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Initial Exam 2010-301 Final RO Written
Person / Time
Site: Browns Ferry  Tennessee Valley Authority icon.png
Issue date: 07/20/2010
Tennessee Valley Authority
50-259/10-301, 50-260/10-301, 50-296/10-301 50-259/10-301, 50-260/10-301, 50-296/10-301
Download: ML102020489 (77)


HLT 0810 Written Exam

1. Unit 1 is recovering from a trip of Recirc Pump 1A AND while executing the actions of 1-AOI-68-1A, Recirc Pump Trip/Core Flow Decrease OPRMs Operable, the Unit Operator (UO) has just reported that the RECIRC PUMP 1A DISCHARGE VALVE, 1-FCV-68-3, has been MANUALLY opened.

The Balance of Plant (BOP) Operator then reports that Recirc Pump 1 B has tripped AND the Unit has entered Region I of the Power to Flow Map.

Which ONE of the following completes the statement? - -

For these conditions, the required action in accordance with 1-AOI-68-1A is to A. insert a manual Reactor Scram B. commence a normal Reactor shutdown / cooldown C. close the Discharge Valve on the outlet of Recirc Pump 1 B D. insert Control Rods on the Shove Sheet to exit Region I of the Power to Flow Map I

HLT 0810 Written Exam

2. Which ONE of the following completes the statement?

480 Volt Load Shed Logic receives a Common Accident Signal generated from _(1)_ AND is divisionalized on _(2)_ in regards to which board loads will actually be shed.

A. (1) RHR System instrumentation (2) Unit 1 B. (1) Core Spray System instrumentation (2) Unit 1 C. (1) RHR System instrumentation (2) Unit 3 D. (1) Core Spray System instrumentation (2) Unit 3 2

HLT 0810 Written Exam

3. Unit 2 was operating at 100% Reactor Power.

A ground AND subsequent fire in Shutdown Board 250V DC Distribufion Panel SB-B resulted in de-energization of the SB-B panel AND trip of 4kV Shutdown Board B Normal Feeder Breaker.

Which ONE of the following completes the statements?

480V Shutdown Board 2A is _(1)_.

4kV Shutdown Board B (2)_ automatically transfer to its aiternate source.

A. (1) energized (2) will B. (1) de-energized (2) will C. (1) energized (2) will NOT D. (1) de-energized (2) will NOT 3

HLT 0810 Written Exam

4. Unit 2 is operating at 100% Reactor Power when the following alarm AND indications occur:
  • EHC HYD FLUID HDR PRESS LOW, (2-9-7B, Window 1)
  • EHC Header Pressure is 1050 psig and lowering
  • STANDBY EHC Pump is isolated and Red Tagged Which ONE of the following completes the statements?

As a result of this transient, 4 kV Shutdown Board loads will be supplied by the _(2).

A. Main Trafmer B. Emergency Diesel Generators C. Common Station Service Transformers D. Unit Station Service Transformers 4

HLT 0810 Written Exam

5. Unit 3 is operating at 100% power conditions with EHC in the PREFERRED mode of operation.

The reactor scrams on low water level with the following timeiine:

  • The Scram report notes Reactor Pressure at 980 psig and lowering slowly
  • One minute after the scram, the operator reports Reactor Pressure has turned at a low 01 955 psig and is now rising
  • Two minutes after the scram, the operator reports Reactor Pressure at 980 psig and rising at approximately 2 psi/sec Which ONE of the following completes the statement?

EHC is in (1)_ Pressure Control AND the Main Turbine Bypass Valves (2)_.

A. (1) Header (2) have failed to operate at their setpoint B. (1) Reactor (2) have failed to operate at their setpoint C. (1) Header (2) will open once they reach their setpoint D. (1) Reactor (2) will open once they reach their setpoint 5

HLT 0810 Written Exam

6. Due to toxic gas intrusion, the Unit 1 Control Room is being abandoned in accordance with 1-AOl-i 00-2, Control Room Abandonment. ALL IMMEDIATE Operator Actions have just been completed.

Which ONE of the following completes the statements?

UNTIL control is established at the Backup Control Panel, Reactor Pressure will be controlled by the _(1).

During depressurization I cooldown efforts at the Backup Control Panel, with Reactor Pressure at 58 psig the Operator will (2)_.

A. (1) SRVsinSafetyMode (2) monitor RCIC operation while injecting B. (1) Turbine Bypass Valves (2) monitor RCIC operation while injecting C. (1) SRVsinSafetyMode (2) verify that RCIC has automatically isolated D. (1) Turbine Bypass Valves (2) verify that RCIC has automatically isolated 6

HLT 0810 Written Exam

7. Unit 3 is operating at 100% Reactor Power. A grid disturbance results in a Loss of Offsite Power; BUT, power is quickly restored. The following conditiOns currently exist:
  • Raw Cooling Water (RCW) can NOT be restored

To provide cooling to the A. RWCU Non-Regenerative Heat Exchanger to avoid resin damage B. Drywell Coolers to ensure Drywell Temperature limits are NOT exceeded C. RWCU Pump seal water and bearing oil coolers to maintain seal integrity D. Spent Fuel Pool Cooling Heat Exchanger to ensure adequate decay heat removal 7

HLT 0810 Written Exam

8. Given the following plant conditions:
  • Unit 2 was at 100% Reactor Power when a transientoccurred which resulted in a Reactor Scram
  • After stabilizing the unit, the Scram signal is RESET
  • ALL eight (8) Scram Solenoid Group lights are ON
  • Approximately ten minutes later, the following conditions are present:
  • RCW DISCH HDR PRESS LOW, (2-9-20A, Window 34), in alarm
  • CRD ACCUM CHG WTR HDR PRESS HIGH, (2-9-5A, Window 10), in alarm
  • Outboard MSIVs are CLOSED
  • Scram Inlet AND Outlet Valves are OPEN Which ONE of the following events explains the receipt of the above stated alarms I indications?

A. Loss of Control Air B. Loss of Both RPS Buses C. Loss of Drywell Control Air D. Loss of 9-9 Cabinet 5, Unit Non-Preferred 8

HLT 0810 Written Exam

9. Unit 3 is in Mode 4 with the following conditions:
  • Reactor Level band is (+) 70 to (+) 80 inches to support testing
  • ALL Reactor Recirc AND RWCU Pumps are isolated and tagged
  • RHR Loop I in Shutdown Cooling experiences an inadvertent Group 2 Isolation AND can NOT be restored In accordance with 3-AOI-74-1, Loss of Shutdown Cooling, which ONE of the following completes the statements?

