HBL-18-004, Decommissioning Funding Report for Humboldt Bay Power Plant. Unit 3

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Decommissioning Funding Report for Humboldt Bay Power Plant. Unit 3
Person / Time
Site: Humboldt Bay
Issue date: 03/27/2018
From: Franke J
Pacific Gas & Electric Co
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards
Download: ML18087A430 (26)


Pacific Gas and Electric Company*

Jon A. Franke P.O. Box 56 Vice President Avila Beach, CA 93424 Power Generation 805.545.4888 E-Mail: JonJranke@pge.com March 27, 2018 PG&E Letter HBL-18-004 10 CFR 50.75(f) 10 CFR 50.82(a)(8)(v)

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 10 CFR 50.82(a)(8)(vii)

ATTN: Document Control Desk Washington, DC 20555-0001 Docket No. 50-133, DPR-7 Humboldt Bay Power Plant, Unit 3 Decommissioning Funding Report for Humboldt Bay Power Plant. Unit 3

Dear Commissioners and Staff:

Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) is submitting its decommissioning funding report for Humboldt Bay Power Plant (HBPP), Unit 3, pursuant to the requirements of 10 CFR 50. 75(f), 10 CFR 50.82(a)(8)(v), and 10 CFR 50.82(a)(8)(vii).

Humboldt Bay Power Plant. Unit 3 PG&E has spent $745.7 million on NRC radiological decommissioning activities through December 2017. At the end of calendar year 2017, the market value of the HBPP Unit 3 (220 megawatt thermal (MWt)) decommissioning trust fund was

$150.4 million . PG&E estimates that $76 .2 million will be needed to complete the NRC radiological scope. PG&E estimates it will need to collect an additional

$123.8 million over two years, beginning in 2018, based on a site-specific decommissioning cost estimate (SSDCE) prepared by PG&E staff and submitted to the California Public Utilities Commission's (CPUC's) 2015 Nuclear Decommissioning Cost Triennial Proceeding (NDCTP) on March 1, 2016. The SSDCE was approved by the CPUC in Decision 17-05-020, dated May 25, 2017 which includes radiological decommissioning, site restoration, and spent fuel management. The cost estimate in the NDCTP application is based on actual bids for remaining HBPP civil work scope and includes radiological decommissioning, such as costs for removal of underground reactor caisson, spent fuel management costs associated with the delay in the Department of Energy's acceptance of site-stored spent fuel, cost to remediate site radioactivity to resident farmer criteria, and updated remaining decommissioning costs based on actual past HBPP decommissioning data versus industry estimates.

The NRC minimum decommissioning estimate is $451.9 million (2018 dollars) that was calculated pursuant to the requirements specified in 10 CFR 50.75(c), which is based on a minimum 1200 MWt plant that has not started decommissioning

Document Control Desk PG&E Letter HBL-18-004 March 27, 2018 Page2 activities. HBPP is approximately 92 percent complete with the radiological decommissioning scope of work and has withdrawn funds through 2017 from the HBPP trust resulting in a current market value lower than the NRC minimum estimate.

PG&E is confident that the HBPP trust, with the noted additional contributions, will be sufficient to ensure successful radiological decommissioning and maintaining the spent fuel in an independent spent fuel storage installation (ISFSI) at HBPP until 2030, based on the March 2016 SSDCE prepared by PG&E staff.

Supporting Cost Estimates Based on a March 2016 site-specific cost estimate prepared by PG&E staff, PG&E estimates that the total HBPP decommissioning costs are approximately

$1,097.9 million (including $745.7 million disbursed from the Trust(s) through December 2017, and $76.2 million future radiological decommissioning costs) for HBPP, Unit 3, in 2018 dollars. These NRC decommissioning costs do not include site restoration ($67.5 million), or spent fuel management unti12030 ($208.5 million).

To assure that sufficient funds will be available for decommissioning, PG&E established external sinking trust fund accounts for HBPP, Unit 3.

Supporting Enclosures Enclosures 1-4 provide supporting documentation for this report. provides decommissioning funding status information in a format suggested by Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI) and the NRC. provides information on the escalation of the required decommissioning funding amounts in 2018 dollars. As required by 10 CFR 50.75(c)(2), the information includes escalation factors for energy, labor, and waste burial costs. was prepared using NUREG-1577, "Standard Review Plan on Power Reactor Licensee Financial Qualifications and Decommissioning Funding Assurance," Revision 1 and NUREG-1307, "Report on Waste Burial Charges,"

Revision 16. provides a cash flow of the total decommissioning of HBPP that identifies the monies for NRC scope (removal of radiological contamination), site restoration (including the nonradiological work) and the spent fuel management. contains the variance of the 2017 forecast of $121.8 million, as submitted in Enclosure 3 of PG&E Letter HBL-17-006, "Decommissioning Funding

Document Control Desk PG&E Letter HBL-18-004 March 27, 2018 Page 3 Report for Humboldt Bay Power Plant, Unit 3," dated March 31, 2017, to the actual expenditures for 2017 of $104.0 million.

PG&E is not including the 2015 site specific cost estimate prepared by PG&E as this document was included in the 2016 Decommissioning Funding Report for Humboldt Bay Power Plant, Unit 3, PG&E letter HBL-16-006, "Decommissioning Funding Report for Humboldt Bay Power Plant, Unit 3," dated March 31, 2016.

PG&E makes no new or revised regulatory commitments (as defined by NEI 99-04) in this letter.

Should you have any questions, please contact Mr. Bob Kapus at (707) 444-0810.

Enclosures cc: HBPP Humboldt Distribution cc/enc: John B. Hickman, NRC Project Manager Kriss M. Kennedy, NRC Region IV Administrator IN PO

Enclosure 1 PG&E Letter H BL- 18-004 NRC Decommissioning Funding Status Report Humboldt Bay Power Plant - Unit 3 (220 MWt)

Enclosure 1 PG&E Letter HBL-18-004 NRC Decommissioning Funding Status Report Humboldt Bay Power Plant - Unit 3 (220 MWt)

As provided in 10 CFR 50.75(f)(1 ), each power reactor licensee is required to report to the NRC on a calendar year basis, beginning March 31, 1999, and annually thereafter, on the status of its decommissioning funding for each reactor that it owns and has already closed.

