2 X Normal Background Radiation level or maybe 10 X Normal Background?
5/20/10 Changed the distractor A & B to 72 mr/hr.
87 F 2 N S 211000G2.1.7 Appears to meet the KA.
4/20/10, Reviewed again for draft submittal. No changes were required. SAT
If more than 20 percent1 of the submitted test items (with the operating test and RO/SRO written exams assessed separately) required replacement or significant modification, the report shall include a factual description of the test item changes (observations), including the number and types of test items replaced and/or significantly modified as a result of the joint NRC and facility licensee examination review process. The report shall also note that the overall submittal was outside the acceptable quality range expected by the NRC and that future examination submittals should incorporate any lessons learned from this effort.
To be considered a significantly modified question, at least one pertinent condition in the stem and at least one distractor must be changed from the original bank question. Changing the conditions in the stem such that one of the three distractors in the original question becomes the correct answer would also be considered a significant modification
- 1. 2. 3. Psychometric Flaws 4. Job Content Flaws 5. Other 6. 7. 8.
Q# LOK LO (F/H) D Ste Cu T/F Cr Partial Job- Minutia #/ Back- Q= SRO B/M/N U/E/S Explanation (1- m es ed. Link units ward K/A Only
- 5) Fo Dis cus t.
90 H 2 X X N U 400000A2.02 S This question is not SRO Only. An RO could determine the answer by using knowledge of the overall mitigative strategy of the procedure.
The 1st half of choice B or D can be determined using RO knowledge of Rx trip criteria (i.e. a Rx trip is required for a loss of RBCCW). Only one ARM reading is given; therefore, by knowing that it requires at least 2 ARM readings > Max Safe to ED, distractors C & D can be eliminated (this is knowledge of overall mitigative strategy). From this analysis of RO information the correct answer can be determined as choice B.
EOI-3 was not provided for use in evaluating distractor analysis.
Could correct by rewording 2nd question to ask what procedure is used to C/D the plant?
4/20/10, Reviewed again for draft submittal. This is not meeting the KA. The impact of the high surge tank level (i.e., the KA) is stated in the stem of the question: RBCCW is isolated to containment. This should be in the distractor statements as a choice. To make this possible, more bullets need to be added to the stem to reflect the leak is from the RCP seal cooler [rise in 2-RM-90-131(Panel 2-9-10) activity (2-RR-90-131/132 on Panel 2-9-2) or 2-TE-68-54 or 67 temperature (Panel 2-9-21) or a lowering of any Recirc pump seal pressure.]. Does the 2nd question need to broken out? The question could be read to mean that the criteria to scram and initiate the cooldown are contained in the same procedure (in this case that assumption is correct). Would it make the other choices more plausible to break this into two statements?
The impact of losing CCW to the drywell is a required scram.
However, what is the impact of high/low surge tank level on the CCWS? ES-401, Section D.2.a states that for A2 K/A statements, try to test both aspects of the K/A and if that is not possible without expending an inordinate amount of resources, then limit the scope to the question to that aspect of the K/A statement requiring the highest cog level, i.e., the 2nd portion dealing with using procedures.
5/20/10 Reviewed rewrite onsite. KA is still not being met. Will provide licensee with another KA.
5/25/10 New question written to meet newly selected KA. This question still needs review. Question to rewritten to include 2nd part fo identify proper procedure to use. SAT after review in office.
5/26/10 New question reviewed. SAT.
If more than 20 percent1 of the submitted test items (with the operating test and RO/SRO written exams assessed separately) required replacement or significant modification, the report shall include a factual description of the test item changes (observations), including the number and types of test items replaced and/or significantly modified as a result of the joint NRC and facility licensee examination review process. The report shall also note that the overall submittal was outside the acceptable quality range expected by the NRC and that future examination submittals should incorporate any lessons learned from this effort.
To be considered a significantly modified question, at least one pertinent condition in the stem and at least one distractor must be changed from the original bank question. Changing the conditions in the stem such that one of the three distractors in the original question becomes the correct answer would also be considered a significant modification
- 1. 2. 3. Psychometric Flaws 4. Job Content Flaws 5. Other 6. 7. 8.
Q# LOK LO (F/H) D Ste Cu T/F Cr Partial Job- Minutia #/ Back- Q= SRO B/M/N U/E/S Explanation (1- m es ed. Link units ward K/A Only
- 5) Fo Dis cus t.
93 H 2 N E 219000G2.4.41 S Appears to meet the KA. Should the entire EPIP-1 or at least the entire section 1 be provided as a reference? Is there any other EPIP EAL that the applicant could erroneously go to instead of the correct one?
The wrong EPIP curve is provided as a reference. 1.5-S was provided. Curve 1.2-G is the correct curve for use with this question.
4/20/10, Reviewed again for draft submittal. Changes were made as noted above. SAT 96 F 2 N E G2.2.43 S Appears to meet the KA. This 2nd question part has a very low LOD as written. Modify the question slightly to increase the LOD. Modify to ask: If an Annunciator input (delete window). Change disabled/restored to disabled and restored. Add then prior to a separate 10CFR50.59. Delete for the disablement at the end of the question. Change distractor (2) to say is still.
4/20/10, Reviewed again for draft submittal. Changes were made as noted above. SAT The questions from here up were submitted for early review and will not count as UNSATs unless they are left uncorrected on the final submittal.
77 H S 295016AA2.05 Appears to meet the KA.
78 H E 295018G2.1.27 S Does a qualifier need to be added to assure that the applicant could not argue that the C1 EECW pump be manually aligned and therefore ALL EECW flow has not been lost? (i.e. No correct answer) Add If no operator actions are taken
If more than 20 percent1 of the submitted test items (with the operating test and RO/SRO written exams assessed separately) required replacement or significant modification, the report shall include a factual description of the test item changes (observations), including the number and types of test items replaced and/or significantly modified as a result of the joint NRC and facility licensee examination review process. The report shall also note that the overall submittal was outside the acceptable quality range expected by the NRC and that future examination submittals should incorporate any lessons learned from this effort.
To be considered a significantly modified question, at least one pertinent condition in the stem and at least one distractor must be changed from the original bank question. Changing the conditions in the stem such that one of the three distractors in the original question becomes the correct answer would also be considered a significant modification
- 1. 2. 3. Psychometric Flaws 4. Job Content Flaws 5. Other 6. 7. 8.