Accurate Reactor Water Temperature _(1) available.

If Reactor Coolant Stratification occurs, it is indicated by (2)_.

A. (1)is (2) Feedwater Sparger temperature GREATER THAN OR EQUAL TO 200°F on any Vessel Feedwater Nozzle indication B. (1)is NOT (2) Feedwater Sparger temperature GREATER THAN OR EQUAL TO 200°F on any Vessel Feedwater Nozzle indication C. (1)is (2) Reactor pressure GREATER THAN 0 psig with any Reactor Coolant temperature indication GREATER THAN 212°F D. (1)is NOT (2) Reactor pressure GREATER THAN 0 psig with any Reactor Coolant temperature indication GREATER THAN 212°F 9

HLT 0810 Written Exam

10. Unit 1 is in a Refueling Outage. The Refueling Supervisor reports that an IRRADIATED fuel assembly has been seated in the WRONG location in the core. The grapple remains engaged on the bundle.

The following conditions are then noted:

  • Rising count rates on SRMs
  • SRM Period lights illuminated
  • Rising dose rates on the Refuel Floor Which ONE of the following describes an IMMEDIATE Operator action to be taken?

A. Verify Secondary Containment is intact.

B. If any CRD Pump is in service stop the CRD Pump.

C. Raise the fuel bundle from the core location AND traverse to the area of the cattle chute.

0. If SLC is operable place SLC PUMP 1 All B, 1 -HS-63-6A control switch in START A OR START B.


HLT 0810 Written Exam

11. Which ONE of the following completes the statement?

The MAXIMUM Containment Pressure that Primary Containment Vent Valves can be opened AND closed is______

A. 50 psig B. 55 psig C. 62 psig D. 65 psig 11

HLT 0810 Written Exam

12. Which ONE of the following completes the statements?

The Limiting Condition for Operation (LCO) statement for Unit 1 Safety Relief Valves (SRV5),

LCO 3.4.3, requires operability of the safety function for _(1) SRVs in Modes 1, 2, and 3.

This ensures that the ASME Code Limit of _(2)_ is NOT exceeded following the Design Basis Event of simultaneous closure of ALL Main Steam Isolation Valves (MSIV5) at 100% Reactor Power.

A. (1) 12 (2) 1250 psig B. (1) 12 (2) 1375 psig C. (1) 13 (2) 1375 psig D. (1) 13 (2) 1250 psig 12

HLT 0810 Written Exam

13. Unit 3 is currently testing Safety Relief Valves (SRVs) at 10% Reactor Power with the following plant conditions:
  • Suppression Pool Selected Temperature Recorder/Indicator, 3-TR/Tl-64-161, is indicating 112 °F
  • Suppression Pool Average Temperature is 96 °F Which ONE of the following describes the required action relative to Suppression Pool (SP)

Tern pe ratu re?

A. Suspend testing of the SRVs IMMEDIATELY in accordance with Tech Specs.

B. Testing can continue UNTIL SP Average Temperature exceeds 110°F in accordance with Tech Specs.

C. Operate ALL available Suppression Pool Cooling as directed by 3-EOI-2, Primary Containment Control.

D. Enter 3-EOI-1, RPV Control, from 3-EOI-2, Primary Containment Control, AND SCRAM the reactor as directed by the EOIs.


HLT 0810 Written Exam

14. Unit 1 has scrammed from 100% Reactor Power with the following conditions:
  • A small, high pressure steam leak in the Drywell has caused a Drywell Temperature of 280 °F and rising
  • Drywell Pressure is 15 psig and rising Which ONE of the following completes the statement?

IMMEDIATELY following the initiation of Drywell Sprays under the superheated conditions listed above, the Drywell is expected to have a _(1)_ pressure drop indicative of _(2)_ cooling being the dominant mechanism of heat transfer.

A. (1) slow, steady (2) convective B. (1) slow, steady (2) evaporative C. (1) rapid, large (2) convective D. (1) rapid, large (2) evaporative 14

HLT 0810 Written Exam

15. Unit 3 has experienced a LOCA AND the following conditions exist:
  • Suppression Pool Level is (-) 5.5 inches
  • Suppression Chamber Pressure is 5 psig
  • Drywell Pressure is 10 psig
  • Suppression Pool Temperature is 2000 F
  • RHR Pump 2A flow is 11,500 gpm
  • CoreSprayLoopllflowis4,000gpm Y-ti_S i?
  • NO other ECCS Pumps are running Based on the above conditions, which ONE of the following identifies the ECCS Pump(s), if any, that has (have) sufficient NPSH for continued operation?


A. NONE B. RHR Pump 2A ONLY C. Core Spray Loop II Pumps ONLY D. Core Spray Loop II Pumps AND RHR Pump 2A 15

HLT 0810 Written Exam

16. Which ONE of the following completes the statements?

In EOl C-5, Level / Power Control, Reactor Water Level is lowered to less than (1)

() 50 inches tc thereby reducing reactor power. After Hot Shutdown Boron Weight is injected into the Reactor, level is raised in order to (2)_.

A. (1) promote concentrating boron in the high power areas of thecore (2) promote mixing of the Boron throughout the core B. (1) reduce natural circulation driving head AND core flow (2) promote mixing of the Boron throughout the core C. (1) promote concentrating boron in the high power areas of the core (2) allow MSIVs to be reopened to commence a normal Cooldown D. (1) reduce natural circulation driving head AND core flow (2) allow MSIVs to be reopened to commence a normal Cooldown 16

HLT 0810 Written Exam

17. Which ONE of the following completes the statements?

During Anticipated Transient Without Scram (ATWS) conditions on Unit 2, 2-EOI-1, RPV Control requires Standby Liquid Control (SLC) initiation (1).

If the Squib Valves fail to actuate (fire) during execution of 2-EOl Appendix-3A, SLC Injection, Sodium Pentaborate can be injected with CRD Pump _(2) as directed by 2-EOl Appendix 3B, Alternate SLC Injection.