Note that Items 3, 4, and 8 are data included in PG&E's 2015 Nuclear Decommissioning Cost Triennial Proceeding (NDCTP) filed with the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) on March 1, 2016; and approved by the CPUC in Decision 17-05-020, dated May 25, 2017, which includes radiological decommissioning, site restoration, and spent fuel management costs.

1. The minimum decommissioning fund estimate, $in Millions pursuant to 10 CFR 50.75(b) and (c).1 January 2018 dollars $451.9 (Humboldt Bay Power Plant, Unit 3 is a shutdown unit with a Site Specific Cost Study; therefore, the minimum decommissioning fund estimate is based on the Site Specific Cost Study shown in Item 8 of this enclosure.)
2. The amount accumulated at the end of the calendar .year preceding the date of the report for items included in 10 CFR 50.75(b) and (c). (Alternatively, the total amount accumulated at the end of the calendar year preceding the date of the report can be reported here if the cover letter transmitting the report provides the total estimate and indicates what portion of that estimate is for items not included in 10 CFR 50. 75(b) and (c)).

Market Value (December 2017 dollars) $ 150.4

3. A schedule of the annual amounts remaining to be collected; for items in 10 CFR 50.75(b) and (c). (Alternatively, the annual amounts remaining to be collected can include items beyond those required in 10 CFR 50.75(b) and (c) if the cover letter transmitting the report provides a total cost estimate and indicates what portion of that estimate is for items that are not included in 10 CFR 50.75(b) and (c)).

Amount remaining $ 123.8 Number of years to collect 2018-2019 2 years 2018-2019 Annual amount to be collected $61.906 1

  • Th e NRC formulas in section 10 CFR 50. 75(c) inclu de only those decommissioning costs incurred by licen sees to remove a facility or site safely from service and reduce residual radioactivity to levels that permit: (1) r elease of the property for unrestricted u se and t ermination of the license; or (2) r elease of the property under restricted conditions and termination of the license. The cost of dismantling or demolishing nonra diological systems and stru ctures is not included in the NRC decommissioning cost estima tes. The costs of ma naging and storing spent fuel on site until transfers to Department of Energy are not inclu ded in the cost formulas.

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Enclosure 1 PG&E Letter H BL 004

4. The assumptions used regarding escalation in decommissioning cost, rates of earnings on decommissioning funds (assumes trust will be gradually converted to a more conservative, all fixed income portfolio after 201 0), and rates of other factors used in funding projections (all values below are from the 2015 NDCTP filing).

Escalation in decommissioning costs Rate of Return 2018 2.91 percent Escalation in decommissioning costs Rate of Return 2019 2.87 percent Escalation in decommissioning costs Rate of Return 2020 2. 84 percent Escalation in decommissioning costs Rate of Return 2021 2. 80 percent Escalation in decommissioning costs Rate of Return 2022-2028 2. 77 percent

5. Any contracts upon which the licensee is relying pursuant to 10 CFR 50.75(e)(1)(v).


6. Any modifications to a licensee's current method providing financial assurance occurring since the last submitted report. None
7. Any material changes to trust agreements. None
8. CPUC Submittal in 2018 Dollars in Millions:

Total Project (Decommission 2018) $ 1,097.9 Scope Excluded from NRC calculations $ 67.5 Scope of Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation from Licensing to Decommissioning in 2030 $ 208.5 Scope Decommissioned and disbursed from Trust(s) ~ 745.7 Total NRC Decommissioning Remaining Scope $ 76.2 Page 2 of 2

Enclosure 2 PG&E Letter HBL-18-004 2018 Decommissioning Estimate Composite Escalation Development of E Component Development of L Component Development of B Component

2018 Decommissioning Estimate Enclosure 2 PG&E Letter HBL-18-004 Nuclear Regulatory Commission Estimate of Decommissioning Costs for Boiling Water Reactor (BWR)

In 2017 HBPP BWR

($ in millions)

January 1986 Estimate $114.80 (Table 2.1 in NUREG 1307 Rev 15 has Escalated to 1999 128.9 no value for 1999 Burial)

Escalated to 2000 $400.2 ($360.9 in 2000 Submittal)

Escalated to 2001 $354.1 ($425.3 in 2001 Submittal)

Escalated to 2002 $357.4 ($445.6 in 2002 Submittal)

Escalated to 2003 $373.8 ($430.1 in 2003 Submittal)

Escalated to 2004 $388.0 ($439.6 in 2004 Submittal)

Escalated to 2005 $416.8 ($453.2 in 2005 Submittal)

Escalated to 2006 $519.2 ($494.3 in 2006 Submittal)

Escalated to 2007 $538.3 ($548.6 iri 2007 Submittal)

Escalated to 2008 $564.4 ($590.9 in 2008 Submittal)

Escalated to 2009 $574.6 ($573.8 in 2009 Submittal)

Escalated to 1010 $594.5 ($596 .6 in 2010 Submittal)

Escalated to 2011 $626.5 ($619.0 in 2011 Submittal)

Escalated to 2012 $659.9 ($645.4 in 2012 Submittal)

Escalated to 2013 $663.3 ($687.2 in 2013 Submittal)

Escalated to 2014 $666.8 ($714.3 in 2014 Submittal)

Escalated to 2015 $664.2 ($712.0 in 2015 Submittal)

Escalated to 2016 $660.3 ($660.2 in 2016 Submittal)

Escalated to 2017 $438.1 {$438.2 in 2017 Submittal)

Escalated to 2018 $451.9 January 1986 based on 10 CFR 50.75 (c) Table of minimum amounts BWR based on minimum 1200 MWt = ($104 + (.009xMWt)) million per unit where BWR less than 1200 MWt use P=1200 MWt, HBPP 220 MWt Page 1 of 15

Composite Escalation Enclosure 2 PG&E Letter HBL-18-004 Calculating Overall Escalation Rate BWR Dec-05 Dec-06 Dec-07 Dec-08 Dec-09 Dec-10 Dec-11 Dec-12 Dec-13 Dec-14 Dec-15 Dec-16 Dec-17 Weight (1)

L (Labor) 2.0600 2.1218 2.1939 2.2536 2.2784 2.3175 2.3711 2.4061 2.4638 2.5235 2.5812 2.6492 2.7377 0.65 E (Energy) 1.9106 1.9808 2.4513 1.8323 2.0402 2.3945 2.7719 2.8265 2.7672 2.2944 1.7442 1.8710 2.3555 0.13 B (Burial) 13.3331 13.8744 14.4164 15.0096 15.6028 16.5439 17.4856 17.4856 17.4856 17.4856 17.4856 8.4126 8.4126 0.22 (1) From NUREG 1307 Revision 16, Report on Waste Burial Charges , Section 2 Summary, Page 7 ... where A, B. and C are the fractions of the total 1986 dollar costs that are attributable to labor (0.65) , energy (0.13) , and burial (0.22), respectively, and sum to 1.0.

