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Decommissioning Funding Report
Person / Time
Site: Humboldt Bay
Issue date: 03/29/2010
From: Becker J R
Pacific Gas & Electric Co
Document Control Desk, NRC/FSME
HBL-10-009, OP-DPR-07
Download: ML101020033 (36)


Pacific Gas and Electric Company' James R. Becker Diablo Canyon Power Plant Site Vice President Mail Code 104/5/601 P. O Box 56 March 29, 2010 Avila Beach, CA 93424 805.545.3462 PG&E Letter HBL-10-009 Internal:

691.3462 Fax: 805.545.6445 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ATTN: Document Control Desk Washington, DC 20555-0001 Docket No. 50-133, OP-DPR-7 Humboldt Bay Power Plant Unit 3 Decommissioning Funding Report for Humboldt Bay Power Plant Unit 3 Dear Commissioners and Staff: PG&E is submitting the decommissioning funding report for Humboldt Bay Power Plant (HBPP) Unit 3, pursuant to the requirements of 10 CFR 50.75(f).

The decommissioning funding assurance for the Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation (ISFSI) is addressed in this report in accordance with 10 CFR 72.30(c)(5).

Humboldt Bay Unit 3 At the end of calendar year 2009, the market value of the HBPP Unit 3 (220 MWt)decommissioning trust funds was $327.0 million. PG&E estimates an additional

$30.132 million (future nominal dollars) will need to be collected over three years beginning in 2010 based on a site-specific decommissioning cost estimate prepared by TLG Services, Inc. and submitted in the Nuclear Decommissioning Cost Triennial Proceeding (NDCTP) Application 09-04-007 to the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC).The CPUC Application is based on an ISFSI that would be in operation until 2020 when all fuel would be removed from HBPP by the Department of Energy (DOE). A Decision from the CPUC is imminent.The market value of the HBPP trust is lower than the minimum NRC decommissioning estimate of $596.6 million (2010 dollars) that was calculated pursuant to the requirements specified in 10 CFR 50.75(c), which is based on a minimum 1200 MWt plant.PG&E is confident the HBPP trust, with the noted additional contributions, will be sufficient to ensure successful decommissioning and maintaining the spent fuel in an ISFSI at HBPP until 2020, based on a site-specific decommissioning cost estimate prepared by TLG Services, Inc. and the CPUC Application 09-04-007.

Supportinq Cost Estimates Based on a site-specific cost estimate prepared by TLG Services, Inc. PG&E has estimated that the decommissioning costs are approximately

$428.7 million (including

$69.7 million disbursed from the Trust(s) through December 2009 and $359.0 million Document Control Desk PG&E Letter HBL-10 March 29, 2010 Page 2 future radiological removal costs) for HBPP Unit 3 in 2010 dollars. These costs do not include site restoration of the facilities

($2.0 million), nor spent fuel management until 2020 ($106.4 million).To assure that sufficient funds will be available for decommissioning, PG&E has established external sinking trust fund accounts for HBPP Unit 3.Supporting Enclosures Enclosure 1 provides decommissioning funding status information in a format suggested by Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI) and the NRC.Enclosure 2 provides information on the escalation of the required decommissioning funding amounts from 1986 dollars to 2010 dollars. As required by 10 CFR 50.75(c)(2), and using NUREG-1 577, "Standard Review Plan on Power Reactor Licensee Financial Qualifications and Decommissioning Funding Assurance," Revision 1, and NUREG-1307, "Report on Waste Burial Charges," Revision 13, the information includes escalation factors for energy, labor, and waste burial costs.Enclosure 3 is Appendix D from the TLG Services, Inc. decommissioning cost estimate report prepared in March 2009 for PG&E for HBPP Unit 3 escalated to 2010 dollars.The report provides cost estimates for decommissioning of both the nuclear and non-nuclear facilities, including the ISFSI.Enclosure 4 is a cash flow of the total decommissioning of HBPP that identifies the monies for NRC scope (removal of radiological contamination), site restoration (including the non-radiological work) and the spent fuel management.

Enclosure 5 contains the TLG Services, Inc. decommissioning cost estimate report prepared in March 2009 for PG&E for the HBPP Unit 3. The report provides cost estimates for the decommissioning of the nuclear, non-nuclear facilities, and spent fuel management, including operation of the ISFSI in 2008 dollars.There are no new regulatory commitments in this letter.If you have questions regarding this submittal, please contact Bob Kapus at 707-444-0810.

-009 Site Vice President Document Control Desk March 29, 2010 Page 3 PG&E Letter HBL-10-009 Enclosures cc/enc: Elmo E. Collins, Jr.John B. Hickman INPO PG Fossil Gen HBPP Humboldt Distribution.J Enclosure 1 PG&E Letter HBL-10-009 NRC Decommissioning Funding Status Report Humboldt Bay Power Plant -Unit 3 (220 MWt)(2 Pages)

Enclosure 1 PG&E Letter HBL-10-009 NRC Decommissioning Funding Status Report Humboldt Bay Power Plant -Unit 3 (220 MWt)As provided in 10 CFR 50.75(f)(1), each power reactor licensee is required to report to the NRC on a calendar year basis, beginning March 31, 1999, and' annually thereafter, on the status of its decommissioning funding for each reactor that it owns and has already closed.$ in Millions 1. The minimum decommissioning fund estimate, pursuant to 10 CFR 50.75 (b) and (c).1 January 2010 dollars $ 596.6 (HBPP is a shutdown unit with a Site Specific Cost Study;therefore, the minimum decommissioning fund estimate is based on the Site Specific Cost Study shown in item 8 of this enclosure.)

2. The amount accumulated at the end of the calendar year preceding the date of the report for items included in 10 CFR 50.75 (b)and (c). (Alternatively, the total amount accumulated at the end of the calendar year preceding the date of the report can be reported here if the cover letter transmitting the report provides the total estimate and indicates what portion of that estimate is for items not included in 10 CFR 50.75 (b) and (c)).Market Value (December 2009 dollars) $ 327.0 3. A schedule of the annual amounts remaining to be collected; for items in 10 CFR 50.75 (b) and (c). (Alternatively, the annual amounts remaining to be collected can include items beyond those required in 10 CFR 50.75 (b) and (c) if the cover letter transmitting the report provides a total cost- estimate and indicates what portion of that estimate is for items that are not included in 10 CFR 50.75 (b) and (c). All values below are from 2009 NDCTP filing, Final Decision has not been received from the CPUC. (See item 6 of this enclosure describing the collection of additional funds.)Amount remaining

$ 30.132 Number of years to ýcollect beginning in 2010 3 years Annual amount to be collected

$10.044' The NRC formulas in section lOCFR50.75(c) include only those decommissioning costs incurred by licensees to remove a facility or site safely from service and reduce residual radioactivity to levels that permit: (1) release of the property for unrestricted use and termination of the license; or (2) release of the property under restricted conditions and termination of the license. The cost of dismantling or demolishing non-radiological systems and structures is not included in the NRC decommissioning cost estimates.