A. (1) BEFORE Suppression Pool Temperature rises to 110 °F ONLY (2) lB B. (1) BEFORE Suppression Pool Temperature rises to 110°F ONLY (2) 2A C. (1) BEFORE Suppression Pool Temperature rises to 110 °F OR WHEN APRM Peak-to Peak Oscillations persist above 25%

(2) lB D. (1) BEFORE Suppression Pool Temperature rises to 110°F OR WHEN APRM Peak-to Peak Oscillations persist above 25%

(2)2A 17

HLT 0810 Written Exam

18. Unit 1 has been operating for one week with increasing amounts of fuel bundle leaks.

Suppression efforts have been unsuccessful and the trigger point for shutting down the reactor on excessive Stack release rates is rapidly approaching when the following alarms are received:

  • OG AVG ANNUAL RELEASE RATE EXCEEDED 1-RA-90-157C, (1-9-40, Window 27)

Which ONE of the following completes the statements for this condition?

The requirement to insert a manual scram is directed by a valid _(1) alarm.

Immediately following the scram, the ARP-specific IF I THEN directive to CLOSE MSIVs is based upon a determination that _(2)_.

A. (1) MAIN STEAM LINE RADIATION HIGH-HIGH 1-RA-90-135C (2) releases are still in excess of Offsite Dose Calculation Manual limits B. (1) OG AVG ANNUAL RELEASE RATE EXCEEDED 1-RA-90-1 570 (2) the reactor will remain subcritical without boron under all cOnditions C. (1) MAIN STEAM LINE RADIATION HIGH-HIGH 1-RA-90-135C (2) the reactor will remain subcritical without boron under all conditions D. (1) OG AVG ANNUAL RELEASE RATE EXCEEDED 1-RA-90-157C (2) releases are still in excess of Offsite Dose Calculation Manual limit 18

HLT 0810 Written Exam 1 9. The following plant conditions currently exist on Unit 3:

  • A Seal Oil Skid fire has erupted AND the sprinkler system has been manually initiated
  • Fire header pressure has been 115 psig for 25 seconds after actuation of the sprinkler system
  • A small leak in the Drywell resulted in Drywell Pressure of 3 psig and steady
  • Reactor Pressure is 750 psig and stable
  • Reactor Level dropped to a low of (-) 20 inches AND is now being maintained at normal band Which ONE of the following completes the statement?

Based on these conditions, the Diesel Fire Pump A. AND ALL THREE Electric Fire Pumps are operating B. AND ALL THREE Electric Fire Pumps are in standby C. is in standby AND ONE Electric Fire Pump is operating D. is in standby AND TWO Electric Fire Pumps are operating 19

HLT 0810 Written Exam

20. Unit 3 is operating at 80% Reactor Power AND the crew has entered 0-AOl-57-1 E, Grid Instability, due to the 500 kV system voltage being at 541 kV. The crew reaches the following step in the procedure:

Lower reactive power until system voltage returns to 530 kV Which ONE of the following identifies how to lower reactive power AND the required 161 kV Capacitor Bank Status in accordance with 0-AOl-57-1 E?

A. Depress the EHC Load Set LOWER pushbutton, 3-HS-47-75C; Check the 161 kV Capacitor Banks are IN service.

B. Depress the EHC Load Set LOWER pushbutton, 3-HS-47-75C; Check the 161 kV Capacitor Banks are OUT of service.

C. Place the Generator Field Voltage Auto Adjust (90P), 3-HS-57-26, to the LOWER position; check the 161 kV Capacitor Banks are IN service.

D. Place the Generator Field Voltage Auto Adjust (90P), 3-HS-57-26, to the LOWER position; check the 161 kV Capacitor Banks are OUT of service.


HLT 0810 Written Exam

21. Unit 3 is operating at 38% Reactor power, when the following conditions are noted:
  • Hotwell Temp and Press, 3-XR-2-2, indicating

(-) 24.0 inches Hg and lowering If vacuum continues to lower, which ONE of the following AUTOMATI protect C ive actions will occur FIRST?

A. MSIV closure B. Main Turbine trip C. Reactor Feed Pump Turbine trip D. Main Turbine Bypass Valve closure 21

HLT 0810 Written Exam

22. Unit 2 is in Mode 4 with the following conditions:
  • Reactor Level is (+) 45 inches
  • ALL Shutdown Cooling has been lost Which ONE of the following identifies the reason that 2-AOl-74-1, Loss of Shutdown Cooling, requires a HIGHER Reactor Water Level established AND maintained?

The HIGHER Reactor Water Level A. provides additional mass of water in the Reactor Vessel to delay boiling B. floods the Moisture Separators which provides a path for natural circulation C. allows the Main Steam Line Drains to provide a drain path for feed AND bleed D. provides greater Net Positive Suction Head for the Reactor Water Cleanup Pumps 22

HLT 0810 Written Exam

23. Unit 2 is at 75% Reactor Power when DRYWELL NORM OPERATING PRESS HIGH, (2-9-3B, Window 19) is received. Drywell Pressure is 1.6 psig AND slowly trending up.

Which ONE of the following completes the statements?

In attempting to determine whether the Technical Specification UNIDENTIFIED leakage rate was rising, the operator would evaluate pump-out AND fill-rates for the Drywell _(1)_ Drain Sump.

If the sump fills faster than the preset allowable time, then the Fill-Rate Timer logic will feed directly into the respective alarm for(2)_.

A. (1) Floor (2) Excessive Sump Pump Operation B. (1) Equipment (2) Excessive Sump Pump Operation C. (1) Floor (2) Drain Sump Level Abnormal D. (1) Equipment (2) Drain Sump Level Abnormal 23

HLT 0810 Written Exam

24. Unit 2 is operating at 100% Reactor Power when the running CRD pump trips. The standby CRD pump has been placed in service. The following alarm is subsequently received:
  • CONTROL ROD DRIVE UNIT HIGH TEMP, (2-9-5A, Window 17), is in alarm Which ONE of the following identifies the required actions?

A. Declare the affected Control Rod(s) SLOW AND raise CRD flow.

B. Declare the affected Control Rod(s) INOPERABLE AND raise CRD flow.

C. Declare the affected Control Rod(s) SLOW AND isolate the affected CRD HCU(s) from service.

D. Declare the affected Control Rod(s) INOPERABLE AND isolate the affected CRD HCU(s) from service.


HLT 0810 Written Exam

25. In accordance with the EOI Program Manual, which ONE of the following completes the statements?

With the reactor operating at 100% power, a Suppression Pool Water Level that is continuously

_(1 )_ will result in entry into the Action Required area of Curve 4, SRV Tail Pipe Limit.