Q# LOK LO (F/H) D Ste Cu T/F Cr Partial Job- Minutia #/ Back- Q= SRO B/M/N U/E/S Explanation (1- m es ed. Link units ward K/A Only
- 5) Fo Dis cus t.
79 H X U 295021G2.4.47 Both of these look as if they are RO knowledge level criteria.
OPL171.059 for Startup has this shown under an objective for the 100 deg. Heatup limit. This was used on last years NRC exam, verify this is noted on the QA form. I could not locate the question on last years NRC exam.
SRO only: SRO-only knowledge cannot be claimed for questions that can be answered solely based on knowledge of 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> action statements. ROs are expected to know the LCO statement (TS 3.4.9 RCS Temp & Press Limits), applicability, and any notes; i.e., the information above the double line separating the actions from the LCO and applicability statements. The knowledge that RCS heatup and cooldown rates are limited to 100F in any 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> period is RO knowledge. The knowledge associated with Modes is also RO knowledge. Suggest writing a question testing the applicants knowledge of WHEN alternate SDCg is REQUIRED (based on a trend) IAW the AOP and the minimum REQUIRED emergency classification.
5/20/10 Revised question on site. Changed 1st part to derive exact time of mode change and 2nd part to state that the EAL is met.
81 H X U 295024G2.1.31 S This does not appear to be SRO Only level knowledge. Can use RO knowledge alone to determine both responses. The OI for manual operation specifies 5K for the setpoint. OPL171.201 Objective V.B.7 requires an RO to know that EOI appendices are used instead of OI when in the EOI arena.
Q=KA The proposed test item does not meet the K/A because it does not test the applicants knowledge of the required lineup for switches/
controls and/or required indications following a high drywell pressure condition. [The proposed item tests the applicants knowledge of whether the HPCI controller setpoint is at the required standby lineup setpoint and the required procedure after the EOI high drywell entry condition has been reached.] The HPCI controller setpoint is always true, even if no high drywell pressure condition exists. The question should test the applicants ability to confirm a switch or indication is lined up correctly following a high drywell pressure actuation.
5/20/10 Rewrite. Added IAW TS.
If more than 20 percent1 of the submitted test items (with the operating test and RO/SRO written exams assessed separately) required replacement or significant modification, the report shall include a factual description of the test item changes (observations), including the number and types of test items replaced and/or significantly modified as a result of the joint NRC and facility licensee examination review process. The report shall also note that the overall submittal was outside the acceptable quality range expected by the NRC and that future examination submittals should incorporate any lessons learned from this effort.
To be considered a significantly modified question, at least one pertinent condition in the stem and at least one distractor must be changed from the original bank question. Changing the conditions in the stem such that one of the three distractors in the original question becomes the correct answer would also be considered a significant modification
- 1. 2. 3. Psychometric Flaws 4. Job Content Flaws 5. Other 6. 7. 8.
Q# LOK LO (F/H) D Ste Cu T/F Cr Partial Job- Minutia #/ Back- Q= SRO B/M/N U/E/S Explanation (1- m es ed. Link units ward K/A Only
- 5) Fo Dis cus t.
82 F X S 295028EA2.06 The answer does not meet the KA criteria but is acceptable if no correlation exist for SC/Torus air temp. Verify with the licensee.
5/20/10 Verified with the licensee on site.
83 F X U 295010G2.2.4 S Distractors C&D do not appear plausible. If emergency depressurization is required EOI-1 RCP is not plausible at this point.
Suggest a change to the 2nd part of the distractor to a reason why ED is necessary from the basis statement. Part D plausibility is incorrect.
5/20/10 Question is still UNSAT upon onsite review. The 2nd part of the distractors is still missing. (See above in blue).
Upon editorial changes being made to the question the question is acceptable even though no explanation is involved. The KA is met via the technical process of understanding the unit difference to arrive at the answer.
84 H X U 295014AA2.01 S This question does not meet the KA because the applicants are not being tested on their ability to determine or interpret reactor power because this value is already provided in the stem, i.e., 16%. Instead, the proposed question tests the applicants knowledge of the applicability of TS 3.1.6, i.e., when rod pattern control is required. If the intent was to require the applicant to interpret reactor power, then provide a disparity between various indicated power levels and test the applicants knowledge of which indication means power is less than 16%.
5/3/10, Reviewed again for draft submittal. Agreed with licensees argument. Since the T.S. applicability requires knowledge of the power level, this question is considered as an original SAT.
If more than 20 percent1 of the submitted test items (with the operating test and RO/SRO written exams assessed separately) required replacement or significant modification, the report shall include a factual description of the test item changes (observations), including the number and types of test items replaced and/or significantly modified as a result of the joint NRC and facility licensee examination review process. The report shall also note that the overall submittal was outside the acceptable quality range expected by the NRC and that future examination submittals should incorporate any lessons learned from this effort.
To be considered a significantly modified question, at least one pertinent condition in the stem and at least one distractor must be changed from the original bank question. Changing the conditions in the stem such that one of the three distractors in the original question becomes the correct answer would also be considered a significant modification
- 1. 2. 3. Psychometric Flaws 4. Job Content Flaws 5. Other 6. 7. 8.
Q# LOK LO (F/H) D Ste Cu T/F Cr Partial Job- Minutia #/ Back- Q= SRO B/M/N U/E/S Explanation (1- m es ed. Link units ward K/A Only
- 5) Fo Dis cus t.
85 H X X E 295033G2.3.13 S Distractors A&C justification referenced that EPIP-8 provided this guidance if all TVA EROs were activated. This guidance could not be confirmed. Also EPIP-8 is Personnel Evacuation & Accountability not Dose Assessment. The question is misleading.
- /units: Use ONLY the exact titles of procedures in NRC questions, i.e., in A and C. Since the exact title of EPIP-8 makes choices A and C not plausible, then suggest incorporating another knowledge item to test associated with the required operator actions when a fuel assembly is dropped (in accordance with the AOP). The 2nd portion of the proposed test item is SRO (i.e., E-plan classification) 5/20/10 Add: Based on the above conditions, which ONE 86 H X E 203000A2.09 S Replace distractor A with 1600 (0300 + 13hrs to Mode 3) vs. 1800.
This is a more realistic error an operator would make. The applicant is more likely to apply the T.S. 3.5.1 clock start time from the time the ST failed for the 2nd ECCS pump than from the time the 1st pump was tagged out for maintenance.
5/20/10 Revised question per above. SAT.