BWR Combined Escalation Rate for:

Dec-06 Dec-07 Dec-08 Dec-09 Dec-1 0 Dec-11 Dec-12 Dec-13 Dec-14 Dec-15 Dec-16 Dec-17 4.6891 4.9163 5.0052 5.1788 5.4573 5.7484 5.7782 5.8080 5.7854 5.7513 3.8159 3.9365 Page 2 of 15

Development of E Component Enclosure 2 PG&E Letter HBL-1 8-004 Calculation of Energy Escalation Factor - Reference NUREG-1307, Revision 16, Section 3.2 Using Regional Indices SERIES ID: WPU0573 Light Fuel Oils (as of 02/22/201 8) and W PU0543 Industrial Electric Power (as of 02/22/2018)

REBASED TO 1986 = 100 PPI for Fuels & PPI for Light PPI for Fuels & PPI for Light Energy Escalation Related Products Fuel Oils Related Products Fuel Oils Factor (E)

(2000 = 100) (2000=100) (2000 = 100) (2000= 100) for BWR (P) =Industrial Electric Power (F) = Light Fuel Oils (P) =Industrial Energy Power (F) = Light Fuel Oils (Humboldt)

BWR wt. = 0. 54 BWR wt. = 0.46 Dec-99 126.5 72.9 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 Jan-00 126.8 75.3 1.0024 1.0329 1.0164 Feb-00 126.7 87.9 1.001 6 1.2058 1.0955 Mar-00 126.7 89.7 1.0016 1.2305 1.1069 Apr-00 126.8 83.1 1.0024 . 1.1399 1.0656 May-00 128.6 82.9 1.0166 1.1372 1.0721 Jun-00 133.6 86.2 1.0561 1.1824 1. 1142 Jul-00 136.2 88.7 1.0767 1.2167 1. 1411 Aug-00 137.4 91 .6 1.0862 1.2565 1.1645 Sep-00 137.8 110.1 1.0893 1.5103 1.2830 Oct-00 134.1 108.6 1.0601 1.4897 1.2577 Nov-00 130.9 108.4 1.0348 1.4870 1.2428 Dec-00 132.7 100.6 1.0490 1.3800 1.2013 Jan-01 136.4 96.1 1.0783 1.3182 1.1887 Feb-01 136.4 91.6 1.0783 1.2565 1.1603 Mar-01 136.5 83.1 1.0791 1.1 399 1.1070 Apr-01 135.1 86.2 1.0680 1.1824 1.1206 May-01 136.2 94.2 1.0767 1.2922 1.1758 Jun-01 148.4 90.2 1.1731 1.2373 1.2026 Jul-01 149.5 81.3 1.1818 1.1152 1.1512 Aug-01 148.9 83.2 1.1771 1.1413 1.1 606 Sep-01 148.2 93 1.171 5 1.2757 1.2195 Oct-01 143.8 76.8 1.1368 1.0535 1.0985 Nov-01 137.3 70.5 1.0854 0.9671 1.0310 Dec-01 136.9 56.6 1.0822 0.7764 0.9415 Jan-02 136.3 58.3 1.0775 0.7997 0.9497 Feb-02 135.4 59.6 1.0704 0.8176 0. 9541 Mar-02 135.7 69.1 1.0727 0.9479 1.0153 Apr-02 135.4 76.4 1.0704 1.0480 1.0601 May-02 137.9 75 1.0901 1.0288 1.0619 Jun-02 143.6 71.4 1.1352 0.9794 1.0635 Jul-02 144.9 75.5 1.1455 1.0357 1.0950 Aug-02 145.0 77.9 1.1462 1.0686 1.1105 Sep-02 145.8 89.5 1.1526 1.2277 1.1871 Oct-02 140.0 95.1 1.1067 1.3045 1. 1977 Nov-02 139.5 82.8 1.1028 1.1358 1.1180 Dec-02 139.6 84.6 1.1036 1.1605 1.1297 Jan-03 140.3 95.7 1.1091 1.3128 1.2028 Feb-03 140.6 120.4 1.1 115 1.6516 1.3599 Page 3 of 15

Development of E Component Enclosure 2 PG&E Letter HBL-18-004 Calculation of Energy Escalation Factor- Reference NUREG-1307, Revision 16, Section 3.2 Using Regional Indices SERIES ID: WPU0573 Light Fuel Oils (as of 02/22/2018) and WPU0543 Industrial Electric Power (as of 02/22/2018)

REBASED TO 1986 = 100 PPI for Fuels & PPI fo r Light PPI for Fuels & PPI for Light Energy Escalation Related Products Fuel Oils Related Products Fuel Oils Factor (E)

(2000 = 100) (2000=100) (2000 = 100) (2000= 100) for BW R (P) =Industrial Electric Power (F) = Light Fuel Oils (P) =Industrial Energy Power (F) = Light Fuel Oils (Humboldt)