The costs of managing and storing spent fuel on site until transfers to DOE are not included in the cdst formulas.1 Enclosure 1 PG&E Letter HBL-10-009

4. The assumptions used regarding escalation in decommissioning cost, rates of earnings on decommissioning funds (assumes trust will be gradually converted to a more conservative, all fixed income portfolio after 2010), and rates of other factors used in funding projections (all values below are from 2009 NDCTP filing, Final Decision has not been received from the CPUC): Escalation in decommissioning costs Rate of Return on Qualified Trust 2010 Rate of Return on Qualified Trust 2011 Rate of Return on Qualified Trust 2012 Rate of Return on Qualified Trust 2013 Rate of Return on Qualified Trust (2014-2020)

Rate of Return on Non-Qualified Trust 2010 Rate of Return on Non-Qualified Trust 2011 Rate of Return on Non-Qualified Trust 2012 Rate of Return on Non-Qualified Trust 2013 Rate of Return on Non-Qualified Trust (2014-2020)

5. Any contracts upon which the licensee is relying pursuant to 10 CFR 50.75(e)(1)(v);
6. Any modifications to a licensee's current method providing financial assurance occurring since the last submitted report.7. Any material changes to trust agreements.

3.14 percent 4.62 percent 3.76 percent 3.34 percent 2.95 percent 2.95 percent 2.95 percent 2.95 percent 2.95 percent 2.95 percent 2.95 percent None No None 8. CPUC Submittal in 2010 Dollars in Millions: Total Project (Decommission 2010)Scope Excluded from NRC calculations Scope of ISFSI from Licensing to Decommissioning in 2020 Scope Decommissioned and disbursed from Trust(s)Total NRC Decommissioning Remaining Scope$ 537.1$ 2.0$ 106.4$ 69.7$' 359.0 2 Enclosure 2 PG&E Letter HBL-10-009 Calculation of Energy Escalation Factor Reference NUREG-1307, Revision 13, Section 3.2 (16 Pages) 2010 Decommisioning Estimate Enclosure 2 PG&E Letter HBL-10-009 Nuclear Regulatory Commission Estimate of Decommission Costs for BWR In 2009 HBPP BWR (millions)

Jan 1986 Estimate 114.8 Escalated to 1999 Escalated to 2000 Escalated to 2001 Escalated to 2002 Escalated to 2003 Escalated to 2004 Escalated to 2005 Escalated to 2006 Escalated to 2007 Escalated to 2008 Escalated to 2009 Escalated to 2010 (Table 2.1 in NUREG 1307 Rev 12 128.9 has no value for 1999 Burial)400.2 ($360.9 in 2000 Submittal) 412.4 ($425.3 in 2001 Submittal) 418.1 ($445.6 in 2002 Submittal) 437.3 ($430.1 in 2003 Submittal) 454.5 ($439.6 in 2004 Submittal) 485.7 ($453.2 in 2005 Submittal) 519.2 ($494.3 in 2006 Submittal) 549.8 ($548.6 in 2007 Submittal) 565.6 ($590.9 in 2008 Submittal) 574.4 ($573.8 in 2009 Submittal) 596.6 Jan 1986 based on 10 CFR 50.75 (c) Table of minimum amounts BWR based on minimum 1200 MWt = ($104 + (.009xMWt))

million per unit.where BWR less than 1200 MWt use P=1200 MWt, HBPP 220 MWt Page 1 Composite Escalation Enclosure 2 PG&E Letter HBL-10-009 Calculating Overall Escalation Rate BWR Jan-86 Jan-99 Jan-00 Jan-01 Jan-02 Jan-03 Jan-04 Jan-05 Jan-06 Jan-07 Jan-08 Jan-09 Jan-10 Weight (1)L (Labor) 1.0000 1.5624 1.6370 1.7183 1.7862 1.8630 1.9521 2.0200 2.0724 2.1465 2.2207 2.2639 2.2948 0.65 E (Energy) 1.0000 0.8257 1.0220 1.1841 0.9715 1.2003 1.2131 1.4810 1.8656 1.8226 2.3961 1.7963 2.1241 0.13 B (Burial) 1.0000 0.0000 10.4061 10.5540 10.7015 11.0993 11.5119 12.3889 13.3331 14.3491 14.4164 14.9931 15.5874 0.22 (1) from NUREG 1307 Revision 13, Report on Waste Burial Charges, Section 2 Summary, Page 3 ... where A, B, and C are the fractions of the total 1986 dollar costs that are attributable to labor (0.65), energy (0.13), and burial (0.22), respectively, and sum to 1.0.(2) Jan-01, Jan-03, Jan-05, Jan-07, Jan-08, Jan-09, and Jan-10 B (Burial) value in this table see calculation notes in Development of B Component spreadsheet BWR Combined Escalation Rate for: Jan-86 Jan-99 Jan-00 Jan-01 Jan-02 Jan-03 Jan-04 Jan-05 Jan-06 Jan-07 Jan-08 Jan-09 Jan-10 1.0000 1.1229 3.4862 3.5927 3.6417 3.8088 3.9592 4.2311 4.5229 4.7890 4.9265 5.0035 5.1970 Page 2 Development of E Component Calculation of Energy Escalation Factor -REFERENCE NUREG-1 307, REVISION 13, SECTION 3.2 Using Regional Indices SERIES ID: WPU0573 Light Fuel Oils (as of 03/06/09) and WPU0543 Industrial Electric Power (as of 03/06/09)REBASED TO 1986 = 100 PPI for Fuels & PPI for Light PPI for Fuels & PPI for Light Related Products Fuel Oils Related Products Fuel Oils (1982 = 100) (1982=100)