Eventually, a Manual Scram is directed from the Suppression Pool Level Control (SP/L) leg of EOI-2, Primary Containment Control, with the purpose being to attempt to lower _(2) relative to the curve.

A. (1) rising ONLY (2) Reactor Pressure B. (1) rising ONLY (2) Suppression Chamber Pressure C. (1) rising OR lowering (2) Reactor Pressure D. (1)rising OR lowering (2) Suppression Chamber Pressure 25

HLT 0810 Written Exam

26. On Unit 3, a Refueling Accident has occurred resulting in the following conditions:
  • ALL Refuel Zone Radiation Monitor Channels are reading 65 mr/hr
  • Control Room Ventilation Rad Monitors 90-259A/B are reading 155 cpm
  • ALL Reactor Zone Radiation Monitor Channels are reading 68 mr/hr Based on these conditions, which ONE of the following identifies the status of plant systems?

A. NO Standby Gas Treatment Systems are in service; NO CREV are in service.

B. ALL Standby Gas Treatment Systems are in service; NO CREV are in service.

C. NO Standby Gas Treatment Systems are in service; ONLY the selected CREV is in service.

D. ALL Standby Gas Treatment Systems are in service; ONLY the selected CREV is in service 26

HLT 0810 Written Exam

27. A Condensate Transfer System leak spraying on Unit 1 Loop II Core Spray Room Cooler has resulted in the following:
  • Loop II Core Spray Room Cooler has tripped AND will NOT reset
  • CORE SPRAY LOOP II PUMP ROOM FLOOD LEVEL HIGH, (1-9-4C, Window 31), is in alarm Which ONE of the following completes the statements?

Loop II Core Spray _(1)operable.

Entry into 1-EOI-3, Secondary Containment Control, _(2)_ required.

A. (1)is (2)is B. (1)is (2)is NOT C. (1)is NOT (2) is D. (1)isNOT (2) is NOT 27

HLT 0810 Written Exam

28. Given the following conditions:
  • Unit 2 has experienced a Loss of Coolant Accident (LOCA)
  • Drywell Sprays are required in accordance with Primary Containment Control, 2-EOl-2 Which ONE of the following plant conditions must exist prior to opening BOTH the Residual Heat Removal (RHR) SYS I Inboard AND Outboard Drywell Spray Valves?

A. Reactor Level must be greater than (-) 155 inches (Emergency Range) with ONLY the CONT SPRAY VLV SEL SWITCH in SELECT.

B. Reactor Level must be greater than (-) 162 inches (Post Accident Range) with ONLY the CONT SPRAY VLV SEL SWITCH in SELECT.

C. Reactor Level is greater than (-) 183 inches (Post Accident Range) with ONLY the CONT SPRAY VLV SEL SWITCH in SELECT.

D. Reactor Level is less than (-) 200 inches (Post Accident Range) with ONLY the 2/3 CORE HEIGHT KEYLOCK BYPASS SWITCH in BYPASS.


HLT 0810 Written Exam

29. Unit 1 was operating at 100% Reactor Power when a LOCA occurred resulting in the following:
  • Reactor Pressure is 405 psig
  • Reactor Level is (-) 140 inches Which ONE of the following completes the statement?

The RHR SYS I LPCI OUTBD INJECT VALVE, 1-FCV-74-52, is (1) AND the RHR SYS I MIN FLOW VALVE, 1-FCV-74-7, is 2)_.

A. (1) OPEN (2) CLOSED B. (1)CLOSED (2) CLOSED C. (1) OPEN (2) OPEN D. (1)CLOSED (2) OPEN 29

HLT 0810 Written Exam

30. On Unit 3, RHR Pump 30 has been placed in Supplemental Fuel Pool Cooling in accordance with 3-01-74, Residual Heat Removal System, section 8.12, Initiation of Supplemental Fuel Pool Cooling with RHR Pumps A or C(B or D).

48 47 35 3-FCV-74-1 /12 / 24/35 SUPPR POOL SUCT VLVs

    • j other valves associated with Shutdown Cooling Which ONE of the following completes the statements?

Suction from Fuel Pool Cooling ties into RHR at point _(1).

A subsequent Shutdown Cooling Isolation signal (2)_ resUlt in LOSS of Supplemental Fuel Pool Cooling.

A. (1)

(2) will B. (1)© (2) will C. (1)

(2) will NOT D. (1)

(2) will NOT 30

HLT 0810 Written Exam

31. Which ONE of the following completes the statement?

The power supply to the Unit 2 HPCI Aux Oil Pump is A. 250 VDC RMOV BD 2A B. 250 VDC RMOV BD 2B C. 480 VAC RMOVBD2A D. 480 VAC RMOV BD 2B 31

HLT 0810 Written Exam

32. Unit 2 has experienced a LOCA with the following plant conditions:
  • Drywell Pressure is 3.5 psig and rising
  • Reactor Water Level is (-) 120 inches and lowering
  • Reactor Pressure is 105 psig and lowering
  • 4kV Shutdown Board C is locked out Which ONE of the foflowing predicts the total injection flowrate for the Loop 2 Core Spray Pumps? (Assume no operator actions)

A. Ogpm B. 2400 gpm C. 6250 gpm D. 9100 gpm 32

HLT 0810 Written Exam

33. Unit 3 is executing 3-EOl-1, RPV Control, due to a Scram AND an ATWS. The Unit Operator (UO) initiates Standby Liquid Control (SLC) per 3-EOI Appendix-3A, SLC Injection. The following is observed TEN minutes later:
  • SLC Storage Tank Level is 79%
  • SLC Pump Discharge Pressure is 1100 psig and steady
  • Reactor Pressure is 1000 psig Based upon the ABOVE indications, which ONE of the following completes the statement?

The running SLC Pump is discharging (1)_ AND the blue SQUIB VALVE A and B CONTINUITY lights, on Panel 3-9-5, are expected to be _(2)_ for this condition.