BWR wt. = 0.54 BWR wt. = 0.46 Mar-03 143.3 128.9 1.1328 1.7682 1.4251 Apr-03 144.3 98.3 1.1407 1.3484 1.2363 May-03 145.1 85.5 1.1470 1.1728 1.1589 Jun-03 148.3 87.2 1.1723 1.1962 1.1833 Jul-03 151 .6 90.1 1.1984 1.2359 1.2157 Aug-0*3 151.3 94.1 1.1960 1.2908 1.2396 Sep-03 152.0 88.2 1.2016 1.2099 1.2054 Oct-03 147.4 97.8 1.1652 1.3416 1.2463 Nov-03 142.7 93.0 1.1281 1.2757 1.1960 Dec-03 142.9 95.8 1.1296 1.3141 1.2145 Jan-04 143.1 106.8 1.1312 1.4650 1.2848 Feb-04 143.1 100.8 1.1312 1.3827 1.2469 Mar-04 143.1 107.8 1.1312 1.4787 1.2911 Apr-04 143.1 115.2 1.1312 1.5802 1.3378 May-04 144.2 116 1.1399 1.5912 1.3475 Jun-04 152.4 111.5 1.2047 1.5295 1.3541 Jul-04 152.2 119.3 1.2032 1.6365 1.4025 Aug-04 154.0 131.1 1.2174 1.7984 1.4846 Sep-04 154.0 136.8 1.2174 1.8765 1.5206 Oct-04 145.8 161.7 1.1526 2.2181 1.6427 Nov-04 144.9 153.6 1.1455 2.1070 1.5878 Dec-04 146.2 133.8 1.1557 1.8354 1.4684 Jan-05 148.9 138.5 1.1771 1.8999 1.5096 Feb-05 148.0 146 1.1700 2.0027 1.5530 Mar-05 148.1 169.4 1.1708 2.3237 1.7011 Apr-05 148.7 170.9 1.1755 2.3443 1.7131 May-05 151 .1 165.3 1.1945 2.2675 1.6881 Jun-05 159.7 180.6 1.2625 2.4774 1.8213 Jul-05 162.1 186.2 1.2814 2.5542 1.8669 Aug-05 162.5 194.5 1.2846 2.6680 1.92 10 Sep-05 162.8 209.9 1.2870 2.8793 2.0194 Oct-05 159.5 252.0 1.2609 3.4568 2.2710 Nov-05 161.1 199.1 1.2735 2.731 1 1.9440 Dec-05 161.4 193.6 1.2759 2.6557 1.91 06 Jan-06 167.0 191.8 1.3202 2.6310 1.9231 Feb-06 168.6 190.0 1.3328 2.6063 1.9186 Mar-06 167.4 199.2 1.3233 2.7325 1.971 5 Apr-06 169.6 221 .9 1.3407 3.0439 2.1242 May-06 170.8 231.4 1.3502 3.1742 2.1 892

.. Jun-06 181.2 238.1 1.4324 3.2661 2.2759 Page 4 of 15

Development of E Component Enclosure 2 PG&E Letter HBL-18-004 Calculation of Energy Escalation Factor- Reference NUREG-1307, Revision 16, Section 3.2 Using Regional Indices SERIES ID: WPU0573 Light Fuel Oils (as of 02/22/2018) and WPU0543 Industrial Electric Power (as of 02/22/2018)

REBASED TO 1986 = 100 PPI for Fuels & PPI for Light PPI for Fuels & PPI for Light Energy Escalation Related Products Fuel Oils Related Prod ucts Fuel Oils Factor (E)

(2000 = 100) (2000=100) (2000 = 100) (2000=100) for BWR (P) =Industrial Electric Power (F) = Light Fuel Oils (P) =Industrial Energy Power (F) = Light Fuel Oils (Humboldt)

BWR wt. = 0.54 BWR wt. = 0.46 Jul-06 181.9 231.6 1.4379 3.1770 2.2379 Aug-06 180.2 241.4 1.4245 3.3114 2.2925 Sep-06 181.0 203.1 1.4308 2.7860 2.0542 Oct-06 171.2 198.1 1.3534 2.7174 1.9808 Nov-06 167.2 198.2 1.3217 2.7188 1.9644 Dec-06 167.8 200.4 1.3265 2.7490 1.9808 Jan-07 171.9 180.0 1.3589 2.4691 1.8696 Feb-07 175.7 191.5 1.3889 2.6269 1.9584 Mar-07 172.1 215.1 1.3605 2.9506 2.0919 Apr-07 173.1 231.8 1.3684 3.1 797 2.2016 May-07 179.2 225.3 1.4166 3.0905 2.1866 Jun-07 186.7 222.4 1.4759 3.0508 2.2003 Jul-07 187.0 237.8 1.4783 3.2620 2.2988 Aug-07 187.6 225.5 1.4830 3.0933 2.2237 Sep-07 188.4 238.9 1.4893 3.2771 2.3117 Oct-07 182.7 243.3 1.4443 3.3374 2.3151 Nov-07 180.3 288.2 1.4253 3.9534 2.5882 Dec-07 180.0 266.7 1.4229 3.6584 2.4513 Jan-08 181.9 273.8 1.4379 3.7558 2.5042 Feb-08 180.0 280.2 1.4229 3.8436 2.5364 Mar-08 183.1 339.6 1.4474 4.6584 2.9245 Apr-08 185.2 352.5 1.4640 4.8354 3.0149 May-08 189.5 384.9 1.4980 5.2798 3.2377 Jun-08 191.9 410.5 1.5170 5.6310 3.4094 Jul-08 196.1 423.8 1.5502 5.8134 3.51 13 Aug-08 197.1 343.9 1.5581 4.7174 3.01 14 Sep-08 195.9 335.1 1.5486 4.5967 2.9507 Oct-08 193.0 279.0 1.5257 3.8272 2.5844 Nov-08 187.7 218.2 1.4838 2.9931 2.1781 Dec-08 188.3 163.0 1.4885 2.2359 1.8323 Jan-09 190.3 159.8 1.5043 2. 1920 1.8207 Feb-09 190.3 145.6 1.5043 1.9973 1.7311 Mar-09 187.6 136.8 1.4830 1.8765 1.6640 Apr-09 186.9 159.9 1.4775 2.1934 1.8068 May-09 190.5 158.6 1.5059 2.1756 1.8140 Jun-09 193.3 183.7 1.5281 2.51 99 1.9843 Jul-09 196.2 165.2 1.5510 2.2661 1.8799 Aug-09 194.7 196.1 1.5391 2.6900 2.0685 Sep-09 194.9 186.6 1.5407 2.5597 2.0094 Oct-09 189.9 193.3 1.5012 2.6516 2.0304 Page 5 of 15