(1986 = 100) (1986=100)(P) =Industrial Energy Power (F) = Light Fuel Oils (P) =Industrial Energy Power (F) = Light Fuel Oils BWR wt = 0.54 BWR wt = 0.46 Enclosure 2 PG&E Letter HBL-10-009 Jan-86 Feb-86 Mar-86 Apr-86 May-86 Jun-86 Jul-86 Aug-86 Sep-86 Oct-86 Nov-86 Dec-86 Jan-87 Feb-87 Mar-87 Apr-87 May-87 Jun-87 Jul-87 Aug-87 Sep-87 Oct-87 Nov-87 Dec-87 Jan-88 Feb-88 Mar-88 Apr-88 May-88 Jun-88* Jul-88 Aug-88 Sep-88 Oct-88 Nov-88 Dec-88 Jan-89 Feb-89 Mar-89 Apr-89 May-89 Jun-89 Jul-89 Aug-89 Sep-89 Oct-89 Nov-89 Dec-89 Jan-90 114.2 115.0 114.4 113.7 114.1 115.3 116.2 116.3 116.3 113.0 112.7 112.3 110.3 109.8 110.2 109.9 111.8 113.9 116.2 115.7 115.5 111.0 109.2 109.6 108.8 109.0 109.0 109.1 108.9 117.2 118.2 118.3 118.5 114.2 109.2 110.5 112.0 112.0 112.3 119.8 122.2 122.4 122.5 117.2 113.5 114.2 114.9 82.0 62.4 51.3 49.8 47.0 44.7 36.4 40.1 46.3 43.1 43.5 45.6 51.4 53.1 49.7 52.0 53.3 55.1 56.3 59.4 56.8 59.3 61.2 58.1 54.8 51.5 49.7 53.3 54.3 50.6 46.9 46.8 45.9 42.3 47.2 50.6 54.9 54.0 57.5 53.3 52.7 53.5 59.3 64.0 64.4 68.1 85.3 1.0000 1.0070 1.0018 0.9956 0.9991 1.0096 1.0175 1.0184 1.0184 0.9895 0.9869 0.9834 0.9658 0.9615 0.9650 0.9623 0.9790 0.9974 1.0175 1.0131 1.0114 0.9720 0.9562 0.9597 0.9527 0.9545 0.9545 0.9553 0.9536 1.0263 1.0350 1.0359 1.0377 1.0000 0.9562 0.9676 0.9807 0.9807 0.9834 0.9842 0.9947 1.0490 1.0701 1.0718 1.0727 1.0263 0.9939 1.0000 1.0061 1.0000 0.7610 0.6256 0.6073 0.5732 0.5451 0.4439 0.4890 0.5646 0.5256 0.5305 0.5561 0.6268 0.6476 0.6061 0.6341 0.6500 0.6720 0.6866 0.7244 0.6927 0.7232 0.7463 0.7085 0.6683 0.6280 0.6061 0.6500 0.6622 0.6171 0.5720 0.5707 0.5598 0.5159 0.5756 0.6171 0.6695 0.6585 0.6988 0.7500 0.7012 0.6500 0.6427 0.6524 0.7232 0.7805 0.7854 0.8305 1.0402 Energy Escalation Factor (E)for BWR (Humboldt) 1.0000'0.8938 0.8287 0.8170 0.8032 0.7960 0.7537 0.7749 0.8097 0.7761 0.7769 0.7868 0.8099 0.8171 0.7999 0.8114 0.8277 0.8477 0.8653 0.8803 0.8648 0.8575 0.8597 0.8442 0.8219 0.8043 0.7942 0.8149 0.8195 0.8380 0.8220 0.8219 0.8178 0.7773 0.7811 0.8064 0.8376 0.8325 0.8525 0.8765 0.8597 0.8655 0.8735 0.8789 0.9119 0.9132 0.8980 0.9220 1.0218 Page 3 Development of E Component Calculation of Energy Escalation Factor -REFERENCE NUREG-1307, REVISION 13, SEC-TION 3.2 Using Regional Indices SERIES ID: WPU0573 Light Fuel Oils (as of 03/06/09) and WPU0543 Industrial Electric Power (as of 03/06/09)REBASED TO 1986 = 100 PPI for Fuels & PPI for Light PPI for Fuels & PPI for Light Related Products Fuel Oils Related Products Fuel Oils (1982 = 100) (1982=100)

(1986 = 100) (1986=100)(P) =Industrial Energy Power "(F) = Light Fuel Oils (P) =Industrial Energy Power (F) = Light Fuel Oils BWR wt = 0.54 BWR wt = 0.46 Enclosure 2 PG&E Letter HBL-10-009 Feb-90 Mar-90 Apr-90 May-90 Jun-90 Jul-90 Aug-90 Sep-90 Oct-90 Nov-90 Dec-90 Jan-91 Feb-91 Mar-91 Apr-91 May-91 Jun-91 Jul-91 Aug-91 Sep-91 Oct-91 Nov-91 Dec-91 Jan-92 Feb-92 Mar-92 Apr-92 May-92 Jun-92 Jul-92 Aug-92 Sep-92 Oct-92 Nov-92 Dec-92 Jan-93 Feb-93 Mar-93 Apr-93 May-93 Jun-93 Jul-93 Aug-93 Sep-93 Oct-93 Nov-93 Dec-93 Jan-94 Feb-94 115.0 115.4 115.1 117.0 123.9 124.4 124.6 125.0 121.2 120.2 118.9 124.2 124.3 124.3 124.7 128.2 132.6 134.5 133.8 133.8 128.3 123.1 125.1 125.9 125.3 125.8 124.8 128.5 134.8 135.6 135.1 135.9 131.2 125.5 126.7 127.1 126.4 126.7 126.8 127.5 136.9 137.1 137.2 137.6 131.9 126.3 126.0 126.2 125.9 59.4 60.4 61.0 58.4 53.0 51.6 72.3 87.3 104.8 98.9 89.3 82.9 74.3 61.6 60.0 59.6 57.6 58.1 62.1 65.4 67.6 71.0 62.2 54.4 57.3 56.0 59.0 62.1 65.4 64.6 63.3 65.6 68.2 64.2 59.4 59.0 60.4 63.2 62.4 62.6 60.8'57.0 54.4 59.3 65.4 61.6 51.4 51.5 57.5 1.0070 1.0105 1.0079 1.0245 1.0849 1.0893 1.0911 1.0946 1.0613 1.0525 1.0412 1.0876 1.0884 1.0884 1.0919 1.1226 1.1611 1.1778 1.1716 1.1716 1.1235 1.0779 1.0954 1.1025 1.0972 1.1016 1.0928 1.1252 1.1804 1.1874 1.1830 1.1900 1.1489 1.0989 1.1095 1.1130 1.1068 1.1095 1.1103 1.1165 1.1988 1.2005 1.2014 1.2049 1.1550 1.1060 1.1033 1.1051 1.1025 0.7244 0.7366 0.7439 0.7122 0.6463 0.6293 0.8817 1.0646 1.2780 1.2061 1.0890 1.0110 0.9061 0.7512 0.7317 0.7268 0.7024 0.7085 0.7573 0.7976 0.8244 0.8659 0.7585 0.6634 0.6988 0.6829 0.7195 0.7573 0.7976 0.7878 0.7720 0.8000 0.8317 0.7829 0.7244 0.7195 0.7366 0.7707 0.7610 0.7634 0.7415 0.6951 0.6634 0.7232 0.7976 0.7512 0.6268 0.6280 0.7012 Energy Escalation Factor (E)for BWR (Humboldt) 0.8770 0.8845 0.8865 0.8808 0.8832 0.8777 0.9948 1.0808 1.1610 1.1232 1.0632 1.0523 1.0046 0.9333 0.9262 0.9405 0.9501 0.9619 0.9810 0.9996 0.9859 0.9804 0.9405 0.9005 0.9139 0.9090 0.9211 0.9560 1.0043 1.0036 0.9939 1.0106 1.0030 0.9536 0.9323 0.9320 0.9365 0.9536 0.9496 0.9541 0.9884 0.9680 0.9539 0.9833 0.9906 0.9428 0.8841 0.8856 0.9179 Page 4 Development of E Component Calculation of Energy Escalation Factor -REFERENCE NUREG-1 307, REVISION 13, SECTION 3.2 Using Regional Indices SERIES ID: WPU0573 Light FuelOils (as of 03/06/09) and WPU0543 Industrial Electric Power (as of 03/06/09)REBASED TO 1986 = 100 PPI for Fuels & PPI for Light PPI for Fuels & PPI for Light Related Products Fuel Oils Related Products Fuel Oils (1982 = 100) (1982=100)