A. (1) to the Reactor Vessel (2) illuminated B. (1) to the Reactor Vessel (2) extinguished C. (1) through a Relief Valve (2) illuminated D. (1) through a Relief Valve (2) extinguished 33

HLT 0810 Written Exam

34. Unit 2 has inserted a manual Reactor Scram. Several control rods failed to insert on the scram.

Plant conditions are as follows:

  • Reactor Power is 3%
  • Reactor Pressure is 960 psig AND controlled by EHC
  • Drywell Pressure is 2.5 psig
  • Mode Switch is in Shutdown
  • Reactor Water Level is (-) 55 inches NOTE: 2-EOI Appendix 1 F Manual Scram 2-EOI Appendix 2 Defeating ARI Logic Trips 2-EOI Appendix 12 Primary Containment Venting Which ONE of the following is/are the MINIMUM required action(s) to allow resetting AND recharging the Scram Air Header?

A. Install jumpers per 2-EOI Appendix 1 F AND Reset ARI.

B. Install jumpers per 2-EOI Appendix 1 F AND Defeat ARI. per 2-EOI Appendix 2.

C. Vent the Drywell per 2-EOI Appendix 12 until DRYWELL PRESSURE HIGH HALF SCRAM alarm (2-9-4A, Window 8) clears.

D. Place the SDV Hi Hi Wtr Trip Bypass Keylock Switch to BYPASS until EAST / WEST CRD DISCH VOL WTR LVL HIGH HALF SCRAM, (2-9-4A, Windows 1/29) clear.


HLT 0810 Written Exam

35. Given the following plant conditions:
  • Unit 3 Reactor startup preparations are in progress with NO rods withdrawn

Functional Surveillance

  • NO IRMs are currently bypassed
  • The IM has placed the INOP I INHIBIT toggle switchfor the H Channel IRM in the INHIBIT position Which ONE of the following describes the IRM trip function that is bypassed as a result of this action?

A. IRM High Voltage Low INOP TRIP B. IRM Loss of +/- 24 VDC INOP TRIP C. IRM Module Unplugged INOP TRIP D. IRM Mode Switch Out of Operate INOP TRIP 35

HLT 0810 Written Exam

36. Unit 1 is in Mode 2 with the following conditions:
  • Source Range Monitor (SRM) A is reading 6.2 x i0 4 cps
  • SRM D mode switch (S-i) is in the STANDBY position
  • IRM C is reading 85 of 125 scale on Range 8
  • ALL other IRMs are reading mid scale on Range 8 OR 9 Based on the above indications, which ONE of the following has caused a Rod Block signal to be generated?

A. IRM High B. SRM High C. IRM Downscale D. SRM Inoperable 36

HLT 0810 Written Exam

37. A plant start up on Unit 3 is in progress. A control rod block has occurred. The following nuclear instrument indications are noted:

SRMA SRMB SRMC SRMD Posihon - FuN in Mid-position t Mid.position FuN in ountsCPS9.5x1 3 95L808xi0 IRMA IRMB IRMC IRMDIRMEi IRM F IRMG{IRMH 1

25/125 15/125 35/125 55/125 75/125 75/125 30/125 25/125 Range 3 Range 2 Range 3 Range 3 Range 2 Range 2 Range 3 Range 3 Which ONE of the following identifies the MINIMUM action neededtoclear the ROD WITHDRAWAL BLOCK?

A. Insert SRM B ONLY B. Insert SRM B AND SRM C C. Range up on IRM B AND IRM F to range 3 D. Range upon IRM E AND IRM Fto range 3 37

HLT 0810 Written Exam

38. Unit 2 APRMs have the following indications:
  • APRM2-104%
  • APRM4-105%
  • Recirc Loop A flow 60%
  • Recirc Loop B flow 64%

Which ONE of the following identifies the expected plant response to these conditions?

A. Control Rod Withdrawal Block ONLY B. Half Scram AND Control Rod Withdrawal Block C. Full Scram AND Control Rod Withdrawal Block D. Flow Compare Inverse Video Alarm on ODA ONLY 38

HLT 0810 Written Exam

39. After a Reactor Scram on Unit 2, the following plant conditions exist:
  • HPCI AND RCIC have been MANUALLY started in CST tO CST pressure control mode
  • Subsequently, Condensate Storage Tank (CST) level dropped to 6500 gallons Assuming NO operator action has been taken, which ONE of the following completes the statement?

RCIC is _(1)_ with suction from the _(2)_.

A. (1) operating at shutoff head (2) CST B. (1) pumping to the CST (2) CST C. (1) operating at shutoff head (2) Suppression Pool D. (1) pumping to the CST (2) Suppression Pool 39

HLT 0810 Written Exam

40. Unit 2 was operating at 100% Reactor Power with RHR Pump 2B tagged. A Loss of Coolant Accident with a subsequent Loss of Off Site Power has resulted in the following plant conditions:
  • Reactor Water Level is (-)1 25 inches
  • Drywell Pressure is 4.1 psig
  • B AND D 4KV Shutdown Boards are de-energized

A. NO action is required B. Place ONLY ADS Logic Inhibit Switch A to INHIBIT C. Place ONLY ADS Logic Inhibit Switch B to INHIBIT D. Place BOTH ADS Logic Inhibit Switches A AND B to INHIBIT 40

HLT 0810 Written Exam

41. A Recirculation Loop leak results in a Unit 2 Drywell Pressure of 2.5 psig.

Six minutes later, plant conditions are as follows:

  • Reactor Water Level is (-) 110 inches
  • Drywell Pressure is 5.1 psig
  • Core Spray Pumps 2A AND 2D are being manually started
  • NO other ECCS Pumps are available Which ONE of the following identifies the status of ADS?

A. ADS Valves will NOT Automatically actuate BUT can be opened MANUALLY.

B. ADS Valves will open IMMEDIATELY if Reactor Water Level reaches Level 1.

C. ADS Valves will open 95 seconds after the 2A AND 2D Core Spray Pumps started.

D. ADS Valves will open IMMEDIATELY after the 2A AND 2D Core Spray Pumps started.


HLT 0810 Written Exam

42. Which ONE of the following will result in a HPCI Group 4 Isolation on Unit 2?

A. Reactor Pressure of 108 psig B. HPCI Pump Room Temperature of 1 70° F C. HPCI Steam Line Flow at 150% of rated for 5 seconds .

D. HPCI Pressure between Exhaust Rupture Discs of 12 psig 42

HLT 0810 Written Exam

43. Preparations are underway to place Unit 2 in Cold Shutdown following a Scram. When the operator started the 2B RHR Pump for Shutdown Cooling (SDC), Reactor Water Level lowered to 0 inches.