If more than 20 percent1 of the submitted test items (with the operating test and RO/SRO written exams assessed separately) required replacement or significant modification, the report shall include a factual description of the test item changes (observations), including the number and types of test items replaced and/or significantly modified as a result of the joint NRC and facility licensee examination review process. The report shall also note that the overall submittal was outside the acceptable quality range expected by the NRC and that future examination submittals should incorporate any lessons learned from this effort.
To be considered a significantly modified question, at least one pertinent condition in the stem and at least one distractor must be changed from the original bank question. Changing the conditions in the stem such that one of the three distractors in the original question becomes the correct answer would also be considered a significant modification
- 1. 2. 3. Psychometric Flaws 4. Job Content Flaws 5. Other 6. 7. 8.
Q# LOK LO (F/H) D Ste Cu T/F Cr Partial Job- Minutia #/ Back- Q= SRO B/M/N U/E/S Explanation (1- m es ed. Link units ward K/A Only
- 5) Fo Dis cus t.
88 H X U 261000G2.2.4 S SRO-only knowledge cannot be claimed for questions that can be answered solely using knowledge of:
- any AOP entry condition.
- plant parameters that require direct entry to major EOPs; e.g.,
major Westinghouse EOPs are E0, E1, E2, E3, ECA-0.0, and Red/Orange Functional Restoration Procedures and major General Electric EOPs are Reactor Vessel Control, Primary Containment Control, Secondary Containment Control, and Radioactive Release Control.
SRO-only knowledge cannot be claimed for questions that can be answered solely using systems knowledge; e.g.:
- how the system works
- flow path
- component locations, etc.
Suggest re-writing the question to test SRO applicants knowledge of the 1) preferred location to start SGT and 2) the required LCO actions when one SGT is inoperable and one of the units is in a refueling outage and the other two units are operating at 100% power.
5/20/10 Reworded 1st question to ask what is the preferred lineup IAW OI Accepted the question to meet the KA because to answer the question the applicant has to understand why he is using U1 or U2 instrumentation and therefore meets the KA.
89 H X U 263000G2.1.28 S This question does not match the KA. The question should be asking about the operability of the electrical system not the effect of a loss of the electrical system on RCIC. The question as written is an A2 KA for RCIC not a generic for the DC electrical system.
5/20/10 New question written and reviewed on site. SAT.
If more than 20 percent1 of the submitted test items (with the operating test and RO/SRO written exams assessed separately) required replacement or significant modification, the report shall include a factual description of the test item changes (observations), including the number and types of test items replaced and/or significantly modified as a result of the joint NRC and facility licensee examination review process. The report shall also note that the overall submittal was outside the acceptable quality range expected by the NRC and that future examination submittals should incorporate any lessons learned from this effort.
To be considered a significantly modified question, at least one pertinent condition in the stem and at least one distractor must be changed from the original bank question. Changing the conditions in the stem such that one of the three distractors in the original question becomes the correct answer would also be considered a significant modification
- 1. 2. 3. Psychometric Flaws 4. Job Content Flaws 5. Other 6. 7. 8.
Q# LOK LO (F/H) D Ste Cu T/F Cr Partial Job- Minutia #/ Back- Q= SRO B/M/N U/E/S Explanation (1- m es ed. Link units ward K/A Only
- 5) Fo Dis cus t.
91 H X U 215001G2.4.21 E OPL171.023 Describe the operation of the TIP system, including automatic and manual operation.
S SRO-only knowledge cannot be claimed for questions that can be answered solely using systems knowledge; e.g.:
- how the system works SRO-only: The proposed question can be answered using RO knowledge of AOP entry conditions and system operation.
Q=KA: The proposed question does not test the applicants ability to determine if a Group 8 signal exists, Instead, the applicant is provided with this information in the stem.
Partial: An applicant could successfully argue that A is also correct IF OI-94 also provides steps to withdraw the TIP.
Job-Link: Is the term parked delineated in any procedure?
5/20/10 New question provided to licensee to meet the KA. Reference will be provided with light color indications removed.
92 H X U 216000A2.06 S This question does not match the KA. The KA is asking for the effects a loss of power has on instrumentation. This is question is asking for the effects a Recirc pump trip has on instrument indication.
Suggest writing a question testing the applicants knowledge of which drywell pressure instruments are affected by a loss of power, including the required TS actions.
5/20/10. New question written. Reviewed on site. SAT.
If more than 20 percent1 of the submitted test items (with the operating test and RO/SRO written exams assessed separately) required replacement or significant modification, the report shall include a factual description of the test item changes (observations), including the number and types of test items replaced and/or significantly modified as a result of the joint NRC and facility licensee examination review process. The report shall also note that the overall submittal was outside the acceptable quality range expected by the NRC and that future examination submittals should incorporate any lessons learned from this effort.
To be considered a significantly modified question, at least one pertinent condition in the stem and at least one distractor must be changed from the original bank question. Changing the conditions in the stem such that one of the three distractors in the original question becomes the correct answer would also be considered a significant modification
- 1. 2. 3. Psychometric Flaws 4. Job Content Flaws 5. Other 6. 7. 8.
Q# LOK LO (F/H) D Ste Cu T/F Cr Partial Job- Minutia #/ Back- Q= SRO B/M/N U/E/S Explanation (1- m es ed. Link units ward K/A Only
- 5) Fo Dis cus t.
94 H E G2.1.41 S Core map for use as a reference with the question was not included.
Is moving fuel in the SFP a core alt? If not then there is no reason to stop moving fuel as long as it stays in the SFP. Why not change to have the bundle already on the core side, possibly already a portion of the way down so that the correct answer is to insert it the rest of the way in prior to suspending core alts.
5/20/10 Reviewed on site. SAT.
95 H S G2.2.39 Appears to meet the KA & SRO Only criteria. SAT.
97 H E G2.3.11 S To clarify, the words, IAW EOI-2 need to be added. Otherwise, the candidate could argue that EOI Appendix allows use of the hardened SP vent and would be successful. Is the candidate required to know the PSP curve from memory?
5/20/10 Distractor D not valid. Doesnt pass logic test. Recommended adding 2nd part to distractors to add part to D and B for plausibility.
5/25/11 Reviewed in office. B & D distractor changed to App 15 vs App 12. SAT.
98 F X U G2.3.13 S This question does not match the KA. The KA is for radiological safety concerns. The question is related to industrial safety.
5/20/10 Wrote new question to meet the KA. Reviewed on site. SAT.