(1986 = 100) (1986=100)(P) =Industrial Energy Power (F) = Light Fuel Oils (P) =Industrial Energy Power (F) = Light Fuel Oils BWR wt = 0.54 BWR wt = 0.46 Enclosure 2 PG&E Letter HBL-10-009 Mar-94 Apr-94 May-94 Jun-94 Jul-94 Aug-94 Sep-94 Oct-94 Nov-94 Dec-94 Jan-95 Feb-95 Mar-95 Apr-95 May-95 Jun-95 Jul-95 Aug-95 Sep-95 Oct-95 Nov-95 Dec-95 Jan-96 Feb-96 Mar-96 Apr-96 May-96 Jun-96 Jul-96 Aug-96 Sep-96 Oct-96 Nov-96 Dec-96 Jan-97 Feb-97 Mar-97 Apr-97 May-97 Jun-97 Jul-97 Aug-97 Sep-97 Oct-97 Nov-97 Dec-97 Jan-98 Feb-98 Mar-98 125.8 125.4 126.0 133.5 134.5 134.5 134.9 129.1 127.0 127.4 127.6 128.0 128.3 126.4 130.2 135.3 136.6 136.5 133.7 131.4 127.6 127.7 127.9 127.1 127.8 129.1 135.0 137.5 136.0 136.2 136.2 131.2 127.1 127.7 128.3 128.1 128.2 127.3 129.7 135.1 135.9 134.7 136.0 130.1 127.9 128.3 127.4 127.2 126.7 56.2 54.7 54.7 54.1 56.3 57.5 57.7 57.7 58.8 54.7 54.7 53.3 54.3 57.1 59.1 55.8 53.5 55.6 58.2 57.8 59.5 60.6 62.6 59.7 63.5 74.7 72.0 62.8 64.3 66.5 73.4 79.7 76.5 76.1 73.7 72.3 65.2 65.3 64.2 60.8 57.8 61.5 60.4 64.8 65.8 59.4 54.1 52.0 48.3 1.1016 1.0981 1.1033 1.1690 1.1778 1.1778 1.1813 1.1305 1.1121 1.1156 1.1173 1.1208 1.1235 1.1068 1.1401 1.1848 1.1961 1.1953 1.1708 1.1506 1.1173 1.1182 1.1200 1.1130 1.1191 1.1305 1.1821 1.2040.1.1909 1.1926 1.1926 1.1489 1.1130 1.1182 1.1235 1.1217 1.1226 1.1147 1.1357 1.1830 1.1900 1.1795 1.1909 1.1392 1.1200 1.1235 1.1156 1.1138 1.1095 0.6854 0.6671 0.6671 0.6598 0.6866 0.7012 0.7037 0.7037 0.7171 0.6671 0.6671 0.6500 0.6622 0.6963 0.7207 0.6805 0.6524 0.6780 0.7098 0.7049 0.7256 0.7390 0.7634 0.7280 0.7744 0.9110 0.8780 0.7659 0.7841 0.8110 0.8951 0.9720 0.9329 0.9280 0.8988 0.8817 0.7951 0.7963 0.7829 0.7415 0.7049 0.7500 0.7366 0.7902 0.8024 0.7244 0.6598 0.6341 0.5890 Energy Escalation Factor (E)for BWR (Humboldt) 0.9101 0.8998 0.9027 0.9347 0.9518 0.9586 0.9616 0.9341 0.9304 0.9093 0.9102 0.9043 0.9113 0.9180 0.9472 0.9528 0.9460 0.9573 0.9587 0.9456 0.9371 0.9438 0.9560 0.9359 0.9605 1.0295 1.0423 1.0025 1.0038 1.0171 1.0558 1.0675 1.0301 1.0307 1.0201 1.0113 0.9720 0.9683 0.9734 0.9799 0.9669 0.9819 0.9819 0.9787 0.9739 0.9399 0.9059 0.8932 0.8701 Page 5 Development of E Component Enclosure 2 PG&E Letter HBL-10-009 Calculation of Energy Escalation Factor -REFERENCE NUREG-1307, REVISION 13. SECTION 3.2 Using Regional Indices SERIES ID: WPU0573 Light Fuel Oils (as of 03/06/09) and WPU0543 Industrial Electric Power (as of 03/06/09)REBASED TO 1986 = 100 PPI for Fuels & PPI for Light PPI for Fuels & PPI for Light Related Products Fuel Oils Related Products Fuel Oils (1982 = 100) (1982=100)