Which ONE of the following completes both of the following statements for using RHR Loop 1 LPCI to restore vessel level in accordance with 2-AOI-74-1, Loss of Shutdown Cooling?

The RHR SYS 1 SD CLG INBD INJECT ISOL RESET pushbutton, 2-XS-74-126, _(1)to be depressed.

Following the start of Loop 1 RHR Pump, the operator is required to open _(2).

A. (1) is required (2) RHR SYS I OUTBD INJECT VALVE, 2-FCV-74-52 B. (1) is required (2) RHR SYS I INBD INJECT VALVE, 2-FCV-74-53 C. (1) is NOT required (2) RHR SYS I OUTBD INJECT VALVE, 2-FCV-74-52 D. (1) is NOT required (2) RHR SYS I INBD INJECT VALVE, 2-FCV-74-53 43

HLT 0810 Written Exam

44. Which ONE of the following completes the statements?

ALTERNATE electrical power for those Unit 3 Safety Relief Valve (SRV) Solenoids, where available, is supplied from 250 VDC (l)_.

Upon experiencing undervoltage conditions on the normal power supply, the transfer to SRV Solenoid alternate power supplies _(2).

A. (1) RMOV Boards ONLY (2) occurs automatically B. (1) RMOV Boards ONLY (2) MUST be performed manually C. (1) RMOV Boards AND Battery Boards (2) occurs automatically D. (1) RMOV Boards AND Battery Boards (2) MUST be performed manually 44

HLT 0810 Written Exam

45. The following conditions exist on Unit 1:
  • Reactor Power is 28%
  • NORMAL RANGE Level indicator, 1-LI-3-208D, is failed HIGH (>60 inches)

The Unit Operator subsequently observes that NORMAL RANGE Level indicator, 1 -Ll-3-208A, is drifting upscale.

Which ONE of the following completes the statements?

Tech Spec, Feedwater and Main Turbine High Water Level Trip Instrumentation,

_(1)_ applicable for the current plant conditions.

If 1 -LI-3-208A reaches FULL scale, the running RFPTs (2) trtp.

A. (1)is (2) will B. (1)isNOT (2) will C. (1)is (2) will NOT D. (1)is NOT (2) will NOT 45

HLT 0810 Written Exam

46. Which ONE of the following completes the statements?

In accordance with 0-01-65, Standby Gas Treatment System, section 8.5, SGT Decay Heat Removal, the Decay Heat Removal Dampers for the Standby Gas Treatment System _(1)_

at a plenum temperature of 150SF.

While operating in this mode, SGT flow indication (2) be monitored in the Control Room.

A. (1) automatically open (2) can B. (1) automatically open (2) can NOT C. (1) must be manually opened (2) can NOT D. (1) must be manually opened (2) can 46

HLT 0810 Written Exam

47. At panel 0-9-23-7, the following conditions exist for the A 4KV Shutdown Board:


  • 0-25-211 -A/24A, 4kV SD BD AABKR 1716 SYNC switch is ON
  • 0-43-21 1-A, 4kV SD BD A AUTO/LOCKOUT RESET switch is in the TRIPPED condition
  • Alt Supply Breaker is CLOSED
  • Norm Supply Breaker is OPEN Which ONE of the following identifies how the 4KV system will respond if the Unit Operat or places the 0-43-2 1 1-A switch to the RESET position?

The Shutdown Board will (1)_ Transfer AND will be supplied from _(2)_.

A. (1)FAST (2) Shutdown Bus 1 B. (1)FAST (2) Shutdown Bus 2 C. (1)SLOW (2) Shutdown Bus 1 D. (1)SLOW (2) Shutdown Bus 2 47

HLT 0810 Written Exam

48. Which ONE of the following completes the statements?

The Unit 2 AND Unit 3 Integrated Computer Systems (ICS) are fed from (1)_ inverter(s).

If normal power (inverter output) is lost, the Unit 2 AND 3 ICS swap to alternate (2)_.

A. (1) a common (2) without interruption B. (1) separate (2) without interruption C. (1) a common (2) after a 5 second time delay D. (1) separate (2) after a 5 second time delay 48

HLT 0810 Written Exam

49. Which ONE of the following completes the statements relating to Battery Rooms 1, 2, and 3 HVAC Systems?

If these systems are NOT operating properly, the concern is that _(1).

Because of this, provisions are provided in plant procedures to utilize (2).

A. (1) lead-calcium batteries tend to release toxic gas into the atmosphere at temperatures above 90 °F (2) an Emergency Exhaust Fan ONLY B. (1) the design limit for hydrogen concentration in the rooms may be reached during battery charging operations (2) an Emergency Exhaust Fan ONLY C. (1) lead-calcium batteries tend to release toxic gas into the atmosphere at temperatures above 90 °F (2) an Emergency Exhaust Fan ANDIOR Portable Temporary Ventilation Equipment D. (1) the design limit for hydrogen concentration in the rooms may be reached during battery charging operations (2) an Emergency Exhaust Fan AND/OR Portable Temporary Ventilation Equipment 49

HLT 0810 Written Exam

50. Which ONE of the following completes the statement in accordance with Tech Spec 3.8.1, AC Sources Operating?

On a Loss of Offsite Power, simultaneous with an ECCS initiation signal on Unit 1, the MAXIMUM allowed time for Emergency Diesel Generators to energize their associated Shutdown Boards is seconds.

A.4 B. 7 0.10 D.14 50

HLT 0810 Written Exam

51. Emergency Diesel Generator (DG) 3EA was started for its Monthly Load Test Surveillance.

Which ONE of the following will occur if the DGs output breaker is closed with the DG Mode Selector Switch in the UNITS IN PARALLEL position?

A. The zero droop governor advances the fuel supply to the diesel to raise output frequency to the governors setpoint. This will cause the DG Output Breaker to trip on overload.

B. The speed regulator lowers the fuel supply to the diesel to lower output voltage to the governors setpoint. The will cause the DG Output Breaker to trip on undervoltage.

C. The zero droop governor advances the fuel supply to the diesel to raise output frequency to the governors setpoint. This will cause the DG to trip on overspeed.

D. The speed regulator lowers the fuel supply to the diesel to lower output voltage to the governors setpoint. This will cause the DG Output Breaker to trip on reverse power.