Development of E Component Enclosure 2 PG&E Letter HBL-18-004 Calculation of Energy Escalation Factor- Reference NUREG-1307, Revision 16, Section 3.2 Using Regional Indices SERIES ID: WPU0573 Light Fuel Oils (as of 02/22/2018) and WPU0543 Industrial Electric Power (as of 02/22/2018)

REBASED TO 1986 = 100 PPI for Fuels & PPI for Light PPI for Fuels & PPI for Light Energy Escalation Related Products Fuel Oils Related Products Fuel Oils Factor (E)

(2000 = 100) (2000=100) (2000 = 100) (2000= 100) for BW R (P) =Industrial Electric Power (F) = Light Fuel Oils (P) =Industrial Energy Power (F) = Light Fuel Oils (Humboldt)

BWR wt. = 0.54 BW R wt. = 0.46 Nov-09 186.0 207.8 1.4704 2.8505 2.1052 Dec-09 186.0 197.5 1.4704 2.7092 2.0402 Jan-10 186.3 220.7 1.4727 3.0274 2.1879 Feb-10 186.1 200.2 1.4711 2.7462 2.0577 Mar-10 189.0 217.0 1.4941 2.9767 2.1761 Apr-10 188.8 231.5 1.4925 3. 1756 2.2667 May-10 192.0 226.0 1.5178 3. 1001 2.2457 Jun-1 0 197.8 212.4 1.5636 2.9136 2.1846 Jul-10 199.8 209.3 1.5794 2.8711 2.1736 Aug-1 0 200.8 221.4 1.5874 3.0370 2.2542 Sep-1 0 200.0 220.0 1.5810 3.0178 2.2420 Oct-1 0 194.6 235.8 1.5383 3.2346 2.3186 Nov-1 0 190.9 245.3 1.5091 3.3649 2.3628 Dec-10 191.4 250.0 1.5130 3.4294 2.3945 Jan-11 193.1 260.4 1.5265 3.5720 2.4674 Feb-11 194.4 278.8 1.5368 3.8244 2.5891 Mar-11 195.0 307.5 1.5415 4.2181 2.7727 Apr-11 194.1 325.1 1.5344 4.4595 2.8800 May-11 196.9 315.1 1.5565 4.3224 2.8288 Jun-11 205.7 31 6.9 1.6261 4.3471 2.8777 Jul-11 215.3 311.5 1.7020 4.2730 2.8846 Aug-11 216.6 296.9 1.7123 4.0727 2.7981 Sep-11 215.8 306.5 1.7059 4.2044 2.8552 Oct-11 206.6 299.6 1.6332 4.1 097 2.7724 Nov-11 204.0 322.7 1.6126 4.4266 2.9071 Dec-11 204.4 301.0 1.6158 4.1289 2.7719 Jan-12 201 .1 308.8 1.5897 4.2359 2.8070 Feb-12 200.3 316.5 1.5834 4.3416 2.8522 Mar-12 199.8 330.8 1.5794 4.5377 2.9403 Apr-12 198.1 327.1 1.5660 4.4870 2.9096 May-12 201.5 315.6 1.5929 4.3292 2.8516 Jun-12 207.7 284.6 1.6419 3.9040 2.6825 Jul-12 221.5 287.9 1.7510 3.9492 2.7622 Aug-12 222.1 313.4 1.7557 4.2990 2.9257 Sep-12 222.8 330.4 1.7613 4.5322 3.0359 Oct-12 214.1 334.1 1.6925 4.5830 3.0221 Nov-12 212.3 311.6 1.6783 4.2743 2.8725 Dec-12 213.8 303.3 1.6901 4.1605 2.8265 Jan-13 199.2 303.6 1.5747 4.1646 2.7661 Feb-13 199.4 327.7 1.5763 4.4952 2.9190 Page 6 of 15

Development of E Component Enclosure 2 PG&E Letter HBL-18-004 Calculation of Energy Escalation Factor- Reference NUREG-1307, Revision 16, Section 3.2 Using Regional Indices SERIES ID: WPU0573 Light Fuel Oils (as of 02/22/2018) and WPU0543 Industrial Electric Power (as of 02/22/2018)

REBASED TO 1986 = 100 PPI for Fuels & PPI for Light PPI for Fuels & PPI for Light Energy Escalation Related Products Fuel Oils Related Products Fuel Oils Factor (E)

(2000 = 100) (2000=100) (2000 = 100) (2000=100) for BWR (P) =Industrial Electric Power (F) = Light Fuel Oils (P) =Industrial Energy Power (F) = Light Fuel Oils (Humboldt)

BWR wt. = 0.54 BWRwt. = 0.46 Mar-13 199.0 308.7 1.5731 4.2346 2.7974 Apr-13 198.8 303.9 1.5715 4.1687 2.7662 May-13 203.5 296.4 1.6087 4.0658 2.7390 Jun-13 211.9 294 .9 1.6751 4.0453 2.7654 Jul-13 211.4 300.4 1.6711 4.1207 2.7979 Aug-13 210.4 307.4 1.6632 4.2167 2.8378 Sep-13 210.3 315.3 1.6625 4.3251 2.8873 Oct-13 201 .2 306.8 1.5905 4.2085 2.7948 Nov-13 199.0 295.3 1.5731 4 .0508 2.7128 Dec-13 200.5 302.9 1.5850 4.1550 2.7672 Jan-14 215.1 297.5 1.7004 4 .0809 2.7954 Feb-14 214.4 309.1 1.6949 4 .2401 2.8657 Mar-14 214.8 306.5 1.6980 4.2044 2.8510 Apr-14 210.8 306.7 1.6664 4.2071 2.8351 May-14 215.2 304.4 1.7012 4.1756 2.8394 Jun-14 224.0 296.5 1.7708 4.0672 2.8271 Jul-14 227.5 295.3 1.7984 4.0508 2.8345 Aug-14 227.7 293.9 1.8000 4.0316 2.8265 Sep-14 225.1 291.0 1.7794 3.9918 2.7971 Oct-14 217.0 271.4 1.7154 3.7229 2.6389 Nov-14 210.7 260.9_ 1.6656 3.5789 2.5457 Dec-14 213.9 218.9 1.6909 3.0027 2.2944 Jan-15 222.4 173.6 1.7581 2.3813 2.0448 Feb-15 221.1 184.3 1.7478 2.5281 2.1068 Mar-15 218.2 185.7 1.7249 2.5473 2.1032 Apr-15 213.3 178.2 1.6862 2.4444 2.0350 May-15 217.0 196.6 1.7154 2.6968 2.1669 Jun-15 237.2 193.4 1.8751 2.6529 2.2329 Jul-15 237.3 187.0 1.8759 2.5652 2.1930 Aug-15 236.8 180.4 1.8719 2.4746 2.1492 Sep-15 234.2 163.1 1.8514 2.2373 2.0289 Oct-15 218.2 165.3 1.7249 2.2675 1.9745 Nov-15 213.4 159.7 1.6870 2.1907 1.9187 Dec-15 214.8 131.1 1.6980 1.7984 1.7442 Jan-16 205.3 114.4 1.6229 1.5693 1.5982 Feb-16 204.3 107.7 1.6150 1.4774 1.5517 Mar-16 204.5 113.8 1.6166 1.5610 1.5910 Apr-16 202.4 116.8 1.6000 1.6022 1.6010 May-16 206.3 137.8 1.6308 1.8903 1.7502 Jun-16 220.4 149.4 1.7423 2.0494 1.8836 Page 7 of 15