(1986 = 100) (1986=100)(P) =Industrial Energy Power (F) = Light Fuel Oils (P) =Industrial Energy Power (F) = Light Fuel Oils BWR wt = 0.54 BWR wt = 0.46 Apr-98 May-98 Jun-98 Jul-98 Aug-98 Sep-98 Oct-98 Nov-98 Dec-98 Jan-99 Feb-99 Mar-99 Apr-99 May-99 Jun-99 Jul-99 Aug-99 Sep-99 Oct-99 Nov-99 Dec-99 Jan-00 Feb-00 Mar-00 Apr-00 May-00 Jun-00 Jul-00 Aug-00 Sep-00 Oct-00 Nov-00 Dec-00 Jan-01 Feb-01 Mar-01 Apr-01 May-01 Jun-01 Jul-01 Aug-01 Sep-01 Oct-01 Nov-01 Dec-01 Jan-02 Feb-02 Mar-02 Apr-02 126.4 129.2 133.8 134.8 135.2 135.2 130.4 127.6 126.6 126.1 125.5 125.5 125.2 127.4 131.0 133.9 133.9 134.1 129.5 127.5 126.5 126.8 126.7 126.7 126.8 128.6 133.6 136.2 137.4 137.8 134.1 130.9 132.7 136.4 136.4 136.5 135.1 136.2 148.4 149.5 148.9 148.2 143.8 137.3 136.9 136.3 135.4 135.7 135.4 50.2 50.0 46.3 45.0 44.0 48.3 47.4 46.2 38.8 40.9 38.2 42.8 52.5 52.6 52.4 58.7 63 67.6 65.5 71.3 72.9 75.3 87.9 89.7 83.1 82.9 86.2 88.7 91.6 110.1 108.6 108.4 100.6 96.1 91.6 83.1 86.2 94.2 90.2 81.3 83.2 93 76.8 70.5 56.6 58.3 59.6 69.1 76.4 1.1068 1.1313 1.1716 1.1804 1.1839 1.1839 1.1419 1.1173 1.1086 1.1042 1.0989 1.0989 1.0963 1.1156 1.1471 1.1725 1.1725 1.1743 1.1340 1.1165 1.1077 1.1103 1.1095 1.1095 1.1103 1.1261 1.1699 1.1926 1.2032 1.2067 1.1743 1.1462 1.1620 1.1944 1.1944 1.1953 1.1830 1.1926 1.2995 1.3091 1.3039 1.2977 1.2592 1.2023 1.1988 1.1935 1.1856 1.1883 1.1856 0.6122 0.6098 0.5646 0.5488 0.5366 0.5890 0.5780 0.5634 0.4732 0.4988 0.4659 0.5220 0.6402 0.6415 0.6390 0.7159 0.7683 0.8244 0.7988 0.8695 0.8890 0.9183 1.0720 1.0939 1.0134 1.0110 1.0512 1.0817 1.1171 1.3427 1.3244 1.3220 1.2268 1.1720 1.1171 1.01 34 1.0512 1.1488 1.1000 0.9915 1.0146 1:1341 0.9366 0.8598 0.6902 0.7110 0.7268 0.8427 0.9317 Energy Escalation Factor (E)for BWR (Humboldt) 0.8793 0.8914 0.8924 0.8898 0.8861 0.9103 0.8825 0.8625 0.8163 0.8257 0.8077 0.8335 0.8865 0.8975 0.9134 0.9624 0.9866 1.0133 0.9798 1.0029 1.0071 1.0220 1.0922 1.1023 1.0658 1.0731 1.1153 1.1416 1.1636 1.2692 1.2433 1.2271 1.1918 1.1841 1.1588 1.1116 1.1224 1.1725 1.2077 1.1630 1.1708 1.2225 1.1108 1.0447 0.9649 0.9715 0.9746 1.0293 1.0688 Page 6 Development of E Component Enclosure 2 PG&E Letter HBL-10-009 Calculation of Energy Escalation Factor- REFERENCE NUREG-1 307, REVISION 13, SECTION 3.2 Using Regional Indices SERIES ID: WPUM573 Light Fuel Oils (as of 03106109) and Irdustrial Electric Poer (as of 03101)REBASED TO 1986 = 100 PPI for Fuels & PPI for Light PPI for Fuels & PPI for Light Related Products Fuel Oils Related Products Fuel Oils (1982 = 100) (1982=100)

(1986= 100) (1986=100)(P) =Industrial Energy Power (F) = Light Fuel Oils (P) =Industrial Energy Power (F) = Light Fuel Oils BWR wt = 0.54 BWR wt = 0.46 May-02 Jun-02 Jul-02 Aug-02 Sep-02 Oct-02 Nov-02 Dec-02 Jan-03 Feb-03 Mar-03 Apr-03 May-03 Jun-03 Jul-03 Aug-03 Sep-03 Oct-03 Nov-03 Dec-03 Jan-04 Feb-04 Mar-04 Apr-04 May-04 Jun-04 Jul-04 Aug-04 Sep-04.Oct-04 Nov-04 Dec-04 Jan-05 Feb-05 Mar-05 Apr-05 May-05 Jun-05 Jul-05 Aug-05 Sep-05-Oct-05 Nov-05 Dec-05 Jan-06 Feb-06 Mar-06 Apr-06 May-06 137.9 143.6 144.9 145.0 145.8 140.0 139.5 139.6 140.3 140.6 143.3 144.3 145.1 148.3 151.6 151.3 152.0 147.4 142.7 142.9 143.1 143.1 143.1 143.1 144.2 152.4 152.2 154.0 154.0 145.8 144.9 146.2 148.9 148.0 148.1 148.7 151.1 159.7 162.1 162.5 162.8 159.5 161.1 161.4 167.0 168.6 167.4 169.6 170.8 75 71.4 75.5 77.9 89.5 95.1 82.8 84.6 95.7 120.4 128.9 98.3 85.5 87.2 90.1 94.1 88.2 97.8 93.0 95.8 106.8 100.8 107.8 115.2 116 111.5 119.3 131.1 136.8 161.7 153.6 133.8 138.5 146 169.4 170.9 165.3 180.6 186.2 194.5 209.9 252.0 199.1 193.6 191.8 190.0 199.2 221.9 231.4 1.2075 1.2574 1.2688 1.2697 1.2767 1.2259 1.2215 1.2224 1.2285 1.2312 1.2548 1.2636 1.2706 1.2986 1.3275 1.3249 1.3310 1.2907 1.2496 1.2513 1.2531 1.2531 1.2531 1.2531 1.2627 1.3345 1.3327 1.3485 1.3485 1.2767 1.2688 1.2802 1.3039 1.2960 1.2968 1.3021 1.3231 1.3984 1.4194 1.4229 1.4256 1.3967 1.4107 1.4133 1.4623 1.4764 1.4658 1.4851 1.4956 0.9146 0.8707 0.9207 0.9500 1.0915 1.1598 1.0098 1.0317 1.1671 1.4683 1.5720 1.1988 1.0427 1.0634 1.0988 1.1476 1.0756 1.1927 1.1341 1.1683 1.3024 1.2293 1.3146 1.4049 1.4146 1.3598 1.4549 1.5988 1.6683 1.9720 1.8732 1.6317 1.6890 1.7805 2.0659 2.0841 2.0159 2.2024 2.2707 2.3720 2.5598 3.0732 2.4280 2.3610 2.3390 2.3171 2.4293 2.7061 2.8220 Energy Escalation Factor (E)for BWR (Humboldt) 1.0728 1.0796 1.1087 1.1226 1.1915 1.1955 1.1241 1.1347 1.2003 1.3402 1.4007 1.2338 1.1657 1.1904 1.2223 1.2433 1.2135 1.2456 1.1965 1.2131 1.2758 1.2421 1.2814 1.3229 1.3326 1.3461 1.3889 1.4636 1.4956 1.5965 1.5468 1.4419 1.4810 1.5188 1.6506 1.6618 1.6418 1.7683 1.8110 f.8595 1.9473 2.1679 1.8787 1.8492 1.8656 1.8631 1.9090 2.0468 2.1057 Page 7 Development of E Componeat Enclosure 2 PG&E Letter HBL-1 0-009 Calculation of Energy Escalation Factor- REFERENCE NUREG-1 307, REVISION 13, SECTION 3.2 Using Regional Indices SERIES ID: WPUO573 Light Fuel Oils (as of 03/06/09) and WPU0543 Industrial Electric Power (as of 03/06109)REBASED TO 1986 = 100 PPI for Fuels & PPI for Light PPI for Fuels &, PPI for Light Related Products Fuel Oils Related Products Fuel Oils (1982 = 100) (1982=100)