99 F S G2.4.40 Appears to meet the KA & SRO Only criteria. SAT
If more than 20 percent1 of the submitted test items (with the operating test and RO/SRO written exams assessed separately) required replacement or significant modification, the report shall include a factual description of the test item changes (observations), including the number and types of test items replaced and/or significantly modified as a result of the joint NRC and facility licensee examination review process. The report shall also note that the overall submittal was outside the acceptable quality range expected by the NRC and that future examination submittals should incorporate any lessons learned from this effort.
To be considered a significantly modified question, at least one pertinent condition in the stem and at least one distractor must be changed from the original bank question. Changing the conditions in the stem such that one of the three distractors in the original question becomes the correct answer would also be considered a significant modification
- 1. 2. 3. Psychometric Flaws 4. Job Content Flaws 5. Other 6. 7. 8.
Q# LOK LO (F/H) D Ste Cu T/F Cr Partial Job- Minutia #/ Back- Q= SRO B/M/N U/E/S Explanation (1- m es ed. Link units ward K/A Only
- 5) Fo Dis cus t.
100 H X E G2.4.45 S No information is provided in the stem of the question that requires the applicant to address a possible loss of fuel clad. One negative response. Why not give enough information so that two barriers lost and then you have enough different choices so to eliminate the NOT distractor. D is not a plausible distractor.
5/20/10 Changed stem to include DW Press Hi alarm and GP 1 PCIS Logic A Success light is NOT illuminated to make distractor D plausible.
1 H E 295001G2.1.7 S Appears to meet the KA. Is entering Region 1 needed as part of the question? If you left off it off, is D still plausible?
5/20/10 Verified Region 1 required.
2 F S 295003G2.1.27 Appears to meet the KA.
3 H E 295004AA1.03 S Appears to meet the KA.
Why not ask the status of 480v SD BD B? It remains energized and is therefore more pertinent to the 4KV to 480v relationship. The question as written is leading. Why would you ask about the other 480v train unless there was a relationship that would cause a loss of power to the bus? If the 480v train is changed to the B train, the candidate might improperly assume it is fed from its own respective 4KV bus and therefore respond that it loses power. This would change the correct answer to C.
5/20/10. Accepted question as is. SAT.
If more than 20 percent1 of the submitted test items (with the operating test and RO/SRO written exams assessed separately) required replacement or significant modification, the report shall include a factual description of the test item changes (observations), including the number and types of test items replaced and/or significantly modified as a result of the joint NRC and facility licensee examination review process. The report shall also note that the overall submittal was outside the acceptable quality range expected by the NRC and that future examination submittals should incorporate any lessons learned from this effort.
To be considered a significantly modified question, at least one pertinent condition in the stem and at least one distractor must be changed from the original bank question. Changing the conditions in the stem such that one of the three distractors in the original question becomes the correct answer would also be considered a significant modification
- 1. 2. 3. Psychometric Flaws 4. Job Content Flaws 5. Other 6. 7. 8.
Q# LOK LO (F/H) D Ste Cu T/F Cr Partial Job- Minutia #/ Back- Q= SRO B/M/N U/E/S Explanation (1- m es ed. Link units ward K/A Only
- 5) Fo Dis cus t.
4 H E 295005AA2.08 S Appears to meet the KA. Could this question be rewritten so that it is not necessary to ask a two part question? Power supply choices be USST, CSST, DG, or Main Generator (i.e. give condition to interrupt whether a Main Generator trip will occur or not.)
5/20/10 Rewrote new question per recommendation above.
5 H E 295006AK3.03 S Appears to meet the KA. No EHC information is given in the stem (Press or Alarms) to address anything other than EHC staying in Rx Press mode. The LOD on part 1 of the question is a 1.
5/20/10. Accepted question as is during review process on site.
6 H E 295016AA1.08 S Appears to meet the KA. Could this question be rewritten so that it is not necessary to ask a two part question? (i.e., how is Rx press controlled immediately following control room abandonment: TBY in Auto, TBV in Manual, RCIC in press control mode, HPCI in press control mode?)
5/20/10 Accepted as is based upon on site review.
7 H E 295018AK3.07 S Appears to meet the KA.
Add the word the to the stem statement following the question. Add the word are to choice B to make the sentence grammatically correct.
The KA is: Due to a loss of CCW (could be RBCCW or RCW), what is the reason for cross connecting to the backup system?
The question is convoluted as written. RCW or EECW provide the heat sink for RBCCW. This is why EECW is cross connected. Part of the question for the answer given is: Why does 70-48 go close on low pressure? Could the question be written to ask only the RCW/EECW component instead of asking two questions (i.e., leave out the RBCCW piece)?
5/20/10 Changed distractor C to make more plausible. SAT.
If more than 20 percent1 of the submitted test items (with the operating test and RO/SRO written exams assessed separately) required replacement or significant modification, the report shall include a factual description of the test item changes (observations), including the number and types of test items replaced and/or significantly modified as a result of the joint NRC and facility licensee examination review process. The report shall also note that the overall submittal was outside the acceptable quality range expected by the NRC and that future examination submittals should incorporate any lessons learned from this effort.
To be considered a significantly modified question, at least one pertinent condition in the stem and at least one distractor must be changed from the original bank question. Changing the conditions in the stem such that one of the three distractors in the original question becomes the correct answer would also be considered a significant modification
- 1. 2. 3. Psychometric Flaws 4. Job Content Flaws 5. Other 6. 7. 8.
Q# LOK LO (F/H) D Ste Cu T/F Cr Partial Job- Minutia #/ Back- Q= SRO B/M/N U/E/S Explanation (1- m es ed. Link units ward K/A Only
- 5) Fo Dis cus t.
8 H E 295109AA2.02 Appears to meet the KA.
S Reword the question to state: Which ONE of the following events explains the receipt of the associated alarms stated above?
5/20/10 Changes made as noted above. SAT.
9 H X U 295021AK2.01 E Appears to meet the KA.
Distractors A & D do not appear plausible. Does not pass the logic S test. If RCS temp is available, why wouldnt you use it to determine stratification and If RCS temp is not accurate, why would you choose RCS temp indications as a viable method to use to determine if RCS Stratification is occurring?
5/20/10 Reviewed on site and accepted question after a minor rewording in the stem of the question. Original question needed enhancement only.
10 H E 295023AA1.03 S Appears to meet the KA.
There is no period at the end of distractor B. This is a bank question; it does not meet the modified criteria.