Development of E Component Enclosure 2 PG&E Letter HBL-18-004 Calculation of Energy Escalation Factor- Reference NUREG-1307 , Revision 16, Section 3.2 Using Regional Indices SERIES ID: WPU0573 Light Fuel Oils (as of 02/22/2018) and WPU0543 Industrial Electric Power {as of 02/22/2018)

REBASED TO 1986 = 100 PPI for Fuels & PPI for Light PPI for Fuels & PPI for Light Energy Escalation Related Products Fuel Oils Related Products Fuel Oils Factor (E)

(2000 = 100) (2000=100) (2000 = 100) (2000=100) for BWR (P) =Industrial Electric Power (F) = Light Fuel Oils (P) =Industrial Energy Power (F) = Light Fuel Oils (Humboldt)

BWR wt. = 0.54 BWRwt. = 0.46 Jul-16 226.2 152.2 1.7881 2.0878 1.9260 Aug-16 227.3 143.5 1.7968 1.9684 1.8758 Sep-16 228.1 155.5 1.8032 2.1331 1.9549 Oct-16 214.9 153.4 1.6988 2.1043 1.8853 Nov-16 211.3 152.9 1.6704 2.0974 1.8668 Dec-16 211.7 153.3 1.6735 2.1029 1.8710 Jan-17 231.8 158.0 1.8324 2.1674 1.9865 Feb-17 232.9 159.7 1.8411 2.1907 2.0019 Mar-17 234.2 158.0 1.8514 2.1674 1.9967 Apr-17 234.3 157.9 1.8522 2.1660 1.9965 May-17 237.1 165.3 1.8743 2.2675 2.0552 Jun-17 251.0 163.1 1.9842 2.2373 2.1006 Jul-17 253.4 169.1 2.0032 2.3196 2.1487 Aug-17 251.2 179.0 1.9858 2.4554 2.2018 Sep-17 249.0 192.5 1.9684 2.6406 2.2776 Oct-17 242.8 206.1 1.9194 2.8272 2.3370 Nov-17 235.1 211.4 1.8585 2.8999 2.3375 Dec-17 237.1 212.9 1.8743 2.9204 2.3555 October 2017 through December 2017 are Preliminary Values from PPI Indices Based on Base Year 2000 being the indices values Dec 1999, January 2018 base will be December 2017 Page 8 of 15

Development of L Component Enclosure 2 PG&E Letter HBL-18-004 Calculation of Labor Escalation Factor- Reference NUREG-1307, Revision 16, Section 3.1 Using Regional Indices SERIES ID: CIU20100000002401 (as of 02/22/2018)

Note 1: The Base Labor factor was reindexed in December 2005, at which time the index was reset to 100.

Employment Cost lndust West Region Labor Private Industry Escalation (2005=1 00) Factor Dec-05 100 2.06000 Jan-06 Feb-06 Mar-06 100.6 2.07236 Apr-06 May-06 Jun-06 101.8 2.09708 Jul-06 Aug-06 Sep-06 102.5 2.11150 Oct-06 Nov-06 Dec-06 103 2.12180 Jan-07 Feb-07 Mar-07 104.2 2.14652 Apr-07 May-07 Jun-07 104.9 2.16094 Jul-07 Aug-07 Sep-07 105.7 2.17742 Oct-07 Nov-07 Dec-07 106.5 2.19390 Jan-08 Feb-08 Mar-08 107.8 2.22068 Page 9 of 15

Development of L Component Enclosure 2 PG&E Letter HBL-18-004 Calculation of Labor Escalation Factor- Reference NUREG-1307, Revision 16, Section 3.1 Using Regional Indices SERIES ID: CIU201 00000002401 (as of02/22/2018)

Note 1: The Base Labor factor was reindexed in December 2005, at which time the index was reset to 100.

Employment Cost lndust West Region Labor Private Industry Escalation (2005=100) Factor Dec-05 100 2.06000 Apr-08 May-08 Jun-08 108.4 2.23304 Jul-08 Aug-08 Sep-08 109.3 2.25158 Oct-08 Nov-08 Dec-08 109.4 2.25364 Jan-09 Feb-09 Mar-09 109.9 2.26394 Apr-09 May-09 Jun-09 110 2.26600 Jul-09 Aug-09 Sep-09 110.3 2.27218 Oct-09 Nov-09 Dec-09 110.6 2.27836 Jan-10 Feb-10 Mar-10 111.3 2.29278 Apr-1 0 May-10 Jun-1 0 111 .7 2.30102 Page 10 of 15

Development of L Component Enclosure 2 PG&E Letter HBL-18-004 Calculation of Labor Escalation Factor- Reference NUREG-1307, Revision 16, Section 3.1 Using Regional Indices SERIES ID: CIU201 00000002401 (as of 02/22/2018)

Note 1: The Base Labor factor was reindexed in December 2005, at which time the index was reset to 100.