(1986 = 100) (1986=100)(P) =Industrial Energy Power (F) = Light Fuel Oils (P) =Industrial Energy Power (F) = Light Fuel Oils BWR wt = 0.54 BWR wt = 0.46 Jun-06 Jul-06 Aug-06 Sep-06 Oct-06 Nov-06 Dec-06 Jan-07 Feb-07 Mar-07 Apr-07 May-07 Jun-07 Jul-07 Aug-07 Sep-07 Oct-07 Nov-07 Dec-07 Jan-08 Feb-08 Mar-08 Apr-08 May-08 Jun-08 Jul-08 Aug-08 Sep-08 Oct-08 Nov-08 Dec-08 Jan-09 Feb-09 Mar-09 Apr-09 May-09 Jun-09 Jul-09 Aug-09 Sep-09 Oct-09 Nov-09 Dec-09 Jan-10 181.2 181.9 180.2 181.0 171.2 167.2 167.8 171.9 175.7 172.1 173.1 179.2 186.7 187.0 187.6 188.4 182.7 180.3 180.0 181.9 180.0 183.1 185.2 189.5 191.9 196.1 197.1 195.9 193.0 187.7 188.3 190.3 190.3 187.6 186.9 190.5 193.3 196.2 194.7 194.9 191.7 186.4 187.1 188.1 238.1 231.6 241.4 203.1 198.1 198.2 200.4 180.0 191.5 215.1 231.8 225.3 222.4 237.8 225.5 238.9 243.3 288.2 266.7 273.8 280.2 339.6 352.5 384.9 410.5 423.8 343.9 335.1 279.0 218.2 163.0 159.8 145.6 136.8 159.9 158.6 183.7 165.2 196.1 186.6 193.7 208.2 197.7 220.1 1.5867 1.5928 1.5779 1.5849 1.4991 1.4641 1.4694 1.5053 1.5385 1.5070 1.5158 1.5692 1.6349 1.6375 1.6427 1.6497 1.5998 1.5788 1.5762 1.5928 1.5762 1.6033 1.6217 1.6594 1.6804 1.7172 1.7259 1.7154 1.6900 1.6436 1.6489 1.6664 1.6664 1.6427 1.6366 1.6681 1.6926 1.7180 1.7049 1.7067 1.6786 1.6322 1.6384 1.6471 2.9037 2.8244 2.9439 2.4768 2.4159 2.4171 2.4439 2.1951 2.3354 2.6232 2.8268 2.7476 2.7122 2.9000 2.7500 2.9134 2.9671 3.5146 3.2524 3.3390 3.4171 4.1415 4.2988 4.6939 5.0061 5.1683 4.1939 4.0866 3.4024 2.6610 1.9878 1.9488 1.7756 1.6683 1.9500 1.9341 2.2402 2.0146 2.3915 2.2756 2.3622 2.5390 2.4110 2.6841 Energy Escalation Factor (E)for BWR (Humboldt) 2.1925 2.1593 2.2063 1.9952 1.9208 1.9025 1.9176 1.8226 1.9051 2.0204 2.1189 2.1112 2.1304 2.2182 2.1521 2.2310 2.2288 2.4693 2.3473 2.3961 2.4230 2.7709 2.8532 3.0553 3.2102 3.3047 2.8612 2.8062 2.4777 2.1116 1.8048 1.7963 1.7166 1.6545 1.7808 1.7905 1.9445 1.8545 2.0207 ,1.9684 1.9931 2.0494 1.9938 2.1241 Oct 09 through Jan 10 are Preliminary Values from PPI Indices Page 8 Development of L Component Enclosure 2 PG&E Letter HBL-10-009 Calculation of Labor Escalation Factor- REFERENCE NUREG-1 307, REVISION 13, SECTION 3.1 Using Regional Indices SERIES ID: CIU20100000002401 (as of 03/06/09)Jan '86 adjusted to reflect NUREG 1307 Rev 13 Scaling Factor for West Labor (Pg 7)Note 1: The Base Labor factor was re-indexed in December 2005, at which time the index was reset to 100.Employment Cost Indust West Region Labor Private Industry Escalation (1989=100)

Factor Jan-86 89.8 1.00000 Feb-86 Mar-86 Apr-86 90.8 1.01114 May-86 Jun-86 Jul-86 91.2 1.01559 Aug-86 Sep-86 Oct-86 91.6 1.02004 Nov-86 Dec-86 Jan-87 92.5 1.03007 Feb-87 Mar-87 Apr-87 92.6 1.03118 May-87 Jun-87 Jul-87 93.7 1.04343 Aug-87 Sep-87 Oct-87 94.1 1.04788 Nov-87 Dec-87 Jan-88 95.4 1.06236 Feb-88 Mar-88 Apr-88 96.3 1.07238 May-88 Jun-88 Jul-88 97 1.08018 Aug-88 Sep-88 Oct-88 97.7 1.08797 Nov-88 Dec-88 Jan-89 98.8 1.10022 Feb-89 Mar-89 Apr-89 100 1.1,1359 May-89 Jun-89 Jul-89 101 1.12472 Aug-89 Sep-89 Oct-89 101.8 1.13363 Nov-89 Page 9 Development of L Component Enclosure 2 PG&E Letter HBL-10-009 Calculation of Labor Escalation Factor- REFERENCE NUREG-1 307, REVISION 13, SECTION 3.1 Using Regional Indices SERIES ID: CIU20100000002401 (as of 03/06/09)Jan '86 adjusted to reflect NUREG 1307 Rev 13 Scaling Factor for West Labor (Pg 7)Note 1: The Base Labor factor was re-indexed in December 2005, at which time the index was reset to 100.Employment Cost Indust West Region Labor Private Industry Escalation (1989=100)