What makes C plausible? All Control Rods are required to be in to move fuel and no info in stem to even address this as a possible scenario? Also, isnt rod withdrawal capability defeated as a prerequisite to moving fuel? Also, wouldnt the bundle need to be raised from the core location 1s t? This needs to be added to the answer or made the correct answer.
5/20/10. Changed distractor C to make more plausible. SAT.
11 F S 295024EK1.01 Appears to meet the KA.
12 F E 295025EK3.01 S Appears to meet the KA.
Why not use the TS Safety Limit LCO for Rx Press Safety Dome of 1325#?
5/20/10. Accepted question as is upon review on site. SAT.
If more than 20 percent1 of the submitted test items (with the operating test and RO/SRO written exams assessed separately) required replacement or significant modification, the report shall include a factual description of the test item changes (observations), including the number and types of test items replaced and/or significantly modified as a result of the joint NRC and facility licensee examination review process. The report shall also note that the overall submittal was outside the acceptable quality range expected by the NRC and that future examination submittals should incorporate any lessons learned from this effort.
To be considered a significantly modified question, at least one pertinent condition in the stem and at least one distractor must be changed from the original bank question. Changing the conditions in the stem such that one of the three distractors in the original question becomes the correct answer would also be considered a significant modification
- 1. 2. 3. Psychometric Flaws 4. Job Content Flaws 5. Other 6. 7. 8.
Q# LOK LO (F/H) D Ste Cu T/F Cr Partial Job- Minutia #/ Back- Q= SRO B/M/N U/E/S Explanation (1- m es ed. Link units ward K/A Only
- 5) Fo Dis cus t.
13 H E 295026EA2.01 S Appears to meet the KA.
Does the SP temp indicator read as bulk temp? TS uses avg temp.
Why does the question use bulk? Remove bulk unless necessary.
5/20/10. Accepted question with changes noted above.
14 F 1 U 295028EK2.01 S This is a generic fundamentals question. Not appropriate for this portion of the exam. LOD=1 Upon review on site with licensee, this is a basis document question.
Several misses were noted on this question due to concept errors.
Also this is to be credited as SAT and not added to the total.
15 H? 1 U 295030EK1.02 S This is a generic fundamentals question. Not appropriate for this portion of the exam. LOD=1 Below is an example question. Also, does not pass the logic test. When would NPSH increase on lowering level?
5/25/10 Question was rewritten to require use of ECCS curves.
Reviewed in office. SAT 16 F? X U 295031EK1.03 S 1st part of A & C does not pass the logic test. If temp is decreased (maximize subcooling), how would this reduce reactor power?
2nd part of C & D implies that there is a Rx Water Level interlock for reopening the MSIVs?
5/20/10 New A&C distractor written. SAT.
17 F S 295037EK2.13 Appears to meet the KA.
Ensure that this is not double jeopardy w/ Q#13.
Double jeopardy verified to be OK.
If more than 20 percent1 of the submitted test items (with the operating test and RO/SRO written exams assessed separately) required replacement or significant modification, the report shall include a factual description of the test item changes (observations), including the number and types of test items replaced and/or significantly modified as a result of the joint NRC and facility licensee examination review process. The report shall also note that the overall submittal was outside the acceptable quality range expected by the NRC and that future examination submittals should incorporate any lessons learned from this effort.
To be considered a significantly modified question, at least one pertinent condition in the stem and at least one distractor must be changed from the original bank question. Changing the conditions in the stem such that one of the three distractors in the original question becomes the correct answer would also be considered a significant modification
- 1. 2. 3. Psychometric Flaws 4. Job Content Flaws 5. Other 6. 7. 8.
Q# LOK LO (F/H) D Ste Cu T/F Cr Partial Job- Minutia #/ Back- Q= SRO B/M/N U/E/S Explanation (1- m es ed. Link units ward K/A Only
- 5) Fo Dis cus t.
18 H X X U 295038G2.4.9 S Does not meet the KA. Question is not dependent on low power or shutdown condition.
Distractor A does not pass the logic test.
5/20/10 Reviewed on site w/licensee. Upon further review w/licensee and based on validation results from licensee this question is satisfactory as is.
19 H E 600000AK1.02 S Appears to meet the KA.
Information in the stem of the question is confusing. How much time has passed? Suggest a rewrite to include a chronological time log.
Also, no information is given as to what Rx press or level is. Choice B is only dependent on DW press in the stem. Is this realistic? Listed as modified. Original question is not included.
5/20/10 Enhanced as noted above. SAT.
20 H 1 X X U 700000AA1.03 S Appears to meet the KA.
EHC does not change generator voltage with the VR in AUTO. Also, cap banks are not used for high voltage conditions (GFES).
This question was used on the last NRC exam HLT0801 Q20 (not noted on your 401-5 form in the Last NRC Exam section).
Suggest possibly ask a frequency question this time.
5/21/10 Licensee disagrees based on validation. Need further review to determine if question can be used.
5/25/10 Revised question in office to ask what the procedure states relative to cap bank status. SAT.
21 H X U 295002AK2.02 E The 1st part of the question does not match the KA. Suggest rewriting the question so that a two part question is not needed.
S 5/21/10 Question rewritten per suggestion above. SAT.
If more than 20 percent1 of the submitted test items (with the operating test and RO/SRO written exams assessed separately) required replacement or significant modification, the report shall include a factual description of the test item changes (observations), including the number and types of test items replaced and/or significantly modified as a result of the joint NRC and facility licensee examination review process. The report shall also note that the overall submittal was outside the acceptable quality range expected by the NRC and that future examination submittals should incorporate any lessons learned from this effort.
To be considered a significantly modified question, at least one pertinent condition in the stem and at least one distractor must be changed from the original bank question. Changing the conditions in the stem such that one of the three distractors in the original question becomes the correct answer would also be considered a significant modification
- 1. 2. 3. Psychometric Flaws 4. Job Content Flaws 5. Other 6. 7. 8.
Q# LOK LO (F/H) D Ste Cu T/F Cr Partial Job- Minutia #/ Back- Q= SRO B/M/N U/E/S Explanation (1- m es ed. Link units ward K/A Only
- 5) Fo Dis cus t.
22 F S 295009AK1.05 Appears to meet the KA.
23 F N S 295010AA1.06 Appears to meet the KA.
24 H B E 295022G2.2.38 S Does not appear to be any operational reasoning for the operator to choose 250 degrees F. To make the question more operational valid.