Employment Cost lndust West Region Labor Private Industry Escalation (2005=100) Factor Dec-05 100 2.06000 Jul-10 Aug-10 Sep-10 112.3 2.31338 Oct-10 Nov-10 Dec-10 112.5 2.31750 Jan-11 Feb-11 Mar-11 113.5 2.33810 Apr-11 May-11 Jun-11 114.3 2.35458 Jul-11 Aug-11 Sep-11 114.6 2.36076 Oct-11 Nov-11 Dec-11 115.1 2.37106 Jan-12 Feb-12 Mar-12 115.7 2.38342 Apr-12 May-12 Jun-12 116.3 2.39578 Jul-12 Aug-12 Sep-12 116.8 2.40608 Page 11 of 15

Development of L Component Enclosure 2 PG&E Letter HBL-18-004 Calculation of Labor Escalation Factor- Reference NUREG-1307, Revision 16, Section 3.1 Using Regional Indices SERIES ID: CIU201 00000002401 (as of 02/22/2018)

Note 1: The Base Labor factor was reindexed in December 2005, at which time the index was reset to 100.

Employment Cost lndust West Region Labor Private Industry Escalation (2005=1 00) Factor Dec-05 100 2.06000 Oct-12 Nov-12 Dec-12 116.8 2.40608 Jan-13 Feb-13 Mar-13 117.6 2.42256 Apr-13 May-13 Jun-13 118.5 2.44110 Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep~13 119.2 2.45552 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 119.6 2.46376 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 120.1 2.47406 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 120.9 2.49054 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 121 .9 2.51114 Oct-14 Nov-14 Dec-14 122.5 2.52350 Page 12 of 15

Development of L Component Enclosure 2 PG&E Letter HBL-18-004 Calculation of Labor Escalation Factor- Reference NUREG-1307, Revision 16, Section 3.1 Using Regional Indices SERIES ID: CIU20100000002401 (as of 02/22/2018)

Note 1: The Base Labor factor was reindexed in December 2005, at which time the index was reset to 100.

Employment Cost lndust West Region Labor Private Industry Escalation (2005=1 00) Factor Dec-05 100 2.06000 Jan-15 Feb-15 Mar-15 123.1 2.53586 Apr-15 May-15 Jun-15 123.8 2.55028 Jul-15 Aug-15 Sep-15 124.6 2.56676 Oct-15 Nov-15 Dec-15 125.3 2.58118 Jan-16 Feb-16 Mar-16 126.2 2.59972 Apr-16 May-16 Jun-16 127.2 2.62032 Jul-16 Aug-16 Sep-16 127.9 2.63474 Oct-16 Nov-16 Dec-16 128.6 2.64916 Jan-17 Feb-17 Mar-17 129.9 2.67594 Page 13 of 15

Development of L Component Enclosure 2 PG&E Letter HBL-18-004 Calculation of Labor Escalation Factor - Reference NUREG-1307, Revision 16, Section 3.1 Using Regional Indices SERIES ID: CIU20100000002401 (as of 02/22/2018)

Note 1: The Base Labor factor was reindexed in December 2005, at which time the index was reset to 100.

Employment Cost lndust West Region Labor Private Industry Escalation (2005=100) Factor Dec-05 100 2.06000 Apr-17 May-17 Jun-17 131 2.69860 Jul-17 Aug-17 Sep-17 132.3 2.72538 Oct-17 Nov-17 Dec-17 132.9 2.73774 Page 14 of 15

Development of B Component Enclosure 2 PG&E Letter HBL-18-004 Development of Burial Escalation Developed from NUREG-1307 Revision 16 Table 2.1 'Values of Bx as a Function of LLW Burial Site and Year(a)" (Values for Generators Located in the Unaffiliated States and those Located in Compact-Affiliated States having no Disposal Facility(c))

Revised to Bx Values for Generic LLW Disposal Site are assumed to be the same as that provided for the Atlantic Compact, for lack of a better alternative at this time Revised to Bx Values for Generic LLW Disposal Site are assumed to be Combination of Compact-Affiliated and Non-Compact Facility for HBPP BWR BWR Burial Costs Restated to 1986=100 1986 1.561 1.0000 1987 1988 1.831 1.1730 1989 1990 1991 2.361 1.5125 1992 1993 9.434 6.0436 1994 9.794 6.2742 1995 10.42 6.6752 1996 10.379 6.6489 1997 13.837 8.8642 1998 13.948 8.9353 1999 2000 16.244 10.406 1 2001 16.474 10.5535 2002 16.705 10.701 5 2003 17.337 11.1063 2004 17.970 11.5119 2005 19.391 12.4222 2006 20.813 13.3331 2007 21 .658 13.8744 2008 22.504 14.4164 2009 23.430 15.0096 2010 24.356 15.6028 2011 25.825 16.5439 201 2 27.295 17.4856 201 3 27.295 17.4856 2014 27.295 17.4856 201 5 27.295 17.4856 2016 27.295 17.4856 2017 13.132 8.4126 2018 13.132 8.4126 Table 2.1 Note (e) Bx values for the generic site are assumed to be the same as that provided for the Atlantic Compact for lack of a better alternative at this time.

Note (f) Effective with NUREG-1307, Revision 8 (Ref.3) an alternative disposal option was introduced in which the bulk of the LLW is assumed to be dispositioned by waste vendors and/or disposed of at a non-compact disposal facility.

Note (g) Effective with NUREG1 307, Revision 15, the nomenclature for the two disposal options, referred to as "Direct Disposal" and "Direct Disposal with Vendors" in previous revisions of NUREG-1307, is changed to "Compact-Affiliated Disposal Facility Only" and "Combination of Compact-Affiliated and Non-Compact Disposal Facilities" to better describe the options.

Note (h) 2015 The NRC has issued Regulatory Issue Summary 2014-12, "Decommissioning Fund Status Report Calculations Update to Low-Level Waste Burial Charge Information," to inform licensees that they may use low-level waste burial charge data contained in Revision 15 of NUREG-1307, Report on Waste Burial Charges: Changes in Decommissioning Waste Disposal Costs at Low-Level Waste Burial Facilities, dated January 2013, when preparing their periodic decommissioning fund status report.