Factor Dec-89 Jan-90 103.3 1.15033 Feb-90 Mar-90 Apr-90 104.5 1.16370 May-90 Jun-90 Jul-90 105.6 1.17595 Aug-90 Sep-90 Oct-90 106.3 1.18374 Nov-90 Dec-90 Jan-91 107.5 1.19710 Feb-91 Mar-91 Apr-91 108.9 1.21269 May-91 Jun-91 Jul-91 110 1.22494 Aug-91 Sep-91 Oct-91 110.9 1.23497 Nov-91 Dec-91 Jan-92 111.9 1.24610 Feb-92 Mar-92 Apr-92 112.9 1.25724 May-92 Jun-92 Jul-92 114.1 1.27060 Aug-92 Sep-92 Oct-92 114.9 1.27951'Nov-92'Dec-92 Jan-93 1.16.2 1.29399 Feb-93 Mar-93 Apr793 116.4 1.29621 May-93 Jun-93 Jul-93 117.8 1.31180 Aug-93 Sep-93 Oct-93 118.1 1.31514 Page 10 Development of L Component Enclosure 2 PG&E Letter HBL-10-009 Calculation of Labor Escalation Factor -REFERENCE NUREG-1307, REVISION 13, SECTION 3.1 Using Regional Indices SERIES ID: CIU20100000002401 (as of 03/06/09)Jan '86 adjusted to reflect NUREG 1307 Rev 13 Scaling Factor for West Labor (Pg 7)Note 1; The Base Labor factor was re-indexed in December 2005, at which time the index was reset to 100.Employment Cost Indust West Region Labor Private Industry Escalation (1989=100)

Factor Nov-93 Dec-93 Jan-94 119.4 1.32962 Feb-94 Mar-94 Apr-94 120.5 1.34187 May-94 Jun-94 Jul-94 121.3 1.35078 Aug-94 Sep-94 Oct-94 121.7 1.35523 Nov-94 Dec-94 Jan-95 122.6 1.36526 Feb-95 Mar-95 Apr-95 123.4 1.37416 May-95 Jun-95 Jul-95 123.9 1.37973 Aug-95 Sep-95 Oct-95 125 1.39198 Nov-95 Dec-95 Jan-96 125.9 1.40200 Feb-96 Mar-96 Apr-96 127.3 1.41759 May-96 Jun-96 Jul-96 128.3 1.42873 Aug-96 Sep-96 Oct-96 128.9 1.43541 Nov-96 Dec-96 Jan-97 130.3 1.45100 Feb-97 Mar-97 Apr-97 131.4 1.46325 May-97 Jun-97 Jul-97 132.5 1.47550 Aug-97 Sep-97 Page 11 Development of L Component Enclosure 2 PG&E Letter HBL-10-009 Calculation of Labor Escalation Factor -REFERENCE NUREG-1307, REVISION 13, SECTION 3.1 Using Regional Indices SERIES ID: CIU20100000002401 (as of 03/06/09)Jan '86 adjusted to reflect NUREG 1307 Rev 13 Scaling Factor for West Labor (Pg 7)Note 1: The Base Labor factor was re-indexed in December 2005, at which time the index was reset to 100.Employment Cost Indust West Region Labor Private Industry Escalation (1989=100)

Factor Oct-97 133.4 1.48552 Nov-97 Dec-97 Jan-98 135.2 1.50557 Feb-98 Mar-98 Apr-98 136.6 1.52116 May-98 Jun-98 Jul-98 138.5 1.54232 Aug-98 Sep-98 Oct-98 140 1.55902 Nov-98 Dec-98 Jan-99 140.3 1.56236 Feb-99 Mar-99 Apr-99 142.1 1.58241 May-99 Jun-99 Jul-99 143.3 1.59577 Aug-99 Sep-99 Oct-99 144.7 1.61136 Nov-99 Dec-99 Jan-00 147 1.63697 Feb-00 Mar-00 Apr-00 148.8 1.65702 May-00 Jun-00 Jul-00 150.8 1.67929 Aug-00 Sep-00 Oct-00 151.8 1.69042 Nov-00 Dec-00 Jan-01 154.3 1.71826 Feb-01 Mar-01 Apr-01 156 1.73719 May-01 Jun-01 Jul-01 157.6 1.75501 Aug-01 Page 12 Development of L Component Enclosure 2 PG&E Letter HBL-10-009 Calculation of Labor Escalation Factor -REFERENCE NUREG-1307, REVISION 13, SECTION 3.1 Using Regional Indices SERIES ID: CIU20100000002401 (as of 03/06/09)Jan'86 adjusted to reflect NUREG 1307 Rev 13 Scaling Factor for West Labor (Pg 7)Note 1: The Base Labor factor was re-indexed in December 2005, at which time the index was reset to 100.Employment Cost Indust West Region Labor Private Industry Escalation (1989=100)

Factor Sep-01 Oct-01 159.4, 1.77506 Nov-01 Dec-01 Jan-02 160.4 1.78619 Feb-02 Feb-02 Mar-02 Apr-02 162.9 1.81403 May-02 Jun-02 Jul-02 163.8 1.82405 Aug-02 Sep-02 Oct-02 165 1.83742 Nov-02 Dec-02 Jan-03 167.3 1.86303 Feb-03 Mar-03 Apr-03 169.5 1.88753 May-03 Jun-03 Jul-03 171.4 1.90869 Aug-03 Sep-03 Oct-03 172.2 1.91759 Nov-03 Dec-03 Jan-04 175.3 1.95212 Feb-04 Mar-04 Apr-04 176.8 1.96882 May-04 Jun-04 Jul-04 178.1 1.98330 Aug-04 Sep-04 Oct-04 179.0 1.99332 Nov-04 Dec-04 Jan-05 181.4 2.02004 Feb-05 Mar-05 Apr-05 183.3 2.04120 May-05 Jun-05 Page 13 Development of L Component Enclosure 2 PG&E Letter HBL-10-009