Remove the IAW and remove the 1st question. Add a 2nd question to ask whether to isolate the affected CRD HCUs from service or raise drive water flow.
5/21/10 Question modified as noted above. SAT.
25 H N S 295029EK3.03 Appears to meet the KA.
5/21/10 This question is overlapped in scenario 3-20. This scenario is designated as the backup scenario. Therefore this question is OK for use on the written exam.
26 H B S 295034EA1.02 Appears to meet the KA.
27 H N S 295036EA2.01 Appears to meet the KA.
28 H B S 203000A1.01 Appears to meet the KA.
29 H B S 203000A1.04 Appears to meet the KA.
If more than 20 percent1 of the submitted test items (with the operating test and RO/SRO written exams assessed separately) required replacement or significant modification, the report shall include a factual description of the test item changes (observations), including the number and types of test items replaced and/or significantly modified as a result of the joint NRC and facility licensee examination review process. The report shall also note that the overall submittal was outside the acceptable quality range expected by the NRC and that future examination submittals should incorporate any lessons learned from this effort.
To be considered a significantly modified question, at least one pertinent condition in the stem and at least one distractor must be changed from the original bank question. Changing the conditions in the stem such that one of the three distractors in the original question becomes the correct answer would also be considered a significant modification
- 1. 2. 3. Psychometric Flaws 4. Job Content Flaws 5. Other 6. 7. 8.
Q# LOK LO (F/H) D Ste Cu T/F Cr Partial Job- Minutia #/ Back- Q= SRO B/M/N U/E/S Explanation (1- m es ed. Link units ward K/A Only
- 5) Fo Dis cus t.
30 H N E 205000K3.05 S Appears to meet the KA. Not sure if C is plausible? If the line comes in between 2 SDC valves and you have SDC isolation, how would this not cause a loss of SPF cooling? The 2nd part of B states you will loose SFP if the tie comes in outside the SDC loop valves, is this plausible?
5/21/10 Reviewed again with same result. Validation showed misses for A & B. No one chose C. May need new KA.
5/25/10 Reviewed in office. Made minor change to wording. Added IAW SDC procedure to stem of question. SAT.
31 F B S 206000K2.02 Appears to meet the KA.
32 H B S 209001K1.08 Appears to meet the KA.
34 H X B U/E 212000A2.09 S Appears the correct answer does not meet the KA criteria. With the mode switch in SD, App 1F & 2 would be required w/o regard to the high DW press condition.
5/21/10 Reviewed the question. Will review again on Monday as part of in office review. May need a new KA.
5/25/10 Reviewed in office and made a change to distractor C to vent to lower DW press. Until DW press. Alarm clears.
Changed original classification to E from U after in office meeting.
35 F B S 215003A4.04 Appears to meet the KA.
36 H N S 215003A4.05 Appears to meet the KA.
If more than 20 percent1 of the submitted test items (with the operating test and RO/SRO written exams assessed separately) required replacement or significant modification, the report shall include a factual description of the test item changes (observations), including the number and types of test items replaced and/or significantly modified as a result of the joint NRC and facility licensee examination review process. The report shall also note that the overall submittal was outside the acceptable quality range expected by the NRC and that future examination submittals should incorporate any lessons learned from this effort.
To be considered a significantly modified question, at least one pertinent condition in the stem and at least one distractor must be changed from the original bank question. Changing the conditions in the stem such that one of the three distractors in the original question becomes the correct answer would also be considered a significant modification
- 1. 2. 3. Psychometric Flaws 4. Job Content Flaws 5. Other 6. 7. 8.
Q# LOK LO (F/H) D Ste Cu T/F Cr Partial Job- Minutia #/ Back- Q= SRO B/M/N U/E/S Explanation (1- m es ed. Link units ward K/A Only
- 5) Fo Dis cus t.
37 H M S 215004G2.2.2 Appears to meet the KA. Is this modified? Answer not shown on original question. Difficult to tell what was modified.
5/21/10. Original question provided and modified status determined.
38 H B S 215005K4.01 Appears to meet the KA.
39 H N E 217000K6.04 S The 1st part of B & D should read the same. B says press control. D says pump to the CST. Why the difference? The examinee will most likely ask also.
5/21/10 Question revised as noted above. SAT.
40 H X M U 218000K4.02 S Can ADS be armed at your site? The question as written does not meet the KA. The KA is for manual ignition of ADS logic. The question is asking about manual operation of the ADS SRV, which can always be accomplished and auto ADS logic.
5/21/10 This question will be moved to question 41. A new KA will be needed for this question.
5/25/10 New question reviewed in office. Minor modification made to question to ensure it is logic based and not procedure based. SAT.
41 F X B U 218000K4.03 S This inherent trait of the relief valve (valve design) and has nothing to do with ADS input logic. Q#40 could be used to satisfy this KA.
5/21/10 Replaced this question w/ Q#40 and is now SAT.
42 F N S 223002K1.04 Appears to meet the KA.
If more than 20 percent1 of the submitted test items (with the operating test and RO/SRO written exams assessed separately) required replacement or significant modification, the report shall include a factual description of the test item changes (observations), including the number and types of test items replaced and/or significantly modified as a result of the joint NRC and facility licensee examination review process. The report shall also note that the overall submittal was outside the acceptable quality range expected by the NRC and that future examination submittals should incorporate any lessons learned from this effort.
To be considered a significantly modified question, at least one pertinent condition in the stem and at least one distractor must be changed from the original bank question. Changing the conditions in the stem such that one of the three distractors in the original question becomes the correct answer would also be considered a significant modification
- 1. 2. 3. Psychometric Flaws 4. Job Content Flaws 5. Other 6. 7. 8.
Q# LOK LO (F/H) D Ste Cu T/F Cr Partial Job- Minutia #/ Back- Q= SRO B/M/N U/E/S Explanation (1- m es ed. Link units ward K/A Only
- 5) Fo Dis cus t.
43 H X B E 223002K1.08 S C & D: 2nd part of each statement is not plausible. If no isolation signal is present, why would you have to reopen either valve?
5/21/10 Upon review with the licensee, this question is SAT.
44 F X N U/E 239002K2.01 S This question seems convoluted. Not all SRVs have 2 power supplies and not all SRVs have an automatic backup. Therefore, it appears that this could lead to an argument for multiple correct answers.