Note (i) Effective with NUREG-1307, Revision 16, the CWF in Andrews County, Texas, is also available as a full-service (i.e.,

Class A, B, and C) LLW disposal facility for waste generators located in States not affiliated with the Texas Compact. Out-of-compact generators, however, must submit an import petition to the Texas Compact Commission for approval prior to shipping.

The State of Texas also limits total non-compact waste disposed at the CW F to 30-percent of licensed capacity and imposes additional fees on LLW disposed offrom out-of-compact generators. With the availability of this full-service disposal facility to out-of-compact waste generators and the Clive, Utah disposal facility for any Class A LLW generated in the U.S., the Generic LLW Disposal Site option used in previous versions of NUREG-1307 is replaced with this option, which provides Bx values representing a composite of the disposal rates for these two disposal facilities. These Bx factors are recommended for use for plants that currently have no disposal site available within their designated LLW Compact. Accordingly, given this consideration, licensees may want to set aside additional decommissioning trust funds to avoid significant future shortfalls in funding and potential enforcement actions.

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Enclosure 3 PG&E Letter HBL-18-004 Humboldt Bay Power Plant Decommissioning Cash Flow

Enclosure 3 PG&E Letter HBL-18-004 Humboldt Bay Power Plant Decommissioning Cash Flow (Note 1)

Nominal/2018 Dollars Cumulative SPENT FUEL Decommission Year NRC NON- NRC MANAGEMENT TOTAL Estimate 1996 $1,678,452 $1,678,452 $1,678,452 1997 $8,663,216 $8,663,216 $10,341,668 1998 $5,573,757 $344,408 $5,918,165 $16,259,833 1999 $723,490 $2,281,454 $3,004,944 $19,264,777 2000 $85,241 $2,736,091 $2,821,332 $22,086,109 2001 $89,543 $398,012 $487,555 $22,573,664 2002 $994,127 $113,704 $1,107,831 $23,681,495 2003 $494,838 $2,539,476 $3,034,314 $26,715,809 2004 $491,070 $1,444,628 $1,935,698 $28,651,507 2005 $161,506 $1,671,769 $1,833,275 $30,484,782 2006 $1,073,612 $3,546,617 $4,620,229 $35,105,011 2007 $4,474,247 $9,240,172 $13,714,419 $48,819,430 2008 $12,590,383 $28,485,988 $41,076,371 $89,895,801 2009 $32,901,391 $3,179,956 $36,081,34 7 $125,977,148 2010 $56,957,494 $5,734,776 $62,692,270 $188,669,418 2011 $60,585,531 $5,495,157 $66,080,688 $254,750,106 2012 $81,577,560 $4,509,009 $86,086,569 $340,836,675 2013 $93,946,862 $4,668,626 $98,615,488 $439,452,163 2014 $79,506,972 $5,085,456 $84,592,428 $524,044,590 2015 $106,846,880 $5,853,718 $112,700,598 $636,745,188 2016 $106,532,076 $619,888 $5,768,725 $112,920,689 $749,665,877 2017 $89,781,415 $7,100,443 $7,141,755 $104,023,613 $853,689,490 $853,689,490 Act ual 2018 $59,209,140 $24,368,994 $10,176,866 $93,755,000 $947,444,490 2019 $14,031,425 $16,774,759 $12,805,636 $43,611,820 $991,056,310 2020 $2,857,139 $8,228,166 $11,085,305 $1,002,141,615 2021 $0 $9,020,582 $9,020,582 $1,011,162,197 $1,004,061,883 Actual+ Market Value 2022 $0 $8,425,070 $8,425,070 $1,019,587,267 2023 $0 $8,400,759 $8,400,759 $1,027,988,026 2024 $0 $8,319,297 $8,319,297 $1,036,307,323 2025 $0 $8,319,297 $8,319,297 $1,044,626,620 2026 $0 $9,035,082 $9,035,082 $1,053,661,702 2027 $0 $8,392,231 $8,392,231 $1,062,053;933 2028 $0 $8,390,730 $8,390,730 $1,070,444,663 2029 $0 3,827,131 $8,390,730 $12,217,861 $1,082,662,524 2030 $0 $14,836,844 $355,158 $15,192,002 $1,097,854,526 TOTAL $821,827,366 $67,528,059 $208,499,101 $1,097,854,526

1) Cash Flow is based on construction of ISFSI and Fuel removed from HBPP in 2030 (Assumes DOE Used Fuel Repository opens in 2028 allowing HBPP Fuel to be shipped during 2028-2029 allowing for Final Site Restoration in 2030).
2) Market Value ofTrust as of 12/2017 was $150.4 million, actual expended as of 12/2017 was $853.7 Million including $100.2 million Spent Fuel Management and $8.3 million in Non-NRC scope.
3) Totals may not balance due to rounding.

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Enclosure 4 PG&E Letter HBL-18-004 Variance of the 2017 Forecast

Enclosure 4 PG&E Letter HBL-18-004 Estimated Costs:

Forecast of 2017 per PG&E Letter HBL-17-006, Enclosure 3, dated March 31,2017, in 2017 dollars:

NRC Scope (Radiological) $ 90,265,530 Non-NRC Scope $ 16,774,759 Spent Fuel Management $ 14,789,629 Actual Costs:

Actual 2017 Incurred Costs, provided in Enclosure 3 of this letter, reflects the actuals for 2017 in nominal dollars.

NRC Scope (Radiological) $ 89,781,415 Non-NRC Scope $ 7,100,443 Spent Fuel Management $ 7,141,755 Variance: (Favorable)

NRC Scope (Radiological) $ 484,115 Non-NRC Scope $ 9,674,316 Spent Fuel Management $ 7,647,874 Decommissioning costs were underspent in 2017 primarily due to civil works contractor's delay in invoicing for caisson removal work performed in 2017. Non-NRC related scope, Final Site Restoration delay in invoicing and scope deferred to 2018. Spent Fuel Management delayed work on infrastructure upgrades and the upgrade for the security computer system that was planned in 2017.

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