\Calculation of Labor Escalation Factor -REFERENCE NUREG-1307, REVISION 13, SECTION 3.1 Using Regional Indices SERIES ID: CIU20100000002401 (as of 03/06/09)Jan '86 adjusted to reflect NUREG 1307 Rev 13 Scaling Factor for West Labor (Pg 7)Note 1: The Base Labor factor was re-indexed in December 2005, at which time the index was reset to 100.Employment Cost Indust West Region Labor Private Industry Escalation (1989=100)

Factor Jul-05 184 2.04900 Aug-05 Sep-05 Oct-05 (Note 1) 100 2.06000 Nov-05 Dec-05 Jan-06 100.6 2.07236 Feb-06 Mar-06 Apr-06 101.8 2.09708 May-06 Jun-06 Jul-06 102.5 2.11150 Aug-06 Sep-06 Oct-06 103 2.12180 Nov-06 Dec-06 Jan-07 104.2 2.14652 Feb-07 Mar-07 Apr-07 104.9 2.16094 May-07 Jun-07 Jul-07 105.7 2.17742 Aug-07 Sep-07 Oct-07 106.5 2.19390 Nov-07 Dec-07 Jan-08 107.8 2.22068 Feb-08 Mar-08 Apr-08 108.4 2.23304 May-08 Jun-08 Jul-08 109.3 2.25158 Aug-08 Sep-08 Oct-08 109.4 2.25364 Nov-08 Dec-08 Jan-09 109.9 2.26394 Feb-09 Mar-09 Apr-09 110.1 2.26806 May-09 Page 14 Development of L Component Enclosure 2 PG&E Letter HBL-10-009 Calculation of Labor Escalation Factor -REFERENCE NUREG-1 307, REVISION 13, SECTION 3.1 Using Regional Indices SERIES ID: CIU20100000002401 (as of 03/06/09)Jan '86 adjusted to reflect NUREG 1307 Rev 13 Scaling Factor for West Labor (Pg 7)Note 1: The Base Labor factor was re-indexed in December 2005, at which time the index was reset to 100.Employment Cost Indu West Region Private Industry (1989=100)

Jun-09 Jul-09 Aug-09 Sep-09 Oct-09 Nov-,09 Dec-09 Jan-10 110.3 110.7 111.4 ust Labor Escalation Factor 2.27218 2.28042 2.29484 Jan-10 is an estimate based on the difference between Jul-09 and Oct-09 added to Oct-09 Page 15 Development of B Component Enclosure 2 PG&E Letter HBL-10-009 Development of Burial Escalation Developed from NUREG-1307 Revision 13 Table 2.1 'VALUES OF B SUB-X AS A FUNCTION OF LLW BURIAL SITE, WASTE VENDOR, AND YEAR" (Summary for non-Atlantic Compact)Revised to Bx Values for Genedc LLW Disposal Site (Assumed to be same as that provided for the Atlantic Compact for lack of a better alternative at this time.BWR BWR Burial Costs Restated to (South Carolina) 1986 = 100 1986 1.561 1.0000 1987 1988 1.831 1.1730 1989 1990 1991 2.361 1.5125 1992 1993 9.434 6.0436 1994 9.794 6.2742 1995 10.42 6.6752 1996 10.379 6.6489 1997 13.837 8.8642 1998 13.948 8.9353 1999 0.0000 2000 16.244 10.4061 2001 16.474 10.5535 2002 16.705 10.7015 2003 17.326 11.0993 2004 17.970 11.5119 2005 19.339 12.3889 2006 20.813 13.3331 2007 22.399 14.3491 2008 22.504 14.4164 2009 23.404 14.9931 2010 24.332 15.5874 Table 2.1 Note ('c) From 7/11/95 through 6/30/2000 access was allowed for all states except North Carolina.

Effective 7/1/2000 rates are based on whether a waste generator is or is not a member of the Atlantic Compact.2001 has no information in NUREG-1307 Rev 12. 2001 is an estimate that is calculated by applying the average % change between 2000 and 2002 and adding to the 2000 base 2003 has no information in NUREG-1307 Rev 12. 2003 is an estimate that is calculated by applying the average % change between 2002 and 2004 and adding to the 2002 base 2005 has no information in NUREG-1 307 Rev 12. 2005 is an estimate that is calculated by applying the average % change between 2004 and 2006 and adding to the 2004 base.2007 has no information in NUREG-1 307 Rev 12. 2007 is an estimate that is calculated by applying the average % change between 2004 and 2006 and adding to the 2006 base.2008 has no information in NUREG-1307 Rev 12. 2008 is an estimate that is calculated by applying the average % change between 2004 and 2006 and adding to the 2007 base.2009 has no information in NUREG-1 307 Rev 13. 2009 is an estimate that is calculated by applying the average % change between 2006 and 2008 and adding to the 2008 base.2010 has no information in NUREG-1307 Rev 13. 2010 is an estimate that is calculated by applying the average % change between 2006 and 2008 and adding to the 2008 base Page 16 Enclosure 3 PG&E Letter HBL-10-009 Humboldt Bay Power Plant Unit 3 Decommissioning Cost Estimate (9 Pages)

Enclosure 4 PG&E Letter HBL-10-009 Humboldt Bay Power Plant Unit 3 Decommissioning Cash Flow (Estimated in 2010 Dollars)(1 Page)

Humboldt Bay Power Plant Unit 3 Enclosure 4 Decommissioning Cash Flow (Note 1) PG&E Letter HBL-10-009 (Estimated in 2010 Dollars)Non-NRC NRC Scope Scope (Non-(Radiological)


Year 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020$1,678,452














$0$0$0$3,470,000 ISFSI Engr/License Construction Operation (Note 1)$344,408$2,281,454




















$106,448,273 Total$1,678,452























$7,582,000 Cummutative Decommission Estimate$1,678,452
























$537,128,000 Trust Account Funding (Note 2)$125,679,704



$921,000$921,000$137,000 TOTAL $428,700,727


$537,128,000 Notes: 1) Cash Flow is based on construction of ISFSI and Fuel removed from HBPP in 2020 (Assumes DOE Used Fuel Repository opens 2020 allowing HBPP Fuel to be shipped during 2020)2) Trust Account Value of $372.3 million is Expense Equivalent Liquidation Value (Includes Tax Break)Market Value of Trust as of 12/09 was $327.0 million, actual expended as of 12/09 was $125.7 million 3) Assumes CPUC recommendation of 25% contingency in Decision 07-01-003 4) Assumes PG&E recommedation of $10.044 million annual revenue for HBPP begining 2010 for 1 Enclosure 5 PG&E Letter HBL-10-009 Decommissioning Cost Study for the Humboldt Bay Power Plant Unit 3 2010 SAFSTOR Document P01-1604-002, Rev. 0 March 2009