5/21/10 Changed this question to SAT after on site review w/licensee.
45 H M S 259002G2.2.40 Appears to meet the KA.
46 F N U/E 261000A1.01 S This appears to be a repeat Q#88 There was another question regarding the precaution (Z) concerning the fact that all 3 trains of SBGT can be started from Unit 3, its best to start if from Unit 2 or 2 due to instrumentation availability.
5/21/10 Reviewed Double Jeopardy concern w/licensee on site and agreed to look at changing the 1st half of this question.
5/25/10 Reviewed question in office and provided details for a new question to ensure the KA is being met. Original question credited as an Enhancement, i.e. NOT UNSAT.
5/26/10 Reviewed question. SAT.
If more than 20 percent1 of the submitted test items (with the operating test and RO/SRO written exams assessed separately) required replacement or significant modification, the report shall include a factual description of the test item changes (observations), including the number and types of test items replaced and/or significantly modified as a result of the joint NRC and facility licensee examination review process. The report shall also note that the overall submittal was outside the acceptable quality range expected by the NRC and that future examination submittals should incorporate any lessons learned from this effort.
To be considered a significantly modified question, at least one pertinent condition in the stem and at least one distractor must be changed from the original bank question. Changing the conditions in the stem such that one of the three distractors in the original question becomes the correct answer would also be considered a significant modification
- 1. 2. 3. Psychometric Flaws 4. Job Content Flaws 5. Other 6. 7. 8.
Q# LOK LO (F/H) D Ste Cu T/F Cr Partial Job- Minutia #/ Back- Q= SRO B/M/N U/E/S Explanation (1- m es ed. Link units ward K/A Only
- 5) Fo Dis cus t.
47 F 1 X B U 262001K5.02 S No plausibility reason given for an operator to possibly choose choices A, B, or D. D seems especially not plausible. This implies we could never operate a breaker (remotely or locally) on a loss of control power. When would a breaker trip open on a loss of control power?
The operator would have to loose sight of what control power is for to even consider this as an option. LOD=1 5/21/10 Review w/licensee. I will discuss their rationale for believing the question is SAT as is with the region and provide feedback.
5/25/10 Reviewed in office. Changes made are OK. Add noun name for the 43 switch. SAT.
48 F M S 262002K3.08 Appears to meet the KA.
49 F M E 263000A2.02 S This has a low LOD for distractors C & D. Logically you would know that either choice C & D is correct.
5/21/10 Upon review on site, agreed w/licensee decision making process that C & D are plausible.
5/26/10 Changed stem to specify Battery Rooms 1, 2, & 3.
50 F N S 264000A3.02 Appears to meet KA.
51 F/H B S 264000A3.04 Appears to meet KA. Not sure I would count this as a fundamental.
5/21/10 Changed to H cognitive level.
52 H/F N S 300000A4.01 Appears to meet KA.
5/21/10 Changed to F cognitive level.
53 H B S 400000K6.05 Appears to meet KA.
If more than 20 percent1 of the submitted test items (with the operating test and RO/SRO written exams assessed separately) required replacement or significant modification, the report shall include a factual description of the test item changes (observations), including the number and types of test items replaced and/or significantly modified as a result of the joint NRC and facility licensee examination review process. The report shall also note that the overall submittal was outside the acceptable quality range expected by the NRC and that future examination submittals should incorporate any lessons learned from this effort.
To be considered a significantly modified question, at least one pertinent condition in the stem and at least one distractor must be changed from the original bank question. Changing the conditions in the stem such that one of the three distractors in the original question becomes the correct answer would also be considered a significant modification
- 1. 2. 3. Psychometric Flaws 4. Job Content Flaws 5. Other 6. 7. 8.
Q# LOK LO (F/H) D Ste Cu T/F Cr Partial Job- Minutia #/ Back- Q= SRO B/M/N U/E/S Explanation (1- m es ed. Link units ward K/A Only
- 5) Fo Dis cus t.
54 H M S 201002A2.04 Appears to meet KA.
55 F B S 215002A3.04 Appears to meet KA.
56 H X M E 216000A1.02 S Appears to meet KA.
1st part of the question is a fundamental GFES level (LOD=1).
5/21/10 Reviewed w/licensee onsite. Unable to make a determination at this time. Get branch input upon return to determine if U or just E.
5/25/10 Reviewed in office. Agreed SAT as is. Original question was SAT from original submittal.
57 F N S 230000A4.04 Appears to meet KA.
58 H X X N E 233000K2.02 S Appears to meet KA.
Is the lead in statement needed? Is NORMAL needed in the 2nd statement for the fill in the blank? Reword: What is the power supply for the PREFERRED pump used for Supplemental Fuel Pool Cooling.
5/21/10 Licensee agreed with the change noted above. SAT 59 H B E 234000K5.02 S Appears to meet KA.
Distractor B is written to imply that an auto protective function has occurred. (Remove the word other) 5/21/10 Licensee agreed with the change noted above. SAT
If more than 20 percent1 of the submitted test items (with the operating test and RO/SRO written exams assessed separately) required replacement or significant modification, the report shall include a factual description of the test item changes (observations), including the number and types of test items replaced and/or significantly modified as a result of the joint NRC and facility licensee examination review process. The report shall also note that the overall submittal was outside the acceptable quality range expected by the NRC and that future examination submittals should incorporate any lessons learned from this effort.
To be considered a significantly modified question, at least one pertinent condition in the stem and at least one distractor must be changed from the original bank question. Changing the conditions in the stem such that one of the three distractors in the original question becomes the correct answer would also be considered a significant modification
- 1. 2. 3. Psychometric Flaws 4. Job Content Flaws 5. Other 6. 7. 8.
Q# LOK LO (F/H) D Ste Cu T/F Cr Partial Job- Minutia #/ Back- Q= SRO B/M/N U/E/S Explanation (1- m es ed. Link units ward K/A Only
- 5) Fo Dis cus t.
60 H B E 241000K6.06 S Check to verify that this question is not repeated from a previous one (Q#5). D distractor plausibility is incorrect, should say RX PRESS CONTROL.
5/21/10 Reviewed w/licensee and agreed that this is not a double jeopardy question.
61 H X N U 268000K3.04 S Does not meet the KA. There is no loss or malfunction.
5/21/10 Reviewed new question on site. Appears to be SAT. Review again as part of in office review to verify.
5/25/10 Reviewed again in office. Made minor mod to question. SAT.