HLT 0810 Written Exam

52. Unit 2 is at 100% Reactor Power when a Control Air leak results in the following indicat ion:

CONTROL AIR 120 101 80-201 0-:


PRESSURE 2-P 1-32-88 Based upon the ABOVE indications, which ONE of the following is correct?


HLT 0810 Written Exam

53. The 4KV Shutdown Board A is being fed from its Diesel Generator.

With RHR Service Water (RHRSW) Pump Al aligned to Emergency Equipment Cooling Water (EECW), Reactor Water Level subsequently drops to (-) 122 inches.

Which ONE of the following completes the statement?

RHRSW Pump Al will A. NOT trip B. trip AND NOT restart C. trip AND then restart after 14 seconds D. trip AND then restart after 28 seconds 53

HLT 0810 Written Exam

54. Unit 3 is at 88% Reactor Power with the Control Rod Exercise Test for Withdrawn Control Rods, 3-SR-3.1 .3.3, in progress when the following indications are received:
  • APRM DOWNSCALE / OPRM INOP, (3-9-5A, WindOw 4) is in alarm

Which ONE of the following completes the statement?

This condition will result in a Control Rod _(1)_ requiring _(2)_to continue the surveillance.

A. (1) withdrawal block ONLY (2) bypassing APRM 1 B. (1) withdrawal block ONLY (2) placing APRM 1 Mode Switch to INOP C. (1) withdrawal AND insert block (2) bypassing APRM 1 D. (1) withdrawal AND insert block (2) placing APRM 1 Mode Switch to INOP 54

HLT 0810 Written Exam

55. Unit 2 is at 75% Reactor Power with a Control Rod sequence exchange in progress when the following alarm is received:
  • RBM HIGH I INOP, (2-9-5A, Window 24)

Which ONE of the following completes the statement?

The setpoint for this annunciator is _(1) AND the power level displayed on the RBM recorder is determined using the mid-level LPRMs AND (2) level LPRMs.

A. (1) 117%

(2)A B. (1)117%

(2) D C. (1) 121.8%

(2)A D. (1) 121.8%

(2)D 55

HLT 0810 Written Exam

56. Unit 1 is at 100% Reactor Power. Normal Range Level Transmitter, 1-LT-3-60 is removed from service for maintenance with its input to Feedwater Level Control (FWLC) System bypassed.

During retest of 1 -LT-3-60, Instrument Mechanics inadvertently equalize the Normal Range Level Transmitter, 1-LT-3-53.

Which ONE of the following completes the statement?

Indicated Reactor Water Level on Panel 1 5 RX WTR LEVEL NORMAL RANGE, 1 -LI-3-53 will be _(1)_ AND the input into the FWLC System from 1-LT-3-53 _(2) be automatically bypassed.

A. (I) downscale (2) will B. (1) downscale (2) will NOT C. (1) upscale (2) will D. (1) upscale (2) will NOT 56

HLT 0810 Written Exam

57. Unit 1 RHR Loop I is started in Suppression Pool Spray Mode.

Which ONE of the following completes the statement?

RHR SYSTEM I MIN FLOW VALVE, 1-FCV-74-7, will automatically close if flow is A. 2600 gpm for 10 seconds B. 5800 gpm for 10 seconds C. 2600 gpm with NO time delay D. 5800 gpm with NO time delay 57

HLT 0810 Written Exam

58. Which ONE of the following completes the statement for requirements detailed in 2-01-74, Residual Heat Removal System?

The power supply to the pump(s) used for the PREFERRED method for Supplemental Fuel Poc Cooling is a A. 4 kV Shutdown Board B. 4 kV Common Board C. 480 V Shutdown Board D. 480 V Reactor Building Vent Board 58

HLT 0810 Written Exam

59. On Unit 3, the Mode Switch is in REFUEL AND ALL control rods are inserted. The Refueling Bridge operator grappled a fuel bundle, raised the grapple, AND commenced moving the bundlE towards the core.

Which ONE of the following describes what will result as the Refueling Bridge moves towards the core?

The Refueling Bridge A. continues over the core AND initiates a control rod block B. continues over the core AND causes NO protective actions C. stops before it reaches the core AND initiates a control rod block D. stops before it reaches the core AND causes NO protective actions 59

HLT 0810 Written Exam

60. Unit 3 is at 100% Reactor Power with the LHC system in Header Pressure Control.

Which ONE of the following would be the result if the output of one of the two header pressure transmitters fails UPSCALE?

A. The Reactor Scrams on MSIV Closure.

B. The Reactor Scrams on High Reactor Power.

C. The Reactor Scrams on High Reactor Pressure.

D. The other header pressure transmitter maintains Reactor Pressure.


HLT 0810 Written Exam

61. Unit 2 Turbine Building Floor Drain Sump Pump A has automatically started on high sump level. A subsequent failure of Floor Drain Collector Tank Level Transmitter O-LT-77-28 results ir the following alarm:
  • FD COLLECTOR TANK LEVEL HIGH, (0-25--i 7B, Window 17)

Which ONE of the following identifies how the level transmitter failure affects the Turbine Building Floor Drain Sump Pump A?

Turbine Building Floor Drain Sump Pump A A. trips IMMEDIATELY B. continues to run with NO discharge flow path C. continues to pump to the Floor Drain Collector Tank D. continues to pump with discharge aligned to the Waste Collector Tank 61

HLT 0810 Written Exam

62. Which ONE of the following completes the statements?

MAIN STEAM LINE RAD HIGH-HIGH I INOP, (1-9-3A, Window 27), alarms at (1) Normal Full Power Background radiation level AND BOTH Vacuum Pump Suction Valves, 1-FCV-66-36 AND 1-FCV-66-40, _(2)


A. (1) 1.5 times (2) will B. (1)1.5times (2) will NOT C. (1)3times (2) will D. (1)3times (2) will NOT 62

HLT 0810 Written Exam

63. Which ONE of the following completes the statement for the MIMIMUM requirements for High Pressure Fire Pumps in accordance with Fire Protection Report Volume 1?

The High Pressure Fire Protection System shall be operable at ALL times with aligned to the fire suppression header.

A. ONE Diesel Fire Pump B. ONE Electric Fire Pump C. TWO Electric Fire Pumps D. ONE Diesel Fire Pump AND ONE Electric Fire Pump 63

HLT 0810 Written Exam

64. Which ONE of the following completes the statements?

When BOTH CREV trains are operable, the preferred position for CREV UNIT PRIMARY SELECTOR, O-XSW-031-7214, is in _(1)_.