62 F N E 272000A3.02 S Does the logic require both rad monitors to be HIGH HIGH to cause the trip and isolation?
5/21/10 Reviewed on site w/licensee. Only 1 detector is required to cause a trip & isolation of the MVP. Discussed this w/licensee.
Lesson material is out of date and states 2 rad detectors required. U3 mod during the last outage (2 months ago). Lesson material not up to date. SR is to be developed.
5/26/10 Revised question to ask status of MVP OG isolation valves upon receipt of HIGH HIGH condition.
63 F N S 286000G2.2.42 Appears to meet the KA.
64 F N S 290003K4.01 Appears to meet the KA.
002K1.12 BANK 65 F 2 B S Analysis for C should state that there is no injection in the outer tube.
The outer tube exist only for instrumentation purposes 66 See earlier review.
If more than 20 percent1 of the submitted test items (with the operating test and RO/SRO written exams assessed separately) required replacement or significant modification, the report shall include a factual description of the test item changes (observations), including the number and types of test items replaced and/or significantly modified as a result of the joint NRC and facility licensee examination review process. The report shall also note that the overall submittal was outside the acceptable quality range expected by the NRC and that future examination submittals should incorporate any lessons learned from this effort.
To be considered a significantly modified question, at least one pertinent condition in the stem and at least one distractor must be changed from the original bank question. Changing the conditions in the stem such that one of the three distractors in the original question becomes the correct answer would also be considered a significant modification
- 1. 2. 3. Psychometric Flaws 4. Job Content Flaws 5. Other 6. 7. 8.
Q# LOK LO (F/H) D Ste Cu T/F Cr Partial Job- Minutia #/ Back- Q= SRO B/M/N U/E/S Explanation (1- m es ed. Link units ward K/A Only
- 5) Fo Dis cus t.
G2.1.27 Part: The correct answer A is a subset issue. If the actual acceptance criteria are to maintain cladding temperature < 2200 degrees, then it is E also to maintain it < 2600 degrees (A).
67 F 2 X B S Change to 1800 oF. Its incorrect yet plausible because 1800 degrees is when DNB becomes significant.
5/21/10 Discussed w/licensee on site. With the equal statement as part of the answer, this could not be argued as a subset criterion.
G2.1.8 Distractors B/C/D doesnt state coordination requirements. Local supervision doesnt count as coordination. B & C are left open in that they are both correct but not complete.
It is not plausible to think that an AUO could manipulate reactivity 68 F 2 X B E controls without a licensed operator D.
D is correct also if the recirc pump is uncoupled.
5/21/10 Reviewed w/licensee on site. Licensee revised original question. Changed original mark from U to E only. Licensee is still working on revision. Question will be reviewed in office next week.
5/25/10 Reviewed in office. Changes made are OK. SAT.
G 2.2.37 KA is to determine operability and/or availability of safety related equipment. The question asks TS related jet pump flow mismatch U/E limits. This is not safety related EQUIPMENT availability/operability.
69 F 3 X N S Is this RO required knowledge?
5/21/10 Reviewed w/licensee on site. Original question is marked as a E, not a U. Determined that this is safety related equipment. The LOD was determined to be w/i reason for an RO. SAT G2.2.22 70 F 3 B S Appears to meet KA. SAT.
G2.2.4 U Does not meet the KA. The question asks you to explain the reason 71 F 2 X N S for the unit difference not the unit difference itself.
5/26/10 New question written and reviewed in office. SAT.
If more than 20 percent1 of the submitted test items (with the operating test and RO/SRO written exams assessed separately) required replacement or significant modification, the report shall include a factual description of the test item changes (observations), including the number and types of test items replaced and/or significantly modified as a result of the joint NRC and facility licensee examination review process. The report shall also note that the overall submittal was outside the acceptable quality range expected by the NRC and that future examination submittals should incorporate any lessons learned from this effort.
To be considered a significantly modified question, at least one pertinent condition in the stem and at least one distractor must be changed from the original bank question. Changing the conditions in the stem such that one of the three distractors in the original question becomes the correct answer would also be considered a significant modification
- 1. 2. 3. Psychometric Flaws 4. Job Content Flaws 5. Other 6. 7. 8.
Q# LOK LO (F/H) D Ste Cu T/F Cr Partial Job- Minutia #/ Back- Q= SRO B/M/N U/E/S Explanation (1- m es ed. Link units ward K/A Only
- 5) Fo Dis cus t.
G2.3.14 Is this minutia? Are operators expected to know this from memory?
72 H 2 X B S 5/21/10 Reviewed w/licensee. This is relevant to operations and is sat as written.
G2.3.5 Does not meet the KA.
U The KA asks for ability to use radiation monitoring systems. The 73 H 3 X M question asks about using the Turbine Building Ventilation System for S an elevated release.
5/21/10 Reviewed w/licensee on site. A new question will be written.
5/26/10 Reviewed new question in office. SAT.
G 2.4.20 74 F 2 X M S Appears to meet KA. SAT.
G2.4.45 MOD Minutia: C is confusing as written. Rec: Change C to is normal for current plant conditions.
E 75 F 2 X M Distractor D: Is the orange rectangle around EOI-3 entry alarms a S magnetic border or a permanent border? If it is permanent, I would consider this distractor not plausible.
5/21/10 Reviewed new distractor D and approved change. SAT.
ES-403 Written Examination Grading Form ES-403-1
. Quality Checklist Facility: cZO*J, zi( Date of Exam: (c,- i7 Zic Exam Level: RO>1 SRO><
Initials Item Description a b c
- 1. Clean answer sheets copied before grading oz 74 Nji
- 2. Answer key changes and question deletions justified and_documented
- 3. Applicants scores checked for addition errors (reviewers spot check > 25% of examinations)
- 4. Grading for all borderline cases (80 +/-2% overall and 70 or 80, as applicable, +/-4% on the SRO-only) reviewed in detail Z% 4A--
- 5. Al! other failing examinations checked to ensure that grades are justified Z?
- 6. Performance on missed questions checked for training deficiencies and wording problems; evaluate validity of questions_missed_by_half or more of the_applicants Printed Name/Signature Date
- a. Grader 1ELISI .
- b. Facility Reviewer(*)
- c. NRC Chief Examiner (*) 7-li-ti
- d. NRC Supervisor (*) _______
(*) The facility reviewers signature is not applicable for examinations graded by the NRC; two independent NRC reviews are required.
ES-403, Page 6 of 6