If the SELECTED CREV Train AUTO-INITIATE / TEST switch is placed to the INITIATE / TEST position the initiation sequence starts (2)_.

A. (1) TRAIN A (2) immediately B. (1)TRAINB (2) immediately C. (1)TRAINA (2) after 30 seconds D. (1)TRAINB (2) after 30 seconds 64

HLT 0810 Written Exam

65. Which ONE of the following completes the statement?

The Standby Liquid Contro (SLC) System Injection Spargers _(1)_ provides for sodium pentaborate injection _(2)_ the Reactor Core Plate.

A. (1) inner tube (2) above B. (1) inner tube (2) below C. (1) outer tube (2) above D. (1) outer tube (2) below 65

HLT 0810 Written Exam 66.


U) uJ Ix 20 0

Ix uJ 15 I

C) 10 Ix 0 5 D


0 11 11.5 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 SUPPR PL LVL IFT)

Which ONE of the following completes the statement?

In accordance with the EOI Program Manual derivation, Line on Curve 6, Pressure Suppression Pressure, above, corresponds to the Suppression Pool Water Level at which the A. Downcomer Vents become uncovered B. HPCI Turbine Exhaust opening becomes uncovered C. Safety Relief Valve (SRV) Tailpipe openings become uncovered D. Control Room Suppression Pool Water Narrow Range Leyel Indication goes off scale low 66

HLT 0810 Written Exam

67. Which ONE of the following completes the statement?

In accordance with 10CFR5O.46, Acceptance Criteria for Emergency Core Cooling System s

(ECCS) For Light-Water Nuclear Power Reactors, all of the following are design functions of Browns Ferry ECCS with the EXCEPTION of A. maintaining peak cladding temperature less than or equal to 2600 °F B. maintaining core geometry such that the core remains amenable to cooling C. minimizing total cladding oxidation to less than or equal to 17% of the total cladding thickness prior to oxidation D. minimizing total hydrogen generation to less than or equal to I % of the hypothetical amount possible if all of the cladding were to react chemically with water or steam 67

HLT 0810 Written Exam

68. Unit 2 is operating at 90% Reactor Power, when a power reduction is required to be performed locally at the VFD.

Communications and coordination have been established between the operator at the VFD and the Unit Operator in the Control Room.

In accordance with 2-01-68, Reactor Recirculation System, which ONE of the following is the MINIMUM personnel requirement at the VFD to perform Speed Control manipulations?

A. Reactor Operator ONLY B. Reactor Operator AND a second Reactor Operator for peer checking C. Reactor Operator AND a Senior Reactor Operator for oversight D. Assistant Unit Operator AND a Reactor Operator directly supervising 68

HLT 0810 Written Exam

69. Which ONE of the following completes the statement?

In accordance with Unit 2 Tech Spec 3.4.1 ,Recirculation Loops Operating, Recirculation Loop Jet Pump flow mismatch with BOTH Recirculation Loops in operation must be LESS THAN OR EQUAL TO _(1)_ of rated core flow when operating at LESS THAN 70% rated core _(2)_.

A. (1) 5%

(2) flow B. (1) 10%

(2) flow C. (1) 5%

(2) power D. (1) 10%

(2) power 69

HLT 0810 Written Exam

70. Which ONE of the following combinations of Reactor Power AND Reactor Pressure on Unit 1 constitute a Safety Limit violation?

Reactor Reactor Power Pressure A. 15% 750 psig B. 24% 770 psig C. 28% 775 psig D. 32% 810 psig 70

HLT 0810 Written Exam

71. Which ONE of the following completes the statement?

In accordance with 01-3, Reactor Feedwater System, a MAXIMUM RFPT control speed of 5850 rpm is established for Units _(1)_, based on _(2)_.

A. (1)IAND2ONLY (2) original design power capability B. (1)2AND3ONLY, (2) original design power capability C. (1)1 AND 2 ONLY (2) extended power uprate capability D. (1)2AND3ONLY (2) extended power uprate capability 71

HLT 0810 Written Exam

72. Unit 1 was at 35% Reactor Power when the Hydrogen Injection System was placed in service in Automatic / Power Determined mode in accordance with 1-01-4, Hydrogen Water Chemistry System.
  • Power is raised from 35% Reactor Power to 100% Reactor Power
  • At 100% Reactor Power hydrogen flow rate indicates 20 scfm Which ONE of the following completes the statements?

In accordance with 1-01-4, hydrogen injection flow rate is (1) thenormal 100% Reactor Power flow rate.

Radiation levels in the Condenser Bay will stabilize _(2)_ expected normal full power radiation levels.

A. (1)above (2) at B. (1)below (2) at C. (l)above (2) above D. (1)below (2) below 72

HLT 0810 Written Exam

73. RX & REFUEL ZONE EXH CH B RAD MON RTMR, 2-RM-90-1411143, went into an alarm status 30 minutes ago. Conditions have changed such that the monitor is now below the trip setpoint.

Which ONE of the following describes the NUMAC display?

A. A normal video TRIP indication is displayed.

B. An inverse video TRIP indication is displayed.

C. A normal video RESET indication is displayed.

D. An inverse video RESET indication is displayed.


HLT 0810 Written Exam the following indications

74. In accordance with 1 -EOI-1, RPV Control, NOTE #1, which ONE of ions without boron?

confirms that the Unit I reactor will remain subcritical under ALL condit A. ALL control rods are at position 02.

B. ALL control rods full-in EXCEPT 2 at position 30.

C. Reactor Power is on range 7 of the IRMs AND lowering.

D. ALL control rods full-in EXCEPT 1 at position 02 AND I at position 48.


HLT 0810 Written Exam tic border being installed

75. Which ONE of the following describes the meaning of a WHITE magne on a Main Control Room panel annunciator?

This type of border indicates that the annunciator A. has ONE OR more alarm inputs disabled B. is associated with ongoing testing OR maintenance C. is NOT ABNORMAL for current plant conditions D. window is being relocated to a different window location 75

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0810 NRC WRITTEN EXAM REFERENCES PROVIDED 15 3-EOI-1, Curve 1 CS and CUrve 2 RHR NPSH Limit Curves 66 EOI Curve 6 Pressure Suppression Pressure (Embedded in Question)